


 Read the project instructions given by each subject teacher carefully.  All projects should be handwritten (except CE).  All projects to be done individually by each student.  Projects to be mailed to the respective subject teachers by 18th June 2021.  Have an enjoyable time compiling your project work!

Name:______Sec:______Roll no:____III/Unit Test 1/English/2021-22



TERM 1 (2021-2022)



 Read the instructions carefully and watch the videos using the links provided.  Refer to the internet to gather information on Manipur but you must write the matter in your own words.  The project must be done individually by each student.  The project must be handwritten.  You may either draw and colour or stick relevant pictures downloaded from the internet.  Last date of submission – 18th June 2021 (Projects to be mailed to the respective English teachers)


LEARNING OBJECTIVES After the completion of the project students will be able to -  appreciate the rich cultural heritage and tradition of  know about the culture and tradition of Manipur  know what is meant by diary writing  develop competence and confidence to write independently  express themselves in grammatically correct sentences


Indian culture is full of unique customs and traditions. Many sources describe it as "Sa Prathama Sanskrati Vishvavara" — the first and the supreme culture in the world, according to the All World Gayatri Pariwar (AWGP) organization. These cultural aspects differ widely across 28 states and 8 union territories. The food, clothing and habits of an Indian differ in accordance with the place of origin. The Indian culture varies like its vast geography. People speak in different languages, dress differently, follow different religions and eat different food.

Manipur is a state in north-eastern India, with the city of Imphal as its capital. It is rich in aesthetics and surcharged with pristine glory. The culture and

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Name:______Sec:______Roll no:____III/Unit Test 1/English/2021-22 tradition of Manipur attract many people from around the globe and hence it is a major tourist destination.

Now, imagine that you have visited Manipur a few months back and have experienced its rich culture and heritage. To keep your experiences and memories of Manipur intact, you have decided to write about your trip in your personal diary.

Dairy writing is a form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal experiences. It is a way of expressing ourselves creatively and at the same time preserve our fondest memories.


DIARY WRITING – Make an entry in your diary about your trip to Manipur. (Word limit – 150 - 200 words.)

Your diary writing must include the following:

 A colourful and innovative cover page of your diary with the title/heading of your choice.  Your experience of visiting Manipur. Include any 4 from the list given below –  Festivals  Dance forms  Tourist places  Cuisine  Art and Craft

*Use A4 size sheets and staple them together. You may use either white or light coloured sheets.

*Support your diary writing with suitable pictures/illustrations (at least 4).

SAMPLE – (You may take hints from the pictures given below.)

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Name:______Sec:______Roll no:____III/Unit Test 1/English/2021-22


 Colourful and innovative cover page with an appropriate title/heading – 4 marks  Content – 10 marks  Suitable pictures and illustrations – 4 marks  Overall presentation and neatness – 2 marks

Before you start working on your project use the following links to know more about Manipur. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZGQqNh1ZWA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-DM1DZeW-U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7EYG3ZxR5I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQI0T5Kjw9E

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Name…………………………Sec……..Roll No……….Class-III/Unit Test-I/Hindi/2021-22

LAKSHMIPAT SINGHANIA ACADEMY OPEN BOOK PROJECT (UNIT TEST-I) 2021-22 • Use a pencil to complete your project, You may use colours wherever required (avoid green colour pens). • The project must be done individually by each student. • The project must be handwritten. • Kindly paste or draw pictures to enhance the presentation of your project. • Date of Submission- Latest by 18th June 2021(Project to be mailed to the respective Hindi teachers) FM-20

TOPIC- मणिपुर की अ饍भुत संकृ तत और परंपरा

आज हम मणिपुर के बारे मᴂ बात करने वाले ह।ℂ मणिपुर का शाणदिक अर्थ ‘आभषू िों की भणू म’ ह।ै जो भारत का पवू ोत्तर रा煍य ह।ै जो अपनी सुुंिरता और सुंकृ णत के णलए जाना जाता ह।ै अगर आप मणिपुर जाएँगे तो आपको मणिपुर की प्राकृ णतक सुुंिरता के सार् यहाँ का न配ृ य भी आपको मणिपुर की तरफ खींच लेगा मणिपुर को प्रकृ णत ने बहुत सुन्िर तरीके से सजाया ह ै और सवारा भी ह।ै इसणलए इसे ‘परू ब का णवट्जरलडℂ ’भी कहा जाता ह।ै मणिपुर जाकर आपके जीवन की भागिौड़ और तनाव परू ी तरह गायब हो जाएगी क्योंणक यहाँ का मौसम आपके अनुकू ल रहता ह।ै अतः मणिपुर की सुंकृ णत और परुंपरा को ध्यान मᴂ रखते हुए णवद्यार्ी णन륍नणलणखत कायथ करᴂ गे।

➢ परियोजना कायय स े संबन्धित सामाधय न्नर्दशे - (एकल कायय) ✓ पररयोजना के णलए आवश्यकतानुसार A4 साइज पन्नों का इतेमाल करᴂ । ✓ सहायता हेतु णन륍नणलणखत णलुंक्स को िेख सकते ह-ℂ

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i)https://hindifreedom.com/culture/246/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%A3% E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%B0- %E0%A4%95%E0%A5%80- %E0%A4%95%E0%A4%B2%E0%A4%BE- %E0%A4%94%E0%A4%B0- %E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%B8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4% 95%E0%A5%83%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BF/

ii) https://youtu.be/niNoMbOi-r0 iii) https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/travel/adventure-trip/some-best-places-to-visit-in- manipur-to-meet-the-beauty-of-the-state/articleshow/68353246.cms

1) न्िद्यान्थय ो को अपनी खोजⴂ के आिाि पि न्न륍नन्लन्खत प्रश्नⴂ के उत्ति र्दने े हⴂग-े (कम स े कम चाि पॉइंट्स अि�य न्लख)ें (6)

क) ‘इमा बाजार’ को और णकस नाम से जाना जाता ह?ै इस बाजार की कोई िो णवशेषताएँ बताएँ (3)

ख) ‘मणिपुर’ शदि का शाणदिक अर्थ क्या ह?ै यह भारत का अणभन्न णहसा कब बना? (3)

2) मान लᴂ के आप एक टुररट गाइड ह ℂ और वतथमान पररणर्यों मᴂ आप यह कायथ नहीं कर पा रहᴂ क्योंणक कोई घमू ने नहीं णनकल सकता। अतः आप अपनी खोजों के आधार पर ऐसे पोटर का णनमाथि करᴂ णजसे िेख एव ुं पढ़कर घर बठै े सभी लोग मणिपुर को अ楍छी तरह से जान एव ुं समझ पाए। समझाने हेत ु णवणवध णचत्रों एव ुं जानकारी के आधार पर एक पोटर का णनमाथि करᴂ, णजसमᴂ णन륍नणलणखत णबुंिुओ ुं का समावेश अवश्य हो - (14)

क) पोटर को कोई शीषथक अर्वा नाम िᴂ।

ख) प्रमुख भोजन अर्वा खानपान

ग) 配योहार/ उ配सव

घ) लोक न配ृ य

ङ) पोशाक अर्वाव ेशभषू ा

च) िशथनीय र्ल

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Name…………………………Sec……..Roll No……….Class-III/Unit Test-I/Hindi/2021-22

छ) मणिपुर की जनजाणतयाँ

ज) णवषय से सबुं णन्धत णचत्र लगाएँ(बना अर्वा णचपका सकते ह)ℂ

झ) कु टीर अद्योग अर्वा हर्करघा उद्योग

ञ) एक लोगन णलखᴂ (णवषय से सबुं णन्धत)

ट) प्रतुतीकरि

ठ) भाषा

उद्द�े य (Objective) • क쥍पनाशीलता का णवकास • रचना配मकता का णवकास • भाषा शलै ी का णवकास • व्यावहाररक ज्ञान का णवकास • मणिपुर की सुंकृ णत एव ुं परुंपरा से पररचय तर्ा उसकी महत्ता का णवकास • भाणषक क्षमता और वचै ाररक क्षमता का णवकास

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Name:______Sec:___ Roll No:____ ClassIII/Unit Test 1 /Bengali2L/2021-22


Theme: Manipur

Class: III Total: 20 Marks Subject: Bengali 2nd Language

মণিপুর হল উত্তর-পূর্ ব ভারতের একটি রাজ্য। মণিপুতরর রাজ্ধানী ইল। এই রাতজ্যর উত্ততর নাগালযান্ড, দণিতি ণমতজ্ারাম, পশ্চিতম আসাম ও পূর্ বণদতক মাযানমার। সংস্কৃ ণে ও সসৌন্দতযরব জ্নয এই রাতজ্যর নাম অেযন্ত ণর্খ্যাে। এছাড়াও আতছ মণনপুতরর অসাধারি নৃেয। এই কারতি মণনপুরতক পূতর্ বর সুইজ্ারলযান্ডও র্লা হয।

মণনপুতরর এই প্রাকৃণেক ও মতনামুগ্ধকর পণরতর্তের কথা মাথায সরতখ্ এই পণরতযাজ্না কাযব প্তপ্রাতজ্) প্রস্তুে করা হতযতছ।

কাতয বর ণনযমার্লী—

 কায এক ব ক ভাতর্ করতে হবে ।  কাতয বর জ্নয A4 কাগজ্ র্যর্হার করতে হতর্।  সপনণসতলর সাহাতযয কায বটি সূি করতর্। ব প্রতযাজ্তন রং র্যর্হার করা সযতে পাতর।  ছণর্ আঁকার দ্বারা র্া অনয ছণর্ লাণগতয সহতযাজ্না কাতয বর সোভা র্াড়াতনা সযতে পাতর।


Name:______Sec:___ Roll No:____ ClassIII/Unit Test 1 /Bengali2L/2021-22

 জ্মা সদওযার সেষ োণরখ্- ১৮ই জ্নু  প্রতযাজ্তন নীতের ণভণিও 巁ণলর সাহাযয সনওযা সযতে পাতর  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG4FryVr4wo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG4FryVr4wo&list=RDCMUC48dA Y11jIN4QZd_MTaMHOg&start_radio=1&t=0

প্রশ্নাবল ীঃ

 কমপক্ষে চারটি বা পা女চটি বাক্ষকে ন ক্ষচর প্রশ্ন巁ললর উত্তরদাও- (৬) ১। ‘ইমা র্াজ্ার’ অনয ণক নাতম প্রণসদ্ধ? এ র্াজ্াতরর দুটি ণর্তেষত্ব সলখ্।প্৩ ২। মণনপুর েতের অথ ণব ক? এই রাজ্যতক কতর্ ভারতের অন্তভভ ক্তব করা হয? প্৩

 র্েবমান পণরণিণেতে ভ্রমি অসর্, আমরা সকতলই জ্াণন। এই পণরতর্তে একজ্ন ভ্রমিসহাযক ণহসাতর্ নানা ণেত্র এর্ং েথয সহতযাতগ এমন এক সপাষ্টার ণনম বািকর যার সাহাতযয র্াণড়তে র্তসও মণনপুরতক জ্ানা যায ও উপতভাগ করা যায। লনম্নলললিত লবষয়巁লল পপাষ্টাক্ষর থাকা আবশ্েক- (১৪)  সপাষ্টাতরর ণেতরানাম  মণনপুতরর প্রধান পানীয ও খ্াদয  মণনপুতরর উৎসর্  মণনপুতরর সলাকনৃেয  মণনপুতরর সপাোক র্া সর্েভূষা  মণনপুতরর দে বনীয িান  মণনপুতরর জ্নজ্ীর্ন  মণনপুতরর কুটির ণেল্প র্া হস্তণেল্প  প্রাসণিক ণেত্র প্ হাতেক আঁ া/ সংগহৃ ীে  ণর্ষয সণিে সলাগান  প্রস্তুেীকরি ও  ভাষার র্যর্হার

কাক্ষয ের উক্ষেশ্েীঃ

 কল্পনােশ্চক্তর ণর্কাে  সজ্ৃ নেীলোর ণর্কাে  ভাষাশেলীর ণর্কাে  র্যর্হাণরক প্রতযাগিমোর র্ৃশ্চদ্ধ  মণনপুতরর সংস্কৃ ণে ও ইণেহাসতক জ্ানা  ভাষার র্যর্হার ও ণর্োরেশ্চক্তর ণর্কাে


Name:______Sec:______Roll No:______III/Unit Test1/Maths/2021-22



 Read the information carefully and do as directed.  The project must be done individually by each student.  The project must be handwritten by the student.  Kindly paste or draw minimum 5 pictures to enhance the presentation of your project. You may use the pictures given in the question paper also.  You may use colours wherever required.  Make a cover page of your project mentioning the subject, topic and your name and class.  Last date of submission: 18th June 2021 (Project to be mailed to the respective maths teachers). ______


Through this project, students will be able to:  Learn about culture and tradition of Manipur – „the land of gems‟.  Revise and apply the concept of large numbers and shapes.  Apply their creativity and imagination to complete their art work.  Understand the use and importance of Bar graphs.  Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. ______

Manipur, state of India, is located in the north-eastern part of the country. It is bordered by the Indian states of Nagaland to the north, to the west and Mizoram to the southwest and by Myanmar (Burma) to the south and east. The name Manipur means “land of gems.” Its economy centres on agriculture, forestry, trade and cottage industries. The state capital is Imphal, located in the centre of the state. The manipuris are broadly classified into three major communities – the Meities who occupy the valley of Manipur and two major tribal groups namely the Nags and Kuki-Chins.

Q1. Approximate population of these three communities in the last five years is given below.

Year Meities Nags Kuki-Chins

2016 20,185 10,437 15,093

2017 25,207 9,362 15,834

2018 23,894 14,052 15,390

2019 28,328 13,384 15,629

2020 27,849 10,734 14,956

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Name:______Sec:______Roll No:______III/Unit Test1/Maths/2021-22

Answer the following questions using the information given in page 1. (5)

a) The population of Kuki-Chins was highest in the year Ans. ______. b) The population of Meities was lowest in the year Ans. ______. c) Arrange the population of Nags in all the five years in descending order. Ans. ______, ______, ______, ______, ______d) If the population of Meities is arranged in ascending order which year will be in the 3rd position? Ans. ______e) Write the year in which all the three communities have population in even number. Ans. ______


Festival of Manipur - Yaoshang

Yaoshang is a festival celebrated in Manipur for five days in spring, starting on the full moon day of the month of Lamda (February–March). It is considered the most important festival in Manipur. Due to its similarity of the Indian festival , it is often referred to as the 'Holi of Manipur'. Recently, the festive energy is directed towards sporting events to identify talents.

Day 1 – After sunset children visit nearby homes showering blessings of success and long and healthy life and they receive little monetary gifts as a donation from the households in return. This part of the celebration is called ‘nakatheng’. With the little donation they get, they buy themselves sweets or toffees or share among themselves with much joy and excitement.

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Day 2 - The second day of Yaoshang is also known as the „Pichkarinumit‟ (Pichkari day). This joy and excitement of playing with colours do not dip till the fifth day of the festival.

Other customs that they observe are taking out a procession to a local temple, playing with colours and offering prayers to the deity. Groups of local bands perform sankirtan in the temples.

Day 3 - Some of the groups visit their relatives too on the third day of the festival for nakatheng (collection of monetary gifts).

Days 4 and 5 - A number of sport events like tug of war, sack race, balance race and soccer are also organised on this occasion. Apart from this, the local delicacies are also shared with the neighbours during the festival.

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Name:______Sec:______Roll No:______III/Unit Test1/Maths/2021-22

Main highlight of the festival is the Thabal Chongba dance (also referred as Moonlight dance). It is a Manipuri folk dance where boys and girls form a circle, hold hands and sing and dance. They hop on one foot and swing their free legs across, slowly advancing.

Q2. A group of three children of age 9 years, 13 years and 10 years respectively went to collect the monetary gifts as a donation. Using their ages given above, form the greatest 5 digit number. (1 + 0.5 + 0.5)

Ans. greatest five digit number - ______

number name - ______

face value of the digit in the hundreds house - ______

Q3. Read the clues given below to find the amount collected by them. (2) a) The digit in the ones place is 5 more than the digit in the thousands place. b) The digit in the tens place is 3 less than the digit in the hundreds place. c) The digit in the ones place is the greatest single digit even number. d) The digit in the hundreds place is equal to the number of days in a week.

Ans. Total amount collected by them is ₹ ______

Q4. To play ‘Pichkarinumit’, a group of six children have half a dozen of buckets filled with coloured water and number of pichkaris is equal to twice the number of buckets. They share the above materials among them equally. Based on the information given, answer the following questions. (3)

Ans: a) number of buckets filled with coloured water – ______

b) number of pichkaris - ______

c) number of children will share one bucket of water - ______

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Name:______Sec:______Roll No:______III/Unit Test1/Maths/2021-22

Q5. Bargraph The number of audience for each sport is given below. Tug of war – 3000, Sack race – 1500, Balance race – 2500, Soccer – 4000 Take an A4 size paper. Draw the tabular column and write the headings as given. Shade the blocks according to the given information using different colour pencils for each column. (2 + 1 for neatness)

5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Number of Audience Tug of war Sack race Balance race Soccer

Q6. Draw a picture using different shapes to show people dancing in a circle. Number of dancers should be a two-digit number. Can use your creativity. (3 + 1 + 1)

(Picture given as a sample)

a) Identify the total number of dancers in your picture. Ans. ______b) Is it odd or even? Ans. ______

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Name: ______Sec: ______Roll No: ______III/UNIT TEST 1/EVS/2021-22


 The project must be done individually by each student.  Read the information carefully and do a research work using the given links.  You can refer to the internet to gather information, but you must write the matter in your own words.  You may draw or stick relevant pictures downloaded from the internet.  Your project must be handwritten.  Use a pencil to complete your project. You may use colours wherever required.  Date of Submission – 18th JUNE 2021 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completing the project, the children will be able to –  Learn about the location and climate of Manipur  Research and gain knowledge about the vast range of biodiversity in Manipur  Gain knowledge about the National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Manipur  Prepare a report on the flora and fauna of Manipur ______THEME: MANIPUR Manipur is a state in north eastern India, with the city of Imphal as its capital. Manipur is one of the seven sister states and lies in the north eastern part of India. It shares its borders with three states – Assam, Nagaland, and Mizoram. It is bounded by the Indian states of Nagaland to the north, Mizoram to the south and Assam to the west. The literal meaning of Manipur is “The Jewelled Town” and it is jewelled in every sense of the word. The picturesque landscapes and the most beautiful scenery here makes this place surely very serene and calm.

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Name: ______Sec: ______Roll No: ______III/UNIT TEST 1/EVS/2021-22

Manipur offers a great deal to its tourists. By the virtue of a rich flora and fauna, this place is blessed with some of the finest gardens, lakes and national parks. Let’s know about flora and fauna: Flora means the plants naturally occurring in a particular area. Some examples of flora include grasslands, forests, flowering and non-flowering plants and trees. Fauna means the animals naturally living in that area. Few examples of fauna include birds, animals, fish, insects etc.

Flora (plants) and fauna (animals) of Manipur: Blessed with an amazing variety of flora and fauna, 67% of the geographical area of Manipur are hill tracts covered with green forests. There are about 500 varieties of orchids which grow in Manipur of which 472 have been identified. The huge variety of flora of Manipur also serves as the home to a number of fauna species. Hoolock Gibbon, Clouded Leopard, Sloe Loris, Spotted Linshang etc. are the common species found in Manipur. Four varieties of hornbills are also found here.

National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Manipur: More than 65% of the area of the state is covered with forest, which makes it rich in flora and fauna. So, to preserve the flora and fauna the government has declared some areas as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

There are two National Parks situated in Manipur:  Keibul Lamjao National Park  Sirohi national park There is two Wildlife Sanctuaries in Manipur:  Yangoupokpi – Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary  Khongjaingamba Ching Wildlife Sanctuary

LINKS: https://www.indianetzone.com/69/flora_fauna_manipur.htm

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Name: ______Sec: ______Roll No: ______III/UNIT TEST 1/EVS/2021-22 https://www.tourmyindia.com/states/manipur/wildlife.html https://knowledgepower.tech/national-parks-in-manipur/

VIDEO LINKS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OssJ2PfTXA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=outszxFsDZ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfGnS-ZGNBk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnHhWbW9mZ8


 Imagine that you are an environmentalist (a person who is concerned about protecting the environment) and you have visited Manipur.  Read the above passage and use the given links to do a research work on the flora and fauna of Manipur.  Based on your research work prepare a report on the flora and fauna of Manipur. Use A4 size sheets (light coloured or white) and staple them together to prepare the report.  Your report will contain the following:

 A cover page with a suitable title (stick or draw relevant pictures) (2)  An introduction along with a map of India showing the location of Manipur. Write about the location and climate of Manipur within 2 lines. (2)  Write about any 3 unique species of flora found in Manipur. Write two lines about each species. (stick or draw relevant pictures) (6)  Write about any 3 unique species of fauna found in Manipur. Write two lines about each species. (stick or draw relevant pictures) (6)  Write about any 1 National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary of Manipur within 50 words. (stick or draw relevant pictures) (2)


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Name : ______Sec : ______Roll No.: ____ III / Unit Test 1 / CE / 2021-22

Lakshmipat Singhania Academy Open Book Project – Term1 (2021-22)

Subject: Computer Education Submission date :18th June Class: III Full Marks: 10

Topic : Happiness of Manipur

Surrounded by nine hills with an oval shaped valley at the centre, a natural made Jewel and hence Manipur is named by the first prime minister of India as the Jewel of India. Apart from being a nature’s gift to India, Manipur is also a melting pot of culture. There are many places to visit in Manipur which are bestowed with nature’s bounty, famous dwellers and there are a myriad of options when it comes to searching happiness in Manipur. Here is a list for you. 1. Located in close proximity with Imphal, Andro is a small village which indeed is one of the most stunning places to visit in Manipur. The pottery craftsmanship of this place is something which has always caught the attention of the visitors which is what makes it one of the best tourist places in Manipur. In fact not just the artistry, you also get to take a peek at the history of it, when you’re in Andro Gramshang.

2. Ganang Tamdui is a traditional preparation in which mustard leaves are dried in the sun and then kept in bamboo culms till they release a pungent odour. The leaves are then pressed to extract their juice which is then boiled. This liquid is preserved and used in the preparation of a soup called tam. The dishes prepared by using fermented products are usually characterised by delightfully piquant flavours and aromas and might require some getting used to for people who have not yet been initiated into this unique cuisine.

3. The second largest town, one of Manipur’s famous places, Churachandpur or Lamka, is rich in both ethnicity and natural beauty. The district is home to tribal communities, who also found it, but there’s no way we can call this a backward area, as there are many schools, dam and museum to keep the travellers hanging around. Language is not a barrier either, as English, Hindi and Manipuri are spoken and understood by many locals.

4. Manipur is the only state that has professional cooks.Bamons (Manipuri ) have inherited the sole rights to cook and they are hired by the people during festivals, religious events and family occasions for preparing a massive feast to a large number of invitees.Preparing food is like a skilled art to Manipuris.They take extra care on how to chop vegetables and the diligent process of traditional cooking is followed strictly in Manipur households.

5. A place that pays a tribute to the military, Khongjom is one of the best Manipur destinations. Right here, the revered major general, Paona Brajabashi with his troops fought with British during their reign. The war is known as Anglo-Manipur War. Today there is a memorial built in remembrance of the brave fighters, which holds historical importance. The place is perfect for an Indian patriot, or anyone with interest in military and the history of wars.

Name : ______Sec : ______Roll No.: ____ III / Unit Test 1 / CE / 2021-22

6. Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom, a Manipuri mother of 3 children became the first Indian female boxer to win a gold medal in the Asian Games in 2014 at Incheon, South Korea and is the first Indian female boxer to win gold at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. She is also the only boxer to become Asian Amateur Boxing Champion for a record six times.

7. The Raas Leela is an important part of the traditional Manipuri culture. When the dancers perform the Raas Leela, it symbolises the spiritual love for Lord . It is one of the most important part of Manipuri classical Indian dance.The is unique, not only in terms of character but also costume. The look is indigenous and the costume consists of embroidered stiff skirt, light muslin garment on top, white veil and traditional Manipuri jewellery.

8. One of the special features of handloom industry in Manipur is that the women are the only weavers.Manipur enjoys a distinct place among the handloom zones in India. It is believed that Chitnu Tamitnu, a goddess, discovered the cotton and she also produced the yarn. When the threads are ready for weaving she arranged the required equipment and constructed the ‘Sinnaishang’ (work shed). It is also believed that the goddess Panthoibee once saw a spider producing fine threads and making cowebs and from it she found the idea of weaving and thus started weaving in Manipur.

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Learning objective:-  To make students aware of tradition and culture of Manipur.  To relate the picture with the corresponding text.  To develop ICT skill of students by doing hands on project using MS Word.  To assimilate the various traditions with the right images.  To develop artistic skills by applying the feature of cut-paste and formatting a table.

Name : ______Sec : ______Roll No.: ____ III / Unit Test 1 / CE / 2021-22

What you have to do:  The format of the Happiness Table is done for you. But incomplete. You just have to fill up the blocks with relevant detail - either name, unique feature and picture based on the hint given.  Use a single colour when you are filling up the first two columns  Make your table colourful by changing the font style, size and providing colours to the text.  Save the file as NameTerm1Project  Upload the same in the team’s assignment section by the submission date mentioned above.  Please note that it is an individual project. Resources :https://traveltriangle.com/blog/places-to-visit-in-manipur/ Marking Scheme Content (table) = 5 The placement of right pictures = 3 Artistic Skills and creativity = 2 Happiness Quotient of Manipur

Name Unique Feature Photos Professional cooks

Handloom industry

Name : ______Sec : ______Roll No.: ____ III / Unit Test 1 / CE / 2021-22

spiritual love for Lord Krishna