
.... . Sammau farmer.

"The Bleauinge of Government, Like the Dews from Heaven, Should Descend Alike upon the Rich and the Poor." W. G. KENTZEL, Editor. COVINGTON, ST. TAMMANY PARISH, LA., OCTOBER 2, 1886. nnmnunnRmmuum| . .. ..- -m nn.nauauum n VOL. XII.-NO. 40. n um nn a in II I THE CASHIER'S DREAM. Island, about twelve feet high, decked atOkaro lake, five miles from Roto- SOME I SIMILEi SCHOOL AND CHURCH. Then they took another course, bha At mMnibht. in his I•tt l bed with manuka, mosses, lycopodium sad Imahana. He went to bed about two FOB OUR YOUNG FOLDK The cashier dramt about the tile fern. It may be visited without danger, o'clock, and was awakened They Show That Lam.sge odmetimes s a Youg with no better results. Finally, they Be'd clean the bank of every cent by a rumb- -The Women's Christian As- and from it the curious traveler has a ling noise like that of an earthquake. Siippe• Thims to Deas With. sociation now numbers eight thousand came to the conclusion that they were And seek some other clime: HUSH-A-BY, BABY. lost. Re maw the vaults all clean and bars, fair and full view into the blue boiling He went outside the door, but could "The child of the past and the parent members in Ireland. He heard the sick Directors swear and steaming caldron. Such was the see nothing, although it was a clear of the future" is not an unhappy simile -Vanderbilt University, at Nash Hush-a-by, baby, the bees in the clover- It was growing dark in the woods. And people howliny on the stair The red. red clover-have fallen asleep. The thick growth shut out the light. It For wealth they'd never see. famous Te Tarata. It is now feared night. The noise proceded from Tara- ville, Tenn., has received Swaying and swinging, now under, for the-present. Happiness has been a bequest now over, was late in the afternoon when they that nearly all these beautiful wonders wera. He looked round again and saw from Mrs. Kinser, of Memphis, of In the red. red clover. He saw the experts try to fix have likened to a ghost; all talk about it, So sweet and so deep. left home, and they must now have 'The been destroyed. The terraces are a huge massof flame rise in the heavens, $40,000 for its Biblical department. sum he'd taken oat: buried in but few, if any, have ever seen it. been away three hours. The sun had He saw the tr um•ph of his tricks lava, and the villages of the and instantly lava and smoke covered -Rev. Dr. Jessup, of Beyroot, re Hush-a-by. baby, the cows from the mea- And gave a ham shbout. Maoris have been swept away. the ground. Soon after a volume Ambition's ladder rests against a star, ow'- set, and twilight was falling upon the The wealth was aill in his Valise- ports that a numerous body of Moham- The ,rr. meadows-are lotering land. Of course, in the woods The dust, the As regards Auckland the first intima- of flame issued from Runanga, close to remarks a clever writer, who also tells the chink, the soap, the grease, medans in a Syrian city are reading the home: light faded away sooner than in the dd therefore he could smileI•an peace tion received of the terriblecatastrophe Tarawers. us that a proverb is a short truth sand- Bible, have vejected the Koran ant Their bells tinkle softly as through dew sand And take his onward way. was the sound of loud explosions shadows. clearings. Jack began to cry. Gertie as of The scene on the mountain-top was wiched between wit and wisdom. profess belief in Christ. -rem the green, green meadows. heavy guns, and from elevated positions Tey was badly frightened, but she felt the But hold-a change' He saw a mae awful. Large balls of fire were thrown -Read to the congregation at least loittering come. necessity With looks of black despair in the city the flash as of artillery was from the gaping mouth toward Taupo, Eloquence is a coat of many colors of keeping up her brother's Come the first line of every hymn that is to Rush-s-by, baby, the birds and the flower-- up ad Join the angty otaa distinctly visible. The impression on this accompanied by terrible reports judiciously blended. No one thing spirits. And stamp around and swear: be sung. There is no other test so The sweet, sweet flowers - have fallen *"Let'splay camping out," she said. He said he'd spend at least a year the minds of those who witnessed these which shook the whole place. Forked Swill make a man eloquent. Flattery asleep; severe as this in making sure that one hey way and they swing through the "Here is a nice To hunt and and that thief cashier. phenomena was that a vessel was lightning followed close upon the balls soft, olaoe' for a tent at the And then he'd smash him on the has been termed a kind of bad money has the right place.-RY. . Examiner. dewy bours. foot of this tree. ear ashore at the Manukan heads and was it resembled the wriggling of The sweet, sweet flowers, Because his wealth was gone. of fire; to which our vanity gives currency. "I want to go firing signals of distress, and as there snakes; it returned to the crater, form- be viewed -Church revenues have fallen ofi In meadows so deep, home, and I want my He saw this man. like Society, like shaded silk, mnst greatly in England, according to supper." sobbed Jack. "I'm tired all keenest hound. appeared to be more than one fired at ing the letter "V." This was a most in all situations, or its colors will de- Rusbh-by. baby. 'Uts time you were sleeping. Take up the trail and bunt; London reports. A decrease of over So sweet, sweetly sleeping over. and I'm hungry!" Be tried in vain to dodre around, a time it was thought to be a Russian wonderful phenomenon. The roar ceive us. Kindness is the golden chain in dreala The man came to the $150,000 is reported in one case and "We shall have to stay here until front man-of-war which was known to be on was tremendous, resembling the heavi- by which society is bound together, Low ever the meadows the He caught the cashier, and he broke $100.000 in another, within the period night mists are grandpa 'comes after us," said Gertie. RHi head In wish a wagon epohk- the coast. est thunder. As each piece of hillside and charity is an angel breathing on creeping, And then specified. 'Ti• time you were sleeptng, "God can take care of us here just as the bank cash er awoke News was flashed from Rotoma that riches, while graves have been poetic- My baby, And said he would reform. a dreadful night had been slipped into the open basin, large -In his address to the graduates of my star! well as He could if we were at home. -St. Louis passed. clouds of black dust rose out of it and ally called the footsteps of angels. -J. K. LaudlMs, f Our Ltle Ones. aus Whsp. Every man, woman the Eastern female high school in Bal- He saved from the bear, this after- and child thought ascended to the heavens. The fall of Language is a slippery thing to deal noon. Let his end had come. The sensation timore Mayor Hodges said: "I believe us ask Him to forgive us 1 was fearful and indescribable. It com- earth into the open crater seemed to with, as some may find when selecting THE END OF THE RAINBOW. for being naughty, and to keep us safe- A RUINED WONDERLAND. stop the fiery balls from coming up, their similes. Says a writer: "Speak that you may make the nearest ap- ly till grandpa comes." menced about one o'clock in the morn- but forked proach to a happy life by living ac- Gertne ad Jaee's seareh fer a tPt eo lightning still continued. of a man's marble brow, and he will . The two children knelt down, and ing by several severe shocks of earth- Dense volumes cording to these rules-have some- Its Destroyer Being a Most Ter- of smoke issued from glow with conscious pride; but allude prayed for Divine protection. A sense quake. The vibrations were strong the crater, going in various directions. to his wooden head, and he is mad in a thing to love, something to do, and Gertie, age ten. and Jack, arsl .iix, of a Presence came rifl Volcanio Bruption. something filling the place to and frequent. The windows in the As soon as Ruawhina stopped send- minute." The young lecturer's to believe." stood looking out of the great wide- them. Their fears vanished, and they houses rattled violently, the feeling be- ing forth its terrible balls of flame a "similes were gathered in a heap" -With a taxable valuation of $130,. open doors in grandpa's barn, ,whither felt secure. Gertie mat down on the *ow Zealand's Voleanoes Send Forth ing similar to that on board of a vessel huge white cloud issued from the cap when he expressed the whole body of 000,000 Arkansas expended last year they had fled for shelter from the ground, with her back against a tree. Oceans of Molten Lava-The Romanr- in a storm. People were running about of otomanana, and heavy booming his argument on deceit ih the follow- $729,168 for the salaries of teachers Jack sat down beside her, and rested frantically, when all at shower which bad come up suddenly tic Rot Lake Distriet Destroyed once a great was heard, followed by volumes of and other current expenses of its free his tear-stained roar was heard, which was accepted at ing: "(O, my brethren, the snowiest and interrupted their play. face in her lap. It was -Death sad Desolatlom. white compressed steam from Lake shirt-front may conceal an aching public schools, built more than twenty dark now. They could see the stars first as that of an earthquake, and a Rotomahana. It rose with terrible bosom, and the stiffest of all collars en- new school houses at a cost of from The sun was shining brightly, and through the openings in the tree tops. great glare appeared upon the horison. velocity and seemed to be going toward circle a throat that has many a bitter $3,000 to $20,000 each, and then had through the fast-falling rain-drops they They looked for a little while, and then, The recent volcanic eruption was The scene was grand, but awful toward Okaro lake. This lake is about five nill to swallow." $469,837 left in the school fund. saw a beautiful bow spanning wearied with the excitement and fa- Rotomahana. The flames weredistinct, the the most terrific ever known in the miles from Lake Rotomahana, and the Plagiarists are a species of purloiners -The London Bagged School Union southeastern sky. It was so sharply ti~ of the past few hours, fell fast with huge volumes of smoke, with appearance it presented at times was history of New Zealand. Mount Tara- who ilch the fruit that others have is doing a great work among the poor defined that one could almost see the sparks of electricity illuminating the something like a huge boiling caldron, gathered, children How wera and its twin cone Ruawahia, in whole1 sky. and it appeared as if hun- and then throw away or at- of London. Last year's re- long they slept they knew not, babbling in all directions. Lightning tempt to destroy the basket. " port shows that in the 215 Sunday exact spot in the meadow where the but they were awakened by some large the Hot Lakes district of the North dreds of bright stars were chasing one then commenced to shoot from Moudi It has been truly said that the abili- afternoon and evening schools con- arch started. while the other end seemed animal snuffing about their faces. Jack Island, which have hitherto been another. When this was at first seen Kakaramea. On the side toward Okaro ties of man must fall short on one side nected with the union, there was an to rest at the foot of a great Norway threw out his hands, and they came in by those who were classed as extinct volcanoes, burst sud- outside they rushed lake it commenced to turn to the side or another, like too scanty a blanket average attendance of 42,304; in the pine. which stood like a solitary sent- contact with the animal's coarse, thick about calling people up. Males and denly into activity. Immense volumes of the mount. It seemed to be like a when you are in bed; if you pull it up 173 day and week night schools an inel high up the hill in Grandya hair. He saw two eyes gleaming like females of all ages left their homes and sheet of flame. From the whole mount Marsh's of flame were projected to a great ta general rush was made for Ngatata on your shoulders you will leave your average of 3,638. pasture. bells of fire in the darkness. Poh there came myriads of shooting stars feet bare; if you thrust it down children were paralysed with trror. height. Dense clouds of smoke and I mountain for safety. Many left their on -Archdeacon Farrar made an ad- The shower was soon over, and the l homes in their night-dresses with like large rockets. our feet your shoulders are uncovered. They supposed that the bear had steam obscured dress before a Presbyterian body in beautiful vision vanished. the sky, while vivid Shortly afterwards shocks of earth- he man, we are told. who has not any London not long ago,in which he said: found them. Suddenly their nocturnal flashes of forked lightning Ishawls around them, mothers car- quakes were felt, accompanied by a "'Gertie," said Jack, excitedly. "did played thing to boast of but his illustrious an- "I am a sincere and convinced Episco- you see where the rainbow stopped?" visitor began to bark furiously. There through the pall of smoke in all direc- rying babies or young children noise resembling minute guns, but cestors, is like a potato-the only good came a great revulsion of feeling. with but one palian. You are sincere and convinced "Yes." arm, to flee from the louder than the heaviest gun known. belonging to him being under ground. " It's Wover! it's Wover!" exclaimed tions. Several violent shocks of earth- devouring Presbyterians. For my part, I do not "Let's go and dig for the pot of element which was expected There was an open crater on Mount The man at dinner in evening dress Jack. quake added terror to the scene. More at every moment to engulf believe that either the Episcopalian or gold." the entire Kakaranga, and immediately a huge has been likened to a conundrum; you the Presbyterian organization is essen- Soon they beard a distant shout, and than one hundred natives perished. community, so great was the terror of volume of dense black smoke issued It was a belief that had been in- rthe people. This was abouttwo o'clock can't tell whether he is a waiter or a tial to a church." stilled into theirminds by theirGerman in a few minutes they coul4 see a light The district affected by the disaster from it, and the country all round be- guest. a. m. A Yankee, describing a lean -From mountain to seaboard, from nurse, that at the foot of every rain- dodging in and out among the trees. is known as the wonderland of the On the approach of daylight the gan to get dark. In half an hour it opponent, said: "'That man doesn't It came nearer, and they could see that vibrations lessened, but they by do was so black that no one could see his the Savannah to the Chattahoochee, bow there was buried a brimming pot world. Tarawera mountain, the scene amount to a sum in arithmetic; add Georgia is overrun with a multitude of of gold. it was a lantern, and that it was borne of the volcanic eruption, lies north and means ceased. About fouro'clockthere hands in front of him. While this was him up, and there's nothing to carry." Reuel, was a shower raw young men and immature young Gertie hesitated. The grass and by grandpa's hired man. A , rising from the south end of Ta- of ashes similar to sand, going on a shower of pieces of lava the An American critic, in reviewing a dinner horn was tied to his waist. supposed to be lava. size of peas came down with terrible women who are blindly laboring to im- bushes were dripping from the shower. rawera lake, two miles from Roto- poem, said: "The rythm sounds like part knowledge to which they are She feared that if she asked permission "Bless my stars!" said Reuel, "here anahana, It is about 2,800 feet high, Mr. McRae, the hotel keeper at swiftness and with such force as to be turnips rolling over a barn floor, while are the folks we're after." Wairoa, gave your correspondent the strangers. The average teacher pos- of grandma to go to the pasture it with three table tops separated by two almost as dangerous as bullets. some lines appear to have been seesses asmattering of "spellin', would not be Reuel put the horn to his mouth and extinct following account of the destruction of The natives at this time had gathered readin', granted. But the pot of craters, the formation of which measured with a yard-stick, and others 'ritin', 'rithmetie and jography"-for gold was a great temptation. If Ger- gave three loud blasts. A moment is beyond the memory of man. Its his hotel: "*About12-30 p. m. the place att Tlharepuni, where they assembled with a ten-foot pode." later, there came answers from all began to the rest he is the humbug of humbugs. tie had a weakness it was for chocolate surface of bare volcanic rock contained shake and shook continuously Iin one place. They are all Hauhaus An amusing illustration was given by around them. Renel repeated the sig- for an hour before the eruption broke iabout this place. They presented a To him thoroughness is an unknown creams and caramels, and if she and no vegetation. Although there are, or a parent when asked by his boy, "What word, In the language of a member Jack- found the buried treasure nal, and soon forms with lanterns were were, two craters out. When this was first seen, it was dismal spectacle. They her on the top of the had three is amderstood by experimental and nat- of the Board of Education of a South- share of the money would supply her seen coming from all directions. One mountain there has 'been no eruption just like a small cloud on the mountain, IMaori prophets in the center, and the ural philosophy'?" The answer was: of the first to arrive was grandpa, who, with flashes of lightning of great bril- west Georgia county: "Moe' teachers with these luxuries the rest of her nat- within the memory of man, and the natives were in a state of panic, some "If any one wants to borrow money, on ural life. she in spite of the remonstrances of the liancy. All were got out of bed and crying,c others praying, while some is pow'ful show, but they busts on Besides, if didn't ask Maoris had no tradition whatever re- that is experimental philosophy. If thrashin' l'arniu' into their scholars." grandma, and so wasn't expressly for- others, insisted upon taking Jack on specting this mountain. Mount Tara- went up to the old mission station to were rushing about in all directions. the other man knocks him down, that his shoulder and startingfor the house. ascertain the cause of the occurrence. ' Let him who doubts the aceuracy of biddes, where was the wrong? wera is about ten miles from the settle- The Maori prophets were worse than is natural philosophy." Curious and The little girl who hesitates is lost. Reuel caught up Gertie in his strong We saw a sight that no man who saw thet others, and set up a howling, dis- the estimate here placed upon the aver- ment of Te Wairo village, which lies comical illustrations seem natural to age teacher investigate for himsel-- In spite of sundry twinges of con- arms and followed. An hour later between Ratakakahi lake and Tarawera it can ever forget Apparently the mal noise. Mr. Bart spoke to them to many children. A little girl suffering the rescuing party reached Grandpa mountain had three craters, and the t Atlaeta Constitutioe. acience, Gertie at last fell in with her lake, about two hundred feet above the try and get them to be abhn, and ad- from mumps declared she felt as if a brother's plan. Marsh's residence. The house was full latter, connected by the Wairo stream. flames were shooting up fully a thou- vised them to go upHoromanga gorge, headache had slipped down into her of women. Grandma's eyes looked as sand feet high. There appeared to be PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "rll get a spade from grandpa's Two years ago Ratakakahi lake, which vwhere he was going himself. He tnrid neck. "Mamma, 'said another young- shop." said Jack. if she had been weeping. She gave a a continuous shower of balls of fire for them,t but could not induce is about three miles in length, rose to one of them ster, alluding to a man whose neck was -A pious old lady recently sent as Alas! after the firstwrong step is glad cry when she saw the children. nearly the boiling point. This was miles around. As a storm appeared to tot move. He immediately started a series of great rolls of fleshe "that wedding presents a pair of flatirons, a and almost smothered them with kisses. be coming on. we returned tothe hotel. f taken, the others come easier. Both considered a most remarkable phenom- for the place himself, anm had got man's got a double chin on the back of rolling-pin and a motto worked on Jack and Gertie knew that grandpa It was long after midnight when and shortly afterward what seemed enon, as the lake was always cold be- to abouta a mile along the road when the his neck." A little three-year old, in cardboard, reading: "Fight on."- never allowed them to use one of his Jack and Gertie were put into their fore. There was also a very strong be heavy hailstones came pouring on dustd and smoke became so suffocating admiring her baby brother, is said to Bangor Commercial. beds, but, despite the lateness of the the roof, which continued about every t tools without express permission. But outflow down the Wairovalley into Ta- t that he dropped down between some have exclaimed: "He's got a boiled coloring gives a feel- the prospect of finding a hour, grandpa and grandma did not quarter of an hour. This was suc- amanuka bashes and I-"Harmonious rawera lake, lasting for a day. Since could scarcely head. like papa." ing of repose in the home," says an overcame their scruples. Jack opened retire until they had read, with very then the Ratakakahi had remained at ceeded by a heavy fall of stones, fire-. breathe. He kept his mouth close to Talking of curious similes, among moist eyes, the first niame verses of the balls and mud, the lava falling after art journal. Therefore, if you have a the door of the workshop and possessed I its normal state. The shores of Tara- tthe ground, and stones fell with great thef southern languages of India is the red-headed wife, furnis'. your himself of a spade. Grandma and the fifteenth hapter of LukL-qdgr L. the manner of rain. The weight of forcef, upon house in wera lake are rugged, and rocky, and him The itcesof lava Teloogoo or Telinga, so rough in pro- the same tint.-N. Y. Legras. hired girl were in the kitchen prepar- Warn,in Coegegatiornalist. steep; its waters deeply these substances upon the roof soon seemeda to be increasing in size, and as nunciation that a traveler of the na- ing and darkly it. The first por- b Lady--"My dear doctor, what is you supper, and so did not notice what blue. The lake extends some seven or began to tell upon he was beoomilg surrounded he rose tion, speaking it before a ruler of Bok- the children were about. Rover, the tion that gave way was the detached upa and thus kept himself from being candid opinion of the state of my FOREIGN STYLES. eight miles lengthwise, and is five or t hara, admitted that the sound resem- health?" Doctor--" will advise your great Newfoundland dog, which had six miles kitchen and pantry, and then we all col- smothered.a At seven o'clock in the 1 in breadth. The three fat "the tossing of a lot of pebbles in husband to buy you a been lying on the rug on the piauza, Tolet Woe. bys ve raes of Wales at eones of lected in the smoking-room. The roof morninga there we no sign of daylight, new dress; that Tarawera mountains loom 1 a sack." A simile for scarlet stockings will calm your nerves."-N. Y. Herald. saw them start, and came bounding 3esmt rassel FaleesJ5e. loftily to the southeast 2,000 feet above cof the hotel gave way at about half- anda at 920 a smal streak of light ap- is fire-hose; laughter is the sound you along to accompany them. the sea level, and eastward, through a past four a. m. with a loud smash, and ppeared over Taupeo. After much ex- hearI when your hat blows off; and try- -"My dear Adolf, I was yesterday A lady visiting in Landon writes that the whole of the upper story collapsed. e introduced to a gentleman who is your S•Goback, Wover!" said Jack, and gap in the ranges, the towering peak t ertion he got up and made his way to ing to do business without advertising the faithful fellow retreated, much at the recent Crystal Palace fete to the of Mount Edgeumbe is plainly visible. the debris falling into the rooms below. where he had parted from the natives, very image!" ."I can hardly believe Indians and Colonials the Prince and t is said to be "like winking at a that!" "He is so much abashed. Through that gap in the ranges runs We left the smoking-room and went anda found them still in the same place. girl jn the dark." An unpoetical I like you that Jack and Gertie started Princess of Wales were present, the into the drawing-room, which, as it be even asked me to lend him five across the I Tarawera'ioutlet Awa o te Atua (river l At this time it is impossible to esti- Yankee has described ladies' lips fields to the pasture. They was the newest part of the house. we matea the number of the kilad. Explor- Gorins." crept PrincessI wearing a short, becoming of the gods), past Edgcumbe and away as the glowing gateway of beans, through the bars and climbed up the toilett of black satin draped with black on to the bay of plenty. At some dis- tthought would stand the longest; but ingi parties are at work, and their re- pork, sauerkraut and potatoes. This -Disappoints the audience: "I must hill steep to the tall pine, at whose foot lace,I the rare devices of which were tance from its source the river forms a it was with the greatest difficulty that ports are eagerly awaited. The natives would provoke Marryat s exclamation discharge that man," said the irate the treasure was concealed. we got there, going through fallen The chil- magnificent waterfall. declare that several hundred of their of, "Such a metaphor I never met manager one day; "he is constantly dren dug away until blisters began to outlined with fine jet beads Above stones and mud which impeded us. countrymenc have perished. This much disappointing the audience." The Rotonbana was one of the afore." Much more complimentary "Fails appear on their hands from the unac- Ithis was a lace coat opening over a smallest lakes of the The back part of the house, in which isi certain, Mount Tarawera is a wreck. was the old darkey's neat reply to a ito appear?" "Not at all. Would that customed toil. But no pot of gleam- Igraceful vest of plaited satin, the plaits lake district. It was the dining-room, gave way next, I is now a volcano. Its form is The terraces are destroyed. and all the beautiful young lady whom he offered he did. He appears."- Tezasiftings. ing gold rewarded their labors. very and all of a sudden we heard a fearful nativesn who were living in the vicinity embroidered in a running vine pattern irregular on the south side, where the to lift over the gutter and who insisted -A writer has just published a book "Let's go and pick some wasberries," also in jet. The black lace bonnet was shore is formed by swamp: crash and roar as if thousands of tons ofo the calamity were overwhelmed by she was too heavy. "Lor,' missy," entitled "The Habits of the Hog." said Jack, "and then we'll come back three small and we heard the ti trimmed with jet ornaments and high ereeks are meanderingand discharging bof stuff were falling, the streams of lava which belched forth said he, "I'se used to lifting barrels of We have not read it, but trust he men- and dig again." balcony come down. At this we agreedto from the mouths of the craters.--Awk- standing jet aigrettes The display themselves into the lake. In many t sugar." Wit from a man's mouth is tions that very common habit of oco- Gertie willingly consented. The 1 t of that we should make an effort to save j -s- 0or. N~. Y.Berald. fireworks on that occasion surpassed, places of those swamps warm water .. .. |,.• , . .. like a mouse in a hole; you may watch cupying two seats in a railroad car.- were not far from a "'cut-down, streams forth,but mud pools are also ourselves, and with this object we de- the hole all day and no mouse come New Haves News. where raspberries grew in great abun- it was said, any thing before witnessed termined to leave the hotel At 630 I anywhere. The first set piece was fired visible here and there, and from the HINDOO LIFE. out; by and by. when no one is looking -"Papa, why do women use yeast in dance. The children picked and ate projecting points muddy shallows cov- went up to the residence of the Hazard for it, out pops the mouse and streams berries for some time, wandering by the Princess of Wales She drew family. The house was in making bread?" "To make it rise, eret with swamp grass extend almost ruins and in Dasperstar Poer P•maats WL are Never across the parlor. my son." "But why do they want to further and further into the "cut- upon a slender cord laid to reach her flames. I then could see no signs of Far Removed from bansm. balcony, which ignited a quick match. as far as the middle of the lake. At Marrying a woman for money, says make it rise, papa?' "So that it will down." At last they came to a tree its north Mr. and Mrs. Hazard and their chil- and a significant presentation of a ruee, end the lake grows narrower. d Human life is supported in India a philosopher, is very much like setting be high bread, my son."-Boslon Bud- which had been blown over in some The lquantity of boiling dren. As soon as aglimpseof daylight a rat-trap and baiting it with your own storm, and whose trunk was a shamrock and a thistle gracefully in- water issuing uponn the barest minimum of neces- qe• overhung 1 from the ground, both on the shores came we commenced to dig for the finger. by a great mass of bushes. Jack was ttertwined instantly gleamed out, pres- bodies of the Hazards, and to our great asaries; the village population feed upon -The Illinois editors considered the and the bottom of the lake, is truly AnAmerican writer says: "A man just reaching up hes hand to pull down ently fading so as to be almost invisi- astonishing. astonishment discovered Mrs Haard thetl commonest grains, never eating -ith one idea puts me in mind of an subject of "Truth in Journalism" at a bush heavily laden with berries, ble, and then bursting forth again into There are three principle their recent meeting. We forwarded when I springs to whichthe lake alive. Her two ohildren were found animal food (which is contrary to their he saw something that vivid portraits of the Queen sad the owesits fame. old goose trying to hatch out a paving- the secretary of the association several almost made lir,.t of all is the Te Tarat at the ddead beside her, butshewas notggreatly religion) and rarely tasting the finer stone." An editor'ssimileof a mansa his heart stop itsbeting. Prince and Princess of Wahs which operrationsun copies of the Herald, so that the editors northeast end of the lake, with its ter- injured.t We continued grains, such as wheat and barley. The career is summed up in the lines: Near the roots of the fallen tree spectacle elicited tumultuous sheering. racedl marble steps projecting til wre were gquite exhausted, bt feand "Man's a vapor, full of woes; starts a could see what the genuine article looks stood a large black animal, A curious novelty in the way of Paris into the no more bodies." clothing worn is of the scantiest and I like.-iorrilows Herald. and around lake, the it were playing two or hats haslately arisen. They are made in most marvelous of the Roto- n was distressed to see many of the We all recolect how the Bath waters three smaller I mahana marvels. About Between one and two o'clock in the -At ,the club: Breakfast time. ones, about the size of young puppies. knotted hay and pliant rushes, in a sort eighty feet morning the inhabitants of Tanrang people in the northwest provinces I above the take, on the fern-clad sl6pe were startled by repeated and vivid were associated in Weller's mind with "Waitaw." "Yeasir. "Give me, aw, It was a mother bear and her little [ of trellis-work design, very open, and shivering and half naked in weather so branhebes of haw- of a hill from which in various places flashes of lightning, shooting at inter- the "flavor of warm flat-irons." The some oatmeal, a tomatlw salad, a woll, ones. The cubs seemed unconscious ttrimmed with long cold that I was glad to wear two top and a pint of St. Julien." tulips, with their hot vapor was escaping, there lies the vals of a few minutes from a dense humorist who ereated that character "Yessir. of the presence of strangers, but rolled tthorn, violet-colored immtense boiling coats. The houses are built of clay was often reminded of a printer's And a nice little steak or chop, sir?" and tumbled over one another in their Ilong leaves knotted together, and a caldron in a crater- mass of black cloud, extending along of furniture, and I like excavation with steep, reddish and almost destitute parentheses by the appearanee of a "Steak! Chop! Cuss it! Do you think frolic, while the mother bear looked at Ibow of moss-green velvet ribbon as a the southern sky. The electrical dis-- a large portion of the sides thirty or forty feet understand that bow-legged child; and thb elongated' I am a twuck dwivar?"-Town Topics. Jack and Gertie with more of surprise tsort of backgroundfor the floral - high, and open play continued through the night, and only eat one meal a day. only on the lake side, toward the west. population pupils ofa cat's eyes before a bright -Wife-"Victor, my dear, last Christ- than of anger in her eyes. ttures. Hats are becoming quite uni- about four o'clock in the morning a Of course this in an eastern country wear, and the The basin of the spring is about eighty series of severe earthquake shocks were light were likened by him to "two mas you were so kind as to make me a At length the bear gave a low growl. versal for summer feet long and sixtv does not signify what it does in Europe notes of admiration." - Chambers' The children turned and ran screaming French flowers and fruits are quite wide, and tilled to s'distinctly felt. The fashes of electric= on less food and present of Mensel's History of Ger- the brim with perfeetly clear, trans- -life can be sustained -osrms. away. Fear lent wings to their flight. wonderful in their naturalness, the itv continued to increase in brilliancy diet than in northern many-that you wanted to read so fruit being soft parent water, which, with the snow- less nutritious badly. I have ever since been racking They dashed through clumups of bushes, and yielding instead of - as the morning wore on. and from the climes; the labor power of the Hin- of hard and gloesy, as of old. One white encrusted basin, appears of a same direction came continued rumb- Engagement Hings. my brain to find out whatI should give they scrambled over logs and bowlders, a beautiful blue, like the blue turquoise. doos is small; there is far less taken they tripped over roots and running Ipretty broad-brimmed bat is made of lings, which appeared to extend along in our In an article on engagement rings a you for your birthday. What do you The flat-spreading out of the human machine than vines, they minded not torn clothes or cactus lace straw and trimmed with foot of the ter- l life; it consumes say to a new carpet for my boudoir?" sage leaves, groundsel, scarlet races extends far the line from Rotorna to White Island. laborious western French writer says: "Do not choose scratehed bhands. they were heedless of a lobelia into the lake. There besides, the -Very Wrong: Bertie-"It's very blossoms, and sprays of rose leaves the terraces commence with low shelves, Toward seven o'clock a leaden-colored less and produces less; the ruby, it is too showy, loud and in. their course, only that it took them c power of digesting a wrong, ma, to tell a falsehood, isn't it?" bristling with thorns. Another hat of containing shallow cloud slowly advanced from the direc- Asiatic has the discreet. Good taste inclines toward away from the dreadful monster. water basins. These t,tion of the hill behind Mr. Jonathan of food at one meal Mater.-"Of ooarae it is,dear." B.-And open-work Italian braid, very yellow small water basins represent as many greater quantity diamond, of which They ran until they were breathless c IBrown's property until reaching Mata- than is possible to Europeans; but, the sapphire and it's wicked to ask a little boy to tell liesP of hue, is faced with black velvet and nutural bathing basins. some of the and exhausted, and then sank panting C pihi. It appeared to hang for a short when due allowance is made for all the one does not go well without the M.-"Why, yes." B.-" Well, that's to the ground. The bearwas nowhere ttrimmed with pale green hop heads, basins are so large and deep that one what my teacher made me do to-day." can swim time, after which it again advanced and thi, it is not to be denied that the pov- other. Do not choose a large sapphire in sight. red bean blossoms, wood moms and about in them. During b India is ex- surrounded by diamonds, but ask your M.-"Gracious me! made you tell a lie, clusters of yellow wheat. Field flow- violent water eruptions from the bursth upon the town and district in a erty of a great part of "I thought she would surely tear us heavy shower of fine sulphuric dust, treme and more acute than what we jeweler-artist to interlace in happ Bertie?" B.-"Yes, mamma; she made Gertie. ers. mixed with loops of narrow velvet basin steaming cascades may occur. enveloping the entire nei hborhood in in pieces,"~laid witness in Europe. It may be said combination the sapphire and the dia- me promise to be always a good boy in "I dess God sent an angel tostop rribbon, are fashionably worn on sea- At ordinary times but very little water turquoise is also a tasteful future."-T dbits. Swim ripples total darkness. About 8' this partly with truth of a get part of the rural mond. The her mouf, same as He did when Daniel side and mountain hats in sailor, over the terraces. and only tl stone, but when it is constantly worn peasant and the revived Mande principle discharge on cleared away. but only for a few min- population that at is never far removed -A little girl, who is just at the age was cast into the lions' den," said Jack. I Muller the south sibe utes, after which it returned A scanty harvest any it has the immense disadvantage to shapes.-N. Y. Evening PbsL lorms a hot, steaming with in- from famine. when her table manners are beginning The children stood up and looked * fall. After ccreased density, and ere longhad again that calamity within meas chnange color, and to this change most reaching the highest terrace there is year brims to be looked after, called out at supper around. They had fled from the "cut- wrapped the town and suburbs in com- urable distance; a failure of crops women attach a sad sand sentimental down" and were now in the forest. an extensive platform, with a number one night recently: "Give me some -George B. Loring, in aseoeiation of basinas, plete darkness. The dust, which emit- means death to a large part of Ub superstition. It should not, therefore, cake.' .How do you ask?" said Tall trees were all around them, their Iwith some other capitalists, has bought five or six feet deep, their ted first present, which water showing a sulphuric smell, soon formed a population unless fed by Government. be chosen for the mamma, correctively. "Please give me interlacing branches almost hiding the aseveral hundred seres of land about a temperature of 90 to coating upward of half an is to be worn and cherished while life 110 degrees Fahrenheit. inch in thie- - temporary evie. some cake," returned the little miss, sky. They started in what they sup- aseven miles from Washington, on the In the middle ness, over the ground. lasts, which remains from the days oa of the platform arises, close to the sad added, unabashed: "I didn't for- posed was the direction of their grand- Whshington & Ohio railroad, and will Mr. I. IR. kert, native agent, who -Mr. Spurgeon's Tabernacle in Lo changes.' t; I was savingt up."--resIo bpr. pa's house, and walked for some time, nestablish a new town, to be calles triL k 9the basin, a kind of a rLek has just aom• atotowmsayse••-d youth while every thing else 'don now has a membership of 5,214, -BPoston Budgel iamno otenlng ldded their eye. i-I oring-Weairsgtm IAte,