Sammau Farmer

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Sammau Farmer .... Sammau farmer. "The Bleauinge of Government, Like the Dews from Heaven, Should Descend Alike upon the Rich and the Poor." W. G. KENTZEL, Editor. COVINGTON, ST. TAMMANY PARISH, LA., OCTOBER 2, 1886. nnmnunnRmmuum| . .. ..- -m nn.nauauum n VOL. XII.-NO. 40. n um nn a in II I THE CASHIER'S DREAM. Island, about twelve feet high, decked atOkaro lake, five miles from Roto- SOME I SIMILEi SCHOOL AND CHURCH. Then they took another course, bha At mMnibht. in his I•tt l bed with manuka, mosses, lycopodium sad Imahana. He went to bed about two FOB OUR YOUNG FOLDK The cashier dramt about the tile fern. It may be visited without danger, o'clock, and was awakened They Show That Lam.sge odmetimes s a Youg with no better results. Finally, they Be'd clean the bank of every cent by a rumb- -The Women's Christian As- and from it the curious traveler has a ling noise like that of an earthquake. Siippe• Thims to Deas With. sociation now numbers eight thousand came to the conclusion that they were And seek some other clime: HUSH-A-BY, BABY. lost. Re maw the vaults all clean and bars, fair and full view into the blue boiling He went outside the door, but could "The child of the past and the parent members in Ireland. He heard the sick Directors swear and steaming caldron. Such was the see nothing, although it was a clear of the future" is not an unhappy simile -Vanderbilt University, at Nash Hush-a-by, baby, the bees in the clover- It was growing dark in the woods. And people howliny on the stair The red. red clover-have fallen asleep. The thick growth shut out the light. It For wealth they'd never see. famous Te Tarata. It is now feared night. The noise proceded from Tara- ville, Tenn., has received Swaying and swinging, now under, for the-present. Happiness has been a bequest now over, was late in the afternoon when they that nearly all these beautiful wonders wera. He looked round again and saw from Mrs. Kinser, of Memphis, of In the red. red clover. He saw the experts try to fix have likened to a ghost; all talk about it, So sweet and so deep. left home, and they must now have 'The been destroyed. The terraces are a huge massof flame rise in the heavens, $40,000 for its Biblical department. sum he'd taken oat: buried in but few, if any, have ever seen it. been away three hours. The sun had He saw the tr um•ph of his tricks lava, and the villages of the and instantly lava and smoke covered -Rev. Dr. Jessup, of Beyroot, re Hush-a-by. baby, the cows from the mea- And gave a ham shbout. Maoris have been swept away. the ground. Soon after a volume Ambition's ladder rests against a star, ow'- set, and twilight was falling upon the The wealth was aill in his Valise- ports that a numerous body of Moham- The ,rr. green meadows-are lotering land. Of course, in the woods The dust, the As regards Auckland the first intima- of flame issued from Runanga, close to remarks a clever writer, who also tells the chink, the soap, the grease, medans in a Syrian city are reading the home: light faded away sooner than in the dd therefore he could smileI•an peace tion received of the terriblecatastrophe Tarawers. us that a proverb is a short truth sand- Bible, have vejected the Koran ant Their bells tinkle softly as through dew sand And take his onward way. was the sound of loud explosions shadows. clearings. Jack began to cry. Gertie as of The scene on the mountain-top was wiched between wit and wisdom. profess belief in Christ. -rem the green, green meadows. heavy guns, and from elevated positions Tey was badly frightened, but she felt the But hold-a change' He saw a mae awful. Large balls of fire were thrown -Read to the congregation at least loittering come. necessity With looks of black despair in the city the flash as of artillery was from the gaping mouth toward Taupo, Eloquence is a coat of many colors of keeping up her brother's Come the first line of every hymn that is to Rush-s-by, baby, the birds and the flower-- up ad Join the angty otaa distinctly visible. The impression on this accompanied by terrible reports judiciously blended. No one thing spirits. And stamp around and swear: be sung. There is no other test so The sweet, sweet flowers - have fallen *"Let'splay camping out," she said. He said he'd spend at least a year the minds of those who witnessed these which shook the whole place. Forked Swill make a man eloquent. Flattery asleep; severe as this in making sure that one hey way and they swing through the "Here is a nice To hunt and and that thief cashier. phenomena was that a vessel was lightning followed close upon the balls soft, olaoe' for a tent at the And then he'd smash him on the has been termed a kind of bad money has the right place.-RY. Examiner. dewy bours. foot of this tree. ear ashore at the Manukan heads and was it resembled the wriggling of The sweet, sweet flowers, Because his wealth was gone. of fire; to which our vanity gives currency. "I want to go firing signals of distress, and as there snakes; it returned to the crater, form- be viewed -Church revenues have fallen ofi In meadows so deep, home, and I want my He saw this man. like Society, like shaded silk, mnst very greatly in England, according to supper." sobbed Jack. "I'm tired all keenest hound. appeared to be more than one fired at ing the letter "V." This was a most in all situations, or its colors will de- Rusbh-by. baby. 'Uts time you were sleeping. Take up the trail and bunt; London reports. A decrease of over So sweet, sweetly sleeping over. and I'm hungry!" Be tried in vain to dodre around, a time it was thought to be a Russian wonderful phenomenon. The roar ceive us. Kindness is the golden chain in dreala The man came to the $150,000 is reported in one case and "We shall have to stay here until front man-of-war which was known to be on was tremendous, resembling the heavi- by which society is bound together, Low ever the meadows the He caught the cashier, and he broke $100.000 in another, within the period night mists are grandpa 'comes after us," said Gertie. RHi head In wish a wagon epohk- the coast. est thunder. As each piece of hillside and charity is an angel breathing on creeping, And then specified. 'Ti• time you were sleeptng, "God can take care of us here just as the bank cash er awoke News was flashed from Rotoma that riches, while graves have been poetic- My baby, And said he would reform. a dreadful night had been slipped into the open basin, large -In his address to the graduates of my star! well as He could if we were at home. -St. Louis passed. clouds of black dust rose out of it and ally called the footsteps of angels. -J. K. LaudlMs, f Our Ltle Ones. aus Whsp. Every man, woman the Eastern female high school in Bal- He saved from the bear, this after- and child thought ascended to the heavens. The fall of Language is a slippery thing to deal noon. Let his end had come. The sensation timore Mayor Hodges said: "I believe us ask Him to forgive us 1 was fearful and indescribable. It com- earth into the open crater seemed to with, as some may find when selecting THE END OF THE RAINBOW. for being naughty, and to keep us safe- A RUINED WONDERLAND. stop the fiery balls from coming up, their similes. Says a writer: "Speak that you may make the nearest ap- ly till grandpa comes." menced about one o'clock in the morn- but forked proach to a happy life by living ac- Gertne ad Jaee's seareh fer a tPt eo lightning still continued. of a man's marble brow, and he will Gold. The two children knelt down, and ing by several severe shocks of earth- Dense volumes cording to these rules-have some- Its Destroyer Being a Most Ter- of smoke issued from glow with conscious pride; but allude prayed for Divine protection. A sense quake. The vibrations were strong the crater, going in various directions. to his wooden head, and he is mad in a thing to love, something to do, and Gertie, age ten. and Jack, arsl .iix, of a Presence came rifl Volcanio Bruption. something filling the place to and frequent. The windows in the As soon as Ruawhina stopped send- minute." The young lecturer's to believe." stood looking out of the great wide- them. Their fears vanished, and they houses rattled violently, the feeling be- ing forth its terrible balls of flame a "similes were gathered in a heap" -With a taxable valuation of $130,. open doors in grandpa's barn, ,whither felt secure. Gertie mat down on the *ow Zealand's Voleanoes Send Forth ing similar to that on board of a vessel huge white cloud issued from the cap when he expressed the whole body of 000,000 Arkansas expended last year they had fled for shelter from the ground, with her back against a tree.
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