Myanm ar Inform ation Manag em ent Unit Distric t Map - Sag aing R eg ion

94° E 96° E o(! 98° E Legend !( Pansau ng INDIA CHINA !. State/R eg ion Capital BANGLA / DESH Main Town Nanyu n

!( Oth er Town Nanyu n LAOS o (! Airport !( Don Hee

THAILAND Townsh ip Bou ndary Naga

State/R eg ion Bou ndary Self-Administered Zone

International Bou ndary Lah e R oad

R ailway Lah e N N

Hkam ti ° °

6 Htan Par Kway 6 !( 2 o(! 2

Hkam ti INDIA Kachin Lay Sh i State o(! !( Su m Ma R ar Hkamti Lay Sh i Mo Waing Lu t District !(

o(! Hom alin Hom alin

!( Sh we Pyi Aye Banm au k CHINA Myoth it !( Maw Lu !( Banm au k Kath a Tam u o Pau ng b yin (! Indaw Tam u Kath a Pau ng b yin Pinleb u

N Katha N

° Wu nth o ° 4 4

2 District 2 Wu nth o District District Pinleb u Kh am pat !( Kawlin Tig yaing Kawlin Mawlaik Mawlaik Tig yaing

Kyu nh la Map ID: MIMU764v05 Produ c tion Date: 24 April 2020 Paper Size: A4 Kyu nh la District Projec tion/Datu m : Geog raph ic /WGS84 Data Sou rc e: Kale Kalewa Base m ap: MIMU, OSM, MPA o Taze Kanb alu (! Plac e Nam es: General Adm inistration Departm ent (GAD) and Kale field sou rc es. Plac e nam es on th is produ c t are in line with th e Kanb alu g eneral c artog raph ic prac tic e to reflec t th e nam es of su c h District Taze plac es as desig nated b y th e g overnm ent coonc erned. Zee Kone ! Kale Ming in District !( Transliteration b y MIMU. ( Ye-U Th e inform ation c ontained on th is produ c t is provided “as is”, Ye-U Kh in-U for referenc e pSu rpohseas nonly, b ased on c u rrent availab le Chin Ming in inform ation. Th e United Nations and th e MIMU spec ific ally do Tab ayin Kh in-U not m ake any waSrranttiaes toer representations as to th e ac c u rac y State Tab ayin Kyau k Myau ng or c om pleteness of su c h inform ation nor does it im ply offic ial Kani Sh web o !( endorsem ent or ac c eptanc e b y th e United Nations. Please !( Bu dalin Saing Pyin Sh web o sh are u pdates on any errors or om issions via Kani m aps@th em im u .info. Bu dalin Th is produ c t h as b een prepared for operational pu rposes only, Yinmarbin District Wetlet to su pport h u m anitarian and developm ent ac tivities in District Myanm ar. o Note th at th is m ap m ay not sh ow all islands of c oastal areas (! Sar Tau ng Yinm arb in Monywa Ayadaw !( du e to sc ale lim itations. Yinm arb in !. Sag aing Monywa © 2020 Information Management Unit. MIMU

N Myinm u N Saling yi produ c ts are not for sale and c an b e u sed free of c h arg e with ° District °

2 Pale Ch au ng -U attrib u tion. 2

2 Pale 2 Myinm u Sag aing Em ail: info.m im u @u Web site: em im u .info Saling yi Ch au ng -U Myau ng Mandalay 0 20 40 60 Km Magway Myau ng o(! Region 0 10 20 30 40 Miles 94° E Region 96° E 98° E Disc laim er: Th e b ou ndaries and nam es sh own and th e desig nations u sed on th is m ap do not im ply offic ial endorsem ent or ac c eptanc e b y th e United Nations. o(!