A Newsletter for the People of Parkwoods United Church 85 Parkwoods Village Dr. ON M3A 2X9 (416)447-5519 e-mail: [email protected]

October 2009

Minister’s Message

Greetings in the name of Christ, Parkwoods United Church

My cup overflowed with love from my earliest memories. I am indeed blessed I believe mostly because of the challenges that strengthened me to be who I am today.

I was born in Montreal and grew up in the Presbyterian Church. Years later, and while raising a young family, I began attending a South Shore suburban United Church where I became a member. My deep involvement in the church led me to consider ministry as a vocation, but the best I could manage, given my busy family, was attending a Lay School of Theology at McGill.

I married Gary in 1977 and we moved with our blended family to Saskatoon, where I continued my church involvements and worked part-time for Dominion Stores. In 1986 we moved to . I soon took up the studies I had delayed for so many years. I completed my honours B.A. at the University of Toronto in Canadian History and Women’s Studies. Theological studies followed at Emmanuel College while serving as Student Minister at Lemonville United Church. As a ministry intern I also served as a student chaplain at the Vanier Correctional Centre, a women’s prison in Brampton. This was one of the highlights of my life. I entered the prison with fear and trepidation. I left with a deepened understanding of the human soul and a true love for those who serve their time there.

After graduating with a Master’s of Divinity degree, I was appointed as a Supply Minister at Eastminster in 1994 and then accepted a permanent call and was ordained at Eastminster in 1995 where I served until July, 2008

The summer of 1998 brought new challenges to the Redcliffe household. Late spring the family learned Mr. Redcliffe Senior had cancer and he began treatment immediately. Late summer I was diagnosed with cancer and surgery followed. For the next year the family walked a difficult road together as father, Lorne, continued to lose ground and I began chemotherapy. It was a long road indeed! So much to do … would there be enough time?

As many of you know, Lorne Redcliffe died early in the winter of 1999. I wasn’t sure what my future held. Do you focus on end of life issues (the cup is half-empty) or look forward in hope (the cup is half-full). I, being optimistic saw my cup as half-full, so, embracing life once again I bought a new VW yellow Beetle, enrolled in the Doctoral program with a focus on Pastoral Care and Gary and I bought our first home. Life was exciting and full once again.

In October of 1999 the Doctor of Ministry program at McCormick Seminary of the University of Chicago began. I specialized in pastoral care ministry, and graduated in 2003. My focus in ministry is pastoral care and is consistent with the person I believe I have become. I have a deep passion for the church and faith in God. I love the diverse ways in which people express and live their faith, and I celebrate the fact that I share my ministry within the United Church community.

Yours in Christ’s Service, Rev. Dr. Ellen Redcliffe

1 Co-Chairs Corner

Welcome back to all of our Parkwoods Family. Hopefully you all had a chance to relax during the summer months and are ready for the start of the new season.

Thanks to all who kept us “up and running” during the summer months as many folks are needed for the ongoing activities of church life.

Special thanks to our supply minister Rev. Bob Wright and his wife Pat for having shared their ministry with us during the past six months. We are grateful for Rev. Bob’s energy and caring spirit and wish both Rev. Bob and Pat well as they leave.

A warm welcome is extended to Rev. Dr. Ellen Redcliffe as she begins her supply ministry with us. We look forward to her time with us. Take a moment to say “hi” to her as she begins to know who we are.

Our Joint Search Committee continues their work on our behalf as they help us find our new permanent minister. This committee has a huge mandate and we look forward to their recommendations.

This fall as we continue our programs, we look to you, our Parkwoods family for a helping hand. Let us all work together to carry out the work of our church.

Bev Miller Council Co-chair

Rev. Bob and Pat Wright

A note from Rev. Bob Wright

Bev Miller and Ron Wigle, Co-chairs of the Board, the Church Board and the congregation:

Please accept our thanks for your kind words, gifts and luncheon on Sunday. Your words and thoughtfulness not only left me speechless but took my breath away.

Many thanks for the opportunity to serve with you at Parkwoods in the service of the Living God with such a warm, caring congregation.

Many thanks. May God continue to bless your words and deeds.

Blessings, Bob and Pat 2


September 20, 2009

Selena Elizabeth Lyner-Meca Daughter of Milagros Meca-Baello & Todd Stephen Lyner

Lucille Gail Jones Daughter of Heather Kearns & Paul Jones

Ministry & Personnel

In closure to a successful summer of worship services, Parkwoods bid farewell to Reverend Bob Wright and his wife Pat, on August 30th at a service and luncheon celebrating their six months of ministry with us. Then on Sunday, September 6th, we welcomed the Reverend Doctor Ellen Redcliffe as the 17th minister at Parkwoods. Her husband, Rev. Dr. Gary Redcliffe, was also in attendance. Ellen's ministry to Parkwoods began on September 1st and will continue until a permanent fulltime minister is secured by the Joint Search Committee. Ellen is enthusiastic to begin this new faith journey with us and I am sure you have already discovered that she has lots of energy and ideas to offer, as she ministers with us over the next year. We certainly welcome Ellen, as she begins her ministry to the Parkwoods community!

The summer has gone well from an M&P perspective. Both the staff and M&P Committee are looking forward to a challenging and productive year.

Lynda McCowan M & P Chair


Being Part of Toronto Southeast Presbytery

The Toronto Don Valley Presbytery was dissolved on June 30, 2009, with a barbeque and meeting of closure. Effective July 1, 2009, Parkwoods United Church became part of the Southeast Presbytery. Rev. John Lee is the new chair for Toronto Southeast Presbytery. A Governance Model for the new Presbytery has been designated as the guide for the presbytery to manage mandated responsibilities. A Dedication Service for the new Presbytery Office took place at the first meeting of presbytery on September 15th, which included two representatives from Toronto Conference; Rev. Carol Gierak and Rev. David Allen. It is the hope of our new presbytery that effective relationships with members and adherents can be established, and that opportunities for sharing knowledge across Pastoral Charges of experiences, areas of passion, and best practices can be realized.

Lynda McCowan Presbytery Rep. 3

Christian Education

Church School started Sunday, September 20th the week after a very pleasant Welcome Back BBQ and registration to the year. Everyone seemed happy and seemed to have fun.

We will be starting two study groups beginning in October:

Monday evenings 7:30 to 9:00 pm October 5 to November 23 will be “The Really Bad Girls of the Bible.”

Wednesday afternoons 1:00 to 2:00 pm starting October 7 until November 25 we will be looking at “The Ten Commandments.”

Please consider this your invitation if you are interested.

Mabel French Christian Development Chair

Sunday School Families

The Church School year at Parkwoods began with a 'kick-off” barbeque on September 13th. From the registration sheets, we start the year with a total of 37 children. Our plan is to group the children into three classes – the Nursery for ages up to 3 years old; Primary for ages 4 to 8 year olds, and Junior for ages 9 and above. The number of classes we are able to sustain will depend on the number of faithful volunteers agreeable to assist with the Sunday School program. The Christian Development committee, chaired by Mabel French, is still actively seeking additional teachers and helpers. Please carefully consider an opportunity to work with our young people.

As our curriculum begins, the children will be travelling with Jesus through the land of Palestine as Jesus teaches and heals. They will hear of the disciples wanting to be first and the greatest, and through these stories of Jesus, will study how being a follower of Jesus can display God's way of love. Parents will be following the same lectionary readings in worship service, and we encourage you to look for these stories in a children's Bible that you can read with your child(ren).

During this Season of Pentecost, the children will meet four strong and faithful women; Esther, Ruth, Naomi, and Hannah. Their stories will be background for the teachings about Jesus in these weeks.

As we prepare to enjoy and be a faithful presence with the children, we ask for your prayers. Sunday School teachers and members of the Christian Development team, will be praying for the Parkwoods' children throughout these weeks.

Lynda McCowan

From the Summer Curriculum of Seasons of the Spirit

Bread of Life

Bread, a staple food in many cultures, is important for physical survival. However, food by itself isn’t enough to satisfy the deep longings of the heart. In this week’s focus scripture, Jesus points beyond the miraculous feeding of the crowds to something more. Jesus offers us the spiritual nourishment of an intimate relationship with God. The scandal is that this bread of life is a gift; it is not something we can buy or earn. Jesus is a new kind of manna sent from God to bring life.

4 A conversation could include discussing the importance of bread and what being hungry is like while enjoying a small sampling of different breads. Talk about ways in which bread helps keep many people alive and healthy.

Share stories of times when listening to Jesus’ words gave you nourishment for the journey and helped you do what you needed to do. How might we share Jesus with others?

Family Prayer:

Wonderful God, we thank you for bread that satisfies physical hunger. Thank you for your love and care that satisfies the deep longings of our spirits. Amen


Recently we welcomed each other back from the summer break. Everybody enjoyed our annual church barbeque.

Before I share some exciting future details, I would like to express my thankfulness to everyone who contributed to our summer services. Thank you for your commitment, time and musical gifts! They were very much appreciated.

And now, as you are already aware, everything is back to ‘normal’. One more exciting season is ahead of us. Yes, the choir has already started practicing our Christmas Concert music. We ask that you mark your calendars for December 13. Come yourself, invite your friends and family to Parkwoods and listen to “THE WORLD OF CHRISTMAS”…..

We are glad to say that we have already welcomed some new choir members this season. On the other hand, we are always open to anybody willing to worship the Lord in song together. If you ever wanted to sing please don’t hesitate to talk to Pat Lansche or myself, and join us on Thursdays at 7:30- 9pm.

Musically yours, Rasa Gudiene

Parkwoods' Welcome Barbeque

A big THANK YOU to all who helped make our “kick-off” barbeque a success. The Lyner family for supplying and cooking the hot dogs, Beryl Anderson and friends for coffee and refreshments, and Mary Kishi for making sure everyone had ice cream to complete our lunch. It was wonderful to see the Parkwoods family sharing food and fun together again.

Thank you to everyone for participating in the contests and yes, there were winners:

5 PEOPLE BINGO challenged everyone to meet and get to know as many people as possible. The first person to complete one full row of his Bingo card was Aidan Kenny from our Primary class. The first person to completely fill their card was one of our new members, Andrea Pasher. Congratulations to you both!

GUESSING THE NUMBER OF JELLYBEANS was won by Don French. He guessed 621 which was pretty close to the actual number of 610. We hope he shares some of those winnings!

PARKWOODS PEOPLE WEAR MANY DIFFERENT HATS seemed to be enjoyed by many. We saw lots of hats being exchanged and the number in the hat individuals ended up with, corresponded to one of the many jobs performed at Parkwoods. The intention is that those who reported their number, at least try their selected task, once.

The results of the tasks people received were; 1. Coffee Servers – Rita Kent, Wally Winter, Donna Liestner, Noela Evans 2. Ushers – NancyJean Nickle, Brenda Whelan, Harry Whelan, Ray Shaver, Mary Kishi 3. Greeters – Queenie Shaver, Ron Wigle, Gary Clarke, Andrea Pasher, Lois Sparling 4. Assist in Sunday School- Mary Kippen, Betty Hart, Dave Griffin 5. Assist with Baby Care – Rev. Ellen?, Pat Lansche, Rita Crowther, Jay Lumsden 6. Participate in Choir – Cam Ferguson, Frederick Nzeyimana 7. Distribute Pew Cards – Tracy Lyner, Don French, Mary McCowan 8. Telephone Calling – Linda McInnes, Barb Griffin 9. Communion Servers- Mac McInnes, Joanna Lansche, Rena Winter, Beryl Anderson 10. Scripture Readers – Liam Kenny, Joanna Lumsden, Loreta Abrias, Mabel French, Jock Lumsden

Of course we always encourage new volunteers to participate in the many activities at Parkwoods, so please check the sign-up sheets in the narthex to see how you might contribute.


Altar Boyz, a fund-raising /theatre event reached out to the wider community. A number of friends were brought on board to attend the October 2nd production. Altogether, more than 75 members and friends of Parkwoods enjoyed a festive evening, which took place at the Toronto Centre for the Arts -Studio Theatre, . To date, in excess of $1500 has been raised and donated to Parkwoods Church. Key enablers of this event have been Ron and Glory Wigle, the Reid Family, the Horton Family and, of course, the many theatre-goers.

Yoga, gently applied, has resumed this fall on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. More members are being welcomed during October. Under the experienced and talented leadership of Gomati Danielle, the gentle, health- promoting program is open to the community, and adapted to women and men of all ages and levels of fitness. A co-ed evening class is also being considered. For sign-up, and further information, please see Glory Wigle in the Church Office.

The Rayoak Foodbank weekly delivery continued through the summer months and into the fall. (Cam Ferguson) Parkwoods people continue to generously bring food for deposit in the Foodbank container. In turn that, plus weekly surplus bake goods from Loblaws, are picked up and delivered to the local Foodbank. Cam has created a new sign to be featured in the Foodbank. The sign reflects Parkwoods ongoing support for the Rayoak Foodbank. Parkwoods will also be the ‘second call’ (John Horton) if the local Food Basics has surplus food. We have had one call thus far this summer.

Brookbanks Grannies, our local community chapter of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, have set their fall agenda with the following fundraising activities: An English Tea, on October 18 and an African Dinner on October 23. Further information will be posted in Sunday Bulletins. The Outreach Committee both initiates and steers the outreach activities at Parkwoods. It meets at regular intervals through the year, and helps give life and shape to new activities in support of the local and global community, as well as enrich congregational life. Why not consider joining the Committee, and bringing your ideas into play? Know that you would be most welcome. For further information contact the Office or John Horton.

John Horton Outreach Chair 6

Loaves & Fishes

It was good to see so many out for the lunch on Rev. Bob’s last Sunday.

The summer has been quiet except for the funeral for David Aziz when we provided food for the reception.

On Sunday, September 27th we’re back for our regular “last Sunday of the month” lunch. Hope you make it out for food and fellowship.

Lois Keir

The Quilters

Autumn Star Quilt

Have you seen the gorgeous quilt we’re raffling? It’s a queen size in browns and greens.

Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. The draw will be held on November 20th. Be sure to get a ticket. (They make good gifts).

We have also started quilting another “flower quilt” in soft colours. Anyone is welcome to join us Monday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Bring your thimble and enjoy the coffee, conversation and satisfaction of making something.

Lois Keir

Mission & Service

News from Geneva

These are exciting and busy times at the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC). A United Church ecumenical partner, in 2010 WARC will merge with the Reformed Ecumenical Council to create the World Communion of Reformed Churches, an organization that will represent 80 million Reformed Christians around the world. Can you imagine? That’s a big partnership!

One of the callings of this new organization of which we will be a part will be to promote justice in the economy and the earth. Another mission will be to work for peace and reconciliation in the world. Both are huge undertakings worthy of 80 million people. This new communion of churches will promote the full participation of women and youth in all aspects of the church’s life around the world. In addition, it will seek to renew a passion for God’s mission, both witness and service, in a spirit of partnership and unity.

7 For the United Church of , this merger means the opportunity to belong to a broader, stronger international body where our efforts for justice and peace have a greater chance to be shared in a world in dire need of healing. Your Mission and Service Fund dollars make these worldwide efforts possible and allow Christians to move beyond their differences toward a common cause. Your M & S gifts also fund the work of United Church overseas personnel John Asling who is working with WARC toward this exciting new venture.

Minutes for Mission 2009

Thanks again to everyone for supporting M & S generously as a response to our call to be the Church in Sod’s World.

I hope you all had a good summer, even though quite wet, healthy summer.

Maiike Russell

The Wayne & Mary Linkert Committee

Since the last newsletter, the Linkert Committee have met and had approval from Council to make the following donations:

A memorial to Sparrow Lake Camp in honour of Bill Crew; Ina Grafton Gage Home; Sparrow Lake Camp and Ryde Lake Camp as well as providing assistance for one of our youth to attend Ryde Lake Camp.

We continue to support the education of the family in Burundi.

Parkwoods is fortunate to have this fund which can support a variety of outreach and pastoral care needs.

Sandra Chapman & Carol Keffer Linkert Committee Co-chairs


We are happy to welcome into our midst several new families this past summer. Wearing our name tags really helps to facilitate easier conversation with each other, so please think to wear yours.

The new schedule to host “coffee time” is ready for distribution and we thank all of those who have kindly volunteered to host for this valuable social time following the Sunday church service.

Carolyn Horton and Beryl Anderson

• Communications

Through the summer, the Communications Committee designed a new brochure which lists all the activities at Parkwoods. We encourage everyone to take a few to give to friends and family. You can find them outside the office, or next to the bulletin board near the main doors.

Please check out the newly re-vamped bulletin board near the main doors and let us know what you think of the new look.

The Photo Release forms are now available. These give written permission for us to use your photo in any published material (for example, the newsletter or the website). There is also a section for people who do NOT wish their photos to be used in any way. Please see Pat Lansche to obtain a form.

8 LARGE PRINT bulletins are now available for Sunday services. Please ask your usher for a copy if you’d like to use one.

The website is currently undergoing extensive revisions. Keep posted at http://www.parkwoodsunitedchurch.com. Please let us know if you have any ideas as to how we can make the website even better!

Pat Lansche Communications Chair


First, we wish to express our sincere thanks again to all those people that covered for our summer absence. Particularly Cam Ferguson, Burt & Carol Keffer, and Ron Lyner, for Property, and of course Dave Griffin, Lynda McCowan and Burt and Carol Keffer again, who handled so well the duties of the treasurer.

Also a special thank you to Mike Reid, for his efforts in refurbishing our floors over the summer.

Fortunately, we seem to be making good headway on our roof leak problems. I’m sure you remember some of the major downpours we had over this summer, which we survived very well. We still have only the one small area in the office, where we saw some minimal leaking, but only during the one storm with the “tornado like” winds. We continue to investigate.

Unfortunately at the very end of August we were advised of our first major mechanical device that will have to be replaced in 2009. A second heat exchanger on one of our three, roof heating and air conditioner units has to be replaced. The cost for this will be seen in September and will be around $2500.00. Hopefully this will be the last of our “surprise” mechanical costs to year end.

We have a new tenant rental group, starting as of September. This is the “Podium Toastmasters Club”, which is a chapter of “Toastmasters International”. They will be meeting in the George Connolly Hall every Tuesday evening. They have extended an invitation to any of the ladies or men at Parkwoods to sit in on one of their meetings and see what Toastmasters is all about.

We have the equipment on site for some new signage, and we hope to have the first one up and running before the end of September.

Thanks again to all who worked so hard on our behalf.

Linda McInnes, Treasurer Mac McInnes, Property Chair


I am pleased to report that at the end of August, our monthly contributions are ahead of last year and of our 2009 budget. Our congregation is more than meeting their Christian obligation to share their good fortune. It is most appreciated and we need to give thanks. Our total revenues are slightly behind the budgeted revenue amount but our expenses are behind, as well. Hence, we are entering the Fall period in sound financial condition. The Finance Committee is planning a repeat of the popular 'Spud Dinner/Auction' again this year so start thinking of what you can donate in the way of skills, talents or experience that someone else needs. It's a great evening and lots of fun.

Cam Ferguson Finance Committee"




We are looking for people interested in participating in a Prayer Shawl knitting group for the church community. Do you knit or want to learn how to knit? Would you like to donate to this project?

Prayer shawls would be given to those in our community in their time of need.

Our group would meet at the church Monday’s afternoon or evening as preferred by those participating and knit together for an hour and a half or you can knit at home.

Wool and needles would be provided.

For further information please speak to Ellen


Are you a reader? Would you enjoy discussing the books you read? We could get together on a regular basis at the church to discuss the book of the month. What we liked or didn’t like about the book and choose the next book together. If interested in the Book Club, please sign up on the sheet provided at the back of the church or for more information, please speak to Ellen.

United Church Women

Our two units have met once and have a couple of things planned for the year.

The new Southeast Presbyterial will meet on Monday, September 28 at noon at Knox- Agincourt United Church – bring a lunch. This is a get-to know-you meeting.

Anyone who would like to come to our UCW meetings in the lounge: Third Wednesday evening or third Thursday afternoon in the lounge.

You would be most welcome.

Mabel French



Mary and Walter

On the occasion of your 63rd Wedding Anniversary


David Aziz July 2009 Husband of Lorna

Valerie Joan Bureau July 2009 Daughter of Betty Hart



Thanksgiving Food Bank

This year during the celebration of Thanksgiving, we will be sharing our harvest gifts with Rayoak Food Bank rather than asking the congregation to purchase plants for the sanctuary. On Sunday, October 11th everyone is invited to bring their fresh vegetables, fruits and non-perishable items to our Thanksgiving service and place them in the baskets provided. Our generous donations will be distributed to the local Food Bank