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" ~ery Thursday r0sse, ' j" ' .~ws , ' ,Complete News Coverage of AU the' Pointes

i 50 Per Copy Fully Paid Circulation VOLUME' IS-NO. '27 Entered as Second Class Matter , 'GRbSSE' POINTE. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1957 $3.50 Per Yeu 20 PAGES at the Post Ofii"e a~ Detroit. Mich.,' • , ., < -

j' Receive Commendat.ions for S'afe~uardi.ng' Children; Agreement HEADLINES , .' '. .. , " Kiwanians. Offer oj the Reached By WEEK Fireworks Show at Two Pointes AI COmpiled' by the e;.,(j~.Pointe News Woods and Shores Await Parcells Thursday Final Word from Detroit 'ThUl'Sday, June 27 , Before Signing of Pact FIVE COAL MINERS were released from their tomb of ) "Operation \ Patriotism" Gives Community Thrilling The Woods and the Shores rocks and dirt after rescuers Display' and Helps Serv.tce Club have reached an agreement and a l.l1echan,icalmonster labor- Support Many Projects on the maintenance of water ed for ~4¥.l hours, to dig them mains through which De- out .. The miners were trapped The Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe is primed to pop troit will supply, the Shores yesterday morning while they open its fifteen annual Fourth of July fireworks package with water. were in the tunnel of Betsy tonight, ,Thursday. , On Monday, .Tuly1, the Woods Mine NO.3 of the Powhatan The traditional event will get. underway with the council gave its approval to a Mining company, Steubenville, launching of the first rocket shortly after dusk. The place revised agreement, whereby the 0,. when the walls and ceiling is the ~arcells Jlli~ior High School, at Mack and Vernier. Shores agrees ro deposit $1,000 crumbled for about 60 feet near " ,. I with the Woods, to be used as a the entrance. This celebration is staged by part or complete share of its Spectators cheered when the Kiwanis, to make the Fourth Defea.t Puts payment in the upkeep of tb4 miners emerged from the pit. in Grosse Pointe as sa!fe as pos- mains. The miners were pronounced in sible, and to. give t1].ecommuni- good health and they joined ty a thiilling evening without Ives B k on Trustees Have Approved their families who were among risk or injury. Mernlbers will be ac Shores Superintendent the watching crowd. at the gates to the Parcells play- Park Council Thomas K. J~fferis, who atten...... >II ground area asking you to help II ded the Woods meeting, said support their m~ny projects by that the Village Trustees ap. THE SOVIET UNION agreed buying tickets to the show. proved the contract as a m~ in principle to a United States proposal that the major nations '1,;<~. Used for Children, Failure to Get County Post ing held on Tuesday, June 18.. "mothball" certai~ numbers of Proceeds from the ticket sales Results in Appointment to It was agreed, however, that substantial arms. American of- 'll ;t..eus'ed to sponsor roy and F II V H C d the contract will not be s'igned ,,~:"',:,",::.;,:,~: ':if:;:{ wl '1..' 'IJ i acancy e reate t'l th Detr 't B d f Water ficials called this one of the girl scout troops, to supply un 1 e 01 oar 0 biggest moves tOward world scholarships for Grosse Pointe --- Commissioners has an opportun. disarmament, but warned nego- graduates, to assist ha.ri.dicapped ,'A Park councilman has ity to review the provisions of tiations on details might cause ... .t!!~tilit~ and indigent children, and pro- the unique distinction of the agreement, and: possibly the plan to fail. The United Two Gro~se Poihte-area women, (left to right) MRS. Michigan Women Cro~srng Guards' Week. Twenty-two vide a park bus. being elected. and appointed offer added suggestions. If De- Nations disarmament subcom- ERMA VAN DEWEGHE, 112 Wayburn, GrQ.sse Pointe women guards received commendations for "meritorious The 'general chairman of the and' twice talr..ing the oath troit offers no additions or sug- mittee in London, was handed Park; and MRS.' RUTH GUDTSCHOW, ,'2065 Hawthorne, ser~ce protecting the school children of Michigan from fireworks show is Conrad Nae- of office for his council job gestions then the Woods and the United States proposal by gel. He stated that ,if the weath- within three months. Shores will sign the measure. Grosse Pointe Woods, representing the women's crosSing the hazards of too.ay's pedestrian .problems." Mrs. Lucy American Delegate Harold E. er is goodt a crowd of 8lbout Charles F. Ives of 1024 The Woods receives all of its StaS6en. gu~rds of their cities, receive special Automobile Club of Perry, of Hamtramck, was chosen to receive a week's 20,000 can ,be eY1r\,ectedto ,at- S 'ted t water from Detroit; the Shores .~I:' 0 Michigan co'mmendation awa1;'ds from Auto Club Assist4 free maid service and the title "Mrs. Greater Detroit' omerset, was appom gets most of it from Detroit and It was suggested that the tend. ' succeed himself and took his United States, Russia, Britain ant SafetY Director BAYARD A,C~RK. In'the center Crossing Guard of 1.957'~'at, the affair. Mairi spekk\~rs,at Fla f Sal oath of office, for the second a portion from the Farmst whiCh and France agree on the type is CORPORAL THOMAS MARTIN of the Grosse Pointe, the event were Traffic Judge John Watts' and.Miss Mar~ gs _or e' has been asking the Shores to As a part of, its "operation time since April, on Monday, seek its water elsewhere be- of weapons to be placed in de- Park Police nepar~ment and on the right is LIEUTEN-' garet' Conway; ehief of the Detroit Policewomen's di. pots un d e r in~ernational in- Patriotism," the, Kiwanis Club, July 1. ' cause it is becoming more and ANT DONALD coArrS of the Grosse. Pointe .Woods vision.' ' . ,./ aided _ qy 0 ,sev~~~ 0' Boy , S.co~t. The councilman was elected more dirffieult to give this 0 ser- spection and control, until final Police Department. The presentations were in honor .of plans on disarmament are car- Troops izi. -the "Pointe, have a to his second foUr-year term on ried out. large number of Almeri<:anflags April J of this year. ' He resign- vice. Will Be Pro-Rated complete with pole and bracket, ed on May 14 when he an-

o The flags, which are three by nounced he was a candidate for According to the contract be. 1n~D fo~ii.~~~~~~c~~:Trio Admits Kerby Rd. Residents Fight Woods Pave five feet, will be on sale,at the the Wayne County Civil Service tween the ,Woods and Shores. piayground tonight. Commission. the $1,000 will be deposited to ~~r~~~:i;~~g~:~th~~~~:~Taking, Cash., Plan '.to\Widen Street in ' 'Repair Plan At the time he submitted his cover maintenance costs for the resignation, Ives told his coun- first year, and thereafter will be Korea was turned down by the F ,..... BI k C .. S h I A t d Farm's Employes cil colleagues that according to pro-rated each yea~, based on '-'Iar OC_I ,()nta~nlng C,.00 the county charter, no one can the previous year's experience. g~~~~~;;~on~~~m~:~:~:~~rom ugmen e . · , The "previous year" clause sented the North Korean de- ._- Pi . - Get Wage" Rilles hold 'public office.if they serve mand, backed by' Red 'China, Three Men' Picked Up in De- t'olic:~, an? Firemen Disagree with ~rguments Af!er 'City Will Add an' Estimated -- on the commission. He said "it binds the Shores to pay its pr~ is worth the chance" to resign porlio1llate shall"eof the mainten- at a conference of the joint troit Confess to Series of Making Study and Report: CounCIl Chambers • $57 100 to Street Mainten- As atththFeclosecof ea?hl fiM'sca~ military armistice commission C' d d f H . .. y~ar, e arms OunCl, on 'and seek a -'position on the ance of the water mains. The in the' truce village' of Pan- Crimes Including . row e or ea'rlng ance Program for Year" day eV,ening,reviewed the wage three-man county group. The payment figure is fixed at 74.65 . R bb 'H Th F" C. . Ch be ' . d . fill d -- ' scale for all. employes of that position pays $6,000 a year. percent for the Woods and 25.35 munJam.. . Ge H 0 ery ere . e, armsouncil am rs Mon ay ev~nmg, e The "[Hoods w'ill add an city. The fiscal year be- His resignation left two va- percent for the Shores. U. S. Manne MaJ. n orner --- WIth an overflow crowd of Kerby road reSIdents who . YY • gan July 1 1957. . candes on the council The The Shores receives its water L. Litzenberg, UN commander, A Detroit Police Holdup attended en masse to r,egister their. protest to the proposed estimated. to Its $57,100 1957 ' other was created when Ken- from these mains which ge rejected the proposal on the Squad' in for m e d F1arms widening of Kerby road between Chalfonte' and Char- ~treet malntenance program, .' Based, on s~ryeys of surround- grounds they were not proper police detectives last week levoix It was brought out at, a mg ComInunltles !IDd. r~tquesdts neth Cunningham was elected through the Woods: on Vernier mayor by the council members road, extending, from the west subjects at a military con- that it is holding three men' . council meeting on Monday, made y tb eh varl,!us Cly e- ference. The Reds have been h nf' d bb ~etters ;'Vere mailed to the children going to and from Jul 1 ' , partments, salary mcreases of to succeed the late Homer to east city li,mits; all 12-inch arming themselves with mod- w 0 co ess,! to a ro eryl reSidents m the Kerby School school. .J' t' h ld M d approximately 4 ner cent were Fritsch, who died before he and 16-inch mains in Mack g could take his oath of office avenue from the south to the ern weapons in violation of the committed in the Farms la~t area on-'June, ", inviting them "S'd lk K b u'ould J' a17metemh eds on O?lay, approved for poH;e, fire and ad- M- ' t tt d th "Jul. 1 t' 1 ewa s on er y YV une', e w00 COunCl ap- "t t' 1 M' 1953 truce, and became angry ay. 0 a en e 'Y, mee mg be, very close to the street, ed tr twith the .Cook mlDISra lVe emp oyes. en, in for another two-year, term in north city limit,;; the 12-inch when the United Nations de- The trio were picked up on and to acquaint themselves thereby increas,ing the danger ~ro~~.con ac f D t oit the Department of Public Works. "April. , ' line in Cook road from Mack to cided 16 do likewise. charges of numerous felonies in with the ..prOp?Sed projec~l and h.~rm .to children .run~ing .w~~::;/~~ec~:~~t~~r~ed t~ rre_ were awa,rded a' wage 'increase On May 27, Stanley E. Fildew Morningside drive from Cook • • • the Detroit area. Their signed MondaYiI'slarge turnout evi- or falung, mto the st.reet. Slde- pair and, resurface several of 13 cents per hour. . of 1105 Harvard road, was road northerly to its connection: Friday, June 28 confessions s tat e d that they lk lIb d t t nominated tc fill the post va- with 1>h'e proposed water main HURRICANE AUDREY killed' broke into the trunk of ,a car denced ,that the residents were wa s c ose y pr ermg a s ree 'streets in the citv' for' a sum The increases were about the cated ~b~ Mayor Cunningham, which will be installed at the well, informed ,O,nthe proposed .cr:eate a ,dangerous situation total of $41,800. ,. same approved', iby the 'Farms 17 persons, injured 250, crippled owned by Fred Bell, of 465 d f th 1 rd and on June 10, the oath of northeast section of the Woods ~hipping, caused mill ion s in Cloverly, on May 20. They told widening, arid-also. th.at they m an 0 emse ves rega - Estimates Were Low Council one year ago. office was administered to him in the immediate future. were very much agamst the less of the amount or speed ,of AM' d ' ht' ' t' In addition to salary in- by City _Clerk, Charles Heise. Shores to Pay Share damage and forced 75,000to flee Detroit detectives the y took proJect. traff'lC on' th e stree t. C',t , A~on,. ay,. t nigt 'Ws mee. 11. mg, creases the number' of sick- their homes along the Louisiana- $275 in silver, ,$200 in bills, and' " • .. . Ity _ ~muus ra or ,1 1am, . Noone was nom~nated for The Shores will also pay its Texas coast. The hurricane, with $200in checks from the 'car. Present Petition . Parer;ts plc~.tlngup or brmg- Lan~ informed'the council that le~ve days which can be ac- Ives' pos~tion. share of the installation and up- a 105_mile _an _hour pun c h, When Bell' was questioned by . The residents presented their mg thell~ chIldren to sch~ol the am&\mt bid by the contrac- cumulated ~as extended to lOO Last week, the Wayne Coun- keep of the proposed main lth smashed its way inland from the F~lI'lnspolicg he said he had re- protests in the form of the would haye to cont~nd W: , tors was well below the estimat- day~. PrevlOus.ly ~nly 72 ~ays ty Board of Supervisors defeat- which will run from Mack to Gulf of Mexico. A Coast Guard ported the loss to his insurance following, petition: . more traffiC, thereby mcreas1D:g ed figure,' and. therefore, with o~SIck leave could rJe saved up. ed lves' hopes of taking over Lake Shore road. This main, plane pilot who flew over the company but had forgotten to "We the undersigned being da~ger to ~hen:selves and, their additional monies appropriated, Clty ~plo:yes can accUlIDulate the commission job, by electing part of the Woods' master water town of Lake Charies, La., re- tell the police. reside~ts on Kerby ro~d be- ~hl~dre~hal:ght~: fro::land en- the city will ~ave enoJ,lghto ex;- 12 days of slck leave a year. Thomas V. LoCicero of 1105. main plan, will .take care of orted a tremendous amount of The ~eves said that. they tween Chalfon'te 'avenue' and ermg elr au omo I es. , tend the program. The poliee department's cloth- Three Mile drive, to the posi- future home developments in P UNot only would local traffiC $ . . t d:' . damage, with buildings demol- knew Bell made collections at Beaupre avenue, or Qeing resi-. y The,. 41,800 ,18 .gomg. owar mg allowance was mcreased tion. the subdivisions of that section. ished and the town under water. ice vendin'g machines and was dents /in the' neighborhood' of ?e greather on Kwerb Road, bUtt the ~mten~nce,. m.cludmg mud from $75 to $90 per year" per At Monday night's meeting, The hurricane also drove a known to keep, the money in his Kerby Elementary School or ma~muc as arren mee s jackm~, "adJ~tmen~ of 'maTI- man. . lves was nominated for the post . .' 1 b' 'd t . f' th Mack only three blocks south holes' and catch bas-ms replace------"'r' a g r 0 u n d and washed car until he could take 1t to a Slmp y emg reSl en s 0 e . M 'k d' , he' left, by Mayor Cunningham, Police Seeking tank.. C't f G P . t F of the intersectlon of ac -an ment of curbs';whei'e necessary RUSH'T' HE HOL'IDA"IIT buildings into the raging sea. bank. 1 Y 0 rosse om e arms K b th h t ff' t d ~ and elected to the council. - b tf .11 t't' 'th ' !'lr y, roug ra lC 0 an and the adding of ,two and a ReJllllants of Audrey also hit in- His insurance agent, told Bel~ h,e,re ~ respec ~. y pe I Jon e, from ,Jefferson would use half inches' of asphalt, cap on A resident of Country Club The mayor "Saidhe nommated Hit-Run Driver to Philadelphia, Miss, that the money was not covered scud City Co~ncll.to a~on the Kerby. Thus, driyers who norm:- South Ren:aud road from Mack lane complained to Farms po- lves on the condition that he ... • • unless it' was taken from his proposed wldenmg of Ker,by -ally would .travel on Moroi3s, to.' the east city limits', and lice on Monday" July 1,' that (lves) , serve the full term to Squad car crews in the Pointe CHARLES E. WILSON, secre- home. road between Chalfonte avenue three blocks north of Kerby No~th' Renaud from Ma'ck to some young boys were rushing which he had been elected. area have been told to be. on the tary of defense, said that ap- The trio who confessed to the and ~eaupre av~nue for t~e would trave~ on Kerby Road, the Milk River.' , the holiday season and in a de- The council members did not lookout for a late model Chevro. subrmt any names of prospec- proximately 25,000 to 30,000 robbery, will be prol'ecuted by followmg reasons. thereby unnecessarily' decreas;' AI 'd' ki lr h re structiv e manner. - They had let whose driver is suspected of u E soldiers an d mannes. Wi'11 be De, troit authon't'les, and th'elr JO. b "Trafflc. ~:mKerby. would be- mg. ' trafflc, on Moross, a street needed,so inn:tthe. followingJac n " streets:plac~dweal a firecracker ir; a rur' tive nominees. causing some hit-and-nm dam,. pulled out of Japan'by Christ- in Grosse Pointe will be incor- come heavler an~ wOul,d m?ve capable-'of ha..'ldli~g such t7'affic Van" Antwer,pa~~~.ue~' Country ,type mailbox knocking the box The Park mayor and council- age on Provencal road, early mas. This would leave aboutporated with a ~ist of other faster, thereby mc~easmg th~ now, and '°increasmg traffIC on Club drive; .L6chmoor drive, off its post. The boys got away 'men do. not receive any com- Tuesday morning, June 25. 50,000 U.S. ainner. and 20,000 crimes which took place in De- danger of harm to chlldren play- Kerby, a quiet'residential street Hunt Club drive and Norwood on their bicycles before the pensation for their services to Farms police received a cali naval personnel in Japan, in troit., ing in the neighborhood and In Grosse Pointe Farms. drive. _ . police arrived. the city. S!bout 6 a.m. from a watchman what Wilson calls part of "a ' ;; "Any future plans to widen' Other Str~ets Included' ' at one of th~ Provencal homes. He reported seeing the above BOundly.phased withdr.awal pro- ~erby :from Beaupre to Jeff~r-: Tlie council,&.pprove~ the in- gram." He said the balance of Brlettle Vnteran's~ to' Strut son may,., and probably Wll1,.elusion of these streets in the State He' alth Laws Cause mentioned car knock down SQV. the troops will be gI:adually necessitate the removal of man! program;' and the appro#mate . eral mail boxes in the vicinity Of e 268 Provencal. The car had gone withdoown as Japan develops .' , be.a~ti~l trees, thereby -w,- sums to be used: $500 for th~ her own defenses. He said the Stuff ;nII Baseball C'lasSlC mmlshmg the general app.ear- resurfacing. - of ~the remaIning 'Arguments, ~atWoods, Pool over the curb and. done some situation in Europe is being anee of Grosse Pointe Farms." three ihterseetions .. on Roslyn . ------damage to several lawns. studied, but so far no with- At 4 o'clock on the afternoon baseball which is expected in Police Submit Report and Hampl'~m_,roads:a~'Wedige- Parents 'have been giving the laws, to soap themselves down drawal of tro ops is pl!lDned of July 14,' at ,Neighborhood this anImal game, no man who The Farms' report on the pro- wood ind Morningside drives.' ,W-oods council and officials at and Slpray their. bodies free of ARROW BREAKS WINDOW there. Field, the all-star teams com- is under 25 years 'old will' be posed widening of. Kerby was The ,replacement of the bridge the ,lakefront park 'considerable all' soap sud:jl before putting A Cambridge road resident >II • • posed of managers, coaches and .called upon to ,play. The regular: prepared on June 14, after re- approaches6n)~acli side of each trouble in regalPa,to the use of on their., swim' suits to go into turned over an arrow to Farms AT LONG LAST postal em- directors from the American play_eI'Sin the league are urged ports were subII).itted by police, bridge on Roslyn and Hampton, the swimming pool at the park. the pool area. police on Monday, July 1. The ployes will be given a raise and National Divisions of the to be in attendance to learn fir~ and engineering department $4,800; asphalt:' re':sUrlacing on At the Woods cO'lillcilmeeting Some fathers and mothers arrow had been shot through effective the first pay period on Babe Ruth- League of Grosse 'valuable lessons in the art of heads. . Holiday road from Torrey: road on Monday, July 1, -it was: take the attitude the city has a house window by a boy in September 1. The House Post- Pointe~' Farms and City will baseQall,,, lessons which these 'The Kerby road pavement be-. to Fairho~eroadt $5,000;' ~d brought out that the :parents, instituted this measure, but this the neighborhood. He was ,1 ofiice, Committee brushed aside meet in the second ,annual base- very same men have been. drill- ,tween €halfonte ap.d Mack was asphalt,re.:sunacing on'Torrey; ~specially the mothers, are up is not the case. . reprimanded; by police, anli objections made by President ball classic for possession of the ing into the boys all se~son:, '~widened to ~9 fe~t in 1956. The fiom Holiday, to the,Milk River. hi: ar:ms ,because they are not' A s~t~ la'o/, enforced ~y told, his parents. could pick up J Eisenhower and approved basic Little Oaken Ice B~cket :which Adequate first - aid facilities section between Chalfonte and The Woods 'is' conducting a 107 ,permitted to enter within the .the M1chigan Department of the arrow at the station. I pay increases up to $546 a year rests behind the pclished glas&'will be proyided for these vet- Beaupre has been "included m year street repair: ..and ,main- 'fence enclosure surrounding the Health, and backed by the, for some 518,090INStal workers. of the Trophy Case' at, Neigh: eran, baseball m!,!n. Tom Fincll the' 1957: budget, and plans tenance prograrri which is 'ex"j .pool to keep an eye on their American Public Health Asso- THIEF LIKES m-FI The,.pay increase will cost the borhood Club, contributed, by :and his' Coke squad will have' -called for the completion ,of pected to be completed ,in :1000,.,children using .,pool facilities, ciation and the Michigan Coun- Leslie P McDougal. Jr., of 55 nation's taxpayers an estimated John Glaser, and won in. 1956, the ',stand ready for the thirsty ',widening from Beaupre to. .' ,- ...., .. ", 'while they (parentS) are wear-' cil of Health, stipulates that all Lake Shore road, complained to 320 million dollars a year. Final by the American League. ... public, and the, game will go Gros~e Pointe boulevard dur- SCHOOL WIND.OWS'BROKEN jng. street clothes; : persons" adults and children, Shores police on Mon<;lay,July 1, that someone had taken -two approval of the t:aise must be Teams will be made up of 'on 'ti1 th~ bist man drops; T~is ing -1958~: " Woods p(?lice,'took. a report An aigument always ensues 'MUST soap, and 'Cleanse, them- ;nade by Congress: mana&ers, cOClchesand directors is a regularly ~onstituted nme- The' engineenng ,and police' .from. the, j' a,Ii i tor of -Parce~ :v,;HeIFth'e:pare,nts' are told they selves' completely before. dcn- boxes of hi-fi records and a di&:. >II • • of the league, with' directors inning'game, but may be'called' \dep~e.p.ts do not believe that' 'Junior. Hig.:p.School on Wednes- cannot go insid.e the fence, un- 'ning bathing suits if they wish mond record player needle from Saturday, June Z9. playing on the teams which at' any time by mutual co~sent the traffic will' be increased day" June ,26; in which it,~ ,less they have .~n their ?a~h- to swim or relax in a public his car. He noticed the items missing .while ~on hi3 way, to N PRESIDENT EISENHOWER represent the area of the Pointe of the opposing squads; The .on Kerby au _a ,result' of the stated that someone' h!'1d.br~ken ing suits. The. parents seem un- pool area .. , " ~,the area along the in which they reside. In order provision for calling: the, game widening, because the traffic si~ windows of tlie,school's,band'ab~e to understand' that- they, The same holds true before, work. He 'valued tit. loss at .

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Tnursday, July ai, 1'57 Thursday, Pag8 Two ~ROSS! POINTE , - TWO NEW " I t Pvt. Bruce A. JaquishAt Fort ~lvoir, Va. The Grosse Chandler Attends K b Rd R "d F" ht Arguments .. Club welcome School Parley . Pointe tarians, Bob ~~!~ed~:~~~lw~i~n~~~fr~~~t\as e~:~k~~ti~:~~~":: (Continuedfrom p~~ 1)' . ~~~~~:~f!:mi~;:~~~:gStateUrnv... MIDDLETOWN. Conn.. June Business has been agreed upon in ca,se no'choice. 'Driyers., ~e' eit.he~ p'ossible t~ p.ass ctr).o~hercar un., ,people. put on, _therr. street M. ad.~o " Pointe Mich., re- 28-John Chandler. J.r., of one of the teams should.fin.d it taking their children to Kerby less tl\e, car IS'parked very; nea~street clothes,'" on leavmg the n~e, ,sse. d'to the. 79th Grosse Pointe University School 'Note~ '\ impossible to get' ',anybOdy out 5$001 or they are,' commg,\. fr om th e cur",W:._~IS0_. b hi"l.' 'ft'~nn~ 't..~_e:th poo1""'''. ... i.; cently.' was asslgnet Fort Belvoir. . on the' other side.,' .I Mack or Lake Shoreroap, @ld caseJAt the,schQol,slgna!.light ,.This i5 a ',Samtary law re- Engmeer Group a , . in Grosse Pointe Woods. recent- It is repo~ied 'ihat leveral 'of' must use ~e:b! ~s~8:n'entra~ce,in front of ,Kerby S~oYiL is ;quiremEmtof:thestate, and not Va.. . .' the ly attended the 28th annual con- William H. Bundesen of 917 the players will appear in Ber- tp the adJommg .sld~. s~reets very hazardous, so ,parep.ts are of the city, and ¥lJ~TJ~!Lfom- Jaijwsh.a re~~~. m, ference of the Country Day Lincoln. road. assistant director muda shorts or other . appro~ such ~. Hillcrest, Ridgem?nt,.allowedto park: on 'one:.side 9f~ plied-with, or the pool facilities group's 49th Engmeer Company, These Jiffy • School Headmasters •• Associa- of P.arke-Davis' OverseasDi- priate basebllll regalia,in view ~elailger;. Vendome. TOUl'~me, tb;~ street. when' picking' up .h~!~ .to lJe, b~rred..t~ t~or~e. r~- entered the Army.last ~~~ua~ you'll wear i tion of the United States. Mr. vision, is attendin'g the,four~ of tliedecision-.of Wa1tefCCon~ Clovery~ etc. diildren;' fUSIng to abIde ~y thIS edict. and completed b~l: tramIng, relaxing hou Chandler has been a member of week Institute of Managemellt nolly, president ,.of the. League, Kerby is the only through' . It. theitreet is widened, Parents, it was said. ref~e to Fort Carson,.. C01~ oldier at- set casual ' cour.e at Northwestern Univ,er~ .thatan appropri~tion,for'uni- street feeding thes~ sid~ streets parking.would s!iU orilY be al- permit their children to use the _Th~~e-.:.2:3.=:-y~e:ar=--0:1=-_s=~..=--:--~ __ :- -:-_ the association since 1951. lorge hip pi sity, Evanston; Ill. forms for the. men would not and the only choice of a drive" lowed'on one side of.the street,.pool unless they ar.e, there to __ , _ Nearly 100 Country Day bock for exl Bund~, Who,ISIn charg~()f be made.- who Ifve/hn oII~oithese streets but 'the' pavement would watch;them, becau:e.. they School administrators attended extra Jack western hemisphere operatIons The regUlar league games on is tGtake Moran, Kerby. or make a_sa~er- S~reetfo.r driving"f~lth . in' the lifegUaras._~ fly and are' the three-day gathering held at forized and, Wesleyan University in Middle- for th-e world-wide pharmaceu- July H between Cleveland and Moross as an entrance. an~ for chll~ren~ It ,s,.hould)l1so To these people, Woods City town, Conn. The association an- tlcal,firm, will complete the in- Detroi~atKerby' Field,'and St: .. Called.Ma~or Streets, ,~e .;.te~e?lgered that,the~, Po-. Administrator William Lange pletely wash nually meets at an American tensive training course on July Louis ahd New \York at Neigh- Norm~ny,they ;.:would,' t~e' ,lIc∧ ':F;ll'~ D~p~~n~~> are iSsues ,.tn,e assurance ,~hat the .,Until ,F~rtherNotice college or university to promote 19. " ' .. borhood~Club"will Sitart at l:~O the~hrough street;n~~rest.thelr1,9,fated"on,\epartment has police and ambulance calls. should not fear for the. safety questions. 'course ill management training. Neighborhood :F i e 1 d b7 " listed thes".~ stree,ts~ 'asr--'maj.or' ,Fire Chi~t,:;M..'V(illiam Mason of the~children. , W. H. Ramsay of 3? Radn?r. o'clock. .. streets ana;:8:110t:~~es~~~ CIty: ,stated that,. ,he., b~p.evesa ~f ._ We'll Be. circle, assistant dIr~tor In ------approximateYy five tunes. as, widening. program wou}d al..: Every'day' is the. dawn of a l her h, faded del charge of eastern. hem 9P f;!, C t t' • S.t' much money :trom the. wel~ht leviate .. a'~ott1e neck In t~e new era, but sometimes it, fee1s • BLUE • attended the p~ogram last yea:-. ons rue Ion' ,1 e an;d ga~ tax,rev~nue ,to mam-~erby SchOOl area: At ,certam more like the morning ~fter. . Bundesen JOIned Parke-DaVIS S f C h taln.Wlden and unprove ,these time.s of the day It would"be ' Also in twe~ in 1929 as a field representative ~c~ne'0 ,rss major streets,. as, that, allo'y.,e<;l,.practicaiIy: )mpossible-f~r c.~t:- .TAN for Northern Argentina and --- for .the local SIde streets.' There- tain pieces,' of tire fightlng S M subsequently served iri. v~rious Three ears were involved i~ a ~ore, the state:n~nt t~~t widen: equ.ipment, to pass. . ' Closed 'Sunday~, 28,30 32-~ positions for Parke-DaVls In the series of Iriinor collisions Ile'ar Ing !l..stree~ WIll bpn~ mOfe ' The report closed by sayip.g" company's Buenos Aires branch the, ga8!main' construction on traffIC-IS ~erlO:u~ly,CJ,uest1.0l?-~d..,'!the improvement ,ot.the sur-. until.1949 when he was trans. Charlevoix near St. Clair aV'k- The wld:n1.ng .::p-roposed, IS fac~draitiage,lighting and' ferred to Detroit. nue. June .2? from an ,exlstl;l1g"24foQtstre.et, general app'earance of Kerby REGULAR 5-TORE HOURS . • • .' An employe,1f the ,conitruc. to a '30 foot !"ldif, ,al1dtogether road will be but only incidental' Harold W. Scott was elected tion company whic~ is~orking ,with the w1~em~g;'.'p.ew curb to puplic sifety, and we.strongly National' president Of .the Na. on the'stre~t~ ,was dIrecting traf- and gutter Imes:wl11 :be pro-., recommend ,this '!lnProvement." to 11 tional Association of Cost Ac- fie around the torn up ...pave:- vided;also the'streetw111be re-, . .' ',", ' . , 9:00 A. M~ 10:00 'PoM. stQ To countants at 'the 38-th Annual ment. He signaled for a Ply- capped with asphalt to, make a C t t H' l.d. International Cost Conference mouth ch'iven by Graydon E. smoother' riding surface", as on es e held in Washington" D.\ C. J~e }4arSbm.an oJ.. St, Clair Shores,. against the present rl\u:gh' and Monday through Saturdays F B'. '\ , 19195 Francois'- 23 through 27. The 'Association, to cross Carlevoix. As the Ply- uneven condition. ' : OrUSlneSSeS TU whi<:h will be known as the mouth entered the intersection The' Edison Company has --:--' Clean Pial. National Association of Acoount- it was struck by a Triumph agreed to remove the poles Business establishinents are Ample I ants atter July 1, is comprised converUble 'driven by Joe W; along the southerly side of_the again invited: to enter,~he"'con- of 131 chapters,and some 40,000 Muer, Jr., at 225 Kenwood street rather than relocate them, test sponsored by the Grosse Children's shoes ~itted by OPEN 1 Clubber. members throughout the United court. . ' I and will place. all Power lines Pointe & Eastern Michigan experts • ; • b.,acked by. 29 " States, Cuba and Hawaii. The. sports car was trave ing in underground ducts. '.': Horticl.iltural .Society which.;..j& -FARMS DRUGS years of experience.' A Happy Birthday C'~ i rt d h' t. west on Charlevoix. After ,the New Lighting Flanned now in progress" 0\;011; sta e IS accoun mg M~.rshman car was hit, it In connection with-the widen~ career in 1922 after receivln'g F d t d' The establishments' entering 1 K.r~heval Avenue his B. A. degreelroIr). the Uni~ swerved. a~d hit a or s oppe ing, ,:qew ' street' .lighting has the competition will be visited To ver"ity of Michi.gan. He became' on St. Cla~r. " . been planned and the, o'ld poles monthly by a-chosen gr0l.!:Pof CH,ESTER'S ciWnM Pisher Roaa ., The pollee report dId not which will have to be removed BOOT ,SHOP affiliated with, N.A.C.A. in 1l}31mention any personal :inj~ies -for the widening, will be re- professional gardeners: Points JULY 2, 1957 Chi!dren'l Shoe Specialilts \ and since that time has been or sta.te that any VIolatIons placed with the modern type of are scored on, landscaping and TUxedo 2-5,15-1' Karen Kalb. 1311 Bishop very active in its work. He was ed ' maintenance of property. , 15911 E. WARREN Martha Dasef. 1234 Bedford presl'dent of ..1..e Detr'oit Chapter were ISSU . pole and li~h.t. . , "d ~t.ti th at Buckinham Gary Diebel. 1145 Maryland II.&! All driveways within'. the T? a d mo:e c;ompe 1 .on. e Bob Langel. 329 Ridgemont in 1941-42,a national director in limits of the work will be re- SOCIety.has" mcluded thIS year TUxedo 5.0863 Norman Orkiss. 1160 Paget I Anne O'Leary.' 36 Hl\rbor Hill 1947-48, a national vice-presi- OBITUARIES paved from the curb to the side.' St. Clarr Sflores and other east- Frank Prlngham. 976 Notting- dent in 1950-51 and now has walk line to adjust for the new ern areas In the contest, .. ham Suzie Speer. 867 University been elected to the highest office grade.. Winners willleceiv~. Certi- Timmy Matej,ec. 1955 HuntnJg- of the association. , ROY D. FAIRLAMBE It will only be' necessary to ficates of Merit at the Society's ton Patrick Cunier. 58 Stanton Lane He has aIm> been active in Mr. Fairlambe,. 3), formerly remove three trees in the section banquet held .in November. ' Nancy Gillespie, 6S'l Washington other ac c 0 u n tin g activi:ties, of the Pointe, died on Thursday, between Chalfonte and Beaupre, The Society feels" that land- Connie Condon. 1477 Lochmoor being a past president of the June 27, ,at his home. 21994 and these trees presently stand scaping and outside mainten- Ff Monica Quinn. 1047Harvard Kathie Wicks, 166 Beaupre Michigan Association of Cer~ Moross. between the curb and the side~ anceof the buisnessplaces add tilled Public A<:countants, and He was a 'Detroit area resi-walk .on the s'outh side of the greatly' to .the beauty of, the RQom Size Rugs JULY J, 1951 havin'g served three years on the dent for 25 years,' He was a, street. ~he. row of large trees communitY 'and through' the Coundl af the American Insti. broker for the insurance firm of on the north side of the street contest can be encouraged. George Waltensperger, 13i20Har- of vard tute C.P.A.'s. Crookshank, . DeCou 'and Suli~?just. west of ..Beaupre,. will npt Owners.' of businesses wishing Lawrie Seharlenbert. 39 Edge- Scott is a, resident of. GrOsse burk, in the Fox Buildingj for interfere' with ..the .work; 1Uld to enter the contest may contact mere Pomte where he lives with his the past 12 years. will'nothave"tobe down. the. contest. Chairman,Herman Up 1o OFF! Jo Ann Mendelsohn. 264 Fisher taken John Worcester. 1931 Oxford family at 17525 Maumee. He was a 1941 'graduate. of '']Jh~.re. are~-..at. pr:Cs,ent,'.~two HinSenkamp at TU. 1-2029. 50% Susan GueI"tleb. 697 St. Clair Joanne otter. 143'7 Lakepointe • • .' thE' University of Michigan, a; ,streets' 'dea4:.;'enditlg.,at'i Kerby, Cheryl Norton. 1874 Norwood .Walter R. Cavanaugh and member of Phi Kappa Sigma 'they being Ridge;,..and.,Charle- DRIVER POSTS'BOND Larry Grose. 849 Nottingham Frederick H. Kross, are among and chairman, of Cub Scouts of voiX.,Plans call.for.:the .exten- WilliiThimes of 2304 New- ,- Warren Trafton. 631 Westchester Evan David. 680 N. Oxford the more than 900 of the top life Marquette School. sion~ o:t,Wjlliariii~(.'a\i-eh\le: to ton" Detroit, arrested by Park n .elokeren Timothy Auch. 539 Lakeland, insurance salesmen who. are at- He is survived by his wife, Kerby. The traffic from these police on Saturday; June2l9,and. Charles Hastinp. 8fn Lakepolnte tending the annual meeting of Ruth; two sons, Richard and dead end streets will run' at Charged wi~h not having a driv- carpetlll9 c •• 14 the Million Dollar Round TCljQle'Mark; ',and a daughter, Ruth. least a block or tWo on KeIiby, er's license on his person while, J' JULY 4, 1957 at the Greenbrier Hotel, Whilte Funeral services were held and thereby add to the traffic driving, w~placed under ,a 15839.E. WARREN near Buckingham' TUxedo )-6022 Susie Squillac~. 22819 Avalon Sulphur Springs, Wa. Va., on SatUrday,. June 29. Bwial congestion. When the Chalfonte $100 bond pending an. 8ippear-' Re~ Arthur Mazzeo. 26300 CUbber- Me m be r s.h.i p in the 1957 was in Woodlawn cemetery, Junior High. School is com- ance in court. ' ness ' Round Table is coo;fined those • .• ' • pleter, addi tional traffic will Kathy Sewell. 911 Balfour to Tommy Landless. 874 Anita who have sold at least a million :1EROME. ,DEMEULENAERE have to be absorbed oy Kerby. • All ~ Suzanne Malcolm. 1774 Hunting. dollars of life insurance :during .. Funeral'services for Mr.. De- Traffic 'Count Taken ton . Lisa Deeb, 740 Grand Mara!s 1956 or who are life members ,Meulenaere, 56, were held at st. Police Chief Walter Hoyt re- Joe' Wallace. 1418 Buckingham through having; sold ,a million Ambrose' Church on Monday, ported, that a traffic count was Chrlstpher Selz 1681'1 Cranford • Disc Lone .. or more for.iJhree yeau in. a row: July 1. " ,ta;ken on June,S throughjJane Joan Couzens. 1239 Audobon The ,t>rogram is- designed, to, Mr. DeMeul,enaere, who lived 7, and' ~howed ariaverage of Mary Dammazr. 441 Lakeland 'Laura Tocca. 121 Lothrop • help the members in 'theirsales 'at 1235,Maryland, died on Sat- 3744 cars' per day on Kerby Terri Gould. 19931 W. Williams and service'work, It ranges fromurday, 'June 29, in Bon Secours between Beaupre andChalfonte. ct. i1 cc Peter Pace. 25 liarbor H 1 skilled demonstrations of basic Hospital. The count' is considerably George, Etling. 1448 Vernier selting techniques to the most : He Iea'ves his wife, Paula; than that on ,any other, stre,~t advanced developments in busi- sons,. J.erome, Jr. and Robert; l?f comparable width and higher JULY., 1957 ness life insurance; estate pIa1'\.- 8.nd a brother, Floris. than some of the wider streets ning. employe benefit plans. and Burial WaJ in Mi. Olivet throughout the City: Kerby is Diane Potthoft. 130'7 Some1'llet BAN Charles Long. 1130 N. Oxford executive compensation arrange- cemetery.. one of the Farrils' major Jill Schrader. 185 McKinley ments funded bY life insurance, • • • thoroughfares and will continue Linda: Sober. 243 McKinley John Egan. 401 Barclay MRS.B. PALAZZOLO to handle comparatively heavy Cathie Sm~th. 1l3~ Fairholme S h 'I M . . . - Mrs; ,Vinceu.t Palazzolo of 938, traffic regardless of its width. Kenneth Godin. 1193 Lochmoor C 00 alntenanCQ. .BaIfour ,road died in 'Grace Hos~ , The widening of this. street, Pamela Davis. 437 Moran Kenneth Hallidge. 1051,Audubon Men Hold Conference - pital on June 30 following a from the, Police D,epartment Dan Johnson. 1799 Hol~ood Sue Dumberworth. 419 Moran --- short illnesS. view, is a. very necessary move. Carcle Andrews. 1894 Broad- Attending the 24th-annual Mrs. PalazzolQ was thQ for- ' stone- . Conference of School Building mer Roseline 'Badalmenti, born Judy, Rose. 814 U'nlVerBlty Maintenance and. Transporta: In Sf. Louis, Missouri, 53 ye~rs 80 KERCHE\ tion at Michigll.n State' Univer. ago. ,2, JULY 6, 1957 sity on 'June 28, were John, Surviving, besides her hus- Thomas Nel90n. 23146 DoremUs Elder, Edward Treanore 'and band Vincent, are her sons. Sam Judy Dreibus. 437 Chalfonte Michael Satmary of the. Pointe, Giovanni, Joseph, Dominic and Patty Zemla. 591 Shelden Kathy Hamilton. 370 McMillan They were awarded, Building Frank; a ~ughte~, Mrs. Franc~s * Mary. Sw~Ie!l. 845 Bedford Maintenance certificates. ;fo1. Saracino,. and SIX.. grandch.!!- William Howe. 757 Hawthorne Marcia Hollar. 1321 S. Oxford lowing the completion' of . 300 dren.:-', .. . F~ John Olmsted. 1666 Pre&t",ick c1ock.work hours of, classwork .... F~eral serVIces were held Kay' Stiegler, 709 Lak~po1nte Ali Sharon Ar-drews. 1894 Broad- Mr. Elde!",was elected :to the ,from .the Bagnasc~ Funeral. stone . ' board of difectors of tb:e Mich- Home an~ Holy .Faml1y' C?~urch OITDOOI ',II'L.4(I, Mary Mitchelson, 1017 Whittier igan Association of School ~m- on....July 3.. Bunal 'was' In Mt. Lynn Olmstead. 1666 Prestwlck Tom Smith. 1311. Harvard ployes for the ensuing year. Olivet. Cemetery, ()Ui~ Wendy John90n.' 62 S. Deval The man with a ,narrow mind In 1955, property' taxes took • • JULY 7, 1951 14:Jh pH cent of farmers' net usually makes up for it in the • J le~th. of his arguments. . lJnda Law. 21616 Finlan Incomes. Jobnny Krausmann. Hi36 Severn NO JO. Robin Burns. 1258 Brys 15~ Diane Loftus. 950 Thombley Ne James Marquard. 1153 Whittier ~ __ A Colle!n Rauht 21615 Alexander ---~-.:. Gwen Petersen. 309 McKinley It's tun to build Showing i JuUe Beaumont. 1314 Somen!et your own fire- Kathy Decker. 1120 Audubon place - choose Robert Gates. 591 Renauc\ your own ma- Jane Krider. 758 Berkshire terials, your own design So put, the I Deborah Spitzley. 700 N. Oxford whole family to work building a fire- General E Carol Brandau, 1640 Newcastle Beautifully laund.r" place around this all-metal unit. And ,.' James Connors. 970 Beaconsfield lInd finilh.d. Individ. when H's finishe~ think of the .~. Mama Lynch. 2181 Van Antw~rp of cooking steaks.' chops,' hambUl'g- Through c David Neveson. 1161,Devonshire ually w rap p • d in ers I The unit is built to ljI.st for Tom Witchger, 1238 Balfour cellophane. yeaIII. Doors are of east iron. Grates have been .DRAPES arl! movable for, either charcoal or wood. It's low cost I Stop in and' ' SHOE It'EP/III. build some JULY 8, 1951 f MEN'S fELT let it, 'Aak for .our "lpecIal ing and eff shoe rep~ sem~~: :Ronald Mermu,.., .1724 BlJ!ek- found any' burn H,ATS J1mm'Y Schollenberger. 1237Bal. Smith-Matthews build your four LI!T VOUROLDSMOBILII Pingree McKay II. 684 St. Clair ,..Foundry Go. \ economica: Nancy Reynolds. 1311,Somerset WOOLEN , Billy Ohrt. 1831~wiek GARME.NI'S rune 1ft CII$.rv DEALER SHOW YOU WHY • muss. Sharon Bock, 719 Lakepointe DIY Q.EANED AND ME DAMONE SHOW Deborah Malewich. 1255 Aline 6640 Ch~rl~voix vie SUsan Wiant. 814 Westchester FlNISHID IY IXQ.USIYI mry WeJnesJtr( Niglrf THE LOW..p~ICaD ROCKET ~88~' Dean Sullivan, 166:1 Bourne- LUSTIItTIX IBJU\WIAU WA 2.7155 mouth • PaOCISS Barbara Wi1llon. 881 N. 0Xf0rci .8 ON. Opr TKtS YIlEAR'. Debbie SCott. 2126 Anita I Nixon peno,or. 1330 No~- ham " HOTT.ST-SBLLJNOCA"Sr Dave X~. IBM JlM'yAJld FUR COA~ &5LAZID 29 Oro'IC Painte ay AfIPItOYID $1 .... .-s'.-ntoDIS. ....2' _ sc.w_ ..... Catering to YOU -;-,,~- ~:.:-~ ... c.\ New• PubI1shetl every _'.rhurlday 'It) Allteebo PJdlIlshers, InC., .. J[erclleva1, GrOllse, PoJnt. FUJDI. , . lWchil'lLD . and YOUR Family Phone TV. ~.6900 ..Three Tr1U1k, Lines . .... Entered .. second elan matter at &he, pOlt office. Detroit, Michiru. ,under STO MACK AT SOMERSET the act of March,3. 1891.: . Subllcripton Rates: $=J.M.Per Year • ROSSI POINTI 20737' MACK AVENUE' by Mall; '4.00 outaide Wayne County • GROSSE POINTE "ARMS All Newi,and Adverttsing COpy Must Be ,in '!'he NflW1l Office by Tu .. daT ktternoon to Obtain, InIel'ti;OD..

" I .. .. : July 4, 1957 Thursday, July 4, 1957 Page Three

1 Belvoir, Va. TWO NEW ROTARIANS Robert. Reisig, during a lunch- boys and girls, wishing to ha'q The Grosse Pointe Rot a r y eon.meeting at the War Me- Hurricane Here,. Wrecke.'rs."'H. 'Clp,b Has Jobs For Volunteers interesting summer time work \1ichigan State Univer., Club welcomed two new Ro- No Just a.m.".me..'rs morial Center on M 0 n day, . The Grosse Pointe Woods swnmer program as assistant and gain experience in w()rking t Lansing. tarians, Bob Wilcox and Dr. July 1. Community Club, 20883 Mack game room leaders. craft in- wilth youngsters should I:<>ntact avenue, has interes.ting summer structors, playground assistants, volunteel' jobs for lllgh School and playground leaders. Mr. Ed Krattli at the Com. ED' ,. .students. Students serve ill the High school students, both munity Club," TUxedo. 4-2050. ". Ventilation. -hi'II, Ikdroollls. Hlllh. lJalllrtlYs. /Joor,<;

~l • KELCO JALOUSIE WINDOW ,.. PlAC:EOF THE 0.0 TY'!' you'll enioy your These Jiffy Jeails are the slacks 100(~, l'cllti/arioll! .. ForH' E"timo •• \ you'll wear for all your summer .OUSIE Wiodo'll & Door Co. relaxing hours. They have off- holiday more with TU 1.'4S4 .. set casual front pockets/two large hip pickets, port elastic comfortable bock for extra freedom, zipper fly and are fully pleated. San- clothes from forized and, of course, com- otice pletely washable. Whaling's We have a wide selection of clothinl and furnishings for your holiday pleasure ... attractive, comfortable, in good taste . . . and the BEST VALUES to' be found anywhere. I" faded denim solid colon of • BLUE • GREY • BROWN Also in tweed denim calors I)f .TAN • LIGHT BLUE WHALING'S S M L XL 28.30 32.34 36.38 40.42 ?/tfiI1)J writJIt, 520 WOODWARD 6329 W. 7 MILE )RE HOURS Ask About 0111"12..Mon+hWardrobe Plan North of City.County Bldg. Near Livernois -Picture by Fred R'mnel1l1 Lake Shore road. Another subdivision a1lb~ts with many new homes will be developed :00 P. M. after another Pointe landmark vanishes stores~mell from the scene; . ~h Saturdays 19195 MACK AVE. TU 4-5320 Shores Traffic Roy Reappointed To Drive Post • Violators' Pay' Ross Roy, of 166 Cloverly service from Junior Achieve- Ample Free Parking road, has been reapPointe,dment of Southeastern Michigan; . ~ Shores J u d g e John ,Gillis chairman of the Advance Gifts Inc., and in 1957 received the RUGS. OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY EVENINGS found Roland B. Meulebrouck of Committee of the '1957 Torch Civic Award from the' Detroit .C)~ N & V'S 887 Washington road, .guilty .of Education Association'for serv:" reckless driving on, LakeShore Drive. ice to the youth of Detroit in the Village road and driving while .under Roy, a vice-president of the through JuniorA~evement. 17047 Kercheval, the influence of alcoholic bev- United Foundation and a mem- 'ad era.ges and ordered him to pay ber of its executive committee a fine and court cost totaling and board of directors, was We've moved in ... still unpacking lots of $110. named to the campaign post by fresh, new merchandise ... including ~ SI Another hear)' fine, $100 was Sherrod E. Skinner, General paid by Theodore B. Salmano- Motors vice-president who is vast selection of Records and Record Play. vitz of 20036 Marlowe,' Detroit, general campaign <:hairman. erSt a complete lin.e of Hallmark Greeting who was found guilty of speed- The Advance Gifts Commit- ing on,Vernier road, "ana driving tee, made up of 200 community Cards and Gift Wrappings Clnd Party '- without a driver's: license. Be- leaders, conducts a special ad- Accessories. sides the fine, a. five-day jail vance campaign to solidt tra- sentence was imposed. ditionally or, potentially large Gerald R. Cusman' of 22565 donors who have been referred Ou~ formal opening' will be held early in Sep- FREEMAN Shorewood, St. C 1ai r Shores, by reporting units af .the carn- was convicted of speeding on paign. Co - chairmen will be tember ~•. when vacations are over. In the mean .. SHOES FOR MEN Lake Shore and paid a fine and Thomas R. Reid., direCtor of the time, you're welcome to '-:ome in and browse cost of $19.50. , office of Civic Affairs for the around. F lor e n t rn.e Constantino of Ford Motor Company; Max M. 23278 Uberty, St. Clair. Shores, Fisher, chairman of the board, ; F! now was found guilty of speeding on Aurora Refining Corporation; * Lake Shore and paid, $17.50. W.. B. Ford II, presiden~ Wi... ; Fis~her~s Albert R.' Ragnom of 5703 B. Ford Design Corporation; * Rohns, Detroit, failed to appear and Mrs. J. D. Kinnucan, 319 ; 17047 Kercheval. m the' Villag' to anSW€r a charge of speeding Hillcrest, Grosse Pointe. Fanns. t on Vernier and a warrant was. R9Y, .nation~lyfainou~ as ~ ; n IIRd issued for his arrest. salesman and as an outspoken * Ralph W. Moore of 1141 Hol- advocate of Free Enterprise, ; TUxedo 2.7790 comb, Detroit, did not show up has been a Torch Drive lead1=r * 18435 Mack, at Canyon .~ to answer for sPeeding on Lake since 195.0,when he serv.ed as t Next to "Chicken Delight" :; TUxedo l-b022 Shore, and a warrant was also. cha~man of the B:dvertising, ~+:iC+:iC+:~+:+:"'+:+:iC~iC+:iC+:+:iciC+:-: issued for his arrest. sectioll of the Commerce and .. It cost Thomas D. Burton of Profes3ional Unit. He has serv- Stockbrid.ge, Mich., .$27.50after ed as chairman of the Adver- • All Summer Shoes on Sale he was found guilty of Speeding 'tising and Graphic Divisions of on Lake Shore. the. Commerce and Professional Excessive speed on Vernier Unit, co-chairman of the Major • Discontinued Fall Styles on Sale brought a fine Off $10 against Commerce, .and Professional Leslie J.' Holly of 21238 Bon Unit, and chairman of Public Heur, St. Clair Shores. Relations, Advertising, and Pro- These Lake Shore speeders motion, before being named to COME IN EARLY AND SAVEl were also found guilty. Their head 'the Advance Gifts Com': names and the amount of their mittee last year. fines and costs are: He has been a member of A SELECT GROUP OF Lillian M. Fe t t e r of 5992 the United Foundation board Hedge, Detroit, $27.50; Albert sin~e 1951, and a member of its BANISTER SHOE. REDUCED Serafine of 24242 Valley, East executive committee since 1952., Detroit, $28.5(); Brendon J. Bald- Ih addition to his United win of 413 Madison road, $17.50; Foundation activities, Roy has Cl.arcy B. Smith of 1610 Rich- taken a leading part in many ton, Detroit, $21.50. . other civic organizations. He is Also, Gus Bauche~ of 24928 President af the Greater De. Cubberness, St. ClaIr Shores, troit Board of Commerce and.' $25; .Paul M. ~teeg of 2'5862,the' Michigan Society for Men- Penme, I?e.arborn, $17.50; Rob- tal Health, Inc.; vice-president. er~ L. S'lglsmond of 898 Brys of the Detroit Area Council of 8u KERCHEVAL • ON THE HILL • GROSSE POINTE drlve, $19..50; and F: e ~ W. the Boy Scouts of America; 268 W. MBAPLE • BIRMINGHAM Jac.obson of 2240 DanIelS" De- and a board member of the troIt, $10. National Junior Achievement,' ------'------Inc., Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan, and the Detroit Institute for Economic FOR A Education. He is a member of' REMODELED KITCHEN the Advisory Committee of the . Grea~er Detroit Area Hospital Council. of Charm and Character In 1~51, Roy was awarded a Gold Medal by the Freedoms Foundation' for production of a • • • • call CURTIS MOWER for a free estimatel series of :films promoting the. competitive enterprise system. In 1956, he received a special Open a STANDARD FEDERAL savings account NO JOB TOO LARGE! plaque for local distin,guished NO JOB TOO SMALL! before., July 10th and get a full six months' earnings Showing Complete Line of on December 31, 1957 at th.e.higl;1ercurrent rate of 3%. Famous Want the General Electric Appliances unusual in a Your savings will 00 moce for you it you will do something big Standard F~a~ before July :H>tbY'04l can get a !vi. mondw- for them and for'yourself now! JU6t bring your 8ItVings to earnings 00 December 31st, our next dividend date. Evel'1 Through our experience we Standard Federal Savings ~!ore July 10th. It's ~ eesy and dollar in YOOt'account e&f'D6 the lUgbet' 3% current rak .. h~ve been able to design and simple as that: you save the e88y passbook way. build some of the most charm. LAMP? Your money will be safe because Standard Federal i&ooe jng ond efficient kitchens to be hundred million dollars strong and-through the Federal Savings ONLY 4 MORE BUSINESS DAYS TO SAVE found anywhere. We con re. VASES and Loan Insurance COI'poratioo-iosures the safety ol YoBl' AT 5TANDARD FEDERAL BEFORE JULY build your kitchen quickly and savingS to' $10;000. . . . and 10th. SAVINGS RECEIVED BY JULY l4Wa economically, with little fuss or Here's what prompt action on 10Vt part will 00 for YCMl. By aceount ot' to 8( EARN FROM lULY let AT ST ANOARD. muss. "STATUES opening, a saving6 br adding ~esent M'Viog6

In our showroom, we have four com'plete kitchens • • • in both wood WIRED r-~-~------~~~--.,• / SAFETY Of YOW SAVtHGS and metal cabinets ••• featuring many, different colors and combiMtio~s. Glass and • I WaUerJ. L. Ray,PrUideRt., I Chi!\a Drilled STANDARD, FEDERAL SAVlN6S I SaVIngs ,earnJ!r~/ INSURED TO .ro,ooo.OO Safely 1;05Grisviold ' •. Deiroitl6, MIX-OR-MATCH Michi(JOlt I SPECIAL BASES CHECK ONE I I FEDERAL MAD! o Please selld fIlt full lnf«ml •.. o Endclstd iu eIIeck fer $, . I SAVINGS .. 110ft on sevini$!CCOurits .Dd how . Ie open It sames lCCOum. PIeue I •• \ STANDARD I call add IlId wilh\lrIWt" Mll. IIIIlI 1M lIlY pmbook IIId ,.. Iltt. I ~ 1\0 D \ a ~ N ASS 0 C I A ; 1 --...... "" 'eurlis mower I ~rds olld ~ckets Replaced HAME •••• ~ _ _ _.... I ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES I I .~OLLIG AOO~ ••• ~ , •••. _ ,...... I- 16915 'HARPER ACf'OSS ff'MIJ Vogu, TbeiU'r, ,---., . I I MAIN OFFICE-GRISWOLD AND JEFFERSON-WO $.4774 .... I - I •• " -...... I 1'7$<40 caANO .ltfVCi( .... SovthfhW l6530 EAst WARREN .. Outer 0tM STOkE HOURS: Tuesday, Weclnesdcrf and Saturdoy till 6:00 COLOR CHOICE ELECTRICSHOP ZOHI. , ••••• , •• ~ , ••••••••••••• tTAft ..- I Thursday ami . Friday till ":00 10641 JO¥ ROAD 1 block I. ef M.v-n 11600 KEllY ROAD eM ...... Monday, APPLIANCES' 17222 '1. Warren Ave. UN 0ltT iru fItJN-Oy.fMil kit 10 &aN _~, «lid, ri,w I t from fOItT ~ or offi«. We par ~ ~ wart. , 1406 N. WOODWARO, 1 block soutft of 12 ...... -1 Detroit Edison Service Agency TUxedo 5-3206 'Opp. E.Warren Bowling Alleys " TU 1-1977,. I , t t "

, , 1 ; De • _ • s 7 ' « .... , 7 9 in m I. •• .. lis"'." n 'S rom p e 5 2 & & 2 ,. ,,-," }'" ; __ . ,."c.:.",.,";., ; ... ,.,.,'-----)-)-, .-.0-.,"-;-, .11$., 1-".5.5 __ '__ ------.....-"""'!:;:;..... ---....,.,..-7..

• Thursday. July 4•. '951 Page FourS R 0 S S,E POI NT E N.EW S Thursday, J -----,------ENVIRONMENT The man who i~ all wrapped Exchan(. ... Schoo.l Planned Farms Firemen Snuff Two Fires up in himself alwa!S finds fault Vacation Bible New Rotary Offic~rs .Take Over Thll Grosse PI The afternoon shi!ft of the an abandoned coal bin in the with his surroundings. A community Vacation Bible used in the Junior, Primary and 'Club, at a recen Farms firedepartInent was busy basement. Worlonen were in- SchOOlwill be held daily at the Kindergarten departments. Pas- with two calls on Tuesday, June starung a new. boiler system First Church of the Brethren. tor Olden D. Mitchell announces Eder's ready to serY. 25. At 3:35 p.m. a report c~e when the corrugated paper used 19678 Lochmoor drive, Harper that a strong teaching staff has in from the, Sacred' Heart Con- to pack the parts of the 'new Woods, for two weeks beginning been obtained, using workers ,vent on Lake 'Shore road,. that. furnace were set on fire. Again,~ B~~~~ on Monday, July 8. The School from several different de-.llomin~ HAMS, Boned . will meet daily from 9 to 11:30 ations. There is no registration some painters. working on' the I the department was fast enough old sChool building 'had set, fire to extinguish the blaze before R1ckory-Smoked a.m. There will be classes for fee for this school, sinee the host and Oven-Baked to a door jam. , any major damage was done. in our own all children from ages three to 'church is carin~ :for all the ne~ , establishment' 12 years. cessary expenses. The workmen were winlg Parents may register their torches to ,remove the old paint 19th The Judson Series of Vacation when a.',fire was started within Year. Church School texts will be children ,for the School at any 24 time by contacting the church the walls, just insidethe ~ont HOUR office at the above address, or entrance. Slf'Yic. by phone, TU 4-2120, or they The fire was quickly doused SPECIAL may be registered between 8 before any serious damage had PlUMI occurred. SUNDAY HOURS and 9 a.m. on the :first day of DeUvel'ea moo UrErNOIS nr•.MeK the school. Since this Vacation Less than two hours later, the oven-Bot 15304 KElCHEVAl or. Bel same crew'ru.sh.ed to the Church School is for the entire TRY OUR OWN community, all children are wel- Country- Club. of .Defioit, at the come to attend, states Pastor end of Country Club .lane. This 10:00 time the fire was contained in ~rrmnn~tylt Mitchell. TO The theme of the school is "Wi de r Relationships." The Home-Made Kindergarten Department will Boat Damage. use the course of study entitled, 6:00 .SAUSAGE "Let's Be Friends." The Prinlary Heavy. iil Fire- study will be on "Friends Every- Ope" Thurs., Ff';, aff(/. Sill. W. Turkeys 'Shores firemen extinguished a Smoked In Our wnere" and the Juniors will use Evenings Till 9:00 Dl."liver the course, "Telling the Good boat blaze at the Grosse Pointe OWl! Smoke Bouse How TO PROfiT Yacht ,Club on Sa.tul."daY,June Sundays-1O:00 Iq 3:00 News." All th~se courses are Cut Prime and Choic. lee' 29. The' fire caused extensive w. Christ-centered, seeking' to assist JOHN EDER'S THROUGH the growing boys and girls be damage. ROSLYN Christian -in all their wider re- Out.~goingGrosse Pointe ROtary ~resi. ORR, president; DAVID McCARRON; Police Ohief Fred Duem1ing, TAX EXEMPTION lationships in life. dent Dave McCarron.,(center), welcomes GIL HAUKE, treasurer; MURRAY wflo is also fire chief -in the ~MARKET Whittier Mkt. Further information can be vHlage's combIned police and New A4dre .. With tock,'. high tax l.,.e1I, ill. the dub's 1957~58officers, who assmned SMITH and ED TAUBE, members of the ~tten regarding the School by fire department, said a call came 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. 21300 HARPER AYE. yeaton in'medium and high tax office on Monday, July 1, during a meet- board of directors. Not shown, are, Matt . contacting the host church by from. the Yacht CI).lb's harbor. OPP. 81& Natlo~ Market bracket. are lummI to tax.free Houghton, the new secretary;.and Dr. TU. 4-9821 IIllld Just Beyond County LiDe phone or in person. dng at the War Memorial Center, Guiding master, Jerry. Laughlin, who Municipal Bonda for income that ,.policies of the club during the coming J 8J.llesBushong" another member of the PR 8-77" they can keep. spotted smoke coming frOm a ~iOOOOOOOOORR~QOOOOOR~ 'year, will be; from left to right:- CLIFF board: As out-going 'president, McC.arron boat belonging, to L. R. West of ~ If you have a tuable income Thema!1 who does nothing is automatically on the board. 7()3 ~ of $10,000 or more, you may be always worries a'bout what to ,ASHTON, second vice-president; REM University place. well repaid by investigating the d~ next. PURDY; first vice-president;, ROBERT The vessel, "Peerless Pat," SPE'CIAL' advantages of tax-exempt State was in' a dock well at the club, c and Municipal Bonds. For in. when the fire hit.' The boat &~ stance. if you file a lingle return Raise $741,325 To' Fight Polio 9, ,usesC Heard measures 34 -feet and -,seven 4 9 !~~!~,~~~a~~~~!~ on a taxable income of $14,000, Hand Sewn' Shades- PLANT-1S115 E. Warren 'c-t C t inches long. , Crawford Cleaners BRANCH - 25116 E. Jefferson you would have to receive a divi~ . _Oharles L.Gehringer, Wayne By giving the facts to the pUlb- I.. n -1 your Chief ,DuemIing said the boat CLEA dend return of 7.45% or. a tan- The chief J:'~some:hins to think about! I the EastSide total" for polio fighting funds the camp~gn, th~y ,perforn:- a Court before. Judge Douglas L. saidihe fire originat.ed in a -SINe Our New Booklet, "How 1- ITEMS was $741,325.06. great pubhe seI'Vlce, he saId. Paterson, Tuesday, June 25. bunk on the vessel and might featuring IfJJ ~ .. "G Profit Through Tax.Exemptioo- MADE "This generous and voluntary ~urhe mem.bers of the exec- 'John. D. Russetts was dismis- have .been caused by a lighted explains in plainlaDguage'yoUl' INTO LAMPS support of the fight against utlve b~~d of the Wayne sed when the complainant re- ciglaret. I need for tax exemption. tells how ~7 polio by citizens of Wayne County ~lapter, w~o :feel that fused to prosecute. His' charge 'Laughlin estimated the dam- ·'JpJ-,Pr' much these high.gradeinveatmenta. Unusual Frame., Recovered, County - through their gifts' of the pubhe ~espol1se IS a ~ote of was, car not under control. ,age at about $2,500.The boat is can he worth to 10U. There's no ' at. modern prices. ' ,Complete Lamp Servlce_ money, time and 'effort-must confidence In the way theIr con- , .... sured Sho.. obligation. Send for copy today, In .. • _ If'; surely be as gratifying io them tributions are being used for Others who were dlsr:ussed or phone . as it is to the National Founda- the benefit of polio victilll5, for the. same reason, lack of a . for Infants and Children FIRST OF MICHIGAN tion for Infantile ParalysIs," join with me in extending complamant, we~e ~ames. O. FAST PACE "Pied Pipers" are designed for llttle (;ORPORATION OPAL Gehringer said. warmest thanks to every citi- Casey of 785. UruversIty plac~, More a~d more speed is de- feet. and are expertly fitted under the ~en." and Edward Cook M St. ClaIr, Buhl Bldg. Detroit 26 LAMP AND FURNITURE manded by people seeking direction of Mr. William McCourt. Ex- "All of us are especially Shores. Charges against them rapid transit in the pursuit of clusively at Peter Pan in Grosse Poiute. WO 2.2055 COMPANY grateful to the presS, radio and Of the grand total, Gehringer were reckless driving. Grand Rapids, Flint, Bay City .happiness. ' '7015 Kercheval Lansing, Port Hura .. E. Warren at Audubon TV for the wholehearted. way said that Detroit contributed ~ugh N. Mayfield was fined Battle Creek and, 2431 I Harper in which they have assisted the $566,671.8-4 and the rest of $100 and plac~d on six mOliths ' March of Dimes year aiter year. Wayne County $i74,653;22 The probation with no driving, for TUxedo 5-9236 breakdown of local contribu- violation of the drunk motor . Clocks • tions included: . 1aw. • G r 0 sse. Pointe, $2,690.12; A fine of $20 was levied upon Modern Grosse Point Farms, $5.301.23; Louis Lowenstein for entering Grosse Point Park,. $4,610.28; an intersection without proper 'OCEAN Domestic Grosse Poi n t e WOOds and cautiin, . . . Shores, $6,934.11. For running a red lig~t Rob;- Factory ------ert A. Kelly paid a fine of $5. • • • YOllr hairstyle by "ll Cl- - Michael Kelly II, of 572 St. SPRAY Tele, B aseba lnlC. Clair avenue, was fined $50 .for July 6 after, being found guilty of DEI Set reckless drivillg. . CRAN,BERRY A $10 fine wa B paid by Our 35th Ye/ August Vigliane of Detroit, for <, The third in a series of maj or SAUCE league baseball cliriics has been not.having his car under con- With Your Holiday Miss Dolores, wellicnown Grosse Pointe hat.. GRl for Saturday, July 6, at dia- trol and cauSing anaecident set Chicken stylist! is now It member of our staff of 4&. mond n~nlber '6 at Belle Isle. KennethR.> Marone:' bf'21-75 J The clinic will, start at 9:30 a.In; w:asacquitte'd' and'disriiissed. c complished operators" and will feature members. of the He .\Vas charged withviol~ting 2 for 39 ' 15233 Ker K(l.nsas City Athletics and the the pre~ervation of public peace Detroit Tigers who will assist ordinance. .' Roy~e in the instructional sessions. Hamlin,Inc. 19583 Mack Avenue Such former stars as Dizzy Success comes 'to those who 89 Kercheval Appointments-TV 1-7058 HAIR STYLING Trout, Cass Michaels and other do COD:ml6n.'thingsuncommonly TUxedo 5.8400 members of the "Baseball Old well. Timers" nrganization will also be on hand. Use.tl For convenience, <: h art e r 'buses will be stationed at the loading platform on the Belle locate' Isle Bridge. Transfers from other Ibuseswill 'be honored. The buses will go directly to the dia- son's ( mond where the clinic will be held. Lock The best way .to keep your ambition in the future tense is to devote most of your. time the E~7eingthe goal.

postman seafaring alway~ terr4' nngs• 2.98 If you are.new' All ashore for holiday In the beachcombing with our whimsical, won- neighborhood, derful. happy-hued a year! please phone beach towels ..• hand-printed terry Welcome cloth soH and fluffy; giant Wagon 36x68" size, diminu- And it's good news both times. Good news e1Jer1j six'months-in. the form of checks mailed to you in payment of the 272%annu~l inti:rest your money 9ams with NBD SaVings tively priced. Certificates. In fact, the good news begins the very day you deposit your savings in a Savings Certificate, for that's the day y~ur 2%% e~rnings begin. • Everyone ,ofthe 58 friendly NBD offices has new &vings Certificates. So stop in soon ••• for baftk security with s~mething on ~he side. '. . . .. ,-WELCOME: , , • WAGON . Morefriendibecame we help rT}orepeopz' / 'NATION~~L :BANK ,TU 2-1,134 Home Decor'ative Shop . . , .' OF DETROI'I~ TU 5-4817 17141 Ke~eheval, in t~e Village GR( MemlJM- Fsdtral D'POBii IMlirance Corporaticm Use Your Charga-Plate TUxedo 2..7000 I • 1" .,

, 6 ',' , \' . I J ' . ... 7.7 '.7 _ . .... -- .. --;h" 'i-'S-." '2 7 ..6 $ 2 7 ? • • SR. $ " July 4, 1957 Thursday, Jury 4, 1957 ONMENT Page Five who i~ all wrapped Exchange Club Seats Officers ,If always finds fault HONEST YOUNGSTER :rroundings. The Grosse Pointe E;;hange in the War Memorial Center Guest Editor .Teachers,Tell'Natio'nal, , \ Seven Named To Commission 'Club, at a recent meeting held " , A shiny, leathe.r bill fold ~ Installed its officers for a six- TheWood$ cration.- ~~~ssmen .and OHN EDER'S LATER of June, as a guest editw" of serYlce, orgamzat~ons contnbu- Mademoiselle magairie~ too ,almost, 20011rlzes. Ala; con- you will try us! The daughter' of Mr. ,and Mrs. ~equenc~ there~as a treme~d- ttier Mkt. h' F Th :2(}17U- ous turnout of .ownspeople as Sew Addre.. J' osep . ompsO'll, ~au-, well as members." '" o HARPER AVE. fait, Jane was ~~ken to New , club Fete was held ,in the i~ National Market Why Not NOW? York by MademOlselle to help' Beyond County LiDe write' and edit the big, August PR 8-7790 college. issue as' one of the '2{} Ice Cream Cone winners in the magaine's Col- l€,g~ Board contest. She won in Cause of Crash competition with undergraduate 15139 women across 1(hecountry in a Three persons were taken •to mid-season 'Kercheval Ave. series of assIgnments in the ssed RtJing~ writing, art and fashion fields. Bon Secours Hospital early Fri- day evening, June 28, following 15115 £. Warren A highlight of' Jane's work ot Lokepointe a minor accident. . Fortunately speciall 2S 116 E. Jefferson schedule atNIadenlOise1Te was no one was seriously injured CLEANERS an interview with Arlene Fran- Pick-up and Delivery and all were released after cis, television and theater per- treatment. . and DYERS sonality ... This will appear. in VA 2--5800 . The accident took place in Boys' Short Pants --:-SINCE 1918- the August issue along with her front of 475'Bournemouth circle, cross reference article on college "Grosse Pointe's Oldest and Finest" when a 1950, Dodge driven by • fashions in various parts of the Elsa L; Engleha-rdt of 902 Yni- country. , versity place, struck a: parked .Sizes 4 to 7 Supplem'enting her work as 1949 Ford owned by Mabel M. 1.79- guest advertising editor, Jane .. ?~ DenIer of 88 Meadow lane. • (reg. 2.50) Shoes 'toured the New York Times, the Mrs. Englehardt. told police SPEOIALISTS IN publishing. firm of Doubleday, she took her eyes off the road and Children Gray Advertising Agency, Field- when one of the two small chil- crest, Bristol Meyers, .Millikin Sizes 8 to 14 re designed for little dren who were .passengers in 2.29 er~y fitted under the REPAIRING Fabrics, Saks Fifth Avenue and her car dropped an ~ice cream William McCourt. Ex- Best.and Co. She and the other Pan in Grosse Pointe. cone On the front seat. all kinds guest editors attended special The front left fender of the Kercheval fashion shows sta,ged for them Ford was hit and the car was and makes at Trigere, Suzy Perette, Hand~ pushed backward over the curb. do 5.9236 macher and Forstmann. Damage to both cars was esti- The lighter moments of Jane's mated at a'bout $150.:<- Clocks and Watches stay, as arranged by Mademoi- The passengers in the 'Engle- Modern - Antique ~ Foreign selle, included a dinner dance at hardt cat."' were Sandra and Here's ~ very spedal selling of, boys' cotton shorts-right at the S1. Regis, a night flight over Craig Bowden. They w ere thrown against the windshield Domestic Free Estimates Manhattan and up the Hudson the height, of summer! Choose from ginghom, chino, seer- with Eastern Airlines, a, 'boat and sufered head injuries. tour ~ound New York, lunch A violation was issued to ,Mrs. sucker, or twill; in bright solids, ploids, checks. and stripes. Factory Trained Personnel aboard the SS Constitution, per- Englehardt for not having her formances of such stage hits as car under control. All are styled with tab-and-zipper front, , . ond'all~~e~om- Telephone VA J .6257 f \. • "The Iceman Com e t h" and ple+ely washable. "Hotel Paradiso," a special pre~ STRICTLY BUSINESS '. DELIVERY SERVICE view of the forthcomin,g film Find a man' smart e~oug~t~ loys' Shop-Second Floor "Pajama Game," and a tour of Our 35th Year Edward Craft] Mgl'. beat the other fellow's game, Mme. He I e n a Rubenstein's and he's ton smart to play it. famous art collection. GROSSE POINTE CLOCK Jane wiiI return to college in Mfgr. and Repair Co. 'the fall to complete her. studies for her B.A. Her long range 15233 Kercheval Be::c~~~reld Grosse Pointe plans center on-her interest in y~e fashion promotion. STYLING Two Cars Tangle. Grosse Pointe In Minor Crash TUxedo 2-7000 Use Your Charga.Plate Use the new municipal parking area A minor traffic accident oc- curred Friday afternoon, June 28, when Robert W. Jones of located immediately south of Jacob4 1178 Marlborough, in Detroit, ' drove his 1950 into son's on St. Clair. Attendant.operated. the rear of a 1954 Buick parked on E. Jefferson avenue under the University place s i g n a 1 Lock your car and shop in leisure, light. Both cars .had" been pro- ceeding west on Jefferson. happy week ends! The damage was not serfous enough to prevent the cars from being driven. away;'Jones .was ticketed for not having his car • I under control. The sel:f.:.m'ademade m~v ap- JACOBSON'S WILL ~BE CLOSED SATURDAYS pear rough,>but he's leally, faring . pretty smooth. terr4 • • • JULY,. 6th THROUCiH. 2.98 'sale! children' s •

summer sandaisl AUCiUST 10th re for holiday 2. 79 hcornbing with • himsical. won- reg.' 3. 98 So that all of us may enjoy a longer I. happy-hued Mid-se~son speci~1., with weeks of 5un- week':end during the summer months, Jacobson's ach Towels ..• and~fun time ahead. , . soft, 'supple will be cJo~ed, all day Saturday ... July 6, 13, 20, -printed terry sandals from our regular stock, 27; August 3 and 10. Store ho~rs on all other I cloth soft ond sturdily co'nstruetedfor comfort days wiJI remain the same .•. fluffy; giant , ' f and protection. White, pas-' ~onday through Friday, 9:30 A. m. until 5:30 p. m. i" size, dirninu- tels, multicolors; iively priced. .-Sizes 5.'12 to 3~ .

'GROSSE POINTE of • ~tiveShop • • .. Make Your Summer Week-ends- . .. • Happier by Shopping ,Ellrly Each Wee!c n the Village GROSSE POINTE 7000 TU 2.7000 Use Your Charga.Plate . ,

.. !

thurSday, J Page Six G R.O'-S S'E . P 01 NT!' l'I EW'S Thursday i :July 4, '1957

ST. PAUL Ev. LUTHERAN 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.-Sunday '-, '~ 3'75 Lothrop School G Nation's Majesty Impresses Girls on Sa'mpson Tour, ! Charles W. Sandrock, Pastor 9:45 a.m. to 10:4& LM.- Church services. By DEE DICKEY . against the bright blue sky, the Since the drlver is either in before us. Even before w~ .saw : Mr. T~ 1I0000000n. Vicar Breathtaking, massive, deli- friendliness of western .folk .are or graduated fromcoll'ege, he is it, we realizedits fmmenstiy, by i Sunday, July 7, 9:30, Sunday LITTLE B1ELP naturally veryl i, and after the verY fact that we spent six ChJtrdhNews School (1;2-12). 9:30, Worship eate, rugged, desolate, and spec- again things we will be sure to smart tacular-the places of interest bring back with us. . calmly. shouting his brood down; hours .trav'elling from the south' , and Holy. Communion. 12:30, , A great deal of the inside in- along this trip have been all this An unusual experience' was he tells them to yawn or swal- to the north rim. . ST. MICIiAEIlSEPISCOPAL. munion and Sermon. 11 a.m., Usher Picni~ formation we get is practically and much more. had by n'1ost of the girls when low hard. There, nothing to it. The Grand Canyon haS some- 20475 S1Jl1J1iDrdalePark Holy Communion. and Sermon. • • • worthless on the outside. To most of us, so much has their ears began to pop in the Still in Colorado we found thing for everyone. _For scien:" (Near' Mack and Vernier) Tuesday~10 a.m., HOly Com- July 10, 12,' Social Service happened in the few short days high altitudes. By now, though, another place of, desert beauty .tists it holds a, wealth of knowl- The Rev. Edgar II. YeomaJi, munion an~ pJ;ayers for I the Group Picnic-Farms Pier. mltllllllll1l11l1mllllll_IRIIIlmmllllJlllllll1ll~ that have passed since we lelt t7'e are old hands at relieving -the Garden of the, Gods. 1m- edge, To artists and poets, it Rector -, siCk., mense rocks, varying in color gives inspil;ation, To ,us, and Wm. Y. Gard, Choir Director Estes Park and Rocky Moun- the pres,sure w h Eo n eve r. we CALVARY LUTHERAN LAKESIDE E from deep .red,~Q oran,gish, other tourists, it gives. ~au.ty Jeanne D. Hurst, A.A.G:O., WOODS PRESBYTERIAN tain National Park in Colorado, change heights, but picture if Gateshead and Mack Avenue that we have to ask ourselves you can the first u':tlle the $en- thrust themselves lip suddenly and at least!.9r.8 time, ,a feeling , Organist 19950 Mack Ave. at Torrey ReI. UNITY CEIITER 1:wi.e: "D1d we really go there?" sation was felt. . . to the eye as you Ilear the end of humbleness. _.\ . u1 Andrew F. Rauth, MbUster Th~ summer aChedule will I Then all of sudden we say, We are winding our way up:. of ~ drive. from Colorado The southwest is a region of E~:~~:J y 7,,8 a.m."Holy Vlctor G. Novander, :Jr. start th~ first S:unday of July 20760 Maek Ave. .'Sure we did! I remember--," wards through the foothills of 1 and- end the last Sunday in Near S Mile ~ G, P. Woolts I Sprm~. Wmd ~d water have canyons, des~,' and lizards. 9:30 a.m.• Choral Eucharist ,AlIIIstant MInISter as the exciting memories we the .Rocky Mountains when a carven elaborate, holes and We followed the canyon circuit ...... d Sermon. ' . S d" Jul 7 1\30 ' August. e_ 0 t th d to . .,..~ un ay, ' y ,"'l7: am., Devotional Semu. share come crowding back-like girl remarks rather cautiously,: cav.es m 0' ,e san s n-: m to ,Bryce c..

daddy of them all, next loomed ~r:~nf~~:s~ oi'i~~~~st~n~~ iff/W//lW!/!M"4!m1zu)'l)dMdWl/ff,mzt:

in giving you trouble. Four f ou a. lnY1ted to Ull the b,oys and one girl braved it to the top, I:D0stly b,ecause they Chrisiian Seiince were sure there. was an easier way down-there wasn't. An- Reading RODII :J)ream gel's Landing was a beautiful 93 Kercheyol cJ..imb,and not so difffcult. It, provided many thrilling Views First Church of Christ. of the canyon .. The drivers had Scientist. A a: contest to see who icould do Grosse Pointe Farms thecliinb intheleas1itinie. Nor~' Open from 10. a.m. to A p.m. mal time was three hoUrs, but didly e x c e p t Sundays and the winning time was one hour . Holidays, Friday evenings fron. .Jl:(}tndl!f 7 to. 9 o'clock. • LE1 and forty-five minutes. Our last dinner before pulling out for the glitter and glamor of John H. 81 KITCHEN Las Vegas provided another ex- ample of the many humorous" ; FIRST CHURCH OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER CHARMING PAPERS TO CHOOSE ExplaIn by incidents 'which _pop. up so FROM; AND HUNDRfDS WITH MATCHING FABRICS often. Albout half .of the girls 'CHRIST, SCIENTIST, • Social Secur; and drivers .had 'sI?ent the pre. GROSSE POINTE Damman Co. ceding night at a summer stock FARMS to YI production featuring, a In 0 n g You and your other' .things, three' beautiful Sunday ServiCe. ...._ ...._...10:30 a.m. Custom Built of Sunday School-Infanta' tB•tB SPECTROMATIC. PAINT COLORS. hove more than blonde~. This 'proved to 'be too Room _. __ ....__._...... 10:30 a.m. stoke under th Wood or Steel much for the drivers to endure Wednesday Testimony after ,being cooped up with 76 Meeting. , : _ ':00 p.m. TO ,MATCH YOUR ,WALLPAPER Security Act. r: in a choic6 of screaming teenagers.' so Chet KERBY SCHOOL risk of losing 16 COLORS gave 'permission (in -fact sug- Z81. Kerby Road, at. Beaupre OUR DECORATING CONSULTANTS Benefits. gested it) to invite the three ALL ARE WELCOME Will help you and give FREE Advice irIs up for the dinner the next . night. BUSINESS Something apparently went ASSURI wrong during the invitation, be- Jefferson Avenue cause who should appear the DRAPERIES COMPANY Of following night but the ~three The only lelf-stik 3-dimenllonal panel 2612 N. " girls, who were sisters, along _aplisl Church CU,STOM MADE Royal with Momma and Poppa" and a t,hat looks. exactly like real brick •. JO 6-: horde of younger children, to-' 13337 E, JeHerson at lakeview taling ten in all. Happily Wa.hable • Stain Proof- Just lik. you want them-with Reside Homer J. ArnutronlJ, Minister ~oug'h there was enough food Fad • .-tproof - Rom. R.. 1321 8< for all, and the evening couldn't listant, the finest workmanship at really , have been better it it had. been MO~G WaRSHIP ..... T_U_x_._do_ planned: - lunday, ':00 aad U:OO "Ill. competitive prices- comparison ------per 69 Our guests claimed it was the CHURCH SCHOOL 2" x.h.et'128 will pr~Yethis ostatement. best dinner they had had on MIDWAY UNITS .... WIRE CUP RACK SILVER 51'ORAGE DRAWER their trip, and we could under~ Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Auxiliary storage space for area A great space-saving feature Drawer lined and covered w{th between wall units anctcounter, which can be used to advan- Pacific cloth, and compart- Has sliding gloss doors and on't tage for either cups or glosses. mented for flat silver. You are cordially invited to attend • • • stationary shelf plus botton WEEK END SPECIAL- shelf. Sixth Cbutcn of Christ, J 3l" GENUINE • DE.E Scientist, Detroit F.1.11 . . NYLON BRUSH' 14730 Kerchev.al, bet, Manistique and Ashland With the Purchase of Two or More Callons Crete Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Infant'. Room Open for' 10:30 Service. Limit One to a Customer

Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meeting-8:00 P.Jn. SEE' CRETE MASONRY PAINT DEMONSTRATED READING ROOM - 16348 EAST WARREN FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 5th. & 6th . Wednesday 10 a.m. to7p.m. Sunday 2 to 4:30 p.m. - , . Mon•• Tues .. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 10 oa.m. to 9 p.m. THE SUPERIOR COATINC FOR ALL MASONRY SURFACES. SEALS MOISTURE AND LOOKS LIKE TILE. THE GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHtJRCH Baseline at Mack, Grosse 'Pointe Woods Heartily invites you 10 iIItend Su1'UJ4y Services PAINT BOTTLE STORAGE UNIT' VEGETABLE STORAGE CLOSEOUT BASE SLIDING SHELVES Can be used in any cupboord Two sliding shelves, behind a Set of three baskets which fit I0:00A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL unit. Sliding feature of shelf locking, full-height door, each into vegetable tray for segre. .. ' Cu bring:; the articles within easy fitted with a wooden insert gated storC!ge. I I :00 A.~. - MORNING WORSHIP THINNER R reach. providing individual comport- WALLPAPER ments for bottles, openers, and 6:00 P.M. - EVENING' WORSHfp other associated accessories. , In Dr. Dille Ibrie, Minister c Your, , These are, only a few of the many special features on display , r Ial. Can "3' c in SHOWROOM NOW. '9 our St. Charles Kitchens. - VISIT OUR .Friday and Saturday cinlv RoR ••• or call for a FREE ESTIMATE. No obliga-Mon._ Grosse Pointe C~n9regationcil , .' I . ancl ' Methodist Church COMBINED ...... SUMMER SERVICES U.I_I"I:' A. L. Damman at the Meth~diS+ Church; 211 Moross Kitchens by Ji:(Jmler SUNDAY, July 7th, 1957,.'OA. M. REVERE)I.~D•• R. WllKI! 15701 E. 'WARREN at BALFOUR 9941 Hayes LAkeview 7-9600 Church School and Child- Care Pravided at, Servic. , .. (Acron from P~ce Lutheran Church) StOre Houra - • to 5:30 Doily, Friday tin 9 p....


I' ( (


•• 7••••••••• 7117.2 7.'••• S.1I7•••••• ,•••• ? •••• ? '" 7••• 7•.•• ? Z __ .rn..n_ s~ tr e_1IIIee.'lIiIIIIIIIS .wlllls '.rlSlls _ , IbtX_' _ __ .. • 1 _ "'pRiTt .'

Thursday, July 4, "957 Page Seven m. to 9:15 a.m.-Su:nda7' Good Day to Qrder Smoked Ham

LITTLE IIlELP - at deal of the inside m.. n we get is practicaIq ) s on the outside. . Announcing our--- LAKESIDE ITY CENTER 760 Mack Ava. 8 Mile - G. P. Woo~ NEW. LOCATION.

Devotionol Sel'Ylcea ndoy • 11 :00 Q.m. Midweek Servic .. - b~tter to serve our Man)T Grosse Pointe ~Frie:q.dsand Customers Jesdoy' 8:00 p.m. I . . Instruction Class .. - 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. . with. new, .modern facilities to-fully care for your ted with Unity lSc:hoal of Christianity. Lee's Summit. Mo. r open Daily 10 to 5 p.m. automotive needs in hoth sales, and service U pray with you anel you counsel on "queA. TUxedo 4.5230 I IliIlUlIIlIIJlllllllilllllllllllJUllRUlIlIIlIlIlIlmnmnni

•• ' -Picture by Ford Ballantyne. III . The ra~lqlrds got a good view of the was quickly subdued, but judging by the action whIch took place when a fire picture, the menu must have been a bit The Grosse Poinie started in a coal bin of the Country Club on the smoky side that evening. I of Detroit on TuesdaY"June 25. The blaze Memorial - K of C Council Seats Officers Frank Alter, Jr. Church .... Special Training (Pres1JytertaD) _'._------William F. Henneghan of were held in the cOWlcil's IS Lake Shol •• ~ James Alter 13303 Promenade, was installed building, 9375 Amity, at Pal'k- Given Reservists MINISTERS for his second tenn as grand view and Kercheval, under the -- , Rev. l'raDk nte. DD. FORT. RILEY, June 27 (Spe- Fran.;k Alter, Sr. Rev. Paul F. Ketchum knight of Gabriel Richard supervision of District Deputy cial).-Proficiency tests given a Rev. Ben La Council, Monday, July 1; and Roy D. Matthews of 2106 Penn- Detroit, Mich., U.S. Axmy' Res- TaUmaa began his eighth .cor.secutive sylvania, himself a past grand erve unit training here indicate WOR.SHIP BERVleB year as one of the council's knight of' Gabriel Richard, that citizen-s61diers take jobs 10:00 a.m. chair officers. 1952-54. seriously and .get maximum CHURCH SCBoo" Philip Bommarito, 4850 Van Frederick Potvin of 1012 benefits from_weekly and 'Sunl- 10:00 a,JU. Dyke, as deputy grand kn.i~t Bedford, was elected as a new- mer training. ' was likewise re-elected for a comer on the council's building second term, as were all of the association board. All enlisted men with the 5439th Army Reserve SpeCial other 1956.57 incumbents, with Gabriel Richard's 2,200 mem- Unit station complement here the exception of John Andary hers represent some 70 Catholic for its annual two-weeks 5ttm- ' of 1261 Marlborough and Rich- parishes in the Detroit metro- mer training, this week' went ard Naperkowski of 1068.Marl- politan area; 11 of these parish- through the maze of practcial borough, who were eleetedas es being also represented on its examinations that make up the outside guards for the ensuing officers' board. Anny profici~ncy t~tS. The ~1U~ year. The council 'is 'starting its The installation cerem.onies Reservists scores in the tests, ATCHING FABRIC 35th year; having pioneered the which' consist of putting theory first neighborhood'K. of C~ to practi~e in everyday Army council in Detroit,' in . April, jobs, were as' high as the over- 1923, with its first initiation in all Army average. "MAIN STREET" the building they now oc<:upy. The examination's excellent with matching fob- results provide :first~hand proof rlc and correlated that the Army Reserve pro- background paper Swim Classes gram gives its men the essential will giv. you that knowledge a soldier needs. conternporary Farm Deadline ,Nears The tests consisted of prac- HOIl" 'ook ••• 10 tical demonstrations in fir~ Final registration for the last aid" map reading, disassembly ,mart today! Very of the' three summer sWimming and reassembly. of weapons, moderately priced. sessions at' the City of Grosse manual oj arms, weapons sight- Pointe F'arms pier will begin on ing, intelligenceint!,!rrogation Friday, July 5, and continue un- and' other routine Army:fUn'C- til Sunday, from.: 10 a.in. to tions; Detaited questions con- 4 p.m. c~rning guard duty,and military LET All classes must re.register courtesy also failed to stump except the life saving class the Detroit unit.. . John H. Brabb, Jr. which is closed -to new appli': Since its arrival at the Post cants. If. enough applications on June 16, the, unit has had STO CHOOSE Explain Your are xeceived for evening swim- to '~soldier" as well as take on- G FABRICS rning classes they will be of- the.job training in the ,variety Social Securify Benefits fered from 7 to 7:30 o'clock. of skills for which its men are Among the special events qualified. . to You planned for July is the annual Most of the first week's work swimming meet for all ages on was devoted to 'range firing You and your family may July 27, starting at 1:30p.m. En- COLORS hove more than $50,000 ot try blanks may be obtained with carbines and pistols. A stoke under the new' Social, from the gateman. ni8lli,t problem in compass read- PER Security Act. Don't rt.ln the Other events in the planning ing and infiltration concluded In ' the week CYf :field training. risk of losing your lawful stage are as follows: ter-CIty Under command of Colonel Benefits. Guard Meet-July 27 at 9:30 a.m.; Aquatk Show by' pier Elmer H. Sliter, Jr., of Grosse' swimming pupils-August 9 at 1. Pointe, Mich., members of the BUSINESS MEN'S p.m.; Inter-City Park Meet- unit. then began working side August 17 at 8 a.m. and the Boat by side with Fort Riley person- ASSURANCE Review and Regatta-August 18 nel in an extraordinary variety COMPANY OF AMERICA at 2 p.m. of jobs. Engineering experts, quarter- 2612 N. Woodward Robert Orr took over• as tQe master clerks, cooks an,d bakers, MADE Royal Oak 21st president of Grosse Pointe ordance technicians, rugged JO 6-7193 Rotary on Monday. July 1, the military policemen and WAC ant them-with Residence: beginning of the club's fiscal clerks who came with the De- ' 1321 Berkshire year, during a regular luncheon troit unit were sea t t ere d . meeting at the War Memorial manship at really TUxedo 2-4644 throughout the ;post in the on- Center. es - comparison the-job training phase. tatement. o ' ., L c', NUINE FIRST FEDERAL BRUSH Paid. Over Crete NSTRATED $2,700,000 6th EARNINGS ON SAVINGS SURFACES. ILE • JUNE 30, 1957 DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer

• •EOUT 3%' Current PAPER Rat. c$hop Us for Our Big c Kercheval near St. ~Iair Annou~cement Specials RoN Use Our Drive-In Window • ~. •• .The same phone number VA 2-8000 ;1.1011; I FIRST FEDE .- 14811K.ercheval, a.t Alter Rd. )UR (Fonnerl"at 14801 E# Jefferson, at Alter Rd.)

= ... ./ ,

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Page Eight Thursday, July 04. [1957 T~'ursday. Ju Grosse Pointe News Replica' of Famed Shrine. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, What Goes On 1 Mr: INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD, M_e_m_o_r_ia_1 _C_eh_f_er_S_c_h_ed_u_ls_._1 OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, .at. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36. MICHIGAN JULy 5 • JULy 11 - OPEN SUNDAY 12 .1 Phone TU. 2-6900 34 ~ ,Your. Library Grosse Pointe War Memorial Center's New Telephone Three Trunk Lines Number Is: TU 1-7511 •. Member Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n. B, }ellfl 1;.,IM NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: - *All Center Sponsored Activities Open to the PubHe Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. 404 Fifth Avenue, New York 18, New York, BRyant. 9-'1300 Guest Columnist relationships and hwnan values. NOTICE: Please call for lost articles at the offiee. CHICAGO OFFICE . _ ~ENE MISCHLER A departure from. usual teen- 333 North Michigan. Avenue. Phone !'Inancl~ 6-221. • They will be held for 30.days. Entered as second-class matter at the post offIce, DetrOIt, Come the long, lazy days of age themes,., its setting is the Michigan. under the Act of March :1, 1897. summer and. what one of you fashionable Bramley School for Grosse Pointe Garden Center Room and Library open for FULLY PAID CIRCULATION' i-oulcin't agree with John Wil:- young people, where the central consulation and service. Mrs. George H. Pratt will be ROBERT B. EDGAR...... EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER son, a bookseller of the 19th figure, . Madeline Portman, a on duty in the Garden, Center Room every week on MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISING MANAGER century, when he said: "0 for charw()~'s daughter, is seen Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 Lm~to, 5 of PATRICIA TALBOT FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY a book and a shady noo~ through ..the. eyes a fellow p,m, A ~onsultant will be on duty on Friday from 2 FRED RUNNELLS SPORTS EDITOR either ~door or out. " . where, studenL Another story dealing. JAMES J. NJ AIM ~.NEWS ' I ~may read all at my ease both with school and its problems by to 4 p.m. (Call TU 1-4594.) . ROBERT G. EDGAR ,., ,_ .NE~~ " of the new and old." the' same author is "Rosemary," Hospital equipment available for free loan - crutchNt A.N'NE SCHRAGE NE Now most of you have your which concerns a young girl ~THUR R. BLYLER ADVERTISING . wheel chairs aud hospital beds. "Blood.. available t•. own special nooks' for reading who thinks her, life is ruined PATRICIA BLYLER. __ m _ .ADVERTISING - the wicker chair on the becau~eshecannot go to college Grosse Pointe Residents in case of accident 0 remerl": ROY ANGER, J r , ,ADVERTISING ency - free of charge." JOHN MacKENZIE BUSINESS screened porch, the old louJ;lge afterhig'hschool. JO ANNE EASON ACCOUNTS chair in the. den, .or the ove::-, One can. never quite blot out * • • ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' st~ffed furmtur~ at the PublIc some of .the more unpleasant Friday, July 1 nORA HARDING CIRCULATION LIbrary - that s no prohlem. facts of life. Two books that Michigan Junior Chamber of Commerce Tennis Touma- But, what book. to I read? ~h; reveal the lives of people en- ment-dinner-7 p.m. 'q • that~ the q~estlon. T~ asSISt meshed in some of the' problems We'd Like an Explanation ?,OUIn select10g some outstand- ,of our times are Alan Marshall's *Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-Mr. and :M':m. Andrew Walrond, Directors-7:30 p.m. " . mg books b?th old and new f~r "I Can Jump Puddles" and "The We like to tell ourselves we know "what's cooking", your readmg pleasure thIS Small Woman" by Alan Bur- • • • but what about the prices we are paying for the things we Famed Independence Hall, where the Declaration. of s~m~er, t?e Grosse Pointe Pub- gess. The first tells the strug- Monday, July 8 cook and wear and consume and rent and utilize? This is a Independence was signed, takes on new meaning each l~c LIbrarIes offer some sugges.: gles of the author when he was question that continues to torment us with ever-increasing July 4. as the nation 'pauses to observe the greatest an- tlOns. left partially disabled by polio Soroptimist International of Grosse Pointe-luncheon.- niversary in American history, The well-known national One?! the moot' popular m his childhood, but refused meeting-f2 noon. Rotary Club of Grosse. Pointe-l~. frequency. .' , books WIth o.ld,er boys last year ,t.o let l't handl'cap hIS' enJ'oy- Th C t f L' 'ng Index has risen with deadly regu shrine has a Midwest counterpart at Dearborn, Mich., .home cheon-meeting-12:l5 p. m. . . e os 0 IVI h hI' - f H F d M 1--' ------was the ex~ltm~ t~le of World ment .of hunting, riding and "'Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-Mr. and :MI'Io . Iarity for many, many months, even t oug on y a mmute 0 enry or useum. War II by 'Ahitalr MacLean, fighting in the bush country of fraction of a percentage point at a time. This 1s the national In 1928, automotive pioneer chambers...duplicatmg two in the called "H.M.S. Ulysses." In the A" ..trali:a. The second is the Andrew Walrond, Directors-l p. m. '. . d" t uff hI' Henry Ford, seeking a building original buil9.ing-that on the th' ...., Recovery-meeting-8 p. m. Icture, an it IS eaSIer 0 s er en eve~one e se IS . h. D au o.r s recen.t bo,o,k,','The story of a Lond.on parlormal'd P .w b to house his growing collections right the room w erete h ec- G . Th *Bridge Lessons-Mrs. C. A. "Carrie" Kiley-Iuncheon- taking the same medicine. e pam ecomes more acute of Americana, asked Robert' O. laration of Independence was uns qf .Navarone, he ha~: who felt called to become a 8 p. m. . In an evenir f . when it is localized, even on a state-wide basis. . ' Derrick, a Detroit arehitect now signed,. th~t on the left the Su- again ..written a taut,. well- missionary. and . who journeyed Church on JunE *Cancer Information and Service center-service work Governor Williams is taking a lambasting over charges retired, for suggestions. Der- preme Court. Chamber. Ford's plotted adv:entur~ novel of the alone via Russia and Japan to \ and Mrs. Edwan a.m. to p.m. that Michigan's tax requir~ments are keeping industry rick offered an Independence Museum, however, -,went far be-\ s~e war. ~ WhlC~',five hand- a remote village in northwest n ? bride of Adrian from locating here and are even driving established busi- Hall replica as an idea, and 'Ford yond the Independence Hall pIcked BrItIsh soldiers are de- Chma where she remained for Tuesday, July It Bruyn of Traver nesses to other areas. Now an added stipend is to be readily accepted. Ford insisted group. Past the' facade of tailed to. blow~ up the gu.ns of seve;nteen years living. and charged against us who are addicted to the tobacco weed, upon a faithful reproduction-, patriotic replicas, the museum .~ strateglc ~erz;ran-held Islan.d working among the. simple Grosse Pointe Real Estate Brokers Association-luncheon. Given in marl he even declined to let archi- fans into a Mechanical Arts Hall. ~n the Medlterraneall. .If thIS mountain people. These unusual roeeting-12 noon. father, the, bride or who like to take a relaxing nip at the end of the d a.y's tects corre,ct what they consid- covering eight acres. Today the IS .the type of nov~l that you. exper~ences of a heroic and *Briqge Lessons-Mrs. C. A. "Carrie" Kiley-Instructor- of duchess taffeta frenzy. . . . . ered erors in the original struc. museum and adjoining Green- enJoy, then you .wlll want to dedicated woman are told with 8p.m. . silk Chantilly la, We reahze that there are those who WIll arg~e that :ture so these wereauthEmti- field Village have become one r:ad "The ...Enem~ Below" b~ the drama and suspens~ of.fic- *Service Guild for Children's Hospital-service work- pattern. A matcl anyone weak enough to indulge in the filthy habits of, call; copied, too. Even the bell of the mo!;t popular tourist at- Plctur7 ofa~thentlc naval war- tion. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. held her fingertip drinking and smoking should be made to pay for th,.e vices. Iin the steeple is a duplicate of tractions in the nation and are fare, 'In. Whl<;h_a du~l to the Have you ever thought ahead ried a bonquet 0 ht * * We would lurch back with a volley implying that stronger the Uberty Bell. As at Phila- visited by nearly a million per- death. IS fOUis between a. ti' e• d d d h' 'll • eentered with a v. sons annually Greenfield Vil- British destroyer and a German bInl.m. , an wth,~nelre w 0 wld Wednesday, July 10 ¥ characters are able to carry' bigger loads, and if we weak- delphia, Ind.epen~ence Hall is in .' . . . submarine . e lvmg on IS p () t0 fgroun Christina Hatch f, ¥ lings are too hard pressed while satisfying our horrid crav- the. center, the CIty Hall at the lagels a 200-acre out<;ioormu- '." . . .' .. years from now? One of the *Senior Club-tea andcards-l:30 p. m. ' ter's maid of h( ~, ings, we shall soon all be killed off or 'confined to institu- left and the County Court House seum containing more than 100 f An. older wor~. b~t stIll a 'best science fiction writers of *Grosse Pointe Community Theatr~make-up Class-'7:30 mails were Susan . P '11 th f' d t h t 1 at the right. At each side of the home~ and workshops of famous .aVo~lte"TofhmanSh~~~ 'h~'hFor- today, who delights in taking Th S t p.m. bara McGrath, Pi tions. e lmon- ures WI en' m ou w a a rea main entrance (a/bove)' are AmerIcans. es er s - e lP, w lC re- h' d . t te and Ann DeBruyr burden life can be. But maybe sans nicotine and alcohol in • veals the brief period in the IS rea ers m,o 011 r space "'Style, Groorning and Modeling Class-Mr. Lief Bergan.: ibridegroom .. heir systems, they would be able to take it all in stride. li;ves .of .a ship and the men where t~ey see the men of t~e t dren. Dr.-Clark left his home to the Japanese Government turn- . future IS Arthur Clarke His will conduct classes for both "Miss and Mrs. Gross. We profess to be no experts in. the field of economy or. care for patients at the Cameron ed Girard over to American aboard her during a battle off ' . . . Pointe""':-7:30 p. m. Arie DeBruyn, . 'on, but so many little detaI'ls keep cropping up daily the coast of Italy. If you pref~r latest ~k, and one of J:lls~ost *Memoriar Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-Mr. and Mra. the bridegroom, 1 taxatl Medical 'Center a few' minutes, authorities for trial after the 'h.Lgh adventure combined with entertaInIng to d~te, IS The and seating guest An,drew Walrond, Directors-7 :30 p.m. that we can't help but be bewildered by the discrepancies .. before Hurricane Audrey hit United states agreed to his trial a touch of mystery in your Deep ~ge." It: has a f:resh brother, Dick I We recentlv returned from a motor trip east and one ex- the Louisiana Coast. Thirty min- in Japan. books about the sea, two excel. and orlgmal settIng, the deep * ... * Leon Arnst, Jam perience al~ost completely wiped out all the accumulated utes after the l;lUrricane and a.. • lent ones that will catch your sea, and takes p~ace about one Thursday; July 11 James Carr. benefits of the vacation.. tidal wave struc~, Dr. Clark was Tuesday,/uly 2 immediate interest are. UHang- hundred, years, 10 the f;ttur~, Grosse Pointe Post 303-of American Legion-dinner for Mrs. Hatch wo: We know that high gasoline prices in Michigan have" notified that his wif'e and chii- TWO HUGE GRAVES were, man's Cliff" by Robert Neill, a when t?-~, earths populatlon 15, wounded veterans--6 p. m. pliqued organza g long been the subject of controversy, investigation, etc., so dren were missing., True to his dug to hold S far 268 bodies have characterizations, are qualities -795 Lake Shore Road' . . The above mentioned titles Happy vacation days ahead, , . Brunch j our destination. To our amazement and delight, we came their nurse' were reported to been recovere?- and of these 98 that typify all books written by Grosse P.ointe 36. Michigan are just a few of the many new and good reading to you all! --'"' upon a fun-fledged shopping center, several miles have ~roVv"Iled'inthe tidal wave. are still nameless. He said the Mary Stolz. Her latest story, A get acquaintE outside of the nearest city. Surrounded by parking lots, it • ... • death toll might reach 350. Val "Because of Madeline," is a new officers and boasted a good many stores, anyone of which would have A MILJ;rARY COURT found Petersen, former head of Civil penetrating analysis of social CITY 0' hers, of the St. C! done credit to our best business areas in the Pointe. A Army 001. John G. Nickerson, Defense,' sent to 'the hurricane . Bids Invited falco Archconfr~ Jr., guilty of leaking secret de~ area by President Eisenhower, held last week. brand new, gigantic super-market was the focal bui 1ding. told the Chief Executive that Water Feeder Main- It was given a1 W h. d 'th di t h' . d' fense data and fin~d him $1,500 Enjoy Belter . e got our s oppmg one WI spa c m aIr-con 1- and susPended him n-omcom- the toll may reach 500. Fatrford Road the new presider tioned comfort, noting the meanwhile that prices seemed mand for a full year. Under the • • ... Cunningham, of ' lower than we had been accustomed to. But the piece de sentence, Col. Nickerson, theor- THE UN IT ED S T'A T E S Health The Village of. Grosse Pomte Tentative plans fi resistance came at the butcher's counter. We asked for a etically, cannot even tell a pri~ in the Far East arid the Shores invites sealed bids .for activities were pr 1 By Fred Kopp, R. Ph. special 3 h to 4 inch thick cut 'of porterhouse .steak and vate what to do.'Upder the mili~ Pacific were united under a the furnishing of all.labor, ma- group for discussi when it was prepared and brought out for inspection and tary code of justice, his promo- navy man, Adm. Fe Ii x B. terfal and .equipment involved Bids Invit'ed Other new of the amount quoted, it see!p.ed so.ridiculously cheap that we iion chances are not affected, Stump, 62. Peatl Harbor, scene You will never know how Archconfraternity really' good you can feel men- in the installation of a feeder inquired as to the price per pound. It was 79 cents. but he is deprived of his rank of 'the ,infamous Japanese at- water main along FairfCird Road, Mesdames J osepl tally and physically until you seph Schulte, & Upon our return to the Pointe we went into our neigh- privileges such as priority iri tack in 1941, became the com- obtain and follow the' advice Grosse Pointe Woods arid Grosse boring Wrigley super-market and put in an identical order. selection <>f quarters. He will mand posi f.or the unified forces. ,of a qualified physician .. Pointe Shores. Joseph Feist, Wi! The steak we purchased here possibly approached but most still get a~olonel!s pay. The Adm. Stump became the com- Robert Squires, E , court mar t i a I .could have mander of nearly a half a mil- At every age our bodi~. The work consists of: Sealed bids are being invited ror furnishing 111. Clement Simon. certainly did not surpass in' taste nor tenderness the one brought him a '30-year jail sen- lion U.S. servicemen and more are in a' process of change Installation of appr,oximately City of Grosse Pointe Farms with one (1) 3 cubic yard- New chairman we had bought in the east for cents per pound. Here we tence and dismissal from the the 7,000 planes and 400 ships. and every nov,r and then 'We 79 940 feet of 12 inch cast iron one (l'j 7 cubic yard dump truck. standing commit paid $1.49 per pound. , service. The admiral was notified of his need, to change our habits . water pipe, 1 meter pit, 1fire Mesdames AloisI somewhat to can t.r 0 lour We submit that 70 cents per pound is a considerable • ... • status in Tokyo, where the flag hydtant and connections. A copy of the specifications may be obtained at 'the Alandt, Carl R< health. Not drastic measures, City Engineers Office, 90 Kerby Road. difference in price in the same cut of meat. We queried Monday,' July'l of Gen. Douglas Macarthur's Far but simple gradual adjtl:it- Ugval, John E. the store manager on this discrepancy and he was frank AUTHORIT~ES clamped East Command was hauled ments through the years im- . Plans and specifications are Bids must be filed with the' City Clerk on or before Rabaut, Steven 'W to admit that he couldn't supply an answer. He said so down on looters ilong the Lou- dffill,"llfor the last time. His com" prove health most. on file at the office of the Clerk Hoffman, Russel 12 o'clock noon, July 12, 1957, at which time they will Baro, Orville ' many transactions entered into the ultimate pricing of isiana Coast, and as a further mml~l~~.covers 75 milliOn square See a' do c.t-o r regularly. of the Village, 795 Lake Shore b~ publicly opened by tha Bid Opening Committee. meat that he became confused when he tried to figure it means d suppressing looting, ~ Buy the besi in medication Road, GTosse Pointe Shores 36. ' Fushman, L. J. Sl troopers barred crowds of: sight- •. • • Chargot, Henry on his prescription frOm a 1 Forward your bid in a ~aled out. d b 1 if seers fromenterin,g towns de~ Wed"lesday, July 3 DAWSON ,. NACY don Nelson, and This experience has cost us a consi era Ie oss 0 vastatedby Hurricane Audrey. THE SENATE PASSED and c~pable phar::l1acist. 1 envelope marked on. the outside Cicero. "Bid-Water Feeder Main." The ACTING CITY, CLERK sleep and a few extra packages of Turns, pushing th~ price LootIng became' a major .prob- sent to President Eisenhower a Tliis i5 the 655th oi a aeries of of the loca'! steak still higher. We can't help asking 'our- lem especially at Creole. neigh- bill authorizing the Go v er'n- Editotial advertisemen:t.s appear-' Village reserves the right to Detroit, Garde selves if we are being played for suckers simply because bor city of Cameron, the _town ment to cut payments on FRA- lng in this paper each week. reject any or all bids, to waive Publish in G. P. News, July 3, 1957. To Hold Meetir. we live in a prosper01;1s community. We think we ~e that was wiped out by the hur- insured loans The.Senate passed any irregularities in bidding and to award the 'work to the bidder entitled to an explanation. . ricane and a tidal wave. the bill by voic.e vote. The House The Detroit Ga ------Gov. Earl LOng returned from gave its approval last Friday who, in the opinion of the Village is best able to perform hold its monthly e f th W k 'an inspection trip in the area. EiseIlhower asked for $1,025,- MEED. ) , the work. The succesSful bidder , Detroit Yacht Cll ea Ines 0 e ,ee He said the dead and missing 000,000 of new housing author- .will .' be requLred to furnish day with lunch! H dI are expected to exceed 400. izatiOO1Sin his, Janu~ budget Extra Ventilation. City of Kite/nIL. Bedroom.'!. Batll, 12:30. o'clock. Some 200 or more persons are and got $1,990,000,000,'almost satisfactory performance, labor n and for . At the last report, 150 persons Sunday, June 30 of Defense Charles E. Wilson ~rO~~tTPointt Jm1tl!i distribution to the publi~ at a charge of $2.00 per copy. of the town were known dead, THE UNITED STATES will who said that American armed when he took, office on. July i. I and it will probably be at least unify all of i,ts forces in the forces will-be withdrawn. from he was not 'bo~d by hispre~ . T.he .Grosse Pointe Park City Code contains all decessor, former' Commissioner .ordinaI?-ce~of the Cit~ of .a.general. and permanent nature: 10 day before a complete count Pacific, a reliable sourCe .dis- all parts o~ the- world, toBri~g Ziegler's commitments to pro- of the death toll can be made. closed. There will be sweeping SUMMARY, OF. MINUTES The prmtmg and avaIlabIlity of SaId Code, and this notice home servlce~en ~oreconoInlc ceed with the .Hastings-Oakland thereof, constitutes publication of the Code. No further The full extent of the tragedy changes in the command and reas')ns ..Brucker. saId he was op- Expr,essway at a cost. of 70 mil- SPECIAL MEETING publication is required for the effectiveness of said Code resulting from Audrey may structure in this country's far- posed to mer.gJ.ng the Army,. liondol1ars or th So tM'. ld' and none is contemplated. never be known. Hundreds of flung military machine. These Navy nd Air F' to . . .I '.' e u Ie JUNE 24.~J957' .' a ,orce m a smg e proj ect which would Cost 70.5 The effective date of said Code is August 1, 1957. persons are reported still miss- changes were so complkated urut. ' 'lli' ''Tn. '. . • •• \ nu ons. .I.ue.new commissioner ing. they took a year to develop. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(k) of 'Act 279 I Meeting was called order at,6:30 P.M. • .• • From the new set.up. will arise said he 'will make rio .decisions to ' .' ' of .19~9, State of Mic~i~an, as amended, the Abridged The G I R A R D CASE in until he confers, with, Wayne .. . JOHN FOSTER DULLES, sec- a unified commander directing Japa;n is so serious that if Army Present. on roll call: Mayor William" F. Connolly', Jr., BUlldm~ ~ode, 1955Editlon, and the Basic Building Code, Ma~6 yc, County .and 'Detroit officials; retary of state, in his first major a specific area so vast, it has SoP.3/C William S. Girard,ac- Councilmen.HenryE. Bodman 11\ J. Lawrence Buell, Jr., 1955 Edltlon. to the extent that the Basic Building Code. and a thorough study is made Wi-llianiG ..Butler, William G. Kirby, arid Edward-C. Roney, 'tIith P!!J ,peech on Red China, said it never been equalled in war or cused of manslaughter in the supplements th~ Abridged Buil~i~g Cod~1~oth as promul- would be folly to establish re. peace., of the matter. Jr. gated an? publIshed by the BUIlding OffICIal's Conference death of a Japanese \Vornan, is of AmerIc~, Inc., are adopted by reference by the City of shutters. lations with the Red Chinese. The new comma'nder will be tried by a United States Army A!bsent: Councilman Richard L. Maxon. G!osse Pomte Park as a part of the Grosse Pointe Park He said the establishing of rela~ Adm. Felix B. StwnP. who was court martial rather than a NO FAIR ,EXCHANGE su.t your Mayor Williani F. Connolly, Jr. presided. CIty Cod..e for the purpose o~ regulating the erection, tions with the Communists hand-picked by President Eisen- Japanese civil court, the Jap- Harry K. Warner of 733 Lor-, cons~ructlon, enlargeme~~, eqwpment, alteration, repair, ful for a would hurt the United States hower. He will be commander- anese Cabinet could. fall. In a aine" gained a new golf ball and The bid of. Stark Hickey, Inc., for. the furnishing of movmg, removal, demolItlon. conversion use height area and its friends. He called Com- in. chief of all navy, army, ma- nationwide broadcast, Jap-'lnese los~ a windoW on Sup.day, June five (5),.Ford police scout cars in the amount of $4,024.00, a~d maintenance ~f all buildings and ~tructures iil the . design ~ munist China an uncivilized, rine and air forces in Asia. His was ..accepted~; - CIty ,of ~rosse PC?m~ePark.. Complete printed copies 'of Ambassador 'Koichero -Asakai 30. Mr,. Warner phon:ed the City the ~brldged BUlldmg .Code and Basic Building Code, hostile regime. Dulles rejected. headquarters will be in Hono- said the case' is 'proving most policestatinog he' found the ball Themeetlng adjourned. at 6:50 P.M. hereIn adopted, are av.a.llable for public use and inspec- every argument; for a major lulu, embarrassing to the' Govern- in his house and that it entered tion at the. office of the City Clerk. change in American policy of • • • ment of Prime Minister 'Kishi. 'by breaking a window. He re- DAWSON F.'NACY. WILLIAM F. CONNOLLY. JR. .J. non-recognition, trade embargo DR. CECIL CLARK einergeu :Asakai 'said' Japanese pU!blic ported, watching.: som~ ..adults Acting City Clerk . Mayor "CHARLES HEISE • and cultural isolation. Hel said as an outstanding hero in aiding opinion has' been. expressed, on swinging golf clubs in the ,Maire . ' . CityCI.rk the U. S, will do every thing' in victims of Cameron, La. A phy. the case and that there. Will be School yard earlier, the Published -in .Grosse Pointe New.. July 4, 1957. !)a,ted July 5, 1957. ,same 1~147 ita power to speed Jthe passing of sician, and father of five' ohil- Jra.....e PCtlitic&1C0!n5~uences.'if, :after:noon.

I J. '.' \ . "

y. July 4. '1957 TnurJcJay, July 4, 1957 .& rrO.5 5! ,P 0.1 N TII; N fW S • Page Nine . (\ .. chedule Mrs. Adrian. DeBruyn , . DAC Fleet ToSa.il To Old Club July 9 DAY 12-1 Dr. Sigurd B~ker; cha,irman .of,the DE;.troit Athletic Ibaseball game between Beavers' r arrival at Old Clul>; lUncheon; Club Beavers' amrual, Old.. Club outing;. has plans com- and 'bQwlers' teams, captained gol! pitching and horseshoe '5 New Telephone p.leted for the ou1:d,OOf_st.~gparty;. It's slated for next ,Tues- respectively by John.~ .. Dona;- Ipitching contests; shuffleboard~' . yde e 1 : day, .July 9, wit~ d~p~ture"by.:s:rujs~r yaehts,at 10 a.~ h~ and'f1 '.T. MS:nlon~The and t~e 3 o'c~ock ball,.gam .... from Grosse Pointe' YaelikCh1b .'docks.-... , '.. sWlmmer~ team will really Clar~nce E. P~kston. will. ~be en to the Publia - . . battle thIS year for the per-Dr. Beeker's chIef aSSIStant. on Dr. Becker instigateq. ',the. .. ~ . ',. petual aWlll'd-the rival,keglers the'events. . des at the office. DAC Beavers' Old Club out- ,m linmg up pAC Beavers .boats. won in '56. . .. - . . . . U' d Atth DC' J . Among the Pomters to attend a:l~ISlOHTUA YSiOTJA:W!V AH o days. mg nearly 20 years .ago..' e an, . I ~ .' .. ~onm, r. B~av~ Presl~en~. Clyde ~'_ and-theit cruiSers are Wayne E. d Library open for Complet~ly succ'eSsful, 'that ar~ co-cha~men on thIS matter Crame, J1:" Qf BIrm:l:Ilgham Wlll LOng' and -,"Cum-Along", the !TMIOq 3ZZ0Sli) 10=1 :I)IVSJ3l first fun-fest has been re- of ferrying: the group to St. Clair be. on hand early at .Grosse senior and junior H. C.• Van H. ge Pratt will be eated annually with the Flats. Pomte Ya~ht~ Club to weleome' Wormers on "Escape", Fred C. A3S1A m every week on P . 'h." .. .' the excurslOnlstS.".\" W t d "P 1 P t" H same chaIrman c osen year .As previously the DAC bowl- .... \ .. es a~".' eer ess a, er- y from 10 a.m. to 5 after year as official steerer. er": have 'b-aeI1 i~vited to attend. The I?r9gra~;..9 o'~l~~ bjeak.- bert Vf: Hart and. "Queen of y on Friday from 2 . .' .:. , . . .' , -.. fa:>t at ,GP:YC. f~r tho~e who Hearts " Raymond A. Priebe and 18tt.t AV Another, Grosse Pomter, Ed- PolIShed: and ready to gO.lS wlsh; oruisei',f1eet-Ieaves afIO; "Borealis", and Frank C Wade ward J. Schoenherr, ~is'.assi~ting. :the ol!i Milkcan"Trophy fo:r the doubles tel)'nis' ~ournaine*t. on on f..ynn Pierson's "PicJ:.oon!!. loan - crutches, "Bloocl, available to accident 0 remerg ..

ree 1rennil Tourna- .. idge-Mr. and MI'I. p.m.

Pointe-luncheon. RICH AND FLAVORFUL BONNJE' LOU, BRAND Grosse Pointe-lun- ,~~~. qlll- . .' . .. .~. .~(' ridge-Mr. and :Mr8. ... -.:;.,' •.... ~:: -:, e" Kiley-Iuncheon- . . . -Picture by Carl Joyner In an evemng double-nng weddmg ceremony in Christ Church on June 22, ANITA M. HATCH, 'daughter of Dr. enter-service work an~ Mrs. Edv:~rd S, Hatch of University place, became the C;~lsup brIde of Adrian DeBruyn, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arie De-' (-'n.. Bruyn of Traverse City. ' ;~. ociation-luncheol1- Given in marriage by her T k Here's a m'u s t f 0 .. father, the, bride worn a gown 0 Spea, VOW'S e v Jt plc-nic. Price'" of duchess taffeta blended with :.'.<.::•~ ,". .~ "- . rv .12.. Kiley-Instructor- :. ~ ,. ( silk Chantilly lace in a Tose ex;tra low for your Bottle~z.I..0c...... tal-service work- pattern. A. matchmg lace cap ~/ Holiday feasting.. . held her fingertip veil. SlW car- ) ried a bonquet of white roses ~ntered with a white orchid. o l8-0s, C Christina Hatch was her 'sis- Corned ~eef l2~Oz.eal' 39' Bar-B-Q. Sauce Bottle 39 Opetn pit flavorful • • • , m. ter's maid of honor. Brides- Swift's fine for sandwi$es I I • I I • , . . make-up Class-7:30 mails were Susan Cassidy, Bar- bara McGrath, Patricia Clancy and Ann DeBruyn, sister of the Quart G! Lb, -Mr. Lief Bergan 4- 9 Charcoal bridegroom .. Sweet-.Pickles Jar . lae ss and Mrs. Grosse Mary Lou tasty tantalizing • .• ...... '.5 Arie DeBruyn, Jr., brother of . . the bridegroom, was best man ridge-Mr. and Mr .. and seating guests was another p.m. brother, Dick DeBruyn and Leon Arnst, J am.es Lewis and James Carr. Legion-dinner for Mrs. Hatch wOJ:e a pink a,p- pliqued organza ~o"';n; Mrs:'De- ting-8:30 p. m. Bruyn chose blue lace over tis- sue taffeta for the wedding. ooks that may be found Following a trip to Macki~ac elves of your libraries Island the couple will make At a family cocktail and din- their. home in Grosse Pointe. mer. Remember, if in nef party in. the Grosse Pointe to what to read, the Yacht Club recently, Mr. and on duty will be glad Mrs. Cletus J. WeNing of Ox- Lb.39c ~4uxiliary .Holds ford road, announced the en- you make a selection. Hot D99S Lb•• gagement oJ thair daughter, Smoked H.am 3. $109 ,. vacation days ahead, All meat skinless , • It. Brunch Party Suzanne Marie, to 'Edwin S. .Hygrade's full shank hall • . , , . ., . reading to you all! ... / • Karrer, J1', . \ A get acquainted brunch, for new officers and, 'board mem- Suzanne was graduated from Round'Steak .. St. Mary Academy, Monroe, and Lb. 89' .. bers, of the St. Clare of Monte~ t • , W.S. Gov't, 'G-ra.dedChoice •.• I • ,I • • • • falco Archconfraternity, was the University of Detroit, where '. . • held last weE'k. she was affiliated with Sigtl)a It was given at the home of Sigma Sigma. the new president, Mrs. Basil Edwin, the son of-Mrll. Marie Cunningham, of Whittier road. Krimmel Just of Edlfour .road Tentative plans for next year's and Edwin S. Karrer of E. J-ef~ activities were presented to the ferson avenue, was graduated group for discussion. from the, General Motora Insti- d Other new officers of the tute, Flint. Archconfraternity include the An October )t wedding is Mesdames Joseph Lemke, Jo- planned. seph Schulte, Edward Schott, CK ,T oseph Feist. William Traham, Robert Squires, Earl Plool', and Ma,rquet~ Girl ror furnishing the Clement Simon. (1) 3 cubic yard- New chairman of the various Weds Pointer . standip.g committees are: the Cheese Spread Lb. Mesdames Alois Ptach, "Clayton At a.recent ceretnony in the ".2 Loof 49~ Alandt, Carl Rallo, Anthony First Presbyterian Church of Lawndale processed imitation • • Ugval, John E. Young, Louis Marquette Charlotte Johanna • Rabaut, Steven Waligore. R. M. Thomas, daughter of the Russell Clerk on or before Hoffman, Russell Lewis, M. Thomases, of Marq.uette, was / ich time they will Borden's. Milk J;S~Gal, .38 € Orange Juice Baro, Orville Thill, Arthur married .to Lee Elwyn Allgood. Glass Kroger brand fresh frozen • • t 6 t~'79~ ing Committee. Fushman. L. J. Steiner, Michael . Fresh h~mogenized • The bride taught in the Grosse . . • • • • . . . . • Chargot, Henry Toenjes,' GOt- cion Nelson, and Thomas Lo- Pointe Public Schools after her SON f. NACY graduation from the University Cicero. Ne. CITY CLERK of Michigan. Her husband is the sen of the Lee AllgdOds of Detroit Garden Club .vemi.er road.' . To Hold Meeting at DYC Lois Fenig, of Marquette, was maid of honor and the brides- The Detroit Garden Club will maid:; were Mary Searles, of hold its monthly meeting at the Ann At,bor, and the bride- I Detroit Yacht Club on Wednes- groom's sister, Mrs. Harold Lan- 1 day with luncheon served at stra. I 12:30. o'clock. The hest man was Jere Hall .; "\ Reservations must be made Brophy, of West Hartford, for the luncheon and may be Conn., and Bruce McRitchie, of Park made by calling Mrs. A. J. Birmingham; Paul Lane, of Zickse. TU 1-3638, or Mrs. R. Flint, and Robert Kansas, of 8 Per A. VanEvery, UN 2-7795. The Marquette wjI'e ushers. . _. l-Lh. c Margarine 79 , Sandwich Buns Pkg, program will :feature flower After a trip through the East Carton. Homestead, ev.eryday low priee I • • 4 Hot Dog' or Hamburger.. , • • • the newlyweds will make their .2 arrangements by Mrs. ~verett Higgs. ' home in Euclid, O. 12"X2S.Ft'29Roll arter of the CIty of ,White Bread Aluminum Foil C by given that the Kroger fresh sliced Reynold's tine f.or broiling pted by the Grosse . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 57. has been printed ~ • e available at the inspection and for of $2.00 per copy. Code contains all d permanent nature. ode. and this notice e Code. No further 1 veness of said Code s August I, 1957. tion 3(k) of Act 279 ded, the Abridged asic Building Code MaKe your home :more beautiful and luxurious asic Building Cod~ '!:Yith Paul Heinley's custom m~de interior ode, both as promu1- i ficial's Conference I. shutters. These shutters are custom built to rence by the City of '.P~per"Napkins 4 25-0s. $100 Grosse Pointe Park ,s~t your r&q~irements and will remain be~u+.i.. 80-CT.25Pkgl •. Baked Beans eo,,, I ] lating the erection Blue ribbon white . ,-. • • • Homemaker'.' Bosttm baked . , I • 4 I I • • 2 I !. alteration. repair: ful for a Iifeti,!,8. Let use help you with \free lon. use height, area design ~nd planning ~onsul+ation. l-Lb. d structures in the 6-0z. Spotlight Coffee te. printed copies of Instant. Coffee Jar, 99e: Bag as.lc Building Code, Spotlight 100% PW'e.coff~ ...... Buy the bean, grind it !.£esh • • • • • • blic use and inspec- ,J. A~ MarIyor \ ARlES HEISE • • lUMBER COMPANY City CI.rk Get Top VCllu.e 'StCimps PI~s Low, 1.ow, Low Prices at Kroger! 12147 M~ek A~.r Mar eonn~r-VA J.21~J ( ( I .' -~ - W., 1'eSMfJ. the f'lght to.l,mlt fUlmtf.t,es. P1'lees ~ffectw. Friday, Saturday anit Sunday, July 5.7, 1!n7 . . 1 t . , .

• I

Thursday, J


/ " f •

• SAFE ON A POP OUT-Life's darkest moment comes I for Harper Woods, Mich.. Little Leaguer Bill Snyder. as I he stat:e~ helplessly at the ball poppi~g ollt of his; r glove on a. play at home plate. A pitcher, Snyder raced ~ FrO] I to cover'home;after the ball got away from his catch. ~ . tI FIRE DANCE-Taking" part in a religiouS rite which s~rvives.after 3iOOO years, this er, and had tagged out John Jacek, rumbling in with' l woman stamps through; a bed of red-hot coals, in. th~ .village.\of ~angad~, Qr:ee,~e. a tollgue-biting ,slide, .before the error let the run t Called the IfAnastenaria,1}the ftre.-walking ritual da~es back "to ancient Greece, and score. The unidelltifted ump'ire gets se~ to fiash the ITALY'S "GREAT WALL"-chlna bas nothing on Con. is' performed o,nee'each yea:r."~eitmtist~.witneSsh'ig this' year's -o~servanee reported ,: . safe sign. I Italy, which has its own "great wall," which Italian that despite tile intense heat of'the embers, none Of the dancers~uffered burns Of; the feet, damage to ~heir clothes. ' Gay plans archeologists conclude predates the early Roman pe- or for the travelel riod by hundreds of years. With stones as massive as sites in droves I those used in the pyramids of Egypt, the wall was built by a p.re-Etruscan tribe as a defense aga~~st But few I ! Day with the j [ marauders. It's locally called the "Wall of Cyclops," t• because ot a legend that it waa buUt b7 mythological land for the U ;, ~t.s./ He was gr. , ager of the Ya Harvard boat I land on June 1 gatta. The races and 6th and on with the Arm: Another P tests abroad h * year's Olympi< * early light in , * will be compe' Continent. Continental Also abro~ Kanzlers, who rented in Anti' When the; Evanses and tll ROYAL FOOTNOTE-After'ratsing a furor when she voyage to be tJ Ilipped one foot out of a tight high-heeled shoe last week at the races. Britain's Princess Margaret (left) Sailing ae) mooses a more suitable shoe-a black and white model will be' the EI1 WEED-KILLER mltESS-'Battllng weedS along the railroad tracks is the special \ bound for an 1: f With ~urdy low heels-for wear during a royal family job of this Southern Railway System train, 'pulling into Memphis, Te~n;, after spray .. where they wi ~i poison along the right-of-way for 2W miles. The train, ~hlch includes five tank vacation at Windsor Castle. The Queen Mother (right) -'~cars, uses about 400 gallons of chemical a mlle~ ~ also strikes an interesting footnote with her wedge. ... -' . - .------~- beeled sandals. The Princess' companion is unidenti- Heading for fied . Driving Eas1 D. Byron, Jr. '1 a reunion wit outside Phil ad, Lake, N. J. On this br home former chased in Ben day settling th

Holiday at I On the ho celebration of vited a group fore going on Little Club. Out at tht near the stabll for the tots ill NECKING SE8810N-In a neck-and-neck fight to the water show iJ finish, famished flamingos scramble for tidbits of food tossed on the,grass. While four of the birds were wast- Stay at h ing time pecking away at one another, the fifth got its Glancyg, the Deck down to where it would do the the most good and the W. P. CI \ ..109bled '!P the tastl !\lQIiel.; .--. Butterlys, the \ Birthday Pa This past

* * Bl'ICB-BJKER ~ Disdaining the'tule of "no riders," this plump White Rock pullet ART'S HER DISH - Something strange is cooking in * Beems determined to head all the 'Wayto Milwaukee, Wis., &$'it'perches on a steel Daytona Beach, Fla., as sculptress Naomi Dvorman of brace beneath, a huge truck trailer in M~phls, Tenn. Discovered by mechanics fix. New York City serves up a sketch in the sand during ing a fiat on the van, the chicken is believed tQ haveperc~ed.on the'g1r~er s11'lceit the annual Mrs. Homemaker's Forum Contest, Get'ting escaped from a, packing house in Morton, Mi88'." several' hJ1ndred miles away, One in the spirit of the occasion, she wields a kitchen spa- \heorist suggests that tlte bird was accompanying ,its departed friends to their las' tula, normally used for turning pancakes to turn out resting place in MUwaukee. The traUer ~u l02.ded with frozen chickena. her art. BE


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RINGMASTER - A target, I for the camera Is nimble Eddy, QuiCk, glimpsed through the bull's-eye of tnis"puzzling l'ing o~ Lon. dan's Fleet. Street, He strikes this unusual pose doing his regular" job, , »-" {t:~~\0:1;~~ilt:~7!:r~i~, FEEDING TIME".,;:.Enjoying its afternoon snack, a ',whieh' is ; c~aning the ,WHICH Olt(EBAS THE TONY?-Wlth a fetchipg. poM brightly colored monarch butterfly feasts' on the re- overhead gas lights. By to go with hia ersatz curly'locks, ~est Borgnlne gag. SOAP~ WATER CHAMPS-Chosen as the cleanest past spread on the Anger of ..Miss Llrl Treuter. 'the bringing his work dOWllto it up ~ he shows 'ot! b1$ wig to Tony CUrtis'in'London. children in Frartce, these two youngsters prov, their .meal consists of a mixture of honey al\d water which ground level, ,he avoids ,The page-bOy bob may be phony, but the f~i&l ahrUbe right to the title by energetically SCI'JJbb~ up even' MISS Treuter deposits on her hand with an eye dropper .. climbing up and'doWn lad- • bery they both aport. &I. wen U' Curtia,' tousled hairdo. after they received the award In Parls. Teaming up at I.lJ1 raised her. pet from a cocoon ahe foUnd halli1nl dera, but it atUrlooks.llk. are ae McCort grown for their rolu sn "ThI.Vikh1p 'j .ae .ink are Bernard Benier and Lou1sette Lint, stan-. .a atralD on the HeLf , to be IImecIID 1IIorWQ. - . 'mg their Glean-llvlng reign in fine style •• OJ! , l'JJltb of I~~~~~~ - . L . .t .,. r

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Thursday. July 4. 1957 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven ""Bakers ,We'd Mrs~'_William F. Fulford .~:In SQuth' Fulford-Shell Rites -At' !l, sunday 'evening - cere~ mony .in the First 17esbyterian Read at St. Paul's ,.Churc)1.Fairmont, N:C."Edward ,DaJe Baker claiined,. Myra Phyllis Le:wis,.as his bride. ' Richard'School Teacher ,Wears White Silk Mist Princess , The bride~'ooI{li~'th~ semof Gown for Morning Ceremony Saturday; After 'the Edward, Bakers, of Allard Wedding Trip to- Blaney Park'C~uple ,road, and,' his bride is the \ Will Live in Lakeshore Village' . ,daughter.' 6f Mrs.' D.- Farrese :Lewis, ,of' "Fairmont, :and' the Sydney- Snell.wore white silk mist for her morning late Mr. Lewis. . wedding Saturday in St. Pa~l's on the lakeshore when she 'Her gown of magnolia white exchanged ,vows with William F. Fulford, son of the Joseph PAGES ,~atinwas accented witli Chan- M. Fulfords, of Campbell' avenue. WO'MEN :tilly lace arid a tiara of seed • pearls; and' orange blossoms The Richard School teach- ~ , er who lived. on Beacons- orchids.Mrs. Fulford \vas in pale held her flpgertip illusion veil: She carried roses' and lilies of field road is the daughter of blue organza with whit~ acces~ the valley centered with '.an the DonaldM. Snells, of sories and white orchids. orchid. . . West Hartford, Conn. Her When. the :r:ewlywedsIe!'; 0:~ parents hosted a reception a wedding trip !o Blaney - ar In pink silk organdy were ::,..,,:,'>" .. . . ' . the new Mrs. Fulford was wear- .. the attendants, the bride's sis- f:::;;~,:..>::: ~,,;' '.' , ' .' .'. '::,'.:: :',:<' at the WhIttier follOWIngthe ing a blue linen monogrammed 'ter, Mary Hanna tewis; as f,1!:fl~,\'.'.,'.:'i ..' ,:':.,>::;: ,:,:,Y':' .....:;':..:: ceremony. dress with white accessories, moment comes j maid of honor and Mary Bruce ~;"~:::::':,:y" , ,•.:;: ' . , ',' '/;",,:':., .': . The princessstyle bridal gown The couple will make their Blll Snyder. Mrs. Robinson, "- 1 ' ' , , gj.':~<:.'::, ::" ,..: '. : ,>< .;'.,;-;....' as f GrIms ey, Mrs. Leo T. Bullock, H:}\~(.,,'.," ?" ':>, " ,,,:., :/>',::::',::, featured an empire bodice, sa- home in Lakeshore Village. ing opt of his ~ Weds Mr. Collin Jr., Ann ,;Lewisand Mary Whit~ 1:}"': ",> ,'-","" :';:.... , ': ',,:,,:,:"':';:".:':~n b~ina neckline and full flare ted. . 1/ '-,' ~" ',: <.~;:,:':':' r, Snyder raced i From Another Pointe < ,:.'',;:" skirt. 'The bodice and cap rom his catch- . Awaiting their J;lewhome in The honor maid carried a "~:,,,;:<,>- ,,' " sleeves were of Alencon lace. J'acobsons'Travel West mbling in with • South Deeplands road are Mr. cascade of white roses and Her double tiered :fingertip il~ To Banff and Glendale r let the ru~ of View and Mrs. Russell S. Collins,who carnations and the attendants' ,Iusion veil was caught by a et to flash the 'exchanged their marriage vows flowers were deep' pink roses Mary Queen of SCotscrown of Mr: and Mrs. Charles L. on .June 21. ~ and 'white ca~natfons. lace and she carried stephanotis Jacobson, of Berkshire road, Mrs. Collinsis the former Vir- Truman Furby was best man centered with a white orchid. left last ],'ridayfor Glacier Park Gay plans for the glorious Fourth abound not only ginia Vernor Robinson,'of ,Mer- and seating the. guests were Mrs. Headley S. White, Jr., there to meet :Mrs.Jacobson's for the travelers, who are leaving for their usual summer riweather road. The ceremony John Pauwels, of 'Bentlyville came from Philadelphia, Pa., to mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Trum- sites in droves, but for the stay at homes. took place ~n the BishOp.ro~d Pa.; Harry,Boney, of- Teachey: be her sister's matron ()f honor bower, of Glendale, Calif., and But few localites will be celebrating Independence home of her father, BenJamm N.C.; William Kroll, :of Colum- , and she wore white organdy her brother-in-law and sister, G. Vernor. . bus, 0., and Tommy Lewis, of , . -Photo by Beatrice Zwaan piped in red and carried red and the John Glenns,of Long Beach. Day with the fervor of John Watling III, who is in Eng- , The Collins have returned Fairmont. land for the USA holiday. At a morning ceremony' Saturday in St. Paul's on white carnation~ with ivy. Mrs. Jacobson and daughter, frpm a ,short wedding trip .and ' MIs LewI'sg t d g ts' the lakeshore,' SYDNEY "~NELL, of Beaconsfield roacl, Eleanor will visit at Banff and He 'Was graduated from Yale on June 10 and as man- are reSI'd'Ing temporarl'1y In. L'In- the'. chur h' reeI e f ues11 . In The attendants, dressed like coin road. . . ~ par ors 0 owmg Mrs. White, were another sis- Lake Louise before going on to ager of the Yale varsity crew was on hand for the Yale- daughter of the Donald M. Snells,. of West Hartford, the ntes In a frosty green or- Conn.; became the bride of Mr. Fulford. He is the son of ter, Prudence M. Snell and California, but Mr. Jaco}:>5on Harvard boat race. The victorious crew flew over to Eng- gandy gown. Her hat ',was iri- the Joseph F. Fulfords, of Campbell avenue. Patricia A. Gorman, of Utica, will return after the July 4th land on June 17 to participate in the famous Henley Re- descent sequins and her' flowers N.Y. holiday. gatta. - ' - Torrey~Bender were white' cymbidium orchids. Best man was Joseph M. Ful- After a visit to the West Coast " The races on the Thames are being held July 3, 4 Mrs. Baker was in dusty rose ford, Jr., of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Jacobson and Eleanor will '>' At Luncheon Rites Read lace over satin with a matching Debs 'Honore,d and another brother of the return near the end of the and 6th and on the 8th John will fly home to keep a: date month to prepare for Eleanor'. with the Anny. lace scalloped hat. Her flowers The Jun'e debutante. season Frederick Ollisop.,of Provencal bridegroom,the Rev. John Fred- In Sav~nna.h,-..: Ga., on Saturil'lY were also'" . cymbl'dl'Um oreh'dI s. may be officially over, but the road, and Mrs. Charles F. Do- erick Fulford officiated at the freshman year at the Univer- Another Pointer pl'eparing to leave for rowing con- noon William:Ford Toney, ,Jr., : When the pair left' on a wed-, parties for the 'buds continue. denhoff, of Vendomeroad. ceremony. sity of Colorado. An o't her daughter, Carolyn, is spending tests abroad is John Welchli. He took a second in last claimed Marta Tho m p sun ding' .trip to New York and Mrs.. TT~I'lll'amW. Bryan, of Also a guest was the hostess' Ushering were the 'bride's year's Olympics and rows every morning at the dawn's 'Bender as his bride in Christ vv brother, Roger K. Snell, of five weeks at South Ra:nch in 'EpiscopalOhurch. . through New England the new Ha:rrulton-court,' was hostess mother, Mrs. W. Wright Gedge Wyoming. early light in a Boat Club scull to keep in condition. He The bride is the daughter of ~rs. Bak~r :wasw~ari~.ga navy Friday at a' luncheon in her and over a dozen of the,current Moodus,Conn.; Bruce Cameron, will ,be competing in an international crew meet on the the Joseph Prisk Benders, of SIlk sh~ntun~ smt. WIth navy, home hono.ringStephanie Fink, 'debutantes were also present~ Frank G. Fulford and Raymond Continent. " Savannah. 1k. Torrey is the son' and whIte accessones., ... Julia Ollisonand Decemberdeb, Pink cloths and pink flowers G. Fulford. HOUSEHOLD IDNT In July, 31 different fresh of Mrs. C. Russell Lea, Rye, They will make their home Jean Dodenhoff. , decked the luncheon ta!})les. For her daughter's wedding * * * of fruits and vegetables are in Continental Capers N. Y., and WilliamFord Torrey, In Lansing until' "M. B~ker Moth~rsof the honoree misses Mrs. Snell chosea green chiffon of Grosse Pointe and Ossabaw completes his studies at'Michi- attending were Mrs. Edgar Lee Unless a man keeps moving, frock and a small flowered hat. their peak seasons-more than Also abroad for the Fourth of July are the Ernest Island, Ga., gan State,U~liv~rsi,ty. Fink, of Vendonie road; Mrs. the world soon runs him down. ,Her flowers were cymbidium in any other m~nth. Kanzlers, who haven't checked into the villa they have rented in Antibes yet but are seeing the sights of Paris, Mrs.RichardPretzer, of Cleve-' • land, wa~ matron of honor and i When they do arrive at their villa both the Robert Mrs. Clay W. Evatt, Jr., and : Evanses and the Allan Sheldens, III, are planning an ocean Emily J. Noe,'of Murfreesbo'ro, ..,. rorwhen sbe voyage to be their -house guests. ' • Tenn., were bridesmaids.' ', ,... eled shoe last Sailing across the other ocean this week (the Pacific) . Emory M. Torrey was his 5 Going On Now! argaret (left) brother's best Ilian. The ushers .. d white model will be'the Emory Fords and family. They are Honolulu were Randall F. Torrey, another :------. a royal family bound for an IS-day stay and' then will return to California b rot h e ~ of the bridegroom; i where they will motor up and down the Coast. E Annual Mother (right) Stephen D. Bailey, ()f Gilberts- ,. th her wedge- . *' * * ville, N. Y.; Walter S. Smith, of ,. on is unidenti- Heading for the 'Main Line Meadowbrook, Pa.; George A. i Bullwinkel, Jr., of Rye, N. :it., i Fas,hiol:lSale! Driving East for the Fourth are Mr. and Mrs. William and Joseph P. Bender, Jr., of D. Byron, Jr. The lovely titian haired Mrs. B. will welcorri~. Savannah. " ," _::. ~•. r , i ' a reunion with her father, Herbert J. Adan, 'who ,lives Mrs. Lea gave a laI1gecockt~l ; !'.. , : ' outside Philadelphia. The Byrons will also 'visit in Spring party and buffet for the wed- ' :. Lake, N. J. ding guests at the Oglethorpe .. Club. Attending the' wedding L , On this brief stop they will not be able to see the new :from the Pointe were the-Frail;; , . =i • home former Pointers,' the Hugh Mulkeys, hav'e' pur- eis D. Pecks, of Vernier road. i :t chased in Berwyn. The Mulkeys will be spending the holi- The newlyweds are in Jamai- .! day settling their household effects. ca now and will be making their .. * * * home in Savannah.' " i !ti to 14 off. Holiday at Home I On the home scene there will be fireworks parties in Harry Kerrs Entertain :I:.. ~?lebration of the ~ig dar. Th~ Charles Homers have in.' 'Family Holida .. Over' : vIted a group for dumer In theIr Vendomeroad home be.' y : • fore going on to view the display of pyrotechnics at the M~. and Mrs. Harry W. Kerr, ".. LitHe Club. of Touraine 1-"0ad,have as their; :.. Out at the Hunt Club there will be no fireworks! (too house guest their son-in-law ..: ..l: near the stables, you know), but there will be field events ahd daughter, the John R. Le'es, .. Inclu~ fashions bye for the tots in the afternoon, a giant cbuffet spread, and a of, San Francisco, Calif., and .. water show in the evening. ,their granddaughter, ,Cathy. .. On Monday the Kerrs' other ... Hattie Carnegl. Harvey : Stay at homes planning on attending are the Alfred daughter, Mrs:'John A.,Warden .. Berin. Davidow • Glancys, the Navarre Bennetts, the,'Donald A. Martin', and her daughter, Susie,'arrived !.. the W. P. Clarks, the Walter Cavaruiughs, the Vincent from Wichita, Kans. Mr. War- .. Hannah Troy. Patullo, Butterlys, the J. J. Marshalls add the Bruce MilIeI'S. den will be arriving for, the .. * • • long holiday week-end. . : Ben Rei'l. Cassini • . p. The Kerrs' son and daughter- :.. .. Ceil Chapman. Mr• Birthday artles in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard ..:. This past week-end the last gay whirl of ihe summer P. K~rr, of Mt. Vernon i-dad, .. Mort. Lanz. Jane Ihave Just returned from a Ber- ..

" •

sizes 7 to IS, 8 'to -44 , ", WALTon- PIERCE GROW POINTEKercheval AWl., neor Ca~J( • Tuxedo 2-3700 IDCIIIV1L AI 51. CUll '.OSSI .01•• CaRs from Birmingham &n'-Pflse 6324

• I

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'. " Thursday, ,July -4j L957 Thursday, Jl Page Twelve ~ R O'S S E .p 0 I NT E N'EWS. Society Ne/w's, 'Gather.'ed from All of the Poin t'es Wo

; Caroli \ Miss Henderson, , : S Irmgard Schlag~ter . Short and :fo'fh~P6in te I , DR., and :MRs. RIC~D H. son of MR. and MRS. FRANCIS Marri~ ~Aarries.Mr. Andrew HALL IV~ formerly Of ,the WAYNE SHARP of South Ox- Marries Mr. Uridge PoiIite and now of. Royal Oak~ ford road, was one of the 33 announced the birth of a son, Mrs.' Rob'art B,urton Andre'w seniors who received a diploma Father 'DriYf~s I After Candlelight Ceremony in Martha Mary Chapel and RICHARD~ on 'June 23., ''rhe... at the 100th annual commence- Bride Wears Taffeta and Alencon Lac,e for Evening Cere .. 1902 Wa, Reception at the 'War Memorial Newlyweds paternal grandparents are .MR., .. ment exercises of Lake Forest many, Saturday; in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church; Vo Leave on Wedding Trip to Northern Mich. and MRS. RICHARD H. HA:Et;. , Academy~ Lake Forest, Ill. Pair Honeymoon in Canada and New England JR., of St. Clair avenue,anG." ., Doug was awarded the Senior _ A novel tou Befor~ her wedding Saturday afternoon in Mary maternal grandparents are MR. : Achievement pi'ize which is G~osse Pointe Congregational Church Was the setting Elizabeth De K Mary Chapel Mrs. Robert Burton Andrew was Irmgard and MRS. WILLIS BUCH~. '. give,n to that member of the for the four o'clock wedding Saturday afternoon of Ma~'y Korse of Bedfo BINDER. of. Birmingham. . Schlageter, daughter of the Otto Schlageters, of Stanhope graduating class who has attend- Lou Henderson, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Alexander Hen- of Mrs. Charles road. , , * * * ed Lake Forest Academy for 1 M H d <$1------three or lOur years, and who is derson, of Washington Road, and .the ate r... en e:son, father of the b: . ht e frocks. They carried baskets of PAUL W, SLIMKO,. son of For the ean d1e 119 cer - MR. and MRS. JOHN SLIMKO, adjudged to have .made the and Carl John Uridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. ~hllip Undge, 1902 Waverly E Pink rose petals. ... mony sh e chose a g 0wn of of N. Brys drive, is attending greatest all-around improve- of Lathrup Village. ~ The wedding ivory Dupioni and a - seed Reed C, Andxew was his the U.S. Navy prep s.choor in . ment in scholarship, citizenship Th b 'd' , 1 D bouquets were de e p yellow Saturday eveniJ earl crown. ~eld her Sl.'lk brother's best man. They are Norman, Okla.' Paul, whn en'; . . " e n ~s unc e, r. roses. P and athletic prof1c1ency. Ja..lles Sanders Henderson, Donald Noble Nichols, of O\i- Church, with tl d the iOns of Mr. and Mrs. Reed illusion veIl. She carne D. Andrew, 'of Rutland avenue. .listed 'in the Navy in J;anuary, . Doug will attend Brown Uni- Jr., of Abingdon, Va. gave vet, served as best man and the George WIli tne' white r9ses stephanotis and Ushering'were Neil Andrew and was graduated from $t.Paul versity in $;pt;m~er. his niece in marriage at the usher's were Douglas T. Vaccaro, at the candleligi mums. David Andrew, brothers of the High School. . * * '* PETER R. McGRATH, son of ceremony performed by the of Farmin~ton, and Phi lip For the eerema Mrs. H. B. Gordon was ma- bridegroom. . . Rev. Marcus Johnson before James U l' 1d g e, Jr., of Oak chose a gOVli"I1of tron of honor and the brides- For her daughter's wedding MR. ana: MRS. ELLIOTT',H. MR. and MRS. J,?HN B. MhC:a flower banked alter. Park, brother of th~ bride- with appliques of maids were Claire Hammer, of' and ~he reception whkh fo1-, PHILL,IPS, of ~or~ road, ani' GRATH of Yorkshire road, as , " groom. ed Alencon lace aI Birmingham, and Kathryn Ge~ lowed at tha Grosse Pointe War nounce - the b1rth, of a lon~ lef~ for West Point Military- A waltz length gown of wh~te For her daughter's wedding, The bouffant ski muende~, of. Menominee. Th(;y Memorial Mrs. Schlageter wore ELLIOTT. HUNTE.R,. JR., on Academy on Tuesday. He suc- net and nylo? lace,. basqu~ f1t- and reception in the church par. in a cathedral len wore ~e1ge sllk gowns and car~ an ayocado green gown with June 20. Mrs, PhIllips is' the ces~fu11;y.passed his ent~~~e ex- te~ over wh1te satm f~sh~oned jors Mrs. f,Ienderson wore a sky- An embroidere ried pmk rosebuds and carT1a~ beige accessodes. Mrs. Andrew former GAIL IS¥EY. t a..'111natlOnsand was notified. af w1th a ~quare necklme and blue waltz length chiffon gown juliet cap formed tions. Constance an~ Ani.ta ~ul- was in copper lace with navy his appointment on June 24, by hO?P~d sk1rt was cb:0sen by the with matching ,accessories. She * * * illusion veil. Sl ler were flower grrls In .pmk accessories. Both mothers wore MISS MARGARET SWEEN- Senator Charles E. Potter. bnde fo~ her ~ed~mg., . pinned a white orchid ~o her cascade bouquet ------cymbidium orchids. EY will be hostess at a cocktail * * * Her fmger-tip. l11uslOn ve11 shoulder. Mrs. Uridge chose a. mums. The couple left on a wedII * * • 2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7 Mich. IOns, both of West Hartford. stitching should be 1rom the Returning to the Pointe from and SUSAN and'DAVID~ visited Hastings in June, 1958. DR. and MRS, CHESTER Following a reception at the wide part to the point. -Don't Battle Creek are MR. and MRS. Ausable ChasII}, ,N. Y., recently. .. * * PERRY' and childr~n, BETH, Carri age House. Simsbury, retrace stitclUng. T i. the RICHARD K. AMERSON. They * * .. DOUGLAS R E ED SHARP, of JOHN'L YOUNG" of Grayton Hillcrest road, anncunce the ;..f;1'oadis on the Dean's List for 'birth of a daughter, JULIA ST. the second year Honors course C.A.N CLAIR, on June 24. at Xavier Univ'ersity, Cincin- COMP) ... 'f .. nati, O. RADIO. TEl Vacationing, in Colonial Inn, ... • * Establishel HaIlbor Springs are MR. and B. G. RICH of Foxcroft~ Bir- 341 Fishe MRS. DAVID L. GAMBL~; of- mingham, formerly 'of N. Ox- TU 5-( Merriweather road. ford road, ~as a'wa l' d ep. a ...... bachelor of science degree from 6353 E. J. ,MRS. G EO R G E BURTON Purdue University on June 2. LO.7,.! SMITH, of Rivard boulevard, is .. .. "I« Dependable * Call LO in New York visiting DR. and MK' and MRS. ROBERT LU- MRS. OHARLES CHIDSEY and BECK, of, Cadieux road, an~ • ) PIJBLI(; SALES Not .an Auction - All ttems Priced House.hold Furnishings ,BOTH THESE SALES SUN,DAy~JULY 7. from 10 a.m.

Only Slimming System with Exclusive ,LEG ACTIVATORS D.r.& Mrs. N. L. ,Feldman ,0 'Yes, bathing suits are beautifu~ long as they don't bulge 17338 Woodingham" Dr.' (Between 6 and 7 Mile Roods) in all the wrong places! SlimZelle curbs your curves and gives you the kind of ngure that gets Battery-with legs to match.. .Det.roit, ,\ Find out just how surely, how pleasantly SlimZelle gets results -with a FREE trial demonsttation .• _tadayf - .' Mr. & Mrs. N. Y. Sirlin • No Strict Diet-No exercises! • No electricity-Ho disrobing! 4003 ClementS. cor. Holmur ("l Bloe!

1', f I

,. ! . • p .. , - ~ --,..- r ,,+ F ¥ p a ? •• , r-. t lr t p' • Gr.,,??,? a . , .: , , .o ... , j '~ ... 3 '.. " ,...-.. .'

( sday, July 4; 1957 Thursday. July 4, 1957 .G R 0 SSE POI N'T'E NEW S Page Thirtee .. nt-es Worn.an's Page •••••• by, of, and for Pointe Women , • son Caroline De Korse Mrs~,C~rl John Urtdge From Another 'Pointe of View (Continued from Page 11) season brought a score of parties for Pointers before they l_Uridge Marries Mr. Walther take off on a round of holidaying. and Mrs. Allen F. Edwards, Jr.,.. entertained Father 'Drives Bride to Christ Church Saturday in His Mr. Sat- •ace for Evening Cere. urday evening at a small dinner in their Bishop road home • 1902 Waverly Electric Carj Couple Exchange Guest of honor was Mrs. George Tait Hall, who was cele- ~ Memorial Church; Vows at yandlelight Ceremony brating her birthday. Th~s is the second anniversary party md New England for Mrs. Hall that the Edwardses have given and A novel touch was added to the wedding of Caroline tru.. event is fast becoming a tradition. ~hurch was the setting Elizabeth De }(.orse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De ~ay afternoon of Mary Korse of Bedford road, and Charles Louis Walther son Another birthday honoree was Mrs. George N. Mun- 'oseph Alexander Hen- of Mrs. Charles H. Walther of White Pigeon, whe~ the ro, III" who was dined by her brother-in-law and sister, )e late Mr. Henderso~ father of the bride drove his daughter to church in his Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Joy, Jr., in their Provencal road .nd Mrs. Philip Uridge, 1902 Waverly Electric Car. ~------Ihome Friday evening . The wedding took place of Manhattan, Kan., and Mrs: * * * ets were d e e p yellow Saturday evening at Christ Wallace De Meyer, sister of the Eastern Guests Church, with the Reverend. bridegroom. aid Noble Nichols, of Oli4 At the W. S. Teetzel menage in Sunset lane over the 'Tved as best man and the George Whitney officiating Their dresses were Dior blue past week-end there was much gayety. The Teetzels had Nere Douglas T. Vaccaro,. at the candlelight cer~mony. cup~onni with wh~te l~<:e as house guests, Mr. and Mrs. J.ohn C. Trefts, of Orchard ,rmington, and Phi 1i p For the ceremony, the bride bodl.ces. All of the bndesmal~~ Park, N. Y. and gave a cocktail party for the pair Sunday. U rid g e, Jr., of Oak chose a gown of silk organza carned bouquets of yellow fUJl .On Friday' night Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hawkins gave brother ,;:,f the bride~ with appliques of re-embroider- mums. a dinner for the Easterners and Saturday evening hosts ed Alencon lace and seed pearls. Wallace De Meyer was his were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard who also gave a dinner. 1er daughter's wedding, The bouffant skirt terminated brother-in-law's best man.' The On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Louis F. Dahling gave a ception in the church par- in a cath~dral length train. ,guests were seated by James IS. Henderson wore a sky~ lun~heon at the Country Club for Mrs. Trefts. The visi- An embroidered seed pearl De Korse, brother of the bride, tors returned home on Monday. valtz length chiffon gown juliet cap formed the fingertip Donald Mill era n d John natching accessories. She illusion veil. She carried a Thompson, Peter Zanghi, and • • • I a white orchid to her cascade bouquet of white fuji Robert Romal, all of Buffalo, Jaunts and Jollity ler. Mrs. Uridge chose a mums. N.Y. necked, sequined rose lace Fishing over the past week-end but home now are the with a white hat and aC4 Mr.s. John Newmal1 attended The mother of the bride William Lanes of Hall place. They were up at her family's, ies for her son's wedding. the bride as matron of honor. selected a beige cupionni dress the Elms T. Knowlsons summer place at Wolverine. With OWIng the reception, Mrs. The bridesmaids were Joan and wore blue accessories: Mrs. the Lanes were Mr. and Mrs. H. Ripley Shemm. Rehling, Mrs. Richard Sellers, Walther' chose a powder blue 'rson entertained the im4 Off to' their island for the holiday and the rest of the te family and out-of-town iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gown of lace and white acces- at a buffet dinner in her sories. At an evening ceremony Saturday in Christ Church . -Photo by Beatrice Zwaan summer are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Warren, Jr. Their CAROLINE ELIZABETlI.DE .KORSE, daughter of the .. MARY LOU HENDERSON became Mrs. Uridge summer hO:J;neis on Fisher's Island, N. Y. ngton Road home. There Is Nothing Finer A reception was held at the Jacob De 'Korses, of Beqiord'road, became'the bride .of Saturday afternoon in Grosse Pointe Congregational Next Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Detwiler will.1>e bride donned a navy Than a Stromberg ..Carlson Whittier Hotel immediately fol- lng suit accented in white lowing the ceremony. Mr. Walther, son of Mrs. Charles H:Walther, of WhIte Church. She is tpe d.c~:l:lghterof Mrs .. Joseph Alexander enjoying a pleasant filial duty. That's the date of Mrs. D.'. ,hite accessories for going ) . Pigeon, Mich. ' Henderson, of Washington road, and the late Mr. Hender- parents' thirty fifth wedding anniversary and the Ezra The bridal couple left on Lockwoods will be honored. on this important occasion Pontchartrain Chapter1s son. Mr. Urldge is the ~on of the Philip Uridges, of Lath- .hem motor trip. with a party in the Kenwood road home of their son-in-law Club Gathers for Tea Mrs. Frost Fetes Garden, Officers rup Village. and daughter. ' i:>ts at Alexandria. Egypt. I Marines were the first Mrs. William M. Perrett, of Before leaving far h~r sum- sponding secretary; Mrs. Wil- to reach the center of Kensington road, regent of Fort ,mer home in Castle Park, Mrs. fred Teetzel, treasurer, and Mrs. ly after the bombardment PontchartrainChapter, D:A.R.; J. Crawford Frost~ of Merri- C. Bayard Johnson, assistant y 14, 1882. Mrs. Albert E. Cooney, of Loch- weather road, president of the treasurer complete the list of moor boulevari; Mrs. Ralph R. Grosse Pointe Garden Center' officers. \ Johnston, of Roslyn road, treas- Board, entertained the past urer and his tor i an Qf the presidents at a luncheon., Mrs. Rogers 'Honored Twenty-five ,Year Club of the The party.'was given last week B N • A'" chapt er; an d Mrs. Edwar d J'. in the Lothrop road hoone' 0'£ Y ursmg SSoclatlon' Savage, of .Yo~kshireroad, pres ... her d a ugh t e r, Mrs. Robert .--- 'd t 't f th 1 b . Mrs. Eliza!beth Rogers, of :TION at the Browns' . 1 en -emen us o. e c U1 ,were Kanzler. Officers for the com- th f thO t Muir road, has been honored by among ose rom lS area a - ing year were announced. J ' , Look M sleek as ~ selll when you slip into ffle . tonight F 'd f the National Association for Dive ~r tending a tea rl ay a ternoon, Mrs. Frost will continue as inI . M J hn J Practical Nurse Education. J une 28, honormg rs. 0 • president with Mrs. Alexander this year in one of our gay cotton suit,. 1JsteD, with rmoe. kicked ~ ERVICE off, your mind 808ring Powels, mem,ber of the club, and W. Blain, fiTSt vice-president; , She has been awarded. a schol~ thrOugh lifts and leaps-as mu. a past regent of the chapter, at Mrs. Hansel Dwight Wilson,- arship for special summer study II 'lmaIl. lirliqhl.llI •• T'here's III !jurt to fH- every whimc ~c recalls to life the mcst bril- the Cambridge road home of second vice-president; Mrs. Har- at the University of M~e. She Illllrclntl!,llOIIIltt. ra•• liD.: I Bandanna, madr~s, batik, plaid and JiaDt bellet you've ever eeen. Mrs. Merrill F. Cross, new ley G. Hi~bie, third vice-presi- is president of 'the Michigan ., ~ ROHDE president of the chapter's Twen- dent, and Mrs. George T. Rapp, Licensed Practical Nurses Asso- a poolfu!l of othe .... 8-16. rr. ty-five Year Club. recording secretary. dation. Mrs. Powels, who is moving Mrs. Richard Forsyth, corre- soon to Carmel. Cali:f., to be sponding secretary; Mrs. Mer:e- Many a train of thougb.t runs rOE near her married daughter, who dith Randall, assistant corre- into a p.ead-on collision.'. makes her home there, received ~h. LO 7.6100 the 25-year bar from the club, at a chapter luncheon recently at Oakland Hills Country Clu'b. Her husband, who retired in I June as principal of Eastern typically High School, has also been en- margaret rice )0 tertained recently by his' as- sociates ~,t a dinner at the What music? 'Ibe choice .. Ingleside Club. y'burs • • . but listen. with this Stromberg-Carlson ''Custom Members of Grosse Pointe I 400'" high fidelity instrument Colony, New England Women, I ••• fl'3r a performance experi- and of a dramatic group called f aced, until now, only :in the "The Mummers", attended Fri- j theatre itself. day's tea, as Mrs. Powels was Wear the Stromberg-Carlson Hour l Every Sunday .. 3:00 p.m. a member of those groups, also. Station WLDM-FM Memlbers of the chapter board i were in attencance at the same I c. A. Nutting tea. COMPANY HOUSEHOLD HINT' 1 1 I RADIO .. TELEVISION To make "topside stickies" , Established 1924 make three deep cuts in the tops J 341 Fisher Road of brown 'n' serve dinner rolls. I TU 5-0110 Stuff with raisins, drizzle with equal pa1;ts butter and brown ! 6353 E. Jefferson \ I sugar which have been melted LO.7.5500 together. Bake at 400Q for 10 )'or Dependable TV Service Call LO 7.5500 minuteA or until glazed and golden.


, :Jtair... After :Jive o

••• misty chiffon ••• plus II pure silk linen jacket .••• 'White silk lining • ~• adds up to flair after jive .....,89.95•

• • • this is just one from II ,collection of cocktttil clothes from ~ : ,. : 39.95. - ' ~ .

~ Batik print in south sea Madras plaid in fast' Bandanna 'print in little Miniature tartaft for TOWN 'N' , ' -. a r 0 n 9 shape. Eye.' drying dacron aJid lZot- boy shorts with a dash. bonnie lassies. Lit t I • cat~hing. B.I u e -green ton. M u r k y madras iog midrifftie. Navy or boy s h 0 rt s. Red or print. . ..' 19.95 ' .. olors. 14.95 red with white. 10.95 blue plaid. 12.95 20445 MACK Opp. Roword Johnson'. Ifrosse point~._woodS ,76 Kercheival •.. on the hi!' . r f

" Thursday, Page FourteenS RO S~ E PO' N TEN I W S"- Thursday, July 4" 1957 So'ciety News- 'Gathe,red fro'm All of the Pointes Wo Karen Giessler Mrs. lee R..J...Scott.'Jr. Mrs. -Victor Charles Poleni ,Jr. McM

(Continued from Page 12) merly of Lincoln road, with VOW: Marries. Mr. Scott their daughter., Sandra, have BECKY and KENNETH, of been visiting the C. C. Watsons Balfour road, were among the Pair Speak VO Pair Speak Vows Wednesdl'Y Afternoon in Grosse Pointe of Meadow lane. sandra' will fly passengers 1e a v i n g Detroit to Denver on Saturday to attend Congregc Memorial Church; Wedding Trip to New York and Saturday, June 29, on a plane the wedding of her classmate, for London. They are members East Coast Folldws Reception Judy Selee of, Denver. of ~he Kazmayer European Jean Gretel ,;' '" .,'" At an afternoon ceremonyWe~esday in Grosse Seminar Tour, a pleasure and Alencon lace fa Pointe Memorial Church Karen Zita Giessler was married study group, which is making ""MRS. JOHN K. BUsCH ~ Pointe Memoric .to Lee R. J. Scott, Jr. with the Rev. Ben Tallman- a five-week tour of European Lochmoor boUlevard is at homtt countries. including England, after three weeks in Harper The gown \\ officiating. ~ ' Holland, Belgium, Germany, Hospital. with a sabrina The bride is the daughter I was caught by a wreath, of Switzerland, Italy and; France. pire bod ice of Henry C.' Giessler, Jr., of orange blossoms, which had with A 1en c c Beaufait drive and the late been worn by her mother at her '" . '" MR. and MRS. WILLIAM C. princess skirt c Mrs. Giessler: She the w~ding. She carried white car- is PORTER of Hampton road an- bustle back whi granddaughter of Mrs. A. W. natlOns and sweetheart roses. nounc~ the birth of a daughter, chapel train. Lenz of Beaufait drive Mr Con s tan c e Egle was, the JULIA ST. CLAIR, on June 24. Kay Carney A ntted cap c Scott'i parents are the' Le~ bride's only a~tendanrt in pink Mrs. Porter is the for m e'r motifs of lace hel . gdal nylon over pink taffeta. She LORONE ST. CLAIR,RICKEL. eel fingertip veil, R ...J Scotts 0f Sunmn e carried blue daisies. '" '" She carried phael his . RENTALS drive, . . Carl Scott was brother's anotis and i,'y. For her wedding the br1de best man and seating the guests MR. and MRS. EDWARD R. PARR of Kensington road an- Carolyn Anr. cha:se a waltz length gown 0.£ were Marvin and Norman Scott: Huron, was maid white prganza. Her short vell F h dd ';'hte. , 'ed noun~e the June 27 birth of a ______or er granau&-,~ 'l'S W - son, DAVID WESLEY. Mrs. (jownJ t.~e attendants we ding and the reception which Parr is the fonner BETI'Y Rudholm, Judith followed at t.'1e Grosse' Pointe AUCH. and Mrs. Kay K, Exclwnge VOWS War Memorial Mrs. Lenz chose for Brides ~nd '" '" '" of St. Clair Shone In Hancock a blue lace gown and wore Cl DR. and MRS. EDW ARD Bridesmaids. They were go' white gardenia. Mrs. Scott was HATCH of Ul).iversity place will Also formals, hoops, white chiffon OVE in a blue linen shea th with tucked bodices Lyndon R. Babcock, JJ:., son leave for a summer vacation at sweetheart roses. Veils and satin cummberbt of Dr. and Mrs. Lyndon R. Bab- Scituate, Cape Cod, Mass. After a trip to New York,and the waltz length ~ock of Norton court, was mar- the East Coast the, newlyweds " '" '" '" Headpieces. headbands were ried to the former Betty 1m. MR. and MRS. FREDERICK will make their home in Grosse ,:; carried pink carr monen of Hancock, Michigan, on -Photo by Glendenin'. -Photo by Beatrice Zwaan DICKLEY of Glenview, Ill., for- 1525 Broadway WO 2.9707 Poinie Woods. iums and ivy. JWle 21. At morning rites in St. Clare of Montefalco Satur- At an afternoon ceremony Wednesday in Grosse Roger W. Van The wedding was an evening Pointe Memorial Church, KAREN ZITA GIESSLER day JOLEEN ANN CLAPSADDLE became the bride of Susan Adams Vacations Cuyahoga Falls, ~eremony held in the Finnish became the bride of Mr. Scott. She is the daughter of Mr. Poleni. She is the daughter of the H. Whitney Clap- man. Seating thl Lutheran Ohurch in Hancock. With Patty Walbridge Henry C. Giessler, Jr., of Beaufait, drive, and th,e late. saddles, of Buckingham road, and her husband is the son Warren M. Heim The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Giessler. Her bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. 'of Mrs. Marguerite Poleni, of Murray Hill, and, Victor IRVING Vernon, N.Y.; E: Mr. and Mrs. Jalmar Immonen. Susan Adams, daughter of Dr. Poleni, oj Detroit. oreaux III, of BI and Mrs. Charles W. Adams, of Lee R. J, Scott, of Sunning dale , drive. ' Maid of honor was Miss Joan and ~orge C. H Beacon hill, has been vacation- Tareonen of Minnesota. Frances continuing our The bride's pal Babcock, sister of the bride- ing with Patty Walbridge, I d"d'i 'N elson-R ich,.ner VO[4"s.-'8poken Mrs. Elm'~r H. S groom, was bridesmaid. Charles daughter of the Norton Wal- M- ' C Millan road, gaVE Babcock served his brother as bridges, of Sunningdale drive, 155 " ap5a e J a c que 1y n Sue-R-ic-h-n-e-r,-'-A-'.-R-ic-h-n-e-r,Jr., brother of the best man and seating guests at their summer home on Mus- daughter of Mr. anc; Mrs. CedTic bride .. were Richard Han and Fred koka Lake. d 'P I · A. Richner ,of Alter road,'for-, A 'luncheon for the bridal. Spring and Winners Williamson. . Over the July 4th week-end, ' e 0 r. 0 enI ~erly of, the Pl!inte, wa~ mar- party was held at iJp.eWomen's. Followin,g a reception held in Dr. and Mrs. Adams with Susan, W ", t M ned to R~ymond? Nelson, Jr., City Club following the wed- By BridJ the church parlors the coup+e and Chuckie will be at their ' at a nuptial mass m St. AmbrC,)secling. A reception was held at left for a trip to Ketchikan, summer home at Oscoda, where Pair Speak Vows Saturday Mo~nin9' in St. Clare of Chwch on June 1'5. ,the club at 3 o'clock; -, Memorial Cenb Alaska. On their return they Mrs. Adams and the ahildren 'I 'Ch h II M k H • S CI. The bridegroom is the son of After a wedding trip to 'Cape Summer Sale will stay for a month, Montefa co ' urc; Wi', a e orne In t. aIr d Mr R d V winners have beel will make their home in Seattle, 'res After Wedd.lng 'Trip to New York Mr. an , s. aymoner- Cod the couple will live in New follows: Sho haeren Nelson of New Rochelle, Rochelle Wltil the fall. In Sep- . Wash., where both will attend June 24: Norl the University of Washington Some people spend.all their '. • ' - N. Y.' temfber, Mr. Nelson will enter Mrs. Frank Coo] , A wedding trip to New York followed the Saturday -Marilyn Ruth Crow was the Notre Dame University to com- for one year. lime setting traps for others. Walter Hayes; F m.orning rites of Joleen Claps~ddle and Victor Cparles maid.. of honor. Bridesmaids plete his studies, graduating in Ann Monday and Fern Lichte Poleni, Jr., in St. Clare of Montefalco Church. were Mr.li. Cedric A. Richner, January. Mrs. Nelson- will at- • • East and West ,The bride, dau~ter of the~' - Jr., Marjorie Nelson, sister of tend St. Mary's. Following grad- and Barbara Cc H Whitney Clapsaddles of WilkiIul, Jack Wesley Davidson, the bridegroom, and Sylvia uation the couple will move to Tuesday raine Smith and . ki h d" and Michael W hit n e y Clap- Schneider, Florida where Mr. Nelson will • June 26: Nort I Buc ng am r 0 a , wore saddle 'Bernard Gailiet of New York attend law school. Mervin Cress an, ipeau dr soie trimmed with For' h}!'r daughter's; weddin,g City was 'best man. Ushers were Wednesday er; Al Callam am In I seed 'pearls at the sweet~ d the t' h' h f 1 Donald Dell'Aquilla of New • East and West I heart neckline. A crown of an recep 100. w 1C . 0 - Rochelle, Ronald Meissner of Charles' Millers and Flora Denis; .o~nfort e •• waxed orange' blossoms and lowed: at the Grosse Pomte Racine,' Wis., Allen' Clark-of Wed 50 Years Razel Potter. pearls held her long veil and Yaoht ,Club Mrs. Clapsaddle Mamaroneck, N.Y., and Cedric Many new, items June 28: Nor! she carried white sweetheart chose a sea foam green organza ------~ 'Mr. and Mrs, N. I Mr. and Mrs. CharJcs L. Mil- roses and stephanotis. . gown. Mrs. Poleni was in mauve Former Pointer's Betl-othal Sutherland and : WEEJUNS ler of Three Mile drive ob- East and West: Margo Elizabeth Poleni was organza. Told in Fort Worth, Texl's' served their 50th wedding anni- added, including and Ellen Walr< I maid of hon'ot and the attend- When the couple left for the ',' '-'-- versary on June 27. bury and Andre Tasseled mocoS5in in antique '\ ants, w:ere Mary Kent, ~immer- East the bride was, weariI).g a' Mr. and Mrs. F red e r i c k A reception in their honor brown or antiqulI block. ' man, Mary' K.ay Shenef1eld and beige linen dress with brown Lynch, formerly of Bishop road, was -given by their children, Dr. 11.95 I Irene Louise Poleni. TIne honor accessories. They will make and Mrs. Lyndon Babcock and I maid was in yellOw chilion and their home in Cliapoton Manor, and now of Fort Worth, Tex." Mr. and 14rs.. Kasper Mueller, COTTONS the maids iill white chiffon with St. Clair Sh,ores. announ~e, the en~agement, of at the Babcock home on Norton Regulotoin mocQssir In an- yellow cummerpunds. They car- __ ~___ their 'daughter, Peggy, to Miles tique red, brown or block. coU}'t.,Attending the party were No Alterotions - No C. O. D'•. 10.95 ried baskets of yellow and HOLDING LADY'S PURSE AllenR u the r:f 0 r d, of Fort some' 115 friends and members Positively No Exchange. white daisies and wore a wreath Worth., of the family. . All Sales Fined of daisies in their hair. Shores police are holding a The bride to be is a graduate lady's purse found on Lake Mrs. Mill e r, the former walton-pierce, Richard Martin Polen! was Shore road and, Deeplands, on of Michigan ,State University' Wi1heInina $chuttenhe1m, ,vas best man. The bridegroom Is the Tuesday, July 2. The owner can where she Was a Kappa KapPa born in D,etroit. Mr. Miller was son of Mrs. Marguerite Poleni, claim. the purse by gomg to the Gamma. Her iiance" son of the born, in Brighton, Michigan. He of Mu:.ray Hill, and Victor station, 795, Lake Shore road, Hubert Rutherfords, of Lub- was' retired from the Ainsworth Poleni, of Detroit. ' . . .h' d' bock, Tex." was 'graduated from Company two years ago, where and identifymg t e Item an ~ts North Texas State College. he was purchasing agent. He is ______Usherin~ were Robert Louis contents. The couple. will be married now affiliated with the Luth- CAMP ,SAVERY -::~:.~: August 31 in St. Andrews EpiS-" eran Charities. The couple was Aug. 18 copal Church in Fort Worth. married, in Detroit 50 years Ann Hock, ,of Mary, road, .will ago. " . . be her cousin'$ junior brides~ Grandchildren, of the Millers 82 Kercheval Summer Day Camp for BOYS and GIRLS maid. Ages 4 ,through 12 are Lyndon, Jr., Frances and Charles Babcock" and Charles Grosse Pointe Only Camp Savery will be held on the premises of the MONEY BAG FOUND Mueller. ' . Grosse Pointe UniversIty School,' on Cook R(J"d A small, leather money bag' ,::::::====------=------======~,' Camp Savery brin~s to boys and girl& every ad. , Permanent :lemoval of Superfluous Hair was' found in a rUibbish can in ~Z3.~EF". vantage of campmg away from home. Camp ~. -; ,/,m'?~ activities include tennis. fencing, archery, baseball, By. N~w Short Wave Method front of Cunningham's Drug ~<&);:::)1(&M;,W\ track, horseback. riding. Sewing for girls. Shop Store in the Village; on June 24. '-\Y:oA}t;:hl/ wo~k for boys. Arts and crafts. bo~ing (for boys), No Obligation for Consultation o:~ .r~"%>W;:;:) callsthenics. bowling and golf. Swimming every The bag was fOU,'ldby Duncan , ',",.,," "", da~. The camp will be open daily (Monday through 15315 E. JeHerson. Grosse Pointe Park 'fA 2-4784 Laurie of 121 Merriweather ,'",,,,.,,,."",_;'"F:r:lday) from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with special road. It may be claimeq; at the "MMAn :trlP~ arranged for Saturdays. Transportation is Esquire Theater Building - ,.~;,«'qt:{prO'\iided fer all campers. ,City police station. , ;\h~~''',)Facllities: Besides our spacious grounds and work ,,<:'::'::~i:,:' )shops. Cam~. Savery .has use of two gymnasiums ....,::,'{'k? Nlpll!s an audItorium wnere sound movies are shown ---c ",J,:.:..£?':;. dally. We are proud of our entire college trained ANNOUNCING ;j'" ~::~~~: SUMMER J;~;~~:~;?D~Z~;::~- - -"",,-- -'"'- _..:...... - . STORE HOURS

.' PU,BLIC AUCTION Saturday, July 13, Starting at 1 p. m. at the Closed SA TU RD'A YS Store • L. E. Smart Sales Farm During July-and August 330 W. Tienken Road Rochester, Mich.

Furniture alld Accessories from'th. Residence of SUMMER STORE HOURS MARC T. PATTEN yall •• 'I:I..TIIES Monday through Friday 10 Until I VVest, Long Lake Road ------_....'110 K.rcheval 'TUxedo 1-7227- Bloomfield -Hills CHESTS CHAIRS .' CUPBOARDS . RUGS CHAR lES-' W. WAR RE N & COMPANY TABLES STEINWAY SPINET PIANO I , SOO-PIECE «LASSICAL RECORD LIBRARY , . e\ 1520 WASHINGTON BOUlEV,A,RD

D.tr~it 26, Michigan-Telephone WOodward 2-&161-5tO('. Hours 10100 until &00 AM ,pro." to Christ Ihilrchl Cftllnbrook ~'\.~ . Preview Friday,' July 12, 2:00..9:00 p,m. S'

SHIed lids Accepted

t, ... .

ay, July 4, 1957 Thursday, July 4, 1957 Page FiTte... tes Woman's Page • • • b'y,o:f,ando~9r Pointe Women - ,:nu'p~Ui~t;~1 McMillen-Schade Mrs. Ja-mes R. McMillen Mrs. Richard S. Campbell Trip to Mackinac il1l"IU:IUIIII"H"II"III1Il1I1KIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIIII~ f Lincoln road, with Vows SQlemnized Follows Weddin"g ughter, Sandra, have lting the C. C. Watsons Pair Speak Vows Saturday Afternoon in Grosse Pointe {YW lane. Sandra will fly Cheryl Cornelia Reberdy Becomes the Bride of Richard r on Saturday to attend Congregational Church; ~outhern Trip Follows . Smith-Campbell On Saturday at Christ Church; ding of her classmate, Reception in Church Pailors lee of Denver. Reception Held at War Memorial • J!l * Jean Gretchen Schade chose a gown of silk taffeta and A wedding trip to Mackinac Island and Copper H~- JOHN K. BUSCH of Al~ncon lace ~or her wedding Saturday evening in Grosse bour followed the Saturday afternoon rites in Cm:Ist or boulevard is at home Pomte MemorIal Church to James R. McMillen. Church of Cheryl Cornelia Reberdy and Richard SmIth weeks in Harper The gown was fashioned~'------:'-_------'-- I Campbell. ~ . with a sabrina neckline, em- at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. The bride, daughter of the I and the reception w~ich fol- pire bod ice embroidered The bridegroom is the son of H. Weller Reberdys of lowed ~t the Grosse Pomte War with Ale n con lace and Mr. and Mrs. Laurice.3. :McMil- . 'MemonalI Mrs. Reberdy chose princess skirt draped into a len, of Mount Vernon, N.Y. Trombley road, wore a short a deep blue Italian silk gown bustle back which fell into a For the wedding and recep~ sleeved empire gown of wtlli a jeweled n~kline. ~ith chapel train. tion M~s. Schade chos.e a dusty- white. silk organza. The if she wore. a whlt~ feathered ay Carney A fHted cap of taffeta with ~ose chIffon ~heath wIth m~tch- deep rounded. neckline was hat and white orchIds.. . motifs of lace held her two tier- mg ~ccess~rles. Mrs. McMIllen of Chantilly' lace and the Mrs. Campbell was m beIge ed fingertip veil of silk illusion. was m a l~ght blue la~~ sheath skirt bouffant lace with a flowered hat and ,ENTALS She carried phaelanopsis, steph- and matchmg accessorle~. Both Her veil of 'French illusion brown orchids. . . anotis and ivy. mothers wore spray orchIds. fell from a calot of white leaves When the couple left on thel1' Carolyn Ann Loll of Port When the bride left on the and seed pearls. She carried wedd.ing trip. the bride .w~ Huron, was maid of honor and pair's wedding trip to Canada white orchids and lilies of the wearmg a whIte flowered lmen own.1 the attendants were Jean Selma and New En~land she was wear- valley. suit with a w?ite pat and. ~pen Rudholm, Judith Ann Van Dam ing a black shantung suit with Gloria Anton was the bride's blue accessorIes. r Brides ~nd and Mrs. Kay Kenneth Custer white accessories. The y will of St. Clair Shores.' , make their home in Lakeshore only attendant in a spring blue idesmaids. They were gowned alike in Village. sheath. of Italian 8ilk with a HOUSEHQLD HINT white chiffon over taffeta with ------matching blue velvet hat and Iso formals, hoops, face veil. Her cascade bouquet If cloudy iced tea is your tucked bodices and ice pink was of white carnations. summertime menu problem, try ils ond satin cumm~rbunds accenting Project Pushed Harry Crowell came from the waltz length skirts. Their using warm water and "letting eodpieces. Chagrin Falls, 0., to be best the tea stand from three 1:0 six headbands were ivy and they By Unitarians man. The ushers were Neil carried pink carnations, geran- hours. Use two teaspoons tea Br~adway HaI;ris, of Utica, and Charles for each 'cup of water. Pour iums and ivy. It may not be June in Janu- -Photo by Clinedjnst .-Photo by H: A. Powell Studio Pfeiffer. lukewarm water over the tea Roger W. Van Winkle, of ary, but the women of Grosse . JEAN GRETCHEN SCHADE -spoke her .'nuptial At an. afternoon cer mony Saturday CHERYL The briC:egroom is the son of and let it stand a few hours. The Cuyahoga Falls, 0., was best Pointe Unitarian Church, busily 1 vows to Mr~ McMillen Saturday eviming in Grosse Pointe CORNELIA REBERDY, daughter of the H. Weller, Mrs. Clarence J. Campbell, of hotter the water, the more tan- man. Seating the guests were at work for their Biennial Holly Memorial Church. She is the daughter of the Elmer .H. Reberdys, of Trombley road, became the bride' of Mr. Erie, Pa., and the late Mr. nin that goes into ; the Warren M. Heim, Jr., of Mount Fair to be held on Thursday, Schades, orMcMillan road, and her husband is the son Campbell, son of Mrs .. Clarence J. Campbell" of Erie, Campbell. more tannin in solution. the Vernon, N.Y.; Ernest S. Lam- November 7, this year, feel as of Laurice M. McMillens, of Mount Vernon} N.Y. Pa., and the' late Mr. Campbell. . wedding I cloudier the tea. . oreaux III, of Bronxville, N.Y., though its November in July. For her daughter's and G€orge C. Hastings. Every Tuesday, under the di- ' our The bride's parents, Mr. and B H rection of Fair Chairman Mrs. Parties. Given For . etty oyt Mrs. Elmer H. Schade, of Mc- Nelson Frolund, they meet at __ ..:.. _ Donovans Give, Millan road, gave the reception the church fro~ 10:30 a.m. to Prior to the July 13 wedding IW,ednesday preceding the wed- Dance for Debs 2:30 p.m., workmg on every- of Betty Jean Hoyt and Ronald dmg. ~ Annual Summer thi~g f~',omsaucy cloth dOll,s to Thomas Nelson, Mr. and Mrs," The r,ehearsal dinn~r will be The Frank W. Don 0 van s and Winners Listed "glltter match boxes and hand~ I J d 11 d M at the home of the brldegroom's G opened their East Jefferson. By Bridge Club painted tallies. Time out for Char es . ar e a an r. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin avenue home last Friday.for a lunch is alwayS' a happy social Iand Mrs. George A. Gardella. L. Nelson of Vernier road. The garden dance which' honored. occasion. Jr. entertai~ed at ia diI;mer bride-to-be is' the daughter of three of the season's debutantes. Sale Memorial Center Bridge Club In addition, many of. the party followmg a bar and lmen Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hoyt of Elisa'beth McElvenny, LoUie winners have been announced as church Alliance members and showe~ at the Charles Gardella Roosevelt place, Grosse Pointe. Ecclestone and' Virginia Pen- . follows: friends are attending the round- home m Renaud road. The reception will be held. at rose were the honored buds. A June 24: North and South, robin of home fair factories held A personal shower was given the home of the bride's parents huge. buffet table was~laid with Mrs. Frank Coolidge and .Mrs. afternoons and evenings. Hos- at the Buckingham. home of and the wedd.ing will be at St. a white pointe de Venice cloth Vlalter Hayes; Florence Steele tesses for these include: Mrs. Mrs. Thomas J. Bass.. Mrs. P;iul's Church on the lake, and white summer flowers in and Fern Lichtenwalter. Gordon Cook, Mrs. William Allan R Mitchell and Mrs. Grosse. Pointe. the dining room off the terrace. ! • East and West: Irene Boyce Jack QualeY'E orchestra played and Barbara Covington; Lor- Elmer, Mrs. O. M. Gruhzit, Mrs. Thomas J. Bass "gave a miscel------I for the dancing. raine Smith and Jane Franklin. Gordon Sorenson, Mrs. Andrew laneous shower in Mrs. Pear~ 'July 8th' through July 19th Court and Mrs. John Gulevich. sall's home in Kerby road. , Mrs. Donovan was in yellow June 26: North and South, Lakepointe Club and white organza over pale Mervin Cress and Arthur Bay- Mrs. Phillip R: Flanders is


.dresses ..Icoats ..s~i~s'..sportswear ..blouses AYS shoes~ belts- jewe'r4-t)ondbags- gloves- Ji.ngerie- r,?bes' u st chiidren's and infa:nts'wea'r • children' sshoes


OMPANY VARD unril5.00 Grosse Point. TUxed~ 2-7000 Use Your -,Char9a-Plat~

, ) 'i ., -',~---:--"""'!""~~------:--~--~~~"""':"""-"":"", ~~_-..~--,--,._._-~-~----' - - -~v,. ------~--~-~---, ""'!,,----,~,-',-,-,~-""",,,-~--~-~---"'!"""'"~,~,-,~~, . " 1- I Thursday~ July 4. 1957 Thursday. P~. Sixteen (; R O' SSE P 0 "N'T' e NEW S I Pick All-Star BayvieYf Juniors Winners in First Test Lit1 , I Tourney 'T~qms Boa.t Banter (Continued j .Tune 29, the By _Dick ,_Grauwe ____ . _ , ~r%~~'4:.","y';'Vy",';;'~.",~<":,'f.. defeated the PI of 4-2. Ita! Local Junior sailing got a Shorek wu third with his , E?ii1~!J;;f~.~";:.~:.~ terrific shot in the arm Ia.:."t Luder 16. • • • Giants . , ~ to be held at Southfield. from .....',..... , Senators .. July 19 to July 21. Fifteen phly- Jack Shafer will attempt 10 Groae Pointer I ers from both the American and stretch his Unlimited winning PhWies .. National Leagu,es were selected streak to two when his "Such by the vario~' ieague managera Crust nr' runs in the St. Clair, QROSSE P fRfO RUnnfLlS ::~:~: ,early last week. The two teams Michigan, International Trophy By Joll will be practiCing from now Race on July 14. Manager Gor' until the State Tournament. Attempting to halt the win~ Cards, and 1 Hurricane Audrey Affects The National League AIi Star. ning streak will be Joe Schoen- Ghesquiere anI . under Manager, Ralph Wilson ith's "Gales V and vr'; Chuck must have sam , indude Earl Vogel from the . Thompso~'s '''Short Circuit"; that put "new 1 Annual Boat Club Regatta Brooklyn Dodgers; Glenn ''CrOiI Gordon Deneau'~ ''What a Pickle team because tl ~ from the Milwaukee Braves; I and II." Other craft expected week and jolte ,. f- r The tail of hurricane Audrey whip-lashed LaKe St. Alan Lang, Jim PariSe, Bill to be entered are Buffalo's Dodgers. ( Clair into a wild thing last Saturday, June 29, and forced Coyro, Bill Beckenhailr, and "Wild Root Charlie," Bud Saile's The Cards l. "Miss Wayne," "Wha Hoppen ( race chairman John L. HUnt to cancel all classes except the Rick Colombo from the New around the ba Too" and Canada's "Miss Can. ~ruising A.B.C. and SchoonerMketch in the Boat Club r~ York Giants; Gerald Phillip. against these ~______and Ted Buda from the St;- ada" reportedly the most pow. f gatta. • LoWs Cardinals; Earl' Meye~ erful single engine hydroplane added two vi ~ Even the big boat skippers to run close to the committee Joe Briguglio, and Larry Engle-' credit, which n f were leery of risking their ships boat which had the judges all hart from the Cincinnati Red- "wide open" a ,f in the howling north wester so "shook up" by the end of the legs; and Frank Carta, Jahn still wind up , j lOOn before the Bayview-Port day. Lillie, and Terry Treppa from' is over. ;- ~, Huron Mto-- - Mackinac race on The race was sailed stakes to the Philadelphia Phillies. , The Cubs 1051 f• July 13. Consequently only 12 stanboard which Rent the hardy lIi!a.naging the Am e r i can but still mana~ of the larger craft sailed. tars dovm the American side of League team will be Frank first place. Vi , Frank White's New York 32 the triangle on a wild; yavifng Waldeck. His squad will include star, is continui 1 .loop ''Tigress'' did a beautiful r~ach .. The ~cond leg wasn t a 41 Foraker ~d Doui Aldinger al hitting strea , job in saving her time to beat blt better as It too was a rea:ch. 'from the Cleveland Indians. more home ru Wilfred Maguire's 52-foot yawl Coming back to the finish line Robert Morri!on from. the Nev:. . City Offering which makes i1 "Merry Maiden" on corrected it was a rngged beat and it was York Yankees~ Jon Rice from . season. time in Cru!sing A division. on this leg that UMerry Maiden" the Boston Red Sox; John Diving Lessons The Braves l Frank Parker's chartered "Ta. worked out a lead over her only Chown and Joe Bredau from The JW:rlor Sailing' Club of Bavview and KEN CALDERPi~e l~nJ'rJdr~~_eIla won one and 10 mara" started but was forced to othe! competito~,. "Tigress" to the Chicago White Sox; Lars, " •• Free diving instructions will •; tied for second , withdraw half way down the be:first boat to finlsh. Anderson, Craig Anderson, and Yacht Club chalked up.its first sailing NAN C Y B 0 S TON, ,'SUE MARSH, be offered to residents of the first leg when she broke her All classes that did not sail Robert Radtke from the Detroit victory ~ce i~' organization last May MARTHA B 0 S TON, SUSAN SHEP- • City of Grosse Pofrite beginning The Cards m tiller. Those boys had quite a will sail for double prizes in the Tigers; and Russ Gramer. Butch . when it beat the D e t r 0 i t ]~oat Club PARED and JUDy BENKERT. Third on July 8 and 9. time getting their yacht into the Wmdmill Pointe Y.C. regatta Gramer, Robert CraIn, Mike Juniors in the first series of the first an- row:...:..JOHN DAVIDSON, BOB KERR. At a special meeting of the June 25, and Classes will be available twiC& Schmatz on th abelter of Grosse Pointe Y. C. on the Fourth of July. Warning MacDonald, Dave Lowry, anel nual BYC-DBC home and home series on III, BOB BEN K E R T, JR. and JOHN , North Star Sail Cl,~b, Commo- a week: Monday and Wednes- pose Greg 1 Hank Burkard's "Meteor m" gun is scheduled for 11 a.m. Philip Keim from ....llhe Washing- Sunday, ,June 30, Bayview scored 23lh MOELLER. Back row:-all skippers, BOB dore Ray De Blaere announced day, or Tuesday and Thursday, Braves. This ~~ ~~~oF~~~~ ;;:ee;. with Cruising A boats getting ton Senators. - the Boat Club's .. CALDER, JIM MOEL- the purchase of property and points to. 191;2 'pointS. DUNLAP KEN for one hour each day. for Schmatz 00 away at 11:10 and all other The winner of the State 'Sh left t . ht fir' t ~'USAN LER "'!l:dD"C"1I.T1I.T'U' RUNNELLS. . clu.b facilities on the Clinton Cruising B but failed to save classes following at five minute Tournament will compete in the own 0 rig, S row:-o a :£I.l.U'.L RIver south of Mount Clements, Due to swimming instructions heatable both 0 enough time too win over-all intervals. The finish line :will Regional Tournament in W'a- 'BRIDGE., PETER NESS, JOHN MARSH One of the newer sailing clubs in the afternoons, diving classes at the plate. honors which were UL"ten by be down river between two consin early in AUln1"t. The will be offered in the morning out eight Bra' KIN ' Pil t sl "H ' ..~ in the area, North Star was or- ar: ess 0 oop appl- flags in front of the host club. winner of this tournament will Toronto _ : 7 I .'177 Garberson, Senators 1 8 Evansville 3 2 .600 ganiz~ in 1948. Since that time only-from 10 to 11 o'clock and them only tw 11 to 12 o'clock. ~~n:hiC ~s~c::r ~o: Two days later the wind- play in the World Series to be Buffalo ~.._ 4. i.444 National Great Lakes 2 2 .500 it has occupied various rented them to Greg 1 over-all honors. wagon boys. will be out again held Au~t ~,. 21, 23,. ~d ~4 Miami 3 5 .375 W L Fo:r:dham ;. 2 3 .400 spots L"l.dcurrently has its club- Anyone interested m diving ed up a single , Tommy H an son •s Pilot in thf Grosse Pointe (Little) at the U1pVerslty of MichIgan s Havana 3 'I .300 McDo~ld, Pirate. . 4 0 Harvard 0 4. .000 house on the property of the instructions is asked to report his team. "Dauntless" placed second and Club 'regatta on Saturday, July Fer:Y Field in Ann Aribor. . ,Montreal _ 2 6 .250 Smith, Giants ; 2 0 Southern Emerald City Boat Harbor in to the deep end of the swim.. Schmatz swu was followed by Bill Bremer's 6. This race will be held on the Tlcket;s for the World Senes ~hmond 1 8 .111 DeCavitte, Giants 2 2 W L Pct St. Clair Shores. North Star ming pool on the day and hour action in the "Balquihidder," Jim Car 1in's regular DRYA triangles and are avallable {rom team l?em- GROSSE POINTE PARK Purcell, Braves 1 3 Carolina ,4 1 .800 holds membership in the Detroit of choice. hitting a horn "Glory Bea II" and Kurt Key- will not be over the rectangular '~rs ~ the.G r 0 sse POI n t e In the American League last Lumley, Dodgers : 1 4 Duke 3 1 .750 River Yachting Association and Paul Alcott and Lynn Mess- Steve Miller ~ del's "Grace Note." P a 1.1 I course as has been the case in 0'0 s - S h 0 res Bab~ Rut.h week there were three games Home Run Leaden Alabama 3 2 .600 the Inter-Lake Yachting Asso- ner will be in cl1arge of regis- ahead of him. Goetschus traversed the fifteen past Little Club regattas. ;:ar; L~::eV Pre:s1- played and ope rained out. The American Baylor 1 3 .250 ciation and members compete trations. ued this hittin1! =:~ ing up a dour mile Cruising C triangle but Warning gun for this regatta end 0 g, €r1Uer Atliletics, with the pitching of ,HR Kep.tucky 0 4: .000•regularly in events sponsored Divers in all degrees of pro- W86 disqualified by the judges is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. This roa • Dave Lubeck, beat the-Senators Lonesk, Orioles .: 5 LI'rrLE LEAGUE . ,by those associations. ~eady ficiency are invited to register for a perlect dJ because they couldn't read the will be the last local DRYA re- 5 to 4. Thompson, Athletics 4 Minors five North Star skippers have for instructions. scoring thr~. number on Ids sail. You see gatta before the Bayview-Port proved itself a worthy opponent Mgr. GeOrge Schultz's Orioles Harrison, 'White Sox 3 Grosse Pointe City :filed. entries for. the Bayview- Grace, of the ( Paul's 36-foot yawn bounced Huron to Mackinac race on with a fine showing on both of- still in first place, beat the Garberson, Senators 2 Because of last week's rainy Port Huron to Maekinac race on single in the around the course under ji'b and July 13. - tense and defense. Fred Noble White Sox 15 tot;. Michel National' July 13, I O'Neil and J. mizzen alone and in the howling Windmill' Pointe Y.C. race fielded two balls in deep cen- SimonewBS the winiung pitch- !:....t weather only one game was In addition to its DRYA and him. Matthe~ wind couldn't make himself Ichairman is CharlesdMpacD~~al~ ~r. and fix:ed strik~ into home ~r, ana. Dan Telep the losing DeCavitte, Giants " 2 i.~{~~'~nc:~ g~tyjatu~~~~ li.YA activities the club holds both scored on "best band got in the tift!: heard when he called his sail Iand Bo1:ibyFord an ete ro p a~e a distanee 'S- over one pitcher. The second place Ath- Landau, Dodgers 2 a series of local riKes, the latest number out to the judges' boat. are. the Little Clubs' race co- hundred and -fifty 1eet. Mike letics managed a victory over Craparotta," Braves , 2 (Continuedt on Page 17) of which was the Paul Kelly in town,r the sixth with It was too dangerous to attempt charrmen.. I Grander made more unassisted third place White Sox " to 2. Wemhoff, .Pirates 1 ------Trophy race on Sunday, June Matthews carn put outs at first base than was Tommy' Thompson, who hit a Collegiate 23. Twelve at. the club's larger Vere Wirwille a timely singl~ and Grace to made by all his. team mates home run with two on base in HR craft sailed in the event which end his t1'oubadl)n during the game. He looked the Athletic-Senator gBme, was Wilson, minoia - 1 featured stiff winds and a heavy then scored hill good at bat with three for the winning pitcher and Ed Raphael, Great Lakes, 1 sea. good food Cards errors four trys. Harrison the losing pitcher. GROSSE POINTE PARK '111. Bill C h r i & tie' a "Need-A- ran and Johns< John Piana was called on, for. In the National League, _the' LITTLE, LEAGUE ~JI" , Breeze" won top honors on cor- good fun mew to score t: relief role in the fourth inning first place Pirates 1000t their STANDINGS - - ~ d rected time over the 15-mile Braves. ' li di' ...... ,n satut a:y Special Attention to for Ind lanapo sand d h~- first game of the season to : AmeriCan League NoW..... rr triangular course which took Parti.. and Banquets Final score: self proud throwing a whizzer George Verdonckt's Giants in aWL Pet Deborah KO um. I the fleet around the Gaulker Cards 11, Br smack O'9'er the corners. Ed tight ball game, 2 to 1. Dur- Orioles 9 2 .818 RObertEN KNows!lUteb Point Light, the St. Clair Light .. Casper, Indian' shortstop plays ward DeCavitte was the win- Athletics 7, 5 583 "U"EAV~.v At..L1S0N") and Channel buoy number 19. Eddy Shepherd'. On June 26, I '.1/ b b 11 . '1'~" color a ot 0... ase a - We've ning pitcher andJ Joe O'Grady White Sox 5 7 .416 in Cinexnucope and "Cremus," skippered by Tony 7909 IL JefNrson at Vall Dyke tinued their VA. ]-1155 watched him cover, besides his the losing pitcher. The Pirates Senators 2 9 .181 ' atartb1r;.sundaY _ .. of Sporer was second and Edlon against the Do aceID"'-" ------'------1 own position, third, second, and came back the next night to National League. uTn picked up 19 back up the pitcher all in .one beat the Dodgers 16 to 8. The W L The ltet E~etsteln'. Dodger piteheI etl mnmg... L00 k8 rea 1 good at the Dodgers held an early lead, but Pirates 10 1 ltOg"THE andKING AND n" At NORTHLAND CENTER...Off pitched the fil the plate too, and conne<:tsmore weakened in the foUrth. The Giants 7 4 Deborah Kerr • Greenfield b.twHn 8 .nd 9 Mil. for the Cards ' than 50 per cent of the time. second place Giants replayed a Braves 4 6 yul, Brynne'l' FREE PARKING Elgi" 6-10400 finished the 1 Louisville's S t eve Mer t z rained out game with the Dodgers 1 11 ,was the big su pitched his first win against Braves and won it 19 to 12. Co!IegIate League SUNDAY ... LAST DAY' hit a home run Toledo's fighting midgets in a The other game of the week Northern a single for ~ four-inning contest that was between the Braves and the W L • IN PERSON. bat; besides, Sl LITTLE LEAGUEI called because f1! rai:t:.l. Steve Dodgers wal another tight Dlinois :...... ;;...... 4 0 himsel! and 1 fourth win ()f the season. Dan- WOODS-SHORES not only pitched good but did game up to the last inning ------more runs. ( forth, behind the plate was the Louisville beat out St. Paul some nice fielding work. It when the Braves got 'the run scored four tin for top honors in the standings star of-the game, handling his still is a big thrill 10r ue to needed to wiu' 9 to 8.. George pitcher cleverly in the tight LaRue, with behind the best pitching exhibi- wat~h young Tom Dobbie run Shert was the winning pitcher. Marie. Wilson double, cross spots and got three for four tion this year by Tommy Rusi- his team from behind the plate. The Northern Conlerence of times; while 54 and all were long hit balls. starring in the ,sexy. now. Tommy wasn't satisfied to , A battery to watch is Pete the Collegiate' League play.ed Miller got twc allow St. Paul only two hits, he Minneapolis surprised Denver Hergenr:other,. pitching and his only one game last week.' This FORMIRLY MILODY CIRCUS saucy Broadway Hit- the Cards. took two pop flys, a line drive in the first game this week be- catcher,- Michel of Charleston. 'was between Evansville and ,I thl IrDJ.l"ds If Gillis and K1( for a neat double play, fielded hind good pitching and fielding. Pete has trouble finding .the Fordham. Second place Evans- BOTSFORD INN GRAND RIVER AT liGHT MIL!, RD.-OR 4.1101 "Will Success Spoil run apiece three hit grounders for aGSists Denver came back in the second plate. but doesn't have any ville beat the fourth place . ~ Dodger pitchel and scored three runs with game with Ohristenson throw- trouble breezing them in. Fordham 15 to 5. In the South- FOR SUMMER FUN! Rock Hunler? of. seventeen ( three hits. That's a lot of base- ing the ball right past the Min- Scores of .games played in em Conference first place WHERE YOU ENJOY Johnson, of. ball for a nine-year-old against neapolis batters. Minneapolis the American Assocaition the Carolina stood off rival Duke 'Broadway Musicals III One-Half BrotUtwt:iyPrices!' ., A. million laughs." • team as strong as St. Paul. had men on the bases of every week of June 24 are as follows: to hold first place by winning -Earl WilsOft inning but, then the Denver St. Paul took Omaha 23 to 8 Louisville 12, St. Paul 5;' 2 to 1. Pitcher Luzzi pitched a "Hilariously Funny" in a free hitting game. Young hurler would tighten up and Louisville 13, Toledo 7; Minne- no-hitter in a close and exciting Keller held Omaha to infield leave them strahded. apolis 14, Denver 8; Denver 18, game. The other game between -Winchell Although Indianapolis beat Lavi hits which his team mates Minneapolis 5; St. Paul 23, Alabama and Baylor was won "Immensely entertaining in e handled nicely to give him his Charleston 22 to 10. Charleston Omaha 9 and Indianapolis 22, by Ala(), 1"9to 13. rowdy and raucous falhion." Charleston 10. , Leading Pitchers "NEW MOON" -N. Y. Post Hudson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ American Association Standings American July' 9 to, 14 =M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEAM Pet. W L Coli Now for lest ~n~ . -:::s I Featuring: R.eserved SecJts- ~'I.~~~~ Indianapolis 777 Lonesk, Orioles 5 0 ~u:; Louisville ~ 777 Peebles, White Sox 2 0 Betty McNamara ~f~ St, Paul : : .666 Lubeck, AtJUetics, 3 2 Dick Armbruster' Elgin 6.1400 ~n~.. .. Denver :.•• 444 ------Omaha .429 . ' HEAR THESE WONDERFUL 8:30 p.m. Tues .• Wed., Thurs. and :.~U~,: Sun. (also Sat. at 6 ~.m.), $3.00, \n~ Toledo , .375 CARRY OUT SERVICE OLD FAVORITES $2.50, $1.65. $1.10. Fri. at 8:30 p.m .• "One Kiss!" UStout-Hearted Man," Sat. at 9 p.m.: $3.60. $3.00, $2.20. :: ~ " _ \ MOST BEAUTIFUL Minneapolis, 286 CHIN' ESE $1.4)5. Tax included. No show H'ud Charleston 143 ttLover Come Back to Me!" Monday. Ticket6: Downtown at ~~~. CHINESE-AMERICAN Grinnell's. At Northland: Marwil Results of ga.'lles played in FOODS Bookstore or Playhouse Box ~14 \ ,\",c.\ ~, RESTAURANT the International League dur- Phone Reservations. Accepr~d Office. ing the week of June 28 are as Good Food _ Good Reputation PUFOI.Uctl'Tun. l:""UCI FIll, I SUII.AT8:30 , .•• NEXT WEEK: July 9 thrll 14 ~1~ ~ AUTHENTIC .follows: , . SAt. lWILI$HT, , P.M.~'S.l'r. LATE $HOW, »:30 r.II, ~2t~ .' CANTONESE DISHES MCoJlltreal13, Havana 10; co.. HONG KONG NI '£I'OR~A"CEM~"D4~ RED ,BUTTONS ~n~ lumbusll, Toronto 3; Roohes- lI.eLI pt:IFO.JUliet rllCEI

FRENCH CHEFS ,~ ' erial for •. DINNER"'S ... WIth a CUl\lnc ' STARTING THURSDAY. JUN. 27 BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEONS COCKTAILS , QUALITY"ond SERVICE ,.f:i:~ki~ , , of WhlJ:,'h we Ote ptoud ANATOLE'S FRENOH RESTAUR_NT LUNCHEON• , . 'J.OEC'NASH at the piano. 8 p.m. to I a.m. presel1ting,.' , No MI"lm~m-:-No Conr. For Reservation. Call THE HOLIDAY,S 18455 LIVERNOIS AVEiNUE, NEAR 7 MI,LE ROAD TUxedo 4-5015 Du For Reservotions Coli UN 3-4500 DINNER• EDD'IE PAWL at tit. Twl"laby $rand. Priva'" Banquet Room-Late Eveninl' Snack, , and hi, Orch.,tra ~ft for Lunch and tHnner SUPPER• Neturing Bob Hawkins Londo~ East. Reservations Sug,estH: YAII.y 2-411. Cloled Monday' Open 7 Days a WeeJI, at the piano Free °1 123 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTI 'ARMS DO ., Air-Conditioned • I DANCING INTERTAINMENT . 15301 I. J.Herson. at leac:onrii.ld

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• rsday, July 4, 1957 • Thursday, .July 4, 1957 .. 'G R 0 SSE P 0,1 N'T! N' E W S PageSeven~ Little League Results f.A:,rs. John Alle.n.Linton lee. Water Danger Mrs., Elwyn' Aligpoct . . Engaged n ta r (Continued from Par. 16) : a sharp doUbie in the second to Time Is Here June 29, the Grosse Pointer. score Morrison Who singled ~ .. defeated the Phillies by a score fore him. Reed, at. the Dodg-. A1bouthalt of Michigan's 1957 of 4-2. era, hit a solid double in the deaths proba:bly will Standfnp. third, to bring in three big ruhs occur during the next two k W8JI third with his L ahead of him-Guy Piche, Mor- r 16. w months, the Michigan Depart~ • • • Giants •••••••••••• 41t ••••••••••• ,", •••••• 3 t rison and Greg Piche. Sue- ment of Health said today. Senators Z Z cessive singles .by Gierman, If 1957 follows. frends esta:b- it Shafer will attempt to Gl'0888 POinteD Z h his Unlimited winning 3 Rowlette, Guy Piche and Mor- lished in other years, July and I'hlllies ,...... I to two when his "Such a rison brought in three more August combined will. account III" runs in the St. Clair. GROSSE POINTE CITY runs tor the Dodgem. This was for between 45 and 50 per cent .gan, International Trophy By John Mazer not enough to catch up to' the of the year's total , on July 14. flying Cards. with approximately 27 per cent Manager Gordie LaRue, of the Final score: taking plactl in July and 20 per mpting to halt the win- Cards, and his c~ches' Al Cards 19, Dodgers 9. cent in August. . streak will be Joe Schoen- Ghesquiere and George Gillis "Gales and .VI";Chu~k , • • • , Statist:.~ show that the most. y must have some secret formula On June 14, the Cubs met the probable vidims are boys under -pson's "Short Circuit"- that put "new life" into their n Deneau'$ "What a Dodgers. Cubs Manager Staple- 20 years of age. Males in gen- Pickl; team because they woke up this eral account for about 90 per II." Other craft expected ton is still trying tp figure out' week and jolted the Braves and cent of all drownings in Michi- . entered are Buffaio's how his. Cubs lost a NO:' Dodgen. gan, and about 4'5 ~er cent of Root Charlie," Bud Saile'. HITI'ER to the Dodgers. Mullin the drowning vktims are per- Wayne," "Wha Hoppen The Car d s kept running started .on the mound for the sons under 20 years of age. around the bases for 30 runs Cubs, and pitched one and one- .-Photo by Moffett 5tucUo and Canada's "Miss Can. Swimming deaths outnumber reportedly the most pow. against these two teams and third innings while Sachs pitch- Dr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Mit- boating deaths about two to single engine hydroplane added two victories to their ed the rest of the game. Costly chell of Hendrie Lane announce credit, which makes this league Cubs errors in the first two . one. During 1956, a typical year the engagement of their daugh. e world with a .rating of for distrilbution of these two horsepower. "wide open," and anybody can innings. sent Aronson, Gierman ter, JOYCE, to Mr. Francia and Reed over for three runs causes, 2'72 drownings were re~ o elimination heats will be still wind up on top before it Anthony Mulligan of Denver, is tor the Dodgers. Another error ported in the state with l8i re~ Co.t12:30 and 1:105p.m. with over. Col., son of Mr. and Mra. Wil4 in the sixth sent Gierman over lated to swimming and 91 to inal three heats being run The Cubs lost their two games boating. . liam Joseph Mulligan, Jr. for another' score for the Dodg- Joyce attended Grosse Pointe an hour apart starting at bu.~ still manage to hang on to Michigan's d row n i n g toll ers. Country Day School, the Col- first place: Vie Dhooge, Cubs could be reduced if everyone On the other hand, the Cubs lege of William and Mary and star, is continuing his sensation~ who swims or uses a boat would knocked out six hits from al hitting streak and added one remember the common sense was graduated from the Uni- Dodgers pitcher Row 1e t t e. versity of Colorado where she y Offering more home run to his credit rules of , the state which makes it his fifth of the Dhooge started off with ,a beau- health department said. Based was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi season. tiful homer for the Cubs. This' on lessons learned from past Sorority. She made her debut is his fifth homenm of the at a tea at the Country Club of ing Lessons The Braves and the Dodgers drownings, the health depart- season. Dhooge, also, picked up Detroit in December, 1953, and won one and lost one to remain -Photo by Storer of Spellman ment listed these points as the e diving instructions will the other Cub score after he At an. afternoon ceremony Saturday in St. John's is a member of Tau Beta. tied for second place. Mr. a..'tldMrs. Allgood were married at a recent best ones to remember to avoid tiered to residents of the had beeJ1.intentionally walked Episcopal Church, West Hartford, Conn" ANNWEB~RG becoming a drowning victim: Mr. Mulligan Is attending the of Grosse Pohite beginnin. • • • in the fiith inning. Meath, became the bride of Mr. Linton. The bride, who taught afternoon ceremony in the First Presbyterian Church of University of Colorado in the The Cards met the Braves on Swimming ly 8 and 9. Sachs, DiLaura and Montgom- at Grosse Pointe Univer~ty School, last year, is the . Mar:quette. The, bride is the former CHARLOTtE JO- , School of Engineering and is a June 25, and the Cards sent Know your physical capabili- sses will be available twice ery hit singles for the Cubs. daughter"f the Roy Chester Webergs, of West Hartford, HANNA THOMAS, daughter of the Russell Thomases, of ties; never try to swim farther member of Phi Gamma Delta Schmatz on the mound t'o op- Dobbms hit a sharp double for \Marquette. Her husband is the son ',of the Lee Allgoods, Fraternity. A December wed- k: Monday and Wednes. pose Greg Miller for the and her husband is, th~ son of the Clyde Fremont Lin- or longer than you're able; don't the Cubs in the sixth but the -of Vernier road. The bride taught in the Grosse Pointe ding is planned .. ' or Tuesday and Thursday~ Braves. This was a rare day tons, of Silver Springs, Md. enter the water when you're ne hour each day. Cubs faltered and did not SCMe. School System durhlg :the p'ast year. ' ' . tired or hot; for Schmatz because he was un- Rowlette, of the Dodgers, had e to swimming instructions After eating, w:rit an hour be- . beatable both on the mound and eight strikeouts and was credit- e afternoons, diving classes fore going in the water to 8IVoid Je Auxiliary'- at the plate. Schmatz struck ed with the win. be offered in the morning cratnps. " out eight Braves and allowed Final score: Seats Officers from 10 to 11 o'clock and Foreign Travel Advice Offered Know yoUr swimIning site; them only two hits; both of Dodges 4, Cubs 2. BABE RU1t watch for holes or '. 12 o'clock. them to Greg Miller who pick- • • • RaJ:e is the tourist who packs powder, needle and. thread and Don't dive in until you're cer- The Grosse Pointe Jaycee yone interested in diving ed up a single and a double :!<>r. On June 7, the Cubs met the J:AGU£ ~ his bag for Europe without a 'few extra buttons. Clean- tain the water is deep enough Auxiliary recently inaugurated ctioDS is asked to report his team. Braves. A strong pitcher's duel for:getting some vital piece of jng, laundry and mending are for diving and also is .free of their officers for the new' fis. e deep end of the swim- Schmatz swung quickly into developed between Dhooge, CYf equipment. RaJ:e, too, is _the hard come by in parts of stumps, rocks. or other under- cal year. The inauguration took pool on the day and hour action in the first inning by the Cubs, and Haller, of the tourist who packs his bag with- Europe. . water obstacles, place at a dinn~ meeting at ~oice. hitting a home run to score Braves. Dhooge gave up three out overstocking goods which Do pack some kaopectate and Never swim aloq.e. And if at the GrOSSe Pointe War Mem- lul Alcott and Lynn Mesa- Steve Miller and Ghesquiere hits throughout the e n t ire .are easy to obtain abroad. a small supply.of antacid pills all pOSSible,swim where there's orial on Wednesday, June 26.. lwill be in charge of regi8- ahead of him. Schmatz contin- game. These three hitS were To help travelers. avoid. some for slight stomacih upsew. Don't a lifeguard. Mrs. Kirk Cookson, out-going ODS. ued this hitting streak by pick- given in the first inning to of the packiD.g pitfalls,,' here bother with other medication Keep a close watch over president, presented officer's \"ers in all degrees of pro- ing up a double and a single Curran, Greg Miller and Haller; are some tips on what to take because European drug stores youngsters and, non-swimmers. pins to the new president, Mrs. ncy are invited to register for a perfect day at bat besides nIl of whom scored in the fu'St and what no tto take. are well stocked and many' Know how to a.pply one of Herbert Kenz; vice-president, nstructions. scoring three. times himself. inning. Errors in the second Do take a bar or two of soap. pharmacist.s speak English. the methods of giving artificial Mrs. Richard Reich; secretary, and Grace, of the Cards, hit a solid gave Curra."1, cd the Braves, a PARK, CITY, FARMS WOODS-SHORES Hotels do not usually furnish Take a'few rolls of. color:film . And remember that Mrs. Milt Boyd; treasurer, single in the fourth to score chance to 6Core again for his Pitcher Ken MacDonald last By Dick Granse free soap nor do rest rooms on !(>r your camera. Black and many pers~>ns.have been reviv- Mrs.' Herman Z~rweck. Plans ,were discussed for a O'Neil and J. Parent ahead of team. In the meantime, Haller, week stole the spotlight in The New York Giants of the trains. white film in standard sizes is ed and theIr lives saved because I as picnic for the Grosse Pointe him. Matthews and Schmatz cxf the Braves, gave up only Park-City-Farms Babe. Rut h National League and the Wash- Do take a' gOOdpair of sun- readily available but color film ~tificial respiration. w. con- Jaycees and the Auxiliary to be .est band both scored on the singles they four hits to the Cubs. Dhooge League with a no~hit victory ington Senators of the Ameri- glasses. If you wear spectacles, is often scarce and expensive. , tJ.?ued afte1: t~e VIctlm was got in the:fifth. Klock started got two hits and scored two take along yo~ preSttiption, Include a small flashlight gIven up for dea~. held July 21st. The location has the sixth with a single and times while Sachs 'and Mullin for his Cleveland team, over cali League headed their leagues too, just in case. which you can attach to your . . Boa~g not been decided. I " Matthews came through with Boston.' The score was 7 to O. by' large margins in Woods- The Auxiliary also discussed town got the C0thbertwo :1-J 'ts. Dhlloog.e,This is the' first no-hitter in Shore's., Babe . Ruth League . Take a stl"ongwindproof key chain. Illumination in many Be f~liar WIth the perform- a timely single to send Klock profit-making ideas such as.the Vere Wirwilte th~xthUf s, stal"te d .a ra .Y In the league this season. competition as of. last Friday~ lighter and a supply of flints. European hallways and streets ance. limits of y~ur boat; gw;rd and Grace to home plate and ° sale of fruitcakes, Christmas .ftCI hi. troubadon th e SI when he hIt a SIngle Both National and Ameriean Do not risk carrying ~infiam~ is oIten poor. ' partICul~ly agamst overloading then scored himself. and stole home; but, that was League teams are now into their In the National League the . .Do take a good, comfortable and turnmg too sh~ly. cards, and felt novelties for the mabIe fluid which you can buy p..,; j, walkm' g shoes. Do not ,Stay off the water m storm:.y holiday season. These ventures good food Cards errors permitted Cur- not enough to catch up to the second week of the second half Giants walloped the Red Legs abroad. Matches are often hard vJ. th ran and Johnson and Bartholo- Braves. of. the season, al)d' all' clubs 15~7. ,Though the qianta col- to find in Europe, and the to,; count on buying :footwear in wea er. . are for the purpose of financing - ., Never stand up In a small a civic project :for the winter. good fl' mew to score three runs for the Final score: nOw appear to be' .better lected only three hits, they bacco shops do not hand .them -Europe. The Ew::opean :moe, boat and don't attempt to Braves. Braves 4, Cubs. 3. matohed than in years.. 'were aided by 17 walks given out free. except for export, nas ~ differ- ch ts 'th othe occu- Special Attentfo. to Men can' move in the best Parti.. and Banquets Final score: CITY LEAGUE STANDINGS In the absence' from tOwn of up by three Cincinnati pitchers. Do 'slip, in a S1Vl.tremover, ent last :from the'Amencan. ange sea WI an r Y'I D't 1 d ti d pant. circles and still not be on the Cards 11, Braves 3. AS OF JUNE 28, 1957 the National League's official Alan Lang ,of the Giants was stick fonn, a clothes brush. and . on o.ver oa ~n ssues an.. If you can't swim, wear a life square. Eddy Shepherd', '" . . Won Lost Statistician, no detailed first- the winning -hurler. an envelope or -two of soap tOIlet articles which are plenti- preserver. On June 26, the Cards con- Cuba 64 half statistics are yet available. The Red Legs edged the f~ abroad. ~en who use elee- If ,the iboat upsets, your )9 E. Jeff.non at Va.. Dyke tnc razors will need. a current chances of surviving are m~h VA. 3-1155 tinued their hitting' barrage Dodgen _...... 5 5 The American" League finf!l Cardinals. 5-4 as Larry Slowick G Ch h ld against the Dodgers when they Braves _ 5 5 standings for thf; first half 'got credit for the WID. Larry race urc to Ho conve;ter. . better if you cling to the over- Decorating picked up 19 runs against four Oards 4. 6 were: Englehart and Ray Newak had Vacation Bible 'School 1?ont load up .on reading .ma- turned boat rather than at- INTERIOR EXTERIOll Dodger pitchers. Mat the w s ------W L T Pet perfect days at 'the plate for the G r ace .Evangelical.and Re- terlal.. . Books 1';1 E n g II S h, tempting to swim to shore. IORTHLAND CENTER...Off F. MATHIESEN pitched the first three innings t- Boston ...... 8 3 0 ,e727 R ds as th ~y each po,..und"'d out formed Church, Lakepoint at AmerIcan. magazmes and news- When operatjng a power boat, dield b.t.,., •• n 8 and 'Mil. .. papers are sold at all news- stay away. from swimmers and !?R. 8....931 for the Cards while Ghesquiere Farms _AppoID S New York .. 7 4 0 .636 two hits; Gerald Phillips col- Kercheval, Will start its first Guaranteed lnIured i'ARKING Elgin 6-1400 finished the game. Matthews DeBoer and Nacy Chicago 6 4 1 '.600 lected two hits for three at bats Vacation Bible, School of the stands all over Europe. from fishermen's boats. was the big star of the day. He Cleveland 6 5 0 .545 for the Cards and teammate summer on Monday, July, 8 A flight passenge}' is 'aI19wed, hit a home run, two doubles and __ Detroit 2 8 1 .200 Dwight Leonard got two for from 9:30-11:30 a.m. It will con- without extra charge, luggage. in 'the amount of 44 pounds ALL.MAKES STORM SASH a single for a perfect day at By proclamation of. Farms. Second half games' already io~ .. Frank Carta ~u;led the tinue for two weeks . ending the tourist or 66' pounds first~class. bat; besides, scoring four times Council on Monday, July I, Act- played.' show a complete re- Philli ~. to a 13-8 decISlon over. Friday, 'July 19. SClEENS - DOORS Passengers 'are permitted _to Open TUell., FrL 9 p.m. himself and knocking in four ing City Manager Sidney De- versal with Boston holdine the the Cards. Carta helped WIn The school is-cpen to all chi!- ALUMINUM Sun 12 to 4 p.m. his carry thefoll()Wing items which more runs. Ghesquiere, also, Boer, and Acting City Clerk basement spot. pwn game as he pounded dren in the neighborhood from scored four times fM the Cards. 't tw hits axe ntt weighed as luggage: Dawson F. Nacy, were named STANDINGS oU 0 . two to 16 years of age. This. is AI R-TEe ••• TW 2-7800 LaRue. with a single and a pocketbook, camera, overcoat, ,REPAIRING 640 E. 'l: Mlle-I Blk. W. of OaklaDd Vi/son double, crossed over three City Manager and City Clerk, W L • • • the first year that. their new umbrella, binoculars and read- times; while Schmatz and Steve respectively. Both men have New York _ : ! 0 In the American Leaguetlie facilities have been in use and ing -m!itter. 'ring in the -sexy, been working in these capac- Detroit 1 0 .Senators downed the Indians a good attendance is expected~ Miller got two runs apiece for ities since the death of the late CI I d 2 1 twice. Th,ey' shut them out A leadership training class for :y Broadway Hit- the Car d s. Mayer, O'Neal, city manager, Harry A.. Furton, eye an g 1 f 14 to 16 Gillis and Klock picked up a Chicago :...... 0 2 16-0 behind. the one-hit pitching y~un peope rom ,Greenlawn Mower Sharpening Shop on June 10, 1956. Bost' 0 q WIll be conducted WE PICK UP AND DELIVER riIISuccess Spoil run apiece for the Cards. Mr. DeBoer had been assist- Ton B t..t.in A...... N ~iTt~7 sG=:S W~~;lsaO ~::~;, Miss Adele Sh~ub, libraria.n Dodger pitchers walked a total ant city engm'eer, Nacy has eam a I verages t St 11 h 1 D tr t . 1 Chi' ' 241 for five day at the plate. Russ e w,a.gon sc 00..., e .01, Sharpening • OV'erhaul • Repair ~k Hunter? c! seven teen Car dma men. been city assessor, city control- _cago, ,...... !i.II be dir t f th fi t N Y k 211 Gramer also belted out three WI . ec or or e rs Johnson, of. the Dodgers, hit ler and assistant ,city derk. . ew or ~ ;... hits, one of which was, a home schoOl. In July. The second Hond Gad Power Lawn Mowers-Garden Tools million laugh • ." ------Cleveland 210 h I ch dId fAt Kniy.. - Sc;issora - Saw Filing -Earl Wilsoll ~------Boston ; 207 run. The only hit. off Gramer ~~ ~ 1~3s e u e 'llr~m u~us d 22437 EAST NINE MILE RD. Phone PRo6-7752 lariously Funny" -Igoe Auto Sales De:~~~id~i B;t&« ~;de~82 ~a~h: o~~~l;~~.,~ ~~~~~:~ JUdyOWelc~as ;:ecto:.~e rs. -Winchell M. LaFave, Boston 379 edged the Indians 4-3. Mike thForh' furhthve~A~f038r:m23atloncall Lav T. Stanley, Cleveland 367. MacDonald pitched a three- e c urc , ~. . lutnsely entertaining in • rand rauco"s fashion." IN OUR 26TH YEAR P. Gilliland, Cleveland 364 hitter and struck 'out 11 men for • -N. Y. Pott • Rambler • Metropolitan R. Purdy, New york 357 the Senators. David-Lowry pro- T.levision Hudson W. Collins, Chicago ;. .350 vided the winning run for the FACTORY fABRICATED r Now for Best Sales and Serviee w. Connolly, Chicago 310 Senators by,scoring on an error SaliS and Servlel :!rved Seats- K. Stanley,' Detroit 304 after he walked and stole HABITANT CEDAR FENCl We Also Service Nash Car Runs-Batted ..1n Leaders second and third. Dick Caloia for t.asting beauty, protection and privacy ELgin6.1. Serving All of GrosSle Pointe R. Kasperak, Chicago 14 aided the winners with two L. L. DACKEN M. LaFave, Boston ..~ ~ 10 hits. We Specialize In "Best.looking home ill the neighborhood" - that's what tber'll ., ).m. Tues.. Wed.. Thurs. and R. Purdy, New York. 9 • • • Service Ialso Sat. at 6 ,p.m.). $3.00. when they see beautiful Habitant natural wood fence &mIU1d year S1.65, S1.10. Fri. at 8:30 p.m.• G. Beaupre,. New York. 9 The Yankees shut ou. t th e &owe and grounds. Habitant Fence protects your lawn and prdeA at 9 p.m.; $3.60. $3.00. $2.20. G. Oliver, Cleveland 8 I d' 5 0 Rob rt O'B . I All Makes Hudson & Nash Used Cars ' n 1ans -. e oen a - ftoindogs, thoughtless children and trespusus, keeps your OWll Tax Included. :No show K. MacDonald, Cleveland...... _ 8 1 ~ d' nl th hit f t'h ay. Tickets: Downtown at 14201 E. Warren, at Newport . Y k. 6 owe 0 y ree s or e Electronic Laboratory children and pets safe at home. Styles range from high, tight WOVal leU's. At Northland: Marw1l B • MUlll8J), New or Yankees.' Don Waite belted ~ore or Playhouse Box VAlley 2.3459 20313 MACK ~VE. scrceD. feDCeS that afford muimum privacy to low spaced lattice aDd W. Lee, ~=-e .~ , 6 three hits for the winners, while .. pidcct designs ••• factOIY fabricated to fit 10'" cua ground plan. 11600 LIVERNOISnr. McNichols • Ull 3-7100 ' WEEK: J"ly 9 thru 14 - N Y k 1 mates Paul Krogh and Mike Come in and lee as my, we will be glad to plan roar outdoor r J . J ay, ew o~ O'Hanisain each got two. The 15304 KERCHEVALnr.IlUtonslltld • U 2-'071 TU. 1-2.791 living uea and install Habitmt Pence to rem eurt 8fOUnd plao. R. Kasperak, ChIcago 1 Tigers Deat the White Sox 8-2 o BUTTONS M. La:F!lve, Boston. 1 as Craig Anderson allowed only ftETTICOAT FEVER" Powers Lumb,er & Supplies R. Mam~re, Boston.;; :...... 1 three zingles lor the wiriners. P tching Ave.J~ Pet. Lars- Anderson collected a has moved and adopted R. Dl)wdell, Boston .5 0 1.000, homer, two doubles, and a wa~ Tradition" a new name... J. Catalano, Chicago 3 0 1.000 for 'a perfect day at the plate. pride in perfeciion • • • F. Kelley, Nev.; York ~ '0 '1.000 In the only' game reported / A Job Well Done Means Alloth.r One AFTER YEAR S. Van Horn, N. Y. 3' 1 .750 in the Texas League, Houston W. Collms, Chicago 2 1 .667: turned back Beaumont, 18-9. R. Joas, New York 2 1 .667 Dave, Smith was the winning I K. MacDonald, Cleve. S 3 .625 pitcher. Gary L~ddick homered Yhe HANi)IMAN Shop R. Maniere, Boston 3 3. .SOO for Beaumont.

19650 HARPER, between Allard and Stan hop. Opposite Harper Woods City Hall TU 2....800 :5 Good .Fences 'for 45 Years W~. are now ready to serve you in our new 10- Entertainment c~tion with the same fine selection of building mat. i Every styl. of Fence erial for any of your home projects. .rected for you ldIJi!aJl •Y, JUN. 27 Armstrong Ceiling Tile (Acoustical also in stock) WA. 1~62.81 FOUNTAINE F_NCE co. KnoHy Pine and Plywood Paneling JDcludIDJ • Chal. Link AII~Ste.1 anel hMing MIII~ Of' B,.,&liotI IDAYS Dutch Boy Paint • Amerock Hardware MEMBER MEMBER Workshop Tooll R~stlcStyle. Builders Association National AssociatlOft , Cirand. , , of Metropolitan. Detroit of Builders 207-60 H8rper, 8t 8 Mil. Fre. .dvice on porChes, attics, re~eat;o~ rooms. .11 .... 1dIiM1., TV 1-Utl home .Iterations or remodeling prolects. MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. Commercial. Residential VAII.y 2-4118 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL DO IT YOURSELF - OR WI WILL DO IT FOR YOU Alterations I Beaconsfield


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• S R~S S E PO,) NT E ,N EW S Thursday, July 4, 1951 Page !ighteen • Thursday,

' .. ous .... IE~S • . " Three Trunk Line. 'to Serve You 9uickly DEADilNE -4 P.M. TUESDAY YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines: to Ser~e Yo:u quickly CALL TUxedo ,].-6900 . '. 4-HELP WANTED SA-SITUATIONS WANTED. 6-FOR ,RENT,(Unf~rni5h.'d) 6D-RESORT PRO~ERl'Y 8-ARTICLES FOR SALi 8-ARTICLES 'FOR SALE 12A-BOATS A.ND MOTORS I3-REAL ESl CLASSIFIED RATES MALE and FEMALE DOMESTIC HARCOURT ROAD, upper. -3 FOR RENT: Modern cottage on ANTIQUE walnut marble. top LEICA. M~3, F:2 Summicron IS-FOOT Chris-Craft Riviera. FOR SALI lake. Available July' 7th. . ,sideboard. Mar b 1e pedestal with light mete.r, case, U.V. 1952, 120 H.P. Excellent ~- Charge Ads-IS words for $1.00 SECRETARY to manufacturer's EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes bedrooms, .1:1h bath~, screened agent, 22 to 35. Outstanding child' care, ~aundry or general porch, lovely garden., Adults Stoney Point, Ont. TUxedo and bust. TUxedo 4-1658. filter. dition. TU 5.6993. GROSSE P' Cash Ads-IS, words for 90c oportunity. Excellent remun- on Monday and Tuesday.' $8 only. VAlley 1-3059; 5-4145. ' ROLLIEFLEX, automatic.....,;'j5 1ST OF HOTPOINT 39" fully automatic CHAMPION sail yacht ''Wind erati0!l. Shorthand necessary. Tessar. Complete with light An,unusual OPI Sc eoch addj.tional word and carfare. L07~6645. GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 1989 deluxe electric stove with Toy." This 26-roat yacht is for Grosse Pointe Personnel, meter, case, 4 Rollei filters. chase one of deep weIland cook- the sailor ~ho wants the best 'Call PRescott 1-7440. EXPERIENCED. colored woman Vernier-flat, 'immedia.t'e ce- Rolleikip 35 rom adaptor. finest and mOl IeI'. 'Excellent condition; Best in racing and .limit~ cruising wishes day work.'Grosse 'Pte. cupancy, near Mack; ,2 years Both in excellent condition; houses, built b) TUXEDO 2-6900 facilities. Extensive inventory $1,000.00 PER MONTH references. EDgewater 1-1905. old, 2 b'l!drooffiS,.' Ilh:l?ath, , - o~er. TUxedo 1-9958..... very reazoI)!Clble.VA 2-5112. in a top lOCatio natural- fir e pIa c e. divided , that must be seen to be ap- 3 T;unk ' Lines IN THE FIRST Outstanding J: basement, gas heat,garbage FOR SUMMER cottage. 'TWin preciated.. Completely refurb. Lifetime income with early ,51-EMPLOYMENT BUREAU SA-OFFICi eQUIPMENT large Florida fe , d i s P o-s aI, ineinerator. Park , ir,on beds, complete, $10.00.' 4 ished and ready for the water. retirement plan. Complete FOR SALE LINER STATIONS COUPLES, cooks. maids. chauf- privileges, garage. Adults. N-o gas h~aters, like ,new. Green Racing record is unparalleled - S .baths and m~ 'training. Exclusive product, lent features. feurs, caretakers, jarlitors and' pets. Leas~. TU 4-699~. painted chest. TUxedo 1-891i. TYPEWRITERS and adding in nationally advertised. Call: local competition and lias CUNNINGHAM DRUGS portf:rs. Day or \'feek. Field's machines, new, rebuilt. Rea- been. a consistent winner dur- 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame B. Von Albrecht LAKEVIEW - Chandler,Park. LAWSON,. down fil1ed love seat T. RAYM( TV 5~9698 Emplo~men~ TR. 3-7770. sonable prices. National Office ing her 7 year lifetime. Five UpPer 5 iL"00'ffi inco~e. Screen" and ottoman, $25.00.' Frigid- 81 Kercheval TUxedo 2-6167 Equipment, 16749 Harper at time Privateer Class oham- " \. ed porch, garage,. automatk aire $75, desk $5.00, men's HARKNESS PHARMACY 6-FOR RENt (Un~urnished) Bishop. TUxedo 1~7130. pion and only two time con- hot water, heated, $90. Avail- suits. ' 40-42, Ion g. Laq.ies FIRST 0 20313 Mack Ave. at Lochmoor MEDICAL ASSISTANT secutive overall winner of the TV 4~3100 UPPER FLAT, 6 rooms, gas ~ble July 15. VAlley 1-,1556. dresses, 10-12-14, Er m i n e '-ARTICLES WANTED G'rosse Pointe F Work close to home in attractive heat; adults only, no pets. jacket, reasonable. High chair. famous Bayview North Chan- KINSELS east side office. Grosse Pointe Millan Fieldstor 3101, ,LakewOOd, ,Ilear Mack. 6A-7-FOR RENT (Furni5~ed) TUxedo -1-8!Hl. CQLLAPSIBLE wheel' chair in nel race. Terms can be ar- 17051 Kercheval at St. Clair personnel. ranged to enable the yachti;. " yearS old. Co TV 6-4827 good condition. VAlley 4-0679. ed, including nl PRescott 1-7440 GROSSE POINTE PARK New LAKESHORE VILLAGE - 5 TWIN Hollywood beds, will sell . man to own a winner pain. 2 bedro'om upper, heated, $125. room terrace to share. with separately. 4 piece full size BOOKS bought in any quantity. lessly., Shown by appointment frigerator. 3 bel lA-peRSONALS DEAN DAIRY, 21035 Ma~k, Immediate occupancy. PRes- single lady.' Reference ex- bedroom set. Admiral TV 21" 'Entire libraries, bookcases, art only. Call Fred Runnells, TU with lavatory Grosse Pte. Woods. Experi- 'changed; good tran.-sp!)rtation, screen ..Gas range. Dinette set objects. lV"rrs.B: C. Claes, 1670 Paneled den, lal SWEDISH massage and foot cott 6-0787 or L A'k e vie w . 4-1504 after 6 p.m. enced fountain help, age 19~45, and shopping center. PRescott Leverette. WOodward 3-4267. re-creation roon treatment given by Ann a 1-5007. TUxedo ¥99'51. TUxedo 4-1170. , 6-0190 Callafter 3 p.m. . 13-REAL ESTATI fenced yard. Ul Gralewski. Day or evening NEW, contemporary ~odern' 3 . USED TENT that sleeps four . CHINA, furniture, rug S, an. FOR SALE 5-8620. appointment in your. home. 4A-HELP WANTED bedroom brick ranch. Fire- TO RESPONSIBLE person for tiques, miscellaneous, bought Must have floor and be In Call Pioneer 9-5584 or Med~ DOMESTIC place, attached garage, radi- 3 or 4 months, 'one of the most and sold. Majestic Furniture, good condition. Phone TU anne parker 0 ley's Beauty Shop, TUxedo ant heat.,Lease with option, desirable a par t men t s in 10227 Woodward, TOwnsend 5-7683 evenings. - KENSINGTON Pointe: on : 4-2140. Ladies only. MATURE WOMAN experienced $175. 15925 E. 11 Mile Road. Grosse. Pte. Farms. Large liv- 6-2500. , Cape Cod, 5 WANTED - Hide-a-way bed, Near Jefferson. Well built brick in child care. Leave Detroit ALSO 3 bedroom brick, ,$110 ing rom, dining, room, 2 bed- attic, tile bas NEED a Baby Sitter? Reliable BEAUTIFUL blue-~ink bed- studio couch, 9-piece dining in very good. condition. .{ bed- August first for two weeks in and $125. Roseville and Madi" rooms. Call Mrs. Root, TUx- 50 feet for r~ nursemaids available by hour, room suite. 9x12 rugs, 2-piec e rooms, 2 baths, large livinl Green Mountains of Vermont. son Heights. PRescott 6~4000, edo.2-4645 after, 1 p.m. • room suite. Pay $650.00, sacri- and 214 Mor day or week. Maternity help living room suite, 3-piece bed • room, PI) w d e r room, light, All expenses paid. auto trip except Sunday. fice $300.00 complete. Blond pier, 4 bedroo available. The Sitters Club. and $35 per week. Care for FURNISHED STlJ1DIO apart- tables, lainps, hollywood twin room suite, I' e f rig era to r, cheery kitchen with dishwuher. feet, .a sound PRescott 7-0377. two young children. Write ex~ GROSSE POINTE Park Area. ment for 3 girls. Kelly and 10 bed s, matching mahogany washing machine, gas stove, Rec. room with fireplace. Qual- •.. and in ~ Mile area. DRexel 1-3765. tables with leather tops. Red automatic washer. VA 1-1793. ity home with slate roof, copper NEW BUSINESS SERVICE perience and references to Attractive 3 bedroom upper, 28932 E. Jeffe E. K. Isbey, Jr., 8829 Farm- screened porch. TUx e d 0 chair. Electric mixer, vacuum gutters and downspouts, alum- a 7 room hot 6B--ROOMS" FOR RENT with attachments. P:ij.escott WANTED inum storms and screen&, car- l Typing-business letters, mail- brook, Detroit 24. No tele- 2-7251. chen, I h bat! 6-7106. . peting. 3, car brick garage. 8(1 jot open to of ing lists, statistical reports, etc. phone calls. 1092 BEACONSFIELD-Attrac- LAKEPOINTE 965. Room for MANAGEMENT- OLD CLOTHING, lot with good landscaping. Love- 29631 E. Jeff., tive 5 room lower flat; heated, quiet gentleman. Garage.' VA CONSULTANT 'CHEAP! Baby grand piano,' BESTPRICES PAID. 5-SITUATION WANTED ly garden. $10,000 down. salt away fo Mimeographing, telephone sur- garage, arults, $95. Available 2-7152. solid mahogany desk, bar and desires duplex, flat or apart- FOR MEN'S SUITS bedrooms on veys. HOMES TRIMMED and painted. July 11. ' ment, furnished or unfurnish. back-bar; plus other items. PLEASANT ROOM, business KARL DAVIES basement, nl PRESCO'IT 1-9289 Eavestroughs cleaned, wind- ed, availa,ble in one to four Call after 6 p.m. VA 2-8516. TOPCOATS AND SHOES man or w'Orilan, ,near Charle. beach access. ows washed. VA 1-4127. GROSSE POINTE GARDENS months. Accomodations must TUlsa 3-1872 TU 5-3220 A NICE new home in country. voix and Somerset. Garage ,8-INCH TABLE saw. Atlas Near Hudson's Eastland, Kings- be in first class condition' and A telephone call will bring us to opens Sunda~ Will care for three aged GARDENER - Experienced in ville, 21401. Extremely attrac- availablE. VAlley 4~2570. press, new motor, 0/4 h.p.; rug- gain at 24804 'suitable for entertaining busi- y<>uimmediately By Appt. ladies. P r i vat e and semi- ged mobile stand andacces" landscaping, flowers; grass tive, large one bedroom apart- ness executives. Have busi. east of Kelly private rooms, grlOd care, 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT sories. Any reasonable offer HARVARD, J year old. 1~ cutting, yard work of any ments with full size dining room ness credit and personal ref- -POS'lTIVEL Y 10 insparkli good home cooked meals. accepted. Evenings, 7-9, TUx- story, built by Mast, spacious kind. RA 5-1834. and separate kit c hen, large TRACY BUILDING, 128 Ker- erences. Box C-1l5, Grosse area. 3 bedr Protestant faith. OLive 2-5201. edo 2-8284. HIGHEST PRICES-PAID for closets and cross ventilation. cheval. Two 15x20 newly dec,,: Pointe News. bedroom, bath and den down. ment, gas, e;; SECRETARIAL SERVICE Free parking, new decorations. Furniture "nd Appliances 2 large bedrooms and bath up, DRIVING LESSONS ~ If your orated offices. Janitor service. ltELAx-A-CIZOR, use d 2 TUxedo 5-04' Accurate and reasonable Adults, $115 per month. Man- "I Piece or " Houseful," act i v it Y room, oompletelT husband doesn't~ have~ time, TU. 1-5007. months; beauty belt and Telephone Service ager TU 5-2078. 1 block East of PHYSICIAN, wife, two sons de- finished basement. we do! Bert Mitcheil Driving Rosemary Gant, TU.2-2867 facial belt included. VA PRescott 5-5733 . GROSSE POl 7 Mile Road (Moross) 8 blocks GROSSE POINTE sire home in Grosse Pointe School, LAkeview 6-6960. 2-2395. MIDDLESEX, Windmill P t .. 20046 Do COLLEGE student, receptfonist, South of Harper. 18136 MACK AVE. area. Please call TOwnsend BOOKS purchased for cash. En- section, S bedirooms, 2 story. 4-bedroom Cole WANTED: Small house-trained typist, telephon~, .light office 8-7250, ask for Dr. J. H: Perry, DE LUXE CUSTOM 1956,Philco tire libraries or fine single 3 BEDROOM, au'tomatic heat, Air conditioned offices for rent. near lake, large family room, 2-car at t a c h "dog, a barker. TU 5-1552. Summer replacement. days; VAlley 1-982.6,evenings. air condit~oner, $170; Sim- items. Midwest Book Service, work. newly decorated, Ilh baths. New building, telephone an- library, mod. kitchen, large 65x130 seeded. TUxedo 5-3702. mons sofa bed, $25;' 1956 4301 Kensington. TU. 5-2450, Grosse Pointe ~arms. TUxedo swering serivce available. Call lot. 21x12, built-in I 2B-TUTORING ADULTS "Philco console Hi-Fi, $160. 4.3156. Monday thru Fri. TU 2-2593. SWEENEY First floor laUJ YOUNG MAN to help in store, .. Automotive executiVe and wife Goose-neck floor lamp, $10. II-AUTOS FC;)RSALE washing, desire large unfurnished 6- & ment has firel COMMUNITY odd jobs, window GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 1989 TU,1-B418. CADILLAC 1952 DeVille. All lawn cutting. WAlnut 2-5816. 6D-RESORT PROPERTY room house in Grosse Pointe. MOORE manns, screens. rUTORING SERVICE V ern i e r-Lower flat, ..near power equipment. $1195. Own~ POINTE AUX BARQUES- Exceptional references.. Pro- 26" BOY'S Hi'ggins bike, $16.00. INC. MRS. LOUIS MARICK, DIRECTOR LAMPS Mack; 2 years old, 2 bed- er. TUxedo 1-4042. '140 Fair Completely fUfrushed" hike- fessional gardener. Lease. VA. 879 Hampton. TUxedo 4-0665. TU 1-6800 20180 Mack Ave. Tutoring by degree teachers avail- Custom~made lamp shades made rooms, Ilh bath, natural fi're- Ranch, first 0 front cottage, linens included. . 3-99J1.- LET YOUR neighbor select a able in all subjects for grades, high and recovered in my home. place, divided basement, gas I ELECTRIC BROILER. 2 medi- rooms, l'h bath 7 b~ooms, 3 baths. Weekly fine reconditioned Cadillac for BRING YOUR schoO'i, c:ollege and 'adult education. Grosse Pte. references. TU. "heat, garbage disposal, in- RESPONSIBLE young couple cine cabinets, electric trivet, gar age. Lot, cinerator. Park privileges, ga- or to August 15. Call Dan T. you at the Cadillac Factory OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS 2~0315, 139 Ridge Road. with infant children desire to glasS. Ail like new. TUxedo Branch; for further informa- REAL ESTATE scaped. 22x12 1 rage; $160 monthly. Adults. Quirk, Ypsilanti, Mich. HUn- rent 2 or 3 bedroom house. 4-3313. PROBLEMS TO GE oven, range. 139 Merriweather. Grs. Pte. Farms WANTED - Yard work, wall No pets. Lease. TU, 4-6994. ter 2-2600. tion call Frank Bromley. Days, Will g,i v e references and & tiled basement washing, etc. $1.25 per hour. ownership, care to premises. WARD'S picture window, tent, TR. 5-5180; evenings. TU. DISTIN' SHORT TUxedo 4-2820 14900 HARPER AVE. ias heat, Call Ray Allen. WA 2~6438, 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED Phone VAlley 1-2450'. 8xl0 with 4x8 screened in ' 1-4382. 513 Vernier Road. '. ' PRIVATE TUTORING between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. kitchen, a~d extra side flaps, 'FORD, 1955 Custom 8 Fordor, VE 9-9600 ALBERT C CANADIAN Vice Consul re- IN ,$50. TU 4-6154. radio and heater, automatic. WE BUY, SELL OR TRADIl BlL: YOUR OWN HOME HANDY MAN, 15 years' experi- quires . furnished house or -EX-Q-U-IS-I-TE--d-eeo--r-at-o-r-'s-f-UltIU-'~ Like new, custom interior, Member, Grosse Pointe TUXED~ All subjects; all grades. Adults ence, for work in private apartment, preferably three ture and acCessories and lln- $1,175. TUxedo 1-1962. Broker's Association and children. Certified teachers. homes. P<:>inte references. SALESWOMEN bedro'oms, from July 15. Must Call: TYler 7~OI25. . be well-equipped. Reply by- ported table linens, some FORD, 1956 Mainline tudor. 6 lJA-LOTS F letter, giving full details, to: never used. Sacrifice. Owner cylinder, standard shift, very OXFORD ROAD DETROIT AND SUBURBAN -.------EXCEPTIONAl WALL WASHING, painting, by 'Canadian Consulate, 1139 Pe- leaving city. TUxedo 2-5120. clean. Priced for quick sale. Stately residence of Re- TUTORING SERVICE' reliable man. Good refer- With lake WO. 3-8315 TO. 5-0235 NOW is the time' nobscot Bldg., Detroit :Ml. -H-O-S-P-IT-AL--B-ED-'-,-g-o-od-co-n-d-i-VAlley 2-5112. gency design with "out of. Owner, TU 4 en_ces.TUxedo 1-6275. ~ this world" beautiftil gar- HOSPITAL Medical servic,:e ex- 3-LOST AND FOUND tion.' Pair of mahogany tw~n FORD, 1950-Fordor Custom 8. den. A truly family home PANTRY WOMAN available for ecutive and family desire' 2-3 corner cabinets: Two chests of Radio and heater, overdrive. 'GROSSE PO FOUND-Pair of men's eye- evening parties. Excellent at We still have a limited bedroom home. City {lr Farms containing 5 bedrooma, .{lh . drawers, antique walnut. An- excellent condition. Best offer. baths, Florida room, li- glasses, brown rims, at Grosse making hors d'oeuvres, salads, preferred, $175. TUx e d 0 tiques in"dishes. TU 5-4655. TU 1-8575. NEWBERJ Pointe High field. TUxedo dressings, etc. Call evenings. . nuPmber of' 2-9924. Evenings or weekends. brary, games room. gas hat 2-4040. VA 2~9498. WESTINGHOUSE refri'gerator, NASH "HEALY 2, passenger water heat and just about 90: .. 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE very good condition, $45. Caa: hard top Farina body, radio everything you could .. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL desires LOST-Pair girl's eyeglasses. and heater, $1850. Call TU for. TU 1~6300. LAKEVI, hrown rims, vicinity of St. baby sitting job or mother's SALES POSITIONS 4 PIECE sunroom set, rug 8xl0, bed, brand new. BassiIiet and dTaperies;tea wagon. maple: bumpers. TUxedo 4-6855. 1-804:5after 8 p.m, Paul's school. TUxedo 2-4040. help'er. TU 5-5064. Johnstone & Johnstone DEEPLANDIS 1 'ava'ilable at table. TUxedo 2-3754. BEAUTIFUL mahogany dining HUDSON 1948 C ommod or e LOST one pair Ray-ban pre- Wds., Peach t CAP A B L E NURSE, middle- room and living room fur.ni~ Club Coupe. Good condition. scription ground sun glasses. MOTORMOWER 22" Scout with Our, Lady ~ aged, ,wishes case. No heavy ture, very reasonable. Call ,Original O'.Imer, $125. 946 GROSSE POINTE FARM$ Reward. TUxedo 2-2261. weed topper, reel tyPe, excel- parish. By 0' lifting. Ray or night, will do AD 1-6447. . , Washing;ton Rd. TU 5-0097. 123 Mapleton I WOodward 1 5 to 12 hours duty. $1 per HUDSON'S lent condition. Mat ern i t Y St. Paul's Parish 4-HELP WANTED clothes, 14. TUxedo 4-1487. hour, can't live in. WOod- 8-PIECE walnut dining room 1953 PLYMOt;"TH 2 Door. Radio Choice 3-bedroom face brick MALE and FEMALE ward 5-3905. suite, excellent condition, $75. and heater, white WlRIls, very 13~LAND 4 DO IT YOURSELF bungalow. Games room, gaa TUxedo 4-2146. clean. Owner. TU 4-1537. heat and attached garap . SALES CAREER COLLEGE Student-Car polish- EASTLAND • CABINETS INVE Small lot. ing, lawn work and oth~r odd • FORMICA SPECIAL cl~ancesale, pic- HILLMAN 1952 4 door British Learn the inve~ If you are between the ages jobs. TUxedo 5-3037.. tures, QI'ystal 'chandeliers, door sedan. Fine mechanical, some LEON P. SANKAR land contracts of 22 and 35 with college or • PLYWOOD eldest and larg chimes, fireplace fixtures, rust. Good tires. Leather up- TUxedo 2-5444 sales background and are sin- GIRL 13 wishes baby sitting job. Oniy.a few hi"ring days, • PANELING company. Call lamps, shades, glass. replace- h 0 1s t e r i n ,g. $425, TUxedo Prefers mornings and after- .• DOORS cerely interested in a sales ment parts. Lamps by Martin. noons. TUxedo 5-1697. • DRAWERS 4-3942. LANF career, you may quallif~' for one 14637 Kercheval cor. Manis~ remain to be on the, job for 22500 MACK McKINLEY (FOUNI of several sales positions which RESPONSIBLE lady in Grosse tique. VA 2-8151. 12-AUTOS WTD. TO BUY 1st offering of this attrac. 4711 WOODWI we have open. Pte. will stay with yC\ur chil- PR 5-0470 Detroit 1. Mid the'.store opening. , ONE .PAIR of draperies, gold. ti ve nearly new 3 bedrm. dren for vacations, weekends, FRENCH BR 0 CAD E . couch, WE NEED, GROSSE POINTE baby-sitting. References. TUx- 'One pair of traverse draperies coloniaL Mahogany paneled ALL down-filied, us h ion, , $40; 1953, 1954 and 1955 Automobiles edo 4-2000. c in hand bl'?Cked linen. Call den, rc. nn., 1st floor lav., FOR LANI PERSONNEL French brocade chair, carveq. after 6 p.m. TUxedo 1-3767. Light Pick-Ups or Trucks dishwasher. Newly carpet- Lowest PRescott 1-7440 RELIABLE experienced girls frame, $20; other chairs. TU For 31' Years We Have Been ed: 2-car gar age. Only Promp' DELPHINIUM, Pacific Hybrids, wish summer work as chil- Apply NOW! ' 1.0198. Paying Up to $100 More $29,500. Hurry on this! R. C. in separate .coiors, an.d ground C FUN AND FASCINATION dren's companion. TUx e d 0 15701 Harper, Berkshire-Balfour DREXl 2~9552. rRADE-IN sofas and chairs. All covers. TUxed.o 5-0768. in nice condition. Reasonably E. H. COOK N. OXFORD, 1310 13012 Haye The fascination of twinkling SA-'SITUATIONS WANTED FULL or PART priced;_ Van Upholstering Co., MOVING to Florida. Household TUxedo 2-9145 OPEN DAILY-3-6 lights on a switchboard, the fun 13D-MortgCl DOMESTIC 13230 Harper. Open 9 'til 9. furnishings including electric Open Till 9:00 Sparkling 5 year old f'arm. of setting up' calls to faraway stove and refrigerator. Miscel- colonial, three bedrooms, EXPERIENCED TIME POSITIONS WILTON rug, 8x10, $25; Black. I WILL CALL at your home to MORl places, the glow of satisfaction colored girl laneous items. Reasonable. panelled den, slate foyer, wishes day work; $8 and car- wool coat, silver" fox collar, buy any model used car,' any Residential TUxedo 5-1759. terrace, attaC'hed. garage. from helping people in emer. fare. WA. 3-2409. 5-Day 40-Hour Week 'like new, size 14-16, $20'.TUx- age, for cash and pay you FIRST 1 Loads of charm. Excellent gencies . . . all these add zest , Thursday, ,Friday.,Evenings 5 to 9 edo 2-8853. 9x12 Chinese rug; tricycle for more money. 'Tom Roney. Commitment WHITE, experienced. Ironing or . age 3-5; bathinette table~ $3'- Roney Motors. LA. 6-6611-15. condition. Owner leaving .{ Days $1,000 and excitement to the life of a AUTO DRIVERS - Only $9.16 cleaning Tuesday or Wednes~ and 8 Hours' Saturday' I TUxedo 5-5£93. State. Too good to miss. Repayment. telephone operater. day only. Good worker. Refer- 3 Days o~ Call Per Wr;ek ' quarterly buys, $10,000-$20,000 12A-BOATS AND MOTORS Bodily Injury and" $5,000,Pro- IRONER, like new, reasonable. SECOND MOl Starting salary for beginners is 'ences. LA 1-6511. Equity above J .. Enjoy th9 Many Benefits Offered perty Damage LiabllitY.TU LAkeview 1-9017. . CRUISER, 29 ft., A-I condition. $51.50 a week and you'll earn EXPERIENCED LADY wish es 1.2376. (.HAtv\PION Contract Bala Reasonable. LAkeview 7-3354. on Contents, ~ full pay while you learn. For day or week work, .laundry, Pleasant Surroundings , I $pOOvIOLIN, with case and 2 TU.4-57oo ,8 PIECE 'bedroom set. Green bows, for $375 cash. PRescott Mo. Repayme more details, just visit or call or baby sitting. Mon. through . Lib~ral Vacation:. ~olicy, HYDROPLANE, 8 foot with re- Fri. WO 3-8299. sofa" baby furniture. VAlley 7-5481, aft, er 7 p.m. mote steering and control and eharge. Low Cost Meals in the Employe's Cafeteria 1---- 1002 LAKESHORE road, Grosse one of thest! neighborhood em- 3-0203. : car-toppers. Only $60. Call GRISWOLD I KENMORE electric range .witH. Pointe Shores, new ranch, ,2~ ployment offices' any week day, NEAT experienced girl wishes Ideal Working Conditions TUxedo 2-3424. CONTINENtAL ,radiant glass automatic oven and deep well, bedrooms, 2 baths, 1i y in, ( between 8:30 a.m. and '5:00 p.m. day work in Grosse Pointe. heat paneis, for that hard-:to- $

"\' [-.,;'

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" ,

ay, July ~, 1951 Thursday, July' -4, 1957 6. ,It0 .SS! ,~ OJN Tee NEW,S. Page Nineteen •

OATS AND MOTORS Jlil=iRtiEiA1LEESST~A~TnE~--I~l6~pPiinTis:JFOFOiR~'isAiLUlr-"2"1il F-;LsC:,c::r:e.:n:s~'&~po:r:chi::.::J":'--r::2;;,lLI_::;PAi'iliijN~T:nIN;;G~A:;;N;;D~~--;-2;;1;-;9--;-'-'-;;PLA~S;;T;;-ER;;;'~N;;G;----7::2:-:1s-c=-. --=~A=-RP=.E=N~T=E=-R=W~O==RK======:::~~~~~~~~~- Chris-Craft Riviera, :20 H.P. Excellent con- G:~:S:A~~E. SfiORES -----POO-.-D-L-E-S--.;..-. EXP~:C:-C~~N~aperbmg. REMODELING. . TU 5-6993. SCREENS SP~~~=;~~~~.c;~~ Detro.it Boats Sweep ION sail yacht "Wind An;unu;~~ ~~~~; to pux- ~~~:'co~~::a~f:~ ~~o;~~ALUMpIONUR"CMHSECSREEN,,_::te~~,~~~h~~~•.fr~;:~~_r ig_h.;..t_,p-r-ie-e_:,_TU~2_-..;.:.204--,--1_._...,.- Repairs,' bas~ent leaks to Mills Trophy Race Again This 26-!oot yacht is for ehase one of Grosse Pointe's and do m est i c strains, "even Gl' ,,4-1187. VA ,,-[492.' 21 I~CEMEN.TWORK • chimney tops. Rem:)deling, re- 1I0r who wants the best " t d t t t t . .._ ass Porch Enclosures , , newed, kitchens,' porc:hes, etc. N' ld bl fmes an moo a r a c I v e tr-mperament, intelligent' out- Aluminum Screens . PYRA.M.'D '/ "<" .'., 0 one c:ou ever ame ereuth's "Sailbad the Sinner"; ing and limited cruising houses, built by Herbert Micou, standingt.ype, easily trained. Made to Order . ~ ' " . VAGNETIlt ~,AM Also will design and build new Toledo Yacht Club officials if Da"e Sloss' "Kathmar III" and "es. Extensive inventory in a top loCation near the lake .. Trimmed, health certificate and GId Screens Rewired PAINTING COMPANY homes. Have 7 lots. ~n Doremus, they never invited Detroit Cliff Gray's eight meter "Pin- 1USt be seen to be ap- Outstanding paneled library guaranteed. W' t I (. 'RESID~AL ' CEMENT WORK' ~t. Clair. Shor'e"':. C.an fl'''nI'sh sailors to their annual Mills tail." ',eeLCompletely refurb- 1arge FI'd~I a room, 5 bedrooms,. , AI.' In Cersea'b' t' COMM'-ERCIAL' 'Sldew~lks, Driveways, Garage. any size lot. Free...... estim~tei. Tr ophy race agam"fte'a r seemg "Moon" Baker and Jerry and ready for the water. S baths and many other excel- Exquisite styliIllg and trimming. umlnum om Inalon FREE, ESTIMATE~ ftoors, steps. and porches. the Detroit Boats make a clean Clements were forced, to with- g record is unparalleled lent features. Dogs picked. up and delivered. Window and ,Ddors' , TUxedo 1-3029 Basement,.Rat WaJls ' e. A. Patterson,: Builder sweep of all the eligible draw "Last Straw" when they al competition and has T. RAYMOND JFFFS Boarding by day or week.' ' LAkeview:6-0668 390B'C'adi'e.'.,x':.. T'U. 5-0785 TUxedo 2~3252 trophies Saturday, June 22, on bleW' their mailsail and Lh ..,.yd consistent winner du!'- _ PR' ' " CITY" SASH-" & .... ------'------bug infested Lake Erie. Ecclestone, Jr. dropped out with er 7 year lifetime. Fiv. 81 K\ercheval TU I-nOO ,escott 5-0794 , S'.CR' E'E' N C-.0' ,Painting and D';corating ..., CARPENTER repairs. doors,. For example take' Hank ~urk- "Bikini" when the starboard Privateer Class oham- . B ~ G p" A-I BRICK . and, ,block work. Iocks, sash ,cor dS, eabinet ar d's 40-f 00t eutt er <1Meteor III" upper shroud let go. But for nd only two time con- FIRST OFFERING 20-PI ANO SERVICE . • ' 'It 117I ro..sse • oint.Ext ReferencH.I Po,rches, 'ohimneys; garag'es,' work. ED 1-4576. " ,wh0 not only .took the overall some quick aeti'ng- on Eccle- -______, ' .' Intenor er or. :fireplaces. ,Residential and ' " - ve overall winner of the Grosse Pointe Farms-252 Mc- COMPLETE piano service. ,14000 East Seven Mile'Rd. ... Free ,Estimates , ' commedal •. TUxed05~5857. cruising 'division Merrill B. stone's young crew the main s Bayview North Chan- Millan Fieldstone front Colonial Tuning, repairi!1t, refini~hing LA 7 3700 "JOHNR.FORTIER' PR 7-3551 . ',." ...... 21T-DRESSMAKING Mills trophy by beating Pat spar could have gone" "Bikini" ace. Terms can be ar- " years old. Completely carpet~ and moth proofmg. Place ,your . - '. ,.: ' A-l"'CEMENTandbrick,chim- S-E-W-I-N-G-a-lt-e-r-at-i-on-s-,-a-d-u-lts-a-n-dCollins' NeW; York 32 sloop carne horne under mizzen- apd o to enable the yaeht6- ed, including new stove and re- order ear I y. R. Zech, RE FREE ESTIMATES PAP~R HANGING, neys,',. porches buHt."an..d" re- "Vitesse II" by 5 minutes and motor and went directly to t..l.te' . 9 WE GIVE Gom BELL . .. 'ehildrens. .Hems. zip per s, 30 d b own a winner pain- frigerator, 3 bedrooms and bath -3232. GIFT STAMPS PAINlI'ING & DECqRATING paired.' Free estimates. PRo plain d rape i, slip-. covers, secon s on corrected time ship yard for repairs . . Shown by appointment with lavatory on first floor. 21A.~, GENERAL SER'JICES'~ OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL9 'P.M. MARCIANUELK!NINT'' G,' 3-0564, VA. 1-0789.- aprons,and pillows. TU 1-7455. ~uortdalCsocaptu~ed th: .. ~Bd~adr.d Skylark Dismasted Call Fred Runnell., TV Paneled den; large screen porch, -:-:-:-:--______' , _- ERIOR ---:------up as wmner UL 1- Frank Johnson's Bounty sloop after 6 p.m. recreation room, 2 car garage. FIREPLACE eqUlpment. brass 21G-IOOF SE~VICE 'REFINISffiNG .' ALL BRICK EX CL USIVE alterations on ,-ision and the Toledo Blade "Skylark" was dism'asted and fenced yard. Under $35,000. TU and irons, tools repoliShed ,ERNEST KNUPP ~iEW AND REPAIRS dresses and suits by Marie Cub with the best elapsed time Clare Jacobs' "Falcon" ripped 5-8620. and, lacquered, screens re- CAULKING WALNUT 4-0897 _PORCHES, STEPS, ETC. Stephens, also remodeling and in both "B" and "C'~ division.s. her main but was able to con- ______paired. Smith-Matthews. 6640 Caulking done by an ,old experi- ---'------Leaky Basements Repaired repairing furs. Quick service Then there was "Vitesse II" tinue and made a good race anne parker offer!; in Grosse Charlevoix. WA '2-7155. enced man. Caulk now. Save.' I . on hems.' TU 5-7610.' who carried., off the 'SSE POINTE FARMS Our, ,Lady Stal" of the. Sea lations corrected. No job too big ing. Free estimate. 'Leo Xist- VEnice 9-7169 CARPENTER _ finisher; builds HEATH TREE SERVICE, Jacobs' "Falcon"; The Parker day later, July 6. After that parish. By owner. TU 2-1595, 123 Mapleton _o_r_t_oo_s_m_a_ll_._W_A_Inut1-6600. ner, PRescott 7-5876. -W-a~I-I-w-a'-sh-in-g-,-2-7-y-e-ar-s-ex-p-e-r--porches, garages, does all INC. _sy_n_d_i_c8._te__ "T_am_8._ra_'_';_J_._E_._F_i_n-~~: b~~~~ts ;~~vfer:pa~a;~~ • WOodward 1-5955. St. Paul's Parish .ELE-C-T-R-'C------D-O-N-:.A--L-D,...-B-L-r-S-S--- ience. Elmer T. Labadie, TTJx- type ot carpentering. Esti- Personalized Tree Service Club-Port Huron - Mac k i l'I. a Cf edo 2-2064. mates fr~e, prices righ:: TUx- Richmond Michigan 21Z-LANDSCAPING classic on July 13. ce 3-bedroom face brick llC-:-LAND CONTRACTS RAPP [alow" Games room, ':U Complete Wiring Service Decorator ~ , .:.-___ edo. 55892- . Bond,ed andId nsure, ------L ' Past MiP- race results haven't All Work Guaranteecf Exte~ior Interl'or WALL WASHING ------,---. COMP ETE landscaping serv- uo and attached garagt. INVESTORS . ... RA 7-3665 PR 5-1708 . exactly b~n true )'ndicatI"on- FR-E ESTIMATES Free Estimate' FURNITURE AND CARPET JIM SUTION Ice, lawn cutting. cultivation, '" n ~ot. Learn the investment feature of , it' - SO Years in G.P. 'CLEANING 1677 BRYS KRANTZ BROTHERS land- edging land clean-up work. of. things to come in the Mack- land contracts from Mic...'ligan'8 ED RAPP '.PRescott 6-0780 TU ~PAINTING- scaping, grass cutting, leaf Julius La Quiel'~. PR 8-2709. inac race but this year Hank LEON P. SANKAR oldest and largest land contract TUxedo 2-5444 company. Call or see - ' BROWN 'ELECTRIC _ Master 1-7050 'INTERIOR.AND EXTERIOR .i=:~:ling~or~'tt~~p, air~~~c::, raking, gutter cleaning and Free estimates. $1.85 an houe, Burkard's "Meteor III" will electrician since 1920. Regis- ERNE.ST,A. BOCK Free Estimates:" Garage8." pa"inting. 'Reasonable and de------,------'---- probably be given the ,"kis~- LANPHAR'S . ' R . , pendable. Free _estimates. TRUCKINC;, TOP SOIL AND o!.death" by reporters when t d d } (FOUNDED 1924) ereI an t lcense . c:paItZ, PaInter and,; decorator; quality Phone Mr. WiIilams,. Pastor Co. ~ TU 4-2942 Phone VA. 4~2827,."or VA. FILL DIRT they tag her as the "favorite il'1 McKINLEY rep acemen san d malnten., 'aod . 'eoIo'r ,matching, the .finest! E t'd . B ------'------h I in "-'- 4711 WOODWARD AT FOREST ance .• TU. 5-0014. Personal Served Graue Pointe home., for as, 51 e. serVIce -. R 3";"23004-8579 .• - VAlley 4-5646 DRexel 1-0721 er c ass" me Bayview. offering of this attrac- Detroit 1. Mich. TE 3-3400 ------¥ackinac. : nearly new 3 bedrm. service. 10 years. . 21K--WINDOW WASHING' C.' USTOM GRIFFORDS TREE ,Service. ----- nial. Mahogany paneled ALL CASH 20685 WoodrYlOnt TU.I-6905 " '. ,MODERNIZATION Merion BJueGrass $odding" Trees topped, trimmed and It's much easier to solva rc. rm., 1st floor lav., FOR LAND CONTRACT HIG-H FIDElJTY EQUIPMENT . '. WINDOW'CLEANING tree trimming and spra''/;ng. removed. Reasomible. TUx~ another's 'problems than your ~\'asher. Newly carpet- Lowest Discount 1 INTE~IOR and .exterior p~int- WAL-L.WASH1N. G' Enclose your"porch and add an- d BUILT ~ ORDER ring and decorating., Paper " .. ' " -, .' ".' other room to your, House. Complete tree, lawn and garden e 0 2-2134. own" 2-car gar age. Only Prompt Closing RIC= "''OT\ DENISE 4:1.eaningWR.ll washing. Guar- Se~vlce on ~creens and Storms service and mainten,ance. ---G-=:U=-==I=D=-E==--T-O-=--G::-:-:O=--O=--.D-. -S-E-.-R-V--I-C....~E---- 500. Hurry on this! R. C. COPPENS ~ '.anteed.Bestmaterials.-Archie, Brle~, WashIng Expertly ~e Attic rooms, Recreation lIooma, CAL .FL....MI'NG DREXEL 1-2460 VALLEY I-B383 TUxedo 4-0712. ' ." '. Basement Paintlng \ Kitchens modernized. C 13012 Hayes at Seymour J. OXFORD, 1310 ---E-L-E------' I, _. H.E. GAGE& ,SON. Aluminum sliding gllWlt.'doorS General Landscaping Service .. ------OPEN DAII,Y-3-6 11D-MortqaCJes 21D-SER~ic~PPLIANCI ,":, De.coratIn9. ~ TU 4-0136 <,' TU 2-741! installed. \ \ TUxedo 1-6950" ------R,OAD SERVICE ~kling 5 year old fann ______Interior ,'. ~xteri,r --.----,-----.:.- Fiberglas. patios, all eolors. GARDENING, landscaping, sod.- GROSSE POINTE ., !lia!. three bedrooms, MORTGAGES EXPERT VACUUM All w.orkmanship and materials 21L-STEAM CLEANING Concrete, brick and stone work. diIlg and complete lawn main- S •• ~lled den, slate foyer, Residential' - Commercial, guaranteed. References. Work 'FR.' 1-50~7 FOrreslt 6-5184 tainence. Walter Anno; VAll.ey 24T_UBr,1"a98Dua'1~~'j&l' ~ _~'_ ace, attached garage. CLEANER SERVICE hoe Repair FIRST MORTGAGE Now: Free delivery of bags. paper myself. Insured. We save you ..., 25 years e:x;perience 4-2075. • ,' 319 Fish.r Itd",Opp, Hi.h <:isof charm. Excellent Commitment 24 hrs. Money bags. brus hes, beIts. No increase moneJ:. , ,e' STEAM CLE'A NING Complete 'Building. Service ------:lition. Owner leaving .. ' . S'O D DIN G, !'lanclscaping, tree 1'1l ,; e. Too good to miss. Repayment. ' HARPER VACUUM L. Striegel VAlley -'-0518' Brick porches and piers LicensedCoritractor. References trimmingd lawn cutting and I' Earle Richards Service Stone structures, Terra.zzo Tile $TANLEYPRINCE maintenance. WAlnut 5-9323. ------I '20397 Mack Ave., ill the Woods SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS Auth. Eureka. Hoover Sa1... and ' PAINTING, DECORATING l!:quity above Mortgage or Land Service - New. Rebuilts, Patta EASTERN., MASON 1876,Broadstorlli" 111"'------.., I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAf,,\PION Contract Balance, plus' Chattel 171'16E. Warren at Cadieux TU 1.11U and PAPERHANGING , CONTRACTORS TUxedo 4-0262. HERBOLD LANDSCAPING TV &. Radio Service Open 10-7 p.m. DaU> ' for 9uick on Contents, $525 - $2,900 - 18 16484 :1.0Miie ' This beautiful Merion Blue sod TU.4-5700 INTERIORi-EXTERIOR E. Guaranteed It.pair Work Mo. Repayment: No appraisal POINI.E WASHER SERVICE. ~as1r,Detr~it,":Michigan JOHNST0N BROTHERS ,won't last.~ Order today for charge. Expert 01'1 Whirlpool', and • Teley;sion • Rcufio A-f material and wormanship. ...FURNITUR.E REPAIR BUILDERS, future. free delivery on '100 yds . .AKESHORE road, Grosse Kenmore. Prompt service, ,21P....;. ,.. , Attics Compieted, pOrch'.:.en- or more. • Sound Equiplllent lte Shores, new ranch, 2- GRISWOLD MORTGAGE all work gua,,;,ante~. TU. CUSTOM upholstering. A spIen- closures. .,. Recreation 'rooms. Sodding, Tdp' Soil, Sana :ooms, 2 baths, 1i y i n g CO. 4.5689. PRescott 1-1699' did~ele~tion of' decorative Kitchens remodeled. Tu 3-3665. Com:plete landscaping and EAST END 423 Ford Bldg. WO 3-728()11 t, n, activities room" G-E :pAINTING and decorating, in- hen. Open by appoint- 21 E-CUSTOM CORSETS f~1?rics. ~x p e;r;t. neeq,lepoint maintenance . terior and exterior. Free esti- mounting. Estlmates, cheer- H.~. JENZENBUILDING~' RADIO AND TV t. TU 4-3403. 16-P£TS FORI SA~E ' SPENdER CORSETS . mates. All, work guaranteed. :fully given. E w a:Yd;., 13929' Home and, Industrial'Repairs, PRescott 6-5852 Sales & Service BOXER puppy, fawn & white. Individually designed, 1i g h t- Call evenings. TUxedo 5-1586. Park Cab Co. .oDGE DRIVE, beautiful Kercheval. VA. 2-8993, Add't'110m;,, '. .a. tt.ICS comp. 1eted, . 13940 Kercheval near lastfawr Ie near river. 4 bedrooms, 10 weeks old, AKC regis. weight foundations and sur- Kleiner's Lawn Service VA. 4-n23 FAINTING, pap,ermg, paper re- FURNITURE' cleaned" andI(l- p'orch 'enclosures, recreation ; third floor apt. Large tered. Ears clipped and had gical garments. over 24 years Lawn: cutting for summer VA 2~2411 shots. Excellent dog with experience. Maude Bannert, moved. ,Wall washing. Neat, paired;~spri:p.gs ..retied .. Any, rooms, gar~ g es repaired,., ~ed yard with fountain. broken . f#iiure. repaired:' brick pairs." .' \ Free Estimates t! h i 1d l' I! n. PRescott 1-7596 :i68 McKinley, Grosse 'Pointe. reliable. W o:rk guaranteed; lf 500. Terms, owner. VA Mertens, 122 Muir. TU. 2-01)83. TYler 5-0137, aI3Y time: ' ' 'TUxedo 1~9744 TUxedo 2':2865 • 91. a.fter 5 p.m. TU. 5-4027 or TO, 6-6235. POINTECUSTOM .TAILOIS KARL DAVIES REALTOR Men'. and Ladl." Sulu Tailored k» Order. Alter------VA 2.3040 Light purse- i'AVI AT ations, reImlnr. Double breuted mlt& rutyled ru. 5-3220 "eavy .... rt. COLONIAL FEDERAL .sAVINGS to a{nel. breutsd. . 1t;1M:" I••r 'ell.rs lara .... e ~I Kercheval Ave. ~~"'_ii1 14931 EAST JEFFERSON, at City Limit. her G. P. Broker'. AilL ~47 Medt ...... ct.lt •• r ,...... We.'" 'N...... OHN MON•• YMuas: ,.. • IIltD.w " ...... Freel II. Sehumaa Established 19!5 Open Eves till 6:30, ,I f \' .' ,..... 00' ex rei •• ' • to r •• • a•• _.n r 1Sm'SOn ."0 r rt. ee • a a. .c sacra.cr Thursday, July 4,' '1957 Page Tw~nty Ai Feature Of. { * * * * * ) i * * * Pointer' 'of.Jnt~rest. i ,....GoOti- Taste Favorite ~ipea VOlUM of :P~p~e: in The Know f!J~nte . HOT'MUS-TARD' . 'By, Counter Points Mrs .. Charles w~Adams' 1 cup 'Coleman's dry By PAT ROUSSEAU , mustard Red, white and. blue ... patriotic colors these .. , but BY PAT TALBQT 1cup.yinegar. you could. choose pretty pastels and plan the .effect .you Tourists with an addiction to historical houses, are set- 1 cup brown ,s,ugar want with custom monograming at Margaret RIce. TaIlor- ting out on the highways from the Pointe which lead to old 2 beaten eggs ,.. ed ... or dressy ... to blend .. -:or contrast. As your fancy New England and Old Virginny. . ' .l\Iix-,m~brd: and vin~~r and sees it so shall it be! And the sweaters, dresses, shorts and chill in icebox over ni(ht, The blouses you can select for In,onograming a~e. of the fin.est Many of them may not know they Have one of the first HEAl next ~y In a double boiler add fabrics' and styling. Little miracles of detaIlmg, matchmg o brick homes in the Mid West right on th,eir doorstep. sugar and eg'gsto mustard mix- 'and Emsembling' .are performed every day at Margaret ture, 'Stir andeook until thick. Registered with the Library of Congress i~ the old : Good \ .served .with ~ and Rice . . . on the Hill. W] Seitz House, probable date of construction, the late 1700's, : 'corned beef.' If this mixture is * * .* As Com It was the homestead for one of the ribbon farms ttio hot 6 tablespOODSOf mustard, , Hend North for the Fourth of lul'Y weekend ..• tW the Gr~~se 1 which was three mile wide and stretched back to Gratiot ::e~~~~a::f::~~l:l:.::~Contimmt ona tour, ttr1n:ed happily with hatui" travel ttid~ from the lake, It stands today on the corner of East Jeffel'':' .yotlllojina at Trail Pharmacy. Sele.ct from a wealth of beautI- son avenue and Three Mile drive on about 300 feet of ful travel kits, equipped with plastic jars ,atui bottles. FM Thursc: property. Dance'. Planned OFFICIAL sUdden showers.. • . a compact unit, combines a rain hat arul made a poor The Henry Seitz family, first known owners, were iBy 'Center Club II pad brush, Sun's out again ... your Tmvel Tans are in you" its glee in the prosperous gentlemen farmers, '*ho sold butter and eggs to purse, each application neatl'Y i'1-foil. Quettes (the compressed, a powerful bl. positionists. 1:' their neighbors. Lnter the home was known as the old Buck The Center ClUlb of. ' the scented fate cloth) are II real friend in need. And for clouds place and then passed into the possession of Henry Russel Grosse Pointe War Memorial chev, Commu wnl hold its'last function Of the of conceptrated laundry suds (in any 'water) Laundel • , . or won a smash An old French pear tree stands in the spacious garden. year for the Pointe's. young All,Aboard come highly recommended. Be sure to pack thestl he expelled C .V. M. Molotov There are holes in the fireplace from which cranes for single business and professianal spa&tIsaving. products for perfect on the go grooming. I iron cooking pots once extended. When a breakfast room ' -Picture~,by Fred Runnells people on Friday, July 12, at and L. M. ] was added a 25-franc piece dated 1824 was found. MRS. WILSON W. MILLS OF WOODLAND PLACE' " 9p.m. The dress win, be .strictly \ * * * their high P' , M' . tt ~ informal and casual-':"Bermudas Roman Candle stripes • . • dramatic holiday fare . . . es- Party. 1 ' h b d b th By KItty ,?in'IO '. al'd sports's,hirtsif.'you wish. o • F or th e past 45 years the house. as een owne y e Mr, s. Wilson W. Mills, presiden,t of.the Detroit Historic- huge musI'c room J'ust'aff'the' ~ially above a white full skirt': ... buckled in metal. ':!-W. . H. F. Wardwells. Mrs. Wardwell was Helen Russel. For ' , , Dave and Mrs. Taylor will in- terrific piece..~!A black bandana prmt, bo~owed by ~he SOP!J.lS~I- Frida 'l al Society for 1957, brings a ,breath of' auth~ntic Detroit living roo,m,.,' ,struct an'd'call square.and round cate,:cut for Iigure flattery and teamed WIth the whItest skIrt In I h f d h Id h h THREE SU] severa years t e amily summere in t e 0 orne w 1 e history t0 the 0ff'Ice."roh'e IS th, e former HIP'aze mgree De- These Include the .w:~ll.pre- dances on the bowling green. captivity ... both fO'rthirteen d?llars • '.' at D. J. Healy. Very were hit by renovating it. They have added several frame additions and pew, daughter of Hazen S. Pingree,. who was' Mayor of serye~..,Aubussonfurm~e~nd Cold refreshments w ill be femine and appealing ar~ the nO-Iron,whIte.broadcloth and lace seperates~ Combined WIth pastel colors, they'll cooly breeze which inflictel have tastefully decorated the home in proper period furn- Detroit for four terms in the 1~90's and' Governor of the rug, flV~ pray~~ rugs Inherlt~d 'served at'cardt3lbleson the ter:. through. summer. The lighthearted price? Skirt and blouse ••• No casualties ishings. Rare old prints of Detroit line the walls. State late in the same decade. .,- ~rom,Ha~en !?m~ree,huge cell~ race and the 'formal gardens will seven dollars. ' Hit were HaZI The Henry Seitz building~ according to the Historical ~------Ing~hig:\if~lding scre.ensthat are .'be lig.htedfor strolling. * * ton Woodsanc A native Detroiter, Mrs. Mills covered WIthdraperIes from the ." . . * storm, which American Buildings Survey "possesses exceptional or was three 'years old when, her Societyfor many years. She and old Pingree'home,. an antique . Ballroom ,d.ancmgWIll be m. , Whether the campsite is the back yard •.. or a lake- "small tornac architectural interest, as being worthy of the most careful father bough.t the big old sto~e Mr. Mills loved to ride and hunt, glass-sided French cabinet filled ierf"Persed WI~ tr:e mO~dat~- side miles away, Jacobson's Boy's Department outfits the I' Huntington Wl J preservation for the benefit of future generations." in fact, just sold theill Metamora with small tokens,from all. over etlc. fsq~reth anchInlg.h ~ll camnP.rtip 'to toe ... with a large selection of blue J'eans. across Wood\\ j ~ home on the Woodward avenue estate this summer and sent the h ld f h case 0 ram e woe S r:YW WI ~- slammed thrO\ ______.... ~ ------_ Sl'tewhere the' Rackha' B'w'ld- horses t0 her daughter, Mrs. tchairseworfrom; apalrNapoleon'sa ma>palace;ogany mov.emoors., d' . : cotton~, slacks Pep'.' shirts terry robes , sport" shirts and all ing ri,ow stands. She .loves to John Shalkross, on the Shall- two. room-high narrow paint- The. Center hopea everyone manner of prachcal, washable, wearables. A tornado fl off two factor: who. where and whatnot' recall those days, her father's cross fann near Baltimore, Md. ings on wood of "Night" and will turn out to bid farewell to * * * Damage throu big stable, her own riding pony Dogs, as well as horses, have "Mornin:g"by J. C. Thorn. to President,Bob Gall who has by whoozit Carry your. own tinJ' oasis of shade with you! Igenious land County , ("I think I could ride before 1 always been a part of Mrs. Favorite Pieces done a finejdb and to welc~e Oak police s could walk." Mrs. Mills' says), Mills .life; Moses, a basset Mrs. Mills is fond of the new .0:ffice7::. pre~ident, ~ab thoughtfulness is materialized in a gayly colored ••• fringed confined to th In this merry month of marriages the best plans and the long rides they could hound, and Squeaky, a Norwich heavy gold clock and, matching Steblbms; Vlce preslden~, DICk umbrella (parasol size) ••• that clips conveniently to the back of the city. ta'ke through countryside that terrier, live a mighty nice candelabra'atop the music room Ga~e.and John Logan, secre- of mothers and bridal counselors may sometimes go awry ()'f arm of your fhm".. A COOL UJea from sunny Italy ••• im- even when the weather man cooperates. Betty Hansen is now a bus'tling part of the "dog's life" in the Mills house- mantelpiece. These were a tarles, Sue Souder a~d AU?-r~Y Saturd City of Detroit. hold. wedding .gift from the famed ,Mossand treasurer, JIm BalVln, pot:ted and introdue~d to the Pointe' by The League Shop ••• waiting in the narthex of Our Lady Star of the Sea chur:ch WARSAW I Rode with Father Loves to Sing Chauncey M. Depew when she ' yours for twelve dollars. I ,to walk down the aisle to meet her bridegroom, William E. four 'top Re< Kohn, Jr., peard the scream of the fire engines before The Detroit Historical Mu- Music was and'is important married his n~phew, the late Starlighters * * purged sever seum has a picture' of Mayor to Mrs. Mills~ She,used to do a Sherman L. Depew. * fessed to a p she heard the strains of the wedding march. . Skyrocketing to popularity these warm July nights, are the Pingree 'turning the first spade- good deal ofpublic ~iriging. Another favorite is the gen-TO Hold Dance shOrt sleeved boy~spajamas at E. J. Hickey. The cotton crinkle S. Khrushchl When the organist began to play the time honored ful of dirt when Grand Boule- "I ,,'ish I had 20 cerits," she uine huh! cabinet and.the unique I '.. cloth is a no-nonsense fabric, offering cool coverage and the canfessions cl benefits O'fdrip drying, .. along with tattersall good looks in an hymn. great peals of smoke rose from the instrument, yard was about to be paved. He says laughingly, "fo~ every:time big Sevres dish -w.b;ic.p-serves -- debate in the always rode, Mrs. ,~iUs re:alls, I sang "l1heStar Spang~edBan- as centerpiece',flanked' by Bo- The Starlighters O'fOur Lady t".asygoing~pull-over style. Every boy deserves a pair and at ist Party's 0 due to a short circuit. The fire department was called and three dollars, you can think in terms of several •.. sizes six thru a~d on such public occaSIOns,ner' during World War I." 'hemian glass vases. Star of the Sea parish will ~ight~n. . KhrUshchevi.! while the bride waited slicker coated firement axes and hl~ s~all daughter .rode along - Mrs. EdwinS. Sherrill was Mrs. Mills remains an a<:tiv:esponsor an open house dance r.epresentativE hoses were, rushed down the aisle to put out the blaze. * * * ~lth hnn and held hIShorse un- her accompaniest, and they en- member. of GirlS Friendly So- on Friday ..from g untii 12 .'.\ Beat the drums for a rleligJItful new ice keeper! An China, and The wedding then went on as ~cheduled. f tll the speech or ceremony was tertalned at ,the first Soldiers' cietyfor Holiday IIou.se; and 'o'clock:at the ~lu:broomin Fair- Soviet Repu early Americiln military drum is the inspiratron for a new concluded. Club near Grand Circus' Park. the ,Garden Club. of Michigan. ford raad.. Stalin's birth * * * Thanks to Mrs. Mills, many They also went to the oldHouse She 'is a p.astpresident O'f the ' The donation will be 75c and Skotch Kooler from The Dants. Antiqued red, white and what had tak, Cymbidium orchids for Joyce Carol Weik's wedding items relating to her father's of Correction in days when en- Women's Association for Christ all young adults are cordially blue are the colors ... with golden eagle and furled flags. On June Z to George Kenan Jacobi were flown from Shreveport, La.,. life and work now belong to the tertaining p~isoners was un- ChUJ;CihGrosse'Pointe. invited. . The capacity .. : one gallon ... the price ... twelve dollars. Georgi Malen where Admiral and Mrs.', Leon John Jacobi's long time Detroit liIistorical Museum col- heard of, playing and singing Her' daughters, Mrs.-' Shall------Attractive drum coasters, lined with thirsty, plastic foam- ovich and DII lections. Many more ~fill the "popular tun,eful songs" like cross', and Mrs. Oscar L. Buhr, . rubber, team with the imaginative kODlerfor Independence fore their PUl friend, Mrs. John Mag~le' runs a greenhouse as a hobby. rooms of her spadous :home. "It's ~ L?~g~Wayto Tippera7Y/' .and:David Mil1s,Mr. Mills' son, Robert J. Holzer, Jr. Day. entertaining and. all year long. . consciously I The knife used to cut the cake at the reception at the Wh,enMayor Pingree became and inVIting the men tc J.om with their' respective spouses Gets Club Golf Post tried to tak. Grosse Pointe War Memorial was a silver heirloom used Governar Pingree, Mrs. Mills in the choruses. ' are often home., So are the 10. * * * anti-party mE by generations of brides in the 'Jacobi family, rfemrembers,f~e wdasin Lta.ns~ng Half Century Member Mills grandchildren, wiho love Robert J. Holzer, Jr., otl 684 Good news from Dalton! Just saw the advance shipment .. or our or Ive akys'dreurnmg Mrs. Mills ig:'a'more than 50. to visit .their gracious grand- St.-'Clair.avenue, has been ,ap- ~"iving at Jacobson's •.. fabulous are the pieces. The glad Sundi hOaml'neverye. y;ee en on the year member of Tuesda'yMUS'I'.m.oth,.e.r and."th~ house full of pointed assistant, golf pro at k'f ' GEORGI M * * • tr tidi.ngs? Dalton, l1Ul ers of SUCI). ine cas/murfs, are presenting cale and the Wednesday'Morn~ hlS);OnCobJects. Lakepainte Country Club to a pure silk .. , meticulously tailored' blouse to coordinat2 with premier and I The wonders of outer space will go on display at the Mrs. Mills had an older sis- ing Music Club. She enjoys the ------aid in the, training. of.eight St. of the Soviet Neighborhood Club due to ,the artistic talents of the Day ter, Gertrude Elizabeth Pingree, latter group's'alternate Wednes- Suburban Violet Club Clair Shores High School boys their sw(!at.ersand skirts. lJ70nderful shades too ... champaigne, sibly face ne' Campers. The youngsters have been painti!lg a mural of who died at the age of 19,and a day' meets, wh'en .the 30 'mem- ..., recently' awarded golf ."holar hurnt orange, heavenlJ' blue, iZnd pastels ... one Stunning com. put -on trial . str~am lined rockets, wierd Martians and moon people for brother "Joe," Hazen Jr:, whQ bers gather in each ather's home Names New Officers ships at'the club. "" - bination .•• ~ pearl gray sweater, scatte1:ed with white and ble sources sa the past week. The theme of the camp this season "is a died when he was 30. to sing or perform.. . - ' "Th If 1_ ' h ld charcoal leaves. , , matching gray skirt ami blouse completes viet developm ''The' East SubUrban African.-' "e g~ ~SiSIOns.'are e, "Trip to the Moon" and the art exhibit is only one of In ,Civil War "A lovely old'rnalrogany spinet Violet Club,met last'week at the' each .Frlday~~~_ at the the scene. You'll. create your own fashion pictures, when you .schchev, Ree many project~ planned for the campers in tune with this An Easterner by birth, Ha~n stands in the Mills living room. ,Teen Center; East' Detroit _to c~u1:?t,n. St.. Clarr Shores. undert-'hooie early from the new Dalton line. charged Male to plot the dE fascinating concept. Pingree came to Detroit after Two grand pianos and a variety 'elect neW dficersfor the' com- dIrectIan . 'Of . Pro J:ohn'.D~l- * * * * * • the Civil War, in whiClhconflict of Pingree treasures are in the ing 'ea'r. . rymple, hIS asSIstant Dave.Glb- Communist 0 'th th F' t M y d th tee Gla.morousbug banish'er ••• that's the gar>len ~-rch, you'll grad in 1949 Twelve year old Sally Granger wanted to relieve the he served,WI e 11'S aSSR- ; '.. " sort an e new appom , u. "" chusetts Heavy Artillery. AS. M:s. James De ~aker. was Robert Holzer: ' fin~ at The League Shop .•• a place that seems to think of is. the most : monotony of summer vacation in h~r Mapleton road block, framed copy of hi" complete war aguenay .. Orulses preSIdent;Mrs; Laurl,Parssmen,., . '. .. G P 1m f ,everything for your pleasure , .. about thirteen dollars. ' any of the vice president; .Mrs. William .Pr~sl~ent,Lows . a er 0 were swept and also help the building fund for :he new Sigma Gamma record hangs in the Mills home. A Glorious' Vacation Corigon, corresponding secre- '~a'k.epomte'. ~aw ~o~zer play * * * week. Hospital. On Saturday in her garage and back yard she Lining the walls of the~tair- Afloa~ and Ashore t~ry; Mrs. Joseph Gray, 'record~ J~st.a week ,a;ga and ~m:dlate- Revoiutionary . and most modern is the Servel .. d fal f t'L- k'dd' It' 'th k h ' way and upper hall are a set of iug secretary',' Harry M.cMilIan, ly. slgnedhltn ,to asSIst,In th.e electri.c' bar on wheels that plugs in. and serves cold re- Mond tosse a r ar 1~ I les comp e e W1 spoo OUSf:, 40 Edwin Forbes sketches of FULL'83 hi""" ch I h 't h 7. . $1' treasurer and Melvip Palmer, 6'>4 ,~-?O program e IS freshments. The refrigerator section keeps beverages and THE WEST hGotdogs an d pI c games. t y pic a 1 Civil War scenes. DAYS' .. boa'rd'of'dir'ec.t'ors.'... ,., . spons,ormg. •

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