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WEDNESDAY, NOVEfflIBBR 29, 1997 P A O B r a T Y I *ii , ^ i31anrli^0tpr Ettim ittg B m li)

Mhialc win ba provided b y the Lt Cmdr. Alvin N. Oatalarto Hiey were hosted at a raoep- know what we have been read­ The Weather Vl»r O m Week Ended About Town ftvb "Soul Searchara" at a dance n has recently been promoted Students Leam tion, dinner and professional ori­ ing about in our textbooka.” Snow tonight. AecummattaM sponaored by the Manchester to hie present rank, and has entation at which David Dorf These were some of the com­ Oeteker M , 1987 at one to three InChea Ukety. •1 lira. VBfioa fiiMa Future Seoretarias AasoelaUon been assigned to the Naval Ad­ ' In Sales BHtz was tbs main speaker. Dorf is ments by MOC students as they Jfpfitpr Supnttig llpraUi Low about 80. ’Tomorrow clear­ M n. VarailM Xithda, «8, at Sahirday from 8 p.m. to mid­ visory Oroui> in Vietnam. He is an official of the Hotel Manage­ returned to their classrooms. Datajrtovn, Pa., mother of John night at the Manchester Oom- the husband of the former Miss "Now I know first-hand soms The project waa developed Pinehurst ing. High In SOa. ment Association, a nationwide 15,544 W . U h d a o f «H OMStar 8 t , died munity College cafeteria. All M arlon M . M cG uire o f 881 Sum­ of the real problems in hotel firm . end oocnUnsuted by Frad A. Manchester— A City of Village Charm Sunday at har homa. MOC students are invitad. Miss mit St They have one son, Aud- sales." ITiis was a general com­ During their six intensive Ramey Jr., director of MDC*s tha fnneral win ba held to- Almira Karr, a sophomore, Is ley Lanson of Falls Church, ment voiced by 19 Hotel-Restau­ hours In the field the next di^, Career Programs Division. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 (ChMaUled Advertising on Pngn Cl) PRICE SEVEN CENTS' moMNIw at Oia D’Altorio Puneral Va. VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 51 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) dance chairman. the students queried executives Hom a, 71 ‘nUrd S t , CaUfomla, rant Management students at DOG HAS CHARGE ACCOUNT Manchester Community College about the nature and l^npe at P a. Little Flower of Jesus Moth­ Pvt. Olenn E. James, son of as they returned from a sales buslneas and social functions LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hero ers Circle win meet Friday at Mr. and Mrs. Edward James of their firms would ba bolding In Is a Datanatlaa aad a flrebouse Pork Sale "blits” project in Danbury re­ Jooaph X . DanjrUw o f 43 8:10 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 186 L ove Lane, has recen tly cently. the fleer Axture. The student- mascot, both of Which make SVmat St win particlpata with J d m M easom , 288 Autumn St. completed Army advanced In­ him a very traditional dog. But In a practical field project that interviewers also tried to relate McCarthy Starts mambara of the St. Mlchaal'e Mrs. John SpeHman Is co-hoat- fancy training at F t Polk, La. Nero also is unique: He has a War Plan Set, may become an annual one, the these hospltallly needs to Dan­ OoQago Olaa .Club In the annual eM. charge account with a bakery. MOC students Interviewed more bury Inn services. CSurlstinaa con cert with Trinity Membeys of the Manchester Whenever Jack Watson, a bak­ than 66 top execu tives in the The results of the "blita” were OoUaga Sunday at the Chapel Two Manctuester women are YWCA w ill hcrid a bake sale, ery truck driver, stops at 14th of St Michael the Archangel on Danbury area on behalf of the discussed, analysed and eval­ Campaigning for detegcubes t o an annual Flail Including homemade Jellies, St and Central Ave„ Nero S t m ch a e l’e campua In W inoos­ Danbury Motor Inn, an affiliate uated at a banquet that eve­ Fonsn of the Servloe Bureau breads and candles, at a Christ­ ning. "Wonderful work,” waa bounds out of Firs Station 80, Declares LBJ of the Wayfarer Inns chain. ki, «V t m as fa ir on Thursday, D ec. 7, baxUng end whining, and heads for Women's Organimitiioni to- Accompanied by director how Danbury Inn Manager Dan morroMr Anom 9:80 a m . to 2 at the'East Hartford YWCA, 770 for Watson. WASHINGTON (AP)— President tor his imfatUng sup­ James McKenney of MOC’s M anarl described the studente* Chief Executive Main St., East Hartford. The Depending on how vocal he is, port and friendship.’’ pm. at the Clam Box Ilenbau- Hotel-Restaurant Management p roject. President Johnson says rant, W etherafield. Mira. Sam ­ event will begin at 10 a.m. and Nero gets one doughnut or two. WASHINQTON (AP) — Sen. both are critics of the adminis­ But neither formal statement Program, the students arrived "We should do more of this major U.S. defense policies uel PilerBon o f 57 Arvhne FI. is sponaored by the East Branch The weekly hill, totaling 40 to 60 Bqgene J. MbOarthy laundted tration’s Vietnam war position. did much to confirm or dispel as oven^ht guests of the Inn kind of thing.” "It was a great 4u-e clearly defined for the First Class win represent the Church Wom­ of the YWCA of the Hartford cents, is paid by the firemen, hU preaMenttal campaign today George ChriaUan, Johnson's speculation that McNamara was on the evening before the blits. laainUMg' exp erien ce.” "N ow I man who will succeed De­ Shoe Repairing: en United, end Mrs. Maurice Region, Inc. There will be oth­ who thlidc Nero Is great. OB a pisttorm of opporitlon to press secretary, was asked If being thrown to the Vietnam Of The Better Kind! WUIey of 112 EUnJbeth Dr. ts er tables featuring decorations, U.S. poHcy In Vletaam and aaid the White House would have any fense Secretary Robert war hawks—that he is (being Because we nee only the PTA detegwte. toys and gift items. there U "a good ponatbiUty" comment on McCarthy’s move. McNamara, quittfng the eased out because Johnson pur­ the BEST aomeane ether than President “No, sir,’’ ho replied. Pentagon for the World portedly is aiding more and MATERIALS! Johnson will be the Democratic Senate Democratic Leader more with the military chleCs. Thomas Mitney, son of Mr. Cub Scout Pack 2 committee Bank’s presidency. >Oke Manafirid of Itentsna. But a triple play of announce­ There waw on ly one b rief “WaltinK Jobs Are and Mrs. George Mitney of 36 will meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. nonUneo In 1968. Our Specialty!” McCarthy toM a news confer­ who has expressed misgivings ments by the World Bank, White reference to Vietnam In both_ S. Alton St., has recently been at Second Congregational OPEN o f his ow n about 'Nfietnam p oli­ House and McNamara Wednes­ statements. This was Joimson’e elected chairman of the fresh­ Church. ence if he is not the man, It SAM YUYLES could bo Sen. Rebert F. Kenne­ cy, said he la supporting the day night left in a fog some of line saying the course of U.S. 3 man class at St. Francis Col­ 23 OAK STREET We like fussy customers who want only extra lean dy, D-N .Y. President. the more Intriguing aspects of participation In the war Is firm­ A few etepa from Main lege, Biddeford, Maine, and be­ Royal Black Preceptory will 2 ’Ihe senator from Mliatesote the defense chiefs switch in as­ ly set. comes a member of the college meet Friday Bit 8 p.m . at pork. When we run a sale on pork, we sell

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V p. .f.' MANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1987 Coventry ^ent8 in Events L oaf P k k n p es will be jitoked up tomorrow on ,toe toUowtog Dog Pound StMy Sees Cost Capital In W orld Mandiestor atreete, plus Tense in Malaysia any of today's echedule not com fSeted. As ‘Probably Excessive^ Ikm D onatet H om e KUALA LUMPUR, MaUyala Baby Haa WASHlNCrrON (AP) — IV>r- (A P ) — CSaahea betw een M a­ Main St (Center to N.. A soeclal subcommittee of the treaauruer; Gallnat. and Rlch- m tr PTMidwn* and Vrm. DwlClit laya and Chineae in northweat M ain) Boaid^rfFlnance appointed to ard Nlcbla and Richard Hawley, D. irinilwiwiii tavr* doaated MaUyeU virtually halted today N. Main St (Oakland St investlxate the new dog pound who were second and thted ae- thalr hom e and Ha aurroundlnc after alx daya of rioting that re- to New State Rd.) haa i^eased its report. lectmen at the time, hi a lette^ PannayIrMaU term land to toe aulted in 22 deatha. But the gov­ Homeowners are request­ Jamea Ryan and Nelson of reply to Ryan and Beairce, Named paovle c t toe United atotea ter ernment said the aituation re­ ed to rake leaves to the gut- Bearve, the two board members Turklngton said that regarding emitual derelapinent aa a na- mained tenae. . , tefs, in rows the length of assigned, concluded that no "the apparent overexpendtture tkmal Uatorie alte. Limited martial law waa still, toe imqieity. No objects, overall ]dan or estimate (rf in the dog license fund, I do not ■ iiw t 9mmm t e , non el Robert Jnmee and Tlie ftft maa announced by toe in effect in many areas, but ,other than leaves and grass, building cost was ever made, have any intormation to add’’, Augiaton Martta Barrie, 49 W. Middle Ttike. He was born White Houae which aaid toe El- some daytime curfews were lift­ are to be {ilaced in the {iSes. that the cost la "probaMy ex- The. report states that both* Nov.!t,Si at Manchester Memorial Hoapltal. His maternal aeidiower’a will continue to live ed. On the island city of Pen­ Saturday’s HeraU will cessive’’, handling of funds Nicola and Hawley verbally re- trstsOsaaOmt Is Mto. May Martta, 88 RetrMt Ave., Hartford. In their modified Georgian two- ang, where violence started last have the sttoedule of toe ahould be under more strict con- ported that they "were never' IBs patesnal gTaa^anato ara Mk. and Mrs. H anU James •tory brick and atone home and Friday with a demonstration streets to be swept of leaves trol and an effort shoulf( be involved in the project and had Jr.. OstrdiiMr, Maine. uae toe farm’a tecUitieB during against currency devaluaticm, neoct week. made to include the dog account ^ intormatioa concerning it", * »i n Gen. Biaenhower’a lifetime. But life a{q>eared to have returned in the town General The report continues, "From OnaOn, TInsetty Edwnrd. son of James J. and PatrieU arrangemente will be made to to norm al. The report notes that the ^^arsatlona with empl^ees of Nsyflte GuiUn. 1$ lOanel St He was bom Nov. 22 at Maachos- obtain congreaatonal authorlaa- terrorists today in an ambush in The casualty toll from the Bulacan ProVlnee near Manila, the State Tax Dept tt ^ leam- ^fe®®**** HoQ?«al. RIs maternal grandiwrentB arb Mr. tion of .future deveh)i>mente and l | n . WUItam J. Neville, 79 Steep Rd., Wappiag. K s par riots was 22 dead and 200 in­ the national constabulary re­ crete slab covering appron ^ towns have eiaoted there for touilato. mately 940 square feet. The ar' tenial graadmotoer la Mrs. EUsabeto G a i;^ 81 St ” ju red. Pkesman said reinforce' Is aj>- the town general GbHyabuig National Military The dead and injured included Ooehf, Oarla taalae, daughter of Ronald and Naalqr An- Park which indudea the aite of ments'were rushed to the scene J^wtonatSy squMe feet S D«talls of t ^ . .would have 126 Chineae and 87 M alays. dorsob Gocht 46$ Gardner S t She was bom Nov. 22 at Man- CHANBONETTE . . . cir­ the fomoua Civil War batUe- and the Communist rebels were m the construction ^ approved by toe autotors and toeetor Memorial Hoepital. Her maternal grandparente are field. Rabbi Raps De Gaulle being hunted. of toe pens”. Total coot of toe commisslonera— in'm.w*,!involved. nHow­ < » . Mir. and Mre. Albert G. Anderaoni 62 Theodore S t, Newtag- cular stitched cups round The Biaenhower’a acquired ever, such action would bring PARIS (AP) — The grand The Philippine News Service p roj^ to date is $7,722.94. ton. Her paternal grandihotliar la Mre. Margaret Ctocht S86 out a full silhouette; Cot­ toe farm in 1900, uaed it os a tola account under doaer sur­ rabbi of France, Jacob Kaplan, reported from Bulacan t^ toe ^ ^ Spruce Bro(* R d, BetUn. She hda a brother, RuaaellOari, 7. weekend retreat during their veillance". Zi « • '« w ton 32-38. A ,B ,C .*8.00 charged Wednesday ■ (light that soldiers slain were members m revealed no* Informa- later White HOuae yearn and The dog {Mund has been under President Charles de Gaulle a battalion combat team who coocemlng either competi- Chapman, tounaqr Jnoqneline, daughter of Omar B. Jr. then moved in aa permanent construction since last spring. 3 risked touching off a wave of were riding to ^Jeep m route to bWaing or toe awarding and Bfliett Brawn driqman, 880 Center St She waa bom Nov. reaidenta. $2 at Maacheeter Memorial Hoapltal. Her maternal grandper- he accused Israel ot being toe on by 20 to construction of toe dog pound”, T*** enta art Mr. and Mre. Roland H. Brawn. 860 Ocnter S t Her tee to investigate was formed Loan to Britton OK*d aggressor to toe June war and 30 Huks. toe report states. "There paternal graadmotoer la Mre. Harold Downes, 169 Manor Cir­ WASHINGTON (AP) — In an ot having "secular predisposi' There was no word no blueprint available, nor waa when considerable confusion cle, East Hartford. « * * V « effort to reatore world cmifl- tions of domination.” casualties, if any. there any itemized estimate of arose over details concerning toe project, as well as public dence in the atabillty of the Replying to De Gaulle’s costs filed for toe complete proj­ Dnmaoeaa, IhHraen Mario, daughter of Harold J. Jr. concern over toe apparent ex­ and Pntrleta Cyr Durancoau, 28 Ooeby S t, Bast Hartford. She pound, the IntemationaJ Mone­ charges, made al his news e ct.” Lasted Longer cessive cost wee bom Nov. 20 at Maaoheater Memorial Hospital. Her ipa- tary Fund haa. approved a |1A conference Monday, Rabbi Kap­ “ Paid blUs to toe file reveal bllllott loan to Britain. lan said; "In toe light of Is­ that authorization for payment temal grandparents are Mr. and Mre. Patrick F. Cyr, Bidde- JAPAN SHIPS LESS UOnON ford, Maine. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrt. Har­ Set up ao that Britain may rael’s fight for its existence and War, 17th-centupy was made only by toe First draw from it over the next ^ear, Selectman,” (Richard Gallnat, OSAKA — Japan’s eq^orts of old J. Duranceau, Blddofbrd, Maine. security, French Jewry declares tween toe Austrian Hi^Mburgs i« the loan la part of a |S billion itself solidly behind it and en­ and toe German princes and at that time), he re{x>rt says. cotton yam and cloth in toe cuahion the Brttiah aeek to dorses it in its efforts toward a cities, actually lasted 60 years, Ryan and Bearce, to toe re­ first h alf o f 1967 totaled $127.8 Sperher, Saadm I^nn, dauihter of Kenneth B. and TRIC-O-LASTIC . . . lace 'n (Herald photos Pinto) Joan Prelaaler Sperher, 27 Mountain S t She was bom Wov. 10 atrengthen the pound and the Just and lasting peace.” though there were about a dozen port, state that they contacted million, 9 i>er cent less than to stretch for firm support and domeatlc economy of the United Elmore Turklngton, former town toe corresponding 199$ period. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ In his attack on Israel, De totemiptionB at various timte. Kingdom . ents are Mr. and Mrs. George Pretealer, 24 Sunrise Dr., control. White 38 B, C $4 Will the Real Street Sign Please Stand Up? Gaulle also said that after toe The fund’a action had been ex­ . Rockville. Her patemnl grandparents are MT. and Mrs. Eric D cup $5 EVench-BriUsh Suez campaign pected alnce Britain devalued book, are on Steel Rd. One is Sperher, Reddlngton Beach, STil Which sign did you read? railroad crossing came before to 1666 Israel a d i^ ted a "b e llig ­ the pound Nov. 18 fron t $2.80 to unlisted. One, that of toe son of )■ « «( «t « Neither is correct according toe road or not, but this may erent and expansionist policy to the original Maneggia, is listed Andersen, Oarin Jayne, daughter of Donald Sperbor and $2.40. account for some of the modem accommodate its growing In Ita atatement, toe IMF aaid to those Bolton residents who as on Steele Rd. Jane Pratt Anderaon, 88 Blorenee S t, EUlngton. She was bora confusion between “steel" and population." "the atandby arrangement will remember that the road was "Steele.” She does remember Assuming that “croestog” Nov. 10 at Mamtoester Memorial .Hospital. Her maternal nwBlat UK autoicrniiea in eatab- named for a family named that toe road was even more has been left out to toe interest Disarmament Recess grandparente are Mr. end Mrs. W. Cartton Pratt, Brockton, ■dxSng confidence in the new winding than it is now — and of brevity, toe Paul Maneggias Mass. Her paternal grandparento are Mr. and Mre. BMc An- Steele, who lived to toe old Ma- GENEVA (AP) — The 17-na- parity for ateriing and will tfaua great for sliding down to the have won toe prize for toe cor­ derson. Crystal Lake, Rockville. neggla house, still standing tlon disarmament conference help to preaerve the atablUty of winter. It is so steep that school rect answer, along with toe law­ .) W ♦ *1 • ' across Rt. 6 from toe sign at agreed today to recess to about the International Monetary buses are not allowed to use it. yer who drew up toe deed to at X Mleeekowsko, Mattoew George Jr., son of Matthew toe right. two weeks time, probably on Syatem ." Town Clerk Mrs. Olive Too- Three of toe five houses on least one of toe homes. He had • > George and Diana Rudolph Mlosskowake, 444 W. Middle Tpke. D ec. 14. mey does not know whether toe the road, according to the phone it right, too. '{ He was bom Nov. 18 at Manchester Memorial Hoapltal. Kla Protest Relaxes Pledge After reporting to toe U.N. •> maternal grandparente are Mr. and MTs. Gerhard Rudolph, general assembly to New York, WASHINGTON (AP) — A Ne­ adequate funds for sucto domes­ Baysldo, N. T . IBs {lateraal grandmother is Mrs. Isabelle the conference is expected to re­ gro pupU’a proteat haa prompt­ tic programs as anOpoverty, Miessbowske, Roosevelt, N. Y . IBs maternal great-grandmoth- sume to Geneva toward the end er Is Mrs. Matilda Saavedra, HoUls, N. T . Hla paternal great- ed Waataington educatora to re­ McCarthy Kicks Off housing, education and other na^ SW EET MUSIC . . . stitched lax their requirement for recital tlonal needs. of January. •« grandmotoer is Mrs. Isabelle Kuhn, Great Neck, N. T. Barring a surprise agreement . (d *1 «| cup with embroidered bond ^ of the pledge of allegiance at The war also has brought between the United States and in cotton b r " '-loth. 32-38 ' the atart of each achool day. about a dangerous rise to infla­ Outer, Tad Andrew, son of Jooeph A. in and Dorothy the Soviet Union, there now a{>- OlvU Ubertlea aupportera Race for President tion, McCarthy said, attributing Anaaldl Carter, Short m is, N. J. Mrs. Carter w u formerly of A, B, C $2.50 pears to be virtually no hope of aought the change on behalf of a the devaluation of the British Maachostor. He ww bom Nov. 18 at S t Bamabu Medloal (Continued from Page One) completing the draft treaty to ■i Center, Livingston, N. J. 15-year-oId girl who refuaed to pound to that development. Ilenge Johnson “has been halt the spread o f nuclear wea{>- •» m * *1 •( *1 aalute the flag. The girl con­ Ing the primaries as a stalking "There is growing evidence of •P strengthened by recent an- ons before the recess. Hnrtiel, SheOn Jean, cteughter of Clnyton N. and tended Negroee are denied the horse to clear the way for Rob­ a deepening moral crisis in noimcements from the adminis­ The United States and the Joanne Petton Hamel, C9MSbro Bridge Rd., Lebanon. She w u "liberty and Juatice for all" at- ert Kennedy. But he said Kenne­ America; discontent, frustration tration of plans for continued es­ Russians are reported concen­ bom Nov. 18 at Manchester Memorinl BoqZtal. Her maternal tributod to the United Statea in dy might fall heir to support and a disposition to extra-legal calation and intensification of trating on various objections to grandmotoer la Mre. Fem Pelton, Hollywood, Sim. Her pater­ toe {Sedge. built up by his camjMdgn. —if not Illegal—manifestations the war to Vietnam.” the draft raised by the so-called nal grandparente are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hamel, 86 Wells The Diatrict of Oohimbia "I have no commitment from of protest,” he said. I nonaligned nations. him to stand aside all toe way,” On the other hand, he contin­ McCarthy expressed hope that St. She h u a sister, Blaine. Board of Education changed ita •a a a » *1 McCarthy said. And he said ued, there has been an "absence a challenge to Johnson "may al­ regulationa to continue the daily Scotch Price Hike Harrison, Brian Alan, son of. Robert H.. and Diane pledge of allegiance, but to ex­ there would be nothing Illegal, of any positive indications or leviate toe sense of political improper, or outside the tradi­ suggestions for a compromise helplessness and restore to GLASGOW, ScoUand (AP) — SmacbetU Harrison, 92 Cold Spring Dr., Vomon. He w u bom empt atudenta decliiSng to take Nov. 19 at Manchester Meipoilal Hnqiltal. Hla maternal part from any form of puniah- tion of American politics riiould or negotiated political settle­ many peo{de a belief to the pro­ The export price of scotch whis­ ky will be increased due to de­ grandparente are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bmachetti, 101 Sum­ ment or reprimand. Kennedy step into the presiden­ m ent.” cesses of American politics and tial {dcture at a later stage. He expressed concern that of American government.” valuation of the pound, the mer S t His paternal grandparento are Tfr. and Sirs. Donald Scotch Whisky Association an­ Harrison, Weatboro, M au. He h u a brother, Timothy Andrew, Capital Footnotea The primaries McCarthy said “the administration .seems to McCarthy Indicated in ad­ nounced today. The National Academy of Sci- he will enter: Wisconsin April 2, have set no limits on the price it vance that his target lists in­ 3 ^ . DREAM UNER ... Fiber It recommended that mem­ m A «i encea haa receiv ed a $000,000 Nebraska May 14, Oregon May will pay for military victory." cludes the primaries to Wiscon­ fin contour stretch strap bers Increase prices 11.5 per Obatterton, Kimberly Jean, dauihter of Donald JoM{to grant from toe Commonwealth 28 and C alifornia June 4. McCarthy said he did not see sin on A pril 2, Nebraska on cent on orders received after and Carol Burridge Chatterton, Fbreet Rd., Coventry. She bra. White. Sizes 32-38. Fund. McCarthy said he wiU an­ his opposition to Johnson as a M ay 14, O regon on M ay 28 and devaluation day, Nov. 18. w u bom Nov. 17 at Manchester Memorinl Hoepital. Her toa- Lynda Bird Johnaon, who will nounce in two or throe weeks threat to the unity and strength California on June 4. A . B. The Increase, less than toe teraal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. WlUlnm Burridge, Lake be wed Dec. 9, {Sana a farewell whether he also will enter the of the party. 14.3 per cent which toe pound Rd., Bast Hamphm. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and reception tor White Houae ataff primaries 1 n New. Hampshire “ The issue of the war in Viet­ Red Bloc Outpaced was devalued, will cover in­ M m Arthur B. Chatterton, 99 BIHngton Ave., Rockville. membera Friday. March 12 and Massachusetts nam is not a separate issue but UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — creased costs of imported raw fs », 1 * V A pril 30. is one which must be dealt with CkHpltal Quote North America consumes almost materials and overseas promo­ BbuMlewerth, Scott Orisn, eon of Jack L u and Dtenne McCarthy said he ex{)ects to in the configuration of problems If I had my way—and it may 40 {>er ceflt o f the w orld 's e le c­ tion, the Association said. Gm ShutUeworto, 149 Buokoyo Rd., Ctooton. Ho w u bom Nov. be a candidate in one or the oth­ in which it occurs," McCarthy be a bleaalng I haven’t—I would tricity supply, about twice too 19 at Manchuter Memorial Hoapltal. lUa maternal grandpar­ er, perhaps both, so that his aaid. give draft card.bumera a good consumption of the Soviet Un- 7 Killed in Manila ents are Mr. end Mrs. Francis T. Gee, 80 Footer S t Hie pa­ drawing power will be tested in He said he was not advocating laahlng and a good haircut, I lon^Eastem Europe bloc and MANILA (AP) — Five sol­ ternal grandparente are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sbuttleworto, all parts of toe nation. peace at any price but wanted would give beatnlka the aame, diers and two civilians were York, Neb. He h u a brother, Todd Kevin, 4; and a sister. He said his Massachusetts “ an honorable, rational and po- more than three times that of and I would give hlppiea a hair­ the Common Market. killed by heavily armed Huk Marl Jo, 2H- cut on the face and then toe plans hinge on the outcome of a lltlcal to this war.” i)| 1*. -*) *1 V) heed, then get a horae cur­ meeting of toe Democratic State He ” listed - ^ what he called war Lenvltt, John David Jr., son of John David and Donna ry bruah and give them a good Committee this weekend. costs to date. Denis Luvltt, 209 Main S t, Bast Hartford. He w u hom Nov. bath. If I could I would put Schedule problems could keep They included “the physical 9 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. RIs maternal grandpar thaae comblnationa of odda and him out of New Hampshire, first destruction of much of a small, New England's Leading ante are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denis, 99 Oakland S t O s pater­ enda on toe front- llnea with the of the primaries , McCarthy weak nation by the military op­ nal grandparents are Mfr. (ind Mrs. Chartu Leavitt, Burnside enemy in front and a bayonet in said.. He plans a trip overseas, a erations of the most powerful Two-Year Professional Ave., Bast Hartford. back.’’—Eddie V. Rlokehback- Journey which may include a nation on this earto." H * »i •• *11 er. World War I ace and aiiilne visit to toe Vietnam war none. McCarthy also cited more School of Karen Ann, daughter of William Sr. and Doro- execu tive. McCarthy said toe challenge than 16,0(X> combat dead and toy Tetman Malan, 698 Keeney S t, Olaehmbury. She w u ESTUaea Nov. 8$ to Johnson will be carried to the more____ than___ 94,000 wouiK]pd bom Nov. 17 at .Manchester Memorial HoapttaL Her mater­ Democratic national convention j^jong U.S fo r c e s ; 100,000 to nal graad{>aronto Mr. and Mre. Honors Gilbert, 847 Bur­ next year no matter what the 150,000 civilian casualties in ACCOUNTING lington Ave., Bristol. Her paternal grandmotoer Is Mrs. Ann outcome of the primaries. The South Vietnam alone and U.S. Miller, 79 Hollister Dr., Bast Hartford. She h u two brothers, TRIC-O-LASnC . . . long Viet War End senator said, however, that he ex|>enditures between $2 billion HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTINd William Jr., ^ and Alan, 7; and two ststors, Nancy, 9, and line with fuB Itoigth cuff may not be toe man to make the month. Busan, 8. that never rides up. White. Sought at U.N. final challenge. And, he asserted, toe war has 66 Forest St, Hartford—TeL 247-lllS a « a . *1 Would he step aside riiould result^ in a fai’.v.r' tc provide w Ketth Mlchnel, sop of Tliomu D. and Vir­ 34-40, B, C, D. 9 M WASHINGTON (A P ) — Robert Kennedy drop his cur­ Speedy Senate psiaaage seems ;t ginia TVoJano Williams, 181 Woodlsiwn CIrole, Bast Hartford. rent refusal to enter the race sO Ho w u bom Nov. 21 at Manchester Memorinl Hospital. IBs assured for a resolution formal­ and become a candidate? ly requesting President Jctonson :{ maternal grand|>arents are Mr. and Mrs. George Power, "I don’t know whether it Portland, Maine. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. to seek United Nations action would be a question of stepping Ik aimed at ending toe Vietnam ill Theldon Williams, Portland, Maine. He h u two brothers, aside. It might be less voluntary Tbomu D. Jr. and George^!. war. than that,” McCarthy said. REMEMBER :! 3 IS a •) *t Sponsored by Senate Demo­ In fact, McCarthy said, had cratic Leader .Mike Mansfield, :! Dawn EUsnbeth, daughter of Robert Arthur Kennedy been willing to make and Blisnbeto Jane Morris Hansen, 71 Waddell Rd. She' w u toe resolution comes up .ter flr the race, he probably would not debate today with toe an-^ bora Nov. 19 at.Manchuter Manorial Hoepital. Her maternal have entered himself. •• grandparents are Mr. and Mrt. Jam u L. Morris, 9S O est- nounced backing of‘more tl^ “There is growing evidence of half toe body’s memben. SALE St wood Dr. H u patomat'grandpansito are Mrs. Anita Hansen, a deepening moral crisis to Big Fabi The resolution notes that •i ISA Charter Oak S t, and Arfinir Hahem, HartfonL MaiflGiiffonii has the bra America,” McCarthy said. IS » a e ,•( nunre than 100 U.N. m em ber na- And he contended toe prob­ tlona have expressed concern ■{. Hair, Jay finthsnj. eon of Vrtaois B. and Kandalle you aoodi • • • In ovory lems all stem from Vietnam. • 1 Acato MMr, 6I9C Buraalde Ava., Baat Hartford. Hb w u bora I over toe war. Mansfield has ac­ On other points, McCarthy: cused the world organization of ' ! Nov. 21 at Maaohaater Memorial Hoapltal. Hla matonud DREAM LINER . . . long lim —Said he does not know how this •I grandparente are MT. and Mra. RuaaeU P. Aeeto Sr., 999 Sllvu ffaihlon shapoi ■htrking Us duty to not directly much his campaign will coat, fiber fill with midriff panel f dealing with toe Vietnam con­ Lane, Bast Hartford. HU paternal grandparente are Mr. and but added he doubts money will » ' Mrt. Ted Baau, 310 Brewu St., Bast Hartford. sleek lines. 34-38 A, B flict. be a problem. McCarthy said he In earUer committee hearings •*! iq » e .•( does not think toe race will be •T Banter, Maro Patilek, aon of Jam u B. and Susan Tar* on toe measure. Secretary of an expensive one because it will State Dean Rusk and Arthur J. ‘A. dlf Hunter, 389 Main S t, Bast Hartford. Ha waa bom.Nov. 28 be keyed to one issue—^Vietnam •{' at Manchester Mbnaorial HoiqpitaL His maternal grwaOpsr- Goldberg, UB. ambassador to' —and not to perscmal siqiport. toe United Nations, indicated no ante are Mr. and Mrt. Adrien Tudlf, Lewteton, Maine. Hla CONFECTION BRA... whisper thin fiber "In camjialgns one usuaUy •{’ patemnl graadparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hunter, 97 Ard- opposition to toe reaolutt(xi but spends about two-thirds of his expressed doubt it would lead to iff mom Rd. He h u a hrottiu, Jam u « . Jk., m . fin in lacy cups for softaess and shaping. money telling {leople about his • k IS l» • e q fruitful develofimenta. opponent,” McCarthy said. "I • I. Dacron, nylon, cotton for cool comfort in But Mansfield has contended . € REDUCTIONS . tb M sy, Janafhnn Mlchnel, aon of Bmaet John and won’t have to do that.” white, bhie, yellow. Sizes 32-38. A, B, C. that pressing for U.N. action Anita Pazrilkowskl Hubley, 894 Hnokmntnck S t He w u bora Open —Ruled out a tolrd-pariy •I’ „ woidd demonstrate that toe it Nov. 21 at Mnnchestor Memorial Hospital. Hie maternal S3 presidential race should he fall ■K graadparenta ore Mrs. Blanche Hadulla, Margate, Bio. and United States was anxious to to secure the nomination over Pick a pretty p c ri^ pump from end the war and would show •{’ Michael Buds, Hanovu. His paternal grandmotou is Mrs. Nitcs Johnaon, who, he acknowledged, WOOLEN FABRICS! which nations oppose exploring ;[< Donald Rembu, Bast Hartford. Hla maternal greatqmnd- would be difficult to beat. •i mnthrn. te Mrt. Anna PswUkowskl, Hanovu. He h u n brotou, evoy avenue toward settle­ —Stopi>ed short of {iromlstog our town 'n Counfry collection cairlotophu, 2. m ent. to siqiport Johnson if toe Presi­ at Burton’s Goraet Salon, . . where the fitting thru dent is toe Democratic nominee, Town *n Country's "Some-time" in zincy citrus colors of sun Hl MfiTnnnrll. Ih ereu BKen, daughter of Raymond J. is the most important thing. but said he does not think toe DRESS FABRICS! Cannibal Fish orange, elicker ydlow, Irish greoi and marlin blue . . . ao- and Ttiiriis DoiKdi*>^ MoOonnall, 871 Oak S t She w u bom Republicans will nominate any­ oessariies your every holiday outfit perfectly. $1S Nov. 24 at Hartford H o^taL H u maternal granl^parenta are Christmas Oidpera. or peHcan eels, Uve one “who would even tempt me Mr. and Mra. Thomu Doughoflyi BeUmnwr, N J. H u pater, tOQ(> feat or more below the to Bunport him.” Matchiiv Patent handbag 010' nol gnndfatou Is John A. MeConnall, PmvIdsnM, R. L saa*e surface. Because of toe —Sald'he does not know what DRAPERY FABRICS! •I* IS (S a , e *1 '* Bntan*a ShM ahep — Mala atnet tai m bone-«bllling oold and darkness, the impMt of toe race on his {{{ , Jerald Insrranu, son of kCUton Nathan and O f oourse. . . aiiiQily say change it... it's the these dark fUb have a serious own political future will be. "I ■ARGAINS! •n Robstte Jurman Sititaman, Inna Dr., Vatnon. Ha w u bora (exoepk Soturdaya) problem end tt Is quite don’t know whether It would be Opte Nights thru Christmas tin Q (Except Saturdays) •liNov. 2( at Manebeotu Mamorial Hoapltal. Hla maternal easy wayl «»««« ter toe (qjeciea to eat poUUcal suicide," he said. "It Hartford Maachastar ••ignun^perente are MT, and Mra. Harry Jurman, Ctoeenwlch. toetr own kind or even Urger might be execution.” grandmotou Is Mra. Bsthu Kate, Port Chester, ^e aaid his determination to ' N. T . Ho h u two brothera, Alan Irwin, 8H , and Steven Jelf- erey, 1% .

. A- . ,, I , BIANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 p A c n i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 iffl^niAn.il liJU Electric Boat pjRHom Your Neighbor Kitchen |V ■ gr D O U 8 B B L D IN O r Says Official t lw .‘'8eMnn «o be j o l ^ ’ iw«| •oon tie upon u> and w itb-lt ft Abused Post laftti 4 cups light cream are among the worid’a greatest w d COLD REMEDIES CAUFORNIA tea driidcers. Ther average Ti­ ture, and top with fourth slice salt to taste DISCOUNT PRICES! of bread. After making four- chopped parsley betan drinks so to 80 cups a 1 decker sandwiches wrap each pinch of nutmeg day of the beverage, acoanhng AfiTHUR imtie MO. $8.99 stack in clear plastic and re­ parmesan cheese to the Encyclopaedia Britan- P«niNniMit Prtsf frigerate for several hours or onion salt rdca. POT ROAST PORK overnight. Before serving, re­ french fried onions, canned mM’s casual s Irnks The best of everything in move from refrigerator and Swiss cheese, shredded ROAST sweaters! Shaker, flat o r bulky Line tiny tsirt shells with rich Onails-own Pemleigh* with Scotchgard* trim crusts from sandwiches, knit Orion* acrylics . . . even then slice each stack in quart­ pastry and refrigerate. Beat LOIN PORTION ers. When serving, place cut egga lightly with light cream DuPonf new Wlntukf ... ell clde up on platter. and Euld salt, a little chopped lb Paimanent Press bOmfully easy to chre for, diay During the holidays, especial­ parsley, nutmeg, peumesan nevmrneedbloding. Makemar- ly when there la left-over turkey, cheese and onion sedt. Crumble sport shirts velous gif ts, and at this low pcids' Mra. Howard makes a highly the onions and mix with the you can treat yourself, tool aeaaoned pate of turkey meat Swiss cheese, and place a little Eosi^folor tuning ever and substitutes this for the tuna in the bottom of each tart shell. R IO .$ f.9 9 Super colors. Sizes 84 to 40. Hah. Place a full tablespoon of egg BONELESS 23" dingonnl Kreen Mrs. Howaud said her mother mlxtiure on top and bake In 378- Makte odor tuning easy aa s * * 3" Smart oxford weave cas­ MO.SS.9V served Ribbon Sandwiches when degree oven until puffy, black A udiite. Simply set uals of 60% polyester / entertaining her ladles group, This makes about two-dozen PictomAtic meter and picture • Regular ooUars. . . 65% polyester/36% cotton 60% cotton. Ivy style 29- and put any leftover "ribbohs" of the tiny tarts, or one nine-inch ia in perfect tune autom atic- in her daughter’s lunchbox the quiche. • Choose from many handsome solids and plaids 42; Continentid 28-86. aUy, 25,000volt pictiue. • Siies S, M, L, XL... available with short sleeves next day. Grabmeat Bites ktedsi lasai Cocktail Franks in Blankets package crescent refrlgera- lb pUKikagie iwMgierBibed ores- tor rolla aa oeut rolto 1 can crabmeat package tdny cockteil mayonnaise ROAST 0 9 fnuikfl sour cream mustaird and rehah Separate rolls and ^vlde in (beeitien egg yolk tMrds. Clean and shred crab- Unwind the toUb and s«P' meat and mix with mayonnaise, ‘Pelal-Aiie’ anute toto eight ptooes. DHvlde making sure mixture Is not too each crescent into three parts, motet. Spread crabmeat on seo- silky-fmooHi Dot wlith mustard and reUeh. tions of rolls and place a dab of PIlaDe a frank on each section, sour cream on top of crabmeat. Thif compact, uicful tea wagon fill bri«fff Wrap dough around frank. Place under broiler tor several anywhere, rolls anywhere, aeivei i 1 ' minutes. Serve hot > everything— eadly and conveniently. DOMINO GRANULATED 1 ** Pteioe folded aide down on It’f lure to add homey warmth to any cnokle sheet and brush with Mushroom and Bacon Bitea ipecial occanon. Choote from more Sale beaten egg ydk. Place In 376- THE ETHAN ALLEN Trim crusts from white bread tlun 400 Ethan Allen piecea in in'- i-B degree oven until brown. and spread with undiluted mush­ TEA WAGON... formal. Antiqued Pine, elegant Heir­ CAc Baked Stuffed Mushrooms room soup. Cut In three or tour loom tolid Cherry, gracioui Solid Ma­ PRAOTWAL, HANDY hogany, ipace-Mving itorage-making JV OnNrt NI«M 7-spood Nt m I Maid hair dryor l’sls*pi«nlly(lyl Large mushroems sections ■ and rcdl up. Wrap “ “ 3 Custom R(wm Plan unit*, and tradi- SUGAR 5 DU RIO. S PRO. $1.79 14 cup sal tine crumbs bacon around the open end and donal Colonial in rugged Solid Maple io ln t bloRdor whh Moalcarf kh flomelelle goaras aad petasMU ^ cup bread crumbs secure with a toothpick. Broil and Birch, See it todiur, LAND-O-LAKES Eaay-care blend of Du- until bacon Is ertip. Serve hot. tie. 1 egg, aghtly beaten Pontf Acekl* acetate and $ia«v 2 tablespoons cream The Howards came to Vernon STORE HOURS: • PRODUCE • S .I. T9 " SoleTI" about tour years ago from Wal- nylon tricot. Full cut. 1 tablespoon chopped onion Monday and Tnesday Open till 6 PJM. MOSWNIYDOWN NO AAOHiYOCnWM tew M«imwy Tanaa UwStesHilyTawaE sa .» 2“ 1 tablespocn choppwl parsley Open Hmraday and Friday Evenings FRESH, TENDER, YELLOW White, pastels. 6 to 9. Colorful gift collection of cosy sleepwear. . . ^ cup sherry wine Clooed Wedneodi^ Feeds full power to all Dries hair quiddy, quiet­ salt end pepper to taste - cuddle-eoft, warm, washable! lo n g gowns, riaas FOR BUnER 751. t I r speeds. Has 62-ox. plas­ ly. Nail di^er, perihime Remove stems from mush­ 84 to 40; man-tailoied pBjamaa» dssa 82 to 4 a Duni manual rood organ tic jar. Stainless blades. wldL Smart plastic case. rooms; chop, end eaute In tiut- CONN. GRADE A LARGE butter. Add fine crumbs and ell Cosmetics m n 5139* other tngredfonits, except sherry criMtes orchostml e lf ^ IVAWT BIG VALUES? ^ao GRANTS wine, and cook several min­ LARGE, SWEET, JUICY utes. Stir in sherry. Remove TPS from heat. I f mixture is too Uggetts T i m a N N E s M O EGGS - 451 SAU IsolNiiiSlCf MW n '. . . Lew McnHily teraw Co.lnc. PHILADELPHIA Tmagliift playing nntira mdodira jrour first dky. '^1 At The PUiaide FIRM, CRISPY, RED DELICIOUS So easy anyteie can leam. Two 37 note key­ BIANCHESTER 2 0 UNION STREET—ROCKVILLE, CONN. boards, foot pedal volume. Matching bcndi Blaiichester 643*0890— Rockville 875-2534 8 0Z. QQc optkmal. P K o . A APPLES AiAO* CREAM CHEESE NEW CAR U. S. NO. 1 GREEN MOUNTAIN HERE ^Do Your Holiday Giff Buying For Your CARNATION Teen-ager With Fashions From The , POTATOES S iS O 1 T A L L NaMaoo 1 C A N S m 1 for fhaf SWISS BOLLS .... -----rrr;7J/j-oa. pkg. 4Sc KeeUer MILK 3 tmua. HONEY GRAHAMS ...... 18-01. pkg. 39c OPEN WED.JTO 8, Soaoilass/ OCCASION! •Ad.— THURS. Old PRI. TO 9PJM. Machioa wosliabla ^ Waihabla Machlaa washabla COLONIAL SHOPPlNa (CENTER •wootshirt ‘a’ flaoaalalla strtich ayloa 80S TALCOTTVILLB RD. — ROUTE 88 Machlae waskable flaoualott# ayloa^ VERNON, CONN. corduiay slacks paiaoMS, gawas snosh colorffal p a i a o M i s pullovor Wide Selecfion Of— paislay shirt Solo S d * S d . Bectricroed Sale Sola t e M • DRESSES 157 - \ consoleorgan Solo 3 ~ . * 2 • SKIRTS * 2 , R IO . 87 0 9 0 . — LEASING — R IO .$ a .9 9 R IO . $2.99 Low dftUy, weekto or montli' $ 2 ^ Sanforized* cotton. Pull Br n to a oa m w liereaiya or A great team: -cotton Washable, no-iton. Bade Oometot 1-t-S gear Iwiolng • SWEATERS Sleepy 'sportsters' love' flpor length gowns widi Run resistant plain or R lO .$ 2 .9 9 aweatahirt widt d a s ^ zipped for a trim, neat i l M ftiellftble fo r aU mokoo S o l e 9 g g - 0 0 ^ the styling. Mom Ukes matching pajamas. mesh in wanted ahodao w id ftU modelo! back cotton cordnrpy line. Matdiingheadband. • BLOUSES Made of poliahed cotton them 'cause they're San­ Skspy-dma ookrR 7-14. Pet, AvsragSb IVdL slacks, Cdoca, iixea 8 - i ^ Spwty ook»8, 7 -ia WBSBML A C A R / polyester blend;no-iton, forized* cotton. 8-7. * N O W . . . C A U • SHELLS niachine dry. Button- emWwa--- down collar; sizes 8-20. lA A g 643-5135 • SUITS Yon eaa play emaiilsts longi the very first day Tlmos €hangs--$o dost ONANTS-bu# our bade policy of BIG VALUES has not ehangod tines our fin d in g In 1906 with eaay-to^oDosr nnal B book. 37 keys and 34. J l THE ONLY SHOP IN THE AREA dwida. ftooMwdal L Wabait flniah canola. CSC' .M O lH A V rY CATBRINO .TO THE TEBN-AOE GIRL CX/m i^ AND ACCESSORIES BOR M A N C H E S1 IR PRE-TEEN, TEEN AND JR. GIRLS. I • OPEN EVERY- W. SHOPPINe PARKADE OUeot HOLIDAT HOURS BEGIN DEC. 4 u ^ A a .; _____ Dealer" Vf>C47T- f / tir tA jr iP x ^ f- f^JLA/riPx-f fU. CMtfttM MtBISBT Mon. 10-8, Tuea., Thun., Fri. lO-O H oun: 104 Dally M«Hr TILL ie PM. fiatiirdav 10-8 Thun. k Friday Nights until 0 PJI. Baturtoy 10-8 878-6444 Charge Acoounto Welcome o n s m v m t m t m UORY TO LDOT QUj ( ■ m g f U r n ) -r-1

iiamcreshsr b v e n i n q h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r so, i 967 -r-T T - MANCHESTBR CIVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80. 1967 the battle for Dak To, the only Viet (iasiiaMes major fighting during tits' wask. 2 Thieves Pick Postal Rate Raise Provides X m a O s n r LB J’s Tax Hike Push Show Slight Dip Many of theae were aufferad In Judge's Pocket ^ One Worth Watehii^ - the bloody asoault on HUl 875. Military, Ovilian Pay Hikes ’Hm weddy report ralged the But Get Caught eW BwItosgEg-H .T b e miSBton o f W. A verell Harrhnan Is Seen Ineffective flAIOON (AP) — Tho nomber total of American combat daad g4g-88Bg ' to RunMlnla Is quiet enough to be taken of Americans klUsd and wound­ in the war to 15,0M aid the total WASHINGTON (A P ) — Otm- Airmail letters—from 8 to 10 PHTTADEIJHIA (AP) — ttsm Bage Om ) wounded in combat to M,489. Of greas has nearly oompleted fa­ cents. BY TK E , m nal, and not merMy one more of ed to tbs tftstnam War dropped CUef li. 8. IMatriot Oouit Juggs ■ASMa Bcwlar repertod tha oatohup tile latter, 44,420 did not require vorable action on bills to give Airmail cards—from 8 to 8 HO GO.. IK G President J First class letters—from 8 to 6 patches herein are also reserved. ton administration hierarchy. But there SO—(he one' pmsisitliig tbs wtih toe * addsvemaqt of U. m issing. The number of other AlUed botti of Washington, D. O., with cents. The first machine to do the PAINT 00. is one reflect in which he differs from inunedlata deficit threat xdiole Job of milling flour waa 1 The Herald Printing Coimiany Inc., aa- months wllhout a rsessdoiv the MMt of tbs American casual- casualUea last week showed a larceny, receiving stolen goods First class cards—trirni 4 to 8 Its M a to BL, TeL M8-4561 sumee no financial responsloillty for typo- others who are alert to all the menaces Tbs admtadstntkm poekags cents. invented around 300 B.C. gnphiaal o pro re appearing in advertisemenis hxigeet expansion to the mdleafe tiss apparantiy resulted from small drop. and oonsplraoy. and other reading matter ki Hie Manchester and trickeries of Communist states. He also tncbidsa spsndiiig UmitB, to history. Today marks tbs com­ Evenlnc Herald. is sUH willing to deal with them. He be wrltton into law, estimated to pletion of tbe Uek mootb, eor- Full service client of N. E. A. Service. Inc. stHl believes in the process and the pos­ requlra departments to eoooo- peaatag the provtoue record 80- Publishers Represevitetlves — Hie Julius mlm by more than |4 bIBioo Mathews Special Agency — New Yoilc, Chi- sibility and the. value of negotiations. monto ojqtonakm wMob tan oagD, Detroit and Boston. tUs year. through World War n . 'When he negotiates, he is cool and MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULdt- cynical and hard-boiled, but he is not TIONB. ______era there is "at^u tely vio truth afraid, and because he is not pathologi­ ; -f to reports of dlvtstons between Display adverUabig doabtt hours; cally afraid he considers U quite possi­ W a r Policy lV>r M onday — 1 p.m . FM day. the eecretary of defenee and the Far Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturaav. ble to make a deal with an enemy In For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. m ilitary.” F:ir Huueday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. which his side doesn’t lose. Determined, For Friday — 1 pjn. Wednesday. Meanwhile, tbe arrtvul in For Saturday — 1 p.m. Huneday. There Is a suipicion, too, that diylfoi W ashington o f ao>k. John B. cnasalfted deadline — S p.m. d v nefore Ooonally of Texas pushed him publication, 6 p.m. raday for Saturday macy on the other side of the worid has Relates LBJ and Monday puhttoatlon. almost as much respect for the fearless into the center of speculatton as to a successor tor McNamara at realism, the cool professionalism of the (Oontinned from Page One) the Pentagon. Harrlman diplomacy as American stu­ Thursday, November 30 NJ., tiiat MbNoaqom’s dqmr- Oonnally, a fonner Navy eec- dents of it have. ture to "odinous.” retary under Kennedy, said he i The situation in Vietnam seems pretty haa received no oM r of a Cabi­ MbNamora’tt statement said far gone for any type of diplomatic ef­ net poet and expects none. He Invasion The New Issue? he hod worked with Jetamm "in fort. But if there Is any kind of move­ aald he plans to finish bis gover­ Tliere Is now, suddenly, a new iaatie ment which does light an Instinct toward oomptote harmony and with the norship "unlsss fliers are vary about Vietnam—one which ties together Mghest logard,” Thto may have unusual ctrcumstancss.” hope—and give a aignal to. keep watch­ been intended to aootdi rumMS An old friend and poltUcal oily the departure of Defense Secretary Rob­ ing for possible sequela—K la the kind of ert McNamara and the televtslon ap­ of diaagroemant beteraen tbe of Johnson, Oonnally went to the movement Harrlman haa Just made to White House for the night Oon­ pearance of Generals Dwight Eisen­ tw o m en. Rumania, with Its potential pipe lines to But raportero wara rebuffed nally previously eald his Watti- hower and Omar Bradley. The new Is­ Hanoi. in attam ]^ to gain etorifloation. Ington visit is to promote an in­ sue—new In its prominence at least—la Johnson wasn’t availabls for ternational exposition planned that of “ hot pursuit," which, translated ) Courtesy National CMiery Of Art, WaaMaaton, D.C.. WWener Oollealion questions. McNamara read tala tor Texas next year. Into other terms, reads “Invasion" and statement for TV cameras and ----- new "escalation.” Safe For Bees, Too ‘THE JUNCTION OF THE THAMES AND THE MEDWAY": By Joseph Turner, 1775-1851 then left tha Pentagon ifiudio To believe to the progress of modem without stopping to answer any Coventry Generals Elsenhower and Bradley are science, or.e has to assume Uiat, as each questions. the mlUtary stars o f the new naUion- The Johnson and McNamara imperfection or peril reveals Uself In Petition Filed wide committee recently organized, A llioiisht for Today statamsnta did nothing to clear with former Senator Paul Douglas and c-ie highly heralded new servant to up what boa become a key point In Baidmiptcy man, the laboratories will almost im­ Inside Report Sponsored by the Mancheater Connecticut Yankee former Secretary of State Dean Acheaon Council of Churdiea in the mwculation as to udiether as Ha chief moving spirits, to support mediately, but to any case eventually, By A.H .O . McNamara Is being dumped. Hpsnund F. Maobto Jr. Qable by This point revolvea around the Johnson admlnlatraiUan’s poUcies in produce the alternative servant which When any person treats you Hd., baa filed a vohintary peti­ Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak when McNamara learned his l3 free of risk. baiHy, or speaks ill of you, re­ Vietnam. On televislan Tuesday night, The length of time one is, happens to disappoint those name bad been put In nomina­ tion in baidmiptcy in U. 8. Dis­ the generals gave their blessing to So when, a few years ago, it came member that he acts or speaks spends covering politics tends who always want more legisla­ WASHINGTON — Governor ard M. Nixon’s sagging right tion for the World Bimk presi­ trict OourL clear that our most heavily used pestl- from an impression that It is to Increase rattier than dimin­ ture, evBLi though it has the leg- The {xtfftion Uste Mctoilltles at the idea (hat our forces In Vietnam Richard Hughes of New Jer­ flank on Capitol Hill tile laat dency. right for him to do ao. Now, ish one’s cyniciatn, and some­ Islaiture in being almost all the shotdd no longer hesitate to cross fron­ odlde was dangerous because it left resid­ sey, who supports President few weeks has been a Califor­ There are reports that Mc­ 1111,882.65 and assete a t |1,900 it is not possible that he should time. But It seems- to please the with tbe largeat singlo creditor tiers In order to deal with "arawyancee" ual effects to our soil and therefore in Jedmson down the line on all nian with impeccably ultra-con­ times our cynicism jgets so low Namara, tiiougfa he had dls- follow what appears right to you, people of New Jeraey because Uoted as Annie M. Sadd, Niantic, from tbe enemy, and General Eisen­ our streams and water, there soon issues, is a favorite of the White servative credentials: Donald** we feel ashamed to express it. enssed the matter with the but only what appears so to We are struggling right now, It actually occupies less and 85.360. Amsitean Propane, South hower spectflcaUy mentioned the fron- came into general use the new pesticide House but not of members and L. Jackson, who was elected to Preeldent on at least two occa­ himself. Therefore, if he Judges for instance, with a most un­ less legislator time over a two sions, did not learn he had been Windsor, was Ustod at |67. tiers of Oeinbodla, Laos, North Viet­ which waa safe because U left no resid­ staff of the President’s riot Congress with N ixon In 1916 and from false appearances, he too served there 14 years. worthy suspicion. year period than the Connecti­ nominated formally until after Other area oredttors, aU of nam, and Communist <3iina as baniera ual effects, and no effect at ell, for that commission. is the person deceived. For If Jackson haa gone to work full­ cut Legislature does in one lim­ the action had been taken by MianclMster, are Beneficial Fi­ The commission is privately anytme takes a true proposi­ It is a suj^lclan that there is he would like to see ignored In the matter, on the human being. time on the Nlxon-for-Presldent ited annual seseion. Johnson. nance, 81,000; Choichee Motors, disturbed by Hughes’s get- tion to be false, the proposition a very special reason why the course of "hot pursuit" of the' enemy Obediently, farmers who had been staff In Washington and has So what the propenenba of an­ A top McNamara aide refused 8800; Federal Orodit Bureau for tough remarks about Negro is not hurt, but only the man two white knights of Coiuiecti- which hits ua. Even more expllcltiy, using the dangerous pesticide switched been spending each day on the nual sessions . tor.. Connecticut to go beyond the secretary's Manchester McnKattl Hoapttal, militants and confident predic­ is deceived. Setting out, then, cut legislative reform, to which 8U8A5; W. T. Giant Oo., Maa^ both generals gave their Meashig to the to the safe c.ne, and drenched their tions that Newark wlU be riot- House floor (where he has ac­ they give the particular defini- would like most to hear, from statem ent. from these principles, you will Some of McNamara’s associ­ Chester, 8407.06 and Dr. Don Idea of an "end run'" around either end crops with It. free next summer. In fact, the cess as a former Congressman) tkm of "annual sesskaw,’’ have outside experts, would be a de- meekly bear with a person who ates outside of the Pentagon Chilnon or Dr. Robert Stanton. of the demilltarixed zone between North commission believes Newark Is button-hoUng' Republicans — been ^'vocating that the state croo, first, that the existing Now some of our Western farmers are parUcuIariy conservatives drift­ revllea you; for you will say New Jersey system is not the said he was taken by surprise 847. 0 and South Vietnam — an "end run” in desperate situations because the new a critical trouble area and that upon every occasion, "It seem­ employ some outside experting Also, Haynes Medical labora­ ing away to Governor Ronald thing to buy, and strong back­ by the nomination, that he had which, apparently, would hit Info North the Governor’s comments are to tell Connecticut how to re­ safe pesticide, so safe K has been used Reagan. ed so to him.” ing, second, for the theory that not planned to leave the Defense tory, 88.35; Dr. Robert Keeney no help In changing that dan­ form its legislative procedures. or Dr. Rlcbord Demko, 8M; Vietnamese territory and conduct tem­ eo generously, has had the effect of kill­ Jackson may be reassuring to E pictetus what all states need is more Department at this time. gerous situation. Submitted by Manchester Memorial Hdepttal, porary, limited military actions there ing off whole oolonlee of bees, ao that right-leaning Republicans dis­ And the problem upon our and more and more legislature. These associates pictured At Issue is a newspaper inter­ a layman of conscience is this: Shall we 815; Norihend Fhatmacy, 847; without being labried an "invasion." fruit, almond and vegetable seed crops mayed that the competent form­ This brings us back to our McNamara aa bewildered when view gdven by Hughes at the St. Mary’s Church write It out that we think we the nomination was learned of Sean Roebuck, 8606JS8; Robert to which the pollination process la nec­ er Representative Robert EUs- own infernal cynicism again. The etrategy to which the retired gen­ height of the state legislative can guess iriiy Senate Majority eariy this week. J. Smith, llhc., 8M end Wyman woFth of Kansas, a prominent Would the dear reader be­ erals thus gave their UeseltigB has pre- essary have suddenly begun to prove campaign (which ended with a Leader Edward Marcus and McNamara’s statement noted OH Oo., 889. moderate in his House days, is lieve that, after a few decades viouMy been reported as e recommen- barren. RepulHican landslide). Hughes runtdi^ the Nixon campaign. Senate President Pro Tempore he bad served longer as defense MaMiie is being represented flatly predicted there would be Herald of watriilng legtslature, we by ttw Manchester law .firm of daitlon from the Joint C hl^ of Staff at What should be coming out of the But to moderates who thought CSiorles Alfanb have been rec­ secretary than he had jdanned no repetition of violence on the have come dangerously dose to Groobeit and Mobon. Washington. Reportedly, like other laboratorlea next, then? Obviously a Nixon was wooing them Jack- Yesterdays ommending that Connecticut —a record tenure approaching scale o f the 1967 Newark riot. the feriing that the Im legis­ V pesttetde wWch Is not only safe to hu­ son seems a curious addition to employ some Rutgers DMver- seven years. Kerns of escalation which have actually He made It dear he feels hard- lature always the better? mans, but also safe to bees, and, of his team . slty experts to tell OonnecUcut "I have done so because of been adopted by the President, this boiled police tactics will be the 2S Year$ Ago course. Just bees, so far as the Insect A fter leaving C ongress in 1961, what to do about tbs L egisla­ my feeling obligation to the Public Record reoommendation has had the appoeltton chief preventive. Jackson became a star on the President and the nation," world is concerned. John S. G. Rottner, former ture? of Defense Secretary McNamara. And If violence recurs, Hughes patrioteer lecture circuit. In McNamara said, “although I Warrantee Deeds local attorney and formerly as­ Shall we say, right out, tiiat the fact that administration strategists, ’This Is where one reveals the real said, police and National Guard D ecem ber, 1962, he w as quoted Today In History have felt for some time that Valentino R. Fikno to Jack sistant prosecuting attorney in we 'think that Senators Marcus working through the Douglas-Acheson depth and stamina of one’s belief in would movb in hard and fast. by Freedom Press, Glendale, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS there arould b e benefit fln>m the Goldberg and Robert M. fitone, the Manchester town court, is and Alfano think this would be committee, have choeen this moment to progress. His state, he added, is . "going Calif., as saying that he ap­ advanced to major in the U. Today is Thursday, Nov. 80, appointment of a fresh pereon.” parcri on south side of Oiarter a very neat way of disposing of Oak S t have the nation’s two most dlatinguish- You believe that the laboratories will to be very unhealthy for shoot­ proved ,90 per cent of the preach­ S. Signal Corps and is located the 884th d ay o f 1987. There are One spate of rumors has cen­ the annoying suggestion that tered on the euggesUon that Marlon C. Brlgga Pinckney to lideed come up with the formula which ings, riots, and violence.’’ ing of chief Blrcher Robert In the legal dlvlrion at Fort 81 days left In the year. ed retired generals come forward with Connecticut resolve Ms legisla­ John N. and Miarion O. Brlsgs Quite a different story is Welch and frit tile John Birch Monmouth, N.J. Today’s HlgMIghla In Htotocy McNamara la being shunted out their Uesaing for this new piece of es- is safe for bees, and then, after a year tive problem by adopting the Pinckney, property on B. Mid­ found in confidential oral reports Society was legal and merito­ On this date In 1782, In Paris, of the Pentagon because some caletton leads to the aasumptton that or two of its ha'ppy universal use, with New Jersey system of meeting d le Tpke. by riot commission Investiga­ rious. Membership In It, Jack- 10 Years Ago the United States and Britain of the Joint OdeOi of Staff have dlscueslon of this poeslbilKy inside the the answer to the problem which be- every Monday? Richard Brown Mtowe and tors. ’They describe Newark as son was quoted as saying, ^‘is , eigned piritmihary ipeane aitti?- threatened to quit to protoots admlndstratlon may have been one more glm to unfold from Inside the new pesti­ Manchester shoppers are to against McNamara’s toflumce Marlene H. Morse to Henry probably the most dangerous not a subject for review by... J Could it be that these same cles ending the Revolutioaaiy get a Christmas present in the AgosttoelU, ittxqyerty at 65-47 reason for the McNamara departure cid e. city In the country, partly be­ the Republican party." New Jeraey experts; are al­ W ar. on the running of the arar. r form of free parking at the Gen. E arle O . W heeler, Chah^ Seaman Ctoola. from the war policy scene. cause of shortcomings In Mayor Jackson became executive di­ ready on record as bring quite Ten Years Ago town-owned Hayes Parking lot man’ of tiie Joint chiefs, angrily Francia B. and Helena J. Raid Hugh Addonlzlo’s administration rector of the short-lived Antl- discontented witti their own A presidential committee off Purnell PI. disputed such claims, saying to Willard J. Horton, property \ What is flrightening about all this is and partly because of tension (Jommunist Voters League in New Jersey system? warned that the Soviet Union Questions On Public Appointees they have no Mwto to fact. at 85 Mountain Rd. the comparative ease with which this between slum Negroes and the 1962, conducted right-w ing radio Our insidiously unworthy would be superior to the United Wheeler told vlalton none of Qnltelalm Deed nattioin may now be slipping torward into What would you do if you had to ap­ police. programs under the sponsorship mind believe It Just could be. States In science in five or ten On This Date the chiefs had threatened to re- - George L, and Agnee M. CU- one more potentially fateful escalation point a committee of representative One conunisslon mbmber told of Dr. Ross tf»et Food (owned What better answer to Con­ yecurs unless the United States In 1835, on e o f A m erica’ s best- ' sign—“we Just dtm’t do things Un^to Valentino R. Ftono, prop- —the one escalation we have hitherto cKlzena to apeak for your community on us that In no other 1967 riot by the late D. B. Lewis, a favor­ necticut advocates of the New quickly broadened and strength­ ite angel o f the righ ^ In 196S- known writers, Mark Twain, was that w a y.” erty at 848 C9iarter Oak St refused even to’ consider publicly be­ the Advisory Council tor ,a Regional city Is hatred of local poUce Jersey system than to import ened Its ow n effCHts. 64, and instituted a newsletter born. The fouratar general called Attachm ent Community OoUege? Would you con­ so overriding as in Newark. For New Jersey experts who say Five Yean Ago cause we kn'ow K is the escalation which called “Patriotic Preview” In ' Ih 1864, one of ithe bloodlesit McNamara a clqae personal The Plywood Center sgatost sider a Jailed dvll rights activist, fac­ that reason, the riot commission the New Jersey system is no The Burmese statennan U has to be next to the last escalation. 1965. conflicts of tile Civil War, the friend and "one of the most Miebael J. Wlsan, proper^ at ing serious narcotics and stolen gcoJ would much prefer if the Gov­ good, and who might be count­ Thant waa* elected secretazy- A footnote: Jackson’s old boss Battle of Franklin, Tenn., was competent men I have m et” 118 Constance D r., 8500. If, never originally intending to be­ charges, an unchallengeable and Instant ernor would stop pouring kero­ ed upo.i to recommend for Con­ general of the United NatkXB. was millionaire oilman Henry fought. M^amata and the chiefs Monfage Ueease sene on the fire by bragging necticut the same thing they One Year Ago cause we knew the potential conse­ candidate for such public responsibility? Salvatori, who supplied most of In 1874, B ritain’s Sir Wlnstmv have differed on many issuea. Wooley Frank Lewis, Coven­ about police protection. may already have recommend­ U.S. arUUery kUled 8 Viet­ quences, we have now come to the Would you consider a Yale faculty the financing for the Anti-Oom- Churchill was born. Including tha question of bomb­ try, and Jopn Ayer Psttingni, Senator John McClellan’s In­ ed for New Jerrey, which namese and wounded 14 in tbe point where we are ready to set armed member, a Yale faculty wife, two sal­ munlst Voters League and now In 1942, U.S. heavy bom bers ing tile so-ter exempt dock facil­ Coventry, Disc. 1, Second Con­ vestigation of big city riots has would be more legislature? mistaken ahriling of a frienSy gregational Church. foot In North Vietnam, then there is aried members of the Board of Educa­ Is one of the key money men struck at Japanese forces hold­ ities at the North Vietnamese tion staff, and an appointed Board of laid such an egg thus far that The New Jersey system, as It village. only one further piece of ercalation left backing Reagan for President. ing Rangoon, Burma. port of Haiphong. But Whstier Education member a well-rounded se­ he has been having trouble get­ and other senior officers denied Highland Oak VUloge, algbt- to us—to press forward far enough to lection for the rest of New Haven’s rep­ ting the required two Senators these dltterenceE had developed apartm aot oonqilax 840-842 see that the whole of Ndrth Vtotnam is resentation? Would you appraise these to attend meetings of his Sen­ Into a feuA Ohazter Oak S t, 845,000. ate Permanent Biveatlgattona eliminated, to qupte Mr. Elsenhower, as appointees in terms of a unaninjously The Pentagon’s top ipokei^ Nutmeg Homes too., new a "thorn In ou r s id e ." JlCr.- Eisenhow er one-sided, "liheral," controversy-prone Subcommittee. man, assistant dafenss saore dwMttog at 20 Daorbom Dr., assures us that he thinks we can con­ BlHed originally as the defini­ taiy Phil Gouldtog, told report- 815,000. outiook—or check them for balance and tive Congressloi^ probe of last duct end run forays into North Vietnam breadth of viewpoint? summer’s devastating racial without bringing either China or Russia What woidd you do aixiut Labor, turmoil, the hearings simply into the war: If he thinks that now, which has such an obvious concern with haven't gotten off the ground, GIFT CARD sooner or later there will be somebody the vocational instruction in a comihu- m a dozen days of hearings cen­ who will tdl us we can carry out the nKy college? What would you do? about tered on Houston and Nashville, industry and business, or the Cham­ open ni^Ms till 9 military subjugation of cdl North Viet­ the investigation has been ig­ w She’s got It. That special sense of caring about the people ber of Commerce, which has such spe­ nam up to the Chinese border, with nored by both press and Senate, cific Ideas about the way community with the exception of last 'im punity. she’s buying for. She wants her gifts to be personally right.. oollege oouraes can relate to employ­ Wednesday’s hearing. now Hk u ehrishnos! But Generals Ehsenhower and Brad­ ment needs and personnel trainiiv? Much of the Uame lies with every time, and she knows how to make it happen. Conveniently. ley, and the Johnson administration, What would you do about a RepublltA / McClellan’s overemphasis on or two—since one-ihlrd of the voters in new riot-control taohnlques, po­ would be sadly mistaken If they think this month’s City election were Repub­ lice tactics, and his deedre' \o Quickly. With the Connecticut Charge Card. The one card Americans who disagree with their pol­ licans? What would you do—even— plsy down such fundamental as­ icy are concerned and sad over the pos- that buy^ the right gift for everyone on your Christmas List. about people tike Joseph Elnhom who pects of riots as housing and Tflv sihUtty of what somebody else may launched the first public push for a re­ Jobs in Negro slums. This has eventually do to us. The prime Issue in gional community college In this area, cost him BUM>ort he could have FAIRWAY Use yours. It puts you in charge at thousands of stores this oonfUct is that of what America is or like Dr. James Washington who as­ had from th» subcommittee’s doing to itself, how much It is going to sisted in organizing the original com­ liberal bloc. throughout Connecticut. forget and alter and shift its own prin- munity coU^e campaign, or like the The hearing last Wednesday was the only success the Ar­ c^;>Iee and pledges and m ethods and ihany other professional educators. and citizens who testified and pleaded be­ kansas Senator has had in get­ goolB, how far tt is going to atraki Its ting some headlines. Moreover, fore the Connecticut General Assembly own past word and Us own present ooen- it took the Intercessioh of a when the New Haven' Board of Educa­ mon sense in pursuit of somethkig our House Republican — Represent­ tion was itself almost mum on the mat­ THE mUNECTICUT BANK most (Ustlngulshed retired general la­ ative George Budi of Texas — te r? beled, when he waa PreeUent, as some- to convince KoCMlan and hla AND TRUST COMmUY Would you consider mioh queationa priM 4 I'ool ^thkig no longer poeelble—vlctocy. It was staff that direct testimony relevant if you weiw tbe Board of Bdu- should be taken from students >a measure of how we can talk-Miift our- welwroS' catlon? The Superintendent of Bchoola? Involved In tfata year’s riot at aelvea away from Mhings we really The Mayor? The executive direotor of Texas Southern. MeCkUan had know that this same general, the other the Stafe Boaid for Rcglanal Communi­ not planned to hear them at nlcM’ on telavlaloa, was recommending ty Collegea? Or the Governor? all. we strike hard and foot for victory in We invite answers. - NEW HAVEN a a « REGISTER Attempting to shore up Rich­ e v e n i n g HEBALD. ICANCHBSTER. CONN.. THUBSDAY, NOVEMBEB 80, 1967______ICAirCBIBTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 PAGE ELEVEN Heroin Hospitalized Pension Boost for Judge

W hile Pot Punished Remains in Postal BUI 85 E}a«t Ceniter. St. Television WASHINGTON (AP) — A sec­ tion. It waa supported by 29 Re­ A M ljrila) penalliee for pomesring and At Summit 9L tion that would entitle a federal publicans. Bjr DON MEIEIJi ustog marijuana, Costas says. t;00 I t) ftoyl« ,^eae Obieotives Ths matter wlU prohaMy MMO) SCUM Doutlw am le’s Mavy judge and longtime friend. of Sen. Al. 8. Mike Monroney, D- (10) P « y M lgS L j Okla., floor manager for the Associated Praaa Wrtter came up fbr discussion at to­ President Johnson to a 46 per WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAI* bill, argued the pension provi­ day's mseOiig of the Drug Ad- cent higher pension remains to HARTFORD (AP) — WhUe (M) OUeterogeni Nelgnbor- sion was designed to give any vleoty CouncU at the State C ap­ a pending Senate pay bUI after Oonneeticut has provided a ^ y hood ^ former member of Oongresa the itol. Coataa la vice chairman of (0 ) Oombat p e itr the narrow defeat of a move to for heroin addiete to avoid a (40) nkM tonM _ eliminate It. game pension righto now held Carnations $L89 the councU. 6;W (aO) D.8. MS (O ]all sentence — even for mch Peter JeradnSi. New* A critic caUed It "quite a by other federal employes. UntU aomething can be done week to B - But WlUlams noted that back- crlmee as theft and burglary— 8:00 Christmas present for any­ about lessening the penoUlea b od y.” era o f the bUI conceded KUday OPEN TO 9 P.M. ’raURSDAY and FRIDAY nlari^lana smokers may not be on pot—which coiddn't happen •;0 0 Imj U cH S I^ Navy The controversial provision Is wsji the only aiq>arent benefici­ I 8) Newswlre (O eligible. until 1666, utdeee the G eneral lO) Newabeat (O part of a bUI to raise the sala­ ary at present. Aseembly goes into epectal see- ‘TV ries of 2 million civilian em­ William* estimated that Kil­ The trouble with marijuana U S tr v ^ fW n de (O Bton—Coetas U hopeful (hat the ilO) Alpine e u Show (C) ployes of the federal govern­ day, if he enjoyed sufficient lon­ that It la a mild drug—too mild 9:00 oourts win not deal too harahly » ) —PbU •• Silver*----- ment by $2.7 billion to three gevity, could receive his penal(xi to ntake m ost o f Ka users de­ M) Sttent ^ with marijuana smokers. (C) fo r 12 years. pendent on It. And oidy "drug (an Sununer HlsnlislMs stages and raise postal rates by Costas, Shepherd and Chief Browii Hmnaon photo' (40) Neiw*^Ootnb« _ $916 m illion. Tile pension section, he said, dependent” persons can qualify « ; » (lOOMO) iRuntley-BrinUey IS! would "put a $100,000 Christmas for treatment as an altemattva Prosecutor Arnold Markle of the The legislation Is up for final Circuit Court aU agree that the Engaged (M) Wliat'a NewT „ „ ( 8) TwAICbt Bone action today. present (» the tree’’ for one YAMATO-YA to jaU under the new state law. ( 3-im Waiter Oesnkte.riSe (C) pen^Ues for possession of mar­ ( 8) PeterP Jennfl New* (C) 10:30 Most of the postal Increase man. "I have seen no marljuana- 11:00 SA^STlSMMWNew*. ijuana riiould be reviewed with The engagement of Miss Jane (90) BrtUeh Clale Weather would take effect Jan. 7. First- An $8,400 y ea riy pension dspen^t people,” says Emert 6:46 (30) New*_ an eye toward lessening them. Alice Puller of Manchester to 7:00 ( 8) Mr. R o b ^ (C) class mail stamps now selling boost, he said, “is quite a ORIENTAL A. Shepherd, who heads the al­ U:161 ( 66 M ) Sport*. ’IWeather (C) Federal penalties are even Joaquin F. Amarid Jr. of Blast (30-10) New*. Weather ( 8) alovto < 0 for 6 cents would go to ^ cents Christmas present for anybody. Songfest at South Windsor CYO Program cohol and fhrug dependence d i­ (19) TVuth or Oonsequercee 11:06 stiffer than the state penalties, Hartford has been announced (O 11:80I (10404360) . ’To’TonisUt____ (Ch and air mall from 8 to 10 cents. It’s quite a Christmas present CYO members perform during a songfest at St. Margaret Mary’s Church hall The CYO Is vision of the State Department (90) Huntlw-Brinldey (C) (» 840)o-mrr Joeyww*,., BUhopiBUIlOP uld Happen in U.S. copper workers were deter­ be double-decked to offset In­ Speak Up Hartford Tex.; Tucson, Ariz.; Waterbury, by union leaders to regain rank marijuana may not be i^yslo- 8:10 REPAIR mined to catch up with workers LAWRENCEBURG,. Ky. (AP) creasing cries against land con­ 12:16 Sign Off 30Q MAIN STRBT (Aerou from Bourn* Bukk) MANCHESTER: Conn, and Perth Amboy, N.J. and file support from members loglcally hablt-formlng, ae her­ idavn a proMemf By HAL GULLIVEB son .But the list of potoom to not TEMPLE disillusioned after nearly five In other industries and gain a oin le, people may develop a — On his rural mall route, Allan sum ption. Associated Press Writer kept up to date. A pesticide not There were no reports of vio­ Greer, who wlU retire Dec. 31 W' months of Idleness. bigger Share of the profits. psychological dependence on It Wash waa atopped by a farmer W all be gtad to Help ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — A on the list simply isn’t conUd-1 lence at any of the meetings. after 27 years to.his post, told a (as some people develop a psy- who wanted to know the time. LOFT S KlTCHcN U.S. peaUclde ex p ^ says it is a ered poison,’’ he Mdd. ONE O f THE LARGEST MAGEE CARKT STOCKS IN THE . ALSO ONE OF THE LARGEST ARM- The strike which began July At the ’Tucson rally some 2,600 University seminar Fine Photo Finding rtwlogical dependence on li­ "Write It on this piece of Texas AftM mlra(de that moM poisoning by The recent deaths In Colom-1 IB has shut down 96 per cent of copper miners and their fami­ that highway programs must FRESH CANDY STRONG RO O R COVERING SELECTION IN NEW ENGLAND. the nation’s copper mine prod­ lies assembled from several quor). And the state’s deflnitlcn paper,” the man said. NASSIFF an toeectlclde, sImUar to the bta, as weU a* poisonings in | ’’Why?” replied Wash. give greater emphasis to traffic uction, 80 per cent of its copper sections of Arizona. ’They ar­ School Menus of drug dependency includee poisoning of scores of persons to Mexico, Arcadia, F)a. and St. “Because our clock has relief lit urban areas end mod­ Weldon Drug Co CAMERA SHOP processing capacity and 86 per rived with signs on their oars psychological dependency. Colombia last week, has not oc­ Louis, Mo., show the need for I stopped and I’m gonna run ernization of’ the age-old pri­ , 1,, \i \ I N '' I I: I I 1 M l Main St. Maaohenter curred to this country. training state and local heallli cent of Its copper fabricating urging continuation of the The Miaindiester puMic school At any rate, "It’s time to do home and set It.” mary highway system. "It cotdd happen," says Dr. officials to modem teOhnlques capacity. strike. menu fior the week of Dec. 4 is something" about modifying the SAVE 20% to^ 50% Samuel W. Simmons, chief of of InvesUgattog chemical pol- j Negotlatlona in the dispute When the rally started, sevei> a s foU aws: the U.S. Public Health Service’s sontogs, Simmons said. [ which has Idled som e 60,000 al miners hung Sen. Paul Fan­ .Mondeiy; Stopipy Joe on roll, pesticides program at the Com- More than 400 persons ore members of 20 unions have been nin, R-Arlz., In effigy because of green beehs, bread, butlter, munteable IMsease Center to At­ now employed by the U.S. PUM-1 at a virtual standstill since the what they termed Fannin’s mdilk, siloed peachee. lanta. to Health Service in the pen*- walkout began. “strike breaker” stand on the ’Tueadaiy: Meait baUa, gravy, At least 76 men, women, and At Butte, an estimated 2,700 walkout. cides {xegram based to Atlanta. maehied potato, carroits, bread, "We’re trying to take the workers from Great Falls, East About 1,000 men and wives at­ children' in Chiqulnqulra, Col­ butter, mtlk, loe cream. ombia died last weekend after mystery out of it,” said WUUam Helena, Anaconda and Kellogg, tended the 8V&-hour rally in E l Wednsdaiy: Frankfurt on YOUR BATHItOOM. Paso, Including representatives eaUng brecMl poisoned with a F. Barthel, acting chief of the CERAMIC TILE Idaho, gathered In the clvlo oec»- roll, p o ta to chiipe, vtrhole ker- deadly insecticide udiose effects toocteology laboratory, wbirii ter to hear their leaders attack from saver aty,,N .M ., where lial co m , m!Qk, h a iv e st cak e. are similar to nerve gas. stu(N6s the prectss effort of pso- the colder Industry. 1,200 are rni strike against the ThunRlaiy: RanrinU with meat Another 86 C olom bians a re re ­ ttcides on human health. Kennecott company. sauce, tossed sal^, French FULL bWtH Joseph Molony, International ported to critical (xmdltlon de­ Experimental aidmols such ds 1 They gave a standing ovation TUB AREA vice president of the Unlt^ bned, butter, m«k. apples. spite antidotes ruriied to Colom­ rabUto, rats, and chickens, arc to County Judge Colbert Cold- F ri^ : Toasted cheese sand­ ■IIIIIIBIIfl Steelworkers of America, said bia from the United States. used, along with equlE|niort ^ well and County Commlsslonors w ich, p ota to aUokis, spinach, copper workers , wore deter­ M ore than 60 state and local signed to test various pesdehSee. ■■■■■■saiaa mined to catch up with workers Rogsllo Sanchez end Richard mint, orantoeiry orlsp. $ i i a . 9 5 health officials are meeting with The great ipajority of individ­ in other industries and gain a Triles for continuing welfare as­ SOAJiO \ Simmons to a conference on the ual poisonings by peMoides sistance to about 00 strike-af­ WAR PROTESTERS IN ROME bigger share of the profits. toveetigatldn of (iiemical poi­ c SEUEOnON OF OOLOB8 BRIGHTEN ently forgotten, the AFLrCIO for all construction wockers, GET KEADY FOR building and (instruction trades who now total some 4 million. UPlI d^artment planned a red car­ “This wUl be a vast program NYLON CARPETS THE HOLIDAYS! pet welcome for Secretary Rob­ unprecedented in the hlatwy of ert C. Weaver of the Depart­ the wortd,*' be said. ment of Housing and Urban De­ Weaver, before Ipeahing to with bnllt-in Fogm Pada i COME TO THIS FALL’S MOST EXCITING REMODELING EVENT THE CEILING BOWL velopm ent. the labor oonventton, ptaanad to FEATURING THE TWO NEWEST STARS IN ARMSTRONG’S FORWARD LINE The ai^)earance of Weaver, meat privately with uahm lead­ the only Negro In Presldont ers to (Uscuas details a t the 9 X 12 R«g. 9S9.1 Johnson's Cabinet, foUowed a model cities prognon. Weavat's U nOLEIIM $ C -9 8 prqposed by the construction apeeoh to aihednled for 2 p.m. all ayat on tha Choice of: Antique Gold, Bine Green, (Nlve, Avaooda, Bed,^ m t i i a mtionii to help trtdn N ^ f ** laan, claan look of Reg. 19.95 mCKL£any calling job with youths for slum rebuUdlng Mooha.v,Oandy Strips. woric. Two More Give “We should work with and help train these youthe when To ‘Patch Fund’ LMOIEUII r ,] they apply and show, aerious In- im m m m n tont,” said C.J. Haggerty, presi­ TVno ffliasv t o am iSsBUiady dent rt the 18-union group. MlwwihiWtar a m p The quesfion of bringing un- “Faibch Fond" hsfv* beso re­ sldUed Negro slum youths into ceived . union apprenUceriiip programs Ttay axe Msn a C o t m k f 1.95 has long been a source (rf fric­ M otion, B road S t.; and Crosn tion between labor leaden and Mra. AusfSi Chroay a t 99 iO | iC - some government officials. tord Rd., «i intmory a t Mtoa Secretary of Labor W. WlUard M u :jo ry ChaBagr. vnrto said Wednesday Hagger­ T tie paibidMS, fo r s w e a tm UP I D 9 X 12 ty’s pn^xiaal waa encouraging and jackets, aro aiwaids to Om outatanding teen-age voiuBtaer if the untona wiU follow through oowH iors at last staMncr’s saw- with it, and might help kOep the MATERIAL. LABOR ■ton at Osanp government from having to art rispwrtlMi Etna BALTIC TEMLOK* SORRENTO as a '‘policeman” over equal (H q s fr^ catalog tdls you ivl^) joh opportunities. FAPn iT-f*— - EUemMB, Oro. (AP) — It CEILINQ TILE C^UNQ PLANK Haggerty pledged to Weaver 6 was eensonhlp, nys tbs rt*- "our full oooporatioti, our Adda a daoorator touclUoAOiUfifiODU. Uniqua onarfeoltiy (ttur-foot olAoIia. dent newspaper. When the Unl- Read about Prfncess phones and Trimline phones. Wall gift-wrapping and delivery service, as long as you order know-how, our resources and varslty of Oregon atUaOe da- 8 x 8 room our maiq>ower in the vast pro­ TRUCK LOAD PRICES 8 x 8 room and table models. Home Interphones. Bell Chimes. Colors by December 19th. portment dalayad a ipaetal CERAMIC WALL TILE gram of rebuUdlng our rtUes.” SPECIAL SPECIAL Here are 4 ways to get your copy of this colorful catalog: The government recently an­ homeooinlag adtSoii. and prices. Ths'adfUcn wns to be passed ABIERICAN BfADB 1) pick up a f re§ copy at any telephone office; 2) call us; nounced grants to 68 cltlea fOr Everything you need to know about phones. out at the OregixiOiegon Stat* VINYL ASBESTOS planning Mum rebuUdlng pi^ 25 COLORS S13.S0 $1450 3) ask any telephone man; 4) look for It in the December game Nov. 1$, but It Whs rtfeOs- There’s even Information about how to use your tele­ jecte under the new mulOma- oatod and held aheOt an boor. phone charge account. And how you don’t have 1st issue of Life and the December 12th issue of Look. Uon^loUsr - model oltiea pro­ company The papir*B . FLOOR TILE What more can we say? gram . CERAMIC FLOOR TILE LAPP PLAZA to pay for anything until next year. And how you get free Khlle union officials ooneedsd ro a d : "A l Omt the labor ooopeaation was and a n ------. 9x9,12xl2f^ g^FerOkrton the untvantty dojnstfltat POM n CA COUNTER TOPS 12 X 12, !• ! 1b Random Phtteni ^ Tht Swthmi N m w EnghnA TiNphom Compawp^ atm In the talking rtege, fiiey ROUTE S3 VERNON NOrval lUtahay, sthieBs nd- WHaQKBLY mat BBASONABLY INSTALLED described It as posslW y^ro- iidiilstrotlro ssslstapl, m U t Iba 9S Osises to Choose From gbming of a new era between lEL 8/b 4 30-^ dlatrlbutlan vroa bald up to vaal- the unions and government offl- fy tha adMoo ai legUltnato and v\ I n N '.VI I H'JHS I hi i4au worUng on slum rebuua- not a prank. n»a handllna, n id Ins r^ft*** . 'Rltohsy, “wns a shock to un." Haggwty also noted that fed­ f PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 old Hubbard «nd Wilbort Oarri>' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 aon.

Mrs. Annie L. Morgan Rev. Shoff Gets Post: FOnsral senrloes for Mrs. MDh Wlmlfrrd Malone Annie L. Morgan of Rocky HIU, TAC Tackles Questions SOUTH WINDSOR — MUs formerly of Manchester, were At Nazarene CoUege held Tuesday morning at the Winifred Malone of Bast Hart­ The Rev. Robert J. Shoff will leave the Church of the ford, formerly of South Wind­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Of Stables in AA Zone Nazarene to accept a position with Eastern Nazarene sor,' died yesterday In a South Main St. The Rev. Raymond The Technical Advismy Com­ oeBtara in ohurcbes, munldpai- Clarke of South Congregational College at Quincy, Mass. Annnouncement of his resi^ Windsor private hospital. mittee (TAC) continued Its re- ly owned buBdings or ki bUtid- Kiss Malone was bom in Church, Hartford, officiated. nation, effective Feb. 1, was made to p a rish ^ ^ laal; ings used petinsrHy for public riaw of proposed revtrions In this town and lived here most Burial was in Jordan Ceme­ rsorastiton or sduoartion. of her life before moving- to tery, Waterford. The' Rev. Mr. Shoff said he Manchester's Residenoe AA son- Mfeitinuzn 'tat raquiramente EhMt Jlartford several years wlU assum e his new duties P6b. Ing regriations last night with navlewed lasit night Inchided ago. She was a retired teach­ Charles E. HIU 1. He wUl preach Ms last ser­ regiilatiofis tor accessory uses, that lots should not be less er. She tau ^ t for many years ROCKVIUjE — Funeral serv­ mon here on Jan. 28. His new minimum lot requirements, and than 18,000 square feet In a at the Arsenal School, Hartford. ices for Charles E. Hill of 111 poeltlon wUl be devriopmenf as­ arsa of buildings. ReaMence AA Zone, that lot Survivors Include a nephew, W. Franklin Park were held sociate and relations director. The AA Zone Is almost ex­ dknwnalons ahoidd be suffl'Olent John Driscoll of South Windsor, yesterday at the Holmes Fu­ The Rev. Fletcher Spruce of clusively resldenUal, requiting to permiit a square lOO toet on neral Home, 400 Main St., Man­ and two other nephews and Qulnoy, Mass., New England the largest area tor homes 1,- a s3de to fit 'wUhin the tat chester. The Rev. Robert La- five nieces out of town. district superintendent of the 260 square fe e t L ots o f 18,000 'With not leaa 'than a 60 foot Counte, pastor of Rockville The funeral will be held to­ ClMuvh o f the N saarene, wlH square fert are required. ntinknum frontage on the morrow at 9:46 a.m. from the Baptist Church, officiated. Bur­ meet tonight with the Church The committee accepted as etract, and a front yard of 40 ial was in Oreen Cemetery, Ahem Funeral Home, 1400 Main Board for the purpose of dis­ an accessory use In on AA sane feeit Glastonbury. St., East Hartford, with a Mass cussing a new pastor. The a provision tor roomers aiMl The cammlttee also recotn- Bearers were Alfred Spain, of requiem at St. Mary's Chinch Board, comprised of boarders within a home occu­ roends to the Town Planning Richard Lourie, Howard Ed­ Church, East Hartford, at 10. trustees, stewards and auxil­ pied primarily by a family. Mh- and Zoning Oonuntsslion that wards and Richard Sauer. Burial will be in St. Mary's iary heads, drlU bear suggested Jor use of the residence should tat dknanatons Include ,120 foot Cemetery, East Hartford. recommendations from the dis­ be tor a singls family, it was fron ta ge, Irregu lar Sheipe lots Friend may call at the fu­ trict superintendent. They 'wIU agreed. o f 80 p er c e n t a s ipreaen)tily reg ­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. B o lto n then decide on -one to Invite for The next accessory use tor ulated t>y the zoning lows end an interview with the board. conside ration was allowing sta­ (halt there be a provlsi'on for Mrs. Veronica Lahda Upon ttie board’s approval and bles in the Residence AA Zone lot dbnensiona around the cul- Mrs. Veronica Lahda, 68, of High School recommendation; tiie congrega­ which the committee decided de-SBC. In zon 'h g term s a cu l- Dalsytown, Pa., mother of John tion will vote on the acceptance needs further study. Architect de-sac ds a rincle^ike extension W. Lahda of 6S6 Center St., died of the new pastor at a regular Arnold Lawienoe advised the Bev. B rtnrt t . on the end of a street. It pre­ Sunday at her home. Issues Netv Sunday service under the fSrec- committee tiiat they ahoidd vents the Straet from being a The funeral was held today at tion of the. district superinten­ seriously consider such a regu­ deed end. Lots on a cuiLde-sac dent or someone appointed by A sprtaiklliig of male sales elsrks ssrvsd the midtltuds of women shoppers of all ages last lation. the D'Altorlo Funeral Home, 71 Honor Roll night at Ladies Nliht at Regal’s Men’s Shop on Main St (Herald photo by Bucslvicius.) tend to be irregular ehelpes. Third St., California, Pa. Mm. • State News I Lawrence stated that there Also under minimum lot The Rev. and Mrs. Shoff are a number of health, traffic dimensions that the committee The honor roll at the end of came to Manchester in 1968 and safety hazards to be con­ Sgt. Michael S. Nyman the first marking period at Bol­ Ladies Night at RegaVs revlerwed there should be 30 feet VERNON—Army Sgt. Michael After Plunge on Highway from East Palestine, OMo, Roundup " Stores Open sidered concerning the confine­ of ride yards and 25 feet a t lot ton Junior-Senior High School where he had been pastor of a m ent o f a horse on 18,000 square S. Nyman, 26, of Granby, form­ has been amiounced. depth for rear yards not to ex­ This First National truck was heading east on the Wilbur Nazarene Church for eight (See Page Twelve) feet of land. In a Rural Zone ceed 40 feet, tor corner lot cov­ erly of Vernon, was klUed Fri­ Those attaining high honors Ross, 38, of East Hartford, suffered rib and ankle injiudes. V Finds Them Waiting Early T o n ig h t to day In Vietnam from wounds Cross Highway in Vernon this morning when it broke through years. He succeeded the Rev. the new regulation calls tor tite erage the aide yard facing the were: Carol Clark and Kathleen He is reported In fair condition at Hartford Ho'spltal. The Inge, asking not to be Identified auSteiined when hit by enemy the railing in the median strip, crossed the westbound lane loose wheels are the rear wheels of the tractor portion ripped Clarence E. Winslow. By DORIS BEUIINO morning tiuit the store loobed allowing of 30,000 square feet. street ehaU b e 16 feet to 120 Geer, Grade IT; Pamela Geer, described the sltuatloo tj§' 9 OXH ock mortar fire. He was the hus­ and plunged down the embankment. The driver, Clifford off in the crash. (Herald photo by Pinto.) During his five years In Man­ Hke a rumpus room “the w ere sighted Night would be oanUnuedl each D A Y : Mint. M ary Etestman, ttons (to a'void the Obstructing 12: Cheryl Bavler, Dana Dim Court Cases lighting system has been in­ contrast to another a^

dhangeover, Johnson tried to vered adviser into a bairidng Rham District McNamara Shift dMbuse those who thoqght M c­ monk who could no longer offer Namara had been pushed, out any opUriona on Vietnam inU- Tryouts Set BRGAV ST. IsStirringUp because he had bridled the gen­ des left Johnson an to politi­ GOSPEL MECTimS erals and admirals and had cal accusations that he was un­ Manehester School Space Seen Critical Need Political Storm argued against the kind of esca­ willing to entertain even mild MANGHESTEIi HMI In Badtetball (Contlniied from Page One) lation In the U.S. bombing of disaent to what his opponents in Monday's Herald that the ba­ things are absolutely neces­ 618 oB an — I Tbs BBtogtoB Athlstto Lssgue (Thte ta tte lint o t two artt- North Vietnam that now aeems had diaracterlsed as a headlang Come and Hear OPEN ctoa M the oehool bnlldliiK ret- sic plan did not offer physical sary. efit from the appointment of a almoat inevitable. course. IH E GOSPEL o r TH E ORAlOE OF GOD I w fll boU tryouts for basbetbsH Monday. Today's ar- education facilities. Both plans, "First, each elector and citi­ "fresh- person.,'’ The President said the Ameri­ Johnson’s observahoe of the N iam i.T (Except Bat.) A lt 7iM EJH., SPW. rv a i. ; tomomw sad Sahitday. 10 to 10 tM e deals with the plans, to- the alternate. Question 1 and zen qualified to vote In the In neither the President's nor can course is firmly set, that protoed that the 20 World Bank MR. McBADf and MB. S M im ; . In tbs Junior DMslaa IS-yas^ moiraw’s attiele will deal with the basic. Question 2, Include three towns nuist vote on Mon­ McNamara’s explanation was - What Bfnet I Da Tto Be SnredT major policiea are clearly de­ diiectors must approve the ; lid i 'Who {Say dor Tentwoo^ the eosts.) an auxUiary gym, with shower day. there any time-table given for fined. He suggested the succes­ IteNam ara nomination befbre ReUsve On 11m In rd Hmm CBftat PLEN TY And Thon SIm K Be Saved. Ante ldiS8St Itte v s and Tom’s, Johnnie’s, and lockers. "Finally, each of the three these various exchanges. sor he will sqppt^t wlB follow he could announce It did nothing of PAKKINB By MABJORIi: PORTER The only difference In the two queadons must be voted on. There seemed little doubt the McNamara’s lead la the De­ to dispel the political opinion l^ntxgMsid and Zahner’s, wlU In September 1967 the tlrst plans Is that the "alternate Question 1, the Alternate Plan, President's political Instincta fense Department "without loss that he is so secretiTe in his op­ temsat noday at 0:M p.m. at plan" Would provide the auxU- junior-senior classes entered the vote yes or no. Question 2, the concurred In the defense secre­ of mofnentum or effectlveneaa.’ ’ erations as to suggest he would Ow Oanter BOhooL AH other IS Use Our lary gym wUh extra seating partially completed Rham High Basic Plan, vote yes or no. Ihls tary’s belief the "fresh person” None of this changed the rather embarrass a faithful to 18-yesJMdds wlH meet at the cepeldi.y added on to the exist­ School. The school was original­ wlil become decisive only If might relieve the President of minds of Johnson’s war policies servant than let the average 'ubool at 8 p.nL UY-AWAY ing gym. Before construcition SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE ly built to hold 800 students. Its question one Is defeated. Ques­ some political liabilities in next critics that they had locrt a once American get a glimpse of what , Bagw Ontemalnd ki the Juidor planners recognised the prob­ could begin, the existing gym tion 3, vote yes or not on the year's campaign. effective—but less so now—ad­ Is really going on in the White PeA.Ce I Dtriahm may alga tgi at the wall would have to be tom lem ot growth -in the three Centr^ Office facility.’' McNamara was a prime tar­ vocate of moderation where it House. I tryout searions. towns of Hebron, Andover and down. get in the Republican's success­ counted most. They compared I f the President doee not MldlBt DIvlaton tryouts wlH Marlborough and so designed An Industrial arts wing of ful drive in the 1966 congre-- McNamara’s exit with,the re­ dump again in the popularity ; ha bMd Saturday at the Ltsv* the core facility to permit ex­ five shops for woods, metal, Fictional Obit ssion elections and seemed like- tirement several months ago o f polls as a result of this flap, po- > view SchooL Btg^yeaxvolds win pansion to a 1,200-student level power mechanics, electricity- lyto be again next year. A new Oeorge W. Ball, a Vietnam dia- lltidans wlU be greatly sur- ;rsport at U:M; Mos-ywrolds in the future. electronics, drafting and graph­ John Qalsworthy’s most im­ seoretary would not bring into senter, frmn the State' Depeurt- prised. I at 1:M, and lO-yeshoMs at 3:S0 The original plans called for ic arts would be constructed. portant work w€M his aeries of the campaign the record of M c­ _J|u n . Shaven and 13-yasr-oOds ment. They concluded there is ------r BINGO “StSASUViO geSTsteto an industrial arts building This would release four class­ novels about the Forsyte family. Namara’s optimistic forecasts almost no one of Importance left Evergreen trees in regiona of EVERY MONDAY-a P.M. M who dM not play on the Midget which was never constructed. rooms for academic use. The main character, Soames of progress and victory in Viet- to argue within the administra­ much snow build the underside S team lent year WlH meet at S:M Instead, the industrial arts de­ Four business education class­ Forsyte .became so well-known nam for which he has been un- tion agadnet the adoption of their branches thick and al­ 26 VILLAGE STREET. 'ROCKVILLE M P -m - V partment w ^ placed in class­ rooms would be buUt along that when he died (in a book) der intense political fire, atrii^ent war measures. ternate them to prevent an P. A. C. RALLROOM Ooaohas and oOier parsons' room area and presently occu­ the already existing corridor the London Times announced In his statement Wednesday The ungracefuUness of the overload of snow that could 'Wi-who want to TOtaintoer are snkod pies these four classrooms. This breezeway leading to the gym- his death In Its headUnee. of the events leading to the President’s turning of a ohce-far break them. ^ to attend these snealnm was not ideal but workable. nasium freeing two more class­ ^ Tho.Mtofs League will prac- The business education class­ rooms. ttee Dee. 8 at 6 p.m. at the Long- es, tsrping, shorthand and book­ A three-room addition for vtow School. Anyone who has keeping were placed in two reg­ arts and crafts would give bet­ , not yet signed iqi may do ao ular classrooms. ter classroom area and release at tUs time. The educable mentally re­ two rooms which would be made Mews af ServleMuea . tarded class is presently occu­ available for the special educa­ Beaman Stephen J. Olander, pying a regular classroom. tion classes. The room now used UBCXl, non of Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ Superintendent Aram Damar- for the educable mentally re­ ter J. Olander of Ftonade Rd., jlan reported to the Rham tarded class would be released is attending the Aerographer's Board in September that all for academic classes. - Mate Bdiool at the Naval Air *1^ • m regular classrooms and special Also Included in the construc­ Technteal Training Center, rooms of the school are in use tion plans would be two labora­ labhehurst, N. J. t .1 90 per cent of the .day. There tory-classrooms for biology and During the session vrideh wHl are no rooms which are unoc­ additional music room. ' run for 17 weeks, Olander wlU cupied all day. The new library would ac­ be trained to operate aH stand­ « e d t * * * i For the past two years, it has comodate the 100-student en­ ard metoratoglcal equipment us- been necessary to schedule rollment, and the present li­ !^,'led In making surface and upper classes and study halls 1 the brary would be renovated into /. weather ohservabons. auditorium, dining halls and one art room and guidance . Olander is a graduate of El- health room. This is a definite and conference rooms. Hngton High School. When he disadvantage to the students Question 8 on the referendum, Last 3 Days graduates tram the trsinfag oen- and creates abnormal instruc­ requeets approval of bonds to ter be w fll be qUaUAed in the tional problems, Damarjian provide funds for constructing said. technlquss of weather analysis. faculties for the central admin­ Fireman Bngineman Leonard In the past 10 years, the state istrative office. This would A. .Morganaon, UBCO, son of and federal legislation have house the superintendent of M r. and Mrs. Frank H. Moigan- had an impact, stated Damar­ schools, the supervisor of In- son of Maple SL, has been as- stiruciUon and the aeoreitiarial jian, on the space needs. The signed to the Coast Guard cutter staff. In the future it would also legrlsletion provides special edu­ ^MArataria: house special personnel. cational and vocational educa­ The cutter Is an elsihsnt of tion for students. In that time, Offices for Future tha first Coast Guard-Navy Joint the physical fitness program Damarjian noted that this has emerged and is strongly was not an immedteite need but ^ unit under Coast Guard com- recommended. Is designed to meet the antiicl- mand sines World War n. Enrollment at 828 pated need of the district with­ ^ The unit was formed at Subic The present simce a t the in five years. By building the Bay, Republic of Philippines and achoM is adequate to handle unit along with the high school it^ la compoaad ot cutters from these spedtal pcogranut. addition, the district would be Coast Guard Squadran-Ihree Theipresent enroUment eit the re-lmbursed 70 per cent of con­ and deatroyar escorts from Na'vy high School is 823. This is 23 struction costs by the state. ^ Bacort Squadrons Five and Sev- Gll* students more than is desirable, The superintendent and su­ -Btou ______but stlU not considered ser­ pervisor provided by the Bu­ ious. Daimai^jiian presented en- reau of Field services are pres­ rolbnent esthnates for the next ently housed in rented faciUtleB Tremendous Selection skx yeans to the Rham boeid paid for by the State Depart­ in September. They w ere based ment of Education, Damai^an Wedding on efesnentary school enroU- reports these facilities a.re ade­ imsnt in the three towns. I f all quate for the present but (he Nettleton - Torssa Luxury Quality Permanent Press Girls' Fishnet Hwee towns were to exper- location la not the beat. This Men's Ban-Lon(r) Permanenf Press lenoe no ftuther growth, with­ office could be moved to the ^ The marrtogs o f Mias Cath- in she years there would ibe a proposed oenitrai offices and the erine Joan Torssa, daughter of Sh irt and Men's Sport M en's G ift Boys' Sport Ponty total of 1,106 children enroll­ rental fee be paid to the dis­ Mr. and Mrs. George O. 7\>ma ing in the September 1967 trict to further reduce the net ^ o f 19 Brie SL, and Wayne Rus- Shirts Tights annual cost to each town. Socks Set Shirts Sw eaters The Regional Board o f Edu- Robert A. Price, chairman of sail Nsttleton, son of Mr. and Ring’s Low Price ^ King’s Low Price ^ ^ 0 oatton, alerted to the problems the Rham board, said In a re­ X Mrs. RuasoU C. Nsttleton of S79 Kkiir's Low Price 4.99 King’s Low Prioe olf tnaidequHite space and soer- port to the district this week, X Bidwell BL, took place Satur- 2 Fv.r’^S »6 k « future student enrollment, "Our elementary schools are Polyester-cotton plaids with regu­ Solid stretch nylon panty with day morning, Nov. 11, at St. Ban-Long knit shirts and socks of With new “ aoU-release" finish. formed a planning conuhtttee expanding at a rate not dream­ X James Church. The Rev. Vin- V-necks, crews and cardigans In lar or button-down collars, solid openwork fishnet legs. WMte, off 10 0 9 (1 Textralixodg nylon. Collar or Dacron polyester-cotton in plaids, wMte, navy, rust, gold, black. tiwo years ago to review the ed of by most of us ten years cent J. Flynn performed the solids, wide tracks, tattersalls. shetltands, wonrtieds, orkm aoryUro. cottons with button-down collars. Mgh crew necks, fancy pattern Sizes 8 to 18. Sizes 4 to 16. fants and make recommenda- ago. If our elementary students ^ double-ring ceremony and was fronts. 8-M-L-XL. Sizes 8-M-L. Popular colors, sizes S-M-L-XL. 'tkeiS. CMCare W to find CCa 5 goodUT.JU DCCUllUCtljrsecondary celebrant at the nuptial Mass. V A middle o€ separate junior school ready for them, when The bride was given In mar- Mgh school was considered, but their turn comes, we must take x«-s__rlage by her father. She wore 8»>X-‘K Solids and Prints W om en's Imported Sequined and Infants' Nylon after study it was felt that It action to expand and Improve street-length white knit dress Slim, Tailored would be more econamicaJ to Rham now. If the results of the fashioned with a cowl neckline stre tch expand the present 800-capaelty referendum are to truly reflect and long aleoves. She wdre a W om en's S-T-R-E-T-C-H Bulky G ift Bended to «B fuM potential of 1,200 and the will of the peo^e, two vdtlte pillbox hat with veil and to eltouiltaneouBly make pro- carried a bouquet of pale yellow 'vUon for adequate fcudUiUlm to Shells Tights roeee. Quilt Robes Slocks C ard ig an s Improve the total educationail Mrs. Robert Desprea of East program. AcoonUng to Damar- King’s Low-Price King’s Low Price 2 King’s Low Prioe ^ King’s Low Price 12.90 King’s Low Prioe 0 0 ^ jHan, the 1,200-alfcudent school ia Hartford, sister of the bride, the maxinulm fbr the present For Sale was the matron of honor. She ' wore a pink knit suit, a brown Hand embroideries, fancy cable Pure wool, fully lined and mag­ W affle weave or jacquard non-run atte. Any (future building would Long or abort styles in pretty 70% rayon-80% nylon. Adjustable tights with bullt-to plastic pants. fur hat and veil and a corsage prints, solids in paatela or brilliant French waistband, stitched creas­ knits, basket weaves, plain fronts. nificently sequined and beaded by have to be on another elte end Full fashioned, hand details. Sizes hand. W t e , black, pink or blue. White, pink, blue, rM. Bit 0 to could conceivably be a middle Late 1965 of pink rosobuda. shades. DellghtfuUy (trimmed. es. Black, loden, navy, burgundy, brown. Sizes 10 to 18. 84 to 60. Sizes S-M-L. 26 months. or junibr high school. WSHam Tor am o f Miainclwa- Sizes 10 to 18. On Monday, a refierendum GORVAIR . ter, txicttMir c f the bride, served proposal 'recommended by the m beet nsML administraitlon end the Rham CONVERTIBLE Mns. Toraas wore 'a blue Garter Free 7-Foot Tall 10 Rolb Popor or Foil - riMslth dawn wiKh p k * mooea- Girls Adorable Women's Board of Education will come Automatlo Trantmle- before the 'voters of the three- (sortes. The htMegraom’S mcith- S w te h Pine town distrtet. The ftiet: two slon, New Tires, One er wore « brown drees with Q u ilted Seom less Nylon ,Xmgs W rap quMtkms will be concerned with Owner, Not A Scratoh! !!: brawn and gelid ataoeasoittoa. the issue o f bonds to provide —' Boffc worn an cnhiU oorsaga k^esh Nylons Pontie Hose Trees money to increase the school A r ecaptten fo r 96 guests wee. G ift Robes $1150 held ad the home of the bride's pssKrits. F or a motor to King’s Low King’s Low Prioe 8.99 1.99 AJB flacilitiieB to be added are CaU Ownsr at King’s Low Price 2.99 King’s Low Price 26c pr. the same in both questions 'With " Ckfw Ood. Mks. NeftMton ware a fatae Mid wbfto checked suit 'the exception o f the gymnae- in packages of 2 pair for 62c. Panty brief and sheer seamless Flame-resistant vinyl, pre-formed Sculptured, printed or solid foil. 646-0012 wHh whOto accMncstfs. She Long and short styles in cotton, branches with tapered tips. Use tum. rayon-acetate or nylon with Kodel bin guud top and toe, reinforced stockings combined for the smooth 26” wide. Both Plane Have Oym li-, wore a pale yeMow oacssge. H » hml and toe. FasMon ahadea, sizes "Ml-ln-one" look. Beige, suntan, It year after year. With tripod oouple uNH Bra ,rik Cheney Rd., polyester fiberfUI. Solids and stand. It was erroneously reported prints. 6 to 16. 8H to 11. sizes 13-M-L-XL.; MaxStKEnugfL 3 Mrs. NeMMbon to a 1987 grad- of MsiKhwstier High «oW0Bl. U t , MMUeton'to a 1966 Mennen Chatham Printed . FuN SIm Dduxo Libby HOVi OPEN In Hma for CHRfSTMASl 0^- y tf***** of Mbncheftier IBgh 7" Circular S t SiohoalemdtoilemptoimdiatBela- H ie rm a l H o lid ay —UiS. Jha,, to CM- G ift S e h Pool Table Saw THRIFT SHOP Stem w are 648 Main St., Mancheater "Next to Friendly's" Blfhikels King’s Low Price featuring need, but not abused oSIdn Breoer e Clottaee for Entire Fam ily e Small Household Items and Cologne 67c King’s Low Price ^ .64 58.88 18.88 (Items Taken On Consignment) • Skin Bracer end (Complete with cues, 10 molded ^ "'’ 1.56 YOUR MONEY GOES FURTHER HERE! Christmas Shave Tak 97c Machine washable blend of 66% balls, plastic racy and bridge, Choose 6%-oz. wine, 5H-oz. whis­ sturdy precision built tool. Cuts TUE8. thru SAT. 10 to 6 e THUR8. 10 to 0 dlal-a-matic scoring device, chalk key sour, 6-oz. cocktail, 6%-oz. 2H ’’ at 90°, a fuH 2" at 66°. Has rayon, 25% acrylic, 25%' cotton. overload clutdi, sawdust ajtoUon Closed Monday Attractively packaged gift sets for Nylon binding. Choice of floral or and plastic table cover.* aherbert/champagne or 10-oz. gob­ BAZAAR all the men on your g ift list. tapestry prints. let. chute. Sof-, Dec. 2ncf 19ri9 A J L Made by Mirra Waring General Electric Kenner's Cannon TalesiMllt 3 Q t Electric Pushbutton Steam -Dry Easy Bake Gift Towel Sets FABULOUS SALE OMCncaflesal IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING •V' Corn Popper Blender Iro n ' O ven e Hand 1 6 x 26” ...... T S f ttinh / e oCloth 12 X 12” ..[...9 4 * • BRth 22 X 44” or s Hone Bfsde dandy King’s Low Price 2 King’s Low Prioe ^ 25% off 14.88 7.66 24 X 48” ...... Q1 sUnierfdPMtliW I 2-speed, M or low, push button Bakes pies, cakes, cookies, even Solid colors, dobby borders, two- duds i Clear view i^aas cover, heatproof tone Jacquards. Guaranteed puck­ legs and haiMlle. Mads of bright control, whirlpool action, 2-pc. Even flow, swibchee instantly from candy! Operates on 2 ordinary CRYSTAL - SILVER sBooks sApraoB geyshed aluminum. 1-yr. guaran- Flexl-grtp lid with measure. Model dtoaim (to efficient Ughtweigtat! light bulbs (not included). With er-free, color fast. Beauti-flutt tto- mixes, utensils, bowls. lah. RIFTS - CLOCKS sChiMaHs Jewelry OLV. Model No. 5 ^ . Snaiple Valne ALSO VIEW OUR FINE Crafts DIAMOND AMD WATOH •Bsksd Goods $150. SELECTION • WUto BkpMnt T s U e BRAY JEWELERS sBaCnslinMnts n e x t TO STATE THEATER — MAIN SVBEET / ■j: ■ r "p- 1 Vi n \ dk A JL a l V ^

■ r

X rggiMBw UANCHBSTES EVBNIKQ O t R A L D . MANCBBSTB31. OONN^ THURSDAY. KOVBMBBR 80, 1967 PAGE SEWMmm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 V IK Coroner Post Goes Andover OHicifds Contend AgUatia* ^ffer Public Relations Mjx^up W Auy. W m arn J. Shea Referendum n w w YOU CAN HAVE YOUR 6 KITCHEN FOR inWlMn J. O m Jr. o f Set Monday WASHINOTON (A P ) — MaJ. UJI. iaugo an bahiad Mtitgar -THE HOUDAYS-- liter CMk at. to tbe now «r Samufa F. Torty of Los An- daiiMaaintkno on MtFMtt ooKoiwr for Hortfort- PUMSs, - BBo ^iMuv oipipofoAod ftQT On Addition flalM and S«iu Itaak J. Baa. Bixtih Bayh, D-fad., a a li' ^McNamara Switch About Set ' L. Ancnmi, oteo t i Lauiche, IMNdo,. oontond agttap Of 6,0N ttodteito la Ilia audito- gr MteMnator, and w m awom tan manlpulatod antiwar dam- By. JAMBS MARLOW Proridnt’s press secretary, sinee it sras opened for business Andover oitlMns WUl' have an rinm w han Ikitelt ipofta, only AF Neara Aradyst ested in the kind fa Job toe bank « i b7 Mm on Mondior M ttw opportunity on Montey to make ■telratkiiia ia plaeaa whan about IN dtei^tod ttte apoooh. Oserge Chriadlan, was osksd in 1945. Hoewrer, the boasd does—helping in toe economic OouMy BuHdtagr, HartConl. known their preferences on toe VkoMdant Johaaon and Soore- Mhn than lAON ladlpBa Utai- i.., WASOmOTON (AP) — Rob- about the report. lUs reply was, WON not eohmhflsd to meet until development of backward coun­ “no comment” ,;k, Attgr. Shea ta a hte tanr o f- future of Rham lOgh School and of State Doaa Ruali reoent- n n lt y atudsato aigiM|d; a lottor <-art 8 . MONanum’s almost mys­ Wednesday. tries—and told Johnson later ■DO on Aagdum A.v«., HMiUotd. Ms need to take care of an es­ |y gpoho, o f s p n o g y roomily fnam tid to terious switch in Jobe from mtor This was almost tbe some os Stnee ttte board was almost about hte oenvetsation with •aytog, "R’s true.” It would Ho I f n ItHWIittoaii. AMy. Aron* timated Increase in emfalment Torty’^told the House Oommlt- Ruak. .-rotary, .Off defsnae to the praoi- certain to approve McNamara, Woods. •on te a Domocrat. I w post o f have been indeed strange tf which it did Wednesday attain In October, McNamara sold, GLENNErS 1 tao on Uk-Amerioaa Aettvltioo Saa. Alhatt Gon, IVItaai,, ^a ijlen cy o t tiie WorM Bonk la Just " ¥ In the next five yean or so, such a story about a man In difiuly oonmer te partxtfene and *l>iaaday tiw dem oastntion fa orltte of the war, da^ond Om ,jtoout complete otter a public noon, the reticence fa Johnson Johnson told him toe nomina­ from the present 8N to IJMO such a high pooitian was untrue paya #60 per day flor eanh day students. kta city last June agafaat Joim- “ vulgarily'’ of aomo dfraiiitteh. mattoas mlx-up with few and McNamara in saying any­ tion for bonk president would aoB was maa^ifaatod and equate. and tiie White House didn’t has­ thing until the board acted could soon have to be mode and asked FOR FREE SEVEN-STEP SERVICE Voting on toe referendum wUl ten to refute It M t y . Shea, a lllancheator piaaasd to advaaoo by groiipa Although McNamara oa aecre- be interpreted oa deference to If McNamara were still Interest­ take place at the Town Oftloe Johnson and McNamara kept aaffrei, te ttte aon of (be tafa NiWag a oonfrentation with po- to^ haa one fa the most Impor­ tile board or a deolrt not to be ed. The secretary sold he was. Building from 6 eum. to 0 p jn . H u A o iic a l mum Monday, Tuesday and un­ Stete Supnm e Court Juateoa 9UglbIo to vote are electors and tant posts in government the accuoed fa trying to it. McNamara mentioned in hte til Wednesday night statement Wednesday no fur­ You Pick The Kitchen— We Do The Rest! waSkin J. Sbea and Him. 8 . people paying a tax on a #1 ,0N Johnaoii waa in Los Angelea new* o8,hte leaving It come not Shortly after MCNomora got nancaa Shea. Revises By;lftws!; os a puUlc announcement at the But American reporters had oiprovol—the board will ask ther talk with Johnson about it. or over assessment on toe task than far a Damoontie party af­ other sources fa Information be­ Ha attended looal acboote and ' White House but os a report him formally to be president And McNamara’s associates oompleted grand list vrtileh Is fair. ' A revtaton in h^w s 'teu in k- sides the White House—Mc­ te a 1S66 crnduaite of Holy ^-pmh Londbn loot Monday. after *oome other neceoaory said Wednesday he waa bewil­ toe Oot 1, 19N list. Joint own­ Toriy said the demanatratlon Namara himself would say Onan OoBepa and a 105# grad­ ad at last nlght’a maeU^ o< s t^ ore token—he issued a dered when news fa tbe nomina­ ership caBs for a |1 ,0N mini­ wtelda Jofansen’s botal was an It wasn’t until Wednesday nothing—and they went to tNik uate of (be Untveraity of Oon- outgrowth of a parade held to Manchester Historical, Sodaty Ijilght that President Johnson statement saying he te resigning tion leaked out thte week. mum for each person invfaved. on them and got snswen. as defense secretory to be presl- iieoteeut aobuol o f Leiar. He te AMy. The oMclalr notice for the ref­ pnteMt the Prarident’a Viatnam at ming Junior High/, School end McNamara, in separate In hte own statement, Johnson As a result the Tuesday morn­ drat fa the bonk. mentioned a conversation with a mentber of (be Ameidcan, erendum specifies tbe threer war policy. whereby the number of tbe ex­ Hpubllc announcements, con­ ing piqiers were able to say flat­ Oonneotlout and Hartford Coun­ CouncS. KtidgbtB o f Oohanbus. Items to be voted on. A “yes’* Torty aald one parade aponam* ecutive council at-large will be firm ed it. Johnson foUawed this speedily McNamara “some time ago” FREE ly that Johnson had nominated with a statement fa hte own. about the Job and aald Mc­ ty Bar AeaocteMona. He te a He te marrtod to tbe ftxmer vote on Item one means favee^ was toe Paaoa Aotion OounoU increased to five membera, oda «'l On Monday the Londm Finan­ MCNomora (or tbe bonk presi­ SURVEY member o f tn oal 400, Ameri- Bednhe o f H artford. Ib e ing tbe major construction of kaadad by a man idsntifled by of vtoom will be tbe immedtate cial Times reported Mc- The Presldrat spoke in toe high­ Namara expressed willingness dency: It wasn’t certain Mc­ est terms fa McNamara’s serv­ to accept It If toe President can SMeratten o f Miuatetens oouple hen tw o cMUren, Oer- about N new claserocxns. Total . OOnunlttoa otaff m am ben as ac­ retiring president > •Nomora’s departure on the bo- Namara would get the Job until and te an ofHcer of Campb^ aUna, S, and Pater, 2. cost Is given at $1,S10,OM. tive In Omnmttnist Party aettvl- Two color fUms, “n>e Pa- ..ste fa information supplied by a ice in toe Defense Department would consent. But Johnson did PLANNING toe board fa directors opiwoved. but, to this writer, hte language not Indicate he had talked with Item 2 relates only to tbe. tiaa to Southern OaHtotfaa. trfat” and “ Blghteentii ^kntuiy World Bank director. But it was about os certain as seemed rigid If not frigid. McNamara since October or 3 classroom addUtons, the gym- -In a Smata Hwadi, Lauafaia Life,” filmed In WUlianMlNng, That ofternoim at a news anything could be because an 3 And there was even a bit fa even told him he waa being rec­ naalum addition eliminated, with aald,a plat led to the damonatra' Va., and the James Rlvsr area -■briefing in the White House the Amertosn haw headed (he honk DESIGNING the mysterious In 'what the two ommended. Town Opposes Broad Power the cost toown as # , N, N . tion at Indiana Ufavanity which were shown. *ihe flrat dattt 1 2 0 m m said. Thte creates a bit of a new This would, however, provide Inteifared with a recent speech with Virglnla’B Joining tiie re­ fITtmri pimo b f McNamara said that lost mystery. With the going of SKETCH some new space tor physical given by Ruak. bellion against England, and For Regional School Unit April the outgoing presldrat fa McNamara, who wanted a training In ttw event Item one te Lauadia said he’s sure manl- the latter with various rhastts Cyprus Peacemakers Go^ Christmas Sale and Luncheon at Salvation Army the bank, George D. Woods, much more restrained kind of not carried. pulatora seeking to destroy toe of life to Colonial America. DECORATING SERVICE A propoaed amemhnent to the adopting a written resolution of Mrs. Maynard Clough, left, and Mrs. MaJ. Kenneth Lance arrange a display of Christmas ekked Mim If he wmAd be Inter­ war in Vietnam than the Joint Item S asks for a yes or no oonaUtuUon of the Capitol Re­ resignation. decoratiems for the annual Christmas Sale apd Luncheon Thursday and Fri^y, Deo. 7 and Threat Reportedly Over ested In being presldrat' and CSiiefs fa Staff thought neces­ vote on an administration build­ gion HduoaiUon Council (CUBIC) Hie question as he saw it, 8, at the Salvation Army Youth Center, N1 Main St. The sale will be conducted Thursday added toe secretary didn’t have sary, it ahould be no surprise if ESTIMATES waa flatly rejected by the Board ing ll r Regional District to said Phelon, was whether that 6 8 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday from 10 a.m. to S p.m. Luncheon will be served both li. (OiiRttaued from Page One) to make a decision tom. now the war takes a tougher of Bdueatlon during Ita Mteiday provide space, now rented, for proposed amendment or the pro­ days from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. A spaghetti supper will be served Thursday from 0 to 7:N p.m. as though he had sprat a lot of McNamara sold he weue Inter­ turn. meetlag on the ground that if visions of PA IN would have the superintendent and staff. Mrs. Lance Is general chairman of the event and Mrs. Russell Clough Is co-chairman, cithsr ft wiw eoriy today before he BUDGET SERVICE •ifaneiged from meeting* wUh time on toe beach. The other, in adopted, the amemknent arauU precedence. Also,' It would serve the needs committee heads are Mrs. Michael Orfitelll, candy kitchen; Mrs. William Johnson, ceramics; Ittiie leader fa the Idond’* Greek cratrast, was pale with blue give (be council unduly broad In fate matittm to oppose the of auxiliary service personnel Miss Ruth Smith, miscellaneous; Francis McCarthy, Santa’s Workshop; Mrs. Thomas Rus­ ponreia. ■ Cypriot majority. eyes and reddish-brown hair. He atnendment, Phelcai ateo pro­ coming to tbe sfaioot. Reim­ sell, handiwork; Mrs. O. Alton Perrett, baked good; Mrs. Frank Duncan, preserves; Mrs. was about 0 feet 0. GRBIC ia a regional asaocia- bursement from the State would William Spatlg, white elephants; Miss Gladys White, notions,- and Norman Stevsnsou, \‘ l “I h#y« had infomatlve and poned wording to the effect that • bonstrfiotlve dlscuwdcn* with Ormond Beach te north of tton of 29 boarda of education Mancbenter would wMhdrew be 70 per cent of the estimated woodworking. The sale, luncheons and dinner are open to the public. Phone 649-5405 8’ KNOTTY PINE STARTER KITCHEN of wfaioli Manoheater ia a mem­ #N,0N cost, toe same as for l ArchMsIiop. Makario* oral that Daytona Beach on Florida’s At­ Your Gregg from CREC In the event the ■ te aH I have to osy,” Vonoe tOld lantic coosk FOR ber. It ia preaendy oonaidarlng sknendmetit wue finally adopted construction in Items 1 and 2. 2— 80" Base Cabinets aeveral oanatitutional ohangea, Andover’s share of tbe coeto, Incrwamqn. 1— S6” Sink Front Dream Kitchen by the oounoU. “I emiorae that statement,” to be acted upon at Ha annual H e kutor amended Ms morinn based on the 1908417 pupil at­ Eight Die 2— 80" Hanyiny Wall Cabinets' metelng next month. tendance cU Rham is given as School Plans Cost ! added the preeldent, who had Maiiy Nsttons Join ROY and EARLE’S to one of ahnpte oppositiim af­ rm rtod objecting to keep 1— 86" X ffScaUop ScroU flbe propoaed change which ter other tMard membens and 20.N per cent of toe totaL The LONDON —The British Com­ NOTHINR DOWN local board membera unaM- I demurai made by the Turks. 1— 8 foot Post Formed Formica Bcim i Superintendent WiUtem first year coet to Andover is monwealth has admitted the fol­ $ I Smitew 'on toe (ooes fa the two C ou n ter moualy oppoaed would, in the given as #N,140 for the oon- On Agenda Tuesday In Quake, lowing members since 19N: and at IHtlt at Ountte warned that Phelan’s !!>n®n tpfu> Vance’s oouttoudy FLMR COVEMK 1— ^24" X 2 1 " W h ite C a st Ir o n S in k worda of hoard chairmen John Btrttotion outUhed in item 2 and Nigeria, Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Rottnar, “give the CRB3C all original wnrtbng co«dd be oon- The Beard of Directors, at its Tuesday meeting, will llpoetttve statement seemed to tn- 1— ^Delta Sinyle Lever Faucet and this BUCTMts a three milt rate Tansanla, Jamaica, Trinidad A $5jOO a w e e k maimer of powera which wouM ■tnied to mean that Manches­ consider a plan for financing 867,800—^the estimated iidlOste a fefalng that toe Cypriot 67 Vi COOPER STR E ^ X. ter was against the concept of to cover toe net coet to the Hits Town Tobago, Uganda, Kenya, Mal­ , S p ra y be binding upon ua unleaa we town for the first year. The gym­ costs for preparation of preliminary plans for ■Wie pro­ “’pweldtelt’a objections could be FREE ESTIMATBS-rALL WORK GUARANTEED 189 If negSonal ooopensittnn. (Conttnued Itmn Page One) awi, Malta, Zambia, Gambia, arefa to withdraw from the nasium addition and the Region­ posed ne'w Lincoln School in Center Springs Park. itWorteetE'owt councU.*’ Ajt the cloee of the diacuesion, Ijl Turkey.sUn was poised for the Singapore, Guyana, Botewana, H waa deelded that Roittner will al 8 Administration BulMlng, Tuesday’s meeting is at 8 p.m. in Uppsala, Sweden, the sets* Lesotho and Boxhados. UNOLEUM FORMICA Ahty. Heihert Ihelon agreed, in the Munldpal Bulidlng Hear- mended by Town Counsel John •dnvasion It threatened after a attend tbe OHEC annual meet- each estimated at $N,0N in cost, mologioal Institution said the aaying that tbe ORTC ‘tot the Ing Room. Shea: S>l|)qttle' 00 the lataad Nov. 10 In fag Dec. 7 as toe board’s of- would each call for about one- quake registered 6.0 on the Rl- OOMPUTBBB TAKES LONGER FLOORS COUNTERS outoat waa auppoaed to be only sixth of a miti more. Manchester architect Arnold M S k tg a date for a public diter scale, half a point strong­ •>!wlilch 27 Turkish Cypriots and BARGAINS FOR BERER KITCHENS fOcfal representative. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A advteoay , but now H ia propoaed At toe public hearing of the Lawrence has been retained to hearing on the reoommenda- er than toe 19N earthquake rdwo Oiwek Cypriote were Ulled. H e sbU he would be pre­ >;TurfcUtt Jets swept low over Nt- form Journal editor reports that that GRDC be given the power Rham Board of Education, held draw toe plans. The proposal ***** ***® Charter Revision which destroyed Skopje, ,the pared to demand that tf there * coala,' the Cypriot capital, sdille when he recently asked a Cor­ CERAMIC KITCHEN to adopt a budget, hire per- at the school on Nov. 20, chair­ tor toe new school must be ap- CommlaBlon. The commission’s capital fa Yugoslav Macedonia. 10-DKY SPEtlAl on KNOTTY ffllE CKBINErS aomal, and ao forth." te any braadening of CRECa '.V ance trae tiiero. nell University graduate student powere, SBich member beard man Robert Price and other proved at referendum, at a date report will be submitted Tues- The selsmologloal Institute at i Becauae of a ooafUot Photon ':B O f a e r , But i.Greece changed tiie cr- in economics how long It would TILE CARPETS alKndd be given a detegahe on board members stressed that to be determined. ‘*»y the hearing must be Skopje said the quake today was READY FOR FINISHING WITH COLONIAL HARDWARE aaar between provlalona in the to its armed forces on Its take to get certain data the re­ the board of dtreaton. the need for the additional teach­ The $87,8N coet for preU- ****^ centered N miles to the west, .Navetefewso propoaed amendment and an Kmlle border with Turimy ply ■woe; “It will take several At present, the board te ing space is real and will be­ mlnary plans would be flnanc- *• ABocatlng $28,ON from toe an area Just over 'the Albanian (aaaail fwr total nc-IV otadn far antttiaH. EARLE TEDFORD 24” I 8 0 " 3 6 " T exlating arthde of tba GRBC '^oonfbat alert’’ to simple hours. Now that we have com­ ROY STRICKLANP 18” oomposed cf fane members come more pressing in toe next ed under a temporary bar- Department R ^ e border. No damage was report­ 0 ■ oonatttubon, tooal hoarda wlah- fveadiEMs’* and the tenrion puters, everything takes a little FomMriy off Roy A John chosen from the 29 towns. Five few years. rm W pteft, to be repaid from ^ ed In Mropje, wMfai was rebuUt big to wKbthnw from the ooun- ' sewer of toe Bldwell- Ffaty among the Greek sol- longer, you know.” membera oonatttuto a quorum, The making of plans, con­ a bond Issue, provided the bbnd after the 19N quake. ' " • " * 1 5 . 6 0 ' " • " ♦ 1 8 . 1 8 " " • " ♦ 1 9 . 5 5 " ' • " ♦ 2 1 . 0 5 oU oouki atill iM “ looked Into Brock, In connection with Rt. ter*. and board aiettons may be structing toe facilities approved issue Is approved by toe voters 6 Aid to Debar was delayed by mamhoraMp for a year,” he aaid. _ ^ - construction. The board has transport dUflcultiss. Land­ Makaerios’ objectico* report- Both Pheton and Rotiner en- pnrawrt by a elniple majority of by cltlsens of the three towns, . ^ already approved the proposed that quotum—or three persons. and other work to be done for slides blocked roads In the area, LOWEST p m fr a centered on Turkey’s de- " • * • 2 2 . 5 5 " • “ ♦ 2 4 . 8 0 " “ ♦ 2 9 . 3 0 " “ ♦ 3 2 . 2 5 vtetonad tbe danger of a direct $40,000 tor the architect’s fee. comtrucUon. and special teams had to be conflict of authcrtty between auch an expansion will take to include preliminary design; . . tor the. dtiiibandkM .fa toe sent to open them. There Is no ,£i(^bcatlng tbe retary, Mrs. Rosalind Qulah, to ments to town agencies. ity Affairs, for state aid In afav- resort fa Ohrid. ■itnvailo tte DMibIttBowl. 32x21 Low A s effMrte of METRO. Mayor Nathan AgostInelU out­ Three fa the a|^>olnteea are in g Manchester’s community de- Debar was reported without Tuildih otOcUls In C ypru s 49e METRO is an acronym for lining the matters with which due the Desnocrats under toe velopment protdems. If it food electricity or water, and Turkey would not accept Rey. $89.95. f 3 5 ^ 5 0 MetropoHtan Effort Toward Re- the committee feels it ahould Stock Market minority representation rule, authorises the application, It trucks set out with supplies. 1 because the right fa TurMsh gfonal OppoitunRy. The group concern itsfaf. They are to the OontmunUy must decide whether to have It The region where tbe quake ventton-peovided i n the To ftatoh the Job Metatodge mold- la an oaaociatiion o f area The letter expressed the Council on Economic Oppor- prepared by a paid consultant was stoongest has about 16.0N JON agreement giving Cyprus T a k e sL o ss, TIm CAMIV*CTTC SlnglttBowl, 24x21 Ing veotaUy 2S V 2C school aupertotendmto, of committee’s (pinion that capi­ tunlty, to succeed three Demo- or by a town employe', residents, mostly farm workers. MOfM Urfu and In northwestern poundal And tha lataat RCA Supar ON on the tetand. It was' not ecto carried on by member come involved In the anti-pollu­ ly- cy, to replace Democrat Steve Dec. 8, IMl disastrous Hartford Greece around Igoumemitaa, Bright Hl-Uta Color tuba dallvara a Ijflmown whether the Greek-Turk- V9E'RE NOT MOVING-V9E'RE IMPROVING achoote. tion effort. The Dow Jones Industrial av­ Covagnaro, who resigned. Hospital fire. toe Athens selsmological Insti­ pictura with 38% brightar hlgh|lshta ipSuh ogreenrant wofad provide tor tute reported, but there was no It te presenfly propoaed that John B. Harkins, the town’s erage at noval fa these, too, 881.08. Immediate word fa casualties CREC become the lay board for development coordlnatm-, tfad Zoning Board fa Appeals, to Board of for RCA Victor—the first name In • {protective amignmeute to the USE OUR EASY BUDGET PLAN committee members of the Com­ Turnover for the first couple there. METRO, 'with the profesatonal succeed Republican Charies G. »» Color. ;a,500-mra United Nations force advisory board of METRO con- munity Action Plan vdilch was of hours was 4 million shares • m Cyprus. co m p a re with 0.80 million Plrte, who has been appototed ^ iW _ tlnulhg in an advisory capac­ passed by the 1067 State Assem­ a regular member fa toe board. Improvement re­ THIS WEEK’S I bly. The program provides state Wednesday. Copper Heads Taifpet ity to CREC. The sixth ia to toe Actksi 2“^ : ^ kltch#n funds for acceptable commun­ Wall Street turned cautious WATERBURY (AP)—The cop- As it now extete, *the article Commission for the Aging, to Manchester Midget and Pony ; jT w o B o y s F o u n d retethig to CRBiC’a purpose ity development, but requires after a string of advances last­ Football Association, recom­ per Industry management was DRAB? Brighten up and the communities to evolve plans ing more than a week, brokers replace Mias Ootivertoe Shea, the target fa denunciations reads as foilows: a Republican, who declined re­ mending toe coneoMdatlon a t all > > SIloI to D eath ...and DOOR \ “The primary puxpoae of tbe for the solution of Its problems. said. At the same time rumors practice flelds Into one, with which brought cheers from sifted throughout vTril finan­ appointment. Freshen up your kitchen 21 OouaoU ahall be to consider Harkins told committee mem­ an adequate lighting system. about 1 ,2N striking coiq)er work­ ORMOND BEACH, Fla. (AP) STUFFY? ! bers that while the- Community cial markets tort tlie Federal In other bustoess Tuesday; ers from Connecticut and New BU5TBI ■ problems, opportunities and the board will consider: \ ’t - Telinbonea at toe Flagler programa affecting public Action Plan does not involve Reserve Board might raise ita York at a rally Wednesday, • i'Ooun^; sherUfs office rang aH a t once w ith a ioveiy present 4^ per cent discount 1. Approving a $4,ON claim Bcbooi eduoatkm and to aaalat OAC’s partlclpatton now, it| Fewer Cashews Sent The rally, simultaneous with' I'lsteadil^torough the night os rate because of the U.S. gold tor Mrs. Joeephlne Oambuna SHOCKPROOF the various school aystema probaUy will in the future. others in the U.fl., was attended RCA VICTOR • !ect to any other edu- ed to the new members of the 2 has been closed down by strikes *,* “ Thattotephone rang steadily The bond markets alao^sosed ure residts from a pre-trial ed States accounted for most fa tant days the year round oatioD mattora within toe Capi­ committee a. proposal for an by 80,0N membera fa 26 unlona .'tou t niost fa toe calls w ers Just Reg. 5 for 38c in light trading-because o t the oonferenoe. It is being reoom- tiw loon. from Ptrily Flinders and tol Region.',* , ''' ordinance restricting burning in since July 10. Tk»0O4b V. jij^traws to the wind,’’ sold Sheriff back yards, and -he reviewed discount rate rumors. The lat­ •Mau,vjftr th^y wash beautifully. TIm propoaed amendment re­ est rise In the discount rate waa ■ iiP. A. Edimundson. too CAC’s functions for toe ;<■ ’Tve got a pretty good lead jected by the local board atatea to 4H per cent from 4 per cent, Model 7800 that “In carryliig out the aboye benefit of those members. 'Imut fa Detroit,” he said, but do- announced by the FRB Nov. 19. Pleated empire bodice on stated purpoaas the Council shall The new members present This Jauitiy portaMa offars tw^ln- l-Jj^ed to elaborato. Q u ie t 5 527 On the stock market, losses laat night were Mrs. Elda Sch­ Extra Living Space For Fun... ona llatanlng fuh. AM radio for • '.e The bodies were found in a a pale blue drees with be deemed to be and ahall (unc­ outnumbered gains by a ratio fa midt, James O. Miller, WUUaid mninhing lace. Toddlers Just Above A Whisper tion as a committee of Its mem­ 4 to 8. sparkling broadcast sound. Studlo- I ‘Hhticket off UB. Highway 1. 30" COPPERTONE DUCTLESS O. Allen and James B. Hfames. matiq 4-spaatf changar for high fl- •H The New Smyrna Beach Po- T2-T4; 8-6x. ber boards of education having Chrysler waa off a fraction as Rey. $94.00 all Am powers described in Pub­ the United Auto Workers set dality racordod sound. O om n with l;!hce Deportment looked at mug 3-SPEED, TRIPLE FILTER Limited Quantities lic Act IN of too 19CT Beasloa of ' Ashots fa toe two youths, both fa strike deadlines at five com­ "Parsonal Sound.” oarphona. ‘ Stnry No Miail Or the Oonneotlout Oonoral Aasom- Shots in House pany plants, but Oeneral Motors I . "(yTHER DRESSES BY: RJt.RrM ISS QUALITY. KATE GREENAWAY, temdd allow any loeal board to ptesen, up from #1 M toe pre­ trading was lighter than on Manlier Rodiville Q aiiiber o f Oommeree W e JteTO a w owB servlt ELLINGTON GLASTONBURY tomifaiato its membandiip by vious flsoal yenr. Wednesday. , portable TF. . One fa the y W UTTLE SrfAR, ALYS8A, qNDERELLA, §nd TINY TOWN. about 5 feet 19 bland hair and - J ' 4'. He was tanned, even on toe foet, - .-S ‘


THE Ski Notes Made Difference

HeraldJ Angle Syracuse Ace, Yale Standouts Dozen Baseball Deals teSg® „ B r TBI-TOWN—Eve BenUey 2U, Involve Players BUI Calhoun 202, R ay Johnson Yaz Credits Program EARL YOST 18 220, Sherwood HUl 210. R on Sim­ E ditor, m ons 218-870, E d DUchalne 202- WAKEFIELD, Mass. ‘t MEXIOp CITY (AP)— riubs sUB were looking to make John Roseboro and pltchera Ron 206—608, Tom Atamain Jr. 178- (A P ) ^— Carl Yastrzemski Head All-East Football Team says conditioning made Notes from the little Black Book LitUe L u ib Aparicio, the

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 Xitomehlit For S#» 4 THERE ough ta b e a LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE liisIneMi Opportiuifty 28 Hdp BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with BIAJOR HOOPLE laee DOOOB w dui, wlntortoeG, good Urea, plua ancnr treeda, A w T 'ITTME IRUTM? WHEN'toU'REiN B u t VIHEN Hbu C / ^ MAktUPOURWIND, COOK wanted — Xnadia r A^ (SLAD I TALKED PETUNIA IT'S ^ ^ N o w r J 1 '/^ IN C'M04y6ANG.. GREAT t0CA,MA3OR.'BUT CLASSIFIED H78. GtsaOOT. A RUSH, AMD «H0W JUST WHAT liDU IWAMT- AHD NEED TIME ID STUOy THE GfRJBSHEET-* SUNOCO taurant 108 TdOand 1 ^ . INTA PUTTIN' IN THIS CONVENIENCE PICK " UP / T R 0U B L E [ POLUWMBTO TH'' " WERE ALBeADYGIVING, Kancheslar. G PER AN' DOUGH ANi COOKIE UARi ANOV.AS A MAWEn^^6 CON$0 CTANT GTAMP6, DISHES AND i Now accepting appUcailons A JOB PER WHATU rr BE.FOH46? HMM? NICE HAM rVE OPTEN YETmoM A Bl© VOTE-GETTER Wmington, Conn. Time to Eat 8AJI.tD5PJL SAFE USED CARS ONE iH BY OFFERlN6 -*-ER>H-**-5 INGlN6 , With THE Bir o l o b b y /, LE6 GONS FOR PARAKEET^' 1. 70,000 gallons per month OF ACROSS A Membranouf *^pe«eh CLASStFIBD ADVT. ’65 Buick 8 $1,995 lOrUnUl 5 PJL HAT BKFOBI! PTOUGATION wildcat, cuatom, con­ THE foodftuff .6 Close about 2. Earnings $20,000 and up '7 Intervals •DTiatlllnt fo r 8eM rtegr nnd M o n d e j to S p jn . iVMtoF. vertible, radio, heater, SAniMtle 8 Arab chieftain FINAST flavorinf' 0 Permeate automaUc tranamlaaloii, tP a d iT • power brakee and ateer- 3. $8,000 Investment UFaliA |od ^ 10 American U A n cint eouptiT Inventor ___ _ ^p l e a s e r e a d y o u r a d • tng. Very clean. SECRETARY 14 FaminlM 11 Aurklsi Interested applicants should lOOiers and m ^ ^ S S ^ 'S L **** I*W M • store operations depart­ •ppellAtloa Waldorf, for ’65 Mustang 6 1,895 call or write SUN OIL Co., 15 ^bm arlM 'i Hardtop, radio and heat­ ment Involving communica­ "ey e" initanca P.O. Box 71, Bast Hartford, A L L Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN er, white with red trim. tion with stores, requires 17 Abner'f father S R w ^ a legacy 31 lUver vaBey 46 Pet canary'a 668-34Vm ) titude for working with fig­ 32Pompout iboR r n Qabude, hardtop, 8 cyl­ ^p^ankiL.tS' famous name in driver edu- BACK FOR 5 CIENCC = M Printing inder, automaUc, power caUon. Teen-age and adult ures. \ iih ie mlrtekee 19 II U BONN! VlLIPS L steering, blue with blue driver education courses. 16 Reluctant T«. •••. U. 1 NL Olt-NMI iliMt M Naou ^MCOlAER,R.C. 97 Pertaining, to IT Phone 649-7398 or 876-4911. IT 181 Traiblt Rsacking Oir k h M w l trim . • if«7 W Mtod Nemw Irffff—A hw.1 GENERAL OFFICE mail aerviea CLERK OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIANS 21 Lease II n r 26Flarii food M-HMir ARtweriig Senriet ’64 Chevrolet 6 995 41 CkmiDtu point B B Wagon, standard, radio, B h s Ii i m s Sarvicas M im iw ry, Schools and Clossus 33 Work with figures and r THE SANDWICH VfeX) BUILT AT 2 A M . BLACK COFFEE, AutomebHM For Salt 4 MUST HAVE BEEN A BLOCKBUSTER/ PERIOD/ ONE LEC­ 42RUV Dlaa JL and heater. Real clean. 19 flee machines. daBlvar ST s r Free to HtraM Reaitfi rm CHEVROUST Imptda con­ OHoffod 13 Droranaking 11-20 I POUND BREAD CRUMBS, A PIECE OF TURE FIRST THING 44 Aperture ONION, THE PICKLE OAR HALF EMPTY IM THE ABORNING IS r '68 Pontiac 1,195 ABLE AMBITIOUS MEN OM. 46 ^ k i together a Want iBlanaetloB or vertible, excellent condition, SHARPENINO Serrice -Saws ALTERATIONS on all clothing, In addition to competitive CHEESE ALL GONE ANDA SARDINE ENOUGH WITHOUT 46WaBderi Btaf Orand Prlx, 8 cylinder, one owner. Call 668-2429 after CAN / VOUVE NO WILL POWER AT RISKINGAN IMS1AMT J No anawer at tlM knives, ixes shears, skates zipper repairs, etc. Reasonable salaries at FINAST we of­ SSExilt IT Batadt aimiilr «adl tta 2-door, hardtop, auto­ 4 p.m . D A V Y JO N ES BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS A LL , STUPPINO YOURSELF LIKE REPLAY.' 64 Exaggerate 11 rotary blades Quick service p rices. 843-0741. OLDEST TRACTOR fer free parking, subsidized THAT AT MIGHT' NOW WHAT'I S6PUnffiEe.fl«h maUc, power steering (3apttol Equipment Co 88 Main cafeteria, free medical and IT BE FOR BREAKFAST r j - IT 1968 FORD — 2-door, sport se­ THERE SHE SITS, IT 'S GOING S T h a ; FOREIGNERS AYE, AYE, SIR — ' 57 Ehrergraen tree r and brakea, white with St.. Manchester Hours dally ’TRAILER SCHOOL IN Insurance coverage, bemrs AND WE'LL START 66 Feminine . EDWARDS dan, automatic, radio and heat­ DAVY... THE ISLAND TO LOOK MUCH ( IN GUANADA'G v r [■ U " black trim. 7780-6, Thursday 7:30-0, Satur­ 8 :30 - 4 :30, convenient lo ca ­ OF GUANAOA. PRETTIER WATERS ON OUR PHONY appeUatioa er, low mileage, very clean. Moving— Trucking'— CONN. ;'S A BEAUTY. WHEN WE'LL TREASURE HUNT. 66 Amract being 41 w II r ANSWERim SERVICE ’68 Ford 8 795 day 7:80-4. 643-7968. tion and pleasant working BE HEADING '60 Winter vehicle 4 IT 649-8841. Storogo 20 conditions. AWAY WITH OUR 61 Incline from Qalaxle, 4-door, auto­ AGENT SAFELY vertical H" u maUc, power steering, 1965 FORD 4-door, V -8, autom a­ A a NCHESTER DeUvery—light Members of all truck own­ ABOARD/ S494500 nS-lSIS Heusohoki SarvicM ers association In New Eng­ D077N H" li II white with red trim. tic, runs weU, doesn’t bum oil. tnioUng and paokage GeUvsry. FIRST NA-nONAL IT e a n oBd toava jo n r niBaaagc. PooV bear from our adverttoar B est offer, 849-6166 a fter 6. OflOTMl 13-A Refrigerators, washers and land and N.Y. Approved for 2NotlaB veterans training. Train on STORES W BT II la Jig time wtUHNit ettendliig aU eveato# at the tetopbooe. ’68 Chevrolet 8 895 REWEAVINQ OF bums, moth stove moving specialty. Fold­ Park and Oakland Aves. 3 Cob foodstuff g Impala, 4-door, radio all types of transmissions 4Cboice part holes, tippers repaired. Win­ ing chairs fo r rent. 849-0762. Etost Hartford and heater, automatic, and tank trailers, gas and TNawtpeper CnHtprlm AsuiJ Aoto Aceassorlas— dow shades made to measure, Lost end Fo— d 1 power steering. Clean. Diesel tractors and 40' U t m 6 sill sines Venetian blinds. Key# boxes. Placement assist­ LOST — Passbook No. 101374 made while you wait. Tape re­ '68 Ford 8 795 FIVE U.S. R OYAL black vraU Pointing— Poporing 21 ance. Budget plan avail­ Savings Bank of Mancheatar. corders for rent. Marlow’s, 887 Oalaxle convertible, ra­ tires, three 776x16, one new, PAINTING^lnterlor and exte­ able. For Information call RN and LPN, full or part- AppUcaUon made for payment. dio and heater, white Main St. 649-6221. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER $12., two slightly used, rior, very reasonable, free es­ 1-247-1363 anytim e. tim e, Vernon Haven, 876-2077. BOX LETTERS with black top. $8. ea ch ; two 815x16, sUghUy timates. Call Richard Martin, Building— AmioiincoiiiMts 2 ’68 Chevrolet 8 1,095 used, $8 e ^ . 648-8806. 649-9286. BY KEN MUSE For Year Controering 14 RN or LPN — full or part-time. MrNaafbt HyndWtc, Inr. Im pala, convertible, 283, SNOW tires — One season’s INTERIOR and exterior paint­ Help Wofitud— CaU 649-4619. A lafdniiAtioo RLECTROLUX vacuum clean­ automatic, power steer­ V O U W ER E F3N w ear 860x13 black w all on 1086 CARPENTRY -7 concrete stepe, ing and papering. Call Phil ers, sales and scrvlcs, bonded ing, maroon with black Fumolu 35 'HEF5E l h » THB HHRALD will not D odge D art w heels. $86. for floors, hatchways, remodeling, Denoncourt, 742-8178. S S S S HEROES ARE MADE-MOT 80RM representaUve. Alfred Amell. top . NURSE’S AIDE — 7-8, fuU or r e p r e s e n t YESTERDAY //-3 * EH dtocloae the identity of boUl. 849-3668. porches, garages, closets, ceil­ RN o r LPN, 11-7 riilft, full or 647-1719 o r 64S-49U. JOSEPH p ! Lewis custom part-tim e. Call 649-4619. any advarttoer using box ings, attics finished, rec rooms, part-time, room and board THE ’62 Mercury 595 painting, interior and exterior letters. Readera answor- formica, ceramic. Other belat­ furnished, 649-4619. “CHAMBERS" Meteor, 4-door, 6 cylin­ paperhanging, waUpaper re­ WAITRESS — day shift. Apply C 3 log bUnd box ada wte MotoreyelM— ed work. No Job too smaU. Dan MEMOFiY NIGHT AUCTION der, standard, radio and moved. WaUpaper books on re­ in person Jane Alden Restaim- SH O RT R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL danra to ptotscd their Moran, Builder. Evenings 649- COURSE. Idaotlty can toS a m this heater, vinyl trim. Bkyelos 11 quest. FuUy insured. BTee es- ant, Vernon Circle. EH 8880. N^. ... II'Sf praeadnrs: Sat., Dec. 2, 7 P.M 'tlm ates. Call 649-9668. BAKERY MANAGER ’62 Comet 595 1968-HONDA S-00, low mileage. KITCHEN AIDE 7 a.m. - . 2 Bnidnaa your repl Somers Town Hall Wagon, 6 cylinder, stand­ E xcellent condition. Call 849- NEWTON H. ffldITH A SON — p.m. Monday through Friday. Somers, Conn. 2909, after 4. Remodeling, repairing, addi­ Woman to manage our V ernon H aven. 876-2077. box In an anvi ard, radio and heater. branch store In Manches­ addraaged to the Real clean. tions, rec rooms, garages, H o o t Hnishing 24 fled Xanager, Mancheatar ESTATE SALE porches and roofing. No Job ter. Pleeise ca ll 527-1838 for appointment to be inter­ BveiUng Herald, together ’62 Mercury ' 695 Busilwss SorvicM too smaU. CaU 649-8144. FLOOR BANDINO and refinlah- WOMEN to coUect eggs, 8 a.m. BOB FLUCfaOER A SON viewed,, or apply In person. with a memo listing the Wagon, radio and heat­ 13 Ing (specialising In (dder — 2 p.m. CoU 7(^-6282. AucUoneera Offorad TOMES, OARAGES, porches, . companies you do NOT er, automatic, power ' floon). Inside painting. Paper­ Senior ' citizen would be i want to see your totter. STEPS. SIDEWALKS, stono rec rooms, room additions, most welcome. storing, nice cleiui cbt. hanging. No Job too small. ‘ T o u r totUnr w ill be da- walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ RN OR LPN , 8-7 p .E . o r 7-11 BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE John VerfalUe, 649-6760. stroyad If the advertlaer ’68 Pontiac $ 60 races All concrete repairs eral repair work. Financing p.m. CaU 049-46U. C?HEN A FROM BEHINP SUPS A NOOSE OVER is oaa you’ve mentioned. Pononok Reasonably priced. 648-0861 avaUable. No down payment. MAYRON’S BAKE SHOP .tf |M>t It win he handtod eXJUNTER girl — fuU-Ome 6 BUZ'S FOOT, JERKS HIM OFF BALANCE. '59 75 Economy Builders, Ino. 84S> Bondi— Stocks— • 1844 Albany A ve., H artford In the usual manner. R ID E W ANTED from 171 HU- YOU ARE A-1, truck Is A-l. 6168. day week, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. w e n u a Uard St to Pratt A Whitney, *01 Plymouth OUars, attics, yards and small Mortgogos 27 Apply in person. ffllUardvlUc secon d s h ift G48-06S6. trucking done A -l right. CaU ADDITIONS, remodeling, gar­ SECOND MORTGAGE - bn- Lunch, 808 Adam s St. 'WMArS B0661N& 0eAT$A<£/3 CJOSr OFFfPFP CUTOTF/ 56 Dodge Tremano Trucking Service toll ages, reo rooms, bathrooms limited funds available for sec­ WOMAN WANTP> to live In, WOUl? a D ENEMV? ID BURVIH? HATCHET. Lott and Found 1 WANTED — 8 A H Oreen GIRL for waitress work, must free, 742-9487. tiled, kitohans lamodeled, ce­ ond mortgages, payments to take care of 2 school age (UiU- BUZAHPItEO — stamps, in exchange for 4 ’56 Plymouth ibe 18 yean, 3 nfglito per ivesk. LOST — Orange and s^ te cat, ment work, cellar floors, pat­ suit your budget. Expedient dren and house work for work­ ' SURROUNDED white bib, part angora, vicin­ hooks of King Kom or 4 books BALES AND Service on Ariens, ois, roofing. Call Leon Cels- ing father. CaU between 9 a.m. Apply In person Jane Alden '60 Rambler service. J. O. R ealty. 648-6139. r BY HOSTILE ity O reen R d. C hild's pet. 649- Old Gold cigarette coupons. Hahn Etollpse, Jacobsen lawn xynskL B uilder. 649-4291. and 2 p.m . 049-1610. . Restaurant, Vernon CSrcIe. CaU 872-8964. mowers. Also Uomellts chain 1828. '60 Mercury AVAILABLE Second mortgage FROfiMEN. saws and international Cub WES ROBBINS (Carpentry re­ money on homes. Confidential, WOULD like ride from Deep- FOUND — Male cat, black and '63 Princez Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ modeling specialist. Additions, no hidden costs. Contact Lewis wood Dr. to Pratt A Whitney, rec roonu, dormers, porches, gu z REACHES FDR HIS KNIFE, BUT THE i H t white, about year old, vicinity ment and sharpening service DaLioreto, 626-8308, anytim e. ‘ '^BARBED F*0INTS OF THE FROGMEN'S Bowera, around November 7 - 8:80. OaU 6484648 after 4 on aU m akes. L A M E quip­ cabinets, form ica, buUt-ina, B SPEARSUNS ARE PDINTEP AT HIS BEULV. ------e m> f>, MM. W IM. TM in Nt on 18tb. 849-6417. p.m . TRUCKS ment Corp., Route 81, Vamon. bathroom s, kitchens. 649-8446. FOREMAN WANTED 876-7809 M anchester E xchange Biliinoss Opportunity 28 Local Machine Shop needs talented man to manage aU “Helen it very good at keeping a secret. . . eepeoially f o u n d — 1967 M anchester '67 Ford 8 $2,095 I —E nterprise 1946. Spociol Sorvieot 1§ V in circu lation!" IBgb School, hoy’s class ring, AutomobBos For F-lOO, R anger, pick-up, PHILXIPS Petroleum Co. hsis a phases of manufacturing. AU beneflte, rettrament plwi. BY LANK LEONARD red stone, vlcintty Oiestnut St. 614’ body, loaded with ex­ Tw w ii E X P E R T — T rees oUR SNOW plowing — Driveways, modern 8 bay service station (A GOOD PLACE TO WORK) j; MICKY FINN NEED QART Credit very bad? 648-6678. , tras. C ost new $2,900. • buUdIng lota cleared, trees t<^ lots, sidewalks. Reasonable for lease. ExceUent opportu­ Bankrupt reposaesslonT Hon­ p THEY CAttT DOTHATJ , ____ PHILIP.' WHERE you DON'T THINK I'M ped. Got a tree problem? W ^ ratee. CaU 648-4686. nity, paid training program. n iE JUVENILE COUNT J JUVENILE ARE you FOUND — black female est Douglas accepts lowest ’63 Ford 6 1,095 worth phone eaU, 742-8382. CaU 286-Srro after 6 p.m. or WRITE BOX F . THE WILLETS BY WALT WETTERBERG F-lOO, 614' style side ANNIE— w m rR e you vYouLDNeveR GOING? LET A THING LIKE THAT mongrel, white spot on chest. down, smaUeat payments any­ 1-201-877-8100. o/o M uebeater Herald TAUON' ABOUT f $VftO ALLOHV r HAPPEN, DO V O U ? I ~ Z CaU D og W arden, 648-4181. where, Not amaU loan finance pick-up. Real sharp. LIGHT TRUCKING, moving Roofing and 18 BtoseU Street W O U ip mNTTOTAKE TDNI6 HT, THE QOESTIOM WElf?E eO»N<3 TO GET ^ a 4 r / * m o s E company plan. Douglas Motors, and odd Jobs, reliable. Also Chimnoyi 16-A Mancbeater, Conn. J684* PETEY/mV/ FtiOM N!S. BEFORE THE PANEL. «©: FOUND — abephefd type male, ’61 Chevrolet 6 895 RIGHT OOWhJ TO THE. ROOTG A R E 846 Main. burning barrels, deUvered, $4. "W HY DO BRieHT STO- Apache 10, half ton pick­ ROOFIMO - Bpeelaltolng re­ R o a r OF THE PRO0LEM! R O T ' blaok and tan, white on cheat. 644-1776. Read Herald Ada 0 1 ^ ^ 90METIAAE5 C all D og W arden, 648-4181. 19G8 CHEVROLET .coBvertthto, up, 8’ body, step side. pairing rams o f aU Idndi. naw POORLY IM SCHOOL 848 engine,- autom atic trans­ ExcepUonaUy clean. wnJ.TAMH Tree Sendee, etiec- rooffe. gutter wotk, ohUnneyi FOUND — light brown male mission. Good condition, needs leiwng In tree and shrub, care. cleaned and repaired, SO years' puppy, white spot on cheM, 8 tires. $260. CaU after 6 p.m . ’59 Ford 8 1,495 648-8104. experience. Free estimatia. 4-wheel drive, pick-up black nose. Call Dog Warden, 8^1686. CaU H ow ley 648-5861. G44> 648-4181. with power turn 4 way BACK HOE buU dozer work, 8333. 1983 WHITE C hevy N ova con­ plow. septic tanks and drainage WEST HARTFORD EMPLOYMENT FOUND — black and white fe­ vertible, new tires, excellent fields instaUed. Paul Schendel, MIDinorv, male setter type puppy. CaU C(»iditton. CoU 649-9378. ’ 59 Dodge 395 849-0466. D og W arden, 848-4181. Walk-ln truck, auto­ Drossmoking 19 1961 R econditioned Plym outh matic transmission, HOLIDAY SPECIAL — Good EXPERIENCED Fury, power brakes, power good for camper. through Dec. 8. Acoustical sus­ MR. ABERNATHY B Y R C L ST O N ONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY LO ST; P ass B ook No. 7887, Sav­ * '1 toeering, good tires, exceUent pended oeiUnge. Free esti­ ALTERATIONS and dreeapiak- ings Department of the Con­ Many More to Chooee From Ing. E xperienced. T el. 647-9607. e IM7 Ly NtA, lec TJA. Ie«.. UX Ht, Off. n -3 0 fo r secw id ca r. $860. Ckll m ates. CaU coUeot 872-0196. ( STAf=F,TOUKE n f f n necticut Bank and Trust Co. Apidicatiim made for payment. 640-7867. NO DOWN PAYMENT MACHINE OPERATORS TDTALKTDVOU ABOUT THESE 1960-FORD O alaxle 600, 2 door EASY TERMS MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALU TRADE DOWN DEALS • JIG BORER DRILL PRESS COFFEE BRSAKS ^ 1 sedan, standard, 8 cylinder, TURRET LATHE OFVOURS! DICK very economical, exceUent con­ • MILLING MACHINE HE eAIC> I CCUUO £ tm u A BETTER TH e <2eZAAd To Serve You: TOOLROOM MACHINIST 6R m © 5© MC-W2TLANP BAkSe COOSHNUTS THAN THE TWaCF©. dition Inside and out. AU win­ ORIN MILES Jr., Mgr. • PLANER-MILLERS terized plus snow tires asking HURRY!e, BORING MILL RpRiHeoeowe/ EDWIN CORNEUUSON TO JOIN H ie ANTI- $276. CaU 742-8687 after 8. • RADIUS GRINDERS MACHINE TOOL 1 GGI2M A l W . 1966 PONTIAC GTO and 1987 • LEARNERS SOLIMENE MO’TORS ASSEMBLERS Karmann Ghla, both very MEN-W0HEN-C0U.E8E STUDENTS • I.D. & O.D. GRINDERS TO OL GRINDERS clean, low mUeage, 840-8886. 367 Oakland St., M anchester 648-0607 • SCRAPERS I LAPPERS 1966 JJfiEP, 4-w heel drive, 848- CALDOR 1 1 - 3 0 ^ ^ -Q • ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN 2087. ______■ 19G0 RAM BUBR Otetton w agon, INVITES YOU TO CARN PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 1086 CHEVY Im pala, 8 cy l­ standard, 9 cylinder, good con­ INEXPERIENCED X inder, 2 door, turquotoe, power dition. Can GI94646. EXIRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS M a s h e d steering, power brakee, very EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A SKILLED TRADE. WORKERS WITH P a stra m i,. p o t a t o e s 1900 88 OLDBMOBILR, 4-door dean. Must be seen to be ^ Enjoy the excitement and activity of the CHRIST­ Swiss chflese.^ ® W7 H MtA, lee. TM UX M. Off. p red a ted . CaU 640-2840. sedan, autmnatic, power steer­ MECHANICAL APTITUDE CAN OBTAIN SKILLED WAGES 'THROUGH f r i e d ing, power brakes, exceUent MAS SHOPPING ATMOSPHERE, working hi a COMPLE'nON OF OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS. condition, $860. 1-428-4196. variety of interesting departments. No experience , CAPTAIN EASY BY LESUE TURNER 1966 CHEVROLET ~ Im pala necessary. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT posi­ BENEFITS JUDASt THAT PUSNAaOUB HARRIPAM WHAT HAPPENBD, MAVBB IN HEY. OFFICER. FORGET ME PARKIN' TICKET- PART-TIME — V8, 4-door, hardtop, power SBBMB ID BB IKI CHAItSB OP MV GOAr.^ NICKT AND WHBRB'G PLATGU9H. ,AND DO SOMETHIN* WORTH WHILE! AntSGT steering, radio, beater, private tions available. /WD B TOWING IN TWO OP MV BOYBl VDU KNOW WHO t / » p a tt y THESE KIDNAPERS OF JJ! McKEEl 3 - Molo Cointor Ho^ owi.cr. $1,896 Arm. G48-G626. • Ft m Life imuranen W HAD » COM E In and discosB one TYCOON JR AU hoara avaltoUe; mam- • Company Paid Pansion/Plan iBn, aftonwoBBp Buttle 1066 CHEVROLET — Bel A ir, McKEEl The Ffdlowiiig Schedules: and FH . NlgMa and Sat- 6 cylinder, automatic, excel- • 10 Paid Holidoys n id ay. leitt oondltloti. CaU 648-9121. F uU T im e • On* W*«k Vacarion after 6 months MEATOWN • Two Weeks Vocation after 3 years 18UK Silver 1980 CHEVROLET — 4-door B el- Five Days—40 Honrs Bald Hartf

1 n n 3 m o H


UAKCHESTER EVEmNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 NAMCHBSnBR WBNINO RERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1967 PAGE TWBNTX-mmi ' HotndhoM 4^oods 51 H o u s m For Salt' 72 raglatorod 5 3 - A m a NCHEFTER — a-^amlly, 0-5, ni,00e boys this bwutlM ajfc SHOP MECHANIC trainee for P^oaf'^o^bUck, MAirS lounfo ou^ n down an Summer St. BxoeUent • year old R al^ R ^ ^ H n n O iit Off Town machine building repair iMid mala, femala, dwta. imil bold man. Orunder, ment, women only. Apply Mar^ OIKBBT Anrar- ed experience or. trade acbool ties, baseboard heat, alum l- tlon. M tten Agencsyp ReaiterSa with 8 laTM badrooms,i, nugeni S:M. MVdoet. low ’ s, 867 M ain SL With aO buUMiis. 8H OnaWB* darigaad .4 bedroom qLAflrrpMBURY Four tara- -By CLAY R. POLLAN------y background. Muat be able to ______num storm s and screens^ Rent- 648-6680.______kitchens with extra cabinets, baths, famtty room with «n> Tow n Cites oU hot krater baseboard heat, Colonial wim 8-okr garaga. liy. Good condition. ExceUent M A X 22 Your Dally AcfWty Gulda M SEPT. 23 read blue prlnta, mica, acbe- FEMALE Beagle, 8 montha with SOLID ** MANCHESTER — 8 rooms in- tn a Uvlng for the owne# occu- 4- 4 two igM* on Bring tovai, ftmwl m s hona solUng ooraplate ADVERTISING round dropleaf table, 6 full cap­ ■epkrate utiUttes, buUt 1961, return on capital invested. CaU .A P R . 20 i f - According to lha Stars. " OcV. 22 ^ GetsGash matlca. Ckx>d wagea, exceUent papera, partiaUy trained, ISO. eludes heat, $180. J. D. R eal l^er. Y esterday’ s p rice o f $24,- , dining room, 4 bedrooms, 8. family, idee condition, large excellent investment. Wolver­ trilh wan to wan carpeting, B art E verett 649-8688 o r 648- opportunity for right young 848-4471. tain chairs, lasy susan, and Estate, 648-6126. 600. W dverton A gency, R eal­ o sr garage, city utiUttea. |88,- Upcom ing K 6-17-2849 To develop message for Friday, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS lot, only $18,900. Mitten Agen­ built-in kttrim uppUaneea, sln- 6129. J. D. Real Estate Co. read words corresponding to numbers man with fast growing com­ choice of 60” or 86” hutch. Al­ tors, 649-2818. ton A g a i ^ , R ealtors, 649-2818. 9 ^ FUlbriek ' Agency Real­ ■JSMIf-n 47-99-70 cy , R ealtors, 648-6080. •utotua and of your Zodioc birth sign. i 8 AM. to 5 P JL pany. Evening or Saturday in- so Knit King knitting machine tors. 6494847. Using Jets MANCHBBTTO “ OaOr tbaliireu teohide kttolMn- VERNON — Newly constructed Expenses 31 T h if 61 Fill tervlewa arranged. N. P. Hal- Artielos For Sak 45 never used, leaaona included. ELEVEN rooms, 4 room apart MAi>«-«mnaTiiiR — 6 room APR. 21 IC u p h t t BusiiMU Loecrtlom d u p l e x - 6A6 - $20,900 ^a^Hy w-ii»i eorabWetlon wttli 8 famUy close to Vernon Cbrole ^MA'}21 2 Portias 3 2 C k » h 62 Giving (Cootinoed foonr Fogs OM) lenback Oo. Bimker Hill and Phone eveidngs 876-6086. mont exeeUent oondlOon. waH shaded lawn -Raeklsgr^ • bedrooms, large kitchen, Uv- 3 Naw 33 Your 63 Could COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 60 GALLON INK drums, sult- to wall carpet, attractive bam, ttreptaaa, fom al dtabig room, A. Harry Wlrtii, chairman of J 9^^2941-4 34 P lM ton t 64 Dalighiful Route 6, Andover, 742-8061. For Root 64 in the Buckley Schod area, 8 You can live In one side for fera tUs outstimdtiw RaMb la Ing room with each unit. Best 4 Romombar 4-1 5 -2 6-3 ^ broke in a tnttry,” said Grass. S PJtL DAY BEFOSE PUBUOATION able for burning trash, $2.60. MOVINO — Universal sew ing — 860’ frontage, $24,900. Hutchins excellent condition, neaOed 8H b^M , beaullfony landseap- the Hebron Boiud of Flnanoe, /534S9148 5 Y o u 'll 35 Gay 65 Nows 4646-7-79-8/n^^ bedrooms, living room com­ as little a s $60 p er month oi ftnaneing available. Wedey 6 You 36 InctaoM 66 About Hs demanded that “this thr 648-2711. machine, walnut cabinet, Uke MODERN store, heated, 20’x70’, A gency, R ealtors, 649-6824, among trees and homas at fin . ed yard. High assamable mort­ SAeiTTASNIS DeadHiie for Saturday and Monday la 5 pan. EVIday. plete with wall to wall carpet, totali' Bach side 8 bed­ A . Sm ith, R ealtor, 648-1667. has reteased tiie following state­ 7 Coutlonl 37 Charm 67 For grant {Mrsictice b s stopped.” ■— "•w, been used twice, rig-sags, large basem ent. 882 M ain S t , er quaUty. Three bedrooms. gage. Wedey It. Smith, Real- I M A Y 22 8 W atch 38 Tim# 6 8 R a lo x NOV. SALES ORDER garage and home completely rooms, city water and sew­ ment on behalf of the board In (J U N E 22 39 On 69 Hunchot Gtooas’ detailed acoount o f OUVBTn — Underwood port- buttonholes, etc. Coat $296, sell central. CaU 622-8114. MANCHESTER — Up to'the large dining room, bndt-taai *** 848-1B87.______9 0 ln a o k '. encased in aluminum riding. er, ckMs to bus Une, ehop- VERNON 10 A sk 40 Mora 70 Indlcotod how the Junketers operated wee able typewriters, several mod- tor $200. 646-0264, days, minute n)alntenance on this 7- reference to the town financial ,‘ W6-27-40 41 Study 71 Frlondt 7-1632-43/ CLERKS STORE FOR RENT — down Assumabib mortgage. Wolver- pl«nty a t closets, 1% baths, % THREE FAMILY, ahimlnuin 11 Clrcutota frowned upon upon by Rep. Dur- ^^^BE APPBEOIATED D IA L 643-2711 els to ehoose from. Convenient______room Raised Ranch, 2 full piiig and schools. Golden op­ FORTY FOOT CAPE structure to date. ^1-72-8443 12G ot 42 Evonlrtg 72 Looking 5443-73 ' lay-away plan for Christmas MAGIC CHEF Gas Range — 8 town Manchester, State Thea­ bathrooms, biillt-in oven, range ton A gency, R ealtors, 649-2818. portunity, act nowl Mr. Inspeot sidiiM. 1-oar garage, exedlent "The Hebron Board of Fi­ 13 Social 43 Of 73 Occur CAPMCORN ward G. HaU, R-Mo., spoosor of For wholesale distributor, 6 44 0rcla 74 Romonea gift. Yale Typewriter Service, years dd, good condition, $160. tre Bldg. Inquire Manager, Lewis, 6494806. m mo ooodlttoo. Central location, Nicely dtuated cm two treed JU N E 21 U F rlo n d s DEC. 23 the Eunendment to bmi the prac- day week, vacation, excel­ and dishwasher, flreplaced Ilv- g j;; r o OM overrised Cape, 2 nance wishes to Inform the 15HOW 45 Surpriiot 75 Morrloga Continutd From Procoding Pago 646-4966. OaU 648-1479. State Theatre, 648-7882. ®***“ *' Inrautmant. Gerard Atan- JULir23 ttoe in the future. lent benefits. Ideal working ing room. FamUy ^ m , 2-car ^ lots. AU large room s, fuU townspeople of the moor an- 16 Loom 46 ActMtlM 76 Roochot JAN . 20 garage. All. on a 116x162 w ell W 9484S8B. shed dormer. Upstain un­ townspeople of the msijor an­ 1 7 C o n 47 Short 77 You ” I bad intended not to inatniot: surroundings in air-condi­ IF eaipete look duU and drear, WASHER and dryer — Dryer BEAUTY salon for sale, doing $28,000. P hllbrick A gency, , 2-13-2449 18 A 48Wotkid7 78 Today 111-22-3644/5 landscaped lot, $26,600. Wolver- finished, materials there for ticipated expenditures to be In- 5540-71 Va the members In the completa Holp Woniod— Holp Wantml— Molt 36 tioned office. remove the spots as they ap- one year old, excellent condi- Rood business. Owner has oth- R ealtors, 649-6847. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. SECLUDED SPLIT In deeirabie /4661-82-90 19 You r 49Bafofo 79 It ton A gency, R ealtors, 649-2813. or retirement home. Absolute­ completion, plumbing and next fiscal year. ISO 2 0 Out 50 Your 80 You AQ UA3SJS technique,” said Hall, whose p ea r with Blue Lustre. R ent tlon. R easonable. Cali 649-2340. er interests. Write Box E, Man­ .Manchester Parkade AAtlftMte R ogA B lgM 51 By 81 Now Fomak 35 ELECTRICIAN — Journeyman ly spoaesB 4 room Rooeh wtth heating roughed in. Asking “The town dump must be con­ JU LY 24 21 For JAN. 21 ^ amendment was adi^ted by chester Herald. MANCniESTER — Vernon line, Mandiester 6494806 Tooitik, 8 ear gdrage, 8 22 Entatga 52 Plot 8 2 T h a and helper, full-time, steady electric shampooer, 81. The ------' $18,900. M r. Lewis, 640-6806. ^Aud22 83 A n p e b ! 19 voice vote. SALES Clerk — some evenings RADIO & APPLIANCE 6% room Ranch, baths, overslsed garaga. Has to be b e a t area i960. Beautifid- verted to the State required 23 Soma 53 Or employment. Insurance ben»- DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. Sherwln-WilUama Co. seen. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Sanitary Land fiU method as !-2344 24 Contoett 54Tatnptrs 84 And Gross also orttioised the pro- and weekends. Apply manager, HOMEFINDERS large flreplaced living room, MANOHEEIER —■ Dream I f tiaad lot Frioed to sen Im- ^ W2- 2 S M o n o y 55 Of 85 Llitonlng J162T-2938J' flts, paid holidays and vaca­ bullt-ins, aluminum windows. tors, 649-2818. W quickly as possible as the July 4667-a09< 56Usa 86 Now 494240695, poEied trip of U members of a Liggett Drug, Manchester 93 Leggett St., East Hartford USED student arm chsdr type home. Flye:toom Ranch dtuat- madlately. BalOoro Agency, 26 Your tions. Call between 8 a.m. and TEMPO Baas Guitar, 2 pick­ building, reasonable rent. For FOR THE ECONOMY 1967 deadline has passed, n m VRMO 27 Lott 5 7 R « t 87 Now PtSClt postal subcommittee to inspect Shopping Parkade. desks $3. each. G rem m o dc CaJl now. H ayes A gen cy^ 646- ed on a high 90x300 lot, center irAiaroage»rai» ■ w T I9______04181. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. 6 p.m. Robert’s Electric Co. Phone 628-6681. information please call theatre MINDED—Here’s a lovely 6 estimated cost for equipment is AUG. 24 2 8 R a ly 58R w d 88 Book FEB. 2 0 ) ^ Sons Salef, 819 East Middle ups. Fender nylon strings with 0181. entrance to a flreidaced Uvlng. near Meh lAimni ------Manchester Parkade 29 M orn 59 Trip 8 9 Answer mechanised poet office In Eu­ South Windsor, 644-0109. case $1Q0. 648-8641. m anager at 848-7882. room Cape on Durant St., in 30,000. S E r f.2 2 3 0 W a lgh t 60 Good 90 A ir MAI^.2l PART-TIME or full-time aides An Equal Opportunity ’Tpke. 649-9963. mm ^th W.J1 to waU caipS SSSoJSJ S S ; liS^toJ “ M anchester 649-5806 rope and toe deUvery of mfll- in Reading Department to as­ Manchester. Fully insulated formal dining room, 2 huge looated, on bus line, detaidied “ The bond issue o f $686,000 9-193041 1644566-74^ tary mall In 'Vietnam. E m irioyer large famUy. $18,800. P U lbilok 5247-66 )Good Adverse ^^N eutrsl 75-76-77 V sist primary and intermediate 20^^ X 16^^ HEAVY GAUGE *2 BASS avclanelll accordion, with new furnace and garage, fireplaoe, Immamdate BOLTON -COVENTRY town for the newly completed Ele­ “You could Emoomidish more $80. 120 B ass R io accordion, STORE — 460 Main St. across dream kitchen. A real bar­ level children under Public Act stainless steel sink with com­ NOTICE " * * ' ■ oondlttoii, Verplanck area. Onr une. Six room Ranch, expand­ mentary school in GUeiul must Etnd save a lot of money," he PRINTING $60. C all 649-2676 a fter 8. from F riendly. 643-2426, 9-6. gain fo r only $16,800. 38. Contact Miss Josephine Zoc- CUS’TODIAN, part-time. Apply bination faucet and sprayer. A public hearing will be held ton A geney, R ealtors, 649-2818. SOLIDLY built s li^ e hom e o il ly $17,800. OaU R. J. Flagg Co., able to 8 rooms, finished rec be floated. The first year es­ fold subcommittee Chairman co, 644-1546. in person days. Hdiday Lanes, $86. 649-8371 after 4. USED Alto Saxophone, good SEPERATE office buUding for by the Planning and Zoning Bad Center St, 8 famUy slaad WUrd l e f t . 948-7487. room with bar, beautifully timated cost of a 30 year issue Vernon Arnold Olsen, D-Mont., "for toe Modem Air-Conditioned Plant MANCHE9TER — 6 room Cape wlU be $86,787.” Police Arrests price of taxicab fare to the Pen­ 3 3 39 Spencer St. playing condition, $68. CaU 649- rent, 80 Grove St., Rockville. F O R ’THE OROW m O FAM ­ Commission of Manchester, rooms with unusually oonTmi- landscaped one acre plus lot AVON IS CALLING. . . . in your PROCESSED gravel for drive­ MANCHESTER — West Center Has Opening For: Ideal for professional business, ILY—Here’s a 7 room older In Bowen School area, 8 bed­ lent floor plai^ 1^ hat^ oak 2-car garage. This home is one "The proposed Rhsun addition tagon and the Poet Office right neighborhood through TV. Why ways and parking areas. Also 1466. Connecticut, on Monday eve­ Street large 6% room Odon- PART-’TIME or full-time man etc. CaU 649-2871. home right off Main St. on rooms, formal dining room, 1% floora, plastered wells. OdI at toe very best we' have ever to be iroted on Dec. 4 will pre­ h ere.” don’t you cash in? Turn your bank run gravel and fill at our ning, D ecem ber 4, 1967 a t 8 lal, 3 bedrooms, firaplaee, » Ronald F. Cadett, 17, of 182 Red Cross for stock work. Apdy in per­ almost an acre of land. p.m. In the Hearing Room of hatha, fUU shed dormer, trm 849-0688 after 4 p.m . listed. Selling to r $19,800 ?**“ toe frilowl^ poeslbUltles a^een Rd. was charged with Gross Bttid the subcommittee spare hours Into high earnings. Stock Cutter screening plant or delivered. shaded krt, tip-top condition. basement garage, recently re­ son, M arlow ’s In c., 867 Main BUNDY clarinet, like new, $80. Oversized 2 car garage with the Municipal Building, on the further information caU toe R. tor Hebron, which presently brestking and entering with hEis made two slmUar tripe in No experience needed. We give G eorge H. G rlfflng, In c., 742- Housos For Rmt 65 Won’ t la st at $20,700. W over- MANCHEEIBR 6-roam Odd- decorated, near bus lines, con­ St. 643-6996 after 5 p.m . large workshop for family followihg applications for zone F. Dlmock Oo., 8404246. »y » 41-H per cent of toe cost crimlnEil Intent and lEurceny over W ill H old recent yetue "and since then full training. Call now for ap­ Liberal Company Benefits. An 7886. ton A gen cy, R ealtors, 649-2818. rial, one car garige, isew venient to everything. Realls- hobbles. Convenient loca­ ch an ge: ------of this faculty. The eetinmted the moU service has deteriorat­ pointment in your home at Equal Opportunity Employer SIX ROOM HOUSE complete­ paint newly renovated, good tioally priced $18,900. CaU own- $250. He was arrested last night LOST — bright carpet colors... tion. P riced at $24,800. VERNON S’TREET (In terior cost were made by the Rhun ed. I don’t tiUnk you’re going to your convenience. 289-4922. Antlqiws 56 ly furnished, heat Included, OVERSIZED BRICK Cape, yard. Eari Everett, 6494618, ” . .1 >Wy»tinent 8486866. W cH lIad ---- Rool EsfOtt 7 7 B oa rd o f when he came to police head- Coffee Hour MANAGER restore them with Blue Lustre. ______Parcel) To change to Residence E ducation: 1. A lter- accomplish anything but have a $22i;. p er month. P hllbrick large rooms, 2 fuU bathx fin- 6484129, J. D. Real EstoM qtmrtera with his father, tuid he Rent electric shampooer, $1. CLOCKS bought, sold, traded, FOR THE HANDY MAN— Zone AA, all or part of an area Prtndpels oBly.______SEIXJNG YOUR HOME? For $1,310,000 PART-TIME. Typing and gen­ A gency, 649-6347. Idled recreation room, on Co. WEIS relsEuied under the no bsdl M rs. L ois B eutIow, director of hlce Junket. BURROUGHS CORP. M EN’ S AND BOYS’ ’ Paul’s Paint A Wallpaper Sup- expert repairing. Colonial MANCHESTER — new Usttng, p i^ t COITUS se^oe Mt estimated first year Gross’s atteok brought forih eral office work. Hours open. ROUTE 80, ’TOLLAND, CONN. ’This 4 bedroom home has a now In Rural Residence 2k>ne, beautifully landscaped lo t $36,* compact. nursing services, Natyan Hfde Write Mainchester Herald, Box D E PAR ’TMENT ply. Clock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. FTVE ROOM single, all re- full basement where the described as .follows: Starting 600. PhUbriek Agency, Real- MANCHESTER — $18,800, room older home, large Eete Jesuits, call Louis Dlm^k ^ Cadett is accused of breaking Bnuich, American Red Cross, ringing defenses of congrecsion- ”A”. Old clocks only.' Open 10 a.m. decorated, adults preferred, no « handy man can keep all of at a point 982’ west of Vernon Bring room, dining room and R ealty, M9-0828. basic plan, total: cost $^250,000 Eti travel by other membere. Business Forms and IT’S TERRIFIC the way we’re ton , 6466667. room Ospe Cod, good odbdillon. into toe residence of Roger E. suuiounces a coffee hour Dec. - 9 p.m. Sundays open till 6 pets, oil heat, $90. per month. his equipment. Features Street and at the north bound­ Utohen, $ bedrooEns, sewing with the estimated first year “ We Should EuxsentuBto tba Supplies Group CALDOR in Manchester selling Blue Lustre for clean­ For further Information A. F. Hurlburt at 18 Bonner Rd. on 0 at 8 p.m. at toe Union Con- SALESPERSON — experienc­ p.m., closed Tuesday and 649-0769. modem kitchen with dish­ ary of present Residence AA BOWERS Sebool —Colonial 7 room, pqntry, porelv 2-car gar- cost to Hebron $80,832.60; and positive side of travri," said seeks experienced men’s ing rugs and upholstery. Rent Dimoek Ob. S496SM. April 16. gregational Church. ed women’s wearing apparel, W ednesday. washer and range. 1V4 Zone, the line runs westerly rooms^ extra large Uvlng room, ege. Complete city utilities, Tired o f Showingr . . . 3. The building fo r EufanlnistTa- Rep. Edward J. Derwlnskl, R- and boys’ Department Man­ electric shampooer, $1. Olcott Hurlburt told police a "bear Volunteer registered nurses 8, 4 o r 5 day week. Apply baths, 2 car garage. Won­ 2838’ , m ore o r le ss ; thence in formal dining room, 8 or 4 MANCHBniBR — Nbt buoy good location. Priced realistl- tive focillties, total cost of $00,- ni. "I think U is eEnenUal that ager. BxcepUonal ^w th V ariety. IWANTED ’TO BUY—antiques, Out Of Town And Showing:? bank containing about $300 in receive service bars for the Tweed’s, 773 Main St. derful location for a one-car _a northerly d irection 1769’ , bedroom s, garage, $28,600. around, 7 room older O i^ caUy at $16,600. U Si R R ealty 000 with estim ated first year jnem bera at Oongraas hsjve an PRODUCTION hands with some opportunity with one of the steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ half dollEurs was taken. Nine dol- following yesu-s of service: Five For Rent 66 family. ’The price is right at more or less, to the Vernon Itollbrlck A gency R ealtors, 849- new waU to woB carpetl^. Oo., Inc. 64i6-209S. Robert D. cost to Hebron of $1,480. opportunity to travel. Such trips lathe and milling machine ex­ nation’s leading Depart­ 26” Hy-Riser, 6 speed boy’s bi­ er lamps, art glass, primitives, Are they lookii^ you over lara In bills luid five silver dol- yeatrs; Jean Andrews, Helen $26,000. Town Line; thence easterly 6M7. dining room, 8 bsdroome. Hur­ M brdook, 64S-6472. "These estimates euw only are practlcEd, wortowhOe sod perience, also Norton Hyprolap ment Store chains. Top cy cle. Call 643-7463 before 4 any quanity. 644-8962. FOUR ROOM house, Coventry. as a Sunday sport? Better lara were also taken from toe Brisette, Irene Gay, Lydia Gnut- thi wbUc SALES ORDER along the Vernon 'Town Une, ry — $14,600. H. M . Freohetto for plcmt EOid equipment and and Fellows gear shaper oper­ starting salary. p.m . Stove and refrigerator. Conven­ RANCH — 7 rooms, modern let us screen those pros­ 1881’ , m ore o r less, thence R ealty, 647-999$. do not reflect EUiy IncreaM in bureau, police say. u,ti. BiaiaoeuiElUabeth Luglnbuhl,unguiouiu, mai-Mai- j^hn a Etent, D-Pa., ators. M etronlcs, In c., 640 Hil­ ient to shopping. Country at­ USTINGS GALORE FROM kitchen, 8l bedrooms, fonnal pects for you. We bring dis­ CLERKS GO CART — 3 h.p., very good southerly along the rear of Lota For S c it 73 staffing, maintenance and op- E n ^ to toe house was made jorie Madden, Eleanor McQueen, said ^ trip’s also are’ arduous liard St. APPLY W onlad— ^To Buy 58 m osphere. Call 246-0975. 'THE HOMEFINDERS dtnlng room, 2 fuU b^is, fam­ TWO-FAMILY, 66 flat, located criminating, qualified buy­ condition. Reasonably priced. property line o f n /f M arte 1676’ , eration costs for toe new build- kicking In a cellar door lo- MEulellne Shapera, and Virginia ^ much fun. "If anybody For wholesale distributor, 6 STORE MANAGER Uy room, 2 car garage. $80,- in Manchester, low down pay­ VERNON — % acre lot ideally ers to see a property . . . Ing. Present governm ent finEm-_ cated on the west side of toe Smith; 10 yeara, Mary Dlugos, tWi*s they are a pleasure I’d be EXPERIENCED meat cutter, 649-3841. WE BUY AND seU antique and THREE ROOM apartment, more or less, to point of be­ day week, vacation, excel­ 000. FliUbrick Agency Real­ ment, good return, Bari Ever­ sutted tor raised ranch or without bothering the own­ cIeU decisions may lead to high­ house, police say. pleasemt Working condlUons, used furniture, china, glass, heated, 28 Grove St. Rockville. JARVIS REALTY CO. ginning. ’This proposed zone Mpureen Jendrucek and Lola gty® them my piaoe on lent benefits, ideal working PLYWOOD 6’ Santa, choir boys. tors, 6496487. ett, 94966$8, 64$6U9. J. D. wsBfoUt bsstment. Ooee to er. er than eertimatod Interest rates. CEulett Is scheduled fo r court no night work. Apply In per­ CALDOR’S Inc. silver, plctmjs fnlmes, old Call 849-2871. REALTORS MLS INSURORS change would cover approxi­ Barlow; 16 years, Vivian Helms, g^y trip,” he said. surroundings In air-condi­ R easonable. Call 649-3600, days Reel Estate Oo. sritobto. We will build from "B ased on the current grand appearsjice on Dec. 18. EUid 20 years, JeEume Lakonski ______son. L.T. wood Locker Plant, Tolland Tpke., Manchester coins, guns, pewter, scrap gold. 643-1121 m ately 100 a cres. AppU cant: MANCHESTER — 7 room cus- tioned office. 1145 only. yhur plsiu or oura. Weeley R. Ust of $10,808,104 taken In Oc­ John F . A very, 10, o f 81V( 61 BisseU St. (rear). watches, old Jewelry, hobby ROCKVILLE four room apart- Green Manor Estates, Inc. tom built brick Colonial Cape, JUDITH Dr. and Farm Dr. — KEITH REAL ESTATE EU id H e l s s I Ireland. 649-2876 ment, first floor, heat and hot Smith Oonstiiiotion Oo. 64S- tober 1966, a tax Increase of Chiu-rii St was arreeted last SIX storm windows, wooden collections, palnUngs, attic con­ ______NORTH MAIN ST. To change in lik e new condition, 22 Etcree have two com er lots, IO0K9OO’, 649-1922 Labor Bequest Not the Only One water, no pets, one child ac­ 1BS7. one mill will be required for night on a warrEmt and charged RADIO & APPLIANCE ' j a n i t o r s — part-time eve- frames approximately 62”x31” . tents or whole estates. Furni­ $18,900 — S-bedroom Cape, ^ Business Zone n, aU or part high scenic land. Priced tor planning to build two R a n c h e s ______The Labor DepEirtment of toe cepted. $116 p er m onth. A vail­ The Oongreaelonal Library DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. nlngs. Call 648-4468, 3-6 p.m . $i each. Cali after 6, 649-5774. ture R epair Service, 848-7449. dormers, air-condltloner, neat ^ ^ Residence or will to oustomen plans. Osll MANOHBflTBR —. building lots LiBTmoH Msumim «ii additional $10,000 expend- larceny over $16. state tiEUi notified WllliEtm A. MAN with lathe and Bridgeport quick sale. Hayes Agency, van ,fi .< ,. » t la not our only natimud library. only. able D ecem ber 16. 872-6649. and clean. Hutchins i^ncy, described as foUows: Oiaries PontIcelU and Son. 949- PVaakUn S t, 60x136, city water ed- “V Avery and 1 96 L eggett St., E ast H artford experience able to work to HOUSEHOIX) lots — Antiques, 64661S1. ranges. CeiII us for a quick sale, The board urges all eligible »«veral other youths had been J* “ There are. In adthtion, the Na- R ealtors, Starting at a point on the north and aewer, 16600. Boatrom Phone 628-6681 CLEAN-UP man nights. Apply blueprint, interesting work, brlc-a-brac, clocks, frames, 649-6824. 0044 o r 6496641. we also buy houses for cash. __ M toe RockviUe Area ChEunber of ___ . tLibrary ii— .. of Medldne . - wi A.M.F. Hercules English bike. —...... side of North Main Street (op- THREE-FAMILY. 6-46 rooms, voters to cast their ballots In renting the residence at 68 Wad- tionEd EUid good opportunity fpr capable glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ Business Property A gency, 848-9188. Hayes Agency, 6466181. Cavey's Restaurant, 45 E. Cen­ B oy’s $20. 643-8641. LARGE FAMILY? We’ve got posite Stock Place) at the east 2 fireplaces, modern Mtehens, GREATLY impravad Graan the RHAM High School refer- 4«U Rd., and after they vacat- toat they accept Agriculture Deportment U- An Equal Opportunity man. Harper Buffing Machine lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 endum on Dec. 4.” ed toe owner told poUce some “'^ e t request from toe j,pgpy_ each of which has a mil- ter St. For Sole 70 Just the right home for you. boundary of present Industrial recreation room, aluminum Manor Ranch, flatstone tofar, E m ployer C o., 289-7471. Lake St., Bdlten, 649-8247. 8” BENCH SAW also % pool Nine large rooms within walk- 2k>np, the line runs easterly storms^ gEtrage, giood Income, uteben with boOt-ina, {day- lU saNt it FiPropofty Registrars Emery N. Taylor Items were missing. Avery Is ®**^™*’**' *®r members seeking ^ more items and each of MACHINISTS — Job shop ex­ table, Polaroid swinger cam­ COMMERCIAL- Industrial at and Aarcm Reid have listed toe accused of taking a record P*rtto»ton for women and ml- which probably is the largest of perien ce, full ai\d part-tim e, GOOD USED clothing taken on Ing distance to everything, per- 270’, more or leas, along the oentnUly located. Hutchins room or fourth badroom, widl For S a b 74 era. 643-8096. Manchester Green, approx­ to wall caipat, pannanant aid­ qualifications necessary to vote player. He Is scheduled to ap- no™ to work w rt^ed hours dur- kind in too worid. ^ RECEPTIONIST wanted for good pay, all fringe benefits. consignm ent, 443 M ain; ’Tues­ manent siding, aluminum northerly line of North Main A gen cy, M9-8S24. P eople In ing the pre-ChrlstmEui season. imately 10,000 square feet, ing, • patio and play hmiae ta GAPE OOD — Dennlsport. Furn­ in Monday’s referendum. They pear In court on Dec 18. manufacturing company. Poel- A pply 284 H artford R d., Man­ Holpnoip Wontod— day - Saturday, 10-4. Open storms and screens. Large, St.; thence northerly 180’, more The request Is for up to a max­ producing $800 per month in­ ROCKLEDGE —New RalsM lovely, private backyard. Own­ ished, new cottage, gas heated, are; Any person who Is an elec­ Uon has diversified duties, typ­ chester. Mono or Fomolo 37 ’Itiursday 6-9 p.'m. _ small and medium size bed- or lesa; thence westerly 800’, im um o f 10 hours a day Euid 62 come. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Raodi, modem Utohen with er, 64M4B0. fireplace, ceramic bath, tor of the'town of Hebron; EUiy ing required, salary open. Ap- Building Motoriols 47 643-1677. rooms galore. And only a mod- more or less; thence southerly hours a week, during toe period PUNCH PRESS operators, no ------—------.------_ .... _ . est $23,000. Wolverton Agency, ISO’, more or less, to point of built-1^ dining room, 8 bed- Itoepe 8, $18,900. 644-0886. The News citizen of toe Eige of 21 years Manchester Area In person. L. M. Gill Weld- rooms, tunlly room, 2-ciur MANCBERER — 9 room stoM Dec. 18 through Dec. 28. experience required. Gayle HARDWOOD plywo^s, ven^era RoOHIS WIHlOUt BoOfd 59 461 MAIN ST. — fo r sale or Realtors, 649-2818.' beginning. Applicant; John gar- or more who is liable to the VALUE ^ A •^g ^ 1^22 Touand East associated Items for wood­ age, aiiiminnni atdl^, $81,000. CMonlal. Double g sri^ , 8 fire- Reformed from Gang to'wn or district for taxes on an Employers who grEUit seven STOCK CLERKS M fg., 1068 Todland St., *...... rent, next to Post Off.ee land ATn^Ar«rrirv ______— Kasmarezk and extendid by ’Tpke., M anchester. working hobbyist and crafts- ’THE ’THOMPSON House —Cot- places. Deadend street, city O of Off Town SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A 120-Lb.Buck pEtid hoUdaye to regular full- H artford. and buUding, Ideal for used the Planning and Zoning Corn- P hllbrick Agency, Realtors, Eissessment of not less than one men. Wood Product Special­ tage St. centrally located, large utilities. Only I8SA00. Paadh, yoyng Negro who ran with a RATED CLERK-TYPIST wanted, must For Record Dept, of TV & ca r lot. etc 643-2426, 9-5. m ission. 049-6847. For S a b 75 thousEuid dollaua on 'toe'^t Killed by Truck WOMEN — Students — Men — ties, 80 B artholom ew A ve., pleasantly furnlskiKl rooms, buUt-lns, famUy room, two R ea lton , 298-7476, 74868M. gang for many yeEirs, tiien de­ , October a time employes during the year, be good typtot familiar with Appliance Distributor. Ideal completed gnuid list, Christmas is coming. Can you H artford, 246-8272. parking. Call 649-2358 fo r over­ MANCHESTER — 6 room ,Oape, SOUTH WINDSOR — new excluding vacation or normal simple business machines and working conditions. Good . MANCHESTER CENTER - In- baths, garage, acre, trees, $28,- parcel) To cided that wasn't toe course for 1968, and no absentee bEtilots A spike horned buck weigh­ use 40 to 60 dollars a week on night and permanent guest vestm ent p arcel Including a 900. Hutchins A gency, 649-5324. jJ j ^ 4 finished, 2 unfinished, alu­ MANCHESTER — oversUed 7 Ramdies, Raised Ranches and him, will go to PEuis next month will be allowed. weekly closing day, may apply USED able to work with volunteers, salary. 6 day week. Vaca­ Diamonds— Wotehos— ing about 120 potmds w as MDsd part-time basis? If so — Fuller rates. minum siding, garage, treed room Ospe, 8 baths, garaga, Oeloiilals an with a vlaw. This to lecture on Juvenile drilnquen- Voters are advised to vote on for jnich permission by cEtiUng 28 hour week, 48 w eek year, tion. Excellent benefits. biulness and 3 aparti^ts. Ex- m a NCHES’TER — Bowers Residence Zone B, de- Brush wants you. CaU 644-2269, Jowolry 48 lot, $16600. PhUbriok Agency, large. weU landacaped lot la guaUty and valua. ChU for cy . all three questions on toe refer­ b y a (truck on R t. 81 In Cov­ toe Chamber office. cultural surroundings, stimu­ ROOM for rent, men only. Free cellent income. $47,000. Phil- gcj,ool area, neat 6-room Cape, scribed as foUows: Starting at Leonard Agency. Rsaltcra, 848* CARS RADIO & APPUANCE o r 644-0202. brick Agency Realtors, 649- Realtera, 6496847. dalaila, Hayaa A gancy, 848- “ M oot C E t e think it’s a great endum. entry yesterday. As a courtesy to non-Cluimber lating contacts. CaU Lutz WATCH AND Jewelry repair­ parking, References required. 4 rooms down, 2 finished ms ® P®*” * 75’, more or less, south 0488. 5347. thing,” McSEunuel C eut, 21, said BuUding C)ode Hearing Coventry police said the deer members, toe chamber will In- Junior HUsMun, 648-0649 fo r DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. DISHWASHER — Tuesday and ing. P rom pt servloe. Up to $20 Call 643-2693 after 4:30. one car garage, private yard, Russell Street and 100' west MANCHESTER — West side 96 Leggett St., East Hartford of the trip. "No one’s putting A public hearing 'will be held woa running SEut, Jumped a elude them In this request upon appointment. Thursday, days, waiters and on your old watch in trade. March occupancy. T. J. Crock- Main Street, the line runs near bus and stuqiplng, will NEWLY listed 8 room home, ANDOVER — dean 4 bedroom „ 628-6881 TAVERN for sale —Inquire tonight concerning toe adoption fence Euid ran In front of the notification to toe office. All re­ waitresses, afternoons, eve­ Closed Mondays. F.E. Bray, ett, R ealtor, 648-1577. west 58’, more or less; thence build Ranch or Cape. Char- west side location on bus line, Cktye, MtfBge, large wooded B irch St. Tavern o r ca ll 649- Ceut is a $600-a-month street of the basic Connecticut buUd­ 787 Main St., State Theatre Aportmenis— Flats— south 70', more or less; thence B oo R ea l Estate, 648-0688. 8 bedrooma, recent family loti luiwo. Leonard Agency, truck. The truck, driven by quests must be received before An Equal Opportunity nings and weekends. Apply in 8110 or 643-9505. worker with toe Youth for Serv­ ing code for Hebron. The hesu'- BuUding. esist 76’, more or less; along room addition. $16,900. Weeley Realtors. 8466469. Bruce 8. Nash of Rt. 80, Rook- Dec. 8. FRIENDLY E m ployer person, T reat Shoppe, Route 83, Temments 63 ice Agency. He recently gnul- Ing will be held at the Hebron present Business Zone lU; MANCHESTER — recent • R . Smith, R ealtor, 848-1867. vllle, w as dEunEtyed. The deer Leal Pickup Schedule ICE CREAM SHOP TalcottvUle. SOUTH WINDSOR — Inmmou- uated from a ycEur’s pilot pro­ Elementary School at 8 p.m. LOOKING FOR anything in Houses For Sole 72 NOTICE thence north 70’, more or less, 4^ room two family, excrilent was clEtimed by the ow ner of The director of public woHu, Florists— Nursorlos 49 real estate rentals —apart­ condition, convenient location. late 7-room hom e built 1686, gram for former toughs at San Action on the acceptEUice or the truck. Andrew TricEudoo, Eumouncee AtCaldor Shopping Center ^r^s -T onn------m rvs' thin k ^ Public hearing will be held along present Business Zone m , M/yNCHESTER —Two family, wonted for evenings or week- needs first shift workers, mole rHRTRTMAfl ^een' t a p how' ments, homes, multiple dwell­ GarstyOn separate furnace. 4-4 fla t on 80 X 190 lo t Oentral boated finialied reo room, 2- Flranclsco State Ooilege. rejection of toe code will take A rthur A . BEticer, 29, o f Lon- toe leaf pickup schedule an fo l­ ends, hourly plus commjsslon. — »----- .------.----- .. CHRISTMAS Trees! Tag now. ings, no fees. CaU J D. Real ro^T vlar^im d iLe fL : Planning and Zoning to point of beginning. AppU- Won’t last long. Hayes Agency, car boated garage, aluminum On D ec. 14, Ceut and his men­ place on Dec. 14 at a town ergan Acres, WllUmanUc, was low s: or female experienced In sUk Cut later- Bring the family to Cownilsslon of Manchester, cant: Chester and Mary Ososkl. location, modem Utohen and Has openings for lunch hour Don’s. American Service, 128 Estate, 643-5129. aldbig, swlnunlBg pool, large tor, Mario D’AngeU, will Jet to m eeting. charged with illegal passing. He Friday, Davis Ave., Ext., screening. Also hiale worker Stanley ’Tree F arm , Ifing Hill . ST. 6466181. ; bath, 2 car girage. Bel Air w aitresses. Hours 11:30-S, Tolland ’Tpke., Manchester. o r live dn. E llsw orth Mitten treed lot with brook, many ex- P euIs where D’AngeU, a social Nursing Program Is scheduled for appearance In Grant St., Bellevue 8t., Frank- as machining trainee. Good Rd., off Rt. 6 at Andover nlng, December 4, 1967 at 8 JOHN ST. - To change to Busl- R«al Batote, 9466813. five days a week, weekends WE HAVE customers waiting A gency, R ealtor, 643-6930. MANCHESTER — 6 room home tna. For fdrther information weEaire professor at the college, Representatives of the Hebron Manchester Circuit Court 13,' lln Bt., Burke Rd., Harlow SL, and school vacations off. SHORT ORDER (XIOKS —18 or opportunity, good wages, good Church. Open weekends 9-4, a l­ for the rental of your apart­ p.m. in the Hearing Room of ness Zone n, all or part of m In excellent conditiixi, central­ MANCHESTER -Juat katad. call R.F. Dimock Oo. 6496246. will lecture on new approacties and Andover Public Health Ad- D ec. 18. Nye 8t. and Spring 8t. Clean surroundings, pleas­ over, nights, days and week­ working conditions. Apply at so by appointm ent ca ll 742- ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ WANT A HOME that’s Inter- the Municipal Building to con- area now In Residence Zone C ly located, handy to bus and Bowera School, clean 8 room to Juvenile delinquency. So will visory committees will meet Other police activity In the Monday and Tueaday, Elm ant working condlUixis, uni­ ends. Apply in person. Treat M ulti-Circuits, In c., 50 Har- 6438. L arge selection White tate. 643-5129. estlng? CaU us on this 7H ®*‘ter an appUcatlon for Special and Residence Zone A, a parcel VERNON — Owiser transferred shopping. $21,000. P hllbrick Cape, new aluminum stdtng, Carr. with toe Board of Directors of area: St., North P euI c St.,, Ellington forms and food allowance Shoppe, Route 83, TalcottivUe. rlBon St. Ask for Mr. George Spruce, $8.60 up; Scotch Pine, room home with 4 bedrooms. Permit for Group Dwellings to ®t land described as foUowa; wants action on this beautiful Smith A gen cy, R ealtors, 649-6847. Utchen buUt-ina. Call early. “I don’t have no formEi talk,” the Columbia Public HseJUi R ock ville Ave., Webster St., Talcott Ave., provided. Apply in person $6. up; also cones, evergreen MANCHESTER suburban Much more including lots of be located on the south side of Starting at a point on the Chtye. Four rooms down, one Ohrr sold of the speeches he’ll Nursing Agency tomorrow night FULL OR PART-TIME station one 3H room apartment and H. M . F reriiette R ealty, 647- Robert Sacherek of Busan Dr. Ward Bt., Lawrence St, Proa- after 2 p.m . boughs; seasoned fire wood, closet space. Bowers School Middle Turnpljce West, east of north side of Center Street and ftadibed up. Excellent oondl- give ^_____ in Paris. "I’ll Just shuck In Columbia to explore toe poe- attendant, days also expert- PHARStACIS’re — tull or part one 4^ room apartment avail­ 9008. was Eirrested yesterday and pect St., Oak St., Orchard St, time, hours flexible, good pay, $4. trunk fuU. and only $18,500. Wolverton the East Hartford Town Line, 250’, more of less, from Adams tion throughout. High wooded g bit. siblUty of forming a three-town chEUYed w ith Im proper piUHlng W oodland Bt. and D avis A ve. enced autompblle mechanic, able. Separate furnaces, g;a- Agency, Realtors, 649-2813.- Residence Zone B. This Is In St., the line runs easterly 106’, Afffenfion-Set+er references. RepUes confi­ tot, plenty of privacy. AsUiig Etgency. The limited pilot pro­ and William K. Carlson, 38, of Wednesday and Thursday, FRIENDLY days. Sunset Service Station, rages, $110. m onthly. Adults ------accordance with Article IV, more or less; thence northerly Jack Haridns dential. Write Box V, MfStches- A9.600. T. J. Oraokett, Real­ Nixon Set to Speak gram under which Hebron Is WindsorvUIe Rd. was arrested White St, King St, Fern St, ICE CREAM SHOP 666 E ast M iddle Turnpike. Fuoi and Food 49-A only. H ayes A gency, 646-0131. DUPLEX — 6-6, new knotty Section n of the Zoning Regu- 288’, more or less; thence west- ter Herald. Top Faihion tor. 948-U77. presently operating will -end on the same charge this morn­ Canter St., Second St, Reed St., pine cabinets buUt-ln range, lations, for the following proj- eriy along the south side of St. NEW YORK (AP)—Former Rgeommands Oiw of| FIREPLAC!E wood, clean, $16. IMMACULATE duplex — 4 LiEuurel St., Spruce St., Fox Hill CALDOR OPPORTUMOrr for Junior Ac­ dishwasher, carpeting, new ect: John St. 180’, more or less; Ik* •I'-tV VERNON Vice President Richard M. Nte- J^ie 80, 1968 ing. m m countant in our Standard Cost a pick-up load. Phono 232- large rooms, centrally located, onwlHbeaprinclpaispeakeTat According to Public Health B oth Eurests took plEtee at D rive Euid Hale St. Ext. H Con For You SHOPPING CENTER baths, new furnaces, 2-car ga- "Grading Plan - Apartment thence southeasterly along 'De|>€u:tment. OaU Mr. Karpe, Situations Wontod— 0060. yard and parking privileges. a Dec. 11 campaign fund raising Advisory Board chairman, Mrs. yje sEune location on Rt. 80 and Got Yours Mowed rage. Hutchins Agency, Real- Development - Manchester, present Business Zone n, 120’ , READY FOR SPRING ! Homeowners Eure Etsked to MANCHESTER C ose Brothers, In c., 649-2866. December 1 occupancy, adults dinner for Sen. Jacob K. JavMs, Cafaj^. the votera of both men Eu:e scheduled...... to ap­ ______FoOiolo 38 tors, 649-6324. ^ ^ Conn., Property of Merritt more or less; thence southerly rake leavea to toe gutters, In only. C oll 649-0873. U you are not In any hurry a toading Republican Uberal. • pear In Rockville Circuit Court HAN0HE8TCR LADY with njprslng knowledge rows toe length of toe proper­ Housohold Goods 51 SIX ROOM Ranch, breezewl7. Business Zone H and can wait for Spring de­ N lxonT a preeidentlal favorite “ j® "® *‘ ^®®>^ 12, D ec. 19. ty. No objects other than would Uke a companion poei- FOUR ROOM first floor apart­ 2-car garage, paneled recrea- Technical Planning As- boundary, 140’, more ’or less, livery, you will be well re­ MOTOR SALES COOK WANTED — Expert- T"\/ R A'H TO SINGER automatic zig zag sew­ of the OOP’s conservative wing, d®®“ * ,'^®‘^®*', “ *ey wwt leaves and grass are to be enced cook with InstituUonal J » tion. Can live in, have car. ment, Bunporch, garage, heat, soclates Incorporated, New to point of beginning. AppU- warded. New, custom built ing machine, exceUent condi­ tion room, large treed lot, $22,- will be JoU3od as a speaker by public healto "U "^ j®r toe ^ c e d In toe piles. 1-423-4806. hot water, centraUy located. 000. Hutchins Airency, Realtors Haven - Connecticut Scale 1” cant: Florence VanderbUt, and Colonial with first floor ’67 Detanont 88 or short order cook background -tTs^T a x tion, monograms, hems, but­ G ov. N etom A . R ock efeller and Pri®*; t® ^ d*clelOT. ad- Moose Steak Night wanted immediately, good 649-7128. ------equals 50’ 6 November 1967” extended by the Planning and family room in a choice Goldwater’s Son 4-Dr. HT. V6, auto., P.B., tonholes, fancy designs, etc. 649-0324. Mayor John V. Lindsay. dltionol Information on toe ad- The Moose Lodge aimouncea salary, . excellent benefits. (plus 6 add. sheets) Zoning Commission. area. $35,900. C‘ 9 :3 0 r. P.B., one owner. Originally over $300. Our price NICE SECOND floor four room ■nm $16-a-plate dtoner affair vlsoty 9®*"™*^®®’ a steak night Saturday at 7 ;80 Write to Box ”S” , Manchester ___ W ILL care fo r chUd In m y MANCHESTER — executive Variance is requested to Maps of the above proposed Flans Wedding A- OA9 ir-t Pcf wholesale distributor of hom e. R egistered. 648-9044. now, $04. o r pay $9. m onthly. rent. AU conveniences. Near wUl honor JevlU’ 21 year, of tuM p.m . A clfUM enrollment cere­ » ^ d o r phone 643-1141, E xt. p „< ju cts. Full or neighborhood. Garrison Colon- permit 16 units in two of zones changes may be seen In puWlc service as weU as raise '11* advtooiy Oominl^^ CaU 622-0931, dealer. Main Street business. Adults. *™- *7' >a a im aiuh Ovoivn SAN FRANCISCO (A P ) ^—A mony to' enroll 12 candldEdes ’67 Delta 88 __ ^ ■_ ■ ------ial, 7 rooms, large family the proposed buildings. the Planning Office. AU inter- 4-Dr. HT. V-8, auto., P.S., ___ I______part-time. Top hourly rate. Ex- No pets. Write Box "B”, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. money to keep him in the Sen- wedding Saturday Is planned by will be conducted by the East Dogs— Birds—>Pots 41 CLEAN, USED refrlgeratort, room with fireplace, huge mod­ AU interested p^ons may ested persons may attend the P.B,. air, power seats and BAR maid wanted, experience porieiicp and Ucensed. Excellent Herald. ern kitchen, screened porch, 2- attend this hearing. hearing. Mancheater Parkade ate another tix years.'• tomrarw night’s meeting mul^ m 3 Prenxjrf Ooldwater, 27, Hartford Champion Ritual ranges, automatic washers, team Sunday at 2 p.m. followed windows. Loaded. U not necessary, 6 p.m. — 1 a.m. frihge benefits. 6-day|week. Va­ FREE TO GOOD HOME — 2- ca r garage, wooded lot, $34,- Planning and Zoning Planning .and Zoning Mancheeter 6496808 son o f 1984 Republican presiden- cation. I with gudranteea. See them at EXCEPTIONAL 4 room second One Owner. ' CaU 049-8122. year-old ’ part beagle female. 900. P hllbrick A gency, R eal­ Commission ' Commission i Bert Lahr Recovering ^ ^ Ual candidate Barry Ooldwater, by a buffet and dancing, B. D. Pearl's AppUances, 849-' floor apartment, living room BOLTON Center — I room NEW YORK (A P ) — B road-•'“ » - and OonstEUice Jeon Stockert, B ookville H oepltal N otee ExceUent with children. Please Mam St. Call 648-2171. tors, 649-5347. M. Adler Dobkln, i M. Adler Dobkln, 1 School Banking Dates ’66 OMR Jetstar 88 BABYSITTER wanted 6 nights RADIO & APPUANCE with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, ______Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 1% baths, way comedian Bert Lahr was In iM. 99. an airline stewaidees. 'Vlattinf hours an 13:80 to 8 2-Dr. HT. V-8, Ci a w eek, 6-11, vicinity North ca ll 1-638-4037 after 7 p.m . wardrobe closets, heat, hot CONCORD Chairm an .1 , Chairm an PrincHial Ray OanViner has - -rfu h DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA'House Colo*- RD. — Beautiful laife livtof room with beamed satisfactory condition today as The nuptials will be per- pjn. In all areas except mater- auto., P.8., P.B. ' M ain. 64S-6S41. 90 L eggett St., E ast H artford w ater, electric range amd re­ 4 Clarence W*W^tl, ' aarence W. Welti, oeUng and firaplaoe, Xm r at- he continued Ws recovery from advised that tiisre wfll be no POODLE — AKC, silver male, ial hutch In solid cherry, re­ Ranoh, large Uvlng room, for- Secretary — Secretary formed by toe R t Rev. Joseph nltjr whets they are 3 to 4 and ’66 Olds Staifire > 628-6681 5 months, permanent »hots, frigera tor . included, $126. AaX dining room, cabinet tadmd garage, aloe view, a pneumonte ach^ benkfog Hart, bishop of toe EpiJKopal SiSO to 8 pm. SECRETARY for local law of­ cently purchased, $220, re­ MBk money ait the elemen- v 2-Dr. HT, V6, auto., P.S., ‘Adults preferred. No pets. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ traag^ setting. lOd 20’s a epokesman at Columbia ^ _ Diocese of Arlsona and longtime Admitted Yesterday: Diane fice, write Box T, Manchestei^ An Equal opportunity partially trained. CaU 643-4911 placement coat $8M. SoUd ma­ P.B., bucket seats, $M Q B a fter 6. Beautiful country location, 16 tion room, landscaped yard. 1 ^ W. Dobgan, Raaltor, 949- prerityterlan Medical Center 'Jary ^ ^ friend of the Ooldwater family, Miaioilinboah, BUtagton; RIcItord H erald. E m ployer ple 6-drawer dresser, good one owner. •W® I minutes east of Manchester. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, •••• said WedneiKlay the 72-year-old ™ month ra Deownoer o t John’e Episcopal Church Loing, Bast Hartford; Clifford condition, $20. 643-6808. /'J STENOGRAPHER DACHSHUNDS — AKC, mlnia- 648-7066. .^ -8 $ 8 3 . TOKNN nnraiiimT ann» ^ahr was admitted Ndv. 21 for and Ttteoott suburban Roes, young (3old- EMtnevrood, 144 East Main St.; ’66 CutlasB CABINET MAKER with super­ turo and standard, 6 weeks lo MOVING — like new 2% month - traatmentofabackaUmentand water said Wednesdkji. Bevmty Lee, Vehion; PtoUlp Sport Coupe. V-8, tionist, must be good typist. SPRUCE St. 214-218, 4 room s, CONTEM PORARY Ranch, Willing to learn PBX switch visory experience. ExceUent 6 months, both colors, guaran­ portable dishw asher. CaU 644- 8 Now Leasing m ew room nme, poMea dovetoped pneumonia. Boms ^ Miss Stockert. daughter of LugMbuM, BIMngton; Pamela auto., P.8., P.B. heat, stove, refrigerator, park- rooms, large wooded lot In Uvlng room with firsidaee, board for reUef. CaU Mrs. Kel opening for qualified man. Dls- teed at a fair price. Also Wel- 0008. Lahr was ’’seriously 111 from a*»«t phoning g w ^ stockert of KW3selock, 206 Best Mato St.; ’66 Olds 442 m araners. 1-628-6673. ing. 247-4046, 1-633-7402. executive neighborhood, $43,- Utahen with dining ores, 2 ' ly , MMiSSl. playcraft, Ino., Manchester, AvoUabk Jon. 1 on Brood St. that Infection” hut has since re- one year ay>, the school s m - gjjgwnee Mlaslon, Kan., will be i s n y Moulton, EHtogton; 2-Dr. Hardtop. V6, auto., 648-9667. DOUEOiE MAPLE BED, box 900. P hllbrick A gen cy, R eal­ anras. only $10,900. Wolverton mini “Jnnritair was changed given in marrUtye by her father. PS., PB., one owner ^ GKOOMINO ALL breeds. Hor- Aganoy, Itoslton. 849-8918. Joyce Chrey, 284 South Bt., WOMAN fuU or part-time, in - spring and mattress; studio tors, 640-6347. from 3286476 to 228-6465. The Ooldwater’s best man will be mony HUl. H.C. Chase, Hebron THREE BEDROOM duplex, New bu sin g or storage areas each 16x36 with beattaiK. toe sp(Aesman said. Grace Mayo, Vernon. retaU cheese and gourmet PLUMBER ^th at l^ t one couch. 648-6074. old nusnber . has bean reas- his brother, Barry Ooldwater year’s experience, good wages R d ., Bolton, 648-6427. now redecorating. 643-4638. $7iiw~ — 4 ROOM RANCH, Ught and water faculties. Ugbted parking area for M VERNON — Now 8 room Btaths Yesterday: A son to ’65 Chevy Bd Air shop. Apply In person The can. In the center of Mancheeter’e bnsleet ■fcoppiig Raneh, near parkway, raised Replact68 Mia Farrow Jr. m Burbank, Calif. HOs father Mr. and Mrs. Theo Ooite, 14 4-Dr. Sedan. Auto., $ 6 CAE and overtime, call A. B. Chick buUt-lns, waU-wall carpeting, YWOOD (AP) — who Is oosipnualiy rsocaving Swiss C olony, 396 W est M iddle DACHSHUND, AKC, 8 months, AUTOMATIC w asher. CaU 649- SIX room first floor flat, mod­ hearth fir^hMs, > m7, baths. nHOLL1 w xw . ----- .— - ___ _ , ■ olso wlU attend. Morrison B t; a son to Mr. and 6-cyl., P.8., RAH. ^1®®® Tpke. Plum bing and Heating, 649- ern and In beautiful condition, attached garage, approxi­ spayed female, all shots, won- 3741. "* m ately $1,600 down. $66.00 1402 formal dlaliig room, level lot JaequelnewttCqUUiUW Blsset, a young ----Eng-« ^ IT H* brlde-tq-be rerigned ^ ------^ Mra. Kenneth Schulz, 3B Middle 2926. central location, electric range 10-80 UA actren, ha» bcun alfnud to potting alck ke.i^j^ ^ aagElnSt baret Mhda ttve,” according to 20to Centu- ~ nearby MUl VaUey. Diiachniged Yeaterday: Bren­ 2-Dr. HT. V6, auto., P.8., JOURNEYMAN electriolan. Im­ • pies, 2 white and black. 6 ------643-7066. Ookmial. $ toed baths, fsmUy ry-Fox studio. Blsnchester Evening H erald wanted Immediately, good ______tomato collar from aoR mSialr, it g t f s lha da Olsaver, 31 Legion Drive; P.B., bucket uats. mediate steady employment black, 8 weeks old. CaU 649- O-N- HOT PLATE and built-in ------. . rocas, ' doghle garage, lots of stwiotiiwShooting or o f me the nun film nas luus beenubwii —H ehron V— correepondent,---- , Bfrs.------SOAKED DOWN WITH BEER salary, exceUent benefits. FOUR rooms, first floor, all togathar look this coming - - - John DIetx, Coventry. WUson E le e tr io tl.p o ., 649-4817. 4943. oven, condition Uke new. 646- ______‘*S2SrN^l5?hjri3a*tott ***"' hsi^mnee Nov, 2 when Mia Marjorie ]^oiier, tel. 328-9118. HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) — Write to Box ”G” , Manchester newly gedecorated, stove and ^ 0276 after 6 p.m . As ftoe raced through hU six- Herald’s Vernon Bureau ’64 Pontiac Tempest WE HAVE openings on our H erald or phone 643-1141, E xt. TWO Pekingese dogs fo r sale. garage, $90. Adults only. AvaU- room frame house, about four |g gt 88 Park St, tel. 876-8188 Conv. V6, auto., S f RRS third shift In our Heat Treat- 243. $36. each with papers, house- able D ec. 1. CaU a fter 6. 649- ista slll^irtoor^’^ cmd. to com. plu. Ky. Now Leasing mUes north of hero, Walter Saw- ^ M s-S7n. News Items may be RAH, wbltewoUs. I Inf Department, Apply In per­ broken. 876-7290. 30” ELECTRIC RANGE, good 9766. 16 YEAR OLD boy or retired ■ROAD Sr. SHOPPES ’64 Olds CatlMB son K tock C om pany, 1272 T ol­ condition $70. CaU 640-7625. I Conv. V -8, auto., P .8 ., P.B.,~ land T flu ., Manebester. man to work 3 or 4 hours a day POODLES, 2 males, email SIX ROOM duplex, central loca­ viUe. - ' • around apartment buildings, miniatures, platinum silver, KBNMORE Deluxe WASHBUt — Avoiloblo Fob. 1 on B to c n I St., eom or off 8«id 60C in ^ tsra^ cwhoL M«wiMStyr »» her career. The first was In hotel, whera the bellboy escort- The fire had knocked out pow bucket seats. * i M i l tion, $110 ]Uu8 secu rity. A vail­ firat-clmss mall oe- ffHifJAm.E m a n to work 8-6. Parkview Apartments, 1328 AKC registered, shots and * yeara old. Good condition, able D ecem ber 16. Call 649- W oft M bklln Tnmpllio the unreleaaed ''T he Sweet ed him to his room. er to his water pump, and Hot Gracious Apartment handling tor each psttom. Bus Hvwdng »$ • ». ;UP> A m Msyw Ageney, "What’s the average tip?" springs firemen said they Apply Pontaleo’s Used Auto Burnside A ve., East H artford, w orm ed. CaU 876-6770 o r 876- reasonable. CaU 649-1268 after 4717 o r 876-3806. Burnett Manchester Evtotof (NT W K w R id e.” Walked Across Ftdls 628-4870. S , 6 p.'m. living in Lovely Manchester 4 New Store Locattoas W xW . Full ceOare, m— __ gM-ei. ‘ ; ... ------asked Hardy. coidte’t come outside ton city Bisny More To Oioaae i Parts, Horace St.. Manebester. 94 0 DBUIXB TOViW HOUSES and Air Conditioning FacUitiee, Paridng for $6 Cara MODERN 3 room apartment Adtosro wito ■■ DELAlinpi Bliwlila — m g,000 l a m a s i n INDIA “Oh, about $1^" aiwwered ths»u,„it,. Blondto , a At Moderate Prices r FUU.-TIME general work and PART-TIME or full-time man PUG puppies AKC, Champion MUST SELL — Moving out of with refrigerator, stoVe and Rental Agent C ontact F & D ANNULLI REALTY 649-6544 « n n m ^ ' limn Daytona r»- Modem n e w DBLIII—Tttwton r e t - boy. Sawchuck kxtt his house, but crossed the gorge Jmd^ below Print Name, Address adtl^p CMatoM RyM WtotoOt _ uaiees n o w I M o g hi tomUm total IDuidy handed over the money quick Blinking saved the cafe. Niagara ’ Falls on a tightrope. daltyery. 8-6. pereon, for furniture selling. Apply In sired, show quality bred for state, 8 rooms of furniture and parking. Handy to Main St. J. D. REALTY In the center of Manoheeterie boeleet -i-Tr^g area. KraiiTe F lorist, 621 H artford person, M arlow’s Inc.*, 867 Main gentleness and affection. Inocu- m lsceUaneous, reasonable. 648- Phone 643-2786 fo r appoint- 64S-S189 e 648-8779 *»«•. d^iSioIld^ 'new afc^ 50,60oS Inolude 10,000 and the toy wrot into •«*“». He and some .5*^ MOTOR SALES K oad. Bt. lated, 643-9018. 6182. ment. tt toe tow O raSw Wall, odmer lot 80x180, waU to chttdrro and 2,000 lamas, sc- Then the toy ei^alned, beipd onto the roof and wet it times to ^ summer M im ^ SiS-gAU — SO-UU mlmito styling vrtth ^ A »om ^«^^v ^ entpMtog and curtom A o tA b m to a report from tiw “You’re the first penwn to come down-with eeveral cases of once oarryliig a man across the •l^aitfcril Bead, r Fan A Winter'87 isroe of Baric ior^^croch^tm and ham- A«raW^yn^trv. up to average!" soda pop and beer. gorge on his baCk. FkaUpn. Only 80c a copy. , ------r — : -A - ^ : *rWENTir^UR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, fWK illanrbPHtpr ^Qpnin0 lipralii W r.IlM Week The YTeiatUi^ Tha Mandieeter Sportsmen’s OMehwr it, IM I Fair tonight Low l6 to th o f nouncement of the ooume oflfer- atUl be made. Albion Severance vations are open to the pubMc. and a committee at men are in Manclreater, are emonig a dess ing was made Nov. 10 and thait of 17 emoUed to a neiw pro­ within daiya there were more -member GM greement over Vietnam policy. United Aircraft Corporate Sys­ 10, at St. Mary’s Church. black lace coat and a corsage “Of course, we can always ad­ can Benefit Association, will of white carnations. BACON Oounell WDUkt than be callsd Vietnam-oriented campaigns just our plans," McIntyre said, tems Center. The bride, formerly of Man­ SOUP have a kitchen social tomorrow fcaiA into sesal(» to set a strike should McCarthy enter the New ’The corporation also announc­ chester, is a daughter of Mr. . A reception for 100 was held Swift Premium Boeon ...... lb. 79c at 7:46 p.m. at the home of Mrs. deadline after the holidays. Hampshire race. > Reported Downed ed that some 27,600 hourly em­ and Mrs. James S. Sheldon of at Manchester Country Club. Nancy Row e, 11 Strant St. ’The Oscar Mwn cat helonginpr to the E. P. Schiffel family in Charlotte, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D- the three planes fell on the Is- tiaircraft guns. gown, fashioned with empire ford regflonal committee which Save 60c on deal key to end the recent threat of tlan. N. C., Ukes fiah. But his startled look doesn’t mean he’s grujlty. He climbs Mass., avoided any dlacusslan raeti^ielid eastern bank cf tbe bodice, bell shaped sleeves, A- Franks war. Cyprus was said to be "Botii planes went down on will assist in a statewide voca­ JUMBO ALL $4.09 Reuther also toKt newsmen into the dry fishbowl without help a id finds it ideal for his afternoon of McCarthy’s possible entry in Sues Canal and the Gulf of Sues, Une skirt, end train. Her shoul- Tender Small Genuine iK^dlng It up. the east bank of the Gulf of tional rehabilitation study. (he UAW has sent a letter to snoozes. It was the photographer’s flash bulb that brought him out of his his state's A pril 30 prim ary. it added that the pUota balled Suez. Both pUoto were seen batt­ der-ilength veil of silk ifJhi3,ion George Meany, AFLrCIO presi­ Secretary-General U ’Thant They are Norman Fendell, di­ SPARE RIBS ...... lb. 59c 64-pock McGovern said he told Mc­ out and one landed in the gulf. ing out, one of them landiag In w as a ttach ed t o a mBiichilng dent, expressing regret that be- slumber. He dozed o ff again. (AP Photofax) delayed an appeal to the three rector of the Manchester Shel­ Carthy he would think about a An laraeU army spokesman the wafer,” it added. pfDbox hat, and She oarrled a LtPTON TEA BAGS that was supposed to produce tered Workshop and coordina­ Lean Meaty Country Style eause of the auto kOxir negotia­ possible favorite son race In the said the pilot and navigator of The communique went on tt) single white rose. > 59c tions (he UAW oCticera would be responses constituting the set­ tor of special education for the PORK RIBS ...... «b. 59c South Dakota primary June 4. the crippled Jet balled out over soy that at 8.80 p.m., two allies Mrs. iDavid Joiyoe of Vernon, anaMe to attend the imrent la- tlement. He held separate school system: and Lawrence He said he will make no decl- the gulf 12 miles south of Port KQra|;eB had entered aistier of the bride, was mo;- 1 0 0 conferences with their U.N. Rudd, a teacher ol the mentally Pirehurst Home Style D-pock SakMia ^ bor oaganlzaitiott'a convention rton before January, when state Taufiq at the southern end of airspace, and one i _ tron of honor. She wore a toll- natet w eek. Con Thien Front Erupts, delegates. retarded at Keeney St. School. TEA BAGS Democratic leaders confer. the Sues Canal. Planes and down, crabbing Just east cf length gown of almond green SAUSAGE MEAT ...... lb . 59c Cyrus Vance, President John­ Hauther uxt Mecmy have beep McGovern said he woidd con- ships were searchlag for the canal. Ihe pilot of titat plane velvetieen, designed with em­ The local regional committee 99c son’s special envoy, canerted REGULAR HAMBURG ... lb. 59c tottiUng orar tiie AFL-dO's la­ aider the move to head off a fUera. also balled out, acoMdlng to the pire bodice and A-line skirt. is one ol five being formed in bor. pcogram. plane to fly home from Athens. possible battle over control of spokesman said the plane communique, RESTAURANT She wore a maitching head- Cormectlcut to undertake a two- UAW has preaeikea a 'North Viet Beaten Back A U.S. delegation spokesman the delegation among forces fa- on a routine patrol with a Today's chuh cams less than pleae, and carried a single yel­ year study pinpointing present propoaal calling for a chopi^ in said his task was not finished, SAIGON (AP) — The Con mortar tire from an entrenched the Cambodian border and 80 ond DAIRY BAR low rose. activities and the needs lor vo­ the AFLrdO’s programs and he was resuming Visits to esqd- vorlng Johnson, McCarthy and Mcond plane south of Port Suez. Jwo weeks before Arab leaden Where, but at Pine­ Thien war front erupted again North Vietnamese company, es­ m ile s , north o f Saigon, an un­ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, D-N.Y. no denied (Cairo's claim that are due to hold a summit meet- Raymond Haack of Johnson cational rehabilitation, project­ poBclea. tals and he would be in Niobaia 266 H artford B d ., M anchester ed through 1976. _____ Thuraday, with U.S. Mkrinee tim ated at about 136 men. der-strength battalion from the “I think it's going to be a use- two other Israeli Jeto hadbeen ing to decide what to do about a served as his brother’s best Reuther asked Meany in the by tomorrow. ' MS-9640 hurst, do you find Three more Leatherneck com­ man. Ushers were Gprald The project is being funded Pork Roast letter" to post3»;m~;^;;;;iderati^ North Vietnamese U.S. 1st Infantry Division which Some diplomatic sources aaid fill candidacy," McGovern said oam*. Security Counoti resolution tor troops from their bunkers after panies joined the battle, giving drove off a hard Red aoeault Campbell and Frank Boyle, both by the Vocational Rehabilitation of the UAW’s proposals until a the- delay was due to efforts by of McCarthy's campaign. “I r was the first reporteddash peace in the Middle East, Strickland Farms 5-RIB GUT a cloee-quarter bottle Just below the M arines about 700 m en. M a­ early ’Thursday reported today o f B w ton. Administration, a federal agen­ lator date. Cyprus to get guarantees of hsr share the same intereste he jn tfao Suez Canal area since It also came as Gunnar Jar- the demilitarised tone. Mean­ neuvering around the enemy’s that a large (Communist force Let us make your Party Sand­ cy. Whole pork strip combo cut of center “to light of our ocdlective bar­ sovereignty and terrilDrial in­ President Gomal Abdel Nas- ring, Secretary-General U wiches and Salads for any oc­ G rade A A while, a Red force continued to flank, the Americans drove the was still facing It. McGovern wUl be running for •er's speech eight days ago in Thanf s special representative Similar studies will be made chops and roast...... lb. 59c gaining clrcumstancee," Reuth­ tegrity from the United States, casion. menace a U.S. Infantry battal- Communists out of their heavily ______re-election next year, Hartke wMdi he said Egyptian military in the lUddle BaSt, was confer- V in each state, as well as In er anoto, “We are flrndy of the An American patrol bumped the Soviet Union, Britain and Connecticut Fresh Rib Vt S trip ...... lb. 59c ion at the Bu Dop Special fortified positions in a four-hour Guam and Puerto Rico. vtow that our first and irlmaiy into the enemy lines just 76 France or ftom’ the Security ********* ^***®““- forces were stronger than be- ring with diplomatB In New. GHAR6E YOUR Forces camp near the Cambo- battle. ’ sold he is facing home-front taea the June war. York, Through recent changes In (Center Roast Pork or bUUgaticn is to cOrry out our re- yards from the end of the Ametr Council, as a replacement for EGGS dlan border. Field reports said 26 North pressure to put his name on the. philosophy and amendments to center Rib Pork Chops ...... lb. 79c sponsiblUty to UAW members icon air strip and pulled back military forces that would be re­ PRESCRIPTION Vietnam ese and 16 A m ericans baflot. ------Vocational Rehabilitation Acts, and ttwlr families by ooncen- A company of Marines from a Communist volley of sni­ moved under the agreement. This week's low All State of Iowa very lean Poik. w ere killed and 64 A m ericans He said Indiana Democrats the concepts of eligibility for tnating our efforts ait the ooUec- searching for Red troops 2.4 per fire and claymore mines. Cypriot Ambassador Zenon F ully Coiriced Dubuque wounded In the fighting, which aid have been broadened to in­ price 54c doz. ttve baigalntog table in the . miles northeast of Con Thien was at such close quarters that (S ee P age ’Twelve) (Bee Page Twelve) a poflwDiG nkC6 fo r govan ior, U.S. Gives Statement clude such disabilities as alco­ Snudeed Shoulders...... lb. 59c OM-UAW negotiations.” ran into heavy machine-gun and holism, drug addiction, prison the Marines coul dnot use their record, social and cultural dis­ artillery. advantage, mental retardation U.S. CHOICE NEW YORK CUT The fighting broke a lull on Bunker, VC Confab AT and mental disturbance. MiUs Tells Newsmen the DMZ front during which the Five state committees have Communists had concentrated An Old Favorite PINE PHARMACY been formed so that special on new targets, chiefly allied 664 Center St 649-9814 problems of each Connecticut At A Low Price outposts along touth Vietnam’s Reported Thwarted region may be studied individ­ 1968 Tax Hike Seen 400-mile-long land border with ually. Sirloins (Jambodia. ’The enemy’s aim on • SAIGON (AP) — WeU-in- questioned. ThiB suggested that All o( our U.S. Choice Steaks, carefully aged for extra flavor. DOVAtETTES both fronts apparently is the formed sources said today a the Saigon government was not informed of tbe hieeting. Center Cut Sirloins ...... Ib. G l - 1 9 same—to operate ' close to his meeting between U.S. Ambassa­ If Spending Slashed supply trails and to draw Amer- dor EUsworto Bunker and a Other sources said 'ifiet Cong Large Tenderloined « ci ^ »» ™ . leans away from protection of high-ranking lepreseobative of representatives did meet in a WAgHmOTON (AP) — The SWEET CIDER Porterhouse...... lb. G 1 . 1 9 areM where the the Viet Cong’s National libera­ “neutral embassy” In Saigon , American taxpayer won't pay QTS., Yt GALS., GALS. Top Round Sw iss ...... lb. S l - 1 9 5 k ;;i ;9 9 c siUd It would be unthlnka^ not goveniment’s pacUlcaUon pro- tion Front was towartod recent­ within the last 10 days with G ^ higher Income taxes this year ly when South Vietnamese po­ 6-OAL. JARS, CROCKS, be^ making pro- (See Page Five) Bottom Round Sw iss ...... *.lb. 9 1 . 0 9 but m ight In 1988 If P resident But IDUs let the hearings lice arrested the Viet Ceng em­ KEGS, BARRELS. Johann cute spending enough, SPIGOT RENTALS Cube Steaks ...... lb. 9 1 . 1 9 lapse without scheduling any ^t Bu Dop. three miles from issary. saya Chairman Wilbur D. Mills working sessionB. Open Every Weekend Tbe U.S. Embassy issued a of the House Ways and Means "We will reconvene, however, Until New Years statement lotw saying: “Alle­ CkMnpiittee. udienever there is more for the State News gations about planned or actual Try new Mills told reporters Thursday committee to consider on which Our first carload of State of Maine meetings between high <^idalB BOLTON FIDDLE FADDLE It’s out of the question for Con­ we can appropriately- take ac­ Agents Tumed *Off' of the U.S. Embassy and repre­ a delicious new gress to pass the admlnlstra- tion," he said. Clouds o t marijuana CIDER MILL tioa’a complex tax bill in the re- sentatives of the VC-NLF as re­ $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ; Mills said he assumed the sm oke billow ed tow ard the^ ported by The Associatod Press R t. 6 and 44A—64S-6S89 >Snack item mslnlng weeks of the current move would be for Budget celling in the basement of aro false. The U.S. Embassy 3 9 t pkg. aeaston of Congress. Dlrector Charles L. Schultze to the U.S. Customp Service would, of course, not undertake Nww ^ POTATOES The Arkansas Democrat's re­ Thursday, but the agents discuss the proposed spending any such contacts without the Fire Loss; marks followed completion of cuts with the House Appropria­ weren’t having a ‘pot* party. (A." - a p p e t e a Se r s his oommittee’s hearings on knowledge of toe OVN (Govern­ tions Ckanmittoe. They were burning in an Tiny Nabisco 2(kJi. Bag Only 79c Johnson’s plan for a 10 per cent ment of South Vietnam).’’ The tax spending plan would incinator 425 pounds o f the In Wartilngton a State Depart­ In Bristol Crackers 39c surohaige on income taxes, require action by three commit­ narcotic weed, worth $460,- ment. q>okeanuai saU “ We have combinM with an admtnistra- tees—Ways and Means for the BRISTOL (AP) — Firs de­ New Quaker Instant 000 that w as con fiscated dur­ nothing to add to what tbe em­ Try Delicious, McIntosh, Cortbnd or 1 M L V m qiendlng cut plan. ing the past three years. stroyed a pharmacy, on auto Raisin and Spice Ih presenting the plan, Treaa- (See Page Five) bassy In Saigon has aaid.’’ supply store, and a seU-servlce OATS Baldwin Apples from Cheney Farms. The “actual meetings” re­ laundry today at the Pins Plaaa ferred to In tbe statement ap- shopping center in toe Forest- parentiy regarded reports from yUe section of Bristol .Damage Pinehurst. . . now as always . . . famous for the finest U. S. Chedee Round Steak ^ u n d . . . featured this other sources that a meeting be- estimated at moto week at 99c lb.... Lean Chuck Ground lb. 79c . . . Pinehurst Home Style Sausage w. 69c. . . Foifc’s a good Says Charges Unjustified tween U.S. officials aiXt Virt 120000O. buy . . . with 5-rib Pork fhnst cut 39c lb. W h ^ Strips . . . freezer wrapped if you wish . . . cot to order Qmg teprj^na^vra general alarm hlaae biote; 59c lb. Steaks are aged and lower in price. ««= alSTerto a.m. in toe sel(. Saigon within the Vast 10 days. gerrice laundry and sprsadto' MONEY MA8IC A Saigon newspaper said too ^ pharmacy and a Western Ait H you have a good driv­ proposed Buidcer meeting was ^ on eltoer side, fire oS- ing record, you may have LBJ Explains Shift arranged by the U.S. Central In- T « tew extra doUara in tolUgence Agency without let- About 80 firemen. inohidiiM, your future. Since our ting the Vietnamese govern- gome from n elgh borlrg^ S • Auto-R te policy ie for SAVE 10' WASHINGTON (AP) — Both and Innuendos that somehow he proached about two dozen or Just send this part of the box front SAVE 10* ment know about it. A member yuie. brought toe Mo m unAsr to us. For each box front you send In, we will •efe driven only, it may WITH THIS COUPON In public and in private, Prest- eased McNamara out of tho fed­ more Jobs in recent years—one ■ave you a eiseable WITH THIS COUPON of the South Vietnamese House control sSo^ 8:80 a.m. H w -' send you one FREE corresponding Taste O’Sea -OFF THE PURCHASE OF dast-Jehnsan is saying Defonae eral government for p sssms satisfled McNamara Is dent’s alone, McNamara would Ihe President has often said I Address_____ choicest seafood products, golden- InaurnnemlUis arrested the Communist envoy browned to tasty perfection, plus eoBfsnt with the way the Presl- have remained on first base Ifi- be would not stand In the way of I (AP Fhotofex) In Saigon before he reached toe delectable top-quality vegetables, 96S Main St., Manchester handled the sltuatian and deflnltely. any appointee who felt the grass Viet CiMualty I City & State. em haasy. . -Z ip . all prepared in Taste O’Sea’s own will depart the Cabinet with If some baseball fans feel the was greener elsewhere. He has dOimUNOTOR (AP) - Phone 949-6M1 Heirs of First Families Engaged The souroea said It was be­ ultra-modern seafood kitchens. only warm feoUngo and ^ipre- toortstop has more status than cited the case o t one of his'clos­ family of Karins Pfo. Paid Hill effer voM where prohibited, Uxed, or otherwlie rettrleied lieved the South ’Vietnamese .ar­ etottoB for Johowon’s role In too the first baseman, perhaps it est lywtotanto. Jack Valenti, Durnfai has reoelTed w ard o l Open Thurs. luujl till 9 Julie Nixon, 18, former vice president Nixon’s daugliter, flashes her engage­ resting offloera did not know the _ J JUST H6AT AND SERVE. . .DEUCIOUSI m atter. might be well noted Johnson who quit to become the $160,- death In Vietnaaa. . was a first baseman in his ment ring last night in Smith Qellege Baldwin House dormitory as she an­ purpose of the Viet Oong agent’s Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. 8 AJd. FYl and Sat. n Tho Prooldent portrays hlm- 000-a-year president o t the M o- Dumln, 19, WM kOled tti satf as the target of wholly un- younger days. nounces engagement to David Eisenhower, 19, grandson of the former presi­ visit to Saigon, but toe agent CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE jusUflod chargee, apeculations McNamara has been ap­ (See Page Tea) dent. She is a Smith CkvIIege student and he attends Amherst €!oIlege. “ spilled toe beaus’’ after be was (Bee Page Twelfo)
