\ ,\ •.- 1 ^ '* . WEDNESDAY, NOVEfflIBBR 29, 1997 P A O B r a T Y I *ii , ^ i31anrli^0tpr Ettim ittg B m li) Mhialc win ba provided b y the Lt Cmdr. Alvin N. Oatalarto Hiey were hosted at a raoep- know what we have been read­ The Weather Vl»r O m Week Ended About Town ftvb "Soul Searchara" at a dance n has recently been promoted Students Leam tion, dinner and professional ori­ ing about in our textbooka.” Snow tonight. AecummattaM sponaored by the Manchester to hie present rank, and has entation at which David Dorf These were some of the com­ Oeteker M , 1987 at one to three InChea Ukety. •1 lira. VBfioa fiiMa Future Seoretarias AasoelaUon been assigned to the Naval Ad­ ' In Sales BHtz was tbs main speaker. Dorf is ments by MOC students as they Jfpfitpr Supnttig llpraUi Low about 80. ’Tomorrow clear­ M n. VarailM Xithda, «8, at Sahirday from 8 p.m. to mid­ visory Oroui> in Vietnam. He is an official of the Hotel Manage­ returned to their classrooms. Datajrtovn, Pa., mother of John night at the Manchester Oom- the husband of the former Miss "Now I know first-hand soms The project waa developed Pinehurst ing. High In SOa. ment Association, a nationwide 15,544 W . U h d a o f «H OMStar 8 t , died munity College cafeteria. All M arlon M . M cG uire o f 881 Sum­ of the real problems in hotel firm . end oocnUnsuted by Frad A. Manchester— A City of Village Charm Sunday at har homa. MOC students are invitad. Miss mit St They have one son, Aud- sales." ITiis was a general com­ During their six intensive Ramey Jr., director of MDC*s tha fnneral win ba held to- Almira Karr, a sophomore, Is ley Lanson of Falls Church, ment voiced by 19 Hotel-Restau­ hours In the field the next di^, Career Programs Division. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 (ChMaUled Advertising on Pngn Cl) PRICE SEVEN CENTS' moMNIw at Oia D’Altorio Puneral Va. VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 51 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) dance chairman. the students queried executives Hom a, 71 ‘nUrd S t , CaUfomla, rant Management students at DOG HAS CHARGE ACCOUNT Manchester Community College about the nature and l^npe at P a. Little Flower of Jesus Moth­ Pvt. Olenn E. James, son of as they returned from a sales buslneas and social functions LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hero ers Circle win meet Friday at Mr. and Mrs. Edward James of their firms would ba bolding In Is a Datanatlaa aad a flrebouse Pork Sale "blits” project in Danbury re­ Jooaph X . DanjrUw o f 43 8:10 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 186 L ove Lane, has recen tly cently. the fleer Axture. The student- mascot, both of Which make SVmat St win particlpata with J d m M easom , 288 Autumn St. completed Army advanced In­ him a very traditional dog. But In a practical field project that interviewers also tried to relate McCarthy Starts mambara of the St. Mlchaal'e Mrs. John SpeHman Is co-hoat- fancy training at F t Polk, La. Nero also is unique: He has a War Plan Set, may become an annual one, the these hospltallly needs to Dan­ OoQago Olaa .Club In the annual eM. charge account with a bakery. MOC students Interviewed more bury Inn services. CSurlstinaa con cert with Trinity Membeys of the Manchester Whenever Jack Watson, a bak­ than 66 top execu tives in the The results of the "blita” were OoUaga Sunday at the Chapel Two Manctuester women are YWCA w ill hcrid a bake sale, ery truck driver, stops at 14th of St Michael the Archangel on Danbury area on behalf of the discussed, analysed and eval­ Campaigning for detegcubes t o an annual Flail Including homemade Jellies, St and Central Ave„ Nero S t m ch a e l’e campua In W inoos­ Danbury Motor Inn, an affiliate uated at a banquet that eve­ Fonsn of the Servloe Bureau breads and candles, at a Christ­ ning. "Wonderful work,” waa bounds out of Firs Station 80, Declares LBJ of the Wayfarer Inns chain. ki, «V t m as fa ir on Thursday, D ec. 7, baxUng end whining, and heads for Women's Organimitiioni to- Accompanied by director how Danbury Inn Manager Dan morroMr Anom 9:80 a m . to 2 at the'East Hartford YWCA, 770 for Watson. WASHINGTON (AP)— President tor his imfatUng sup­ James McKenney of MOC’s M anarl described the studente* Chief Executive Main St., East Hartford. The Depending on how vocal he is, port and friendship.’’ pm. at the Clam Box Ilenbau- Hotel-Restaurant Management p roject. President Johnson says rant, W etherafield. Mira. Sam ­ event will begin at 10 a.m. and Nero gets one doughnut or two. WASHINQTON (AP) — Sen. both are critics of the adminis­ But neither formal statement Program, the students arrived "We should do more of this major U.S. defense policies uel PilerBon o f 57 Arvhne FI. is sponaored by the East Branch The weekly hill, totaling 40 to 60 Bqgene J. MbOarthy laundted tration’s Vietnam war position. did much to confirm or dispel as oven^ht guests of the Inn kind of thing.” "It was a great 4u-e clearly defined for the First Class win represent the Church Wom­ of the YWCA of the Hartford cents, is paid by the firemen, hU preaMenttal campaign today George ChriaUan, Johnson's speculation that McNamara was on the evening before the blits. laainUMg' exp erien ce.” "N ow I man who will succeed De­ Shoe Repairing: en United, end Mrs. Maurice Region, Inc. There will be oth­ who thlidc Nero Is great. OB a pisttorm of opporitlon to press secretary, was asked If being thrown to the Vietnam Of The Better Kind! WUIey of 112 EUnJbeth Dr. ts er tables featuring decorations, U.S. poHcy In Vletaam and aaid the White House would have any fense Secretary Robert war hawks—that he is (being Because we nee only the PTA detegwte. toys and gift items. there U "a good ponatbiUty" comment on McCarthy’s move. McNamara, quittfng the eased out because Johnson pur­ the BEST aomeane ether than President “No, sir,’’ ho replied. Pentagon for the World portedly is aiding more and MATERIALS! Johnson will be the Democratic Senate Democratic Leader more with the military chleCs. Thomas Mitney, son of Mr. Cub Scout Pack 2 committee Bank’s presidency. >Oke Manafirid of Itentsna. But a triple play of announce­ There waw on ly one b rief “WaltinK Jobs Are and Mrs. George Mitney of 36 will meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. nonUneo In 1968. Our Specialty!” McCarthy toM a news confer­ who has expressed misgivings ments by the World Bank, White reference to Vietnam In both_ S. Alton St., has recently been at Second Congregational OPEN o f his ow n about 'Nfietnam p oli­ House and McNamara Wednes­ statements. This was Joimson’e elected chairman of the fresh­ Church. ence if he is not the man, It SAM YUYLES could bo Sen. Rebert F. Kenne­ cy, said he la supporting the day night left in a fog some of line saying the course of U.S. 3 man class at St. Francis Col­ 23 OAK STREET We like fussy customers who want only extra lean dy, D-N .Y. President. the more Intriguing aspects of participation In the war Is firm­ A few etepa from Main lege, Biddeford, Maine, and be­ Royal Black Preceptory will 2 ’Ihe senator from Mliatesote the defense chiefs switch in as­ ly set. comes a member of the college meet Friday Bit 8 p.m . at pork. When we run a sale on pork, we sell <mly light­ As for McCarthy’s candidacy, THURS. weight loins cut from governmeint inspected com-fed announced he win enter four, Mansfield said "it’s a free coun­ signments. The statements re­ A White House aide said It was student senate. Orange Hall. fair to assume Johnson’s aim State of Iowa Pork. possibly six, prasldentlal pri- try" and oidy time will tell ported: m ariss In 1988. whether the diallenge will hurt —McNamara will take over the was to counter allegations that 'T thlidc there’s a good chance the Demoorate. presidency of the 107-nation McNamara’s departure will sig­ and FRI. EXTRA LEAN CENTER CUT we can win two or three primar­ “Any detections in the party World Bank after he finishes Ms nal a major escalation of the RIB PORK CHOPS Lb. ies;’’ he ssid. hurt,” aaid Sen. John O. Pa- w ork on the fisca l 1969 defense bombing offensive. budget next year, probably Arthur Schlesinger, onetime Regular thicicness . very thin or double thick with pocket MbOBiUiy also said he will store, D-R.I. 9 for stuffing, all at same low price. (Center Loin Chops will seek support in states where sometime In February or short­ aide to President Jdm F. Ken­ Senate Republican Leader Ev­ be featured at 89c lb.) conventions select delegations erett M. Dliksen of RUnote said ly after. nedy, said In Upper Montclair, till 9 to file Democratic national the tide already Is moving In the —President Johnson maln- Repeat of a Sellout! talned "the course of our parti­ (See Psge Nine) cmiivention. SAT. tfll 5:30 , CENTER RIB PORK ROitST direction of the GOP and fore­ m m addition, be said, there Is a ca st vlctosy in 1668. cipation in the war In Vietnam is firmly set, major defense pol­ (For Thoso W ho Woro Uirablo To G ot Hero Lott Wookond) set the pace with your own distinctive style posatblllty favorite son Demo- "Thoee things,’’ be said of the crata may challenge the Presi­ M cCarthy candidacy, "a r e Uke icies are clearly defined" and dent In Indiana and South Dako­ a anow flake that faUs on the McNennara’s successor—not yet State News THIS THURS;.
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