SUI Satellite' to Be [Aunchea Tonight INNEAPOLIS
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I rioles 'SUI Satellite' To Be [aunchea Tonight INNEAPOLIS . ST. PAUL IA'I- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. III - tbe magnetosphere and Inter' Data Crom some 20 space probes vanced unmanned satellites. It rep. Worthington's clutch relief OGO, a scienti£ic space monster, planetary space. which carried "made-in· Iowa" de- resents a new concept in satellite and two home runs by is scheduled for launching bere to· RIDING THE Orbiting Geophys- tectors have been used to belp engineering since it has been de· KilJebrew lifted the Min· night to make the most compre leal Observatory·A will be a 5.6- formulate the evolving picture of signed to use the same basic struc· to a 2·[ victory over hensive survey of space ever at· pound aluminum·shelled ball con· trapped radiation about the Earth, ture, power upply, attitUde con· Aerleriean League·leading Bal· tempted by a single satellite. taining radiation detectors from and how the Earth's radiation en' trol. thermal control, tel metry Tuesday night. Wben the world's most expe· SUI. vironment is influenced by the sun. and command sy tems and provide the defeat, the Orioles riment·laden satellite Is launched, The SUI experiment aboard the OOO.A is intended to have an space to carry up to 50 experi· one·half game in front it will carry another SUI · built 1,073-pound OGO-A fs the latest orbit which will bring it to within menl. place Chicugo in the space research package Into a product of students, facully and 170 miles above the Earth and i The White Sox lost giant orbit. staff in the D partment oC Physics take It as far away as 92,000 miles. SUI one of nine univ rsities 8·0. The National Aeronautics and which have experiments on OGO·A. and Astronomy. Such an orbit, ov l' tbl! one·y t These include the University or lebrew's solo homers, his 43rd Space Administration scheruled the Under the direction of Dr. James life of OGO·A, will ~ake the Un;· of the season, rubbed out firing of the Atlas·Agena booster Chicago, niversity oC IIIinoi , Unl· A. Van Allen, the ' SUI research versity's experiment b a c k and versity of Michigan, and University Oriole lead built in the firs t rocket in a favorable 45-mlnute team bas put together a package forth through the Van Allen r ..• on an error, a wi ld pitch period starting at 8:2. p.m. of Minnesota among Iowa' si ter oC eight detectors designed to flJr· diation belt and to interplanetary in titutions in the Ildw Robinson's double. MEANWHILE, the Air Force an· ther man's understanding of the space beyond the influence QC the was the only hit Twin slart· potentially deadly radfaUOJ\ el'\' Earth's magnetic field. (n addition to participation in Kaa t gave up until the flOunced that the early shutdown of II Titan A3 third·stage engine vironment the Earth. The OGO.A sat lli e conlains multiple· experim nt pace ven· when pinch hiUers John o~ tur . SUI i the ooly university and Bob Johnson came Tuesday apparently was caused by Se~en. Gelger.Muel.ler detectors, more than 100,000 parts. Wlth i($ a helium pressure valve malfunc. all SImIlar to the SUI de· booll1$, including experim nt an' in lhe naUon which designs and wllh one out. 0 r si n a sl~gle build its own satellites to study lind moved to third on tion. tector whIch made history on Ex· tenntll; and solor poneL~ fullv ex. The troUble, which occurred on plorer I i.n 19?8, are plllc~ in and tended' in orbit, it measures by trapped radial ion. Currently WOrk double. 59 i under wayan the fourth in the the military space rocket's malden on the. elght'lnch s~herOld. 50 feet. The appendages lire folded the count two balls , no SUI's scientific instrument packa,e on the new Orbiting GeophYlicl1 "Injun" series of atelIites which Orbit in, Geophysical Observatory·A, sclMduled for launch thl' on Jackie Brandt, Worth· test flight , prevented the stage It will also contam a deVIce to in ide the rocket fafring during ObservatorY·A is eXllmined by Dr. James A, Vlln Allen, hoad of tho from achieving orbit. However, of· originated in the SUI Department from Cape Ktnnedy. carries .n experiment 'rom SUI whore. ,roup came 011. He got Brandt detect only protons sO those who launCh and deployed lifter orbit is oC Physics and Astronomy. in Cront o( the plate with Department of Physics and Astronomy, just before the packa,o ficials said mast tesl objectives interpret data from the detectors achieved. hladed by Dr. Jam.1 A. Van Allen hIS conducttc/ hlgh·.ltltude and was shipped from here to Cape Kennedy for launchin, witt! the . were achieved. will know what portion of the total Dale L. Chinburg, Sheffield. was Earl Battey grabbing it out ... ·sp.c. cosmic r.y studi" 'or mer. than I cite ... 1'ht SUI second out. The veteran reo 1,07J·pound OGO satellite. Looking on are Dal. Chlnburg, G, Iowa Tbe Atlas·Agena Tocket Is to pro· energy detected was due to elec. THE SUI group has prepared an the project engineer for SUI's OGO pel the OGO satellite, which re trans and what portion was due to Inst~~ment packa~e for the second experiment and he is now at Cape bract of eight radiation dtlKtor. II _ of • scientific ..peri. then struck out Luis Apari. City, who was project engineer for the SUI trapped radiation ex. protons OrbJImg GeophYSIcal Observatory, the threat. periment, and Ronald Gabel, A4, Ankeny, who was project coordin· sembles a giant insect, into an Kennedy to supervi e last·mlnute monh aboard OGO·A, which N"SA officials Uly is the "'"' _. eccentric orbit ranging from 170 MUCH OF THE present knowl. to be la~nched lat~r int~ a low checks on the Jowa in trument . lebrew led orr the fourth in· ator. All eight radiation detectors are visible here. The instrumonts pllx scientilic satellitt .vtr developed. A .trl.. of tho .. Inlld·llb to 72,000 miles high. On this path edge of the Earth's radialion en. polar orbit, and . WIll begll1 w~rk package. Chinburg received a mas· with a 415·foot blast into will be housed in the polished aluminum shell at left and the entir~ sat.llites will be Ilunched oVlr the ntllt two yU" into both ICc:. bullpen in right center. It its sensitive instruments will be vironment has resulted (rom space ~oo n on a~ experIment for the ~Ifth ter degree in lectrical engineer· a55mbly will be mounted on one of several booms pro/ectin, from able to make an exhaustive exam· experiments designed at SUI under In the serIes of OGO·type satellites. ing at SUI in 1960 and returned as trlc and nearly circullr or'hlh around the Earth, SUI In,ttumenhl the third hit orf Baltimore's the OGO satellit •. Barber and tied the score ination of the earth's atmosphere, Dr. Van Allen's leader hip, OGO·A is one of the most ad· a r search engineer in 1002. ar. slattd to be on five of them. ----------------~~--~----~_7~~--~--.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------ in Khanh May Resume Weather G_rally fair and cooler tonl",t. High tod,y abovt ••xtl'OlM ER VS. TIGER - northwest to IS·,. aouthea,t. IA'I - Don Fullmer, Putly cloudy with 1Itt1. temper' Lake City middleweight, has Conlrol in Saigon aturt cha. Friday, of signed as a replacement Cor oil Iowan wid. I y sc.ttlred showers or Rivero for a 10·round bout SAIGON, South Viet Nam IA'I - HE INDICATED, how e v e r, Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit" thundo"torm&. Tiger at the Cleveland Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh return· Khanh would resume his duties as Sept. 1], matchmaker Larry ed to Saigon on Thursday ,for government head if all members Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto announ ced Tuesday. conferences that may lead to reo oC a caretaker government in Sai· sumpLion oC his duties as head of gon agree to give him full sup· government. port. KHANH MADE no comment on Police sources said Wednesday his arrival at Saigon airport from that Buddbist pressure had forced the mountain resort oC Dalat where rioting here last week, including he retired temporarily late last some suspected of being Commun· • week after violent antigovernment ist Viet Cong agents. demonstrations. Inconclusive resulls of the drag· A government spokesman said he net operation came to light amid did not know if IQIanh would reo reports in Vietnamese political cir· Ins enat· main in Saigon or return to Dalat, att e. c1es tbat Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh 140 miles nortbeast of the capital, is refusing to resume the national after the conferences. Jeadershlp until all members oC the caretaker govern ment agree to giv him full support. Two Rights BUDDHIST influence on pollee FBI To Investigate Charge Health Care Tied and the government has grown Unions Pledge Aid Promised as a result of a truce agreement under which Buddhist leaders call· ,Cases ' Heard ed off demonstrators oC their faith Effort To End Of Kickback to Campaign at the heighth of antigovernment, To Deal With To Social Security' anti·Cathollc violence last weekend. WASIlINGTO (AP) - Presidenl Johnson ha asked the In Alabama Heat was evidently put On Brig. FBI to investigate a senator's clt<lr~ thut Philadt·lphia contrac· W SIIl eTO ( P) - Th S('natl.' go\'e Pr idenl John.