Manchetter^A City of Village Charm

PRICE SEVEN CENTS ▼OL. L x x x n , H a (TWELVE FAfiBB) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1968 T a m m State N ew s S u m m er’s Roundup L ight Side Troops Repulse Let’s relax over some of the NECAP PH^eto eunnier summer stuff that pops up. For relaxing, who can beat At City Hall Steve Rubeck of Pittsburgh, Pa.? Steve, 47, took a nap between r HARTFORD [AD— Tte North Koreans a set of railroad tracks as 44 H n t major ait<4B and pidKt freight cars passed over him. demonatratkm ib ^ o tfa h l When they stopped the train and jMilled him unharmed, Steve ffot underway at 10 to d a y - asked: “ Huh, , what do you! one hour after'tlie w ant?” ! atartinff time— aa i Theodore Charging Crow, a dem- « Police Chief C. J. Lovett i said today. Ih a the shooting occurred after a car port of Pretodest Kamedy's civil with to e rlghta IfglilstiM program. carrying five young Negroes CSw News and Fords^ Separation stopped when several white Seven Negroes, hs hsitog 9 Wsrid Repset. toe arector of to spat ministecB, were arrested Sunday Brtttaa’s JedreR Bank Ohserva- Daderpraaod night when toey nought aerrice at taey als* said: The Bmssiaas are Stuns Social Wenid P eace Note Ends a restaunani in Sumter. S.G smkfrig slaeese overtures to­ Charged with trespass, toey were ward eeaperaOsB ta space. Their released in 37B0 bond eneb. Abom D E rm o rr ( a p ) — the auMed gnatwre o t fl M alaysik Parley prime programs b o w are to taad 400 otoer Negroes staged an or­ softly on toe moon, tamlly of Henry Ford H—he end derly » » ti ■■pgrpgMtfcwi demonstim- his wife, Anne, have a jreed to a I to Joto with toe to ssWt a space platfhrm sepeuation—was to appareWt sec­ MANILA (AP) — Leaders of tion to dmnstown Sumter. wed hy aa eagineer aad an lusion today. Malaya, Indonesia and the Philip­ At Danville, Va.. the news staffs for five to sevea days Aelde from the hctol eepaiattna pines ended their summit meeting of two daily m-sspapers have to view toe heavews from a spare announcement that siuiBied the so­ practical today with a pledge to work to­ been subpoenaed to testify at the tetaueept. Sir Beraard said Us cial world over toe weehead, toe gether for peace and progress to trials ef 43 peranm dmrged wito tafonsatiaa emne ia a leeent Fords made no etotaawWL BSasts Southeast Asia. violating an injuutdoa banning trip to toe Soviet CnioB aad in­ to reach them were anaretltoi In a solemn ceremony at toe racial *lefrww.Uia Hnirw terview with toe presirtt'Bt of The Fords, married *1 ye«x Philippine Foreign Ministry, In­ Aboot lADB Negroes and white toe Soviet .Academy of Sciences. annoimced toe sqawetian towioKh ky toe tores torelgw donesian President Sukarno. Mal­ persons staged a freedom rally He told toe magaziiie that he counsel, sajiny they had afreed Gromyko made a ayan prime Minister Tunku Ab­ in downtown India napohs and dees mot tMnk yaw eaa aaamne upon a “leyal separathei'' and treaty as “a dul Rahman and Philippine Presi­ heard Gov. iSelilw ■ E. Wdsb caS toat toe Soviets are pmmaoeatly bad entered into toe “nsasl tom o f toe esM policy aC * dent Diosdado Macapagal signed for an orderly aad lawAd pursuit oat of toe twee to h ^ a maa ef separation acreemcnL" agreements designed to bring toe of civil rights mm toe mesa. He said toey had fsBd tt toe ceetljr to protect (Oonttoned an Paws iavoa} (Continued on Page Two) am Page Three) freas satar raffiatom daring the vayage aad later am toe mooa. # 1 m i Bat they added toat technical mlattaas might appear ta prob- Jackie Kennedy First to Test 18 Y ea rs A g o — H irosh im a ; kwB wUefa *'wmiy as at toe preseat tone.” pavtog the way Frances ClevelanJPs R ecord Today^ a Partial N^Test Ban M NATIONS TO SIGN Jackie Robinson B y THE A s SOCLATCD PRESS EDITORS NOTE — 1 By JAMES MARLOW I >oatri^A, aad had a blaiS effect M ore toa a 9 k aatloae hava. lady was qiewUng toa Associated PreM News Analyst equivalent to toat of all toe high pahUrly aanawaced they late ad at espe Cod, a w iS t^ toe birth two. WASHING'TON (A P )—The Unit- explosives vriach oonld be carried to alga the anelear test baa of bar child. Har fla y hi e'd States dropped an atom ic bomb to a fleet of 3AOO B29s. treaty. Frsarr aad Bed Chtoa aearby. Tha Piaddiid • Deepening Crisis: Gains and Goals on Hiroshima 18 years ago Tues­ Bertrand Bnsern. British pfail- kave rtfased West Germany has about ofOeial huainaaa i day. Shortly afterward. Hitler’s osoptaer. soggested last year that Tha yaarT Hot m i Wt NDTFOR'V N ona—Tbe Amerloan Negro has general; Oooneotiout elecited a Negro treas­ foreign mitoster, Joachim Von bombs not be the only cHseed teemendow gains to reoent yeaia— urer. Ribbentrop, expressed a strange cause of mortalitj to a anrlrar at­ teg t h ^ w m siitofA^maiBtaa. o ff- — -TO- f g wtdoh leadtrs of today’s equaAty “When I was growing up to St. Louis and confidence to mankind. tack on this uuiBUty. Braxfl. Bol- WA^IMQTON

\" r" F A O IT H ro MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1968 ICANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY. AUGUST 5. 1963 PAGB phrase in soma oilier work, don’t assume that K la wMhd plagtatten. ‘Cosa Noetra’y or Syndicate I HEALTH CAPSULES 1 Hw chief theme of the last move­ I fcyMkliselA.Petll,MJ)i. I Sheinwold on Court Backs ment in Brahms’ FM Sym­ Police Disperse Whites phony” is Mmllar to one tai the e YOU HAi/e A P0150N-ISfy “ THE W AY finale of BestbOven’s ’Tfinth Sym­ RASH, PO EJECTIONS WITH ZBA Denial phony.” Criminal Informs A POMON-lVy ©aRACT UGRTNER * DRIVEWAYS When some liatsner to Us ttrst H SLP1 fiai.TA f o b UNDBUAL UBAD NOKm .^ter Shotgun Incident perfonnanoe brought this to By sf.yRED SHBINWOIJI 4 9 IS S For Car Lot I HEARD IT” Bredima’ atteotloa, he got the curt Fr.ee Estimates On: reply, “Any ass can sea that!” ICany years ago Theodore (Oontinned from Page One) was a district attorney, circuit hy John G ruber This Is not a oese of plagiarism, On Secret Society ner suggested tt®t a Judge, state supreme court Justice Hte Count of Omunon Pleas has ft Vi a case of two men saying the be doubled only to “ w t n At Torrance, Calif., a suburb of and attorney general. He has never iqth^ a decte4on of "toe zontog BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVINB aeume thing; the developinent is unusual opening lead. “ Lios Angeles, civil rights demon­ lost a statewide election. pected” opening lead will defeat AJ74 board of appeals, which denied a quite dlsaimSar and plagiarism is (Ootoiamd Om ) arrests tor robbery, extortion, (CaatonMd from Page One) (OoBtfamed troen Page Oae) (OoBtinaed from Page One) —Paul B. Johnson, 47, of Hat­ • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS out of the question. he slam there is no need to dw- strator^ picketing a housing tract tiesburg, toe lieutenant governor. certtfioate for a used oar lot at burglary, gamMlng and narcotics I A ften- ^ y e r who has many vrords b Rusk and Home and their delega­ 2. Bkich of toe parties to tois But Undersecretary of State W. ’Hie Montgomery Advertiser Ih April 1961 the board granted song-writers in the vicinity, at them are to be found In "Elast ures, as a minimum. Further, if Outhman, Justcle Department sin. ValacU struck the man with tag lead. From East’s point of say to his partnsr. The fioy of a said toat University of Alabama with about 20,000 votes. you want to prove plagiaiiMn, tions and with Thant. . treaty undertakes furthermore to Averell Harriman, who negotiat­ —Charles Sullivan, 88, of an extension of permission with­ least some of whom are very jeal­ Side, West Side,” or "Sidewalks of puUic information director said. a piece of jdpe, kUUtw him. view, the "expected” opening lead woman scoraod got Its to ' Rusk made his speech after the refrain from causing, encouraging ed toe treaty, said he does not officials are considering expelling out a hearing—a procedure that ous of their efforts. New York.” There are undoubtedly you’U have to prove that ute oth­ The theory of a secret society Valachl sent for Federal Bu­ was a s ^ e . before we knew about James A. Hood, a Negro, for re­ Clarksdale, toe third major can- er composer had .access to your toast or in any way participating "in, believe Khrushchev has any tricks date. Sullivan, a prematurely Judge Wall found illegal. Suits of this nature are relative­ other pieces of music that employ at the hub of organised U.S. crime reau of Narcotics agent and de-. B olton South would mako toe g ra ^ bridge partnen. Khrushchev listened to the Rus­ toe carrying out of any nuclear up his sleeve in connection with marks Hood allegedly made in a The certificate was voluntarily ly rare, but sometimes turn up in this melodic sequence, but the composition. has been auHported for many etom against toe normal spade Dally Qnaaticn speech at a Negro rally in Gads­ gray-haired ex-district attorney, dared the slaying was a case of sian translation of the speech in weapon test explosion, or any oth­ toe test ban. But he added in a finished a surprisingly strong third surrendered in May 1961, however. the news. The last one I can recall plaintiff and a musically ignorant If your oompoaitlan has bsen years by the Federal Bureau of mistaken identity. What devekqied lead. South would raft toe Partner opens eetth sew h eail rapt concentration. er nuclear explosion anywhere television interview (NBC3—^Meet den. The university confirmed ■When Solimene was denied a that got to court was when Dmitri attorney apparently had no hesl- published and achieved a oonsld Narcotics. VaMchl provided ruff a diamond in dummy, ruff and too next p la y e r ------“ that an investigation is ■ under to ,toe 1969 gubernatorial cam­ was a flrst-ha^ description of Budget Bids, p sses. Tea Home called the ceremony "a ahlch would take place in any of The Press) that the United States paign- He is a state rights advo­ certificate In April 1962, he com­ nom kin got sued for alleged tancy in entering a suit over ttie enable success, so that it ia very blueiRint o f toe “ Oosa Nostra” — the rackets syndicate. another spade, raff a sccoiuL^ hMdt Spades, J-V-4t Hearts, 84| great occasion to us edl, for the toe eovironments described, or must be ready to test at any time way. plained to the oourt that con­ matter. wen-known, thU “aoceas” may be Uteislly maanliig “Our Hdng” but amonds, A-J-S-4-8; Sixteen more persons have been cate who says he will bolt toe plagiarism with his tune, "The Valachl, who had meanvriiila maud tn dummy, raff a third Spades, 18. British people, tor the Russian have toe effect referred to. in case the Soviets break the Democratic party rather than vote tinuous use of theproperty as a High and Hie Mighty.” He easily Since there are only seven notes assumed, but you'S have to show sometimes caUsd the syndicate pleaded guilty to the fellow con­ spade, and raff a thlzd diamond 7-8. people and for the American peo­ agreement. arrested as a result o f«disorders M inus School, AR'X'iuLE H in Chicago’s South Side, where for Kennedy. In 1960 Sullivan used car lot since 1944 had creat­ defended the suit and the plaintiff in the major scale, diqdloetfoii of bow many copies o f ths music, and oonllnnatVsi that sodi an or­ vict's murder and drawn a life in dummy. Then declarer leads Whatdo you soy? ple, and all tiie peoples of the 1. Any party may propose Close scrutiny of toe treaty was ed a vested interest, which legal was stuck with the costa. melodic motives is Ineviibeble. were sold, whether or not it was ganisation of criminals exiata. ANSWER: Bid ocw notnnnp. s three Negro families have moved supported Barnett’s winning slate sentence, was qrirlted from At- dummy’ s last tramp for a suo- world.” amendments to this treaty. promised by Sen. J ^ n Sparkman of unpledged presidential electors precedents indicated was suffi­ DOUBLE into a predominantly white neigh­ mund Spaeth once listed 2Sfi in­ recorded, and by nkam, and so on. The story of tbs ValacM bresk- lanta to a secret hiding place. ceMfDi flneese, draws the roM of partner had opened wttb one club He said people miefat now live 2. Any amendment to this trea­ D-Ala., who said toe Senate For­ cient to justify re-certlfication. stances of the notes associated through sppesred Sunday in a Change Little borhood. and was the presidential candi Tears ago a pondar oemposer An FBI agent became hla con­ the trumpe with the ace and you YTOuld have reoposided in dlv free of feeu’ o f “ manmade poison ty must be approved by a major­ eign Relations Committee will ex­ date of the Constitution Party to 'The ZBA contended that changed with “How Dry I Am,” in dtflfer- managed a sucoeasBol suit against oopyiiiihtea story M ths Washing­ stant copipanion, drawing names, wiaima the rcst cf the tricks irith monds, but you cannot afford to in the e^.’’ amine "every line and every ity of toe votes of all the parties JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Presi­ Texas, conditions in the Oakland St. area ent compositions. Ldsast’s "Les Pre­ Jerome Kom on the hssis of a ton 8 ^ . Hie Justice Department places and dates of events from TVnni budget roqucMa for toe good chibs. bid the diamonds a t the Isvet ct Homo said the treaty, although to this treaty, including toe votes word” of the agreement. were sufficient to justify denial. ludes,” Franck’s “Sy mphony in ’ hoogio-woogie baas’’ widefa was confirmed tbs eswmtlsls, dent Kennedy is very much to the With 660,000 registered voters, ««Bad Breath the American-hbni son of Italian neoct fieoel year, wltfa toe eoaoep- Hand la NoMeed two with so wseric a hand. it la not an act of disarmament, of all toe original parties. Sparkman, who is In Moscow for election officials forecast a record Bight witnesses appeared at the D,” and Wlagner’s “ Fkte Motive” then apparently new . I atways At the bead of “Oosa Nostra’ inunigrants. the signing said in a radio-televi­ Mississippi Democratic primary SvsctSM HNHhStSMCli is S Minutes tion cf toe ncbool budget requeot, West, one of tiw best pUysrs in would bring an end to “the fan­ ARTTCTjE III even though his name isn’t on the turnout of more than 460,(XK). Polls April hearing to complain of in­ in "Hte Ring” all use the same thought, however, that that parti- Valachl pMcad Vito Oenoveaa, W- Hie picture of Ooea Nostra’s or- Belgium, has playsd many other For Sbeinwold’s 86-pogo bock- tastic waste ot material and hu­ sion statement taped before his creased traffic on Oakland St. crwsrSSt UscUitdnintetCtiswBsIniii oomfeinaibion o f notes, wtidefa al ysar-old ItaUan-barn narcottro do not differ too much from laet 1. Hiis treaty shall be open to ballot for the election Tuesday. open at 7 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. tsMttt eSiStMr yw ttlnk ]Kiar brstta may cular bass had probabty bsaa cm- ganixatlan Valachl is said to have hands In the past ten years hut lek, “A Pocket Guido to Btidge,” man resourcea.” departure that he noted no hostil­ CST. .State regulations require that STAMPS fure to be found ip Bsch and Bee­ ail states for signature. What one candidate calls a sMsd. Bsllem nsotnlln teidlly, twettm pioysd prsviouBly by some un­ Ixias serving a 15-yaar sentenca suppUed: year’s apprcprlaUcns, aoooedlngto none of them has received as send 80 cento to Bridge Book, He called the treaty a “break- ity to the treaty during a recent width of highway and effect on SMSIii ssd ttanacii Ilk# msfle. He hannful thoven. at Atlanta PenHanHary. Mrs. Doria M. DTtaha, board CfC 2. This treaty shall be subject "cuss toe Kennedy” campaign has Although Democratic victory has dnv- Ust BsIKess. Sand poatal to Ball-ani, known, probably a New Orleans At the top, a ruling council much notice as one. He had Manchester Eve. H erald/T te SUL throufh In the relations between to. ratification by signatory states. briefing for members of the Sen­ •virtually assured election for near­ public travel be considered by local SissiBsri, H. Y, far Hbaral trae assipla. So when you bear a phrase in a Negro, bik Kem apparent^ could Genovese plotted tiw Apalaehia known as the “ commission," with fflitanoe cbaiiinaa. his fingers on the ace of diamonds Grand Oentml Statioh, New Tork our countries.’’ ate Foreign Relations and Armed overshadowed traditional state is­ WEDNESDAY oomposlUon that sounds like a meeting. While Valarht was not a r t ic l e IV sues in the heated campaign to ly a century, Republlcems are zoning boards before g;ranting used not fU a praoedent. Bi any evmt Genovese as the chief and mem­ ’The aobocl budget incrcaM ao- before the last pass died away bn 17, NY. The British official said that too 1. Hits treaty shall be of un- Services Cjommittees and the Sen­ mounting their first serious bid car certificates. the amount of damages awarded prominent enough to attend, ha bers — known as "bosses” — conhng to figuros of the achool ate-House Atomic Committee. pick the probable successor of 66- the air. great powers bad oome to toe limited duration. year-old Gov. Ross Barnett. tor toe state house to decades. “ In view of the high and in­ were so «nSM they probably would was high in the orgaidsa- serving as heads of crime “fam­ office, is 966.000 CKOhMive o f the East later pointed out that ha concluMon “that nuclear world creasing volume of traffic, the tton to know what went on — and ilies” in cities across the nation. 2. Each peuty shall, in axercls- Barnett, who attracted world­ Onetime Democrat Rubel Phil­ not halve covered the coat of a 911,400 for leeMng trailer olaan- didn't know about the ace of dia­ war is withinkable in toe nuclear ing ita national sovereignty, have Bank 100% Union lips, 38, is stumping the state as board cannot accord its approval dMpmt search and proof of for a time Mter, he was Geno- The families control organized rooms. 166 TO m wide prominence last fall by defy­ MONDAY monds when he doubled; hence he ora.” toe rlcJit to withdraw from toe ing the federal government to the toe GOP standaiti-bearer for the of these premises,” the ZBA loa. vase’s csltanats In Attanta. crime In their areas. Individual could not have been calling tor a HARTFORD (AP)—The OMe He expressed toe bc^ that men found. The ApaMchin ddegatea ware to tlM budget requants for toe treaty if it. decides that extraor- 8AN JUAN—Hie Labor Bank court-ordered admission of James general election. Republicans hope mattw of fact, tbs way mobs within the families pay part town proper, attbpugh tlM aalaiy dlaminid lead. Bast also pointed Motor VeMoU dsnaitment’s dsliy had put off old habits of toou(hb> to capitalize on dissatisfaction According to Judge Wall's find­ the boaies of the Individual of their profits from narcotics, dineuy events, related to the sub­ of Puei:to Rloo is aald to be the H. Meredith, a Negro, to the TUESDAY ’VlodsoNphonie" music is now of the selectmen’s clerk ie up 9130 out that only the "obvious” club record ot mutoencMle toteritUso so and actions and that tor toe time ject matter of toe treaty, have only bank wtioee owners and University of Mississippi, can not with the Kennedy administration ings, the changes in conditions DOUBLE STAMP worked out with mathematical btanchea of Ooaa Nostra and toelr gambling and vice to the families. o t lost mtdnlgtiit and tha toteds ca being toe worid was being dls- WAY bo4yguards. According to the other selectmen ttems are reduced. lead could defeat the grand slam jeopardized toe supreme interests stockkholders must aiB be mem- succeed himself. and toe national Democratic party. were material enough to justify the oMcouNT cnrnm s prarlilon, it woidd not aurpriss ms Hie council determines which and that only a double would eall the asm# dote hot year: oiptoed .by the nuclear bomb. reversal, and the appeal was dis­ Star tosra wero two main roasons families get which crime oonces- Probate oourt ie .aeking 9800 In­ of its country. b en of labor luiinne. Tradltlonany, the Incumbent It could bo late Wednesday be­ WEDNESDAY to find tsio modwn oomportttons stea d 'cf 9100. 1 ,1111101^ am ai for a club ImUL i s a 1088 me Briton advised a go-slow governor takes no part to toe fore toe results are determined. missed. that YMte IdentiBsl Ihrnqghotrt for tha meeting: Genovese wanted Biofis. It also passes on disputes Many Belgians apeak boto HUM • e a e-a a • »• a*a ••• • 168 387 a{q;iro*iMi toward the solution of IS WEDNESDAY the oeganMatton’s su|ipurt. for an over spoils. ing 93,000 inetead c f laet year’a campaign to choose his successor. With a long Urt of candidates for The case was argued for the their onOrsty, yet nsUhar oom- major worid issues and recedled leeulers have sunk,” said' a fore­ other races and hand coimting in town by Assistant 'Town Ctounsel in Hartford, Baat Hartford, West attmnpt on the life of racketeer Families are said to be operat­ 92,760. An Increase has been re­ word. Barnett has held to this line, say­ Hartford, Bristol, Mancbsster, Haw poasr ndgbt hanre heard ths work quested la the salary of toe oleik. the example of the race between Public Records ing he was too busy with aff^lra all counties except one, the results Arnold Klau. SptriaUJ of tbs other. TUs eoafid rssidt BVank Onstsilo and toa Maying of ing in New York, Detroit, Buffalo, the tortoise and toe hare. What stung toe Kremlto was Britaia, IH ddleto^ Tbompaowraial gangster Albsrt Anastasia; Geno- Phliadelidiia, Chicago, Miami, Town treasurer ie iq> Drom 9760 Peking’s charge that the' Soviet of state. will be alow to being tallied. finom pmeDr fiortultoai to 91,061 because of the biennial At Your Service To Make Dining Ont Hiant thanked the signatories for The four Democratic candidates N(me of the three major can­ of ttw opeikig mottve sod prog- Tsae wanted to strike fron tiis Kansas CUy, New Orleans, Pitts­ Union had sold out to toe “ im- Warrantee Deeds otganMation’s rolls appraadmately bond premium. Hie eoning oom- a Memonble Occasion and Worth inxlting Wm to the ceremony imd are: didates is expected to win a clear- esi by msthenrukticsl logle to ths burgh, St. Louis, Cleveland, Los ;ierlalist” United States by signing Frederick Lewie and Jessie H. cut majority, which means the top FUU POUND PACKA6E 300 “ button m m ," or sMdiors in Angeles, San Francisco, Provi­ nrisslon’s request is up frten 91A00 a Repeat Visit Again and Again! said he interpreted he gesture he treaty. Lewie to Jtrfin J. Sullivan and Ada —J.P. (for James Plennon) Cole­ Grange Notes Bd wtth ataaolitto atodtortty. ths sodsty, as no longer usefuL to 91,260, because o f an Increase “as an expression of toe deep man, 49, of Ackerman, governor two would go into an Aug. 27 run­ In this ease one wouU haive to dence, Boston and various parts Five Communist nations are M. Sullivan, property at 89 Finley FRESHIY CVT-aHCKBI YalarW had a kaw raeord of of New Jersey. in the agent’s fees and tha clerk’a faith and confidence in toe United among eighteen states which have St. to 1966-60. A lawyer, he has been off. .rove absotots d^Modenoe on the salaiy. Hie zoning board of ap­ Natiems and all it stands for.” announced they will adhere to toe to the state house of representa- Most observers predict Cioleman Sunday, Aug. 18, will be a day othw as tba sola posMUe sooroe The Ray Carlson Lumber Co. to will gain a second prim a^ spot peals Is down from 9300 to 9169. "The agreement signed today agreement. , Paul P. Fiano and Valerie G. Pi­ lives for the past four years. Be­ to remember for toose who go to o f Ms meiodfa isapiratlan. TWs wlU not eliminate the threat erf fore winning the governorship, he with either Sullivan or Johnson. BREAST QUARTER w oiM be prsetteSBj tig mg 11 Lost year a file eabtaiet was pur­ Hie New York Herald Tribune ano, property at 61 Arnott Rd. Camp Berger to. hear .^Juvenile Jackie Kennedy First to Test chased. war,” Thant said. "Only general said in a dispatch from Bonn that Herman Levi and Gladys Levi to Hts Jury and Joilge, o f s o m e , and con^lete disarmament under Oiancellor Konrad Adenauer has Granges demonstrate their ability ’Ihe fire department request ie A Top Chef eombtoea with Fox Grove Realty Co., property on BIRDS EYE would have to d^MDd sotoly on the 98CO lees beoeuee last year the Internatlcxial insi>ection can ac­ decided to ^inform toe United Keeney St. to make rhythm and melody out terttoaony of oimsrtB, «or the complish tois.” Switzerland's Natural Beauty Frances Cleveland's Kecord fire bouee was painted. Hm budget pieasaat waitresses to serve States that West Germany will John J. Sullivan and Ada M. Sul­ of farm and household instruments. thing wooil be too oom- then was 96,476; the new requ^ However, he said, toe three agree reluctantly to the Moscow livan to Walter R. Fagan and Gail Mrs. Gertrude Wyble, state super­ pHoatsd fior way but people thor- y m to a moot deUghtfol powers have demonstrated their pcMt. A. Fagan, property at 131 Edger- intendent of Juvenile granges, will oogb^ versed In ntodwn marie. 'h geO M ) nearing 70, and living In Lendon, la 94,826. CXvU Defense is down wilUngnees to continue to seek Impresses Mary Ann Aronson said recently she would be happy fom 9616 to 9360. The newspaper said Adenauer ton St. hold the “Partner Al’s Band Ctai- Nsverthriess the verdict of a 7 Wslnart St., MsaMiiestieir further agreements on interna­ probably would insist that West Leola M. Stokes to Ivor P. Smyth test” Judging on that day at Camp, HtESHLT CUT-OIICKBI muatesBy ignorant Joty in such a Read Army Hoqdtal in Wariiing- to share her distinction with a An increase is requested for tional issues. Kennedy offspring. But the hightway maintenance, fixxtn 9t,' Germany be consulted on matters and Theodosia E. Smyth, property '' than a^ center of the town recognizes all and announces that the event will PEAS case w o^ be open to eonjectars. ton for the cesarean birth of her Thant reminded toe three nu­ concerning its Interst, particularly Ajflter a little 700 to 9t,SM, mafaoAy to keep up at 61 Dale Rd. be open to families and friends as (ki Mm other b s^ m j venBet hy ddld, sdieduled Bor toa last wssk chances of a White House birth clear powers of U.N. calls for the month ^>ent with "ptipi^ whose those who attempted to reach the have been virtually ruled out the striiMB painted on the road* Khrushchev’s proposal for a nonag- Mary McVeigh to Mary M. Mc­ top, but regretfully did not. well as Grange members. Phcnic LEC QUARTER •Bjr Jriqr Is ahvsys opwi to eoo- in Angnat prevention of toe wider diseminar gresslon pcu:t between toe NATO Veigh. property on High St. living standards seems to be about Jeoture^ medical advisers. and for road signs. Hw request tion of nuclear weapons. He sedd “Eveiry day found u>s hiking and lunches and swimming will be en­ _ i According to nswwispor ac­ for the town garage is up 96W to and Warsaw Pact powers. Quitclaim Deeds the highest In BJurope,” Miss Mary joyed both before and after toe nonnuclear powers could play an The Chinese announced the re­ Dorothy W. Paris to Raymond ahmbdng, and, amazingly enough, counts, the first clue ttot Mrs. WAS^GTON (AP) — Accord­ Improve a ahaHow well for water Important part by not manufac­ Ann Aronson of 20 Plaza Dr. is enjoying o u r acoompdisiimento. 2:30 p.m. program. CtoraMnd’s baby was coming was ing to available records, at least to wash salt off equipment in the call of their ambassador to'Mon­ C. Paris, properties on Hamlin St. The winning band will perform turing or seeking to control them. golia, toe Soviet Union’s staunch­ Marriage Licenses enjoying every minute of her stay Swto visits as the Sunnegga, 7100 Peace Note Ends an order from the White House 19 diildron have been bora in the whiter. “Hie Soviet government consid­ the the Connecticut State Grange White House. est ally in Asia. Zenon Wolk-Lanlewskl, New to Switzeritind, and especially feet, the Gomesgrat, and even the 7 S ^ i t canceling tha regular Saturday Most other requests Miow no ers tt as a success for toe peace­ Peking also continued sending Hiutte at the bMe of the Matter­ session to October and the prize Britain, and Haltoa (31ereblej, Man­ Malaysia Parley concert of the Marine Corps Band The last was Francis B. Sayre change at aU. The txwrd cf finance ful foreign policy of toe Soviet traveling through the cojintry and will be awarded at that time. How­ on the White House Mwn. Jr., now dean of Washington Cath­ letters to governments proposing chester, St. Bridget’s Church, Aug. horn, gave us a wonderful view ELM CtTY wia meet Aug. 27. Union, as a success for all states a meeting to discuss its own pro­ seeing with her own eyes "a small of the valley below and an inspired ever the winner will be annoimced "The closest reticence” was edral, bom Jan. 17, 191B. He Is the on Aug. 18. (Oontiused from Fsgs One) Umpire Gvatefid advocating toe avoiding of the gram for a total nuclear ban and Edgar Charles Smith, 41 Hoff­ nation with a wealth of natural feeling to be at such great heights. malntalneil at the White House. son erf Jessie Wilson Sayre, daugh­ Wltfa too jiaiior basebek aeason danger of a new war and toe beauty found hardly anywhere Mitb. Wyble reminds all juvenile' The president went about offi­ ter of President dismantling of foreign military man Rd., and Agnes Donald Beau­ “Actually they aay that anyone three states eloeer togstbsr and now over, IQke Oiglio, umplre-in- maintenance and consolidation of bases. champ, 62 Academy St., South else in such a small place.” Matrons that any funds for the cial burineas as usual, seeing rla- and Francis B. Sayre. dhief, has expressed iris HiamirM oan dUmlb the Matterhorn. AU Mystic Aural School for the Deaf, BACON peace,” Gromyko said. At an outdoor rally In Hiroshima The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. aohrs the Ifalsyala dtepots. ttocs and signliig two trills. Other White House births: Methodist Church, Aug. 9. one needs is an experienced guide for the cooperatton and depend­ “The conclusion of toe treaty preceding the World Conference John Begush, Newington, and Arnold Aronson, Mias Aronson ie the (Jamp Berger Waterfront Proj­ One agreement presented a de­ Thaca was no wHiS»vi.ig Sept. 9, 1898, Esther Cleveland, ability of the men who umpired banning nuclear weapon tests may (many have met their death by ect, or the Greek Fiind to help that 'general air of siqiectancy” at against Nuclear Weapons, the So- Anna Resinger, Newington, Aug. in Switzerland under the sponsor- not having one) 160 francs, the tailed outline of inatnietlona to daughter of Frances Folsom Cleve­ geunes from the middle of May pave toe way to the solution of riet delegation sat grimly silent .shlp of The Experiment to Inter­ country agriculturally, should be the ’ White House however, the land and President Grover Cleve­ through toe first of Augimt. Bill other still mors Important inter- equivalent to $40 to American cur­ sent in as soon as possible to fa- LE GRAND U.N. Secretary-Osneral U Hmat news dimtebee said later. while a (Chinese representative de­ Elveme Norman Harmsen Jr., national Living, an independent, rency, and a ^ 1 week of practice, land. Stem and Bob Stevens of Feevi- natioeial pcbblMns, including toe nounced the treaty as “ a plot to cildate keeping -the year-end rec­ GEISHA TUNA on how to ascertain the wlriies of When Cleveland’s private seers- June 7. 1876—Julia Dent Grant, 138 Highland St., and Dianne non-profit organization promot­ conditioning ones seif to climbing wood Dr. and Dr. AJan Leventtial .iiiiitrmamitnt problem. The Soviet paralyze the campaign against Lynn Heritage, Wapping, Aug. 10. ing international understanding ords. the people of North Borneo and tary, Henry T. Hmrber, w daughter Brig. Gen. Frederick were the regular umpires. Among ovenunent, for its part, will in nuclear war.” over jagged rocks, crevasses and NECTARINES I SOUDWWK ^ sm ^ out by r^wetsrs, he was Donald Ediwnnd Reid, 345 Hil­ by a personal approaxih. She Bay State Parley > T « $1 Sarawak concerning ICalayaia. Dent Grant, sen of President the substitutes were Sandy Plante, Siture spars, no effort and do A Soviet speaker then described patches of Ice, attached to a guide Hie week of the Annual N e w “ svsn aooro roUcent Hwn iris as- liard St., and Patricia Ann Da- makes her headquarters with a by a ' rope. Our American group The BrlUah territories a Ulysses 8. Grant, and his wife, Joe Tracy, John Gianopolous, WUt everything it can to bring about toe treaty as a "Umited victory” England Lecturer’s Conference is Ida Maria Honre Grant. niato, 16 Homestead St., St. Bridg­ family in Herzogenbuchsee, where decided to wait until next time J - 1 acbeduled to Join Singapmre and Bavler and Fnuric Mannisa the speediest solution of urgent for peace and a first step toward et’s Church, Aug. 10. upon us. Many Connecticut Grange _ took plMCO J*u. 34, 1848, a son, bom to she spent a month, and is now before ascending to the top. Malaya in the federation Aug. SI. to the WUUmantic league, Jai^ internatiatMd problems including complete disarmament. Gary Nonman Tautkus, Elling­ traveling through Switzerland. members will be spending next SWEET JUICY H m statament said toe UJf. could ponilriy intereat & puMlc,”pc Mrs. Henry Ligfatfoot Jones, vis wHl play WDUmanUc tonight. toe problem of European Se­ Aifltar five days In Zermatt we ET 2 " “" 3 9 * ton, and Etorto Ann Greene, 116 She has written the following week (Aug. 12-16) or part of it, ritould take into account recent ba said, ha would “see toat toe dau^ter of President John Tyler. Briefo curity.” Benton St., Aug. 8. journeyed to Chur for a night’s T fW S ., WED. O P M T / neanpapen wen informed.” account of her travels to Hie Her­ at the University of Massachusetts electtooB in toa two tarrltoriea to to 1841, Mary F. Tyler, diuigfa- The Tblland County Republican The Soviot leader gave Rusk an Rockville-Vernon Harold Robert Freckleton, 21 stay. Leaving early toe next morn­ in Amherst, Mass., brushing up on TIm hahv was born at noon and to of President Tyler’s son, Rob­ ald: aasess whether toe people want to Women’s Association has Mated a especially warm welcome. When Horton Rd., and Lynne EUlen Ap- ing we oontinU'Cd on to the Appen- program-making for local granges. MOTTS J(dn Malaysia. Btyaat notlfled tha preMdent. who ert, and his wife, mizabeto FTls- fashion show by Burton’s Ajt^ 21 the two had seated themselves at "Oiir group went from Lauaanne zell country and our last s t ^ at qiaddy went to the room wboe cllla Cooper Tyler. ijrfeby, 28 (jerard St., Community to Zermatt, a sunny Matterhorn Mrs. Evelyn Normand, (Connecti­ URGE, GRADE ’‘A" Thant was ariesd to verify at'' Flano’s RMbaurant. Tony the conference table, the premier Judges Assigned Baptist Churdh, Aug. 10. the Experiment House there, cut’s State Lecturer), has request­ Ytoether Malaysia was a major MYa. CtorMand was natiiq'. at­ .M*il 19, 1834, Rachel Jackson OHi'tglrf. win provide the music. Departmeert o f Theator, remarked that "Things are going v^age, located to the canton (a known as Tuhi Egg. Open for tended by a nurse. Edward Francis Rizy, Bridge­ ed all state officers who attend A.M . P.M. DRINKS issue in the elecUons, whether Donelson, daiq^iter of i»eMdent H ie public building oonimiaaion University of Oonaecttciit well, very well.” To Tolland Courts port, and Leonore Margaret La- Swiss state) of Valaes. Although three weeks during the summer, WlMB be emerged. Ctoreland Andrew Jacksm’s neidiew. An- "■yes,” Rusk replied, "and we quite viicated this season due to New England Night, which will be alectoral registers were properly vrfn meet today at 8 pm . in toe Eqiiity BeMdent Oompoap— IBaibera, 19 Foiey St., Church of the American groups in Switzer­ Wednesday, to wear the pink sash comidled, whether they were free was fadlermsd that a scheduled toew Jackson Donelson, and his oonference room of the town of­ want to keep them going w ^.” last year’s typhoid epidemic, Zer- land usually spend a few days of visitor was waltiiw for Wm in wife. Emily, who was official 7th Sessloa Judges who will preside at Tol­ the Assumption, Aug. 10 for the entrance march. Connec­ and whether the votes were prop­ fices. Home gave Khrushchev an en- Harold Jacob Linnerud, Menlo matt’s quaint atmosphere of their inforrnal trip here to Umasch erly counted. The Imidlcation was tbs Bhis Parlor. & was Prince hostess to the widowed president TUESDAY THBOUCaai SATURDAY velqpe cMitaining a personal mes­ land County Supwior and Oxn- horse-drawn carriages and wojii- ticut’s conference color is orange, Torintto Komatsu, grandnephew Park, CJaldf., and Barbara Ann or in another Experiment (JhaJet EGGS tost If these ecnditlcna ware met, May 18, 1882, a son of the Don Manoheeter E’venlng Herald Bol­ sage from BrlUMi Prime Minister mon Pleas oourt to r the ooming derfid shops still prevails. at Adelboden. and she also requests everyone to AUGUST 6-AUOUST I f ' Sale, 86 Strickiland St., Ehnamuel the Indonesians would not de­ of the Mikado of Japan, who was slscns, JMm Samuel Donelson. Macmillan. wear ■white or near white to set said to ba travMliig incognttp in ton correspondent, M. OeenewMI oourt years have been smiounc^d. Lutheran Church, Aug. 10. "From our hostel window we “Hie highlight of our stay here mand a referendum. Aug. 81, 1829, another daughter Toimg, teiephone 648-S98L Beeord Dieahfaif Broadway Hit Octnedy Khrushchev spent an hour with wouild awoken each morning and it off as the rally depends for America and had called to pay of the Donelsbns, Maty Racml Judge ' Charles S. House wlU Building Permits was oUmaxed on the last evening. much of Its excitement upon the The federation la intended as s l i each vlMtor Ixfore entertaining To Conyers Const. Co. for Orafte look out to see 'The King of the •RAND Iris rsspeeto. Dcnelscn. 7 II toem lit a Kremlin luncheon. preside at the faU sessioin erf Su­ A wonderful and entertaimng fes- banking of state colors. bulwark against Oonununlat « Rural Flighu New Center Inc., for alterations to an Mountains,’ the Matterhorn, be­ ti-vol was held In a village hotel. IMG M W WNM crooohmsnt In the area. The proMdari,'during the brief Dee. 3, 1828, Mary Louisa Ad­ THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH A state Department spokesman perior Ocmrt beginning Sept. 19 industrial building at 260 Tolland fore us. Since its first conquest National Note . audience, gave the prtoce no hik- Seeing ttoe evening’s program with All oarriers (rail, water truck Ih I MihB pries Differences over whether the ams, a granddaughter c f PreMdent said Rusk and Khrushchev qpent when pleas only wU be heard. A Tpke., 9620. by Whymper in 1865, this famous people of North Borneo and Sara­ Ung of the birth. The prince prob­ John Quincy Adams, bom to QfUlTO—Ecuador’s nrihtary most of the conference discussing later date for ttials and sentenc' the native costumes of this canton and air) ^ould have the right to ably had to road about tt In the •ervioc has taken on the Job Taes.-Thnr8. and Sat Mattaes Ssason Tleketa To B. T. Peterman for Robert peak has provided many chal­ (chanaoterized particularly by the wak should be contacted before Mary Hellen Adams, wife of John the test ban treaty. ing will then be fixed. Judge Alva Pratt, for alterations to a dweU- lengers with victories, and other reduce their freight rates on farm or after the formation of Malay- newspapers, one press account Adams HL Unking the eountiy's uiban oeet- 9L76-92.00 Book of flL M The spokesman said toe pair men .with red vests, leather sus­ products with no interference from P. Loiselle will Mt at toe winter tag at 122 Waranoke Rd., $2,960. with death. The graveyard in the penders and one long earring on ai had threatened to wreck the noted with emtiMiMif Jan. 17. 1806, James Madison ten with areas that lack ooenmer- Friday and Satarday 92.36-93A0 Use for any or aU plays also discussed toe need in boto session and Judge WiHiain Beuher the Interstate Commerce Commis­ M«nU« summit. Cleveland waltad imtQ 3 p.m. Randolirfi, son of Thomas Mann olal air service. Mail and passeeM- countries to solve such dome^c at the firing sessian. their right ear) the folk dancing, sion or other government or non­ Indonesia and toe Phil4q>incs before he Called la Thuiber and Randolph and Martha Jefferson era are oamied. BOX OFFICE problems such as school constriic- yodeling and ringing of large cow- government agency." That is the Randolph, daughter of PreMdent 8:80-4:00—120-9821 tion and populatimi growth. All three judges will also preside ■bells, was an event that aU of us essence of an address made last bad opposed formation until after fold Urn to Impart the news. at SiqieTior Oourt sessions Deepening Crisis; the people were polled. Britain The aanounesmeat tncloded the Thomas Jefferson. 4.80-9:00—429-3813 The source said no mentloh was win long rememiber. week by Grange Transportation refused to permit referendums un­ statement that Mrs. CSevaland and made of a East-West non^gres- in Windham County. • "After the entertainment there Consultant Oiarles B. Bolling be­ til after the terrlorles we ad­ the baby wen doing nieely. ■ t-LOJ-rJ LH I eira HARRIET S. JORGENSEN THEATRE slon pact or of Soviet difficulties At Common Pleas court sessions was dancing untU 4 a.m. Since we fore a meeting of the Southeastern mitted to Malaysia. Bfatlnee At 3—Evening At 6:88 BBs^DED^fflBRSflSR Am-CONDIXTONED with Communist China. Judge James P. Doherty will pres­ had to rise early to return to our State Departments of Agriculture, “Rumor has it thst the young­ __ 9A OfTAlMl ide at the fall session beginning on Other main p ^ t s o f the agree­ ster tipped the sealse at 10 pounds HB.'Ull OUBTAIN AT 8:80—SATUBDAP MA’rYViKW. a t gbS Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. am Gains and Goals Swiss homes in Herzogenbuchee to Nashidlle, Term. ment: and ia as fine a baby as ever **THE LONGEST DAY" bassador to toe United Nations, Sefit. 13. Judge Harry H. Lugg ■we left at 1 am. and returned to Bolling spoke in reference to 1. Obaervera wlU be aent by the saw the light,” said the New York and six U.S. senators were pres­ will Mt at the winter sesaion and our mountain chalet -wito many HjR. 4700 and S. 1061, companion S PfW, ent a t toe talk. Judge Robert A. Wall at the spring three governments to witness toe Hmea, notfa^ that “the official A v f. On BoioitT*’ (Continued from Page One) always lag behind the others," wcwiderful memories. bills usually referred to as “ the U.N. ascertainment process. declarmUon left theee important Sen. J. W. Fulbrijght D-Ark., session. During their terms in Tol' Robinson says. “ A Negro does minimum rate bills,’’ on which NOW ENDS TOMCHtBOW ohairman of the Senate Foreign land County the Judges will also "In looking back over our two 3. Hie nations will seek a Just matters to tiie imaglnaUon.” Shown At 8:80 and 8:00 “ The goal is simply equal op­ not have the same opportunity to weeks of informal traveling, I am hearings have been completed — solution to the Philippine claim to In fact, “there was a strange Relations Committee, alluded to preside at Common Pleas Cfourt but no action taken. Spewing for SpeekH far Monday p o ^ b le Senate opposition to the portunities,” says Jackie Robin­ learn a skill. It he applies for a sure that each one of us has learn­ llorth Borneo, and make jure that ignorance prevailing the entlro MUSICAL to Neiw London euid Windham son, the first Negro to play ma­ job and can’t pass the require­ the Grange, Bolling urged changes treaty. Counties. ed a great deal about the Swiss in the Interstate Commerce Act ^establishment of HtUaysIa does househcrid . . . as to aqy to*~rst KNDS T17ESDAT jor league baseball and a mem­ ments to skill, toe employer—and and their land. One of the most Tuesday and Wedueaday not prejudice the claim. ing news of the auspicious event,” Wrilhfftfd, wihsr Crea fhey.lliT 94 _ kennf. , He remarked to Soviet Foreign wherever necessary to permit car­ Minister Andrei A. Gromyko: “No ber of the'baseball Hall of Fame. remember he’s a businessman- noticeable things has been a dis­ S. Bach country wOl aat up the WasUngten Star commented. “ There will be prejudice as says:. “ ‘Sorry. I’m to business. I riers to have such authority. national secretariat for oonsulta- In typical Waafatnglon M ANSFieiDfZi TMnEMTSlill ZJS.Z IKXTMEmaiiSRRRLT one can speak for the Senate un­ tinct regionalism to a united "There is one important and fun­ less it KieakB for itself, but I am Mechanics Tools long as people ei^t. Yhere’s have competitors. I have to com­ Switzerland. As one travels from ttona on matters of mutual con­ however, tbero had nm a leak AMAm prejudice to every group of peo­ pete with toem. I can’t hire you damental condition, however,” he cern . of the nears, and arord « f the hhrto peraoDalfy in favenr of this canton to canton a different out added, "and toat ie such rates mam or treaty.” ple; even among members of the just because you’re a Negro. My look and language often prevails 4. Foreign bases—temporary In had Hriread throuihoiri tha depart­ rAMuunn Taken in Break same family. business would \suffer.’ ” should be compensatory. Hie au­ nature—should not be allowed to ments of government btooro the HereCornesHSmYt Lord Home arrived before Rusk The Swiss people have been able thority to canceil non-compensatory m m cM and his party had finished their “ There’s prejudice on baseball Wilkins feels that the ultimate to retain a land -with strength as be used directly or indirectly to official announcement—“Nia lint u a m A m m e A isjqge 'variety o t mechanics teams—but it doesn’t keep them goals .will be achieved “ within rates riiould remain with the com­ subvert the national Independ­ public mention being made of it In > * A“ M * w talks with Khrushchev. well as neutrality -in world af­ mission. To determtoe what is a tods, 'valued at approatimately our generation.” Hcnne remarked during toe ex­ from playing ball together. They fairs, even with their separatism. llbpRiHutft ence of any of the throe codntriea. the War Dapartmeat,” toe New Mr.Showniship $250, have been re(>orted taken to have found that they can’t win “ He is so sure that he is start­ oompensatory rate, the approxi­ I ^ OR FACE RUMP M change of pleasantries: “We have The leaden also signed a “ Ma. Yoric Sun revealed. a weekend break into the Central unless they play together.” ing to look beyond toe goal of op­ "One also notices the highly mate cost of r^idering the service nlla Declaration” wUcb aald th^ When the news was confirmad, A i K t a c n i less of a big party than our mechanized and productive indus­ must be taken into consideration. American friends.” OorneoUcut Cooperative Fanners Robinson may be considered to portunity. will hold frequent and regular the President’s offictal family and Association at 10 Apel PL, police have it made. He’s -vice president "There will be a lot of work tries within this ElmaU realm of Ph-edatory rates are basically un- eonsultatlona at all levels of gov­ ttairir wjyos' called to cengrMidato “Yes, they brought quite a del­ compensatoiy rates and their ap­ WEsraDEscev' egation, but maybe we have less sold today. of a restaurant chain and lives to do to toe Negro community aft­ five million people. Hie demand ernment to advance their coun­ Qev|bMnds. « H P y tw»-4 ».eM.enj04J» PcUoe reported that the inci' with his family to a fashionable er toe barriers are down,” he for labor is so great that one usu­ plication always include toe factor tries toward a federation to be difficult questions to discuss,” of malice. _ _ was no ccmmwri M VSiLBy m. MB OT. n o —taASU04JS4JS , Kbrashchev replied. dent occurred during the weekend suburb in Connecticut. says. “ The competition to toe ally finds many workers coming known as "Maphilindo,” from the the ureas fto n the White Hooae, when someone jimmied open Still, he lends his name and white world is fierce. And it has from Italy and neighboring coun­ •tNo mode of transport should first syllables of each one’s name. “ But actuaUy toe Americans stifle competition from other car­ the CUcagol Tribune added this M- have more complicated questions garage door and broke open tool presence to the Nccto cause. nothing to do with color prejudice. tries. Swiu economy is very stable In all three countries, people of side tidUt: V.*BAby Ruth when In­ boxes. A Negro won’t be able to hide and living standards high. riers hy predatory actions. Hie _even among themselves.” “ Sure, I have quite a lot," he economy of our country demands Malay stock predominate. formed that Mm had a V says. “ And I also have three kids. behind toe excuse: ‘They did it sister, prattled her Joy in an “ Yes, parilamentary,” Home “What most impresses visitors -tiiat shippers be permitted to use Steak said, "but we have some of our OONGliaHa) COURT ■What is going to happen to them? because I was black.’ is the scenery. In the Alps, small BrosT AocnoPT oemTBAor fantile way and was very deatroos “ I don’t entertain many fears the type of transportation that HARTFORD (A P )—It takes an What opportunity will they have? chalets dot the mountainsides, and their good judgrrient . dictates. WBBT HAVEN (AP) — Prt>- of making ths Immediate acquaint­ average o t 44.6 montixs — nearly “ Until the Negro to the deep­ that toe Negro cannot compete to ducBton workers at toe Anuntrong ance of her dimimiHu i rMative.** f a m i l y m a t i n b b The two men obviously alluded numerous farmlands and fields are ■When one mode of transport can to oppoeiUcui in toe U.S. Senate. four yean—to bring a cose to trial est South has it made, I have to toe white world. The good ones to the Jura region. A .completely Ritober Cb. plant here wIB have to The ClevelandB eventually had have already been shan>ened by do a better job from either a cost FRS 50 9 STAMPS :80-9:80 Mr . SHOWMANSHIP In sharp contrast was Red (Ed­ in Fairfield County Superior keep fighting.” different view is found to toe Ital­ or service standpoint — that op­ aooept a oonfroot they vw tba CMness .mora to faava ttielr oooea totod. “ Tha area «rf anqiloyment wW Next! Tbs Mmt MUitaiiia pesMd naihml besu^u” Haven after a brief filMso. Vs r - UJMCBMafnOi S V ^ N IN G HERAU). MANCHB8TEB. OONNr MONDAY, AUGUST S. 196S P A G E m t

P A C T P O U l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1968 of toe following nominees from 12th Cirenh Connecticut; RocktUle-Vemon School Board Will Consider U.S. R epu lses S ta te N ew s Lancy A. Haivley ,who waa only Obituary ts$A perfoimad w al enough, fol­ sonnel and only about one quartw evidence against Ward wte gath­ telephoned him the night before he took the overdose of drugfc seven years old last year when he iUmrlfpBtpr lowed the fln t apparently auccese- A Thought for Today of the fund was spent for parking. ered. Ronna Ricardo claimed po­ 0 < B BUIUHNB G>urt Cases rescued two younger brothers sad Green Principalship Tuesday Legal Actions lice pressured her Into testifying “ Dr Ward mentioned the North Koreans SBC to Select fUl demonstratlona of the French Sponsored by the Mancheeter It is this shortsighteclnesfl w hi^ his Infant sister from a fire In ______« ^npttUt0 l|prald has created much of our, parking against Ward by threatening to names of two of the '"^‘ 5 Roundup toeir Hartford home. tank by an announcement that Council of Churches whom he had been associated Md GONTIUGTORS FUHUSUJCD n TBM difficulties today. remove her sister and her baby CUSTOM HOMES MANcmssrns s e s s io n Frank M. Altman and David W. Death Oaims A special' meeting of the board^ Ourtia said te will reoemmend mmBjJuDmimisQ oo. m c - Continuing in from her care. The police denied who had given evidence at his Old In Dawn Raid An Architect that the board change Dean U BltaaU StTMt West Germany would, after aU, go This is why many merchants OUR SPECIALTY Two Manchester men and a Titus, both 12 years old, who on cf educatioa will be held tomorrow Many people use religion like a her claim. Mandy RIce-Davies, Bailey trial,” said Crltchley. , (OMteaed Iron Page Om ) Lowe’s title to president of toe MaaebMUr, Conn. ahead and produce its own tank, and landlords are in fayor of a “ He said he was particularly an­ JOSEPH BARTH—44B-0SM BockvUie resident today were Memorial Day 1662 rescued two afternoon at 4 to consider the ap- THOMAS r rBROnSUN trolley car — they ride on it only Downtown Taxing District, the whose testimony helped convict (OeoMouad fir m Page Ooe) children from drowning in Bun­ Mark Holmes paintment of a supervtary prin­ Otmenunity Ckrilege. He has to#- WALTER R FERGUSON model. Ward’s Case xious that Lord Denning should ex­ bound over to Superior Court on that they are now attemptiaf to T h is Month PnbUahera when it goes their way. returns from which will be spent Ward, was questioned by police nell’s Pond at Beardsley Park, cipal to fUl the aacancy at Green cussed the proposied change w*th TTiis was not merely indication ^ v ., James A. Bonnema, while under a charge for default­ amine their testimonies. I am take credit for programs which Mrs. Katherine Bourn, board Fouadad October L U81 for parking only. I believe it Is afraid I can say no more than of figbtliag daewhere akng the vice chargee. Bridgeport, toeir home city. Mark Holmes, prominent Man­ Sttoool cauaed by the death of Community Christian (Oonth oed from Page One) ing on payments. The charge lat­ Interviews to select an architect chainfuin-iiwand Matthew Moriarty that German militaiy men like to significant that Downtown busi­ that at this stage.” Ifil-mlle front. Albert PahnM-, 34, of 607 Main were already underway.’’ chester undertaker, died at 1:40 Mrs. Madeline IfitcheU. Green —_ w r 1 ___ Reformed Church nessmen who supply the largest er was dropped. EXTENDED FORECAST this afternoon. He waa senior for toe proposed junior Ijigfa seboed principal, killed Jidy 28 in an auto­ of the college advisory council, he and HoUdaya. Entered at the design and build their own weap­ J. B. Wheatley, Ward’s attor­ The commander ot the besieged St., and Douglea Wayne Hlckox, Freedman sold that H was ap­ toe Ecker farm nee at Kancheater Conn., aa South Windsor. single block of town taxes have Barrett and Ronna Ricardo ad­ 2. Testimony by prosecution wit­ BOB’S 28, of 400 Woodland St., earii WIN1D80R LOCKS (A P )—The member of the Holmes Funeral: ^ mobile accident in Maine where .said, and they agree that it is ons. It was also evidence that the mitted In court they lied under nesses. Both Miss Ricardo and ney, said Ward left 13 letters for American group, Capt Jerry Scott parently the tacUce ot NECAP to MaU Matter. not asked for general fund money delivery after his death to per- waived exanUnation on atmiler UJ3. Weather Bureau issued this Home of 400 Main St. In which he *** c o n ^ te d this month, she waa vacationing. justified because it win add stat­ long poet-war honeymoon between oath. Miss Barrett admitted they had project city hall as a "enemy of was associated with his three sons.' c h a . r m a n ure to the position, and make it gOBSClUFTION RATES but are willing to be taxed separ­ .sons including Lord Denning; the WELDING SERVICE of Ada, Okla., aald the Communiat oounte of indecent assault and five-day forecast for (jonnecticut The board will alao be asked Germany and France, between ately to solve their own problem. Public sympathy grew with re­ lied. Miss Barrett later denied were ordered bound over to the toe people” and to “uae It aa a Mr. Holmes had teen a Man- to vote on a propoeal to name Dr. easier for Dr. Lowe to work with Parable la Adrance Open Forum ports of Ward's death—alone ex­ she had lied but the jury dis­ trial judge. Sir Archie Marshall, Immiedtate BmeCteiMy Bervlee! trol leader apparently directed today: . Tear ...... $33.00 Adenauer and de Gaulle, was be­ R. Bruce Watkins, and prosecutor Mervyn Grlffith- )' aoldiera wlUi whlatlea Bound­ fan aearion of Superior Court at rallying pctoit tor the NECAP Temperatures in Connecticut Chester undertaker for 39 years. made bj Septem ^. Predetick H. Lowe aa presid«it other institutes of higher laam- Montha ...... 11.00 cept for a prison warder, his counted her testimony. Ward was E movement.’’ He lived a 135 Garth Rd. , Thf buUding committee Is meet- te Montba ...... S.IO ginning to break up. Germany was Member Manchester Jones. ELECTRIC -e. G A S ing like pheaaant calla. Hartford by Judge Joaeph Dan- during the next five days, Tues­ of the new Manchester Com­ ing. The Parking Propoeals brother and the hospital staff and cleared of the charge Involving Shortly after the group arrived ^ Ing tomorrow night to look over Month 1.88 Parking Authority. deserted by his so-called friends Thla correapondent waa in a bat­ nehy. day through Saturday,- are ex­ munity OoUege. and to consider Although there was a dl£ference no longer quite so eager to play To the Editor. her. 6 4 3 -2 4 0 8 ... 64^-7578 WlUiant Miariey, 64, RockvlUe, Freedman went into conference Mi«. Richard Wlrta aK>lic^ons ^m^ctotects for to- in high places. tle poeition on a nearby hill when pected to average near or a Httie , T. . Aa I tervlewing. Novak()said he ,is un- six teacher appointments and four of opinion on what the coUege MEMBER OF France’s gama As a member of the Mancheeter THEFT THWARTED 8. The secrecy surrounding new Indian Surveys Trade Welding from 7 AJI. to • P jf. Scott's outpoirt was attacked. charged with risk of injury to a with NECAP's chief spokesman, teacher resignations. head’s title should te last winter THE ASSOCIATED FRE8C Many felt the 50-year-old osteo­ evidence which resulted in the re­ below normal. Mrs. Helen Ranta W lrt^ 4 6 ^ rf certain how many appUcations ' The Anaoelated Presa la exclualvely Now there i.s an interewting and Parking Authority I would like to MILFORD (API — An alert No job too big or too man. "Fteaaants” whistled throughout person, aJso waived examination Jomea O. Rogers. Temperatures in the Hartford Redondo Beach, ^ 1 ^ - have been received since archi- Curtia aaid te arranged for the when the -coHege was being es­ entitled to the uae of republlcatlon of correct misunderstandings regard­ path was made a scapegoat for lease of Aloysius (Lucky) Gordon NEW DELHI—Nearly one third and was bound over to the next Meanwhile Mayor Glynn re­ perhaps significant sequel to West foreman has foiled the theft of Located la n o the area but Scott and his men area during the period range from day at Souto Bay Hospital, BedOT- | letters to various special meeting in order to dis- tablished, council offfdals decided nawa dlapatchea credited, to It or ing the three-part program for introducing former war minister by an appeals court. Gordon was of India’s imports are from Asian eession of Superior Court at Tol­ ceived a oaB from Ctongross of cuas the procedure for appoint­ at that time to set up a deanohip 1 ottaerwlae credited In thla paper a tractor-trailer loaded with John Profumo to Miss Keeler, who HARTFORD ROAD were the only onea hit during the a high of 83 to a low of ftl. In New do Beach. She WM foimerty the | menij^rs of the committee. He Geritiany’s deci.>iion to build its own downtown parking. freed from a, three-year sentence and African countries, a new sur­ night. land County. Racial Equality, (OORE) NatKm- ing a principal at Green as early until plans were better jelled, Our- Sd alao the local newa publlahed here. $55,000 worth of liquor. The fore­ at the same time was seeing an for allegedly' beating up Miss ENTERPRISES Haven the range Is 81 to 64. owner of The W ^ 8 h «^ an 1 estimates, though, that mer 25 . AO rudita of republlcatloa of apedai— tank, and have nothing to do with (1) The first ptx>posal involves man, Frederick Stevens, spotted vey shows. In turn, those coun­ Palmer waa arrested July^S on al Asaoctation for the Advance­ as possible before the opening of tis said. maiatfchee herein are alao reaerved. '' the area directly behind stores lo­ assistant Soviet naval attache. Keeler. 'The court did not disclose At 270 Hartford Rd. Scott had stationed hla men in Precipitation may total between tiqije ■l*°P K I applications are in. any joint production of a French the vehicle leaving the El Dorado tries take about 25 per cent of charges which stemmed from al­ ment ot Colored People- (NAACP) Mrs. Wlrta w m tern Jm . ^ committee is expected to school in September. ChirtiB Indicated that Dr, Lowe cated from Oak to Maple Sts. This Their trianguiar relationship the new evidence. Including the Slaacheotor faUlaide trenchea behind barbed 1 and 6 tenths of an inch falling Full aervlca client of N. E A Serr- Transportation Oo. early Sunday India’s exports. artre when P vt James Hamby, leged relationa with Juveniles dur- and representatlvee of the Min­ 1917, in Winooski. Vt., and llvte ^ concentrate its attention on archi- He said he will recommend to will be present at the meetli^ to model. West Germany is going area, totaling about 90 parking touched off the scandal that threat­ contents of a tape recording Miss recent months. He waa held at isterial Alliance requesting a mostly In showers late Tuesday -ee. Inc. morning. Suspicious, Stevens tele­ ened to topple Prime Minister 1$, of Puxico, Mo., apotted the In Manchester 20 years, leavmg in : jects with previous experience in the board “two or three” candi­ give has first progress report on Publlahera Repreaentatlvea The ahead with Its own tank, but it is spaces, is to be leased for $1 per Keeler had made. the State Jail at Hartford since meeting with him this morning. and around Thuraday. the college, ^ t e d for opening in JUIlua Matfaew'y Special Ayency—New phoned a company vice president, Harold Macmillan’s government. T. A. Crltchley, a Home Office North Koreana attempth^ to climb 1957 for ^ llfom la. She was a I gehooj design and to give pref- dates who are now members of the also making arrangements to go year for 10 years (not $17,000 a that time under a $10,000 bond. The tentative time for the ses­ member of the auxiliary of the . - . Manchester system, and who last September, and to make recom­ xorA Chteaao Detroit and Boaton. year). A budget of $17,000 has who infoi-med police. The tractor- Profumo resigned In disgrace. assistant secretary helping Lord tea hUl. BYSTANDER KILLED erence to thoae in the local area. ..mi^mber audit bureau of into partnership with ue, the Unit­ trailer was spotted seven minutes "I aaid, "Well, dam it, throw Today the bond was lowered to sion to discuos NECAPs proced­ Lioyal Order of Mooae. I Novak said applicants have come spring had indicated interest in as­ mendations concerning the hiring dRCULATIONe. been requested to grade, pave and Concern mounted over three as­ Denning With his inquiry into se­ $1,500 on request of the oourt’s HARTFORD (AP)—An Inno­ ed States, in the design and pro­ later parked outside a restaurant. pects of the Ward case: a grenade down,’ ” Scott aald. ures and other racial prohlenM in She is survived by her husband. ' from all over Connecticut. suming aupervisory principalteips. of professional staff. light the parking space as well as curity aspects of the Profumo af­ Chief Proaecutor Glugene Kelly. the city waa set for rfiortly be­ cent bystander was shot to death Richard Wlrta; her mother. Mrs. Taa Herald1 Prlntiac Company Inc., duction of the future tank which maintain it physically for a ten Inside, police found Richard J. I. Circumstances under which fair, revealed today that Ward Hamby did, touching off the fig^t. The committee will narrow the no financial “ reaponalbOltr for Tomasko, 28, of Devon. Tomasko, American commandera radioed Palmer was then returned to jail fore noon. Sunday night while he was on the Henry Sysma Ranta of Redondo list of interested architect to a typocraphlcal errora appearing In ad- will evenCbaliy succeed the one year period. in lieu of bond. Mayor Glynn also announced front porch of a Kennedy St. Beach; two sons, Donald Wlrta of rested in their teme by Patreri- Terdaementa and other reading matter (2) The second proposal covers formerly a mechanic for ES Dor­ Scott aaklng if he needed help, handful and begin interviews prob­ man George Gardner Saturday af­ Sp ace Team Starts In The Mancheater Evening Herald. Germemy is going to be building ado, was charged with burglary, $TAMPARr.MA DAYS but the 27-yeaf-old captain*, said Hickox, arrested last Friday at that he was calling a meeting of house while one man was hunting Manchester and Brian Wlrta of ably next week. Novak said. the property from Forest St. to Our 103rd Year his home, today had bond lowered the City Council as a committee down another with a gun. Redondo Beach: three daughters. ternoon. St- Lotas was released on right now. the former Top Notch Market. breaking and entering with crim­ later hia men could have held off Definite arrangements for inter- a $50 tend and ins wife wias re­ Desert Training IMaplay adrertlatng cloalng hoina: inal intent and theft of a motor FILL YOUR BOOKS TWICE AS FAST an attacking force three or four from $6,000 to $1,000 and was re­ as a whole at 4:30 p.m. on All Involved In' the case are Mias Donna Wlrta, Miss Sandra ■view schedules will be decided For. Monday—1 p.m. fVtday West Germany, In other words, (Approximately 100 parking turned to the State Jail at Hart­ Wednesday. Among the matters to Puerto BJean*. Wirta and Misa liauri Wirta, all leased without bond for appear­ For 'Rieaday—1 p.m. Monday. spaces.) TTiis is also a $1 per year vehicle. He was held in lieu of timea the aiM of the Communiat upon at tomorrow’s meeting. ance in (Sremt Oourt 12. Rock­ For WedneMay—1 p.m. Tueaday. le willing to play tanksie with us, $2.i,000 bond pending arraignment unit. ford in lieu of bond. His alleged te discussed will be the progress Dead is Rafad Betancourt Prin­ of Redondo Beach; a brother, Orvo The committee received the go- RENO (AP) — America’s new For Thuraday^l p.m., Wedneaday. lease arrangement with $9,000 re­ MORSE COLLEGE count Involves minor boys, police of City Manager icreedman’s sani­ ville season. Aug. 20 but not with France. today In circuit court. Scott aaid the Communiata cir­ cipe. 25, of 73 EJdwarde St. who Ranta of Claremont. Vt.: a sister. ahead for engaging an architect space team starts desert survival WdT FMday—1 p.ml Thuraday. quested to grade, pave and light reported. tation programs and code enforce­ was pronounced dead on arrival Mrs. Eugene Bowers of 35 Birch St. Loins was arrested again For Satnrday—1 p.m. IVlday. the area aa w-ell as tear down the DAY CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 4 cled to attack from the rear but after site planner Allen W. Hixon yesterday afternoon on another training at nearby Stead Air Fore* Claaatflcd deadline: 10:80 a.m. each The diplotnatic iUu.lon, 21, of 31 Kennedy St., the (Jemetery. middle of the tract on a plateau ______^ ! Slayton, In charge of astronaut be dominant in running the af­ the lease m\ 30 days notice if it is When the charging Reds plied pointing to BYeedman’s second WORLD GREEN into the barbed wire, Gramblaler alleg^ slayer, and Bmerito Ootto Friends may call tomorrow from affairs. L. Gordon Cooper Jr. and fairs of Western Ekirope. The ob­ for the purpose of erecting a busi- floor office, said, "anyone who has 7 to 9 p.m. at the W. P. QuIsh Fu­ Alan B. Shepard Jr.—are wdth toe , Talkingr Out Our Welcome ne’ s building. It had been pointed Paints For Information Call Tel. 522-2261 and hia men opened fire. 21, of 16 Kennedy St. " ^ e school te suggested. Doctor Says a great urge to get up ther^, just The intended vlcUm of toe neral Home, 225 Main St. take advantage of the contour of Kocternie Bnrean. 5 W. nine new astronaut trainees. ject of such an axis would be to out several times that should the 163 Ann Street, Hartford 3, Conn. Office Hours, 8 to 4 Names of the wounded Amerl- S75-S1M er Just as a second Buddhist monk W . H. ENGLAND eana were withheld pending notifi­ let me know.” shooting is Antonio Castro, 23. of the land and te constructed not as : ——- Cooper and Shepard will take keep the ri.sing nationali.sm of de Parking Authority spend $9,000 Inquire: Special Evening Seeeion Offerings Morrill, who earlier stated his Jotieph Zalewsid burned himself to death in protest | and the owners want to build im­ cation of next of kin. 27 Walnut St. one unit but connected buildings at i the cla-ssroom part of the survival 5 Gaulle in check. This could have ■ LUMBER C O . Co-Educational ______OOUnS IS TRACED intention to avoid arrest, led the Castro and Colon had been feud­ Joseph Zaleiwski. 72. of Lanaing. different levels. He proposed that j training at Stead, north of Reno, against something which must ^ various fantastic reaulU, such as 1 mediately. the town would receive STAMPS TO EMOTIONAL ACTS line of picketers. the investment back in new taxes i ing over a woman for the past few Ohio, brother of Mrs. Peter Ry- an elementary achool not ached- ^ m g . a ___ again. have seemed real to him, Freder­ bringing England and France close “ At the Green“—649-5S01 Fourteen American flags flew days, police said. kowski of 201 Hilliard St., died uled for several years te located i v l O l O n . x^FIITlS Training, to equip them should ver>’ shortly. | By WAYNE G. BRAND8TADT from the front of city hall, appar­ ick E. Nolting, Jr., our retiring together again, or forcing de (3) The third pi-opo.sal is the Jorgensen Taken yesterday at Lansing Ho^Mtal af­ at the far end of the site at the they have to land in desert, lasts ambeseadoir to South Vietnam, M. D. ently in response to a request BUBPECTED ARSONIST ter a ahort Uhieos. intersection of Rt. 30 and West Rd. through Friday. Gaulle toward Ifhrushchev. But it lease for one year of about 120 Newspaper Enterprise Assn. from Mayor William E. Glynn Reported Stolen / Off Critical List WATERFORD (AP) — Police He was a coal miner in the Ohio Play areas would be developed was in the pubUc prints with a is almost as if we w’ere beginning already improved parlting spaces that flags te flown in the area. The new space team, baing in the Fhimell Parking Area, Vol­ Are you one of the growing are looking for an armed suspected and Pennsylvania areas. between the two buildings, accom­ trained for the Gemini program, statement that during his two ALL Glynn asked that the national Other survivors Include a sister modating five baseball diamonds The toeft of two revolvers, to succeed, in pert, to the historic untary contributions are hot suffi­ Donald Jorgensui, 17, of 23 W. number of persons who has an arsontat *^ o allegedly set fire to has already received Jungle sur­ yearn) o t service In that country he Need vacation money? banner be flown to remind the and several nieces and nephews. and space for other sports. The valued at $130. and a 1966 Chevro­ role Britain has usually played on cient to support free parking in Gardner St., was reported in lair irritable bowel? Some doctors call demonstrators that “ our govern­ the Secchlaroll * Sons piggery vival training, a spokesman said. had not seen any evidence o t re­ this lot and rather than see it here last night. The funeral will be held Wednes­ genend plan met with approval let car motor, valued at $125. are the continent—that of shifting Its oondUlon tble morning at Westerly it mucous colitis or spastic colitis. ment Is still a g^ovemment ot laws, day at 8:15 a.m. from the Jten F. from the building committee The nine men are civlliana El­ ligious persecution. This statement own friendship and Intrigue around | revert to pay parking, the Park­ not of men.” William Yoders, 36, police said, being investigated by police m liot M, See Jr. and Nell A. Arm­ ing Authority recommends am ini­ WEEK (R. L) Hospital, where he was ad­ But no matter what they call It, la believed to have started the THomey Ftmeral Home, 219 W. though Hixon emphasized that it has been welcomed and taken up Although the demonstration did separate complaints from automo- strong. Maj. Frank Borman, Capt. in order to maintain such a bal-! tial lease for one year of $6,000. it can' make you pretty uncom­ blaze which deertroyed part of a Center St., with a solemn high was only a “ vague” proposal that l^y the family and regime of Presi­ EVERY DAY mitted Saturday night with a pos­ fortable. not get under way until 10 a.m., Mass of requiem at St. James’ could be used as a starting point, j tive firms here. Edward H. White U. Lt.. Cmdr. ance of pow'er that nobody could In many cities the General Fund Get an HFC sible akuU fracture and severe large bam. About 300 pigs, includ­ James A. Lovell Jr., Lt. Cmdr. dent Diem. It was perhaps partic- Many a so - called stomach­ white onlookers began gathering Church at 9. Burial wiH te in St. The committee agreed that the ; Bdward Omklin. president d the arise on the continent to threaten , has always been tapped for this outs of the face and forehead, the across from the m u n lcl^ build­ ing '70 sows and their litters, were John W. Young. Lt. Charles Ckin- uleLTly welcome to them because kind of expenditure while here in ache or bout of griping pains is James' Cemeftery. outline should te presented to the Kieman Motor Sales at 16 Brain- Britain. The parallel will never be­ Traveloan 0 p m result of a two-car accident in due to an irritable bowel. These ing at about 9:10. By the time the kUled in the fire that brought out rad Jr., (Japt. James A. McDlviU. Manchester we have never used ten trucks and more than 100 fire­ architect as a help in formulating aid Fh. today reported to police Bope Paul, leader of the faith to come exact; but the anachronistic | Weeterly. He had been on the crit­ pains shift around in toe abdo­ demonstrators arrived around 50 Nib V. Andessoa his prelimenary plans for the and Capt. Thomas P. Stafford. anything but meter revenue for curiosity seekers were on the men from Wnterford’a five volun­ that someone walked off with two wMch the ruling family In South folly of it all should be clear! Wishing won’t take Wtd., Thun, ical Hat. men and tend to come in Inter­ school. The committee further revolvem. one a ^-caliber and the public parking. Although the me­ Jorgensen waa the only poaaen- scene. teer fire companies. The isowa NUs V. Anderson, 86, of West Vietnam belongs, has made his mittent spasms. Some of these Hartford, father of Mrs. Lillian agreed that the architect hired for other a 44-caliber model, from toe enough. The game and its toys ter income for 14 years totaled you places ... but ger la a oar driven by Brian Ham­ In the Bridgepoit area, about a were worth about $244 each. A-Plant Slated eomment in the same situation, and Friday speuuns may make srou double-up (3oodeil of 6fiB Chestnut St. and the junior high seteoi might also firm's office. Police said toat no never did lead anywhere except some $420,000, this fund was used an HFC Traveloan ilton, 17. of 543 Vernon St. with pain. Within a few minutes half dozen menifeers of tlie local be engaged to plan the elementary GRmOlZES BTUIWNTS Mrs. Rimer Oarrity of Vernon, break was indicated into toe build­ SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. — A urging proper respect for the re- to disaster: this time the disaster by the Town for traffic lights, Hamilton, w4x> received outs and or a few hours you may pass branch of toe NAA/CP began pick­ school. street widening and police per­ will! So take that Tin 9 P.M, eting sites of wtiat they called sub­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. died yesterday at the New Brit­ ing. 395,000-kilowatl nuclear power Vgious rights and privileges of the would not even include a new life Window shades of lovely Do Pont / biuiaea and was discharged after some gas or a thin formed or Off Critical List Yesterday, the TMmpike Auto vacation now. Borrow standard housing. Bernard F. Grabowsk), D-Oonn., ain Memorial Hospital. plant, about tivlce as large as a n y Buddhists. •Tontine” are easy to wash. Will treatment at the hospital, was ar- watery stool and this always gives He b survived by two sons, Loub C. Pronowicz. 48. an off Body Works at 166 W. Middle for the gaane. look like new. Won't craek, fray or reated on a charge of reckless temporary relief. TTie ptekete, carrying placards, wants the Justice Department to now in use in toe United States, confidently— repay three other daughtera, a brother, duty ^Holyoke, Maas., policeman, Tpke. reported the theft of a car " th e impreesion our retiring am- pinhole. Available in many attrac­ driving and was presented in Ju­ Showed up S)t two neighbortioods crack down on American students is to be in operation by 1967 on a This disease is ms common as a Bister, 10 grandchildren and 18 seriously injured in a head-on ool- motor that waa left outside at the t^assador has thus gone to the res­ tive colors. Just call us. We will bt sensibly. venile Court in Providence this in their protest against landlords who are visiting Cuba, in a letter tanon on Rt. 83 bat Monday and beachfront site near Camp Pendle- toe amotional tension that is its who maintain the buUdlinigs. great-grandchildren. rear of the business. The motor lon. The plant, to coat $82,000,000. cue of President Diem and his fam­ Peril To Our Homes glad to measure your windows and morning. His case was continued underlying cause. Just about ev­ made public during the weekend, a patient at Hianefaester Memorial was reportedly taken sometime five you a free estimate for new The Rev. CSyde Davis of toe The funeral will te held Wednes­ will generate power enough for ily even while a second Buddhist to Sept. 25. erybody has had it at one time Grabowski asked Atty. Gen. Rob­ Hospital, was taken off the critl- late Saturday night or eariy yea- Elastem hotisewives are hereby V G LO B E i "Tontine." Borrow up to $600 Russell Temple in Bridgtport said ert F. Kennedy to prosecute the day at 2 p.m. at the Rose Hfli Fu­ oal fist today, according to a hos­ a dty of 5(X),000. Southern Ooli- Weeterly pohoe said that the acci­ or another. In its chronic per­ tentay rooming. monk gives his life in an effort to alerted to the news that a new with up to 20 months to repay MONDAY, the purpose was to "take ilhe fight students "to the full extent of the neral Home. 580 Elm St.. Rocky pital spokesman. fomia Edison will build toe plant. A dent occurred wdien Hamilton pull­ sistent form toe lower bowl be­ where it belongs and put it on the Hill. The Rev. William Carroll of demonstrate something, even while feature of American civilization ed out of traffic on a curve to pass comes so resentful that It pours law.” He said their statements to The accident ooouired near the F TRAVEL SERVICE j D U P O N T A kMul ot $100 coBto $30.00 wbon promptly mpoid I9 TUESDAY and doorsteip of those who are guilty the West Hartford Methodist Pope Paul is exhibiting publicly hitherto limited to experimental B HOPBiriiHy nmeithly inotalmoDta of $10.06. oach. the oar in front of him, and crashed out a large amount of mucus. the press attacking the United Loveland K ll interseotion in Ver­ SUPER of the housing oondltlons we ob­ States "have grievously hurt the Church win officiate. Burial wHl non. Two employee of the Clyde BasebaU Smashes Ms fear that something may be establishment in the never-never Aak abemt CSredit life ineurAace WEDNESDAY into a car coming from the other The fo ^ toat is eaten is passed be in Rose Hill Memorial Park, ^ 905 MAIN STREET ^ through toe digestive tract so ject too . . .” posture” of their country "in the Chetvroiet-Buick Agency, ooon- ItTong, is likely to have damaging OB kNme At fronp rAte MARKETS direction, driven by George T. In Norwalk, members of toe lo­ Rocky HID. lands of Florida and California is 643-2165 J TONTINE) Howard HI of Pawtucket. How­ fast that digestion is not com­ face of OUT avowed enemies.” ponts o f the second car. were ad­ Window of Plane ^ e c t s on America’s standing in ► cal branch of the NAACP con­ Friends may oaD at the funerM mitted to.RockviUe City Hospital about to move into the more pro­ ard and the two passengers in hia plete and toe victim loses weight. tinued to picket city hall to pro­ home tomorrow foom 2 to 6 and 7 pouth Vietnam. It certainly in­ saic Elast. Authorized agent in M a n -^ SPECIALS ear received minor injuries. A vicious cycle Is set up in that SURVIVE PLANE CRASH in serious oondititm. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. (AP) ^ test the board of education’s plan to 9 pjn. 'Ihey are Edwin A. Johnson. 40. / e . creases the difnoultiee Henry Down in Long Island, on a public Chester for all Airlines, Ball- ^ HOUSEHOLD HI the pain, bloating, and abdom­ for desegrating the Nathaniel Ely MERIDEN (AP) — The plane Capu Ronald T. Ruther, Aviation ►roads and Steamship L lnes.^ E.A. JOHNSON inal distress have a bad effect Memorial contributions may te of Oestridge Dr., Vernon and Cabot Lodge is going to have to Elementary S ^ o d . wns demolished, but its t/wo occu­ made to the West Hartford Meth­ golf course 18 holes long, a study on one’s dispoeltion. Emotional pants escaped without serious in­ Donald Burnett, 31, of East Long- Battalion. S8th Infantry Division, deal with as he becomes our new le being made of the poeelbiUty of 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST Rule Makes Room Some 60 pickets, carrying signs, odist Cihurch fund. meadow, Maaa, driver of the car. aaid today toe amashed wind- U PAINT CO. MANCMISnR tH O m iM PARKAM tension moiuits, tempers flare up juries In a arriBShup at Meriden ambassador there next month. And VM MAIN ST., MANCHE8TSB IN MANCHESTER and you are off on another paraded in front of the building. 'wtM> are reportedly improved. lighting all the 5,500 yards of the Andrew Wise, branch president Airport yesterday. In good condi­ Mrs. Roland St. Jean ahield of hb plane came from a k may, in iS^te of his best efforts, 382 Middlo Tumpilco Wost For Hefty Airman round ot spasms. tion at Meriden Hospital were pi­ According to poiioe, toe Prono- course so that people can play golf of the NAACp, told a meeting wiCE car went over the center line baseball he fielded flying over a I kmflrm what some observers on Treatment must aim at break­ lot Mark Mertiff, 38, of Meriden Mrs. Cecile Masse St. Jeon, 34, all night long. 2nd Floer-PHONE: 643-2738 last night that the group has de­ of Hartford, ifister of Mra. Ed­ and struck toe Burnett vehicle Pony League diamond. ! (he scene thitde is a growing ten­ WESTOVKR AIR FORCE ing this cycle by soothing the cided not to boycott Norwalk mer­ and passenger WSUiam Spokes, 28, Ruther was on his final ap- ' A tentative estimate ie that It Hews: Mml, Tees.; Then. 10 it 0—WeO., Fri. 10 te I mund MlUette of Manchester, died head-on. The accident b still un­ GOODSPEED BASE, Mass. (AP) — A hefty air­ nerves and soothing the colon. chants. of Wllllngford. Merilffs single en­ proach to Sout Field here Satur- dency among the people of South will cost $200,000 to set up a First of all It is important for gine plane crashed in a sandbank yesterday at Hartford Hospital. der investigation. Vietnam—-a tendency to regard us, man diaalosed today that the De­ Wiae said the group had many She Is survived by her huMiand, r all toeir wild- j |Torth Vietnam, |least 12,000. He can’t quite make IHEAIRI AIR CONDITIONtD VEAL STEAK which permits a higher weight at lea.st laxative foods mich as leaders for alteut 90 minutM. devices. to state youi limit for dismissal o f a service biedian and son. 12 . Spring SL. neoB th e y seem to like zoos, and Ml 3-513S • But when Ambassador Nolting | up his mind whether to make the vegetables, fruits, nuts, pickles, Afterward, the mayor announced % BONELESS man than the Ah’ Force regula­ jams, and spices must be omit­ Vernon; Mrs. Claire Beerv. 96 thrive m them. | ^^>es on public record that he has T R 3 - 8 6 6 8 that toe company has agreed to FUNERAL HELD Funerals Village St. rate for night golf higher or lower circumstances tion. ted from toe diet. Skimmed milk, accept job appUcations filled out seen nothing of the persecution for than that for daytime golf. Bo* Offtc Opt.’fi DtJily 1 0 (1 r»' Maguire, father of four, with ORiEENWIIlOH (A P )—Harrison Admitted yesterday: John O rk - 4 J FROZEN cheese, well-cooked meat, eggs, by Negroes. He ssid the Inter- whicb Buddhist priests are burning 26 months to go before 20 years crackers, and bread or toast H. Kennedy, 68, chairman of the ins. Broad Brook. iTlMiij' > The one calculation not Included . . . we always urbeui League of Waterbury, a dvdil Heisroan Trophy Award Commit­ William Hudson Discharged yesterday: Frederick themselves to death publicly, and In this account of the prospective service qualifying him for retire­ should constitute the main ele­ rights group, agreed to halt the Funeral services for WiUiam NO W ASTE ment. said today he feels “ pretty tee of toe Downtown Athletic Reichardt. Hyde Ave.: George Ln- ajM goes on record asking that the ments of toe diet. Weak tea should pteketbig and to drop plans for a Hudson o t 27B Bluefield Dr. were night golf c o u ^ on Long Island uncieistaiuL good” about the waiver received be substituted for coffee. (Jlub, New York City, and a re­ CSiapprile. 140 W. Main St.; Mrs. Upople of South Vietnam get on boycobt of the company’* products. tired inveotment oouniselor, will te held Saturday morning at toe Dorothy Hull. Tolland: Mrs. Grace concerns the number or the atti­ last week which allows him to The league had accused the firm Some drugs such as barbitu­ buried today after ftmeral serv- Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Maynard, Bolton Rd.. Vernon: Mx*. iflth the war against the potential tude of the golf widows who might W HEE! WATER^S stay In uniform—If he can get rates may help to soothe, both of dlscrimllnating against Negroes Communist tyrants from outside into one. icea in Greenwich. Kennedy, a St. The Rev. William F. Gender Evelyn Martin, High Manor Park. be involved. toe nerves and toe bowel. They In Its hiring poldcdee. long-time Greenwich resident, died lEI. junior assistant at Sft.’-Mary’a Vernon: Jten Kaezynski. Maple m n i, for the meantime, stop wor­ Jy0 r - J 707’...A N D Maguire, who transferred into should te taken for a short peri­ Boswell T iw ers of Waterbury, Somewhere In the design and the Air Force in 1957, today end­ Saturday in Greenwich Hospital Episcopal Church, officiated. Bur­ St., EDlington; John Bastis. Grsund rying about the disturbing aspects SFoutuiedl 1S7* od only and not without strict head of the league, has threatened O F MANCHESTER structure and schedule of our T H E R E ’ S A LOTI ed speculation that he might sign after a long illness. He had moved ial was in East Cemetery. Ave.; Mrs. Elster McLain. RFD 2; medical supervision because they to call for a natkmal boycott of to Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. after o f their own srauewhat authori­ civilization there has to be time Sfair Carpet SLICED BREAD up again when his reUrement are hablt-foiming. Peter Paul’s products Unless the Bearers were Guy Smith. Ken­ Mrs. Sylvia Turkington and daugh­ hie retirement. Survivors Include ter, Wapping. tarian government, and the Diem and place for a thing called home. POPULAR date roils round. If, as a result of treatment, you company iiccepts Job applioattona neth Hudson Jt. and Jon Hudson, He said he expects to go to tas widow, Alice Heath Kennedy. all grandsons, and Normand No- Domestic Oaae clique then rejolcee that It has Hitherto, in the conservative Now! For only a Dirty? W ^ k i n s A ^ e s t find that you have become consti­ from Negroes and agrees to hire a WHITE l-LB. work at Mount Holyoke College — pated you should use an enema^of Negro when the next job opening bert, Lawrence Bates Jr. and Da­ A Rockville man and las wife such backing from the United EMst, twilight has brought people *Tm going to te a chef.” WELFARE COLAEOTBD were arrested over the weekend I day for fuel...hot water CALL ENRICHED LOAVES eight ounces of plain warm 'Wa­ occura. vid Reilly. States, and warns Mr. Lodge that in off the course, reintroduced c f e ^ U / ic e ter held for at least five minutes The company isaued a sftaitement HARTFORD (AP) — Support on a cposs-compteim. Reg. 2 for 39c Charged with breach of the he had better behave in the same them to the pleasures and. respon­ t o r all—all the tim e! ORMAND ]. WEST • DIRECTOR before passing. In additlpn you last Friday In which it aald it paiymenits for welfare patients in Carman Firet Ueed manner If he wants to got along GARNER’S RUG should cautiously add a small por- customarily hires former employes state Institutions rose 16 per crait p e a ce ' were George A. St. L ouie sibilities of family life, and kept MendmHr’e OWMt— wHh Ike Taking Part and EJdwina St. Louis, both 35. of In his new poet—then an unfor­ and Upholstery Owuilng PHONE Ml 9-71K ti«i of cooked green vegetable or and relatives of employee "during in the last fiscal year, says the Word Photography some general kind of balance be­ I f yon live in a typical hones, Ml. HiimI redMw State Welfare Department. Wel­ 92 W. Mbin St. TTiev were ar- you hould easily run out of hot 649-1752— 6 4 ^ 4 7 Off-Street Perking cooked fruit to your dally diet. the peak periods of production.” tunate combination of events is tween the, quest of par and the WUUM J. lINNON, U*. AMKiale CHICKEN OF THE SEA In War TV Film The amount can be gradually fare Comnuosioner Bernard Sha­ BERLIN—A German, J. H. water, aeyeral timee a week. "Peter Paul hes not dlscrimln- putting us behind the eight ball in wjUt for pa. Nature, as a matter of Wr Give Green Stamps increased . as you continue to Im­ piro in a weekend statement said Maedler, made the first public N ou you can have all the hot 142 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER atSd against any person because . South Vietnam. flact, usually, is quite sensible in CHERBOURG, France (AP) — prove but at toe first sign of a or race, color, creed, religion, age $5,240,M4 was coUeoted in the fis­ use of toe word, photography, Water you need at one time for Former President Dwight D. Ei­ recurrence of spasms go back to cal year that ended June 30. A to. "the art of drawing with light,” .'Eight years ago'we advised the the way it dividee and organizes or nationality” the company said. •>tdy a <*$>'. Think of it-i- senhower arrived today to take a bland diet. "WliiWri the past week,” the film tal of $4,516,510 bad teen collect­ when he reported Louis Daguerre’s IMem’ government not to carry out our time. We do not believe in the «>ly a day! ilijiiiiiliiiii q u a l it y i n s u r a n c e s in c e 1923 iiyijHHji|iiiyijyjj|jijI^ ’ TUNA FISH part in a filmed television pro­ Some people have had to fol­ said "there have been a number of ed the previous year. The pay­ invention of photography in toe N E W C A R pledge of the Geneva Agree- arbitrary use of scientific or tech Tee, thanks to Mobilhsat— gram maridng the 20th annivers­ low a ri^d diet for years to keep peraons, both white and oeftored, ments came from relatives and Berlinische 21ritung six montha nisnt for a national vote on nation­ nologicaJ power to tamper w ith and an oil-fired hot water heater UGHT ary of toe Allied invasion of toe toe spasms under control because who have offered to fill applica- some of the patients toemaelves. before the Frenchman’s Paris an­ REG. Continent in World War n . of a difficult situation at home Sha'piro attributed toe increase to al uni^. We were afraid, then, summer nights. ofoorrectcapaci^—your family CHUNK tkms for emndotoient. Due to toe nouncement. He and Mrs. Eisenhower ar­ or at work that cannot be readily lack of vacanass, we did not new collection proceduces. However, another German, J. F. RENTALS Hiat the Communists might man- can take care of aH tfa^ weaUng If this man is iracing to save money with rived aboard toe Queen Elizabeth Beeda at one time. HE'LL NEVER Save 26e resolved. TTiat’s why, if you can't accept any of these applioa'ti<»ui. W. Herachel, had already written H* *» carry a free election in and were greeted by local of- learn to control your emotions as toe word on two negatives a few Mom can do the family waah. Aetna Casualty’s Auto-Rite insurance, he’ll "IM er Paid, will not, as it has South Vietnam. One wonders ficlala. an adult, it is doubly ' Important been requeated, participate in a days earlier—February 17, 1839. wltether we have gained any po- Sis can do the diahea at the tame They left Cherbourg by car for toat you seek help in teaching About Town More than a hundred years be­ tim e Junior takee hia bath, and / M K E I T never make it. Auto-Rite is for safe drivers Oaen, idightly inland from toe diecriminatocy practice against Mlieal ground since then. EXTRA LARGE, SWEET EATING your children to control theirs. former employes who are avcUlebte fore Daguerre’s InventitMi, Johann you enjoy a ahowar. 3 Normandy beaches. After all, you wouldn’t want them G. Schulze proved, in 1727, that only. ' This policy offers the safe driver low­ Later this week, Eisenhower to go through life with eoUtU, too. and entitled to recall,” the com­ Hose and Ladder Oo. 1, Town Don’t delay—phone ua today.' pany aaid in reference to the de- silver salts are sensitive to light, will visit several points on toe Fire Department, will meet tomor and-"drew” the first photograph. • W E E K L Y T u tk sie Find oat bow aa^y it ia to awitch er rates, payable in convenient quarterly in­ 1964 beachheads and Saturday tnamds of the Intermhon League. row at 8 p.m. at toe hose house te a MohiThaat-firadwata teat* Pine St. and Hartford Rd. will board toe liner America to MARINE WEAIKER • M O N T H L Y 'W e nwifees an endless teeciiMi- stallments. Call us for details. CANTALOUPESi return to toe United States. Swimming Series SHOT K i l l s a l d e r m a n The DAV Auxiliary will meet WINDSOR I/XKS (AP) — The wWi the way history keeps MERIDEN (AP) — Alderman Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at toe • Y E A R L Y Perfect repiose Starts at Pools John Austin died today at Meriden VFW Home. U.S. Weather Bureau issued ttas taring to repeat Itself—aotne- •/MhrefAan. MAY WE QUO'TE RATES, AND Hospital of Injuriea received when marine advisory today: t n e e in ways it must not te allow- Skeleton Crews be aiut htaneelf accidentally while . . . SOMETHING RENTED, Tides will be high along toe Reclining on Holman-Baker Quality beddinjr in­ Daily YOU AS WE HAVE MANY OTHERS? $e 00 The town recreation department Connecticut shore from 10 to noon 9 i to repeat, if history itaelf is to cleaning a tootgvn at his home. SOMETHING BLUE will aponeor a aeries of 10 half- today, low tide at Old Saybrook OUR LOW RATES stantly induces you to be at rest . . to sleep . . fa# peipatuated. DaHvariat 4 for Work on Roads TTm mlalwp occurred aft Austin’s NEW YORK (AP) — A new hour swimming lessons, Monday trend in full-dress, formal wed­ is at 5 ato. suid 5 pm . today. to bf in perfect repose. Why ? Because, from ;Undenieatfa aU the hope of the borne Saturday morning. The 34- hichidff •vftryllihig through Friday, weather permit­ year-dd former state t^n-esenta- dings b for the bride to rent her Sunset today is at 8:04 pjn. Sun­ I the suggestions of orthopedic surgeons. Musco- a ^ e n i world, wMcta Hes in limited "W a 'I U WE GIVE For toe next two weeka toe town ting, at Saltera Pool and 1. Globe rise Tuesday is at 5:51 am. XU ntghwm.y department will operate tive wias wounded hr the idlest. wedding dress, instead of buying •xcftpt gosoEft*. Pedic and Verto-Rest mattresses were designed, ffta w ta o of all nations for the GREEN STAMPS Hollow. Instructions wriU-te'given He leaves b b wrife, Beverly, and It and storing it in the attic for Boating weather for Long talend H m «T o John H. THE IFFERENCE irito akeleton work crews. for beginners, intermediates, ewtoi- Sound to Montauk Point and Block to cradle you . . to- conform to your body’s peKpoae of enacting law and main- Acemdtog to Chester Langtry, two daughtera, .Lynn, 10, and daughter or granddaughter, who curves . . giving you the firm, straight line So r v ic * vaera and a woman’s claas. r Kiffljbeirly, 6. \ usually wind up wanting heir Island—small craft waraiugx dis­ polioe to guard peace for feputy director of public works, Registrations will be taken to­ support needed. and actually try Holman- W hat lappen Incorporated m«T*y of toe bi^w ay department own, anyway. played for westerly winds 20 to iijjiybo^ . there goes on the old night at 6 at Saltere Pool. Hmmaa Men’s full-dreaa suits long have 26 knots today 'with Tiigher gusts. MORIARTY CUCUMBERS nen have two and three weeka va- BRAVERY CONTENDERS Baker bedding yourself and start enjojring poUttoa atory o f M tO a g W a S d T Kelley, chief lifeguard, will aUper- teen rented, but agencies special- Winte diminishing to 5 to 10 knots MORIARTY mSURORS — REALTORS eatlon due them, and will take HARTFORD (AP) — Governor the ultimate in sleeping comfort. Mattresses Ibelr tone off in toe ensuing vise all lesaona, wtaich wUl begin Dempaey today submitted toe Izing in renting attire now are Tuesday. Fhlr today and tonight tornwrow at 9:30 am . and partly cloudy Tuesday. Vis­ BROTHERS $99,50, matching box springs $89.50. Extra long §■?■ Jibe long ago we aotieed how ireeks. names o f ' three Coimecticut boys adding a selectlim of lancy wed­ Registrationa for Hassaa at as nominees for toe Young Amer­ ding gowns. Besides, modem wed­ ibility 5 miies or more eanoepft and King and Queen sizes available. ■ tla n a n y , after monthe of 6 4 ^ 4 1 BROTHERS EXTRA FANCY Langtry announced . toat only C E N T B ST. — MS-BUB .164 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER — 649-5261 ealntensmce and emergency work (Slobe H otkw r, atartoig Wedneaday ican Medab for Bravery a'wards. ding i^tograpbs preserve toe locaUy k w aring to 1 mUe ar less DSM to accept a Ml 3-5135 ■HR be tene, until foil crews are at 9:30 am., wlQ be taken tomor- Be recommended to Atty, Oen. drees better than that bOK in toe to baas arottod daatmok Tuss- OTMnon xnanu- LO N G GREEN wck OB tot Jobi. mar ait 10 am . aft tiia pooL R oim i F. r t m a a i f atUel IC Iha T n a O x 30M 15 Coatw St.; P A G E S E W N HONDAT. AtFGUST 6. 196S

D AILY CROSSWORD PU^ftZLB MAJOR HOOPLE , lehron Fords^ Separation Stans Social World

AW,EOHU=;eAlAALLlFVOO L - Antww tB PnHrtew PwRte Agent Chosen P a g e O ne) V^AMMA EARDROM^ rrs ACHE/-*-1 CAME HERE AS Detours the tdepbonel n o th iMg b u t am OLO HOMEST AS A BUTCHER On Insurance at tfea coopla'a lavldi homal OCTIOHARV'.’' YOU'VE seu lim ' s t e a i< t o th ' c h ie f Television SVVIST5LEO M E CX5T ACROSS ISUpiet Graoae Potote Farms I O F POLICE, AMO WHAT DIO X . ^ - t. 21 Avtalor f :0U ( 5) Big I IlMater On iiug m sF > ( U l M t e - t a OF * 2 5 / 3AKE HOOPLE, G E T 2 w is e c r a c k s A ti’ 1 Sunken dltche* jZEpodMl By Town Unit (S3) Hovla at 5 (In eroetees) l:0D <981 Fsr Wtmtm M Thrd was out of the city andl THIS TIME YOU'VE 8 Short cut 23 Ch___ UMuyfiO-' Barljr- ■ Show- (in p (12) m Get A I COSSTRAC'5,TMA'S WHAT' 60 3:90 ( 52301 ~ t expected to return for three | OOI^E TOO FAR/ IF YER THROWlI-i' YER 12 Apology province ( 8) News IS Actually 24 Remove Membere oT Hebron’a Insurance (34) nbat’s New (111 Va MOHEV AWAV.TXi M'T , committee, Emery N. Taylor, of (40) CUlIra Ur. D. ( I t ) : 14AbiUly 25 Nomun dtT US) B lf Keture 3:00 < 823an m m t f 1 K n . Ford waa reported at an-l BLAME M E FEF? P lC K lN 18 Flag 27 Wolf the board of aelectmen, and Ray­ (3 8 ) rts a i W W A I DOUBLE 8:15 (63) Americane At Work her Vbrd home at Watermill, | 17 Knack Hidr, Dnntef Vietar. non oC David C. nad Mary Letho Hair, BUGGS BUNNY IT U P/ 28 English school mond J. Burt, of the board of edu­ <;3b ( 3) News. Sports. Weatlier. ( 322) risssiidy ■ LX. New York, 18 Hawk 29 Indlsh Umber Rft> S, BtaAiid Bfctagn. - He w im bom July 9 at Jobnaon Me* cation, report that their study of 6:30 (33) dub Houm 3:30 (232W A rt LMtfct 20 Stain tree ' mortal Hbndtal, atagwa Sprtaci. Hie mabenud (i«iid(iarenAe circles peculated that I the subject has resulted in the ap­ (S3) News (38) IIWp88»8aB ra pbrd. 65, chairman of the Ford 1 •^LAOCY.SIREI rVE ^ 21 Court seaalona 30 Wheel trsek /' are Ifc. and Mn. Ihka lieUto, 'Vbluntiown. Hie paternal frand- (34) Budokia Bob HEY, ^ 24 601 (Roman) 31 Understsnd 42Dittroad 47Leg*ltem pointment of the underwriting firm (40) rbe Lone Banoer 10.-W ( 3 ) m sswU ^ p s**«»- OO-, w ill continue to liv e 1 ALMKY5 DREAMED OP parania am Mir. and Mn. Ddniel L. Hair, 4SS B. Middle 'I^ e. < 140O> Mea CPs SYLVESTER! 26 Endangered 34 Drudgery 43 Selves 4R Brief nunnk of Morley, Watson and Baldwin ( 8) Ib lto w ^ e S u nx) m ifssi la the Detroit area and Mrs. Ford, I BEING A HESOtC 30 Erects 44 Present nooUl NAtnMiiiiNn & padettial graat-grankmiQier ia Mn. Mjeogaret Braab, Weat Inc. of Hartford as the town's agent (18) Life of Riley STAMPS W L L Y A T A K E 37 Before (1»2UM MsWUn (O 44. sriB m ake h er hom e a t South-1 32 Sioux Indian ^40 Hen’s „name (tb.) 51 Beeengc HArtntd. He haa a bcvitlwr. Ian David, 30 montbe. for submitting proposals for fire, 6:45 (10-23-80)a02T-“ HuaUer-Brlnklay------ < 3) Ib rtr 48 Haul Miss Florence E. Smith, chair­ 7:15 (33) HlgbncnU (im T n d s M CCfc8«r> tamOy. and Ford were iiuuried I hroMian, Jantea Bdward, 10, and Alan Gaorga, 8. (30) Sports Camera (40) BNve J 49 Akin man of Ue redecoration committee tte Roman Catholic ttith at | 52 Dry gully 7:80 ( 8-40-63) Dakotas 11:90 (XX) X8—ir Soothampton in 1560. 54 More of the Hebron First Congregational (10-33-30) NBC Movie (C) 11-20 (23«1 Terti fC3 Inquisitive ntagafald. Tracey Aaa. daughter of George T. and SMriay Church, reporU that after much, re­ (34) Brocan On America ( 3) Itertc Ttard, a Methodist by rearing, | MOTTS adopted Cath olicism. 55 Anxious WH""**- FHagiMaid, 30 Soantio Meadow Rd., South Windsor. search, discussions with the archi­ SEE SATUBDAITB TV WEEK FOB 56 One lost She waa bom July 38 at Mancbaatar Manorial Hoepltal. Her tect, members ot the redecoration The BodaQy hriWant marriage, I SUPER S b N ’ T 57 Turf BlAME 600D mataraal gnuMknottMr ia Mm. m na SMnnar, South Wlndaor. committee and many clergymen, enfaninating a romance begun on I MARKETS OLD 3 A K E = d o w n Her paternal gianxhnutliar ia Mn. Myra Fltagarald, 13 Bralnard including the local pastor, and ocean liner, took place a few! ‘ 1 Jap general n . Sba haa a bratbar, Soott, 18; and three aWeew, Vialarta, 15, visiU to some 30 or 40 churches, rs, before Funala, 3%, and Jody, 15 m on^. U to raise the pulpit platform, 6:15 News. Weather and Bporta 7:00 am BaOha The fam ily's legal reprasentiUlve 11 Force unit which would also mean raising the 7:16 easy iSd Show 1320 Giiwad FOR YOUR • B • # • 11:80 Tonight at My Place said be was not authorised to dis- 15 Poetic dossal behind and above the pulpit, 0:00 Mewa. V e cnm any financial understanding contraction 'Bray, Wayse Jeaeph. aon o t WUUam Prande and Mariana U:00 Sign Off with its gold crof* presenteiLyears w r t o - m m _ ^ 4:10 Todav esi WaB ! bataasa tbc Fords. COOKOUT! Da'rtaon Bray, tnxnctta Rd., Oovantry. Ha wna bom July 36 at ago by the late Mrs. Mary Autchell 6:Ul Newk Sporu and Wealhas 6:15 aiciwcaee 6:35 Old. Borrowed and Bine 6:40 Lewedl ThsM s Ths separattnn — first marital ge«m a..M — Ssamorba HoapUnl. Hbi m aternal grantl^AWwnta are as a symbol of faith. Mr. and Aba. J. F. Davbion, Hannikar, N. H. Hia paternal 6:85 Threo Star Ebctra 7MI0 N ew * brsakiv ta file history of the Ford The new communion table is in 7:00 Convcriatlon Piece 7:U Wertd W da Bp gynasty — was aiinaunced shortly grandparents are Air. and Ain. Albert Bray, Ckyventiy. Ha has a memory of the late Mrs. Gertrude 7:80 News of the World brattkar, WHUam Kertn, 18 months. 7:46 Congressional Report 8:80 Thr XPsild TPP after Detroit’s commraioraUon of CHUCK STEAK M. Hough, church deaconess. A 8:10 Pop Concert 8:30 Whnwrsw laott amdveraary a t the ori- BY J. R. W nXIAM i 13:30 acn OO OUT OUR WAY carpenter le doing the work of 10:08 Nightbeat floal Bony Ford’s Urth. McElrey, Snaan AUeen, daughter ol David WUUam and carrying out the plans. 0 Henry H, a acn of the late Ed- Motfs triola Pataraon MbHroy, 44 CSianey Dr., Stoirs. She was bom Auotkm Activity Jidy 38 nt Manctmater Mamortal HoapMnl. Her maternal g*nd- According to Albert A. Coolldge, aei Fbcd, only child of the first DON’T.' ^ / LUCKY I POC S E l MSVER LEAT J — Henry Ford, has two brothers, ) NEVER PO J ( HAVEN'T OR JUMI* < eararda are Ab- and Mn. ODnrad W. Pataraon, AlonUuk Potnt, puhllcity chairman, work ia pro­ 18 Years Ago H irodum a; “TendBr-Trim” THAT—A A BUM you m u s t r e s t t h a t L. I., N. T. Her pataraal gran^iaranta are Air. and Ain. Wil- ceeding in real earnest on the big Tx*ww and WUUam Clay Ford. RATTLESNAKE, ) HEART, ^ WHEEZY PUMT— , U M P. IfcO roy, Bart Hwopbon, L. I., H. T. project of the year for the Hebron Both are married. BY AL VERMEER A SKUNK, 7 OR WITH SO m a n y • • ' * • • Today, a Partial J V -T e s t Ban Tte Roman ClUboUc Church lb .' PRISCILLA’S POP HELPIN’ A/te F ln t C on gregation al <3hurch, the ^ - uh- - r \ t h a t Daraa, Afargaret Alary, daughter ol George La'wranoe and Red Bam Auction, which will be docs not recognise divorce. A 1 SHOULD LIVE TO OthoHc clergyman said a separa- O W . A '' w i l d c a t s , t h a t IS ! TWENTY-THKEE.' Jaannetta aartgnBn Doran, 410 Benediat Dr., Wapping. She w m held SepL 7, with aU man and (OoatiaiNd tiwm rage Oaa} ventiaiml — : T P E W C A T S ' A S C X J T THIS BIS» ^ Sotnebociy bora J id y 37 at RockvUle (3ity Hoepltal. Her mataraal gnnd- woman power used to the limit. weapons of tioa Is permitted when the couple should Stay^ m otbar As Abrs. lim e a t Oarignan. Dowell, Maes. H er p a to n a l ’ITiie year the auction is under the still will be no match for thoee H ow ever, fkads it impossible to go on with n grandpannta are Ab. and Mn. ArcMa Doran, Portage, Prh ^ there were two vsartd a common life. h o m e a n d A «>r ^ ' * the raainnanahip of Oharlee W. o t the United SUtes and the Soviet ' <3u a r d . t h e Bdward IMand, Oanada. She haa one deter, MaUaea Aforte, 3H- Wallace, assisted by Albert W. Datkm 11ie4 hod to w pnt GROUND CHUCK S c x in d s Union. be irmiiWIaXfd Mi a fev p r e m i s e s i • B • * • HUdliv Wakeman. l i k e a .__ _ M Pierce. Oberyl Aaa, daughter o t Gordon Varna and Marie Also several committees have French President Oiarlea de Even If 11 hat. nmat af fascinating Gaulle said last week France would p m he aMsw. flto 1 Hraund FrBsh _cL Svanaon Flerea, 3 lAnenald Dr., RockviUe. Sba waa bora July been appointed and are preparing v a c a t i o n ! 38 at RockrtBa City Hospital. Har maternal giandparanra are to get things done. The pick-up wouldn’t stop trying to build nu rtricy clear weapons unless the Soviet NOTICE Air. and Mia. Frad Svanaon, FiaiUdln, N. H. Her paten^ committee Is made up of Stoddard and aaore caticlBg. EvBiy HBur! grandpereets Mr. and Mn. Gaorge Pierce, Owioord, N. H. Belden, Wallace Brodeur, Charlee Untcxi and this country agree to / V . / o ^ destroy their nuclear weapons and ANNE CAMPBELL'S Sba bM two iMOthen. Scott. 5%. and Glenn, 3%; and two rtetars, Wallace and Albert A. Coolldge; rea anting, ttea ior a ha prohibit their use. publicity committee, Albert A. wertd may fee aafa- wi BEAUTY SALON lb. Karan, 4%, and Lynn, 3. If the nuclear powers are ever to ■ • • • « B CooUd^, Mrs. Ruth Porter and 84S B fA IN S T R E E T V willing to destroy their weapons— fiiink like ttia la to Ott GrasaL Deborah Ann. daughter ol Dr. Jamaa E. and Lucila Blaine Wallace. nit likely Tn this generation—it Ribbentrap. Who w oti WILL BE CLOSED HttOe OramL 38 Dartmouth Rd. She waa bom July 30 at Man- Ladies of the church are plan­ may take another generation of tike him, ewea If he wn '4 Atanortal Hoepltal. Her maternal grandmother la Mrs. ning expanded services and ende­ arguing about the details of check­ ■wiMat. HRtla. Akron, Ohio. Her paternal granAnother Is avors. Metnbera of the Women’s ing to prevent cheating. FOR VACATION Fellowship committees Include: Mn. LucU GrasaL HavarhHl, ADaas. She has a sirtor. Alary If they did agree on this, war Refreshments, Mrs. Gloria Bell, Seajood Department Miaabelh. IH . might come sooner than If tb^ AUG. 5 to AUG. 18 BY JOE CAMPBELL e - i r B • B B B hot dogs, hamburgs, soda, coffee BONNIE I e mi h MIA, w. Till. iM. us. K Off. didn’t, and (or one of the mewt Gnhara, Gregory Arnold, aon of Looter F. Sr. and Joeephlne and Ice cream; Dorothy Porter, OPEN MON., AUG. 19 “How hungry am I? How hungry can you afford?" weird reasons In the whole weird Alarcxm Orafaem, Ptaecreet Trailer Park, North Windham. He food sale, bakM goods, garden history of the atomic bomb. ON SECOND S C I waa bom July SO at Manchaeter Memorial Hospital. Hla raater- prod^ts and home canned items, All the nuclear powers, present a m l grandfW taer is Antbnny AOarcun, Windham. Hta patemaJ FILLET of S0LE« TrtOOGHT.TURUM ^ four from each person. Also mli- and future, know what a nucleu' TURK THAiT grandmother ia Ain. AUce M. Graham. Windham. He haa four cellaneoua articles, aprons, paint­ n u . c ;f N f w r i r m i RftPK7 POU)N, iTLOOPeR.'i war could do to each of them. btothan, Lester Jr., Roger, Barry and Wayne; and a lister, Jo- ing prints, and such, three aprons Therefore, so long as they have AILAN nC We*re aa Ann. per member, In charge of Myrtle nuclear weapons, they may be « • Secor and Marie BUlard. It is sug­ near as B E N C A S E Y reluctant to start a war, not be­ MoOarthy, Richard Lowe, son of James E. and Dorte Lowe gested that If every church fam­ cause they’re bright enough to your AloObrthy, 34 Ataln St., Rookvaie. He was bora July 27 at ily could furnish objects capable settle disputes peacefully, but be­ RoekyUle City HoapHsl. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and o f brin gin g in $10 to $20 at the cause they’re afraid to take a telephone SAVE 6c Mn. EMward SChlobbarg, Weston, Alasis. He has two brothers, M cM N N ETS m r .g om ba,w h bv '/OU first I BET IF ’VtXJPTDLOTOWWy ABOUT '•OUT OF THE MOUTHS sale this would mean the netting chance. CAME IN TONIGHT X WAS > TQURSEIF HE WOULDNT HAVE BEEN OF BABEC.„*JUST U n Jamas E. Jr.. 8, and DavW Chartaa, 7; and two sisters, Deborah o f $1,000 w ithou t hardship on If 41!'fits nuclear powers got rid OIL SERYICE PIONEER SCARED. BUTeoaYVOU'RE^ UPSET...BUT KKPINS IT FROAA HIAA , THE GOOD BOOK S «S , Aim , 10, and lin id a Joyce, 4. anyone. Deductions are also al­ of ttielr nuclear weapons, then B TEL. M3-Z141 FREE NOT SO BAP-AND ANOTHER UKE rr WAS SOAAETHING he w as ^MR.«QMBA~Olt Does lowable at Income tax time. The they’d all be back with the con- FRUIT DRINKS ■-f l .A rel.Ote* 7HIN6 S'POSEO TO BEYASHAWIEP OF... I THERBSUMCa ’ Baroomb, Barbara Ann, daughter of Bernard E. and Oarol Red Bara will be open Monday and WEUyGEE. ESCAPE MDU? rwpsiin Barcondi, SO Vernon Ave., RockviUe. She \vas bom Thursday from 7 p.m. till dark to DELIVERY GRAPE. ORANGE, OR PrSXH July 38 at RockvUla City Hoapiitai. Her maternal grandparents receive donations. are Air. and Abrs. John M. Oapetlo, 107 Brooklyn St. RockvUle. Her Junk Yard Blocked Stile'S. . pataraal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Curtis, Montpelier, The request of Sam Medlcow of Science Shrinks Piles Tanr erder for drag needs sad Vt. MWKtIes wfli be taken care ef B B B « B New Haven that the Amaton In­ dustrial none be expanded to in­ lasmvd lately. BY FRANK O’NE a a , New Way Without Surgery S H O R T R IB S McKtauey, Cyatlila Lou, daughter of Kenneth L^wls and clude a 74-acre tract which he Phyllia Sugajski MrtClnney, 8 Grove St., Stafford Springe. She owns there, waa denied by the WHEN-THOSE EARTH WMEN waa bom July, 37 at RockviUe CSty Hospital. Her maternal planning and nonlng commission Stops Itch—Relieves Pain SEr.lHBRCAPSfORA/MAN,' grandparents are Mr. and Mib. WaKer Sugajskl. Natrona, Pa. at a public hearing on the grounds ISMdcftis I I SAVE 42c OVER NAT'L BRAND 'IH E ORTH PEOPLE PUT' Her patsmai grandparents are^k". and Mn. Alfred McKinney, K«r T*rk. N. T. (Stm UI) — For th* BO th o ro a ^ Xtiet i 'THEyMEANBUSlHESS. that there is already enough land ANOINERMANMK)OftBn) Brackenridge, Pa. 6rat time Kience bss found a aew • • * • * in the preeent Industrial zone healing mbitanee with the aston­ ITtfaMTRlPnON PHARMACY SHOP-RITE A FEWVraSWO^^ there. It is also felt that no major Strandberg, Nancy Evelyn, daughter of R<*ert R and Eve- ishing ability to shrink heiaor- M l MAIN ST.—in S-5831 75535?] changes should be made until the rhoid#, stop itching, and relieve Btanoe ( Bw D jae* )—tbtrtm rj at ^ * 3 - lyn Searies Strandbeig, 8 Palmer Dr., Wapping. She was bom town plan, now in the development Jidy 34 at Hartford Hospital. Her maitemal grandmother is pain — without inrgery. a weeU-CimaaB laaeanfe tetiSrtu. Mn. Danirt P. Searies, Ehnwood. Her paternal grandparents stage, is completed. In ease after case, idute gwntly Hus safastauec is now nsoileitfe FACIAL TISSUES MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALU are Air. and Mn. Nels Strandberg. Plainvllle. She has a broth­ nils leaves MeAoow in a sort relieving pain, aetnal reduction in i sji)'BO(7/ ALx-Eica-rr T o m e r, Ronald A lan, son o f W. Richard and EiUeen Blood In Package 7 THiniar, 31 North wood Apts., Storrs. He was bom July 29 at will have to be relocated because TO $ eusej(3(N ... FDG CHIPS of highway construction in that PINK e y a s J O d P B . TO JOIN... Mbnehortar Memxjtial Hiooplta]. Hla maitemal grandparents are Mr. and Aba. George L Blood, linwood, N. J. His paternal city. Only 15 acres of the land he ROME owns In Amston are now in the or WHITE BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE nandparants are Air. and Mrs. WUUam W. Turner, Drexel HIU, Rk. He has a elstsr, Anna Louiaa, 2. industrial zone, but he doea not regard that as sufficient. LOOK, n z , THAT LEAVES ME _ • »,! • » • ______' WONDER WIIEH WEIL BoatUer, Soaaa Elaine, daughter of Albed G. and Alaxtha REACH iltPlES HOlOMfi-niE SOCK. ilW WIFE'S Manchester Evening Herald He­ AOIler Routfaler, 14 Peart 9t. She was bom July 29 at Man- bron corespondenL Miss Susan B. “ * y>*)r . ■ .Sk'* -w ’MSDOMER] 2f52S*i^’fVw«TCRY0N OR M W i f i x v y ^ smoulder, Aeoter Memortal Hospital. Her maternal g;randparents are Mr. Pendleton, telephone 228-3454,. IStETTER! and Mra. H aitdd ADHar, 80 Ferguson Rd. H er paternal grand- s o m iyb o y. m y , THE porants ore Mr. and Mn. George Routhler, Warwlrtc, R. I, She .WIFE'S-WERE,too! boa a brother, O to v g o , 8; and a sfiiter, Karen, 8. RIVIERA? • * • * * REDEEM MOTT’S Chetelat, J o o ^ WilUain, son of Terrance and Judith Fraser Whoever you travel, it’s al­ Dice Cbctrtat. 75 North St. He was born July 29 at Manchester Me­ ways smart to take along low- CHANUJ VALUABLE COUPONS B-S morial Hospital. Hla maternal grandparents are Mr. and Airs. oost Travel Acddent Insur­ DavM Fruer, 35 Biro St. His paternal grandparents are to. ance. In addition to lump-sum and Afra. FYank Chetelat, Kingston, Jamaica. Ha has a slater, benefits in c3se o f accidental MAILED TO YOUR C9KILSA SNHjM nSSSS filBRMXMf CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Margaret Afary, 1%. death you can get 24-honr-a- V amp EMTERS’ME WmERKANEAN day protecti<» agaimt the Stoctana, Cberte, iMughter of Bdward F. and Alary Egan m «tifat expense o f accidental 10 JOM TME SIXM RSET. Stocinas, KIngSbury Ave. Ext., RockviUe. She was bora July 38 HOME TH» LARGE ./ y e s . ACCORDIUS T (f 20ILI015 CHRONICLB, HB LOMITUDe WAS UUKNOVWI ( slazesjthen YES.. HIS CRUDS MAP injuries during your entire trip AT THAT TlMe_iUT THE STORM they AUIST’VE at RockviUe City Hospital. Her maternal grandparents v * ***■■ GOLD UAMA ( AND TWO MEN ABAUPOMBO THBR SINKING CONFIRMS m BHCKRT —while you’re going, while (atriAIN ZOILIOV SHIP AT LATITUDE 28: 36 MINUTES, NORTH..J HAD SLOWM THEM WITHIN A REACHED SHORE , FOR A SMALL BUT MT0 and Aba. Ra^^mond Elgin. 67 BMiigton Are., RockviUe. Her pa- you’re there, and on your way MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 8URV *J F L O R I P A ^ ^ ------IBAflUf OP nORlPA'S COAST NORTH O'CAPS ' THE UPPER BANANA RIVER tatiMd grandparents are to . and Mn. Walter Stocinas, Graham THE MILK THAT MADE

■ / ' ■ . :J ' > V ; ' \ ' :...r /• ' /

i»AOE iOME MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUCfUST 8, 19«8 MANCHESTER EVENING H E R i^ . MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST B, 1968 e’s Return Sparks Yankees to Surprising Results in APL Tuneup Attractions Packers No Longer Invincible ‘ ',V- 'f*., 1

Major League Ron VanderKelen and Pat^weekends from the Air Force uiv NEW YORK (AP)--Ex.^tHyuble in toeir Wd. fHershey. Pa., the Chicago Bears? Pinch Hit meet the at Richter, the passing-catching com til Oct. 11. came off the bench In the AFL, the three hot-shot and threw touchdown passes of = ^ L e a d e r s = hibition games don’t count in teams were whipped in the exhib­ Ithaqa, N.Y.; the Cleveland binatlon from Wisconsin, clicked AMERICAN LEAGUE Browns take on the Lions at De­ on a 74-yard touchdown play that two and 16 yards. Paul Lowe, one the standings but the electri­ ition optnera on Saturday and of the (Chargers’ cripples of '62, Batting (260 at bats)—rYas- Sunday San Diego’s Chargers troit; the Minnesota Vikings play boosted the All-Stars' lead to 20- trzemski, Boston, .331; Kallne, De­ fying victory, of the College San Francisco at Portland, (ire., 10 and sewed up the game. Van­ ran three and 65 yards for the Big Blow thumped the champion Kansas Qty other touchdowns. troit, and Rollins, Minnesota, .312; All-Stars over the great Chiefs 26-14 and Denver walloped and the Pittsburgh Steelers op­ derKelen, a Green Bay .native Malzone, Boston, .306; Wagner Green Bay Packers and the the Hduston Oilers. Eastern Divl- pose the enraged Packers at signed by the Minnesota Vikings, Rookie quarterback Mickey and Pearson, Los Angeles, .SM. surprising results in the f-rst ■sion champions, 27-14 Saturday. Miami. completed nine of 11 passes for Slaughter threw two touchdown Buns— Allison, Minnesota, 72; In the AFL, the C3iiefs entertain 141 yards and was named the out­ passes. George Shaw connected on For Club Kallne, Detroit and Tresh, New American Football League The Oakland Raiders, who fin­ standing player. another and Gene Mingo booted Country Qub ished last in the West with a 1-13 the Buffalo Bills at Kansas City York, 67; Yastrzemskl, Boston, 64; tuneups may have a bearing while the Oilers test the New York San Diego's victory proved, cost­ field goals of 44 and 41 yards in n e w YORK (AP)—The Colavlto, Detroit, 61. record last year, topped the Bos­ Denver’s win over Houston. on the pro chamnionships. ton Patriots, ninners-up in the JeU at Shreveport, La , on Friday. ly. The Chargers lost Tobin Rote, l, hanirhty N w York Runs Batted-In—Stuart, Boston, d r a w n PAB’INBBS •— FRIDAY their newly acquired No. 1 quarter­ Linebacker Archie Matsos cli­ Maiio BocciUatte and J«*ry ■Hie 20-17 triumph of Otto Gra­ East. 34-17 at Oakland on Sunday. Saturday. Boston is at San Diego ees were in serious dan­ and Kallne, Detroit, 70; Wagner, ham's roo'iles over the National back, on the second play. maxed on outstanding perform­ K Beaulieu ia7; Vic aw ientino and The exhibitions go full blast In and on Sunday. Denver plays at Los Angeles, 68; Allison, Minne­ Football League champions at Oakland. Flote, an NFU and Canadian ance for Oakland with 27-yard ger of looldns like an ordinary sota, 64; Malzone, Boston, 61. Bund! T a n » 142, Bob McNamara the coming week with six NFL (jhlcago on Friday night removed The All-Stars’ shocker over the league veteran, suffered a torn pass Interception return that set ball clnb. Hits— Yastrzemskl, Boston, 129; and Merrill Anideraon 142. the Packers' aura of InvlnclblUty. and four AFL> contests. up the touchdown that broke a 17- But then the Vtg One stepped In In the NFL. the Dallas Cowboys Packers has revived spirits all rib and bruised breastbone and is Kallne, Detroit, 125; Malzone, Bos­ No team has won three straight expected to be out of action for 17 deadlock In the laat quarter. Just lo o f enooKh to swtaiK the hat f o u b -b a l l , b e s t r a i x ts.lie on the Rams at Tjos Angeles over the NFX.. especially In the ton, 124; Pearson and Wagner, championships since the NFL start two or three weeks. (Oiarlie Rleves scored the winner once, and they were the Tankees Los Angeles, 123. (Saturday) camp of the Giants, who lost two ptoyifr ayrterin 1933 andlThurxlay night. straight playoffs to the Packers. John Hadl, available only on from the one. •nliL. Doubles— Yastrzemskl, Boston, Low nets — BUI Dea«r. F r a ^ the Packers may be in for tots of Umore plays Philadelphia at The Tanks' oAdnjured super­ 31; Causey, Kansas Clfy, 28; Ver- Snilodd, Bert Davla and Ai Jaoob- star, lOckey nanOe. maUnr his salles, Minnesota, 24; Lumpe, ^ 60; Bill Kiiatott. Dtek O ^ - first appearance hi a Yankee Kansas City, and Torres, Los An­ In. Dave Duncan and Hal H am - game since he broke a bone in geles, 23. son 60: Vic Daley, Charley D a ^ Offense Out of Tune on Coast his left foot June S, cracked a Triples — Versalles, Minnesota, Herb Garvey and Bill ,*'• Rule Pockets $5,300 pinch-hit into 11; Hinton, Washington, 10; Clmo- Del St. John. Frank Klernan, Walt HUNJING the left field bleachers, pulUnK the 11, Kansas City, 9. Seven tied with Freebum and Bud Edwards 61.___ Yardceee tram behind and aiming Low groea—Erv Kennedy, Harry them toward an 11-10 Tictory. 6. Pats Off on Sour Note, For Gutty Performance Home Runs— Allison and Kllle- Mathiason. Frank Johmrton and OFFENSIVE THREATS— Established pros with the offensive unit of the New York The Yanks had lost the first brew, Minnesota, 25; Stuart, Bos­ Paul Hunt 66. gsme of a douldeheader 7-2, their ton, 28;. Wagner, Los Angeles, and Giants are, left to right, Hugh McElhenny, Alex Webster, Y. A. Tittle, Del Shofner two starting pitchers had been Battey, Minnesota, 21. s e l e c t e d n in e —SATURDAY and Frank Gifford. lifcElhenny is the oniy newcomer to the squad this season. Drop First Exhibition ^ ST. PAUL, Minn. (A P)—Jack Rule Jr. had $5,300 worth bombed out and the Baltimore Or­ Stolen Bases— Aparlclo, Balti­ (One-Half Handicap) FISHING: of pain killer today, as well as the admiratitin of his fellow ioles, helped along by five im- more, 27; Hinton, Washington, Ciaas A—Wally Ctoon 29-3— 36, earned runs, bad a- lOd lead in golfers for a gutty performance Sunday in climbing out of a 19; Wood, Detroit, 18; Snyder, Joe Krtotoff 30-3—28. Burt Cari- OAKLAND, Calif. (A P)—The Boston Patriots launched; the aecond game. Baltimore, and McCraw, Chicago, son 31-3—28, Ted Zemka 31-3—X. ‘ hospital bed to win the St. Paul Open. Mantle, to a wild ovation tram their pre-season exhibition schedule on an unhappy note be­ Do you want to catch really big . ______The 24-year-old Waterloo. Iowa, 12. Olase B—Mel Hadfleld M.-6—25, the Yankee Stadtum croard of n ,- |Defense Stands Out, brown .trout during the hot sum- i^ golfer started his final round numb Pitching (10 decisions)— Badatz, Herb Garvey 31-6—25, W ^t L ^ - cause their offense was out of tune. with pain-reducing drugs after a 5S5, stepped in in the seventh. Bat­ mer months? The secret is a strip j ting r(^t-handed against the left- Boston, 12-2. .867; Ford, New gett 32-6—27, Jerry Beaulieu ^ Oakland’s Raiders, marking the< kidney stone attack that put him handed George Brdhet. he lined York, 16-5, .762; Bouton, New 5__27, Ray Dellafera 32-6—^27, UCUULdebut V4 of zivv^new Head— ---—- Coach AI Da of sucker meat. Skin a .■nicker and | Heavy Tides In a hospital Saturday night. York, 14-6, .787; Plzzaro, Chicago, Tom Migliore 32-6—27, Paul Ball- vis upset the Patriots 24-17 m the Showdown Battle cut a piece of flesh about aa round j the second into the left field 13-6, .722; Downing, New York, They wore off. and he wound up bleadiers. sieper 30-4—27. ok m American Football League exhibi­ as your finger and twice aa long. ; Halt Attempt with a splitting headache. H ie Yanks won it in the 10th on 7-8, .700. aaae O—AI Eigner Jr. 3 6 -1 ^ 10,000 Watch Giants tion yesterday. For Racing Honor : Use a No. 5 hook tied two feet , layf- ~ 1 i Despite all that. Rule fired a Yogi Berra’s sacrifice fly. 26 Vic Hartxog 32-7—^25, (Jhoriey Boston mustered only three first below a heavy split .shot on 10- McCarthy 34-8—26, Hal Harrtoon A 6- W xa712YI V i r i 1 respectable one-over-par 73 for a Second-place Chicago Indied to ♦Nat Craddock. The block-'bustlng.i who is slated to take over Rosy downs and 48 yards total offense pound-test spinning line. Of ' / a . 1 VT m i l a margin over Fred Hawk- within seven games of the leading Batting (250 at bats)—Groat, 36-10—26. By EARL YOST In the first half, reaching Oakland NEW YORK (AP) — Having! course, this large bait is difficult | St. Louis, .344; Clemente, Pltts- Low groan—Einar Lorentzen and 230-pounder Showed to advantage Grier’s post In the defensive for­ ______ins of El Paso, Tex. Rule’s 72- Yankees on an 8-1 ramp over liOa Ten thousand spectators .at ward wall, was Injured early In territory once only because of a assured Rex EUsworth stible of | for even big trout to .<»wallow. But. | inirgh, A34; T. Davis, Los Angeles, Irv Kennedy, 71 aa a ,ftU-ln for veteran Alex Web­ h a r -t f o r D (API — O on n ecU -'^66 was^TS under par on Angeles, Kansas Gfiy bent Minne­ football practice session. ster. Craddock waa drafted by the the fray and sidelined with an Ice penalty. one million for a second rtraight remember, you're after monsters 1 HARTFOKL) > WollprKeller MunicipalMiinirInAl f!niir«e.Ctourse. sota U , Wasbiiigtan atonad Bos­ .827; Gonzalez, Philadelphia, .320. Blind bogey — BUI Sambenotti only. I It’6 unbelievable . . . but Boaton Patriots but, wanting to pack on his right ankle. Meanwhile, the Raiders took a year. Candy Spots headed East cut River tides overwhelmed Hart­ It was the first professional tour­ ton 7-8 and Detroit and Cteveland Aaron, Milwaukee, .317. 100. Saturday afternoon the Giants Runs — Aaron, Milwaukee, 81; true! play In the National F o o t b a l l 7-0 lead when Ctotton Davidson today for a showdow-n with CSia- ford YMCA Glllmen (3ub .swim­ nament victory for the Iowan, who spUt a pair, the Ttaera taking the League, signed as a free agent meet the Chicago Bears at (Cornell threw a 26-yard scoring pass to If you are in an alligator area first 3h and tba InOans the nigbir Flood, and White, St. Louis, 80; b e s t 16—SUNDAY Magic of pro football has teai.gay. mers in their try for a 50-mile harbors memories of beating big with the Gianta. He could be the in their Wret pre-season test and Art Powell who had broken be­ during mating time, you may heat Jack Nlcklaus in a couple of ama- cap 2-2. Mays, San Francisco, 78; Rose, Cjaas A—Bundi Tarca 64-6—66, yet to reach its peak, best then have a skirmish with the De­ swim record down the river yes­ • • • Tom Prior 65-6—69. biggest find. On what he showed hind rookie Boston secondary de­ (Jandy Spots captured the $131.- the bulls roaring. You can tell the : teur tournaments but who liasn't Cincinnati, 77. tezUmony being the 10,000 men, troit lions In the first part of a fender Jimmy Field from Louisi­ 833 Arlington Olasaic Saturday b\- size of the specimen by the sound Runs Batted In — Aaron, Mil­ Class B—Tom Keama 66-11—60, Saturday, Oaddock will see a lot terday. been anv great shakes since turn- YAMSfrOBIOLVfi- women and children that turned doubleheader at Cleveland on Sat­ anam okCAi-s* State. an caaaiziamazing asui^ -m4*4 lengths under the he make*. A small, young bull will ManUe, who had wiisafil U waukee, 92; White, St, Louis, 78; Reg Chirtis 66-8—56, WaK Leg­ of work. The local "frQgTnen, " led by Lee pro’ out lart Saturday morning' to urday, Aug. 10. The Patriots rallied three ,times . guidance of Willie Shoemaker and moo like a cow. A big, old bull Fh'ettyman, YMCJA aquatic d ir«- plaved from memory, I games idnce his injury in Balti­ Santo, Chicago, 74; MoCovey, San gett 68-10—58. Craggy-faced Hugh McElhenny, The Gianta will go “" Class C—^Austin Welman 74-16 waitch the New York Giants go to He the score. With the count ' faces a battle with Chateaugay will all but make the timber rattle tor, after hitting the water by the grigg, ruIj' after the fin- more, said the onUion when he Francisoo, 73; Boyer, St. Louis, 72. throufdt Gib paces at Fairfield Uni- a veteran of a dozen years in the a second time, meeting Philadel- when he lets go with his bellowing Hits — Groat, SL Louis, 154; —58, Hal Turklngton 78-19—59, NEL, carried the mail twice, both 17-all midway through the final in the TVavera Stakes at Saratoga Charter (3ak Bridge here at 6:25 at the start he had came from iha dogout “actnaDy e n d t o THAT CHILLY FEELING— Mickey Mantle of verslty. The crowd more than dou­ frtrta- Sept. 7 at Palmer , quarter, defensive star linebacker {Aug. 17. 1roar. chilled me. I could feel the bumps Pinson, Cincinnati, 142; White, St. Charley McCarthy 74-15—69, Miau- times fo r . long gains, and drew a.m., gave up the battle some hands. * the Yankees is greeted by teammate Tony Kubek after bled the previoue all-tiine high to Princeton. Opening NFL start wlH Arch Matsos intercepted a B a ^ j Despite tosses to (Jhateaugay in rising on my arms. I was shakT Louis, 141; Aaron, M ilw a u k e e , rice Perry 75-16-—59. applause from the overflowing be against Baltlrnore In Baltimore 15 hours later a few miles below doctor tagged along for the hitting pinch homer in aecond game against Baltimore Low gross—Doc McKee 74. view a practice and created a mi­ Parilll pass and returned it 21 Kentucky Derby and the Bel- Most bowhuntere today carry re­ Ihe Middletown Bridge. entire round, and ordered a fold- I tol3 myadf. T fi aettie lor a i 189; Flood, St. Louis, 184.- Dick Kerr Wins Four-Way Final for Club Golf Title nor traMc tie-up around the beau­ crowd. The Gianta have been after Sept. 15. yesterday. It was Mantle’s first appeai^ce in two Bund bogey — Henry SInnamon a breakaway, runner for years and yards to the Boston 17. A pair of , nunnt. Candy Spots won the Preak-: curved bows. The hurtorlc straight- According to one of Uie nine ing camp chair kept handy for Doubles — Groat, St. Louis, 33; tiful campus and on rtreeta lead­ Aa for the ticket situation at end bow, made from a single piece Pinson, Cincinnati, 31; Gonzalez, Dick Kerr, third from left, is the new club golf champion at the Manchester Country 101. the Mggeet if on the dub la Mc­ Davidson to Powell aerials uP ; ness and hopes to cHnrti 3-year-, who teamed up for the long lest Rule to rest on between shots. He months nnce breaking a foot and, he said afterward, ing to the parkway. Now York, less than 8.000 tickets the winning score, a one-yard dive honors with a triumph over,over of wood, has largely been replaced his warm reception by fans as he came to bat ‘actually Philadelphia, 30; Williams, Chi­ Club Other finalists were, left to right, Einar Lorentzen, Don Wolfe and Willie Olek- Deaplte near 90 degree tempera­ Elhenny. If the ex-San Francleco will be placed on sale tor each of to Old Saybrook, Gerald Dumond u.sed i f often. Breaks Robinsan bad a homer WOMEN’S DIVISION 49er and Mlnneecrta Viking half­ by Charlie Rieves. 1 Oateaugay. _ . ! by laminated bows with' recurved of Manchester, "those tides did Hawkins shot a 71. Tied lor chiDed me.’ Homer lied score and Yanks went on to win. cago. 26; Flood, St. Louis, 24. sinski Kerr shot a 36-hole total of 79r73-152 Sunday to take the crown. Wolfe bested tures and under a boiling, hot sun, the home gsmes. ends. The recurve design will pro­ tor the Oriolea, and KMon How­ Triples — Pinson, Cincinnati. 12 Odd or Even Holes — Saturday back can stay in one piece, the Cliff Pennington’s 46-yard field A victory over Chateaugay >(ixmld it. The first five or six miles were third were Bruce Crompton of ard oomiectad tar the Yankees. Lorentzen on the 37th hole after they finished the regulation distance tied with 156s. Low net — Grace Royrter ta­ Head Coach AHce Sherman sent Giants will be better than ever. goal and Davidson’s one-yard ^ ____ pel an an-ow farther and faster (AP Fhotofax.) Brock and Williams, Chicago, Cal- his charges through the longest aU but aaeure (Jandy Spots o f , fine, but then we were hit head Au.stralia and Dave Hill of Jack- Honm imw by winning pitdier Oleksinski had 162. Lorentzen led at the half-way point with a 75. (Herald Photo by i l —34; low groas — Evelyn Ixr- Enter Net Play plunge accounted for the winners’ 3-year-old championship. A than a straight bow requiring the on." son. Mich., at 273. Hill fired a SO llson and Gonzalez, Philadelphia, and hardest-hitting scrimmage of Sidelined wltli an aasortment of same pull. Steva Baxhar. Join Powdl and Groat, Jaivlor and White, St. Lnuis, Satemis.) . ______entzen 42; low putts. BWelyn L«r- Injuries, all minor, were Frank BROOKUNE, Mass. (AP) — other scores. ‘c3»teaugay in the Travers Alrone point, between the Gla-s- on the front nine to tie the coursse John Qnino made It esjay tor the effitzen and Helen Noel 30 each. the year. Boston tallied on a 16-yard field would mean a third loss in foui' Seven Wing in Last 26 Games 7. As could be expected, the defen­ Gifford, IMck Modzeleweki and Mexico’s Rafael O.suna and Antonio tonbJry-Wethersfield Bridge (md record, and had a 66 for the day. Orioles to win th eopener. Home Buns — McCovey, San Selected Partners — Sunday Del Shofner. Palafox — the Wimbledon cham­ goal by Gino Cappelletti, an eye- nieeitinga against the son of Swaps, An elk's hoafprints are larger Ro<-kl' Hill, "we swam in' one spot George Bayer, on the strength • • • sive unit stood out, this being the and rounder than a deer's, but Francisco, 32; Aaron, Milwaukee, Low not — Betty Benton and AKemaUng at quortaihock were pions— have entered the National opening 60-yard ParilH to Cappel------f o r ^ hour," the Manchester frog- of a 10-under-par 64 Sunday, was WHfl'Ml 80K-AHOBU— Helen Ayers 198-37—161; Barbara Giants' trademark since it started le'tti aerisl and a 23-yard pass smaller and blunter than a The White Sox cloned up a hinf 81; Mays, San Francisco, 27; Ce­ wliuiing championehlpB in 1966. Y. A. Tittle and Ralph Ougliehni, Douinleo Tennis Tournament at Fl*LLBACK PROBLEM m ^ reported. ""“ h 274. Williams and Cora Anderson 306- Longwood, Avg. 18-25. 'The Mexi­ from Tommy Yewcic to end Art moose's. Single tracks indicate ma­ gam s as rTamiin Garreon draws in Red Sox Drop to .500, p e ^ San Francisoo, 20; White, Oxygen Assists Podres However, there were a few fine and both riiowed to advantage, al­ ture bulla, many of which remain Aa a result, the Gillmen are . 43—163; low putts. Mas WUkie Graham. three inns on a double and a ain- St. Loids, io. offensive operators during the 90- though not spectacular. Biggest cans also are the defenders In the now thinking about ti'.vtng any Arnold Palmer birdied throe of 28, Betty Benton 20. U.S. Tournament. Another entry Bobby Walston, second highest WESTMINSTER Md. (NEA) — by themselves during the rutting ^ and soared another agafamt Stolen Bases — Pinson and Rob­ minute drill with newcomers flash­ gain for the latter was not via a season, while cows and calves trav- future 50-mile record assault., in the la.st four hole* in the U.S. pese but a run out of the pocket announced today was that of Janie scorer In NFL history and lured The Baltimore Colts may have the fce Angris. inson, Cincinnati, and Wills, Los ing. answer to their fullback problem ri in bunohes. Beirt times to catch the more calm waters of a lake Open playoff at Brookline but fin- • • • Fir^t Time Since April Angeles, 24; Aaron, Mlhvaukee, Ellington Ridge after seemingly trapped well be­ Albert, 17, of Pebble Beach. Calif., out of retirement after leaving the nossibly Highland Lake in Winsted iahed third In the playoft against Easily the moat outstanding ta Philadelphia Eagles, handled the in John Mackey from Syracuse. any in the open are during the s e n a i o b s -s e d b o k — 18; Brock, Chicago, and W. Davis, the amrelesa session was a bull­ hind the line of scrimmage. daughter of former Stanford and feeding periods, usually late after­ or West -Hill Pond in New Hart- 1 new champion Julius Boroo and MEN’S pro football quarterback great, point-after kicking chorea for Bos­ They need a running fullback who stumping Boaton iraa bombed by Los Angeles, 16. In Bid for No-Hit Game necked (what pros Isn’t? ) full­ Big John LoVetere, a mere 280- can also provide pass protection. noon. ford. I runner up Jacky <3upit. FOUB-BALL — SATURDAY ton. two home runs fay Jim King and OOOraRSTOWN, N. T. first pitch for his third homer Pitching (10 dedstons) — Ma­ back from Httie Paiwona College, pounder, heaviest man in camp. Frankie Albert. a Uuee run pfaxMilt homer by (AP) — Bob Hiriey was of the sedsq^ King followed loney, Cincinnati, 17-8, .860; Per- Low gross — Bob Zaiman, Jim M FW V O P K ('AP'^__ T,os^ attempt In the sixth in-^Mathews in the first. In the sixth, Gordon, Stan Standfeat, J a c k Minnie ICnoao. thcmvn oat at the {date, then with his ranoskl, Los Angdes, 10-2, .838; iNriW xuivrv XJUCS ^ ______irifTnohnnlf «inerlAH rtirDfl ff • • • Koufax, Los Angeles, 18-4, .818; ning and became the first two- Lou Kllmchock singled, raced to Hupter 34-39—73. left the game. Before ycu Gary Geigk^s sacrifice fly Angeles left-hander Johnny third on Gene Oliver’s single and TIGEKS-imMANB— could aay Wilbur Wood, the and Ebb Tillnuin's double pro­ M a r I oh a I, San Francisco, 17-5, time 20-game loser since Paul Low not — Jim McOarthy, Wel­ Hank Aguirre toaaetl a sparkling ,778; McBean, Pittslnirgh, 10-8, Podres, a sore-backed pitcher Derringer with St. Louis and Cin­ scored on Clraig’s arrant pickoff don Finnegan, Paiil Anderson, Will Rad SoK had dn^iped to .500 duced two mor^ Boston runs attempt. The victory went to Dan two-hlttor in Delrait'a easy first- in the American League atand- in the seventh. .769. who produced a spine-tingler, cinnati in 1933-34. Kuhnly 74-11—63, John Sweeney, game victory against tiie Tndisia, Schneider, his first in the majors. Rreuben GUI, Steve Ketcham, Fred ings fo r tile first time in 103 Zknmer singled homie an in­ Strikeouts — Koufax, Los An­ kept his bid for a no-hitter WlUie Mays hit his 27th homer • * * and ledUe, lacksy LoUch had an­ days. geles, 199; Drysdale, Los Angeles, in the 10th for a 2-1 victory Cavedon 76-11—65, Tom SohUlor, other shutout the Indians surance run in the bottom of going with'. the aid of base­ OIANT8 -CUB8— Classified Advertising Starts Here. . . Continues On Following Pages Hie Soar, who kat their 182; Maloney, Cincinnati, 173; over the C3ilcago Cubs that moved Ted Bantly, Frank, Wilson, Phil snqitsd for their three runs in the frame off Jack Lemabe. ball’s newest weapon— oxy­ Mays connected off Llndy Mc­ iliird atiaigbt 7-5 in Wasfa- Pete Burnside mopped up for Marichal, San Francisco, 148; fkUp, San Francisco into second place. dlOorda 74-9—68. the ninth ami gained a apUt. gen. Philadelphia dropped St. Louis to Daniel, 7-4, to give Don Larsen Help Wanted— Male 36 • • • ingtcn yesterday, are playing the winners. ' Philadelplila, 186. 8-6, the victory. Ron Santo hom­ Building— Contracting 14 Painting— Papering 21 Help Wanted— Female 35 a of Fhme exhibition Pitching in Houston’s sweltering third, beating the Qirdlnals 7-3 CRIERS’ TOURNEY Automobiles For Sale 1 Busineas Semces Offered 13 A’s-TWIirB- Manager Jahnny Peaky de­ heat Siuiday night, Podres took a e r ^ for the Cubs. SATURDAY EXCELLENT opportunity for high PLUMBERS and plumber’s help­ game against the IChraukee cided to give Ms infield regu- and 6-2. Cincinnati swept Pitts­ * • • HAROLD A SON RubUrti Re­ QUALITY CARPENTRY—Rooms, EXTERIOR AND Interior paint­ « CUy haded Moe Orab- few whiffs as he set the Ckilts burgh 6-2 and 4-1. Three-quarter handicap 1954 RAMBLER STA'HON Wagon, caliber girl in ’’general’’ insur­ ers, steady work. Apply in person Braves tnday.° RooUe Bob lara a rest, inserting the_ PHILS-CARDS— moval, ceUara, attics, and yards, basements refinirtied. built-ins. I ing, paperhanging, wallpaper re­ oarsky's flve-U t pitching with a 12- down until Johnny Temple led off * • * ' Low gross — PhU diCorcia 74- Farina, standard shift, $155; 1958 moved, ceilings, fully Insured. ance agency, Rockville. Refer­ between 8-9 a.m. at Berson Bros., hlt attack in subduing the hard- Hefftier wiH start fo r Boaton. “rtiock troope” with Geiger at Hall of Fame Winning pitcher Ray Culp, 11-9, CLASSIFIED Ford 4-door deluxe, standard i weekly or monthly pick-up. Har­ formica tile, general repair. No. the ninth inning with a sharp sin­ -65, tow nets — Steve Ketcham Call George OuUlette, 649-1251. i ences requested. Write Box JJ. 50 Harvard St., New Britain or U t^ Twins, who got both their Jim King hit a pair of solo finat base, Billy Gardner at DODGER8 -COLTS— rapped in two ^ s w ^ a pair of 77.1 1 pYank Wilson 78-11- shift, $96; both tip-top shape. ' old Hoar. 649-4034. job too sm all. CaU WlUiam Rob-1 call for appointment. 629-8287. homers and Orestes (Ciall me gle. Podres, who brought his record PElRSTOWN, N.Y. ( A P I - he trudged slowly off the mound 91- 15—76, lyarry Scranton 87-11— 8 A.M. to 5 PAl. 1961 DELUXE English Ford An­ repaired, free pick-up and deUv- EXPER1ENC3ED PAINTERS want­ centecfield and batting clean­ Tommy Davis’ run-producing sin­ REDS-PIRATES— ery in Manchester. Russ’ Mower Call now, 849-0726. time or part-time. Apply Tots 'n As a result, Boston dropped Two outfielders and two ijitchers after a 2-1 loss at Milwaukee. 76, Harvey Tardiff 88-10—78, Tom glia 2-door sedan, radio, heater, Teens, 956 Mqin Street. ed Work locally between Man­ up, had 2-for-4. But tile relief The defeat, O a lg’s 18th in suc- gle, and Podres’ double drove in Frank Robinson collected three Service, 742-7807. to an erven won-loot record pitching continued to crumble. who thrilled diamond fans half a two of three runs in the seventh. Ferguson 101-23—78, John Som­ whitewalls, 4-speed floor shift, Roonac—4idiBf I t PAINTING—Exterior anc* interior, chester and Glastonbury. Phone cesMon, matched the mark estab­ runs batted in for the Reds with a very low mileage, good condition, SHOE FITTER, ‘experience prefer­ 633-7765 between 6-7 or apply 44 (M -M ) for tbe first time since I(tng homered for a Wash­ century ago were to be foirmally « • • pair of doubles in the opener, mers 93-15—78. Sher Ferguson 78- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT ______— paperhangins, floors sanded and lished by Cniff Curtis Of Boston 0—78, Mark KravlU 92-14—78, 30 mUes per gallon, $875. SHARPENING SBUtVKJB - Saws, red. part-time or full-time, good Bayberry Road, Glastonbury. a 2-0 defeat at Cleveland tn^e ington run In the first and inducted today into baseball’s BRAVE8-MET8— backing the pitching of Bob Pur- MONDAY Thni FEIDAl 16:86 AJI.—SATURDAY 6 AJI. knives, axes, shears, skates, ro­ A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding,, finished. G«t the beet for leas, the chd> 5 .6 on April 24. Chuck Hinton singled home In 1910, and made him the 13th Jack Hunter 93-15—78. 643-8806 after 6 p.m. painting. Carpentry. Alterations! Caljh544-0601. starting salary. Tots 'n Teens. Hall of Fame. Two were being pitcher In major league history to Oaig, only two losses away key, 6-7. Tommy Harper took tary blades. ()uick service. Capitol 956 Main Street. LCXJAL AUTOMOTIVE wholesaler Hie Sox were leading 3-2 King, who had doubled, in the honored i>osthumously. over in the second game, blasting .and addlticms. Ceilings. Workman- ‘ lose 20 games two years In a row. from the major league record for PBO-.MEMBEK — SUNDAY PLEASE READ YOUR AD* 1969 FORD FAIRLANE 600 2- Equipment Co., 38 Main St., Man­ ship guaranteed. 299 Autunui St. i warit.s outride salesman to sell in the top of the sixth when fifth. Honor^ were Sam Rice, 71, out­ Now 2-20 following last season’s consecutive defeats set by Phil­ a two-run homer, a double and door Hardtop, V-8, automatic chester, Hours dally 7-6. niurs- Electrxal Services 22 SALES .PROMOTIONAL work, automotive parts and equipment three singies and a force play In between. Mantilla had a standing outfielder with Washing­ a single while Joe Nuxhail, 9-6, Stan Staszowski (Green Wooda), — ■ »»—4 at “Want Adz’’ an taken ovet the phone aa a eon- 643-4860. I 10-24 record, Craig let the Braves adelphia’s John Nabors hi 1916, AI Grotheer, Frank (3ieck, Jack tranamlarton. Immaculate. Excel­ day 7-9. Sa.urday 7-4. 643-7968. mu.st make nice appearance, no ..to garages and service stations in aaraminaw i-KAnUR failed to produce a run. Hie two-run single in the second ton and CTeveland; Elmer Flick, was tagged for a homer by Eddie checked the Pirates on five hits. venieoea. Tba ndvertiaer zhoold read hla ad the FIMT DAY IT lent meritanical condition. 649- f r e e ESTIMATES. Prompt serv­ experience required, will train for Manchester - Rockville area. aod Geiger singled acroas Me­ score the winning run on a wild Honnon, 29-31—60; John Williams APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS ha time for tbe aext tauer- R . DION ROOFING and aiding, ai-1 W. U Pet. GJL last single, Dick WilUams, 87, winner of the American 1514. LAWN MOWERS, abarpaned and teraticsiB, ceUings. painting and ice on all types of electrical wir­ job, $3-$4 per hour full or part- Knowledge of automotive parts was the biow on which Turley jias in third. League batting title at Cleveland (Edgewood), Pete Lingua Jr, Les tlga. n a Harold la raaponalble lor onlj ONE Inoorrect or om ltM repaired, sales and service, rental ing. Licensed and Insured. Wilson time. Write Box HH. Herald. essential. Car allowance, all bene­ Row Yock ....68 89 j698 — Boston will again try to Baum, Sy Lavitt 32-28^-60; Harry gutter work. Satiafaction guaran­ Ofioago ...... 61 43 ■865 TH was thrown out trying to score in 1905; John Clarkson and Elppn tor any ndrertlzement and .then only to the extent of a 1961 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2- equipm ent L A M Biqutpment teed, free estimates. 643-4382. Electrical Co.. Manchester, 649- fits. Apply for application to 61 9 fttan second. right itself In the bid for first Rixey, pitchers. Nettiebladt (Avon), Ernie Heath, >NnnlM good- Inaertton. Errorz ^ a^t jraaon ^ vahie to door sedan. Green end white. Call Corp., Route IS, Vernon, 87^7609. 4817. Glastonbury, 643-1388. TOY PARTY Demonstrators — Schiebel Bros., Center St. and W ira Don Zimmer wngled diviaion rather than second Clarkson, a right-hander who Rockville Draws Niantic Nine Oiarlie Ctonlln, Paul Anderson 28- the ndrertlMnent wOl not be oorreeted by "maba good" Inoertion. 649-5936. Manchestei exchange, Bnterprlne RAT’S R(X)PING OO. - Shingle Men or Women'work now until Proctor Rd., Manchester. blliBiinsts ...... 69 89 441 19 I^ace now at Detroit tomorrow 94 openmg the Senators’ sixth. won 483 games from 1882 through 33^-^l; Bob Kay (Wampanoag), 1946 and built-up roofs, gutter work, December. Over 500 Toy and Boston ...... 54 499 14H Wood repieced Turley on the night with Eiari Wilson sched­ Sal Roeeito, Jake Stygar, George 1968 FALCON SQUIRE, automatic, Floor Finishing 24 Gift items. High Commissions. No Otoreland ...... 64 68 4 » 9Vi 1894 in the National Lea^e, died roof and chimney repairs. Ray DRIVERS FOR school buses in mound. Pinch-hitter Don Lep- uled to pitch. In 1909. Rixey, a towering left­ In L egion Basehall Playoffs Marlow 30-31—61. loaded, low mileage, $150, take STEPS. SIDEWALKS, stone walls, Hagenow, 649-2214. Ray Jackson. FLOOR SANDING and reftnish- collecting. No delivering. Call September in the Manchester- lios Angdea ...64 99 474 17H peri singled. CSnick Cottier The Sox now have won only YOUR OilOPERATlON WILL DIAL AA3-2T11 over payments. Take trade. Rudy, Mr. Sanzo, Manchester, (Jonn., M 464 19Vi hander who won 266 games for Low pros — D on H o e n lg BE APPRETIATED l / I M U P I fireplaces, flagstone terraces. AU 643-8328. ______ing (specializing in older floors). Vernon aiea. 7:30-8:45 a.m., 2:16- Kansas C U r ...6 9 sacrificed. seven of their hurt 26 starts (Thompson), 37-34—71, Bob Kay 246-6851. concrete repsUrs. Reasonably Telephone: 649-9488. Detostt ...... 49 •9 -484 31H Phdladeilphia and Cincinnati from If Rockville, which makes its Painting, Ceilings. Paperhanging. 3:30 p.m. Call 843-2414. Minoao leaned into Wood’s (.268). j (Wampanoag), 37-34—71, AI Fucha priced. 643-0851. BIDWELL HOME Improvement No job too iunall. John Verfaille, Waaktogton ....4 9 98 467 39 1912 through 1933, died last Feb. State American Legion Baseball FOR SALE — 1968 (Chevrolet Bell Company — Roofing, siding, al-. LADY to share apartment with 28, a month after learning of his (Grantmoor), S tan , Staszowski 649-5750, 875-9327. 1 Air, Powergllde, radio, heater, i HAVE BULUXjZER. wiU travel. terations, additions and remodel­ lady recovering from an illness. 7-U . Hew Yath, S-U . latest honor. Tournament debut tomorrow, ad­ (Green Woods), 38-35—73, Ed Ru- bis (unattached), 36-37—73. well maintained, clean. ri6-9870. I Land clearing, grading, founda­ ing of all types. Ehccellent work- May be employed days, but neces­ (tod It). The new inductees were picked vances anywhere near the finals manshlp. 649-8498. | Private Instructions 28 sary to be a companion during by the veterans’ groUp, headed by they certainly will do It the hard TROUUE RE4CHHW OUR ADVERTISER? tion woric. Call Stacy. Wilson, Detroit t-S, Ctovaland t-S. Triplets Playins B etter Bctll^ -'Trucks^Tractors 643-5607 or 742-8276. nights. Apartment centrally lo­ TOOL MAKERS — CMeago 1^ Ins Angeles 1. Warren Brown of Chicago, from way. CJoach George Dargatl’s club EARN $170 A WEEK and up! — I( cated in Manchester. Mu.st have ERCC Swimmers Win you are 18 and over you may WasWagtaa 7. Bmton g. is matched against tough Niantic ILH sar Assiisriag S s r ^ 1956 CHEVROLET truck, ton, R oofii« and Chiucfys 16-A references. Write Box L, Herald. MOLD MAKERS Sprinsheld L o ^ e r in Ninth 19-1 tomorrow afternoon at 6:30 CARS WASHED AND qualify for immediate field train­ A-1 condition; CJrsJtaman lawn- R(X)FING — Specializing repairing ing aa heavy equipment operator T s day’s Games ^ ' I Rice liadhad a lifetime battimbatting at Muzzy Field in the tournament Winning 18 of the 22 evente, El- mower, self-propelled; lawn SMONIZED WANTED—Receptionist and sec- Ms Gnaaes SchsdBled. average of .322. Flick bafted .316 opener. ' Ungton Ridge (Country C3ub easily roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut- or mechanic in fairway and con­ relary for professional office, Frss ts HMaM Rtadsn sweeper; lawn spreader; wheel­ Inside and out tei work, chimneys cleaned, re­ struction, one of America’s fastest BRIDGEPORT OPERATORS Hie Bingfaamton ’Triplete, buried#’T(Hiy Curry and a single by Bob for 13 seascms. If the Hilltoppers win, they’ll defeated the Brentwood Aquatic barrow; miscellaneous garden credit experience preferred. Good in tbe ClaaB A A Eastern League Chance did the damage. Frank SATTfiFACnON GUARANTEED paired. Aluminum siding. SO growing industries. No previous First Class MATIOIMAI. LEAGUE Rice played with Washington play agrain Wetoesday— .meeting Oltfi) In a swim meet Friday. ■f Re tools. 643-5541. opportunity. Box CC, Herald. W . L. P el. GJk. cellar most of the season, are be­ Smth (4-1) was the winner. from 1915 through 1933 and closed Bristol, the pre-toumey favorite Laura Oleksinski and Barbara W ant $10 years’ experience. FYee estimates. I experience or special education ginning to aee some daylight, Tonight’s Games: at 8 o’clock. A loss tomorrow will Schrwelr of Ellington were the ■nteit CaU Howley, 6tt-6S81. 643-0763. needed. You’ll learn on bulldoz­ EXPERIENCED •■tales woman Las tagWsa ..tS tt AM — his career with (Cleveland In 1934, Aato OrtvlfiE School 7>A 648-5496 — 649-aUS LATHE OPERATORS ana Iknnrisus.« 48 AS« S) thtmlca to a aeven-game winning Binghamton at Springfield. oampUing a total of 2,977 hits. put them in the 5:60 game again only douUe winners. Other win­ ers. cranes, motor graders, self-, wanted for night work. -Must be First (Jlass at. LsMa .....tt 4a AS4 5 atreak. Claric^m was one of the orig­ Wednesday, meeting the loser of ners were Melissa Powell, Elaine propelled scrapers and other over 25. Good salary and work­ MANCHISTfR ANSWIRIN* SIRVICI LARSON’S — Connecticut’s first Bfidifi-T? Repair Sanricea 18 man-.sized equipment now used by ing conditions. Apply Jewelry ChioiMn ...... tS M A n 7) The ’Tiiptota extended their, inal "iron men” of the game. the West Haven-Stamford tussle, Peterson, Lee SclrweJr. EUen Kra- licensed driving school, trained | TREE RHIMOVAL pcuntii(, and atreak to aeven aa Ken Sanders In 1885. he appeared In 70 TOen—if they’re not eliminated, vitz. Russ Peterson, Barry Gold­ industry. (Complete 220 hr. course. . Dept.. King’s Dept, Store. Minimum 50 hours — plenty of ...at H AM t BASEBALL HEROES 4^94)800 certified and approved, now of­ lot clearing. Lawn mowing. Frank CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, overtime. Good working condi­ pitebed a one-hiuer Sunday games with the Oricago ' Cuba, they must come back again Thurs­ berg. Valerie Hoffinan, Jcrtin available all hours. Satisfaction National original School of Heavy | ..H H A n t fering classroom and behind C. Noble. 649-6088. Elquipment is not a correspond­ tions. ....t7„ti AM Itj Reading for a 7-2 victory , , pitched 622 inningie, and won 53 day—the third g;ame in succession. WlhoUey. Betsy Hunter, Greg wheel Instruction tor teen-agers. guaranteed. Call 649-1315. taafm ence school. It;* Govt. Approved FULL-TIME and part-time. King’s Flttabargh . . . . U M AM U and a aweep of the five-game PITCHING — Johnny P o d i^ games. Rixey held the Naticmal Bristol, the defending champion Wolff, Gary WoMf, Mlssey Labelle lasvo 649-6076. NEW GAME for Manchester Her­ Dept. Store, Manchester. | I. It left the laat place Tri- Dodgers, allowed only 'one got the first break, a bye in to­ and the relay quartet of Hues Pe- St thn EXPERT SERVICE on all makes and budget tenns are available., H o o stM ...... 4Z M ATS M League record tor southpaws with ald customers. You buy the paint, i Free job advisory service upon pleta only one percentage point be­ Johnny Temide’s single leading off 286 victories until Warren Spahn morrow’s schedule. TTie wrinner of MORTLCXSC’S Driving School Inc., ot AM or FM radios, TV, Hi-fi. p a r t t i m e m a id 2-3 day.s a Mew Yeric ...A 4 7t AN terawi. Greg WoW, Bob Snyder and you name your price—we will do' graduation. Get full details now hind fifth place Reading. the ninth Innliw, before needing topped the mark In 1959. Rixey’a tomorrow's second game also got Barry Kuhnly. offices, classroom located Man- your painting. 649-7863. stereo, t^;>e recorders, portable week. CJonn. Motor Lodge, Exit PARAGON TOOL CO., INC. a helping hand since that chib AutosMfbDes Far Sfik 4 cheater Paricade, lowar level. Be­ and auto radios, 649-1063. on high pay and job security. | 94, Wilbur Cross Parkway. Tel. noH 6-1, rUtobsigk X-L In the only other game ached- relief help to saMne Houston 4-0. jjg,gt year waa 26-13 with Cincin- A LA N PUTZ Lost and Foimd 1 Send name, address, age, phone 289 Adams 8t., oled. Oiarleatoa lalHed wtth four won’t play at all Wednesday. ginners, older, nervous ^atudenta, 643-1555. ■Ipbto 7-4, 84. Intos. 9-3. BATTING — Jim King, Sea- nati in 1922. NEED <3ART Tour credit turned number, hours home to Box X, Bkae X New York L runa in the tigtitii to tie ^ting- ators, hit two homers and a douUe Hie scheduling Is Important Plans Ring ‘ Farm* NOTICE la hereby given that our specialty. Teen-age driver's Manchester down? Short on down payment? education course. State certified. Household iSem e tfi M a rta g —Traekia*— Herald. f r ie n d l y w o m a n help start I n s Ascales 4, Hssston 8l field, then added two more in the and scored three rons in 7-5 vic-| since no pitcher can work more Boob No. S7777 issued by The Bankrupt? Itepoasession? ’ Don’t 649-7898. StM aga M shop-by-mail club. (Jlub shopping Bmm Rm ndses X. Otkmtm 1 ninth for a 9-7 victory. The vic­ tory over Boston. Saturday’ s Fights than 12 in three calendar CHICAGO (AP)—Jack Dempsey Savings Bank of Manchester has Offered IS-A Tel. 849-3079 tory enabled league - leading days. Right-hander Jim Martello beijn lost and application has bew despair! See llosiest Dcaiglaa. In Bonds— Stocks saves money; members benefit. (1 9 ). plana tp, eet^Uaii a gymnasium quire about lowest down, amall MANCHESTER Package Delivery. Cbarleaton to pick up a half game is expected to open tor Rockville nuidG to s&id tor pAyni€nt of FURNITURE reflnlahed—Scratch­ Morteasres 31 You get famous products free. Gsare NEW YORK-^oae Stable, New ^ ahiaU fight club In New Y ork est payments anywhere. No small Light trucking and package de­ Send for details, free 276-page over aarand place Elmira, which tomorrow wipi AI Puts, another in the hopes of revitalizing boxing the Amount of depoeit. ______E-ZLERN es, burns removed, color changed. Sm 1ikssttoei (Mariifisl 17-4) Little Miss Softball York, 147, outpointed Stanley AMERICAN LEAGUE loan or finance company plan. livery. Refilgeratmw, washers and Se c o n d mortgages — Unlimited catalog. No obligation. Popular waa idk, and hike its lead to three rightie set to go Wednesday. Lefty by supplying “fighters to the big Manchester Refinlshing Co., 648- n t Banaltm (Ns48eksit 9-4) IN). . Hayward, Philadelphia, 10. King t (10), Mlnoeo (S), Sen­ LOST — PET blue parakeet Frl- Douglas Motors, 838 Main. stove moving specialty. Folding' funds available for second mort- Club, Dept. H803, Lynbrook, New SALES PROMOTIONAL work, no asnto fiekedaled. STANDINGS MANILA—Flash Elorde, 136, Bob Hngley and Joe Van- areons in the same fashion farm Driving Schod 9283. OMjM STILL BELTING— Wel­ Oudenhove, another right-hander, ators; Wert (S), Hgeis; Barber * day vicinity 106H Bluefleld Drive. ch a in tor re n t S49r0753. gagas, payments to suit your York. ^ experience necessary. , will train. TTie only hit off Sanders (5-1) Philippines, outpointed Love Al- systems supply players to big 1983 PONTIAC, good tires, good waa a a in ^ by catcher Mike Ryan ) terweight champion are the relievers. (1), Powell (16), Onrino (H), .. Rawaid. Please call 649-5793. Conneetlcut’a largaat, afito-' budget Expedient service., J. D. Must be willing to meet people. Moriarty Brothers ...... 9 lotey, 135 >/4, Ghana, 10. baseball ^sams.” Announcement at paint fok^echknlcally good. $78. REWEAVING of burns, moth holes. CLERK FOR part-time office Earn $5-$7 per hour full or part- in the third inning. Reading’s two Emile Griffith is a belter, Rockville warmed up for the RoUneon (7), Oiioiee; Pepttone matic and ,standird ahift, Zippers repaired. Window Shades Realty. 643-5129. ______K dky TriiunplM Mem. Corner Store ...... 8 A(JANA, Guam — John San the plans was made here today by Cslly648-47B7 anytim t. Paintng—Paperuc Z1 work. Call 644-0649 between 7-9 time Write Box EE, Herald. runs in the fourth were unearned in or out of the ring. tourney Saturday with a 18-8 vic­ (10), Howard (20), Mantle (12), Oorge Florey, Chicago advertis­ tree pick-up service, teen-age made to measure; sJl sized Vene­ Naasifr Arms ...... 8 Nicholas,, 125, knocked out Guam P c m a iM claasnxnn, older and nervous A FRESH START will ease tension p.m. aa the reauH of an , three tory over AJIen, Ruaaell and Allen, Yankeea; Hall (17), Klllebrew ing executive who Is a^ buetoens 1980 \CORVHtTTB, 3-speed, 380 tian blinds. Keys made while you PAINTINO, EXTERIOR and in- and help your vacation plans. $3,- MMT IiONIXlN (AP) — m e walka and a aacrifice fly. Bing­ Uttie MissUes...... ;.6 Typhoon, 125, 2. Here he takes a cut at the a Hartford Courant-Jaycee League (25), Twins. students our specialty, 116 tezlor, p^wrhaiii^, wai^per BRIDGEPORT OPERATOR, full­ GLACE BAY, SB.—Blair Rlch- partner of Dempsey. Howard, for- ELECTROLUX Salas and *a n ^ , h.p., \low m ileage, cau 648-4648, wait Tape. Recorders for rent 000 costs $66.75 per month. <3all Ocean Baaoh It-mUa hamton puabpd acroaa fim runs in Kilian Steel Ball .'.. ball in a batting cage at a entry. Puts sparked that triumph Canter St, Msu^aater. Cali M arlow’s, 867 Main, 6494321. removed, dry wall work. Reastm- Help Wanted—-Male 36 time only. Must be able to set up ...... 2 8 1 ardson, 160, Canadian middle- mw CSiicago steel - exeotulfve, was bonded representative, Alfred afterj} p-m- Frank Burke. Cemi. Mortgage Ex­ won by tomaar Oiyiii- the aewsHtii taming on only two faita Pellins Restaurant . New Jersey amusement with three hits including a pair of NATIONAL l e a g u e , AmeU, 30iannryBt-64W)4iO.___ fo r free book let 843-8683. abts ratoa. Fully inaurad. 649- and operate from blueprints, over- Paul Dodge Pontiac ...... 2 8 weight champion, stopped Ron nafoed as financial bcuk^ of the change, 16 Lewis Street, Hartford, EXPERDENCJED roofers wanted. tiine, and fringe .benefits. Call aee Mamy KaBsy. to wrap tgi the victory. Luke park. homers. OalUeon (16), Dalrymple (7), project. 19$e BUICK CONVERTIBLE R oad- 9666, Joseph P . Lewis. ffead Moms at B ipck - Bantly Oil ...... 2 8 1 Brothers, 158%, St. Johns, N 3., 246-8897. ______Apply Apartipent Housing, 879 643-7627. Walker, (1-4) waa the iMMr. Oovingtoo (12), FlilUies; Sawatald RIDERS WANTED from South iBzter, fully equipped, good eon- Hartford Road, 649-3886. n yaeds aaturdsy. { Oiarlaaton puMad acroas ka 4. Manchester, Oak Street vicinity, Bailding—Contraetiiiff 14 EXTERIOR AND interior painting. After coaching Dartmouth’s ten- The American BowUng Oon- (6), Oardinala: Mathews (15), Ition, private owner. 8498. 649- LEARN TO DRIVE - Speriai at Miafltot Norris took rnna off f^ningfield ace Friday zcores: Bantly 6, Kilian I AiMIi,FIRST, N.J.—^Lcs Sprague, Hal NWwhouser, the old De­ to Hartford, woriting hours 8-8. tention to nervous and eldsriy. Wallpaper books. Papertianging. Help Wanted— Female 35 b u l l d o z e r , motorgradar apd n ia 'tea m for 2& years, Edward grtMB figures its memhen knock Uiaves; Mays (27), OUata; San­ troit Hger lefthander, Is now the 1287. Callings. Floors. FuUy insured MAN WANTED with plumbing and (15-6), who waa mak- 4; Missiles 10, Memorial 6 ; Mori- 140, Canadian Junior welterweight 648-4028. -CaassTOom for- tean-ager. P lek iv CALL ME on your formira nasds, heating ' experience. Journey­ rubber-tired scraper tralaeas. Sea a rty 's 30, Priltna 0; Naasi^a 12, | champion, stopped Jimmy GIfiU, (Red) Hoetan resigned to enter down aeorty M bOton pina amdt to (1 8 ), O ^ ; Rafiegr (0 ), F ln te s ; pitching coach for the CIsrehind workmanship guaranteed Leo I NURSE—lAoeiuied in Connecticut, tog a raiief appearance. A double Bsiper (7), Reds. 1959 N AS^..AnAmerican Super, 3- aervlca D ay aw bars, oountera, kitchsn oahinst^ 26-bed koms, S-U ahift, booua man p ra feiT ^ . H. G. SctaulBe, our ad under instractioof, sntiUed Do^ 4. ^ IM, Halifax,. 6. busineea. league season. Tikfiam’ fiMn gyateni. PellsU er, 649 6838. H ho answer. at- H h t Mtanatin> a tiipla bp door, RasMoaUa rates. ------vanitory units, teMs-tsps sad iiM d. ChBaat ITi-eiaL Ine., 8764707. S a m 8170 a Week. I Read Herald Adm •6MQ88. S r M i« Aeadtody. T63-TMI. Vi


H os F o r S al* 72 Houses For Sale 72 Hoffses Per Sale 71 JJome Gwrdenei^$ Noiehook aETCHER RUSS CO. OF MANCH^TER BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHEST^, CONN^ MONDAY, ACCOST S. '& B C ® • 9 acres, UANCHB8TBR — 7 room Older FHILBRICK AGENCY — 72 Ho< For Sole 72 many «xtrss. (19,609. Owper 64S- Colonial off Mein Street trOM lot maculate 8 room-O^fo 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE 849-7879 Musical Instruments 5S THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW B y F A G A L t 1967. S-car garage, Rusco cwnblnatlnn from everytlifog. 8 Growing Them Yourself Can Be Fun WHEN TOU THINH OF ____ RAMCH - * bad- RELAXED LIVINO on beautiful windows, oU (team h e a t $10,900. kitchen with natnrri OLA88, THINK OF PXETCHEB $U,000. 8498484. PUBLIC ADDKEISS system com­ with built-tna, Briton Lake, q>acious 9 room Wolverton Agency, Realtor, 649- CORNER DURANT ST. plete with apeahers, microphcMie room, Hv- home nestled beneath spreadinf 281$, eve. Mr, Rueter, 648-0108. with stand. Asking $190. 742- BuTNCMlIVKrSHftAi a. Butaiul riiade trees, 275’ frontage on lake. VfnEH PURIMA TMS A BABf. OfTIMa A The children will love the shallow REMODELED YX IFU D X 4t4, deep lo t tiro fttr- LARGE QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDSI 8976. ctauhtea- foteaa. Dealrable noti^hoebood. USE CON­ YfOf^ OUT OF I1ER7IA6 Ul^roLUNKIEETrt- REE T D A ^ RAPE UHEA1 gUJOO. Phil- swimming arM . Kitchen bullt-lns« BOLTON LAKEFRONT NASUNMERHBB pine paneled living room, dining Few minutes ocbool, atorea. Ten TAINERS PLENTY OF FRONT AND BEAR PARKING Wantetl—^To Buy 58 P^-EEfCAOD-EE! room, den, family room, 4 larg* for butpaction Saturday and Ai AT LEAST ADVERTISING c'M0K,PURlMArrT9 9MCEHB bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 2-car ga> ...and Ndeoonited roomy 6 day, 94 p.m,. 186-188 ^ StrMt LARGE 4-BEDRQOM AUTO GLASS INSTALLED $16,000. nian a 64S4ieeL WE BUY, SELL or trade antique EASY! SAV NT IT KRW K) rage. Ideal year 'round home, foom home cloae to Center. $ 2 ^ DE E P r o o t i n g is e a s y GLASS FURNITURE TOPS 0LA8BIFIBD ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS and used furniture, china, glass, (39,900. Can us for appointment to pedrooms, modern bath. Ga­ GLASTONBURY —. Older 8 room 8 AJL to 5 PJf. silver, picture frames tmd old aee this one. Fhilbrick Agency, largs kt^Mn wtth WITH coins, -old dolls and gxms, hobby BOLTON COVENTRY LINE rage. Secluded lo t $14,990. bouM, good condition, sewer and 1 MIRRORS (Hiwplac* and Door) city water, $14,500. CaU Romar waSbear, lai I* SIMPLE EQUIPMENT collections, attic contents or whole room with PICTURE FRAMING (oH typM) estates. Furniture Repair Service, t h e FHILBRICK AGENCY of­ Realty, Inc., 0492844 or 0292007. CX)PT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSFIED ADVT. r bM ataea^ parAaaed paneled aunporch, traas, t w « WINDOW ond PLATC GLASS 1 niD A T ItrN AJOw—SATURDAY » AJ«. Talcottville, Conn. Tel. 643-7449. fers this real neat compact Cape BOWERS WenOOL AREA 8 A rara buy at only $17F^ bandy to everything. L uxo Uvlng WARREN E. HOWLAND room Cape, full ffied dormer,, 3 room with fireplace, family size Rooms Without Board 59 Realtor batbs, fireplace, oil hot prater I n txay. PLASTIC OONTRAOTOBS: WE HAVE IN STOCK kitchen, 2 hedrooma and bath h e a t gurage. $18,900. 949-8878 n o n IM M SWIMMING FOOL down. 2 finished rooms up. (lo,- 'IaA W R I^N C B e '.FIANO, PEAT POTS MEDICINE CABINETS ond SHOWER DOORS DIAL 643-2711 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, cen- $60 Main B t e4t-U08 Ten TRAYS ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN trally located, kitchen privileges, 900. Dial 640-8464 for appohitment VERNON — NEW $ badroom Raaltor POLVFILM parking. Call 643-6127. to aee this one. ranch, fuU basemeilt, ready for CLOSED SATURDAY 1 PM.—CLOSED THURSDAY occupancy, $18,900. CaU Rcmar Qbarias EVENINGS DURING JUNE. JULY and AUGUST a deluxe U A COVENTRY — 7 room home, ‘-B A G ROOM FOR working girl, all com­ i « iit levtf. S R ea% , Inc., 64938M or 6393007. •uriiiM l Fnn Pncedisg Pa{« forts of lv>me. board optional, 200x880 treed lot, stone fireplace, SOWERS SCHOOL dlstriot — 7 STICKS j ditto kiteben 2-car garage, 2 laig;6 sheds. Bel IDEAL 8 BEDROOM ranch, IMi very central. Call 643-6745, 649- loada of cab- room Cape, 8 or 4 bedrooma, 3 KEEP! 3108. Air Iteal EsUte, e4^9832. pill baths, large kitchen, Uving baths, aoreened porch, fuU base­ FORD STREET — S i l r \ I comdar wpmem, Uv- ment inchidea finished rac room I wim firaptaee. drapes COOL COUNTRY COMFORT in room with fireplace, dining room boose, an uMHtlea. ■ I 'w-'VHUUaJUTE, PERLITE HOLD, CUTTINGS I PAB9umCB—lioRiine: or after- 12 FOOT BARNES aluminum FURNISHED ROOMS, complete l i i mad den, aluminum aidb^, ga^ and den, dlrinraaher, attic fan, $13,900. Joseph Boil light housekeeping facilities. Cen­ S bedrooms and this beautiful Split Level. Living and many extras. Handy to ahop- I VBBHLPREVOIT DRYING OUT M O IS T I aatm , sm b to call on local busi-1 boat with 1961 Johnson 5H h.p. Mm or 4 bedrooms. 2- room, kitchen with built-ins, dining nge, $18,000. Phllbrick Agmcy, 6490830. theONEplace to BMS r~*~~*** to introduce jaai- i motor; also trailer which will ac­ trally located. Mrs. Dor.scy, 14 6498484. pingand aobools. Good nalghbors! Arch Street, Manchester. water baat. (•(» water area, 8 bedrooms, den and reo 02 Rmtop Ortva. CaU owner, 849 MANCHHarm — WaWiwuS at torial snppiy Hds. High oonunis- commodate 17 foot boat. Can be F m I capacity. S.OOO room, garage, like new. Call now seen at comer of Williams and gsirp CATHOLIC HIGH — Yar- 0343. fi room inch, LEW sq. ft, jswr re v«mi- i good air circulation. Be certain to call for ataw- ftoi be woriced into full- ^ FURNISHED ROOM conveniently fowead to witb privacy to r showing. Wolverton Agency, , Mfi'pmllte. Both ore sterile, get the hoitiCuVture grade ot imwBWi- can Scotland In-! Main anidime after 6. J k M k L iS r pianok araa. 6 room brldi front afoe bedrooma, aeparo ta Sfoiai located one minute from Main jL B .m n R ia t Bclii|r» Realtor, 649-2818, eve. Mr. Rueter, r i ^ t . room, flri^ i w ^ hnO b^ hoifo eluatv eC — te r and bave I edttaer. hac., WWimanUc, 423-' Street, light housekeeping. Wom­ vdlh dbvtog board, stain- 8488309. {jm>c. Prlcad right Immadfota o o n . a/tRUKitomM occupancy.. John H. Lappen, Inc., I FIBERGLA8 Dinghy boat, (90, an only. 649-5242. atoal laddor. toderwater 6497445. lo t $19,900. Srinroria Reoltoi m ter qFstam, anto- MANCHESTER — (11,900 — 4 949inet 94 South Windeor KT.900 ______F(«TUNITY for the best offer. Tel. 649-6962. FURNISHED ROOM for gentle­ room Ranch within walking dis­ 2EI-1214. Mr. Hoefowt fitO-SMfii Coventry; Frank Gentile, 80 Deep- A good Job today with Mrtic stofaea dimmer, WELL TENDED expandable Cope, wood Dr.; Patrick Oohuigelo, 134 money man, heat, light, etc. Parking. tance to bus and shopping. (2,300 ~ ' fntiire. Famous na- awd bafb boose. Located on a jaige eoreened patio, ovenriied VERNON — Large S bofoaon * Hospital Notes the minute you want it a Clean, comfortable and conveni­ totga deep lot with playhoose assumes mortgage with (83.68 T U U JtM D -4 White St; Mrs. Karai West, 27F _ needs personable Building Materials 47 ent. 106 Birch Street. Business Locations Houses For Suit 72 monthly payments or refinanced gitraga> enolooed large lot, eon- A R E A L B U Y ranch, oversfoe kMrtian wltl Bluefleld Dr.; Mrs. Eva Ttiompoon, man for sales and aad awtoga. Owner leees heavi­ eenlent location to aohoola, bus, buDt-lns and EriiiroWiar. bam good 1 F o r R e n t tf4 ly a( 8»A0B. with VA no money down, FHA S 9e 8 pjn. Doyle Rd.. Rockville; Mrs. LucUle YESI For cath in a hurry, call BenefIclaL _ _ _ _ _ training. Solid base CLOSE-OUT SPECIALS ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, gen­ VERNON — Immaculate 5% r oom (400 down and memthly payments (hopping oenters. Many jogteaa. ment garage, $15,900. S4S-S6SX. maternity, Grasat and daughter, Dartmouth Mlaiy, pins additional earnings, tleman, private entrance, shower, L-shaped Ranch. Not yet a year Call ownar days, Saturday and 5% room Ranch with enormous Ceiling Tile FOR RENT — Portable arch - of less than (90. Samuel M. Lavitt rac room with bar. Additional EXCBZJJENT 980M 4 p.nk, and Rd.; Mrs. Barbara Sloan and Aak for cash fari for vacation—cash M hayod to effort. 8(3 Main Street, parking. Inquire 195 Spruce Street. building, 60x104 feet, for lease. old. Attached garage. Within Agency, MLS Realtors at Vernon Sunday, or after 9 we«cdayB,| ad pekrato rooms, dauirtiter, 83 Elro St.; Mrs. Norma .08H Sq. Ft. walking dis^mce to schooL Ctoee 4493373. fourth bedroom could be util­ home, beanUfidly temlanapert k t for 81^ good roaton. Tha folks at Benoricial Split Rail Fencing Will erect on your site. 3-year Orcle, 643-2168, 876-6297. ised with minimum expense oitiy $19^00. Jooeph Borili. B nk- 1# ojo. 9e 8 pjn. H aherem and oon, 161 Spring SC; SHARE HOME, room and meals, minimum lease. Industrial Struc­ to shopping ’and Route 15. Ter­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO 3.M Per Section must have car; or room with VERNON — Like new 6 room L- and effort. Extras too numer- ar, 649W20.______e^pseated not to Mrs. Denise Delnidd and daugh­ nke to u y ”Yesr Call...this veiy minutsl tures, Inc., Plainville, Conn. rific buy at (18,700. Offers invited. MANCHESTER — 6 room Cape, moms. No more ter, 86 HenUock St.; M ra Janice Wairtcd S6-A Dutch Doors kitchen privileges. 649-5459. Samuel M. Lavitt Agency, MLB ■aaltor M8-ZT88 75x160 tree shaded lot, attached shape brick ranch, manicured ous to mention here. CaU Mr. 18.50 Each SHerwood 7-3470. grounds, sperkUng oomUtion. Un­ Govaiw 648-5806, 675-6611, 289 RANCH — 7 attractive rocma, at­ mt me thne per Kinemon and son, 87. Windsor Realtors, at Vernon Circle, 848- garage and breezeway, 8 bed­ tached 2-car garage, Ave., Rockville: and Mrs. Jeanne OFPORnnirrY It» married Exotic Prefinished Paneling ATTRACTIVE room for refined 2158, 876-6297. rooms, dining room, fireplace, der $M,000. Bayes Ag<*noy, 6491 8258. man with car to earn (110 per From 8.76 Per Sheet gentleman, centrally located, pri­ 4808.______dining room, wooded lot Person and doubter, Andover. BENEFICIAL Summer Homes F o r R e n t 67 baths, walking distance to ele­ of town. Many qnaUty DIBCIHARGHD YBBTE3RD a y : in aalea; aarva ateady cua- Ping-Pong Table Tops vate phone on floor. 643-5331. mentary and ftg h School, (16,900. TledayrUfi FINANCE SYSTEM ' tooDd. Written guar- ^1.96 Each HEBRON — London Park, fi room I await your foqwdian. Weotey R. Rdbert Bowes, TVfifond; Raymond LAKE HAYWARD — 4 room cot­ Wolverton Agency, Realtor, 649- ranch, buUMns, atorm doors and Smith Agency, 294 Oentar Sbeet A m inS D SATUBDAT: Mrs. OaldweH, RFD 1, RodcvlHe; Mins. Loans $20 to $600 — Loans MHosorod at kro COM. 5 I to atait If qualified. PVn- ^ Cedar Closet Lining tage, ail conveniences, 2 bed­ TQUAXD — F ta t efforing. Min- 2813. BARROWS A WALLACE N onan Matoa. RFD 2. RockviUe; eaD M4-0903 between • .21 Sq. Ft. FURNISHED ROOM near Main T H E A N S W E R windows, 150x200 lo t $18,800. 6491 6491694. Thetona Haberem, 105 Hamentead Street. 649-2170. 9 Hazel Street. rooms, (60 weekly. Call 643-8808 a8aa fooaa Famon O rcla. 8H room 6634^______19 Bancroft at.; Poter Knacunas, 64 Turnbull Banafleiai nnancs Co. of Manchoslor lgpLm.oaly. Windows after 6 p.m. iwach arUi baaement garage, on AVB3RY STREET — Large 6 room 16 B. Center St, 8DC ROOM CAPE, wooded a c i^ B d , BockdOe; Marie Neron, Glan- From 10.00 Each V4 aeia tread lot. Vacant Im- ranch, attached garage, full base­ Rd.; Clyde Greenwood, Bast Hart­ 806 MAIN ST. (Over Woolworth’s) MANCHESTER Pine Paneling ONE .ROOM to rent in private t h r e e BEDROOM ranch, large I Manchester Bolton, four mUes from Manrhee Mary Monaco, 122 ford; Mie. Regina Leasard, 19 home. GenUeman preferr^. 119 ...fw the hard to pie occaponey. FHA and VA ment, walk-in closet, large tile beautifully landscaped lo t at-1 ter Center. Custom cheny kttdi- St.; Mrw. MOdred Char- MttchaN 94156 • Ask for the YES MANagar .07 Un. Ft. bath, foyer, fireplace, excellent Bancroft Rd., RoCkvtUe; Mrs. a Ins W (100 tost* (20.60 win prewpOy.wpWd Is Cooper Hill Street. 649-0695. COTTAGE Porter Street area. € rooms avaflaMa. Can be seen tached garage, , fiul baaement en with formica counters M Goodwin SC; Mrs. Lauretta BoutUSier, EUfogton; 12 (y Rrtailts, Newington. Stranlt at.; Mra. Winifred Rudeeil, Retail And Office ALL PRICES HAMPTON-SEABROOK Beach, garage. Owner 640-4835. dition, many extras, $ acres petk- .THAT EXTRA New Hampshire. New 3 bedroom RealtOT FIVE BEDROOMS — Short walk 8 ROOM CAPE COD YHBTHBDAY: Sd- Haztfoixl; Mira. Glaidya TopeUus, to Main Street. Redecorated BOLTON — 6 room custom nmchr| Uke lapd, fuU price, $18,750. Also, 94 Brian Rd., Wap- Wlapping; Mira. Patricia Bailey, 62< I«(»(H)Y — BUT NOBODY — waterfront apartment, August 17, 950 Main Bt. short way out, 9room ranch, one UNDERSELLS NATIONAL Apartments—Flats— (70. 644-8037. M3-U08 ATTOK — Attractive bungalow type home wrlth 2-car 3 bedrooms, built-ins, oombina- SC John, 11 Spruce Bast at, Rockville; Quentin Hage- INGREDIENT T en e m e n ts 63 Randi, walk-out base garage, level treed lot, excellently tion screens and storms, ba acre land, $600 down, fuU price, Tiro car garage. 2 fii'epia eea. Wipptng; Marcde Begin, dom, 110 Glenwood 3t.; Mira. B2ia- Personnel maintained. Once In a lifetime ment garage, 2^ acres, $15,800 $10,906. M im m e n , aU n ic e foxmol difong room, plaetered SC; Howard Smith, abeth Luetjen, 6 Bairvisw BxC, Every prescription written by your physician NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. raiEoa. Coll nie Ellsworth lOttcn 881 State Street, TWO ROOM apartment for rent, Wanted To Rent 68 only (18.900. Cbrlton W. value for the g;rowlng family. Offers considered. Owner 6490860. walls, Shed donner. waDc-out Mrs. Mae Striddand, Rockvine; George Brooks, Lake is a set of inatrucUons to the pluimaclet telling Heat, hot water, gam for cooking, r. 9490132. Agency, Realtbra, 508 E. Middle the exact amounts of the medicines he wishes Mortti Haven, Connecticut 89 HOLLI8TESI — 4 badtoosna,! Wesley R. Smith Agency, 234 Cen­ basement nicely landiraped RFD 3^ "Vemon; Antfoew Ander- SC, Vernon; Mrs. Miebel Baker, 388-6361 electric refrigerator and stove fur­ WE HAVE customers waiting for ter Street, 649-1894. Tpke. Phone 648-8980. Don’t tor- private one acre lot atone re­ VUndsor; Mra. Wilhel- BsjSt HhiCford; Mrs. Misrie Parent you to have, the form they au-e to be in and the DOMESTICS nished. Call M9-7737, 5-7 p.m.’ close to all scbools. 3-car garage. SFUT-IEFBl. — Ti : — E xaca Uve 5 bed- |ct wa are open every night un- tainer walls, view, more fond way they should be taken. It is our responsibility the rental of your property. Call Owner 649-9118. , 2 bafiw, boated patio, S1 Brookfield SC; and son, 166 W. Middle Tpk».; Lady 46 wort fun lima in our J. D. Realty, 648-6129. fireptooe, Bolton 9 p jn . avaUaUe. FHA mfolminn. VA Mra. Sharon Adams and daugbter, carry out those instructions to the letter. R Domaatic and Home Fumiah- USED LUMBER for sale—3x6 binltHiBs. laiga kitdiaB, nothing down. Owneta anxfona Bioncaoct Eaet Hort- to rw o ROOM apartment, 148 Oidc AIR-OONDnlONHD — 5 room Bri Air Real Estate, I STATELY TEN ROOM mansion lo­ fioad; Ifox. Dorothy MUler, Coven­ 76 BBsaell St.; Mira. Vleanna HOIe But, pharmacists always add an extra Ingredi­ iBga DepL Mnat be experienced 2xff, 6x6, etc. Gall 644-0782. TWO ADULTS desire 8-4 room rqbch, 9-yaars-(dd, large Mtchen BOLTON VICINITY Only (15.900. and daughter, South Wbidsor. ent to every prescription. That is the special care la mamm piiaae of retailing. Op- land Street. 649-6229, 9-5. apartment with heat, stove, re­ cated within walking distance of try ; DdMaah Duff, 168 Oak SC; wltb dishwasher, lot UQxtoO, 8 S O U T H R O A D downtown Manchester, yet se­ Aadreoen, Eaot Hartford; in compounding it. We handle your prescripUon peatototy for advancement. frigerator furnished. Box P.. Her­ bedrooms, minutes from Mancbee- TWO FAMILT FLAT — Jtist Usted. P R IV A C Y — as If it was Intended for a member of our own a Garden—Farm—Dairy ald. cluded for privacy, aU rooms ex­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO Mwm. Harriet Itancacnbe, 61 Garth LOOKINa FOR rwjtalsT Call J. D ter, priced to aeU R5.900. FbO- Five «Bd five with two additional tremely large, 5 flreplacea, 4H Realtor a492IM Bd.; Vtank tong. 47 Deepwood Warning Issued family, for you have entrusted us with your most BOOKKEEPERS P ro d u c ts 50 Realty. 643-5129. TWO TEACHERS desire 8 or 4 brick Agency, 848-8464. a flUid floor. Separate oil HIGH LOCATION 6H room Cdonfol-Raneh, 2-car baths, 3-car detached garage Charies NidMlson 742-6M4 precious posMssion . . . your health. iratams. practically new. Dr.; Mrs. Mary Munaie, 88 Bridge and part-time booidteep- room furnished apartment avail­ garage, laige kitchen, formal spacious grounds odd beot^ and SC; Oaawnoiar Kodlow, 81 Mflford • A BLUEBERRIES — Choice culti­ FOUR ROOM apartment. Including SPACIOUS 8 ROOM Garnson Co­ ■pa off bos liae. Asking In Minor Crash Some qiilrierfaig eiqieri- able for occupancy by Sept. 1. LAKEFRONT TACANT Only (16,400 for this large cus­ dining room, large private lot, distinction to this beautiful iiame, Rd.; Robert Murdock, South SC, YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US vdien you vated varieties. Pick your own. heat, hot water and gas for cook­ lonial, 4 bedrooms, otSce or den, K J. Ckoekett. Realtor. comparable neighborhood, only deatrabM but not neces- ing, electric refrigerator and gas Write Box V, Herald. formal dining rp ^ , recrealioo tom 6 room ranch, formal (89,000. PhUbrick Agency, 9 HOLUBTER 8IH E E T — iTumam - Naocy OrfiteUl. 21 need a medicine. Pick up your prescripUrai if 30c pint. Fast, easy picking. Sun­ •o -w rr. (20,900. 8464. Police yesterday at 6 p.m. issued day tiirough Wednesday only. stove furnished. Call 649-7834 or FIVE OR MORE nice rooms need­ room with firepIaM, attached 3- dining room with picture win­ late 6 rocm Oataufal Dungafo*^. Wamai SC; Barbara Burr, 23 a written warning to an Orange, shopping nearby, or we will deliver prcmiptly Peresluha, Watrous Road, Bolton. 649-6779 between 6-7 p.m. ed, quiet neighborhood, call 649- car garage, 100x150 lot, A ade STREET — 8 room Chpe, dow, kitchen wiUi built-ins, [MANCHESTER — Convenfont lo­ laige airy rooms, natural wood­ A le 8C, Rookvllie; Frances Gal- Conn., motorist for failure to without extra charge. A great many people en­ trees, aluminum siding, Fhilbrick wooded lot, fire- large living room with fire­ work, fireplace, new furnace. Bd In, 243 rommii SC; Doris Marr, trust us with their prescriptions. May we com- CASH REGISTER SEVEN ROOM, second floor, close 9890. place, 3 good sized bedrooms, cation. 6 room Colonial, large Uv- drive in a proper lane, after an in- Agency, 646-8464. nMnatfoB wiadows, LAWRENCE F. FIANO fog room with fireplace, kitchen Air Real Estate. 6498282. ISl Green Manor Rd.; Francis vestigatiem of a minor two-car col­ poimd yours? CHECKERS Honsehold Goods 51 to schools, shopping and bus, garage, (19,200. Owner deluxe ceramic baths, one car Wfodaor. R (126 monthly, heat not Included. TWO FAMILY — New roof and basement garage, one acre, Realtor 8492786 with buUt-lns, dliUng room, lision on Center St, near Broad FbD aad part-time cbeckox. Business Property For Sale 70 spacious bedrooms and IH baths. MANCHESTER — 4 bedroom 0>- A D U rm S D TOOtAY; Mrs. Ma-' -St. daabmble. Day or EVERYTHINO in sterilized, re- Call 64S-8638. sidinx. aluminum ccmbinatloBa. arell Iandscai>ed lot, trees. lonlal located at 227 South Main 9 ( b ^ foot lot with riiade tteea, 3 6 room ranch, Charles Nicholson 742-6864 Many extras. Samuel M. Lavitt Rafoch. Cbventry; Pamela WiUiam C. Sperry, 68, was a t­ : work. cemditioned used furniture and ap­ CENTER STREETT — 3 stores plus Otwipamriy Agency, MLS Realtors, at Vernan Street near Coontiy Chib. Large pliances — High in quaUty, low in 7 room apartment, all in one car garage, (ISJiOO. PUIlirick garage, built-in oven lot facing lovely green. lOtrhen RobertSDO, U S. Main St. tempting to puU around a car U year Circle, 6493158, 875-6297. price. Antiques from Vermont, . room apartment. package, excellent location with Agency, 649-8454. treed lot; $18,980. TTo- LAWRENCE F. FIANO and hath recently remodded. BnSHB SATURDAY; A son to when he drove into the path of lui PORTER 649-5229. 9-6. Ageacy, 875-3637. Mis . H arry MdMahon, 17 oncoming westbound Center St. estate. LeBIanc Furniture, 195 good potential. For further infor­ NEW USTING — BxceUent 7 Many faaturea, tecludfog eential iSSsMcrrib Ftottiine porter mornings South Street, Rockville. Open 9-8. mation call the Phllbrick Agency, Realtor 648-2766 SIX ROOM CAPE—Flreplaoe, ree hallway, fireplace, Uvatocy. ex­ George Dr., Vernon; twin sans to vehicle, driven by Joaeph Heim, 31, D NEIW 4 ROOM apartment, heat, rooms, 2 story, oil steam heat, roon. with storage doeet, alumi- of 374 Hartford Rd. The right f«i- Prescription Pharmacy I froas 8:80 ajn.-13:80 p.m. 875-2174. hot water, built-ins, refrigerator, 649-8464. DCFLEX-M flat with 3«ar ga- tra dooets, 9car garage, aide M r. and M ni Jtdio Axamina, 10 . baths, porch, city utilities, extra Charies Nicholson 742-6864 mun atorms, dose to schools and | der and bumper of the Sperry car washer and dryer, (140. 649-0808. laga ia eeatial Mincheetwr. Quiet, porch. Owner tranderred. 9 rtmmtgm Hit! Dt.. Rockvllle; a 901 Main Street—648-5321 MAIN STREETT CORNER — 140 B-zone lot. All for (18,500. Cbailes rerideaUal area, two heating sya- Shopping. CaU 649-9526. CAPABLE CAPE iteill^titiii to Mr. Mrs. Burton struck the left front fender and 649-8989. Lesperance, 649-7620, 843-5864. 1675. Copyright 1963 (W-5-4-63) FOR SALE — Used furniture. feet cn Main Street by 150 feet HUBRT teaia. ■buMieiuw combtnatiaas. AnenoD. MazSwrougfa; a son to grille of the Helm vehicle, which AB aoHipany beneCte. Apidy to •48-7449. deep. Ideal comer lot. Semi-pro­ or can Mr. Glaidstone, TWO UNFURNISHED rooms. MANCHESTER — Walk to riiop- TMs Haring will not laat. Wesley ROCKVILLB—8 room Cape, per-) 4 bedrooms plus den—8 rooms QUALITY BUILT Cape, 6 rocn Mr. and Mra Herman Fritz, 172 had the right of way, police said. Tinker Building. Ladies preferred. fessional building on it. Business ping. 6 room split level home, 8 R. Wnrith Agency. 234 Center VERNON Lovely to look at ia feet area for obUdren, only (7,600, [ in oU. Exceptional lot. Excep­ living room with fireplaee. lovely South S t. Rodrrille; a daughter to No injuriee were reported and both Apply Glenney’s Men’s Shop, 789 Zone 2. Few blocks to hospital. T. 848-1884. this 6Vi room Ranch with garage BockriUe ReaHy, 875-3527. tionally p r i( ^ in the IT'S. dinfog room, wall-to-wall carpet­ TWO BUILDING lots. Mr. and Mra. John Whitehill, cars were driven to their deatina- HOTPOINT STOVE 39", good con- J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. bedrooms, living room with fire­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO Main St. place, dining L, rec room, 2 batiis, and walk-out basement. All on a ing, two fun ceramic tile baths, 8 etty ytmUea. Fhltfarif^k Agen­ Brood Brook; a son to Mr. and tions, police aaid. G dtUoD. O il after 5 p.m. 643-8726. oil hot water heat, shrubbed and MANCHESTER — 8 room home beautiful lot in an established bedrooms, recreatian room, forge ts . 0498404. Mra. Pant Margricny, 82 W. Cen­ FOR SALE — Two new portable with 1% acres, oil heat, full haae- neighborhood. Close to Route 30 REDUCED — 6 room Garrison Co-1 FOUR ROOMS of furniture. Must; buildings 40x104 ft., 60x104, will shaded lot, (19,500. Wolverton lonlal, baths, modern kitchen WARREN E. HOWLAND Kieened fo petio, outeide fire­ te r at. be sold by August 15. Call 643- BIRCH STREET — 4 room flat, Agency, Realtor, 549-281S. aienr. only (UAOO. la rg e down and 15. Only (17,800. Samuel M. place, attadied garage, niedy TWO i x v n , second floor, $90, 649-5229, 9-5. erect on your site. Industrial Lavitt Agency, MLS Realtors at with built-ins, recently painted, Realtor YEBrmtiDAY: A son 1791. payment needed. Hayes Agency, beautiful fenced In half acre lot. I landscaped with many trees, 100x200. N< Geody. to Mr. end Mra; Pmfi Trepanier, GRAND^WAY Structures, Inc., Plainville, Conn. FOUR BEDROOM raised lanrii, Vernon Circle, 643-2168. 876-6297. Broker, FOUR ROOMS on second floor SHerwood 7-3470. Immediate occupancy. Wesley R. 160 Main S t 649U08 75x150 corner lot aluminum sid­ Ooeentzy; a dmogtAer to Mr. and nU G ID A IR E refrigerator, good recreation room, 2 &R Smith Agency, 384 Center Street,] ing, storm windows and screens. Parfcade running oooditlon, (30; large; with hot water, good location. Cali baths, &«ar garage, excrileatexce aon- OB LAKEWOOD ORCLB, S. — BOWERS SCHOOL area — Elxcel- Meo. Elraia Fiecarello, 98 Summit 643-7094 for information. 6491894. Oanveident to bus and sdiools. - a eon to Mr. and Mib . Joseph swimtning poiri, 16 foot, used only Land For Sale 71 dlUati, (28.900. m iM e k AgcBcy. (^mfity built laadi «< 6 large lent S room ranch, large com­ Can owner 6490628. SIGN YOUR 649-8464. Bvlag area 1.2W square pleted recreation room, 2-zone Wapptog; a daughter to few times, (15; living room sofa NEW FOUR room apartment,' cen­ Mr. and v*»w Egon Rook, 62 Weth- with gray sHpoover, (10. Call COVENTRY — On Route 44-A. DC, beaurifully shaded, heating system, large ceramic TASTEFULLY decocatod Cope. trally located, include.^ stove, re­ RANCH — Newly redecorated in tile bath, fireplace, hot water oil [BOLTON — Just off Route 86. 949-8390. frigerator, heat, hot water, air- 31.9 acres, partly wooded.^6 room lot lOflaSBS feet. Us9 Bold Confra$t Tree riiaded lot Near bos, riKq>- AUTOMATIC Ranch house and guest cottage. established neighbortiood. Large heat, garage, city utilities, ame- Spacious T room Split Level on MieiM TODAY: A daughter to conditioning, laundry, storage, living room wito fireidace. extra; ______slte drive, excellent landscaped shaded acre lot 8 bedrooms and ping. H. B. Grady, Broker, 649 NTNE-PIBCE Mahogany Duncan parking. Adults only, children Owner moving to Europe. Will 8009. kfo. and Mrs. Nccbolas Garembo, Fliyfe dining room set, (100; ma­ .sacrifice, (35,000. Terms." Write or large kitchen, 8 bedrooms end IANDOVBK lot. Sensibly priced. Charles Les- finished rec room. Excellent con­ 139 Umon St.. Rodtville. gHwttaH Wwted— over 12. $135. J. D. Realty, 643- bate, finished recreation room in { 2 perance, 6497620, 643-5664. dition. Mid 20’s. Warren E. How­ B-ZONB.LOT. aforiia (l, FUEL OIL ple orib ^th mattress, (20; 5129. phone Meadowbrook, 246 W. Put­ mCHARGED SATURDAY: M nU 39 Wentingbouse range, asking (100; nam Ave., Greenwich. Conn., basement. This home realistically j led. Immaculate land, Realtor, 949U0B. locotiaB. aajxn. t m . Hebron; Mrs. Mae chrome kitohen set, (25. CUI 649- priced at (16,900. Phllbrick Agen-1 8 mane wltii a ELLINGTON — Rockville line, Bbcfa Mountain Rd.; Rob- TO 9-2334. BOLTON 912,300 DELIVERY BOX HBHIREW town mowing, car 0690. FOUR ROOM tenement, oonveni- cy, 649-8464. good teKd completdy encloeed near bus, shopping. 5>A room •xtCBiney. X Cambridge St.; Mra. ■ad odd Jobe. ObU any- I Besoft Piapu tjr I9 r Safe 74 i ent location. Call 643-6015. aad healed pord with a beau- ranch. Asking (12,900. Tongren Doralfoy Weeden. 37 Riga Lane, Houses For Sale 72 SCOTT DRIVE — Beautiful Randi, Agency, 643-6321. Cufe Catch-Alls! nice location, all utilities, (18.000. tttu view!- home is air- iLAKEFBOaiT — 4 PtaiUipa, Rocky CONTRACT EMERSON TELEVISION for sale, THREE ROOMS and bath avail-’ coBdttloBed thiougliouL An ex- Ecooemy 9 room Cape, cb- dock. Ix>id. Phoenix St., good condition, (25. Cali 643-4632. able now, off Hartford Road. Old­ MANCHESTER — 8 room, Ranch, Joseph Barth. Broker, 649-0320. edtant home befog offered at closed back patio, 4 ffoiriied porch, hinfiihnil, Doga BW»—Pets 41 dishwasher, disposal, attic fan, at­ exrellent owtounfog VeKnon; Mra. Rotii Periefos, Cov- er couple preferred. Call 649-0009. COLONIAL RANCH - 5 rooms, down, 3 partially ftaiibed iqt, Maacbesler eu h y ; Mrs. Roth Anderson, 20 Lu- MR. ALBERT PROVES TO tached garage, nicely landscaped new furnace a^ hot water easy commuting to BOARIX116 MEDIUM rise and YOU THERE IS A lot, close to schools. (15,900. baths, modern kitchen WUk SOUTH WINDSOR area. Many St.; Mrs. Isahnlln Robertson, dogs. Chooming Cocker FIVE ROOMS, third floor, ex­ built-ins, 2-car attached garage, heater, died donner, amadto 77 Henry St.; HaroU Monty, Bast NOW! “SANTA CLAUS” cellent condition, 73 Chestnut Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. EXCEIXENT LOCATION namerouB to _ cor specialty. Gtermony lot 200x250, (22.900. Phllbrick drive, Ugh lot. dead-and streeL llaitford: Mra. Elizabeth Croft, 74 JUST PAY MONTHLY! Street. Call 289-0261 or 644-1230. Owner Forced to SeU EfosDy financed. Hm -Ksm ela, Hebron Rosul, Bol- 1, 2, or 8 YEARS to PAY Agency. 649-8464. ; Howard Jones, South YOU'LL RECEIVE 6-ROOM COLONIAL [ WATKBVBOSrr LOT. COroi Kuebl, 74 Moun- MONTHLY PAYMENTS THREE ROOM apartment, 5itove Manchester THREE MINUTES to Manchester ABSOLUTELY (12.18 and refrigerator furnished. Ideal ia MINT condition. Many beau- Oonl. Florida. GUI erfii Rd.; Donald Briair, 104 Wind- for (15,500, 1 8/4 acres of land, LAWRENC® F. FIANO aorriBe m Rockville; Robert Mix, Artklcs For SMe 45 2 COMPLETE for working couple or newly­ plus a 5Vi room ranch style home tifnl features make it a must weds. Central. Apply 4 Pearl St., start packing after you have tor you to fospect 188 White SL; Stephen Brackett, ROOMS OF BRAND NEW completely handcrafted present Realtor 9492799. FURNITURE Apt. 8. , seen this home. Best Buy in owner. Looking for the imiisiial e Large kitchen with buUt- HAIOFOBD 2T1 a-iMM St.; RonaM Benoit, 40 FOR BA US—60-ftatian ink drums. AH 100% guaranteed, some in Town. Where else can you find plus land, then call Wolvertcn fos Chariaa Nidrifoan 7499994 offered In an OMtood St., RodcvUle; Karen FREE C U 64S-2TU. a six room cape, all redeco­ e Spacious dining room 14 Windemere Ave., Rock- original factory crates, with orig­ SIX ROOM duplex available Aug­ Agency, Realtor, 6492813. inal factory serial niunbers. rated, for only (18,800. Nice lot, • Livfog room frith oversize M ROtorio. •wOte; Jack Ftoatic, East Hartford; FOR BALE — F lat atone for walla, ust 15. Call 649-4397. plenty of good trees. Very cen­ Mib . Doreen Murphy, 842 Center BLONDE BEDROOM VBKNON — Just over Manchester fireplace, picture window Haitfond llrapiaoa. venaar. and pafloa. Oall trally located. Vacant. line. like new 5^ m di. and bookcases a t; Frank Reynolds, West Hart- DOUBLE LIVING ROOM SUITE THREE ROOM heated apartment, COVENTRY — Sacrifice 914,90ft. I 1000 MM81T. $85; 6 room heated, (100. GArfield baths, buUt-fo kitdieB wUh • First floor laundry and 6% room ranch nicely landscaped. I fiord; Mra. eWia Zonkis, 175 HU- 5 PC. DINETTE SET dinette, fireplace. Hayes Agency. lavatory Ifoid S t; Ndmia Dupuis, 23 Andor TRIPLE-S 3LUE STAMPS Regular (14 atone- — AND ACCESSORIES 9-9923. T. J. Crockett, Realtor master bedroom 18x19. ce*am ie|«“ » ______foaa ***^**“ (la an 643-4803. a Huge master bedroom with bathroom, porch and attarhad g o - lo o ^ a IN*nxx. M : hba. SaBy PhaUpa, 15 Trum- TRIPLE-S BLUE 0. aand, stone. WESUNGTOUSE REF’R. IkM a t ; wichMrf Krily, South gzaval aad wUte aand. 643-8603. WE8TINGHOUSE T.V. POUR ROOM apartment, avail­ vanity and walk-in closet rage. Owner 747 9448, ' “ able Nov. 1, new, including stove, 648-1577 MANCHESTER — Ltv4 modem fo a Two full aize bedrooms WASHING MACHINE this Jarvis built Split Level on GRAVEL, delivered. DE LUXE RANGE refrigerator, heat, hot water, and a Tile bath witb counter laundry, adults only, no pets, Brent Road. Btve years young and a Full walkout baaement STAMPS Gaasga H. GrifDng, Inc., Andover- better than new. Finished rec “ ‘ ‘ T48-7888. Take your choice of any of these (136 monthly. Call 643-9161. arith fireplaaa aad picture STAMPS appliances in addition to bedroom, MANCHESTER — 6 room Ranch, room. Landscaped yard. Sept 1 2-years-old, large . kitchen witb window HLFnOIOWBta. garden tractors, living room, dinette, rugs, lamps, FOUR ROOM rent, excellent con­ occupancy. Odl Mr. Weiteer, a Two-car attached garage At AbsolutelY WHEN YOU PAY FOR YOUR FUEL OIL tables, linoleums, dishes and other dition, not fiunlshed. Has pice built-ins, dining room, 8 beditxmis, Jarvis Realty Co., Realtors. 811- tzadea, parte • attached garage, lot 100x300 with a Fully treed lot DELIVERY IN FULL WITHIN 10 DAYS Cbpttol Bqni|iment. i t e m s . ______yard. Becting carefolty. of oforo. wwnted detail and aim- Heating Mated ride rioaing are new h.p. tation, I'll tend my auto for you. TWO ROOM heated apartment, schools, shopping, bus line. Best Wolverton Agency, Realtor, 849- 5 0 4 2 1 ^ raocD starter, No obligaticm. kitchen set, bedroom set, re­ of financing available. Wesley R. 2818. Eve. Mr. Rwter. SiS-om. Spedaluta ^ ao down pajrmesit, (3 week- frigerator, gas range. E>ee gas, Smith Agency, 284 Center Street, No. 8184 w ith PATT-O-RAMA Tim. to mofce, *> ^ ^ OtaVa DIacaiBit ataticn. 451 W. A—I^ B —E—R—T’—S electricity. Low rent. Adults. Apt. 649-1894. 4-4 DUPLEX RANCH style — 040 la in riaea 8 ^ 88, 40, 43, 44, ^ slvG m a bosMT —meee 48-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD 4, 10 Depot Square. income, immaculate conditfon. 48, 60, 62. Boot 88 to 54. 8i*e % 0oo1cg! Since- 19SS BOLAND OPEM^NJGHTS TILL 9 MANCHESTER — 8 rdpm modem ceramic baths, nicely slAubbed, ■ 40 biMt, w ith alaava, 4% ywtia « Pattern No. 6042^ boa tenorioft n C M K T i to order, THREE ROOM furnished apart­ home 4 bedrooms, family rooin treed fenced fo yard, neai 85-foch; 8/8 yard cootraat. patterns; ftiU directions. iwttala, lawn LEAVING TOWN — 5 rooms of ment, heat, hot water, electricity, attached garage, 166' frontage, line. Wesley R. Smith Agency, 384 To order aend 40q in coins to: ^CV) order, aend 86c fo coins to: lt9 CENTER ST. OIL COMPANY W. ZInker, furniture; al^o, aquarium, ski out­ good location, (25 weekly. 649- trees, (15,000. Cariton W. Hutch- Center Street, 8491884. Bua Burnett, Manchester Evening ammi oabot, H m Manrtwatrir ®va- FTB.TI4B. fit, bowling ball and shoes. 649- 1768. iiui, 649-5182. Herald, U60 AVE. OT AMBB- a v e . OT 8816. AMDBKlAa, MEW t o e s : SI, N.T. THREE ROOM furnished apart­ OVERSIZED CAPE, 7 rooms, 3 SPLIT-LEVEL, 7 roonu. 1% hatha, KJAR, n e w YOTK 88, N. Y. SPEOUL OONSIDERATION 8IVEN TO OHUROHES, ment conveniently located West full baths. 4 bedrpoms, large Hy­ larn family room, kiteben BVir IOC Fbr lot-olBaB wiaBiiig add 10a for btUR-fos, In tereo m aach pattem. Fridt Nome, Addrroa C M BOABBIB. * pjn. MoBteal InsbRNMatB 58 Side. 643-6129. ing room, formal dining room, at­ toe aach patteni. Print N a ^ ^ tached garage, 160x180 wooded lot, througbout the hooae, dreas with Zone, Style No. and wRb none aad Fiattem Nunnfcer. CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS, md COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS r ofOea file; (22,900. P n 11 b r 1 c k Agency, 100x200 lot, 8-ycara-old, $22,3 Size. Just 60c for the new '63 Afoum! drive Jeep, AOCORIXON 120 bass, with al- Business LocationB 6498464. PhUbrick Agency. 8498484. Our complete pattern book ia Ifony lovely daalgns! Dfoactfona cendithai, tt- ta m . bgwtor case. 849-9461. For Rent 64 Joot 50c. Send now for the apring fior oott and afghaa to NORTH COVENTRY — (18,600. SIX ROOM Cape, excellent : and summer *$2 edttfon., / .4 od EQvan l|i amchatl 18'X48",| Neat completed 6 room Cape, oil Uon, cloae to schools and ladder, I EUCTRIC GUITAR—Also SMAIjL s t o r e for rant on Oak hot water heat, large fenced yard, gfay. Marian B . Robeztaoa, .Beal- 'FtiUeo TV. c u t 649MSA .atraetOiB64S-«M. * Bel Air Real Eetate. 648-9818.

S * A I ; I I _ /'■ 'J ' f \

MONDAY* AUOUST B, The V Arwago Daily Not Prsis Rnn litanrbfatifr lEtmtttm Hrralb For tbs Week Haded at a n the Aadresr Aaguat 8, 1888 Fair with Bttla tamperature i Oo. M and g n val pit. HAVE YOUR OLD change ^aniLeaa Street Widening T P C t o H e a r ,1 rtMaga ba grant- 13,621 A b o u t T o w n I naa vrauld be' par- REFRI8ERAT0R and eentlniied wami. High 80 fo Awaits Removal ad.anyl r aftha Aadtt 86. Pantaleo Bid jla a to bs beard tonight is a WASHER, DRYER e t < Manehe$ter— “A City of Village Charm «< B u M ia m OkSt. bM retired Of Utility Poles 1 1 iTTf tar a leaiilellvlelnn of two ftupw ttm Utatted State* Air Force S ta W tartng Fwksr 8 L at Hye m an tban 3 0 tcm * actire at Tbs nanbdiviaion would face or KITCHEN (dsartfied Advertlstag an Page M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ^ M e n r dotjr. He. le meniad Ut Oompletion of a five-foot widen­ Uie lots on Bps 8 t . Inereasing the TOL. LI L NO. S«1 (TWBLTE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 196S tta tam er Mtae Helen Etawley, ing of ESdrldgs S t, foom Spruce n m e a BL m fronlage frcaa 84 to 76 feet. CABINETS • dnmiMer of Ifa*. <3c ot Hancheeter are still two sets of poles on the •B^ V part aC aa area bi f aen AdditloBal CSiarge for Ooloia een bold a public auction at 249 street. MawrsK and Packsad atsi, ea tbe Pkr Vw Lady be Waittog PORCELAIN Eknad St. Wedneaday at 6 p.m. AocorcUtig to Parker Soren, iMrth tada of H m e e St; manager of the Mlanchester office (X) PkUBs RoieBl n stadeisra Hosie B n s, CSrdks, Lingerie, SPRAYING Nephew Charged Robed Hrock. executire vice of the Hartford E2ectric Light Oo., tar aS or part cf an area $88 tact COMPANY la nriiliiil of tile Cbamber o f Ootn- all electric power lines have been atorv tbe south aide of Horace St. Draasts, Blouses mrtA Howard Hobnea wiU removed, and removal of the old and 630 feet skaig the eaat tade 649-6643 In Pair’s Slaying 1w fialiirnd neakera at the Ovitan set of poles win be done just as of BidweS SC Boy” Shorts maatliv to be held tomorrow at In Chess Tourney soon as the Southern New Eng­ MwaUm- igfliicatkWM vracc aub- HARTFORD (AP)—A 26- To Topple Duvalier land Telephone Oo. transfers its nktted to tbe TPC ta 1 3 :1 8 pan. at WiUie’a Steak Houee. WilUam Frank of 96 Frances topic win be the “ ProMems telephone cables to the new set of 1868; hot vrer e disdeil year-old man was arrested to­ Dr. is participating in the United poles. bon mprswid Ibeir Glazier's day and charged with murder States Chess Championships this D. Lloyd Hobron, local manager of the move. CASH SAVINGS in the beating deaths of his week at Penn State University. of the telephone company, is of- esraat amd CaHaain Sbi9 After N-Ban Signing S tatic Review. Woman's Bene- In the recent state competition, Tbs sppliifaaas, 1 uncle and elderly great-aunt. llt Aaeodatkai. will meet tomor- the opinion tlmt, with a break in nesia Paiitalso, took 1 Viet Nam’s Ex-Officers he received a trophy for “Top Un­ the weather, telephone c»mpany P(4toe aaM the mottve for the roar at 8 pm . at Odd Fellows Han. rated Chess Player of 1963 Con­ the Court of OcmBMHi ■laytagB apfMurcntly waa robbery. Beftealanents will be served. crews riiouid oom-j^ete their work iSfceM tbs TPC roih necticut Tournament Winner, this week. TlM bodtea of Oaorga Haaaatt, Asked vrtMt be plu 86, and Ma aunt, Mlaiy Nugant, In Ckdat Robert W. HeOomb, son while playing for the Hartford According to the town depart­ Brush War Statesmen Explore Reportedly Chess Club. pguper tj if the TPC . bar 70a, wera found lart night in af IBr. n d Itaa. Kobed' W. Me- He is a senior at Manchester ment of p»5>llc works, the oort of Us rspmst. Fsatsleo the apartment they ahared af 101 rirmr II. ! I I of pipe lay near hte body. A few Papa Doc Duvalier have cap­ warika of indoctrinatioa at Otis day, Aug. 1(2. Meetings will be re­ CaH Ml 9-5869 foot away waa Ma wall^ empty in the platoon, one was killed, Dean Rusk and British Foreign men. Ak- Force Baas; Maaa. sumed Monday, Aug. 19, at Bunce tor tMs work. III in I Head Back to ^ase After Stakeout four badly wounded. Here is Secretary Lord Home left their Lord Home said; “We had use­ tured Cap Haitien, H uti’s School. All men interested in bor- Mala Street, Mancbaatar a n o ^ Mr two $10 bills in a hid­ ful talks this morning. They will den oompartment. aontaat-amned traopa o t iiba UA. Army 8th Chvalry Regiment w«dk book to base beside an acmared a report from Faas. morning conference wltfl soviet second largest dty. The re­ betshop style harmony are invited. V— i y Foreig;n Minister Andrei A. Gro­ continue this afternoon." No formal voice or music training MUm Nugent’a body waa found peraonnel ourter today to Soufh Korea after a MgM of wWtcMng in a stakeout for Oonammirt In- myko, a crowd of 600 outside ap­ Lunch waa served In the govern­ port was unconfirmed. is necessary. $612,521 Estimate on a bad. A apraad had been puU- (AP P h M fio fa x .) ______By H her four chil­ Revenue In fees received by tbe National kard aald. find out whether the nuclear bail dren for the month of August Her town agnounted to $ 2,266.60 for son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. RtHiedd home.” had created a breakthrough in Committee, who must lead the WABHINa'roN (AP) — Thoua^hpw many of their men have been«>gani*atlons, which operate on vol- Strung on trees farther along campaign for Senate ratification faukband. Staff Sgt. Peter F. tMs Judy, compared to $7 6 1 .5 0 for Miner, 45 SchaUer Rd. untary contributions. These groups East-West relations that could Grady, is the son of Mir. and Mra. (Oootlniiad on Page Five) ands of Army, Navy, Air Force drawing some form of reUaf. were Red star emblems freshly lead to new peace moves. of the treaty. He predicted the last year. The couple were married Aug. RANGE ^ Stores This Is because hard-pressed were set up because regulations woven with reeds. Propaganda WUliam Grady, 4* Oloott Dr. The fiaurea Inchide 11 bomea and Marine enlisted men have had bar the services from using gov- Among the steps considered was Senate will approve it. 2, 1923, in S t JEunes* Church, by servicemen often apply to state leaflets were stuck in every tree. Premier Khrushchev’s demand for The Soviet government has al­ being hulK by Ogden Homes, Ihc., the late Rev. James P. Timmins. to turn to charity becauM they and local agencies for help and emmmt funds to furnish emer­ But where were the 1,000 Viet Mor* Cemferi Wearing In tbe north end of town; a pennit FUEL OIL gency aid. a nonag;gression pact. ready begun circulating an invita- Mra Hammond is the fprmer R a ils , U n io n s are unable to make ends meet on these agencies generally keep Omg guerrillas that the marines "We ^scussed matters of mu­ for flSO.OOy for a 22-unit apaxt- Miss Helen Dsilton, a daughter of such cases confidsntial. Army Emergency Relief gave and more than 2,000 other govern­ ment house on Etartford Rd.; a GASOLINE their service Incomes. A hint of the scope comes from out $i,178,661 in loans and grants tual interest relating to interna­ (CoaUnoed on Page Five) FALSE TEETH the late Mr. fuid Mrs. WilUam An Aaaociated Press survey of ment troops In the area were 5 2 2 -8 1 5 1 Bert u a plaaaant way to overcome $0 2 ,0 0 0 adition to WOlie'a Steak Dalton. Talk^g Again the semi-official military relief or- last year. One-third of this went looking for? knee plate dlaoomfort. FA8TEKTH, House; a $3 0 ,0 0 0 addition to Man- Mr. Hammcmd is employed in tbe military services and service- to $2,216 cases to pay for food, Only occasionally they made 1381 an Improved powder. epiinUed on cheoter-Nictwls Tire Oo.; and a affiliated relief organizations in­ rent, and utilities. upper and lower pla tee bolds them the experimental test department BANTLY OIL WA8HINOTON (AP) — For the dicated today that the relief agen­ their presence known with bursts . OOBIN. firmer so that they feel mors com­ $ 50 ,0 0 0 addiUon to the Hbtanee of United AJrcrELft Corp., Bast The Navy Relief Society dis­ of fire in the distance and some fortable. No gummy, - gooey, pasty Funeral Home. Hiutford. He recently completed COMI'ANV, LNC. flrat time in weMu, railroad and cies have paid out milUone of dol­ Military Pay tributed $4,066,670 in 1962, about single shots. Mississippi Candidates taste or feeling. It's alkaline fnon- In addition there were many tour 25 yesurs service -with the com­ lars to help provide military tern- add). Does not sour. Obecke ‘'plate !.') 1 M \ i N 1II1.1.1 union representatives face each Uies with 8U& needs ae food and half going to avert want among A peasant, whose backyard had FBANOMS DUVALini odor" (denture breath). Oet rA8- figiire permits issu ^ for additions pany. other today across the bargaining Navy men, Marines, their wives two fresh foxholes, told the ma­ TKETR today a t any druK counter. and altersitions in numerous lo­ 'iKi.. Mlt^Iull clothing. Prince, Haiti’s capital. Duhraler, T o Person Relatives and friends from New table, a sign that nagotiatora ba- Before Senate and children. rines, “I saw none. They must cations in town. York, Rhode Isliuid, Massachu­ Moiid g y • T— « J my • WedMsday! Some families accept food eur- have done thia whan I wasn't All Blast JFK on Rights the voodoo-preaching pbgriclan iiiii K-.iii.- 'I !i ;.:i Uava they have ehippad an open- plUB packages. Others, partloular> The Air Force Aid Society paid Also Issued were 174 permits and setts and Connecticut were pres­ WMSUmOTOV (AP)—Tha Sen­ out more than $750,000 between looking." turned strong man. acknozrtadged W « ZtMd licenses totaling $4 4 ,5^ for elec- tog in the daadlack over Jobs. ly thoM with many ebUdrab, are Monday night there was aa in­ a rtie le o n able to draw state welfare pay­ ate is expected to act today on a December and May. No break­ Dozens of other farmers in this .oal, plumbing and heating work “In another 24 to 48 hours, we pay raise—the first since 1958— down was available of the portion thickly populated Communist area JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Elec-^andidates, all segr^atiwiists vasion on Haiti's north coast. m o s quitoes, STANEK the Mke. Fees receii^ fw ahould know whether we're sha- ments. spent most of toe campaign em­ The Dominican frontier forces amd tfaougfat Am ed tai|cei personnel apecial- for almost '2 million men and devoted to staving off destitution. just 12 miles from Saigon mut- Uon officials kept an uneasy ,ese permits and licenses totaled dow-hoxing or really making prpg- women ia .^ e anoa^Ltorces.^ An incident which recently drew terfld-the w n e thing or said noth­ watch for Negro vote-ins today phasizing their opposition to Ken­ and navy were alerted after news jo n vrauld be ELECTRONICS, INC. 26. Meat'* J, Hl Wolfe, tha carrlera’ ist> said many men take jobs in nedy racial policies. of toe invasion. Haiti chargaA that iBtenatad ki 277 BROAD ST. bowling aHsys, filling atcUoiU, The measure provides increas­ public attention demonstrates how ing. as an estimated '450,000 Mississlp- Fresh Chicken chief negotiator, said - Monday servicemen may find themselves The' marine platoon found the pians began voting in the Demo­ The tour are: some of the invaders came from ■ ome of the groceries and other private busi- es of $6 to $280 a month tor most PRIESTS RITES SET night. in money troubles. ^ Reds Just as dusk was falling. As cratic primary. —Former governor J. P. (tole- toe adjoining Dominican Repub­ leaser knoini NHWTON (AP) — A solemn VACATION NOTICE Secretary of Labor W. Willard nSases to add to their earvloa pay. personnel and special “hostile factg ab on t C LO SED FOR At WMdbey Island Naval Air they walked carefully alongside Reports circulated that unreg­ man, 46, an Ackerman lawyer lic, which shares toe island of high Mass of requiem wiU be sung Wirtx called today’s joint meet­ Their wives often work. pay’’ for servicemen on haz­ a rice field dike, the silence was istered Negroes would invade the who headed the state government Hispaniola with Haiti. this p a s t . ings after lengthy eeseione Mon­ One Marine welfare officer ardous cold war duty In such hot Station in Washington state, about at St. Rose Obuich Wednesday for 160 Navy families received sur­ shattered with two rifle shots . polls despite a ruling by Atty. from 1956-80. Dominican President Juan T h a r e are VACATION the Rev. Richard J. Eg;an, pastor DAVIS BAKERY day -with each side. called it "dlBgraceful'’ that senior spots as South Viet Nam and Gen. Joe Patterson that such a —Lt. Gov. Paul Johnson, 47, a Bosch conferred with hia armed abont 3.000 He refuMd, however, to eay non-commissioned officers living South Korea. plus food under a state aid pro­ The marines, strung out along a of Sit. Patrick’s Church, lowaCSty, gram. 100-yard line, hardly halted. Snip­ move would be illegal. Hattiesburg lawyer making his forces chiefs. apedea and AUGUST 5-10 Iowa. Father Egan, 64, died yester­ whether any progreea had been in Washington, D.C., area should The bill, cleared Monday by the The racial tension climaxed a fourth bid lor governor. The newspaper Llstta Diario t b a y are 519 MAIN STREET made. have to tsike off-duty clvlUan jobs Senate Armed Services Commit­ Asked why this was necessary, er fire was common. fonnd la al- day while visiting his sister, Mrs. the Navy replied: “Whidbey But suddenly a long burst of campaign which centered on civil Polls opened at 7 a.m. C%T and Re-Opening Gertrude E. Maher at her New­ LEG BREAST Meetings were set up between to keep their heads above water. tee, differs from a similar bill rights and the Kennedy adminis­ close at 6 p.m. (Continned on Page Five) moat ewery The armed services said they tration. The four gubernatorial Only one of 82 counties has vot­ part of the Monday, August 12 town home. She ia tbe only Im­ do not know even approximately (Continued on Page Seven) (Oontinued on Page Two) (Oentinued on Page Two) mediate survivor. CLOSED MON,, AUG. 5 - AUG. 17 (Continued on Page Seven) ing machines and observers pre­ vsDgid. O n ly gtn Johnston QUARTERS dicted that close races will not tiia ftmals is QUARTERS of bttiiig snd taking blood RE-OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 19 be decided until late Wednesday. Cop ttoat kiimawa snd othcT animals. HEALTH CHATS by DR. R, W. STOKER Observers predicted a close vote TV saenis to weed blood in order to necessitating a runoff Aiig. OT. In Charlotte, N.C., where the Coleman was expected to face l apr odnne autLiaefliDy. Hi the C Johnson or Sullivan In the runoff, pguiBeM of biting, they may inject city government has made strides Infectious ndcioorgsnisnu. which Faulty Posture Treated Effectively on the civil rights front, a leading with toe Deihocratic nominee to LB Negro physician. Dr. Emery L. go against Republican Rubel Phil­ ' e»Me oudl «Wweasea SS enCephali- By,Chiropractic lips and Independent Ed Bishop In tta nMlaria, ydibtr fever, dengue, Deepening Crisis: New Negro Militancy Rann, became sn “Uncle Tom” the Nov. 6 general election. and Tsrioas dteeaaea known col- for suggesting that racial demon- leetlrdy *> slariaaia One of the •T^o force in the development of headaches, and constipation oame stjatlons end and that "Negro The winner will succeed Gov. points tiiwt aorprised us, is that life is of grehter consequence than to a Chiropractor for help. She mains bigotry however much it leaders negotiate their grievances Ross Barnett, prohibited by state had made the rounds of doctors EDITOR’S NOTE—A new Negro the Eastern Shore town and then “is to provide tor redress of law from succeeding himself. Bar­ moaquitoea t l i r ^ in cold regions [ the force of gravity"—Winthrop brought it back together when grievances.” changes its color, and bigotry is with the city fathers.” M. Phelps, M.D. The human be­ and had undergone removal of her militancy Is apparent as voices of The Influence of the radicals is nett has followed Mississippi cus­ wwd are a real pest in such places responsible Moderates are violent racial conflict threatened. A militancy similar to that in particularly tempting to the ab­ tom by taking no public part in aa sieekw swd in areas as far ing, balsmcing precariously up­ g;all bladder, which had no effect Cambridge moved north to Brook­ solutist, white or Negro.” apparent In the attack on “the big right, is the only animal living upon her problem. drowned out by radicals who The (Cambridge demonstrations'^ the race for a successor. north as 4 0 0 miles from the North preach an- - Inflammatory ap­ caused President Kennedy to lyn where Negro ministers gath­ “It Is pure bigotry to say, as four” action groups for equal Pole. Wben mosquitoes have a against gravity—and also the only A complete Chiropractic exam­ rights. This attack is led by radi­ The vote-ln plans reported by ination, including spinal analysis proach to racial equality. Here Is comment: ered their congregations from the some engaged in the racial strug­ Negro sources would be an effort diaiee, Uiey prefer to bite dogs, animal \rtth such ailments as faU- “I am concerned about these ghettos of Brooklyn’s Bedford- gle now do, that if one Is not a cal organizations such as the m m oi stomach, sagging colon, pro­ and XRays, located nerve inter­ a closeup of the militant Negro Black Muslims and a variety of by unregistered persons to cast horses, cattle and tags, rather movement. Seventh in a special demonstrations." I think^ they go Stuyvesant section, described as Tom Paine In the racial battle ballots imder a state law permit­ hmw imin^ bdnga They prefer lapsed uterus, v^cose veins, etc. ference and faulty posture that H o w m he Is necessarily an Uncle Tom.” African nationalist associations. beyond information, beyond pro­ a '“ wssteland in the heart of New efcndtww to adults, and blondes to Without proper nerve supply these prevented this body from function­ Associated Press series on the ra­ These organizations have at­ ting those wrongly mnitted from ing normally, as it was miule to cial crisis. test, and they get into a very York.” The magazine said that the poll lists to record their choices branettea beheve it or not. There organs cannot maintain their bad situation when you get vio- The militant Negro ministera •urrent racial revolution needed tracted larger gatherings on Har­ la hmg swd invdved study in any functional and structural integrity do. Aa the nerve Interference was lem street comers on occasion by affidavit. removed the symptoms disappear­ By JUNIUS OBIFFIN The vote-ln, toe sources said, Haiitl exiles riaim tliey bave a|iei laity and in the automobUe and the rigors of Uving against than the combined forces of the captured Fort Laberte and al­ ipiJwe M are must add the ingred- gravity t^use spinal vertebrae to ed. Improvement in posture raised NEW YORK (AP)—Voices of NAACP, the Congress of Racial would protest registration prac­ get jarred or strained out of ad­ the stomach six inches. Nature moderation in Northern and tices and procedures. A circular so Trou and Limonade. (AP i i » of a dneere desire to serve Equality, the southern Qiristian Ffwtofax.) yua to the fullest extent in order justment—pinching off the nerve works wonders when she is not Southern Negro communities are Leadership Conference and the urging unregistered persons to In assure you maximum economy supply to various organs. short circuited. Farm Fresh Produeel muffled. Student Non-violent Coordinating file affidavits ' was circulated and satisfaction- Dillon Sales and Clinical proof follows. A 48- Chiropractic gives nature a In vogue Is a Negro militancy, (Committee. throughout toe state. 1 year-old vyoipajj complaining of chance to work. Why not give conceiv^ in frustration and im­ However, toe state attorney gen­ Service. 319 Main S t , Manchester. P IM A patience. The success of radical elements Phong 643-2145. low back pain, indigestion, gas. Chiropractic a chance to help you. In Negro communities is due part­ eral said the law dealt with those Iceberg Lettuce 10< Radical organizations preaching ly to their ability to identify with who had registered and whose Bulletins Inflammatory tactics have grass-roots elements. names were left off toe poll books emerged In ghettos where most Dr. Martin Luther King, at a by mistake. Culled from AP Wires Northern Negroes live. recent public appearance in Har­ Patterson said that election of­ Native Cucumbers 5< In the South, the militant leader­ lem, was greeted with a barrage ficials had a duty not to let im- ship seeks to organize largely un­ of eggs from Negroes before he qualified persons vote. disciplined would-be followers into Mississippi has an estimated 30,- PRICE ON INFORMER WHY concerted action. entered a church. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Easy Juicer King, and leaders of the other 000 registered Negroes. underworld has set a price of f , Tbasdoy and Wadnasdoy Only If the moderate Negro In the South or North speak8 against “ big four” groups are constamtly $100,000 on the head of Joseph GKREFREE referred to as “Uncle Toms” by (Oontinued on Page Seven) Valachi. the infoTmaat who demonstrations that might result DEHUMIDIFY? in violence, he often is branded the radical leadership in Harlem. gave officials their best infor­ an “ Uncle Tom” and a coward. One radical explains the popU- mation on the structure of the For a Negro to express a laity of the extremist movement: syndicate which dominates the moderate view on any civil righU “We give the forgotten man a Doves Freed, lu-ime picture in the nUnited Issue is to risk his'reputation and dignity that the NAACP, CORE States, 'government sources said high humidHy (dampness) causes more and toe other groups deny him. today. “We are going to keep farm House 3 97* perhaps his personal safety. We let him know that he is just Bell Is Tolled, An example of the radicals’ him alive,” one source said. “Wo damage than high tamperature. Strawberry as important as the middle-class don’t know exactly what we’re vehemence was evident in Chicago Negro who wants to ignore his going to do with him. but we’re VJU»H0N when James H. Meredith and the presence In toe community. In Hiroshima going to keep him alive in a safe Rev. J. H. Jackson, president ot This “forgotten man,” toe radi­ a Negro Baptist convention, coun­ place.’' The syadlcate—to which moisfure enoourogas mildew, warping, ...WITH HELP FROM cal leader says, “is bitter and I HIROSHIMA, Japan (AP)—The Valachi gave the name “Coaa seled a CMiservstive course at the ready to fight somebody. If he I people of Hiroshima, pausing to | Nostra,” meaning “our thing”— raiting and rotting. HARTFORD NATIONAL convention of the National Asocla- wanto to fight, he might as well- has noised It around the onderw tion tor the Advancement of Join an organization that will mourn toe victims of history's | world that the man who kills We eanft he^ pidc yow ronie or padeym I 16-OZ Colored People. v. guid,e him in toe right direction.” . first atom bomb attack, made on | PHIAST Meredith, who risked his life Valachi for breaking the syn­ end moisfure damage and discomfort with bat WB oob be of leal in yonr finendal I CANS For toe African nationalist, toe their city 18 years ago today, took | dicate’s blood oath of silence, YOU CAN Apple Sauce and the safety of his family to "right direction” is back to Af­ heart from toe signing of toe par- i will be paid $100,009, informants nhig, A Trtttflr of Credit fcr asuergonor established the rlg^t of a Negro to rica. tial nuclear test ban treaty in a Mmpie, plug-hi appliance from your attend the University of Mississip­ said. Foieign Exchimga Ibr tiie wodd’a omnneiBB . . . EVAPOIATID 14V* OZ pi, was attacked^by a youthful Most Negro leaders do not share Moscow. eiectried dealer. a Hfe-iuaured Tone Payment Flan to let yoa go MILK - 64>ack I CANS the idea that Negroes will support At 8:16 a.m.—toe time that toe U.S. SLAPS EEC Evangeline organizations that preach a "tock American B29 “Enola Gay" WASHINGTON (AP) — Hie tawOito and ptay longer. . . T^kvalm (SiedBi t o Negro women, dressed iii the white robes desig- lims, one of the African Nationalist groups, to Africa” movement. dropped toe bomb on Aug. 6, 1 ^ : United States took steps today to wept tny —a swarm of doves wheeled into, retaliate against the European wring a pint of water an ■dagnard vacathm ftinda . . . Safe Dwpotat HNAST I 7-OZ a child.” nated by Muslim leadership, att«id a Black Mus- preach a philost^hy of “hate the white man.” But some NAACP officials ac­ YOU CAN knowledge that toe nationalists toe air and toe Hiroshima Peace Common Mariwt for Us sharp tootfam for Taha blaa yo« baw) belnnd. Mar Solid in Od I CANS Jackson, bead of the largest Ne­ Mm rally in NeigtYork C i^ s Hariem. The Mus- (AP Photofax.) Bell began tolling. Increase in tariffs oo U.S. pooltry hour out of the airl See W hite Tuna gro religious organisation in tha are a thorn in the aide for con­ ecamnienL kHMXMt vacation aervioe^ tool i servative leaders. A crowd of 15,000 stood with products. Chrlstiaa A. Herter. nation, narrowly escaped Injury bowed heads for a minute before | chief U.S. trade negotiator, an­ yoer dealer about a de- yoar neazeat oflke of Bertfbrd National . I 16-OZ berfore being escorted from the NAACP membership ,is about lance, and I think the c su m ot towed to lead their entire eon- its Tom Paines as did toe Ameri­ 4,000 In Harlem, a community of toe simple, arched memorial to nounced that a public hearing HCHMOND convention. toe city’s atomic dead. will be held next month to humidifyer for your P CANS Sam Riley, Chicago chairman advancing equal opportunities gregations to jail, if necessary, can Revolution, but they were more than a half million Negroes. Bartlett Pears only loses. 8o I have warned in pressing their demand for seldom able to make tbe bene­ Most members pay dues and car­ Mayor Shinzo Hamai, dressed choose from a list of items those of tbs Congress of Racial Equality in black, referred to toe Moscow OB which this ootaitry will with­ bcaemenf. UMXMttP $ BRCnVEM mST NATIONAL SUPUMARKHS ONLY resigned his post, saying, “I’m against demonstrations which more jobs for Negroes and Puerto fits of revolutions permanent." ry membership cards but do not Wi KHKVe n k HGHI TO LIMIT QUANTITtES could load to bloodshed, and. I Ricans on publicly financed eon- In Savannah, Ga., where Na­ attend meetings. treaty In his memwlal address, draw trade coacrsalnns granted sick of sit-ins snd picket lines.’’ expressing “great gratification the Enropean Oommoa Mnifcet. ______fcK«6TOaACa>llOOUCI$IXimf»OMSTAM>OffH Riley’s resignation came in pro­ warn now against them.” structlcn projects. tional Guardsmen were summoned Who leads toe community and to queU racial demonstrations. Dr. pulls the strings? that at long last a pact for toe Products on foe list Include wine, and test against wtaal he termed the The Preoidaiit' added, however, The Christian Century, a lib­ partial banning of nuclear weap­ trucks and bosas. phetogiaphie "ultramlUtant tactics of the kids” “You just can’t jeU people, ‘don’t eral nondenomlnational Protest­ William Payne, president of Sa- Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, D- vannskh State doUege for Negroes, N.Y., exercises control of a large ons has been concluded by toe film, gelatin, caffeine, foeobro- convinced. Staops Wednesday in the organization. “I prefer to protest’—but on tbe other hand, ant w««Uy published in Oiicago, United States, toe United King­ mine, dextrine, potato starch, plan and negotiate," Riley said. 'We're not going to let you come has attacked both “bigots” and refused to mrice public state­ element from toe pulpit of toe ments on the situation. The city’s Abyssinian Baptist Church, to# dom and toe Soviet Union.” / steel flat wire, rigaratte papers, Am>T»vaTooK k i YOUR FIRST NATIONAt SUPER MARKETS It was militant civil rights dem-. into a store or restaurant’ ’’ extramists’ 'in the racial revohi- The oeremtmy was brief and ra- stalnleas steel eloth. Bssrer U m dm rM M i. onstntions in Cambridge, Md., “The Why to make the prob­ Negro community branded him an n a magaiine said “bigotry ra- “ Uncle Tom." \ (CoBttmMd ea Pace Berta) stralnad, in marked oontrast to bulbs and roots, utasirs and •; --v-TFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY HiUrrHHtD COUNTY iforirtg June and July that split lem go away,” toe President said. toe aenfusioa and political bickor- shoes, hr 896 MAIN STREET — MANCaiSTBB ilHii Pace Swa) infill ::ila!:ii!r«;uKiBcji)lfc!HainiSiS;!i iiHiffnlSn