Lithuanian Recognition , the M a I a State Depart Ent in a Communic T on Dated Ugust 23, 1920 , to Hon

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Lithuanian Recognition , the M a I a State Depart Ent in a Communic T on Dated Ugust 23, 1920 , to Hon CONTENTS Map of Lithuania and the B al tic States Introduction f M do o of . Letter o cA , Cotton and Franklin to Secretary State Colby Memorandum to Secretary of State in behalf of Recognition of McAdoo k Lithuania from , Cotton and Fran lin Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Great Britain Note extending recognition to Lithuania by France Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Finland Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Latvia Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Norway Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Poland Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Sweden Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Argentina Note extending recognition to Lithuania by Mexico Recognition of Lithuania by Russia Hon M cAd oo Letter of . William G . to Secretary of State Hughes . Economic Basis for Lithuania ’ s Claim to Independence Lithuania , the United States and the League of Nations . By Herbert Adams Gibbons f H o on . of Plea Walter M Chandler for Recognition Lithuania , L a tavia an d Esthonia 778 937 MAP OF LITHUANIA AND THE BALTIC STATES The map on the opposite page has been prepared by the Lithuanian Information Bureau from the most recent data available . The solid black lines represent the boundary agreements reached by treaties with Soviet Russia and correspond practically with the o . ethnographic limits f the Lithuanian , Lettish and Esthonian peoples The heavy broken line shows the eastern boundary of Poland as “ fixed by the Sn reme Council of the Allies— the so-called Curzon Polk line — which a so approximates the ethnographic boundary of Poland th on e east . With this should be compared the new eastern bounda ’ o n w 1 f Poland established by Pola d s Treat with Soviet Russia , hic “ ’y of leaves a Polish corridor, or panhandle extending for hundreds miles beyond ethnographic Poland and completely separating Lithuania s from Iiu sia . The break in the solid black line on the southern boundary of L ithuania indicates for i of the only region where , a d stance about -fiv twenty e miles , ethnographic Poland and ethnographic Lithuania are in direct contact . The boundary here remains to be settled by nego ti on a ti between Poland and Lithuania . The Memel stri bounded on the south by the River Niemen (Nemunas) and on e north and east by the old German frontier (in dica ted by a light broken line) was separated from Germany by the of Treaty Versailles . It is expected to o to Lithuania , ultimately, but Fr n n is at present administered under e c military occupation . It co ’ — ] tains Lithuania s only seaport Meme . I n the spelling of names the Lithuan ian language has been pre i ferred , but for certa n important places , whose Lithuanian names are A unknown to the merican reader, the familiar spelling has been given , e . ] . g , Kovno , Meme , Reval , etc . The li ht broken lines in Lithuania and surrounding territory indi cate boun aries of former Russian provinces . R e r e ne u c e ' L iflwa ma m L a fD/a n a nd [are a /a n b ot/ ”aton e : fla sk / w Po/w /r bou n d a ry a rva c arat /l a b e l y S a V/ e f Pb/iJ/r e fi P e a ce Tr e y . a r e a s PS KOV [L A N /( A G U L F INTRODUCTION In this little book the Lithuanian Information Bureau has assembled the opinions and arguments of some prominent Americans on the ques tion of recognition of Lithuania and the Baltic States . 3 3 McAd oo The letters and brief of H on . William G . were submitted 1 Mr . to the State Department during the winter and spring of 192 . McAd oo deals with the Lithuani an case as a lawyer and statesman presenting the arguments for recognition in systematic and formal fash f the um ion . Readers o legal training will appreciate straightforward , sentimenta l logic of his presentation . 3 ? A - on n Dr. Herbert dams Gibbons , well known as a writer i terna ti n al atfa s o ir , presents the situation of Lithuania and the Baltic States as fraught with dangers to world peace so long as the status of these out countries remains unsettled . He points the inconsistency and weak ness of the policy of the United States Government toward Li thuania under the Wilson Administration and appeals to the Anglo - Saxon “ ” of instinct fair play to give the Baltic Republics a chance . 3 ? . the Hon . Walter M Chandler, Member of Congress from City of New York , speaks as a warm friend of the Baltic States , acquainted by wo personal observation , during t visits to these countries , with their people , their governments and their economic situation . He also sets forth as a trained advocate the legal and political arguments for the of recognition Lithuania , Latvia and Esthonia , which he has laid be the fore Department of State . His treatment of the subject is compre he nsiv e , lucid and forcible . ’ A memorandum on the economic bases of Lithuania s claim for recognition , prepared by the Lithuanian Information Bureau , has been n of . cA oo . h m included in the booklet , followi g the brief Mr M d T is me or ndum r i a has also been presented to the State Depa tment . It a ms h i t c - to prove t at L thuania is en irely capable of e onomic self support , that she is in fact relatively prosperous , being an agricultural country which has shown wonderful powers of recuperation from the devasta of of 0 tions war, as indicated by her production cr ps and live stock , and that she needs only a secure political status in order to develop a thrifty and prosperous trade . 3 ? The reader should note that the political Situation has changed . i both in Europe and the Un ted States , since portions of this book were of of l ebis written . The League Nations has abandoned the scheme a p ’ o f cite to determine the fate Vilna , Lithuania s capital , and this ques of tion , as well as other matters dispute between Lithuania and Poland , - m are being discussed by a Lithuanian Polish Com ission at Brussels , The at the moment when this booklet goes to the press . settlement o f r o the German reparations question , the prospect of immediate est ra of tion direct relations between Germany and the United States , through of of the establishment definite peace , the renewed participation the of A United States in the deliberations of the Supreme Council the llies , all point toward increased stability in international relations . Some plan of concerted action between America and Europe towar d the Baltic States must soon be reached . Latvia and Esthonia have already been A recognized d e jure by the llies , and Lithuania has received the promise of like reco gnition in the immediate future . It is not believed that the ff United States can afford to take a radically di erent standpoint . Recog nition t of the independence of Li huania , Latvia and Esthonia must surely come , but it will come more quickly and be therefore the more valuable if friends of these young republics— and we are confident that this means all fair-minded and informed Americans— will take an active interest in the matter and urge recognition upon the Government o f the United States by every proper means . A A N O A O A LITHU NI N I F RM TI N BURE U . 30 1921 Washington , May , . LETTER TO HONORAB LE B AINB RIDGE COLB Y, SECRETARY OF STATE , FROM M cADOO, COTTON AND FRANKLIN Re :Recognition o f Lithuanian Indepe nde nce U 1 1 1. FEB R ARY 5 , 92 DE AR SIB In submitting herewith a separate memorandum on behalf of the o f s Lithuanian Government in support recognition by the United State , we respectfully invite your particular attention to the more important considerations applicabl e to the situation . rad tiona c of n ted Sta te s T i l Poli y U i . The United States Government is tradi tionally sympathetic wi th of the national aspirations dependent peoples , a policy which has been emphasized by th e expressions of the President during the late of o n 1 18 war . In the words President Wilson , uttered February 1 , 19 l - i Se f determ nation is not a mere phrase . It is an imper a tive principl e of action which statesmen will henceforth ignore r at their peril . Every territorial settlement involved in this w a must be made in the interest and for the benefit o f the populace t of or concerned , and not as a par any mere adjustment com ” promise of claims among rival states . Our Ru ssian Po licy . Apparently the main reason for the fail ure of this Government to apply these principles in favor of the recognition of Lithuani a is con “ ” taine d in the statement of our Russian p olicy as announced in the Av ezzana A 10 1920 f o n Note of ugust , , and as rea firmed in the Note A f A of rmenia to Paul Hymans , President o the ssembly the League of 1921. Nations , dated January 22, This policy is against the dismember “ m of th ol ent Russia , without the consent of e d Russia. restored free ” and united . 2 As the n of directly applied to questio Lithuanian recognition , the m a i A State Depart ent in a communic t on dated ugust 23, 1920 , to Hon .
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  • Tallinn EESTI KÕRGEM KOMMERTSKOOL ESTONIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL Pubiications of Estonian Business School Eesti Kõrgema Kommertskooli Publikatsioonid
    Eesti E stonian Kõrgem Business Kommertskool School EESTI KÕRGEMA KOMMERTSKOOLI PUBLIKATSIOONID PUBLICATIONS OF ESTONIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL No. 4 (1998) Vahur Made, M.A. in History ESTONIAN BANKING AND CURRENCY REFORM LOAN OF 1927: A CASE STUDY OF THE ESTONIAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION WITH THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Tallinn EESTI KÕRGEM KOMMERTSKOOL ESTONIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL Pubiications of Estonian Business School Eesti Kõrgema Kommertskooli publikatsioonid No. 4 (1998) Vahur Made, M.A. in History ESTONIAN BANKING AND CURRENCY REFORM LOAN OF 1927: A CASE STUDY OF THE ESTONIAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION WITH THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS E E S T } ^ K Õ R G E ^ ^ KOMMERTSKOOL C G H Q O RAAMATUKOGU -5 AT3 Tallinn 1998 1. Introduction 3 2. Prologue to the receipt of the loan 5 3. Receipt of the loan 9 4. Further status of the loan 14 5. Conclusion 20 6. Bibliography 21 Copyright @ Vahur Made Copyright O Estonian Business Schoo! Lauteri 3, EE0001 Tallinn, Estonia tel.(372)6466 421 fax. (372) 6 313 959 E-mail: [email protected] Translated by Maimu Nõmmik. ISSN 1406-1260 The publishers assume no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by contributors, and reserve the right to edit and revise all articles submitted. Estonia became a member of the League of Nations in 1921. In 1927, Estonia was able to arrange for a loan from Great Britain with the support of the League of Nations. The loan was used to implement economic and banking reforms. The procurement of the loan was an instrumentai episode in the relations between Estonia and the League of Nations, as it was the iargest foreign aid package received by Estonia in the period between the two World Wars.
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