Navigator 3.1 The Nova Scotia directory for mental health and addictions services, supports, and resources Version 3.1 (draft): February 2018 Navigator 3.1 The Nova Scotia directory for mental health and addictions services, supports, and resources This resource is to support rapid and timely access to health and other services, support organizations, and resources for people living with mental health and addictions problems in Nova Scotia. © 2018 Andrea Murphy, David Gardner All rights reserved Andrea Murphy, BSc Pharm, ACPR, PharmD Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS David Gardner, BSc Pharm, ACPR, PharmD, MSc (CH&E) Professor, Department of Psychiatry & College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS Research and technical support: 1.0: Magda Szumilas 2.0: Ellen Boyd, Sarah Drost 3.0: Chandni Sehgal, Kelly Delorey 3.1: Lauren Klestinec Contact:
[email protected] [email protected] Support: Studentship support from the Drug Evaluation Alliance of Nova Scotia (DEANS), Department of Health and Wellness contributed to the development of Navigator versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Substantial in kind support was also received from the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia in the development of versions 3.0 and 3.1. Printing of version 3.0 was supported by funds from the Headstrong – Taking Things Head-On initiative, a Movember Canada funded project. Version 3.1: February 2018 MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS DIRECTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose ...............................................................................................................................