Full of Praise for the Hospitality of the People in the Palatinate
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Article Translation | German - English Theory and practice Full of praise for the hospitality of the people in the Palatinate Delegation from Rwanda paid a visit to Pfalzklinikum of the Ndera hospital, the Brothers of Charity, in Ghent, Belgium. Together with Pfalzklinikum representatives they discussed the European perspective of health-care issues and the possibility of a long-term co-operation.The Rwandans were invited by the German delegation under the leadership of Dr. Gudrun Guests in the Palatinate : Joachim Hoffmann (2nd from left) visits Altdahn Castle near Dahn with the delegation Auert, head physician of the Kaiserslautern Clinic for “Learning from each other” – this the Palatinate and for the differen- Kusel Day Clinic, the Dahn Partici- Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and is the slogan of the exchange of tiated German health system. pation Center and the Pirmasens Psychotherapy. On the occasion Pfalzklinikum with the Ndera Day Clinic for Child and Youth of the farewell evening at Landeck Hospital in Kigali, the Rwandan From acupuncture to management Psychiatry Castle, Dr. Gudrun Auert and capital. In October eight guests Brother Charles as representatives from Rwanda paid a return visit to During his visit, topics such as the At the location in Klingenmünster of their respective group Pfalzklinikum. treatment of trauma patients, the participants learned, among expressed their thanks for the schizophrenic and addicted other things, how the areas of deep impressions and the mutual patient, acupuncture and quality management, controlling, ideas they had got for their work. „The partnership shows us that de-escalation were addressed. human resources and financial „The exchange was also a both facilities must cope with the The guests from the clinical field management as well as hygiene rewarding in-house experience. same technical challenges while spent two weeks in the Kaiserslau- and logistics are organized at It strengthened the cooperation employing with different approa- tern Clinic for Psychiatry, Psycho- Pfalzklinikum. Beside meetings of the Pfalzklinikum locations in ches“, reported Brother Charles somatics and Psychotherapy and with representatives of the Health Kaiserslautern and Klingenmünster Nkubili, director of the Ndera one week at the location in Ministry of Rhineland-Palatinate, considerably”, reported Dr. Hospital. „This is due to the fact Klingenmünster. The experts from the partnership office and the Gudrun Auert. The exchange that in Rwanda we have to adjust the field of management did it the partnership association the shall be continued after the visit. our solutions to the available other way around. Apart from the agenda also included an exchange resources. However, this is exactly clinic in Kaiserslautern the delega- with the regional association of what makes the exchange so tion also went to see other (ex-) users of mental health fascinating.“ He was full of praise Pfalzklinikum facilities, for examp- services. The Rwandansʼ trip for the hospitality of the people in le the clinic in Rockenhausen, the ended with a visit to the operator Article Translation | German - English TheoryTheorie and und practice Praxis Pfälzische Gastfreundschaft begeistert Delegation aus Ruanda besuchte das Pfalzklinikum of the Ndera hospital, the Brothers of Charity, in Ghent, Belgium. Together with Pfalzklinikum ExchangeErfahrungsaustausch: of experience: Jean-Marie Jean-Marie Bizimana, Bizimana, Dr. Dr. Richard Richard Auernheimer, Auernheimer, Dr. Dr. Julia Julia SchwabenSchwaben representatives they discussed andund BrotherBruder CharlesCharles (v.(f.l.t.r.). l. n. r.). the European perspective of health-careBrüder), war issues der andletzte the Teil der possibilityReise für ofdie a long-termRuander. Dabei dis- co-operation.Thekutierten sie mit Rwandans Vertretern were des invitedPfalzklinikums by the German die europäische delegation Per - underspektive the leadershipder Gesundheitspolitik of Dr. Gudrun Auert,und die head Möglichkeit physician oflangfristiger the KaiserslauternKooperationen. Clinic for “Learning from each other” – this the Palatinate and for the differen- Kusel Day Clinic, the Dahn Partici- Psychiatry,Eingeladen Psychosomatics wurden die and Ruan - is the slogan of the exchange of tiated German health system. pation Center and the Pirmasens Psychotherapy.der von der deutschen On the occasionDelegation Pfalzklinikum with the Ndera Day Clinic for Child and Youth ofunter the farewellder Leitung evening von atDr. Landeck Gudrun Hospital in Kigali, the Rwandan From acupuncture to management Psychiatry Castle,Auert, Dr.Chefärztin Gudrun Auertder Klinikand Kai- capital. In October eight guests Brotherserslautern. Charles Beim as Abschiedsabendrepresentatives from Rwanda paid a return visit to During his visit, topics such as the At the location in Klingenmünster ofauf their der respective Burg Landeck group bedankten Pfalzklinikum. treatment of trauma patients, the participants learned, among expressedsich Dr. Gudrun their thanks Auert for undthe Bru- schizophrenic and addicted other things, how the areas of deepder Charles impressions stellvertretend and the mutual für die patient, acupuncture and quality management, controlling, ideasjeweilige they Gruppehad got forfür theirdie work.intensi - „The partnership shows us that de-escalation were addressed. human resources and financial „Theven Eindrückeexchange wasund alsogegenseitigen a In `f both facilities must cope with the The guests from the clinical field management as well as hygiene rewardingAnregungen in-house für ihre experience. Arbeit. „Der o same technical challenges while spent two weeks in the Kaiserslau- and logistics are organized at ItAustausch strengthened war the auchcooperation für uns rm employing with different approa- tern Clinic for Psychiatry, Psycho- Pfalzklinikum. Beside meetings ofintern the Pfalzklinikumsehr bereichernd. locations Er hat in die / ches“, reported Brother Charles somatics and Psychotherapy and with representatives of the Health KaiserslauternZusammenarbeit and Klingenmünsterder Standorte Pfalzklinikum Nkubili, director of the Ndera one week at the location in Ministry of Rhineland-Palatinate, considerably”, Kaiserslautern reportedund Klingenmünster Dr. Hospital. „This is due to the fact Klingenmünster. The experts from the partnership office and the Gudrundeutlich Auert. gestärkt“, The exchange sagte Dr. Gud- that in Rwanda we have to adjust the field of management did it the partnership association the shallrun Auert. be continued Der Austausch after the soll visit. auch InGute a jovial Laune mood beim during Abschiedsabend: the farewell evening:Birgit Fuchs Birgit (links), Fuchs Gudrun (left), Gudrun Auert (rechts) Auert (right) mit with our solutions to the available other way around. Apart from the agenda also included an exchange nach dem Besuch weitergeführt Jean-Marie Bizimana. resources. However, this is exactly clinic in Kaiserslautern the delega- with the regional association of werden. what makes the exchange so tion also went to see other (ex-) users of mental health Text:Text: Romina Romina Männl Männl, fascinating.“ He was full of praise Pfalzklinikum facilities, for examp- services. The Rwandansʼ trip Photos:Fotos: Theresa Theresa Schütt, Schütt, Romina Romina Männl, Männl, for the hospitality of the people in le the clinic in Rockenhausen, the ended with a visit to the operator ElenaElena Posth Posth .