’*^'- •’ V' ,T7 •" 7 * 7 7^ ^'' S'.' :/

MONDAY, MAT 1«, IMO \ rOOKTEEN Average Dally Circulation flattrbratnr Evntino XrraOl Fofl the Month of April, 1*40 The Weather Foreenat e l L. a. Weather Borean Tha MancheaUr Garden club J^aodal for the beneflt o f the Mrs. Etta.F^low of Main strest Red Cross volunteer workers 6,393 olU hold ita May meeting thla eve- Degree of Pocahontas will be held held “open house” Saturday eve­ ars reminded of the knitting ses­ PUBLIC SETBACK Cloudy, oceastonal ehowera to­ sions st the T.M.C.A. from 10 to About Town nlrijr at T'.SO at Ocnter church tonight' at the home a t Mrs. Ger­ ning In honor o f her cousins. Mr> - TOMORROW NIGHT MeoUier e f Um Aoilit night nnd Wedneadny': not;^Biach 18 and 1 to 8, and for sewing only HALE'S SELF SERVE house. Mrs. Rohert Scott of Hart­ trude lillcb, 24 Mayal Circle this evening st Cen­ will take place at the South Meth­ Jooaph Wllkalts of Xloodyear. The Board of Uovemora of the ter church house. The hostesses V \ ^ All Day Tuesday. rwiw , A>rmcrly of Birch' street [Army and Navy, club will tneet at odist church, Saturday May 25 st will be Mrs. Carl HofC, Mrs. Orton 4 o’clock. '♦ this town, la seriopsly 111 At the , the clubhou.se tomorrow night at Beach and Mrs. Helen Hills, all of A. R. Willde H a V a q a n U ^ Putnam hospital. 8 o'clock. whom have moved to Hartford. Special! Nazis arate Belgian utch Armiei Mrs. William Kean urged all who 16 Walker St. Tel. 8365 I Loavea 11c have not returned the little stork­ Bread" ing bags with their coins, to do so We at this meeting. CONSUHEII T i t SMjr Cun For aad Pasteurized Milk DellVOT Tear Walnut Meols ^ lb. 25c e/ itm uli/ul /Nazi# Penetrate Liege Defeiiaea OlVIOEND A solemn requiem high mass O o^ r'a Prcsertpttone Jack Front Confeetlonery V/tm tn will be held at flt. James's church Germans Place Allies Wednesday morning at 7n10 In ^ and Cream WELDON DRUG CO. ^lli6d Forces Unable .1.» for lo r observance of tha 11th anniversary Preaerlptlod PksnaactetB Sugar 3 25c 'N O K T H i of tha death of Mrs. Antonts'rsrr. From Selected Farms M l Slnln street Pkga. T L A K g . fr«* c Y 19 3-Lb. Can 1-Lb. Can Nperlal On 49c In Situation; Ruling Shanks of Spry Dutch Help; \MO* WII.COX-GAY \w umSQH'L HAM \b. 15c t t * 0 «B€G O s a New Cabbage..,.lb. 6c. RECORDIO / Fresh, Crisp, Cool, l^mmery Pincoppic Juice 3 ^kna 25c< Native Spinach, pk. 25c Students Burn Flags Lose Seda Dandelions .. ..pk. 1.5c Authorized Safe — Depen^ble —- Hnle’s I>nrgsrge. Ktiictly Freah NATIVK RHUBAKR SALES and SERVICE Eronomif4l! Cotton Dpesses 7c lb. Great Battle Developing Mrs. Roosevelt Will Eat ' British and French Ban- Say O ly, in Fortilieil VHeat in Imperial Valley' Holland Troops Eit D ozen- Native Aaparagua C h arges^^ V' Eggs Fivc-Cent Dinner Tonight Zone i o Miles Below Climbs Over 100 Mark Must Surrender or /3% of I f you hnven't already done In Attack on Brussels; ncra Blaze on Simu­ S|terlal On HolM Park 80,- it ia time to choooe your Belgian Boriler *F>'nl>- 1 El Centro. Calif., May 14— Annihilated; Wm. E. Krah Cnstoibcr’s Valuation Summer cotton wardrobe. Our British Troops Co­ Washington, May 14.—(A’)— lated CoRin Before Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and ! (P)—Day by day It’a getting TOMATOES Tel. 4457 33 Dclmont St. Cotton Shop i, ailed with tal­ Lux Toilet Soap 4 Bar. 25c operating with Belgian Britain's Embassy in akly Has Been Taken' I hotter and hotter down here In Tactics Render U i ■ / '■ ented, American faahlona fea­ several government - officials Minimum Charge $2.50. will eat a- flve-cent dinner to­ By Germans; Thou­ I the Imperial valley. turing eport aheere, antl-creaae Soldiers; Few Days Be­ Rome in New Oul- I Thursday, Friday and Salur- portant Belginnt's ...... 17c vollea. rayon crepea and aeer- night. 2 Cam 33c. They will be guests at a din­ sands of Tanks, Planes, : day the temperature hit IQS. bert Canal Posit auckera in aizea and modela for fore Course of War buriit o f Anti-Allied Sunday'Tt-was 107 and Mon­ everyone. Salada Tea Bags Box of 35c 29c ner designed to show how re­ AmiorcNl Cars in W ar's Can Be Told; Nazis Re-' lief families can live on their Demonstrations; Sol­ day’ 108. _ Which Was Coneeii SPECIAL budget. The menu; Stew made I But shucks, folks hereabouts No. 8 Can Burt Olney Siloed port Reaching Meuse. Fiercest Battle Now. As Strong Defense ] ~pAmfm/rj>tUivccn/.ync. o f beef, potatoes, unions, and diers Halt Rioters. don't start paying: much atten^ Inlnerspring carrots; a prune, half a slice of tlon to the tempei^ure until It / D ! A L 4l 5l '' 302 MAIN .TR[f.T Nelly Dons Cans Bulletin! gets up around 130./ Bulletin I V -i'h Or POST OFFICL ■ ONL BLOCK FROM iTAU ARMORY Gordon Beets 2 17c London, May 14.— (A P )— breadj, margarine, and coffee. Rome, May 14.— (A P )— rmany’s smashing attacks Shouting students burned a Paris, May 14.— (AP)—A Beriin. May 14.— (AP)| MATTRESS L'Aiglons Large FamUy BIxe Can ■\ Roofing A Siding created an “extremely seri­ \ British and French flag on a French military spokesman German troops threw Our Specialty Huhrites 2 c.n. 25c ous” Situation for Allied war­ simulated coffin before the said (his afternoon the “ kreat- British, French and Friend's Beans riors in Muthern Holland to­ O’Brien British embassy today in a er part” of the Dutigh seaport Dutch Set Oil forces at the Cktte riyer ' $12.95 A. A. Dion, Inc. Maries DrcBslers Large Can Burt Olney day. In Belgium a great bat­ new outburst of anti-AIlied city of Rotterdam is in flames of Louvain, BcIgiunL 81 Wells St. TeL 4860 tle was devi^oping for posses­ demonstrations. Earlier, they and the situation growing in­ and pursued them V- Given Xiisignia Stores Afire; Ph on e 7254 Martha Mannings Sauerkraut 2 Cans 17c sion of the capital, Brussels. had demonstrated at the creasingly grave. :• Louvain and Wavre, DNB^| KEMP'S A military source appraising French. embassy and then flcial German news By Popular Kequesl, We Are Repeating This Special Fresh Paris, May 14.— (AP)'— the widespread conflict for Of His Office marched across town to Porta Armyef Retires announced. The DNB For This Week Only . . . supremacy in the lowland The French city of Sedan, in Each Pia, the famous gate in Ro­ aaid the Naxia were pc Cars Washed in the Iceberg Lettuce countries said that it would the fortified zone 10 miles be­ President of St. Thomas man wall adjacent to the em­ Huge Petroleum Supply the Allies in the d ir ^ l be a few days beforfe. the rWCIMUfCMN low the Belieian liorder, W om en *8 It coals only $1.00 to Popular Price Range / bassy. Several thousand stu­ positions on tha Dyle^ course of the war could . be Seminary Consecrated dents were halted by a bar­ ’T r S T “ probably has b^n taken” by In Am8lerdauL,.Qumed which ia wcat of tho Fried Gams ilrive a clean car. Fresh Rareripes 2iicha.5^ told/ but that British trodps the Germans, a French mili­ river and about half-waj At -Impressive Cere­ rier of armed troops at_ the :s m z b UL As Defense Measure;. were co-operating with Bel­ tary spokesman conceded to­ tween Bruaacis and C o a ts Fresh Daily! Try 7 monies at Hartford. British emhas.sy, as they” had Go Back to Water Line. $1.98to$7-98 Freeh gian soldiers in defense of been before at the French A t Liege (1) N ails claimed they had occupied the Citadel, possi­ day as the fiercest battle of Louvain is on the DylS ric Direct From Ipswich. Brussels. ble core of the city’s defenses, but French claimed only one fort In- tbe war developed along the about-16 miles east of ria^ford. May 14 —(/pj — 'The embassy. the defense system had fallen. (Vest of Zweibrucken (8) the French Amsterdshi, May 14.— Plate Dinners ...... 50c Peck , T 2 C (The Germane reported that Massing a short distance away, Meuse river. 'Thousands of sets, while the Gctte is' they had reached the Meuae river Most H«v. Henry Joseph O'Brien, disclosed that Germans had driven through Luxembourg and were Huge petroleum stores In Amster­ Orde'rs To Take Out: COOK'G however, they set fire to the fighting on French soil (arrow ); w h ile ^ rth e r east, the Germans Allied tanks, armored cars 16 milea further cast of $ 1.00 Hollywood Service Right for Every Occasion That to this east of Brussels between D.D., pi^ldent o f St. Thomas "coffin" and threw their clubs on dam were set sflrs today by tha Cotton Shop. claimed other gains (black arrows). Fp^ch said Germans had pene­ and airplanes engaged the^ Regularly $1.25, $1.50. P in ts ...... :...2 5 o Namur and Qlvet and that the city Seminary ^Snee 1934, this morning It to make a bonfire. Dutch ss a defense measure, It vain. 342 East Center Street Calls fdr Casual Clothes Liege waa in German hands.. trated Dutch defenses along the IJ s s ^ S ) In a drive toward channel German attackers from With French Fries ...,4 0 e in long and impressive ceremonies I.jiuded by Olflelal ports. Allied troops (white arrow) rOshed to support Uege, but was officially announced, as the Tel. 3987 (The Nsal also aaid that their Before they disbanded, a Fascist Liege, in Belgium, to Sedan. Dutch army defending western Berlin. May M.*—(i.. Dry Cleaned, Collar Glazed in St. Joaeph'axathedral waa con (**•^ •118 said they had crossed t)w Allwrt canal and Were swinging Call Manchester 5855 B IR D S E Y E advance guards had reached Rot­ otricial In blackshirt uniform con­ west. \ Tht "Battle of the Meuse" al­ Holland fell bikck to Its main wa­ The Bellman and Dutdl'] terdam, that they had broken 4 aecrated titular l^h o p of Sita and gratulated them on a “ magnifi­ ready waa being cafled “ the great- ter defense lins. Your order will be piping ^ROBTED^^M^ F0006 7 through the Grebbe defense - sys­ mies have been' SealefI in niolli*proof bag • Join Hale’s auxiliary to the blahop o f Hart­ cent demonstration;" told them eat battle of all times In all, coun­ Tha mayor of hot when you arrive. tem in central Holland' and are ford. their cry was "a war cry." tries." broadcast a meaaags/to tbe. Cltl- a powerful Gcr advancing towatd Utrecht.) *1116 Moat Rev. Amteio Giovanni He declared France and Britain Abandoned by ClvIUane DNB, official German ASmlta Oontml la North xens of the Dutch capital assuring KENWOOD BLANKET CLUB Cauliflower Pkg. iic ' 7 ^ * Pkg. 22c Clcognani, D.D.,, apostolic __ dele must understand that Italy would Sedan, abandoned by dviliana, them thst there was no reason for agency, reported today t i Scranton?! A Netherlands Arm y communi­ date to the Untied States, waa never remain a prisoner In the New Mitaiice Worries “probably has been taken,” a MAGNETOS que admitted that the Germans anxiety as the llres in tl|e harbor the western front. It 50c Down — 50c Weekly. . conaecrator with the Most Rev. Mediterranean. French military eommentatdf ad­ Manchester Dry Cleaners fully control the northern Holland district Were started by the mili­ Maurice F. McAuliffe, D.D., bishop Premier MusaolinI drove by the mitted. , that FYench and' Br R eitauran t Truck Tractor and provinces, but said that "Rotter­ tary authoriUea as a precaution­ 195 Center S tr^ t/ Kenwood “ Reverie” , Blankets— 72".x84” ...... $9.95 HEALTH Mi^KET i of Hartford, And the Most Rev'. bonfire on bis way home to lunch j French dispatches estimated ary measure. forces were unable to 176 Tolland Turnpike dam on the north side of the river and was loudly cheered. Beset Congress Today Stationary Engine ' Kenwood Standard Blankets— 72” x84” ...... /.$I2.95 Maas Is In our hands.” that the Germans were using from The principal conflagratlOas the Dutch armies to Pork Chops / . Lb. J9c-25c In Milan, approximately 6.0001 8,000 to 7,000 airplanes on the Bel­ Were a ( petroleum atorage places Kenwood “ Arondac” Blankets— 72” x84” . . / . . .$10^5 'The NetherlanjlB government of students .paraded .fo r more than them and that the Dut Magnetos Repaired-— Premier Derek Jan De Geer arriv­ Leai gium-fKmt,-with Liege being o b ­ hi the weetem part of the haihor an hour, cheering Mussolini and jected to Incessant - bombing alnee and the Battafoche petroleum de­ therefore, dther must ed here today to join Queen WU- Hitler and shouting; to give a ntrong spgrk KENWOOD “FAMOUS” b l a n k e t s Rib Lamb Chojis / u,. 3ie helmtna and the other members lele u„Tip-nX[H«*^®oaMay midnight. pot acioaa the harbor from tha render or be annihflatod. ’’Down-uvlth ICngland! *1118 Gennan taetics, DNBi o f the Dutch royal family who Charles Morice, military com­ central part o f the dty.- One Of Two Low Cost Houses Built And On 66"x90” — $14.95 72” x90”— $15.95 8j>^x90” — $17.95. “Down with France!" dared, has rendered ualmp V . . aought sanctuary In England. mentator of the newspaper Rdtlt (Oenaan Throat Begalsef Exchange Magnetoes Loin Lamb ChopB/ db. c The Milanese demonstrators Belgium’s Albert canal The complete line of Kenwood Blanketa la abaolutely guar­ 39 The British military source who Challenged Paiiaien, said In hla dally review The Dutch high command re­ tempted to reach the French/knd that the four cities of Uege, ported that a German thrust at whleh was coneslvsd ss a Exhibition At The World*s Fair. Which Opened for the proper types. anteed mothprbofi said that the situation in south­ British consulates,'hut w err turn­ \ ern Holland is “ extremely serious" Namur,. Dinant and .Sedan "seem the huge 18-mile dam aeroas tbe defense line between tha Shoulder Lamb 0 hops Lh./28c ed back by strong tnfaptry de­ Washington, May 14.— to be attained by tbe enemy." Zuider Zee, which holds back the Sss coast st Antwerp and, also said It was regarded In Lon­ tachments. At Convention For It*8 Second Season Saturday \ don as "likely’’ that U ege wim (A P )— New financing worries ---- — The high command earlier had North Sea from the Zuider Zee near the Oennsn frontier—4s British Stall Whtcbea acknowledged that the Germans, (Ijsselmeer) had been repulsed. sr words, from tt-s Scheldt Laiyib Sfrew v / . I0c-15c isolated, but expressed belief that Members of th e/ British em­ beset Congress today as lead- a P fllL iiil l" « ii NORTON fighting Is going on at' the Liege gaining momentum in their sweep A communique said the attack to tbe Meuse- bassy staff looted on from upper ers strove to complete work through Boutheostem Belgium, had on the dam was preceded by artil­ Allies Thrown Bncfc citadel, which the Germaiis report­ floor wlndowf|/u'blle the demon- ELECTRICAL ed yesterday was captured. on Iong-|wnding legislation in ■ UHlcr Fluor Fight on crossed France’s northern border. lery fire for an tiour. In Belgium, DNB said, VAPOO Saif ^pore Rifis \ Lb. 10c •■SI lies Were thrown back at the ' Its communi(]ue dlocloaed that The high command report also Congratulates Coibmanders (C:on|itiDed On Page I'wo) preparation for President Naming o f Barney as Instrument Co, Lord Gort, commander-tn-ebtef the German advance was part of a said German planes attacked ships ts A ver, about 16 mile The Miracle Shampoo for Roosevelt’s retommendations Louvain, which la IS miles < PHONE 4060 7 ^ Lb. Delegate • at - Large. push which carried the Naxia to of The Netherlands Navy yestcr- Rugt, Upholatary... and Corned Shdyiders 12ic (ConUaaed On Page Bight) later this week on speeding the Meuse on an SO^mile front from. day along the coast of the north Bruassla. Tbe Garmaos wars' Hilliard St. Manchester up national defense work. A Sedan north through the Belgium Holland 'province. ported pursuing tbs Brill Hartford, May 1 4 .-OP)-.Friends Ready to Join decieion on how to meet Five planes which came over the Hamburg / , . 2 ti*. 49c of Attorney-General Francis A. (Conttaiied Ua Page Bight) (Uontls^ Oa Fags BIgM)' A NEW greater armament expendi­ Dutch naval base at Den Helder PallottI were considering today a were shot down ytsterday,'' ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER ^Points to Cut Joint Protest tures will be left up to Con- SoHsage ^eat ______2 L h . 3 5 ? challenge o f the leadership o f Re­ Earllar today the hlgh^mmond gress, it was said at the publican State Chairman Benja­ announced the DtAch '‘army bad oVopoe brings new life to old BIsbop tteoiy J. O’Brien Swiss Protest taken up poeltloos ID the atroog - K" In Good W ill Unitcfl States W illing to White House, where only two min E. Harwood. v a p o t rugs, mokes upholstered chairs Fresh Shoulders Lh. 1 3 c methods were viewed as pos­ The attorney-general conferred defense 11ns In Utrecht province. F l a s h e s li clean os the day you bought them. Joseph E. McCarthy, D.D., bishop The communique was issued by t—~ o f Portland, coKconsecrators. Go Along with Other sible. These were enactment with them to (letrrmine whether (Late BaUetIns o f Iha ( F ) ' - - r. drOperies ond lomp shodes sparkle Merwin's Attorney Tells to attempt an upset o f Harwood's Rail Bombing Gen. Henri Gerard WInkalman, Dignitaries o f the Catholic of new taxes or raising of the commander-in-chief o f Holland's with freshness. Just sponge on church from many parts of the American Republics. plans for election of AuaUn D.- Asks Uresce Abaot AM Jury Asset Reduced as $46,p00,000,(X)0 limit on "the Barney as a delegate-at-large. land and sea forces and tbe highest Vopoo's rich soopless foam. Dirt country, hundreds of priests from Miuister Ordered to De* representative In Holland of the Bdgmde, yagoalsvin, Blajr' and dinginess disappearl Your Conservative Practice. this and other d lo c e ^ , scores of Washington, May 14.—(O —The Treasury's borrowing author- " I feel. I ought to be named and It looks as though 1 will be com­ Dutch government, which now Is (F)^Yngoilsvln woe things glow with ' cleanliness. mma, seminarians, members o f hts United States expressed today Its itj'ynow almost within $2,- mahd Payment of In England. Uably tonight to havo < #Vi' family and parishioners, witnessed pelled to carry this issue to the Vapee can't iniure - costly fobrict; ' New York, May 14.—(AV-Form- willingness to Join with the other OM,060,000 o f exhaustion. convention floor/’ Judge PallotU Damages from Nazis. FaU to Chptore Dike Oroeee on what won't roughen hands. •r U. S.. ytttorney George Z. American republics in a joint dec^ In the House, meanwlille, farm S(rid. *’T am still conferring with n e annininceil that German Oieeks mtf kt give tMs tm (LWnUaned On Page tw o) forces In control pf northeastern Medalle, counsel for Horace B. laraticm of protest to O ei^aiiy grpupa sought approval for a 850,- friends." tha evoot af aa ItoUna OOO.OOO RFC farm tenant loan pro- Basel, flwItserlBDd, May 14-(4^ provinces bad failed in an attempt yagosiav Minister • L L y A T ! O N Merwln, president of The Bridge­ over the invasion of Holland, Bel­ Only Major Coafllct am wlilch the Senate added to . Tbe Bamey-pallottl eonfest sp­ —'Yhe Swiss government today or­ Vttkcevle teld Pi COOLERATOR port, Conn., City Trust Company, gium and Luxembourg. e 1941 farm appropriation btlL e a r s to be the only major con­ dered Its minister st Berlin to (OontlaoMi 6s Fags Eight) Metaxas of Q n itm of Ms < U V A * told a Federal jury today that Mc­ PoKce Catch The State Department toM the No Drhwiag On Treooary «oaeem mar the poesIhlSty u m se sf S flict facing-the SOS delegates oa rotest~ to Germany over the t l 9 $PS9» i t t l Kesson and Robbins "gt)od will," Uruguayan government, which Proponents o f the provlrion they gatliered here for the spring »mbing of a Swiss railroad near ItaUaa Invasion, Info t*sm MSRit t if f frttitmt raised from 8100,000 to 8600,000 originated a move for a joint dec­ argued that It would not become convention whteb opens tonight In n e reality of niodem lo'n- RENTAL »tOt4 trtftfh t. Negro Bandit Delemont on May 10 and to de­ VptClAt wheh the late F. Donald Coster- laration, and the Panamanian gov­ mand£ payment of damages. Dutch Seize ee .t hmislng under the Fed- . sMualca took it over In 1938, was ernment which communicated tbe (CenttaneS Os Fags BIgM) (CoaUaiMa On Page I'wo) A communique said that ex­ Hull Goto Prison Terns, m l Housing AdmlnlMratlnn Iwritten down “to 81 as a conaarva- Uruguayan auggeatlon to the oth­ amination of shattered bits of Nerwloh, May U live practice" a year after the New Haven Youth Cap ptegTsin U tvempllfled b}' this PLAN er IvpubUcs. that tbe United some 27 bomba dropped on Swiss Nazis’ Ships F. HoU. former a B o t U p * merger with Girard and Company. States would be glad to join with territoiy showed beyond doubt aad tfoasoref af the Narwich I foor-room eolnnlsl duelling Medalle made the statement In lured on Train After E) eto iLo o . Brand new, air condition­ ftu tU m jimm. iip*t p9U lift Uruguay'and the other republics that they were German. lags Society, pleaSaS gx ssnstiwcted st the New York . m tlm rmgi. summation at the trial o f ICerwln in such a declaration. Sympathy, Not Censure, The Swiss government, at the Soperlar Crimtaal Osnrt ed Coolerator plus the ice it and two other men charged with Firing on Policeman. 19 Merchant Veflsels Are World's Fair imUer Fll.a su- A State Department note added request of the German minister to snbexxletneat a ( SSjBSS ti having bad guilty kiiowledgs of pervlsioa. It is one of two nsi^ for lem than l$c per OelVepee today-wHhd-ln-l AU- that this government waa in fun Switserlsnd. agreed today to look Taken in Eagt Indies Motttsl Aaam Norwalk, May 14—(S’)—A Ne- Cooter-Musica’s 831.000,000 swin­ agreement with tbe draft of a text after German diplomatic Interests Norwidi, tha FH A homes uhieh will be ll\'ed day. PURPOU Clooner frael Sovo 30c. dle. j^o^outfa, who police said con- Is Urged foryAlcoholics for the Joint declaration of protest In Tbe Netherlands. And 7 in West Indies. the ceontry, at which hi at the World's F'air this 4-im.l iltfi SMASSPOO WITS VAPOO POI Increase JiistMIsd fleeing from, a lioldup In ff 44.4. mtrntl m tui fif*t mtktt as written by Uruguay.' Press Criticlaed former efflOT. Ho waa ■ lAsir SP8INO cii^Ninei titlti tftittji. Mec^lie said approval of the In­ New Haven In a stolen taxicab, in n ie r by saocemstul en- Vlrttmi Urn). Text e f Gabtegrani Boston, May 14—(F)— flym -^wltb tbe doetpr through psycho­ The Swiss Federal Council Is­ London, May 14—OH—A BrlUab If, next Fall, you desire crease of the go^ will item from was captured today oa a train in to not less than ooe nor nm tnuits iB the “ typleal Ameri- Given Wirit Cash 5ales In Tbe State Department released therapy, sued a statement criticising Swiss Naval source said today 19 Oer- 8100,000 to 8800,000 w a* justifled the South Norwalk station after pathy for the alcoholic. Instead of throe yean hi state prlron. to purchaM your Coolera­ the. text of a cablegram received ■Must Find Underlying Cause. press apprehension about tbe con­ msn merchant ships were seised by caa bunUy" contest conducted because o f the valtw o f tha >fcKea- exchanging ahota 'w ith a state famUy censure, was urged today from the government of Uruguay tinued presence o f German na­ Netherland's sutborltlea in the hjr 48 newspapers thronghoot tor, half these accumulated aon and Robbins name. policeman and wrecking the ma­ The latter a]d>roacb, be said, In­ Belgium Caffs More Ts Arm.'; Both These 5tores All Day through the Panamanian foreign by a Boston paychlstrist.''sad re- tions In the republic. Dutch East Indies and seven In the the Tutted State*. "That name alone waa worth chine In a wild chase over the volves finding out the underlying Brussels, May It payments of 15c per day minister. sesreber In alcoholism a t Boston Dutch West Indies .81.000,000,” ha declared. “ A year Merritt Parkway. cause for the patient’s drinking— Newspapers Imd said that, al­ (Mlled to arsH Soday aff will be applied against the- liie message aaid; City bospitsi'. \ fatigue, fear, boredom, unhappl- though all ' Frenchmen of active This source esld live other Gerr IS to 36 yearn old who L i v i n g ' Tuesday after the merger It was' reoponsi- The youth, Walter Allen, 30. of "The government of Uruguay bla for bringing a group o f whole* Declaring tbe man who drinks • ness—and trying to do aometbing Service age were recalled at the man ships were mined and sunk by the __ last greap a f rmia|talils LET TB HELP TOD START D e, D JS. o o "At' purchaao price. 14 Dooaelly place. New Haven, has learned (wltb keen emotion of beginning o f the war, nearly 100,- ton tlM IT fO T fM l . . •alera into the system. A group of too much is "not a normal man" I about i t the Norweglsns or scuttled or set {^ ^ e a . The caB w a a ______was arraigned before City C^ourt the attack on sovereignty and vio­ 000 Germans rehialned in the the Ugg4st drug men In the coun­ but one who Is "emotionally sick, “ The drinking Itself," he ssid, afire by their crows between M ay!* Nallonal Defease Ministry TODR HOl'SE NOW’! I 6IIIT I19-464T Judge Sheldon B. Smith later In lation of neutrality suffered by country. try." the day oa charges of theft of an and needs help end trestment like ! “Is not the slcknees but It Is the S and May 11 muniqae. F t ^ JP*’**' Drsts kMtnlled RITE im iii rill Belgium. Holland aad Luxem­ 'The council statement asserted m ■ V ■ Merwtn and Rowley W. PhiUlpa automobile,' cairylng concealed any other sick person," Dr. Mer­ symptom o f sickness. It la s He placed the- total tonnage lost Bpatity m s Tard for Mate­ TIm JW.HAL4 CORK bourg. The government o f the warning o f s disturbance, just aa that the dangers of sabotage and to the enemy between those dates Markets .At n Otsaca rill Moore ssid In s radio address Mo nAMofl wlMi wbm mm AMbCm O Waterbury, Conn.. Investment weapons and attempted murder, republic believes that respect for the reported numbers o f Oermana rials — We Have Everything MAMcnitria C o h m - banker, another defendant, were (1VAAB) sponsored by the Maaas- a ftver ia a warning o f disease at 171.049. New York, May 14.—(AA^ los euhsr fUratsIwi. aad waa bound over to Superior the rights o f neutrality ia an In- In Bwltaerland were both "exag- the Plans Call For. bsndbia ever le apply when yea we IfcKcoaon directors. chusetts 14«aaM on a fair theft aad weapon charges and in- tient's family to try to realise ing this period wad o f less than -Easy; aff grsopi tbe clrcumstsnces may be in which tongue and throat"—and explained Defense preparations were 10.000 tons. day and Xkarsday, 11 A. M. presentation o f thk facts,” noeent to the cbgrge o f attempted thst the sleohoUc needs help and preeeure. the belligerents find themselves.. that when It geU Into the blood rushed. OHOUSC^SON, . "The trouble with the good will murder. In lieu o f furnishing the sympathy rather than scolding Transport Beported Soak FCreign Exchaaga — - DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TUESDAY. "I (the Uruguayan foreign and reaches tbe brain " it depress­ The Nordnorge, a Norwegian UK. - comes from the fact that a jrear bond, he was remanded to the minister) talce the liberty o f la* and nagging." eterilag ralffea. i after the merger It waa written FhIrfleM county 'ja|I In Bridgeport. es the nerve centers and inhibits Treasury Balance ship of 1,991 tons used as a troop Cotton Lower; voUng Arlldles Four and Five of . He aaid families cpuld aid also higher mental activity." trsasport by the Germans, was re­ doa-n to 81 ss a caoservatlve prac- .Shortly after ndMght. Charles the nlntli^ resolution approved at lows drop la stacks i T H E W . G . GLENMET ^O. tlee,” ha continued. by seolng that the olcoboUc eats While "drinking Itself is not Wasblngtoa, May 14— u r>—‘Die ported sunk by a mine off Norway, Sagmr Fselwr; general The Valoable Premhrau Too Get for Yoar Grewi White, 48. proprteti^ of aa Ice Panama to tha «ad that the other enough—plegty of vttsmlas—and L T. Wood Co. cteiua parlor In the h fkw drinks, will engage In more ditures, 816.968.007.41; net bal­ In the week ended May 5, he aai(i dueed:x AiUMCHSSTsn C o m m - •hie. atdes drinking." but be added that TeL 4496 I Ou FUfC n g M ) (UentlB H On Fagn iwh) exertion than Is good for them ance 83,388,089.108.84; customs H'oai W « g M > the chief means of treatment, lies whleh may be bod for the hesrL" receipts» m monUv^8B,M7J)18.91. (Usaltaasd On r »g « * • • ) \ m I ,

IP- MANCHESTER EVENING HERAl.D. MANCHESTER CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1040 PAGE THBEE liANCHES'ra:R EVENING HERALD. BLANCHE9TEB, CX>NN. TUESDAY, MAY 14,1940 TWO -4^ Y. work colls for on additional 4s- C3irtatppli«r; baarur a t g la rm . Students Burn payiaent through a clearing sya- Swiss Prepare Ground Is Broken for New Model Hoine''^ 240 Persons ^ pendituro of 81,064,188.28, o f wUch Dutch l^ieze Bishop O’Brien sandals and gdapsi book, tha Bar. Harwood May tern. Rs He Ferguson Im pregn^le Defense the local contribution will ha ;ho^ Board Anthony X MuiTliy. 8208.738.2S. This work win ba 1 Nazis^ Ships Gift-hearers, wins casks, tbs Allied Banners French Send Formal For ’Chuters On WPA Rolls spread out bver a period of time Given Insignia Rev. Charles M. Kavanaugh and 'Be Challenged Is Given Post if all of It U finally approved. p f ^ T o n i ^ t the Rev. John F. Kenney; bread, Note to Italy ^^olons’ Chief Concern Aa of May 18, Torioua W P A pro­ (OantUw e i PrMs Page One) (OontIntMd from''Page Ona) the Rev. Patrick W. Flynn and tba Rome, May 14— OP)— The French Giving Particular Atten­ jects employ 240 local persons. Rev. JoiMph D. Caaey; candles, the government waa reported In poli­ Over Million«^fi Federal Of His Office Rev. John J. Bulllvsn and the Jtav. At Convention stratora. held back by a cordon of Herald Editor Is Elected ition to Be Made while there were no Allied or neu­ tical circles today to have sect a Can He Sae the Town steel-helmeted troops, shouted and Democrats^Hiid Republi* tion to Methods to Funds Spent in Town Negro F owl tral loBwa In the same period. Patrick T. Quinlan. Chaplains to Bishop McAuliffs, (CM lin rrsBs Page One) formal note to Italy. The contents To Boanl of Governors For Allowing Hazard T o tffl One of Three The Bource said Britain obtained (Ctwtlnued from Page One) sang patriotic songs for 10 mln- cans Alike ^ .Bespeak Cope with Them. ^/Although tbe featben o f slllrtes the Rev, John F. Moore and the utea were not disclosed. Since November 1933. Norway’s 4,800,000 tons of mer- In foreign quarters |>ellef waa By Newsmen’s Group. may be either white or bleCk, V a c a n c ie s . conferral of the Ineigna at office Rev. Francis E. May; chaplains to Foot Guard Hall alth United Deapits these manifestations of Readiness to VoteMore Stafford Springs, May 14— ^etr skin always la bUck. Tbejr •chant shipping In addition to gains Bishop McCarthy, the Rev, Arthur 8tates 8enator John A. Danaber expressed that the note dealt with By CRarlaa S. Foltz, Jr. A total federal relief account ex­ from the Dutch and Belgian mer­ on Bishop O'Brien. antl-Britlsh feeltog, the consulate Italian complaints agalnat the Ronald H. Ferguson, managing (jD—W ilfred Fortin. 25. of are the Negroes among fowL Ceremony In Pour PnrU G. Cavanaugh and the Rev. Corne­ makinp tb« keynote address. For Preparedness Basel, Switzerland, May 14—((P) penditure o f 81iM3',016.08 In Man­ Th«r* will but one nomln^ chant fleets and a number of Dan­ took no steps to urge British sub­ Franco-Britiah contraband control editor of The Herald, Vas elected Taftvllle, was sentenced to six The ceremony divided In four lius P. Teullnga; chaplains to Judge PallottI expects a declaion jects to leave Italy, but Britons months in the Tolland County -The Swiss, learning quick les­ chester since November 20, 1933, Is ii»on »*>n- deepest Indignation over the pi­ problems between' Hungary and meeting were: Orvll G. Andrews There was no unanimity on the he had discovered a, window in The small British losses of the tlcaj vestments, exhorted snd Iliindreda on Hidewalks He referred to Chairman Hsfrwood tion there are thousands 'iOf per­ federal agencies have allotted 81.- -■ ■ , tracta glve^Nto the teachera (nat racy a t tba western powers, to Italy. Their nature was not dis­ of the New London Day, vlcon after the close of the ed with Ihe symiMits at office, the the delegation of 16 aUte elective Eagle-Tribune. H: Irving Jenks of need Informally he favored ff. Nowtitingtodry.Csnbeiietd The same \)urce said Itanish episcopal residence soon after'B:S0. In vnln for. a speech. wMch Hull urged ht^ listeners "to and his 63-year-old uncle. The tight aftet shaving. f sebool year. . crosier, ring and ls>ok of gOs|ifls. pfflcera who come up for renomlna-’ cert of the elementary acitools of the Greenfield (Mass.) Recorder 'ole that amount. shlp.vatds nowNui German hands Behind Ihe censor and boat bear* Several Thousand In CViliinm bold fast to the conviction that boy’s father, brother and two S. InttsDtly stops pcrspliatioa Miss Hope Henderson has re- A t the offertory of the mnssi he tidn and others w)io have served aa Manchester will t>e held tn High Gazette, Franklin B. Hurd of th< .More Evidence Of Stand Ground is broken at the new Lakewood Qrcle home alte development on South Main street for were eapttble of\prt)durlng 20' U er came the cross bearer, then two » w and morality wUl triumph over other uncles were in the army, like the "Life House” which Is to be sponsored by Life Magasine. W atkins Brothers will furniah the for 1 to J days. Reniovwodac ouested a year s leave of absence gave to Ihe two light­ delegates In the past. Judge PaJ- „ A column >pf several thousand Providence (R. 1.) Journal Bulle I- The concentration on defense Bosta at a .ttme acolytra bearing candles. school hall tomorrow evening at tin, Leroy B. Noble of the Rutland, the forces of lawlessness and chaos all Swiss between the ages-of 20 home and It wUl be, open for visitors later In the summer. An excellent view of the Country Club from perspifatioD. to continue studies for a higher — ...... ed torches, two loaves of bread snd lottl contenJia that he Is serving a schoolboys, ranging In age from was paralleled by further evldencj^ A delegation of Knights of Ool- 7:30, under the direction of Miss (V t.) Herald. Ronald H. Ferguson o f the administration’s attitude (m which have acaln risen to chal­ and 60. But the boy, was too and reservoirs' Is had from the location of the "Life House” as can be seen from the above phot^ 4. Apure,while,gfesselcss.stsla. tfsrree and thla will be actes, of Worcester, challenges." Doth the boy and the older man lag wriik Folsoa Ivy I Institute of Laondctin| foe ^•‘Clock. and gloves plar.yd on the blMliop- the French flag with an umbrella schools and the numl>ei's to be pre­ Secretary of State Hull tlected manager. American Society of Intermtlonal As for himself, he said, ‘I am kept a nearby radio tuned to STOPS ITCHING AT QNCEil e.lrct's hanrls In memory of Jacob on' top, a caricature o f France sented by the different school tions have been ordered to keep teau D’oex, In the Alps. That vil­ In the face of German concen­ 38 MILLION Jars ei Attlil and his InheGtance. Ak Ihe knights came up the wide will be Governor Baldwin, Har­ labelled "Poor Chamberlain’s Flah- choirs: Law last night that “fOTces of certain of that triumph." Swiss sUtlons. They were ready off balconies on that side of the lage Is near Gstad, alraut 73 ml)es STOPS SPREAOniG t center walk, they parted, to form wood, . Senator Danaber. National lawlessness and chaos have again Throughout the. address, charac- on a second’s notice to carry out trations north of her Rhine fron­ havebeenaold. Tty a Jar today I ; Thinl Shower Held New Bishop Pnthrnncd erw-oman” and another of England Where (Tod Hath Walked, from bouse and to draw their shutters beyond, the 'valley and scries of tier, and equally powerful French I f you are not sun it is Poison Pred. Stinkey,' foreman of Co' •The new bishop' was then en- a guard of honor with raised COTiimitteeman Samuel F. Pryor, with the title, "H er Boy Friend." the Opera, "Joseph” —Eitanne Grange to Mark risen to challenge the v e ^ concept teriirtted by aasociates as the strong- their Job of cycling through the night and day, lakes s ^ tch in g from Basel bn the awoida on both sides of the walk. Jr., and Mlaa Katherine Byrne, na. of order under law." ' est Ke has made since the outbreak countryside to watch for para­ forces massed on her Jura fron­ Ivy consult your physieiaH ] pany No. 2 of the Manchester Are roned at the. faldstool as ”Te Besides Italian flags, the atii- Henri Hehul. Bank Moves R«nvlction thM "law and mor­ luctanc«/in supplying the names tacks against utilities and com* MtM* Dorothy BrallhWalte, Most of the boys carried cluba, municatlons. Persons living In ffioved Its records and business and Zurich to the Interior during dkUgbtar of Mr. and Mrt. J. R. ing win be held tomorrow night The W w lil^shop, the s)xth to be lack, with Police Chief John J. A flnal meeting of the State O Country Great and Glorious— The meeting of Manchester a lity ' would trimiph. which fitted some of his state­ but apparently only for appear­ Secretary Itorgenthau, mean­ . Braltbwalte of 52 Pearl street, was at 8 o’clock In the fire house. After consecr^Ml Id St. Joseph's cathe­ Butler oh his right, and Fire Chief Central Committee thla afternoon ances. There was no effort to Robert Schumann. Grange. P. of H„ tomorrow eve­ ments. while, exempted Dutch and Bel- -fhey___. said, he had Germany in mirprtsed by • group of her form- the hiialnesa meeting Fred. Sweet, dral which., was iw en tly rcnovsled Michael T. Kerne on hla left. In Hotel Bond precedes tonight's wield them. Interspersed In the Combined Sixth Grade Chorus. ning at the Masonic Temple-will ' er achoolmates Wat night at her second assistant foreman of the and redecoilHed, born,Jiily 12. Twelve monalgnorl In scarlet convention opening. Contemplation. C^horus from "II take the form of a celebration of gian government funds in the 'mind when be declared: crowd were several hundred 'United States from last weekli company, will give a talk on lire I8f»6 In Nax^Haven-.^fon-of the came afterward, fotlov/ed by a The convention.' which will be schoolgirls, striving to keep up Trovatore"—Gutseppe VerdL its 58th year of organization. The ‘Powerful nations have built up ' * » « • • ' ,<■ . ■ "freezing’’ order, thereby making The party was glvea by her twin fighting metho

MANCiFiESTER EVENING HERAI/D, HANCHE9TER, CONNi TUESDAY, MAT 14, 1940 PAGE F O U R MANCniESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1940 __ -S, P A G E n v i Chureh Organ Ohio Votes on Roosevelt^ Reports Given ^ M anchester Piek Trustee *Pastor I9 Recalled Three Injured Services to^Simplify Is Replaced Taft in Primaries Today Arch Masons D ate Book For Hospital Tonight ^ In Labor. Row Your Shopping! . At North Methodist May 14-18—St. Jamea’s Play- New Electrical > Instm* By The Aiiodsted P t( AoppoM him to Norsmber. to the Naugatuck Man CSiosen tn , “A Murder Has Been Arrang­ Thomas Bently Is Elect* ed,” S t James's achool halt ■ M0J^ Use of Them Ohio Democrats and RspubU> flald were ware two formar govsmors, ed to Fill Vacancy: Contractor to Resume FLINT-BRUCE’S Rev. Willhm T. Wallace nlent Is Being Installed Martin U Davey and George Grand High Priest at TOBMrrow . cans wars voting today to throw White. May 18—Annual May dinner of Paving Project with UnJuii^ously Invited ,i4* M At ihe Center Church. their big blocs of natlonsl convsa- Annual Election Today King's Daughters at'Y34.C.A. President Gives Report FKEE PARKING: TiMrs'i «e werfY » t wut* e< tint* (bout Senator Vie Donabey (D-Oblo) ■ p(rki(9 your cor, who* you shop boro. Drivo iMo any park* tion dslsgstes to Prestden Rooss- was not a candidato for another Also, elementary grade* con­ Non-Union Employes. To Remain; Hi« An­ Thomas Bentley, principal of the^ iaf lot, show your .chaA i(ub to aalaiman tarvinf you on4 Thoaa present at the aervicea at vent and Senator'Rdbsrt A. Taft, Urm. Seeking the Republican Hertford, May 14.—(Fl—A re­ cert at High achool baU. ha'll rofunf tha parking (aa. ' . nual Report Read. the Center church on Sunday heard respectively. nomination were MayorKayor Harold sume of/ his many visits to con- Also, Oecellan club spring con­ Hollister street and Robeirtsbn Chattanooga, Tenn., May 14— cert for the last Ume the organ, which Tba two men were unopposed to Burton pf CIsveland,i. Rep. Dudley sUtutent ehsptars and other Ma­ scboolg was elected a trustoe of (F»—A contractor arranged to. re­ prssldtnUsI primsry balloting. Tba White, and Charlesm Wharton, a Tkls Week the Manchester Memorial bnpital sume work on a city paving proj­ Rot. wnu*m t . W»UiU» WM la being replaced by a Hammond Ksnton merchant In the Demo­ sonic bodies was given by Grand May 18 — "Open House” night IU D G F ; PLAN: It'i limply an arrangainant (or dividing (ho Democratle delegation, with 83 High Priest Richard Hughes of last night to fill the uheocplred, ect today with non-union tabor WMBliBOualy Invited to rcnielA u tnatrument, the gift of Herbert B. votes, wss pledged nomtoslly to cratic race were Former Rep. John et lo<^ State Trade achool, 7 to 9 following a "labor holiday” protest purchaYo prica .into a lariai of imall monthly paymonti. It'i Torrtngton in bis address at the term of the late W. W./ftobertso«J| boop holping (olki horoabouti (or noarly hal( o contury. Uio '> pMtor o f the Mencherter Metho- Houae. and Charlea S. Burr of Uila NaUonal Committeemen Charlea i MeSweeney and Herbert 8. Bige- p.m. at the haeetlng of the'Manchestei# demonstration In which three per­ 142nd annual convocation « f the May 17—DeMolay spring dance iL H moro convoniont. ' 1 diet church, et Ite fourth querterijr town.The organ being replaced Sewyer ea a "favorlU son,” but -low, sponsor of ths old age pension Grand Chapter of Connecticut. Memorial ■ Hospital- CorporaUon. sons were injured. was InaUIIed In 1888 by the Frank the party's stats organisation baa pto» defeated in Ohio last year, at Masonic Temple. The contractor, George White, eeoftrence and fumuel meettnc lu t Royal Arch Masons, at the Masonic Also, Tea to unveil F. A. Ver- Judge Wllltam S;/ttyde, president Roosevelt Organ Co., end bad bound it to> supportsupp ths prasldenti Isctadss Daosaal SKoatlon Temple today. of the board prestded. said "the union wants me to fire ! aicht. Rot. Lreonmrd C. Harrle, many fine atopa In its setting, but i f be runs sgain. A factional Democratic struggle planeilanck portrait at High achool The hosplt^treated more than niy tnen and hire union men, but EVENING APPO IN^ENTS: Maybo you want tha (amily to He visited the Grand Chapter of haa / dUtrlct eupertntendent who wai in yearajof service took its toll, and Ths Ohio Rspubllcan dslega- in W ^ VliTtola included the un New York and made several other 26.000 patients during 1939, the re­ 'my men don't want to be fired and holp in tho (hooking; moybo your caraar (illi your day; tloh is ths first ont, aside from usual'situation of a Senator, M. M. Also, dance recital of Faith E. I'm not going to fire them.” He maybo you likp''to ihop loiiuroly; whatovor ii (ha raaion— THE WAY TO BETTER LIVING ' charge, called for reporte of the the time has', come to "honorably vlaita outside the state. port showed, which was 1,000 more Neely, trying^ tbr the nomination Spillane pupils at Hollister street juit phoaa 2-DS4 and maka a data. , lliiaaeo coininittee, the church discharge It.” two district delegates to North On Feb. 20, 1940, he was given a than the year previous. The per said his employee Were paid the When the present church was Carolina, to he .cboeen formally for governor. He had CIO backing ecbool. - union scale or more. ! adtciol. the Epworth i^eague. The reception by hie own chapter, Tide Month capits/ffally cost to patients last erected In 1904 the organ wae for Taft against State Chairman R. Carl Cyrus, No. 48, of Torflngton. year/''waa 94.81 which was a de- An estimated 3,000 members of t LadleaxAld and MUilonary eode- Tba Ohio senator claims unln- Andrewa, candidate ot Gov. Homer May 19 — "Girl Scouts’ Own.” the Chattsinooga Construction transferred from the old church to Refsra To Nash Death Onter Perk, 7:30 to 8:18 p.m. erssM of two cents from the low- Idungs chair, down plllowr ' tlaa, Bot Scouts and other organ- the present edlflck. structsd . support to ssvsral states, A. Holt and the "statebouisc” fore- Reference waa made hX. the estof other years, and was said Trades Council (AFL) declared a tsationa M the church, and all in* however, and his managers hoped as. A third candidate waa R. Hugh Also, meeting of Russian Bap­ "holiday” yesterday to permit An Interesting Item Is told by grand high priast to the death, on tist churches of Hartford, Water­ to be the lowest hospital rate in M9.75 ; ' growth and an increase in Mr. House, one of the donors Of the that at leaat part of the unpledged JarVls, Morgantown coal operator. Oct. 8, 1939, of Peat Grand High the state. picketing of the project ' tnteraat in hU departmenU. West Virginia delegation being Senator Rush D. Holt, youngest bury and Ansonla at Salvatlpti Sub-Contractor Beaton organ. He aaid that when he wae a Priest Arthur N. Nash of Wester­ Army citadel, 8 p.m. and 7 P-im 99,000 Expended No. 412: A'luiurloui tauago' ^ . Rev, Vl^allalM who has been pas- youth attending the local acbools, elected to a primary today would Senator ever to take his seat, was The sum of 93,000 was expended.,, Luke Lea, Jr., of. (Chattanooga, Bey. W. T. Wallace back him. up for renomlnatlon against Judge ly. May 20 — Ctoncert by choir at sub-contractor on the paving job, chair, notablo (or iti largo 4or of the ^church for three the water pump which was used Deputy Grand High Prieat Eu­ during the year for building prdpartioin and down (illod, w ars has had charg* West Virginia Democrats also Harley Kilgore, Former Gov. H. G; Concordia Lutheran church,' ' ‘ as beaten by a group of men. for supplying the sir for the organ, gene H. Ellis of Naugatuck vlaltr May 20-21—Fifth aniuial High provementa and , hurricane pillow back. Ottoman $l2.tl. !• i t the chiSai in Veiuon. town where every effort Is highly failed to function during the win­ wars picking an uninst'ructed 16- Kump, and State Senator J. Buhl ed the ten chapters assigned to him pairs to the west end of the stra __ detective Capt. Glenn Hollemsm ' and henceforth hi^wlll devote all rewarding. vote delegation, while in Connec­ Sbahiui. Neely campaigned for Kil­ School Art exhibit In High -school ".said Lea fired Into a crowd of 1 ter, and he wan appointed organ and several other chapters. studio, 7 to 9:30 p.m. ture. Included in thli amount waa . r his time and enerw to the local Already several things are being blower at a akinry ot SO cent a ticut e' Republican convention waa gore, while Kump waa the "state- He attended the triennial convo­ $735 spent for new sterilizers. $818 demonstrators gathered about hts } church much to its \satlrfactlon. planned that will b e . underUken called together to select 16 dele­ bouse” candidate. May 22 — Fifth wnual outdoor trucks. He was- arrested on a week. In the ajjiing when It waa cation of the General Grand Chap­ music festival of /pu blic schools, for storm Mmage to the hospital I The budget has been h»ade up on under the new arrangement and (iecliled to make the neceesnry re­ gates. The Republican Senatorial con­ ter In Charleston, S, C., and the and $50 for repairs to-the nurses cbprge of felonious assault. the days ahead look very promising Eight More For Roosevelt test was fought between Former 1,000 voices and, 12S musicians at As police stood guard, an es­ Na. 4}f/|; this basis and la entireiy^.mUfylng pairs thought necessary It waa grand chapters of Vermont, home on Russell street. Chippandala for our church. North Dakota's eight national Rep. Carl Bachman, Former Goy. Educational Square. timated 1,000 union men. carrying J to all concerned. \ found that aome one had closejl Pennsylvania, .Massachusetts, Del­ May 24—Rolda Martin’a dance The report showed that during A Medal Pastor Wallace’s r e p o r t\ ^ of ■With everyone pulling together convention votea went to Mr. E. F. Morgan, (hrcult Judge De­ aware, New York and Rhode 1939 the percentage of occupation banners branding the project as down the ahut-off v^Ive to the Rooeevelt to a Democratic atate catur Rodgers, end State Senator recital at HoWairr street achooL "unfair" picketed the scene. Ap­ ' so much Interest to his parish. The and all bearing a shars of the load, pump, and had neglected to reopen Island. of the hospital was well above the Herald has been requested tch^prlnt we can scale the belghta In the convention yesterday. At the seme Tbomaa B. Sweeney. May 28 — 40th anniversary of proximately 2,000 others topic part Reports of their visitations were Scandla Lodge, No. 23, Order of rated capacity of 107.7 a gain of It in full, as follows: \ montha 'that lie ahead. Methodism “ • ' \ time Wyoming Democrats in­ Seeking the Republican nomina­ given by Grand King J. Fred Pdr- about four per cent. The average in demonstrations at th* city’s two Obnreh OrganlsU structed their atx-vots delegation tion for governor were Mayor D. Vasa, at Orange hall. housing projects and at least tour I “It hardly seems poeaibls that the has become s great church and we Many organlata have ^eyed- at teous of Middletown, Grand Scribe dally census was 71.5 and t o ^ to caat its first presidential ballot B. Dawson of .Charleston, Circuit May 27-June 1 — Carnival of private construction Jobs. ^ third year of my ministry in B|iall endeavor to do our part In the times this organ, aome 'pmklng Walter L. Taft of Hartford, Grand laboratory examinations were 17.- building .of the Kingdom In Man­ for Senator Joseph C. O'Mshoney Judge Lewis H. Miller, and SUte Manchester fire department. 1 Manchester Methodist church tb their debut on It, and later in other Captain of the Host John E. Pler- Coming Events 864, a gain of about 600 over last laiiMly drawing to a close. The chester and In all the world.” of that atate, but there after It Senator D. B. Ealy. pont of Hamden and Grand Prin­ year. There were 1603 X-ray ex­ rlrclcs earning renown by their would be free to support Mr. June 1—Concert at High School days have been very full, and the Clinrch Committees Maine Republicans yesterday cipal Sojourner John F. Pickles of aminations, a gain of about 400 talent as organists. Amnng..BioBe Roosevelt If he seeks a third term. nominated their first woman can­ hall by Lancaster, (Pa.) ^ o lr , un­ save money on fjber rugs! K months have slipped rapidly away. who have been organists were: Manchester. / over 1939. Overnight News The Various officers and com­ Hard-fought contests for sena­ didate for Congress. She Is Mrs. Nelli Offers Prayer / der direction of Helga E. Pearson. ^ Borne things have of necewity hern mittees elected to servo the church Mrs. l.,lUlnn Bldwell Beckwith, June 3-8 —' American Legion Get Mt fer iuidmer at m I* m vIh^ Heavy, cloMly woven left undone, but neverthelcse, there torial and gubematorlal nomina­ Margaret Smith, 39, who wants to The grand chapter was opwed Of Connecticut for the, year lMO-41 follow: Mrs. Mary Cone Jenny, Alfred tions were Involved In the Ohio Carnival. ruqt of better arad* fiber. Singer colors then you usually have been real gains in the church, complete the unexplred term of in form at 10 a. m., witb^ m y e r Not# SOth Analvenary. By/As»aetat«d shree*. Redprdlng steward, Mrs. Cora Driggs, Fred Smith, Fred Pllmp-' end West Virginia primaries. Gov. her late husband.x Rep. (^yde H. by Grand Chaplain' the Rev. James June 10—Opening of Veterans' t*e--patt*mt for porches, ii >ms, any room. i "One of the constant Joys of my P. dM ke; conhectlonal steward, ton. Howard Brewer, Wlllla Water­ C^mivsl for Ohs week. custom built period sofas tailored John W.' Brlcker (R.. Ohio) was Smith. The Democrats did not en­ S. Neill of Manchester. Wlllimantic, May 14—(F)— Mr.. ministry is the splendid attendance Cyrus l^ler: disbursing steward, man, Mra. Fred Green, Miss Louise June 12 — State Trade achool at the services each Sunday room­ unopposed for •renomlnatlon, but ter a candidate for the special Many visitors from other grand and Mrs. Francis J. Hancox pf this Hartford—^The State Personnel • -4:6z7:A sizes, regularly Jfb.49. sale price $3.95 Leonard Burt; communion stew­ C. DIckerman, Mrs. Jennie B seven Democrats were battling to election June 3. chapters were received In form and graduation exercises. . city observed their 80th wedding Department announced a merit ing. The auditorium la well filled, ards, Mrs.'-C. I. Balch, Miss Ber­ Abom ,'and the present organist June 14 — Graduation of class each week and this Is a source of accorded honors. anniversary today. A native of oyistem examination to select a • 6s9^ sizes, regularly/^$8>75. sale price $4.95 nice Lydall;-, Mrs. George Dewart; Mrs. Volnoy C. Morey. Eugene H. EHlls was elected of 1940B of Manchester High st New Orleans, Hancox shipped be­ m ector of-cottage, life for the encouragement and challenge at financial secretary, Melvin Cox: Ikmcert Thursday State theater. • 6x12 sites, regularly $ 11.95. sale price $7.95 in your choice of fabric and color grand high priest at the annual fore the mast in his youth and .^ew State Training School and all times. The steady Inureet and trier of a p p ^ s, Mark Holmes; The contractors. Watkins' V loyal co-operation of our church Police Seeking election of officers this afternoon. tailed twice around the world. He Hospital for the Feeble-Minded in district stewaitl, Mark Holmes; Brothers, who are Installing the Power Flasli The other elections were: is now 82 years old and untll/hls Southbury, a position carrying a /• lzl2 sizes, regtjIaHy $13.95. sale price $9.95 h family is a source of real satlsfac- reserve, Mrs. Eiertha Hadden. new Hammond organ had their Belfast Bombings * tion. m spite of a long, trying Deputy Grand High Priest—J. retirement a few years ago waa salary ranging from $2,760 to A clwncG to maU Important lala savings on custom built furhHur* Oommlttoes; -Uehers, Charles workmen commence work on Mon­ Fred Porteoua, a machinist for 52 years at tha $3,480 a year plus maintenance. V. winter ■"d unfa'.'orabie weather Field, Richard McLagan, Melvin day,, and the installation will be M yster^M an Bums Student conditions, the average attendance Grand King—Walter L. Taft. Call Out Police American Thread Company plant The final data for applieatl’ons la I Cox, Russell Holmes, Edgar completed In'Hime for the firat re- Grand Scribe—John E. Plerpont. May 28. in important pariod modab. Ramombar, too, tboao tmpihaiilFB has been IM for the morning ser- cltkl which will be presented' by h^M. Mrs. Hancox, w to Is 71, I vice throughout the year. With the Clarks, Chsrlsa Edgsrly, Frsder- Grand Secretary—William L>. waa born In Norwlchtown, the Danbury—ICdgar M. Gerlach iok McCurry. Howkrd Holmes, Walter Dawley, wall known Hart­ Roariied Train in West— Manchester, N. H., May 14.—(F) Walter Berger, Brdtgeport. ters at New York city for the past aehlayamants stand out as worthy Burdette Hawley; and the quartet tered the storefronts'of four news­ official Who arrived today told of Education, Pastor, W. E. Schober, A SO-year-old man,, elx.^ feet tall, -Doctors held little hope today Grand Royal Arch Captain— paper vendors. . 14 big German, transport planes^ several years. / / o f BsenUon in this annual report, Mss Hanna. Ruth - Field, Mrs. from the Asylum Hill Congrega­ Russell W. Potter, Wlllimantic, although others could be suggset' who boarded a train In 'Westfield for the recovery of Carman Elliott, Police linked the blasts with an landing at the airdrome between p - Thompsonville—L^al 2188. Tex­ / Wallses, deorge Cspwell. Dorothy tional church, Hartford, constating New Head’s Masonic Hlataiy tile Workers of America (CIO), wing choir ed if time and space vrould permit. of Miss Ida Yudowltch soprano, week- ago tonight a short time 19-year-old technical school stu- i I. R. A. campaign directed The Hague apd Rotterdam, beUevV • Johnson, Mrs. James Pickles, after Prof. Lewis B. Allyn, famed Grand High Priest Eugene H. against Prime. Minister Elamon de Ing it to be In German , hands. accepted a revls^ vacation pay In the fall a church memberMiip Mrs. Bertlllne Lashlnske contralto, dent from Quincy, Mass., yvho was Ellis was raised In Shepherd custom-mode slipeevors toll-call was held on two succes' rinaacea pure foods expert, was slain in his Valera's Dublin newspaper, "The Every man in the planes was cap­ schedule o ffe r ^ by the Bigelow- Flnancs, L. B. Burt, Richard Maurice Wallen tenor end Robert burned critically while visiting a Lodge, No. 78, F. and A. M., of Sanford ..C sj^ t Ctompany. A *39.75 aive Sundays, with a fine response Mercer beaa. The quartet being home by an unidentified person, Irish Press." tured. MnLsgan, Leon Holmes, Mslvln Manchester power- station yester­ Naugatuck, Oct. 12, 1909, and waa union official asserted the new sofa 519.D5 — choir *12.95 on the part of the members, result­ accompanied by Edward F. Lau- waa imugbt by police today for day when 33,000 volts of electri­ Na. 917: Thh gracaful Quaa. Cox, E. A. Lytoll. W) E. Lydsll. questioning. worshipful master In 1931. He . schedule provided 815,000 more In- l-cusMon J cushion style ing in a large attendance. We dls- Mrs. Ruth Holmes, Mrs. C. I. bln the well known Hartford or­ city arced from a s4vltchboard to was exalted In Allerton chapter. Aana wiag chair h cavarad ta covered that some whose names Detectives reported that Boston vacation pay than the com pan y yaur arday, la yaur awa ahaica Belch, Mrs. Jessie Sweet, Mae ganist and director. his' body as he pointed out an oil No. 39, of Naugatuck, Jan. 8, 1B14, were cahed wore no longer mem- Ths Hammond organ la an elec­ and‘ Albany Railroad officials In­ ori'-lnal offer, turned down a w n k Cut and fitted in your home so they cover your furniture if haadiama (aWIca. Haims, Kstth Johnston, Mrs. Cora formed them the gray-haircd man switch. and was high priest April 1926— ago. . / ■ hers, while' others who answered trically controlled organ, which He was burned badly over his April 1027. He was thrice Illus­ without a wrinkle. An inspiring selection of sunfast and CIsni; benevolence. Pastor, Cyrus attracted the attention of Con­ Stamford—The body of Jphn T. pro-shrunk fabrics in smart mral, plain and striped affects. the roll have hardly missed a Bud- Tylsrv Mrs. C. I. Balch, Mac Han­ has a range of tone color almost entire body, especially on his arms trious master of Waterbury Coun­ day In church since that time. UmlUeaa. It simulates with as­ ductor B. J. Qiilllan and other lyatt, about 58, former engineer ■ . / na:nsi »uuiv«u(.ainUUng, BHton Johnson, E. members on the fatal night be- and cheat aiid bis name waa cil. No. 21. R. and S. H„ of oh the Stamfoed-Oyster toy ferry Order them during the sale end save'. These facts point to the worth of tounding fidelity the conventional placed on the danger Hat at Sacred Waterbury In 1032, la a post pa­ borroi choir A. Lydall; flower fl and decorating, organ atopa, and the dynamic C M ise he boarded the train with­ line, waa found in the ^ s t branch the venture then undertaken. -In Mrs. E d ^ Oox, C Mrs. W. E. Ly- Heart hoir^^l- tron of . Evergreen Chapter, the fah. the Simple Simon commit­ range can be dampened to the out a ticket and sat slumped In the of the Stamford ship canal by a / l/te Our —Mrs. John L. Whltobunt of of batUe-tom roads In France. TMl blur lOjI WAY I'. IMI lAbT WAT lO HIAI TOUW MU-Ml member of tba faculty, sine* 1821, have been received, 7 by letur E. Hibbard, Mra Walter Shipman, —(Fl—Lord Oort, oommsnder-ln- Berlin, May 14—(F)—The ex­ Baltimore, Md., first vie* presi­ as acting dean of th* Yale Medi­ hepravad. wHh a aa* autaaiiatia from ethto churchee and • on con- Mrs. Peter McLagan, Mrs. Laura chlef of .the BEF, today congratu­ change of BeMan, Dutch and Qw» dent tH ths Qcnsrsl FsdarsUon of cal School to succeed Dr. Stanhope card-itap .aa mara tiaiaf ta a fesslen cf faith. Seven members Paisley; membership. Pastor, Hil­ lated "all oomreaoders, their etaffs man dtploma'tio personnel through Women's Clubs, bsUsves thst Beyne-Jonas who„wilI retlr* July claat. Sapar-vaatilatad. Smart \ have been transferred to other and their troops .on the admirabts da Stratton, Mrs. Neills Marks, Switzerland was atlll held up to­ msby Araerlosim firs being decelv- 1. Dr. Blake 1* physlciaa-lB-chlef twa-taaa talart (hat stay (rwhl Na. 1796: churohea Two adults ahd tan chil­ Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hadden, Mr. manner In which the forward day by the lack of transportation ed by propegnndlats Into believing and chairman of th# Medical Na.48ti Triad# Madai dren have bton baptised, and and Mrs: Raymond Field, Mra. move has been carried out with fa'clllUea In the low countries... . this country needs dletstorshlp. Beard o f th* New Haven hospital. • I faat wida x 7 (aat . $$,$$ wot to baptise a large group of Thomas Moore, Mrs. W. E. Lydsll, the Invaluable aid of our gallant New Haven—The Secoqd C3M*- a t faat wida a 7 (aat $1.98 S ants and children on Children's Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Chaplin. comradea of the Rove) Air Force. pany. Governor’s Foot Guard, • 7 laat wIda 1 7 (aat $ 7 J t Day nest month. The minister "The struggle," he aald, ''wi'l \ ■ \ Mlntstrlea of Kindness, Mrs. Ed-, made Prof. WlllUun Lyons Phelps • I (aat wida I 7 faat $8.48 has performed three weddings, na Cox, Mrs. Thomas Shaw, Mrs. be hard and long, but wa can be ’A Ono-of-o-kind bdrgolns SGifG oip^to 40% on Ihett loMpt! of Yale an honorary member dur­ • 9 (aa( wida i 7 (aat... ,$9A8 with two more scheduled for the Howard Grant. Council of mis- confident of final victory.'’ ing ekerclsea commemorating the near future. He has conducted 10 j^ionii and church extension. Pas­ 188tb anniversary of Benedict for oorly,bird shoppers! of oor bosf tooraos cBBporolBtf Id funerals, three of- which were for tor, W. E. Schober, George Cap- Arnold's demand tor tha k*srs to members of the church. We regret 8M MmgM AJMKnMM gatoil^M tm well, Maynard Briggs, Mrs. C. I. British Advised the New Haven powder house In UVIN* R(X>M NECfSi WAS NOW govV MU ivIVvV MfViMMifg TWIIIW mt VWiMTWTTMOG ^ the loss of Mrs. Edna Stone) Mias Baleb, G. A. Chappell. 1776. Profeasor Pbelpa, a great 75c o week buys o KENWOOD moj* Umpt . - . over IQO in oL veatrlce L.ydall ' and Clayton Stewards, Mra. Cora Clarke. grandson of WlUlam Lyon, first O I-ps. Grand Rspidf aaMs, hair (Bad, dawn / .Holmes, and extend our deep sym- Mrs. Walter Shipman, Mrs. Ruth To Leave Italy clerk of the Foot Guard company laaH sad bacb. Na. I82/874 ...... 918980 919948 'p a ^ r to the bereaved families Holmes. Mn. E. A. Lydsll. Mrs. was given a gold medal commemo­ BLANKET on our club plan! O .Ckaaaalsd back sals, sattgas vetssr, 421/411 $149:00 999.98 *Tlle various organisations of 0 2.pc. Msbaosay saita. Has asvsHy vaavs 40 different medels T. D. Smith,- Mrs. T. J. Shaw, rating th* event. VisH store and choose your UankatA—3 styles, all in a wid* the chiirch are In a healthy condi­ Mra Cbarlae Field. Mra. Charles London, May 14—(FI.—Inform­ " New London—Lawla U Baker, aMbair, Il/ lM I ...... tIOOhO 9 II9 J8 tion. as has been Indicated by the Edgerly, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ty’er, ed q)iart^ra In London assarted to­ tkls elty'a last Civil War veteran, ranM of colors. Or indieefa your choic* on tha mail ordar * l.pc. Chtaaalad bach Udnsy styls aaits, of 3 bargain pricoii rts already given. They are Mrs. Leon HolmeM, Mrs. C. G. Ty­ day that British consuls In Italy died at the age o f 94. ‘A former UaaB below. Yeu'rk than anrellad in Kanweod Club and |4J» yard aMbak aevariag, 2/11} ...... 918980 918948 X ly Important to the life of the ler,' Charles Hale. Mr. and Mra. were advising Biitlsh citizens who commander of th* OonaecUcut De­ Uankat is put aside in your name. Dues are 75c a weak par * 2-pc. laaags aaits, ahaaaalad bask, aavalty wsaws 1^' church and meet a real need. A re aaabak csvar, 21/2012...... t... 9>MJ0 88948 Howard Grant, Mrs. W. E. Scho­ have no good reasons for remain­ partment, Grand Army of the Re- blanket, no intarast charge. Blanket you saUriad is delivered |l port of the activity'of each group ber, Mr. and Mi;y. Elton Jphnaon, ubllc. Baker was one of five mem- O 2-pa. Sslld atabayaay tteme saita, visa and $ 0 . 9 5 Itaipa aeVa i ing to leave. on your final paymont. rap cavar, 174/2f90 ...... $11980 99948 -would be a duplication and It Is Brs. EMna Oox, Mrs. L. B. Burt. Such advice la given only upon able attend last week’s ssM aadsr HATS not necessary at this time. Mr. and'Mrs? W. E. Lydatl. Mr. ste coaventioa la Merldsn and * Chaatanlald Grand Rapids ssfa. dawn taAlaai, Inquiry,' these quarters said, and to baaatllal branataBa aavsr, M2/498 ...... 112980 98948 "One other venture should be was elected cbaplaia at that time. and Mrs. Griswold Chappell, Ruth there Is no general recommenda­ * 2-pa. Dean# Anas aaits, J aaiaalawB laaaaa wada, mentioned at this time. In Febru­ Tyler, Mr. and Mra. Alexis Tanr tion. Me complained of feeling tired lamps waSm aaaar ary the Finance Committee looked when ha returned from tlie con- 0 A l Waal aarvsd (rsasa, sM fsid braaatala, 149/44}$ . .$22980 $11448 ner, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Law, It was asserted, however, that * tsasga abak and sHsman, tapastry, 21/42$ . $29.9$ 924.7$ aaid aadar $18.71 ahead apd saw a need for addi­ Mra Jean Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. a condition of “uncertainty” still vention, and had been la bed since a Daae Nap tional funds. Tan groupk were or­ O Qaasn Anna, Grand Rapids abak, Harold Beebe. exists regarding . Britiah-Italtan last Friday. Baker, a native a t tapartra, IM/MI ...... $11.98 911.88 ganized under the leadership Of Nominating committee; Rev. relationa. TAKE A DEEP IREATI- .Westport, served In the Union * Rraa Waava —lamps aa*aa aayar Mrs. Ruth Holmes, and the mera- Navy and took part In all the ma­ * Saml-wiaf taanga abak, 21/811 ...... $9980 924.M W. T. Wallace, Mra. Leon Ho'me’ * AK mabsOTity sasUsIt takta, 2M/2097...... $1480 99.88 said aadar t r i *9 hersbip divided Into theta, units, Cbarlee Hale, Mra. Bertha Mad Now hold it for five seconds. During th(»e jor engagements In Mobile Bay * Math tiaatad * Glass ta# atabagany (aa labU, ID/7428.. 819.7$ $11.9$ each group to endeavor to raise den. Mra Mabel Holmes. W. E. brief seconds the chances sre we handled a during the Civil War. * A l laabagaay sad fabis. lll/ M O I...... $14.7$ $9.9$ 9M. M evening was set aside for Schober, George A. Chaplin. More Allietl Troops IrMg* lowtpt, funior UmpA lot of telephone calls for Connecticut people. O Oaality tne final reports to be given, when Melvin O. Oox was elected a lay 9iadiag 8EOROOM niRNITURE; . . lem* with 3-woy and 6-*r*y Ih tMroA *M88 a cafeteria supper was served to delegate, Mra Bertha Hadden Land Near Nar\ ik In'mid-moming on an average week-day the Bscaufis LaSalle alone in hs field b bnHt by Belgians Pounce nearly 100 persons. It proved to -be * S-pa. Mahagaay badraam sails, 17AI2M...... $12180 99949 reserve delegate. number of local calls generally would be O Maay C alara O Critah aiahafsay (inlaid) Grand RapMt aaits, I with roWootorz, aome wHh a4|oriBUo tolo* a time of rtch fellowship and was —The music committee will Cadillac, you cannot expect to find hs equal fer around 300.' If it’s raining, tha number of On Parachutists draaasr. chsal sad Iwia bada. 417/IOW______849980 938849 sttjoyed by aU. Tbs various groups choose Its own chairmen, tht.Drst pesluzmaoce and econooiy—'nor can you'find * 4-ps. SaHd awbagany Catwiial aaita, 71/709 . .$74980 914948 rsported 'a total of 9419 ralssd dur­ London, May 14—(Fl-^Iteuters canaHre baiidTe in five seconds m ay mount to aod Lmoo (N O T catt iron); in broaae, pewter peraon named on the other com- (British nears agency) today quot­ aootber car ae aaiSanBly fine at L e S ^ ’s low * 1-ps. M a b s ^ sad fa « Sa»s, M 2/I491... $9880 97848 ing ths tw o month period. It U a mitteea la the chairman. five, aix or even eeven hundred. On the other Paris, May 14— (F)—Havas, THE FUNT-BRUCE CO. O l-ps. AR aiiiaagaT Grand Rapids aaita, a bay end polihod brou finiihov H ead mod* pmo challenge to the minister to'know ed the Norwegian high command price. It can't be dene. Only CadilUo enfiiieerinf aa saying thAt additional allied band, in the wee small hours of the morning, Coupe, delivered at Detroit. Ftench news agency, reported 103 Asyhim Streot, Hertford, Conn. far asmaass, 417/8840...... 119880 914948 iRk ihodot. Grond fer waddlaf or oaohnwu that the entire membersMp la back could produce raefa superlative results. See LeSklla from Brussels thst aenhan para­ a * 1-ps. bamalad badiaaaa aaits. I9I/2D...... t'1488 98948 o f the church, in such a splendid troops had been landed under the seconds may pass without a singla calL This Sedans start at $1280. Tmae- Floofling Costly guns of ararahlpa at Bjerkvtk. first. VouH find tbere’s no use looking furtbert ^I> chutists war* landiag this mom- n*os* onrel m* in Kenwood Uonkat Chib. * Lpa. Maia Vara watsrfsl aaMs, 1/MI2...... $7840 98848 tory giftzl fashion. And it speaks well for the is another way in which our businesa is diff er- O Irit wstaat asdar Braad wardraba, D2/981.. . . $7988 94949 future. Norway, south of the German-held portation based on rail rates, ‘ lag la tks Belgian capital, but Endesod is 75c for th* first poymont. Arctic Mrt ot Narvik. were pounced on by the lahahtt- Oiva Fun Tims To Tulip Growers enL Although we must operate twenty-four slate and local taxes (tfa n y)t K M AND SiOOfNGi • TTm troops wsre ssld to be ants aa fast as they touched NAME ...... "According to ths plan recently hours a day. w* can’t dist^ute th* work on ^ftional eqidpmestt, *cee» ground. •Sopted by our chureiu the minis- msrehlng nortbwsrd to meet s * Crstab wabaiiey 1/1 Grand Rapids bad, comblntd AUled-Norweglen force a schadole to suit our convonianca.^ ] ^ tones—extra. Prices suhjeet One parachutist who landed a 417/9990 94980 919.79 if vea^Re ieokoee for ioe^RU leek 4 tar wfll give his fuU tima to the Chicago, May Flood­ . few yards from the Belga news STREET ...... 8 A l aiibaoaay 4/4 aka bad, 417/DI2M...... I99J9 914.99 ladfUsa, whds 49lb Aaakacaary Sale tagi Msmehsater pariah this noti year. advsneliig south toarsrd Narvik dsdde whyi and where Vou'want to calL Our to dusnge enthosu ssotiee. ing the Dutch lowlands aa a mili­ from Grstsngseld. agency eras lynehed by the crowd Arandas O laaaripriat ■iMrtaa -sr baaapriag, fal aiaa ar bald sway. 0*ar IM abakat k daef, bHdgau Although he has teamed to love tary measure will be cc«itly to job it to give.you*tlie best possible service at CITY ...... liapla, ataat ae brid a a ly...,...... 919:00 91A89 atadaat sad «sbk madsb . . . brib beOaitid the peopto and the srork in Vernon Of the situstlon st Narvik the V after be tried to make iise o f hla 9I9.M American tulip growera, laya EU- Noraregian high command said ^n}g, and to provide this service at tlS S ffrearma, K a vu said. * 1—— 8*1*8 baayia|, 1/1 aiys...... $1788 934.79 •ad dimiiMt besM. W i l d Row $1.88 agv rsgfuts the necessity at evver- mar A. Beamer, Michigan aUto lowest posaibi* c o il By the way, bavo you ^ Blaek-out Bruaselsi, It added. check solocKen: ^ir^^iaa^i^is ^i^ilr fait la^ra^a^trtB^i aa^mraaa, nm ths connection, it srill now be mersly "fighting eonthnjea”, Reu­ commlMiooer of agrleultura ters reportad. a talephooef. The'Somhem New England. , was the scans of gueiTlIIa fighting □ $9:95 □ $10.95 □ $12.95 atripad HeUng. 1/1 aka...... |49JI. 99441 yM m M s to spend more time and Beamer, here on a bueineea trip, M anchester Motor Sdes, Inc. daring th* nlghL Standard O Skanaas team XV apbaktarad baadbaard k ^ ■ top to Mneheeter. ThU wdli said the land flooded la the tuhp TekpbonajCompany. 918.99 ^la^^r^dat^r arM^k aa^t^t^^^ls^a^^)^— n ioia 2-3254 ibis a BBore tatimate Sports scttvlUaa. squlpment and color choice (I).-...... (2)...... JLIHT-BRUCE growing center of The Netber- admissions to exhibitions cost 612 West Ceater Strset MaadiMtOT rsif amttraai eed baaapriag, 1/1 ika...... 912989 97948 Of the Church School tosda, only important source of Alexandria, Bgypt. May 14—(jP) A larger mtoietiy to a Antsrlesas a bUUqa' doUsrs sa- N O If: Tbaaa Oeaw al sfftisd aaHiat ta prfar seUeUta sad sals. BUsUy. 1“ - . e -^Tb* cotton manmt hare was "ORDIt lY MAIL IP IT SATIS TINT ^3 Asykm St. ond 150 TanBb|K^Stp. ^dopifijBiv. kr JRoni d*ezM, « - « ■ B A e r m t o MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI.H, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 14,1940‘ MANCHESTER EVENING HERA1.D, MANCHESTER. CONN ' TUESDAT, MAY 14, 1940 PA6B SIX the apokeomaa added, teye ad­ ^Uittrhf Bt»r Then It bore the "a b u n ^ t life" startings had to flnd_ other quar­ H igh Coat o f BuUeu United States vanced by many moatte tha data Puppet Show Coming to Manchester been‘ entered and, scientific 'valu­ label. What tt will bd tomorrow ters. Where they went to we do SERIAL STORY of potsibis Amarlcaa entry Into Seeking Clues ables stolen / * Though hot know, but there is a certain W m A0oet Sahuea the war. Albin, who said-'he conducted *no man knowetb. Daily Radio Programs considerable rseSareh work In Ctmrtttp Xfralb familiar aspect to the Asylum Seen at W ar President Rooeevalt’s frequeni^ But the label li of no impor­ appeate to Germany and Italy, anY^. To Intraders Switzerland on high explosivaa street birds. They employ about BET ON LOVE Hillsboro, N. H., May 14.— -Eastera Itekyflght H u e Cnteos Otlierwlaa Noted. came to thla, country two years R i that believeth aad la tance, much. It li the eweetenlng RWMT, 1B40. his recent warning to the An-eri-*' INC the same tactics in' making known ~ INC. ’ (P)—The hlffh coat of ammu­ ago and began testa for a major Usbd shall be saved; but lu II •UMlI atr*«t up procoea that counts, eepecially BY: CHARLES B. PARMER \ caa that they no longer enjoy a believeth cot shell be dai nition rapQltad today in a de­ Mexican Government “ ma^p Immunity,” have sown the oil company on fiydro-carbona, MmBokMlar. Conn. with an. election Just dotan the their presence. cision tp reduce from eight, to Chemist Says Germans used variously to ekj^oatves, gaao.' Mark 18:15 THOMAS rHR/»tJSON seeds whose .harvest will be mill- Swing Club: il;Sb Composer's pike. So, Tommy, pardon our pre­ Hartford building owners and four tqe number, of American , Officigls Convinced of Uaea. and similar products 0«n«ral Manascr Oast f^^Aaracters i g| taty aid to Briisto and Francs, tbs Serlea from (tenada. Attempted to Steal Gas­ EaunSa^ Oetnbar 1. t i l l sumption, if we suggest as an sp- yven the city authorities have —this ends months Leglonindrea firing Memorial' Ha ttet wiU beUeva only Sherry Boad-^qclety girl owner ^ planning, worry and care Day aalutea over the graves Entry on Side of Allies official derigred. PabllihaS Kaarj C»anlB« Eieapl propflate election slogan: "Please tried 'every means known to them of race horae, Pepper Boy. - " ■ He said that without exception What to expect Wednead^: Eu­ oline Formula. to a ringla summer, two files ha can fully comprehand must SanSaya anS Helldaya Kniarad at Ona horsa goes Into turf of aoldler dead in HiUsboro, Mexican officialdom and the bu!H I can produce a family of 5,600,000,- a very long head or a vary pass the molasses." to try to chase the birds. Flashing Psnl Whartoh—a rival owner, Mexico aty. May 14—(Al—A rope—NBC 7 a.m.; CBS 7 a.m„ tha A)Bt Ofnea at Mapehaaiar. hiatory—and Shqi Deertng and Washington. of the Mexican people believe that 5:30 p.m. os AngelM, May 14—(P)-sPo- '000.^ ' cioeA—Coltcn. Oann.. aa Saaead Claaa Malt Mattar Some one.will arise to ask what electric lights,. ringing bells, a determined to teach Sherry that "Yaa, Paul?" imehow, this Wax bulleta which cost but high official of the Foreign Minis­ racing la not a woman’s game. try aaid today the Mexican gov­ the United States not only should WEAF-NBC—12:80 Song Folks searched . ths laboratory of I STJSSCRIPTIOV RATirS ' about the sulphur? Where does It dousing with a fire hose stream was a naw and a 'i^ntle Paul 2 1-2 cents apiece In 1930 now but would assist the Allies. 2:45 Vic and Sada; 5 U 'l Abner Oaa Taar by Mall ...... Sbsp Grant— young genttemaa Wharton; or was Bhe^^lng the cost 7 1-2 cents, lieon E. ernment Is convinced that the Wadwaday. (ay 14 Carl Albln, Swiss chemist, today and fumigation have, been tried Possible Positive Aid 8 CBS— ch a in -11 Am. Kate Smith Par Meatb br Mall ...... J « come In? The reply Is not diffi­ rider. real Paul tha first time Kemp, Hillsboro post, com­ fUnited States will enter the Eu­ PJC. for. dues that might lead to the Bla«la Copy ...... J but all prove to be of no avail. The Willie Bond—Sherry’S uncle a*. Comment; 3 p.m. Lecture Hall; Dallraratl Ona Taar ...... I* "” cult of discovery. It will appear "I swear I’m trying to hqat you mander reported, and each ropean war on' the side of the' Al­ Positive aid that Mexico m ighty 4:00—Backstage Wlfa ~ ' arri^t of two german-speaking in­ lies in the near future and that lend the United States, the o t t ^ 4:30 Pop Concert. WJZ-NBCJ— in the sulphurous speech of the birds continue to chatter and oth-1 t“ rf “advlaer.” —I believe .I’m going to beat vou. man uaea 00 of thefii. The 4:15—Stella DaUas . 11:30 Farm and Home Hour; 12:30 truders Albin said attempted to MEMBER OF ^ squad travels 40 miles end Mexico should begin preparing for clal said, would Include vitolandfl ■teal Secret formulas for a lead- xua; associated fkkss liext and subsequent generations. erwlse let paaaersby know that . You wouldn't have ma not try x" 4:30—Lorenao Jones '\ p.m.. Retail Federation Foram; 3 . Tba Aaaoeyatad. Praaa la aaelualaa- Yesterdays VWhaa Monitor la "Of course not, aUly." spends nine hours visiting that eventuaUty, against Nazi spiea or aabateura, 4!45—Young Wldder Brown leas, high teat gasoline. For long after Tommy aod his they are about. aad action to prevent estaplisb- Club Matinee. MBS—1:30 Home­ fY aatitlad to tba aaa ar rapubllea- Injured, 8h ^ aaka to ride Pepper "Sherry, I—" \ cemeteries on the holiday, It and when America enters the' 5:00—Girl Alone makers Forum; 4 George Flaber ' The 35-year old eclentist eald ttea af all nawa dlapatebaa cradltao medicine jnen associates are oc­ Manchester employed a auccaas- Boy hi>:jliM Derby and Sherry conflict, this official said, Mexico meat of submarine bases for at­ 5:15—Life Cten Be BequUful . one of the men. whom he recog­ ta It or not etbarwiaa eraitliad In THEY'RE OFF! ! I on Mories., . ,, Short waves: DXB cupying their little narrow cells, ful method ln\|lddlng tha main sgreepT Pepper Boy drsws No. 7 —despite a fundamental desire for tacks on American shipping. 5:30—Jack Armstrong DJC Berlin 5;3d Through Women’s nized as a stronger who entered tbli papar aad alap ,tba local nawa An Influential body of aenatora the laboratory Friday on the pre­ publlahrd baratn. our children, and grandchildren. In business street at ,tM~pbat. Red Soldier gets the Fifteen thoroughbreds had been peace—wUl observe a “benevo'ent 5:4.5—Thr O’Nellla Eyes; TPA4 Paris 8:30 news; 2RO All rlphta of rapublleatlon af At Hie Derby breakfast, Shep caught Ip line—and the Derby was former ‘Red’ neutrality” and. will collaborate and deputies, however, ji at work 8:00—News and Weather Rome.8;4() musical program; GSC text of discussing a business deal, apaclal dianatcbaa .harain ara alao multiplied taxes and lower stand-j simply moved thelf' organizing a "committee for neu­ •xfiilS—Strictly Sports with Bob overpowered him and then started ^raaarvad proposes a toast, poors stiff drtnka on! with the United States as fully as London 11:30 Matters ^ Moment ards of living, will still be paying Asylum street hasn' for Wharton and Mmacif, Paul A mass of color was streaking possible, without tnVolvint ber- trality” to prevent Mexico from /S t e e ls to run with a briefcase containing PnP aanrlea allant at for the present molasses spree. trees, snd we don't expei knocks the glass from Bhap’s down the atretch to tha roaring IfCader Dies •elf. ''' extending any aid which might 8:30—Superman ' the formulas. ■enriea Inc. Albin told police te hurled a ty owners to tear hand and WlUle Bond takea the cheers of thousands of throats. He eald be believed the other drag her Into the conflict. 8:45—'Lowall Thomas nations of the western hemisphere 7:00—Frad Waring'a Orchestra halfrgallon container of aulphuric Pabllabara Rtpraaantaflraa. Tha buildings In order rider for a walk. Sherry la dlaap- Here— look through these,” fnllaa Matbawa Spaclal Asancy— Bolton Grows polnted at Sbep'a actions. Wharton tbruet hla field glaoees in­ vvould adopt a similar attitude. One-third of the population of 7:15—History In the Headlines— acid, which shattered, aprei^ng Haw Tork. Cblrapo. Dalrolt and starlings. Rome. Emma Goldman Once Recent devSIopmenta in Europe, Hawaii is Japanese. , ______Andre Sebenker the corrosive liquid over the In­ Beaton Chapter XVII , to Sherry’s hands. Bolton’s'44 per cent increase in ".blitzkrieg" against starlings will ' "Why—I’m—where am IT” She 7:80—Devotion to Mutual Help­ truder, who dropped the case and Flanking Clhampion o f fulness—Bernard J. Ackerman cried: "Get me out of hem. I’m MEMBER AUDIT population in the last decade is a j be necessni \Breath-takingly handsome In the could not make out her eolora. CIRGUTJtTlONB in. Hartford. c ^ e t Jacket, purple cross sash Anarchy ip Ainerica. 7:45—Dixieland Strings bUnded.’’ /' good illuslTatlnn of the trend of You and I— we're scrambled for a Refrathinq Deify Prlntlnt Company and White cap of thq Lone Tree back.” be spoke with sudden aav- 8:00—Johnny Preaenta Tneaday, May 14 « Bhot Hits X-ray Machtoa ao financial raaptmal- population away from cities. A Stifle, Shep Grant strode to stall Toronto, May 14.—C^—Death 8:30—Pot o' Gold 4:00—Music off the Record—Ray Albin aaid the otter man fired lypesrSphleal arrora ap- agenees.'XJSto that flfBt boras— You Pay No More for the a shot that stnick/'tar X-ray ma­ good portion of that' Increase Is 7/in the Churchill Downs paddock Jockey in white, black cap? That's 9:00-^Battie of the Sexes Barrett. PWaririB lA ' Ad Itt / s the saddling bell rang. He rais- cama today to Emma Ot^ldman, 9:30—Fibber McGee and Molly chine, helped hla tompanlon Into a fnjoy Healthful, Oe/fe/oi,. fanchaatar, Evanlns Herald. due to the decision on the part of Liana—fastest Alley in America— ones the flaming champion of 4:45— Ad Liner—Dance program. A traveling puppet show Is com Atha Shell Safety Squadron and was W ashington *^ed a hand in salute, hla e/es spark­ 10:00—Bob Hope. Judy Garland; 5:30—Strictly Swing. car and both thta fled. Manchester residents to m almost beat the barrier. That’s anarchy In America. \ \ ’ Skinny EnaU’ Orchestra Unions Back Ing to Manchester Saturday, May designed and built by BUI Baird, On two otter occaalona, the Tuesday, May 14 ling. Cteatanets running along aide her ORIGINAL REPOUSSE 5:40—Baaaball Scores. 18th to aid the police department's one of the Npountry's outstanding their, home in the farming a r^ to "Sherry, you must pardon this 111 Blnca suffering a stroke to 10:30—Uncle U^alter’s Dog House chemist deelafta hla place had DOUBLEMINTGu Daybook — colors, yellow with blue ataro. February, aha would have beoh 71 : —News aad Weather 6:45—Seattergood Balnea war on "screwdrivers” and "screw- builders of marionette and puppet the eaat of usi Duringx^e past morning—bit of exur^rance, and 1 1 00 6:00—E>so Reporter. ' ’ "Under the Influence” ------By Jack StinneU- We're—gosh, we're In the second years old on June 27.. \ 11:15—Polish Orchestra Arms D rive jays". sbowa. Balrd’e 'qhowi have been few years a number jof local fnm- . all that. Willie Bond's a peach— dlWslon!” 6:05—Hedda Hopper’s Holly­ Puppets are one of the oldest features of several world's fairs he walked the devil out of me—" At the bedside In her home werr 11:45—Gray Gordoa'a Orchestra A police end police court term Illea have built h^dnea In Bolton i 'Washlngton The viator to Six horses, almost on a line, brother. Dr. Maurice Goldman, 12;00--Ben Pollack’s Orchestra wood. known forms of entertainment. and of the stage "That's aWell, Shep," she spoke flashed past the winning post the 6:20—Edwin C. Hill. Their origin has never Radio City Music HaU and else­ that has become common and that and are now"Uvuig there. Washington frequently' returns crisply. "Now t^ a y —" and a nlace, Mrs. SUlla Ballantlne, A-H. first time around— and behind both of New York. Mra. Lena 12:30—Woody Herman’s Orchestra 6:30—Paul Sullivan. Ubop Putting All Ener“ 2L*£hKnK^^^ where. rises every so often to vex the ood reason for these ! home nowadays feeling that the "Don't_ worry! Know your or­ 8:45—The World Today. * MMIIIIIID There la them came nine others. Jammed CummIngA a sister, of Rochester, 12:45—News .. iry Into Effort to Turn Hi** entertained the people Included In the cast 'are two ^ t o SI yean eld. Women who an prosecuting attomeye of every .Senate was a ders by heart. ‘Get out In front 7:00—Arooa ’N’ Andy. changes/Bolton's outstanding In- Qlntlng fea- together—a full length to the rear. N. Y,. also eurvivea. 1 :00—SUent ' \ ^ of ancient Rome and Athena.'Pre- ■"screwdrlvera," three "ecre^aye,” /restless, moody, MOlVODfl-^who court |n the atate la "driving while lure of Ills aight-9 tour. and die there,’ Right? Sherry saw Paul's bay. now on the Her death raised echoes of a 7:15—Lanny Rosa. Out Munitions. Ivious to last year, When tbs 1939 a courteous driver and a motor­ foer hot fissbM, dts^r spoU*—to take debtpd[rtesB Is very low and aa a He saw the She nodded, her Ups trembled 7:30—Helen Mencken to "Second under the Influence of Intoxi­ In acssiun. rail— and running alongside hlrti radicalism that extended back for Tomorrow’a Program ' Shell Ppppet Show toured the east­ cycle officer who has much trou Lydia A Ptnkham'i VefetabU Com­ ta"Spfaadlng result theHax rate proves to he of It was soniethli a letdown. an Instant. waa Shep Grant on her black Pep­ Husband” . ern ^or eight months, clearing up tbe traffic congeatloi pound. PInkhsm’s it famous for cants.” Police and examining phy- a century and reached Its A JC. London, May 14.—OF)—With the little or no burden. The govern­ particularly ter such impressive ’Tve got the best hor.se. Sherry. per Boy. She could see—through clhnax in the World, War years 8:00—EMward G. RoUnaon and puppet shows were not available ' caused by the activities of the helpinf women durtnt thorn "trylna Frag ram — Sganaarad And ttio sweetest revenge on 8:00—Doys O’Dell ' appointment of Ehmest Bevln, aletana may testify that a mi ment of the toqm IS economical spectacles black-robed Jua- the glassea—that Grant had a snug tha/brougbt "Red Emma” Gold- 8:25—News Ona Munson'to "Big Town”. to the . general public' except In ! "screwdrivere" and tha "acrew- timea" due to functional Imfulert- OOUBLEMI Ucea of Wharton wilt he to make Red 8:30—Court of Missing Heirs, trad# union leader, aa minister of metropolitan centers, and then, tao. Oat a botUo today from your OvarWTIO—Harttarfl—e I “ under the Influence" only to^flnd and ^be roads arK In good ahape Supreme Court in- hold on the colt. man’rJmprisonment and later de- 8:50—Francis J. Cronin, Organist jaye." Special scenic effects create their ma temple, and the Lln- Soldier take dust." I fold him to get out In front— portattm from the United States 8:85—News—Elmer Davis. Labor, BrtifUn'a powerful trade usuaUy only at great expositions or tbe Illusion ttet the mtototore cars that there are other witnewa and through nearly every section. Never mind this revenge bust 7:00—Morntog Watch coin me, wtth its. Jlfedike and he's just rating him along!” to Ruoslk tn 1919 for obstructing •:00—News, Waather 9:00—We. tbs People. fairs. are actually moving alon'g streets other docton ready to^tMtify that statue,' neas--you just get out —get out 9:30—Professor Quia unions announced today that la­ ' € Good schools are maintained and I told my boy the same thing— the draft, \yith her went Alexan­ 8:15—News Here and Abroad The puppets of the new Shell and highways. the accused was ndt ' “ under the , N o /th a t Visitor Jones Uilnks and win." and look at him. But say. Sherry, der Berknut^ber companion and 10:00—Glenn Miller's Orchestra. bor la putting all Ita energy Into a Puppet Show coming here, Satur­ Mounted on a apeclally con­ the uaual facilltlea for. h ^ e com­ 8:30—Radio Bazaar drive to turn out munitiona Influence.’’ It JmngM up a diffi­ theysenstorg’ fgiled to comport Willie Bond came bustling In, they’re running awfully fast—' colleague fo r^ o -a co re years. 8:45—W n C a Program Parade 10:15—Public Affairs day, wUl under the guidance of two structed truck, the Shell Puppet fort are nearly all prraent. Well 1 left Ted up In her seat—must 10:45—Four (Clubmen. The Laborite Herald reported cult case befdn the court and de­ th^selves as members of "the "All ths more reason we should in the new Sqylet Russia she 8:50—Rhythm of the Day professional manipulators, demon­ Show is equipped with a movable water la readily available and ■eatest deliberative body In the be 7.1,000 people herer" hi sx- quickly found dls^uaionment. and 11:00—Esso Reporter. \ the government la planning to strate the evils of being a "acrew- stage and modern * sound equip­ volves IntfAaking one man's opin­ be in front—’’ 9:00—Dramatized News modem septic lanks solve the It's Just that they don't clsimed. Sherry nmlded. She was No! The more reason to hold Hed to roam in many parts of the 9:15—Food Nawa ll:05^Sporta Roi^d Up. bring all munitions factories un­ driver"—a discourteous motorist ment. It can atop anywhere and in der atate ownership and control, ion aa against another'^. sewage dUposal problem handily/ look an great. so restless that her hands shook. off that burning early pace—great world, etui a atrldeht voice for 9:80—Music While You Work 1^15—Eddie Duchto's Orchestra. who pulls "traffic boners"—and a a few minutes can be converted To Jones they- look Jurt about Now Wlllle was speaking pater­ Tl :30—A1 Donahue's Orchestra tad to eliminate private profits. "acrewjay"—a thoughtless pedes­ into a complete marionette theater. In the Safety conference at New Electric lights and telephone '^qre Scott!" he exclaimed. Sherry saw social changes, but eoir^how lack­ 10:00—The Man I Married the same aa tlie fellow ^In the nally to their rider: ing to the old-time urgenw. 12:00—Dance Orchestra Bevln declared that, If the gov­ trian who Jay-walks, without re­ Performances are scheduled be­ Haven several weeks ago Meade it, too—her hands shook holding 10:15—Midstream / at hand throughout the town. Rotary club. And ,JonM recalls "Led, you're going to moke all the glaasee. Shep Grant bad In 1924 ate published book. 10:30—EUen Randolph / 12:30—Tommy Tucker’s Orches­ ernment would not allow the gard for hla own aafety or the in­ tween 10 a m., and 8 p. m., Satur­ Alcorn, assistant .stata's attorney As reatdenta of Hartford/move rending In hla boyhm^ of "the of 'em. eat dirt today— Just give ■purted ahead — he had caught "My DlaUlusionment to R: 10:45—Tha Woman to Whlta / tra ‘‘Yeatedytoteresta” to stand In the convenience he may cauae automo- day on Mato street, near Birch In Hartford county put bla finger, frock-coated gladlatoj« of the na< the Boy one of your usual great Mann napping on Red Soldier— ‘Two years later ahe appeared to 11:00—David Hamm ' way, “I -will ask my people to bUe drtvera The Ibow la a unit of street. to Manchester to take ai^antage tionnl pulltical aren rides. Track’s fast - but listen!” Tomorrow’s Program work Uke beU to save ths Uvea of wa believe, on the real cause of he was cutting in —taking the rail Montreal aa Mra. James Colton, 11:15—Road of Ufa Pop’s a of the-lower rents here,/so resi­ In those d n y s -^ e early 1900’s He stopped 'as words were announcing she had married a- 11:30—Against the Storm 7:00—Music off the R ecord-Ray otu: lads.” this vexing condition, Alcorn on they went into the near turn! n r . dents of this town m o ^ to Bolton —most of the /senators wore ahuuted through the crowds, ” Say! Grant can’t do that!' Welsh miner, and thus waa a Brit* Ih the table Mtting is 11:45—Guiding Light Barrett. Lataai Appointees on peasant ahouldert to tba 18th said; / to take advantage o t lower costa Prince Alberta and beards. News­ Jammed against the paddock's rail "He can, too. He didn't block Ish subject. shown the beautiful Re­ 12:00 Noon—The Two Hals 7:15—Etow Reporter. to addition to Bevln, Prime Sedan Battle .century, flret were made in Sedan, ’There has been ^nd there will paper correspondenta wore silk Ing' ‘’Betting’s changed—Pepper your horse — your'' boy’s asleep! Vainly ahe sought admittance to P.M. 7 :2 0 /M usIc off the Record—Ray Minister Churchill's latest cabinet legend has It. there. It fUa perfectly Into the hats and frock coats to the open­ Boy now favorite!” pousse, the famous solid appointees ara L. S. Amery, as continue, to he coi^alon as to the Look at Pepper Boy! Now he's the United SUtea. 12:15—Weather Report - Barrett. The town has a population of picture of natiyal ' population ing seMlon,/ "Hear that?" Willie demanded. Sba went to France, and in 1930, (Sterling) silverware 12:20—Medley Uma 7:55—Eteo Reporter. secretory for India and Malcolm around 18,000. Major Induatriaa meaning of those' arords until phy- nose and tall with that LJaha—he's Site Before trends. If a fauulk can better its / • .r And with dlpIomMy he turned to coming up!" whUe living at Nice, wrote an originated by Kirk fof 12:50—Luncheonairea 8:00—Newt of Bhirope. kCacDonald, aon of Rimsay Mac­ f- V are cotton mUla, coal and iron Donald, as minister of health. Mcians, law enforcement officere lot by such a move tt la only natu­ Tbain Were the Days. Grant: "Becaus/you are riding, 'The field waa sweeping into the autobtography-. She lectured tn Baltimore, America** 12:45—Stogln’ Sam 8:15—Shoppers Special. mtoee. and the public at large can be L^ng before- the late James m’lad." backotretch. Six horses Jumbled Copenhagen and Berlin subse­ 1:00—Nawa, Weather 8:30—EU«o Reporter. Lord Woolton waa retained aa ral that the Jtep foe taken. "Ham" . Lewla was recognised The notes of a . bugle, clear and quently, but return tp the United Oldest Silversmiths, 1:|5—Day Dreama mlnlater o f food. Scene of Qimactic Fight made to reallM that tha wrordt together In the first division, 8:35—Shoppers Special. Bolton \f an agricultural town­ as the Senate's undisputed Sultan strong, sounded over the course States remained a goal. 1:50—MarJ-Marjorie Mills 9:0O^Woman of Courage. ChurchlU baa filled 19 major “under thk Influence" do not mean Liana, the chesnut, sprinting in Of Franco • Prussian New Synagogue ship and/muat depend almost en­ of Sartoria, there were Beau Boots aad 'Saddles. Calling the the lead. Castanet's, half a length While lecturing to Canada In It may surprise you to know that this richly decorated pat­ 2:00—Kate HopUns, Angel of :15—Ricbaid Maxwell. posts of hla administration, with “ drunk.’’ Casa after caae in Brurqihrlg like Montana's William horses to post. behind, with ''/four other horses 1934, ahe finally won permlaalon to tern is not e x p ^ iv e . The "place-setting” on the table con­ Mercy :80—Greenfield Village CtepeL about eight appototmento sUU to War in 1870. tirely Mr Its municipal revenue S be made. which the Interests'of society re­ A. Clark, "copper king" and ex- "Run on back to Ted,” Sherry than the black ''pepper Boy on the visit the United Statos for 90 daye sists of a knif^e, totk, teaspoon, salad fork, butter spreader 2:15—Behavior Problama of Chil­ 9:45—^Morning Melodlea. Is Nearly Ready from fu e a upon real estate. There Indian fighter. Immaculate In one- ^ushed/Wlllle'a shoulder, "I'll send only, and on Feb. 1 arrived in dren—Doctor James M. Cun­ 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. quire a oopvlethm la lost because rail— X and cream soup sp o^ . Fofir each o f these everyday essen­ By The Associated P ress are jao Induatrlea to bear the bur- button cutaway and striped trou-’ ilm ,qut—see ^ou later.” "There you come!” she shouted Rochester, N. Y , after an exile of ningham 10:15—Myrt and Marga the taetlmony ot tha atate'a physi­ fk) aa population increases sera, and Mlssiasippl'a James K. / a h —of course!” Willie Bond tp Wharton. "You’re coming more than 14 years. tials comprise the Beghmer’i Set o f 24 pieces . . . for only 2:2(^^-Goldaa Strings — Robert 10:30—HUltop Houaa. Ancient Sedan, 148 miles north­ The construction of the new cian and wrltneases that the offend- Vardamnn, magnificent In a white hastened away. She made a few lectures in New Maxwell, Harpist 10:45—Stepmother. « I Shower Is Given east Of Parle, was tbe scene of the demand for more and better alongsld# of me, now—but you've $^ .33 ! Let us show y^.,^thi* lovely set and explain how 2:50—Tte Career of Alice Blair Beth Bholom eynagoguw at Lin­ 'sr was under the influence of liq­ flannel suit and white hat con­ Shep Grant atepped to Pepper got to run foot, Paul.’’ York and elsewhere, expressed die- 11:00—Short Short Story. climactic fight of the Franeo- 'schools and municipal service In- trasting with his coal black hair. plessure with. Nszisim and pre­ easily it may be acquired. 2:45—Meat MlaS JuUa Prusetan war to 1870, to which den and Myrtle striete la rapidly uor la contradicted by squall; Boy's aide, grasped the saddle She saw the Jockeys In front— 11:15—Life Begins. « For Future Bride creaaea. Then oomea tre gradual TTiere was Jeff Davin of Arkan­ Satp stooped and seised hla left dicted the downfail of Adolf Hit­ 3:00—Mary Marlto 11:30—Big Sister. tbe French troops of Napoleon nearing completion. Work of dae- In that first division—swerve-over S:15-r/Ma Parkins reputable physicians and wltni Increase in the tax rate. It's part sas, knouT) aa the sartorial Dr. ankle. “ Please, Uncle Sam, lem together, trying to keep both Pep­ ler, then,returned to Canada when 11:45—Aunt Jenhy’a Stories. HI were crushed. It brought about oratlng the interior has started ca, who, believing that “under/the Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the Sen­ me speak, to Mr. Grant!” TTie the permit expired. 8:80—Pepper Young’s Family 12:00—Kate Smith Speaka the fell of the second empire. and the finished structure will te of the natural growth of any town. per Boy snd Red Soldier behind. 3:45—Vic and Soda Miss FT Interior deconting wlU, nitely was not under the influence Idrnta is a healthy sign. hod on scuffed boots, a frayed took , hla place at Pepper Boy’s ■aid. He proved to be Alexander 890 MAIN STREET HARTFORD 1:00—Kmo Reporter. day avenlng. May 11. The party held It four ytan. It feU Into the; *■ «P «cted, be completed by my boy’s starting around, now!” mid-June. of liquor.” straw hat and patched pants. bridle. \ So he was — at the half-mile Berkman. 1:15—Us on a Bua waa given by Mies Jeanne Black of handa of tba AUlaa Nov. 8. 1918 Massachusetts' blue-blooded With the building finlkbed. It |a In that assertion Mr. Alcorn "Put this In yo* pocket to' luck pole. He was drawing out toward 1:15—l i f t Oaa Be Beautiful. New York city and Mlaa Florence after a Joint attack by the Ameri­ Pmsion Atmosphere Henry Cabot Ln easily approprigted iron, and la do," said Paul Wharton. "Come uates,ta, not otherwlaa oapaclaUy transportation snd subsistence at I Lewis of Illinois. My, look -at that. COmc on. Mann pressed a fear that the station 812,000 mamortal gift la a aummer therefore ah effective remedy for Shirts In delicate shades of blue on, let's go out in ths infield and —come on, Mann!” trained, qnter your bualneea one the expenae of the government, see 'em fight it out. W’hat say?" m ^ have be«i somewhat of a to your ibop aad tte other to your reatdant at thla town. Tte donor nutritional anemia This position green and brown, suits of rich Red Soldier Jammed hla nose and 1 lb . la, to fact, a aummar reatdant of was particularly atrocious. The tones, texture and tailoring, ties "W 'ly—all right. Paul.” Sherry sufferer from air raids due to tte offloa—how. do their earntogs has been recently confirmed by between two of- the front line fact that tte slgaals last beard Bolton whara ate maiwtatM hopeful feature is that thousands of soft tints, de luxe waistcoats w*aa glad to have Paul beside her. horses—the outer one waa giving compare, amumlng each makea the Massachuaetta Institute of She needed hia strength now, more from ttera wars coming through gooti at tte end of the Ant. sec­ large boms. Bolton raridante are of veterans are utterly opposed t o ! gleaming snats and shoes nil way—Red Soldier was surging to a acrambled condition. .active to the hoepitel Alve since Technology. According, to g re- I blended harmoninusiv. Add to than ever. forward—Red Solfiier waa coming 3^ FREE ond and third year7" ‘ taU such unreasonable rglds on the w sv/h slr As they followed the horses to Tha NBC short wave Hat oners many persona Uvtng to that town port made by Profewwr. Harris. 1 through—Rad Soldier's nose wae Nearly every one, tte eommlt- are acquainted with tte advent- POPULAR the pince-nes 4nd the grand man- the track, a deep silence fell on the alao report there seem to te some tae, headed by Ralpb B. Flanders Mosher and Bunker, the iron in In front aa thay bit the top of the todicatlons that Franca tad Eng­ agaa offered by Manebeoter'a ho^ nor. ii’set throngs— a alienee ao deep homo stratch. of The Joaea and lamaon Ma­ ptteL high grade molaases not only is Senator Lewis had a dark that even the boofbeata of horaei land now havt taken “tte pUy" chine Oompany of Springfield. VL. "Mann—Mann—ride him, boy, awdy from Germany to tte mattar own THE PATH race four Httle lego lU i refireahing to drive this eledc beau­ ■btutdant, but-is more than 90 per | City Starlings brown ault with a fsun-rolored on the track could be heard dta- ride him!” Wharton, wae ahouUng. Plus $1.00 Trade-In Allowance reported, rapUad that tte oaa aa- MARKET of nawscaattog to comparlaoa to . for here oonoeg Pop bringinf ty. You*n Uke the friendly ‘Ted” o f the cent available for body use. The I double breasted vest that Senate tinctly. Then the band broke Into Mann had Rad Soldier in the tertog tte shop would ba farther 85S Main Stratt Rabiaow Bvildiag D Passing down Asylum street In paces still talk about In adulation the notes of "My Old Kentucky tha campaign to Norway. -Ttey ahead to dollar eamtaga at tte King Leopold Tells home a big, beautiful new car. eteering qrbed...the velvety tureneM of sulphur is less Important, do middle of the track—was shooting ■ay Paris and London are putttog ______"Whtrg Thrifty ShopFert Shop” Hartford, and noting the efforts, Gone too Is Borah of Idaho, Home." ^ straight down the last two furkmgs sad of each at tte thzae yean. Plymouth’s famed double-action hy- Grandma has the last laugh. | probnblv the last of the old Ro­ "Walt—Paul." . For Your Old Coffee Maker almost an untotemiptad now of T o the youngsterfl, the excitement of being made to ‘ rid various build­ —a half l^ gth ahead of the flald. broadcasts about tte HoUand-Bal- Pope of Gratitude All of which may explain many ; ings of the starlings pest, we won­ mans. Borah wasn't a fancy dress She paused at the track's edge Shep Grant sraa fourth—or sras a new car in tbe ifan^y !• tremendous. drauUe brakes. er b\it with his lonine head and A vast silence—save for the clear (Regardleflfl of age or make) glum aietivitioa while Barite is Wednesday Morning Specials at the activities of ths medicine | der if some of the birds that once It third?—aa they turned Into the ■uatita to lU normal achadola. Firemen Called ' And for grown-tqifl, tbe new car U the And you*n (Uflcover the loom ing jd d t- great mane o f hair he was the oer- notes of Foster’s Immortal aoog. stretch. He uraa on the rail—ha store Cloflfld At 1 P. M. Wodofigdayg. men resident beside the Potomac. 1 gave ao much trouble here in Man­ fect picture of the old-time glad­ The horeea, the eun gleaming on to tte Norway fighting tte re-' Bruaetia. May l i —(ffv— The tttmoat in anticipetioo of pleaturee to up and power of a big Floating Power could havs apurtad forward—hot versa waa tte eaaa. Freg DeUvgry! Dial 44MI. | Poeslbly they have become j chester haven't taken up their iator, varlhued jackets of the nation' Brnaeela radio announced today he held hla pace. T o Rescue Boy that King Leopold H f had replied be when it U a Plymouth. en^ne, SuporAniahod in vital parti •naiMred of Grandmothar'e health i »bode along that busy Hartford Visitor Jones ta right —the Sen­ star riders, were marching single' “Shep—Shop!” Sherry shouted, ate’ ain't what she used to be. Tuning tottiglit: Europe — to a meaaaga of sympathy frooe FRESH. CENTER CUT ----- Step inside a new Plymouth and for longer life.. .the luxurious riding ease program. That they have con­ file toward the post at the head srorda loot ta the criet of thou- street For several years a great of the stretch, a quarter-mile dla- WEAF-NBC fl:l8: MBS «:1 5 •: Pope Plus X n to a telegram say- o f coiled Amola Stedtpringg. cluded that this great free people tanda. “Maka your run. Step! Atmilable for a limited time CBS 7:55: WJZ-NBC t (Subject Flnm ea are called fbr mo tog: you*U realize why Plymouth owners are flock of starlings homed In the tant. Maka your run!” thaa for fighting ftraa, aa w have become anemic is certain, be­ to additico). ' “I have bean deeply moved by so enthusiastic. The rich- For a // the faetti act big pine trees at the comer of Japs File Protest !l>Sort of gets you, dosonlt it? (TO Ba Oancladad) WEAF-NBC — r Johnny Pre- demonstnted at 4:80 yaeterday cause the Chief Medldne Man Paul whispered. She glanc^ at tte telegram which Tour HoUhaaa textured upholstery and the Quality Chart at your Main and Locust streets. They atnto: 7:30 Horaea Heidt Show; 8 afternoon. A Glaatoabury boy of haa been gracious tnough to sand PORK CHOPS him. There waa a took on his face at the following dealers four yean waa visiting on Steph- baa aaid ao. What were the exact were pests enough, but at least On Unfrieiicllv Arts Battle o f tte Sexaa; 8:80 Fibber HM after tte brutal aggrcaaion of beauty of appointments Fosv.toX' Plymouth dealer’s...and that she had never seen, aa if „ McGee and Mony; 8 Bob Hops. ena atreet and going to tte rear figures? Was it not that at least they confined their pestiferous mask had dropped for an instant. Germans in Paris which my country baa become 1 SLICED appeal to you immediate­ take the Luxury Ridel WABOCBS—7 Edward G. R ^ at No. 68, was attracted by a bole victim. FRESH GROUND wmtal ene-third of the nation la tmder- acta to a comer not quite m “ Yes.” she aaid. huskUy. Barstow's Radio Shop F. E. Bray Inaon Play: 7:80 Court at ta a oamant drain. Ha wanted to ly. And you sink back aoorisg” Mefieilse R,yMouxH DivxaioN or Tokyo, May 14—(Pi—The For­ He held her arm tightly—they *T sTTireae to you my own a dothed, under-Bourlshed, aad all heavily traveled af a city atreet To Be Interned Helis: • W o T te Baopla; 8:80 Pro- aoe what'it was all about aad put tte Briglan people’a profound restfully into flpacious fee tte •■/•** teas tha other undersT Bo, to get rid eign Office announced,today that were crossing tha sandy laim feaaor Quiz: 8 Glann MiUar Or- hia foot Into the hola It waa oetMtraeHM la the Tha Manchester starlings aren't tba Japanese consul general at track. Guards opened an Infield F. T. Blish Hardware Co. J. W. Hale Gorp* gratitude.” BACON eheatrs: 8:80 Rap. WUUara Lamte thna Inch drain that lad to a HAMBURG ■eats that are molded to o f the aaUoaal'*1aemia, and na- making their homes In the pins Batavia had filed with the gover­ gate— made a path for them TUNX m MAMS B ow xr Bomk Parte. May 14—bP>—Cterasana ca Tbngieas Falla tte Farmer ttarm water arwar. Hla foot waa ■■ggisti MBMair DrfB. the angle of your kody. caJL.7Huaa.a4eFJA.EaAY. thmal fatigue. Tommy aad bis col- treea at Main and Locust streeU nor of The Netheriands Eaat In^ through the thousands Jammad on and reoldantB at German orlgto to .Manchester PIbg. & Sup. Co. Kemp's, Ino. Agsto.'* placed tn tte drain toea first aad the rail. ItuttecfiDrd. N. J„ lU y li—«P) Isaguta are prescribing a plenti­ any more aimply becauae the pine; •***• • ptoteat against antl-Japaa- tte Paris arsfl were aasemblad tn 7.IZ-NBC-8:15 Mr. Keen; 7 when 1^ tried to get hla foot qut —Judga James ■. T. •. mem­ »>• ------“ demonitratlons said to have "Coma on,” be grinned, “ we’re a stadium outalda tte city today Aldrteh Family: 7:80 toformatloo te was stuck. . 9 * * ^ ' 12« ful 4le^ d mnlssees. The qdgot treaa aren’t there. When the for­ Manchester Electric Div. Marlow's ber of tte Rutherford Boisrd at 1 tsken Dl&ctt going to the canter, with the praparatosy to tatammant to tte Please: 8 Cavalcade at America. It Bride opsa. Onaae eoa, oobm all, mer GUmaa bouae waa moved the No. 8 of tte South Msncheil EdnfatVm. haa auggasted an olae- Reliable aourcca aald Foreign atablehands. I believe the groaBd*s totarter for duration at tte war. “Kogar WnUamS” : 8:15 S p a ^ f in departaaset was canad. Thay provkllag you have the proper cre- Minister Hachiro Arita would sup­ a Uttle higher there; we can see R. S. Potterton ttve ceuraa to mlUtaiy drill te of• 1 Grapefruit | 8alcF-«lMMa treea were cut down to make the Men betqrosn 17 and 55 were the Montgomery Ward Co. Arturo Toaeanial NBC Symphony made a loop to a win. booked It fbrad at Rutherford High school PLYMOUTH BUILDS GREAT plement this - protest with bmeitt ■tnary inch of the race.” flcBtials. For a white the brand Blta available for building pur- first to be concentrated. Women Ooocert at Wsshl“ «'*on. t'wo >oursi around tte boys heel and to this bccauae “wa must prepare our 3 f o r 1 0 c ------1 -Orim gea, Dox. ^ 19c bC lanlisase > was “pump primer." repreaantatlona to Dutch authori­ Now the boraeh «rera at the without children were ordered ta MBS — 8:80 Arthur Hale; 8 way axtraetad tte foot from tte poeea. With tha treea gone the ties tn Toityo. paat Were gotaf into the ataUa. children to Uve to tte wosid as It aseeBhte tonorvow. Meet tte Start; 8:80 Laugh tad dralB. T ta 'b oy ta a not hurt. la. floC aa we would fk a to oee It.' . ' Jr \ ■ »>■


Bldo the Eranoh frontlar boot the Energeney Doctors , Johnny Mize Raps Out M. H. S. Netmen Beat Hall Junction of tha Belgian and Lux­ Are finable About Town Garden Lovers Del^ey-Gans Head Fine Program Here Tnwigl Arthur D. Hale embourg bolder*'-after bitter, Dr. Alfred Sundquiat' and For First Win of Season otroet fighting. Tbo Erenob atW To Help Dutch Dr. Edmund ZagUo are the. are holding the town, a apokooinan physicians of th* Manchester I Members of Hooe No. 8 of the Hear Lecture Three Home Runs But Dies Suddenly Mid. ^ Medical aaaoclation who will , South Manchester (Ire depart­ Mancheat^' High's tennla taamtglea champ, featured for Hall, Jenkins Ranks Two Naat attack*, in force In (( fihm m gs On*) Green Starts Tri-County respond to emeggency calls to-, ment will meet at the firehouse at achieved Its first victory of the both times defeating Hlgh’a No. 1 4 Local Boys the Eorbacb-Baar aectof, east of morrow afternoon. 6:49 (this evening and wlU go to L o c a l, ^Qul> M embers Well Known Local Resi­ Longwy, also were raported turn­ French and Belgian troops toward Cards, Redp Play Tie current campaign yesterday after­ man, Urbanettl, and waa on the . Next to Louis Louvain and Wavrt, on the Dyle tbe home of Thomas J. Hasaett, winning doubles team tn both ed back. Oeritiian patrol* were Sr., on Gorman place to pay their Are / Instruct^ in noon by turning back West Hart­ matches. Title Defense on Sunday T o Appear dent Passes While aald to hav* bn*t» drlvan off naar river. bor of man to capture the respects. Mr. Hasaett Is the father ford in ite third start, 3-2. ‘the lo­ The summary: \ Wlaaembourg, at tha eaatern end .Gorman troops crosned Into of Thomas J. Hasaett, Jr., former Arranging FloWers. Rivals Go 14 Innings! cal racquet wlelders bOwrt to As Attraction Visiting Relative. of the lOO-mlle front atratchlng Franc* today, tha fifth day of the (ul Belgian fortress Standings ' I'riday’s Match Manchrater Green will pracyce.ump can keep on fining until h* baa Sports Cent Emael, near Usge. (orenutn of No. 3. Middletown in their first match Whitney (WH) defeated Urba­ (■ -V-nIKir nt A nt Tnnt.ln^^___. . t . n __ _ - th* TiUl dike from the Moaella to th* Rhine. Nfsl blltakrieg through th* low­ "Artistic .Floral Arrangements” Without Decision in and were beaten by West Hart­ thla evening at 6 o’clock at Jarvla' counted out a dollar and if you ___ _ the Ilwelmeer (Zuider Arthur Dwight Hale of 872 Main French mlltUry sources aald land, and tbe Naxi high command Some observers qieculated, hoi^ Yesterday's Results nettl (Ml 6-2, 6-0. Grove. Yestertay Jack Dwyer, the peraUt affor that he wlU ebaa* you ever, that tbe "secret weapon” The Highland Park Boys' dub. was the subject of the talk given Phantom Game; D(idg> ford last Friday, 9-2, ao yester­ Current! (Ml defeated Echelson New Lightweight Titlist ^firoin the North See. street died suddenly laat evening the Bclglnn forts at Uege—with declarod they nlao had smashed by Mrs. Robert Scott of Hartford Eastera day's teat evened the score with new pilot, wfo aaked why' he off the lot might be a rUerence to the use of nofo running this weekly setback (WH) 6-3, 7-9. choose this )ot\for th# opening Davis, Carroll n«d ^ ooninender-ln'Chief eeld while vlaltlng at the home of Mra. the eacepUon of one which al­ through , key ditifenses in Belgium have secured tbe Prairie at the May meeting of the Man­ ers Whip Phils,- 6*3; Albany 9, Williamsport 8. this rival. Wants to Meet Arm­ "I know,” 'he concluded, "a Mvemment left Holland In Hale's slater, Mrs. John Gordon, ready have fallen to the Germans sad The Netheriands. parachute^ troops—a theory that Aceto (Ml defeated Allen (WH) practice. iTall itNyhat you wHi,” was strengthened when DNB Iden­ RambleVsL to give a program be­ chester Garden club last night at Binghamton 13, Elmira 7„ In both matebea. High won two 6-4, 6-4. couple of guys living In Manches­ Meet Tough c t Ite dutlea to the entire 300 cnmrter Oak street. —wer*..atlU bolding out. North- Today's commuptque clalated Onter , church house. Mrs. Scott, Giants Drub the Bees. (Only games scheduled). of the three singles,, ancl spUt in strong Next; Got $28 he answered, "but foe years ter right now who would have aup- Mr. Hale was born In Manches­ weat.'bf Uege a great battle be- tified fo members of a parachutist fore .the fo r t games begin this ^ Whitney and^LlUIeJohn (WH) took the Green ovei\ln the Falco and Dakiy LMwdotn. IncliMUn* the Dutch these auCeeaoso; regiment eight offioera decorated evening at tfoclubbouae. who Was introduced by Mra, P. L. Nsttonal the doubles yesterday. I ported thla Tri-(bounty league a ' " tee poeeeeelone, end could ter, July 1868 and was the son of twera mecbanlaea units waa m- New York 11, Boston-fl. ' On_Frida)( e ready fur Kensington nsarly pverywbsre apd ^ornsd In Finance Worries meeting last pigbt In the '8Cason- gave the members a w ^ tb of thla season. Yep, times change, From early yesterdajr «lMiImlae wld her country "renjain^ concern was known as the Brook- mane In a great battle of radeban- many plposo. as far aa th* Nationsd League was American ' Monday's Match New York, May 11— You can’t with a pretty good team and oi either that or the umpires are gst- odds shifted on the D ^ aide Paper Company and was ised forces In the Belgian A rdg- le Tenmie: Worthy advisor, Mlaa helpful ideas on the subjtet. Mrs. < 2 ^ Whitney (WH) defeated Urba- - * full member of the community of (A French War QSMa apokes- Scott said some people seem to conclerned, waa probably th* luat- (No gamea scheduled), outsmart a sock on the cbln, and a that will put i>lonty o f color on a ■'.ng soft,” fraesa slated at tbs Sporin .^eUtee end win be in poeltlon to located on Charter Oak street. nea and eatlmated they had Beset Congress Mary ^nnelly; worthy astodate standing* netU (M) 6-3, 6-3. local field this year, I've got what man In Paris ackhbwlsdgod that advisor, Janet Elliott; CTharity,' have the knack of artistically ar- ■ock on the chin altera oplniona .Thla Is an all-star aggregation ter this evening rather no '^eentlnue cooperetlon with h»r After the death of hla father he down 400 German planes in th* lest 14-lnnlng Interlude that ever Correnti (M) defeated Echelson I wanted, a fighting bunch of ball the\Ore*n la getting ready for a carried bn the business for several last three and one-half days of flodan. In th* fovtlfled sone 10 Jessie Little; Hope, Helen Simp­ rtnging flowers at their finger ended exactly where It started. (WH) 7-5, 7-9. and change* the complexion of otisly. Delaney waa on th* Ante*. The Netherlende will, by UUos below/th* Belgian frontier, (Oentlaaed fron Page One) Others she believed can ob­ W L Pet thing* faster than anything players and that’s the way we are vlgbro^ camp^gn and at th* Tri- end and when Gans' backers I tlM grace of God. regain all theli yeara and retired from acUva fighting. son: Faith, Barbara Carter. These It waa an 8-8 tie between the HarUord ...... 11 6 .647 Aceto (M) defeated Allen (WH) going to play this year.' biiatness about twenty years probably^sVas In German hands.) offloOra wlU be seated at a remi- tain focellent results with a little league-leading (^clnnati Reds and know of. C ount^ea^e meeting laat night plenty of taken they ima Ivterrltory. Do not deepalr." *go. The German campaign, military (io l^ d : "...W s succeeded In drain on . the Federal Treasury Wilkes-Barre ...... 8 7 .533 8-3. 3-6, 7-9. "You know," continued Dwyer,, most of foe msn(M*re were getUning sought shelter sad it was an < Mtaa Ann Washklewlch •Besides hU wife, who before her sources said, eorobinod tenifle air publlc installation. May 27. pracUc^-.Md she suggested mak­ St. Loula C^ardlnaJa vrith darkness Whitney and MoUoy (WH) de­ Only a few days ago old-tlroer* t tn»e communique euromed up the ig meur piercing of the sines It would be financed by RFC. ing one artxngement a day during Scranton ...... 8 7 .933 were claaaing Lou Ambers'with "they have adopted a alasy rule In ready ' ‘ " money affair along th* main | ^MHlarv aituatlon ee followi; marriage was Mlaa Minnie A. attacks on both the (rent Unas finally halting the show. It also Albany...... 6 8 two points. In West HaKfort yea- feated Urbanettl and Allesl (M) th# Trl-County this year. How Hiss Ann Washklewlch (above) Behrend, he Is aurvived by one Grebbe Une eoutheestward of Opponents contended that a loan, Representatives of organisations the garden SCagon. The first thing .629 great lightweight leaders of th* the wllUmiiitrie All-Stars. Meri­ laat night Th* local boy wfll1 R "Tn the northern province* the Bis­ and Alllad troop ooncentrsitlons at Amersfoert and gained area In the even' though mtdb by a Federal was one of three game , played In Binghamton ...... 8 6 .471 terday. High iook two singlea, 6 -2 , 6 -0 . things have changed! Imagine a den has a atrfog team and so haa will take a prominent part In the ter, Mlaa Emma Hale of Hartford. the rear, direct thruste frqm tanks of the Emanuel Lutheran church to be considered is the container, the majors yesterday, the other* past . . . declared the erstwhile plenty of backers whan ba ' H enemy h»« eatabllahed hlmaeW. An comedv “A Murder Has Been direction of Utrecht ... Our agency d^ng ,ta own financing, Elmira ' ...... 6 7 .462 Correnti and Aceto repeating, and Aceto and Correnti (M) defeat­ league making a rule that If you Windsor this year and If Hubiard through the ropaa du* to tt Mr. Hale was s' member of the afid motorlied diyiaibna and begvy will meet tonight at 7:30 to dis- and the speaker/ acknowledge likewise being in the NatlonaJ then they paired up and won th* ed Echelson and Allen (WH) 6-2, Herkimer Hurricane belonged In T'nttempt to force the IJaselmeer Arrnnjft'd" to be given thi* eve­ troops. . .Pierced through aa far must be considered a Federal lla- that she frequently went around Springfield .'...... 7 9 .438 Uie first five. talk back’ to an umpire a twenty- wants to annex hlSsMeoad straight that his many frienda hrti ' ► Dyke he* failed up to now, Center Congregational church. artillery barngea. _ bUlty. / cuM plana for the annual congre­ League wtth the New Ydric-Glanta Williamsport ...... 6 10 double!. Ted Whitney, CCIL aln- 6-3. five cent fine Is assessed and if you ning and tomorrow night In St. Funeral services will b# hold The Belgian command opened aa TOtterdam.” gational picnic. The Board of Ad­ the garden with a vase or other .375 The same feWpws said Lew title In 1940 he wlllfoara to h* to la the best absps “Th* northern part. of , Rotfcr- Belgium: "Th* city of Uege Is His sdriaers from the Treasury, beating Boston 11-9'a«d Brooklyn National continue to give any extra guff the career. Gene Faleo and James's hall by the Parish Play­ Thuraday at 2 p. m., at the Wat­ Its lines after the first shock to ministration, Dorcas Society, Ln- receptacle In her hands, '(|o that downing the Phillies 6-3. Jenkins, a skinny,' buaby-haired the toughest of compfoitlon. la firmly in our hand*, ers of the church. Dancing will in ^rmam band*. In the region War and Navy Departments con­ she might be sure of a pMaalng W L Pet Daley ar* also ready and bit kins Funeral Home. allow passage of French troops In­ ferred with Mr. Roosevelt today on dles’ Aid, Brotherhood, Luther It’s a story begun on an hlatoric Cincinnati ... / ___ kid with a dying look on a death­ ' . •’The field army retreated le*t follow each presentation. Dr. Watson Woodruff, pastor of to the battle sone where the fight­ south of the lip* from, Usge to League and Sunday School are contrast 'or complete harmbn>. of 19 4 .789 ly serious face, was JuSt a lucky In the bout la keen inaamuctoj night end now hold* our well- Namur our troop# !*(t the Arden­ defense recommendations and one occasion. A flood April 23 washed Brooklyn ...... 14 4 .778 the fans know Uttl* about' the Center Congregational church, ing waa the heaviest. . , of those In the meeting said- after­ represented on the committee. i flowers and vase. Dining table (tr.- : out a contest the Cards bad sche­ ■tiff to be getting the ahOit end in ^ known new Dutch waterline will officiate and Interment will be nes (mountains) behind and. van­ rangements should' never exceed a • New York ...... 11 8 .679 Trade School Drubbed Win*ted boy's sblUty. Eight had admitted the "excellent firing French tanks moved against the ward that "this Job la all done now duled at Cincinnati. It was the (/lilcago ...... a title match. **rhe poeltlon of Den Heldcr of our anti-aircraft artillery” was In the Eaat cemetery. German mechanised forces while guards reached the Meuse between A special meeting ofprivate height of 14 Inches. ' As for a liv­ 11 11 .500 Now Sweetwater has aomfone fine bouts round out tho I (North Sea Naval base) la intect Namur and Oivet.” and la about ready for Congreaa.” first time a flood ever had caused St. Louis ...... 8 13 .381 High Nine to Oppose responsible for heavy German air The funeral home will be open "armored cavalry” deployed on It waa Indicated that Mr. Roose­ duty nurses has been callrt for ing room, the places available for postponement of a major league beside* Roy Crane, the artist, and Just to make this afi extra’! K ‘The aituatlon In Brebant la un- Wednesday afternoon and evening Dtspnte Oeresaa Claim* the flowers should be considered, Philadelphia ...... 6 11 .353 loBsea. the flanks.. velt might (lend hla defense mea- Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock game. Boston ...... By New Britain, 13-0 Wash Tubbe' and Easy and Sammy cart tbre* of Maacb( jr nertaln. The communique also paid tri­ for the friends of Mr. Hale. French and British pilots at­ (Both French and British mili­ at the .Clinic building on Haynes alao the books, lamps and art ob­ 6 12 .333 Baugh, the footballer, of whom to foomlstng boxers will grae* B-' '**rbe province of Zeeland la firm- aage to Congreaa Thnrsday. Assign No UmpIrM Pittsburgh ...... 5 IS .278 bute to "several units of the Army, tacked German railway yards and tary aources dispute the Qermam The chief* «of Senkte and House street. jects. the color and texture of the, Later someone thought of using boast, (or Jenkins,- the former Meriden and Bristol card In addition to MUm ~ (|y toi our hand*. and Royal Navy, anylng they had airports. German pIloU bombed covering or piece'of furniture on American Youn claims to Uege. They say the only Military and Naval Committee* th* open date both teams had on W cavalryman, halls from that west f* *llege varsity track Crown Changes Hands By two tussles this week that wilt Belgian Arlenes, mountains, north "under the protection of continu­ Ranger A. C., Dr. Mortimer Morl- three different heighU in arrang­ ed a 18-0 shutout from New Brit­ Of the Diamond Sport. padfod mitts. iaaid there bad not been a s'ngle tinned their round-up, of persons Meiie line to which French and of France. Robinson recommended Immedi­ regular staff of arbiters,Iters, wfolocat- Elmira at Albany. team. , .tha Ithacans recently won Knqolcout Only Flvs Times havs an Important bearing on the Belgiun troops fell back on strong ously attaching German-—Ih* I ties. alon of The Netherlands and,, Bel­ destroyer-|4ane unite." South atreet, Hartford, 815 \ *hd defeat In aeven starts (or 0>sch spots. On* thing to ("The only trouble we eaper- The arrest of 300 In Amsterdam al. gium, he aald, will come on the new bat and auxiliary ships now oh the i _ : j * ___ . equally important, and the speak­ duty. Omeb Jim Wilson of Pittsburgh at New York. Palmer compete* ia the high Jump Joe Louis aa a beak-busting at­ stern, baardad man who 38 jraaro At least 2,000 tanka on the two Apparently the Germans had waya and he suggested that to JJ)f*"** England of 270 Oak street er Illustrated her points by the Reds and pitcher Lon Warneke of X Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Frank Crowley'a nine. The Trad­ and broad Jump, In which he star­ traction. ago helped speed 400400 Amart- gats by OTiabarty tortgkt 1 .jaesd.” said one olflclal. "was the yesterday made a total of 000 Allied line. ers will face WiUlmantlc'Trade at eortalnly hav* aaraad this • gaiaehuto troops.” _ taken Into^custody since the war aides hav* claahad la combat. advanced In torn* spots at a rate further expedite work Congress I el*'- use of a blackboard, color charts the (^rds were pressed ipto service Cfiilcago at Boston. red at High, and has been a valu­ Th* fight mob appreciates a can soldiers to Burop* la a month, Military commeatetors aald Uis of 40 to 60 miles a day deapite and Judging the floral arrange­ M t Nebo this Thuraday. But th* fans (aU to tsalia -^A aksd If the hugs Zuider Zse began. Thousands of warplanes, both Ardennea- fight yeaterfoy was the authorise a' 48-hour work vVeek for and the gam* got started half an St.x^ula at PhiUdelphia. able point getter in every meet hitter, aspeolaliy In tha lighter bit hla Up and stuiM hla head. , gam would be blown up 1» neces- bombers and fighters, are In the solid Belgian resistance backed up government and private ship­ ment of members. y hour late. X American From the very first Inning, Man- thla B*ason.,.a aopbomora In tha divlalona. Thla ia because the * "I'm afraid,” b* aald la eUppad whan the boya gat tMsr 1 first In history In which two such now by Increasing French She gave the gardeners good ad­ foester could do nothing with the the goiBg gate totuhar a«d !gary. be said: U It Is "nece sary battle. fleets of "land battleablps” had yards. I Nazis Put Allies Manager Bill McKechnle kept It New Ytoh St Bt Louis. physleal education depfotment, he trad* sees aq few of them. tones, “we're about to wltaoao a the defense of the country To Exteml Rbute .Artillery has been brought up stretigth. A Senate Banking Subcommit­ vice for entering blooms In flower unique by sending Johnny (yet Boston at^Chlcago. offerings of "Whltey” Kacaynskl, U the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jenkins, for example. In tbe oatastropba." Uos to Fkrr ha Mmuld ba ! matched tactics and guns. The crossing of tbe Meuae car­ tee, meanwhile, approved legisla­ Shows. Judges psy * good deal of New Britain slab ace. He got only ahmf slowly. Wbaa tto lay Say It definitely will be on both aides. Sketchy dlapatches told how the In Bad Situation double no hit) Vender Meer to the Washingtoitxst Detroit L Palmer of 868 Keeney atreet... flrat lightweight king In 10 years Goneral Pmrtoa C Mareh, Army In Belgium, the line extends ried tbO Germans Into th* region tion designed to permit a reduc­ attention to stems; foliage must mound for the first time this sea­ Philadelphia f o CHeveland. five sCrlkeouta and gave up two to win by a knockout. Ths crown chief of staff In 1918, a man oC roach tho ooml-fhial sad up.” > tank battle was fought In bright of Sedan, where Emperor Napol­ bout atago they hav* b* To Highland Park roughly from Uege through tion of 8^,000.000 In the national also be without blemish and blos- son. Before he could get anybody paasea but be bad the Crowley- June 1 has been set aa the date has changed hands by n knock­ boundtos* energy at 70, toric out Vadi sunlight on a flat terrain between eon i n was captured In 1870 m a debt. The legislation provides for ' ------' 1 ■ Boms uniform. Disbudding the men eating out of hla band with th* mUl for at toast Mx Dadsr tremendous pressure Namur and DInant to Sedan. Tlrelmont and Tbngree where the (rontinoed from Pag* One) out In tbe fourth he lutd given up for first round gam** in th* third out only five, ttmen Mnc* Battling Central Omnaeticut Intencholaa htoMncU, ahlftod bto poattioa aad Along the Frencb-Belglan fron­ climax of th* FTanco-Pruasian war the RFC to take over that amount stalks will produce larger blooms. five walks and five hits, Including barmleaa pop files and rollers. Nelson and Gans fought >thelr tic Laagu*. Meriden comes hsre stixUsd tha aeuon wl& tatanatty. mors and with this mechanised German columns starting Thursday the BED machines were able to maneuver and which was held by Kaiser Wil­ araual schoolboy K«««t»ini touraa- parHaoa era raady for the north, the center and the tier, another batOe sone Is fornied of Federal Home Loan Bank stock of the British Expeditionary She said the judges always seem three home runs. GrUfln's two bits were aU that memorabl* 43-round battl* ’ in tomorrow to Jouat with th* Ka!ellfo- "Watch,” ba said, "watrii Route out of the Manchester freely. helm's army from 1614 to the clos­ Bosox Suce^ss prevented a no-hlt no-run per­ ibeat sponsored by th* Connecti­ Maay a aaqth.nth. the Army of The Nether- on the salient from Sedan through enabling the banka to return that Force, congratulated all com­ to fall for pansies, and as a rul^ '3. This was only the overture, cut Interacholastle Athletic Coo- Goldfield in 1606. ttas at M t Nabo tnd Bristoltotors mansuvor. I think It wUI work, postoffice Will be extended to In­ The French corps, en route to ing days of the World war. much cash to the Treasury. manders and their troops today on formance. youngster has bean sat 1 today carried Its fleht Montmedy and Longwy clear to the the battle 'line since the invasion they are easy to arrange. Johnny Mlse hit three home runs ference.. .the acml-flnala will be Jenkins, who scaled only 133 pace aatters invade tbe Moimt (or going to (In with tbo moot clude 2* families, formerly served Moselle river. Advane* froo* Seath. Receive* PcnahHi BUI the “admirable manner” in which Mrs Scott answered ques^ns New Britain scored three nms a twilight tut on Friday. y weapon ha has—th* BGilfl b#GMIt# IM WGG PIMIM _ Nasi Invasion Into the by the Highland Park p^offlce. Friday, rushed Into engagement at As regards Holland, the biggest and Jo* Orengo on* for the <>rda. Due to Croniii played on J(W* n with the finals pounds In topping Ambers, wants too _ day although Its queen and Northwest of Uege, all of whose , The Senate received today a they had advanced. and at the close of her tal^Mrs. Bill Werber at tbe Reds tied In the first frame on a walk, two on June 16 and antrtas eJoea May to tackle Henry Armstrong, the Held to nine bits In losing to baU." t u t , Wrhen the office was cl(>sed because forte except one the , French eey full speed. It waa said. event strategically, according to house-approved Mil to pension de- A Naval authority said that Davis presented a roaebusjr'^to her .errort and singlea by lakra and West Hartford and tha ' 'frada mral was right Rapoatad damanda tor I government had mov^ to Eng- of Inability of the acting poat- *i^e .dual ralsecf by the en DNB. Is the advance from the ' major league record by getting 26... to compete, teams must win welterweight ruler, next. Oorhott a n aaswarsd tto are atm holding, they declare the pendent widows, children and par- -pbe Netherland officials'^actsed 1 and the club gave her a piing vote four doubles. C^clnnatl used five Stone. Another tally crossed the at.least half their games ...Man- Th* boxing commission School, Lh* Rad and WhlU toss- Dutch tosoaard'a next pitch was master to secure a location for the Germans have bucked a atone wall counter could be aeen from afar. south into the center defense sys­ ents at dead World war veteran* | German merchant ships in thl of thanks. y Oever Handling of plate In the third on an error and ers finally got th* rang* and let hi* famous knuekls ball, a hard nlng- fust who this In the horth. Nasi troops rtond office the plana for the examina­ The roar of the tanka’ gtula could pltchera and 8t. Louis fotu*. With oheater was ■ runner-up to Nauga­ soma aort of a rula prohibiting on . the ssstem shore of the Ijs- of French mobile unite. tem—the so-called "fortress of at an Immediate cost estimated at Dutch East Indies and aeven I Tour of Gartens a long fly to left. No further scor­ loos* with a S8-bIow bombardment thing to hit The snamy batted It youngster wlU Caea tion of a poatmaater for the office be heart for miles. Holland” ground Rotterdam. the score, 7-7, Clyde Shotm of the diocre Slab Staff Puts tuck In-' 1988 and waa ousted by the champion of on* clasa from hart to aay at this wrttingT ssl Mssr (lake). In position to at- “Vtclory For French Material” 840,000.000 a year. the Dutch West Indies. He addc Mr*. Davl* dlrecjifd attenriOT to Cards and MUt Shoffner of the ing took place until thq eighth Stamford In the aemi-flnal* last angaging that of another tn UUe that produced triumpha over Mtd- Into tha dirt, the k ' inarch aoroaa the well- was cancelled by Washington and , French military aources'declar­ A French staff officsf said Such Dutch dstechmanta as Representative CoeteUo (D- that five other German ships werji the tour of memoera’ garteniKpn O u b on the when Nfo( Britain unleashed a dlatown, 7-3, Eaat Hartford, JO-4, and the run didn'C-aooiIdn'tN says that th * local boy « It was ordered taken care of by the baWe between "the full weight ett realise that th* French and Eng­ Reds, both southpawa, hurled year as Torrtngton copped the comfot. But as silly as th* New and bit and tovas ta mix It-mlls dam that eon- ed the clash of armored cars wee Calif), an opponent told th* mined and sunk by Norwe^ans the evening of June 8. Garten* scoreless Innings from the seventh booming eight-run rally as IS bat­ Utle... York mitt solona and aome of their and Weat HarUord, 8-5. Lao Kat- Every afternoon tho Waahing- Manchester RED. a "victory tor' french material.” the Allied snevhanlaed Army and lish are unable to reach them on House during debate on the pro­ scuttled. or< set afire by tbel| be visited wl|)4>e Miss Mary Cbap- ters took pari-.hi the barfag* of kdveck, Don OaUl and Al Raffs was ranwrod that T o i^ ths old Zuider Zee Into the The rout# has been measured the full weight of Qerman armor­ time are weakening In their de­ through tha 13th. Cnilcagn, May Cro­ rules are, they should not stand ton Bonatonrs p la f a “ t heaae, tha __land-lo^ed lake. They described German losses ee posal yesterday that the expels* | crews between May 6 and May 1 man'a oh Forest street. Mr. and four walks, twh. errors, three aln- ware tha leading cloutera In thla taU man withth tba board dlmbi did not want to ap and as a result the patrons will be ed dlvtslons. may cbm# now with fenae. DNB asserted, while Uiom Tn the first of tha ISth Mlse hit nin still playa plenty at tdtortstop One of Joe MeCluakey'a old rec­ in the way at a Jenklns-Arm- lbs tba In the center, the enemy admit: "enormous.” would rise to “a cold billion doll A British dlspatcb quoted tr Mrs. Gactfoo SlmoncelU’s In Tal- his third home run and the Reds glts and a doubfo. ^ strong scrap. It’a a natural. barrage aa Cy Blanohard pitched many steps to tha aecood uar _ _ ll i n f l i i t t T booGiii served by the RED carrier start­ In Holland, a military apokea- in a few days." iSso French divl which are Isolated continue to lars a year" by 1968. Renresenta- Norwegian high command as saj^ coUvlUe( Mra. C. T. WUlett'a m for the Red Sox, but he'ivalmoat Danny KiMjrowwlKWbo beat the ords , was tied Saturday la th* two wins and Zig Olbart account- afraid of tha rsoaptton ' hodbr had gained a grip on a amall ing Thursday. Several of the for­ slons, reinforced by some recon rapped right back with ,* run on a eighth annual metropolltaa inter- It la my opinion Jenklna will takw a aeat behind th * oatobor. osotor of the Grebbe line, the man said the ''aituatlon appears fight bitterly. Uve Massingale (D-Okla). said ing that additional allied tro Mrs. Herbert B. House’s as busy serving as traffic dlrrotor high school in hla mound debut ad for tha other. "I'v* always loved baseball.” get. However ba wlU hi mer patrons of the Highland Park nstifonce elements, were reported (Juick motorlaed German units . Center street, where pos- pinch double by BUI Hershberger oollegiate track and field meet In knock out Armstrong, a, light ■how and a sultahla flood-water dsfenaea eaat of th# grave for the Dutch Army.'' this was a good tlm* to demon­ had been landed at Bjerkvlk. No^ and a single by Werber. That was between tbe Boston buUpei^ laat week, atarted (or ^toa local welter, Just as he did Ambers. Olbert will probably get th* ■aid. *T like to look ahoad office had rented boxes at the German forces were moving to­ to have, been, pitted agaiilat two which cstobllshsd conUct with strate that “war means the ex­ way, aouth of th* ore port brief business m4elteg will the pitcher’s mound. . Traders and allowed fotu\rana In New York ...Andy Neldnlg of 'ha asnt la agali ’ etty of Utrecht which run south Manchester office and have been German ^visions In the Ardennes units landsd from the air about ' I* way tha gam# ended an Inning Manhattan CoUeg* aUpfod tha Armstrong, Ulu Amben, la ready mound assignment agiilnM Mart- guess the manauvara th* -fn m IJmel User and are only wardwarn jtotterdamp along both banka penditure of btlliona of doUsra.” Narvik, where the Allies are His clever bandUng of a a c ^ three Innings. Smith rrileved him gsra win UBS—to aaeoud guoas Uto araund Norwich recelw gjheir mall there for over Rhine. battle. Rotterdam tiave been followed by Mrs. Davis also reminded tbe latOs^oa umpire Goete called the two-mi I* In 8:814, tha sama time for th* elaanars. den tomorrow with Blanchard bald moaialy. Ho (Igbta' 38 miles from Amsterdam of this The House passed the measure sieging a German garrison. gamrDecauso of darkness. pitching staff accounts to a grert and pitched affectively until \thc la raasrva (or BrtatoL Tbs Kaltay- PltChGP GBd tlM hSttSP.** two months. V(TheThe German high command The French reported Nasi losaea German Infantry forces, widening 247 to 81 without a roll cidl vote, With anU-Britiah demqhat members of the spring flower show mad* by McCluakey in winning Framotor Mika Jacobs, who has boU tofon. Baa a lot of They constitute th# chief pri>- th* breach between Belgium and Half Game Up extient tor Bosfoo’a front-running eighth when he loat hla oontrol^to th* event for Fordham in 1888.. Jenkln*. tiad up for three ysara, ttas can mova Into a tla for first Oanaral Mareh thinks tha ahtjor ^ toctlon for the official capital, the fold Naal Ni forces In central Holland in men and' material there were There was no Indication whether tlons occurring In Italy, Infor at the Masonic Temple, June 13 postUph In tbe American League atart New Britain on its big spree.. teagnea wtll aee Mg attandanea fo t amat had penetrated the Dutch Grebbe heavy. Holland and cutting off Uietr com­ the Senate would act at thla ses­ and 14 and hoped every. member The tie Kqpt tbe Reds half a Joe, Incidentally, ‘Till tteCeM hla predicts he’ll flatten Armstrong. ptfo* by winning both gamoa and from Oahkdsli to I f r 'focmer beat of the government -at quartera In London deck pune In front/rt the second-place a* the first swing through the Sammy Taggart rcpiiaced him to Jenkins' story to that of the th* manner In which they're aock- ttitff yfRr. Tks Hague, and the principal sea- Reiiiari^ig water defenae system and were ad­ Advices from the front said the munications. sion. British consuls In Italy ^ r e would enter in one or more classes, fotdoor steeplechaao title at Fres- of French claims ct armored car Dodgers, who pbt down the Phils west begins. atop the onslaught. na; Calif., the weekend of June 38- typical hungry fighter. H* began iitg the apple at tha preaeat gives •The war." be aald/ “win aand J.I goirt, Rotterdam. vancing . toward Utrecht. Van- German offensive appeared to be The pensions would be payable vising British cltlaens to/teave schedule* having already been aent 'The box aoore: fans to ths gams, Just to gat their This Bud Davto aad guards^t said, alao were reaching general north of the Moselle. Ob superiority were flatly denied here. with a minimum e f f o r t All the The Red Sox have won 16 of '^2 36 . , . hen be after hla 30th la- boxing while serving with the them a fin* chance to attain thfo. Oermnni March West ■ regartleaa of whether a veteran's country unless they bad''go0d out. ' . - , New Britalai Trade minds off thtega, if nothing olaa.” reU eamo out bar* two At Ccnt€‘XR Kotteyoam.) server* cited three objectives It was aUted the French were re­ death resulted directly from hla sons to remain. ' Mr*.' C. T. Willett, chairman of PhUadali^’a thrM' games but only five ttmes baa the dlriduhl national title... Eighth Qivalry regiment of the obJaeUve. . and Davto got the'show In the south. German troops a ^ pulsed with heavy loaaes. aeorsd In th* fifth, Hujh. Cfoey atartlng pitcher been abt* to finish, \ AB R HPO A United Btotos Army In Taxam Maridaa got Into th* running for / Tbs OacMral watebas his bass- y>%nch military sources adndt- which,the German general staff war sendee. An orphan would get - It was said a coiialtlon of the annual plant sale Saturday Wlerabl^, c .. .8 ball drama from tba aama poM- fin* start with thra* Ogaclng with blltakrteg rapidity tod neither the poaalbUlty of con­ might have Immediacy in mind; DNB boasts that th* enemy air 813 a month, a parent or chlldleea csrtalnty” exists /'regarding from 9 o’clock on In the Farr build­ holding th* vlsltore aeorelua,^ be­ a game. No one pitcher has atart- Jenkins, who is 38, didn't fight tha League tltl* yesterday with a tost aad fttrtoiM mlUl taarched west through the nro- Men from the Rtkte 'Ni (arofS have been ao badly de­ fore and Vito Tamulia shutting ed and flnlfhed two games. 'Ikus Kaminski; rf .. .4 Director Mike Zwlck of the profssslonally untU January, 1988. dacisiva 13-6 triumph over Mid­ Uon except on oea day—ladlaa Department hav^^marked tact between Oerrnan advance 1; To (11 vide th* ih^nned front widow 830. and a widow with chil­ tsh-Itetlan relatifoa. ing, 649 Main street urged the RecreaUon Oontofa has called a VendriBo hototad O tt elacs of North Brabant, then guards with parachute detach- molished that along tbe entire inembera to send their donation* them out after. Manager 17 times abortat(>p-manager O o- Wagner, Sb ....5 He appeared to be the run-o'-the- dletown for a record of two wins day. When tha woman eonw out the line* at tho'Cenler. The of Tbe Netherlands anq Belgium dren up to 896. An applicant, to Among the/refugee* from/ lakra, 3b ..\ ....4 meeting of aatries in th* R«e by tba thousands and oangragat* tba ring aad ha flattaaad I Mnick north across the a|rateglc menta In Rottei^m nor of "lmml<: In a drive to the coast. \ front from the Palatinate forest be eligible, would have to be re- tend to arriye In England for the sale Friday evening from Durocher made four hits to lead n)n has had to Wave tn reUsf from ®1»|« typa . . . traveled around and two losses. The Sliver Oly- laaa than a round haldga over the Hollandsch Dlep, of rcmarklng^h^ circle at the, via Luxembourg and Belgium to the aasatdfon Bee Paaraon. UmxhuUpan-TtUmaUy th* veteran Stone, cf . . .4 Softball Leamiia for tomorrow Ites t ^ e d to West Hartford by bahlnd tba catcher, Mareh aStfto tary, the Walks from In ftxmt of' -.pent attack” on the clty.^ould be 2. To win the left bank of the celvlng an Income of less than 890 were the British minister u The 6 to 8. night at 7;80/^’elock at th* East the country fighting preliminaries. hla position. dsUght or a pafoad h . St Moerdijk. and inttathe vldnltv rented.” Meuse river an'd drive on Brua.-e’a. Holland, no Indications are dls> ' :r Neville...... Bland/ and The attendance ■prixe, a ticket The third place Giants snatched Jo* Rming, rookie Herb Hath or Kaykd, as ... \ ,4 5-3 and lost to Bristol by 8*8, as of Dordrecht, onlv 12 miles sovith- E. J. Mtlfphy'a drug atpre to the cernible of an enemy air Inltlatlv*. month. tflatr sixth straight victory with Jack W l ^ . Lukasaswakl, iL.ft Side Rec. ,^ a has drawn up the its foW a n bad extrams dUftculty H* goes far out Into left (laid— Uftla Iniliraticw that circleyifnd fnijn the north aide of D()tcb resistance, bowever/waa 8. To Force the French defenses From the Veteran# Administra­ of hla staff. for the garden tour* In Farmington acbadula for tha oomliig seasc Oa«fS8 Flrat two, boya ware good. No oa aast of Rotterdam. aald Ip be continuing fiercely on along the Luxembourg border Claias Steady Advance Netheriahds mlnis/ter to and Hartford for the benefit of the as aconomlcal lO-hIt attack on six Thlx trio baa won asven vle- Poolatowakl, lb q right la New Yarh th their eontrol, but Miowad a whara It's qutot the,,t1rcle to the post office, which Nasi military leaders, claiming tion came an estimate that 30.- KaesynakI, p .. and it iktaportaat for reprasen- haart a thlag about thsaa In the southern section pf Rot- the riglit-angle line formed by where the Oerman Artny corps got Dr. Michlels Van VertulJ Art school, today and tomorrow Boaton pitchers. Frank . Demaree toriee agafaut osm loss. Fin* re- .4 It waa as a preUmlnary fighter rirreraal of form In trouncing Mid­ they afaaoat tdvdam Itself, presumab^ around were white when first marked out, steady rtvanoa oloog .the entire 900 childless widows. 66.700 wid­ homarad wtth two on la tha first, taUvfoto attend thla meehng to dletown. 10-1, last Saturday and ■tola tba Utaw ybave again been marked with the Amaterdatq, Utrecht fod The a running atari through th* d«- ows with chlldrsn. 38.600 orphaniR neq,. said the queen left ,, Holland waa drawn by Mr#. WUletL Uof work and axpartmonts with i t ... that ba coma to New York Just •itititiwitrt t Wssihaven airport, German de-^ Hague. ' fenseleaa grand duchy. (roat. declartd that the fighting ------befouaa am Jnrfss trlplsd with two ee In ttia BMund oaployas hav* kept tha 87 18 again yaotarday. Same color. , > change has been thus far. la Holland and Belgium, and parent* of 83.800 duMactd League Leaders tnehmenU- still were “rsalstlog Attact Iffaglnol Une It was empbaalaed by a spokes­ veterans would be eligible for advlaere convinced ir of the tho thM sad Bifo Touag fioublod offeaMvoty-powartul Rad 8 «i In 6 non-Laaftto tut. Waat Uto* la haown ar fka ■tubbomlv” agalobt the Dutch made (n (hn marking of the walk fierce as It baa been. I* but a pre- two ruaaore tenoo fourth. F|to Bristol High auffarad Ito drat Hartford waa handad a lO-f Itok- from the entrance of the poet of­ Along the Frfoch Magtnot front, man of the French war ministry sloas in the ftrat year. Importance of avoiding foptur* by Mrs. Mary Foley ' shaad of a hot Clevsiand team. Fair and Bmplro Itflt* . bttUding.__ MMspt that It ia a ' lOSorts to dislodge them which thre6 German attacks drew pro­ that alow withdrawals by British, Indt to 6 gigantic struggle which the Germans and th* /Olalntegrn- ooaaoeuUra walks by Joe Caitehan E. Wlerxblekl, e 8 defeat of th* leaaoa Saturday In. Fighting was only a1 rasansmaana at s « - Ihf by Woavar. Th* Laagua atand* B y TIm AtoNdktdi Pr«M have been, going on since theee fice to the west aide of Main street mfo dwarf the World War's first Repreaentetlv* Rankin^ . tD -, gave them two of their other Cronin has uasd 10 pitebors tn OantUoore, as ..8 bowing to St. Thomas Seminary, Ing follows; \ atabtoandhK and from the renter of the circle tective fire from ifonch outpost French, Dutch and Belgian troops 22 gamea end all of them except tlng sxpancss than. The chief of Laagna when to tha lewar i Kszl troops weiy landed in one of units. ^ , could not bo considered a retreat Battl* of th* Marao- Ha t 5 r ^ " L g l n * l in- Dies in Chiir^ talUes. Pesclk, I f ...... 8 aa Frank MeKsnna pltohad polios a t Bwostwater had offered L Pet the opening' moves of* the lowland to the west aide of Main atreet, Thla confilct la oxpseted to take Hevipg and Charlas Wagner have Griffin, 3b ..; .,8 flve-Ut ball for th* vletora... Briatol ...... 8 \0 1.000 Batting—Daaataff, Tfaw York, England. On* u in g to' i these being painted white this Two of them, , on the plateau because that action nwraly was \ received at least one stsrting as­ Jenkins ths Job of driving th* .8*7; Madwtek, Bt. LmdA 478. to yasra tons by than i Invasion last Fridav. eaat of Forbaeta. were beatep off. the foUowlag but c l * pre-arrang' place sonawbare la southern Bsl- ^ S S a ^ tSl-l ~uthsouth of Holland, Holland' wh/-:h -la strong*— Modaan. of, r f s .s Briatol la aettihg tha pace la the poUeo wreOkiBg car. and It was Manchester...... 3 I\ ' 467 (The Germans, claiming to be In time Instead of yellow,.the former gluqii vrfore the AlUss ar* report­ signment. Hash. 35-year-old Min­ Saverlok, lb ...8 CCIL with thra* aUnlght win* and Waot H artfort...... 8 3 ^400 Buna — Mhto. B t Louto, 81; ■ay love loot hitwiia ' The third, east of Wlssenbeurg; at ed plan ct stratagy. " ly fortifled. >re she could Hartford, May 14 —(#)—Mrs. Last Night^s Fights neapolis recruit, has bean tha UM .Ud'h.kld'6 lafoitloalatantloo to aeeapt it. LMbar. Chirago, aad Moors. Now ■ad Wtostad to aay pcssesslon of two-thirds of The color. The fUate Highway Depart­ ed-maLsatng their combined armies rectly from their war aerrice. get there the G*i Intelligence Smith, rf, p ....a eomaa bore Friday for a dash Maridsn ...... 3 8 400 ment la now paintlhg'all n>ad and the eastern tip of- the nortnVrn Reports of some apeclftc acUons Miller Rapa Bill Mary White- Foley, widow of Wil­ most sffoettvo, wtonlng-.lhrea. los­ After aU,'h*11,'lM hadn'tbadnt gotlgotten any- York, 17. thara to an rsaaoa to {fetherlands. said that their south­ Fren'ch flank, waa described as a told a Utter battle (or th* for 6 stand. serric* learned 'the proposed Sumlilaalri, 8b .8 with Maacheator that may decide where In any great hurry, and Middletown ...... 0 / 8 40B cross walks white for safety ct Oarman. commsntators pinned Representative MUIer (R-Otxin). liam B. Foley, of 13 Unnart Road, ing one, and snowing 11 Uta and the ultimate winner the tltl*... nui Runs batted ia—Lombardi, Cbi. this (Saltog haa i ern column had estab’ lshed con­ local action” without results. French town ct Longwy, at tfo move and the heavily , By lie Associated Press Kudrowakl. p, ef 8 at was batng marked up around the tba paastog years. B^ tact with the troops In Rotterdam lanes. their coBfldenca la tha outcome of an aviator who loat both leg# In Weat Hartfort, died suddenly thla flvs runs In SO taninga., Faloetta. x , . . . l Waal BMaa Fraettea ■ t Louto, 80. A French apokesmap said th* Betgtan border, with the French the World war. toM the House bombed. morning of a heart attack at St. (mlcago—Jlnuny Birina, 1574, fao#."*- Iit»—Latbor, Chicago, 81: Dan- ao on# from Wtoatod to ( and that they had pierced the air fighting waa “generallir favor­ tho tmpandlag bsad-on colUslen on Th* Germany had Oevalaadt kaoeked out Paul Fra- But Oonlr lan't diaeouraged McVeigh. XX ...0 In a fast and furious battle at still bnkhne the town. tbo iShUng quaUtlM h( th* Nasi from hla wheel chair that the Mil Joseph's cathedral, whUe attend­ over this baavy buUnen traffic. Ha Mr. and Mrs. Jfoktna arrived and Mlsa, I t this b u p y hamlat imlaaa : Onbbe line between Amersfoort able to the \lllea.” Along Luxembourg, the batUe- commanded ()ueea Wllhel- ing the consecration of Bishop Mar. 1 0 4 , Chicago. (X). Klrka, xxx ...,T Foot Guard Hall, Hartford, last in aa old broken-down autooo- Paganl'a Waat Bids* will prac- and Rhenen.) Public Records soldiers and tbe afoerted superiori­ was "Ul-adriaed, Ul-consMercd and ernment be tek- hopes to com* up with a ooupla of bettor than -aa avoa - ehai Allied bombers caused heavy Ilne was described as being partly mlna and her Henry J. O'Brien. _ r it m m g b—Jtrn Thompson. 380, week Bobby Managoff, the whirl­ bUs. Jenklna’ first purs* at th* tie* at th* West Sld* flsld tonight Ooul • t Louto, 8; win. To penetrate this far across the damage to German communtes.^ ty of the German Air Fores to extremely lU-Umed.” en "at all' costs.” Plttebuffh, ou^iobitad Curtis t*Habla Btartars from among r at alx o’clock, weather permitting, In French, piartly In Luxembourg which they gave credit for th* vIC' Having.dlapoeed of the pension Mrs. Foley waa borp in Vernon, Sevan under 80 yean of agate go 37 5 8 84 8 T ing lad from Chlfogo, cams out Queensbury Aren* wa# 886. Tbs four tied Up to 846 thto 11 Bilag OMmtry. virtually cutting it In two, tlonj» between the Rhine and th* territory, Dutch Naval, mlUtary and air daughter of the late Patrick and ShWpard, ISO. Now York, (lO). Score by innings; with Mg "Dutch” ..Hofoor. other night aa challenger of Am­ aad aU playars era requeatsd to Triptoa—1 Boaton. 6; Row- may-b* purehaaad at tha tbs heavlly-motbrlaed German torlM alriiady won In the low coun' bUI, t)M House hoped to complete force attaches aocompanirt the New York—Nat Lltfln. 130 8-4, with ageing Bob Grove and Frits report on tlms. '' Warranteea Belglan-Dutch frontier. Fighters Ckmimuniques c f th* Bnlgtsm aettixi today on Senate amefld- Catherine White. She leaves a Oitermueller. New Britain-----801 000 06x—IS the Texas ruffian. Not aatlaftad bers h* dragged down around all. Boaton, 8. tog placaa aad aftar 6 column appaVentlv had forced its The following warrantee deeds strafed German columna croasing | high oomm^d did not glT* tho trie#- ‘ ministers, and some,300 civilian Now York, outpolatad Vine* DslU X—Batted for Sumlelaakl In 6th. with the outcome, B ob^ demand­ Air atrangth waa oaM to hav* meats to th* 1641 fa m approprla- daughter, Mias Mary K. Foley of Orto. ISO. ItaW (8). "Ilia league looks stronger aU $7600. HaOidraw bigger gates ' in Horn* runs—Mtoa, S t Lotito. 8; I youf rsaarvatUma a t way through the defense system In have been recorded at the office of the Rhine. outcome of veeterdav** aagago- UoB measure. The remaining ma­ refugees were. on th* same train. West Hartford: two aona, Frencia XX—Bsttad for E; WterxMcki In ed a return match to a finish and the future, and will b* on tha Oraha hi OM Hei S. Martin. St Loufo 4. Sports Ctonter, MattoPa the Peel marshes, across the Maas the town clerk: Manchester. Trust been enhanced to the deafrucUon ()u*ed WUhelmlna at The Neth­ Buffalo, N. T.—JaeUs Donovan, around.” ha seeerted in comment­ 6th. Ikwnatlmss, in eld bousao, cos Dlspatchea from Brussels aald a menta, but saldttet conatant Ger- of mors than t.MO enemy alr- jor controversy was J. Foley of West Hartford and ing on the currant tmee. Tamns h* again tangles with Thitch” in long and of th* swag. Stolen haaea—Frey,. Ciachmatl. ■tap, Bray's BOtord fiver from the German border. company truatee to Wallace M. train of 690 German prlaonera ar- man pressure along tbe entire Bet erlands ruled her people from Eng­ George W. Foley of Hartford, and ^ Buffalo, outpolatsd Dodo xxx—Batted (or GantUcora tn the feature bout next Thuraday may hoar a faint ticking aound 6; Warber. Cincinnati,\and Daa- cr Gaining the bridge at Mo^dljk pUnes In the first thra* days of tha poaod 890.000,000 fund for RFC land today aa the German war Woods, I4S4, Buffalo (•). like fft. Louie and Phlladalpbla Janktau diisrvaa whatavar h* Khijihts at Columhua haa Htrtchinsnn, property on Kensing­ riving at the Tournal railway at*- ^lan fronUer had been Met ■with {fons (or farm tenant*. Last'l a brother. John J. White of Ros-, tth. night, tha final show of tha In­ gate. Ha fought hi* way through which aesma to coma from the nlng, Naw York. 8. Moon Tavam, Army A Navy I put them In control of a vital line ton street; E. J. Holl to Mar>'el "na)” war, th* German radio de- machine appeared to be driving a have Improvad and are raaUy woodwork. H i| s noise Is produced tlon waa machine-gunned by Ger- "stiff reslstanos.” Belgian troop* clnred.' Naal air loaaaa wer* dss- waok the House accepted a 8312.- Undale, Maas. tough. Oeveland. wtth a awaet Runs batted In, lekra 3, Ston* 3. door season at Hartford. To add th* ranks. Hla smashing vletery Pitching — Waltara, Clndanstl. Oak OrtU, and tha^ua Um Uf communication. This bridge. I len Clark, property on Westwood man airplanes and 20 were killed. I war* ^ d to bt boldliig their pesl- 000.000 (arm parity fund and an wedge through The Netherlands The funeral wUI be held from" Kacxynald 3, Wagner 1, Ponlatow- to the excitement, two buaky by tba grubs of small beatlsa, 5-0( Thompson, ChiclnnaU, 4-L which anans the Hollandsch Dtep. I street: E. J. Holl to Ann Margar- crlhad *6 cosnnaraUvely aamU. towsrt the North Sea. ■hortatop in Lou Boudrfou, is In Ambers was his tenth The bouta wiU start at Defense Minister Daladler has | tlmui "eveiywhere.' (French offlelat aources aald the 86ft.000.000 Increase for surplus her home at a time to be an­ th* race to stay. ald 3; two base hit, PohUtowaU; stalwarts, Rudy tftromberg from Straight In New Yoric and hla which • bavo been In th# timber American League o’clock, eastern, daylight one of the principal outlets of the . et Reynolds, property on CVmrt- returned to Paris from.aa Inspec­ An Inter-AIUed eensenhlp was Tfo sweep of th* Nasi forces nounced. Burial wUl be In Mt. Bt. hits, off 'Kudrowakl 3 in 3, Smith Pennsylvania and OUf Olsen, th* sined tba bouse waa built. No Chang* from ysaurday. Maas, not onlv connects the north­ I land street and E. J. Holl to Wal­ Gormaao had lost at least 400 crpp dlffpoML Into Holland and Belgium was in­ "Tha Tanka wUl ba up there, all eighth consecutive knockout. time. tion of Allied poeltlooa In Belgium. eatabUahed by the Joint Britlah- 'n * Senate agreed to vote at 4 Benedict cemetery. . 5 In 4 3-3, Taggert 0 In 1-3; etol- powerful Swede from Milwaukee, When h* flrat arrived. Jenkins ern and aouthern portione of the ter I. Van Wagner property on Military advices Indl^te that plans* up to noon yeaterdny.) terpreted here a^ an Indication right. Just glvs them Urns. Of will daah in tbe aemi-flnal. Two Frencb-Belglan command In Bel' Madnrii F*r6s N* Obetoels p.m. es.t on the McOarren reso­ By Tlw AsMidsted Press oouras, how long it takas tham to « baaas, Wlarxbidri 3. Wagner 1. td only on* loaded hand— th* ecmntrv. but also la on the princl- Palm street. the Allies plan to make their | glum. that the German high command Lukasxewaki 1, Smith 1; left on other teuto complete the card. Thus far, German military men lution to stop President Roose­ eventually alma either to attempt Boaton—M^orlca (The Angolk get In the race now dapands a right Since seboeirt by Hymto P»1 railway line between Belgium Quitelalm stand along the Meuae. United States Ambassador John velt's transfer of the CIvU Acro- am, MencheaUr 3, Now Britain and The Netherlands' principal Property or\ Wetherell street aald, even th* roost modern fortl- to turn the flank of the French Hospital Notes TUlat, 276, FYaBoe. won oiofoul great deal on bow eloas the Red Caplin, the New York handler, he Htetorle BattIcfteM Cudahv said h* waa eoasuIUng nadtlcs Authority to th* Co*n- tram Stove Oasey, 335, Irelud, 3; base on ball*, off Kacxynakl 3, Aitractiv* bookleto eontalning now baa two good flats. Hla dtlca. has bren quitclaimed by Jamea Sedan la an historic French hat- with Btlgifo Red Croee officials flcatlona In Belgium and HoQnnd atdee Majrlaot Une, or olse to consoUdate Sox and tha Indiana stick to tbair 2S% IMseomt irom Umt P giv on bnva prpvfo no real ehataci*. mere* Department. Both baaas on the aea coast for a bUts- aftar aach took ono fall. presant paca.*^ Kudrowakl 1, Smith 5; wUd pitch. aummarlas of official aottball and ond-round knockdown of Ambera • Hoped for Allied Relief McQann to Howard A. and - Edna tlerield. as refugees pourad ent of . tbs Insisted they a-ould win. Smith; hit by piua>*r, Kaykd by taanU ralas for 1840 are bfoig dla- The Dutch hoped for Allied Tekef M. Geer acrording to a deed re­ The Germans' capture of the^ Thla, they aald. waa proved to krieg against England. was aoorad by a toft hook. fighting aotie. captura yoatorday of the clU- Admitted yesterday: Mra. KudrowaU; struck out by Kaexyn- trfbutad traa at charg* through th* Jenklna . to a vtcloua warrior. from the German pressure, at least corded at the office of th* town city was the climax of the Franco- Offlclala aald that though the m Wtth refugees from tbe lowland Bkl 5. Smith 3; time, i;45; um­ in the south. French troops two blerk' d at Uege and th* penetration of ttteflelda streaking Into Eng- Emma Mothes. 1074 Spruce courtaoy of tbs local Klnnay abos Ha baltsd Ambani after the ban I??- PruBslan war of 1870. Kaiser WU- Belgian governmeat waa prepared pire, Noonan. days afro were said to have con- I Belgtum'6 Albert cngal dofenne* at PoinU to Cut lland. King George. VI and Queen street; Mrs. Vivian Sheldon. 56 store and may be had for tha ask­ twice —not cues. H* baited ths helm's armies took It in 1614 and I for flight ttswe was no Immediate Woodland street; Amelia Rogow- in g .... valuaUe pointara on tha taclod the Germans in the eaatern By leaae filed, at the town held It until combined French and I danger of a land attack on Brua- aeveral pomta In th* vletnlty of EUaabeth aet an oxample of hospl- Italian whan b* waa through tha portion of North Brabant, the clerk's office, Henry A and Ma­ HoassH and MasatricL f 61 Iw M M I W i l l tality by turning over Buckingham ski, 133 Middle Turnpike West; a n alao given by ' ex­ ropaa. Ha was on top of him American forces recaptured It In I eels. Mlaa Margaret Quinn, 381 Center perts.... . pravtnee which borders on Bel­ mie G. Schaller' have leased to the.cloelBg d i ^ of the World war. Oarman trMpa wars rapovtad to A U W W U T? p*uc* to Queen WUhelmln* untfl At Tha Bosdng Show Yesterday^s Stars ’ after each knockdown ; . . gave gium. and today they were said to Emanuel C. SoUmene and Harry •The Germans were reported to h* wMsnlng thss* broach** aUad- I ahe could cetablish headquarters street; Miss Betty Pecan, 831 Main Refers* BUly Cavanaugh no chmica Fan ra y I receiving retnforceKente. E. Flagg of New London property have concentrated n numslve at­ Uy dasplt* flare* rsaiatsne*. but (Oaatlmsad frees Fags Oaa) elaewhere. street; WlUiam Powers, 208 Char­ -f “ ■ Withdrawal of the Green from to wlp*' off hla glovas. Only Wins SlOO Prize I ter Oak atreet. STANDARD But Duich autboritiea did not at 634 Center street consisting of tack. supported by tanka and air­ acknowladged that oqin* of the TONIGHT. By Tho Afloodatod Prtas th* Twilight Laagm has mads it Tbat’a th* way w* Uka our 4.50x11 ...... 97.70 95.79 row whether the French gven a garage and auto salesroom. The planes. In tbs Sedan sector. Tbe eutar forte ringlnf tbb city of Births: Yesterday, a daughter to for Soeratary Nick flghtars—hungry and ridoua. Bo At League Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harria of 144 MANCHESTER SPO jm CENTER. WELLS ST- Loo Durochar, Dodgers — Hit Angdo to draw up another ached- TIRES 4.75-5.00x19 .. 7J5 5.M' 1th reinforeements, were on band owners hav* been operating an tovrii, which la on the south bank Usff* stUi wotn M dtef out ^*'*ras baaed en two potnuT***” i R e a d y t o J o i n aaMy four tlmaa to laad Brook­ many of tham apaoA too much 5.50x17 ...... 9.75 7Jll I pBRclent . numbers to ba able to auto agency there. Tbe term la on* of the Meus*. wng, emptied of ita t U difantiT* atefoftR of tha go- The claim that when the two en­ Charter Oak straet and a daughter ul* (or tbs e o m ^ Ma*on with tlms apMogtelng. Here is long, dependable to Mr. and Mrai Louis Barber, 86 lyn to 6-3 victory over Philliaa. only five taama tn th* elreuit___ 5J15xl8 ...... 9.20 f.90j me with the German colunm. year- with option to renew for civilian populaUon. Mlaa Ana Kaaavag* of South caDod ‘n«0snd fartiikatien sys- tered the flnanelag ct the McKes- Joint Protest A D A M H A T Ladies' Door Prise: Harry Gumbeit, Gianta— Hold Biileage, with sdentillcally In th* eaat, the exact position of two years at a monthly rental of EquaUy heavy fighting waa re­ (th* OroMm Una) Ukowia* aon and RobMna Canadian aub- OottagO street. tha acbadula will ba pubtlfoad tn Martortj a 6* 0.00x19 ...... 1045 7.9 Windsor waa th* winner at th* fo h 6* ia* tha m BM oC Baas to two hits in 4 8-8 Inniaga degigned tread for protec­ M German forces which had cut 8150. ported by tbe French nt the Bel­ 8100 prise, drawn at the Swedlah •an nnUlflsd. the derasana sMIary they Intended to defraud Dtacbarged yesterday: . Mrs. u Tbs Harald tomorrow and aO 6.50x16 1240 tJ9| Applications Florence Alba, 124 N o ^ School m o j o a are taquoatad to cUp it tion against ito th* Grebbe line was not gian town of DInant. 15 miles Junior League annual Mother and to a movement by Hnarepreeentlng th* fattentlon Pago On*) Brothare wU practies ■Ude-alipa. Tsar OU nra Application (or a marriage south of Namur on th* Meuse. Daughter anqust held last night wbieh has cut tbo eeuatey la two. at th* company. . street. for future reforenc*.. . . at th* Want 8U* flald toaxMrrow license has been made at the office Admitted Today: Madelyn Rlch- John Mlaa, Cardlnala, and BIB I latest communique from the DInant Ukewta* was' abandoned at the Hotrart Johnson restaurant This wmtmtfat. was exocuted by And the claImJthat they knew of a Joint deriaratloa on this aub- Warbar, Rods—Fcrmar bit thrss night at six oreloek. Tha foUow> high command asild the at the town clerk by Bramwell by chrillans. on the Silas Deane Highway, swift nsoriaf anaorsd fore** which c t Oostep-Mualcn’a flctlUaas trans- Ject. ardaon, 3 (3>apri atreet: Mra Jen­ ^ playars win probably make up Chawford of Scranton, Peimayl- nie Bennett, lift Otnter street. ■ad latter opt th* Gas HooaarF squad this ffnX had won a eectiati of Nasi Attack laeranatnc Watherafleld. wars asM to ha«s MUfA weatwsrt aettoos In crude drags. *T reapoctfnily requast your ax- * ■ ■ I a« two M only to loa* portion* it vaaia, and Elisabeth Bulla of He dsrided the gorarament Un- m Births: TUday, a aon to Mr. ani Harold Gaar, jMkto Frahar, ct Tbe Frenai communique said About 135 methsra and daugh (ram a saqlh aC Uw bordor ceOaney (U (orsign minlsttr *f 14-taalBg LIFETIME GUARANTEE I Dnteh eeuntar-attoeha. but that Plainfield, N. J., the latter a na­ tbe Nasi attack waa Incraastag tars attsndsd. Aftsr tbs dinner stto Arabsm and astabllahad pSeatiens that MenrIn and Pbil- Panaasa) that cm tranandtttitg tha Mrs. Fred Koechwitx. of 64 H'* i {otamy ThUMr. Howard Wylto, Ihrtch bad bean unahls to bold tive of this town. Both are In th* everywhere, and that the Germans a short buaineas meeting eaotact with Naal parachot* traopa llps Intended to,. eontanta of this dispatch to tha street. Rockville, and a dau-':’ r Johmty Wtnxter, Dick Oobbr Gy won ptwHlmm In tho facn Salvadon Army. bad used two full dtvtaiana In their h M Mias Ana Johnson at CUn- at Rotterdam te the firm through allogad booUsffgteg aetiv- otbar govenunonta of to Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Klngahu:.. OLENMEY'S rt. Btof Boiomonaon, Han* AppUcatioa (or a-huUdlng per- drive to the Meuae. Sedan Is locat­ ton atrast prsaldent ct tbs Laagtst lUeo'oC OIrart and Oomsany ‘ van ba good to North OoranUy. V Haafk Chndty Bmlth. Nad nalt has baen nia4S* by builder ed la th* northarn sxtaaalaa at ■* * Durlag th* riMft pco- thsy bscaara aaaortatad wtth It. S m tlut tbi^* tlw gOTtiw ^ . »*U» awlck. Art Patton. Jamas J. Rohan to erect a slagi* the graas that (aUomsd Mim Nancy Morwia's anwmctkm rosultad at your axcalleocy. will re- NabI# Beriilo, ie m t lepectad lepuia* at of Lawin alraat, thla taqrai, aetMtfas at. a a d iw t taxt Oofirii Clannea a fava tma 4/ ■jr'f > ■,-^V»; .. . •, ^ ^ .j ^ j.. . . _ ^ ^ ^ TT’fr^f'

rAlfOmSTBi e v e n in g h e r a l d . HANCHEHTER. c o n n .. TDBSDAT, m a t 1«, 1M9 k O S T B If MANCHESTER EV'ENING HERALD MANCHESTER, CUNN TLE5DAT, MAV 14, 1940

RED RYDER The Kilkr BY FRED H A R N ^ B U Y SELL^/^REMT/'/^^/Z^' C L V IS S IF IE D \ 9 > m m Ra d RYDER f '@ G ^ ) Sensed and Nonsense OUfTtAvO WO-l. VOS^Y YDO , , ^ CALLEO ^ DEYCHOtA.' If you can't keep thinking of Mrs. Neighbor—I’ve been look- A vcaftain sportsman was play­ D.ings that ought ,to be done, you tog for my husband for, two hours. ing over a golf roiirse In Scot­ can'* work succesBfulIy for your­ Spinster—That's nothing. I've land. and playing very badly: self. you'll have to get a Job and been looking foi* one foV 20 years ■ Player—Dear me. there canna let somebody else think them up and haven't found him yet. be worse players than myself. Aatonobilcfl Fot 3«l« < Auto Acci^poilca—Tirw S SitnatioM Wantad—Male H9 MaehiaerT and Tooh 62 i Woman’s Backen Armed for you. Cnddle (consolingly)*—i Weel, Big Oil Tanks Newspapers are using consider­ WANTED—ODD Jobs caring for OUVER IMPLEMENTS, used Witk 200 Candid Cameraa-{ weel. maybe there are worse play- PLTMOirrH CABRioLBrr. TIREBARQAINS. WhUe they last Banquet Held Tonight Jerry-You know. I speak aa ;1 able spare te llj^ girls that be* I ers, but they dinna play. lawns, etc., part time. Telephone tractors, used potato planters, , 'jft T Dodffe «ed*n, 19S7 Pontiac 600x18 If. 8. Royal $8.70, also AUantlc a ty , N. J., May-14. think.'' cause this is one of those years : 1936 Chevrolet ■edan,.lB35 8523. Fordson parts. Dublin Tractor 650x16 V. a. Royal $10.95. Many Qompany, WUlimantlc. A Total LossI —(F)—Supporters of Mrs. Ikiel- ’Fldith—Yes. Jerry—only a little divisible by four they better look I The roughness of the road a man X)odg» aedan. 1B34 Plymouth other sizes at bargain prices. la O. Koona, an Independent offener. ■ ^ - before they leap. But Its all wast­ I has come over makes a difference floupe. Cole Motors at the C*n- Brunner's 80 Oakland street, Live Stock—Vehielee 42 candidate for city oommlasion- By Legion Auxiliary ed. Girls pay not attention'to ad­ 'in his condition after he passed tar-«46S. Manchester. Open evenings. ° Rooms Without Board 69 Leaks Resulting from er in today’s municipal election, There are times when a. «1f6 vice any year—they/Just leap. over It. ' will be armed with 200 candid i Imagines she could have done bet I s n t PACKARD « sedan, motor FOR SALE—TWO freshened cowa FOR RENT — COMFORTABLE Fire Week Ago Cande cameras lii an effort to discouT' RockvUI. Unit to J - ' i ter. with a blind date than with Chistomer—1 toought you said Leader i of amateur band I I _ _ Jiteed on oil for 10 ,000, has Movinff—TruckliiE— fronh room in privata family. the man she married. you had considered the recession hate to tell, you this, Charlie, but Apply 56 Union streeL Of Condemnation. age “floaters" at the polling / ^ the late Mrs. Charles Steppe to LjBffR-.Urft». heater, ^ m n er’f, 80 Storage 20 Meals optional. 78 Chestnut St. places. tain Out of Town and Xlashed prices ? we're putting another pianist In 1 street, Manchester/ FOR SALE WELL trained farm Telephone 8529. • uunuuvi' Mechanics ProfesBor—Name a Dealer-,-We have, yoiir place. OUT OUR WAV JAMES A. WOODS local trucking Ifn . Koona said her challen- Guests at the I^lf—in i^ *— O ll I' service.. ^ o n u . Memorial BY J. H. WILLIAMS OUR BOAHOING HOUSlif^ WI’I'H MAJOR UOOFUI^ horse. John Gozdz, 275 Oakland The looa,,by fire at the plant of gera would attempt to photo­ great tlmeeavcr. (hi.itomer Then you must have Pianist—Why. anything wrong? lU ST CHEVROLET setHm. 1937 and deliveries. Ashes removed. street. the ValvoUne Oil C o m ity on Special Meettog done It with a safety razor blade. 381 Center street. Telephone 6566. graph "every peraon" whose Town Hall. Freshman—Love at first sight! LeadM—Not, exactly, Charlie, PUFF-FuFF-FE.'; 'ford coach, 1937 Pontiac sedan. Apartmenta—Flata— Stock road a week ago last night A. special meettog of the Aldea but we"want someone who can at MOlLA.’ t t E T iS V A l^ UMM.'— TWm’ MM 1834 Ford sedan, 1933 Ford coupe. right to vote was questioned- Skliiner Auxiliary, Sons of Union PROFEStW, MAROLV A AUSTIN CHAMBERS-Local and Tenementa 61 will be within a few hundred dol­ She ' expressed belief -com- There were others like him: Empress—\\Vhat was the result leaat play with two fingers. WELL MOKAV, MON&EUR,' f SOT A ENE LAK A ICV Cole Motors, IJh^ln street, op- Articica For Salt 46 lars of the largest loss to tha dis­ Rockville, |day 14.— (Special)— Veterans of the a v il WSr. wlU of the fight the muntess had with 'MOMENT 1D SPARE/v—. Long Distance Movers Tel. 6260. partoon' of pictures from vari­ The m em b^ of Stanley Dobosz A colored boy marching to a — maw.'— VO)i REMEM-JPK3<.»— BORE A'njNMEL f posita Armory. FOR RENT—a ROOM tenement trict since the Herald building Are. be held at the G. A. R, hSU on mobilization camp in 1918 w as her hu.slwnd? -• The willingness of a new office > TRU^r NOU WERE MOT 68 Hollister street. FOR SALE—j a c k e t e d United with aunporch, garage, oil heat, ous districts at the end of the Unit No. ' 14, American Legion BAlRE •no 8 i^ R -R iM (i WPUJMB tViROUGH MAH The Ore at the Cowles Hotel build­ Wednesday eventog at-* 7 o’clock. asked: '• Garnet—1 understand she. re­ boy Is often more anno.ring than States steam boiler, Oil-O-Matic 361 Center street. Inquire 243 day would Identify any "repeat- Auxiliary, will hold their' aimual The members (rill gbxto the home , \mXE0 BY MV ZE BEOSMrerS, NO?- \HAi0.'— OO6(30NE/TMeY TRUCK8 WITH common carrier ing to January did hot result to I era" and provide legal basis Friend—-Where arc you going, tained her title. the unwillingness of an old one. . plates fo local and out of town oil burner, domestic hot water North Main street. Tel. 5676. the loss estimated at the outset banquet this eventog at the El­ of their member, M i^ Charles ■MMP.' iSTMiSeXJR HOKAY,LEyu6 SHEEPONliS SOih? ID (sRAaiHAT unit, all controls, $95.00—5853. ^for attacking the returns. lington Town Hall and about six­ Raatus? moving. L. T. Wood Co. Phone and the Ore loss at the Vavoltoe Steppe of 137 Veriion street to Rastus—Ah ain't going ^ TRAIN ? Z.E TRAIM/BEFC5RE SH^RATTLER — I CAUsFr ARTHUR A. FOR RENT—JUNE 1ST. 4 room ty., are expected to be presenL 4496. FOR s a l e :—MEN’S rebuUt and plant a week ago will be larger pay their final respects. \where. Ah's being took. apartment, all conveniences. Or- ' Mrs. Margaretha Hartl, Depart­ Funeral HULU EVERYTHING BY CI.YUK LEWIS r^tasted shoes. Better than new ford Bldg., Mato. Apply Mar­ than at flrst estimated. 988 ment president of SUraford and The funeral of Edward A. ^'^Shiiiile Orford Soap Com- Noble Grands Here are requested to be at their ,meet- teltUlR. nnmbers mnd abbrsvutlons Garden— Farm—Dairy for rent and lots for sale. Wm. A. the loss at the Are to between pany’a plant on Hilliard atreet. The Trinity Past Noble Grand^*4ng room* at that time. FoUowtog and show him what to do; •Mil eoant as a word and eompnand LAWN MOWERS sharpened, Knoda, Tel. Manchester 4279 or $8,0()0 and $8,000. Work started today la on the larger Association is meeting with May* the dinner the meettog Trill take For If I give a sunny'sralle, ’twill Vrenit as two words Minimum enai Products 60 8787. of the bulldtoga to be erected. 'The make another life worth while. Is pries of thrss lines. cleaned, oiled, adjusted $1.25. flower Rebekah Lodge this after­ place. work conslated of cutting a new noon at the lOOF ball. A supper I want to be On earnest man en­ tins rates per dsT for transient Prompt delivery service. Phone FOR SALE-CERTIFIED Green Union Chofek Notes ads anytime. Open evenings except bed for one of the side tracks that will be served at 5:30'o'clock. The University of CoimecUcut gaged in useful work. M eetlee Maerh IT. itST Mountain seed potatoes. C. B. Farms and lAind For Sale 7l Is Giyeii Surprise Is to be built closer to the branch To fill the hours with honest toll, e Cash Chsrss Monday. Telephone 5937. Karl- The regular meeting o f ' May­ Glee CHub of forty voices Trill pre­ sen'a Lawn Mower Shop, Buck- Buckland,, Wapptog, Conn. of the South Manchester railroad flower Lodge will be held at seven my duty not to shirk; e Oenascutiva Pays.,.) 7 cts| S els FOR SALE!—TWO ACRES of and to the east of the present sent a concert of muaic at tba I Oonsaentivs Days...! t etslll eta land. TOMATO P LA IN S transplanted land, and building, good roads, On HekBirthday clock instead of the usual hour Union Qmgregatlonal church on For if I look with Trilling mind, 1 J>ty ...... ill etslll eta trestle that to owned by the soap and there will be a public card some useful work. I’ll surely find All erdars tor Irregular Inaartlona to boxes, 20c ddii. 2 dos; 80o. $1.00 lights, Birch Mountain Road. Fred company; the rebuilding of the Sunday evening next at 7 o’clock. LAWN m o w e r s sharpened and party at 8:15. Pinochle, bridge and The community la cordially invit­ X want to be a kindly man Trith Vrtn be eharged at tha ona tima rate. reconditioned. Dellveiry service. per 100, $8.00 per 1000. Six varie­ Marin. high tension line from the rail sympathetic heart JO* f56frW5gf»)iigg. me HEROES A A E MADE -MOT BORM Bpselal rales for Ions tsrm avary ties. Early'Cabbage plants 2 dos. Mrs. Carl J. B. Anderson of 90 I road near the paaaenger station to whist , will be played, with prizes ed to be present _t,aita»am.aw. Ray aidyartlalng xleen upon request, Tel. 4531—4506. Snow Brothers, being awarded. Ttos card party is For those to sorrow or diatress Adr etdared hefort tha third nr 25c., 76c. "Iper 100., $6.00 per 1000. Pitkin atreet, whose birthday oc- a point to the south of Hilliard Dr. George S. Brookes, paetor of to 336 Summit. 72 the last of a aeries held during the the Union CbngTCgxtlonai church, render my full part: Rfth day will ba charged only for Anderfdn Greenhouses, 153 El- Houses For Sale curred yesterday, was remembered atreet underpass, and the fliltog to For after all 'Us what you give the actual number of times iha ad WANTED TO TUNE, repair and drldgei Phone 8486. with numerous personal gifta (rom of land to the west of the trestle, recent montha with scores totaling will preach next Sunday momtog BOOTH AND HER BUDDIES A Lot of Tarritory araaarad. charging at tha rata aam> SACRIFICE FQR/QUICK SALE! toward the grand prizes. Refresh­ thet mekee you feel Ite good to regulate- your piano or ' player her friends and relatives, Ihclud- Start SMe Track on the subject, ’’OtrlaUana Under live. •d but no allowance or refunds can POli SAUC—FIVE qORDS of Property on Mato street, 2 family ments will be served at the close the Juniper Tree." OH.Ok.R\-\Vi ...\ MMb 5UiT W)M ha auda on ali time ads stopped piano. Tel. Manchester 5052. houae. All improvements. 5 room Ing many 'cards of greeting and Thla morning a gang of men em- But moat Of all I want to be a man •ftsr the 6fth day. cow manure. Uall at 179 Oakland good wtshea. ployed by the New York, New Ha of the playing. \ , ' Attend Synod YV4MOMCOV I AM TO OEY FROH Ns *HIII forbids": display lines nel atreet or telephone 0909. bungalow, modem. 2 for price of Meinbera Social .of sterling worth. THM AUWOt \‘A.AVtO~- In the afternoon she m s muchiven and Hartford Railroad com- Rev. Karl Otto Klette, pastor That I may prove myself to be full 1 •aid. Help Wanted—Female one. CaU 3535 or 6364. A. W. Ben- There wlU be a members aoclal of the First Lutheran church, wlU ^ AMO L HOME . The Hsrsid will not bs responalbla FOR SALE—CERTIFIED Green aon. Benoon Furniture Co. 713 Burprloed when a pafty of her]pany started work on the Hilliard worthy of my birth; •hr Bers than ona Inenrract Insar- Mountain seed potatoea. Frank V. friends from among the women of street end of the side track and for the Rockville Emblem Club on represent the local church at the f y Sisa •( any sdvartlssment erdirad WANTED—YOUNG WOMAN for Main atreeL Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 .For, though I fill an humble piece, Williama, Buekland, Conn. Tel. Emanuel Lutheran church and were cutting away a new road bed. United Lutheran Synod of New I theh can tvalk Trith happy face. > tvK i. OC. T. M. am a ( g*T gw 8ar aMra thaa one time. general housekeeper. Stay lilghts. clock at the E3ki Home on Pros­ York to be held to S t John’s Lu­ \ The toadvsrtsnt omisalea at .tn- Call 8413. 7997. BENTON STREET. Arrange to Ladies Aid society, of which she Is Alexander Jarvis had a steam —Grenville Klelser. asrrset publleatloa of advertising see thla 6 large rooms. Colonial, a former officer, called to help her shovel working aoslsttog In this pect street. theran church, N«7v York City, toUl he raetiflsd only by cancsilatlon FOR SALE—LOAM $5.00 a load. celebrate. Mrs. CArl Anderson of work and the crew from the JdaO' BaaebBlI Players May 20th to the 23rd. ?Why do you want to go weat tnd be a cowboy? Haven’t at tbs charge aiads for the sarvlet WANTED—Experienced Saleswo­ with garage, hot water heat, all A man IsNnot paid for having man in dress department. Must Turf, 1 foot aqukrea, already cut. modern Improvementa. You will Edgerton atreet, to behalf of the cheater Division of the Connectl' The Public Works committee of (rains but fo K u tog them. we got enough cows for you right here at home?" , All------advertlMmviita ------— must eoBforsi be energetic and capable, 22 to 30 110 Broad street. Town. love it. Priced for quick sale. group presented to Mrs. Anderson jeut Power Company was moving the Board of Aldermen with Etoen styla sepy and typograpByPB: with years of age. Steady, good pay­ Owner leaving town. Call before an envelope containing a sum of j wires from three poles that run Cobb os' chairmen wlU bold a Biatleaa enforced by the' P'publlah- CORENCXi FER-nLIZER 4-8-:t— meeting to the C!ouncll Qiambert Plalae Passengers f - they reserve the risbt lb ing poelUon. For interview write 8 p. ro.^—8423. money, with the wish that she along the spur of the South Man- STORIES STAMPS FLAPPER FANNY. BY SYLVIA reait. revise er relect any espy eon- P, O. Box 603, Manchester. $1.78, 4-8-7—$1.83, 5-8-7—$1.84. might have many more happy cheater branch which carries a high (hla evening at 7 o’clock. At this FjMeree ebleetlonabla Nlchola Store. Phone 5492. birthdays, and the hope that she tension wire to the sub station on times dates will be set for the Escape Injury '^ S iO a iN d nOORB—Cleesiaea aSe WANTED— GIRL FOR LIGHT Real Estate For Exchange 76 Tvould use ' It for sometlitog she j Hilliard street, in addition to thla use of Henry Park for either soft­ ,._J M psbilahsd eeiae 4ay muef be housework and care of one child. especially deolred. work Jarvis also had men at work ball or baseball. Teams desiring I Meatved by l l e'eleck noon Batur- WE HAVE A CUENT who. owns ! «sya M:M. Apply 75 Summer street. HooMhold Goods 61 The ladles also brought a sup- [digging a trench to which la to be the use of one of the fields should New York, May 14— (JP)— Nina desirable buUdlrig loU. Would like ply of good things to eat and en-> 12-toch water main and the be represented at the iheeting thla TWIepboai Tew Want Ada SEE THE HONEYMOON—Three to build house and trade In lots oyed a luncheon and aoclal Ume «*"ltary pipe line la also to be re- paosengers and a crew of three eventog. of an Amerlcnn Alrttoee trans­ Ada are aecaptad aver the tela* rooms of furniture $168.00. $10. as part payment of house. Consult together. laid and moved to another position. Celebrate Anniversary. at tha CRAJtOS RATa Blvaa down—18 monthe to pay. Albert’a port plane eeci^ied Injury today as a aanvenelnea ta adver- RobL J. Smith Inc., 963 Mato SL All. of the work that was heing The members of James W. Milne WASH TUBBS Eaay’o Not Worrying Fbmiture Cb., 43 Allyn street, done today was preliminary to the when the undercarriage of the b«( tbs CABS RATB8 will be Camp, Spanish War Veterans and ship became separated from the »d as FULL PATMENT If Hartford, Conn. ifs s s s t tax T lia a s iia a I starting of the new building which \ 1 at tSa bselaeas efflee as er be- Benson- Says: I>g8l Notices 78 their auxiliary will celebrate their fuselage during a landing at La- Duke of .Windsor Shown ” ■6***** EFIBl/U B B vvlll have a frontage of IflO feet on anniversary thla evening to the G. the saveatb day follswInB the FOR SALE — CREAM enamel 'S's 1 a"i 1 * X Hilliard street and wUl extend 150 Guardla field. . tasartloa at each ad athsrwise kitchen stove. Combination oil I.KIVOM FKRMIT A. R. haU. Supper -wm be served The plane Tvaa Inbound from On New Zeolond Issue I CKAROE RATE will be eolleet- ’rice Atone Docs Not NOTICB OF AFFMCATIOIS H urley C a n d i d a c y the "orut. one of the Ne raaponalblllty far errors in and gas. Call 7061 or 87 Cam­ This Is to s la a notles that I Ed* a a I tracks of the side track owned by at 7 o’clock and this will be follow­ (Chicago, Ite last stop having been IprVi; Britifh sovereigns who ade will bs easamed and Hake a Bargain ! bridge atreet, tomorrow. wsid J MscKnlBht of 411 Main the company will nin alongside the ed by the regular meeting and a Buffalo. have ruled New Zealand are •r aaearaey eannot be saaran- strssi, Msnchsstsr, Conn., hsva filed . . . . ^ , new building ao loading can be dope short program- t ’ Mayor LaGuardla rushed to the pictured on a new stamp of the ConsMsr Toar Dtatlar and the FOR SALE^-LAROE ICE box, to an application dstsd 7th of Mar, BUigo field and ordered that reportera Index of ClaflBi8}niplete Stock of Telephone 8918. dacy of SUte Public Works Oom- brought to by fUight to be ground London, May 14—(F)—^e e n Queen Victoria, Edward VII, atsaaaaaaadeaab a« will bs eonductod bv Edward J. missloner Robert A. Hurley. later for the making of Bon Ami. Funeral Thorsdny » Elizabeth, to meaaagea mailed • • • F o u n d a e e a e e a a e a a e ea 1940 Radios at Great* MacKnlsbt d(^All Main atrsst. Members of the SUte Central The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth George V and the pretent ruler, |s ASmeTOeemnelS ...... FOR SAUC—BLACK Combina­ Mancheater. Conn., at permlttes. from Buckto$!ham Palace to 320,- George VI. r [ a • •eaaaaeasseaaeaaaaa y Retluced Prices! tion atove with oU burner. ■ Also E U W A R U J. M aoKNlGHT Committee from the county will Viola Steppe, 47, wUe of Charles 000 houoebolders to England, Scot­ i mtmMmMlBm goa water'heater. Must- be aold Dated 7th o( Mar. 1*M. meet at 6 p.m. (ritb County Oialr- T 'la a a A sIm ittsW l Steppe of 137 Verhjn avenue who land and Wales, expressed grati­ Th* centenary lerlee waa orig­ Aateaaobles fdr Bala ...... — lf-t-I4-4«. inally ienisd in 12 values. Re­ Aataaiobtlas for Eaehansa Now Is the time to get • good at once. Price reasonable. Phone mail John T. McCarthy for a die-1AUmillCU died on Monday rooming at S t tude today for their recepUoh of sle Aecasaorlas— TIrta . cqaMon of the Hurley candidacy Francis hoepltal to Hartford, will women and children moved from cently the 7d. value, pieturtog a Radio nt Big Savings! We ore 7458. AT A PROBATE COURT HELD Maori council, Tvas Trithdratsm and ate Rapalrlns—Pstntins listing n few of the many sets 7-______St East Windsor, within and (or and other party affairs, prior to a To First Degree be held on Thursday momtog at "danger ereaa." At ate Schools ...... •\a . ths District o( East Windsor, on ths dinner meeting with town chair­ an 8d. value of the same design 4tote#-«8hlp by Truck ...... I Inrludlng Table, Console nod 8:16 o’clock at her home and at 9 loth dsr o( Msr, A. D„ 1(44. men ahd vice chairmen of the o’clock at S t Beimard’B church. Bubetltuted to meet increat^ ' Aatoa—For Hire ...... P bono-Combtoatlons. Prsssnt CLARA F. ALLEN, Judas. Bops Bloekade Pelley. ALLEY OOP They Didn’t Watch Hercolea toannaa—Service—Sioraas M Kststs o( Wllllsm ChurllA Ist-h o( county at 7 p.m.' Burial wlU be to S t Bernard’s Moscow. May 14—(F)—. The postal rates. The complete aet ■etoreyclas— Bleyclaa ...... U A class of esudidates was ad­ South Windsor In ssid DIstrlot, ds- niere ta Bentlment to the coun' cemetery. Communist party n a w x p i^ Prav- now lists IS valuei. CAHO IYT6u TR9 m « n‘ Waatad Autos— Metorcyelas . . . II Buy Now on Easy esassd. mitted to the First Degree at Modem New Zealand is a Mlf- opcouR5B)Bar*rHis is* T H I « VkOOWflYM aad PrafasatouBl Bai i I m s ty, leadera said today, for the Special MeeUag da charged today the Allied block­ INSURE OilUEREDi —That six months launching of a boom for Hurley, maettog of <3amid>en Onmcll K. governing dominion of the Britirii I AM, VOO^IMROSSIBLB/ THAniOBNDSTOFr _ dBssa Barvicas Offerad . . . . 'll' Terms! WNk (rom data o( this ordar bs. and ths _ Mrs. John CyrkleTricz, Pocabon; ade poUiey "rraa and Is to aasaheld Barvleaa OITerad . . . , l t - A who atlll melnUlna hla voting of C , laat Bight. There tvill pro­ Empire, comprising 103553 aquare w BtLLV /a CCORDIWO TO AQAIM/CtADCiUMMIT asms la llmltsd Arid aljiawsd (or ths tax of Kiowa Council, baa called a create new theaters of war,” to llldlns—Cnntrartlns It McKINNEY BROTHERS resldeiree here and thus U coO' bably be one more First De^ee PER50(jyAKiClE(JT LK6END D o ccA M T YOU »/E R ( I, larlata—Nurasriva ...... It ersditors to brlris Is thsir clAlma cUsB before a S ^ n d Degree special meettog^.hf the members make the email neutral countries miles. North and South islands — Sou LOST TOUR LILARMJHRr TH6UH ! Faaaral. OIrsciors ...... It (1) S-Tabe Philco Comhinntlon Beni Estate and Innnmnee aaalrist said sststs; and ths Ad­ ■Idered a Falrflrid county Candi­ fight for the BrlUah and French. are the largest of the group. NoHh $-14 ministrator Is dirsetsd to Bivs puh- working of a'Tlilrd Degcce during for Wednesday eventog at seven LIFE INHEN HpCCU* Ol? DOPES oorr WITH HER M^ESTVA;^ ttlB»>—Plumhlns— Roofins .. IT Automatic Bccord Changer. 505 Mato Bt. date. Island has Mveral voleanoet, nil- LCSMaOBOFP aranos ...... - It llo notica to ths ersditors of said the latter part of June. THIMQB BALLED MlUlBary— Draitmaklns ...... II ss'tsts to brina In thsir claims wIMi- A t the meeting an tovlUtlon merout geysers and hot ■prtogi. “A fine hunch of wedding preaental They know I can’t cook-" WITH THH BELT.' I' levins—Trucklns—Btorasa M i:7w r“ $119a95 In said tIma sllowsd, hr postina a ■ 1118110 Passenzar Btrvles ...... M-A ( I ) 185XX Philco lO-Tube Con­ copy o ( this ordar Upon a public waa receitred from the WlUimBntlc >atetlnB— Papsrihs ...... 1 1 sole. Reg. $100. e > 7 Q Q C Stan post nsarsst to ths plars whsra Form er Collector Ootmcll to attend a Third Degree ths dscssasdisst dwslt, within'ths JUONEKVILI.B FUI*KR *rofaaslonal Sarvlevs . . . v - f - II Now ...... V P n r s a 7 9 N o t i c e ^ aa • rsv ■ working to that city on May 26 Daily Pattern BY FUNTAINE FOX asms Town, and by publlshma this i x e t s I f f n n when mere vrill be a large claee of —Cleaning •• (1) I90XX Philco 8-Tnbe Con­ To the Democratic mectora of ordsr In - nswspsimr having a clr- Prison 'otlut .Ooudi and SFrvtra Sk sole. Reg. $89.95. n C A O C ulallon In laid- DItiriet, and rs- ciuidldatea arlth the degree work Fnntad—Bttttna»6 Bcrvtca ..ae H the Towil of Mancheater; lurn maks to this Court o ( tha no­ to charge of an out of state team. ^ iLUfSTRATEP W a r P h r a s e s . Bdu^atlaaal Now ...... • O S F a a lO .You are hereby warned of e lle. alvfn. ( I ) 180XX Philco 1-Tnbe Con­ „ __ , V « ..... |B Trin be the flrit Third Degree t m v e r y e f f o r t i s m a d e t o p r o v i d e a l a n p i n 6 f i e l d ^ u r * M and ClaatFa ...... f1 caucus to be held to the Hollister Csrtiflsd from Rseerd, Norwich Uny working to WUBmantlc three E a e iN e #rlvn t« inatruettuna ...... It sole. Reg. $72.95. n C O O C CLARA F. ALtEN 14—(P)—^ D. j to M a cin g ...... 1I*A Street School Hall, Manchester, Judas. G a ^ 82’ fornjer tax ^ eollec^ .^^ch large Now ...... 9 0 % 7 ,% fD CmnecUcuL on Monday evening. Administrator’s sddrsss. John of the toem of GrlBwold and the mtherinv If you’re expecting a baby, of Ifuaicnl— Drafanailc ...... 29 (I ) 165XX Philco 8-Tbbe Con- ^ ___gauienng. course you’ll simply live In the 'w ant#d—>’Tniitructlona ...... see M May 20. 1940, at 8:00 P. M.. East­ Churlls. Broad Brook, Connecticut. borough of Jeivett City, was sen­ Campbell Oouncll will be repre­ \ Flmanclal It. K. D. emock-top frock this summer, ern Daylight Saving Time, to elect tenced to itate prison at Wethers- sented at the state convention of B .d»T~Stuck»>-MortF.nKan 11 $ 4 9 . 9 5 delegatw to attend a Democratic ll-(-14:44. fleld by Judge William H. Comley making it up time and again. I t 'i - OpiKjrtunitlf'6. ..C**e 12 the Knights of Columbus which by all odds the moat youthfuli oon- t to . . . a s #1 (II 160F Philco Console. 8 State Convention called by the at the opening of Criminal Su­ f r e c k l e s a n d h is f r ie n d s SUghl Ovoraight opens to Hartford, next Sunday ceeltog and becoming thing you Help nnd Sltnallana ruhea. Reg. ^ O Q Q C Democratic State Central Com­ perior court here today to hot leoa with electloB of offlcera on Mon I 6Vtaiii»d>^.F>mal6 ...... Ik $19.99. Not^ .. v O ^ a S r O mittee, to be held on the 3rd and than 18 months or .nxtre thaa can choose. This one baa a pleat­ Ualp Wanted—Main'..d.atee-a Ik New York, May 14—(iP)—How: day. William J. Shea, a past grand ed top. and an Inverted pleat In OONT 0«T th at (sM AW AU. OV8* Bnlasmta Wanted ...... H-A (1 > I58F Philco 8-Tube (Tonaole. 4th days of June, 1940, at Hart­ throe years. He pleaded guilty to knight of the council and at prea- ^ WBU, OO '6XJ FKULLY Haig Wanted—MaU oF Female ’*12 Keg. $39.95. C O Q Q C ard C. Hopson, founder and kmg a embenllng $10,000 from the town the adjustable skirt, for a more <5»T V3UA CAR ASMfMBLiD ford. Connecticut, for the follow­ dominant figure to the $1,300,000,- ent State Deputy, ivUI be a candl' FMW.f RONNwa OROSR AOAN Agenta Wanted ...... n.....I1 > a Now ...... V M a rs a P O ing purposea: of Giievrold during the four years gracefiU line. And to vary the Bltuatlona Wanted—Female •*. II 000 Associated Gaa and Electric data for relectlon, and it is monotony, Tve’ve given you m •Itnatlone Wanted—Male ii (S| 7'>’Tube Rmrmon Table Sets. 1. To elect delegatee to the ho waa tax collector. The state pected that there will be no op- Bmployment Agencies ...... All - Wave Reception. Reg. sysUm, and three oaaocUtea attorney, Arthur M. Brown did not choice of trvo different necklines. Democratic National (Convention pleaded tonocent to Federal court poeltloa to his being returned for 1if69ek-»l*eie—•Benltry— $39.95. g o o Q C to be held at (Chicago, Ultnols, press a aocond opunt of embexzling * Uetog thla same poittom (8715)"'' Vehielee today to a 18-oount Indictment a aubetaatial amount from the another term. f>ogn—Ilirdn— Pete ...... ^2 N o w ...... V M O / a S fw commencing July 14, 1940 to ac­ you can make some of your dreaa- (1) Emerson Rodin ComblnaHon c h a r^ g them arlth conspiracy borough of Jeurett Oty. Xdive Stock— Viil^clee ...... el cordance vrlth the official call of and defraudtog tovaatora of more ea Trith square neckline, and aoma S u lt ry and Suupltee ...... 6i the Democratic National Otmmlt- Trith a aoft turnover collar and Wanted — Pete— poultry—Stock ee than $20,000,000. Federal Judge w oM d : Jarvis Co. Is Low Far Bale—MlerrllaeeenB Now ...... $ 3 9 . 9 5 tee.. Ue ends. It erUl look entlrtiy A f­ Henry W. Goddard fixed ball at ferent, and both neckltoes are Afttclaa For 8aU - ...... kk 2. For the purpose of nominat­ $5,000 each, and tenUtIvely i B m Is and Acceasoriee ; ...... kk ing a candidate aa Seitator from Boston, May 14 .— fSPllOT^oS*"’" The Veniing ^pparel—Fun * a • • (J Wave Radio. List Price to A later acaslon to be held at 44. Slat 16 rsqiilzaa 48-4 yarda of Wafitnd—To Buy the Worcester Woman’e Club. Un­ 8COKCUY SMITH Jost Like BIpUiar Uaad Only ...... $139.d5 time and place to be dealgnated by - 1930 Chevrolet der the measure, organisations Jarvia Company la tha appiurent Sg-inai material Trlthout nap. -Retell the Democratle State Central low bidder omd la to be awarded For a PATTERN of Uda at­ Bentnnrnnie 4*Door Sedan puTPheelng flreworka would have to u c f i ‘• momlOM BWithout Board a. We Have a Number of Good (Committee, said time to be not procure a Hceitai and aupply a tha contract for the erection of a tractive modM tend 15c IN COIN, QUiUNT//- l 6 t S if i > Butldlns tar Bala .. 41 tog such other bustoeiB aa may rignala by tha aubmarlne Squalusjof $16,000. a road and bridj^^to brimmtoC. over Trith charming de- Property for Bala T« Tubes Tested Free come before said Ocmventlon. lag* May bad f****** to report j Andoyer at a coat of $20,000 and aa6 Laat tor Bala ..•*« 71 At Store. Riley Qievrolet eigna tor every hour of a summar faa Bala 71 To alect BBambeni of ths Demo­ tnam bacauae tha flahermen be-jrodd aad bridge to Hatmo at d ^ l 11y oaa pattatn —Just ona _a 8alo 71 cratle Toira Oommittaa of Mas- Co., Ine. Ueved tham to ba "soma fWm of ] coat of $S0JI00. n »e firm la JuM and you'n ba eonvlnoed. OriMr Favporty ter 8ala ...... 74 Chester. i diUl.'* urged an ahtpotag todsor to]com^ettog a bridge to Bom b, _jnn inr Buie oooooaa«B*oo ** yours right now! Batata tar Exehawp ... . 74 Dated at Mancheater, (Conaactt< 161 CENTER STREET. adriao tha Nayy or tba Coast erhidi coat $12JM0. wbhdi la not cut, this 14th day of May. 1840. Onard wttb aU spaed wfaeneyer any ] toehidsd to tba $200,000 of Pattaro, U e Patton Book, ISe ~s6 Real Eatata ...... 11 Om Pattern aad Patton Book 'niomaa J. Dannahar, 6874 rad ■aoka la aotad rWag from the j erork that ba has contracted for ^■a^a■ IsEsI Womoorn ordered together. 25c. BsUssa o.IB Democratic 'Toivb O a lrmai auitaca of the erater. | wtthtn tba MM two ' i ••• '■ 7 ' ’•' ' ' STAlfCHiSBTB* EVENING NEN ALT). KANCBEEIER. CXmE^TUESDAT, V A T 14. IMO r~ JJANCHESTER E\T:NING HERALD MANCHESTER. CUNN 1X>E5DAI; MAY 14. 1940

RED RYDER The Killer B u i r r//;^ WtJE.lM'W//;?/f (tic BY FRED BARMi Sense and NonsMse Hici Bsio OOTlAvO ■Tf ^CALLULO ' If you can't keep thinking of Mrs. Neighbor—I've been look­ I A certain sportsman waa plsy- /» th-ings that ought to be done, you ing for. my husband for two hours. jlng over s golf course In Scot- Can't work auccessfully for your­ Spinster—T)iat's nothing. I've lland, snd playing very.badly: self. You'll have to get a Job and been looking for one for 20 years I Plsyerr^Dcsr/ me. there rsnns let somebody eise think them up and haven’t found him vrt. be worse players than myself. Aatonobik* For Sale 4 Auto A^onoiiee—^Tiree 8 SilBstions Wanted— Mala Machinsry and fools 52 [ Wonsa’s Backers Armed for you. Chddle (.consolingly) ’ — .Weel, OLIVER IMPLEMENTS, used Big OU Tanks With 200 Candid Cameraa Newspapers see ustog consider­ weel, maybe' there are worse play-, PLYMOUTH CABRIOLET, TIRE BARGAINS. While they laat WANTED—ODD Jobe caring for able space telling girlivlhat be­ lawns, etc., part Ume. Telephone trsetora, used potato planters, Banquet Held Tonight Jerry—You know, I apeak aa I I ere, but they dinns play. 'M t7 Dodn «eOU GCri Poetl coach, 1937 PonUac sedan, 381 Center street. Telephone 6566. Apartment*—Flats— A special meeting of the Alden WELL.THEy PuPF-FuFF-FF.'f VOlUA.q EET IS VAIRV Stock road a weelc\ago laat night right to vote was questioned. but we wsqt' someone who con st -m EM COVERE,D UP MADE m e "MM UMM.'— TWW MAM' , 1834 Ford sedan, 1933 Ford coupe, Skinner Auxiliary, Sons of Union PROFE$SOR,.WAf?CXV A WELL HOKAY, -MONSIEUR.' - AUSTIN CHAMBERS—Local and Tenements 6$ will be within a feu^-hundred dol­ She expressed belief com' There w*erc others like him: Emprc.-ia -What was'the result least play with two Angers. WITH A DlRTV look, s o m u c h \60t AEXe LAK A ICV f Cole Motors, Main street, op- Articles For Sals 4$ Rockville, May, 14.— (Special)— Veterans of the Civil War, will Ixmg Distance Movers Tel. 6260. lars of the largest lo s *^ the dis­ porison'of pictures from vari A colored ' boy marching to a of the Aght the countess had with HAMk.V FOC,'? SUOi WORSE , IS I MOMENT TO <3PftRB /— — . v o u r e m e m * PkX.'— BORE A'UjNNEl I [poaita Armory. FOR RENT—3 ROOM tenement trict since the Herald bmtding Are. The members of Stanley Dobosx be held at the O. A. R. ball on her hushark ? 68, Hollister street. FOR SAL^JACKETED United ous districts at the end of the mobiliis'lion camp in 1918 was The willingness of s new olTlce ij-7 / BEAUTY--SUCH ALL.' ( t r u s t nou w e r e n o t SAlRE TO 8R-R-RiN(l PLUMB TWROUSR MAH with sunporcb, garsge, oil heat, The Are at the Cowles Hotel build­ Unit No. 14, American Legion Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. asked; Osrnet—I understand she re- ! boy Is often more snno>1qg then States Steam boiler, Oll-O-Matlc day would identify any "repeat' Auxiliary, will hold their annual OOQt3EDUS.E><31JISne VEXED By MY TARDiNBS' ZE BEOSMEETS^ N O ?- TRUCKS WITH common carrier 331 Center atreet. Inquire 243 ing In January did not reinilt in The memters will go to the bopae E'rirnd- Where arc you going, taincd her title. the unwillingness of ah old (me. WILD FLOWERS H M 0.'*— OOSGChlt'-msY I oil burner, domestic hot water North Main atreet. Tel. 5373. I era" and provide legal basis banquet this evening at the El­ -MMP.' IS TUI'S OOR HCXAY^LET US SKEEPON^ platea fo local and out of towh the loss eotimsted. at the outset j for attacking the .returns. of their member, Mrs. Charjes Raatus? HIQDEM r WHAT IS SOiN'TO (BRAaTVMr, moving. L T- Wood Op. .Ptiona unit, all controls, <95.00—6558. ohfd the Are loss at the Vavollne lington Town Hall and about six­ Steppe of 137 Vernon - street, "to J. TRAIN ? Z E TRAIN BEFORE SHE/ FOR RENT—JUNE 1ST. 4 room Rastus—Ah ain’t going no­ V FOR? KArn-KR— I CAINT. ABTUUB A 4496. plant a week ago will be larger ty ore expected to be present. pay their Anal respects. where. Ah’s being took. FOR SALE—MEN'S rebuUt and apartment, all conveniencea. Or- Mrs. Morgoretha Hartl, Depart­ HOLD EVERYTHING BY c i;y u k l e w is P u f f a w a y .' FDiXV MISTAH MAJDI^ relaated ahoea. Better than new than at Arat eatlmated. Funeral ford Bldg., Saa Main. Apply Mar­ ment president of- Stamford and The funeral of EM ward A. FUM HERE/ KNOFLA cheap shoea. See 'them. Ssm lows. The damage In the Are a week ^^SliimM Vhlldren, by some great Repairing 22 her S4K;retary, will be guests of Pierce, 78, of 13 Gayiior Place, w:oise in our sorlal and economic For Yulyea, 701 Main. ago was at Arat thought to be Orford Soap honor for the evening and address only to the building, the Are hav­ was held on Monday afternoon at become a real economic as­ LAWN MOWERS repaired, sharp­ the members. Th e members of ened. Called foi and delivered, s a l e —BIRD BATHS-BeauUfy dr Rent 66 ing started from lightning, 'nik bis home. Rev. Dr. (JeOrge S. , set, mstesd of a sheer liability, you rsANt. INSURANCE your lawn, <2.00 value, <1.49. entire second story of the building Hathewsy-Mlller Unit will nerve a Brookes, pastor of the 'Union' will observe the return of large hedge shears ground. Eklgerton, Is Enlarging turkey dinner at 8:30 o'clock and Aah Vonr Neighbor i 876 Parker street. Phone 3290. Montgomery Ward A C^ompany, FOR JIB ■:-FOUR rooms, 8 was badly gutted and the Aremen Oqngregational church officiated. families. 822 Main atreet.' miles r Manchester. Telephone did good work In preventing the members of the local unit are ask­ The bearers were William I^ee, m Mala St. Phone 5440 SPOItT TOPS AND curtains, lug­ 4035. 5 to 3 p. m. 10 large tanks that contained oil ed to be in the Center at the Henry E. Meyers, Dwight Bura- , Judith-^-So you’re engaged?- gage and harness repairing. 90 FOR SALF.—ONE 15-GAL. and Two Plant Additions Town Hall at 3 o'clock when hsm and Martin Preasler. I^rial Ruby—Y’es. but I tobk my time one 30 KBl. automatic gaa water RENT—ONE 2 ROOM cot- from exploding. It was necessary Cambridge atreet. Tel. 4740. Chas. to keep a spray of. water on the Are Planned; Starting transportation will be furnished to was In the Stafford Springs Ceme- about accepting him. Laking. heater, little used; one Janltrof on Route 44 East, Telephone EUlington. Judith—ifou mean you waited 8918. tanks. In the Inspection made gaa heater; one Crawford Wo A Today. ' Following the banquet there wlU Observe Aanlvensiy until he actually proposed? LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, with Lynn oil burner. All A-J^on by representatives of the oil com' Manchester pany and the insurance adjuaters be an entertainment program Rosalie Lodge, A.DM.8., wUl repaired;' sbeara, knives, ate. dltldn. Reason for sale, smodel- which will Include musical selec­ I Want To Bo___ ground; keys fitted or diipllcaied; Ing, using larger equipment. 73 Summer Homes For Rent 67 since that tlime It baa been found Work was, started this morning celebrate its 84th anniversary this Eveninjr Herald that two of the tanka have sprung tions and there will be cards to evening. A dinner will be served I wont to be s helpful man ahd 'X varuiim cleaners, clocks, phono­ Talcott Avenue, Rof^mlle. t^OLUMBIA LAKE, new develop­ on the Arat of the two additions to complete the evening's enjoyment. render service true. ClassiBed AdvertiMPmenta graphs, etc., repaired, overhauled. leaks. They are to be classed oa st six o’clock and the members ment, woodland terraces, cottages a total loos and this will brinft be built to the Orford Soap Com- Noble Orands Here are requested to be at their meet­ To cheer some pilgrim out of luck Count SIS nv'trss* word, lu a tin*. BraiUiwalte, 52 Pearl atreet. and show him whst to do; iKlala nnmtMrs and abbravlationt I mi— Dairy for rent and lots for sale. Wm. A. the loas, at the Are to betW^lSJ"yJ'®" HiUiard street. The Trinity Past Noble Grands ing rooms at that time. Following !h eonnt as a word and compound LAWN MOWERS sharpened, Knofla. Tel. Manchester 4279 or ^8,000 and <0,(Xkl. Work started today la on the larger Association is.meeting with May- the dinner the meeting will take For If I give a sunny smile, 'twill rgt aa two words. Minimum eott 'roducts 50 8787. of the buildlngs-to he erected. The make another life worth while. ■ Wiet e( thraa lines. cleaned, oiled, adjusted <1.25. Sower Rebekah Lodge, this after­ place. Phone work consiated of cutting a new noon at the lOOF hali. A supper I want to be toi earnest man en­ IS ralaa per day tor tranaleni Prompt delivery service, FOR^dALi;—CERTIFIED Green Union Chnrek Notes ada enytime. Open evenings except bed for one of the aide tracks that will be served' at 5:30 o’clqck. The University of Connecticut gaged In usdful work. *• MarrS IT. IMT intsin seed potatoes. C. B. Farms and Und For Salt i i Is Given Surprise la to be built closer to the branch To All the hours with honest toll, , Cash Ctaarse Monday. Telephone .5937. Karl- ucklsnd, Wapplng, C^onn. The regular meeting of May- Glee Club of forty voices will pre­ Buck I of the South Manchester railroad Sower Lodge will be held at seven my duty not to shirk; 4 OoBseeanrs Uays...i 7 cti| S eta sen's Lawn Mower Shop, FOR SALE—TWO ACRES of and to. the east of the present sent a concert of musto at the I OoRBeeatlva Dayi... t etalll eta land. TOMATO PLANTS transplanted land, and building, good roads, On H er Birthday o'clock .instead of the usual hour Union Omgregatlonal church on For if I look with wlUIng mind, t Day ...... N,...... Ill etalll eta trestle that Is owned by the soap and there will be a - public card some useful work. III surely And All erdara roKlrregnlar insertlnna in boxes, 20c dos. 2 dos. SOc. <1.00 lights, Birch Mountahi Road. Fred company; the rebuilding of the Sunday evening next at 7 o’clock. 1 4 WN MOWERS ahan ^and per 100, <8.0() per 10(X). Six varie­ party at 8:15. Pinochle, bridge and The . community Is cordially Invit­ 1 want to be a kindly man with Will be eharaad a\tha one time rate. reconditioned. Delivery vice. Marin. high tension line from the rall- sympathetlirhesrt VjcOk fest»Bg8 HEROES ARE MADE -MCYT BORM ■peelal rates fo^onx term every ties. Early cabbage plants 2 dos. Mrs. Carl J, B, Anderson of 90 I road near the passenger station to whlat will be played, with prixes ed to be presenL m w .. -LftI t t68»>efttt6BWSL4E6. T • » R Pdt W*. Say advertlalnc alv^upon request. Tel. 4531—4506. Snow hers, being awarded. This card party is Dr. George . Brookee, pakor at For those In sorrow or distress to a A ordered betere\the third or 25c., 7Sc. per 100., <3.00 per 1000. Pitkin street, whose birthday oc- a point to the aouth of Hilliard 8 render my full part; 336 Sfimmit. Anderson Oreenhouoea, 153 El- Houses For Sule 72 the last of a series held during the the Union Omgregational church, ^ day will be^hargi^ only 'for curred yesterday,' was remembered atreet underpooa, and the Ailing In For after oil 'Us whst you give BOO'IV AND HER BUDDIES ,ibe aetnal number of timat the ad w a n t e d TO 'P#NE, repair and drldge. Phone 8483, with numerous personal gifts from of land to the west of the trestle, recent months with scores tptallng will preach next Sunday morning' A Lot of Territory BY KDGAR MAI Anfarod,, ebarslBx at ttia w e earn* SACTUFICE FOR QUICK SALE! toward the grand prixes. Rrtreah- that mokes you feel Its good to ed hut BO allowancs or refuMa ean regulate yoinr piano or player her friends and relatives, Includ- Start Side Track on the sulijffct, “Christians Under live. i*< FOR SAU&-P1VB CORDS of Property bn Main atreet, 2 family menta, will be yerved at the close the Juniper Tree.” .OARLmT^-L WAb aOfcT ha saade on ala tima ada stopped piano. TelyMahciieater 5062. house. All Improvements. 5 room Ing many cards of greeting and This morning a gang of men em- But moet of all I want to be a man YEAW i TH' LOft-REAOS *. VWoWkT TO •ttar the dfth day. cow manure. Call at 170 Oakland good wishes. ployed by the New York, New Hs: of the playing. ' Attend Synod TV4AMRVUL I AM TO OIT AWAY FROM CAPTAIN FOb* SAYS HE HATas TO ^604 (H — VOOMNO VOHAt MIM Vlfflisn ' No “till forbids"; diapidr liaeo^tM lift — street or telephone 3009. bungialow, modem. 2 for price of Memlie'ni Social of sterling worth. ’ J I Tthfhat awsov n^ avio-- THIVIW VOHAT MubHT HAJt HAPP%>i%0 1 OO MEQkKCT ' VCWIA# In the afternoon she waa much ven and Hartford Railroad com- Rev. Karl Otto Klette, pastor That I may prove myself to be full •aid. Wsntcd—Female one. CaU 3585 or 3334. A. W. Ben­ There will be a members aoclal of the First Lutheran cbuitdi, will AKID L HAJIE \F YOU HAD4ST HUM AMO J FOR (5k (MOMEM r lf ~ ^ ------Tha Borald will aot be rSaponilblcaponilhic' , FOR SALE—CERTIFIED Green son. Benson Fumiturs Co. 713 surprised when a party of her pany started wortc on the Hilliard worthy of my birth'; •sr aMrs thaa ont Ineorraet Insar* friends from among the women of street end of the side track and for the Rockville Emblem Club on represent, the local church at the WS M % » VNMCM Me* e( any advartiMmtitt ordered NTED—YOUNG WOMAN for Mountain seed potatoes. Frank V. I Main street. For, though I All an humble place, FOR ' YOO , 0 (0 Wllllama, BucUand, Conn. Tel.' Emanuel Lutheran church and were cutting away a new road bed. Wednesday afferhoon St 2:30 United Lutheran Synod of New I then can walk with happy face. mana.mtt.mma.lHrm.______r-M •sr BMre tkaa obo Mme. general boueekeeper. Stay nights. o'clock at the E3ks Home on Pros­ York to be held In SL John’s Lu­ Tha iaadvtrttBt omlasloa of Call 8418. ______■ 7997. / ' BENTON STREET. Arrange to Ladlea Aid society, of which she Is Alexander Jarvis had a steam —Orenvllle Klelser. •scraet pnbllWloa of advsill^g oee this 3 large rpoma, <>>lonlal, a former officer, called to help her I shovel working assisting In this pect street. theran church,. New York City, "Why do you want lo go west and be a cowboy? Haven’t/ •nil ha rootlBed ealy by eaaeellMlon. FOR SALi^-’LOAM <5.00 a load. celebrate. Mre. Carl Anderson of work and the crew from the Msn- Baaeb)Ml Players May 20th to the 23rd. •d tha eharga mads for tho iwrvlee WANTED.—Experienced Saleawo. with garage, hot water heat, all A man Is not paid for having man In dreaa departmehC Must Turf^^foot squares, already out: modern Improvements. You will Edgerton street, in bebslf of the Chester Division of the Connect!' The Public Works committee of trains but for using them. we got enough cows for you right here at home?" . All adirartlaamenta muat^oonforBi be energeUc end capable, 22 to 30 110 Uroad street, Town. love It. Priced for quick aale. group presented to Mrs. Anderson cut Power Company waa moving the Board of Aldermen with En>en atyla. oopy sBd typoAfsphy with yeara of age. Steady, good 'My- an envelope containing a sum of wires from three poles that run H. Cobb os chairman wiU bold a tiOBi aaforead Mr tha publish. CORBNCO FER'HLIZER 4-8-4-r Owner leavfng town. Call before Plane Passengers KLAPPER PAN NY thay rasora* tha right is Ing position. For Interview wHte 8 p. m.—8423. money. With the wish that ohe along the spur of the South Msn- meeting In the Council Oiambers STORIES IN STAMPS BY SYLVIA tavisa or roMit any copy oea* P, O. Box 603^ Manchester. <1.73, 4-8-7—<1.83, 5-8-f—<1.94. ■mlght have many more happy cheater branch which carries s high thia evening at 7 o'clock. At this LohlsotleMaMA NlcboU Store. Phone 5492. „ birthdays, and the hops that she tension wire to the sub station on times dates wlU be set for the Escape Injury KO.npalltS—Claasiasd ads WANTED —GIRL FOR UOHT 'x:...... Real E sU ts For E ichsninK 76 would use It fbr. something she Hilliard street, in addition to thiy use of H^nry Park for either soft- pabllapM aaaio day mutt ha rit o'clock noon Satnr housework and care of one child...... ^ : especially desired. work JarvU also had man at work ball or baseball. Teams desiring Apjply 75 Summer atreet. WE HAVE A CLIBajT J4*to o T ^ The ladles also brought a sup- 4i*Sing a trench in which la to be Household Goods 51 the use 4>f one of the Adda should New York, May 14M *)— Nina desirable building loU,^ould like p]y things to eat and en- Maid a 12-lnch water main and the be r^esented at the meeting this W u t Ads SEE THE HONEYMOON—Three passengers and a crew of three B um to build house M ^ - tr a d e ^ loU j<,y^ ^ luncheon and social time ••"‘tary pipe UAe la also to be re- ey^Ung, aro aoeepiod over tha tala> rooms of. furniture <138.00. <10. aa part payment o» house. Consult together.' laid and moved to another position. of an American Alritoes trans­ -‘'is Ua CHAJUIB RATB rlvl0^PM .LA fu u TO STsatb day followlag tha FOR S^LE — CREAM enamel 'w'w o so Hilliard street and will extend 150 Guardia Aeld. ^ FALLA AM"TRpW BOSS - ^ YOU/ httartlea.'af oacb ad atharwiso MttVOH rKRMIT ■ ^ 1 A. R. hall. Supper will be served On New Zeoland Issue w3p^ %omt T8U. Ml win voux" NMTOi OUriMV... BUU i ttSSffP, i CBAROB RATS will bo oollaet. rice Alone; Does Nol kitchen atove. Combination oil ^ lOTICB OF AFFLICATIOIt The plane was inbound from M tnAM Of OAR!, No rospoBBlblllty for orrora la and gaa.' Call 7031 ^ 8 7 Oam- ‘hta Is to sIva notlfs that 1 tiurlev Ganaidacv *•** O"* at 7 o’dock and this will be follow­ Chicago, lU last stop having baan., piVE British sovereigns who BAVDU OMHfOU,l«liAeK.I« y Z S S , J * trabks of the side track owned by VB BO$6 AN MgMlBR / S & T J ' tasd ada will be aaosmad and Hake a bargain! ~ brldge atreet, tomorroik aid J llacKntsht of fit I the company will.run alongside the ed by the reguUu* meeting and a Buffalo.. ' have ruled New T^esland are TWW A 4r aeearaey eaanot bo raaraa. Btraat, tianehoatsr, Conn., hava flied short program. • BAN SVMt an application dat.d 7th of May, . . new building so loading can be done Mayor LaOuardla rushed to the pictured on a new stamp of the C04Nq|^EWI CoaiMer Your Dealer and Uie FOR SALE—LARGE ICE W ., Blago Aeld and ordered that reportcra bdsz Ctassilkstioiis RBaVlCE Back of Your Par. perfect condition, price <3.0^ I»4U. with tha I.tquor Control Com- Bridgeport, May 14—(F>—Fair- there while tho other track wUl dominion, above, one of a series mlislun (or a llotal i’criplt for (ho I Aeld county DemocraUc leaders swing farther to the east and will The Central Relief 0>mmittee of and photographers be denied ad­ of 13 commemorating the lOOth chade! We Are Now Offerlag- E. O. Perkins, 17 Jackaon^reet. aala of atcohnlle liquor on tha SL Joseph's church will sponsor a mittance. BsaU ••••••••••»«••••• Our pramlaaa of ttl Main atraat. Man- will meet at the Parker House cross Hilliard street near the grain anniversary of the annexation of tor, Conn. Tha buomtas Is owned In Newtown tonight to dlscuoa the store of Oecar Bailey to the itor- grocery bingo this evening In SL RUOS FOR SALE.-^ Braided, Joseph's hall on West street start- the Islands. Th e Duke o f Windsor hooked, crocheted. Rhute 44 Blast. Kdward J. MacKnIsht of tll proopective gubernatorial candl- age place for the materials that are (gneea Tells Oratttnde • f Thaaks ••*•••••••••• Is pictured as Edward VIII, with ^lomplete Stock of Telephone 8918.'/' atroot, Manchrator, Conn., and dacy of State J*ubllc Works Com- brought In by freight to be ground ing st 7 o’clock. Loodon, Msy 14——Qusen Measarism bo conducted by Edward J. mlsaloner Robert A. Hurley. uter for tho making of Bon Ami. Funeral Thursday Queen Victoria. Edward VII, ___ aad Found ...... MacKl^sht of 4ia Main atroot, Elizabeth, to messages mailed 1940 Radios at Great* LACTC COmblna- Members of the State Ontral The funeral of Mrs. E3isabeth George V and the present ruler, Aaaeaneamaata ...... / • FOR itor. Conn., so pormlltoo. from Buckingham Palace to 880,- George VI. r Fsraeaala ,. S f Uon Ui oil burner. Also ;^'ARD J. MacKmoilT Committee from the county will VloU Steppe, 47, wife of Charles 000 householders to England, Scot­ AataambtlM ^ Reilucefl Prices! .Dated 7th of May, 1444. meet st 8 p.m. with County Chair- r ' l a a a A s le n it t s e d l Steppe of 137 Vernon avenue who Tha centenary series was orig­ AmeatoSias for Bala ...... t gaa wai heater. Must be aold land and Wales, expressed grati­ at oni Price reasonable. Phone II-I-I4-44. \ man John T. MeCMrthy for a dls- > '- ■ « * « » » / ^ U I U l l W X l died on Monday rooming at SL tude today for their reoeptlohk inally iesuad to IS iralust. B e- .^ -1 ABtaiaebllta for Kaehanga .... I N4w la tlie Ume to get n good eently tha 7(L value, picturing a ate Aeeaasortaa—TIrta ...... 4 | Radio At Big SavlagsT We are A'T A PROBXt E c o u r t HELD cussloB of the Hurley candidacy Francis hospital la Hartford, srlU women and children moved from V A g - . ___ i f i t •M Rapatrlng—Painting .... T at Ka.t WInd.oy, within and for and other party affairs, prior to a To First Degree be bdd on Thursday morning at ’’danger areas.’’ Maori council, was withdrawn and A a te Schools ...... '. f.A Uatiag a few of the many sets laclndlag 'Table. C’onaole aad th. Dl.trlet of Kail WInd.or, on th. dinner meeting with town chair­ 8:15'o’doc)t at her home and at 9 ah 8d. value of the same design \ A a to e Bbip by Truek ...... s : Ibth day of May, A^'-D.. 1440. men and vice chairmen o( the substituted to m e k increased Aates—For HIro ...... Si Phoao-C'ecnlinbtnaittlena I>r...nt CI.AHA P. ^D E N , Juds.. o'clock at SL Bernard’s church. iPeBey. ALLEY UUP Asragss—Banrieo—Bloraga ... M I county at 7 p.m. postal ratas. The complete a k They Didn’t Watch Hercnlea BY V.T. HAM! E.lat. of William cmirlla lat. of A clsaa of candidates -was ad­ Burial WlU be In SL Bernard's Moscow, May 14-HF1— Tha Mstoreyelas—Bloyclea «...... II South WInd.or In lald Dtitrlct, d.- There Is sentiment In the couB' now list! 18 valuta. Waatsd Autoa—MotoreyeUa ... II , Buy Now <^11 Easy mitted to the Flint Degiqe at a cemetery. Oommunik party newapaper Prav- nwHAPivjBijr wMXBK; c a i.d . ty, leaden said today, for the SpEctel da charged today the Allied block­ Modem New Zealand la a aelf- TMBRK’A(30Wm4 iBaalaoaa aad ProfaMlnai SirvfMa { INSURE ORltERED;—That all month, meeting of Campbell CouMl K. J A M . laalBoas Sarvicaa Offrrad . . . . I I Terms 1\ ’ Wltfe launching of a boom for Hurley, Mrs. John CyrUewtes, Pocahon' ade policy “was and otUl la to govemlng dominion of the Britirii THXrtJUMtNPSTUFF e L O O K O U t _ oassbold Barvlcta Olftrod ....It-A from dat. of this ord.r b., ahd th. of C., last night. Thera wilt pro­ SILLY AOAIM.'DADCiUMMrn / WHILE .am. I. limited and allowed foXjth. who still msintalns his voting tas of Kiowa ^uncU, haa called a create new theaters of war,” to Empire, comprising 103383 square PEBSCM/, ALLEY.' f Blldlag^4^nntrartlng ...... It McKINNEY BROTHEI^ creditor, to brlns In th .lr elavn residence hen and thus is con­ bably be one more First Degree DOC CAN’T 'A3U Ilartsto—Nuraarict ...... I I class before a Second DegiM special meeting of tlie members make the small neutral countriea miles. North and South itlanda LBLABAI THACr THEM TW f-f/ (1) ft-Tube Phlkxi Comblnatloa Real Estate aad laearaaoe asMn.t .aid ..tat., and th# Al sidered a FalrAdd county candl' are the largest of the group; North 5 -lA ’aaaral Dlroctora ...... I t mlnUtrator la directed to s iv . pub-' working of a Third Degree durlAg for Wednesday evening at seven Aght for tha British and French. ^POpEsoorr leatlag—Plomblng—Rnnflng .. IT AiHamatlc Bc«ord Changer. 505 Mala St. Pbaae dOM date. Island has several volcanoes, nu­ amtrsnea ...... I t lie notice to the creditor, qf .aid the latter part of June. THIMOft BALLED ■lU lasry— Draaaraaklng ...... I I ..lata to brlns In Ih.lr Claim, with­ merous geysers and hot tpringi. "A'fine bunch of Hiding presenU! Thty know I emn’t cook." in .aid time allowed, by po.tlns a At the meeting an Invitation ■ovlag—Trnekins—Stnraga .. M $119.95 was .received from the WUlimantlc Pablle Paaaangar Barvloa ...... lO-A (1) I9SXX Phlke lO-Tube Con- copy of thi. order upon a public NtlaUag—Paparing ...... 11 Bole. Keg. <100. alsn poet n.are.t to th. piece where Form er Collector Council to attend a Third Degree \ hretaaalonal SaWera ...... I I N o tic e tha dac.a.ed l.a't dwelt, within th. J OONEHVILLE P0LK8 Now . . . . ' ...... ■am. Town, and by publlaqins Ihl. a n .L* m 1 >“ c*ty on May- 28 Daily Pattern \, BY PUNTAINE KUX lapalrlag ...... I I $79.95 G e t s F l ^ l s o n 1 < » n t l when there will be a Urge cUee of ' 'allorlag—Dyaliig>-C|aanlng .. 14 (I) IBOXX Phllro S-Tube Con To the Demorntlc BHecton ^ l o r d . r In a n.w.papor haylrtk a clr- ' 'ollat Oeoda and Brrvlra' ...... I I sole. Beg. <89.05. A C rulallon In oald- DUtrlet. and r.- I ' candidates with the degree work ' FaatsA— Bualnaaa Barvlca . . . . I t the Town of Manchester: turn make to Ihli Court of th. no- j In charge of en mit of etate team. ' I l l u s t r a t e d W AR P h r a s e s IMaraf laBal. Now ...... You are hereby wai*ned of a He. slvSn. (1) I80XX Phllro 7-Tnbe Con­ C.rttd.d from R.eerd, It Win he the first Third Degres r a M a n S n i E v e r y e f f o r t is b e i n g m a d e t o p r o v i d e a l a n d i n g h e l p Coaraaa aad Claaara ...... IT caucus to be held In the HolUater Norwich May 14— Lso D. working In WUlimantlc In thres vals Inatruetlons ...... I I sole. Reg. <71.05. m C A A C Street School Hall, Mandiester, * CLARA F. AlXEN , Oagnon, < . formor tax coUsetor tclag ...... I l - A * juds»r 2 years, which assures a Isige K Now ...... ^ O a P . a l O OonnscUcUtr on Monday evening. Admlnl.lrator*. addr..., John j of ths town of Griswold smd the If you’re expecting a hliy. ot 'Maaleal—Dramatic ...... I t gathering. course you’ll kmply live to the WanrrdT—Inaiructlnn'a ...... M 1 I65XX Phllro S-Tobe Con- May 20. 1040, at 8:00 P. H.. EktSt- Churlla. Broad Brook, Conn.cttrut,' borough of Jewett City, w i« sen­ CampMI Council will be repre­ bK - - . l-'lmiimriRl em Daylight Saving Time, to elect R. K. D. tenced to stats prison at Wsthers- amock-top frock this summer, 1 • .«l»»Vtuek»~MortKaic** ••• 11.4-14-44. sented st the state convention of making it up time and again. It's B'{«^;nes8 OptKjrtunttUt ...»#•• tZ w $49.95 ilelegatea to attend a Democratic Aeld by Judge WUUam H. Cbmley the Knights of 0>lumbus which % 'I »0 I.Olin a It ( I ) 160F Phik-o Console. S State Convention called by the at the opening at Criminal Su-1 n.rtfnni n«t by all odda the moat youthful, oon- FUECKLE8 AND HIM PKIENUH Slight Ovoraight Sunday cealtog and becoming thing you BY MERRILL KUMBBB IIf Ip and SiCaatlaaa rubra. Brg, ^Q Q QC Democ^tlc State Central Com­ parlor court hare today to not less | with election of officers oe Mon­ I 4i> Aiited^FpmaU ...... oa t% <10.05. Now .. utOnFanlO mittee, to be held on the 3rd and than 18 months or more than can choose. This one has a pleat­ Mdlp Wanttd—M rU aaa;*ooaM« ZZ New V York. May 14—(FI—How day. Winiam J. Shea; a past grand Now OONT ocr THAT GACAff AU. O n « (1) I58F Phlloo S-Tnbe Console. th i^ yean. He pleaded guilty to ed top, and an. inverted pleat to FMAUy Em not suae, pur W dvttd ...... a.H ’A 4th days of June, 1940, st Hart­ ard C. Hopson, founder and hmg o kmght of tho eo4mciI and at prts- IV BicrviMooM — • (SO ourcoe a n d l " L Help Wantad—MaU or Famala IT Reg. <38.95. C O A Q C ford. Connecticut,' for the follow­ embenllng <10,000 from UM town the adjustable skirt, for a mora KimoscHe ON YouRseiF rmsr.f THINK~ .... WE UFT s o ^ - AV«BU Wantad ...... IT>A dominant Agure in the <1 $00,000,* snt Stats Deputy, will be a candi­ graceful line. And to vary the ou r Now ...... V tuaFancO ing purposes: of Griswold during the four yean date for relectlon and It la Mtuatloa* Wanted^^Fcmala .aa ZZ (SI 7-Tube Emeraon Table Meta. 000 Associated Oas aad Electric ha waa tax collector. The state monotony, we’ve given you a Sltvatlona Wanttd'—MaU ..>• Z'J 1. To elect delegates to the pentad that there wiU be tm op- I Isaanan . All - Wave RrrepUnn. Reg. system, and three associates ikttorney, Arthur M. Brown did not choice of two different necklines. im tne— SaploTnrnt As^ndrt ....v... Mi Democratic National Convention MMSION--- YOU 14^ Bfaek— Vata-^Feeltrys— to be held at Chicago. Dllnqla, Using this oama pattant (8715) IT wokr, ntaaaai.'r Vakialaa today to a 19-oount IndlctnMnt a siibetaatlal amount from the| goga-;llirda-;_P»i» $29.95 commencing July, 14, 1940 in, ac­ you can maks ooma of your draoa BACK u p/ , LffT oof ( I ) Ememon Radio Combination charging them with conspiracy borough of Jewett City. _ilTa Stock— V .h ic l.* ...... cordance with the official call of and defrauding inveoton of more as with square necklina^ and ooaaa ' A ------Poultry and Suppllc...... *1 the Democratic National Commit­ with .a soft, turnover oollar and Wantad —P.ta—poultry—Block 44 Now than <20,000,000. Federal Judge We44M : JarVis Co. I b L o w Ue ends. It will took entirely dlf- Far tala— MiBcellaneoeo $39.95 tee. Henry W. Goddard Axed hall at Aettel.a For SaU ...... 41 2. For the purpose of nominat ferant, and both neckltoea aro nor w p u rp on eotn oin ™ t.i< jj ^ sach. and tentatively set Boeton. May 14v—(F) — A-bUl Saata and AcecstoriM ...... 4t SI9.9S for Voir Old lUdki ing a candidate aa Senator f « > « gJnt. $ for trial. ^ C ontract Bidder equally smart. This la a atyto that Valldtar Malrrlala ...... 4T Connecticut in the Senate of the proposing that pubUe aale at Are- makes up wall to every material— Diamond. —Watch.*—J.w.lry 41 in Trade On a New Mndeni works be bsurea In Maaeachuaetts aiMtr;cal Appllanr.*—Kadto., 4t United SUtea flat crepe, smaB-flgured pitot, T- Fa*l and F>*d ,.4t-A Wiicox Gay Recordio — 3. For the purpose of .electing except to organlaattona bonded Among the bida for a half mil­ aheera, and summer cottons. Stap- O ard.n— Farm— Dairy Froducta tS against damages which might arise by-atep aew dtart Included to your B oa..h old flood...... 41 I’laya Recordk, Makes Your members of the Democratlo State lion doUan of foad work to be Central Committee of Connecti­ I from their use haa baen Aled by I Hi.hwav n*- design. achUtory and Tools ...... 41 Own Records — Together Repieaeatathra Bven A. Ertekson |_ 80 .1 oal In .tru m .tit...... -41 cut. Pattern N a 8715 Is designed Offles and Star. Equlpm.nt ... 44 With a lieautiful 9-Tube All (R.. Woixortsr), on balmlf of Ftor- r f 4. For the purpose of.receeslng SPECIAL for atoaa 14, 16, 18. >0. 40, 48 and Boaniala at th. Bterr...... 44 Wave Radio. List Price enca C. Ballou. kgWaUye agent at The Waarteg Appar.l-Fur* ...... 4T to a. later seaalon to be held at a the Worcester Woman’s aub. Un- 44. Stoe 16 ratpiiroa 48-4 yards of 8CUKCUY SMITH W antod—T o Buy ...... 41 Only -nrw ...... $139.95 time and place to be designated by 1939 Cherrolet 39-tod> material wlttaPUt nap.. Jnat Like Mother Uaed To Make BV JUHN C TIUUIIil a.d Hotrli the Democratic SUU Central |4ler tha maasun. • organliatlons J^to*be ^ w d ^ For a PATTERN of thla at­ ^lootaaniBlo 4*Door Sedan purchaalng Arewotks would have to 'WLHOW Without Board :..... Committee, said time to he. not procun a Ucenas and supply a ^ contract * tractive modk'send 15o IN COIN, .QtktNTf Waatsd ...... We Have a Number of Good later thaw one month foUpwlng |a,S00 bond against posastble dam- three s | ^ d y k-gln^ to^ye ow TOUR NAME, ADDRK88, . s n i itry Saard—Basoru ...... Used Radios—$4.95. Get the termination of the Democratic With Tniiik, Scat Cov­ ^ ghetucket river In Baltic, town STYLE, NUMBER and SlEB to •Rastaurants ...... ,—Ropma—Board .... One Now for Cottage or National Convention, at which ers; Black: Nice aad of Sprague, with 84g feet of Utu- Manrhaatar Eventog Barald. Id - ^ 1 # ■aal Batata Far Boat Home. later e***!'*" there shall be nomi­ Clciui Insi^ aad OaL Act I miaous macadam approaches. day's Pattam Barrtea, 108-7th' ata. Flats. T.n.maBta M nated the Democratic candidatea This brtaga t * nearly <800,000 Ava., New York, N. T. I Lacatloei tor Rant .. ' 4t Gnarantccd. I eOntracU that the Jarvis company For Rant ...... 44 CALL 3535 for SUto offices, for Congress- Boeton, May 14.——The U. 8. An tha thtoga you Wear —yon For' Rant ...... 44 msn-st-Large, and for Preslden- I Department of the Interior, diecloa- hava with the State Highway Do- Sean anally make tor yooiielf! Ton Hoiaoa For Rant ... .. *7 For Radio Repair Service Uai electors. Ing that Ashermea had noted,.partmenL . There__ is a bridge _In doubt It? Ah. but aand tor our ta Rant ...... 41 5. For the purpose of transact­ oi Batata Pae Bala On Any Radio. 962S I smoke bomba a n t up aa dlstreaa the town of Thompson at a cort New Summer Faohiona Book, . Building far Bale .. 44 Tubes Tested Free ing such other business as msy 1 signals by the submarine' Bqualua I of <18.000, a road and brld^ in brimming over with charmtog da- Property for Bala .•» 14 come before eald Oonventhm. I *»«* Way und i—d fsilad to report I Andover at a coat of <30,000 and glgna tor aeery boor'of a aommar I aad land lor Sale ..... 71 At Store. To elect members of tbs Dsmo- Riley Qievrolet I • . a • • . . . a.. . .. 71 I them bacauaa tha AMiarman ba-1 road and hrtdga to Hrinron k a dayl Try oam pattan — Jok ana— ___ ...... 71 cratle Town Oommittss of Maa- Inc. luavud tham to bs ’’■onM form of least of I5OJI0O. The Arm Is just and y o ^ bo eonvlnead. Order Piepaety tor Sale ...... 74 ChetiET. Idrlll.'* urged aQ kUpping today tolcomplettog a hrldga to Boarah. yours light soar!. wa tar Sola ...... 74 Dated at Menrheafer, Oonoeett- ladvlaa tha Navy (Sr tha OoMt|7rhidt coat $18,000, whirti ia not T ^ ate tur Bsekaago ... . 74 191 CENTER STREET. Pattan, 18e Psittan Book, 18e .Baal Batata...... It cut. this 14th day of May. IMO. I Guard with all apead whMmvar-any I tocludad ta tha $800,000 of Aastlmi lagal Batlaas Thomas J. Dannaher, 6874 Ired anoka Is notad risiiig from the work that bs has contracted for Ona Pattan aad Patton Book Betieea a ...... * —... . *s } Democratic Town iMirtBoa at tha watsr. iwtthto tha tok two wetlri ordciad together. 85c..