Platteville Church to Be Dedicated June 6

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Platteville Church to Be Dedicated June 6 Member of Audit Bureau of ClradatioM PLATTEVILLE CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED JUNE 6 Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1946— Permission to reproduce, Except on Convert in Ohio Writes Articles Otherwise Marked, given After 12 H. Friday Following Issue Archbishop to Bless Hymn to St. Francesca D E N V E R C A T H O L IC Struoture; Offioers of Mass Are Announced A half century ago, the son of a Today, 60 years later, that Mme the schools of the city, he found drugstore owner attended the gym­ drugstore owner’s son has himself in the thick of a Protestant nasium school in Frankfurt-on-the what may be the first reTigious teaching and training that fogged Main, Germany. He attended hymn to the American citizen saint. his mind with doubt and suspicion. Fr. Bernard Freegel, Pioneer Priest, Will Giva courses bathed in a militant Prot­ Mother Francesca Cabrini, who According to the professor, he was doubting about things that in him REGISTER estantism that denounced the will be raised to the glories of the Catholic Church, its doctrines, and altar July 7. He is August CTifabr, self he felt he ought to believe. The National Catholic Welfare fconference News Service Supplies Tlie Denver Catholic Register. We Rsffliaiscenees of Early Days ai Lineheon its morals. Ph.D., professor of German in Ohio Protestant Complex EUve Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller He heard among other things State university and recent convert “ It always seemed that Protest­ Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (8 cents per copy) - Following Ceremony that the veneration of the saints to the Catholic faith. His story is antism had something to hide,” he is a pagan practice and^e listened given in the current issue of the to the great truths of tne faith be­ Columbus Register. (T u n to Pages — Column 7) VOL. XLL No. 40. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1946. $1 PER YEAR The new St. Nicholas church in Platteville will be dedi­ littled as false and fictional. His A member of Our Lady of Vic­ .+ + + cated next Thursday morning, June 6, at 10 o’clock by Arch­ mind, then in its formative stages, tory parish in Columbus, the pro­ bishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver. A Solemn Mass will be became clouded with doubt and un­ fessor has entitled his work sung in the presence of the Archbishop by the Rev. Dr. certainty because he had been “ Hymnus in Sanctam Franciscam Hymn Honors U. S. Saint taught different by his Catholic Cabrini,” and has hopes that some Thomas Doran, administrator of the Platteville parish, under nurse some years before. day it will be used in regular Cath­ Must Develop Leaders whose direction the $18,000 church edifice was constructed. olic services. As he explained to the Assisting at the Solemn Mass will be the Rev. Dr. Ed­ writer, it is a song of praise and ward M. Woeber, assistant in St. Philomena’s parish, Den- Essay Contest prayer to the saint Written in In Spanish-Am ericans ver, deacon; the Rev. John H. Latin, it recalls the unique, saintly Kelly of S t Peter’s parish, Flem qualiUes of the woman who was ing, subdeacon; and the Rev. Dr. Prizes to Be ‘‘consumed in the care of the frail David Maloney, assistant Chan­ Four Denver in spirit and flesh.” And in petition, “ We have failed, neglected, and Faither Birch feels that we must cellor, master of ceremonies. The it asks Mother Cabrini to remem looked down upon the Spanish­ borrow the effective Protestant sermon at the^ Mass will be de­ Given Sunday ber the faithful on earth now as speaking people,” accused the Rev. method of developing leadership livered by, tKe Rev. Barry J. Men Will Get she did so many times in her John J. Birch of San Antonio, among the Spanish-speaking by Wogan of St Joseph’s parish. earthly ministry. The professor is speaker at the 20th annual con­ giving opportunity to the youth Golden. A choir, under the direc­ Winners ^ of the* Archbishop engaged at the present time in vention of the Archdiocesan Coun­ who will in turn lead their people tion of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Suhdiaconate Vehr essay contest were an­ composing music to accompany the cil of Catholic Women, which met up from poverty and discrimina­ Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G., will pre­ nounced this week by the Rev. Hu­ words. in Denver last week. tion. sent the music for the Mass. Mdre than 300 delegates of the Following the ordination of five" bert Newell, archdiocesan superin­ Born in Frankfurt “ In Denver alone,” he pointed Luncheon to Be Served ACCW, the Most Rev. Urban J. new priests for the Archdiocese of tendent of schools, who also said Dr. Mahr was born in 1886 in out, “ there are 2,000 Spanish­ After the Mass and dedication that the prizes will be awarded at Vehr, 27 of the archdiocesan speaking pupils in the first grade Denver in the Cathedral Saturday, the city of Frankfurt and since ceremonies, a luncheon for the June 1, at 9:30 o’clock, Archbishop the joint graduation exercises for that time has received a Doctor’s clergy, and two Missionary Cate­ and only 80 seniors.” Because of chists heard the address of Father clergy and public will be served Urban J. Vehr will confer the first Denver parochial high schools in degree at the University of Heidel­ economic and social discrimina­ at 12:30 o’clock in the hall of the Birch at a luncheon meeting of major order o f suhdiaconate in St. the city auditorium at 3 p.m. Sun­ berg; traveled to America; re­ tion, some Spanish-speaking have Platteville high school. Toast­ day. the convention in the Shirley- become a beaten people who lack ■Thomas’ seminary Sunday morn­ turned, to Europe twice; taught in master for the occasion will be ing. Another group of seminarians Essay winners are as follows: Stanford, Yale, and Ohio State Savoy hotel May 23. motivation and face life with a Monsignor Bosetti. The Very Rev. As secretary of the executive will receive tonsure from the hands Senior division, high school, universities; and carried on higher “ what’s the use?” attitude. To Bernard J. Froegel, one of the committee of the Bishops’ Commit­ of the Archbishop on Saturday Jeanne Bryden, Holy Family high, echelon work for the Church. His cure this inferiority complex that first priests to care for the people tee for Spanish-speaking in the evening and the first minor orders first; Barbara Bendekovic, St. initial contact with Catholicism the Anglos have thrust upon them, of the Platteville territory, and Southwest, Father Birch is estab­ of porter and lector Sunday morn­ Mary’s academy, second; Shirley came from his childhood nurse, who we must get the Spanish-speaking now pastor of St. Peter’s parish, lishing community recreation cen­ ing. Buss, Cathedral high, third; jun­ took him to the Cathedral and routh in to high schools and col- Greeley, and dean of the Northern ters for Spanish-American youth Four students for the Archdio­ ior division, high school, Theresa taught him the elements of Chris­ eges and develop leaders from district of the Denver archdiocese, in San Antonio. Formerly he di­ cese of Denver will receive the Phelan, St. Joseph’s, first; Irma tianity. their own ranks. as the featured speaker will give Blea, St. Francis de Sales’, second; Though making a lasting impres­ rected Catholic Youth organiza­ ' Proud Culture Cited suhdiaconate. They are Walter tions in Los Angeles, Calif., at his reminiscences of the parish. Jaeger, William Jones, George Joan Vaughn, Mt. St. Gertrude’s sion, it proved of no avail at the Also, on the program at the lunch­ the time of the zoot-suiter riots. Appealing to the Spanish-speak­ Evans, and Robert Freudenstein. academy, Boulder, third; seventh time. Immediately upon entering Dr. August C. Mahr, professor office at the university. A con­ ing people directly. Father Birch eon will be piano solos presented and eighth grades, Elaine Telk, of German at Ohio State univer­ vert to the faith. Dr. Mahr hopes Must Give Opportunity Other candidates and the dioceses said: “ If any of you have for so­ by Louise McMillcn and several they represent are Paul Mendrick, St. Catherine’s, first; Francelle sity and member of Our Lady of to have the hymn used in regular “ Protestant Churches have been cial or economic reasons aban­ vocal soles by Mrs. Melvin Camp. Archbishop Confirms proselyting among the Spanish­ Bernard Griesemer, and Joseph Lee, St. Philomena’s, second; Pa­ Victory parish, Columbus, ha* Catholic Church service* if ap­ doned your own, remember that Great credit for the successful tricia Hebert, Annunciation written a hymn to Mother Fran­ proved by proper authorities. speaking people with no small suc­ Hailoran, Pueblo; William Curtis there is no reason to deny your completion of the new Platteville and Sherlock Weir, Winona; Al­ school, third. 132 Adults, 54 Youths cesca Cabrini, who will be canon­ Written in Latin, it is entitled: cess ‘attempting to make Christians Spanish heritage. It is a proud out of Spanish-American Catho­ church is owed to the zealous and bert Chavez, Santa Fe; Robert Judges for the contest were the ized July 7. Pictured above, the “ Hymnus in Sanctam Franciscam one. Your culture, brought to these hard-working parishioners, who professor work* on the music in bis Cabrini.” lics’.” In order to “ hold our own," Schulzetenberg, S^. Cloud; John Rev. Damen McCaddon, the Rev. In Denver Cathedral shores by heroic Spanish padres, is supplied all the labor necessary in Harrington, Leavenworth; Andrew Dr.
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