


o^ VJ

The Catholic Official Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844

TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR 104th YEAR-NO. 4 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1947 HÌÉ1IT SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS British Cardinal THE RESURRECTION' Expose Communists, Lauds President's East Europe Plan Don't Outlaw Party, By John A. Greaves ( Correspondent, N.C.W.C. Says Father Cronin News Service) London, Mar. 24. — President Washington, Mar. 31 (NC) — Harry S. Truman's plan to help ists would seek to be made mar- Greece and Turkey resist outside Disagreeing with proposals that tyrs for civil liberty.*' aggression and internal enemies, the Communist Party in the Unit- On the other hand, Father ed States should be outlawed or Cronin said Communists "do has been"*applauded by Cardinal very little harm where they work Bernard Griffin, Archbishop of otherwise forced underground, openly" and that their "real - Westminster. Rev. John F. Cronin, S.S., assist- age is done through deceit and "I think it is. time we called a ant director of the Social Action misrepresentation." He contended halt to compromise and expedi- Department, National Catholic that by employing exposure meth- ency. I think it is time that we ods against thé Reds, their op- asserted the principles on which Welfare Conference, issued a ponents would have the "advan- international relations must be statement here today in which he tage of appealing to public opin- based," the Cardinal said. "In this advocated the "exposure tech- ion" and reminded that the "pub- respect we applaud the recent nique" as the most effective means lic does not like to be fooled and statement made by President Tru- of treating the. menace. has no sympathy for secret move- man about Greece and Turkey and Father Cronin contended that ments." He asserted that "a real the action be proposed to take." in nations where the Communist expose of Communist deceptive The Cardinal expressed his sen- Party had been outlawed, the ef- tactics would disgust the public, timents in a discourse at the con- forts "only succeeded in driving whereas merely repressive tac- secration of Most Rev. Joseph it underground" and asserted tics might create sympathy for Masterson as the new Archbishop through such methods "Commun- them." of . "I think it is time," the Cardi- nal continued, "that this country Cleveland Priest Pontifical Mass denounced the horrors that are be- ing perpetrated in the name of Named Auxiliary Easter Sunday democracy and freedom in so mjmy parts of Eastern Europe, where Washington, Mar. 27 (NC)—His In Cathedral millions of men are still in con- Holiness Pope Pius XII has named centration camps, where millions Msgr. Floyd L. Begin of Cleveland Marking the Feast of the Res- are put to forced labor, and where "The Resurrection of Christ," masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci, to be of Sala and urrection, the greatest feast of the the old Christian tradition is be- illustrative of the final broadcast of the Easter Trilogy series heard Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland, it Church, Pontifical Mass will be ing uprooted and men are being on the Sunday evening: ABC drama, "The Greates* Story Ever Told." has been announced by Archbishop celebrated in St. Paul's Cathedral persecuted for their faith and re- on Sunday at 10:30 o'clock. Bishop ligion. In eastern Europe the "The Resurrection" broadcast will be heard on Easter Sunday at Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apos- 6:30 P. M. Hugh C. Boyle will pontificate, countries are not free. Latavia, assisted by priests of the Cathe- Lithuania, Esthonia have all been dral. Preaching the sermon, on absorbed by Russia, and conse- Austrian Bishops Give Church Land "Hope for a Confused World," will quently the Atlantic Charter has be the rector of St. Paul's, Msgr. become a mockery." To Provide Small Farms for 10,000 Andrew J. Pauley. Britain's own domestic crisis, The last Mass at the Cathedral the Cardinal said, was moral on Sunday will begin at 12:15 rather than economic, caused by Vienna, Mar. 27 (Radio) (NC)— the Church in Austria are not o'clock. men trying to solve their problems J Land belonging to the Church and large, the Bishops and Abbots, on a purely materialistic basis and »t o monasteries in Austria will be during the war, had taken steps neglecting God and His laws. put at the disposal of some 10,000 to make the voluntary contribu- German Cardinal, "I need hardly refer to the aw- small holders, it was decided at a ful decline in moral standards dur- conference of the Austrian Bishops tions of land in the interests of Leaving, Blesses ing the past 20 years," Cardinal here. agrarian reforms and to alleviate Griffin added. "I have only to It has been estimated that each the distress of ttye nation. American People mention the breakdown in family small-holder will receive approxi- The largest area was offered by relations, the ever - increasing mately 9,000 square feet of land, the Augustine Monastery of Klos- New York, Mar. 27 (NC)—Car- number of divorces and the wave enough for a small house and a terneuberg, near Vienna, and the dinal Konrad von Preysing, Bishop of iuvenile delinquency. Pius XI truck garden. Cistercian Convent of Heiligen- of Berlin, took off by plane for once said that we ought to con- Although the land holdings of kreuz. home shortly before noon yester- sider ourselves blessed to live in day, saying he had been stimu- difficult times. Difficulties only lated greatly "by this visit among exist to be overcome. And we in To Mark Jubilee Fritz Kreisler, Wife a free people who freely acknowl- this country are always at our best Received into Church edge God's sovereignty and sin- when we have difficulties to face." Of Bishop Swint cerely try to love their fellowmen Washington, Mar. 31 (NC) — everywhere. Parish Properties Wheeling, W. V., Apr. 2 (NC) Fritz Kreisler, world famous com- Msgr. Begin "I shall cherish the five short Damaged by Wind — Archbishop Amleto Giovanni poser and concert violinist, to- tolic Delegate to the United States. weeks spent in the United States Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to gether with his wife, made a pro- Msgr. Begin is now Vicar General of America as among the most the United States, will officiate at pleasant in my life," Cardinal Damage, mostly to roofs, and fession of faith in the Catholic for Religious of the diocese. a Solemn Pontifical Mass of Born in Cleveland, Feb. 5, 1902, von Preysing said just before none of a serious nature, was Thanksgiving which will com- Church and received Holy Com- boarding the plane for Berlin. done to buildings of 24 parishes in the son of Peter H. and Stella Mc- memorate the Silver Jubilee in munion yesterday in New York, Farland Begin of that city, the "In these troubled times, it is a the Pittsburgh Diocese in the ser- it has become known here. ies of wind storms that swept over the Episcopacy of Bishop John J. Bishop-elect attended Cathedral great consolation to find such deep the district on Mar. 24 and 25. Swint, of Wheeling, here on May Mr. Kreisler and his wife, the Latin High School and St. John's faith and generous charity among Nearly all parts of the diocese, in- 7. The jubliee wil be marked by former Harriet Lies of New York Cathedral College in his native so many millions of Americans. cluding the city of Pittsburgh a three-day celebration, May 6 City, had for some three months city, and the North American Col- May God bless and prosper your were affected, Rev. Joseph A. to 8. Bishop Swint was consecrat- been receiving instructions from lege and the Appolinaris College country, your families, your flour- Keener, director of the Diocesan ed Auxiliary Bishop of Wheeling Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen of the in . He was ordained in ishing institutions and your great Commission, reports. on May 11, 1922. Catholic University of America. Rome on July 31, 1927. and generous people." Religious Teaching Missionary Aid Follow Custom In Argentina Settled Society Of Sending Gi DIOCESAN Buenos Aires, Mar. 24 (NC) — To Newly- The controversy over the teaching Kt. Rev. Edward 1. Miskiow, Director UNION NEWS of religion in the public schools I2S North Craig St.. Fittsburfh The ancient CathofyJfj here was settled when the Cham- Telephone MA. 696S being revived this r ber of Deputies voted for optional . J. & SMINAR We gratefully acknowledge re- Archdiocese of Boston N V. —— attendance at the religious class- bishop Richard J. es. The bill provides that those ceipt of the following private sending a card of Tender Klemens' attendants. Detailed in-1 children who do not attend the contributions: The tender ending used by prayerful wishes to everjl structions concerning World So- | religious courses taught by priests Circles 11, 23, 26. 31, 46; Rev. baptized child, has bee»* Msgr. Sheen to his radio talk last dality Day ooservance will be must take a course on morals Sunday finds an exalted place in taught by laymen. D.J.O'S., Rev. F.J.H., Sister M.L., since the first of this the life of a companion of Mary, sent to all sodality directors and W.F.G., Pittsburgh. Ann's Parish, Mill vale, a sodalist. Msgr. Sheen referred prefects within the next few pastor, Rev. James F. weeks. Rev. J.G.D., Castle Shannon; to Judgment Day, when Our Lord Postpone Meeting Rev. P.A.J.K., Murrinsville; Rev. C.S.Sp., has been sent would look at the soul before Him The pastoral letter regarding Of L.C.B.Â. Senate F.J.G., Braddock; Rev. W.A.O'H., newly-baptized child anfl say, "I've heard My mother the sodality sent out by Bishop Glassport; Rev. J.A.O'C., Clair- Hugh C. Boyle on the Feast of folder, bearing the ci talk about you." It is a consoling ton; Rev. P.J.G., Scottdale; A. G., thought that Mary speaks to her the Immaculate Conception has Postponement of the monthly and date of baptism. A, Son about those who are near and been printed in leaflet form. Sam- meeting of the advisory senate of New Kensington; Dr. P.A.L., Don- attached to one side, dear to her, and how frequently ple copies will be in the mail in the Ladies Catholic Benevolent ora; Sister S.M., Greensburg; other appears a greeting she must speak to Him about time for sodalities to get their or- Association to Sunday afternoon, J.P.H., Indiana. form, written by Father- those who are of her special com- ders in for distribution on World Apr. 13, at 2:00 o'clock, at the A picture of the Infant pany, sodalists. Sodality Day May fair Hotel, 423 Penn Ave., has statue forms the face of been announced. . Free Organ Recital It is common to hear a mother St. Stephen'? Sodality, Hazel- talk at great length about her wood (Pgh-Central) conducts a Music of Easter and spring will daughters; their good points espe- nursery every Sunday morning! Mothers' Guild mark the weekly free organ reci- WALL DRUG COI cially are oftentimes exaggerated during the 11:00 and 12:00 o'clock May 10 has been announced as tal to be given Sunday afternoon to convey a good impression. Masses. Under the direction of the date of the annual Blossom THOMAS E. Wi at 3:00 o'clock in North Side Car- Prescrlptteaa That's a human trait of mother- Marie Zigarovich, vice prefect, Time bridge party and fashion negie Hall by Dr. Caspar P. Koch. hood, and nobody would deny a and Edith D'Andrea, small chil- show, to be held by the Mothers' Matthew Kaiser, Jr., tenor, will 641-43 5th Ave., cor. mother the privilege of being just- dren are cared for while their Guild of Central Catholic High mothers assist at Mass. ' School in the Schenley Hotel, with be guest soloist, with Alvin Adams AT. 9183—Pitts! ly proud of her children's accom- as piano accompanist. plishments. But an earthly moth- Anna Marie Mulligan, prefect Mrs. Joseph C. Ross and Mrs. John er possesses only a natural tie of Resurrection Sodality (Pgh- F. Beggy as chairmen. Committee with her children. The Blessed South), reports that her sodality heads include Mrs. A. Clement Mother possesses a supernatural is extending a helping hand far Rocereto, Mrs. Leo A. Rambacher Studios of Joseph Poli Coi tie. and therefore her care and into the west by contributing to and Mrs. William J. Weir, Church Interior Decorators solicitude for her companions in an Indian mission. Proceeds will be used for pur- Marble A|tars, Railings, Fonts, her company extends deeper and "The work of the Confraternity chasing equipment for the school, farther than that of an earthly Marble, Wrought Iron, Bronze, and Wood Creations is the work of every Catholic in f 1704 fifth Avenue Pittsburgh It, Pa. ATtaollif mother. Mary's care has more at the diocese, and more particular- stake than that of an earthly ly, of every sodalist," said Father mother. And since Mary's scope is UMBRELLAS Daniel A. Lawless, diocesan di- Largest Selection In the City greater, her anxiety is greater, rector of the Confraternity of and her joy is greater when one Christian Doctrine at last Sun- Repairing and Recovering KIRNER'S CATHOLIC GIFT STORE of her favored children attains a day's Mission rally. His ad- goal above the ordinary run of SAMS 109 Sixth St. dress to the group of about 150 Next to J. P. Harris Theater The Store with a Thousand Gift* Catholics. Mary's joy bubbles Sodalists was followed by an ap- over and she invariably tells her; peal by Harold Rowan, president S#9 Market St. Telephone COurt 2326 Pittsburgh », Son about it all, perhaps even to of the confraternity, for prayers, the point of exaggerating the is- workers and Catholic literature sue, if we can apply human lan- for distribution at the missions. Easter Greetings guage to the correspondence o Catholic magazines and pamph- FAirfax 0831 heaven. lets may be sent to the confrater- Estimates Cheerful!» Shares nity at St Mary's of Mercy The Model J^onversely, Mary wants to Church, Third Ave. and Ferry St share with her companions all the This is an excellent project for W. R. REILLY COMP, joys that she has ever experienc- Apostolic and Catholic Truth Coot & Apron Religious Articles, Ecclesiastical Statuary ed, especially when her joys are Committees. Some sodalities, re-lived in the Liturgy of the among them All Saints', Etna, Supply Co. MISSIONS AND RETREATS OUR SPECIALTY Church. The joy Mary experienc- have adopted missions of the Con- ed on Easter when the tomb of fraternity, which they supply with HI land 4809-4810 WRITE her Son was found empty, and she religious articles, and which they OK l^few that Christ had risen, she arrange to visit throughout the wants to share with her compan- year. PHONE ion next Sunday. She held out that joy as a goal to reach through Perfects and publicity chair- the mortification of Lent, through men: send all sodality news items HEADQUARTERS for this column to Margaret F. Eattor Greetings the pain of Good Friday, because Sziich, 3856 Nantasket St., Pitts- FOR she experienced the difficult say- burgh 7. ing in her own life that there can RELIGIOUS be^no crown on Easter without a ARTICLES cross on Good Friday. STAMME0 R ? BUzm Events J" *-,," ** "" n*. Ita CmuM and C»reeUon.0 " «Wcritn» Boiuo Method for At a meeting of the Diocesan y*"'. * ®F •Uawnerint. «tutte ri ne—t BBS •WMMfal 45 y«*». • Bo|ut. Dept. THE SIMONDS Union of Sodalities last Sunday, «507, Cinto Twar. Irtta£5iu> 4* IH. 737 E. OHIO STREET in St. Mary's Auditorium, Fran- N. S., Pittsburgh 12, Pa. ces Klemens, president of Alle- GEAR & MFG. CO. MOOREHOUSE, BOWMAN gheny Valley Union, was elected 2501 Liberty Avo. EXTRA HOURS FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE to crown Our Lady on World So- ft BRANDT. INC. Monday, Friday, Saturday Evenings Until 9 tfclt, dality ^Day, May 11, at St. Paul's Anything Pertaining to Pi ye Organs Pittsburgh (22), Pa. Cathedral. Freda Misura, presi- Box 542, Castle Shannon Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday Until 6 o'clock!; dent of Monongahela Valley Un- LEhigh 4900 GRant 4070 ion will carry the crown of flow- ers. Sarah Collins, president of Pittsburgh South Union, and Mar- EASTER GREETINGS garet Sziich, president of Pitts- burgh Central Union, will be Miss FOLDING CHAIRS Wood or Stool BANQUET TABLES—FOLDING—8 ft. or 10 ft. long SQUARE TABLES—24x24 in. or 30x30 in. MOUNT MERCY COLLEG| WEEKLY EVorglodo 3166—EVerg lade 6833 Liberal Arts Science Heme iceeemliÊ MASS CALENDAR E. L. HOLMAN, 216 Beam Way, Mt. Washington, Pgh. 11, Pa. (Far Use With Missal) Pre-medicine, pre-law, teacher training, languages, sp«| SUNDAY. Apr. 6: Feast of the re-education, commercial, medical laboratory tech Resurrection (Easter Sunday); dietetics, chemical .research and analysis, sociology, chandising. double 1st class; white; Gloria; VOCATIONS Credo. Splendid opportunities offered to boys over fourteen years of age, MONDAY, Apr. 7: Easter Mon- Pittsburgh 13. Pa. SCheiiley day; double 1st class; white; who wish to study for the Priesthood. Enquire Gloria; Credo. FRANCISCAN FATHERS TUESDAY, Apr. 8: Easter Tues- Hollidaysburg, Pa. day; double 1st class; white; Gloria; Credo. ip WEDNESDAY, Apr. 9: Wednes- EASTER GREETINGS day in Easter Week; semidouble; jS white; Gloria; 2nd prayer, for the EASTER GREETINGS Church or the Pc*>e; Credo. THURSDAY, Apr. 10: Thursday PAGE MILK COMPANY in Easter Week; semidouble; white; Gloria; 2nd prayer, for the CITIZENS DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY Church or the Pope; Credo. Milk and Cream — Sour Cream — Cottage FRIDAY, Apr. 11: Friday in SHARPSBURG. PA. Easter Week; semidouble; Gloria; Buttermilk — Chocolate Milk 2nd prayer, of St Leo I; Credo. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SATURDAY, Apr. 12: Saturday in Easter Week; semidouble; white; Gloria; 2nd uraye.\ for the "A Dependable Bank" 1623 Sow Mill Run Blvd. CArrte* Church or the Pope; Credo. Bavaria's Many Easter Customs CARDINAL AT EASTERN RITE LITURGY Suspended by Effects of War

By Max Jordan (N.C.W.C. News Service) Munich, (By mail)—Bavaria once prided itself on having probably the greatest variety of folklore connected with Easter and other Church festivals among all Catholic districts of Ger- many. But now food shortages and rationing have done away with many of them. . 11 In the past century the faithful Third Order to Hold used to hurry to their churches on Easter morning as soon as they Day of Recollection heard the bells pealing. They would carry what they called A Day of Recollection for men "Easter baskets" filled with col- and women will be conducted at ored eggs and confections in the St. Francis* Retreat House, 1201 shape of Easter rabbits, to have Beechwood Blvd., on Sunday, Apr. them blessed at the altars. After 13, under the auspices of the Third Mass breakfast was served in the Order Secular of Our Lady of homes and it was customary that A solemn Con-Celebration of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom according to the Romania* Mt. Carmel. The exercises will be Rite, held in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, closed the ninth annual Conference all Eastern Rites, every member of the family par- conducted by Rev. Kilian Healy, take of the blessed food. Mar. 22, with some 2,000 persons assisting. Pictured with Cardinal Francis Spellman, Archbishop of On Easter Sunday, at High Mass,- O. Carm., professor of moral the- New York (center), who presided, are Msgr. Bernard Ghosn, Melchite Archimandrite, of New Tark; the pastors were expected to tell ology at the Carmelite Seminary, Rev. George Babutiu, St. Helena's Church, Cleveland; Rev. Mansour Stephen, Our Lady of Lebanon their congregations an "Easter Washington, D. C. Church, Brooklyn; Very Rev. Paschal Maljian, pastor of Armenian Catholics in New York; Rev. John fairy tale" of a hilarious character, Reservations may be made by Spatariu, pastor of St. Mary's (Rumanian Rite) Church, McKeesport, Pa., and Rev. Gabriel Ivaecu, with a suitable moral. The people calling EVerglade 7953. pastor of St. Basil's, Trenton, N. J. (Ace) (NC Photos) would laugh heartily in church while listening and there was even a Latin name for the event: "risus Brazil Cardinal, Demanding Reform men of character, of merit, 6f hon- or. If voters had a clearer con- WESTERN SAVINGS paschalis," which signified the joy oiid DEPOSIT BANK of Resurrection Day. Of Society, Says Sound Family is Vital science about their duties, proba- Ml-MS Smlthfleld Street Egg-rolling as well as the hiding bly there would not be such a mis- Olivet BaUding ntubergh. Fm. Member Federai Deposit Ina Corp. of colored Easter eggs in the gar- Rio De Janeiro, Mar. 24 (NC)—Declaring that attention to use of politics.** dens so they could be sought by the family is the basic means of securing correction of society, the children was a general prac- tice. But at one time the police an eight-part Pastoral Letter of Cardinal Jaime de Barros suspected these harmless sports of Camara, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, called on the clergy 'Sin co 1974' being "subversive" because they and laity of his archdiocese to meet their problems in the light "might lead to superstition and of pontificial teachings. • i thus undermine the wisdom of the Under the title "Examination of ticed to the Lord knows what ex- government!" Conscience," the Cardinal began tent, and under whose support; Mmtmy Jtattrnd ifom* making his own examination of On the other hand, high officials the gains enjoyed by capital, for would partake in the functions of conscience, accepting the respon- sibility for the problems of the example, out of the housing prob- 201 N. CRAIG STREET at BATARD STREET Holy Week and Easter devoutly. lem of the middle and poor classes, On Good Friday, for instance, in archdiocese and asking himself to St. Michael's Church here it was what extent that responsibility was are lamentably disproportionate. - MA. 1120 - customary for the parishioners to linked to those of the country and . . . All this is detestable . . KIRWAN KIRWAN to the world. He urged the clergy However, the true, gigantic crisis, select one in their midst who FLANNERT FLANNERT, JR. would lie in the symbolic "Sepul- and the religious to study prob- that which explains all others, is chre of Christ" until Easter Sat- lems in a like manner. the spiritual crisis." urday. It was considered a high "Our entire attention must be Calling for the practice of re- distinction to be chosen for this placed upon the family, the Chris- ligion in daily life in discussing act. Processions of penance all tian home," the Cardinal urged, problems of the political field, the during the night from Good Friday . W. J. KELLAR, REAL ESTATE "as the foundation of society. Cardinal asked "what concept of Commercial and Residential Properties for Sale and Rent to Easter Saturday were equally Either we convince parents, and politics exists in our midst and popular while 40-hour devotions particularly teachers, of this ab- how is it practiced? INSURANCE—MORTGAGES were observed up to Easter Mon- 725 Broadway Ave. FE. 1162 solute truth, or we shall labor use- "Is it Utopian to hope that we day in the presence of large lessly for the reform of society." McKees Rocks crowds, in virtually all the might attain a bit of sincerity, of churches. Denouncing the limitation of idealism and of a feeling of re- Today, Bavarians observe Easter births as on? of the outstanding sponsibility in national life? God , . . . , , evils of modern society, Cardinal grant this and contribute the ROOFING — HEATING — GAS CONVERSION BURNERS no less piously than m the pas,t, | de Barros Camara declared that achievement of a conscientious but they have rums all about them there were "great wounds" in the voting that will give preference to — INSELBRICK — STORM WINDOWS in the cities, and the severe pres- economic order and that differ- sure upon them which results from ences in interest menace the peace Samuel A. Nichols the mass influx of refugees from of the world. PIPE ORGAN the east. The time for Easter eggs MAINTENANCE PE. 9071 €10 S. Trenton A venne and cakes and bonfires is past, but "We see, surely, the shocking Write tor sample contract for the proper care of the pipe organ in the hope remains that with the re- differences in the economic life; vour church. turn of peace these, too, may re- abundance on one hand, poverty D. L. YOUNT appear. on the other," he wrote. "The Telephone 4167-J Now even Munich's famous existence of the despicable black Greensburg, Pa. Frauenkirche is a shambles, and market cannot be denied, prac- it will take at least a decade to EASTER rebuild it. The clock on one of Large« Catholic Boarding High the towers still strikes, so there is St. Vincent PREP School School East of Chicago a promise of new life returning. Latrobe, Pa. Address: Headmaster Other famous Munich churches are scheduled to rise from the rubble, GREETINGS too—St. Michael's, St. Peter's and Holy Ghost Church. Fortunately, St. Ludwig's, with the colossal MT. GALLITZIN ACADEMY fresco of the Last Judgment by Boarding School For toys Peter Cornelius, the largest paint- from ing in the world, was not hit and BADEN, PA. the jewel of all the Munich sanc- Phone Baden 3861 Address Directress tuaries, St. Nepomuk's Chapel, did not suffer as badly as the larger churches. EASTER GREETINGS Nurses to Graduate RIECKS Commencement exercises for graduates of St. John's School of "Our Qualitf9 Feeds Nursing of St. John's Hospital, North Side, will be held on Sun- day afternoon, Apr. 13, at 3:00 Óea o'clock in thte auditorium of the school of Nursing, Fuming Ave., y DAIRY PRODUCTS North Side. JOHN S. BROWN'S S0N INC FLOUR - FEED - GRAIN WILHELM'S "The Measure of Quality" GULF SERVICE 3144 Ch&rtiers Ave. P. & L. E. freight Depot, Produce St. FEderal 9166 Sheraden New Castle, Pa., Phone 5315 RECK-McJUNKIN DAIRY COMPANY Good Gulf and NO-Nox PITTSBURGH, PA. GAS New Wilmington, Pa., Phone 21 Tires Recapped Ellwood City, Pa., Phone 1116 Ol»Mm of National Dairy* Corf. Batteries Accessories Tli red, or its contempt, or its indifference: there voice in management and a share is nothing te fear. Let temptations and dangers in the profits of privately owned Pittsburgh Catholic assail us: resting on His help and protection industry will have to be recogniz- Ont Of The ed; a peaceable, gradual advance OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF we need not be frightened. Let our efforts to HbUij fron Am FIMg toward those objectives should be THE CATHOUQ PITTSBURGH spread love of Him and knowledge of His teach- the program of labor, employers ESTABLISHED IN 1844 ings seem to meet hopeless resistance: we are and government. BY RT REV MICHAEL O'CONNOR. D.D., not to become fearfnl of defeat. He has shown Strange it is, that this mine 199 Yean Ago riRSI BISHOP OV PITTSBURGH Himself strong above every force that can be Published Every Tbundqr by dispute should bring an observ- Newly completed St THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY arrayed against Him, and it is His power— ance of Holy Week reminiscent of Church, McKeesport; 404 Magee Building. Pittsburg» 22. Pa. COurt 0662 the power of the Son of God, the Conqueror of the ages of faith. Thousands of dedication: Rev. ' M. JOHN B COLLINS. Editor «in and death—that sustains us against fear. men are publicly mourning, in C.Ss.R., is in charg» • ELIZABETH OAFUNGER, Associât« Editor With the utmost joy, then, the Church cele- this week of mourning; they are port of Battle of Bum taking a stand fen* human dig- Entered as Second-Class Matter Dec. 16. IBS?, at Um brates the Resurrection, the greatest feast of ceived from Mexico, with Post Office Pittsburgh. Pa., under the Act of Mai 3. 1879. the year. "This is .the day which the Lord hath nity and human life in the week American officers that commemorates thé subjection wounded; unconfirmed made," she sings; "let us rejoice and be glad of the Savior of mankind to gross I appoint "The Pittsburgh Catholic" in it." . . . "For He is the true Lamb who hath so received that Von an official Diocesan Organ and com- indignity and His lingering, agon- surrendered to General mend it to the priests of the diocese taken away the sins of the world: Who by izing death. Time was when all and to readers of every way of think- dying hath destroyed our deaths and by ris- but the most essential work was ing again hath restored us to life." . . . And 75 Yean Age ing, who are concerned to know the suspended in Holy Week; when Alarm caused by Catholic attitude in the affairs of a the joy that is ours, rightfully, on this day that men studied the lessons of the grievously perplexed world. 1 am, "new and strange rlinoaat" myself, especially grateful to it for commemorates the release of mankind from Crucifixion and the Resurrection cererbo-spinal mnnh^MB its insistence upon the reality of the bonds, of sin, should be translated into a and found in them the bonds that Chancellor Bismarck, of supernatural values, and of that un- brighter, higher standard of conduct: "Purge kept them united with God and continues his moves _ ending life of man to which his life here* is a preface out the old leaven," the Church admonishes us with one another. olics and the Church; aud. as it were, a novitiate. to suppress the Polish in the words of St. Paul . . . "For Christ, our Kitlmiing Racket The paper provides a serene and quiet back- passover, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us occupied provinces. The bill which Congress passed ground for the confusion and turbulence oi a world keep festival, not with the old leaven, nor with too exclusively concerned with narrow and limited at the last minute Monday and horizons, to find peace and healing. It offers a code the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with which the President signed under' 50 Yean Age of conduct, and an atmosphere of fraternal feeling the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." orotest, extending sugar ration- Rev. Neil McNeils out of which, alone, can come a hope for better ing until Oct 1, represents about first superintendent ,oi things, and a measure of human comfort. as unwise a way to handle the the Pittsburgh Dfe FOR SANER LIVING people's affairs as could be im- County court rules T ENT, the season of self-denial, has come to agined. Sugar is certain to be collector of McReeapart 1 a a close; its benefits have made themselves still in short supply Oct. 1, and attempting to collect Bishop of Pittsourgh. Feast ai St. Ambrose. 1937. clear to all who earnestly strove to ob- setting a definite date for the end Peter's School, then ^ serve its real spirit, Self-restraint creates a of rationing is an open invitation burgh's "Eden Musee" good riddance* editorial wholesome feeling of self-mastery; avoidance to the profiteers and exploiters to THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1947 bide their time and then rob the . . . Office of *ri»a, _ of reckless indulgence gives opportunity for public. Everything that has hap- Catholic moved from 329 taking an interest in affairs according to their pened in the months since the re- Ave. to 347 Fifth Ave. THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC extends real importance; the man who refuses to be a lease of foods /ram rationing be- to all iU readers sincere wishes for a blessed slave of his appetites and inclinations acquires gan proves this. People are pay- 40 Yean Aft* and happy Easter. a capacity for clearer thinking and sounder ing dearly for Congressional in- Plans announced for new • • • judgment ; by training himself in control over eptitude, and the end is not in Cross Church, Glassport, 'BE NOT FRIGHTENED' himself he becomes stronger physically, men- sight $10,009. to replace one tally and spiritually. The Church takes it for by fire . . . Proposal Iter WW r 1IEN the three women came to the tomb granted that her children, strengthened and Income Tax Cat lishing national "Cathead jj at early dawn on the Sunday after the Practically a two-thirds majority League" being discussed enlightened in right living by the obligatory Sister Mary Catherine (1 Crucifixion, their hearts w£re heavy with restraints of Lent, will maintain, now that Lent of the House of Representatives sorrow over the pious duty they had come voted last week for the utterly the Little Sisten of the is over, some measure of the self-control that at East End home. to perform—to anoint the body of the Savior has given them such inner satisfaction. unfair bill to reduce income tax- Whom they had seen suffer and die on the cross. es—heavy cut for the wealthy, For the world is sadly in need of saner meaningless cut for the low-paid 25 Yean Age Despite their sorrow, though, they were sus- living by its people: less selfishness and more tained by unshaken confidence in His promise —but it is unlikely that the Sen- Reports of violence self-control : less concentration by the individu- that He would rise again; they tried to forget ate will accept it, or that the Pres- the Ku Khix Klan, al on himself and more concern for the general vidual Catholic priests hi the jeers of the mob, the treachery of many ident would sign it. Under the welfare. Many nations have learned what is old law an exemption of $500 was parts of the county; one of those He had befriended, the cold indiffer- allowed every individual, this be- tant minister, in Texas, a] ence of the world about them; the darkness austere living, because they were deprived of everything but the bare essentials of existence ; ing the sum which it was figured, jected to KKK mistreatment that had some over the earth as He expired, seven years ago, was required to Archbishop Curley of and the other disturbances of nature, had con- we should voluntarily practice some degree of addressing Maryland austerity, not only for our own betterment provide absolutely essential food firmed their faith that He was, indeed, the Son and covering. On less than this a of Labor, says workers of God. Had they been seized with any slight but to help relieve the distress of the millions person simply could not live and long to unions and should doubt when they saw the tomb open and empty who lack even their minimum needs. Uncon- it was recognized thafthe govern- voice in management of it was straightway ended by the words of the trolled indulgence in intoxicants and narcotics ment had no right to take any and share in profits. angel they found on guard: "Do not be terri- is the cause of untold misery; those who refuse ! part of it as taxes. Now, chiefly fied. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, to become victims of any of these habits are be- through the bungling of Congress 5 Yean Ace Who was crucified. He has risen. He is not nefitting both themselves and society living costs have risen sharply, so Pittsburgh police There are various forms of pleasures and en- that the $500 exemption scarcely Mayor Scully to rid here." Thus was the great fact of the Resur- covers half of what an individual objectionable magazines - • rection made known to those who were faith- tertainment which may be harmless when mod- erately enjoyed but which can become sinfully needs for mere existence. Yet this County CommissiotMls ful, and among them the Risen Lord soon ap- House bai leave, the exemption general observance of peared, proving His divinity by His physical wasteful of âme and energy; reasonable self unchanged, a glaring piece of it- day by business presence. The redemption of mankind had been control is a guarantee against such harmfu justice. . . .v Rev. Edward J* accomplished, the conquest of sin had been effects. If something of the spirit of Lent— C.Ss.R,. of St PhilonMBil^j achieved. its establishment of the right balance between Conemaugh Dam after several week's illnasi things material and thing spiritual, with self- Arrangements made for a&. For all the followers of Christ that message "Save the Conemaugh Dam control as an important factor—could be con- flood control project" should be the bers of the armed at the tomb, "Be not frightened," is the great tinued every day, we would be a saner people theme of a flood of messages to wish to do so to attend tidings of Easter. Let the world show its hat- Congressmen representing this services in Holy Week. district. All of-the Congressmen, regardless of party, have express- Forty Honrs working for the government then ed themselves as anxious to have the government is responsible for Congress appropriate the $5,000,- conditions in the mines, and spec- APRIL, 1947 TO THE POINT 000 needed to continue work on 7—St Nicholas*, 1899 BS TBC SDITOB ifically for the unsafe conditions the project but they need, they that caused the Centralia horror. Ohio 84., Nsrth 8'k Miners' Holy Week say, a lot of documentary evidence 9—St Vincent's, EapAn I dead men at Centralia. The fact is, of course, that it is that their constituents are seri- Maintaining his reputation for On the other hand, when the only by a sort of legal fiction that 19—81 Thomas', Osai doing the unexpected ¿md doing it ously concerned about the mat- miners sacrifice some of their pay the miners can be called govern- ter. The current Appropriation 11—St John Cantina*, dramatically, John L. Lewis has in order to show their respect for ment employes: the government borg. shut down the soft coal mines of Bill contains this allocation, but their dead brethren, they are put- does not own the mines; the coal it is feared that an "economy- 12—St Mary's, New the nation this week by calling on ting emphasis on their concern for profits do not go into the federal tan. the members of his union, the minded" House subcommittee may human life and for human dig- treasury but to the private own- strike it out 14—St James', Sewfefcfc*i United Mine Workers, to observe nity, and ate thereby reproach- ers; the mines are being operated 15—Ascension, Mctrjyi Apr. 1 to 6 as a period of mourn- ing industry in general and the by supervisors and other em- Remembering what happened St, North Side. ~ ing for the 111 of their fellow- mining industry in particular. For ployes chosen by the private own- in March, 1936, to homes, indus- miners who died in the Centralis 16—St Francis*, insalarti ' men are held too cheap in the em- ers; even the safety regulations tries, churches, schools and other 29—St John's, M< mine explosion. A coal strike had ployer-employe relationship; the are not the responsibility of the institutions in the basins of the been scheduled to start Apr. 1 but 17—St Barnaba*, catastrophe at Centralia, appar- federal government but come un- Allegheny and Ohio rivers, for 18—St Stephen's, the Supreme Court had forbidden ently due to neglect of safety pre- der the state governments. Thus lack of such control as the Con*- Lewis to go through with his plans maugh project will provide it 19—St Michael's, Baiter. cautions, is only the latest in a the death of the 111 at Centralia 1»—St Ann's. Balftr. for it; now, it is claimed, he has series of disasters that have gave John L. Lewis an opportun- shouldn't be hard for people here- managed to flout the authority of about to put a lot of earnestness 29—St John's Monaca. "drenched with blood" the product ity to demonstrate a basic flaw in 21—St Patrick*, the court by shutting down the of the coal mines. People need to the high court's decision which into their letters and wires to mines anyway. be reminded of the special dangers their representatives. They may 22—St Colman's, Tarili was hailed a few weeks ago as 23—St Gregory*, Like everything Lewis does, the miner undergoes, and they "putting Lewis in his place." be addressed at "House of Repre- there can be warm arguments for need to have his protest against sentatives, Washington, D. C." At 24—St Paul's Orphan and against him in this case. It is neglect and exploitation register- A person does not have to be same address the chairman of Craften. true that the constituted authori- ed in loud tynes. much of a prophet to see that this he appropriations subcommittee 24—St Cecilia's, ties had ordered the mines kept ruling will some day take its can be reached: Congressman Al- 25—St Margaret's, The Supreme Court's recent place beside the Dred Scott deci- town. in operation, as a public necessity, decision against John L. Lewis bert J. Engel (R., Mich.) and that Lewis has found a way j sion, as one that was dictated by 25—De Paul Inatttnte, and his union was based on a expediency and "atmosphere;" for line. to close them, and thus cause a ruling that the miners are gov-1 PEFC Now certain amount of inconvenience industrial peace win come to the To bring up to 29—St Joseph's, New ernment employes, because the United States, not through such and loss to the public. It is true government has seized the mines date, and to maintain the state's ton. that the , suspension of work will court actions but by the develop- standing as a champion of human 26—St BartheleawwX and is operating them through the ment of a sound understanding cause a considerable financiar loss staffs of their private owners. rights, the present session of the tree. to the miners, arid thus will be a of industrial problems. Public util- General Assembly should enact 27—St Cajetan's, Mi With crushing logic, Lewis is able ities will have to be nationalized,! A doubtful form of mourning for the to say that if the miners are he Fair Employment Practices 28—St Mary's, Ford eventually, and labor's right to a (Continued on Last Page) 29—St Dominie's, Federation High School Activities TR ANGE BUT TRU Squirrel Hfll Guild Plans Fashion Show LIBRARY COURSE were Rev. E. A. Egler, teacher erf S Little-Known Facts for Catholics E By Mary Au Herbst public speaking; Sister M. Robert, St. Mary's, New Castle teacher of history, and Sister M. By M. J. MURRAY Coçmight. 1947. N.C.W.C. Neve Service More than 100 members of Si. The Ninth Grade of St. Mary's Aurea, teacher of English. Judges Philomena's Parish will take part Junior High has begun a six weeks of the second debate were Sister in the annual spring fashion show information course at the New Mary and Sister M. Carmella, of and entertainment to be held by Césti« Public Library, under the the junior high school staff. the Women's Guild of the parish supervision of Miss Sterling, head on Wednesday evening, Apr. If, librarian. in the school auditorium, Beech- Holy Childhood wood Blvd., Squirrel Hill. En- IN DEBATES titled "Day In, Day Out," the By Eleanor Zehala Association show will demonstrate today's St. John's, Unlontown S^^í , CbmpMa «X styles and also the wedding cos- National ul Diocesan Office: to help Jemsfa carry-Hir tumes of seven periods in Ameri- On Apr. 10, the Forensic League Ml North Lineata Are., North Side, can life. of St. John's High School wpl play FtMahwgh It, Pa. Croft as ir often depicted 6*J host to a group of debaters from •err a«T. Bieter« Ackerman, C.S.Sp., With Mrs. Lawrence A Land- National Director; graf as general chairman, the Immaculate Conception High Bev. Aifntu O. Baita», C.S.Sp., % School, Connellsville. The visitors Assistant Director. committee heads include Mis. D. will be Leonard Stickles and J. McKenzie, Mrs. R. F. O'Mara, Robert Collins, affirmative, and THE LOVE STORY OF Mrs. D. I. Lanheady, Mrs. Robert CALVARY Reamy, Mrs. T. R. Young, *Mrs. Murtha and Carmen Jennings, J. P. Hanlon, Mrs. M. W. Wagner, negative. The story of Calvary is not a tragedy. It is a beautiful live Mrs. E. J. L Gannon, Mrs. D. N. Representing St. John's will be DiSilvio, Mrs. A. W. Turlick, Mrs. Anna Margaret Daugherty and story, the most charming love story ever enacted. It is the love J. R. Carr, Mrs. P. J. Curtin and Margaret Kvaka, affirmative and Mrs. Earl Tovey. Loretta and Dorothy Blanc, nega- story of God for His creatures. tive. Socialized medicine will be His love for those whom He made the subject to His image and likeness. It is a story of love that embraces, not MAXON TIRE a chosen few, but the whole pop- ROUND TABLES ulation of the universe. Yes it is SERVICE By James Doyle the story of a personal individual 3901 California A venae St. Michael's, South Side love. For His Sacred Heart longs N. 8., Pittsburgh. Pa. "Taking Stock of Our Economic to embrace each and every man, RECAPPING System" will be the topi? for dis- woman and child. ON THE cussion of the round tables plan- Wiflard Batteries The love of God extends be- REPUTED SITE ned by the sophomore classes of / OT THE HOUSE "Call Maxon for Action" St Michael's High School for yond the boundaries of race and OF CAlAPHAi Friday, Apr. 11. Chairmen will be color. His love is unmindful of JERUSALEM LI ado« 3224 Jacqueline Homza, Sophomore 201 language and customs, of class SIXMOS TMS Road Service and Elizabeth Snyder, Sophomore distinctions and the invisible bar- ßEAUT/fiJJL CHURCH APTW Consult "Mac" an Year riers of society. It reaches to the JXSCtWL LAMBS, DEDICATED TO ST PICURE 202. EM GALLICANI* -~Sf ftfer Tire Problem soul. It berfolds—a soul that, if of MARZIPAN. at ike Cock. Cro*tt*o washed^ In the saving waters of CLASS PLAT COMING Baptism, will shine with the re- By James P. Manion splendant glory of His angels. Benefit Card Parly FOURTEENTH STREET BANK St Luke's, Carnegie Yes, God's love embraces all 1401 CAUSON 8TKECT SOUTH SIDE. MTTSBUOGB. fi. New dates set for the senior Sponsored by the Ammendale — GENERAL HANKING — people. The little pagan boys and Meat ber mt Federal Depeatt (•••ranee C.raeraUea class play of St. Luke's High girls are dear to Him. The love Parents' Club of Pittsburgh, a School are the evenings of Thurs- story of Calvary was enacted for card party will be held in the day, Apr. 10, and Friday, Apr. 11. them just as truly as it was en- cafeteria of Central Catholic High The play will be the three-act acted for you. He made His sacri- School, Fifth Ave., next Monday FURNITURE &TORAGE comedy "Peg o' My Heart" and it fices for them because He loves evening, Apr. 7, with Mrs. E. H. PACKING — CRATING — SHIPPING will be given in the music hall of them. Your love for the little Ryan as chairman. Brother G. Wil- i OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Carnegie Library on Library Hill, pagan boys and girls must also liam, F.S.C., is moderator of the LOCAI. ANO LONG DISI ANCE MOVING Carnegie. know the value of sacrifice. What club, officers of which include D. BLANCK'S TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. The cast includes Dorothy Kinz- better way to express your love J. McCarthy, president; F. D. Con- 8344 Pena Ave..-Baal End Established ISM ler, John Klutch, Rita Schiller, than to offer an extra prayer for ner, vice president; Helen Kainas, Charles Shean, Elinor Fritschi, these forsaken little ones, to make secretary, and E. H. Ryan, treas- John McKee, James Manion, an additional sacrifice for them urer. Johff Mulvey, Mary Manion, Sara during Holy Week and on Easter? Hanley, Loretta Rose, Virginia Barthen, David Shean, William DAUM & HELM HILL TOP BANK Naughton, Daniel Branno, Edwin North Side Card Parly HARDWARE CO. — We Solicit To« Account — McGarry and Joseph Conley. In 623-625 East Ohio Street charge of tickets are Barbara MeiriftSrs of the Annunciation N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Arlington and Waning loo At« not* Beck and Rosemary Geis. Guild of Annunciation Parish, Everything for the repair and Member Federal Deposit H—rww Corporation Noilli SfilfFWili hold a card party improvement of the home. TUMBLING EXHIBIT in the parish hall, Norwood Ave., By Cerinne Malroy cm Monday, Apr. 7, for the benefit Mt Gallitzin, Baden of the parish. Arrangements are The students of Mt. Gallitzen in charge of Mrs. Frank Stalder High School will present a tum- and Mrs. Samuel Good. Easter Greetings bling exhibition on Friday, Apr. L J. Yater & Co. 11, under the direction of Mrs. Brun ton. Included will be head- PAINTING stands, backbends, double rolls RABOLD'S Fine Cotes and Cookies CONTRACTORS and triple rolls. Taking part in the Estimates Furnished for performance will be Jane Dur- Complete Line of Breads, bin, Janet Lieb. Nancy Martino, Pastries. Caks^WPies Churches, Schools, Hospitals Suzanne McCreary, Mary C. Mut- HAZELWOOD and Institutions Ii SAMSON, INC. scheller and Lois Vanauker. 4907—2nd Ave. HA. 7290 We Specialize in Ecclesiastical Painting Funeral Service SENIOR ASSEMBLY 129 Noblo Avo., Croffon By Mary Jean Roth Easter Greet* WAInut 5796 St Martin's, West End 537 Novillo St. The seniors of St Martin's High School sponsored the March as- sembly, a series of debates on so- M ILLY Union cialized medicine being JKP prin- AUTO WRECKERS N cipal feature. Speakers were Mary Engraving Co. Kay Staab and Martha Special, affirmative; William ReL and FE. 0229 PHOTO ENGRAVING Raymond Schreiber, negative, Easter Greetings with Patricia Schwartmiller, pre- WANTED—Late Model Try our quick, over-night siding. Judges of the first debate Wrecked Can Service High quality, carefully ma^e Used Parts for All Cars l^ates guaranteed LAPIDUSS REALTY CO. Easter Greetings 1134 Island Aim 1003 PENN AVENUE CO McKoos Rocks Phone AT. 7244 Max Lapiduss Agency SMIYEIY-JOSEPH CO. Painting Contractors FA. 1660 2235 Federal 8t., N. 8. Now at Our • Church Decorators VOLKWEIN BROS. WIRE WORKS CO. All Kindt of Wire a ad Iron Work ECCLESIASTICAL SAFETY FENCE—Window Guards—Wire Doors NEW LOCATION Skylight Guard»—Steel. Brass, Copper Grills DESIGNING CLEANING 715 Fifth Ave. Established 1873 AUTO RADIOS '46' PONT1AC . . . '46 FORD . . . MERCURY Immediate Installation 413 North Highland Ave. GRant 6435 . Pittsburgh 6, Pa. SPEICHER APPLIANCE REPAIR MO. 2892 107 Bailey Ave. Everything Electrical EV. 0S07 ìjgl^^^^ Thursday, April S, and Karl Marx, founder of Com- Bishop and Abbot Msgr. Sheen Sees munism, wrote his 'Introduction Miracle to Avert to the Critique of Political Econ- Speak for FEPC omy' in which he enthroned econ- Easter Greetings New World War omics as the basis of life and cul- m ture." Springfield, 111., Mar. 31 (NC)— Support of bills setting up a Fair The Blessed Mother again re- New York, Mar. 31 (NC)—The vealed herself to the world in the Employment Practices Coommis- prediction that God will avert a apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, sion that would bar job discrimi- Our Lady Of Mercy Academy , third world war by "a miracle which began on May 13, 1917, nation on grounds of race, color, BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB GIBLS . . . through Our Blessed Lady" Msgr. Sheen related, pointing out creed or national origin, was reg- i was made by Msgr. Fulton J. that on that same day His Holi- istered at a hearing of the Illinois Sheen, of the Catholic University ness Pope Pius XII was conse- Legislature by Bishop Bernard J. Fifth Avenue SChenley 41ft of America, on the Catholic Hour crated a Bishop in Rome, and Sheil, Auxiliary of Chicago, and last evening. Declaring that no there was reported the first out- Rt. Rev. Abbot AmbcQgegndrak, political deals, "no economic, so- burst of religious persecution by cial or military plan can stop the O.S.B., of St. Procopius^AtJbey, the revolutionists in Russia. Lisle, 111. p cosmic catastrophe" of another In her Fatima appearances, he Haser Trucking Co. wac, the speaker asserted: "The continued, the Blessed Virgin Bishop Sheil's statement was world's only hope is a miracle. read by Rev. Edward V. Cardinal, 1023 North Avenue M ill vale. Pa. spoke of the horrors of World War C.S.V., director of the Sheil Only God can stop it, and He will II and added that to avoid them through Our Blessed Mother." School of Social Studies at Chi- Office Phon* Ml. 1395 Res. Phon« Ml. 238MK "I ask the consecration of the cago. "How long are we expected How this miracle will happen is world to my Immaculate Heart, unknown, Msgr. Sheen continued, to sit by while those children of and Communion in reparation on God find their paths blocked at "but it is certain that if Russia the first Saturday of each month. ever received again the gift of every twist and turn with the ob- If my requests are granted Russia stacles of bigotry and discrimina- W. J. Dillner Transfer Company faith, it could lead the world to will be converted; there will be peace. Think for a moment of tion?" Bishop Sheil asked. peace. Otherwise, Russia will 601 Melwood Street MA. 4M7 what a transformation a single spread its errors throughout the Abbot Ambrose "appeared per- revelation of Our Blessed Lady world giving rise to wars and per- sonally to urge passage of the 2748 West Liberty Ave. PI. 3302 would work in Russia. Mexico secutions against the Church. The bills. was converted through a revela- good will suffer martyrdom and tion at Guadalupe. Pagan Rome the Holy Father will have to suffer was converted after it persecuted much. Different nations will be DONATO ARDOLINO the Church for 300 years. Atheistic destroyed." Russia is no less beyond the power Stadtlander's Pharmacy of God's grace than Rome. STONE CO. Frankstown-Verona Rd. PeM Township, "To this end we must pray, for Family Guild to Meet N. Trenton & P. R. R. PE. 0126 when Russia receives the gift of Wilkinsburg CHurchill 1143 faith, it will lead the world back Rev. Edward Murray, of St. again to that peace which only the Francis Xavier's Church, North faith can give. But mankind must Side, will address the monthly do its part, for we are co-operators meeting of the St. Gerard Family HEGNER HARDWARE in God's will. Before this miracle Guild to be held Thursday even- COMPANY F. C. Hinkle Brothers will come to pass, there must be ing, Apr. 10, in the basement a greater social manifestation of auditorium of St. Mary's of "It's Hefner's if it's Hardware* FLORISTS love for God through devotion to Mercy Church, Third Ave. and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ferry St. His subject will be ' Sewickley—Telephone 1128 East Bellevue Road WE. 210*4 Our Blessed Mother asked for a "Sanctity and Mary." consecration of the world, and the Holy Father, on the 25th anniver- sary of his episcopal consecration and on the 25th anniversary of the revelation of Fatima, in 1942, H. H. Woods Paper Box Company | consecrated the world to the Im- Manufacturers of All Kinds of Set-Up Vexes maculate Heart of Mary. We now await the consecration of Russia 1322-24 Sherman Ave. North Side FA. 23fl| to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, not only by the Holy Father, but Easter Greetings also by all the Bishops of the Church." The speaker recalled that two North Side Deposit Bank * miraculous manifestations by the Blessed Virgin occurred "when the 514-16-18 Federal St., North Side CE. 690» world needed them most." He ex- plained: "One such revelation Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation took place in the year the ideas • which made our modern world were born, the other the year when those ideas were translated into action." Belmar Moving and Storage Co. It was in 1858, he related, that Our Lady began the first of 18 CHnrehill 3164 appearances to the little peasant E. J. KELLEY girl, Bernadette Soubirous. That 741 Penn Ave. WHhiusburf * same year, he continued, John Stuart Mill wrote his ''Essay on Liberty," "in which liberty was identified with license and absence from social responsibility"; Dar- Mellon-Stuart Co. win had completed his "The Origin Pittsburgh of Species," "in which he took CONTRACTING ENGINEERS man's perspective away from eter- nal purpose and made him look Pittsburgh back to the animal past"; Richard Wagner wrote his operas in which "he revived the myth of the su- periority of the Teutonic race." Iron City Produce Company 2008 Smallman St. m GRant Poultry Department. 21st St—-GRant 2730 Easter Greetings The Fairmont Creamery Co.

100—25th St. Pittsburgh

PENNA. POWER Rowse's Drug Store COMPANY 1243 Muldowney Ave., Lincoln Place HO.

New Castle May Lumber Company | Sharon Greenville Every Known Wood Product for Buildtnf and Industrial Use Carried in Stock 1201 Brighton Road PAirfax

m Only Christian Revival Little Colonel' Can Rescue England, Is EASTER GREETINGS View of Catholic EJitor

New Haven, Mar. 31 (NC)—Britain, like Europe, must have l Christian revival in order to survive, Count Michael de la Kissane Supply Co. Bedoyere, British philosopher and editor of the London "Cath- olic Herald," declares in an article, "Is Britain Finished?" 48 South 18 th St. HEmlock 2584 in the April issue of "Columbia," monthly magazine of the Knights of Columbus. He says that the nations have lost faith »nd that unless there is such a revival, "England is finished, and if England is finished, then Europe is finished, and the dreams of Marx, Lenin and Stalin will in a large measure The Colonial Supply Co. come true." Pointing out that the fuel crisis pointed up the desperate state of East-West Union 217 Wafer St. COnrt 4488 affairs in the country, Count de la Bedoyere declares that the issues Of Church Called Involved in the coal shortage were tremendous and that the crisis is Rebuke to Cynics fundamentally "as big as the war, Schneider Transfer perhaps bigger." New York, Mar. 28 (NC)—The The British have awakened to Lt. Col. Mary A. Hallaren (above), 3701 Charlotfe St. MUseum 1772 union of the Eastern and Western acting director of the Women's the fact that a single blow like a Call Day or Night bad winter can stop the wheels of Rites of the Church is a constant Army Corps, who will succeed industry from turning, he says, but challenge to the cynics who have CoL Westray B. Boyce, who is on the necessity for a low standard insisted that east and west could terminal leave. Dubbed the "Lit- of living cannot be enforced by never meet, Msgr. Joseph F. Flan- tle Colonel" because she Is barely the government. The money re- five feet tall, Col. Hallaren Is the nelly, administrator of St. Pat- ceived frcm America has been first Catholic to head the Corps. Union Fruit Auction Company used for the purchase of food, to- rick's Cathedral, asserted at a Formerly of St. Rita's Parish, bacco and recreation, instead of Solemn Con-Celebration of the Lowell, Mass., she now resides in Pittsburgh, Pa. GRaut 0924 the importation of machinery and Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrys- St. Charles' Parish, Arlington, Va. raw materials, largely because of ostom according to the Rumanian (NC Photos) the opposition of trade unions and a second type that is Communist- Rite, which closed the ninth an- nual Conference on Eastern Rites. inspired. Benedictine Abbey "Trade union opposition," he The service took place in the I. Cohen Sons, Inc. says "is honest but short-sighted. cathedral and more than 2,000 First in Caribbean» The dishonest and intelligent op- persons assisted. Cardinal Francis — Produce — position is Communist in origin / Spellman, Archbishop of New New York, Mar. 31 (NC)—In 110 Nineteeth St. AT. 8824 . . . These men are much more York,' presided. The con-cele- concerned to control any British commemoration of the 14th cen- recovery than to ensure it, and it brants were Rev. Gabriel Ivascu, tenary of the death of St. Benedict, is at least fair to say that they pastor of St. Basil's Church, Tren- His Holiness Pope Pius XII has would prefer disorder to any re- ton, N. J.; Rev. George Babu^u, authorized the establishment of McCray Refrigerator Co. covery which would weaken their pastor of St. Helena's Church, the first Benedictine Abbey in the C. L. HALL, Sales Manager own still precarious hold on labor. Cleveland, and Rev. John Spa- Caribbean Islands, it has been re- Unfortunately, even a tiny Com- tariu, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Commercial Refrigerators and Display Cases munist minority which thorough- McKeesport, Pa. ported here. 940 Perni Ave. AT. 057* ly knows its business can do in- The honor will be accorded to finite harm, just as a few grains Cardinal Spellman, speaking from his throne at the conclusion the present Monastery of Mount of sand can stop a mighty ma- St. Benedict at Trinidad, which chine." of the Con-Celebration, asserted: "We are all united in faith and has been operated for half a cen- Declaring that the U. S. loan was blood and we are also united in tury and has two important mis- C. B. Weaver & Co. the only thing that kept British sionary centers, one in the city of charity and hope. We are united Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables economy running since the end of in prayers for a happy Rumania, San Fernando and the other in the war, but terming such an eco- a happy America and a happy the island of St. Vincent. nomy one built on shifting sands, Rome. With a happy America, a In April Rt. Rev. Theodore 52-54—21st St. GRaiit 5478 Pittsburgh Count de la Bedoyere calls the happy Rumania and a happy Neve, O.S.B., Abbot President of attention of this country to the Rome, we all may be on the road the Benedictines, now enroute fact that Britain's straits resulted to peace, whatever our trials and from Belgium, will conduct elec- from her determination to defeat tribulations, even our martyr- tions for an Abbot of Mount St. Hitler and the sacrifices made for doms." Benedict. Dugan & Dugan that purposes. Third Floor, Catanzaro Building "I would emphasize that this (the chances of British recovery) 2018 Smallinoli St. GR. 421t Pittsburgh, Pa. is a very solemn question, the an- ST. FRANCIS' HOSPITAL swer to which will affect the fu- ture of Europe and, indeed, the fu- SCHOOL OF NURSING ture of America. For when Bri- tain steps down, Soviet Russia Enroll Now for the August Class Original Wonder Bakers steps in. Calvin St. Pittsburgh, Pa. Evil Recognized Bakers of Original Won dar Bread "Why is Europe in danger of Communism? Not, surely, because Wabash & Wonder Sts. Walnut 1200 Pittsburgh Communism is a pleasant dream. That may have been a fairly wide- spread delusion during and im- mediately after the war. BUt to- day, Communism is generally J. P. Colligan & Bros. known, even to the masses of Eif- J. P. Colligan, Jr., Funeral Director rope, * for what it is: the most SOUTH SIDE FUNERAL HOME devilish and vicious of tyrannies the world has ever experienced. 800 E. Carson St. HEmokk 0450 'The real reason for the per- sistence of the Communist danger WW\ « II #/#/ M to the peoples of the world is their lack of faith in themselves, in their traditions, in the ideals of •Ml Langdon-Kaschub Company the liberty they have inherited, Heating and Ventilating Systems in that religious doctrine whence OR Engineers and Contractors our western way of living sprang and upon which its survival de- HO mCSTC A D 4900• flltKCCSPORT 7154 Office and Shops: 2030 Fifth Ave. GRant 4418 pends . . . Remove faith—faith in all its sense, its full sense of faith in Almighty God and its secondary derived sense of faith in oneself, CLEANING MATERIALS & CHEMICALS CO. one's people, one's instinct for Happy Wishes the right—and we become the C. J. ENGEL, Rep. fated victims of the very evil we Janitor and Laundry Supplies most abhor. for the Best of Everything "Now just as Europe remains to- ATlontie 4382 32nd and liberty Ava. day ready to be struck down by Communism because it has lost faith, even though the vast ma- Is Our Special jority loathe Communism, so in Britain we have the picture ef a Penn Mint Service People awakened to the dreadful possibilities that they know can Easter Greeting To You 114 Ninth St. be countered, but which will not Fittsburfh be countered, no matter how in- AT. 4247 genious a government can be, lin- ks® there is a Christian revival." SIGHT THE PITT8BUS0H CATHOLIC Thursday, April 3, IMF each year and training Catholics Church Now Fighting to make them available to their For Real Americanism, non-Catholic neighbors. Easter IN THE PARISHES "The Narberth Movement is Father Ginder Slates mushrooming at a prodigious Greetings Reginae Pacis" at the Solemn rate,** the speaker said, citing a Central Pittsburgh Mass at 10:30 o'clock on Sunday. Fort Wayne, Indd., Mar. 31. — recent circulation increase of 650,- Nativity—A Solemn Mass to be Speaking in Central Catholic 000 in one of the Pacific States, J. M. SEMBOWER Epiphany—On Easter Sunday, celebrated at 10:15 o'clock on Sun- High School Auditorium here last achieved through the co-opera- tion of the Knights of Columbus there will be Solemn Mass with day will be offered for Rev. James night Rev. Richard Ginder, of SS. J. O'Connor, late pastor of the and running the total number of PLUMBING and HEATING combined choirs and orchestra at parish, on the third anniversary Simon and Jude's Church, Blairs- papers in the syndicate to well 11:00 o'clock; the usual 2:30 A. of his death. ville, Pa., told how the Catholic over 300 with a gross weekly cir- 1458 Crestón St. M. Mass and Mass at 12:00 noon. Church is currently straining ev- culation of more than 4,000,000. CHurchill 0086 In the evening there will be Ves- "A good Catholic is a good pers and Easter sermon at 7:45 South Side ery nerve in an all-out education- American," Father Ginder con- Wilkinsbnrg o'clock. al drive aimed at bolstering the cluded. "His Faith commands Immaculate Conception — The St Canice's — Rev. Oliver D. fundamental postulates oI Ameri- loyalty to his God, his country, new colors of Immaculate Concep- Keefer, assistant at St Paul's Ca- can democracy. and his family. He respects the tion Post No. 753 of the Catholic thedral, will be the speaker at the oath and stands by his word of Father Ginder is co-editor of honor. He knows the meaning of CHARLES H. War Veterans, the gift of Harvey sodality's annual Communion "The Priest" associate editor of J. Scott, will be blessed before the breakfast to be held in the new integrity. With millions of his CLEMENS the "Our Sunday Visitor," the God-fearing neighbors, Protestant Solemn Mass at 11:00 o'clock on activities building on Rochelle author of close to a hundred Sunday. St., following the 10:00 o'clock and Jewish, he is the old-fash- pamphlets and tracts, and writer ioned American, pledging alleg- Bakers of CLEM'S Cookies Sacred Heart—Plans are being Mass on Sunday, Apr. 20. of the Narberth articles, syndi- made to have groups of the par- St Peter's—The boys choir will iance to his flag with simple un- cated weekly in over 300 Catholic equivocal sincerity." ish school children take the To- sing at the 8:30 o'clock Mass and and secular newspapers through- 229 Atwood St. MA. 1621 tal Abstinence pledge until they the men's choir at the 12:00 o'clock out the country. He had just clos- are 21 years of age. Mass on Sunday. ed a retreat at Sacred Heart St. Stephen's—The Solemn Mass Seminary here for the laymen of on Easter is scheduled for 9:30 Outside Pittsburgh the Fort Wayne Diocese and was FLAMINGO LOUIS HAHN & o'clock. delivering the fifth and last of the —for— GREENTREE local Catholic Evidence Lecture SONS St. Margaret's—A triduum will Series. North Side be conducted by Rev. Bertin Roll, Roller Skating Wholesale and Retail "There was a time," he said, One of the Finest Rinks O.F.M.Cap., from Apr. 11 to 13, "when all our effort was directed Florist Annnnciation—The Forty Hours when new members will be en- toward the banishing of bigotry in America devotion will open at the last rolled in the Confraternity of and the old wives' tales mali- Open Daily 8:00 P. M. Babcock Blvd. At Hahn Id. Mass on Sunday, Apr. 13. Perpet- Christian Mothers, and another ciously circulated against our Saturday 2:00 P. M. Millvale 1020 ual Help novena devotions will be will be conducted by Rev. Paul Faith. But in the space of only a Special Rates to Parties resumed Wednesday at 7:45 P. M. M. Lackner, diocesan spiritual di- few years, the whole front has Hamilton at Larimer Ave. A meeting of the men of the rector of the Holy Name Society, shifted and we are marshaling our MO. 8381 parish will be held Tuesday eve- on Apr. 14, 15 and 16, when new forces against enemies far more ROSS ELECTRIC ning in Norwood Hall to discuss members will be received into the terrible. Holy Name Society. a recreation program for boys of "Faced with the inroads of COMPANY the parish, and a meeting of the The combined men's and boys Communism, with a mounting »Electrical Contractors— men and older boys will be l|eld choir will sing Rev. Carlo Rossini's rate of juvenile delinquency and Easter Thursday evening to arrange re- "Orbis Factor" Mass at the parish divorce, with the spread of birth organization of the Holy Name Mass at 11:00 o'clock on Sunday. prevention and the serious dis- Greetings 4830 Liberty Ave. Society. MT. LEBANON cussion of so-called mercy-mur- SC. 2011 St. Mary's—The men's and boys' St Bernard's — The combined der, we must rally all men of choirs under the direction of the men's polyphonic and boys choirs good will toward a defense of organist, Joseph Markl, will sing will sing the Solemn Mass at 11:00 such basic truths as the existence Thos. S. Christo Easter Greetings Achille Rasgus' Mass "In Honorem o'clock on Sunday. of God, the existence and im- mortality of the soul, and the REAL ESTATE Cordon-Jacobson, Bill for Birth Control derpool was ordained in St James' fact of free will. Our apologetic Pro-Cathedral, here, by Bishop is becoming more and more phi- Inc. In Connecticut Protested John J. Boylan of Rockford. The losophical in its nature, present- Law and finance Bldg. ing an increasingly complex prob- CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH newly ordained priest has four lem before Church-publicists." GRant 1344 DEALERS Danbury, Conn., Mar. 27.—(NC) uncles who are ministers in the • | —The Knights of Columbus here Father Ginder pointed to the 8th Ave. and Library St. have joined the growing protest of Methodist church. splendid educational achievements Homestead HO. 3600 both Catholics and non-Catholics Father Vanderpool, a native of of Catholic radio broadcasts, against the bill introduced into Perryville, Ky., became an Epis- both network and local, and said The Pittsburgh the State Assembly by Represen- copal minister in 1942 and was that Catholic pamphlets publish- Garter Co. Easter Greetings tative John Alsop of West Hart- assigned to the Batavia church. ers are improving the attractive- lord, which would repeal Connec- In Batavia, he met Msgr. William ness and readability of their out- Manufacturers of. Keystone GALBREATH ticut's 50-year-old law making it J. Donovan, pastor of Holy Cross put circulating millions of tracts Garters, Belts and Suspenders illegal to disseminate information Church, and a year later he was Machinery Co. on birth control under any circum- received into the . ESTABLISHED 1908 stances. Stoffan's Pharmacy USED MACHINERY He made his preparations for the 131 Water St Pittsburgh Mary's Hospital notified Joseph Stoffan St priesthood at St Mary's Semi- 306 Empire Bldr. CO. 3413 three doctors on its staff to stop nary, Baltimore, and at St. Mein- Prescriptions Delivered supporting the Alsop bill, or sever rad's Seminary in Indiana. connections with the hospital. The 3925 Perrysvîlle Avt. ACME doctors said they would continue FAirfax 7144 PATTERN CO. Easter Greetings to support the bill. DR. H. K. GESTRICH OPTOMETRIST George J. Frank J. W. Straka WM. COLTERYAHN Periodical Eye Examinations Former Minister WOOD & METAL PATTERNS Assure Better Vision AUGUST REGER & SONS DAIRY Ordained Priest 4726 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh Penn Ave. at 31st St. 1912 Jane St. Phone SChenley 2824 CO. 4186 Pittsburgh Rockford, 111., Mar. 29 (NC) — & SONS HE. 0480 Rev. James A. Vanderpool, a for- Insurance mer Episcopal minister and the WILLIAM SIBLIN Squirrel Hill son of a Methodist minister, offer- Real Estate ed his first §>olemn Mass in Holy Cotonía/ Quneral 0¿bm€ News Stand CAVANAUGH'S Cross Church in Batavia, where Lm&I 48B Mfi^m J424 * he once was rector of Calvary ta* 2831 ¿Stolli Inflas li Fire - Casualty - Auto CIGAR STORE Episcopal Church. Father Van- < »tt*TTTTTTrt?TItS Bonds 5804 Forbes St. Exceptional Values 2202 Arlington Av«. JAckson «733 GIDAS föaa&djteaA H Em lock 6214 20 Diamond Square We have everything in Flowers MA. 1300 3719 Forbes St SC. 1309 Pittsburgh, Pa. YORK FURNITURE STORE LEO FERBER & Medical Arts Pharmacy 101-105 West Main Street Carnegie, Pa. Fifth Ave. and Atwood St. SON We Deliver MAyflower 1655 Prescriptions Filled by Photography ... At lit Best Registered Pharmacists BBIDAL AND FAMIL1 GROUPS—INDIVIDUAL PORTRAITS 901 Fifth Ave. BeprodncU»« *t Licenaea, Birth CarttScalaa. Discharge Paper«, etc. THB LATEST IN PICTURI FRAMES MAHAN & WRIGHT STUDIOS John A. Freyvogel 606 Chartiers Ave.. McKees Rockj Phone FEderal 0731 Fanerai Director • Schmitt Bakery 3496 Fifth Ave., Near Halket St. New Castle Lumber & Supply Co. 5710 Penn Are. In the Cathedral District John Sexton & co. Lumber Dealer and Building Supplies MAyflower 1665 425 West Grant St.—Phone 217 MO. 6117 "DAY OR NIGHT" MAYFLOWER-3030 New Castle, Pa. «hortd&r, April 3, 1947 THE PITTSBURGH GATE OLIO von

SHJ Vinccntians Give Out Carload of Potatoes CATiiOUC SrCRTDCr. In McKeesport Area Easter Greetings . BY SEBASTIAN C. ISABELLA* A carload of government sur- plus potatoes was distributed last Something Gained Complete Renting Outfitters from Head to Foot Apr. 10. A ride back to Pittsburgh week-end by the McKeesport Par- Formal Wear For All Occasions The lineups of the teams taking Apr. 12 and then, if a seventh ticular Council of the Society of part in the National Y.M.CA.; game is necessary, the Hershey fans will get the cake with a St Vincent de Paul to 700 re- Whittington Dress Suit Co. basketball championship tourna- cipients of state relief in the Mc- ment played in Pittsburgh last game on Apr. 15. Keesport district. The shipment 6002-3-4 Jenkins Arcade ATlantic 95*5 Friday and Saturday revealed Come on, Hornets! 6th Floor that a number of the boys, com- was obtained through the efforts ing from various parts of the of Congressman Frank Buchanan, country, are Catholics. The "Y," To Present Operetta District Representative John J. of course, draws no religious line, At St. Vincent's and Getsy and the Catholic Welfare Reibord Bros. and in fact the sponsoring com- Center of MsKeesport. Seton Hill Academy Manufacturers of mittee for the tournament in- Thanks for assistance in secur- cluded Rev. Thomas J. Quigley, MEN'S and HOTS' TROUSERS The favorite Planchette oper- ing the shipment has been ex- diocesan superintendent of pressed by the Society of St. Vin- schools, as well as two other etta, "The Chimes of Normandy,'* cent de Paul, to the foregoing and 1331-5 Fifth Ave. ATlantic 4347-434« Pittsburgh prominent Catholics, Mayor Dav- will be presented by students of also to the McKeesport Depart- id L. Lawrence and John H. Har- St Vincent's Preparatory School, ment of Public Assistance, city ris. Latrobe, and of St. Joseph's Acad- employes and parish and public The Oldest and Largest What the "Y" has found it pos- emy, Seton Hill, Greensburg, in schools of McKeesport, for aiding Operating Over 25 Tears sible to do, in arranging district, two performances: at St. Vincent's in the distribution. sectional and national athletic on Thursday, Apr. 20, at 2:30 o'clock, and at Seton Hill on Sat- Penn Window and Office (leaning Co. contests, carefully conducted in WINDOW CLEANING — WALL WA8HING well- supervised surroundings, urday, Apr. 22, at 8:00 P.M. Lead- Catholic Alumni Elect gives a hint of what Catholic or- ing roles will be sung *by Jane Assistant FBI Head 235-237 Water St. COart 13*0 ganizations ought to be doing. Dobrosielski, Frances Iandima- What about a real Catholic Cen- rino, Robert Kasunik, John De- lacio and Thomas McCreery. Washington, Apr. 1 (NC)—Ed- ter, for instance, in the to-be-im- ward A. Tamm, assistant to Di- proved Point district? Directing the production are Feick Bros. Co. Rev. Ralph Bailey, O.S.B., of St. rector J. Edgar Hoover of the Fed- Ragged Vincent's, and Sister Anne Regina, eral Bureau of Investigation, was Complete Surgical and llecpital Equipment and Supplies Kass Kovalcheck returns again A thoroughly trained staff to serre yon promptly of Seton HilL elected president of the Washing- and efficiently at all times to his Alma Mater, Duquesne ton Federation of Catholic Alum- University, this, time as Varsity ni at the organization meeting of til Liberty Ave. ATlantic 3525 football coach. Back in the late Lay Education Group the group, held here. Twenties and early Thirties Kass Plans Fashion Show was known as "Rugged," "Bone- crusher" Kovalcheck of Califor- A fashion review and card par- Easter Greetings Bowers & Barbalat nia, Pa. Any time the Dukes were ty, with musical entertainment, in need of a yard or two the quar- will be held at Syria Mosque on REGISTERED ARCHITECTS terback could depend upon Rug- Saturday afternoon, Apr. 26, by ged to come through from the the Catholic Laymen's Education- 534 BakeweN Bid* AT. 0574 plunging fullback position. Now al Association, the proceeds to be Dick's Market Duquesne has called upon the used for promoting the music and Richard Ibtinwki'i Sana former star player to help bring fine arts' programs in the schools the Duquesne teams to the top of the Pittsburgh Diocese. Mrs. Live fend Dressed Poultry after a lapse of a number of sea- Harry E. Kapp. is general chair- We Dress Our Own Poultry Honus Wagner Company sons. man. Kass will find the way a little 1 til-13 Ptu Ave. THOMAS KELLT "rugged." But that suits him. He AT. 400« has surrounded himself with some Oscar P. Matous 813 Liberty Ave. Maat 3045 able aides in Doc Skender, A1 PRESCRIPTION OPTICIAN DeLuca and All-America End Johnny Rokisky. Room 414 Dollar Savings ft Trust Bldg. If It's North Side or North Hills Property You Want Spring sessions were started 520 Federal 8*.. N. 8. Pittsburgh • • • Cdll ... Monday by the Duquesne grid- FAirfax 6602 ders. Too much cannot be ex- pected of the team this fall. How- The North Side Real Estate Co. Established 1905 % ever, it is sure that Rugged Kass CHAMPION will have a fighting team, if not a winning one. NEWFIELD A RENTON COAL Dollar Savings Hdg., 42* Federal St. FA. 7721 At Long Last PROTECT After a number of hectic sea- sons the Pittsburgh hockey fans YOURSEL» F AND FAMILY South Side Packing will be given an opportunity to watch a real championship series. through membership hi the HOME DRESSED BEEF, VEAL and LAMB The American Hockey League CATHOLIC KNIGHTS play-off finds the Pittsburgh Hor- 434-34-3« Pearl St. East End, Pittsburgh OF ST. GEORGE! MAyflower 4242 nets and the Hershey Bears in the CHAMPION COAL CO. finals. The Calder Cup, emblem- An ideal Society for men from atic of the circuit supremacy, and 449 frood st. GRant 3121 birth to age Sixty. a difference of $4,000 in cash will Provides Life Insurance, Sick be decided in the best-of-seven Benefits and a Home for the Lawson Mfg. Co. series. aged. QUALITY WATER HEATERS All indications point to a Bears' WRITE FOR INFORMATION For Over 35 Years win. However, the Hornets are McClurg Miller not to be denied. In regular loop JOSEPH J. PORTA 300 N. Lemington Ave. CH. 5141 competition the locals have meas- Teacher of Music ured even with the Chocolate Supreme Secretary Towners, winning three, losing JOHN EIBECK Genuine TYPED Letters. Also Duplicating and Mailing Service three and ending two in dead- 542 Reymer Bldf. AT. 4985 Supreme President Serving Pittsburgh business since 1907 locks. Fifth Ave. The Hornets tangled in Hershey 709 BRIGHTON ROAD, Tuesday and again tonight LOcust 4296, Residence Pittsburgh 12, Pa. • TANKI • (Thursday). Both teams move to MAIL ADVERTISING SERVICE the Gardens for games on Satur- day and next Tuesday. If more 319 Fifth Ave. ATlantic-1290 Pittsburgh games are required, the teams return to Hershey for one game Easter Greetings DERDA BROS. PAPERHANGING LIVE and DRESSED ¿OULTRY Paper removed by steam. Paper fur- nished. expert workmanship. Free estimates. FEderal 7460. 409 Chestnut St. CE. 1999 F. L HOLLIS 748 Fairston Street Two Big Things in Ufo: Federal Enameling (1) YOUR SAVINGS (2) HOME OWNERSHIP Easter Greetings Workingmens Savings & Loan Association PITTSBURGH and Since 1881 North Side CHINA CO. 1114 East St. CEdor 7297 • CHINA Stamping Co. • SILVERWARE • GLASSWARE Provident Trust Company Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Phon« COurt 2065 FHA Insured Mortgages 406 Market St. McKees Rocks, Pa. Ohio and Chestnut.Sts. North Side, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh TEK THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Thursday, April 3, 11 Sacred Heart Student CHURCH MUSIC Wins Oratory Contest DIOCESAN CHURCH MUSIC COMMISSION Easter Greetings 108 North Dithridge St., Pittsburgh Patricia Pryle, a student at Rev. C. A. Sanderbeck, Secretary Sacred Jleart High School, East End, was selected as the winner in the finals of the annual ora- A. H. Neaman THE EASTER MASS Therefore let us feast with the torical contest held last Thursday Some Notes on the Texts and unleavened bread of sincerity and SINCE 1915 evening in the Foster Memorial, Certified Public Fire Insurance Adjuster Musical Setting of the Proper truth: alleluia!" The first phrase under the auspices of the Feder- Introit has the same text as the Alleluia- ATlantic 0432 Verse after the Gradual. There it ation of Catholic High School Stu- Resurrexi: "I arose, and am overflows with joy, like a rushing dents and the University Catholic 607 Bakewell Bid*. Grant and Diamond Sts. still with Thee: alleluia!" These paean of triumph which is to in- Club. Students from 28 high opening words of the Introit bring undate all the earth; here it is in schools participated in the sec- us directly to the mystery that is an intimate Communion song, in tional elimination contests, and The Farmers and Merchants Bank being celebrated. Christ Himself, which the exultation is more re- eight of these reached the finals. gloriously risen, speaks thus to served. Its melody, however, Each of the finalists received a of Sharpsburg His heavenly Father. He has ful- throbs with the consciousness of gold medal and cash award from SHARPSBURG, PA. filled the duty with which His fresh life. It is quite logical that the University Catholic Club. The Father had charged Him, and now the word itaque (therefore) subject was "Can Labor and Cap- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation He directs His first thought to the should have so rich a melody, for italism Agree?" Fathec. Then He looks into the it wishes to stress this thought Besides the winner, the finalists vastness of future time, which is with special emphasis: Since were: Marilyn Pfohl, Ursuline Moore, Leonard & Lynch blessed because all mankind is to Christ has offered Himself as our Academy; Grace Kaniecki, Cathe- share in His Resurrection. The Pasch, therefore we are able to dral High; Louise Gralka, St. BROKERS font of salvation is now open to celebrate the Paschhal feast and Michael's, South Side; George all, and its saving waters will unite ourselves with Him in Holy Pablic, North Catholic;Elizabeth Union Trnst Building bring us to glory, so that we may Communion. Kearney, Holy Rosary; Edward be united to Jes'is our Head, and We are, moreover, to celebrate Larkin, St. Mary's of the Mount, may be with the Father as He and Mary Ann Cicero, Annuncia- South Hills and Vicinity Himself is with the Father. Alle- it "in sincerity and truth"; for, as tion. luia! the Jews, after the Paschal lamb The Gregorian melody which had been slaughtered in the Tem- Johns Lumber Co.. Ltd. ple, were no longer permitted to adorns Christ's words is full of South End of Liberty Tubes inner fervor, - breathing intense have any leaven in their houses, Peter and Paul's love, like a song coming from the in like manner the old leaven of EV. 1400 Pittsburgh, Pa. quiet depths of eternity itself. sin may no longer have any place in the Christian's heart, now that Garage Gradual Christ has offered Himself for us. MESHANKO Haec dies: "This is the day which the Lord hath made: let Bloomfield Packing Co. us be glad and rejoice therein More Comfort Wearing m MAX GROSS, Manager ... for His mercy endureth for- FALSE TEETH We Feature Only the Best—Beef, Veal and Lamb ever." Here all Christendom Here Is a pleasant way to overcome breaks forth in loud rejoicing and loose plate discomfort. FASTEETH, an imporved powder, sprinkled on up- Plant and Ottice: 21N East St.. N. S. FA. 1500 praises the Father because the per and lower plates holds them firmer days are now past in which it so that they feel more comfortable. No Rumrrjy, gooey, pasty taste or Place Tour Order for Your seemed as if He would pity His feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid). Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (den- Now Hudson Now Son no more. To that terrible Fri- ture breath). Get FASTEETH today Forward Alleys day, the handiwork of men, suc- at any drug store. We Repair All Makes LOUIS P. GOLVASH. Mgr. ceeded the day "which the Lord Towing:, Storage, Body Squirrel Hill Bowline Association hath made." Now His mercy "en- And Fender Work dureth forever." Let us therefore 24 Perfect A. B. C. Alleys Reservations for Parties •'give praise to the Lord, for He Ford & Locke 7246 Kelly St. PE. 1900 5844 Forward* Avenu* Pittsburgh, Pa* is good!" Drug Store Pittsburgh Alleluia Verse Pascha nostrum: "Christ, our SICK ROOM SUPPLIES Meadow Gold Dairies, Inc. PRESCRIPTIONS Pasch, is immolated." This most a Homogenized Milk Butter striking thought of today's Epistle 5147 Penn Ave. MO. 4172 Albert E. Tudja a Grade A Milk Ice Cream has called into being one of the REALTOR a Butermilk Cheese most beautiful creations of choral • Cottage Cheese Frosted Foods chant. Here the triumphal shout Roal Estate — Insurance • Orangeade a Eggs of Easter is best realized. It is • SERVICE • H Hand 5000 melodic thanksgiving and jubila- H. J. Muetzel A Bonded Rental and tion. For» now, in very deed, the Insurance Collection Agency Even more important than the Insurance Company is great work of our redemption is Floral Shop PKOPERTt MANAGEMENT GENERAL INSURANCE the Agency which handles your insurance an accomplished fact. 441 So. Main St. West End 8 ALES—RENTALS Sequence WA. 5053 HE. 2156 NOTARY PUBLIC Victimae Paschali: The joyful- 218 Shiloh Street Rogal Company • FLORAL DESIGNS ness of the Alleluia continues to For All Occasions EVerglade 1052 INSURANCE resound in the Sequence, which • CORSAGES and PLANTS Affiliated with Grant Building ATlantic 3351 owes its origin to Wipo (11th Cen- • GREETING CARDS Pittsburgh Real Estate Board tury) an ecclesiastic at the courts of Conrad II and Henry III. The Alleluia-Verse supplies the theme John W. Wright . I for the first strophe: "Sing the St Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa. GENERAL HOUSE CLEANING OF THE BETTER KIND 1 Paschal Victim's praise!" With a Wall Paper—Painted Walla—Wooi Work—Window*—Floor u< Fnrnitar* powerful motive, the following PRE-LEGAL GENERAL %CIENCE Polishing—Venetian Blind Cleaning—Hug and Carpet Cleaning—Mothproofing. two strophes then set in: "A Lamb Cnrni i TEACHER TRAINING PRE-MEDICAL the sheep did save; and Christ Offer*«: CLASSICAL PRE-ENGINEERING 18 Watt Street MAyflownr Otfft back to the Father sinners gave." ' i MUSIC BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION "Death and Life clashed in mys- Office: COurt 1252 — Residence: EV. 5521 terious strife; Life's Captain, dead, now lives and reigns instead." Wm. "Squire" Timmons 1 The four succeeding strophes FIRE INSURANCE are a dialogue between the choir and Mary Magdalen: "O Mary, Easter Greetings Household or Building Insurance say, what sawest thou by the Courteous Treatment—Prompt Settlement way?" "I saw the tomb of the liv- 20 E. Carson St.- South Skh| ing Christ and the glory of Him risen. I heard the angelic word, I Leading Manufacturers—Repair Work b6wed to see the bands. Christ my Steel Plate Construction—Boilers, Tanks and Stacks hope is risen: He is gone before you into Gallilee!" Then again the jubilant motive resounds: "Christ R. Munroe & Sons Mfg. Corp. 1 from the dead is truly risen!" A 23rd Stroot Pittsburgh hearty Amen, alleluia brings this marvelous song to a close. Offertory Terra tremuit: "The earth trem* WILLIAM PENN BANK Pittsburgh Home Savings bled and was still, when God arose in judgment, alleluia." We 438 Wood Stroot cannot sing this melody too sol- OF COMMERCE emnly or too majestically. It is Pittsburgh 22, Pa. full of force and irresistible pow 2034 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh 22, Pa. er. It wants to remind the world that its clamor, its pomposity and boasting, its presumption and ex- Go To ... ultation will one day become mute when. God shall come in judgment. The magnificent Easter A COMMUNITY BANK Troy Campbell's Barber Shop triumph which Christ gained over His enemies, over death and over Castlo Shannon, Pa. all the powers of this world, guar- antees His final victory. The quak- Member of f YOU GET: Quality—Service—Right Price ing of the earth on Easter morn is ' And every Flower as Fresh as Morning Dew At only a prelude to the mighty cata- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation clysm which will come to pass at the end of time. Federal Reserve System Bud Saunders • Communion The Busy Stanwix Street Florist Pascha nostrum: "Christ, our 222 Stanwix St. ATlantic • Pasch, is immolated: alleluia i tilMiiP 68 Years in Order, Sister M. Marie, 58 ber of the state legislature and of Pittsburgh's city council. In re- Latvian Envoy to U. S. At Duquesne Sister Clare Dies; Years in Order, Dies cent years he held a position as Received into Church state unemployment compensa- Burial at Baden In the 58th year of her religious Competitive examinations will life, nearly all of which was spent tion referee. Washington, Mar. 27 (NC) — be held in the gymnasium of Du- Solemn Requiem Mass was of- as a teacher in parish schools con- Surviving are * five brothers, Dr. Alfred Bilmanis, Minister of quesne University on Saturday fered Tuesday morning in the ducted by her community, Sister John H., Thomas A., James A., Latvia to the United States, was morning, Apr. 12, for the schol- chapel of Mount Gallitzin, Baden, Marie (Hart), of the Sisters of Joseph W. and Edward J., all of received into the Catholic Church arships which the university if motherhouse of the Sisters of St Mercy, died last Friday in Mercy Pittsburgh. here last week. He was baptized offering to seniors in high schools Joseph, for Sister Mary Clare Hospital. The funeral took place by Archbishop Amleto Giovanni of the district. Three full tuition (Berry), a member of the com- Monday morning, with Requiem M. Marcella Demon«! Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to and 12 half tuition scholarship« munity for nearly 68 years, who Mass in the chapel at St. Xavier's the United States, the ceremony are ^offered for Catholic high died last Sunday in St Joseph's Academy, Latrobe, and burial in school students and the same Hospital. Sister Mary Clare had Requiem Mass was offered yes- taking place in the Apostolic Dele« the Sisters' cemetery there. terday in St. Paul's Cathedral for number for public high school retired from active duty a few gation chapel. students. years ago, after a religious career The former Margaret Hart, M. Marcella Demond, well-known Dr. Bilmanis received instruc- daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann Pittsburgh attorney, who died tion in the Catholic faith from The annual students retreat was of remarkable length and accom- held on Tuesday and Wednesday plishment but had been in full Barrett Hart, Sister Marie en- suddenly Sunday in her home in Rev. Gerold J. Kaiser, a former tered the convent on Oct. 19, the Dithridge Apartments. Born army chaplain, now on the staff in the university chapel, and the possession of her faculties until Easter vacation begins today, con- she entered the hospital a week 1889, and made her religious pro- 57 years ago in Lawrenceville, she of the Apostolic Delegation. The fesion on Apr. 18, 1892, in the began working for the law firm Lithuanian Minister, Povilas Za- tinuing until Wednesday morning, before her death. of Sachs and Caplan as a stenog- Apr. 9. Sister Mary Clare was born in presence of the late Bishop Rich- deikis, and his wife, were the ard Phelan. Having retired from rapher at the age of 20, and in sponsors. Wilmore, 90 years ago, a daughter teaching a few years ago, she had 1927 passed the bar examination, of Michael and Roseanna Cullen been stationed at St. Xavier's. remaining associated with the Dr. Bilmanis was formerly a Berry, and was a teacher in the same firm ever since. Lutheran. His wife is a Catholic. public schools of Cambria County Surviving are one brother and William F. before she entered the novitiate one sister, John Hart and Mrs. Al- She is survived by her mother, of the Sisters of St. Joseph, then bert Bentz, both of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Mary Greene Demond, and at Ebensburg, on May 14, 1879. and a number of nieces and ne- one sister, Mrs. Ellen Newman, J. C. McCABE phews. of Youngstown, O. O'Brien She then taught at Mount Gallit- Cemetery Memorial* zin Seminary, boarding school for boys conducted by her order at M. J. Muldowney Res. Tel. MOntrose 6287 Ebensburg, and later was one of 6028 Station St. MO. 149i FUNERAL DIRECTOR the Sisters who were engaged to 3724 Confondo Averne teach in the public school at Gal- Former Congressman Michael Inquire About Our Time J. Muldowney, aged 57,. of 2337 Goetz Payment Plan litzin, continuing there until the Fifth Ave., died Sunday in Mercy RO 7748 JU IMO law against teachers wearing the Hospital and was buried yester- religious garb was invoked- . day in Calvary Cemetery, follow- Funeral Home In the ensuing years Sister ing Solemn Requiem Mass offered Mary Clare taught in various par- in St Agnes* Church. A native of SChenley T. P. HERSHBERGER SONS ish schools, served as principal , he had spent most 5386 FUNERAL DIRECTORS and superior at several convents, of his life in Pittsburgh, being a 426-428 So. Main Street, West End, Pittsburgh, Pa.—WA. 1782 mistress of novices and council- W. B. HERSHBERGER R. L. GRAM ENTINR graduate of Holy Ghost College, Res. PI*m: HA. OH'ft Rem. Pinti WA. «199 lor, and was supervisor of schools now Duquesne University. Be- for her community for many sides his one term in Congress, 3509 Pens Ave. years. 1932-34, he had served as a mem- Rev. Thomas J. Dunn, pastor of SCHELLHAAS & SON St John's, Uniontown, and for- mer chaplain at Mount Gallitzin, WM. SLATER ft SONS Funeral Home was celebrant of the Funeral FUNERAL DIRECTOR FAirfax 6063 706-707 East Street Mass; Very Rev. James J. O'Con- Virginia Ave. A Kearsarr« St.. Mt. WasklnftMi EV. 3345 19.S 6 Broadway A venae, Beerhview North Side, Pittsburgh nell, pastor of St. Veronica's, Am- 740 Washington Roaé. Mt. Lebanon LE. 2107 bridge, was deacon, and Rev. Pat- rick D. Harkins, principal of Catholic High School, Altoona, was subdeacon. RUSSELL L. TROXELL Music Festival Successor to Armour Fanerai Home BEINHAUER 867—5th A venae Phone 14 Coraapoiis, Pa. Pupils from a number of Cath- olic schools will take part in the spring music festival to be held in Memorial Hall, Oakland, on Saturday evening, Apr. 12, by the In- and-About- Pittsburgh Music EASTER GREETINGS Educators Club. Some 60 schools EASTER GREETINGS will be represented. The program will include com- CHARLES C. REEL positions played by a 110 piece Koontz Funeral Home band, led by Robert L. Arthur, HINERAL SERVICE director of the University of Pitts- Main Office: 1719 Brownsville Road CA. 1506 burgh Band; an orchestra of 110, MRS. 1«. D. REEL under Izler Solomon, conductor of If No Answer Call CA. 6430 the Columbus Philharmonic Or- Residence Telephones: % Dependable and Economical Service chestra, and a chorus of 350 voic- Edwin C. Koontz, CA. 4631 es, directed by Peter J. Wilhous- Edwin C. Koontz, Jr., CA. 2415-J ky, of the Juilliard School of Alvin E. Rabe, CA. 3759 215 West Ohio St. North SMo Music, who is vocal aide to Ar- turo Tosconini. Branch Office: Phono: FAirfox 04t5 3823 Brownsville Road, Brentwood CA. «439 Hiss E. B. MAXWELL Florist CHurchill 0373 EASTER GREETINGS 812 Wood St. Wilkinsburg IRON CITY SAND & GRAVEL CORP. Producers of Washed River Sand, Gravel MILK and Crushed Gravel We deliver to all parte of Pittsburgh Fresh' Pennsylvania Pasteurized VANG READY MIXED CONCRETE CO. Dairy Products Including Conerete Delivered Anywhere HOMOGENIZED MILK HARMONY DAIRY GRont 0700 No Monument is Mora Durable Operated on N. S., Pittsburgh, Great BMg. Pittsburgh than the stone from which it is cut. Since 1888 by Though the design be most artistic and the workmanship reach R. Y. THOMPSON erfection, the finished monument can never be more beautiful or FAirfax 7600 Eas t longer than the stone from which it is cut. Easter Greetings Ask your monument dedler for genuine W'nnsboro blue granite MEETING CARDS ! ! ! jj Hallmark "The Silk of the Trade East Craft It meets all tests to strength, Inscriptions on' it are clearly durabilit—v.«. y and-• «beauty , an—d —ex - •«—s"legible- \>ecausbeca e of the marked Gibcwn cels as a monumental stone. contrast between cut and pol- It is most lasting because it is ished surfaces. ft© composed of the most durable There are many granites minerals known. which have a surface resem- FOUNTAIN PENS ! ! ! It is superbly beautiful be- blance to Winnsboro Blue Gran- Parker cause it is made up of the sub- ite, but they do not possess its stance of precious stones and durable qualities and lasting Shaeffer gems beauty. i Eversharp €17 East Ohio St. Write for FREEillustratedbooklet, "FACTS for the Memorial Buyer" FAirfax 1939 ^»^TûlNULncirTjnlr^iTTs« Winnsboro Granité Corporation, Rion, S. C. diet what the verdict for Msgr. bills that have to be described « Less Prejudice Evidenced by Court Tiso will be. However, the orig- TO THE POINT debasing have been introduoMp inal belief that he will be con- There are bills to "legalize1* 8^911 Toward Close of Msgr. Tiso's Trial demned to death is now not so gen- (Continued from page 4.) bling, to relax liquor controls, ft§ eral in Slovakia. The trial brought Commission (FEPC) bill, intro- permit further commercializatttS By Jan Mauthner cansky, former Slovak minister of out much mitigating evidence in duced by Senator Walker, under of the Sunday; how can anythfeqt Special Correspondent, foreign affairs, and wanted to bring his favor. The judges undoubtedly number S.374. The bill, designed of this sort be justified? N.C.W.C. New« Service) him to Bratislava before the end reali2e that the future political to prevent racial and religious dis- This state, and the nation, Bratislava, Mar. 24.—While Slo- of the trial. developments in Slovakia will de- crimination that affects employ- the world, need public monditp, vakia and the world await the The biggest question of the trial pend to a large extent on their ment, is reasonable and wall- greater devotion to principle, raqp court's decision on the case of the is that of the verdict. Despite the verdict. drawn, careful consideration hav- recognition of God's dominion Msgr. Joseph Tiso, war-time pres- fact that the death penalty has ing been given in its preparation over the affairs of men; we cetM ident of Slovakaia, and of two of been proposed for all three de- Book Club Selections to FEPC experiences elsewhere. tainly can't expect to work ant' his ministers, these three ques- fendants—Msgr. Tiso, Dr. Dur- way. out of our difficulties white tions are constantly being asked cansky and Alexander Mach, for- No Time For That legislators insist on trying to u&* by people who want an over-all mer Slovak minister of propa- New York, Apr. 2 (NC)—The With all the serious problems dermine the national character by* picture of the trial: ganda—the general opinion is that Catholic Children's Book Club has facing the state government in concessions to human weakneSMK L 1. Was the trial truly objective? not all three will be condemned announced its April selections as the fields of finance, education, 9 r 2. Why did it last so long? to death. follows: labor, public assistance, law en- Nurses League Dance . 3. What will the verdict be? A reasonable opinion appears to Picture Book Group: "Benjamin forcement, etc., problems so in- The annual dance of the I sat in the first row of the press be that the severest punishment Busybody," by Lorraine Beim; volved and so grave that with the olic Nurses' League will be hail box during the entire 71 days of will be meted out to Dr. Durcan- Intermediate Group; "The Rain utmost skill and zeal the legislat- Monday evening, Apr. 7, at tbi the trial, following its every word, sky, who was tried in absentia, Forest," by Armstrong Sperry; ors can hope only to partially Hotel Schenley, with Josephio(| I spoke with the Slovak and Czech and the easiest sentence will go Older Boys Group: "Galapagos solve them, it is amazing to find Rosetta, vice president of th| reporters during the recesses; in- to Mr. Mach. I do not believe that Bound!" by Felix ReisenberJ, Jr.; that a considerable number of league, as general chairman. terviewed the prosecution and de- the former can escape capital pun- Older Girls Group: "Willow Hill," fense; talked with the jury, mili- ishment while the latter will by Phyllis Whitney. tary experts, Msgr. Tiso's sister, probably not receive more than a FOR RENT ATTENTION PLEASE 2 and also with the president of the few years in prison. Mr. Mach's Two rooms, kiteheu and bed- court, Dr. Igor Daxner; and I be- full confession, and the fact that room in Lawrenceville Section. Men and children who suffer lieve that the trial as it finally de- he is the father of five children, from incorrect shoes. veloped was objective, though only won him a great deal of popular Write: B. B., The Pittsburgh after there had been a marked sympathy. Catholic. We now have a new meth- change from the attitude the court It is extremely difficult to pre- APARTMENT WANTED od of fitting shoes correct- displayed during the first few ly, which will prevent you APARTMENT WANTED Or small house, 3 or 4 rooms, weeks. from getting flat feet or 3-4 unfurnished or furnished unfurnished, to rent to middle- At the beginning of the trial, pigeon toes. This shoe is call- rooms private bath, desired by a«red couple, no children. Call the court, through the material it ed the ARCH HELPEM permitted to be introduced, seemed property-respecting couple for WEllinerton 1443-R. SHOE, the correct shoe for intent on undermining the influ- steady rental. PL 4699. ence of the Catholic clergy with WANTED your feet. For your comfort the Slovak nation. But in the HOUSE WANTED Organist for church in small and economy come to later weeks, it seemed to lean over Middle-aged couple desires to town: one who understands backwards to show it was not rent 4 or 5 room house in East Polish or Slovak preferred. hostile toward the clergy. An in- End or Bloomfield. No children. Write: P.X., The Pittsburgh stance of this was the reading of HI. 6418. Catholic. Jessie's Shoe Store the Encyclical of Pope Pius XII against Nazism. Toward the end Morrowfield Building of the hearings, the court also tried S. W. KLEINMAN presents: to draw a line of distinction be- 2629 Murray Avenue Pennsylvania's Largest and Finest Collection PITTSBURGH 17. PA. tween the dignity of Msgr. Tiso as Service for Merchants and Business Men If WE HAsel 5700 a priest and his political activities. There are several reasons for Can't the length of the trial, which ex- INTERSTATE SERVICE tended over a period of some 100 BUREAU Collect it. days, 71 of which the court was Throw it in session. The main reason was For Professional Men and Hospitals Away" that the list of material for the trial was frequently enlarged as PHYSICIANS and DENTISTS the hearings proceeded. Then, too, CREDIT EXCHANGE the Soviet and U. S. occupation BERGER BUILDING PITTSBURGH, PA. ATlantic 8135 authorities in Germany put at the disposal of the court several wit- nesses only during the trial though their presence had long been re- quested by the court. Another rea- MATTRESSES son for its length was that the ELATERITE Czech authorities were trying hard ELATERITE is Mineral Rubber, Brought Into a Liquid AND BOX SPRINGS Form, and When Spread Over the Roof of a Building or to obtain the extradition of one of Drawing on the** 05 years of the defendants, Ferdinand Dur- Home Will Form a Rubber Blanket Over the Surface on mattress making experience, Which It is Laid. Scaly offers improved construc- Radio Listings This coating is over 99 per cent pure carbon, and is acid-, alkali-, tion features with long-life water-, electricity-, oxygen- and nitrogen-proof. It is serving comfort built in. Durable, re* tf. with conspicuous efficiency as a coating for roofs and gutters. silient innerspring units that Friday, Apr. 4 ElaterHe It Sold AptI Applied By Roofers Only give to the slightest touch, yet 6:45 to 7:00 P.M., WEDO, Mc- assure overall firm bouyancy to Keesport (810): Rev. J. C. Shi- Wholesale Distributors for Western Pennsylvania: support the body in relaxing* nar, of St. Pius', McKeesport. healthful repose. Saturday, Apr. « Proie & Coogan Heating Co. 6:30 to 6:45 P.M., WCAE (1250): «117-19 Broad St. MO. 9300 Sodality program, "The Way of Pittsburgh A, Pa. Life." Sunday, Apr. 6 7:00 to 7:30 A.M., WJAS (1320): program of Easter music by Benedictine monks of St. Mein- rad's Abbey, in Indiana. EASTER GREETINGS 9:00 to 10:00 A.M., WJAS: St. Pat- rick's Church. 10:30 to 11:00 A.M., WJAS: Spec- ial Easter service from Shrine McHugh Brothers of Our Lady of La Leche, St. Augustine, Fla. 3 Hours Odorless Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service 3:15 to 3:30 P.M.. WISR, Butler; WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER • (680) "St. Francis Hour." 3:30 to 3:45 P.M., WISR, Butler: HO Parkfield St. CA. 4473 "Butler Catholic Hour"; Rev. Austin Waldvogel, O.F.M.Cap., of St. Fidelis', Herman: "Eas- ter." Cootes, Gregg & Millar, Inc. 6:00 to 6:30 P.M., fCDKA (1020): Fine Office Furniture and Equipment "Catholic Hour"; Msgr. Fulton 1025 Liberty Avo. at Grant St. Pittsburgh 22, Pa. J. Sheen. 9:45 to 10:00 P.M., WWSW (1490): COurt 4180 St Joseph's House of Hospitali- ty: Rev. Charles Owen *Rice. Tuesday, Apr. 8 Sehreiber Trucking Co. 6:30 to 6:45 P.M.. WHJB Greens- burg (620): "Eternal Light" Motor Freight Transportation program. All Loads Fully Insured 6:45 to 7:00 P.M., WEDO, Mc- 1391 Washington Blvd. MO. 4400-4401-4402-4403 Keesport: Rev._E. J. Wiethorn, With Offices in Chicago—New York—Baltimore—Rochester of Holy Name Church, Du- quesne. Thursday, Apr. 19 "Perfection In A Cup" •:15 P.M., WWSW: "Catholic School Forum." 1:15 to 7:30 P.M.. WJPA, Wash- BREAKFAST CHEER COFFEE ington (1450): Rev. John J. THE CAMPBELL AND WOODS COMPANY Charnoki. of St Patrick's, Can- " onsburg.