Library Nia X o^ VJ The Pittsburgh Catholic Official Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR 104th YEAR-NO. 4 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1947 HÌÉ1IT SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS British Cardinal THE RESURRECTION' Expose Communists, Lauds President's East Europe Plan Don't Outlaw Party, By John A. Greaves (London Correspondent, N.C.W.C. Says Father Cronin News Service) London, Mar. 24. — President Washington, Mar. 31 (NC) — Harry S. Truman's plan to help ists would seek to be made mar- Greece and Turkey resist outside Disagreeing with proposals that tyrs for civil liberty.*' aggression and internal enemies, the Communist Party in the Unit- On the other hand, Father ed States should be outlawed or Cronin said Communists "do has been"*applauded by Cardinal very little harm where they work Bernard Griffin, Archbishop of otherwise forced underground, openly" and that their "real dam- Westminster. Rev. John F. Cronin, S.S., assist- age is done through deceit and "I think it is. time we called a ant director of the Social Action misrepresentation." He contended halt to compromise and expedi- Department, National Catholic that by employing exposure meth- ency. I think it is time that we ods against thé Reds, their op- asserted the principles on which Welfare Conference, issued a ponents would have the "advan- international relations must be statement here today in which he tage of appealing to public opin- based," the Cardinal said. "In this advocated the "exposure tech- ion" and reminded that the "pub- respect we applaud the recent nique" as the most effective means lic does not like to be fooled and statement made by President Tru- of treating the. menace. has no sympathy for secret move- man about Greece and Turkey and Father Cronin contended that ments." He asserted that "a real the action be proposed to take." in nations where the Communist expose of Communist deceptive The Cardinal expressed his sen- Party had been outlawed, the ef- tactics would disgust the public, timents in a discourse at the con- forts "only succeeded in driving whereas merely repressive tac- secration of Most Rev. Joseph it underground" and asserted tics might create sympathy for Masterson as the new Archbishop through such methods "Commun- them." of Birmingham. "I think it is time," the Cardi- nal continued, "that this country Cleveland Priest Pontifical Mass denounced the horrors that are be- ing perpetrated in the name of Named Auxiliary Easter Sunday democracy and freedom in so mjmy parts of Eastern Europe, where Washington, Mar. 27 (NC)—His In Cathedral millions of men are still in con- Holiness Pope Pius XII has named centration camps, where millions Msgr. Floyd L. Begin of Cleveland Marking the Feast of the Res- are put to forced labor, and where "The Resurrection of Christ," masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci, to be Titular Bishop of Sala and urrection, the greatest feast of the the old Christian tradition is be- illustrative of the final broadcast of the Easter Trilogy series heard Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland, it Church, Pontifical Mass will be ing uprooted and men are being on the Sunday evening: ABC drama, "The Greates* Story Ever Told." has been announced by Archbishop celebrated in St. Paul's Cathedral persecuted for their faith and re- on Sunday at 10:30 o'clock. Bishop ligion. In eastern Europe the "The Resurrection" broadcast will be heard on Easter Sunday at Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apos- 6:30 P. M. Hugh C. Boyle will pontificate, countries are not free. Latavia, assisted by priests of the Cathe- Lithuania, Esthonia have all been dral. Preaching the sermon, on absorbed by Russia, and conse- Austrian Bishops Give Church Land "Hope for a Confused World," will quently the Atlantic Charter has be the rector of St. Paul's, Msgr. become a mockery." To Provide Small Farms for 10,000 Andrew J. Pauley. Britain's own domestic crisis, The last Mass at the Cathedral the Cardinal said, was moral on Sunday will begin at 12:15 rather than economic, caused by Vienna, Mar. 27 (Radio) (NC)— the Church in Austria are not o'clock. men trying to solve their problems J Land belonging to the Church and large, the Bishops and Abbots, on a purely materialistic basis and »t o monasteries in Austria will be during the war, had taken steps neglecting God and His laws. put at the disposal of some 10,000 to make the voluntary contribu- German Cardinal, "I need hardly refer to the aw- small holders, it was decided at a ful decline in moral standards dur- conference of the Austrian Bishops tions of land in the interests of Leaving, Blesses ing the past 20 years," Cardinal here. agrarian reforms and to alleviate Griffin added. "I have only to It has been estimated that each the distress of ttye nation. American People mention the breakdown in family small-holder will receive approxi- The largest area was offered by relations, the ever - increasing mately 9,000 square feet of land, the Augustine Monastery of Klos- New York, Mar. 27 (NC)—Car- number of divorces and the wave enough for a small house and a terneuberg, near Vienna, and the dinal Konrad von Preysing, Bishop of iuvenile delinquency. Pius XI truck garden. Cistercian Convent of Heiligen- of Berlin, took off by plane for once said that we ought to con- Although the land holdings of kreuz. home shortly before noon yester- sider ourselves blessed to live in day, saying he had been stimu- difficult times. Difficulties only lated greatly "by this visit among exist to be overcome. And we in To Mark Jubilee Fritz Kreisler, Wife a free people who freely acknowl- this country are always at our best Received into Church edge God's sovereignty and sin- when we have difficulties to face." Of Bishop Swint cerely try to love their fellowmen Washington, Mar. 31 (NC) — everywhere. Parish Properties Wheeling, W. V., Apr. 2 (NC) Fritz Kreisler, world famous com- Msgr. Begin "I shall cherish the five short Damaged by Wind — Archbishop Amleto Giovanni poser and concert violinist, to- tolic Delegate to the United States. weeks spent in the United States Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to gether with his wife, made a pro- Msgr. Begin is now Vicar General of America as among the most the United States, will officiate at pleasant in my life," Cardinal Damage, mostly to roofs, and fession of faith in the Catholic for Religious of the diocese. a Solemn Pontifical Mass of Born in Cleveland, Feb. 5, 1902, von Preysing said just before none of a serious nature, was Thanksgiving which will com- Church and received Holy Com- boarding the plane for Berlin. done to buildings of 24 parishes in the son of Peter H. and Stella Mc- memorate the Silver Jubilee in munion yesterday in New York, Farland Begin of that city, the "In these troubled times, it is a the Pittsburgh Diocese in the ser- it has become known here. ies of wind storms that swept over the Episcopacy of Bishop John J. Bishop-elect attended Cathedral great consolation to find such deep the district on Mar. 24 and 25. Swint, of Wheeling, here on May Mr. Kreisler and his wife, the Latin High School and St. John's faith and generous charity among Nearly all parts of the diocese, in- 7. The jubliee wil be marked by former Harriet Lies of New York Cathedral College in his native so many millions of Americans. cluding the city of Pittsburgh a three-day celebration, May 6 City, had for some three months city, and the North American Col- May God bless and prosper your were affected, Rev. Joseph A. to 8. Bishop Swint was consecrat- been receiving instructions from lege and the Appolinaris College country, your families, your flour- Keener, director of the Diocesan ed Auxiliary Bishop of Wheeling Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen of the in Rome. He was ordained in ishing institutions and your great Commission, reports. on May 11, 1922. Catholic University of America. Rome on July 31, 1927. and generous people." Religious Teaching Missionary Aid Follow Custom In Argentina Settled Society Of Sending Gi DIOCESAN Buenos Aires, Mar. 24 (NC) — To Newly- The controversy over the teaching Kt. Rev. Edward 1. Miskiow, Director UNION NEWS of religion in the public schools I2S North Craig St.. Fittsburfh The ancient CathofyJfj here was settled when the Cham- Telephone MA. 696S being revived this r ber of Deputies voted for optional . J. & SMINAR We gratefully acknowledge re- Archdiocese of Boston N V. —— attendance at the religious class- bishop Richard J. es. The bill provides that those ceipt of the following private sending a card of Tender Klemens' attendants. Detailed in-1 children who do not attend the contributions: The tender ending used by prayerful wishes to everjl structions concerning World So- | religious courses taught by priests Circles 11, 23, 26. 31, 46; Rev. baptized child, has bee»* Msgr. Sheen to his radio talk last dality Day ooservance will be must take a course on morals Sunday finds an exalted place in taught by laymen. D.J.O'S., Rev. F.J.H., Sister M.L., since the first of this the life of a companion of Mary, sent to all sodality directors and W.F.G., Pittsburgh. Ann's Parish, Mill vale, a sodalist. Msgr. Sheen referred prefects within the next few pastor, Rev. James F. weeks. Rev. J.G.D., Castle Shannon; to Judgment Day, when Our Lord Postpone Meeting Rev. P.A.J.K., Murrinsville; Rev. C.S.Sp., has been sent would look at the soul before Him The pastoral letter regarding Of L.C.B.Â.
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