’*^'- •’ V' ,T7 •" 7 * 7 7^ ^'' S'.' :/ MONDAY, MAT 1«, IMO \ rOOKTEEN Average Dally Circulation flattrbratnr Evntino XrraOl Fofl the Month of April, 1*40 The Weather Foreenat e l L. a. Weather Borean Tha MancheaUr Garden club J^aodal for the beneflt o f the Mrs. Etta.F^low of Main strest Red Cross volunteer workers 6,393 olU hold ita May meeting thla eve- Degree of Pocahontas will be held held “open house” Saturday eve­ ars reminded of the knitting ses­ PUBLIC SETBACK Cloudy, oceastonal ehowera to­ sions st the T.M.C.A. from 10 to About Town nlrijr at T'.SO at Ocnter church tonight' at the home a t Mrs. Ger­ ning In honor o f her cousins. Mr> - TOMORROW NIGHT MeoUier e f Um Aoilit night nnd Wedneadny': not;^Biach 18 and 1 to 8, and for sewing only HALE'S SELF SERVE house. Mrs. Rohert Scott of Hart­ trude lillcb, 24 Ma<il8on street. and Mrs. WlUism R. Wright of HIGHLAND PARK \ Borenn ef Clrcolstloae chnnge In tenipernture. ford will be the apeaker, and the Cards aOd other games will be Oakland, CW., who ars visiting Mr. on Wednesday at the same hours. The Original In New England 1 ~'1ha Maaehwter CHri Scout members are reminded to bring played M d prises swsrded. Re- Wright's mothsr, -Mrs. Thomss Additional workers will ha wel­ COMMUNITY CLUB V i Manchester— A City of Village Charm will DMCt. tomorrow after- floral arrangements In their own freshmehts and a social time will Wright and other relatlvea In this come, the need Is urgeat. Refreshments. S follow. The public 1s Invited. town and Springfield,'Mass. aooB at o’clock at tha Y.M.CA. Containers for Mrs. Scott to judge. 3 Cash Prizes. AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LIX., NO. 192 (CtneaMed Advertteinp oo Pngv I f ) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 14. 1940 ln»e attendance prlae will be a Center Hose Ootiipany No. 8 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CRI Mrs. MtnettS' Lagg o f 4 North will hold Its regular meeting to­ Admission 25c. Mr.' and lira. F. G. Slawaon .of ticket to the annual garden visita­ Mrs. Willis Abbey o f Windsor, I M Osford itrect ara spending: a tions In Hartford and Farmington. Fairfield street has Issued Invita­ night at 8 o’clock. president of the Hartford-County tions for the rasrrlags of her tw o woeka’ racation in Washlng- May 14 and 1.1, for the beneflt of King's Daughters,' will be the TUESDAY SPECIALS the Hartford A rt School. daughter. Miss Grace M. Legg and «aw,D. C guest speaker st the meeting of Walter Holman. The ceremony I ^ b le Green Stamp* Given With Ciah Sale* iy>yal Circle this evening st Cen­ will take place at the South Meth­ Jooaph Wllkalts of Xloodyear. The Board of Uovemora of the ter church house. The hostesses V \ ^ All Day Tuesday. rwiw , A>rmcrly of Birch' street [Army and Navy, club will tneet at odist church, Saturday May 25 st will be Mrs. Carl HofC, Mrs. Orton 4 o’clock. '♦ this town, la seriopsly 111 At the , the clubhou.se tomorrow night at Beach and Mrs. Helen Hills, all of A. R. Willde H a V a q a n U ^ Putnam hospital. 8 o'clock. whom have moved to Hartford. Special! Nazis arate Belgian utch Armiei Mrs. William Kean urged all who 16 Walker St. Tel. 8365 I Loavea 11c have not returned the little stork­ Bread" ing bags with their coins, to do so We at this meeting. CONSUHEII T i t SMjr Cun For aad Pasteurized Milk DellVOT Tear Walnut Meols ^ lb. 25c e/ itm uli/ul /Nazi# Penetrate Liege Defeiiaea OlVIOEND A solemn requiem high mass O o^ r'a Prcsertpttone Jack Front Confeetlonery V/tm tn will be held at flt. James's church Germans Place Allies Wednesday morning at 7n10 In ^ and Cream WELDON DRUG CO. ^lli6d Forces Unable .1.» forlo r observance of tha 11th anniversary Preaerlptlod PksnaactetB Sugar 3 25c 'N O K T H i of tha death of Mrs. Antonts'rsrr. From Selected Farms M l Slnln street Pkga. T L A K g . fr«* c Y 19 3-Lb. Can 1-Lb. Can Nperlal On 49c In Situation; Ruling Shanks of Spry Dutch Help; \MO* WII.COX-GAY \w umS Q H 'L HAM \b. 15c t t * 0 «B€G O s a New Cabbage..,.lb. 6c. RECORDIO / Fresh, Crisp, Cool, l^mmery Pincoppic Juice 3 ^kna 25c< Native Spinach, pk. 25c Students Burn Flags Lose Seda Dandelions .. ..pk. 1.5c Authorized Safe — Depen^ble —- Hnle’s I>nrg<I>srge. Ktiictly Freah NATIVK RHUBAKR SALES and SERVICE Eronomif4l! Cotton Dpesses 7c lb. Great Battle Developing Mrs. Roosevelt Will Eat ' British and French Ban- Say O ly, in Fortilieil VHeat in Imperial Valley' Holland Troops Eit D ozen- Native Aaparagua C h arges^^ V' Eggs Fivc-Cent Dinner Tonight Zone i o Miles Below Climbs Over 100 Mark Must Surrender or /3% of I f you hnven't already done In Attack on Brussels; ncra Blaze on Simu­ S|terlal On HolM Park 80,- it ia time to choooe your Belgian Boriler *F>'nl>- British Troops Co­ Washington, May 14.—(A’)— lated CoRin Before 1 El Centro. Calif., May 14— Annihilated; Wm. E. Krah Cnstoibcr’s Valuation Summer cotton wardrobe. Our ! (P)—Day by day It’a getting Cotton Shop i, ailed with tal­ Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and akly Has Been Taken' Tactics Render U i TOMATOES Tel. 4457 33 Dclmont St. Lux Toilet Soap 4 Bar. 25c operating with Belgian several government - officials Britain's Embassy in I hotter and hotter down here In Minimum■ / Charge $2.50. '■ ented, American faahlona fea­ I the Imperial valley. turing eport aheere, antl-creaae Soldiers; Few Days Be­ will eat a- flve-cent dinner to­ Rome in New Oul- By Germans; Thou­ portant Belginnt's ....... 17c night. I Thursday, Friday and Salur- vollea. rayon crepea and aeer- : day the temperature hit IQS. 2 Cam 33c. auckera in aizea and modela for fore Course of War They will be guests at a din­ sands of Tanks, Planes, bert Canal Posit Box of 35c buriit o f Anti-Allied Sunday'Tt-was 107 and Mon­ everyone. Salada Tea Bags 29c ner designed to show how re­ AmiorcNl Cars in W ar's Can Be Told; Nazis Re-' lief families can live on their Demonstrations; Sol­ day’ 108. _ Which Was Coneeii SPECIAL budget. The menu; Stew made I But shucks, folks hereabouts No. 8 Can Burt Olney Siloed port Reaching Meuse. Fiercest Battle Now. As Strong Defense ] ~pAmfm/rj>tUivccn/.ync. o f beef, potatoes, unions, and diers Halt Rioters. don't start paying: much atten^ Inlnerspring carrots; a prune, half a slice of tlon to the tempei^ure until It / D ! A L 4l 5l '' 302 MAIN .TR[f.T Nelly Dons Cans Bulletin! gets up around 130./ Bulletin I V -i'h Or POST OFFICL ■ ONL BLOCK FROM iTAU ARMORY Gordon Beets 2 17c London, May 14.— (A P )— breadj, margarine, and coffee. Rome, May 14.— (A P )— rmany’s smashing attacks Shouting students burned a Paris, May 14.— (AP)—A Beriin. May 14.— (AP)| MATTRESS L'Aiglons Large FamUy BIxe Can ■\ Roofing A Siding created an “extremely seri­ \ British and French flag on a French military spokesman German troops threw Our Specialty Huhrites 2 c.n. 25c ous” Situation for Allied war­ simulated coffin before the said (his afternoon the “ kreat- British, French and Friend's Beans riors in Muthern Holland to­ Bishop O’Brien British embassy today in a er part” of the Dutigh seaport Dutch Set Oil forces at the Cktte riyer ' $12.95 A. A. Dion, Inc. Large Can Burt Olney day. In Belgium a great bat­ new outburst of anti-AIlied city of Rotterdam is in flames of Louvain, BcIgiunL Maries DrcBslers 81 Wells St. TeL 4860 tle was devi^oping for posses­ demonstrations. Earlier, they and the situation growing in­ and pursued them V- Given Xiisignia Stores Afire; Ph on e 7254 Martha Mannings Sauerkraut 2 Cans 17c sion of the capital, Brussels. had demonstrated at the creasingly grave. :• Louvain and Wavre, DNB^| KEMP'S A military source appraising French. embassy and then flcial German news By Popular Kequesl, We Are Repeating This Special Fresh Paris, May 14.— (AP)'— the widespread conflict for Of His Office marched across town to Porta Armyef Retires announced. The DNB For This Week Only . supremacy in the lowland The French city of Sedan, in Each Pia, the famous gate in Ro­ aaid the Naxia were pc Cars Washed in the Iceberg Lettuce countries said that it would the fortified zone 10 miles be­ the Allies in the d ir ^ l President of St. Thomas man wall adjacent to the em­ Huge Petroleum Supply be a few days beforfe. the bassy. Several thousand stu­ rWCIMUfCMN low the Belieian liorder, positions on tha Dyle^ W om en *8 It coals only $1.00 to Popular Price Range / course of the war could . be Seminary Consecrated dents were halted by a bar­ ’T r S T “ probably has b^n taken” by In Am8lerdauL,.Qumed which ia wcat of tho Fried Gams ilrive a clean car. Fresh Rareripes 2iicha.5^ told/ but that British trodps the Germans, a French mili­ river and about half-waj At -Impressive Cere­ rier of armed troops at_ the :s m z b UL As Defense Measure;. were co-operating with Bel­ tary spokesman conceded to­ tween Bruaacis and C o a ts Fresh Daily! Try 7 monies at Hartford.
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