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Download 1.16 MB Indigenous Peoples Plan Project Number: 41220-013 April 2019 PHI: Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Project Community Management Plan for Barangay Tocucan, Bontoc, Mountain Province Prepared by Barangay Tocucan, Bontoc, Mountain Province for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Quezon City, Philippines and the Asian Development Bank This Indigenous Peoples Plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area 1 COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Updated April 2019 BARANGAY TOCUCAN BONTOC, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 2 ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan ANR assisted natural regeneration AO administrative order BAAGMADOLI BAlitian, AGoyo, MAligcong, DOcligan and LIngoy BLGU Barangay Local Government Unit CADT certificate of ancestral domain title CAR cordillera administrative region CHARMP cordillera highland agricultural resources management project CIS communal irrigation system CMP community management plan CP certificate precondition CURB Chico Upper River Basin DA Department of Agriculture DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DOLE Department of Labor and Employment FPIC free prior and informed consent GRM grievance redress mechanism ha hectare INREMP integrated natural resources and environmental management project IP indigenous peoples IPMR indigenous people’s mandatory representative IPP indigenous peoples plan IPRA indigenous peoples rights act LGU local government unit MLGU municipal local government unit NCIP national commission on indigenous peoples NGO nongovernment organization NRM natural resources management PO people’s organization RPCO regional project coordinating office SMO site management officer WFP work and financial plan WMU watershed management unit WMPCO watershed management project coordinating office 3 GLOSSARY Akhamang Rice granary Am-ama (Singular) Male elder Amam-a (Plural) Male elders, council of elders Anesh Kind of bamboo used in weaving chicken cages, ofor (trap for catching mud fish), tayay and karpi (food keepers) Atoh/ ator Structure that used to be the seat of government and center of community affairs; a sociocultural and political institution comprising the amam-a and the umator (household members of an ator) and the practices, rituals and customary laws that the ator that governed the people’s lives Chawwang River Changwaw Large crocodile Chinamey First cropping in the rice fields Faliling Second cropping in the rice paddies in which the paddy field is drained and crops other than rice (usually sweet potato) are planted in plots with various designs Fatangan Pine forest; slopes or areas with pine trees Fegnas A community-wide ritual Futeg Kind of bamboo cut into very thin strips used in the bundling of rice stalks during the harvest season Gangsa Gong Ili Village, or ancestral domain, or barangay Intut-uya Dialogue, meeting or talk Kaab-afongan Residential area, houses Kawayan Kind of bamboo Kerpi A 5-day te-er Khaat Clearing of the pathways going to the rice fields and papattay Kharatis Cooperative practice in which community members are obliged to render a day or two of free community service, such as during the construction of a house or a community facility Kilaw Scarecrow; ritual done before the farmers put up of their scarecrows in the fields to drive away the birds, rats and other pests Khiyag Woven plates made out of anes Kuliglig Hand tractor Lupon Committee organized at the barangay level tasked to handle/ facilitate the amicable settlement of disputes Morta Fine or penalty Og-ogfo Cooperative practice in which a group of women agree to take turns working in the payew or um-a of each member for the same number of days Pak-ang Second cropping in the rice fields Papattayan/papattay Sacred area/ritual site usually with a tree as a landmark Parayen Oak tree Payew (Singular) Rice field/ paddy field Paypayew (Plural) Rice fields/rice terraces 4 Pechag Grassland/pasture land Pechen Peace pact Pisik and serchang A 5-day ritual Ponet A one-day ritual observed when the palay begins to bear fruit Rerebnan Burial ground Saray-at Ritual observed after the planting season Tapey Rice wine Te-er Non-working day for the whole village in which no one is allowed to go to the fields, do major work or be boisterous Tayan Clan-owned forest area or land; system of management of the corporate property Um-a (Singular) Unirrigated cropland Umili (Singular/plural) Member/resident of the village/community Um-uma (Plural) Unirrigated croplands 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Acronyms 3 Glossary 4 Introduction 8 Legal framework 9 Philippine Constitution of 1987 9 Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997 (Republic Act 8371) 10 NCIP Administrative Order (AO) No. 3, Series of 2012 10 ADB Safeguard Policy Framework (2009): Indigenous Peoples Safeguards 11 Description of the Project Area 12 Physical – environmental status of the area 12 Location, area covered, accessibility 12 Land uses and zoning 12 Mapping of different land uses 13 Land classification 13 Information on the Bagnen indigenous communities 13 Population and ethnicity 13 Livelihoods/major sources of income 14 How Tocucan got its name 14 Farming practices 15 Conflict resolution 16 Situational analysis 17 Environmental status and issues and concerns 17 Opportunities 18 Ancestral Domain Governance 18 Goals of natural resources management 18 Existing political structure 19 The Sangguniang Barangay 19 The amam-a/ atoh or ator 19 The partner indigenous people’s organizations 20 Management policies and practices of the land uses 20 Policy on non-IP within ancestral domain 21 Policy on the involvement of IP members in development projects 22 (protection, rehabilitation, ENR/NRM, production, agriculture and rural infrastructure) Roles and responsibilities of women in the overall implementation of the 22 management plan Development Plans and Programs 23 Sub-projects being implemented in Bagnen 23 Work and financial plans for NRM subprojects 23 6 Capacity Building Needs of the Members 28 Conflict Resolution and Local Grievance Redress Mechanism 28 Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation 30 Beneficial Measures 30 Mitigating Measures 31 Implementation Arrangements 32 Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation 33 Annex 1: Community Map and Existing Land Use of Barangay Tocucan, 34 Chagchag Farmers Association, Inc. NRM Subproject Sites Annex 2: Community Map and Existing Land Use of Barangay Tocucan, 35 Kayya-a Women Farmers Organization NRM Subproject Sites Annex 3: Certificate of Incorporation, Chagchag Farmers Association, Inc. 36 Annex 4: Certificate of Registration, Kayya-a Women Farmers Organization 37 Annex 5: Resolution Allowing the Uploading of the CMP/IPP 38 Annex 6: Certification Precondition 41 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 1 NRM Subprojects Being Implemented in Tocucan 8 2 Members of the People’s Organizations in Tocucan 22 7 A. INTRODUCTION The Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Project is a special project being implemented by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the Chico Upper River Basin (CURB) in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and in three other priority river basins in the country.1 INREMP aims to, among others, restore ecological stability and biodiversity conditions of degraded forest lands and protected areas in these upper river basins. In degraded forest lands and conservation areas that are above > 50 %, the interventions for natural resources management (NRM) include reforestation and assisted natural regeneration (ANR). Reforestation involves the planting of indigenous forest tree seedlings that have undergone nursery operations. ANR refers to the rehabilitation and restoration of inadequately stocked forest areas through protection and maintenance of naturally growing seedlings (wildlings) and enrichment planting of open spaces with nursery-raised seedlings. These interventions are implemented through partner people’s organizations (POs) that are selected and endorsed by the communities and that pass the requirements of the DENR. Within Mountain Province, CURB2 covers the sub-watersheds of the BAlitian, AGoyo, MAligcong, DOcligan and LIngoy Rivers, which comprise the BAAGMADOLI Watershed Management Unit (WMU) found in the municipalities of Bontoc and Sadanga. Tocucan, one of the 16 barangays of Bontoc, is within the BAAGMADOLI WMU. Tocucan is an indigenous community belonging to the Bontok ethnic group. The INREMP subprojects that are now being implemented in Tocucan are ANR (111 ha) and reforestation (33 ha) covering a total land area of 144 ha. These were awarded in 2016 for implementation in 2017-2019, with supplemental budget for maintenance until 2020. Table 1. NRM Subprojects Being Implemented in Tocucan Assisted Natural Reforestation (ha) People’s Organization Regeneration (ha) 50 10 Chagchag Farmers Association, Inc. 61 Kay-ya-a Women Farmers 23 Organization Total 111 33 This Community Management Plan (CMP)/Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) provides
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