
RESEARCH doi: 10.1111/emr.12270 REPORT can reduce mammalian browsing damage of woody saplings in box-gum grassy woodlands

By Joseph P. Stapleton, Karen Ikin and David Freudenberger

Summary The critically endangered box-gum grassy woodlands of south-east Australia face numerous threats including the failure of woody plant regeneration caused by over-browsing. In the Australian Capital Territory, over-browsing of tree and shrub sap- lings is likely caused by dense populations of Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) found in many nature reserves free of livestock. One possible way to protect these saplings Joseph P. Stapleton was a Masters Student with is using coarse woody debris (CWD) as a browsing deterrent. We tested this idea by plant- ing palatable Red Stemmed Wattle (Acacia rubida) saplings among manually applied CWD, the Fenner School of Environment and Society, among naturally fallen CWD, and in the open, in five woodland reserves. We recorded the Australian National University (Acton, ACT 26- proportion of saplings browsed, the number of weeks to first browsing and the browsing 01, Australia (Tel: 0421 130 132; Email: severity (sapling height lost). Applied CWD protected saplings from being browsed only [email protected]). Karen Ikin is a at relatively low-to-moderate kangaroo browsing pressure (as measured by faecal pellet Research Fellow with the Fenner School of Envi- counts). At relatively high browsing pressure, the probability of a sapling being browsed among applied CWD was 100%, similar to the probability in the open treatment (no ronment and Society, Australian National Univ- CWD). Natural CWD, in contrast, provided some protection even at high browsing pres- ersity, Frank Fenner Building 141, Linnaeus sures. Time to browsing was most affected by browsing pressure, although CWD cover also Way, Acton ACT 2601, Australia (Email: had an influence. Browsing severity was similar between the three treatments and was only [email protected]). David Freudenberger affected by browsing pressure. These results indicate that without protection, palatable is a Senior Lecturer with the Fenner School of woody plant saplings have a high chance of being browsed by kangaroos in woodland reserves, and therefore, some protection is needed for successful regeneration. The Environment and Society, Australian National CWD being applied to reserves has a limited capacity to protect regenerating saplings. If University, Frank Fenner Building 141, Linnaeus more protection is wanted a CWD structure more resembling natural fallen timber should Way, Acton ACT 2601, Australia (Email: be used. This could be done by artificially placing branches around plantings. However, [email protected]). This project the most important action to facilitate regeneration is to manage kangaroo populations to was undertaken as part of a wider investigation reduce overall browsing pressure. into the restoration of box-gum grassy Key words: box-gum grassy woodlands, browsing, coarse woody debris, kangaroo woodlands. management, woody plant restoration.

regeneration through over-browsing by fenced-off areas. Both have been shown Introduction domestic and wild (Liangzhong to be effective, but both also have draw- hite Box (Eucalyptus albens)–Yellow & Whelan 1993; Fischer et al. 2009). In backs. Culling is controversial, and fenc- WBox (E. melliodora)–Blakely’s Red the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), an ing is expensive to construct and Gum (E. blakelyi) grassy woodland (here area with the largest remaining grassy maintain (Dickman 2012). Another possi- after termed ‘grassy woodland’) is an eco- woodlands in good condition (Beeton ble strategy is to find methods for reduc- logical community consisting of a grassy 2006), dense populations of Eastern Grey ing the probability of kangaroos understorey and a widely spaced canopy Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) are browsing saplings. Coarse woody debris dominated by eucalypt species (Beeton found in many patches of grassy woodland could potentially perform this service. 2006). This community once ranged over (ACT Parks Conservation and Lands 2010). Coarse woody debris (CWD) is large, much of south-eastern Australia, but since These populations have been shown to fallen and dead woody material found European settlement much of it has been have negative effects on other fauna throughout forest systems. It provides a cleared and it is now listed as critically (Howland et al. 2014) and flora (Neuve number of important services endangered under the Environment Pro- & Tanton 1989; McIntyre et al. 2010), including nutrient cycling (Harmon et al. tection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and may potentially repress regeneration 1986), habitat for fauna (Mac Nally et al. 1999 (Department of Environment 2016). of palatable woody (Meers & Adams 2001; Lindenmayer et al. 2002) and acting Patches that remain of this type of wood- 2003). Therefore, management is needed as nursery sites for woody plant saplings land are often in a poor condition due to to reduce the negative impacts of dense (Harmon & Franklin 1989; McKenny & numerous threatening processes, includ- kangaroo populations. Two of the most Kirkpatrick 1999). It may also act as a ing the repression of woody plant common practices are culling or creating browsing deterrent by obstructing

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Ecological Society of Australia RESEARCH REPORT access and thus increasing influence browsing damage and do due to past agricultural use. All reserves woody plant sapling survival (Ludwig & these factors interact with CWD? used in the study contained grassy wood- Tongway 1996; de Chantal & Granstrom€ land remnants, although the condition of We hypothesised that CWD would pro- 2007). However, due to human activities, these woodlands differed among reserves. tect saplings from browsing, with natural CWD stocks have been depleted in many Kangaroo densities also varied among the CWD providing more protection than forests (Grove & Meggs 2003), including reserves ranging from 0.68 to 4.23 ani- applied CWD. We also hypothesised that in critically endangered Australian grassy mals/ha (Table 1 (ACT Government increases in browsing pressure will woodlands (Killey et al. 2010). One way 2017)). The Canberra region has a dry, increase the browsing damage, increasing to enhance the levels of CWD in these continental climate with cool winters CWD cover will decrease browsing dam- is by manually applying it. and hot summers. age, and vegetation structure will influ- For example, in the ACT, CWD has been ence browsing when interacting with manually applied to the grassy woodlands Study design CWD. of Mulligans Flat and Goorooyaroo Nature Our experiment had three treatment Reserve as part of a long-term experiment types: applied CWD, natural CWD and (Manning et al. 2011). This CWD has been Methods open. Applied CWD (Fig. 1a) consisted shown to return many ecosystem services of large, branchless tree boles manually including the improvement of nearby soils Study location placed in scattered clumps in 2012–2014 (Goldin & Hutchinson 2013, 2014) and We conducted our study in the grassy as part of the Woodlands Restoration Pro- providing refuge for fauna even under woodlands of the Australian Capital Terri- ject (Table 1, (ACT Government 2015)). high herbivory pressure (Barton et al. tory (ACT). Study locations were in five Natural CWD (Fig. 1b) came from 2011; Manning et al. 2013). Applied reserves that are part of Canberra Nature in situ CWD already present on reserves CWD may also decrease herbivory in the Parks. Before these woodlands were estab- from branch and tree falls. Fine woody immediate vicinity (Goldin & Brookhouse lished as reserves, much of the land was material on small branches was often still 2015), thus improving plant regeneration. used for livestock and partially attached in a dense arrangement. The However, the possible value of applied cleared for timber to make way for open treatment (Fig. 1c) did not contain CWD in protecting woody plant regenera- (Ryan 2011). In 1913, when Canberra was any CWD. tion has yet to be tested in grassy wood- declared as Australia’s capital, natural We established 30 sites of each treat- lands. In addition, applied CWD may reforestation was allowed to occur on ment across five woodland reserves (90 have different effects compared to CWD many of the inner hills and ridges of the sites in total, Table 1). A site consisted of naturally present in reserves. For instance, ACT. In 1993, Canberra Nature Parks were a 1 m radius area containing a single treat- recently fallen timber often has much of created with the aim of conserving these ment type. We randomly selected applied its small branches still present in dense woodlands (Environment ACT 1999). CWD piles based on information provided formations (Ludwig & Tongway 1996). However, many of these reserves are still by the ACT Parks and Conservation Ser- This natural CWD may provide greater affected by weed invasion and erosion vice. We then selected a natural CWD pile protection from browsing than applied CWD, which is often in the form of large tree trunks (Fig. 1a). This study aimed to investigate the effect (a) (b) of manually applied CWD on reducing sap- ling browsing by kangaroos. In many ACT reserves, CWD has been manually applied as part of the Woodlands Restoration Pro- ject (ACT Government 2015). We took advantage of this project to experimentally address these main questions: (c) 1 Does CWD reduce kangaroo browsing damage in the grassy woodlands of the ACT and is naturally present CWD more effective than applied CWD? 2 Does higher kangaroo browsing pres- sure cause greater browsing damage?

3 Do other factors, such as CWD pro- Figure 1. Typical examples of experimental treatment types (a) applied CWD, (b) natural jected cover and vegetation structure, CWD, (c) open. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

224 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 18 NO 3 SEPTEMBER 2017 ª 2017 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd RESEARCH REPORT closest to an applied CWD site. The open densities, so it was assumed their impact Statistical analysis sites were chosen 50 m away in a random was minimal. We continued weekly mon- direction from the applied CWD sites. itoring for 8 weeks postplanting. The We considered three response variables: Within each site, we planted five Red study was conducted over winter due to (i) Probability of browsing, calculated Stemmed Wattle (Acacia rubida) saplings the high soil moisture and this being a using the browse score, which was the in a 50 cm radius around a fixed stake time of food shortages for kangaroos probability that a sapling was browsed, (Fig. 2a; 450 saplings in total). We used (Fletcher 2007), which would likely max- including browsing that reduced sapling Red Stemmed Wattle as it was found to imise browsing pressure on the Acacia height and browsing of lateral leaves; (ii) be particularly browse-sensitive in a pilot saplings. Time to browsing, which was the number study (unpublished data). All saplings We measured the following explana- of weeks it took for a browsed sapling to were commercially grown and hardened tory environmental variables at each site be first browsed; and (iii) Browsing sever- off outside in cold conditions. We com- to determine what other factors might ity, which was the decline in height of a menced planting in late May 2016 and fin- affect browsing. To give an indication of sapling once it had been browsed. We also ished in June 2016 during abundant cool kangaroo browsing pressure at each site, considered the measured explanatory vari- season rainfall. we used faecal pellet counts, a method ables (see above). Before constructing sta- modified from the permanent plot method tistical models, we explored these Field sampling used by Howland (2009). This involved explanatory variables for correlations and In the winter of 2016, one week after counting all faecal pellets within a 1 m large zero values, and used ANOVA to each site was planted, we assessed sap- radius of the central stake at each site. assess significant differences between lings for browse damage (response vari- Two counts were performed, one at the treatment types, to determine which able) by recording whether saplings had beginning of field sampling during which should be used for analysis. We selected been browsed or not as a browse score all pellets were cleared and counted from treatment type, faecal pellet count, CWD (0 = unbrowsed, 1 = browsed). We also the plot, and again 8 weeks later; these projected cover, weed condition, weed recorded the change in height of each two counts were then averaged. We also height and grass height for further analy- sapling since the time of planting as an measured CWD projected cover using a sis. We scaled all variables prior to analysis indicator of damage caused by browsing, point intersection method in which a (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1) so that following methods described by Jensen 0.75 m 9 0.75 m quadrat with 25 string model estimates could be compared. We et al. (2012) and Vandenberghe et al. intersections was placed over a sapling. used R version 3.2.5 (The R Foundation (2007). Due to the study taking place in We counted each string intersection over for Statistical Computing 2016) software winter, insect damage on the saplings a section of CWD as a hit out of 25. We for all statistical analyses. was minimal. Other than kangaroos, Euro- also determined herbaceous vegetation We used regression analysis to deter- pean Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was cover within sites using a 0.5 m 9 0.5 m mine the effect of the chosen explanatory present in these reserves. The damage quadrat to visually estimate the per cent variables on browsing. In order to do this, between the two could not be distin- ground cover of grass, weeds, bareground, we constructed a series of generalised lin- guished, but as the kangaroo faecal pellet litter and other (unidentified forbs, moss, ear mixed models using the chosen density was high around heavily browsed shrubs). We classified weeds based on explanatory variables, including both uni- sites, it was assumed kangaroos were their physical characteristics as either variate and interaction models responsible for most of the browsing. being leafy, spiky or bare stemmed. We (Appendix S3). All interaction models (Wallabia bicolor), Red also recorded the height of the tallest included treatment type combined with Necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) weed and tallest grass plume or leaf within another variable, as treatment type was and Common Wombat (Vombatus ursi- the 0.5 m 9 0.5 m quadrat and visually the focus of the study. We modelled prob- nus) were also present in reserves, but estimated canopy cover above the ability of browsing using a binomial distri- at comparatively lower population 0.5 m 9 0.5 m quadrat. bution, and time to browsing and

Table 1. Number of replicates, reserves size, applied CWD amounts (supplied by ACT Parks and Conservation Service) and kangaroo density esti- mates for each reserve (kangaroo density estimates obtained from ACT Government (2017))

Reserve Reserve Amount of Kangaroo Locations Blocks Applied Natural Open size (ha) applied CWD densities CWD sites CWD sites sites per reserve (tonnes) (animals/ha) Wanniassa Hills 25 333 4.23 3 9 11 11 11 Callum Brae 50 450 2.00 1 5 5 5 5 Kambah Agistment 15 99 Unknown 1 3 4 3 4 Red Hill 25 288 1.24 1 5 5 5 5 Kama 32 270 0.68 1 5 5 6 5

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and lower grass heights (Fig. 3d). When comparing CWD treatment types, applied CWD sites had higher browsing pressure, lower CWD cover (Fig. 3b), and higher weed heights compared to natural CWD, although grass height was not significantly different. The predicted probability of a sapling being browsed was influenced by the interaction of treatment type and faecal pellet density (kangaroo browsing pres- sure). This model was the only one with

a Delta AICc value below 2 (AICcWt of 0.99; Appendix S4) indicating that these two variates had a strong influence on browsing probability. The predicted prob- ability of browsing significantly increased with kangaroo browsing pressure across all three treatments (Fig. 4a; Table 2). Among the treatment types, saplings had a significantly greater chance of being browsed in open sites compared to both CWD treatments. Predicted browsing probability tended to be less among natu- ral CWD compared to applied CWD (Fig. 4a), but due to high variability, this effect was not significant. The probability of being browsed approached 100% in both the applied CWD and open treat- ments at high browsing pressures of around 150–250 pellets. The maximum predicted probability of browsing in natu- ral CWD, on the other hand, only reached 80% at maximum browsing pressure. This Figure 2. (a) Layout of each experimental site (shaded circle = Acacia sapling, square = central was a 20% reduction compared to open stake), (b) Ideal layout of a ‘location’: 3 treatment types surrounded by a line = a ‘block’, a circle with and applied CWD treatments. a treatment type inside = a ‘site’. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] Predicted time to first browsing was most influenced by browsing pressure browsing severity using a Gaussian distri- considered models with Delta AICc of 0– and by CWD cover as both these models bution. We included nested random 2 to have substantial support (Burnham had a Delta AICc value under 2 effects to account for the three levels of & Anderson 2002). We also used model (Appendix S5). However, browsing pres- spatial structure in our study design. Site Akaike weights (AICcWt) to help deter- sure explained more data as it had a higher was the smallest structure containing a mine model suitability, with high scores AICcWt of 0.56 compared to 0.21 for single treatment type, and block was the indicating better model fit. CWD cover. The predicted time to brows- next level up and contained a set of sites ing decreased as browsing pressure within close proximity, ideally one of each increased (Fig. 4b; Table 2). At browsing Results treatment type. The largest scale was loca- pressures close to zero, on average it took tion which contained two to five blocks The three treatment types were shown to around 5 weeks for an unbrowsed plant (Fig. 2b). differ significantly (P < 0.05) in the four to be found and browsed. At the maxi- We calculated the Akaike’s Information continuous explanatory variables used in mum browsing pressure, it took on aver- Criterion (AIC) for each alternative model the analysis (Fig. 3, Appendices S1 and age 2 weeks. The predicted time to to determine which best explained the S2). Compared to CWD, open sites had browsing tended to increase as the CWD data. AICc, which is a modified version significantly higher browsing pressure as cover increased (Fig. 4c; Table 2); how- of AIC used to approximate AIC at smaller estimated by kangaroo faecal pellets ever, this trend is not as large as in the sample sizes, was used for this study. We (Fig. 3a), lower weed heights (Fig. 3c) other models. Predicted time to browsing

226 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 18 NO 3 SEPTEMBER 2017 ª 2017 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd RESEARCH REPORT

(a) (b) was more effective as a deterrent to browsing. This may be due to differences in structure between the CWD types.

200 Applied CWD had a much more open structure made up of large and branchless tree boles (Fig. 1a). The lack of small branches may have made it easier for kan- Pellet count

50 100 garoos to access the saplings. Naturally fal- CWD cover (%) len CWD, on the other hand, had a denser 0 0 5 10 15 20 structure (Fig. 3b), which usually still Natural Applied Open Natural Applied Open included large and small branches Treatment type Treatment type (Fig. 1b). The denser structure of the nat- ural CWD may make it more difficult for (c) (d) herbivores to access the saplings by hiding them or obstructing access. This denser structure of fine woody components has been shown to be a deterrent to herbi- vores in other studies by acting as an exclosure for regenerating plants (Ludwig €

Weed height (cm) Weed & Tongway 1996; de Chantal & Granstrom Grass height (cm) 2007). Studies also in the ACT by Barton 0 20 60 100 0 50 100 150 et al. (2011) and Manning et al. (2013) Natural Applied Open Natural Applied Open showed that applied CWD increased bee- Treatment type Treatment type tle and reptile abundance under high graz- Figure 3. Comparison between treatment type and (a) pellet count (browsing pressure), (b) ing pressure when applied in a clumped CWD cover, (c) weed height, (d) grass height (dark line = median, box = interquartile range, arrangement. However, this benefit was whiskers = upper and lower limits, white circles = outliers). often reduced when placed in a dispersed arrangement similar to the arrangement of was on average 2 weeks at low CWD the mean height loss was 12.8 cm in the the applied CWD used in the project. In cover (~5%); at high CWD cover (~65%), open, 4.0 cm in natural CWD and our study, both CWD treatments time to browsing was on average 7.7 cm in applied CWD. decreased browsing pressure around 3.5 weeks. The CWD cover was signifi- them, particularly natural CWD. This indi- cantly higher in natural CWD compared cates that CWD may decrease the density to applied CWD (Fig. 3b). Discussion of herbivores in the immediate vicinity Predicted browsing severity (change in which will likely also help reduce brows- What influences browsing sapling height) was best explained by ing on saplings. inside woodland reserves? browsing pressure alone (Fig. 4d). This In contrast to the probability of brows- model had a high AICcWt of 0.99 and This research is the first of its kind in ing, the presence of CWD had no effect on was the only model with a Delta AICc grassy woodlands to show that CWD can predicted browsing severity (loss of value under 2 (Appendix S6). Predicted protect woody plant saplings from brows- height); only browsing pressure had a browsing severity increased as browsing ing by mammalian herbivores. However, strong influence. This shows that CWD pressure increased (Table 2). A sharp rise kangaroo browsing pressure, as indicated can reduce the probability of a sapling in severity occurred at low browsing pres- by faecal pellet counts, also has a strong being found and subsequently browsed, sure before the increase in severity influence on the predicted probability that but once found, CWD has little influence became more consistent at a browsing a highly palatable sapling will be browsed. on the severity of browsing as measured pressure of around 50 pellets (Fig. 4d). At low browsing pressure, both applied by height reduction. Unlike the other models, the trend did and natural CWD provided a reduction in Implications for not begin to plateau indicating that pre- browsing probability compared to the conservation dicted browsing severity would continue control (no CWD). However, at high to rise with increasing browsing pressure. browsing pressure almost no protection Our results indicate that in open, CWD At the maximum browsing pressure for was provided by applied CWD. depleted areas, natural regeneration, at this study, mean predicted sapling height Natural CWD, in comparison, did pro- least of highly palatable Acacia saplings, loss was 19 cm. This was a 60% decline vide some reduction in sapling browsing will most likely be suppressed by kanga- in height from the mean starting height probability even at high browsing pres- roo browsing. Even though the saplings of 31 cm. Among the treatment types, sure, indicating that this type of CWD were manually planted in the study, it is

ª 2017 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 18 NO 3 SEPTEMBER 2017 227 RESEARCH REPORT

Figure 4. (a) Predicted probability of an Acacia rubida sapling being browsed over an 8-week period across treatment types with increasing kan- garoo browsing pressure as estimated by pellet counts. (b) Predicted time to first browsing in weeks with increasing kangaroo browsing pressure. (c) Predicted time to browsing in weeks with increasing cover of CWD. (d) Predicted decline in height (cm) over an 8-week period with increasing kan- garoo browsing pressure (Source: Table 2). [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Table 2. Fixed effects for the most supported models in food shortages. When this happens, Estimate Std. Pr(>|z|) kangaroos may consume more items they Error would not usually eat such as woody plant Predicted probability Model 3 saplings (Taylor 1983). This may also of browsing explain why browsing pressure decreases À (Intercept) 0.11 0.39 0.779 time to browsing as hungrier animals may Kangaroo pellet count 2.12 0.61 0.001 Treatment Natural CWD À0.37 0.46 0.421 be more intensively searching for food Treatment Open 1.52 0.46 0.001 and, therefore, may find and choose to Pellet count x Treatment Natural CWD À1.05 0.66 0.116 browse saplings sooner. Pellet count x Treatment Open À0.45 0.65 0.493 The amount of height loss during this Predicted time Model 2 Pr(>|t|) study would likely be more severe for natu- to browsing rally regenerating saplings which would (Intercept) 0.05 0.13 0.717 not have the advantage of being relatively < Kangaroo pellet count 0.32 0.09 0.001 tall at the time of planting. Substantial Model 4 height reduction can result in death or the (Intercept) 0.13 0.16 0.428 suppression of growth in woody plant sap- CWD cover 0.24 0.07 0.001 lings and repress natural regeneration Predicted decline Model 2 (Zamora et al. 2001). This adds to the other in height potential negative impacts of high kanga- (Intercept) 0.54 0.14 0.012 roo densities within grassy woodland Kangaroo pellet count 0.41 0.07 <0.001 reserves, such as reducing habitat for fauna likely that any palatable woody plant sap- probabilities and severity. This may be (Howland et al. 2014). The findings are lings naturally regenerating in the study because as browsing pressure rises, pas- consistent with research by Meers and areas would experience similar browsing tures may become over-grazed resulting Adams (2003), who also found that

228 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 18 NO 3 SEPTEMBER 2017 ª 2017 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd RESEARCH REPORT kangaroo over-browsing can repress the involve sourcing wood which still has the running of the reserves. The plants regeneration of some woody plants. In fine woody components attached, such used in the study were supplied by Provin- order for natural regeneration to occur as branch cuttings. Such branches cial Plants and Landscapes in Pialligo ACT. under high browsing pressure, plant sap- should then be placed around restora- Lastly, thanks to Andrew Stapleton for lings would likely need to be grown within tion plantings to add extra protection. helping with the vegetation surveys. a protected area (fenced or tree guards). Unlike the applied CWD from the CWD could provide protection for natural study, this should protect the saplings regeneration, and the results of the study from browsing even under high brows- References show that both applied and natural CWD ing pressure. The denser structure will ACT Government (2015) Woodlands restoration. reduce browsing probability, but only at likely also increase the time to brows- [Accessed 12 Apr 2016.] Available from URL: http://www.environment.act.gov.au/cpr/con low and moderate browsing pressures. ing. This method is already used by servation_and_ecological_communities/lowla However, for natural regeneration to some volunteer groups who work in nd_woodlands/woodlands_restoration occur, saplings must first establish them- some of the ACT woodland reserves ACT Government (2017) Eastern Grey Kangaroo: Draft Controlled Native Species Manage- selves among CWD. This may be difficult (pers. obs.) and should also be more ment Plan. Environment Division, Australian as we found that CWD, particularly widely used in restoration plantings. Capital Territory, Canberra. applied CWD, had significantly higher However, care should be taken when ACT Parks Conservation and Lands (2010) ACT Kangaroo Management Plan. Territory and densities of exotic weeds (Fig. 3c); which placing this type of CWD to avoid the Municipal Services, Department of Territory may prevent the establishment of woody accidental introduction of seeds which and Municipal Services, Act Parks Conserva- plants through increased may come with some of the fine woody tion and Lands, Canberra. Bailey T. G., Davidson N. J. and Close D. C. (Goldin & Brookhouse 2015). Fire can components sourced from nonindige- (2015) Patterns of soil water repellency in help germination around CWD by creating nous species (Manning et al. 2011). response to coarse woody debris and fire: favourable soils (Bailey et al. 2015) and by Fine woody debris will likely also Implications for eucalypt regeneration in dry forests. Plant and Soil 397,93–102. clearing competition. However, due to increase fire risk by providing more Barton P. S., Manning A. D., Gibb H., Wood J. T., many ACT woodland reserves being close fine fuel (McArthur 1967); therefore, Lindenmayer D. B. and Cunningham S. A. to urban settlement the intense fires its placement must also be carefully (2011) Experimental reduction of native ver- tebrate grazing and addition of logs benefit needed for this to happen would unlikely planned to avoid fire risks especially beetle diversity at multiple scales. Journal of be allowed to occur. Therefore, there will in reserves adjacent to residential areas. Applied Ecology 48, 943–951. likely be little to no natural regeneration Beeton R. J. S. (2006) Commonwealth Listing 3 Although CWD can be useful for pro- Advice on White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely’s of woody plants around CWD. One way tecting planted saplings, the most Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived to overcome this would be to manually Native Grassland. Threatened Species Scien- important action for facilitating regen- plant nursery grown seedlings in and tific Committee, Department of Environment eration is kangaroo population manage- and Energy, Canberra. around applied and natural CWD, which ment. Reduction in over-abundant Burnham K. P. and Anderson D. R. (2002) Model then might receive sufficient protection Selection and Multimodel Inference. pp. 70– kangaroo populations will likely reduce benefits from CWD. 71. Springer, New York. the probability and severity of brows- de Chantal M. and Granstrom€ A. (2007) Aggrega- ing, as well as increase the time taken tions of dead wood after wildfire act as brows- Management ing refugia for seedlings of Populus tremula for saplings to be found and browsed. recommendations and Salix caprea. Forest Ecology and Man- A reduction to low-to-moderate brows- agement 250,3–8. Based on our results, a series of actions are ing pressure will also allow applied Department of Environment (2016) White Box- Yellow Box-Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy recommended for restoration in degraded CWD to provide protection services. Woodland and Derived Native Grassland in grassy woodland patches: Community and Species Profile and Threats 1 Where browsing pressure is low to Database. Department of Environment, Can- berra. moderate, saplings can be planted Acknowledgements Dickman C. R. (2012) Fences or ferals? Benefits around large, branchless pieces of and costs of conservation fencing in Aus- Funding for the research came from the CWD, such as the applied CWD used tralia. In: Fencing for Conservation: Restric- Australian National University and the tion of Evolutionary Potential or a Riposte in this experiment, as it will provide National Parks Association of the to Threatening Processes? (ed. M. J. Som- some extra protection from browsing. ers and M. Hayward), pp. 43–63. Springer, Australian Capital Territory. In addition, However, when browsing pressure is New York. thanks goes to Fenner School of Environ- Environment ACT (1999) Canberra Nature Park high there is unlikely to be any extra ment and Society Field Services for provid- Management Plan. Publishing Services for protection provided by this type of Environment ACT, Department of Urban Ser- ing much of the equipment used for CWD. vices, Canberra. fieldwork, and the ACT Parks and Conser- Fischer J., Stott J., Zerger A., Warren G., Sherren 2 At all levels of browsing pressure, a nat- vation Service for letting the experiment K. and Forrestere R. I. (2009) Reversing a tree regeneration crisis in an endangered ural CWD-like structure is recom- take place within their reserves. Particular ecoregion. Proceedings of the National Acad- mended to reduce kangaroo thanks goes to Kristy Gould for checking emy of Sciences of the United States of browsing. This approach would that the areas used did not interfere with America 106, 10386–10391.

ª 2017 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 18 NO 3 SEPTEMBER 2017 229 RESEARCH REPORT

Fletcher D. (2007) Managing Eastern Grey Kan- temperate eucalypt woodland: Implications Ecological Management and Restoration 4, garoos Macropus giganteus in the Australian for large senescent trees and benchmark 126–132. Capital Territory: Reducing the over abun- loads of coarse woody debris. Austral Ecology Neuve H. M. and Tanton M. T. (1989) The effects dance of opinion. In: Pest or Guest: The Zool- 35, 956–968. of grazing by kangaroos and rabbits on the ogy of Overabundance (eds P. E. D. Lunney, Liangzhong Z. and Whelan R. J. (1993) Natural vegetation and the habitat of other fauna in P. Hutchings and S. Burgin), pp. 117–128. reforestation of abandoned farmland: The role the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, Australian Royal Zoological Society of New South of soils. Australian Geographer 24,14–25. Capital Territory. Wildlife Research 16, 337– Wales, Mosman, NSW. Lindenmayer D. B., Claridge A. W., Gilmore A. M., 351. Goldin S. R. and Brookhouse M. T. 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R. and Hutchinson M. F. (2014) Coarse Ecology 4, 398–406. Wildlife Research 10, 203–211. woody debris reduces the rate of moisture Mac Nally R., Parkinson A., Horrocks G., Conole The R Foundation for Statistical Computing loss from surface soils of cleared temperate L. and Tzaros C. (2001) Relationships (2016) R. 24/08/2016. Australian woodlands. Soil Research 52, between terrestrial vertebrate diversity, Vandenberghe C., Frelechoux F., Moravie M. A., 637–644. abundance and availability of coarse woody Gadallah F. and Buttler A. (2007) Short-term Grove S. and Meggs J. (2003) Coarse woody debris on south-eastern Australian flood- effects of cattle browsing on tree sapling debris, biodiversity and management: A plains. Biological Conservation 99, 191– growth in mountain wooded . Plant review with particular reference to Tasmanian 205. Ecology 188, 253–264. wet eucalypt forests. Australian Forestry 66, Manning A. D., Wood J. T., Cunningham R. B. Zamora R., Gomez J. M., Hodar J. A., Castro J. 258–272. et al. (2011) Integrating research and restora- and Garcıa D. (2001) Effect of browsing by Harmon M. E. and Franklin J. F. (1989) Tree seed- tion: The establishment of a long-term wood- ungulates on sapling growth of Scots pine in lings on logs in Picae-Tsuga forests of Oregon land experiment in south-eastern Australia. a mediterranean environment: Consequences and Washington. Ecology 70,48–59. Australian Zoologist 35, 633–648. for forest regeneration. Forest Ecology and Harmon M. E., Franklin J. F., Swanson F. J. et al. Manning A. D., Cunningham R. B. and Linden- Management 144,33–42. (1986) Ecology of coarse woody debris in mayer D. B. (2013) Bringing forward the ben- temperate ecosystems. Advances in Ecologi- efits of coarse woody debris in ecosystem cal Research 15, 133–302. recovery under different levels of grazing Supporting Information Howland B. (2009) Pellet count techniques for and vegetation density. Biological Conserva- estimating the abundance of Eastern Grey tion 157, 204–214. Additional Supporting Information may be Kangaroos in the A.C.T. Australian National McArthur A. G. (1967) Fire Behaviour in Eucalypt University, Canberra. Forests. Commonwealth of Australia Forest found in the online version of this article: Howland B., Stojanovic D., Gordon I. J., Manning and Timber Bureau, Canberra, ACT. Appendix S1. Summary of continuous A. D., Fletcher D. and Lindenmayer D. B. McIntyre S., Stol J., Harvey J. et al. (2010) Bio- variables. (2014) Eaten out of house and home: Impacts mass and floristic patterns in the ground layer of grazing on ground-dwelling reptiles in Aus- vegetation of box-gum grassy eucalypt wood- Appendix S2. Summary of factors. tralian grasslands and grassy woodlands. land in Goorooyarroo and Mulligans Flat Nat- PLoS ONE 9, e105966. https://doi.org/10. ure Reserves, Australian Capital Territory. Appendix S3. Models used for analysis. 1371/journal.pone.0105966 Cunninghamia 11, 287–307. Appendix S4. Jensen A. M., Gotmark€ F. and Lof€ M. (2012) McKenny H. J. A. and Kirkpatrick J. B. (1999) The AIC ranking for the Proba- Shrubs protect oak seedlings against ungu- role of fallen logs in the regeneration of tree bility of browsing models. late browsing in temperate broadleaved for- species in Tasmanian mixed forest. Australian Appendix S5. ests of conservation interest: A field Journal of Botany 47, 745–753. AIC ranking for the Time experiment. Forest Ecology and Management Meers T. and Adams R. (2003) The impact of graz- to browsing models. 266, 187–193. ing by Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus Killey P., McElhinny C., Rayner I. and Wood J. giganteus) on vegetation recovery after fire Appendix S6. AIC ranking for the Brows- (2010) Modelling fallen branch volumes in a at Reef Hills Regional Park, Victoria. ing severity (decline in height) models.

230 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 18 NO 3 SEPTEMBER 2017 ª 2017 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd