16932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 21 Edward C. Fritsche, Homestead, OREGON experience that if we pray in ordinary Jerome E. Whalen, Jefferson. Donald B. Estes, Coquille. days we shall know how to pray with con Arlie V. Otto, Johnston. Elv"1. G. Varnum, Crater Lake. quering power when we are beset by Lloyd M. Crumly, Letts. Harlan W. Cohrs, Lewis. PENNSYLVANIA trials and tribulations, by moods of P aul J. Vollmer, Manning. William L. Bedsworth, Belle Vernon. cowardice and fear, and by despondency Henry C. Pendergraft, Mason City. Elizabeth S. Whitesell, Washington Cross· and despair. Doris B. Kimzey, Milo. 1ng. In Christ's name we bring our peti Robert E. Allmon, Missouri Valley. Samuel R. Klinger, Wiconisco, tions. Amen. Mark H. Booth, Montour. SOUTH CAROLINA John L. Weno, North Liberty. The Journal of the proceedings of yes Elder 0. Bottolfson, Northwood. Sam W. Lytchfield, Jr., Bonneau. terday was read and approved. Mary A. Boldra, Randolph. SOUTH DAKOTA MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Harold A. Berg, Ruthven. R obert J. Balik, Spillville. Marion E. Peterson, Arlington. Laverna L. Marshall, Draper. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Gerald J. Svacina, Tama. James_W. Sweaney, Sturgis. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that Berle G. Keck, Washta. the Eenate had passed, with amendments Matthew J. Blong, Waucoma. TENNESSEE in which the concurrence of the House KENTUCKY Andrew J. Frazier, Bon Aqu a. is requested, a bill of the House of the P arker D. Moore, Bardwell. Ted L. Rozell, Chapel Hill. following title: Donald McDonald, Hardyville. Charles H. Settle, Gainesboro. Vesta C. Locke, Mount Julfet.
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