JAN – MAR 2007 (includingGST) www.netspace.net.au/~navyleag VOLUME 69 NO. 1 $5.45 JP2048 The ‘Fat’ Ships New NATO Navies League Intelligence Dossier The Talwar class Frigate Australia’s Leading Naval Magazine Since 1938 The Pakistani Naval Ship PNS TIPPU SULTAN exercising with US Warships recently off Pakistan. The PNS TIPPU SULTAN was the former RN Type 21 frigate ACTIVE. (USN) The Romanian frigate MARASESTI seen here in a Turkish harbour participating in a NATO exercise. (NATO) THE NAVY The Navy League of Australia FEDERAL COUNCIL Patron in Chief: President: His Excellency, The Governor General. Vice-Presidents:Graham M Harris, RFD. Volume 69 No. 1 RADM A.J. Robertson, AO, DSC, RAN (Rtd): John Bird, CDREHon. Secretary: H.J.P. Adams, AM, RAN (Rtd). CAPT H.A. Josephs, AM, RAN (Rtd) Philip Corboy, PO Box 2063, Moorabbin, Vic 3189. Contents Telephone:Email:
[email protected]. 1300 739 681, Fax: 1300 739 682, JP2048 THE ‘FAT’ SHIPS NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION Patron: By Conrad Wagner and Roger Thornhill Page 7 President:Her Excellency, The Governor of New South Wales. Hon. Secretary:R O Albert, AO, RFD, RD. NAVY LEAGUE INTELLIGENCE DOSSIER Elizabeth Sykes, GPO Box 1719, Sydney, NSW 2001 Telephone: (02) 9232 2144, Fax: (02) 9232 8383. THE TALWAR CLASS FRIGATE VICTORIA DIVISION Patron: By Ian Johnson and George Kaplan Page 20 His Excellency, The Governor of Victoria. President: * Hon. Secretary:J M Wilkins, RFD . Email:
[email protected] NEW NATO NAVIES BREAK RUSSIA’S BLACK Ray Gill, PO Box 1303, Box Hill, Vic 3128 Telephone: (03) 9884 6237 SEA MONOPOLY MembershipEmail:
[email protected] Secretary: By Charles Strathdee Page 26 LCDR Tom Kilburn MBE, RFD, VRD Telephone: (03) 9560 9927,PO Box 1303 Box Hill VIC 3128.