

The Main Thing:  We experience God's love and forgiveness as we respond to with confession and .

Q: Though Christians are forgiven, we still struggle with sin and failure. Since becoming a follower of Christ, how have you been aware of similar struggles?

Tip: Take time to share your experience. Be transparent as a leader--it will encourage them to share as well.

Q: How do you feel when you know you have failed another person who is important to you? A: Guilty, unworthy, ashamed.

Q: How do you think these thoughts our actions and responses in the relationship? A: We can withdraw and feel uncomfortable in the other person’s presence.

Q: How would it impact you if you didn't know that the other person has forgiven you? A: We about it, which creates .

Q: What difference do you think forgiveness make in a relationship? A: We feel free.

Sin can have a similar impact in our relationship with Christ. Sin can cause us to withdraw in and lose the experience of intimacy in our relationship. The Bible clearly teaches us how to deal with sin.


Read 1 John 1:5-2:2 Q: Any guesses as to what these verses are saying? A: These verses explain the purpose and role of confession in the life of a Christian.

Q: What do you think it means when it says, “God is light”? A: In the Bible, the term light can be used figuratively for both truth and perfection. Likewise, darkness can mean falsehood and sin. When the Bible says God is light, it means that God is both perfect and true. There is nothing false or sinful in Him.



Q: What happens to our relationship with God when we sin? A: We are walking in darkness, and our relationship with God is not right. We are rejecting His love and forgiveness.

Q: What happens to our sin as we live in a right relationship with God? A: God forgives us and removes our sin from us. He absolves us of any sin and chooses not to hold it against us any longer (Psalm 103:8-12).

Tip: After you’ve explained this ask your disciple if that makes sense.


Confess Sin (1:8-9) Q: What are we to do about our sin? A: Confess our sin.

Q: What do you think it means to confess? A: To admit that you did it. The basic idea is to openly agree with God about your sin. Call it sin; call it forgiven; and call on God to change you.

Q: We know our sin is forgiven, why do you think God asks us to confess? A: We are not forgiven because we confess: the basis of our forgiveness is Christ's death. Confessing our sin enables us to experience His love and forgiveness each day. When our relationship with God is off track, it’s a practical way for us to acknowledge we’ve been wrong and turn back to God.

Avoid Sin (1:10-2:2) Q: What do these verses tell us to do about sin? A: Avoid it.

Q: How can you make a habit of avoiding sin? A: Brainstorm what this looks like practically. For example, not putting ourselves in situations that will lead us to sin, setting up boundaries, having accountability, knowing our weaknesses etc.

In summary, To walk in the light is to: (1) openly agree with God about our sin; (2) seek to avoid sin as we become more conscious of what is displeasing to God; and (3) live in a right relationship with God. When we choose to walk in the light we fully experience God’s love and forgiveness.


Application and Action: ● In , thank God for His love and forgiveness. ● Take a piece of paper and list any sin in your life you are aware of. Confess it to God, and write 1 John 1:9 across the page. Tear up the list as a visual reminder that Jesus has forgiven you. ● Think of some steps to take this week to avoid sin.

How did it go? ● Discipler click here to give your feedback, then email/text your disciple this other link so they can give us their feedback too, http://p2c.sh/disciplefeedback.

Much of the content for this conversation has been adapted with permission from the Life Concept, “Stepping from of Unworthiness to Forgiveness” published by Crupress. We are grateful for their ideas and want to acknowledge the impact of their content in shaping this conversation. The “Life Concepts” can be found at crupress.com.