Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923

ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF Issue: The Year in Cognitive

What is an ?

Frans B.M. de Waal Living Links, Yerkes National Center, and Department, , Atlanta, Georgia

Address for correspondence: Frans B.M. de Waal, Ph.D., Living Links, Yerkes Primate Center, Emory University, 954 N. Gatewood Road Atlanta, GA 30322. [email protected]

Emotions suffuse much of the employed by students of animal —from “social bonding” to “alarm calls”— yet are carefully avoided as an explicit topic in scientific discourse. Given the increasing in emotional and the explicit in neuroscience to the , both human and nonhuman, the taboo that has reigned for so long in animal behavior research seems outdated. The present review seeks to the of our field in which emotions and were mentioned in the same breath and in which neither nor biologists felt that animal emotions were off limits. One of the tenets supporting a renewed interest in this topic is to avoid unanswerable questions and to view emotions as mental and bodily states that potentiate behavior appropriate to environmental challenges. the emotionally deep structure of behavior will be the next frontier in the study of animal behavior.

Keywords: ; animal ; ; facial expressions;

Emotions used to be an uncontroversial part of any ior to attribute it to an emotion if our only ev- description of animal behavior, as uncontroversial idence of the emotion is the very behaviour the as the instincts with which they were compared emotion is supposed to explain.” Since the 1970s, and equated. William James1—whose famous title and its offshoots developed a strictly func- “What is an Emotion?” inspired the one above— tionalist approach in which behavioral rightly regarded the emotions as an unlearned re- barely counted, thus adding to the irrelevancy of sponse system, which is precisely why the next cen- the emotions. This functionalism went so far that tury saw the study of emotions go out of fashion. Darwin’s own pioneering comparisons between the American tried to explain all behav- emotional expressions of and other ani- ior based on and hence had no mals6 came to be regarded as un-Darwinian.7 room for unlearned predispositions. Skinner2 dis- Despite the frequent assertion that animal emo- missed the emotions as “excellent examples of the tions hardly matter, outright of their existence fictional causes to which we commonly attribute is rare. This leaves us with the curious situation that behavior.” Until late into the last century, Ameri- a widely recognized aspect of animal behavior is de- can researchers could scarcely obtain funding for liberately ignored or minimized. Emotions are often on the emotions unless they rephrased their presented as too simple for attention. The Oxford questions in terms of and .3 Companion to Animal Behaviour asserts that “an- The second major behavioral school—European imals are restricted to just a few basic emotions,”5 ethology—similarly abandoned anything consid- and the main difference between human and animal ered as sentimental and imprecise as the emotions emotions has been proclaimed to be that “ in a reaction against the subjective “animal psychol- don’t have mixed emotions.”8 Whether animal emo- ogy” of the time.4 Even to this day, the Oxford Com- tions are pure and simple, however, cannot be ascer- panion to Animal Behaviour5 urges ethologists to tained without a scientific program to study them. avoid references to the emotions, because “It does One only needs to see an aroused , with nothing to promote our understanding of behav- all its hair on end, pick up a stick to safely poke at a

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05912.x Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 191 What is an animal emotion? de Waal

Figure 1. A rhesus reunites after a major fight. The matriarch of the family sits in the middle, flanked by her two grown daughters who had chased each other around. All three females huddle closely together while loudly “girning” (a friendly vocalization) and lip-smacking at each other’s infants. Typical of macaque reconciliations, eye contact is avoided. Photograph by . that it has approached with great hesitation, brace their adversaries during reconciliations after a to understand that mixed inclinations, such as be- fight.11 I was urged to speak instead of “postconflict tween and , are entirely possible. In fact, reunions with mouth-to-mouth contact.” That the when Menzel9 tested with toy , term reconciliation is now widely accepted in pri- he found that once one chimpanzee knew about the matology is the product of three decades of system- location of a snake, others who had never seen it atically countering “simpler” explanations, so that would adopt the same cautious, ambivalent posture the only one left standing is that monitor just from watching the first chimpanzee who had, the of their social relationships and undertake thus showing the effectiveness and potential survival reparatory actions following conflict (Fig. 1).12 of emotional . Given how common reconciliation turns out to Survival value is obvious to anyone who watches be among primates, as well as other social mam- primate behavior, yet we seem unable to talk about mals, such as dolphins, hyenas, and goats,13 animals emotions without putting them between skeptical must have the capacity to substitute with quotation marks. We describe animals not as an- afriendlyattitude,whichinhumansisascribedto gry but as “angry” or aggressive, and not as loving, a emotional process known as . but as “loving” or affiliated and bonded. Greetings Do animals, too, know forgiveness? Even if this re- between animals may be called loud, elaborate, or mains an unestablished fact, it seems prudent to intense, but rarely emotional. Apart from descrip- keep an open , and replace Morgan’s Canon— tive labels, functional labels are preferred provided the traditional of cognitive parsimony— they are devoid of . Thus, animals may with a principle that better fits the evolutionary age. be called “altruistic,” but only in the functional Instead of assuming that animal emotions are nec- in that they benefit others at a cost to themselves. essarily simple and straightforward, it is more likely The term is almost never used in its motivational that if humans and related species respond similarly sense to the perplexity of scholars outside behavioral under similar circumstances, the emotions behind , where invariably implies benign their responses are similar, too. The latter view pos- and intent.10 I experienced similar taboos tulates fewer psychological changes in a relatively when first describing how chimpanzees and em- brief evolutionary time, hence is more parsimonious

192 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. de Waal What is an animal emotion? than the assumption that unique mechanisms un- Already one century ago we knew that this state is derpin human behavior.14 marked by deeper respiration, higher arterial pres- This essay explores the of emotion sure,afasterheartrate,ashiftingofbloodawayfrom through the eyes of a student of animal behav- the digestive system to muscles, , and , in- ior and cognition. It is therefore light on neuro- creased vigilance, and the freeing of sugar from liver , focusing instead on the potential usefulness reserves.20 These changes by themselves do not do of emotional for students of animal be- the any : their adaptive value in havior. Neuroscience is present in the background, bodily preparation for struggle or escape. however, as the one discipline that can (and some The of the emotional response system, would argue, has) cut the Gordian knot of enduring over an instinctual one, is that it is not strictly about animal emotions.15 Brain research predetermined. The neurological and physiological may not be able to tell us what animals feel—even changesitproducesmayberapidandreflex-like, though it has revealed valences that must be cen- but the elicited behavior varies with situation and trallyrepresented—buttheargumentfromhomol- . Some primates have different alarm calls ogy in the brain is immensely powerful. If humans for different dangers to which listeners respond ac- report high while showing activa- cordingly. The alarm call for big leads vervet tion and exhibit flight and freezing responses monkeys to quickly climb a tree, the call for aerial when their amygdala is electrically stimulated, it is predators makes them look up and run into dense hard to avoid the conclusion that we are dealing bush, and the one for snakes makes them stand up- with one and the same state, that is, fear.16,17 The right and look around in the grass.21 In all cases, the same argument has been applied to emotional at- elicited emotion is fear, but it is an “intelligent” fear, tachment, , , and so on, boosting the case one that seeks the most appropriate response to the for evolutionary continuity. circumstances. This variability in response is important in re- Emotions potentiate lation to the question about the usefulness of the The antiquity of the emotions points at high adap- concept of emotion in behavioral analysis. The tau- tive value. A rise in core body and in- tology charge against the concept, such as the one creased heart rate not directly attributable to the cited before from the Oxford Companion to Animal eliciting —for example, mild handling by Behaviour, claims that a behavior indicative of a cer- an experimenter—has been measured in , tain emotion cannot at the same time be explained , and , but not and fish. On by it. This charge loses much of its strength, however, the basis of this so-called emotional , it has been if there is more than one behavioral indicator for a argued that the first elements of anxiety given emotion. It weakens even further if not only emerged after the amphibians.18 the outputs but also the inputs are variable. Fear, for James1 married the emotions to the instincts. example, may be triggered by a sudden noise, the Both humans and other animals respond to danger sight or smell of a predator, a conditioned stimulus with the emotion of fear, which is associated with associated with an aversive event, an alarm call by the flight instinct. On the other hand, the thwart- a conspecific, or a rapidly approaching dominant ing of a causes , which causes anger, individual. In humans, many subtypes of fear and also known as the aggressive instinct. A strange thing anxiety deal with different kinds of threats.22 happened, though, when instincts went out of favor: The greater the range of inputs and outputs, the the emotions remained, but in a seriously diluted more useful it becomes to postulate a particular form. Dunlap19 lamented: “Instincts have quietly physiological and behavioral state that potentiates passed away after a brief and feverish illness, and a response. When we say that individual A “” the widowed emotions have been left.” For evolu- B, we are speaking of a different state with a dif- tionary biology, this dissociation was unfortunate ferent of causes and consequences than when as it removed the most likely why emotions we say that individual A “” B. No precise fu- exist, which is for their potential to induce adaptive ture actions are predicted by these statements, but action. What would be the point of reacting to the the behavioral likelihoods are vastly different. Be- sight of a predator with a bodily state known as fear? havioral states, or emotions, thus act as intervening

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 193 What is an animal emotion? de Waal variables in the same way that Hinde23 solved tautol- predictable by the situation in which the ogy charges against the concept of social dominance organism finds itself, and can further be inferred by proposing it as an intervening variable. The emo- from behavioral changes and evolved tion concept ties correlated variables together, and communication signals. There exists no economically summarizes a wide range of inputs one-on-one relation between an emotion and and outputs.24 ensuing behavior, however. Emotions combine This view of emotions, as interfacing envi- with individual experience and cognitive ronmental challenges and optimal behavioral re- assessment of the situation to prepare the sponses, is reflected in a variety of approaches.25,26 organism for an optimal response. Barrett et al.27 describe an emotion as an orches- Cognition and emotion trated response to a significant event across multiple systems at once: perceptual, cognitive, motivational, Emotion research on humans has not always been expressive, bodily, and experiential. Cosmides and as prominent and well accepted as it is today. It Tooby 28 also the coordination aspect: “To be- received a serious set-back during the cognitive rev- have functionally according to evolutionary stan- olution and its favorite comparison between mind dards, the mind’s many subprograms need to be and computer. In truly Cartesian fashion, neither orchestrated so that their joint product at any given the body nor the emotions were considered part of time is functionally coordinated, rather than ca- cognition, which was defined in terms of cophonous and self-defeating. This coordination is and memory. accomplished by a set of superordinate programs— Times have changed. The body is back in cogni- the emotions.” Frijda29 argues that the whole point tion research,33 and is a topic of having emotions is goal-oriented action: “A pas- of considerable interest.34 It is impossible to separate sion wants something.” However, this potential for the emotions from cognition—attempts at which action, which was central for McDougall and his have been labeled a “” in the study of emotion.35 contemporaries,30 is curiously absent from many The brain has no separate cognitive and emotional recent definitions. Even if emotions happen inside pathways: what we attend to and the outcomes we the individual, they are triggered by the environ- are interested in is very much emotionally deter- ment and predispose the organism’s engagement mined. The modern view is that the pathways over- with it. Their effect on behavioral outcomes is cen- lap because of the need to coordinate processes and tral to any evolutionary account, which assumes functions that are tightly linked. How else could that emotions evolved to benefit the organism.22 the organism learn which stimuli to avoid or how In yet another variation on this theme, the philoso- to interpret the emotional signals of others? Even pher Nussbaum31 attaches the Aristotelian concept human is far from emotion free: bod- of eudaimonism to the emotions in that they help ily states that accompany the emotions are part of the organism flourish. its chain of operations.36 This integrative view goes The utilitarian perspective is a logical starting back to ,37 who went so far as to view point to explain the existence of the emotions. Or- reason as the slave of the emotions. ganisms have been selected to enter a particular However, the field of still shows bodily and under particular circum- a strong adherence to a disembodied mind. For ex- stances: those who did furthered their interest better ample, instead of regarding —originally than those who did not. In the felicitous phrase of defined as “doing an act from seeing it done”38—as Lazarus and Lazarus,32 emotional reactions reflect a learning process rooted in social closeness, bodily “the wisdom of ages.” My definition of an emotion connections, and a to act like others, it was incorporates these causal and functional : redefined top-down as a process requiring shared An emotion is a temporary state brought about . Tomasello and Call39 placed “true” im- by biologically relevant external stimuli, whether itation beyond the grasp of even , which “do aversive or attractive. The emotion is marked by not understand the other as an intentional agent specific changes in the organism’s body and who is similar to themselves as an intentional mind—brain, , muscles, viscera, heart, agent.” Initially, this view was supported by neg- etcetera. Which emotion is triggered is often ative findings on imitation, but the majority of

194 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. de Waal What is an animal emotion?

Figure 2. The first ideas about were developed by Emil Menzel,9 who focused on emotional body language to see what apes know about what others know. One juvenile chimpanzee, poking with a stick at a snake in the grass, is the only one who knows what is hidden there. Well before having seen the danger themselves, the onlooking apes know to be cautious from this individual’s body language. Drawing by Frans de Waal. studies employed human behavioral models be- ever, and to this date there is preciously little evi- hind a barrier of glass or mesh. In light of alter- dence, both for humans and other animals, in favor native theories of imitation, such a cross-species of the rational process implied by the word theory set-up is problematic, however. Alternative theo- in theory of mind.46,47 ries place less emphasis on intentionality and more The acquisition of ToM probably starts with emo- on body-mapping and the neural fusion of percep- tional connections. Children pass traditional ToM tion and action, which process is likely enhanced by tasks around the age of 4 but appreciate the feelings, proximity and identification between observer and needs, and of others already at the age of 2 model.40,41 Once the extra effort had been made to or 3.48 They often rely on emotional communica- train conspecific models and remove physical barri- tion to deduce what kind of situation the other , ers, the issue of ape imitation was quickly settled to showing reactions similar to Menzel’s apes, who rec- the point that major skeptics have come around.42 ognized if one among them had spotted hidden food Chimpanzees faithfully and reliably copy tool use, or danger.9 It should not , therefore, that af- techniques, and arbitrary action sequences ter many studies in which apes were challenged to of species members.43 It was furthermore - guess what human experimenters knew or did not strated that apes learn more from watching another know, the greatest research arrived when ape open a puzzle box than from hundreds of disem- scientists adopted a more emotionally relevant ap- bodied demonstrations of the same box’s mechan- proach by testing how one ape perceives the knowl- ics.44 edge of another in a direct confrontation between Overly mentalistic approaches were also followed dominant and subordinate individuals.49 in the most popular research topic of the last few It is unlikely that perspective taking can be un- decades: theory of mind (ToM). Even though this derstood without close attention to emotional and topic came originally out of primate research, it is bodily connections.50 In general, animal cognition not widely realized that the very first studies about research would do well to replace mentalistic ap- how one individual perceives the of an- proaches with a bottom-up perspective.51 We need other revolved around emotional body language to know more about the nuts and bolts of ani- (Fig. 2).9 Unfortunately, the topic was soon rede- mal intelligence, including emotional factors. For fined with a far more abstract focus, such as know- example, just as emotional stimuli activate neural ing what others know.45 The precise mechanism of mechanisms that enhance human memory,52 it has such “mindreading” remained unaddressed, how- been found that chimpanzees have a better recall of

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 195 What is an animal emotion? de Waal pictures of conspecifics in an emotional than neu- male but first will do the rounds grooming his sup- tral pose.53 We also know that chimpanzees, even porters before launching a counter attack later in though capable of following human gaze, are more the day. Or a female may experience the kidnapping interested in and motivated by their own species, of her infant by an inexperienced juvenile and is vis- and more willing to pay attention to their gaze,54 ibly distressed following the kidnapper around. She which may explain their poor performance com- will need to get her offspring back without chas- pared to children when both are tested by humans on ing the other up a tree or starting a fight, since social cognition tasks.55 The lesson here is the same both actions will be risky for her offspring. Often, as for imitation and ToM research: test mothers do attack the kidnapper, but only after they should take emotional and bodily connections into have retrieved their infant. And then there are the account, which connections are by definition differ- many cases of in which a chimpanzee will ent within than between species. a false emotion, such as when an older dom- inant female has not been able to get a hold of her Emotional control younger opponent during a chase, after which she In discussions about the interaction between emo- feigns conciliatory gestures to lure the other within tion and cognition, cognition is customarily as- reach in order to get even. All of these examples stem signed a superior position, as that which keeps from Chimpanzee .60 emotions in check. Without cognition, so the ar- Emotional inhibitions, even emotional camou- gument goes, emotions would run rampant. Ani- flage, are of paramount importance in the com- mals are often depicted as devoid of such controls, plex societies of primates. That these animals are such as in one of the most prominent anthropolog- capable of impulse-control is supported by exper- ical theories about the rise of human civilization, iments on delayed gratification. Both apes61 and which assigns extraordinary weight to the taming of monkeys62 will pass up an immediate reward in sexual urges.56 It seems more likely that human civ- favor of a better, delayed one. It has further been ilization is afforded by a long evolutionary history shown that chimpanzees, like children, more of neural mechanisms that regulate the emotions, with toys in the presence of accumulating rewards such as those also known of other primates.57 suggesting deliberate attempts at self- in Sometimes, the relation between cognition and the of temptation.63 Other studies have shown emotion is depicted as a battle between cortical and that apes can override an immediate drive in favor of subcortical brain areas, reflecting a questionable hi- future needs, an essential aspect of successful action erarchical view of the brain.58 Given the two-way .64 It seems, therefore, that the same inter- street between and subcortical cir- twinement between emotion and cognition known cuits, emotions are far from reflexive in that they in- of humans applies to our close relatives, including clude evaluations of the situation and the weighing effective control over the emotions. of future actions. They are subject to powerful ap- A window on the emotions praisal mechanisms inserted between stimulus and response, as explained by Scherer: “the special role Facial displays are common in both primates of emotion seems to be that of an intelligent inter- and other visually oriented mammals, such as face that mediates between input and output on the canids,65 felids,66 and ungulates.67 These displays basis of what is most important to the organism at likely evolved in tandem with the ability to decode a particular time.”59 them so as to infer the emotional state of others This decoupling of stimulus and response is quite through a perception-action mechanism that pro- adaptive in the hierarchical society of many pri- duces shared representations (see “Emotional Con- mates. A young male chimpanzee may be visibly tagion”).68 A recent study even documented facial aroused by a sexually receptive female yet will need signs of in .69 Research on facial ex- to find a way of mating with her out of view of domi- pressions will open an evolutionary window on the nant males, who may punish him. With cooperation emotions of animals the same way it has done for of the female, he thus waits for the right occasion or those of humans.70,71 The ability to communicate engages in evasive tactics. Or, the alpha male may finely graded emotions is particularly striking in the have received a pointed challenge from a younger hominids, with both apes and humans showing a

196 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. de Waal What is an animal emotion? rich repertoire of facial expressions owing to their highly differentiated facial musculature.72,73 Darwin6 was the first to look at facial expressions the way, at the time, only a biologist would: namely, as structural features to be described and catalogued in the same way as or animal morphology. One of his objectives was to show how human facial expressions (a) constitute a shared heritage of our species, (b) have parallels with the expressions of other animals, and hence (c) provide a behavioral argument for evolutionary continuity. Humans may express joy and differently than dogs, but all humans do it one way, and all dogs another way, indicating that the expression of emotions is species- typical. For ethologists, these expressions constitute fixed action patterns. The concept of is applied when the traits of different species can be traced back to a common ancestor. It is not unusual for homolo- gous traits to vary in , such as in the case of a ’s wing and the human arm, which both derive from the forelimb of the ancestor of birds and mam- mals. With regards to facial displays, homologous displays may have different meanings in different species through a motivational and functional re- casting. Homology is usually contrasted with anal- Figure 3. The so-called play face of primates is homologous 103 ogy, or convergent evolution, when similar traits with human . Not only does the resemble laughter, but the accompanying hoarse vocalizations (e.g., the fish-like shape of a dolphin) are indepen- do as well, here uttered by an adolescent male being dent products of similar environmental pressures. tickled in the side by an male. Photograph by Frans de The distinction between homology and is Waal. important in relation to fixed action patterns.74 This evolutionary approach goes further than what Darwin proposed, but Darwin’s strength was own expressions bring emotions to the surface, then that he had picked the one feature of human behav- those of other primates probably do so as well. ior that seems to fit most or all of the above concep- With the notable exception of Ladygina-Kohts,76 tualizations. In fact, facial expressions fit the mold of who compared the expressive movements of her inborn behavior better than many of the own son and a juvenile male chimpanzee, we had now discussed as such in , to wait until the 1960s for an extension of Darwin’s such as mate selection. Not that these patterns neces- . Van Hooff 77,78 speculated about the sarily lack a genetic component, but they are highly causal underpinnings of facial expressions, such as flexible and their occurrence varies with learning the laugh and , tracing their phylogeny among and environment. They are far removed from the a great variety of monkeys and apes. A recent acous- stereotypical facial muscle coordinations and vocal- tical analysis of the guttural panting by young apes izations, such as laughing and , that appear being tickled confirmed the homology with human early in and are remarkably uniform across indi- laughter to the point that a phylogenetic tree recon- vidual humans and .75 Not only did Darwin structed from acoustic data matched a tree based on pick a prime candidate of innate behavior, he also comparative genetics (Fig. 3).79 recognized and carefully documented the similarity Van Hooff opted for a purely descriptive termi- of our own facial movements with those of other nology followed by ways to establish the meaning of primates. The implication was, of course, that if our each display. A display associated with withdrawal

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 197 What is an animal emotion? de Waal

in which one macaque needed to deduce from the face of another on a television screen if an electrical shock was forthcoming so as to turn it off in time (Fig. 5).82 The monkeys were surprisingly effective at avoiding shock by extracting emotional informa- tion from their partner’s face despite its apparent blankness, leading Miller to comment “It was our conviction that a monkey was a much more skilled interpreter of facial expression in another monkey than was man.”83 Miller’s experiment on facial cuing illustrates the value of emotional communication: one monkey reads another’s subtle body language and reacts appropriately. But more may have been going on: not merely the reading of an emotion for one’s own benefit, but actually adopting the same emotion as the other. Known as emotional contagion, this process forms the basis of empathy. Empathy relies on emotions: the capacity makes no sense without them. Preston and de Waal68 propose that empathy rests on a perception-action mechanism that provides an observer (the subject) with access to the internal state and situation of another (the object) through the subject’s own neural representations. When the subject attends to the object’s state, the subject’s Figure 4. The teeth-baring expression of macaques is com- neural representations of similar states that it has monly known as the fear grimace, even though it is often given in the absence of a flight response. Here, a juvenile rhesus mon- experienced are automatically and unconsciously key bares his teeth to an approaching dominant but stays put. activated. The more similar and socially close two The expression serves as status signal and mixes fear with a individuals are, the easier this activation. This form desire for good relationships. Photograph by Frans de Waal. of empathy may be widespread in mammals, such as the intensified pain response of mice that have would be considered fearful, for example, and one watched other mice in pain.84 associated with attack would be considered aggres- Emotional contagion may lead individuals fright- sive. Those emotional interpretations would not af- ened by the alarm of others to hide or flee. It may fect the naming of the display, however. The prob- cause a mother distressed by her offspring’s vocal- lems the latter might cause can be illustrated with izations to reassure both herself and her offspring the common term fear grimace for the wide grin of by warming or them. It may inhibit an in- macaques. This label obscures both the display’s vi- dividual from inflicting pain upon another because sual characteristics (a “grimace” being a mere facial of vicarious negative triggered by the other’s contortion) as well as its precise meaning, which is distress vocalizations. These empathic emotional re- closer to submission than fear, that is, the bared- actions may benefit both the actor and individuals teeth display signals fear mixed with a desire for close to them. More complex forms of empathy oc- peaceful integration (Fig. 4).80,81 cur when the subject takes the object’s perspective, In addition to such overt expressions, primates a capacity present in some large-brained often communicate by means of minor changes in mammals.85 Such perspective-taking permits tar- the face. One of the most striking illustrations of geted helping (i.e., helping geared toward to other’s this capacity is the cooperative avoidance specific situation and needs) or the consolation of

198 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. de Waal What is an animal emotion?

Figure 5. ThecooperativeavoidanceparadigmofMiller,82 in which monkey B hears a sound announcing an electric shock while monkey A sits in another room, watching a video monitor that shows B’s face live. Monkey A uses this behavioral to press a bar that prevents shock to both A and B. victims of by means of kissing, embrac- but—except in comparative neuroscience15,93—still ing, grooming, and so on. The latter behavior has under a cloud of when it comes to animal been extensively studied in apes, in which it fol- behavior? lows predictions from the empathy hypothesis such I would argue that it is eminently possible to study as that consolation reduces the other’s distress,86 is the emotions and theorize about how they work and more common in females than males (cf. human sex what they do for the organism, without knowing differences),87,88 and directed more to socially close much or anything about associated . Yet than distant individuals.89 feelings are an aspect to which we attach extraor- Long before the current interest in animal empa- dinary importance, since they are our most direct thy, McDougall recognized its importance for gre- source of knowledge about the emotions. This ex- garious animals as “the cement that binds all animal plains why the greatest obstacle to the study of an- societies together, renders the actions of all mem- imal emotions is the common objection that “we bers of a group harmonious, and allows them to reap cannot know what they feel.” While this is unde- some of the prime advantages of social life.”30 Be- niably true, we should realize that it also holds for cause of their effect on others, emotions bring indi- fellow human beings. Most of the time, we that viduals together by converging internal states such as members of our species feel similar to ourselves un- fear, , playfulness, and sleepiness. The study der similar circumstances, a trust enhanced by our of this phenomenon is crucial for our understand- similarity to them, but it remains a mere assump- ing of social life. This is as true for the spreading of tion. It is hard to verify this assumption unless one alarm as it is for the role of the emotions in altruism trusts human verbalizations of feelings, which re- and care. Empathy is considered the main proximate lies on yet another assumption, that is, that humans mechanism underlying human altruism,90 and the accurately perceive their own emotions. In light of same has been argued for other mammals.68,91 these assumptions, postulating feelings in animals is not as big a leap as it may seem. We cannot know what they feel For James,1 subjective feelings formed the essence As recently as 2009, an essay in Nature chided Dar- of emotions, but there is a reason why English and win for the “far-fetched” idea that humans and other other have different words for feelings animals might share passions and emotions.92 Why and emotions. Thetwoareconflatedincommon is the study of emotions so well accepted in humans, usage, but only because we limit ourselves to felt

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 199 What is an animal emotion? de Waal emotions whenever we discuss them. This is also strates. Thus, Whitman assumed that pigeons found true for the self-report measures typically used by it “agreeable” to sit on their eggs, a sensation that psychologists, which of necessity only access emo- ensured their incubation.101 tions that we are aware of. As a result, for most peo- Among modern neuroscientists, the closest to ple, emotions are about feelings. It is best, however, these views comes perhaps Panksepp, for whom to distinguish three levels of experience regarding emotions, including those of animals, are insepa- emotions: (1) unconscious emotions, (2) centrally rable from experiences. Panksepp102 argues against represented or felt emotions, and (3) reflected-upon the behaviorist position that experiences will for- feelings. We are most familiar with the third cate- ever remain off limit, saying: “If affective states are gory, even though it represents only the tip of the the underlying psycho-neural substrates for many emotional iceberg. behavioral choices, perhaps even the fundamental The idea that emotions are always felt is consid- nature of reward and/or , a behavior- ered yet another “sin” of emotion research.35 In the only analysis is surely discarding critical scientific same way that we have become familiar with implicit dimensions from active consideration.” Panksepp memory and implicit perception, we may need to get promotes an affectively centered view of animals used to implicit emotions.94 Fear, for example, may since we know that (1) they seek the same rewards be subcortically activated before any conscious cog- and that we do, (2) the subcortical brain sys- nition.95 Damasio96 has suggested that deep brain tems are strikingly homologous between humans structures generate primary, unconscious stages of and other mammals, and (3) artificial fear, anger, , and so on, and Berridge and of deep brain structures affects approach-avoidance Winkielman97 speak of subcortical “core processes” behavior similarly in all species, including humans. that only secondarily produce cortical correlates that Like Maclean,103 Panksepp15 considers feelings allow an of feelings. These authors review associated with emotions an evolutionary birthright evidence for measurable emotional preferences that embedded subcortically within the mammalian humans are unable to report on. Additionally, there brain. He considers them an essential part of the are the “gustofacial” responses—facial expressions emotions and disagrees with LeDoux, for whom of enjoyment shared by our species with other feelings are cortical and represent mere “frills that primates98,99—of human infants born with a brain- have added icing to the emotional cake.”104 In the stem but no cortex and little . Even though first view, the connection between emotions and some have taken this as evidence that emotions may is obligatory, whereas the second view be wholly unconscious, others have argued that the sees conscious feelings as secondary and perhaps approach/avoidance reactions of anencephalic in- inessential. The discrepancy between these views fants and decorticated mammals hint at central rep- may be caused by what exactly is meant by “con- resentation of emotions probably involving some sciousness,” which for LeDoux seems to refer to level of consciousness.15,100 If so, the first level listed feelings that the organism is aware of and reflects above (unconscious emotions) becomes question- upon, whereas for Panksepp it includes experiences able, and all emotions are experienced along at least as simple as versus aversion. two dimensions: and arousal. As Mendl put Given that human neocortex size relative to the it, “neutral states are not emotional states.”26 rest of the brain is less exceptional than previously Among the founders of animal ethology, Tinber- thought,105 there is no apriorireason to assume sub- gen was a life-long skeptic about subjective feel- stantial differences in the emotional experiences of ings and consciousness, whereas Lorenz thought humans and other primates. If a female re- that the discharge of an instinctive action (called turns a week after the disappearance of her offspring “consummatory behavior”) must be accompanied to the spot where it happened, to climb high up into a by pleasurable sensations.4 Earlier students of an- tree and scan the environment while uttering plain- imal behavior had no trouble ascribing subjective tive contact calls, repeating her agitation, and calling feelings to animals, often seeing these feelings as fa- for weeks every time her troop passes through this cilitating instinctive actions required for survival, specific area,106 it is hard for the human observer the same way that , drinking, nursing, and sex not to assume a sense of loss or grieving. Similarly, are subserved by self-rewarding neurological sub- I have heard female chimpanzees who had lost an

200 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1224 (2011) 191–206 c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. de Waal What is an animal emotion? offspring wail and whimper, and sometimes burst tion as heart rate increases.116 Aureli and Schaffner24 out in the middle of the day or . conclude that self-directed behavior tracks the way We also know from fecal analysis that wild primates primates emotionally evaluate and regulate their so- that have recently lost close kin show increased corti- cial relationships. costerone, thus indicating stress.107 Such behavioral There are many more examples, but the above suf- observations and physiological measures suggest felt fice to show how primates respond in very human- emotions. like ways to situations that are emotion eliciting Parr108 applied a computerized matching-to- in humans (Fig. 6). Since they do so both behav- sample task to emotional processing in chim- iorally and physiologically, it is hard to see why their panzees. Five-second video clips were shown responses should not also resemble those of hu- depicting emotionally charged scenes, such as a de- mans emotionally and experientially. But obviously tested veterinary procedure or favorite food items. we have to leave it at this, that is, we may assume The apes were then required to match the video to similar feelings, but the actual experiences of ani- one of two species-typical facial expressions, that is, mals remain inaccessible. Neuroscience may one day a play face normally seen in matches and a shed light on this aspect of animal emotions and the teeth-baring expression normally seen after defeat. level of consciousness involved, but so long as such Instead of looking for visual similarities between the research is underdeveloped our goal should be to videos and the facial images, which is what the apes define animal emotions such that progress can be were trained to do, they were asked to use emotional made with verifiable methods that separate emo- valence as the basis for matching. Their response tions from feelings. Without in any way denying or was measured upon first presentation of the stim- downplaying the experiences of animals, the future uli. Measures of peripheral skin temperature con- of emotion research should not be held hostage to firmed that the video clips had physiological effects the as yet unanswerable question, “What do they on the chimpanzees similar to those reported for feel?” humans,109 and subsequent research even indicated An indispensable concept human-like lateralized changes in brain tempera- ture.110 These neural and physiological responses The categorization of emotions is a complex issue may explain how the apes spontaneously connected that this essay does not seek to resolve. The human “happy” and “sad” videos with the corresponding often proposes distinctions between basic facial expressions. Instead of using cognitive match- and secondary emotions, and likes to draw lines be- ing, which may be hard to account for, their choices tween various emotions even if they are notoriously may have been facilitated by what they felt watching hard to demarcate.27 Arising from a messy process the various stimuli. like , crisp and clear distinctions In the same way that humans scratch their heads are unlikely as reflected in the “dimensional” view during conflicted situations, psychopharmacologi- of Nesse’s phylogenetic emotion tree (Fig. 7).117 The cal research has shown that heightened emotional blurred boundaries should not be held against the arousal is associated with self-scratching in non- emotion concept in general, because whether we human primates, probably through sympathetic like it or not, emotional language is widely applied , nervous activation.111 112 Chimpanzees scratch in animal behavior. themselves, for example, during poor performance Many central concepts in animal behavior have on cognitive tasks,113 and mother monkeys do the emotional connotations. For example, primatolo- same while monitoring a straying infant in a risky gists typically define social bonding by the amount situation, such as when it approaches a dominant of time individuals spend together, but this concept individual.114 Similarly, victims of aggressive con- obviously goes much deeper. in the same school flict show a dramatic increase in self-scratching, but and bees in the same hive also spend time together, drop back to base level following a friendly reunion but no one would claim them to be bonded. Bond with their opponent, indicating the calming effect strength is a hypothetical construct the true measure of reconciliation.115 Self-directed behavior therefore of which is the emotional reaction to separation, serves as an external index of internal anxiety, all the such as signs of distress.118 Since measuring this more so since this behavior occurs in the same situa- reaction is unpractical under most circumstances,

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Figure 6. A juvenile chimpanzee tries to reclaim food that a dominant individual has taken away through multimodal signaling that combines an open-hand begging gesture with vociferous screaming. Free manual gesturing is uncommon in the animal kingdom, only seen in apes and humans. Photograph by Frans de Waal. we use proxy measures of bonding, such as time gret at an action that may have hurt another, but that spent together, but should not forget the term’s at the same time also hurt the relationship between implied emotional attachment. Similar emotional actor and recipient. may thus help regulate connotations are recognizable when we describe an- reciprocity relationships.22 Similarly, we know that imals as rivals, challengers, and friends, or speak of nonhuman primates exhibit external signs of anxi- alarm, , reconciliation, and distress. We ety after aggressive acts that undermine their social routinely employ emotionally loaded concepts that relationships, and do so more often the more valu- we try to define objectively, stressing observable be- able their partner.24 Bonobo aggressors, for exam- havior, yet the concepts themselves are rooted in the ple, often approach their victim immediately after way we, humans, organize the social world around having attacked them to inspect and lick the us, which is invariably along emotional lines. they themselves inflicted, which appears close to re- Instead of running away from this practice, stu- gret of previous behavior.121 If we cannot rule out dents of animal behavior are advised to come to evolutionary continuity with regards to and grips with it. If we cannot keep ourselves from as- guilt, there is all the more reason to expect continuity suming emotions, why not explicitly address them? concerning emotions such as fear, anger, curiosity, Even with regards to the most complex human emo- and affection. tions, animal parallels cannot be ruled out. Human We may never be able to fully appreciate the ex- shame, for example, typically stems from the viola- periential side of animal emotions—although calls tion of social norms and is characterized by a desire to try have been heard122—but should start assess- for invisibility. It is expressed in a shrinking body ing how they impact daily decision making with posture and downcast gaze, which brings it morpho- regards to needs, intentions, and wants, which are logically close to the submission displays of primates closely intertwined with the emotions and organize and other animals. Due to its self-conscious nature, behavior in a way that has proven hard to capture human shame appears cognitively more complex by purely descriptive methods. Donald Hebb, the than submission, but the associated emotions may neuropsychologist who drafted his groundbreaking not be so different.119,120 Similarly, guilt reflects re- The Organization of Behavior123 during his time at

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Figure 7. A tree of emotions, which shows the resources (upright font) and situations (capitals) that emotions (italics) are about, while tracing possible phylogenetic connections between them. Drawing by and courtesy of Randolph Nesse.117 the Yerkes Primate Center, perceptively concluded for helpful feedback on the manuscript and Tara from a failed attempt to account for chimpanzee be- McKenney for administrative assistance. havior: “The objective categorization missed some- Conflicts of interest thing ...that the ill-defined categories of emotion and the like did not—some order, or relationship The author declares no conflicts of interest. between isolated acts that is essential to compre- References hension of the behavior.”124 The challenge faced by students of animal behav- 1. James, W. 1884. What is an emotion? Mind 9: 188–205. ior is to move from these “ill-defined categories” 2. Skinner, B.F.1965 [1953]. Science and Human Behavior.Free Press. New York. to replicable, objective methods to document the 3. Panksepp, J. 2002. The MacLean legacy and some mod- emotional deep structure of behavior. ern trends in emotion research. In The Evolutionary Neu- roethology of Paul MacLean: Convergences and Frontiers.G.A. Cory, Jr. & R. Gardner, Jr., Eds.: ix–xxvii. Praeger. Westport, Acknowledgments CT. 4. Burkhardt, R.W. 1997. The founders of ethology and The author is grateful to Pier Francesco Ferrari, Ran- the problem of animal subjective experience. In Ani- dolph Nesse, , and Stephanie Preston mal Consciousness and Animal : Perspectives from the

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