21 Days of Forgiveness Emotional Triggers List

Sometimes identifying the thoughts, , beliefs, and judgments you need to forgive is not easy. The intuitive tool that follows is designed to assist you in tapping into and receiving feedback from the subconscious mind about the unforgiving and often hidden aspects of your . These are the things that may block, delay, hinder, obstruct, or deny personal growth and healing. Identifying and forgiving these blockages is essential for personal evolution.

This list is in no way exhaustive; however, it covers most of the common and habitual feelings that the average person experiences with out even thinking about it. When you come to the belief clearing portion of your forgiveness practice, this list may prove to be invaluable, as it will help you identify the that is hidden beneath the thought.

Scan the Emotional Trigger List quickly across one line at a time. If a word catches your , write it down. While many of the entries may not seem to apply to you, be sure to scan the list each day before you begin to tackle the forgiveness topic of the day and begin to write your 12 Forgiveness Statements.

Abandoned Absentminded Abuse Accidents Accusing Addicted Afraid Aggravated Aggressive Agitated Agony Alone Ambition Analyzing Apprehensive Arguing Arrogance Ashamed (self / Ashamed Attachment Attack (self / life) life) Being judgmental Avoidance Bad Being opinionated - Being too Being reactive Being scattered Being ungrounded emotional: Betrayed Bitterness Blaming Blind Devotion Bored Bossiness Burdened Cheated (out of Busyness Carelessness Codependency something) Complaining Compromise Compulsion Concerned Conflict Conflicted Confused Confusion Control Control (Loss of) Controlling Cowardice Crazy Critical Criticism Criticized Cruelty Cynical. Deceitfulness Deception Deceptive Defeated Defensive Defensiveness Defiance Dejected Denial Denied Dependency Desperate Despondent Destructive Devastated Deviousness Discontent 21 DAYS OF FORGIVENESS

Discounted Discounting Discouraged Disgraced Dishonesty Dismay s Disorder Disoriented Dominance Doubt (in self) Drained Drama Dread Dreaming Egotistical Embarrassed Emptiness (in life) Empty (within self) Enraged Entitled (to more) Escape Excessive focus Exaggeration Excuses Exploited on others Extremist Failure Fake FALSE Fatigued physical Fantasizing Faulty beliefs Fearful / mental Feeling needy Fixed ideas Focusing on the past Foolish Forgetful Fragmented Frightened Gullible Heartache Heaviness (of Heavy in mind or Heartbroken Heartsick burdens) body Helpless Hesitant Hopeless Horrified Hostile Humiliated Hurried Hurt Impulsiveness Inaccuracy Inadequate Incomplete Indebted Indecision Indifference Indifferent Indignant Inertia Inflexible Injury Insecurity Insensitivity Intellectualization Intolerance Invalidated Irresponsible Irrigated Judged Judgmental Justifying limitations Lack of Lack of Lack of creativity Lack of discipline commitment Lack of energy Lack of purpose Lack of Laziness Lazy Living in the past Lonely Lost Low energy Lying Mad Malnutrition Manipulated Manipulation Martyrdom Materialism Mediocrity Melancholy Minimiizing Miserable Misunderstood Moodiness Mortified Needing to please Narrowness Negativity No fun others Non-supportjye Numbed out Numbness Obligated habits Obsessions Offended Opportunism Outraged Overeating Overexercise Overextended Oyerlooked Overspending Overweight Overwhelm Overwehelmed Overwork Perfectionism Persecuted Phobias Poor health Poor self-esteem Possessiveness 21 DAYS OF FORGIVENESS

Poverty mentality Prejudjce Pressured Procrastination Punished Put down Put upon Rationalization Rebellion Rebellious Repression Resented Resentful Resistance Responsible Ridicule RudenesS Running away Sarcasm Scared Scattered Scorned Seeking approval Self-centeredness Self-conscious Self-deception Self-obsession about Self-righteous Shattered Shy something Silly Stagnant Struggling Stuck Stupid Suspicious Terrified Tired Tortured Trapped Traumatized Troubled Ugly Unappreciated Uncertain Uncomfortable Unfocused Unfulfilled Unsupported by Unloved Unmotivated Unprepared others Un-supportive of Un-trusting (of Unworthy Vengeful others / self) Vulnerable Wasted Weak Weary Weird Worn out Worried Worthless Wounded