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Report of the 2003 Meeting of the ICCAT Working Group On

Report of the 2003 Meeting of the ICCAT Working Group On

SCRS/2008/024 Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 64(7):2617-2640 (2009)


C. Palma 1 and P. Kebe1


This document describes the major elements of the ICCAT tagging information system, namely the data collection process, the relational database management system, the coding system and standard rules adopted, and, the revision policy behind the tagging information received by the various ICCAT parties.


Le présent document décrit les principaux éléments du système d’information de marquage de l’ICCAT, à savoir le processus de collecte de données, le système de gestion des bases de données relationnelles, le système de codage et les règles standard adoptées ainsi que la politique de révision faisant suite à la réception des informations de marquage émanant des diverses Parties de l’ICCAT.


En este documento se describen los principales elementos del sistema ICCAT de información sobre marcado, es decir, los procesos de recopilación de datos, el sistema de gestión de la base de datos relacional, el sistema de codificación y las normas estándar adoptadas, así como la política de revisión de la información sobre marcado recibida de varias Partes de ICCAT.


Tagging, tag codes, tag recoveries

1. Introduction

ICCAT has collected all over the years tagging information on tuna, tuna like species and , made available by various contracting parties (or related Scientific Institutions) being United States one of the most important providers of tagging data. Up to 2001, the information was processed, validated and stored in structured ASCII files. Since then, the Secretariat started the migration process to a relational database system (MS-SQL Server 2000). During that period, various improvements were made the central tagging database system, in particular the inclusion of components to manage the ICCAT conventional tag inventory, code normalization, automatic data assimilation, validation procedures, multi-tier data management programs, and, the migration to the MS-SQL Server 2005 platform.

During last year, the Secretariat started a complex revision/adjustment of the ICCAT tagging database system, in order to incorporate the recommendations proposed by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Tagging Coordination (Madrid, March 15-16 2007) and adopted by the Sub-Committee on Statistics (Anon 2007).

Nowadays, the ICCAT tagging database system has integrated a much of the recommendation proposals, but this work still under way. Around 5 full additional weeks will be needed to finalize this ongoing task. Two new modules are under the prototyping phase (Survey manager and Electronic Tagging manager). Moreover, several auxiliary tables newly created (or under normalization) have a preliminary coding system. Guidance was requested to experts (as stated in Appendix 6 of Anon, 2007) to implement those coding systems.

Although, the description of the ICCAT tagging database system here presented is focused on its current state, several explanations were included foreseeing its definitive development status. In addition, it’s slightly

1 ICCAT Secretariat, c/ Corazón de María, 8 (6th fl.), 28002 Madrid, .

2617 technical content, aims to contribute to the development of the ICCAT-USA tagging data exchange protocol, and must not be viewed as a complete reference manual.

2. Data collection and processing

Despite the existence of official reporting forms (www.iccat.int/Documents/Stats/tag-lottery-ENG.pdf ), tagging information is reported to ICCAT with heterogeneous structures and in a multitude of formats. Since 2002, each dataset received by ICCAT Secretariat is inventoried and the source information (electronic files, emails, and “pdf” copies of data received on paper) is stored in a proper file server location. The inventory process consists of registering the dataset with a unique ICCAT internal registry number in conjunction with various attributes of the source files received (reporting person/Institution, date reported, date registered, storage location links, etc.).

In a primary (after inventory) phase the information is verified, recoded and transformed into an uniform structure easily assimilated by the Tagging database system. The time spent during this process can vary from around 1 hour (for the simplest and normalized cases) to more than one month (entire database revisions).

On a second phase, the normalized data (already transformed into ICCAT standard codes) is dumped to a temporary table set (inside the main database) for posterior validation. A unique data input process number ( “InProcID”) is given to the dataset (database dependent identifier). During the validation process, the corresponding release and recovery data is cross-checked with the available data in the main table set, and classified in two different subsets: “new info” (if none of the key fields matches; “updated info” (if some of the key fields matches). All the “new info” subset is added to the main database. Each tuple (record) of the “updated info” passes through a second fine grain analysis (field based). At the end, a new record is generated combining the unchanged fields (current record of the main database tables) with the updated fields (temporary record from temporary tables set), which will replace the current record. When needed, the three records (current, temporary, new) are visualized side-by-side before replacing the information. Currently, the record that has been replaced is dropped from the database (not and effective historical track change system right now) but the update event is recorded in special fields. The secretariat has also under development a module that fulfills this requirement.

3. Data base management system

The tagging relational database management system (RDBMS) is composed of various parts. A MS-SQL Server 2005 database (about 50 tables in total), one main application (VBA Projects in MS_ACCESS 2007) used as a direct interface to tagging information, and a MS-SQL Server Managements Studio Solution (contains various projects) which manages in a centralized way all the batch scripting development. The administrative system (security tasks, server roles, credentials, backup system, maintenance plans, etc.) is embedded in the server infrastructure.

3.1 Design principles

As all the databases developed by the Secretariat within the ICCAT database system (ICCAT.DB), the tagging database (DB.TAG) adopted a number of standard design concepts. For the objectives of this document he most important ones are:

‐ “CamelCase” naming convention (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase): used for persistent objects like tables, fields, indexes, functions, stored procedures, etc. (Uppercase is for reserved word only) ‐ Normalization principle: a balanced database normalization form (compromise between flexibility and strictness) was adopted in design. Tables were, at least, normalized to the 3NF standard (Third normal form). Note that, higher normalization degrees typically involve more tables and a larger number of joins, which can reduce performance, while lower normalized degrees are more flexible but more sensible to errors (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization#Normal_forms). ‐ Unicode support: all system was designed to fully support Unicode character set. ‐ Uniqueness of names: every name identifying a distinct object is unique across the entire ICCAT-DB (yet, the same object can exist in two distinct databases: e.g. Species table is shared across various databases) ‐ Object naming rules: only these characters are allowed in the names: [A…Z; a…z; 0…9; “_”]. Spaces or other special characters are not allowed in name composition.

2618 ‐ Table/Fields naming rules: Plural for naming Table objects. Singular for naming field object (e.g. “Species” will store species data, with their respective attributes – fields – being: SpeciesID, SpeciesCode, SpecScientificName, etc.) ‐ Reserved suffixes: “ID” for the primary key (mostly integer type) unique identifier field; “Code” for a secondary (alfa-numeric type) unique identifier field.

3.2 Field types standard formats

There were also adopted a set of standard generic formats for certain field types. Table 1 describes the most important ones:

3.3 Database structures

Figure 1 gives a simplified perspective (table names and relationships) of the entire Tagging database structure (detailed Table definitions are presented in Appendix 1). The internal database structure has various functional modules (groups of tables and other objects serving a specific purpose) each one taking care of a specific job. The modules are:

‐ Release/recovery data: manages all the tagging information (releases/recoveries) received in the Secretariat by the ICCAT parties. Figure 2 shows its structure. ‐ ICCAT tags inventory: manages all the conventional tags series assembled for ICCAT over time (production, distribution of set, etc.). The corresponding table structures and relationships are detailed in Figure 3. ‐ Tagging surveys (ongoing task): manages Tag Surveys information reported to the Secretariat. A preliminary structure of this module is shown in Figure 4. ‐ Historical updates (ongoing task): stores all the changes (records updated/replaced) made to main tables. This module shall only take care of the changes made to the Releases/recovery main tables. ‐ Lottery (ongoing task): manages the ICCAT tag lottery system.

Each module interact each other (sharing data, virtual linkage) in a transparent way to the user (trigger automation). For example, when a particular recovery record is entered in the Recoveries table (after validation) there is a trigger that automatically checks in the ICCAT inventory, if the conventional tag(s) associated to the recovery belong to any conventional tag series distributed by the ICCAT Secretariat.

4. Coding system

Developing a well designed and normalized coding system (all the standard codes available in an entire RDBMS) is a time consuming task, which often requires a multidisciplinary expertise work and usually a large normalization and maturation stage. For this reason, ICCAT has adopted a mixed of international standard codes (FAO Alfa3 species codes, ISO1366 Alfa2/3 country codes, Douglas se scale, length and weight units standard nomenclature, etc.), ICCAT standard codes (Gears, Gear Groups, Frequency types, etc.) and new coding categories (Tag Type codes, Tag color codes, Tag status codes, Fish Condition scales, Fish state scales, etc.). The Appendix 2 provides ICCAT coding system currently embedded within the ICCAT tag database.

5. Data revision policy

Presently, there is not an effective and clear data revision policy. When a possible error (or inconsistency) is found on the tagging data available in the database, the revision process is Ad Hoc, and made with the Tagging correspondent of the party that provided the data. This Ad Hoc revision is put in place when any error is found, and, it can be at the time of the first submission or latter in time. This process works fine when the number of records is low, and the source of the error is quite evident. In cases where an entire dataset arrives with a missing key element (for example incomplete Tag numbers – no alphabetic part for instance) the Secretariat informs the source about the problem and request a revised dataset. Most problematic error types are the subtle errors (e.g. valid dates using formats DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY, Tag numbering out of sequences, inverted Lat/Lon position, wrong Length/Weight units, etc.) which require a detailed analysis.

One way to improve this is to catalogue the different error types and create accordingly a set of system rules and proceedings that can be used to identify this type of error.

2619 6. Reference

Anon, 2007. Report of the 2007 meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Tagging Coordination. Pages 30.(www.iccat.int/Documents/Meetings/Docs/TAGGING_REPORT_APR_2007_ENG.pdf)

Table 1. Most important standard generic formats.

Fields types Format NULL values Zeros values meaning meaning Dates and/or [time] YYYY-MM-DD and/or No data Not allowed [HH:MM:SS] *Tag numbers [XXX999999], {X[A…Z];9[0…0]} Not allowed --- **Geographical positions Decimal degree system (float) No data Zero Continuous variables Float (double precision) No data Zero Categorical variables Integer scales (mutually exclusive) Not allowed Unknown data Acronyms [A…Z] () Not allowed --- * Already adapted to the new standard (9 alfa-numeric characters) **The standard ICCAT geographical system and other Alfa-numeric formats (e.g. Lat 23°05’N) are obtained through various embedded functions.


Figure 1. Summarized diagram (table names and relational structure) of ICCAT Tagging database.


Figure 2. Release/recovery module of ICCAT tagging database.


Figure 3. Inventory module of ICCAT tagging database.

Figure 4. Tagging surveys module of ICCAT Tagging database.

2623 Appendix 1. Table Structures (metadata). TableN FieldN column_id TypeN max_length precision is_nullable BeaufWindSpeeds BWindSpeedID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 BeaufWindSpeeds BwsDescriptEN 2 nvarchar 44 0 0 BeaufWindSpeeds BwsDescriptES 3 nvarchar 44 0 0 BeaufWindSpeeds BwsDescriptFR 4 nvarchar 44 0 1 BeaufWindSpeeds Bws_knots 5 nvarchar 14 0 1 BeaufWindSpeeds Bws_km_h 6 nvarchar 14 0 1 BeaufWindSpeeds Bws_mph 7 nvarchar 14 0 1 BeaufWindSpeeds Bws_m_s 8 nvarchar 20 0 1 BeaufWindSpeeds BwsSeaConditions 9 nvarchar 240 0 1 Countries CountryID 1 varchar 3 0 0 Countries CountryCode 2 nvarchar 40 0 1 Countries Country 3 nvarchar 100 0 1 Countries Category 4 nvarchar 30 0 1 Countries PartyID 5 tinyint 1 3 1 Countries FlagA3ISO 6 char 3 0 1 Countries FlagA2ISO 7 char 2 0 1 Countries Notes 8 nvarchar 500 0 1 DouglasWSeaStates DSeaStateID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 DouglasWSeaStates DSeaStateEN 2 nvarchar 60 0 0 DouglasWSeaStates DSeaStateFR 3 nvarchar 60 0 0 DouglasWSeaStates DSeaStateES 4 nvarchar 60 0 0 DouglasWSeaStates DssWavesAvgHigh 5 nvarchar 40 0 0 ElectronicTags ElectronicTagID 1 int 4 10 0 ElectronicTags ElectronicTagCode 2 nvarchar 24 0 0 ElectronicTags TagTypeID 3 tinyint 1 3 1 ElectronicTags NumRecs_tmp 4 int 4 10 1 ElectronicTags etc 5 nvarchar 100 0 1 FishInjuryTypes InjuryTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 FishInjuryTypes InjuryTypeCode 2 varchar 2 0 0 FishInjuryTypes InjuryType 3 varchar 30 0 0 FishInjuryTypes InjTpDescription 4 char 50 0 1 Flags FlagID 1 varchar 3 0 0 Flags FlagCode 2 nvarchar 40 0 0 Flags FlagName 3 nvarchar 100 0 0 Flags FlgCategory 4 nvarchar 30 0 0 Flags FlgPartyID 5 tinyint 1 3 1 Flags FlgISO_A3 6 char 3 0 1 Flags FlgISO_A2 7 char 2 0 1 Flags Notes 8 nvarchar 500 0 1 Flags eforms 9 bit 1 1 1 Fleets FleetID 1 varchar 7 0 0 Fleets FlagID 2 varchar 3 0 0 Fleets FleetCode 3 nvarchar 40 0 0 Fleets FleetName 4 nvarchar 100 0 0 Fleets PortZone 5 nvarchar 60 0 1 Fleets FlagOfVesselCode 6 char 3 0 0 Fleets FleetID_cur 7 int 4 10 1 Fleets FleetName_cur 8 nvarchar 80 0 1 Fleets eForms 9 bit 1 1 0 Fleets Status 10 nvarchar 40 0 1 GearGroups GearGroupID 1 int 4 10 0 GearGroups GearGrpCode 2 nchar 4 0 1 GearGroups GearGroup 3 nvarchar 40 0 1 GearGroups GrGrpDescription 4 nvarchar 100 0 1 Gears GearID 1 int 4 10 0 Gears GearIDNew 2 int 4 10 0 Gears GearCode 3 nvarchar 14 0 1 Gears GearUSA 4 nvarchar 6 0 1 Gears GearName 5 nvarchar 160 0 1 2624 Gears GearGroupID 6 int 4 10 1 Gears GearGrpName 7 nvarchar 100 0 1 Gears Out? 8 bit 1 1 0 InvAssignedTagSets TagSetID 1 int 4 10 0 InvAssignedTagSets TagSeriesID 2 varchar 5 0 0 InvAssignedTagSets cTagAlfa2 3 varchar 2 0 1 InvAssignedTagSets NumStart 4 int 4 10 0 InvAssignedTagSets NumEnd 5 int 4 10 0 InvAssignedTagSets cQty 6 int 4 10 1 InvAssignedTagSets ScieRespID 7 int 4 10 1 InvAssignedTagSets InstitutionID 8 int 4 10 1 InvAssignedTagSets DateRequested 9 smalldatetime 4 16 1 InvAssignedTagSets DocRef_In 10 varchar 12 0 1 InvAssignedTagSets DateSent 11 datetime 8 23 1 InvAssignedTagSets DocRef_Out 12 varchar 12 0 1 InvAssignedTagSets Remarks 13 nvarchar 510 0 1 InvDistributionStatus DistribStatusID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 InvDistributionStatus DistribStatusCode 2 varchar 5 0 0 InvDistributionStatus DistribStatus 3 nvarchar 120 0 1 InvDistributionStatus TagStatusOld 4 nvarchar 50 0 1 InvInstitutions InstitutionID 1 int 4 10 0 InvInstitutions Institution 2 nvarchar 100 0 0 InvInstitutions Address 3 nvarchar 100 0 1 InvInstitutions Country 4 nvarchar 120 0 0 InvManufacturers ManufactID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 InvManufacturers MaunfactCode 2 varchar 6 0 0 InvManufacturers Manufacturer 3 nvarchar 40 0 0 InvManufacturers Contact 4 nvarchar 80 0 1 InvManufacturers WEB 5 nvarchar 256 0 1 InvManufacturers Phone 6 nvarchar 30 0 1 InvManufacturers Notes 7 nvarchar 400 0 1 InvOwners OwnerID 1 varchar 3 0 0 InvOwners OwnerCode 2 nvarchar 16 0 0 InvOwners Owner 3 nvarchar 60 0 0 InvOwners Institution 4 nvarchar 120 0 1 InvOwners InstitAddress 5 nvarchar 120 0 1 InvOwners Phone 6 char 25 0 1 InvOwners TagGrpID 7 varchar 1 0 0 InvOwners Notes 8 nvarchar 200 0 1 InvTagGroups TagGrpID 1 varchar 1 0 0 InvTagGroups TagGrpCode 2 varchar 6 0 0 InvTagGroups TagGroup 3 varchar 25 0 0 InvTagSeries TagSeriesID 1 varchar 5 0 0 InvTagSeries cTagAlfa2 2 varchar 50 0 1 InvTagSeries OwnerID 3 varchar 3 0 0 InvTagSeries ManufactID 4 tinyint 1 3 0 InvTagSeries NumFirst 5 int 4 10 0 InvTagSeries NumLast 6 int 4 10 0 InvTagSeries cNumOfTags 7 int 4 10 1 InvTagSeries TagTypeID 8 tinyint 1 3 1 InvTagSeries Color 9 nvarchar 30 0 1 InvTagSeries TagPhoto 10 image 16 0 1 InvTagSeries DateReg 11 smalldatetime 4 16 1 InvTagSeries ScientistReg 12 nvarchar 120 0 1 InvTagSeries Remarks 13 nvarchar 500 0 1 InventoryOfTags TagNumberID 1 nvarchar 16 0 0 InventoryOfTags TagSeriesID 2 varchar 5 0 0 InventoryOfTags TagSetID 3 int 4 10 1 InventoryOfTags DistribStatusID 4 tinyint 1 3 0 InventoryOfTags cTagAlfa2 5 nvarchar 4 0 1 InventoryOfTags cTagNum 6 int 4 10 1 2625 LengthMethods LenMethodID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 LengthMethods LenMethodCode 2 varchar 3 0 0 LengthMethods LenMethod 3 varchar 20 0 0 LengthMethods Description 4 nvarchar 100 0 1 LengthMethods LenMeth_US 5 char 1 0 1 LengthMethods Status 6 varchar 10 0 1 LengthTypes LenTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 LengthTypes LenTypeCode 2 nvarchar 6 0 0 LengthTypes LenType 3 nvarchar 50 0 0 LengthTypes LenType_US 4 nvarchar 2 0 1 LengthUnits LenUnitID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 LengthUnits LenUnitCode 2 varchar 2 0 0 LengthUnits LenUnit 3 varchar 20 0 1 LengthUnits toCM 4 float 8 53 1 LengthUnits LenUnit_US 5 varchar 2 0 1 Lotteries LotteryID 1 int 4 10 0 Lotteries LotteryAcron 2 nvarchar 24 0 0 Lotteries Lottery 3 varchar 25 0 1 Lotteries LotDate 4 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Lotteries SCRSPlenary 5 bit 1 1 1 Lotteries SCRS 6 varchar 9 0 1 Lotteries TotRecoveries 7 int 4 10 0 Lotteries Notes 8 char 50 0 1 LotteryDetails LotteryID 1 int 4 10 0 LotteryDetails LotSpeciesGrpID 2 int 4 10 0 LotteryDetails LotTagNumIDwin 3 int 4 10 1 LotteryDetails RecoveryPerson 4 nchar 20 0 1 LotteryDetails RewardValue 5 money 8 19 1 LotteryDetails AdditionalGifts 6 varchar 50 0 1 LotteryDetails ContactedBy 7 varchar 50 0 1 LotteryDetails RewardPayed 8 bit 1 1 1 LotteryDetails Notes 9 nchar 20 0 1 ObtainedBy QC_ObtainedByID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 ObtainedBy QC_ObtainedByCode 2 varchar 20 0 0 ObtainedBy QC_ObtainedBy 3 varchar 50 0 0 Oceans OceanID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 Oceans OceanCode 2 nvarchar 4 0 1 Oceans Ocean 3 nvarchar 40 0 1 PlacesOfMeasure PlaceMeasureID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 PlacesOfMeasure PlaceMeasure 2 nvarchar 100 0 0 PlacesOfMeasure PlaceMeasureUS 3 nvarchar 6 0 1 QCCheckedBy QCCheckedByID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 QCCheckedBy QCCheckedByCode 2 varchar 4 0 0 QCCheckedBy QCCheckedBy 3 varchar 20 0 0 QualityOfRecovereis QCDataQualityID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 QualityOfRecovereis QCDataQualityCode 2 varchar 4 0 0 QualityOfRecovereis QCDataQuality 3 varchar 20 0 0 Recoveries TagGrpID 1 int 4 10 0 Recoveries RcInProcID 2 int 4 10 0 Recoveries RcSpeciesID 3 int 4 10 0 Recoveries RcLen 4 float 8 53 1 Recoveries RcLenUnitID 5 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcLenTypeID 6 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcLenMethodID 7 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcWgt 8 float 8 53 1 Recoveries RcWgtUnitID 9 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcWgtTypeID 10 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcWgtMethodID 11 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcSexID 12 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcDate 13 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Recoveries RcLonX 14 float 8 53 1 2626 Recoveries RcLatY 15 float 8 53 1 Recoveries RcGeoAreaDesc 16 nvarchar 120 0 1 Recoveries RcOceanID 17 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcPersonalID 18 int 4 10 1 Recoveries NatRecovID 19 varchar 7 0 1 Recoveries RcFleetID 20 varchar 7 0 0 Recoveries RcPort 21 nvarchar 100 0 1 Recoveries Vessel 22 nvarchar 100 0 1 Recoveries VesselPlate 23 int 4 10 1 Recoveries Commun 24 int 4 10 1 Recoveries RcGearID 25 int 4 10 0 Recoveries RcSchoolTypeID 26 tinyint 1 3 0 Recoveries RcProgram 27 nvarchar 100 0 1 Recoveries RcSSTempC 28 float 8 53 1 Recoveries DateUpdate 29 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Recoveries RcObtainedByID 30 tinyint 1 3 1 Recoveries RcCheckedByID 31 tinyint 1 3 1 Recoveries RcDataQualityID 32 tinyint 1 3 1 Recoveries RcFishConditionID 33 tinyint 1 3 1 Recoveries RcFishStateID 34 tinyint 1 3 1 Recoveries ReReleasedFish 35 bit 1 1 1 Recoveries LotteryID 36 int 4 10 1 Recoveries RcNotes 37 nvarchar 800 0 1 Recoveries tmpRcPlaceNr 38 nvarchar 100 0 1 Recoveries tmpSpecimenID 39 int 4 10 0 Recoveries tmpValidate 40 varchar 30 0 1 Recoveries tmpStrTags 41 varchar 44 0 1 Recoveries tmpToDO 42 varchar 10 0 1 Recoveries tmpBMark 43 varchar 10 0 1 Recoveries tmpQControl 44 varchar 10 0 1 RelRecFishStates FishStateID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 RelRecFishStates FishStateCode 2 varchar 4 0 0 RelRecFishStates FishState 3 varchar 20 0 0 RelRecFishStates FishState_US 4 varchar 10 0 1 RelRecStages RCStageID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 RelRecStages RCStageCode 2 nvarchar 6 0 0 RelRecStages RCStage 3 nvarchar 180 0 0 RelRecTags TagGrpID 1 int 4 10 0 RelRecTags TagOrder 2 tinyint 1 3 0 RelRecTags TagNumSTD 3 varchar 9 0 0 RelRecTags TagNumREP 4 varchar 10 0 1 RelRecTags TagTypeID 5 tinyint 1 3 1 RelRecTags TagColorID 6 tinyint 1 3 1 RelRecTags TagStatusID 7 tinyint 1 3 1 RelRecTags TagSetID 8 int 4 10 1 RelRecTags SourceID 9 nvarchar 4 0 1 Releases TagGrpID 1 int 4 10 0 Releases SpecimenID 2 int 4 10 0 Releases RCStageID 3 tinyint 1 3 0 Releases ElectronicTagID 4 int 4 10 1 Releases InProcID 5 int 4 10 0 Releases SurveyID 6 int 4 10 1 Releases ReFleetID 7 varchar 7 0 0 Releases ReVessel 8 nvarchar 100 0 1 Releases ReGearID 9 int 4 10 1 Releases ReDate 10 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Releases ReLonX 11 float 8 53 1 Releases ReLatY 12 float 8 53 1 Releases ReOceanID 13 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReSpeciesID 14 int 4 10 1 Releases ReLen 15 float 8 53 1 2627 Releases ReLenUnitID 16 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReLenTypeID 17 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReLenMethodID 18 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReWgt 19 float 8 53 1 Releases ReWgtUnitID 20 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReWgtTypeID 21 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReWgtMethodID 22 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReSexID 23 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReFishStateID 24 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReSchoolTypeID 25 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReSST_C 26 float 8 53 1 Releases ReDSeaStateID 27 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases ReBWindSpeedID 28 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases SkyConditionID 29 tinyint 1 3 1 Releases DeptCatch_m 30 int 4 10 1 Releases DateUpdate 31 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Releases RelNotes 32 nvarchar 800 0 1 Releases tmpNrTagOperations 33 int 4 10 1 Releases tmpProgram 34 nvarchar 100 0 1 Releases tmpCruise 35 nvarchar 100 0 1 Releases tmpValidate 36 varchar 30 0 1 Releases tmpStrTags 37 varchar 44 0 1 Releases tmpToDO 38 varchar 10 0 1 Releases tmpBMark 39 varchar 10 0 1 Releases tmpQControl 40 varchar 10 0 1 SchoolTypes SchoolTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 SchoolTypes SchollTypeCode 2 nvarchar 6 0 1 SchoolTypes SchoolType 3 nvarchar 60 0 1 SchoolTypes Description 4 nvarchar 200 0 1 ScieInstitutions ScInstituteID 1 int 4 10 0 ScieInstitutions ScInstituteCode 2 varchar 12 0 0 ScieInstitutions SInstAddress 3 nvarchar 100 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstTelephone 4 nvarchar 30 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstFax 5 nvarchar 30 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstCountryCode 6 varchar 3 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstWeb 7 nvarchar 256 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstContactPerson 8 nvarchar 60 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstContactEmail 9 nvarchar 60 0 1 ScieInstitutions SInstNotes 10 nvarchar 400 0 1 ScieResponsibles PersonID 1 int 4 10 0 ScieResponsibles FamilyName 2 nvarchar 60 0 1 ScieResponsibles Name 3 nvarchar 40 0 1 ScieResponsibles JobTitle 4 nvarchar 140 0 1 ScieResponsibles Institution 5 nvarchar 240 0 1 ScieResponsibles Department 6 nvarchar 200 0 1 ScieResponsibles Address 7 nvarchar 200 0 1 ScieResponsibles Street 8 nvarchar 200 0 1 ScieResponsibles ZipPostalCode 9 nvarchar 40 0 1 ScieResponsibles ProvinceState 10 nvarchar 60 0 1 ScieResponsibles City 11 nvarchar 60 0 1 ScieResponsibles Country 12 nvarchar 60 0 1 ScieResponsibles EMail 13 nvarchar 240 0 1 ScieResponsibles Phone 14 nvarchar 50 0 1 ScieResponsibles Fax 15 nvarchar 50 0 1 SexCategories SexID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 SexCategories SexCode 2 char 1 0 0 SexCategories Sex 3 nvarchar 30 0 0 SexCategories Sex_US 4 varchar 10 0 1 SkyConditions SkyConditionID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 SkyConditions SkyCondCode 2 varchar 5 0 0 SkyConditions SkCdCloudCovgTerm 3 nvarchar 50 0 0 2628 SkyConditions SkCdCloudCovPerct 4 nvarchar 30 0 1 SkyConditions SkCdDescription 5 nvarchar 120 0 1 Species SpeciesID 1 int 4 10 0 Species SpeciesCode 2 nchar 6 0 0 Species ScieName 4 nvarchar 80 0 1 Species NameUK 5 nvarchar 80 0 1 Species NameFR 6 nvarchar 80 0 1 Species NameSP 7 nvarchar 80 0 1 Species Author 8 nvarchar 80 0 1 Species GroupICCAT 9 nvarchar 60 0 1 Species OrderTx 10 nvarchar 60 0 1 Species FamilyTx 11 nvarchar 60 0 1 Species GeneraTx 12 nvarchar 60 0 1 Species Family2 13 nvarchar 60 0 1 Species HiOrder 14 int 4 10 1 Species GroupID 15 int 4 10 1 Species OrderID 16 int 4 10 1 Species FamilyID 17 int 4 10 1 Species GrpFAO 18 nchar 2 0 1 Species OrdFAO 19 nchar 2 0 1 Species FamFAO 20 nchar 4 0 1 Species GenFAO 21 nchar 4 0 1 Species SpeFAO 22 nchar 6 0 1 Species TAXOCODE 23 nchar 30 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciResponsibleID 1 int 4 10 0 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciRespName 2 nvarchar 40 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciRespSurName 3 nvarchar 60 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles ScInstituteID 4 int 4 10 1 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciRespAddress 5 nvarchar 100 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciRespPhone 6 varchar 15 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciRespFax 7 varchar 15 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles SuSciResCountry 8 varchar 3 0 1 SurvScieResponsibles etc 9 nchar 20 0 1 SurvTaggedSpecies SurveyID 1 int 4 10 0 SurvTaggedSpecies SpeciesCode 2 int 4 10 0 SurvTaggedSpecies TotNumOfTags 3 int 4 10 1 SurvTaggingMethods SuTagMethodID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 SurvTaggingMethods SuTagMethodCode 2 nvarchar 8 0 0 SurvTaggingMethods SuTagMethod 3 nvarchar 100 0 0 SurvTaggingTypes SuTaggingTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 SurvTaggingTypes SuTaggingTypeCode 2 varchar 5 0 0 SurvTaggingTypes SuTaggingType 3 nvarchar 100 0 0 SurvTaggingTypes SuTTypeDescription 4 ntext 16 0 1 SurveyMainGoals SuMainGoalID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 SurveyMainGoals SuMainGoalCode 2 varchar 4 0 0 SurveyMainGoals SuMainGoal 3 varchar 35 0 0 Surveys SurveyID 1 int 4 10 0 Surveys SurveyCode 2 varchar 15 0 0 Surveys InProcID 3 int 4 10 0 Surveys SuFlagID 4 varchar 7 0 1 Surveys SuSciResponsibleID 5 int 4 10 1 Surveys SuPersInChargeSurName 6 nvarchar 60 0 1 Surveys SuScInstituteID 7 int 4 10 1 Surveys SuTaggingTypeID 8 tinyint 1 3 1 Surveys SuMainGoalID 9 tinyint 1 3 1 Surveys SuGeogRegion 10 nvarchar 100 0 1 Surveys SuDateStart 11 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Surveys SuDateEnd 12 smalldatetime 4 16 1 Surveys SuTagMethodID 13 tinyint 1 3 1 Surveys SuGearsUsed 14 varchar 20 0 1 Surveys SuNumTagsPerFish 15 int 4 10 1 2629 Surveys SuTagTypesUsed 16 nchar 20 0 1 TagColors TagColorID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 TagColors TagColorCode 2 varchar 5 0 0 TagColors TagColor 3 nvarchar 30 0 0 TagColors TgClrNotesOnUse 4 nvarchar 100 0 0 TagProcesses InProcID 1 int 4 10 0 TagProcesses DSet 2 nvarchar 20 0 0 TagProcesses SourceFile 3 nvarchar 256 0 0 TagProcesses Dsource 4 nvarchar 20 0 1 TagProcesses DateRep 5 smalldatetime 4 16 1 TagProcesses RegistProcNr 6 char 10 0 1 TagProcesses Person 7 nvarchar 60 0 1 TagProcesses Notes 8 nvarchar 240 0 1 TagSeriesUsed TagSetID 1 int 4 10 0 TagSeriesUsed SurveyID 2 int 4 10 0 TagSeriesUsed TagNumIDFrom 3 varchar 9 0 0 TagSeriesUsed TagNumIDTo 4 varchar 9 0 0 TagSeriesUsed TagTypeID 5 tinyint 1 3 0 TagSeriesUsed TagColorID 6 tinyint 1 3 0 TagStatus TagStatusID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 TagStatus TagStatusCode 2 nvarchar 6 0 1 TagStatus TagStatus 3 nvarchar 120 0 1 TagTypes TagTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 TagTypes TagTypeCode 2 nvarchar 8 0 1 TagTypes TagType 3 nvarchar 80 0 1 TagTypes TagTypeCategID 4 varchar 2 0 1 TagTypes TagTypeCode_US 5 nvarchar 8 0 1 TaggerTypes TaggerTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 TaggerTypes TaggerType 2 varchar 80 0 0 TaggerTypes US_TaggerType 3 char 1 0 0 WeightMethods WgtMethodID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 WeightMethods WgtMethodCode 2 varchar 4 0 0 WeightMethods WgtMethod 3 varchar 20 0 0 WeightMethods Description 4 nvarchar 100 0 1 WeightMethods WgtMethod_US 5 char 50 0 1 WeightTypes WgtTypeID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 WeightTypes WgtTypeCode 2 varchar 1 0 0 WeightTypes WgtType 3 varchar 15 0 0 WeightTypes WgtTYPE_US 4 char 1 0 0 WeightUnits WgtUnitID 1 tinyint 1 3 0 WeightUnits WgtUnitCode 2 varchar 2 0 0 WeightUnits WgtUnit 3 varchar 20 0 1 WeightUnits toKG 4 float 8 53 1 WeightUnits WgtUnit_US 5 varchar 2 0 1


Appendix 2. ICCAT coding system . T01 Species (Tunas & sharks) standard codes Species ScieName NameEN NameFR NameSP Code BFT Thunnus thynnus Northern bluefin tuna Thon rouge du Nord Atún común (Cimarrón) SBF Thunnus maccoyii Southern bluefin tuna Thon rouge du Sud Atún del Sur YFT Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna Albacore Rabil ALB Thunnus alalunga Albacore Germon Atún blanco BET Thunnus obesus Bigeye tuna Thon obèse(=Patudo) Patudo BLF Thunnus atlanticus Blackfin tuna Thon à nageoires noires Atún des aletas negras LTA Euthynnus alletteratus Little tunny(=Atl.black skipj) Thonine commune Bacoreta SKJ Katsuwonus pelamis Skipjack tuna Listao Listado BON Sarda sarda Atlantic bonito Bonite à dos rayé Bonito del Atlántico FRI Auxis thazard Frigate tuna Auxide Melva BOP Orcynopsis unicolor Plain bonito Palomette Tasarte WAH Acanthocybium solandri Wahoo Thazard-bâtard Peto SSM Scomb ero mo r us ma c ula tus Atla ntic Spa nis h mackere l Tha zard atla ntiq ue Car ite a tlá ntico KGM Scomberomorus cavalla King mackerel Thazard barré Carite lucio SAI Istiophorus albicans Atlantic sailfish Voilier de l'Atlantique Pez vela del Atlántico BLM Makaira indica Black marlin Makaire noir Aguja negra BUM Makaira nigricans Atlantic blue marlin Makaire bleu de l'Atlantique Aguja azul del Atlántico WHM Tetrapturus albidus Atlantic white marlin Makaire blanc de l'Atlantique Aguja blanca del Atlántico SWO Xiphias gladius Swordfish Espadon Pez espada SPF Tetrapturus pfluegeri Longbill spearfish Makaire bécune Aguja picuda TUN Thunnini Tunas nei Thonidés nca Atunes nep BIL Istiophoridae Marlins,sailfishes,etc. nei Makaires,marlins,voiliers nca Agujas,marlines,peces vela nep KGX Scomberomorus spp Seerfishes nei Thazards nca Carites nep SLT Allothunnus fallai Slender tuna Thon élégant Atún lanzón MAW Scomberomorus tritor West African Spanish mackerel Thazard blanc Carite lusitánico CER Scomberomorus regalis Cero Thazard franc Carite chinigua BLT Auxis rochei Bullet tuna Bonitou Melva(=Melvera) BRS Scomberomorus brasiliensis Serra Spanish mackerel Thazard serra Serra BIP Sarda orientalis Striped bonito Bonite oriental Bonito mono BEP Sarda chiliensis Eastern Pacific bonito Bonite du Pacifique oriental Bonito del Pacífico oriental BAU Sarda australis Australian bonito Bonite bagnard Bonito austral DOT Gymnosarda unicolor Dogtooth tuna Bonite à gros yeux Casarte ojón CHY Scomberomorus sinensis Chinese seerfish Thazard nébuleux Carite indochino COM Scomberomorus commerson Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel Thazard rayé indo-pacifique Carite estriado Indo-Pacífico GUT Scomberomorus guttatus Indo-Pacific king mackerel Thazard ponctué indo-pacifique Carite del Indo-Pacífico STS Scomberomorus lineolatus Streaked seerfish Thazard cirrus Carite rayado SIE Scomberomorus sierra Pacific sierra Thazard sierra(Pacifique) Carite sierra QUM Scomberomorus queenslandicus Queensland school mackerel Thazard du Q ueensland Carite de Q ueensland NPH Scomberomorus niphonius Japanese Spanish mackerel Thazard oriental Carite oriental BBM Scomberomorus semifasciatus Broad-barred king mackerel Thazard tigré Carite tigre KOS Scomberomorus koreanus Korean seerfish Thazard coréen Carite coreano MOS Scomberomorus concolor Monterey Spanish mackerel Thazard de Monterey Carite de Monterrey PAP Scomberomorus multiradiatus Papuan seerfish Thazard papou Carite papuense KAK Scomberomorus plurilineatus Kanadi kingfish Thazard kanadi Carite canadí ASM Scomberomorus munroi Australian spotted mackerel Thazard australien Carite australiano BUK Gasterochisma melampus Butterfly kingfish Thon papillon Atún chauchera LEB Cybiosarda elegans Leaping bonito Bonite à dos tacheté Bonito saltador SHM Grammatorcynus bicarinatus mackerel Thazard requin Carite-cazón DBM Grammatorcynus bilineatus Double- lined mackerel Thazard-kusara Carite-cazón pintado FRZ Auxis thazard, A.rochei Frigate and bullet tunas Auxide et bonitou Melva y melvera BKJ Euthynnus lineatus Black skipjack Thonine noire Barrilete negro KAW Euthynnus affinis Kawakawa Thonine orientale Bacoreta oriental LOT Thunnus tonggol Longtail tuna Thon mignon Atún tongol TUS Thunnus spp True tunas nei Thons Thunnus nca Atunes verdaderos nep SFA Istiophorus platypterus Indo-Pacific sailfish Voilier indo-pacifique Pez vela del Indo-Pacífico BLZ Makaira mazara Indo-Pacific blue marlin Makaire bleu indo-pacifique Aguja azul del Indo-Pacífico MSP Tetrapturus belone Mediterranean spearfish Marlin de la Méditerranée Marlín del Mediterráneo MLS Tetrapturus audax Striped marlin Marlin rayé Marlín rayado SSP Tetrapturus angustirostris Shortbill spearfish Makaire à rostre court Marlín trompa corta RSP Tetrapturus georgei Roundscale spearfish Makaire épée Marlín peto XIP Xiphiidae Swordfishes nei Espadons nca Peces espada nep TUX Scombroidei Tuna-like fishes nei Poissons type thon nca Peces parec.a los atunes nep SBL Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose sixgill shark Requin griset Cañabota gris NTC Notorynchus cepedianus Broadnose sevengill shark Platnez Cañabota gata BSK Cetorhinus maximus Basking shark Pélerin Peregrino CCT Carcharias taurus Sand tiger shark Requin taureau Toro bacota ALV Alopias vulpinus Thresher Renard Zorro PTH Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher Renard pélagique Zorro pelágico 2631 BTH Alopias superciliosus Bigeye thresher Renard à gros yeux Zorro ojón THR Alopias spp Thresher sharks nei Renards de mer nca Zorros nep SMA Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako Taupe bleue Marrajo dientuso LMA Isurus paucus Longfin mako Petite taupe Marrajo carite MAK Isurus spp Mako sharks POR Lamna nasus Porbeagle Requin-taupe commun Marrajo sardinero LMD Lamna ditropis Salmon shark Requin-taupe saumon Marrajo salmón WSH Carcharodon carcharias Great white shark Grand requin blanc Jaquetón blanco MSK Lamnidae Mackerel sharks,porbeagles nei Requins taupe nca Jaquetones,marrajos nep GNC cirratum Requin- nourrice Gata nodriza GNG Ginglymostoma spp Nurse sharks nei Requins- nourrices nca Gatas nodrizas nep RHN Rhincodon typus Whale shark Requin baleine Tiburón ballena SHO Galeus melastomus Blackmouth catshark Chien espagnol Pintarroja bocanegra GAU Galeus spp Crest-tail catsharks nei Chiens galeus nca Pintarrojas nep SYC Scyliorhinus canicula Small-spotted catshark Petite roussette Pintarroja SYT Scyliorhinus stellaris Nursehound Grande roussette Alitán SCL Scyliorhinus spp Catsharks, nursehounds nei Roussettes nca Alitanes, pintarrojas nep API Apristurus spp Deep-water catsharks Holbiches Pejegatos SYX Scyliorhinidae Catsharks, etc. nei Chiens,holbiches,rousset. nca Alitanes,pejegatos,pintar. nep BSH Prionace glauca Blue shark Peau bleue Tiburón azul LMT Lamiopsis temmincki Broadfin shark Requin grandes ailes Tiburón aletón CCP Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark Requin gris Tiburón trozo CCL Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark Requin bordé Tiburón macuira BLR Carcharhinus melanopterus Blacktip reef shark Requin pointes noires Tiburón de puntas negras CCN Carcharhinus acronotus Blacknose shark Requin nez noir Tiburón amarillo OCS Carcharhinus longimanus Oceanic whitetip shark Requin océanique Tiburón oceánico CCR Carcharhinus porosus Smalltail shark Requin tiqueue Tiburón poroso DUS Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark Requin de sable Tiburón arenero FAL Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark Requin soyeux Tiburón jaquetón CCE Carcharhinus leucas Bull shark Requin bouledogue Tiburón sarda ALS Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark Requin pointe blanche Tiburón de puntas blancas BRO Carcharhinus brachyurus Copper shark Requin cuivre Tiburón cobrizo CCB Carcharhinus brevipinna Spinner shark Requin tisserand Tiburón aleta negra CCI Carcharhinus sealei Blackspot shark Requin à tache noir Tiburón alinegro CCS Carcharhinus signatus Night shark Requin de nuit Tiburón de noche CCM Carcharhinus macloti Hardnose shark Requin à nez rude Tiburón trompudo CCO Carcharhinus isodon Finetooth shark Requin à petits dents Tiburón dentiliso CCA Carcharhinus altimus Bignose shark Requin babosse Tiburón baboso TIG Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Requin tigre commun Tintorera tigre NGB Negaprion brevirostris Lemon shark Requin citron Tiburón galano RHT Rhizoprionodon terraenovae Atlantic sharpnose shark Requin aguille gussi Cazón picudo atlántico RHZ Rhizoprionodon spp Sharpnose sharks nei Requins aguilles gussi nca Cazones picudos nep RSK Carcharhinidae Requiem sharks nei Requins nca Cazones picudos,tintoreras nep SPZ Sphyrna zygaena Smooth hammerhead Requin marteau commun Cornuda cruz(=Pez martillo) SPL Sphyrna lewini Scalloped hammerhead Requin marteau halicorne Cornuda común SPJ Sphyrna tiburo Bonnethead Requin marteau tiburo Cornuda de corona SPK Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead Grand requin marteau Cornuda gigante SPN Sphyrna spp Hammerhead sharks nei Requins marteau nca Cornudas (Peces martillo) nep SPY Sphyrnidae Hammerhead sharks, etc. nei Requins marteau, etc. nca Cornudas, etc. nep CTK Mustelus henlei Brown smooth-hound Emissole brune Musola parda SDP Mustelus schmitti Narrownose smooth-hound Emissole gatuso Gatuso SMD Mustelus mustelus Smooth-hound Emissole lisse Musola SDS Mustelus asterias Starry smooth- hound Emissole tachetée Musola dentuda SDV Mustelus spp Smooth-hounds nei Emissoles nca Tollos nep GAG Galeorhinus galeus Tope shark Requin-hâ Cazón LES Triakis semifasciata Leopard shark Virli léopard Tollo leopardo TRK Triakidae Houndsharks,smoothhounds nei Emissoles,requins-hâ nca Cazones,tollos nep PTM Pseudotriakis microdon False catshark Requin à longue dorsale Musolón de aleta larga CVX Carcharhiniformes Ground sharks GSK Somniosus microcephalus Greenland shark Laimargue du Groenland Tollo de Groenlandia SOR Somniosus rostratus Little sleeper shark Laimargue de la Mediterranée Tollo boreal DGS Squalus acanthias Picked dogfish Aiguillat commun Mielga DOP Squalus megalops Shortnose spurdog Aiguillat nez court Galludo ñato DGZ Squalus spp Dogfish nei Aiguillats nca Mielgas nep GUP Centrophorus granulosus Gulper shark Squale-chagrin commun Quelvacho CPU Centrophorus uyato Little gulper shark Petit squale-chagrin Galludito GUQ Centrophorus squamosus Leafscale gulper shark Squale-chagrin de l' Atlantique Quelvacho negro CPL Centrophorus lusitanicus Lowfin gulper shark Squale-chagrin longue dorsale Quelvacho lusitánico ETX Etmopterus spinax Velvet belly Sagre commun Negrito ETR Etmopterus princeps Great lanternshark Sagre rude Tollo lucero raspa ETP Etmopterus pusillus Smooth lanternshark Sagre nain Tollo lucero liso SHL Etmopterus spp Lanternsharks nei Sagres nca Tollos lucero nep DCA Deania calcea Birdbeak dogfish Squale savate Tollo pajarito DNA Deania spp Deania dogfishes nei Squales-savate nca Tollos deania nep 2632 CYO Centroscymnus coelolepis Portuguese dogfish Pailona commun Pailona CYP Centroscymnus crepidater Longnose velvet dogfish Pailona à long nez Sapata negra CYY Centroscymnus cryptacanthus Shortnose velvet dogfish Pailona sans épine Pailona ñata SYO Scymnodon obscurus Smallmouth knifetooth dogfish Squale-grogneur à queue échan. Bruja bocachica SYR Scymnodon ringens Knifetooth dogfish Squale-grogneur commun Bruja SCK Dalatias licha Kitefin shark Squale liche Carocho CFB Centroscyllium fabricii Black dogfish Aiguillat noir Tollo negro merga DGX Squalidae Dogfish sharks nei Squales nca Galludos, tollos, nep DGH Squalidae, Scyliorhinidae Dogfishes and hounds nei Squales et émissoles nca Galludos, tollos y musolas nep AGN Squatina squatina Angelshark Ange de mer commun Angelote ASK Squatinidae Angelsharks, sand devils nei Anges de mer nca Angelotes, peces ángel nep OXY Oxynotus centrina Angular roughshark Centrine commune Cerdo marino OXN Oxynotus paradoxus Sailfin roughshark Humantin Cerdo marino velero SHB Echinorhinus brucus Bramble shark Squale bouclé Tiburón de clavos SHX Squaliformes Dogfish sharks, etc. nei Squaliformes nca Squaliformes nep SKH Selachimorpha(Pleurotremata) Various sharks nei Requins divers nca Escualos diversos nep AVO Anoplagonus inermis Smooth alligatorfish SAU Scomberesox saurus Atlantic saury Balaou atlantique Paparda del Atlántico

T02 Flag codes FlagCode FlagName FlagA3iso ALB Albania ALB DZA Algerie DZA AGO AGO AIA AIA ATG ATG ARG Argentina ARG ABW ABW AUS Australia AUS BHS Bahamas BHS BRB BRB BLR Belarus BLR BLZ BLZ BEN BEN BOL Bolivia BOL BRA Brasil BRA KHM Cambodia KHM CMR CMR CAN Canada CAN CPV CPV CYM CYM CHL Chile CHL CHN China P.R. CHN TAI Chinese Taipei TWN COL Colo mb ia COL COG Congo COG COK Cook Islands COK CRI CRI CIV Côte D'Ivoire CIV HRV Croatia HRV CUB Cuba CUB DMA DMA DOM DOM EC.BEL EC.Belgium BEL EC.BGR EC.Bulgaria BGR EC.CYP EC.Cyprus CYP EC.DNK EC.Denmark DNK EC.ESP EC.España ESP EC.EST EC.Estonia EST EC.FRA EC. FRA EC.DEU EC.Germany DEU EC.GRC EC.Greece GRC EC.IRL EC.Ireland IRL EC.ITA EC.Italy ITA EC.LVA EC.Latvia LVA EC.LTU EC.Lithuania LTU EC.MLT EC.Malta MLT EC.NLD EC.Netherlands NLD EC.POL EC.Poland POL EC.PRT EC.Portugal PRT 2633 EC.SVN EC.Slovenia SVN EC.SWE EC.Sweden SWE EC.UK EC.United Kingdom UK ECU ECU EGY Egypt EGY SLV SLV FLK Falklands FLK FRO Faroe Islands FRO FJI Fiji Islands FJI FR.SPM FR.St Pierre et Miquelon SPM GAB GAB GMB Gambia GMB GEO Georgia GEO DDR Germany Democratic Rep. DDR GHA GHA GRD GRD GUM Guam GUM GTM GTM GNB Bissau GNB GNQ Guinea Ecuatorial GNQ GIN Guinée Conakry GIN GUY GUY HND HND ISL Iceland ISL IND India IND IDN Indonesia IDN IRN Iran Islamic Rep. IRN ISR Israel ISR JAM JAM JPN Japan JPN KEN Kenya KEN KIR Kiribati KIR KOR Korea Rep. KOR LBN Lebanon LBN LBR LBR LBY Libya LBY MYS Malaysia MYS MDV Maldives MDV MAR Maroc MAR MRT MRT MUS Mauritius MUS MEX MEX FSM Micronesia FSM NAM Namibia NAM ANT Netherlands Antilles ANT NZL New Zealand NZL NIC NIC NGA NGA NOR Norway NOR OMN Oman OMN PLW Palau PLW PSE Palestina PSE PAN Panama PAN PNG Papua New Guinea PNG PHL Philippines PHL PYF Polynesie Française PYF PRI PRI ROU Rumania ROU RUS Russian Federation RUS STP S. Tomé e Príncipe STP KNA KNA SEN SEN SCG Serbia & Montenegro SCG SYC Seychelles SYC SLE SLE SGP Singapore SGP ZAF South Africa ZAF LKA Sri Lanka LKA VCT St. Vincent and Grenadines VCT LCA Sta. Lucia LCA 2634 SUR SUR SYR Syrian Arab Republic SYR THA Thailand THA TGO TGO TON Tonga TON TTO TTO TUN Tunisie TUN TUR Turkey TUR USA U.S.A. USA USR U.S.S.R. USR UK.BMU UK. BMU UK.VGB UK.British VGB UK.SHN UK.Sta Helena SHN UK.TCA UK.Turks and Caicos TCA UKR Ukraine UKR URY Uruguay URY VIR US Virgin Islands VIR VUT Vanuatu VUT VEN VEN VNM Viet Nam VNM YUG Yugoslavia Fed. YUG UNCL Unclassified flag UNK

T03 Gear codes GearCode GearName LL Longline LLMB Longline: With mother boat LLFB Longline: Foreign-based LLHB Longline: Home-based BLL Longline: Bottom or Deep longliners LLALB Longline: Targetting ALB LLJAP Longline: Japanese type LLPB Longline: "Piedra bola" LLBFT Longline: Targetting BFT (used by Italy) LLSWO Longline: Targetting SWO (used by Italy) LL-deri Longline: derivante (used by Italy) LL-surf Longline: Surface LL-Shrk Longline: Sharks targetting BSH & SMA PS Purse seine PSG Purse seine: Large scale (over 200 MT capacity) PSS Purse seine: Small scale (less than 50 MT capacity) PSM Purse seine: Medium scale (between 50 and 200 MT capacity) PSD Purse seine: Double-boats PSLB Purse seine: Using live bait PSFB Purse seine: Catching large fish PSFS Purse seine: Catching small fish TRAP Trap TRAPM TRAP: trap non-fixed TRAP-S TRAPS: small traps (Italy) BB Baitboat BBI Baitboat: Ice-well BBF Baitboat: Freezer BBALB BB: Targgetting ALB TRAW Trawl MWT Trawl: Mid-water pelagic trawl MWTD Trawl: Mid-water paired trawl TRO L Troll GILL Gillnet: Drift net GILLALB GILL: Targetting ALB GILLSWO GILL: Targetting SWO GILLM Gillnet: Drift nets - misto (used by Italy) SPOR SPORT: Recreational, mostly rod and reel) RR SPORT: Rod & Reel RRFB SPORT: Rod & Reel (catching large fish) RRFS SPORT: Rod & Reel (catching small fish) HAND SPORT: Handline SPHL SPORT: Hand line (recreational) TN Trammel net TL Tended line 2635 HARP Harpoon SURF Surface fisheries unclassified HS Haul seine JGL Jig Line (used bu US) FARM Farming (artificial cages) SPR Spear (used by US) UNCL Unclassified: Gears not reported

T04 Length units LenUnitCode LenUnit un unknown units cm centimiters mm millimiters m meters ft foot in inches

T05 Length types LenTypeCode LenType UNK Unknown FL Fork-length (strait) LD1 1st dorsal (LD1) STD Standard LJF Lower Jaw fork length EYF Eye- fork TLE Total length CFL Curved fork length PAL Pectoral -> Anal length PFL Pectoral -> Fork Length CKL Cleithorum to Keel

T06 Length methods LenMethodCode LenMethod U Unknown E Estimated (unknown method) EWL Estimated (W/L relationship) EFR Estimated (photo referencing techniques) M Measured (unknown method) MMT Measured (metric tape) MCA Measured (calliper)

T07 Weight units WgtUnitCode WgtUnit un unknown kg kilogram g grams lb pounds oz ounces

T08 Weight types WgtTypeCode WgtType UN Unknown RD Round weight DR Dressed weight FL Fillet


T09 Weight methods WgtMethodCode WgtMethod UNK Unknown E Estimated (unk. tech.) EWL Estimated (W/L rel.) M Measured (unk. tech.) MDY Measured: Dynamomete

T10 Sex codes SexCode Sex U Unknown M Male F Female I Immature

T11 Tag types TagTypeCode TagType ST Streamer/conventional STD1 Streamer/conventional (1 dart) STD2 Streamer/conventional (2 darts) STWT Streamer/conventional (whoi type) STOD Streamer/conventional (oversized dart) PP Pop-up IA Internal archival IAAC Internal archival (anchored) SO Sonic PD Patersen Disc

T12 Tag colors TagColorCode TagColor unk Unknown org orange red red yel yellow whi white blg blue green blu blue bro brown gra gray grn green pin pink

T13 Release/Recovery Stages RCStageCode RCStage R-1 Release 1 (NO Recovery 1) RC1 Recovery 1 (from Release 1) R-2 Release 2 (NO Recovery 2) RC2 Recovery 2 (from Release 2) R-3 Release 3 (NO Recovery 3) RC3 Recovery 3 (from Release 3) RCF Final REL-REC chain (dead fish)

T14 Tagging types SuTaggingTypeCode SuTaggingType SC Scientific Survey SO Scientific/Opportunistic Survey ON Opportunistic non-scientific tagging


T15 Tagging methods SuTagMethodCode SuTagMethod UN Unknown PB Professional boat RB Recreational boat FA Farm (caged tuna)

T16 Tagging objectives SuMainGoalCode SuMainGoal UNKN Unknown MIGR Migrations GROW Growth STID Stock identification HABU Habitat use MOVM Movements

T17 Tags Appliance mode TagsApplicationModeCode TagsApplicationMode ST Single tags MT Multi tags MX Mixed mode

T18 School types SchoolTypeCode SchoolType UNK Unknown FAD Floating Associated Devices FSC Free School LOG Log-associated SMO Seamount-associated MAM Mammal-associated WSH Whale-shark associated JUP Jumping (used by JPN) BAI Bait (used by JPN) N/A Not Applicable (to current gear)

T19 Bait types BaitTypeCode BaitType U Unknown S Squid E Squid (Blue Dyed) K Mackerel B Ballyhoo M Mullet O Other C Big-Eye Scad R Blue Runner P Pinfish H Threadfin Herring T Tuna A Artificial Bait/Lure D Dead Bait L Live Bait N No Bait

2638 T20 Injury states InjuryStateCode InjuryState U Unknown P Perfect (no visual damage) M Moderate (superficial damage) S Severe (could affect survival)

T21 Person Types (Tagger/Recoverer) PersonTypeCode PersonType UNKN Unknown OBSR Observer on-board SCIE Scientific OWNR Vessel owner CREW Vessel crew member SKIP Skipper of the vessel (captain)

T22 Recovery Places (locations) RecPlaceCode RecPlace UNKN Unknown VESS On board vessel CACL Cannery (cutting line) CACK Cannery (Cooker) CACS Canary (found by a consumer) UNLO At unloading TRAN During Transshipment RERC When caught and Re-released FISM Fish-market TAXD Taxidermist SMKH Smoke house

T23 Quality Info scores (QC) QualInfoScoreCode QualinfoScore UNKN Unknown UNUS Unusable POOR Poor SUFF Sufficient GOOD Good EXCL Excellent

T24 Sea state (Douglas scale) DSeaStateID DSeaStateEN DSeaStateFR DSeaStateES DssWavesAvgHigh 0 Calm (glassy) Calme Calma o llana 0 m 1 Calm (rippled) Calme (ridée) Rizada 0 - 0.1 m 2 Smooth Belle Marejadilla 0.1 - 0.5 m 3 Slight Peu agitée Marejada 0.5 - 1.25 m 4 Moderate Agitée Fuerte Marejada 1.25 - 2.5 m 5 Rough Forte Gruesa 2,5 - 4 m 6 Very rough Très forte Muy Gruesa 4 - 6 m 7 High Grosse Arbolada 6 - 9 m 8 Very high Très grosse Montañosa 9 - 14 m 9 Phenomenal Énorme Enorme > 14 m


T25 Wind Speed (Beauford scale) BWindSpeedID BwsDescriptEN BwsDescriptFR BwsDescriptES Bws_knots 0 Calm Calme calma 0 1 Light air Très légère brise ventolina 1-3 2 Light breeze Légère brise flojito 4-6 3 Gentle breeze Petite brise flojo 7-10 4 Moderate breeze Jolie brise bonancible- moderado 11-15 5 Fresh breeze Bonne brise fresquito 16-21 6 Strong breeze Vent frais fresco 22-27 7 Near gale Grand frais frescachón 28-33 8 Gale Coup de vent temporal 34-40 9 Severe gale Fort coup de vent temporal fuerte 41-47 10 Storm Tempête temporal duro 48-55 11 Violent storm Violente tempête temporal muy duro 56-63 12 Hurricane Ouragan temporal huracanado 64-80

T26 Sky coverage SkyCoverageCode SkyCoverage SkyCoverRatioC louds UNKN Unknown Unknown CLEA Clear < 10% SCAT Scattered (partly cloudy) 10% - 50% BROK Broken (mostly cloudy) 50% - 90% OVCA Overcast >90% OBSC Obscured 100%