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Current Photo of H. Wes Pratt Publications Harold L. Pratt, Jr. (Wes) Autobiographical Sketch March 2019 Wes Pratt is a retired NOAA scientist with a 50-year professional career studying the biology of sharks. Work with his colleagues Nick Whitney, Jeff Carrier and Theo Pratt in the Florida Keys since 1991 has resulted in cutting-edge research into the reproduction and mating behavior of the nurse shark. Their efforts have revealed previously unknown and unexpected facets of complex behavior in these fascinating but poorly understood reef predators. The author of numerous scientific articles on the biology of shortfin makos, great whites, blue, nurse and sandbar sharks, his work has been featured in four National Geographic Magazines and many documentary television programs. He is Past-President and Board member of the American Elasmobranch Society, and a Boston Sea Rover’s “Diver of the Year”. Graduating from the University of Massachusetts in 1968 with a B.S. in Marine Fisheries Biology, he began work in 1968 with NOAA's Apex Predators Program in Narragansett, RI as a Research Biologist specializing in sharks. Since 2003 Wes has been affiliated with Mote Marine Lab’s Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research & Restoration on Summerland Key. Wes is a diver, photographer; Coast Guard licensed Captain and has lived and worked undersea several times in a saturation diving mode. He has over 45 years’ experience diving with sharks both in and out of anti-shark cages. He and his wife Theo currently research the reproductive behavior of the nurse sharks of the Dry Tortugas. Current photo of H. Wes Pratt Publications 2018 Pratt, Harold L., Theo C. Pratt, Danielle Morley, Susan Lowerre-Barbieri, Angela Collins, Jeffrey C. Carrier, Kristen M. Hart, and Nicholas M. Whitney. "Partial migration of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonnaterre), from the Dry Tortugas Islands." Environmental Biology of Fishes (2018): 1-16. 2016 Kashiwagi, Tom, Kevin M. Kingsland, Theo C. Pratt, Harold L. Pratt, and Edward J. Heist. "Complete mitochondrial genome of the nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum." Mitochondrial DNA Part B 1, no. 1 (2016): 464-465. 2014 Curtis, T.H., McCandless, C.T., Carlson, J.K., Skomal, G.B., Kohler, N.E., Natanson, L.J., Burgess, G.H., Hoey, J.J. and Pratt Jr, H.L., 2014. Seasonal distribution and historic trends in abundance of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. PLoS One, 9(6), p.e99240. 2012 Hart, Kristen M., Autumn R. Sartain, Ikuko Fujisaki, Harold L. Pratt Jr, Danielle Morley, and Michael W. Feeley. "Home range, habitat use, and migrations of hawksbill turtles tracked from Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA." Marine Ecology Progress Series 457 (2012): 193-208. 2011 Heist, E.J., Carrier, J.C., Pratt Jr, H.L. and Pratt, T.C., 2011. Exact enumeration of sires in the polyandrous nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum). Copeia, 2011(4), pp.539-544. 2010 Whitney, N.M., Pratt Jr, H.L., Pratt, T.C. and Carrier, J.C., 2010. Identifying shark mating behaviour using three-dimensional acceleration loggers. Endangered Species Research, 10, pp.71-82. 2008 Campana, S.E., Joyce, W., Marks, L., Hurley, P., Natanson, L.J., Kohler, N.E., Jensen, C.F., Mello, J.J., Pratt Jr, H.L., Myklevoll, S. and Harley, S., 2008. The rise and fall (again) of the porbeagle shark population in the Northwest Atlantic. Sharks of the Open Ocean: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation, pp.445-461. Brunnschweiler, J.M. and Pratt Jr, H.L., 2008. Putative male–male agonistic behaviour in free-living zebra sharks, Stegostoma fasciatum. The Open Fish Science Journal, 1, pp.23-27. 2007 Heithaus, M.R., Burkholder, D., Hueter, R.E., Heithaus, L.I., Pratt, Jr, H.L. and Carrier, J.C., 2007. Spatial and temporal variation in shark communities of the lower Florida Keys and evidence for historical population declines. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64(10), pp.1302-1313. Pratt, H. L. Jr. and J.C. Carrier. 2007. Nurse Shark Breeding and Nursery Grounds in the Dry Tortugas (Florida). Waters In: McCandless, C. T., N. Kohler, H. L. Pratt, Jr.(Eds.) Shark Nursery Grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast waters of the United States. C. McCandless, N. Kohler, American Fisheries Society Book. McCandless C. T., H. L. Pratt, Jr., and R. R. Merson. 2007. Shark Nursery Areas in Delaware and New Jersey State Waters In: McCandless, C. T., N. Kohler, H. L. Pratt, Jr.(Eds.) Shark Nursery Grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast waters of the United States. C. McCandless, N. Kohler, American Fisheries Society Book. Merson, R. R., & Pratt, H. L. 2007. Sandbar shark nurseries in New Jersey and New York: evidence of northern pupping grounds along the United States east coast. In American Fisheries Society Symposium (Vol. 50, p. 35). AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY. McCandless, C.T., Kohler, N.E. and Pratt, H.L., 2007. Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States. American Fisheries Society. Pratt. H. L. Jr. (advisor and subject of). Holland, J. S. Photos by Brian Skerry. 2007 “An Eden for Sharks: Blue waters of the Bahamas”. National Geographic Magazine. Vol. 211 No. 3. March 2007 Pratt, H. L. 2007. “Sharks and Man” A chapter in: “Encyclopedia of Human– Animal relationships”. (Ed.) Mark Bekoff, Greenwood Publishing. 3730pp.. 2005 Pratt, H. L. Jr., and J. C. Carrier. 2005. Elasmobranch Courtship and Mating Behavior, Chapter 5. pp129-169. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Chondrichthyes. B.G.M. Jamieson (Ed): Sharks, Skates, Stingrays and Chimaeras. W. C. Hamlett. (Ed.) Science Publishers, Enfield, N.H. & Plymouth, U.K. 562 pp. 2004 Carrier, J. C., H. L. Pratt, Jr. and J. I. Castro. 2004. Reproductive Biology of Elasmobranchs. IN: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives. J.C. Carrier, J.L. Musick, and M.R. Heithaus (Eds.). CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton, 596 p. Whitney, N. M., H. L. Pratt, Jr. and J. C. Carrier. 2004. Group mating behaviour, and siphon sac function in the whitetip reef shark, Triaenodon obesus. Anim Behaviour. Volume 68, Issue 6, December 2004, Pages 1435-1442. Carrier, J., F. Murru, M. Walsh, and H. L. Pratt, Jr. Assessing reproductive potential and gestation in nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum) using ultrasonography and endoscopy: an example of bridging the gap between field research and captive studies, is p. 499-504. In: The Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual: Captive Care of Sharks, Rays and their Relatives. M. Smith, D. Warmolts, D. Thoney, and R. Hueter (eds.). Special Publication of the Ohio Biological Survey. No. 16.Columbus, OH. 589 p. 2003 Carrier, J., F. Murru, M. Walsh, and H. L. Pratt, Jr. 2003. Assessing reproductive potential and gestation in nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum) using ultrasonography and endoscopy: an example of bridging the gap between field research and captive studies. Zoo Biology 22: 179-187. 2001 Pratt, H. L., Jr. & J. C. Carrier. 2001. A review of elasmobranch reproductive behavior with a case study on the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum. Env. Biol. Fish. 60:157-188. Campana, S., W. Joyce, L. Marks, P. Hurley, L. J. Natanson, N. E. Kohler, C. F. Jensen, J. J. Mello, and H. L. Pratt, Jr. 2001. The rise and fall (again) of the porbeagle shark population in the Western North Atlantic. Sharks of the open ocean. Blackwell Scientific. Merson, R.R., and H. L. Pratt, Jr. 2001. Distribution, movements and growth of young sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in the nursery grounds of Delaware Bay. Env. Biol. Fishes 61:13-24. Wetherbee, B. M., E. L. Rechisky, H. L. Pratt Jr., and C. T. McCandless. 2001. Use of telemetry in fisheries management: Juvenile sandbar sharks in Delaware Bay. In: J. R. Silbert and J. L. Nielsen (eds.), Electronic tagging and Tracking in Marine Fisheries, 249-262 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2000 and earlier Pratt, H. L. Jr. 1979. Reproduction in the blue shark, Prionace glauca. U. S. Fish. Bull. 77:445-70. Pratt, H. L. Jr., J. G. Casey & R. B. Conklin. 1982. Observation on large white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, off Long Island, New York. U. S. Fish. Bull. 80:153-156. Pratt, H. L. Jr. & J. G. Casey. 1983. Age and growth of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, using four methods. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40:1944-1957. Pratt, H. L., Jr., and J. G. Casey. 1983. Age and growth of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, using four methods. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40: 1944-1957. Pratt, H.L., Jr. 1988. Elasmobranch gonad structure: A description and survey. Copeia 1988:719-729. Pratt, H. L., Jr. and J.I. Castro 1990. Shark Reproduction: Parental Investment and limited fisheries, an overview. In: Discovering sharks. (S.H. Gruber,ed) Underwater Naturalist, 19 (4) 20 (1) Am. Lit. Soc., Highlands, N.J. Pratt, H. L., Jr., S.H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi (eds.). 1990. Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics, and the status of the fisheries. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 90. 519p. Pratt, H. L., Jr. and J. G. Casey 1990. Shark reproductive strategies as a limiting factor in directed fisheries, with a review of Holden's method of estimating growth parameters. In: Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics, and the status of the fisheries (H. L. Pratt, Jr., S. H. Gruber, and T. Taniuchi, eds.) p.97-109. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 90. Pratt, H. L., Jr. and T. Otake. 1990. Recommendations for work needed to increase our knowledge of reproduction relative to fishery management. In Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics, and the status of the fisheries (H.
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