Planning and Transportation Department

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Planning and Transportation Department TOWN PLANNING APPLICATIONS WEEKLY DECISIONS LIST Week Ending: 4 October 2020 SOUTH AREA TEAM (Covering the SW1, SW7, WC2 and EC4 areas) This list of decisions made by the Council is divided into the Central, North and South Area Teams and the Trees Team. For further information you can view details of the application and the formal decision online Deirdra Armsby Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP 29dcwkdecs091231 Churchill Address : Flat 88 Ward : Churchill Shelley House Churchill Gardens Estate London SW1V 3JE Ref. No. : 20/05761/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application Proposal : Removal of internal non-load bearing partition and infill of doorway to create an open planning living arrangement. Date Received : 14.09.20 Date Valid : 14.09.20 Date Amended : 14.09.2020 Date Decision : 30.09.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Knightsbridge & Belgravia Address : 33 Wilton Crescent Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW1X 8RX Ref. No. : 20/04906/FULL Type: Application for full Planning Permission Proposal : Replacement garage door to flank elevation of 33 Wilton Crescent, replacement of entrance door and top light and removal of security grille to ground floor windows at 1 Belgravia Mews North. Date Received : 04.08.20 Date Valid : 04.08.20 Date Amended : 04.08.2020 Date Decision : 28.09.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : 17A Montpelier Square Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW7 1JR Ref. No. : 20/02242/FULL Type: Application for full Planning Permission Proposal : Variation of condition 1 and removal of conditions 4 and 5 of planning permission dated 09 August 2016 (RN: 15/11088/FULL) for: Erection of an extension at rear lower ground and ground floor level and single storey extension at rear third floor level. Internal alterations, including the lowering of the lower ground floor and pavement vaults by 0.3m. Namely, to vary condition 1 to allow minor internal amendments and non-material improvements to the proposed rear extension; and removal of conditions 4 and 5 as the requested details for i) Windows; ii) Doors; iii) Roof lights; and iv) Railings are included in the amended drawings. Date Received : 31.03.20 Date Valid : 06.04.20 Date Amended : 06.04.2020 Date Decision : 01.10.20 Decision Application Withdrawn Level Delegated Decision Address : 17A Montpelier Square Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW7 1JR Ref. No. : 20/02243/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application 30dcwkdecs091231 Proposal : Variation of condition 1 and removal of conditions 3 and 4 of listed building consent dated 09 August 2016 (RN: 15/11089/LBC) for the: Erection of an extension at rear lower ground and ground floor level and single storey extension at rear third floor level. Internal alterations, including the lowering of the lower ground floor and pavement vaults by 0.3m. Namely, to vary condition 1 to allow minor internal amendments and non-material improvements to the proposed rear extension; and removal of conditions 3 and 4 as the requested details for i) Windows; ii) Doors; iii) Roof lights; and iv) Railings are included in the amended drawings. Date Received : 31.03.20 Date Valid : 06.04.20 Date Amended : 06.04.2020 Date Decision : 01.10.20 Decision Application Withdrawn Level Delegated Decision Address : 20 Rutland Gate Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW7 1BD Ref. No. : 20/04525/FULL Type: Application for full Planning Permission Proposal : Erection of a single storey extension at lower ground floor level and enlargement of ground floor terrace, reconstruction of mansard roof, demolition of existing conservatory, installation of plant at lower ground floor level and associated changes, in connection with the use of building as a single family dwelling house (Class C3). Date Received : 17.07.20 Date Valid : 17.07.20 Date Amended : 17.07.2020 Date Decision : 02.10.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : 20 Rutland Gate Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW7 1BD Ref. No. : 20/04526/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application Proposal : Erection of a single storey extension at lower ground floor level and enlargement of ground floor terrace, reconstruction of mansard roof, demolition of existing conservatory, installation of plant at lower ground floor level and associated changes, in connection with the use of building as a single family dwelling house (Class C3). (Linked to 20/04525/FULL) Date Received : 17.07.20 Date Valid : 17.07.20 Date Amended : 17.07.2020 Date Decision : 02.10.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : Royal Albert Hall Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia Kensington Gore London SW7 2AP Ref. No. : 20/05187/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application Proposal : Urgent stabilisation work and essential repairs to the plaster in the high level coving of the auditorium commencing with 5 bays (no's 25 to 29 inclusive) at the rear of the organ; repair work to comprise like for like sand-lime plaster repairs, profiled to match existing and to maintain continuous uninterrupted cornice run, primed and decorated to match existing; new steel bracketry (concealed) to stabilise existing timber joist framework; new paint decorations to replace flaking paint in localised areas; and installation of protective netting on bays 1-24 & 30. Date Received : 14.08.20 Date Valid : 14.08.20 Date Amended : 14.08.2020 Date Decision : 28.09.20 Decision Application Permitted 31dcwkdecs091231 Level Delegated Decision Address : Flat 52 Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia Albert Hall Mansions Kensington Gore London SW7 2AG Ref. No. : 20/05975/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application Proposal : Removal of two non-original columns in the living room, with reduction in size of the remaining nibs. Date Received : 23.09.20 Date Valid : 23.09.20 Date Amended : 23.09.2020 Date Decision : 02.10.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : 42 Elizabeth Street Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW1W 9NZ Ref. No. : 20/01757/ADV Type: Advert Application (ADV) Proposal : Display of public art on a plinth measuring 27.59m x 24.76m on a public highway for a temporary period between 18 May 2020 and 25 May 2020. Date Received : 10.03.20 Date Valid : Date Amended : Date Decision : 02.10.20 Decision Application Withdrawn Level Address : 34 South Eaton Place Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW1W 9JJ Ref. No. : 20/02249/FULL Type: Application for full Planning Permission Proposal : Erection of an additional sheer storey, replacement of conservatory with new timber framed glazed conservatory at ground floor level, replacement windows to the front and rear of the property and new paving finish to entrance steps. Date Received : 31.03.20 Date Valid : 31.03.20 Date Amended : 14.07.2020 Date Decision : 02.10.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : 67 Eaton Square Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW1W 9AR Ref. No. : 20/02768/FULL Type: Application for full Planning Permission Proposal : Replacement of vault doors and installation of new air conditioning unit within vaults for use of Flat C. Date Received : 28.04.20 Date Valid : 13.07.20 Date Amended : 13.07.2020 Date Decision : 30.09.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : 67 Eaton Square Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW1W 9AR Ref. No. : 20/02769/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application 32dcwkdecs091231 Proposal : Replacement of vault doors, new internal service ducts and installation of an air conditioning unit within vaults for use of Flat C. Date Received : 28.04.20 Date Valid : 13.07.20 Date Amended : 13.07.2020 Date Decision : 30.09.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : 102 Eaton Square Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia London SW1W 9AN Ref. No. : 20/03783/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application Proposal : Installation of laminated single glazing to all windows and doors on the building. Date Received : 18.06.20 Date Valid : 23.06.20 Date Amended : 23.06.2020 Date Decision : 29.09.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Delegated Decision Address : St Mary's Church Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia 28-29 Bourne Street London SW1W 8JA Ref. No. : 20/04225/FULL Type: Application for full Planning Permission Proposal : Construction of small extension to Presbytery at ground and first floor to facilitate the installation of a new glazed corridor link between the Church and Presbytery and a new wheel-chair accessible lift and staircase; demolition and replacement of part of roof to Presbytery including installation of new rooflights; provision of wheelchair access and associated alterations. Date Received : 06.07.20 Date Valid : 06.07.20 Date Amended : 06.07.2020 Date Decision : 29.09.20 Decision Application Permitted Level Complex Delegated Decision Address : St Mary's Church Ward : Knightsbridge And Belgravia 28-29 Bourne Street London SW1W 8JA Ref. No. : 20/04226/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Application Proposal : Construction of small extension to Presbytery at ground and first floor to facilitate the installation of a new glazed corridor link between the Church and Presbytery and a new wheel-chair accessible lift and staircase; demolition and replacement of part of roof to Presbytery including installation of new rooflights; provision of wheelchair access and associated alterations. Date Received : 06.07.20
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