


Redagavo A. Treèiokaitë Maketavo A. Skomskienë


© Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas, 2011 Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento BIULETENIS

2011 Nr. 8

VILNIUS, 2011 Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas T. Kosciuðkos g. 30 LT-01100 Vilnius

Telefonas: (8~5) 270 9360 El. paðtas: [email protected] Interneto tinklalapis: http://www.lsd.lt LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPARTAMENTO BIULETENIS 2011 Nr. 8 STANDARTIZACIJA


LST EN ISO 28765:2011 en TK 2 PIENAS IR PIENO PRODUKTAI Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Varþtais sujungtø plieniniø rezervuarø vandeniui arba komunalinëms ar gamybinëms LST ISO/TS 26844:2010/P:2011 lt nuotekoms ir dumblui laikyti arba apdoroti projektavimas Pienas ir pieno produktai. Antimikrobiniø medþiagø likuèiø (ISO 28765:2008) nustatymas. Difuzijos mëgintuvëliuose metodas (tapatus Pakeièia LST EN 15282:2007 ISO/TS 26844:2006) N (58 Lt)


LST EN 13710:2011 en LST EN 12846-1:2011 en Europos kalbø raðmenø tvarkybos taisyklës. Lotyniðkø, Bitumas ir bituminiai riðikliai. Iðtekëjimo trukmës nustatymas graikiðkø, kirilicos, gruziniðkø ir armëniðkø raðmenø tvarkyba iðtekamuoju klampomaèiu. 1 dalis. Bituminës emulsijos U (80 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN 12846:2002 G (37 Lt) LST EN 12846-2:2011 en TK 7 DANGOS Bitumas ir bituminiai riðikliai. Iðtekëjimo trukmës nustatymas iðtekamuoju klampomaèiu. 2 dalis. Skiestieji ir skystieji bituminiai LST EN ISO 2811-1:2011 en riðikliai Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 1 dalis. Piknometrinis metodas Pakeièia LST EN 13357:2003 (ISO 2811-1:2011) F (34 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 2811-1:2002, LST EN 13614:2011 en LST EN ISO 2811-1:2002/AC:2006 Bitumas ir bituminiai riðikliai. Bituminiø emulsijø sukibimo gebos G (37 Lt) nustatymas panardinimo á vandená bandymu LST EN ISO 2811-2:2011 en Pakeièia LST EN 13614:2004, Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 2 dalis. Panardinto kûno LST EN 13614:2004/P:2007 (svambalo) metodas (ISO 2811-2:2011) E (30 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 2811-2:2002 LST EN 15812:2011 en F (34 Lt) Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës LST EN ISO 2811-3:2011 en dangos. Pleiðëjimo gebos nustatymas Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 3 dalis. Virpesinis metodas E (30 Lt) (ISO 2811-3:2011) LST EN 15813:2011 en Pakeièia LST EN ISO 2811-3:2002 Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës F (34 Lt) dangos. Lankstumo þemoje temperatûroje nustatymas LST EN ISO 2811-4:2011 en C (24 Lt) Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 4 dalis. Slegiamo cilindro LST EN 15815:2011 en metodas (ISO 2811-4:2011) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 2811-4:2002 Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës dangos. Atsparumas gniuþdymui F (34 Lt) D (28 Lt) LST EN ISO 3251:2008 lt LST EN 15816:2011 en Daþai, lakai ir plastikai. Nelakiøjø medþiagø kiekio nustatymas (ISO 3251:2008) Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës dangos. Atsparumas lietui F (34 Lt) D (28 Lt) LST EN ISO 28722:2011 en LST EN 15817:2011 en Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Emaliniø dangø, dengianèiø architektûrinius plieninius skydus, charakteristikos Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës (ISO 28722:2008) dangos. Atsparumas vandeniui Pakeièia LST EN 14431:2005 C (24 Lt) D (28 Lt) LST EN 15818:2011 en LST EN ISO 28723:2011 en Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Ðilumokaièiams skirtø emaliuotø dangos. Matmenø stabilumo aukðtoje temperatûroje plieniniø plokðèiø briaunø dangø nustatymas (ISO 28723:2008) nustatymas Pakeièia LST EN 14863:2006 C (24 Lt) D (28 Lt) LST EN 15819:2011 en LST EN ISO 28763:2011 en Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Oriniams-dujiniams ir dujiniams- dangos. Visiðkai iðdþiûvusio sluoksnio storio sumaþëjimas dujiniams ðilumokaièiams skirti regeneraciniai emaliuoti ir C (24 Lt) sutankinti skydai. Techniniai reikalavimai (ISO 28763:2008) LST EN 15820:2011 en Pakeièia LST EN 14866:2006 Polimerais modifikuotos storos bituminës hidroizoliacinës G (37 Lt) dangos. Nepralaidumo vandeniui nustatymas LST EN ISO 28764:2011 en D (28 Lt) Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Bandiniø, skirtø emaliams ant plieniniø bei aliumininiø lakðtø ir ketaus bandyti, gamyba (ISO 28764:2008) Pakeièia LST EN 15206:2007 TK 13 ÞEMËS ÛKIO TECHNIKA D (28 Lt) LST EN 609-1:2000+A2:2010 lt Þemës ir miðkø ûkio maðinos. Malkinës medienos skaldytuvø sauga. 1 dalis. Pleiðtiniai skaldytuvai J (45 Lt)


LST EN 609-2:2000+A1:2010 lt LST EN ISO 3107:2011 en Þemës ir miðkø ûkio maðinos. Malkinës medienos skaldytuvø Odontologija. Eugenoliniai ir neeugenoliniai cinko oksido sauga. 2 dalis. Sraigtiniai skaldytuvai cementai (ISO 3107:2011) K (49 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 3107:2004, LST EN ISO 3107:2004/AC:2006 LST EN 13683:2003+A2:2011 en G (37 Lt) Sodo áranga. Varikliniai smulkintuvai ir trupintuvai. Sauga Pakeièia LST EN 13683:2004+A1:2009 LST EN ISO 11073-10404:2011 en V (88 Lt) Sveikatos informatika. Ryðys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. 10404 dalis. Átaiso specializavimas. Pulsoksimetras (ISO/IEEE 11073-10404:2010) W (94 Lt) CHEMINË ANALIZË TK 16 LST EN ISO 11073-10407:2011 en LST EN ISO 4787:2011 en Sveikatos informatika. Ryðys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. 10407 dalis. Átaiso specializavimas. Kraujospûdþio matuoklis Laboratoriniai stikliniai indai. Tûrio matuokliai. Talpos patikros (ISO/IEEE 11073-10407:2010) ir naudojimo metodai (ISO 4787:2010, pataisyta 2010-06-15 versija) S (72 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 4787:2010 LST EN ISO 11073-10408:2011 en M (56 Lt) Sveikatos informatika. Ryšys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. 10408 dalis. Átaiso specializavimas. Termometras (ISO/IEEE 11073-10408:2010) S (72 Lt) TK 20 ÞAISLAI, VAIKØ NAUDOJAMI DAIKTAI BEI SPORTO IR LST EN ISO 11073-10415:2011 en AKTYVAUS POILSIO ÁRANGA Sveikatos informatika. Ryðys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. 10415 dalis. Átaiso specializavimas. Svarstyklës LST EN 71-4:2010 lt (ISO/IEEE 11073-10415:2010) Þaislø sauga. 4 dalis. Eksperimentiniai rinkiniai cheminiams ir S (72 Lt) panaðiems bandymams K (49 Lt) LST EN ISO 11073-10417:2011 en Sveikatos informatika. Ryðys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. LST EN 13089:2011 en 10417 dalis. Átaiso specializavimas. Gliukozës matuoklis Alpinizmo áranga. Ledo árankiai. Saugos reikalavimai ir bandymo (ISO/IEEE 11073-10417:2010) metodai U (80 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN 13089:2000 H (42 Lt) LST EN ISO 11073-10471:2011 en Sveikatos informatika. Ryðys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. 10471 dalis. Átaiso specializavimas. Savarankiðkos gyvybinës veiklos duomenø ðakotuvas (ISO/IEEE 11073-10471:2010) TK 21 TEKSTILË U (80 Lt) LST EN ISO 11073-20601:2011 en LST EN 15973:2011 en Sveikatos informatika. Ryšys tarp asmeniniø medicinos átaisø. Guma arba plastiku dengtos medþiagos. Apmuðalinës 20601 dalis. Taikomasis profilis. Optimizuotasis mainø protokolas medþiagos. Atsparumas teplumui (ISO/IEEE 11073-20601:2010) F (34 Lt) XD (133 Lt) LST EN ISO 12052:2011 en Sveikatos informatika. Skaitmeninis vizualizavimas ir medicinoje TK 29 VANDENTVARKA naudojami ryðiai (DICOM), áskaitant darbiniø veiksmø ir duomenø valdymà (ISO 12052:2006) LST EN 15975-1:2011 en Pakeièia LST EN 12052:2004 Geriamojo vandens tiekimo saugumas. Rizikos ir kriziø valdymo G (37 Lt) gairës. 1 dalis. Kriziø valdymas LST EN ISO 12967-1:2011 en K (49 Lt) Sveikatos informatika. Paslaugos architektûra. 1 dalis. Ámonës poþiûris (ISO 12967-1:2009) Pakeièia LST EN 12967-1:2008 TK 30 TECHNINIAI GAMINIØ DOKUMENTAI U (80 Lt) LST EN ISO 12967-2:2011 en LST ISO 3864-1:2011 en Sveikatos informatika. Paslaugos architektûra. 2 dalis. Poþiûris á Grafiniai simboliai. Saugos spalvos ir saugos þenklai. 1 dalis. informacijà (ISO 12967-2:2009) Saugos þenklø ir saugos þenklinimo projektavimo principai Pakeièia LST EN 12967-2:2008 (tapatus ISO 3864-1:2011) V (88 Lt) Pakeièia LST ISO 3864-1:2004, LST ISO 3864-1:2004/P:2004 LST EN ISO 12967-3:2011 en J (45 Lt) Sveikatos informatika. Paslaugos architektûra. 3 dalis. Poþiûris á kompiuteriná informacijos apdorojimà (ISO 12967-3:2009) Pakeièia LST EN 12967-3:2008 P (63 Lt) TK 32 SVEIKATA

LST EN 13795:2011 en Pacientø, medicinos personalo ir árangos chirurginiai apklotai, TK 35 DARBØ SAUGA chirurginiai chalatai ir ðvaraus oro chirurginë apranga, naudojami kaip medicinos priemonës. 1 dalis. Bendrieji LST EN 420:2004+A1:2010 lt reikalavimai, keliami gamintojams, paruoðëjams ir gaminiams, Apsauginës pirðtinës. Bendrieji reikalavimai ir bandymo metodai bandymo metodai, darbiniø charakteristikø reikalavimai ir lygiai M (56 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN 13795-1:2004+A1:2009, LST EN 13795-2:2005+A1:2009, LST EN 1760-1:2000+A1:2009 lt LST EN 13795-3:2006+A1:2009 Mašinø sauga. Apsauginiai slëgiui jautrûs átaisai. 1 dalis. L (53 Lt) Bendrieji slëgiui jautriø kilimëliø ir grindø projektavimo ir bandymo principai LST EN 15964:2011 en T (77 Lt) Iškvepiamo alkoholio matuokliai, kitokie nei vienkartiniai matuokliai. Reikalavimai ir bandymo metodai LST EN 12413:2007+A1:2011 en Q (65 Lt) Aglomeruotøjø abrazyviniø gaminiø saugos reikalavimai Pakeièia LST EN 12413:2007 U (80 Lt)


LST EN 13411-4:2011 en LST EN 1999-1-2:2007/NA:2011 lt Plieniniø vieliniø lynø galiniai átaisai. Sauga. 4 dalis. Lietinis Eurokodas 9. Aliumininiø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-2 dalis. movinis sujungimas metalu ir derva Konstrukcijø elgsenos ugnyje skaièiavimas Pakeièia LST EN 13411-4:2003+A1:2009 A (17 Lt) G (37 Lt) LST EN 1999-1-4:2007/NA:2011 lt LST EN 14502-1:2010 lt Eurokodas 9. Aliumininiø konstrukcijø projektavimas.1-4 dalis. Kranai. Þmoniø këlimo áranga. 1 dalis. Kabamieji krepšiai Ðaltai formuoti konstrukciniai lakðtai G (37 Lt) A (17 Lt)


LST EN ISO 5667-23:2011 en LST EN 15659:2009 lt Vandens kokybë. Mëginiø ëmimas. 23 dalis. Nurodymai Patikimo saugojimo árenginiai. Klasifikacija ir atsparumo dël pavirðinio vandens mëginiø pasyviojo ëmimo ugniai bandymo metodai. Nedideliam gaisrui atsparûs (ISO 5667-23:2011) saugojimo árenginiai M (56 Lt) F (34 Lt) LST ISO 5667-10:2011 en Vandens kokybë. Mëginiø ëmimas. 10 dalis. Nurodymai, kaip imti nuotekø mëginius (tapatus ISO 5667-10:1992) TK 41 SUVIRINIMAS IR MEDÞIAGOTYRA E (30 Lt) LST ISO 5667-20:2011 en LST EN ISO 544:2011 en Vandens kokybë. Mëginiø ëmimas. 20 dalis. Nurodymai, Suvirinimo medþiagos. Pridëtiniø suvirinimo medþiagø ir fliusø kaip naudoti mëginiø ëmimo duomenis priimant sprendimà. techninës tiekimo sàlygos. Gaminio tipas, matmenys, Atitiktis ribinëms vertëms ir klasifikavimo sistemos (tapatus leidþiamosios nuokrypos ir þenklinimas (ISO 544:2011) ISO 5667-20:2008) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 544:2004 Q (65 Lt) F (34 Lt) LST EN ISO 4136:2011 en Metalø virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Skersinio tempimo STATYBINËS KONSTRUKCIJOS bandymas (ISO 4136:2001) TK 38 Pakeièia LST EN 895:1998 LST EN 1991-1-1:2004/NA:2011 lt F (34 Lt) Eurokodas 1. Poveikiai konstrukcijoms. 1-1 dalis. Bendrieji LST EN ISO 5178:2011 en poveikiai. Tankiai, savasis svoris, pastatø naudojimo apkrovos Metalø virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Lydomojo Pakeièia LST EN 1991-1-1:2004 (lt) NA priedà suvirinimo jungèiø iðlydyto metalo iðilginio tempimo bandymas C (24 Lt) (ISO 5178:2001) Pakeièia LST EN 876:1998 LST EN 1992-1-1:2005/NA:2011 lt E (30 Lt) Eurokodas 2. Gelþbetoniniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-1 dalis. Bendrosios ir pastatø taisyklës LST EN ISO 9015-1:2011 en L (53 Lt) Metalø virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Kietumo bandymai. 1 dalis. Lankinio suvirinimo jungèiø kietumo bandymas LST EN 1992-2:2006/NA:2011 lt (ISO 9015-1:2001) Eurokodas 2. Gelþbetoniniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 2 dalis. Pakeièia LST EN 1043-1:1998 Gelþbetoniniai tiltai. Projektavimo ir konstravimo taisyklës J (45 Lt) E (30 Lt) LST EN ISO 9015-2:2011 en LST EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2011 lt Metalø virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Kietumo bandymai. Eurokodas 3. Plieniniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-1 dalis. 2 dalis. Suvirintøjø jungèiø mikrokietumo bandymai Bendrosios ir pastatø taisyklës (ISO 9015-2:2003) D (28 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN 1043-2:1998 LST EN 1993-1-3:2007/NA:2011 lt F (34 Lt) Eurokodas 3. Plieniniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-3 dalis. LST EN ISO 9016:2011 en Bendrosios taisyklës. Ðaltai suformuotø elementø ir lakðtø Metalø virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Smûginio tàsumo papildomos taisyklës bandymai. Bandinio vieta, ápjovos orientacija ir tyrimas C (24 Lt) (ISO 9016:2001) Pakeièia LST EN 875:1998 LST EN 1993-3-1:2007/NA:2011 lt E (30 Lt) Eurokodas 3. Plieniniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 3-1 dalis. Bokðtai, stiebai ir kaminai. Bokštai ir stiebai LST EN ISO 17637:2011 en D (28 Lt) Virintiniø siûliø neardomieji bandymai. Lydomojo suvirinimo jungèiø apþiûrimasis tikrinimas (ISO 17637:2003) LST EN 1994-2:2006/NA:2011 lt Pakeièia LST EN 970:1998, LST EN 970:2004 Eurokodas 4. Kompozitiniø plieniniø-betoniniø konstrukcijø G (37 Lt) projektavimas. 2 dalis. Bendrosios ir tiltø taisyklës B (22 Lt) LST EN 1995-1-1:2005/NA:2011 lt TK 43 GELEÞINKELIØ TRANSPORTAS Eurokodas 5. Mediniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-1 dalis. Bendrosios nuostatos. Bendrosios ir pastatø taisyklës LST EN 13260:2009+A1:2011 lt B (22 Lt) Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. Aðiraèiai. LST EN 1996-1-2:2005/NA:2011 lt Gaminio reikalavimai Eurokodas 6. Mûriniø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-2 dalis. P (63 Lt) Bendrosios taisyklës. Konstrukcijø elgsenos ugnyje skaièiavimas LST EN 13261:2009+A1:2011 lt A (17 Lt) Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. Aðys. Gaminio reikalavimai LST EN 1999-1-1:2007/NA:2011 lt T (77 Lt) Eurokodas 9. Aliumininiø konstrukcijø projektavimas. 1-1 dalis. Bendrosios konstrukcijø taisyklës LST EN 13262:2004+A2:2011 en C (24 Lt) Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. Ratai. Gaminio reikalavimai Pakeièia LST EN 13262:2004+A1:2009 T (77 Lt)


LST EN 13749:2011 en LST EN ISO 17234-2:2011 en Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. Veþimëliø Oda. Cheminiai tyrimai daþytose odose esantiems tam tikriems rëmø konstrukciniø reikalavimø nustatymo metodas azodaþikliams nustatyti. 2 dalis. 4-aminoazobenzeno nustatymas Pakeièia LST EN 13749:2005 (ISO 17234-2:2011) U (80 Lt) K (49 Lt) LST EN 13979-1:2003+A2:2011 en LST ISO 34-1:2011 en Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. Guma arba termoplastinis kauèiukas. Atsparumo plëðimui Vientisi ratai. Techninë patvirtinimo procedûra. 1 dalis. nustatymas. 1 dalis. Dviðakiai, kampiniai ir lenktiniai bandiniai Kaltiniai ir valcuoti ratai (tapatus ISO 34-1:2010) Pakeièia LST EN 13979-1:2004+A1:2009 Pakeièia LST ISO 34-1:2005 T (77 Lt) G (37 Lt) LST EN 15827:2011 en Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Reikalavimai, keliami veþimëliams ir vaþiuoklëms TK 56 NAFTOS PRAMONËS ÁRENGINIAI W (94 Lt) LST EN ISO 3381:2011 en LST EN ISO 4014:2011 en Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Akustika. Triukðmo matavimas bëginiø Varþtai su ðeðiabriaune galvute. A ir B klasiø gaminiai transporto priemoniø viduje (ISO 3381:2005) (ISO 4014:2011) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 3381:2005, Pakeièia LST EN ISO 4014:2002 LST EN ISO 3381:2005/P:2008 J (45 Lt) M (56 Lt) LST EN ISO 4016:2011 en Varþtai su ðeðiabriaune galvute. C klasës gaminiai (ISO 4016:2011) TK 49 LIEJININKYSTË Pakeièia LST EN ISO 4016:2002 F (34 Lt) LST EN 10351:2011 en LST EN ISO 4017:2011 en Juodøjø metalø cheminë analizë. Nelegiruotøjø ir silpnai Sraigtai su ðeðiabriaune galvute. A ir B klasiø gaminiai legiruotø plienø analizë, taikant induktyviai susietos plazmos (ISO 4017:2011) optinæ emisinæ spektrometrijà. Mn, P, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, V, Co, Pakeièia LST EN ISO 4017:2002 Al (visuminio) ir Sn nustatymas [áprastinis metodas] G (37 Lt) S (72 Lt) LST EN ISO 4018:2011 en LST EN ISO 2106:2011 en Sraigtai su ðeðiabriaune galvute. C klasës gaminiai Aliuminio ir aliuminio lydiniø anodavimas. Anodinio oksidavimo (ISO 4018:2011) dangø vienetinio ploto masës (plotinio tankio) nustatymas. Pakeièia LST EN ISO 4018:2002 Gravimetrinis metodas (ISO 2106:2011) F (34 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN 12373-2:2000 LST EN ISO 8765:2011 en D (28 Lt) Smulkaus þingsnio metrinio sriegio varþtai su ðeðiabriaune LST EN ISO 8994:2011 en galvute. A ir B klasiø gaminiai (ISO 8765:2011) Aliuminis ir aliuminio lydiniai. Klasifikacinë sistema taðkinei Pakeièia LST EN ISO 8765:2002 korozijai ávertinti. Tinklelio metodas (ISO 8994:2011) G (37 Lt) Pakeièia LST EN 12373-19:2002 LST EN ISO 14579:2011 en D (28 Lt) Sraigtai su cilindrine galvute, turinèia ðeðialapæ ádubà (ISO 14579:2011) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 14579:2002 TK 51 MAISTO ANALIZË E (30 Lt) LST EN ISO 14580:2011 en LST CEN ISO/TS 11133-2:2005/A1:2011 lt Sraigtai su plokðèia cilindrine galvute, turinèia ðeðialapæ ádubà Maisto ir paðarø mikrobiologija. Mitybos terpiø ruoðimo (ISO 14580:2011) ir gamybos gairës. 2 dalis. Mitybos terpiø veiksmingumo Pakeièia LST EN ISO 14580:2002, tyrimo praktinës gairës. 1 keitinys. Tyrimo mikroorganizmai, LST EN ISO 14580:2002/AC:2006 skirti áprastinëms mitybos terpëms (ISO/TS 11133-2:2003/ Amd.1:2011) D (28 Lt) G (37 Lt) LST EN ISO 14583:2011 en LST EN ISO 6887-5:2010 lt Sraigtai su pusapvale cilindrine galvute, turinèia ðeðialapæ ádubà (ISO 14583:2011) Maisto ir paðarø mikrobiologija. Tiriamøjø mëginiø, pradinës Pakeièia LST EN ISO 14583:2002, suspensijos ir deðimtkarèiø skiediniø ruoðimas LST EN ISO 14583:2002/AC:2006 mikrobiologiniams tyrimams. 5 dalis. Pieno ir pieno produktø ruoðimo specialiosios taisyklës (ISO 6887-5:2010) D (28 Lt) H (42 Lt) LST EN ISO 14584:2011 en Sraigtai su kûgine pusiau paslëpta galvute, turinèia ðeðialapæ ádubà (ISO 14584:2011) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 14584:2002 TK 52 OFTALMOLOGINË OPTIKA IR LAZERIAI D (28 Lt) LST EN 14139:2010 lt Oftalmologinë optika. Gatavø neðioti akiniø reikalavimai D (28 Lt) TK 63 DUJØ BALIONAI IR KRIOGENINIAI INDAI LST EN ISO 22434:2011 en Gabenamieji dujø balionai. Balionø èiaupø tikrinimas ir techninë TK 53 AVALYNË IR ODA prieþiûra (ISO 22434:2006) Pakeièia LST EN 14189:2004, LST EN ISO 10748:2011 en LST EN 14189:2004/P:2005, LST EN 14189:2005 Avalynë. Uþtrauktukø bandymo metodai. Ðliauþiklio fiksatoriaus E (30 Lt) stipris (ISO 10748:2011) D (28 Lt)


LST EN 15414-3:2011 en TK 68 PLASTIKAI Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Drëgmës kiekio nustatymas taikant dþiovinimo krosnyje metodà. 3 dalis. Bendrosios analizës LST EN ISO 10350-2:2011 en mëginio drëgmë Plastikai. Palyginamøjø vienaverèiø duomenø rinkimas Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15414-3:2007 ir pateikimas. 2 dalis. Ilgu pluoðtu armuoti plastikai E (30 Lt) (ISO 10350-2:2011) Pakeièia LST EN ISO 10350-2:2002 LST EN 15440:2011 en F (34 Lt) Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Biomasës kiekio nustatymo metodas Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15440:2007, LST CEN/TS 15747:2009 U (80 Lt) TK 71 ENERGETIKOS TIKSLAMS TVARIAI PAGAMINTA BIOMASË, LST EN 15442:2011 en KIETASIS BIOKURAS IR KIETASIS ATGAUTASIS KURAS Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Ëminiø ëmimo metodai Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15442:2007 LST EN 14961-5:2011 en W (94 Lt) Kietasis biokuras. Kuro techniniai reikalavimai ir klasës. 5 dalis. Nepramoninio naudojimo malkos LST EN 15443:2011 en F (34 Lt) Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Laboratoriniø ëminiø paruoðimo metodai LST EN 15234-1:2011 en Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15443:2007 Kietasis biokuras. Kuro kokybës uþtikrinimas. 1 dalis. Bendrieji R (69 Lt) reikalavimai Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15234:2006 L (53 Lt) TK 78 MAÐINOS IR ÁRENGINIAI LST EN 15357:2011 en Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Terminija, apibrëþtys ir apraðymai LST EN ISO 3450:2008 lt Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15357:2007 Þemës darbø maðinos. Maðinø su pneumatinëmis padangomis M (56 Lt) stabdymo sistemos. Sistemø eksploataciniø charakteristikø LST EN 15358:2011 en reikalavimai ir bandymø procedûros (ISO 3450:1996) Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Kokybës vadybos sistemos. J (45 Lt) Ypatingieji reikalavimai, susijæ su jø taikymu kietojo atgautojo LST EN ISO 3450:2008/P:2011 en kuro gamyboje Þemës darbø maðinos. Maðinø su pneumatinëmis padangomis Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15358:2007 stabdymo sistemos. Sistemø eksploataciniø charakteristikø R (69 Lt) reikalavimai ir bandymø procedûros (ISO 3450:1996) LST EN 15400:2011 en Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Ðilumingumo nustatymas Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15400:2007 TK 80 KELIØ TRANSPORTAS IR TELEMATIKA U (80 Lt) LST EN 15402:2011 en LST CEN ISO/TS 13143-2:2011 en Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Lakiøjø medþiagø kiekio nustatymas Elektroninis mokesèiø rinkimas. Transporto priemonëje Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15402:2007 árengtos ir pakelës árangos atitikties ISO/TS 12813 ávertinimas. H (42 Lt) 2 dalis. Abstraktusis testø komplektas (ISO/TS 13143-2:2011) LST EN 15403:2011 en K (49 Lt) Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Pelenø kiekio nustatymas LST EN 15876-2:2011 en Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15403:2007 Elektroninis mokesèiø rinkimas. Transporto priemonëje F (34 Lt) árengtos ir pakelës árangos atitikties EN 15509 ávertinimas. 2 dalis. Abstraktusis testø komplektas LST EN 15407:2011 en M (56 Lt) Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Anglies (C), vandenilio (H) ir azoto (N) kiekio nustatymo metodai Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15407:2007 G (37 Lt) LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPARTAMENTAS LST EN 15408:2011 en LST EN 15643-2:2011 en Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Sieros (S), chloro (Cl), fluoro (F) ir bromo (Br) kiekio nustatymo metodai Statiniø tvermë. Pastatø ávertinimas. 2 dalis. Ekologiniø Pakeièia LST CEN/TS 15408:2007 charakteristikø ávertinimo pagrindai J (45 Lt) P (63 Lt)

Parengë Dalia Reginienë



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LST EN 41003+AC:2002 en, LST EN 41003+AC:2003 lt Árangos, jungiamos prie ryðiø LST EN 41003:2009 tinklø, ypatingieji saugos reikalavimai LST EN 50116:2007 Informacijos technologijø áranga. Áprastiniai apsaugos nuo elektros LST EN 50514:2009 bandymai gamyboje LST EN 50333:2002 Garso, vaizdo ir panaðûs elektroniniai aparatai. Áprastiniai LST EN 50514:2009 elektriniai saugos bandymai gamybos metu LST EN 60730-2-6+A1+A2+AC:1999 Buitiniai ir panašios paskirties automatiniai LST EN 60730-2-6:2009 elektriniai valdymo átaisai. 2 dalis. Ypatingieji reikalavimai, áskaitant ir mechaninius reikalavimus, automatiniams elektriniams slëgiui jautriems valdytuvams (IEC 60730-2-6:1991, modifikuotas) LST EN 60793-1-1:2003 Optinës skaidulos. 1-1 dalis. Matavimo ir bandymo metodai. LST EN 60793-1-1:2008 Bendrieji dalykai ir vadovas (IEC 60793-1-1:2002) LST EN 61300-2-24:2002 Skaiduliniai optiniai sujungimo átaisai ir pasyvieji komponentai. LST EN 61300-2-24:2010 Pagrindiniai bandymø ir matavimø metodai. 2-24 dalis. Bandymai. Rûðiuojamieji keraminiø kreipiamøjø jungiamøjø movø bandymai, pavartojant jëgà (IEC 61300-2-24:1999)


LST EN 60034-4:2000 Sukiosios elektros mašinos. 4 dalis. Metodai sinchroninës LST EN 60034-4:2008 maðinos dydþiams, remiantis bandymais, nustatyti (IEC 60034-4:1985, modifikuotas) LST EN 60079-14:2003 Sprogioje dujø aplinkoje naudojami elektriniai aparatai. 14 dalis. LST EN 60079-14:2008 Pavojingose vietose (kitokiose nei ðachtos) esantys elektros árenginiai (IEC 60079-14:2002) LST EN 60204-32:2001 en, LST EN 60204-32:2006 lt, LST EN 60204-32:2001/P:2006 en LST EN 60204-32:2008 Maðinø sauga. Maðinø elektros áranga. 32 dalis. Këlimo maðinø reikalavimai (IEC 60204-32:1998)


LST EN 14431:2005 Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Emaliniø dangø, taikomø architektûroje LST EN ISO 28722:2011 naudojamiems plieniniams paneliams, charakteristikos LST EN 14863:2006 Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Ðilumokaièiams skirtø emaliuotø plieno LST EN ISO 28723:2011 plokðèiø briaunos padengimo nustatymas LST EN 14866:2006 Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Oras-dujos ir dujos-dujos ðilumokaièiams LST EN ISO 28763:2011 skirti iðardomieji ir keièiamieji emaliuoti skydai. Reikalavimai LST EN 15206:2007 Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Bandiniø, skirtø emaliui ant plieno ir LST EN ISO 28764:2011 aliuminio lakðtø ir ant ketaus bandyti, gamyba LST EN 15282:2007 Stiklo ir porceliano emaliai. Varþtais sujungtø rezervuarø vandeniui LST EN ISO 28765:2011 arba komunalinëms ar gamybinëms nuotekoms ir dumblui laikyti arba apdoroti projektavimas LST EN ISO 2811-1:2002, LST EN ISO 2811-1:2002/AC:2006 Daþai ir lakai. Tankio LST EN ISO 2811-1:2011 nustatymas. 1 dalis. Piknometrinis metodas (ISO 2811-1:1997) LST EN ISO 2811-2:2002 Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 2 dalis. Kûno panardinimo LST EN ISO 2811-2:2011 (iðstûmimo) metodas (ISO 2811-2:1997) LST EN ISO 2811-3:2002 Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 3 dalis. Vibracinis metodas LST EN ISO 2811-3:2011 (ISO 2811-3:1997) LST EN ISO 2811-4:2002 Daþai ir lakai. Tankio nustatymas. 4 dalis. Slëginio cilindro LST EN ISO 2811-4:2011 metodas (ISO 2811-4:1997)


LST EN 12846:2002 Bitumas ir bituminiai riðikliai. Bituminës emulsijos iðtekëjimo laiko LST EN 12846-1:2011 nustatymas klampomaèiu pagal iðtekëjimà LST EN 13357:2003 Bitumas ir bituminiai riðikliai. Naftiniu skiedikliu skiestø ir minkðtintø LST EN 12846-2:2011 bitumø iðtekëjimo laiko nustatymas LST EN 13614:2004, LST EN 13614:2004/P:2007 Bitumas ir bituminiai riðikliai. Bituminiø LST EN 13614:2011 emulsijø sukibimo gebos nustatymas panardinimo á vandená bandymu. Mineraliniø medþiagø metodas


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LST EN 13683:2004+A1:2009 Sodo áranga. Varikliniai smulkintuvai ir trupintuvai. Sauga LST EN 13683:2003+A2:2011


LST EN ISO 4787:2010 Laboratoriniai stikliniai indai. Tûrio matuokliai. Talpos patikros ir LST EN ISO 4787:2011 naudojimo metodai (ISO 4787:2010)


LST EN 60875-1:2002 Nepriklausantys nuo bangos ilgio atðakiniai skaidulinës optikos LST EN 60875-1:2010 átaisai. 1 dalis. Bendrasis rûðinis apraðas (IEC 60875-1:2000)


LST EN 13089:2000 Alpinizmo áranga. Ledo árankiai. Saugos reikalavimai ir bandymo LST EN 13089:2011 metodai


LST EN 13919:2003 Gamtinio akmens bandymo metodai. Atsparumo senëjimui drëgnoje – aplinkoje veikiant SO2 nustatymas


LST EN 12052:2004 Sveikatos informatika. Skaitmeninis vizualizavimas. Ryðiai, LST EN ISO 12052:2011 technologinis procesas ir duomenø valdymas LST EN 12967-1:2008 Sveikatos informatika. Paslaugos architektûra. 1 dalis. LST EN ISO 12967-1:2011 Ámonës poþiûris LST EN 12967-2:2008 Sveikatos informatika. Paslaugos architektûra. 2 dalis. Poþiûris LST EN ISO 12967-2:2011 á informacijà LST EN 12967-3:2008 Sveikatos informatika. Paslaugos architektûra. 3 dalis. Poþiûris LST EN ISO 12967-3:2011 á kompiuteriná informacijos apdorojimà LST EN 13795-1:2004+A1:2009 Pacientø, medicinos personalo ir árangos chirurginiai LST EN 13795:2011 apklotai, chirurginiai chalatai ir ðvaraus oro chirurginë apranga, naudojami kaip medicinos priemonës. 1 dalis. Bendrieji reikalavimai, keliami gamintojams, paruoðëjams ir gaminiams LST EN 13795-2:2005+A1:2009 Pacientø, medicinos personalo ir árangos chirurginiai LST EN 13795:2011 apklotai, chirurginiai chalatai ir ðvaraus oro chirurginë apranga, naudojami kaip medicinos priemonës. 2 dalis. Tyrimo metodai LST EN 13795-3:2006+A1:2009 Pacientø, medicinos personalo ir árangos chirurginiai LST EN 13795:2011 apklotai, chirurginiai chalatai ir ðvaraus oro chirurginë apranga, naudojami kaip medicinos priemonës. 3 dalis. Veiksmingumo reikalavimai ir jo lygiai LST EN ISO 3107:2004, LST EN ISO 3107:2004/AC:2006 Odontologija. Cinko oksido su LST EN ISO 3107:2011 eugenoliu ir cinko oksido be eugenolio cementai (ISO 3107:2004)


LST EN 12413:2007 Aglomeruotøjø abrazyviniø gaminiø saugos reikalavimai LST EN 12413:2007+A1:2011 LST EN 13411-4:2003+A1:2009 Plieniniø vieliniø lynø galiniai átaisai. Sauga. 4 dalis. LST EN 13411-4:2011 Lietinis movinis sujungimas metalu ir derva LST ISO 3864-1:2004, LST ISO 3864-1:2004/P:2004 Grafiniai simboliai. Saugos spalvos ir LST ISO 3864-1:2011 saugos þenklai. 1 dalis. Saugos þenklø darbo ir vieðose vietose projektavimo principai (tapatus ISO 3864-1:2002)


LST EN 1043-1:1998 Metalinës medþiagos. Virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Kietumo LST EN ISO 9015-1:2011 bandymas. 1 dalis. Lankinio suvirinimo sujungimø kietumo bandymas LST EN 1043-2:1998 Metalinës medþiagos. Virintiniø siûliø ardomieji bandymai. Kietumo LST EN ISO 9015-2:2011 bandymas. 2 dalis. Suvirintø sujungimø mikrokietumo bandymas


Netekæs galios Lietuvos standartas Vietoj jo galioja

LST EN 875:1998 Metalinës medþiagos. Ardomieji siûliø bandymai. Smûginio tàsumo LST EN ISO 9016:2011 bandymai. Bandiniø vieta, ápjovos orientacija ir tyrimas LST EN 876:1998 Metalinës medþiagos. Ardomieji siûliø bandymai. Lydomojo suvirinimo LST EN ISO 5178:2011 sujungimø siûlës metalo iðilginio tempimo bandymas LST EN 895:1998 Metalinës medþiagos. Ardomieji siûliø bandymai. Skersinio tempimo LST EN ISO 4136:2011 bandymas LST EN 970:1998 en, LST EN 970:2004 lt Virintiniø siûliø neardomoji kontrolë. Apþiûrimoji LST EN ISO 17637:2011 kontrolë LST EN ISO 544:2004 Suvirinimo medþiagos. Pridëtiniø suvirinimo medþiagø techninës LST EN ISO 544:2011 tiekimo sàlygos. Gaminiø tipas, matmenys, tolerancijos ir þenklinimai (ISO 544:2003)


LST EN 12928:2001 Nuo 17 l iki 230 l bendrosios talpos plieniniø statiniø uþdoriai su – ádëtiniu flanðu


LST EN 13262:2004+A1:2009 Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. LST EN 13262:2004+A2:2011 Ratai. Gaminio reikalavimai LST EN 13749:2005 Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. Veþimëliø LST EN 13749:2011 rëmams keliamø konstrukciniø reikalavimø nustatymo metodai LST EN 13979-1:2004+A1:2009 Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðiraèiai ir dviaðiai veþimëliai. LST EN 13979-1:2003+A2:2011 Vientisi ratai. Techninë patvirtinimo procedûra. 1 dalis. Kaltiniai ir valcuoti ratai LST EN ISO 3381:2005, LST EN ISO 3381:2005/P:2008 Geleþinkelio taikmenys. Akustika. LST EN ISO 3381:2011 Triukðmo matavimas bëginiø transporto priemoniø viduje (ISO 3381:2005)


LST EN 12373-2:2000 Aliuminis ir aliuminio lydiniai. Anodavimas. 2 dalis. Anodinio LST EN ISO 2106:2011 oksidavimo dangø masës ploto vienetui (pavirðinio tankio) nustatymas. Gravimetrinis metodas LST EN 12373-19:2002 Aliuminis ir aliuminio lydiniai. Anodavimas. 19 dalis. Klasifikacinë LST EN ISO 8994:2011 sistema taðkinei korozijai ávertinti. Tinklelio metodas


LST ISO 34-1:2005 Guma ir termoplastinis kauèiukas. Stiprio plëðiant nustatymas. 1 dalis. LST ISO 34-1:2011 Dviðakiai, kampiniai ir álankiniai bandiniai (tapatus ISO 34-1:2004)


LST EN ISO 14579:2002 Sraigtai su cilindrine galvute, turinèia ðeðiasferinæ ádubà LST EN ISO 14579:2011 (ISO 14579:2001) LST EN ISO 14580:2002, LST EN ISO 14580:2002/AC:2006 Sraigtai su kûgine galvute, LST EN ISO 14580:2011 turinèia ðeðiasferinæ ádubà (ISO 14580:2001) LST EN ISO 14583:2002, LST EN ISO 14583:2002/AC:2006 Sraigtai su iðkilia galvute, LST EN ISO 14583:2011 turinèia ðeðiasferinæ ádubà (ISO 14583:2001) LST EN ISO 14584:2002 Sraigtai su áleistine iðkilia galvute, turinèia ðeðiasferinæ ádubà LST EN ISO 14584:2011 (ISO 14584:2001) LST EN ISO 4014:2002 Varþtai su ðeðiakampëmis galvutëmis. A ir B klasiø gaminiai LST EN ISO 4014:2011 (ISO 4014:1999) LST EN ISO 4016:2002 Varþtai su ðeðiakampëmis galvutëmis. C klasës gaminiai LST EN ISO 4016:2011 (ISO 4016:1999) LST EN ISO 4017:2002 Sraigtai su ðeðiakampëmis galvutëmis. A ir B klasiø gaminiai LST EN ISO 4017:2011 (ISO 4017:1999) LST EN ISO 4018:2002 Sraigtai su šešiakampëmis galvutëmis. C klasës gaminiai LST EN ISO 4018:2011 (ISO 4018:1999) LST EN ISO 8765:2002 Varþtai su ðeðiakampe galvute ir smulkiu metriniu sriegiu. LST EN ISO 8765:2011 A ir B klasiø gaminiai (ISO 8765:1999)


Netekæs galios Lietuvos standartas Vietoj jo galioja


LST EN 14189:2004 en, LST EN 14189:2005 lt, LST EN 14189:2004/P:2005 en LST EN ISO 22434:2011 Gabenamieji dujø balionai. Dujø balionø èiaupø tikrinimas ir techninë prieþiûra, atliekant periodinæ dujø balionø kontrolæ


LST EN ISO 10350-2:2002 Plastikai. Palyginamøjø duomenø ið vieno taðko gavimas LST EN ISO 10350-2:2011 ir pateikimas. 2 dalis. Ilgu pluoðtu armuoti plastikai (ISO 10350-2:2001)


LST 1310:1993 Statistiniai produkcijos kokybës valdymo metodai. Terminai ir apibrëþimai –


LST CEN/TS 15234:2006 Kietasis biokuras. Kuro kokybës uþtikrinimas LST EN 15234-1:2011 LST CEN/TS 15357:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Terminija, apibrëþtys ir apraðymas LST EN 15357:2011 LST CEN/TS 15358:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Kokybës vadybos sistemos. Ypatingieji LST EN 15358:2011 reikalavimai, susijæ su jø taikymu kietojo atgautojo kuro gamyboje LST CEN/TS 15400:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Šilumingumo nustatymo metodai LST EN 15400:2011 LST CEN/TS 15402:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Lakiøjø medþiagø kiekio nustatymo LST EN 15402:2011 metodai LST CEN/TS 15403:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Pelenø kiekio nustatymo metodai LST EN 15403:2011 LST CEN/TS 15407:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Anglies (C), vandenilio (H) ir azoto (N) LST EN 15407:2011 kiekio nustatymo metodas LST CEN/TS 15408:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Sieros (S), chloro (Cl), fluoro (F) ir LST EN 15408:2011 bromo (Br) kiekio nustatymo metodai LST CEN/TS 15414-3:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Drëgmës kiekio nustatymas taikant LST EN 15414-3:2011 dþiovinimo krosnyje metodà. 3 dalis. Bendrosios analizës mëginio drëgmë LST CEN/TS 15440:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Biomasës kiekio nustatymo metodas LST EN 15440:2011 LST CEN/TS 15442:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Ëminiø ëmimo metodai LST EN 15442:2011 LST CEN/TS 15443:2007 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Laboratoriniø ëminiø paruoðimo LST EN 15443:2011 metodai LST CEN/TS 15747:2009 Kietasis atgautasis kuras. Biomasës kiekio nustatymo metodai, LST EN 15440:2011 pagrásti 14C


LST 1311:1993 Bandymai. Terminai ir apibrëþimai – LST EN 60068-2-31:2001 Pagrindinës aplinkos poveikio bandymø procedûros. 2 dalis. LST EN 60068-2-31:2008 Bandymai. Ec bandymas. Krytis ir vartymas, skirtas pirmiausia árangos tipo pavyzdþiams (IEC 60068-2-31:1969+A1:1982) LST EN 60068-2-32:2001 Pagrindinës aplinkos poveikio bandymø procedûros. 2 dalis. LST EN 60068-2-31:2008 Bandymai. Ed bandymas. Laisvasis kritimas (IEC 60068-2-32:1975+A1:1982+A2:1990) LST EN 60068-2-64:2001 Aplinkos poveikio bandymai. 2 dalis. Bandymo metodai. LST EN 60068-2-64:2008 Fh bandymas. Vibracija, plaèiajuostis triukðmas (skaitmeninis valdymas) ir nurodymai (IEC 60068-2-64:1993+AC:1993)

Parengë Dalia Reginienë




IIW ISO 14372:2011 ISO/TC 2/SC 11 ISO 1207:2011 Welding consumables - Determination of moisture Slotted cheese head screws - Product grade A resistance of manual metal arc welding electrodes by ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 1479:2011 measurement of diffusible hydrogen Hexagon head tapping screws ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 ISO/IEC 10373-9:2011 ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 1481:2011 Identification cards - Test methods - Part 9: Optical Slotted pan head tapping screws memory cards - Holographic recording method ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 1482:2011 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 ISO/IEC 12905:2011 Slotted countersunk (flat) head tapping screws Integrated circuit cards - Enhanced terminal ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 1483:2011 accessibility using cardholder preference interface Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24 ISO/IEC 19776-3:2011 screws Information technology - Computer graphics, image ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 7049:2011 processing and environmental data representation - Cross-recessed pan head tapping screws Extensible 3D () encodings - Part 3: Compressed binary encoding ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 7050:2011 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 ISO/IEC 13187:2011 Cross-recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screws Information technology - Server management command line protocol (SM CLP) specification ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 7051:2011 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 Cross-recessed raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws Information technology - Microprocessor Systems - Floating-Point arithmetic ISO/TC 2/SC 13 ISO 7053:2011 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 ISO/IEC 15938-12:2008/Amd 2:2011 Hexagon washer head tapping screws Information technology - Multimedia content ISO/TC 5/SC 2 ISO 7186:2011 description interface - Part 12: Query format - Ductile iron products for sewerage applications Amendment 2: Semantic enhancement ISO/TC 5/SC 10 ISO 7005-1:2011 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 ISO/IEC 23007-3:2011 Pipe flanges - Part 1: Steel flanges for industrial and Information technology - Rich media user interfaces - general service piping systems Part 3: Conformance and reference software ISO/TC 6/SC 2 ISO 12625-1:2011 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 ISO/IEC 23000-11:2009/Amd 1:2011 Tissue paper and tissue products - Part 1: General Information technology - Multimedia application format guidance on terms (MPEG-A) - Part 11: Stereoscopic video application ISO/TC 8 ISO 28002:2011 format - Amendment 1: Stereoscopic video application Security management systems for the supply chain - format conformance and reference software Development of resilience in the supply chain - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 ISO/IEC TR 29199-1:2011 Requirements with guidance for use Information technology - JPEG XR image coding ISO/TC 17/SC 17 ISO 16120-1:2011 system - Part 1: System architecture Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire - Part 1: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 General requirements Information technology - Business Operational View - ISO/TC 17/SC 17 ISO 16120-2:2011 Part 1: Operational aspects of Open-edi for Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire - Part 2: implementation Specific requirements for general-purpose wire rod ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 ISO/IEC TR 19075-1:2011 ISO/TC 17/SC 17 ISO 16120-3:2011 Information technology - Database languages - SQL Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire - Part 3: Technical Reports - Part 1: XQuery Regular Expression Specific requirements for rimmed and rimmed Support in SQL substitute, low-carbon steel wire rod ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 ISO/IEC TR 29127:2011 ISO/TC 17/SC 17 ISO 16120-4:2011 Information technology - System Process and Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire - Part 4: Architecture for Multilingual Semantic Reverse Query Specific requirements for wire rod for special Expansion applications ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 ISO/IEC 19794-1:2011 ISO/TC 20/SC 14 ISO 10786:2011 Information technology - Biometric data interchange Space systems - Structural components and formats - Part 1: Framework assemblies ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 ISO/IEC 29109-9:2011 ISO/TC 20/SC 14 ISO 10830:2011 Information technology - Conformance testing Space systems - Non-destructive testing - Automatic methodology for biometric data interchange formats ultrasonic inspection method of graphite ingot for solid defined in ISO/IEC 19794 - Part 9: Vascular image data rocket motors


ISO/TC 20/SC 14 ISO 11221:2011 ISO/TC 34/SC 11 ISO 15753:2006/Amd 1:2011 Space systems - Space solar panels - Spacecraft Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of charging induced electrostatic discharge test methods polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - Amendment 1: ISO/TC 20/SC 14 ISO 14300-1:2011 Exclusion of olive pomace oil from the scope Space systems - Programme management - Part 1: ISO/TC 34/SC 12 ISO 11037:2011 Structuring of a project Sensory analysis - Guidelines for sensory assessment ISO/TC 20/SC 14 ISO 27852:2011 of the colour of products Space systems - Estimation of orbit lifetime ISO/TC 34/SC 12 ISO 29842:2011 ISO/TC 21/SC 11 ISO 21927-10:2011 Sensory analysis - Methodology - Balanced incomplete block designs Smoke and heat control systems - Part 10: Specification for power output devices ISO/TC 38/SC 24 ISO 139:2005/Amd 1:2011 ISO/TC 22 ISO 6627:2011 Textiles - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing - Amendment 1 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Expander/ segment oil-control rings ISO/TC 45/SC 2 ISO 12493:2011 Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of stress in tension ISO/TC 22/SC 2 ISO 27667:2011 upon heating Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - ISO/TC 48/SC 6 ISO 13079:2011 Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes Laboratory glass and plastics ware - Tubes for the measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate ISO/TC 22/SC 3 ISO 7637-2:2011 by the Westergren method Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from ISO/TC 48/SC 6 ISO 13130:2011 conduction and coupling - Part 2: Electrical transient Laboratory glassware - Desiccators conduction along supply lines only ISO/TC 48/SC 6 ISO 13132:2011 ISO/TC 22/SC 13 ISO 2575:2010/Amd 1:2011 Laboratory glassware - Petri dishes Road vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales - Amendment 1 ISO/TC 59/SC 8 ISO 11600:2002/Amd 1:2011 Building construction - Jointing products - ISO/TC 23/SC 4 ISO 5692-3:2011 Classification and requirements for sealants - Agricultural vehicles - Mechanical connections on Amendment 1 towed vehicles - Part 3: Swivel hitch rings ISO/TC 61/SC 6 ISO 22196:2011 ISO/TC 23/SC 4 ISO 6489-5:2011 Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and Agricultural vehicles - Mechanical connections other non-porous surfaces between towed and towing vehicles - Part 5: ISO/TC 69/SC 4 ISO 7870-4:2011 Specifications for non-swivel clevis couplings Control charts - Part 4: Cumulative sum charts ISO/TC 23/SC 6 ISO 10988:2011 ISO/TC 69/SC 7 ISO/TR 12888:2011 Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack motorized Selected illustrations of gauge repeatability and air-assisted sprayers - Test methods and performance reproducibility studies limits ISO/TC 83/SC 4 ISO 7331:2011 ISO/TC 23/SC 15 ISO 11837:2011 Ski-poles for alpine skiing - Requirements and test Machinery for forestry - Saw chain shot guarding methods systems - Test method and performance criteria ISO/TC 85/SC 5 ISO 11311:2011 ISO/TC 23/SC 19 ISO 11783-5:2011 Nuclear criticality safety - Critical values for Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - homogeneous plutonium-uranium oxide fuel mixtures Serial control and communications data network - outside of reactors Part 5: Network management ISO/TC 85/SC 5 ISO 27468:2011 ISO/TC 23/SC 19 ISO 11783-11:2011 Nuclear criticality safety - Evaluation of systems Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - containing PWR UOX fuels - Bounding burnup credit Serial control and communications data network - approach Part 11: Mobile data element dictionary ISO/TC 86/SC 6 ISO 13253:2011 ISO/TC 31/SC 6 ISO 10571:2011 Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps - Tyres for mobile cranes and similar specialized Testing and rating for performance machines ISO/TC 106/SC 2 ISO 15912:2006/Amd 1:2011 ISO/TC 34/SC 4 ISO 6646:2011 Dentistry - Casting investments and refractory die Rice - Determination of the potential milling yield from materials - Amendment 1: Requirement and test paddy and from husked rice method for adequacy of expansion of Type 1 and ISO/TC 34/SC 9 ISO 22118:2011 Type 2 materials Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - ISO/TC 106/SC 2 ISO 10271:2011 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection Dentistry - Corrosion test methods for metallic materials and quantification of food-borne pathogens - ISO/TC 106/SC 2 ISO/TR 28642:2011 Performance characteristics Dentistry - Guidance on colour measurement ISO/TC 34/SC 9 ISO 22119:2011 ISO/TC 106/SC 4 ISO 7711-2:2011 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Real- Dentistry - Rotary diamond instruments - Part 2: Discs time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection ISO/TC 106/SC 6 ISO 6875:2011 of food-borne pathogens - General requirements and Dentistry - Patient chair definitions ISO/TC 106/SC 8 ISO/TS 13498:2011 ISO/TC 34/SC 11 ISO 9936:2006/Amd 1:2011 Dentistry - Torsion test of implant body/connecting Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of part joints of endosseous dental implant systems tocopherol and tocotrienol contents by ISO/TC 107/SC 3 ISO 6158:2011 high-performance liquid chromatography - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Amendment 1: Updating of reagents and confirmation Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for of statistical data validity engineering purposes


ISO/TC 108 ISO 7626-1:2011 ISO/TC 172/SC 9 ISO 21254-3:2011 Mechanical vibration and shock - Experimental Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods determination of mechanical mobility - Part 1: Basic for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 3: terms and definitions, and transducer specifications Assurance of laser power (energy) handling ISO/TC 113 ISO 772:2011 capabilities Hydrometry - Vocabulary and symbols ISO/TC 173/SC 2 ISO 9999:2011 Assistive products for persons with disability - ISO/TC 126 ISO 10315:2000/Amd 1:2011 Classification and terminology Cigarettes - Determination of nicotine in smoke ISO/TC 178 ISO/TS 25740-1:2011 condensates - Gas-chromatographic method - Safety requirements for escalators and moving walks Amendment 1 - Part 1: Global essential safety requirements (GESR) ISO/TC 126 ISO 10362-1:1999/Amd 1:2011 ISO/TC 184/SC 2 ISO 10218-1:2011 Cigarettes - Determination of water in smoke Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for condensates - Part 1: Gas-chromatographic method - industrial robots - Part 1: Robots Amendment 1: . ISO/TC 184/SC 2 ISO 10218-2:2011 ISO/TC 126 ISO 10362-2:1994/Amd 1:2011 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for Cigarettes - Determination of water in smoke industrial robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration condensates - Part 2: Karl Fischer method - ISO/TC 188 ISO 6185-4:2011 Amendment 1 Inflatable boats - Part 4: Boats with a hull length of ISO/TC 127/SC 2 ISO 2867:2011 between 8 m and 24 m with a motor power rating of Earth-moving machinery - Access systems 15 kW and greater ISO/TC 130 ISO 12642-1:2011 ISO/TC 193 ISO 15112:2011 Graphic technology - Input data for characterization Natural gas - Energy determination of four-colour process printing - Part 1: Initial data set ISO/TC 194 ISO 14155:2011/Cor 1:2011 ISO/TC 146/SC 6 ISO 16000-18:2011 Clinical investigation of medical devices for human Indoor air - Part 18: Detection and enumeration of subjects - Good clinical practice - Technical moulds - Sampling by impaction Corrigendum 1 ISO/TC 198 ISO 14160:2011 ISO/TC 146/SC 6 ISO 16000-25:2011 Sterilization of health care products - Liquid chemical Indoor air - Part 25: Determination of the emission of sterilizing agents for single-use medical devices semi-volatile organic compounds by building products utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives - - Micro-chamber method Requirements for characterization, development, ISO/TC 147/SC 2 ISO 11206:2011 validation and routine control of a sterilization process Water quality - Determination of dissolved bromate - for medical devices Method using ion chromatography (IC) and post ISO/TC 201/SC 9 ISO 27911:2011 column reaction (PCR) Surface chemical analysis - Scanning-probe ISO/TC 147/SC 2 ISO 28540:2011 microscopy - Definition and calibration of the lateral Water quality - Determination of 16 polycyclic aromatic resolution of a near-field optical microscope hydrocarbons (PAH) in water - Method using gas ISO/TC 204 ISO 14825:2011 chromatography with mass spectrometric detection Intelligent transport systems - Geographic Data Files (GC-MS) (GDF) - GDF5.0 ISO/TC 150/SC 4 ISO 7207-2:2011 ISO/TC 204 ISO 29282:2011 Implants for surgery - Components for partial and Intelligent transport systems - Communications access total knee joint prostheses - Part 2: Articulating surfaces for land mobiles (CALM) - Satellite networks made of metal, ceramic and plastics materials ISO/TC 206 ISO 10677:2011 ISO/TC 155/SC 3 ISO 11435:2011 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Ultraviolet light source for testing Nickel alloys - Determination of molybdenum content semiconducting photocatalytic materials - Inductively coupled plasma/atomic emission ISO/TC 207/SC 1 ISO 14006:2011 spectrometric method Environmental management systems - Guidelines for ISO/TC 157 ISO 25841:2011 incorporating ecodesign Female condoms - Requirements and test methods ISO/TC 213 ISO 13385-1:2011 ISO/TC 157 ISO 29942:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Prophylactic dams - Requirements and test methods Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 1: Callipers; ISO/TC 159/SC 4 ISO 9241-420:2011 Design and metrological characteristics Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 420: ISO/TC 213 ISO 13385-2:2011 Selection of physical input devices Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - ISO/TC 159/SC 4 ISO 9241-910:2011 Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 2: Calliper Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 910: depth gauges; Design and metrological characteristics Framework for tactile and haptic interaction ISO/TC 216 ISO/TS 16181:2011 ISO/TC 165 ISO 20152-2:2011 Footwear - Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components - Determination Timber structures - Bond performance of adhesives - of phthalates in footwear materials Part 2: Additional requirements ISO/TC 219 ISO 10965:2011 ISO/TC 172/SC 9 ISO 21254-1:2011 Textile floor coverings - Determination of electrical Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods resistance for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 1: Definitions ISO/TC 223 ISO/TR 22312:2011 and general principles Societal security - Technological capabilities ISO/TC 172/SC 9 ISO 21254-2:2011 ISO/TC 229 ISO/TS 10798:2011 Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods Nanotechnologies - Characterization of single-wall for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 2: Threshold carbon nanotubes using scanning electron determination microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis



IEC CISPR 14-1-am2:2011 TC 47 IEC 62047-9:2011 Amendment 2 - Electromagnetic compatibility - Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical Requirements for household appliances, electric tools devices - Part 9: Wafer to wafer bonding strength and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission measurement for MEMS IEC IECEx 05A :2011 TC 47 IEC 62047-10:2011 IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx devices - Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for System) - Guidance and Instructions for Applicants to MEMS materials obtain a Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC) TC 48 IEC/TS 62610-2:2011 TC 3 IEC 80416-3-am1:2011 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Amendment 1 - Basic principles for graphical symbols Thermal management for cabinets in accordance with for use on equipment - Part 3: Guidelines for the IEC 60297 and IEC 60917 series - Part 2: Design application of graphical symbols guide: Method for determination of forced air-cooling TC 14 IEC 61378-1:2011 structure Converter transformers - Part 1: Transformers for TC 49 IEC/TS 61994-3:2011 industrial applications Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and TC 15 IEC 60674-3-8:2011 associated materials for frequency control, selection Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: and detection - Glossary - Part 3: Piezoelectric and Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8: dielectric oscillators Balanced biaxially oriented polyethylene naphthalate TC 57 IEC 61850-7-1:2011 (PEN) films used for electrical insulation Communication networks and systems for power utility TC 17 IEC 60947-4-3:2011 automation - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-3: - Principles and models Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor TC 82 IEC 62253:2011 controllers and contactors for non-motor loads Photovoltaic pumping systems - Design qualification TC 17 IEC 62271-204:2011 and performance measurements High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 204: TC 85 IEC 61557-13:2011 Rigid gas-insulated transmission lines for rated voltage Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up above 52 kV to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for TC 23 IEC 60670-1:2011 testing, measuring or monitoring of protective Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for measures - Part 13: Hand-held and hand-manipulated household and similar fixed electrical installations - current clamps and sensors for measurement of Part 1: General requirements leakage currents in electrical distribution systems TC 31 S+ IEC 60079-11:2011 TC 86 IEC 61290-4-2:2011 Explosive atmospheres – Part 11: Equipment Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 4-2: Gain protection by intrinsic safety “i” transient parameters - Broadband source method TC 34 IEC 60061-3-am44:2011 TC 86 IEC 62496-2-1:2011 Amendment 44 - Lamp caps and holders together Optical circuit boards - Part 2-1: Measurements - with gauges for the control of interchangeability and Optical attenuation and isolation safety - Part 3: Gauges TC 90 IEC 61788-4:2011 TC 34 IEC 61184:2011 Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio Bayonet lampholders measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb-Ti TC 34 IEC 61199:2011 composite superconductors Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety TC 90 IEC 61788-6:2011 specifications Superconductivity - Part 6: Mechanical properties TC 38 IEC 61869-3 :2011 measurement - Room temperature tensile test of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductors Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers TC 90 IEC 61788-11:2011 TC 38 IEC 61869-5:2011 Superconductivity - Part 11: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb3Sn Instrument transformers - Part 5: Additional composite superconductors requirements for capacitor voltage transformers TC 100 IEC 62516-2:2011 TC 46 IEC 61169-35:2011 Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 35: Sectional receivers - Part 2: Interactive data services using BIFS specification for 2,92 series RF connectors TC 100 IEC 62605:2011 TC 47 IEC 60749-40:2011 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test e-publishing and e-books - Interchange format for methods - Part 40: Board level drop test method using e-dictionaries a strain gauge TC 107 IEC/PAS 62647-3:2011 TC 47 IEC 62047-5:2011 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder devices - Part 5: RF MEMS switches - Part 3: Performance testing for systems containing lead-free solder and finishes


TC 107 IEC/PAS 62647-21:2011 TC 110 IEC 61747-6-3:2011 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-3: Measuring defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder methods for liquid crystal display modules - Motion - Part 21: Program management - Systems artifact measurement of active matrix liquid crystal engineering guidelines for managing the transition to display modules lead-free electronics TC 110 IEC 61988-1:2011 TC 107 IEC/PAS 62647-22:2011 Plasma display panels - Part 1: Terminology and letter Process management for avionics - Aerospace and symbols defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder TC 112 IEC 60505:2011 - Part 22: Technical guidelines Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation TC 107 IEC/PAS 62647-23:2011 system Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 23: Rework and repair guidance to address the implications of lead-free electronics and mixed assemblies


Ratifikuoti Europos standartai neturi Europos standartø statuso, jei jie neperimti kaip Lietuvos standartai.

ASD/ELEC EN 2240-071:2011 ASD/ELEC EN 2240-082:2011 Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 071: Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 082: Lamp, code 3011 - Product standard Lamp, code 7079 - Product standard ASD/ELEC EN 2240-072:2011 ASD/ELEC EN 2997-014:2011 Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 072: Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, Lamp, code 3912 - Product standard coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire- ASD/ELEC EN 2240-073:2011 resistant, operating temperatures - 65 °C to 175 °C Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 073: continuous, 200 °C continuous, 260 °C peak - Part 014: Lamp, code 4174 - Product standard Square flange receptacle with integrated accessory ASD/ELEC EN 2240-074:2011 - Product standard Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 074: ASD/ELEC EN 3155-002:2011 Lamp, code 5086 - Product standard Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in ASD/ELEC EN 2240-075:2011 elements of connection - Part 002: List and utilization of contacts Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 075: Lamp, code 5448 - Product standard ASD/ELEC EN 4008-007:2011 ASD/ELEC EN 2240-076:2011 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Crimping tools and associated Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 076: accessories - Part 007: Positioner for crimping tool Lamp, code 5678 - Product standard M22520/2-01 - Product standard ASD/ELEC EN 2240-077:2011 ASD/ELEC EN 4008-008:2011 Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 077: Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical Lamp, code 6832 - Product standard connection - Crimping tools and associated ASD/ELEC EN 2240-078:2011 accessories - Part 008: Positioner for crimping tool Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 078: M22520/7-01 - Product standard Lamp, code 6838 - Product standard ASD/MAT EN 4678:2011 ASD/ELEC EN 2240-079:2011 Aerospace series - Weldments and brazements for Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 079: aerospace structures - Joints of metallic materials by Lamp, code 6839 - Product standard laser beam welding - Quality of weldments ASD/ELEC EN 2240-080:2011 ASD/QUAL EN 9101:2011 Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 080: Quality Management Systems - Audit Requirements Lamp, code 7007-704 - Product standard for Aviation, Space, and Defence Organizations ASD/ELEC EN 2240-081:2011 CEN/SS B02 EN ISO 11600:2003/A1:2011 Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 081: Building construction - Jointing products - Lamp, code 7070 - Product standard Classification and requirements for sealants (ISO 11600:2002/Amd 1:2011)


CEN/SS S26 EN ISO 14006:2011 CEN/TC 156 EN 13141-4:2011 Environmental management systems - Guidelines for Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of incorporating ecodesign (ISO 14006:2011) components/products for residential ventilation - CEN/TC 12 EN 14161:2011 Part 4: Fans used in residential ventilation systems Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline CEN/TC 172 EN 14161:2011 transportation systems (ISO 13623:2009 modified) Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline CEN/TC 23 EN 1089-3:2011 transportation systems (ISO 13623:2009 modified) Transportable gas cylinders - Gas cylinder CEN/TC 192 EN 15889:2011 identification (excluding LPG) - Part 3: Colour coding Fire-fighting hoses - Test methods CEN/TC 33 EN 13050:2011 CEN/TC 196 EN 1889-1:2011 Curtain Walling - Watertightness - Laboratory test Machines for underground mines - Mobile machines under dynamic condition of air pressure and water working underground - Safety - Part 1: Rubber tyred spray vehicles CEN/TC 52 EN 71-2:2011 CEN/TC 241 CEN/TR 16239:2011 Safety of toys - Part 2: Flammability Installation rules of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works CEN/TC 54 EN 13445-5:2009/A1:2011 CEN/TC 258 EN ISO 14155:2011/AC:2011 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and Clinical investigation of medical devices for human testing subjects - Good clinical practice - Technical CEN/TC 54 EN 13445-5:2009/A2:2011 Corrigendum 1 (ISO 14155:2011/Cor 1:2011) Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and CEN/TC 262 EN ISO 6158:2011 testing Metallic and other inorganic coatings - CEN/TC 54 EN 13445-5:2009/A3:2011 Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and engineering purposes (ISO 6158:2011) testing CEN/TC 262 EN ISO 28706-5:2011 CEN/TC 55 EN ISO 15912:2006/A1:2011 Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of Dentistry - Casting investments and refractory die resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 5: Determination materials - Amendment 1: Requirement and test method for adequacy of expansion of Type 1 and of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems Type 2 materials (ISO 15912:2006/Amd 1:2011) (ISO 28706-5:2010) CEN/TC 121 EN 287-1:2011 CEN/TC 267 EN 13480-5:2002/A1:2011 Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing Steels CEN/TC 267 EN 13480-8:2007/A1:2011 CEN/TC 122 EN ISO 9241-420:2011 Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 420: requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping Selection of physical input devices CEN/TC 269 EN 12952-4:2011 (ISO 9241-420:2011) Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 4: CEN/TC 122 EN ISO 9241-910:2011 In-service boiler life expectancy calculations Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 910: CEN/TC 275 EN ISO 16050:2011 Framework for tactile and haptic interaction Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1, and the (ISO 9241-910:2011) total content of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in cereals, CEN/TC 123 EN ISO 21254-1:2011 nuts and derived products - High-performance liquid Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods chromatographic method (ISO 16050:2003) for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 1: Definitions CEN/TC 275 EN ISO 22118:2011 and general principles (ISO 21254-1:2011) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - CEN/TC 123 EN ISO 21254-2:2011 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods and quantification of food-borne pathogens - for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 2: Threshold Performance characteristics (ISO 22118:2011) determination (ISO 21254-2:2011) CEN/TC 275 EN ISO 22119:2011 CEN/TC 123 EN ISO 21254-3:2011 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Real- Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 3: of food-borne pathogens - General requirements and Assurance of laser power (energy) handling definitions (ISO 22119:2011) capabilities (ISO 21254-3:2011) CEN/TC 275 CEN/TS 16233-1:2011 CEN/TC 124 EN 912:2011 Foodstuffs - HPLC method for the determination of Timber fasteners - Specifications for connectors for xanthophylls in fish flesh - Part 1: Determination of timbers astaxanthin and canthaxanthin CEN/TC 127 EN 15254-4:2008+A1:2011 CEN/TC 275 CEN/TS 16233-2:2011 Extended application of results from fire resistance Foodstuffs - HPLC method for the determination of tests - Non-loadbearing walls - Part 4: Glazed constructions xanthophylls in fish flesh - Part 2: Identification of the enantiomer ratio of astaxanthin CEN/TC 151 EN 12649:2008+A1:2011 CEN/TC 278 EN ISO 14825:2011 Concrete compactors and smoothing machines - Safety Intelligent transport systems - Geographic Data Files CEN/TC 151 EN ISO 2867:2011 (GDF) - GDF5.0 (ISO 14825:2011) Earth-moving machinery - Access systems CEN/TC 278 CEN/TS 15531-5:2011 (ISO 2867:2011) Public transport - Service interface for real-time CEN/TC 156 EN 13053:2006+A1:2011 information relating to public transport operations - Ventilation for buildings - Air handling units - Rating Part 5: Functional service interfaces - Situation and performance for units, components and sections Exchange


CEN/TC 278 CEN/TR 16219:2011 CEN/TC 332 EN ISO 13079:2011 Electronic Fee Collection - Value added services based Laboratory glass and plastics ware - Tubes for the on EFC on-board equipment measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate CEN/TC 290 EN ISO 13385-1:2011 by the Westergren method (ISO 13079:2011) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - CEN/TC 332 EN ISO 13130:2011 Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 1: Callipers; Laboratory glassware - Desiccators (ISO 13130:2011) Design and metrological characteristics CEN/TC 332 EN ISO 13132:2011 (ISO 13385-1:2011) Laboratory glassware - Petri dishes (ISO 13132:2011) CEN/TC 290 EN ISO 13385-2:2011 CEN/TC 337 EN 15432-1:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Winter and road service area maintenance Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 2: Calliper equipments - Front-mounted equipments - Part 1: Fixed depth gauges; Design and metrological characteristics front mounting plates (ISO 13385-2:2011) CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 23611-1:2011 CEN/TC 293 EN ISO 9999:2011 Soil quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 1: Assistive products for persons with disability - Hand-sorting and formalin extraction of earthworms Classification and terminology (ISO 9999:2011) (ISO 23611-1:2006) CEN/TC 305 EN 1127-1:2011 CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 23611-2:2011 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and Soil quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 2: protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology Sampling and extraction of micro-arthropods CEN/TC 305 EN 13463-5:2011 (Collembola and Acarina) (ISO 23611-2:2006) Non-electrical equipment intended for use in potentially CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 23611-3:2011 explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Protection by Soil quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 3: constructional safety ‘c’ Sampling and soil extraction of enchytraeids CEN/TC 305 EN 16009:2011 (ISO 23611-3:2007) Flameless explosion venting devices CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 23611-4:2011 CEN/TC 305 EN 16020:2011 Soil quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 4: Explosion diverters Sampling, extraction and identification of soil-inhabiting CEN/TC 305 EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011 nematodes (ISO 23611-4:2007) Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 23753-1:2011 quality systems for equipment manufacture Soil Quality - Determination of dehydrogenase activity (ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011) in soil - Part 1: Method using triphenyltetrazolium CEN/TC 309 CEN ISO/TS 16181:2011 chloride (TTC) (ISO 23753-1:2005) Footwear - Critical substances potentially present CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 23753-2:2011 in footwear and footwear components - Determination Soil Quality - Determination of dehydrogenase activity of phthalates in footwear materials in soils - Part 2: Method using iodotetrazolium chloride (ISO/TS 16181:2011) (INT) (ISO 23753-2:2005)



Ratifikuoti Europos standartai neturi Europos standartø statuso, jei jie neperimti kaip Lietuvos standartai.

CLC/SR 15 EN 60684-3-205:2011 CLC/SR 112 EN 60212:2011 Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications Standard conditions for use prior to and during the for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 205: testing of solid electrical insulating materials Heat-shrinkable chlorinated polyolefin sleeving, CLC/TC 2 EN 60034-16-1:2011 flame retarded, nominal shrink ratio 1,7:1 and 2:1 Rotating electrical machines - Part 16-1: Excitation CLC/SR 15 EN 60893-3-2:2004/A1:2011 systems for synchronous machines - Definitions Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated (IEC 60034-16-1:2011) sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical CLC/TC 21X EN 61951-2:2011 purposes - Part 3-2: Specifications for individual Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed based on epoxy resins rechargeable single cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal CLC/SR 23A EN 61534-1:2011 hydride Powertrack systems - Part 1: General requirements CLC/TC 21X EN 62660-1:2011 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of CLC/SR 27 EN 61307:2011 electric road vehicles - Part 1: Performance testing Industrial microwave heating installations - Test CLC/TC 21X EN 62660-2:2011 methods for the determination of power output Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of CLC/SR 34A EN 61341:2011 electric road vehicles - Part 2: Reliability and abuse Method of measurement of centre beam intensity testing and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps CLC/TC 31 EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011 (IEC/TR 61341:2010) Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application CLC/SR 47 EN 60749-30:2005/A1:2011 of quality systems for equipment manufacture Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic (ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011, modified) test methods - Part 30: Preconditioning of non- CLC/TC 34Z EN 61347-2-3:2011 hermetic surface mount devices prior to reliability Lamp control gear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements testing (IEC 60749-30:2005/A1:2011) for a.c. and/or d.c. supplied electronic control gear CLC/SR 47 EN 62258-2:2011 for fluorescent lamps (IEC 61347-2-3:2011) Semiconductor die products - Part 2: Exchange CLC/TC 45B EN 62244:2011 data formats (IEC 62258-2:2011) Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed CLC/SR 48B EN 60512-9-3:2011 radiation monitors for the detection of radioactive Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and and special nuclear materials at national borders measurements - Part 9-3: Endurance tests - Test 9c: (IEC 62244:2006, modified) Mechanical operation (engaging/separating) with CLC/TC 45B EN 62327:2011 electrical load (IEC 60512-9-3:2011) Radiation protection instrumentation - Hand-held CLC/SR 48B EN 61076-2:2011 instruments for the detection and identification of radionuclides and for the indication of ambient Connectors for electronic equipment - Product dose equivalent rate from photon radiation requirements - Part 2: Sectional specification for (IEC 62327:2006, modified) circular connectors (IEC 61076-2:2011) CLC/TC 55 EN 60851-5:2008/A1:2011 CLC/SR 49 EN 61837-2:2011 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for properties frequency control and selection - Standard outlines CLC/TC 59X EN 60456:2011 and terminal lead connections - Part 2: Ceramic Clothes washing machines for household use - enclosures (IEC 61837-2:2011) Methods for measuring the performance CLC/SR 86 EN 62129-2:2011 (IEC 60456:2010, modified) Calibration of wavelength/optical frequency CLC/TC 61 EN 62115:2005/A2:2011 measurement instruments - Part 2: Michelson Electric toys - Safety interferometer single wavelength meters CLC/TC 64 HD 60364-5-54:2011 (IEC 62129-2:2011) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: CLC/SR 100 EN 62216:2011 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Digital terrestrial television receivers for the DVB-T Earthing arrangements and protective conductors system (IEC 62216:2009) (IEC 60364-5-54:2011)



Ratifikuoti Europos standartai neturi Europos standartø statuso, jei jie neperimti kaip Lietuvos standartai.

ETSI EG 202 843 V1.1.2 (2011-07) ETSI EN 302 858-2 V1.2.1 (2011-07) User Group; Quality of ICT Services; Definitions and Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Methods for Assessing the QoS parameters of the Matters (ERM); Road Transport and Traffic Telematics Customer Relationship Stages other than utilization (RTTT); Short range radar equipment operating in the ETSI EN 300 433-1 V1.3.1 (2011-07) 24,05 GHz to 24,25 GHz frequency range for Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum automotive application; Part 2: Harmonized EN covering Matters (ERM); Citizens’ Band (CB) radio equipment; the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of Directive measurement ETSI EN 302 931 V1.1.1 (2011-07) ETSI EN 300 433-2 V1.3.1 (2011-07) Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Communications; Geographical Area Definition Matters (ERM); Citizens’ Band (CB) radio equipment; ETSI EN 305 550-1 V1.1.1 (2011-07) Part 2: Harmonized EN covering the essential Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio ETSI EN 301 842-1 V1.3.3 (2011-07) equipment to be used in the 40 GHz to 246 GHz AERO VHF air-ground Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio frequency range; Part 1: Technical characteristics and equipment; Technical characteristics and methods of test methods measurement for ground-based equipment; Part 1: EN ETSI EN 305 550-2 V1.1.1 (2011-07) for ground equipment Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum ETSI EN 301 908-11 V5.2.1 (2011-07) Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the equipment to be used in the 40 GHz to 246 GHz essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE frequency range; Part 2: Harmonized EN covering the Directive; Part 11: CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA FDD) essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE (Repeaters) Directive ETSI EN 301 908-15 V5.2.1 (2011-07) ETSI ES 202 336-1 V1.2.1 (2011-07) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the Environmental Engineering (EE); Monitoring and essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Control Interface for Infrastructure Equipment (Power, Directive; Part 15: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Cooling and Building Environment Systems used in Access (E-UTRA FDD) (Repeaters) Telecommunication Networks) Part 1: Generic Interface ETSI EN 301 908-18 V5.2.1 (2011-07) ETSI GS 001 V1.1.1 (2011-06) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Future Internet (AFI); Scenarios, Use Cases and Directive; Part 18: E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE Multi- Requirements for Autonomic/Self-Managing Future Standard Radio (MSR) Base Station (BS) Internet ETSI EN 301 908-2 V5.2.1 (2011-07) ETSI SR 080 005 V3.1.1 (2011-07) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the Telecommunications and Internet converged Services essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Directive; Part 2: C Regulatory Requirements and Public Interests in NGN ETSI EN 301 908-3 V5.2.1 (2011-07) standardisation IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the ETSI TR 102 021-1 V1.3.1 (2011-07) essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); User Requirement Directive; Part 3: CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA FDD) Specification TETRA Release 2.1; Part 1: General Base Stations (BS) overview ETSI EN 301 908-6 V5.2.1 (2011-07) ETSI TR 102 021-11 V1.1.1 (2011-07) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); User Requirement essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Specification TETRA Release 2.1; Part 11: Over The Air Directive; Part 6: CDMA TDD (UTRA TDD) User Management Equipment (UE) ETSI TR 102 530 V1.2.1 (2011-07) ETSI EN 301 908-7 V5.2.1 (2011-07) Environmental Engineering (EE); The reduction of IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the energy consumption in telecommunications equipment essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE and related infrastructure Directive; Part 7: CDMA TDD (UTRA TDD) Base ETSI TR 102 864 V1.1.1 (2011-07) Stations (BS) Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing ETSI EN 302 842-1 V1.2.3 (2011-07) (ATTM); Assessment of Cable equipment with Digital AERO VHF air-ground and air-air Digital Link (VDL) Dividend; New Electronic Communication Networks Mode 4 radio equipment; Technical characteristics and (ECN) Operating in the UHF band 790 MHz to 862 MHz methods of measurement for aeronautical mobile ETSI TR 102 886 V1.1.1 (2011-07) (airborne) equipment; Part 1: Physical layer Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum ETSI EN 302 858-1 V1.2.1 (2011-07) Matters (ERM); Technical characteristics of Smart Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Metering (SM) Short Range Devices (SRD) in the UHF Matters (ERM); Road Transport and Traffic Telematics Band; System Reference Document, SRDs, Spectrum (RTTT); Short range radar equipment operating in the Requirements for Smart Metering European access 24,05 GHz to 24,25 GHz frequency range for profile Protocol (PR-SMEP automotive application; Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods


ETSI TR 102 892 V1.1.2 (2011-07) ETSI TS 102 694-1 V8.0.0 (2011-07) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Smart Cards; Test specification for the Single Wire Matters (ERM); SRD radar equipment using Wideband Protocol (SWP) interface; Part 1: Terminal features Low Activity Mode (WLAM) and operating in the (Release 8) frequency range from 24,05 GHz to 24,50 GHz; System ETSI TS 102 726-1 V2.1.1 (2011-06) Reference Document Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum ETSI TR 102 944 V1.1.1 (2011-07) Matters (ERM); Conformance testing for Mode 1 of the Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Use Cases for digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR); Part 1: Protocol Baseband Interfaces for Unified Radio Applications of Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Mobile Device proforma ETSI TR 103 063 V1.1.1 (2011-07) ETSI TS 102 726-2 V2.1.1 (2011-06) Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Use Cases for Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Reconfigurable Radio Systems operating in IMT bands Matters (ERM); Conformance testing for Mode 1 of the and GSM bands for intra-operator scenarios digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR); Part 2: Test Suite ETSI TR 125 914 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 102 726-3 V2.1.1 (2011-06) Measurements of radio performances for UMTS Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum terminals in speech mode (3GPP TR 25.914 Matters (ERM); Conformance testing for Mode 1 of the version 10.1.0 Release 10) digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR); Part 3: ETSI TR 125 931 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Interoperability Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (TSS&TP) specification UTRAN functions, examples on signalling procedures ETSI TS 102 852 V1.1.2 (2011-07) (3GPP TR 25.931 version 10.1.0 Release 10) User Group; Quality of ICT Services; Assessment ETSI TR 133 924 V10.1.0 (2011-06) process of the QoS parameters of the customer Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); relationship stages Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 102 922-1 V7.1.0 (2011-07) LTE; Identity management and 3GPP security Smart Cards; Test specification for the ETSI aspects of interworking; Identity management and Generic the IC_USB interface; Part 1: Terminal features Authentication Architecture (GAA) interworking (3GPP (Release 7) TR 33.924 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 121 101 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TR 133 924 V9.4.0 (2011-06) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 21.101 LTE; Identity management and 3GPP security version 10.1.0 Release 10) interworking; Identity management and Generic ETSI TS 121 101 V8.3.0 (2011-07) Authentication Architecture (GAA) interworking (3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); TR 33.924 version 9.4.0 Release 9) Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a ETSI TR 136 927 V10.0.0 (2011-07) UTRAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 21.101 version Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); 8.3.0 Release 8) Potential solutions for energy saving for E-UTRAN ETSI TS 121 101 V9.1.0 (2011-07) (3GPP TR 36.927 version 10.0.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 101 220 V11.0.0 (2011-06) Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a Smart Cards; ETSI numbering system for UTRAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 21.101 telecommunication application providers (Release 11) version 9.1.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 101 861 V1.4.1 (2011-07) ETSI TS 121 201 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Time Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for an stamping profile Evolved Packet System (EPS) based 3GPP system ETSI TS 102 223 V10.4.0 (2011-06) (3GPP TS 21.201 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Smart Cards; Card Application Toolkit (CAT) ETSI TS 121 201 V8.4.0 (2011-07) (Release 10) Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for an ETSI TS 102 240 V10.0.0 (2011-07) Evolved Packet System (EPS) based 3GPP system Smart Cards; UICC Application Programming Interface (3GPP TS 21.201 version 8.4.0 Release 8) and Loader Requirements; Service description ETSI TS 121 201 V9.1.0 (2011-07) (Release 10) Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for an ETSI TS 102 240 V11.0.0 (2011-07) Evolved Packet System (EPS) based 3GPP system Smart Cards; UICC Application Programming Interface (3GPP TS 21.201 version 9.1.0 Release 9) and Loader Requirements; Service description ETSI TS 121 202 V10.1.0 (2011-07) (Release 11) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 102 687 V1.1.1 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Decentralized LTE; Technical Specifications and Technical Reports Congestion Control Mechanisms for Intelligent Transport relating to the Common IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Systems operating in the 5 GHz range; Access layer (3GPP TS 21.202 version 10.1.0 Release 10) part ETSI TS 121 202 V8.4.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 102 694-1 V7.3.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Smart Cards; Test specification for the Single Wire Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Protocol (SWP) interface; Part 1: Terminal features LTE; Technical Specifications and Technical Reports (Release 7) relating to the Common IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) ETSI TS 102 694-1 V7.4.0 (2011-07) (3GPP TS 21.202 version 8.4.0 Release 8) Smart Cards; Test specification for the Single Wire ETSI TS 121 202 V9.2.0 (2011-07) Protocol (SWP) interface; Part 1: Terminal features Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); (Release 7) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);


LTE; Technical Specifications and Technical Reports Protocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229 version 9.8.0 relating to the Common IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Release 9) (3GPP TS 21.202 version 9.2.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 124 292 V8.10.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 122 101 V10.6.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem LTE; Service aspects; Service principles (3GPP Centralized Services (ICS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.292 TS 22.101 version 10.6.0 Release 10) version 8.10.0 Release 8) ETSI TS 122 101 V9.9.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 101 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Service aspects; Service principles (3GPP User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception TS 22.101 version 9.9.0 Release 9) (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.101 version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 122 220 V10.7.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 102 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception Home eNode B (HeNB) (3GPP TS 22.220 version 10.7.0 (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.102 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Release 10) ETSI TS 125 104 V10.2.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 122 220 V9.7.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.104 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Home eNode B (HeNB) (3GPP TS 22.220 version 9.7.0 ETSI TS 125 104 V8.13.0 (2011-06) Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 122 233 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.104 version 8.13.0 Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 104 V9.7.0 (2011-06) LTE; Transparent end-to-end packet-switched Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); streaming service; Stage 1 (3GPP TS 22.233 Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception version 10.1.0 Release 10) (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.104 version 9.7.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 122 368 V10.5.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 105 V10.3.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception LTE; Service requirements for Machine-Type (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.105 version 10.3.0 Release 10) Communications (MTC); Stage 1 (3GPP TS 22.368 ETSI TS 125 113 V10.1.0 (2011-07) version 10.5.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 123 018 V10.2.1 (2011-07) Base station (BS) and repeater electromagnetic Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); compatibility (EMC) (3GPP TS 25.113 version 10.1.0 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Release 10) Basic call handling; Technical realization (3GPP TS ETSI TS 125 123 V10.2.0 (2011-07) 23.018 version 10.2.1 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 124 229 V10.4.0 (2011-07) Requirements for support of radio resource Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); management (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.123 version 10.2.0 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Release 10) LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based on ETSI TS 125 123 V8.10.0 (2011-07) Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Protocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229 Requirements for support of radio resource version 10.4.0 Release 10) management (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.123 version 8.10.0 ETSI TS 124 229 V6.27.0 (2011-07) Release 8) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 125 123 V9.5.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based on Requirements for support of radio resource Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description management (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.123 version 9.5.0 Protocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229 Release 9) version 6.27.0 Release 6) ETSI TS 125 133 V10.2.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 124 229 V7.24.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Requirements for support of radio resource Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); management (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.133 version 10.2.0 LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based on Release 10) Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229 ETSI TS 125 133 V8.14.0 (2011-07) version 7.24.0 Release 7) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 124 229 V8.16.0 (2011-07) Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.133 version 8.14.0 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based on ETSI TS 125 133 V9.8.0 (2011-07) Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Protocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229 Requirements for support of radio resource version 8.16.0 Release 8) management (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.133 version 9.8.0 ETSI TS 124 229 V9.8.0 (2011-07) Release 9) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 125 141 V10.2.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based on Base Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD) (3GPP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description TS 25.141 version 10.2.0 Release 10)


ETSI TS 125 141 V8.14.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 307 V6.13.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Base Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD) (3GPP Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a TS 25.141 version 8.14.0 Release 8) release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 ETSI TS 125 141 V9.8.0 (2011-07) version 6.13.0 Release 6) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 307 V7.9.0 (2011-07) Base Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD) (3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); TS 25.141 version 9.8.0 Release 9) Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a ETSI TS 125 142 V10.2.0 (2011-07) release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 7.9.0 Release 7) Base Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD) (3GPP ETSI TS 125 307 V8.7.0 (2011-07) TS 25.142 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 214 V10.3.0 (2011-07) Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 Physical layer procedures (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.214 version 8.7.0 Release 8) version 10.3.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 307 V9.3.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 214 V9.6.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a Physical layer procedures (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.214 release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 version 9.6.0 Release 9) version 9.3.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 125 224 V10.2.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 308 V10.5.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Physical layer procedures (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.224 High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA); Overall version 10.2.0 Release 10) description; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.308 version 10.5.0 ETSI TS 125 225 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 308 V8.11.0 (2011-07) Physical layer; Measurements (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.225 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 10.1.0 Release 10) High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA); Overall ETSI TS 125 304 V10.1.0 (2011-07) description; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.308 version 8.11.0 Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode and ETSI TS 125 308 V9.6.0 (2011-07) procedures for cell reselection in connected mode Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (3GPP TS 25.304 version 10.1.0 Release 10) High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA); Overall ETSI TS 125 304 V8.12.0 (2011-07) description; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.308 version 9.6.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode and ETSI TS 125 317 V10.1.0 (2011-07) procedures for cell reselection in connected mode Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (3GPP TS 25.304 version 8.12.0 Release 8) High Speed Packet Access (HSPA); Requirements on ETSI TS 125 304 V9.5.0 (2011-07) User Equipments (UEs) upporting a release- independent frequency band combination (3GPP TS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); 25.317 version 10.1.0 Release 10) User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode ETSI TS 125 319 V10.5.0 (2011-07) (3GPP TS 25.304 version 9.5.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 306 V10.3.0 (2011-07) Enhanced uplink; Overall description; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.319 version 10.5.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UE Radio Access capabilities (3GPP TS 25.306 ETSI TS 125 319 V9.6.0 (2011-07) version 10.3.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 306 V8.12.0 (2011-07) Enhanced uplink; Overall description; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.319 version 9.6.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UE Radio Access capabilities (3GPP TS 25.306 ETSI TS 125 321 V10.3.0 (2011-07) version 8.12.0 Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 306 V9.7.0 (2011-07) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.321 version 10.3.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UE Radio Access capabilities (3GPP TS 25.306 ETSI TS 125 321 V8.13.0 (2011-07) version 9.7.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 307 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.321 version 8.13.0 Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a ETSI TS 125 321 V9.6.0 (2011-07) release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 10.1.0 Release 10) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification ETSI TS 125 307 V4.17.0 (2011-07) (3GPP TS 25.321 version 9.6.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 322 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification (3GPP version 4.17.0 Release 4) TS 25.322 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 307 V5.16.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 322 V9.3.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting a Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification (3GPP release-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 25.307 TS 25.322 version 9.3.0 Release 9) version 5.16.0 Release 5)


ETSI TS 125 323 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 420 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) UTRAN Iur interface general aspects and principles specification (3GPP TS 25.323 version 10.1.0 (3GPP TS 25.420 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Release 10) ETSI TS 125 421 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 331 V10.4.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iur interface layer 1 (3GPP TS 25.421 Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification version 10.1.0 Release 10) (3GPP TS 25.331 version 10.4.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 422 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 331 V7.20.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iur interface signalling transport (3GPP Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification TS 25.422 version 10.1.0 Release 10) (3GPP TS 25.331 version 7.20.0 Release 7) ETSI TS 125 423 V10.3.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 331 V8.15.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification Application Part (RNSAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.423 (3GPP TS 25.331 version 8.15.0 Release 8) version 10.3.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 331 V9.7.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 423 V8.12.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem (3GPP TS 25.331 version 9.7.0 Release 9) Application Part (RNSAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.423 ETSI TS 125 401 V10.2.0 (2011-07) version 8.12.0 Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 423 V9.7.0 (2011-07) - UTRAN overall description (3GPP TS 25.401 version Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); 10.2.0 Release 10) UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem ETSI TS 125 402 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Application Part (RNSAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.423 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 9.7.0 Release 9) Synchronisation in UTRAN Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.402 ETSI TS 125 424 V10.1.0 (2011-07) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 410 V10.2.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iur interface data transport & transport Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); signalling for Common Transport Channel data streams UTRAN Iu interface: General aspects and principles (3GPP TS 25.424 version 10.1.0 Release 10) (3GPP TS 25.410 version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 425 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 411 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iur interface user plane protocols for Common UTRAN Iu interface layer 1 (3GPP TS 25.411 version Transport Channel data streams (3GPP TS 25.425 10.1.0 Release 10) version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 412 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 425 V8.6.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iu interface signalling transport (3GPP TS UTRAN Iur interface user plane protocols for Common 25.412 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Transport Channel data streams (3GPP TS 25.425 ETSI TS 125 413 V10.2.0 (2011-07) version 8.6.0 Release 8) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 425 V9.2.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Part (RANAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.413 version 10.2.0 UTRAN Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Release 10) Transport Channel data streams (3GPP TS 25.425 ETSI TS 125 413 V8.8.0 (2011-07) version 9.2.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 426 V10.1.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Part (RANAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.413 version 8.8.0 UTRAN Iur and Iub interface data transport & transport Release 8) signalling for DCH data streams (3GPP TS 25.426 ETSI TS 125 413 V9.6.0 (2011-07) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 427 V10.1.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Part (RANAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.413 version 9.6.0 UTRAN Iub/Iur interface user plane protocol for DCH Release 9) data streams (3GPP TS 25.427 version 10.1.0 ETSI TS 125 414 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 430 V10.1.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iu interface data transport and transport Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); signalling (3GPP TS 25.414 version 10.1.0 Release 10) UTRAN Iub Interface: general aspects and principles ETSI TS 125 415 V10.1.0 (2011-07) (3GPP TS 25.430 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 431 V10.1.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iu interface user plane protocols (3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); TS 25.415 version 10.1.0 Release 10) UTRAN Iub interface Layer 1 (3GPP TS 25.431 ETSI TS 125 419 V10.1.0 (2011-07) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 432 V10.1.0 (2011-07) UTRAN Iu-BC interface: Service Area Broadcast Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Protocol (SABP) (3GPP TS 25.419 version 10.1.0 UTRAN Iub interface: signalling transport (3GPP Release 10) TS 25.432 version 10.1.0 Release 10)


ETSI TS 125 433 V10.3.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 467 V10.2.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface Node B Application Part (NBAP) UTRAN architecture for 3G Home Node B (HNB); signalling (3GPP TS 25.433 version 10.3.0 Release 10) Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.467 version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 433 V8.12.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 468 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface Node B Application Part (NBAP) UTRAN Iuh Interface RANAP User Adaption (RUA) signalling (3GPP TS 25.433 version 8.12.0 Release 8) signalling (3GPP TS 25.468 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 433 V9.7.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 469 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface Node B Application Part (NBAP) UTRAN Iuh interface Home Node B (HNB) Application signalling (3GPP TS 25.433 version 9.7.0 Release 9) Part (HNBAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.469 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 434 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 471 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface data transport and transport UTRAN Iurh interface Radio Network Subsystem signalling for Common Transport Channel data streams Application Part (RNSAP) User Adaption (RNA) (3GPP TS 25.434 version 10.1.0 Release 10) signalling (3GPP TS 25.471 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 125 435 V10.2.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 484 V10.0.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface user plane protocols for Common Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) for UTRAN; Transport Channel data streams (3GPP TS 25.435 Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.484 version 10.0.0 Release 10) version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 129 002 V10.3.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 435 V8.7.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface user plane protocols for Common Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification (3GPP Transport Channel data streams (3GPP TS 25.435 TS 29.002 version 10.3.0 Release 10) version 8.7.0 Release 8) ETSI TS 129 002 V8.16.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 435 V9.4.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iub interface user plane protocols for Common Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification (3GPP Transport Channel data streams (3GPP TS 25.435 TS 29.002 version 8.16.0 Release 8) version 9.4.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 129 002 V9.5.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 442 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN implementation-specific O&M transport (3GPP Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification (3GPP TS 25.442 version 10.1.0 Release 10) TS 29.002 version 9.5.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 125 444 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 129 108 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Iuh data transport (3GPP TS 25.444 version 10.1.0 LTE; Application of the Radio Access Network Release 10) Application Part (RANAP) on the E-interface (3GPP ETSI TS 125 446 V10.1.0 (2011-07) TS 29.108 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 129 199-3 V8.3.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); MBMS synchronisation protocol (SYNC) (3GPP Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); TS 25.446 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Open Service Access (OSA); Parlay X web ETSI TS 125 450 V10.1.0 (2011-07) services; Part 3: Call notification (3GPP TS 29.199-03 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 8.3.0 Release 8) UTRAN Iupc interface general aspects and principles ETSI TS 129 303 V10.2.1 (2011-07) (3GPP TS 25.450 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 452 V10.1.0 (2011-07) LTE; Domain Name System Procedures; Stage 3 (3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); TS 29.303 version 10.2.1 Release 10) UTRAN Iupc interface: signalling transport (3GPP ETSI TS 131 101 V10.0.1 (2011-07) TS 25.452 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 453 V10.3.0 (2011-07) UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); characteristics (3GPP TS 31.101 version 10.0.1 UTRAN Iupc interface Positioning Calculation Release 10) Application Part (PCAP) signalling (3GPP TS ETSI TS 131 101 V7.2.2 (2011-07) 25.453 version 10.3.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 125 461 V10.2.0 (2011-06) UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); characteristics (3GPP TS 31.101 version 7.2.2 UTRAN Iuant interface: Layer 1 (3GPP TS 25.461 Release 7) version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 131 101 V8.2.2 (2011-07) ETSI TS 125 462 V10.1.0 (2011-06) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical UTRAN Iuant interface: Signalling transport (3GPP characteristics (3GPP TS 31.101 version 8.2.2 TS 25.462 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Release 8) ETSI TS 125 466 V10.2.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 131 101 V9.1.2 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iuant interface: Application part (3GPP UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical TS 25.466 version 10.2.0 Release 10) characteristics (3GPP TS 31.101 version 9.1.2 Release 9)


ETSI TS 131 102 V10.2.0 (2011-07) LTE; Telecommunication management; Advanced Alarm Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Management (AAM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): LTE; Characteristics of the Universal Subscriber Identity eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file format definition Module (USIM) application (3GPP TS 31.102 (3GPP TS 32.125 version 9.2.0 Release 9) version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 132 126 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 131 102 V8.12.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Characteristics of the Universal Subscriber Identity LTE; Telecommunication management; Advanced Alarm Module (USIM) application (3GPP TS 31.102 Management (AAM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); version 8.12.0 Release 8) Solution Set (SS) definitions (3GPP TS 32.126 ETSI TS 131 102 V9.7.0 (2011-07) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 132 127 V9.1.0 (2011-07) LTE; Characteristics of the Universal Subscriber Identity Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Module (USIM) application (3GPP TS 31.102 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 9.7.0 Release 9) LTE; Telecommunication management; Advanced Alarm ETSI TS 131 111 V10.3.0 (2011-07) Management (AAM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); SOAP solution set (3GPP TS 32.127 version 9.1.0 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Release 9) LTE; Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) ETSI TS 132 251 V8.12.0 (2011-07) Application Toolkit (USAT) (3GPP TS 31.111 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); version 10.3.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 131 111 V9.6.0 (2011-07) LTE; Telecommunication management; Charging Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); management; Packet Switched (PS) domain charging Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (3GPP TS 32.251 version 8.12.0 Release 8) LTE; Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) ETSI TS 132 280 V10.3.1 (2011-07) Application Toolkit (USAT) (3GPP TS 31.111 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 9.6.0 Release 9) Telecommunication management; Charging ETSI TS 131 121 V10.1.0 (2011-07) management; Advice of Charge (AoC) service (3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); TS 32.280 version 10.3.1 Release 10) LTE; UICC-terminal interface; Universal Subscriber ETSI TS 132 298 V8.11.0 (2011-07) Identity Module (USIM) application test specification Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); (3GPP TS 31.121 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 131 121 V9.6.0 (2011-07) LTE; Telecommunication management; Charging Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); management; Charging Data Record (CDR) parameter LTE; UICC-terminal interface; Universal Subscriber description (3GPP TS 32.298 version 8.11.0 Release 8) Identity Module (USIM) application test specification ETSI TS 132 299 V8.14.0 (2011-07) (3GPP TS 31.121 version 9.6.0 Release 9) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 131 124 V10.1.0 (2011-07) - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Telecommunication management; Charging LTE; Mobile Equipment (ME) conformance test management; Diameter charging applications (3GPP specification; Universal Subscriber Identity Module TS 32.299 version 8.14.0 Release 8) Application Toolkit (USAT) conformance test ETSI TS 132 407 V9.1.0 (2011-07) specification (3GPP TS 31.124 version 10.1.0 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 131 124 V9.6.0 (2011-07) LTE; Telecommunication management; Performance Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Management (PM); Performance measurements; LTE; Mobile Equipment (ME) conformance test ETSI TS 132 446 V10.3.0 (2011-07) specification; Universal Subscriber Identity Module Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Application Toolkit (USAT) conformance test Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); specification (3GPP TS 31.124 version 9.6.0 Release 9) LTE; Telecommunication management; Trace ETSI TS 131 130 V10.1.0 (2011-07) Management Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Set (SS) definitions (3GPP TS 32.446 version 10.3.0 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Release 10) LTE; (U)SIM Application Programming Interface (API); ETSI TS 132 450 V8.3.0 (2011-07) (U)SIM API for Java Card (3GPP TS 31.130 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 10.1.0 Release 10) LTE; Telecommunication management; Key ETSI TS 132 103 V10.0.0 (2011-07) Performance Indicators (KPI) for Evolved Universal Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN): Definitions Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (3GPP TS 32.450 version 8.3.0 Release 8) LTE; Telecommunication management; Integration ETSI TS 132 450 V9.2.0 (2011-07) Reference Point (IRP) overview and usage guide (3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); TS 32.103 version 10.0.0 Release 10) LTE; Telecommunication management; Key ETSI TS 132 125 V8.2.0 (2011-07) Performance Indicators (KPI) for Evolved Universal Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN): Definitions Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (3GPP TS 32.450 version 9.2.0 Release 9) LTE; Telecommunication management; Advanced Alarm ETSI TS 132 582 V10.3.0 (2011-07) Management (AAM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file format definition LTE; Telecommunication management; Home Node B (3GPP TS 32.125 version 8.2.0 Release 8) (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and ETSI TS 132 125 V9.2.0 (2011-07) Provisioning (OAM&P); Information model for Type 1 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (3GPP TS 32.582 version 10.3.0 Release 10)


ETSI TS 132 583 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 133 401 V8.8.0 (2011-06) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); LTE; Telecommunication management; Home Node B Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and LTE; 3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE); Provisioning (OAM&P); Procedure flows for Type 1 Security architecture (3GPP TS 33.401 version 8.8.0 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS) Release 8) (3GPP TS 32.583 version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 133 401 V9.7.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 132 591 V9.1.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Telecommunication management; Home enhanced Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Node B (HeNB) Operations, Administration, LTE; 3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE); Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Concepts and Security architecture (3GPP TS 33.401 version 9.7.0 requirements for Type 1 interface HeNB to HeNB Release 9) Management System (HeMS) (3GPP TS 32.591 ETSI TS 134 109 V8.2.0 (2011-07) version 9.1.0 Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 132 593 V9.1.0 (2011-07) Terminal logical test interface; Special conformance Telecommunication management; Home enhanced testing functions (3GPP TS 34.109 version 8.2.0 Node B (HeNB) Operations, Administration, Release 8) Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Procedure ETSI TS 134 121-1 V9.4.0 (2011-07) flows for Type 1 interface HeNB to HeNB Management Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); System (HeMS) (3GPP TS 32.593 version 9.1.0 User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio Release 9) transmission and reception (FDD); Part 1: Conformance ETSI TS 132 792 V10.0.0 (2011-07) specification (3GPP TS 34.121-1 version 9.4.0 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 134 121-2 V9.5.0 (2011-07) LTE; Telecommunication management; Generic Radio Access Network (RAN) Network Resource Model Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio Service (IS) (3GPP TS 32.792 version 10.0.0 transmission and reception (FDD); Part 2: Release 10) Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) (3GPP TS 34.121-2 version 9.5.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 132 796 V10.0.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 134 122 V9.4.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Telecommunication management; Generic Radio Terminal conformance specification; Radio transmission Access Network (RAN) Network Resource Model and reception (TDD) (3GPP TS 34.122 version 9.4.0 (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set Release 9) (SS) definitions (3GPP TS 32.796 version 10.0.0 ETSI TS 134 123-2 V9.4.0 (2011-07) Release 10) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 133 110 V10.1.0 (2011-07) User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Part Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); 2: Implementation conformance statement (ICS) LTE; Key establishment between a Universal Integrated proforma specification (3GPP TS 34.123-2 version 9.4.0 Circuit Card (UICC) and a terminal (3GPP TS 33.110 Release 9) version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 134 124 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 133 110 V9.1.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements for LTE; Key establishment between a Universal Integrated mobile terminals and ancillary equipment (3GPP Circuit Card (UICC) and a terminal (3GPP TS 33.110 TS 34.124 version 10.1.0 Release 10) version 9.1.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 134 171 V9.2.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 133 310 V10.3.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Terminal conformance specification; Assisted Global LTE; Network Domain Security (NDS); Authentication Positioning System (A-GPS); Frequency Division Duplex Framework (AF) (3GPP TS 33.310 version 10.3.0 (FDD) (3GPP TS 34.171 version 9.2.0 Release 9) Release 10) ETSI TS 134 172 V10.1.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 133 310 V9.6.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Terminal conformance specification; Assisted Global LTE; Network Domain Security (NDS); Authentication Navigation Satellite Systems (A-GNSS); Frequency Framework (AF) (3GPP TS 33.310 version 9.6.0 Division Duplex (FDD) (3GPP TS 34.172 version 10.1.0 Release 9) Release 10) ETSI TS 133 320 V10.3.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 134 229-1 V9.5.0 (2011-07) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Security of Home Node B (HNB) / Home evolved LTE; Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control Node B (HeNB) (3GPP TS 33.320 version 10.3.0 protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Release 10) Session Description Protocol (SDP); User Equipment ETSI TS 133 320 V9.6.0 (2011-06) (UE) conformance specification; Part 1: Protocol Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); conformance specification (3GPP TS 34.229-1 LTE; Security of Home Node B (HNB) / Home evolved version 9.5.0 Release 9) Node B (HeNB) (3GPP TS 33.320 version 9.6.0 ETSI TS 134 229-2 V9.5.0 (2011-07) Release 9) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); ETSI TS 133 401 V10.1.1 (2011-06) LTE; Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Session Description Protocol (SDP); User Equipment LTE; 3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE); (UE) conformance specification; Part 2: Implementation Security architecture (3GPP TS 33.401 version 10.1.1 Conformance Statement (ICS) specification (3GPP Release 10) TS 34.229-2 version 9.5.0 Release 9)


ETSI TS 134 229-3 V8.7.0 (2011-07) Layer 2 - Measurements (3GPP TS 36.314 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); version 10.1.0 Release 10) LTE; Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control ETSI TS 136 321 V10.2.0 (2011-06) protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Session Description Protocol (SDP); User Equipment Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (UE) conformance specification; Part 3: Abstract test (3GPP TS 36.321 version 10.2.0 Release 10) suite (ATS) (3GPP TS 34.229-3 version 8.7.0 Release 8) ETSI TS 136 331 V10.2.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 134 229-3 V9.0.0 (2011-07) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification LTE; Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control (3GPP TS 36.331 version 10.2.0 Release 10) protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and ETSI TS 136 331 V8.14.0 (2011-07) Session Description Protocol (SDP); User Equipment Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); (UE) conformance specification; Part 3: Abstract test Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification suite (ATS) (3GPP TS 34.229-3 version 9.0.0 Release 9) (3GPP TS 36.331 version 8.14.0 Release 8) ETSI TS 136 141 V10.3.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 136 331 V9.7.0 (2011-07) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base Station (BS) conformance testing (3GPP TS 36.141 Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification version 10.3.0 Release 10) (3GPP TS 36.331 version 9.7.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 136 141 V8.11.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 136 355 V10.2.0 (2011-07) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base Station (BS) conformance testing (3GPP TS 36.141 LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) (3GPP TS 36.355 version 8.11.0 Release 8) version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 136 141 V9.8.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 136 355 V9.6.0 (2011-07) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base Station (BS) conformance testing (3GPP TS 36.141 LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) (3GPP TS 36.355 version 9.8.0 Release 9) version 9.6.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 136 300 V10.4.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 401 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Architecture description (3GPP TS 36.401 (E-UTRAN); Overall description; Stage 2 (3GPP version 10.2.0 Release 10) TS 36.300 version 10.4.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 136 410 V10.1.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 302 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); (E-UTRAN); S1 general aspects and principles (3GPP Services provided by the physical layer (3GPP TS 36.410 version 10.1.0 Release 10) TS 36.302 version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 136 411 V10.1.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 304 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); (E-UTRAN); S1 layer 1 (3GPP TS 36.411 version 10.1.0 User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode (3GPP Release 10) TS 36.304 version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 136 412 V10.1.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 304 V8.10.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); (E-UTRAN); S1 signalling transport (3GPP TS 36.412 User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode (3GPP version 10.1.0 Release 10) TS 36.304 version 8.10.0 Release 8) ETSI TS 136 413 V10.2.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 304 V9.7.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); (E-UTRAN); S1 Application Protocol (S1AP) (3GPP User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode (3GPP TS 6.413 version 10.2.0 Release 10) TS 36.304 version 9.7.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 136 413 V9.7.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 305 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); S1 Application Protocol (S1AP) (3GPP (E-UTRAN); Stage 2 functional specification of User TS 36.413 version 9.7.0 Release 9) Equipment (UE) positioning in E-UTRAN (3GPP ETSI TS 136 414 V10.1.0 (2011-06) TS 36.305 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network ETSI TS 136 305 V9.7.0 (2011-06) (E-UTRAN); S1 data transport (3GPP TS 36.414 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network version 10.1.0 Release 10) (E-UTRAN); Stage 2 functional specification of User ETSI TS 136 420 V10.1.0 (2011-06) Equipment (UE) positioning in E-UTRAN (3GPP TS 36.305 version 9.7.0 Release 9) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); X2 general aspects and principles (3GPP ETSI TS 136 306 V10.2.0 (2011-06) TS 36.420 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); ETSI TS 136 422 V10.1.0 (2011-06) User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities (3GPP TS 36.306 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); X2 signalling transport (3GPP TS 36.422 ETSI TS 136 306 V8.8.0 (2011-06) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); ETSI TS 136 423 V10.2.0 (2011-06) User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities (3GPP TS 36.306 version 8.8.0 Release 8) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); X2 Application Protocol (X2AP) (3GPP ETSI TS 136 306 V9.4.0 (2011-06) TS 36.423 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); ETSI TS 136 424 V10.1.0 (2011-06) User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities (3GPP TS 36.306 version 9.4.0 Release 9) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); X2 data transport (3GPP TS 36.424 ETSI TS 136 314 V10.1.0 (2011-06) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);


ETSI TS 136 440 V10.1.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 523-3 V8.7.0 (2011-07) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) (E-UTRAN); General aspects and principles for and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); User Equipment (UE) interfaces supporting Multimedia Broadcast Multicast conformance specification; Part 3: Test suites (3GPP Service (MBMS) within E-UTRAN (3GPP TS 36.440 TS 36.523-3 version 8.7.0 Release 8) version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 137 320 V10.2.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 136 441 V10.1.0 (2011-06) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network LTE; Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) and (E-UTRAN); Layer 1 for interfaces supporting Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) within Radio measurement collection for Minimization of Drive E-UTRAN (3GPP TS 36.441 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Tests (MDT); Overall description; Stage 2 (3GPP ETSI TS 136 442 V10.1.0 (2011-06) TS 37.320 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network ETSI TS 141 101 V10.1.0 (2011-07) (E-UTRAN); Signalling Transport for interfaces Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); supporting Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a (MBMS) within E-UTRAN (3GPP TS 36.442 GERAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 41.101 version 10.1.0 Release 10) version 10.1.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 136 443 V10.2.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 141 101 V8.3.0 (2011-07) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); (E-UTRAN); M2 Application Protocol (M2AP) (3GPP Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a TS 36.443 version 10.2.0 Release 10) GERAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 41.101 ETSI TS 136 444 V10.2.0 (2011-06) version 8.3.0 Release 8) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network ETSI TS 141 101 V9.1.0 (2011-07) (E-UTRAN); M3 Application Protocol (M3AP) (3GPP Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); TS 36.444 version 10.2.0 Release 10) Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a ETSI TS 136 445 V10.1.0 (2011-06) GERAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 41.101 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network version 9.1.0 Release 9) (E UTRAN); M1 data transport (3GPP TS 36.445 ETSI TS 143 020 V10.1.0 (2011-06) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 136 455 V10.1.0 (2011-06) Security related network functions (3GPP TS 43.020 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); version 10.1.0 Release 10) LTE Positioning Protocol A (LPPa) (3GPP TS 36.455 ETSI TS 144 018 V10.3.0 (2011-06) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 136 508 V9.5.0 (2011-07) Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; Radio Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Resource Control (RRC) protocol (3GPP TS 44.018 and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); Common test version 10.3.0 Release 10) environments for User Equipment (UE) conformance ETSI TS 144 018 V9.9.0 (2011-06) testing (3GPP TS 36.508 version 9.5.0 Release 9) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 136 509 V8.7.0 (2011-07) Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; Radio Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Resource Control (RRC) protocol (3GPP TS 44.018 and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); Special conformance version 9.9.0 Release 9) testing functions for User Equipment (UE) (3GPP ETSI TS 144 060 V10.5.0 (2011-06) TS 36.509 version 8.7.0 Release 8) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 136 509 V9.4.0 (2011-07) General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Mobile Station Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) (MS) - Base Station System (BSS) interface; Radio Link and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); Special conformance Control / Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC) protocol testing functions for User Equipment (UE) (3GPP (3GPP TS 44.060 version 10.5.0 Release 10) TS 36.509 version 9.4.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 144 060 V9.8.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 136 521-1 V9.4.1 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Mobile Station User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio (MS) - Base Station System (BSS) interface; Radio Link transmission and reception; Part 1: Conformance Control / Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC) protocol testing (3GPP TS 36.521-1 version 9.4.1 Release 9) (3GPP TS 44.060 version 9.8.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 136 521-2 V9.5.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 145 002 V10.1.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio Multiplexing and multiple access on the radio path transmission and reception; Part 2: Implementation (3GPP TS 45.002 version 10.1.0 Release 10) Conformance Statement (ICS) (3GPP TS 36.521-2 ETSI TS 145 005 V10.1.0 (2011-06) version 9.5.0 Release 9) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 136 523-2 V9.5.0 (2011-07) Radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 45.005 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) version 10.1.0 Release 10) and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); User Equipment (UE) ETSI TS 145 005 V7.25.0 (2011-06) - conformance specification; Part 2: Implementation Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Conformance Statement (ICS) proforma specification Radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 45.005 (3GPP TS 36.523-2 version 9.5.0 Release 9) version 7.25.0 Release 7) ETSI TS 136 523-3 V8.6.0 (2011-07) ETSI TS 145 005 V8.13.0 (2011-06) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); User Equipment (UE) Radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 45.005 conformance specification; Part 3: Test suites (3GPP version 8.13.0 Release 8) TS 36.523-3 version 8.6.0 Release 8)


ETSI TS 145 005 V9.7.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 151 010-4 V4.19.0 (2011-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 45.005 Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 4: version 9.7.0 Release 9) Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) application toolkit ETSI TS 145 008 V10.1.0 (2011-06) conformance test specification (3GPP TS 51.010-4 version 4.19.0 Release 4) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Radio subsystem link control (3GPP TS 45.008 ETSI TS 151 021 V10.1.0 (2011-06) version 10.1.0 Release 10) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; ETSI TS 145 008 V8.11.0 (2011-06) Radio aspects (3GPP TS 51.021 version 10.1.0 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Release 10) Radio subsystem link control (3GPP TS 45.008 ETSI TS 151 021 V8.10.0 (2011-06) - version 8.11.0 Release 8) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); ETSI TS 145 008 V9.7.0 (2011-06) Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Radio aspects (3GPP TS 51.021 version 8.10.0 Radio subsystem link control (3GPP TS 45.008 Release 8) version 9.7.0 Release 9) ETSI TS 151 021 V9.6.0 (2011-06) ETSI TS 148 008 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; Mobile Switching Centre - Base Station system Radio aspects (3GPP TS 51.021 version 9.6.0 (MSC-BSS) interface; Layer 3 specification (3GPP Release 9) TS 48.008 version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 183 065 V3.1.1 (2011-07) ETSI TS 148 018 V10.2.0 (2011-06) Telecommunications and Internet converged Services Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); and Protocols for Advanced Network (TISPAN); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Base Station Customer Network Gateway Configuration Function; System (BSS) - Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN); e3 Interface based upon CWMP [Endorsement of BSS GPRS protocol (BSSGP) (3GPP TS 48.018 ETSI ES 203 069 (V1.2.1)] version 10.2.0 Release 10) ETSI TS 186 006-2 V3.1.1 (2011-07) ETSI TS 148 018 V9.6.0 (2011-06) Technical Committee for IMS Network Testing (INT); Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Originating Identification Presentation (OIP) and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Base Station Originating Identification Restriction (OIR) using IP System (BSS) - Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN); Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Testing; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and BSS GPRS protocol (BSSGP) (3GPP TS 48.018 Test Purposes (TSS&TP) version 9.6.0 Release 9)

Parengë Lyda Maþeikienë


Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas

Direktorius ......  270 9360 203 kab. Direktoriaus pavaduotojas ......  270 9345 206 kab. Faksas  212 6252 TEISËS, PERSONALO IR KOMUNIKACIJOS SKYRIUS Padëjëja ryðiams su visuomene ......  279 1135 401 kab. Vyriausioji specialistë teisëkûrai ......  279 1140 309 kab. Poskyrio vedëjas (tarptautiniams ryðiams) ......  270 9358 204 kab. Vyriausioji specialistë mokymams ir archyvui ......  270 9360 205 kab.

STANDARTIZACIJOS SKYRIUS Vedëja. Bendrieji klausimai ......  270 9361 319 kab. 1-asis poskyris Poskyrio vedëja. Þaislai, kokybës vadyba, techniniai brëþiniai, paslaugos, socialinë atsakomybë ......  270 9365 311 kab. Tekstilë, dujø sistemos, nafta ir naftos produktai, popierius, informacija ir dokumentavimas ......  279 1134 318 kab. Cheminë analizë, kietasis biokuras, plastikai, pieno, grûdø, þuvies produktai, paðarai ......  279 1134 318 kab. Tràðos, klijai, aplinkos apsauga, kosmetika, maisto analizë, dangos ......  270 9365 311 kab. 2-asis poskyris Poskyrio vedëja. Bendrieji klausimai. Darbø sauga, ergonomika, konvejeriai, nanotechnologijos ......  234 8399 302 kab. Sveikata, pakavimas, akiø optika ......  234 8396 303 kab. Mechanika, metalai, suvirinimas, elektromobiliø sauga ......  234 8396 303 kab. Metrologija, bankininkystë, naftos produktø árenginiai, korteliø leidëjø atpaþinimo kodo skyrimas, neardomieji bandymai ......  234 8397 304 kab. Liftai, sprogiosios atmosferos, gabenamieji dujø balionai, baldai ......  234 8397 304 kab. 3-iasis poskyris Poskyrio vedëjas. Bendrieji klausimai, statybinës konstrukcijos, prieðgaisrinë sauga, priemonës neágaliesiems, ugniai atsparios medþiagos ......  279 1150 312 kab. Mediena, keramika, mûro gaminiai, ðildymo ir vëdinimo sistemos, automobiliø keliø tiesyba ir medþiagos ....  270 9341 317 kab. Akustika, betono gaminiai, langai ir durys, vandentvarka ......  270 9341 317 kab. Informacinës ir ryðiø technologijos, telekomunikacijos, informacijos saugumas, turto apsauga ......  270 9349 216 kab. Elektronika, elektros energetika ......  279 1151 216 kab. Elektrotechnika, elektromagnetinis suderinamumas ......  279 1151 216 kab.

PLANAVIMO, TIKRINIMO IR LEIDYBOS SKYRIUS Vedëja. Bendrieji klausimai. Standartizacijos darbø planavimas ......  270 9366 212 kab. Tarptautiniø ir Europos standartø perëmimas ......  279 1138 202 kab. Standartø lietuviðkø terminø ekspertizë ......  279 1153 217 kab. Standartø lietuviø kalbos ekspertizë ......  270 9371 209 kab......  279 11 53 217 kab. Standartø techninis redagavimas ir maketavimas ......  270 9357 210 kab......  270 1138 202 kab.

INFORMACIJOS SKYRIUS Vedëja. Bendrieji klausimai ......  270 9362 218 kab. Informaciniø technologijø klausimai ......  270 9364 213 kab. Dokumentø kopijavimas ......  279 1139 305 kab. Notifikavimo ir informacijos poskyris Poskyrio vedëja. Keitimosi informacija pagal Direktyvos 98/34/EB nuostatas klausimai ......  270 9347 214 kab. Informacijos teikimas pagal Pasaulinës prekybos organizacijos nuostatas ......  270 9347 214 kab. Lietuvos standartø duomenø bazë ......  270 9364 213 kab. Departamento terminø duomenø bazë ......  270 9342 213 kab. Biblioteka ......  279 1142 315 kab.

FINANSØ IR ADMINISTRAVIMO SKYRIUS Vedëja . Finansiniai klausimai ......  270 9346 201 kab. Departamento administravimo klausimai ......  270 9355 200 kab. Uþsienio standartø ir kitø dokumentø platinimas ......  270 9348 307 kab. Lietuvos standartø ir Departamento leidiniø platinimas ......  270 9343 306 kab. Departamentas priima interesantus ir konsultuoja darbo dienomis nuo 10 iki 12 valandos ir nuo 13 iki 15 valandos (T. Kosciuðkos g. 30, LT-01100 Vilnius, el. paðtas [email protected], interneto tinklalapis http://www.lsd.lt)

VIEÐOJI ÁSTAIGA LST Sert (VðÁ LST Sert) (Konstitucijos pr. 15/5-15, LT-08106 Vilnius) Direktorius ......  270 9344 Projektø direktorius ......  270 9356 Rinkodaros direktorius ......  270 9356 Faksas  270 9356



Departamentas formuoja ir dalyvauja ágyvendinant kartu su suinteresuotomis Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës institucijomis, ámonëmis, ástaigomis ir organizacijomis Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës politikà standartizacijos srityje. Departamentas koordinuoja visø veiklos srièiø standartizacijos darbus ir metodiðkai jiems vadovauja. Departamentas sudaro technikos komitetus (TK) Lietuvos ≤ ≥ standartø projektams rengti. Departamentas atlieka Pasaulinës prekybos organizacijos Sutarties dël techniniø prekybos kliûèiø nacionalinës uþklausø tarnybos funkcijas. Departamentas dalyvauja Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos nacionaliniø standartizacijos institucijø Baltijos standartizacijos forume nuo 1999 m.

Departamentas atstovauja Lietuvai tarptautinëse ir Europos organizacijose: Tarptautinëje standartizacijos organizacijoje (ISO) – narys nuo 2008 m.; Tarptautinëje elektrotechnikos komisijoje (IEC) – asocijuotasis narys nuo 1996 m.; Europos standartizacijos komitete (CEN) – narys nuo 2003 m.; Europos elektrotechnikos standartizacijos komitete (CENELEC) – narys nuo 2003 m.; Europos telekomunikacijø standartø institute (ETSI) – narys nuo 1996 m.