BRIEFING PAPER Number 5241 , 14 October 2020 By Neil Johnston and TV leaders' debates Hazel Armstrong Contents: 1. Background 2. 2010 General Election 3. 2015 General Election 4. 2017 General Election 5. 2019 General Election 6. Do we need a Debates Commission? | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary 2 TV leaders' debates Contents Summary 3 1. Background 5 2. 2010 General Election 8 2.1 Initial proposals 8 2.2 2010 agreement 8 2.3 The 2010 debates 10 3. 2015 General Election 14 3.1 The initial proposals 14 3.2 House of Commons debate on 11 March 2015 18 3.3 Ofcom’s consultation on party election broadcasts for ‘major parties’ 20 3.4 The 2015 debates 21 4. 2017 General Election 24 5. 2019 General Election 27 6. Do we need a Debates Commission? 32 6.1 E-petition calling for an Independent Debates Commission 35 6.2 Do they make any difference? 37 Appendix A – Key principles – 2010 debates 39 Appendix B – Programme format – 2010 debates 41 Cover page image copyright: Flickr image Parliament Week welcomes BBC Question Time to Westminster Hall Parliamentary copyright/Catherine Bebbington. NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) 3 Commons Library Briefing, 14 October 2019 Summary Televised election debates between party leaders took place during the 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 Parliamentary general elections campaigns. During the 2019 campaign there were, for the first time, two head-to- head debates between Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn.