The “Great Star ami Oartgr Show” presented hy the W. A W. Alfiueement the Ma- Company, Inc., starting at 1 Jth, jestic theatre Monday, January lau- would pass muster on previous STRAND this rels but is adding to its prestige on past THEATRE season rather than living _ glory. Not only is the organization MAJESTIC* but there are larger than ever before, the cast any a haff dozen names in TIMES rec- TODAY LAST one of which would be sufficient TODAY bur- ommendation to the average new lesque show. There Is also two musical comedy hurlettas with a far- termed i clal p’ot ahd euphoniously it I "La Belle Paree" and in “putting of FRANK KEENAN I over" to exploit this aggregation of bal- , talent with good array novelty As a IN | let dances and song members. good measure the individual mem- bers contribute clever bits of their famous vaudeville turns through lit their “THE PMANTOM” the piece as a suitable time for $ display of talent. To those who re- ALSO call Ray Read, mere mention of his hearty t name revives memory of laughter. He Is with the “(Treat S;.ar and Garter” show, better ami fun- 5 VAUDEVILLE ACTS laughable j nier than ever; and equally Is his boisterous way In Charles j of Burns, and adding this great pair has SATURDAY laudi makers is Bi'l Bovls. who TOMORROW, FRIDAY, f others all a style all his cwn, and show ETHEL CLAYTON AND HOLBROOK BLINN '■ ! contribute the'r share to the and in the selection of women the has been unusual’y fortunate manager CHICAGO.—Mrs. John O. Sent h (left) and Miss Mary Garrett Hay Heading the feminine this season. [right), are two or 'he leading Itepu hi can delegates to attend the con- contingent is the beautiful Australian, 1 Women's committee in Jan. * i in “The Hidden Scar” I with tention of the Republican Nations Chicago Florence Parley, Song Bird, i and 6. Mrs. South is chairman of t ho women’s division and Miss is Pauline Ha l, not Hay ■ Chubby Prisdale, | Hall ■hairman of the executive committee WITH forgetting Howard Baden, Bert | § takes the ...II ; ard Klara Hendrix, who j I credit for writing both books. BACK IN CONGRESS OPERA STAR HELD I 5 Vaudeville Acts 5 _ 1 | BIG FEATURES ARRANGED {Jhe immortAL dramatic poem by NEXT MONDAY, JANUARY 19TII f FOR STRAND THEATRE