SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Single cell derived clonal analysis of human glioblastoma links functional and genomic heterogeneity ! Mona Meyer*, Jüri Reimand*, Xiaoyang Lan, Renee Head, Xueming Zhu, Michelle Kushida, Jane Bayani, Jessica C. Pressey, Anath Lionel, Ian D. Clarke, Michael Cusimano, Jeremy Squire, Stephen Scherer, Mark Bernstein, Melanie A. Woodin, Gary D. Bader**, and Peter B. Dirks**! ! * These authors contributed equally to this work.! ** Correspondence:
[email protected] or
[email protected]! ! Supplementary information - Meyer, Reimand et al. Supplementary methods" 4" Patient samples and fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS)! 4! Differentiation! 4! Immunocytochemistry and EdU Imaging! 4! Proliferation! 5! Western blotting ! 5! Temozolomide treatment! 5! NCI drug library screen! 6! Orthotopic injections! 6! Immunohistochemistry on tumor sections! 6! Promoter methylation of MGMT! 6! Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)! 7! SNP6 microarray analysis and genome segmentation! 7! Calling copy number alterations! 8! Mapping altered genome segments to genes! 8! Recurrently altered genes with clonal variability! 9! Global analyses of copy number alterations! 9! Phylogenetic analysis of copy number alterations! 10! Microarray analysis! 10! Gene expression differences of TMZ resistant and sensitive clones of GBM-482! 10! Reverse transcription-PCR analyses! 11! Tumor subtype analysis of TMZ-sensitive and resistant clones! 11! Pathway analysis of gene expression in the TMZ-sensitive clone of GBM-482! 11! Supplementary figures and tables" 13" "2 Supplementary information - Meyer, Reimand et al. Table S1: Individual clones from all patient tumors are tumorigenic. ! 14! Fig. S1: clonal tumorigenicity.! 15! Fig. S2: clonal heterogeneity of EGFR and PTEN expression.! 20! Fig. S3: clonal heterogeneity of proliferation.! 21! Fig.