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The Guardian, April 1, 1980 (April Fools' Day)

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, April 1, 1980 (April Fools' Day). : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Garter " We don't skirt the issues " Wright State Univer!lity, Dayton, Ohio , March, 32, 1980 Issue 85 Tome 37 Plutonium dumped in trash can

sample of irradiated water. of " taking Ohio off. the map." becau.. It wu glowing. had a the quality of a Wriaht State AT1llATtime. WSU Radiation Boston stressed the importance of skull and cross bone• on It. and employee. Any one of them oould Salety Officer Bruce Boston said recovering the metal. ··11 we wu sitting in a ootkl lead bo&·how have lel\ the doo< open." that the water posed " no thrut," don't find that stuff before the WIJi I to know that h wu:n't WHEN CON'TACfl!D, ofllriaJJ The Wright State University pointing out that someone could Air Force finds out". it'll be my truh?", and said the plutonlu.m 11 the ChL:ago olllce of the Safety Offia: tut week round tile a bath in it and DOI 1uff"' any job... h eck. it could t)e the Uni· was sining on the f\oor In a " bla Atomic EnerlY Commis•lon itKtf prowllna throuah m effects u long u they didn't versitv's eJistcnce. •4 room" which (aa:o way are we talklna abon room wu they were told from one minute 10 Janitor toued out a 10 mWicu.rie enough to make a bomb capable The lab ualstant uid, "just open ellcept to note, " You k:oow tho next." reaff'mned Boston. Beljan removed from office ..A,':. r By SCOOP mOllNTON atlminlstrack>n and began ne­ that Beljan promised to ao as far Ga.vdiaa ~ gl.·cting himself and his duties." as 10 io.e his position ill Health "I d.idn't mind so much bla Affairs beeaUK of the chanae . He Vl.,.,· Pltsident for Health Af· >leeping in bis ofllee but when be also .aid he would be happy to be fairs Jolln R.• Bolja.n WH relieved began taklna his showers ln the just 1J>Other off..., de:rt< u Iona u of •ll dutl.. at Wright State Physical Edu« the make the announcement . Kegerreis held in the president's Y~·Presldcnt . He commented, "RE HAS ruined his lmaae in office lut wed:. Cooftdeotial that " thcrc are many In-house the oommunily." Kegerreis said. 110urce.s have revealed that Bn1id· " He hu handled hl.m.. lf very became very upset durina the cred." unprofessionally ill the oon!J'Oo meeting •nd left. " I have already disalssed this versy in the School of Nurslna . THE SOUICll noted, " I 11w situation with (Vu-President of Myself and the Board of Trustees him (Beljan) leave the president's Academic Al!lan) John Murray, felt that it wu ln the best lnt...si ofllce hurriedly mumblina to we bolh •are< the best choice for ul the univ.,.ity to let him 80·" himoelf. Then, he just grabbed a a replacement would be former Beljan. hu been Involved In girl that wu walking down the Dean of the School of Nurslaa the oon!J'O\'eny ln the Sehool of hallway and started 1C1Umln1. School Gertnade Torra." Nurslbg's pn>pooed two-plu.-two "women. who needs than?'' HE ADDED, "altet all ahe bu By IJNBYUHED 5n/DENI' Usln1 the " Rawbl6e" tech· pn>1Tam since lt• • p:oposaJ ln the The final blow. how- caaie ••pericnce u .. admlnlltrator ~s-ww- Ule SIGdle aad tool off alter winter. The program hu been when Beljan appuently fCllt a and ahe's available." them." Followlna his eumple, slated to be plM>ed under Beljan memo to CIWrman of the Boan! Torru said that she would In what wu dacribed u the the rest of the WSU police ln Health Affaln. of Truflees Armistead GWlam, couider the poulblllty. but she "strangest round·up ever" by available grabbed hotMS ao they Belju WOllid DOI rq>ly to req•eotina that wsu ttnla their bu DOI been CXllltacted by ..,.._. ' 'panta, the Wrigbt Si.to oouid join ln the pur'lllk.. quatiou about his behavior In State suppoct aad become a abo," aaid WSU &aid Robert Francis who la noted. UnftecelMI)'• out, then la &O - lo cllaqe Jllffu Mat.a... u be resporlflble for the depc. "After Tiii! 50{laCll weal cm lo U J tllat DOW." actlced hlo fut dnw. hlrllq all, we don't waat the oommwaity Beljan bu beea quoted u he 8UD OD - tlJalft, MarUdJbio tu become alarmed that we may saylaa the Scllool vi Nunlas wu Foolsday--­ tlincd Ille atneqy WSU ol· be dolna sorne odd uperimelltl "antl·male" and "and-doctor" · u-i h catdlina the 00 ckfaueleu ulrnala... be &aid. u well u ..,.....,.. the faculty ln Weather the ochool ol belaa ... buacb ol tated anbnala. LIAmG mlllll'D Illa - 111...... 30 ,...._ ,.....,.., "" ...... " PIJIST OP AIL," be aaid, -uy weatMls ol dut Ayotollab.s ... .,_ii, Frucla noted thal, "the ~· -· .s...-m-o111e1M. 'we had IO ao pt - horw. The Air Qutllr ...... ii.....,.. ..,....i the lillq Col. lldvtaaMllty 4 oompll- by noddina hJa thlaklaa here." ID COHt'IN11ID, " I tlllat thia the Ualted ~ at 7:45 p.a. TIM - ead. " It ..... :io problem after whole tblaa la the Sctool .,, DOied that ...... - ... ~ !M e aot them Iha< animals," be WbeM uted to upla!AI Illa Nunlns bu &OftCll IO Jcba. He holoeuc. • gesturlna so the bones. mtmient, Prudi merely la!- became lmmened la plbertna The ato

to live then:." " They'll Ju>t have to do"' Comm1tt« Is stron1ly opposing c:kpended on lhe w-eatner. ACCOllDING TO Footer. the Hamilton Hall and the apan· the building of the Holiday laa cost per quancr for stuckau will mcots." complcs. PllESl.DENT ROBl!IT K<&•rrris Holiday laa Loe. aaDOU.nced be uound S1 75 for a two bedroom Dr. John Murray. Vke·l'rul· ••If THIS GOES through. the commented th1t the •partrntot yestmlay It's plans to buUd a au apartmcot. dent of Academic Allain. would whol• campus wUI go down the complu WOllld be a boom to the stolation of the Ohio State Fire \:tiled 1hat the supentructure Code. GET IN SHAPE v.as romplC1tly abla.z.c, totally out TIIE UNTVHSITT hu made of rontrol no statement u to how the fire " l'VE SEEN fires before,'' said started. F11rhom fircm1n l>oug Blinn Conccmlna th• fire, Roben ..bu1 1h1s v.a\ 1he 1itt1>n1. " Francis, director of Camp\ll P1an " Tht'n- •al oo ·unppmg it." ning and Ocvck;»ment. $Aid lh1t \,ud C1p1am Jack Standor. H au· ~ ronstrucdon wu being lh\t' Uall WI\ bci'18 built 1n acromplishcd whhln all named \ Hll1uon of tht' OhM> State Fire -.f

(t\RT=mJ SUClllT~O­ Dl~[C T[D SU DllAMA ~1.AUDWITN PASSloUll COllYICllOll I've lost 60 pounds and 66 inches! _,,,...... _ 'llfltf ~...,A&l9_LOf "It took 4 years .. ·· .-·... ••·1-w•11 ..... __ to gain i~ but just 6 months to lose it TOMBSTONE PRODUCTIONS " I had let my1elr &•In an cnrcmc " amount or •c1gh1 dunna • lhrcc to four )ISC It iu thnll to jjO dlopp1ng TICKETS ON SAU NOWI '~ . Sh .ff FIGllAE SALONS Lodtoh•artheoomplimentsfrom GI family and fncndl I ha>< aone *' FettWtl Mlffn9 Orla ern I FIVE LOCATIONS from a me 18 to a 8 In Just 6 •.z• t"9 1st CINCIHATI,OHIO IN THE DAYTON AREA months" ~&""'-- \..~~~~~~~~- ttt tttttttt ( - Leurck leaving Wright State

By CAIOL A. BOWl!LL " YOUtC'H in 1CrmS o( people, money u a entering the A1r Force other staff members have roncen· and racilitlu. II they ever talk e year ierm. Cllaplaln for 1 thre 1ratcd on pro1r1mming and spec· 1bou1 ccumcnl1m. we're doing a NG AN Air Force BECOMI Ill cvcnll although they've great job here." chaplaln Is something Leurck said helped each other out when has wan1cd t'o do since he wu he n~nary . leurd also handles 15" ' Fii.THE&' - l ) In school. The Daily Guardian Ohio April 1, 1980 !Mue 85 Volume X VI W ril{lrt tate Univer.~ it y . Dayton. School of Nursing faculty turnover rate high

. Seventy two pel't"Cnt ha"e been By JESS PETERS unlvcrsltics in the ("OUntry. Tit E DATA for 1hcse two fiscal re,ignarions here three ycan or lcu. Others Guardian Spedal Writer )Cars indicated sb profHM>rl No univcrdty or nunln;c ad· m1ni.s1rators •ere available for .. ho ha" c been here longer sa.id The tumovtr 1n the School of Deborah l>oughcny, adminl­ -.·,re hired while four re.signed on lhc lumover rate. that they "'ere tntcrcs-tcd in AMi..,tant to the VU.. from 1977-78 and 15 professors comment Nur\ing rcPfcsc.nts one of the S1tativc rontnbuling to the thcn·DCW l'rc•ldcnl of Academic Affairs 11 ""ere hired and 12 resigned from highest rlltl of all the school< II TWENTY ON'E nunlng pro­ nunlng school, and capre.ucd l Stale. compiled data 1978-79. Thu>. 1 10111 of 1hose 1hiJ Unlvcrsny. Wrlih fnsors ha"e tt":sianed H a result dluati.sfacdon in the changes acrounun1 the ent ire Wriabt htrC'd in those )Cars wu 21. end of the rr<'Cnt ronrrovcny. -.hk-h ha\-e otturrcd . e fa('Ulty u a pe_noand 1hc number or those ru:igncd. 16. The high lumo"cr rare sh~ a Stat Sc"cn.I nuntns profcuon •ho . new light on the 2J nursin1 payroll scrvl.,., A reason for lhi.s. said nun1ng have lumC'd in rcs1gnarlon nolice.s professors "ho have resigned as a professor Paula Chriincnscn. is cfrtttive no1lccs cffttti"e in June VI RTIJAU.Y ALL ~ere 11· result o( the nursina controve.rsy. UOughcny provided I listing of tha1 the nursing proanm "'-CtC' a.skc-d how many years they ua" ·cd to WSU bc<'ause of the THE UNIVEJISrTT of Colorado chat data H i1 applied to the C'hangn, ind 1hc faculty has 10 be h.v-e taughl. and the initial CUm<"UfUm, the C'aJ1bte Of lhC (K at Boulder requested data for faculty or the School or Nuning adJU.St~ accordingly. PcnonaJ mot1vadon in comina to Wriah1 uhy u J the academic atmos­ facuhy 1urnovcr rates at various from July or 1977 10 lune of 1979. rcuon.s may al.so cauJC some Staie. phere.

Has the Nursing faculty, Administration, or the Board of freedom: Academic Trustees violated the cornerstone precept of education?

thal wUI have to be 1hou1J be free to cu mlne i nd By KEVIN THOIHTON can be enforced. ~itvatioa an.i:wercd bf:fore r_ny ac.1k>n could dixuu all quc.1tk>n1 of lntcrut to fl.Hltlant lo the Ecllto< Two actions ln particular in the possibly be llkco. them, and to caprcu op!nloos F•nt 11t o une1 con1roversv have bttn atteted Analysis . ii the racuhy in th• school publicly and privately." A term thal has been lightly ...lb rumbllns• of "vlola:M>Ds of tint alvU.1 the U BEIAUY INTEJlPl£11!D, toucd around in the controversy academic lrttdom." has ••deed been functioo· prculoa t·o 1tuden1.1 that a loss could be sccn as 1 way OUI for In the SchoolN or uning Is 1ha1 or These 1<1ions will be companed selves with normal dally lm this is order of aoorcclltatloo Is poulblc. has the racuky lhrouah the ltudenu. academic freedom. 10 the llmltalioGS of academic Ing In 1hc Unlvcnlty. Th apparcody this bee doae within the llmiU· II the question or loss of acaedJ. AlthO be Implied by the faculty? Then The faculty lo I.be ~I or accredlttitioa. This requat wu tioo1 oa the fKuky r. the .,.ta. If facvlty -mben have Nunlna was undoubtedly worried lhls quado11 In and weather made ill the fonn of I ldta IO the University, t.bcrc ate DO opedfk ._. illtroch>dn1 about thcit ICCl'CdlWloa, adiool durlaa the wlata quancr. rdcrcoccs, therefore. k ls - ..... la the lloud ript In worried slnttttly. Wltls the (m. Panly cloudy today hlah In CONFID!Pm.U. SCKJllCES aary 10 intcrpm IOftle of th11 rcqucrtlng thla be lloppcales, a aaiba cn1crtalnlna the pooalblllty or g ooatnrwnlal - Thttt lo I tepata!e daUM from ttra ova loa ol Nalloul i...,u. dub• ..W be trylq IO atabllab tucbin iovcsllgatlng thole cboran. wbk h hu DO rdatloa to the the All.UP ...uai -ralaa or Nurslna (Hl.N) ac

ly MA1T KENNEDY reuse11 thclr statements made In coveted In one letter. Government)." sold GUllam. "It's Just i..at one pns about the shuation, Bums is also plannlna "to see personllly. Which Is aoc>d·" be meedna wlal the Pruldeot fo under Ylce· Prcsldcnt of Hellth att0rdlog to Bums. about a second appointment a.nd Student Government Teny Burns Affairs. " We will be dlscuuln3 other bring Ilona some students." In related matters, Gilliam Is cooc:emlna the School of Nurslq. Beljan had rueotly acot 1 re­ matters u well.•• said BumJ, Tbouah the letter was ICDI llmost going to speak bcf0tt the Ad The m«tlna is In reaard to a sponse to the letter. which " but I will brina up the Item or 1 month •So· Bums said that both Hoc Committee looklnt Into the letter sent out by Student Srudeot Government Is boldlna mos& student concerns 1t the Gilliam and Beljan ha•c answered School of Nunlna 1ltu1tloa. Government 10 Gilliam and John for any stude:nt who wants to see. mectlna. the (School of NurslnS) in good time. Beljan. Deon or the School or Glllllm has not rcapoaded 10 situation." " WI! BAD problems con· GILLIAM STATED he ls aolna Medicine. 1he letler because he felt thll the " I told Terry (Bums) I'd be nectlng. with ftnlls and Ill." 10 wait until the Ad Hoc Com· m E l.ETl1l8 asked the two to matter could not be completely happy to meet with them (Student admitted Bums. mlttcc bu reached a decision. Ohio farmers again,st economic proposals

COLUMBUS UPI - Prcsldetit amou ot of energy were ulCd thla refusll to lllow 1 set·ulde higher energy cosu. wU1 only the famUy farmer Is fadn1 the Caner's recently 1J1DOUnced eco­ year. the tu would cfroc:tivcly program on major crops this year. aggravate the problem., nther greatest crisis of hla life. nomic proposals will take mUIJou take anocber S3SO mllllon out of It appears that they want full than solve It." he said. If we lote the famUy farmer u ordollars out of farmers. pocteu, the farmer'• podet. production." u ••.wrre interest rate• at the the result of 1. is economic tluco, Ohio Farmers Union President Thompson pointed out the highest point In history and the whole nation will suffer," ho Virall Thompson said Monday. larmcn llrcady arc In eeonomk He noted that farmers have a operaling loans harder to obL&in. uid. " We doubt that the 10 ceou 1 trouble. with f1rmln1 and enetlY stake in efforu 10 oootrol infta. s•llon levy will scrioculy reduce cosr1 soarlna I J percent over the tion since rislna price• have cost consumption of auoli.nc,.. he last year. them SS bUlion a year In net said. " last y

87 MID MILL£1 WSU Olllcen Instructed them to stance wu a romblnation of sign of fo,...,d entry. The miner is March 26, Bunllck said 17 G...... Slolf'll'- return the weapon to thelr car ehemlcalt which wu dlspened b7 currently under Investigation by 8•llon1 of &uollne wu taken lmmedl1tel7. Burdlclt noted that a nno enlnqulsher. WSU Polke ls WSU Pollee. from a 1111e vehicle while h wu A 1967 ttd Miutaaa wu takcu h ls •a•mst Ille law to cany currently lnve1tlg1tln1 Ille where· parted In the WSU Motor Pool. from the Blo-ScXnca partlna lol flrurms oo t11te property. 1bou11 of Ibo mlss[Qg min· M1"'h 24. WSU Polke investl· 1ulsher. a11ed reports &lmUoly whldi ,....., 1pn7 painted oe S:OO p.m. March 19, acaintiJo1 to 29 ties ,.eddlna rina w11 takcu !tom a M11d1 18, usoned l<'llbl In dllfereat lo<1tlon1 ID WSU l'l>lke Ollker Darlcoc But· 11:45 p.m.. a WSU Olllcer wallJ rwo deik located In 11 1 D MUlett. The , lncludlna a swim did. notked what appeattd to be cqulpmc:nt Otlm1n Hall. WSU Pbyalcal Plant ring Ii valued 11 S90. smoke pnltnldiq from the Ctta· "'"' 'and 1DOer who mom measufts would be ta.ken to paint Mltth 20. Bunllclt 11lcl the left yet, while WSU Polke ltt Item• ID 1 bonowed, ln tum contacted Falrbora Fire ttolen over the obscenities. front tltt of 1 car parted In Allyn lnvutla1tlna Ille theft. The ve­ unlocked locker on MIU'Ch 12, Dc:panmlke bivenl· utlnaulsher had ben removed Bunlld 11lcl the stlldent clldn' t Unlve,.hy Center. The ll&ht wu Bunllclt said the Camaro suttlbi· gated 1 ttpon a>n«mina rwo from It 's oripnal foundatloa. The ttpon the lnddeat until Mltth valued ai S80. ed 1 brolen talll&ht. malu who wett eanybig llrearms oll1cer ob~ a pcaillar yellow 18, beauK Ille never retu"'°" 10 in the WSU woods. l'l>lke dis· substance wbldl awaed the campus until that date after covettd U.1t the alle,..S flttlmll carpetU.1 aod several whulows dbcovering the theft on the lllh. March 18, the tire of 1 197J consisted of 1 BB aun. which wu within Ille build[Qg. MAICH 26, IWO wooden book Chevy Nova wu slashed while it MARCH l'l, an 1nnu1I C deeal being used b7 1 father and his son FAll.BOIN F1U! Department ca.Ka were ta.ken hom 268 wu parked in Allyn C lo<. The wu: • k ae n rrom car parked at for taraet practice. However. later confirmed that the sub- Millett. Bunllclt said there was no tire Is valued 11 S60. wsu. Whales trying to (gurgle) set underwater record

plaee under tne 1u..C-. it will DOI tteord for pl1ylna • board same Stan ln111 mtdn18hl April 24 and The reaol17 opened fadllty la B7 808 GLADMAN be the amount of miles walked under water. lbe cu rta1t recotd running through April 28 11 Ille used for the families of children G....._S,..WW..... ti.neath the "'rface ID tunnelJ. • ls 7b houn helcl by 1 univenlty WSU 1Wlmming pool. the club who arc patknts at the Chlldttn' a record ~y already belcl by pup In Cokndo. ..m se.nd 1wo dlven down at a Medical Cent« . A poup of Wriabt State wsu. The local dub bu dloKn time to play thl.i game for two studen11 111.17 soon be lQ the TH! WllGRT Whales. the Bacltgammon u tlldr same. houn . Spe<11tors are Invited to attend G•in•u BooA of World RtlCOl'ns th'°"gh t979. 01hcr l'Ompanlcs "mus t 1U the en\ ironmt.ntaJ cnremism that is lie salcl another SJ.8 billion other c.omp1nics " must let Wa.s­ " killing the steel in~U>try. " ...m h••• 10 be spent b7 1985. hlnton t..... they've had it with "The"' are rhe publiclry ..cek · Rhodes added that already. lll1eel Industry 111 doesn·1 care one bit about tt-c ope:tate. America." cronom\ of OhM> or about the Jobs or 25.000 Republic Steel eru· LOU GREGG' S plo)«I in our .ttale, •• Rhodes .,.,d Wednesday. Most S.S.25 • AU single RHODES SAID that environ· C&JS2lutohau!l 0\ieJ 20 different s1ylcs available rhey •tt creating. He 11lcl they C1rrylns cue s1 0.oo have too much sway ln CongrtlS, bttause he u.ld c:onaressmen and Whippets , SJ .901 boJ, AJ low u Knlton operate l&raely ln fear of S2 90 per boa or 10 • Whippet having th<1nt1 ptt.u rc.kuc.s on them. Call .t ched ou1 OW' prices on In hit Jlltement. Rhodes tteord•. tapes. boas•. parapb.. quoted 1 ttpmt oo the steel nalla (1lway1 dlsa><1nt ~d), DATSUN super scale 1n, te.. \ltlrt s. posten. je-aelry. w1tu beds & [;J[3[!1(3[E[i accea.OOe•. whippet>

FAIRBORN 878-7322 1 550 Kauffman Ave. , Opinion

·- ...... Right Step - - . -:::::==- ~ -· =::::::> -:-_::::::, Board of Tni1tee1' Chalnnan Armstead Gilliam will be meetlna --·-- ;:, with Studenl Government Chalrtt Teny Bu1111 Thunday, April J. One of the topla alated 10 be diacuased at the medlna will be the controveny aunoundlna the eJtabllahmeot of a Nunlna proaram outalde the School of Nunln1: aa action taken by Board order. State law cleawida that the Board of Trulttts ute the authority granted them by the Oeoeral Auembly. Howeva, it doet DOC llate that the power uJCd Uloal<:aJly or that thdr dedalona be lnoon1e1table. While the Board of Trustees la accountable only to the State, students, faculty and staff ahould have an euily available meant of acceu • and lnput · to the Boud. The Board doeJ DOC feel the effect of their dedalons quite u acut ely u the rest of the ca.mpUJ community. The Board in the pc:noaa of lu Chalmwi la matins a ttep In the right direction by talking about lu decisions to a student representative. Let 's hope that lo the future it aeeb our opinions Waste and Pristine before a decision that will affect our lives and education la made. DOI to calm our outrage after the fact.

The resldcnta of Coshocton, Ohio are hoping to chemicals. coll. a the created limu Cincinnati suburb. for alleged air pollution ··pmgrcu.·· violat1on.s of that area. TIIE DAYS started with the lndu•trial Still fanhcr behind than that idn. or possibly Rc\olution and received their are•tcsl pu.sh even cloKr. it. the accide nt at Three Mile Island ~hen Henry Ford dedded to build a device 1ha1 Express yourself that nearly required mass cvac..-u•tk>ns to a\'cn .,,..ould put poisonous gu int<' the air thal we disutc~ . breath. WHAT HAS: happened, or what seems to have We now a.re thinking before we leap into what happened. ls chat all of the science lhat served v.ould see m he a good idea. The e.aamplc of us so well to create our marvelous technoloay Pristine shows the success of our system of send a letter to monster th11 has 1umcd on us. Tht Kicnufk we regulation. not the failure of it. have created ls our trash. and 11 threatens to Pnstinc. accordina to Kinma.n. was one of onlJ bury us. two plantain Ohio capable or disposlna of highl) the editor Many, like Coshocton rcsidcnt1. have reacted chlorinated materialJ. He admitted at that time with mistrust. They want oo pan of the th&I the burden of di•po•ln1 of these wutes had 1echnoloakal monSler that they have helped caused his rompany to have a problem with create. storage of material. Guardian Staff Yet. we have all helped ettatc these todc The OJtabll•hme nt of more chemical lndnera· wasru. Or, at least we have shared in the 10,. would aid in eulog th&1 burden This would bc.nefrts gatl'tered from 1uch adv ancc.s as help dean up the stiea and water. or Ohio. no< EdilM.. Goylo.. vict. .. superior aopa sprayed with chlorinated loKCtl· dirty them, as incn.&scd amou.nts or waste M11,.a1U.1 £Jiror.. Mih Hoskr d de. ~-ou ld be more qukt.ly dbposed of. "'"'"' Editor.. Bob Myen ntESE ARE the chemicals burned ac Spon1 Edit,,,.. Bob C-.oo THIS WOULD also cul down on the number of industrial waste lncincraton, 1uch u the one B t1silt.•.u Mai..1• r.. K\1t Kcist1r unscrupulous wute disposal firms that muJt be proposed for the Cosh<>. Typ..1d1cn..TctCM1 WcucrAdd"it. Lon Kok•, Kotlty WAilt• which wu mlsuKd in tbe put. The Prbline lnclneralor handled lheie Grap/ti< ArtuU..Plll K"""11. SCMr A'"""d" P•o

any smaU loss or accreditation lcolllillued from P"I" 11 tlons that hav< rlsco from the tolerote laws that cut a poll of Professors arc auarantecd free. would have. controvcroy In the school or orthodory over the clauroom. '' dom In the clusroom. I! there Is Themote, the school may have She said the"' wu "no way to tell Nursing it hu to be considered. I! the Supttme Court Is com· any question of an abuse that been right In lu amcem for loss or what effect the oew program Who Indeed hu the rl11ht to milted to academic freedom. thea fttedom, thea p«haps It sboud or accreditation. The f&C\llty may would have on the exlstloa ooe. .. Impose "'strictlons on University It should follow that individual be the president of the University have felt they were only SttViq CONCEIN WAS alao upned that If Affairs John Mumy lo the role of nec:essaty pan or a colleae accredhadon, wu it withln their able with the University bier· thett were any chance the &ding dean for the school. school education. Even the Supreme 11uarontecd rlahta to academic archy, Is it the job of the Board to would lose its oecttdltatlon, It. Without the req11ired Rep· Court has upheld that value. In freedom? Shouldn't the faculty at criticize ltt would take a number or yean to tered Nu11e (RN) Depe for the 1967, In the case or Keylshlaa vs. least have the rlaht to Inform Academic fTeedom Is obvlolllly do anyway. This wou.lcl at leut Board Regents, the f'ollowlna job, the Ohio State accredltloa or their students of devek>pment1 in • guarantee that allows for serve to ,.,11eve the anslety or rihe Association put WSU on provis· statement was luued: their college? interpretation. Th.ls con:f\uion current dus. but the pouibUity ional •cettdltatioo until a new " Our nation Is deeply com· It Is widely tttoplzed, the could be settled by the proper or decline In eorollmeot could Dean could be fouod. With the mined to salesuardlng academic &ard ofTrustec:s Is THE aovem· channels in the UnivenJty, name· have a long4 ranac eft'ect. appointment of Marilyn Lu Jacob­ freedom, which ls transcendent to log bod)' for the University. ly the administration. They son. acting dean, the achool Viewed objectively, this ques· all or 111 ...That freedom thett· as Is However, they should oot be should be wort!Jog to comminlna tlon might seem superficial. hu beeo returned to ruu llCCn!dl· fote a special coaeern of the first involved with the daily fu.nctlons 1hemsclvu to academic freedom However, with the q11es- tatlon, but not without the etrea ,...... i Amc:ndntenl. whk:h doe1 not or lhat Unlvcnity. instead of neglecting It. Pinball record attempted s-YLVER'S Orama O ub. lor the best in music, laughs and spirits! ASHTABULA. Ohio UPI - tttord player . Grose. wbo admitted tired Elmer Grose. 21. Jefferson, a Food and drlnb a"' brnugl11 10 and ..sick or pinball machiaea" s1udenl at tho: Ashtabu_la campu1 him and friends talk to him said, however. 'Tm...,.. male April 1st ROY CALHOUN of Kent State Unlvenity, ls a real around 1he clod to keep him it, that'• for sure." pinball wizard. awake. Grose burned out the mocor oa Grose has been playln1 a TO QUAID'\' for !he reJM ll_IU..,.lllJlllJWlli!JtlllllllllllilJ

She fell for the 1 00 prizes offered in the Rory Metcalf-Daily Guardian Rock Trivia Contest--and you will,too! Prizes have been contributed by Warner Bros., Rhino, A& M, MCA, Epic, CBS, Mercury , and Electra/ Asylum Records, and by Dick Tracy artist Rick Fletcher. Goodies include the stunning yellow vinyl ensemble worn by this model.

Watch the Guardian for further details!

l ••••••••-•n•••••••~ ·...- .------~------

6 DAILY 00.dDIAJf A,.t I, 1• G....UU dMalllod ..ia .,. ....u,c-. t-to WrtaJil Sc.ta U...... , hid ...... - ...... --...... ~y ...... , ...... Al&ae•- t.IM -· ,_,,_ ...... a ...-",...... __.dla .... tt...... _ an' w..I ,... _...... re.a.-. Classifieds F _ _, ...... o1tlio - ..ia w• ba _.,.... ovar c.. ~lti• om.., lM6 Ulll- t.IM.-.

for sale for rent wanted

ROOMMATE WANTED • ft· 1'7 I PLYMOVl'B Satdlite. 1974 Mustana II, P.S .• A.M. FOR RENT: two room> 8 OLD telephonu wanted: male to shale 2 bedroom F.M .• 8-t rae~ . New ensjae pul minules from WSU. pleue call Cash paid f.,; any style. fee red. budet -· ...0 318 townhouie by same. Near V8. vinyl top. rebuilt Aldoma· on over 1ummer (4 cylinder • Joan lJJ-4672. 2-29. paid for succtuful leads. Call WSU Sl25.00. Includes utUI· tic trana. new brakea. Car runs on reaular au & gets 878-9073 anytime. tics. See Bob of OYU 20 m G""""- for needs a little WOlt. but II falrty .p •• . ). >ICCl·belted Bcavm.Tttk Towmhlp-Spa· SINGER NEEDS band to ndials· new. Alling S ISOO or Info. clean - ...... aood· ~ Ot ciou.s ranch on v."OOdcd l acre work whh. Can sing sutics BABY SnTER Needed • best offer. Call 39').3839 or best offer. Call 879-4068 uk lot. J Bdrm. 2 112 bath. family and early seventies. lf you can need now in niy home · 2 boys. leave a note In student maUboa for HC"rb. and activity room•. 2 WBFP, 4 play it, I can sing It. We axild 2 days/ wk. II :30 • 6:00pm. I W481. This car can aJao be 2·27·80. car garage and other e.ltru. cover S1one1, Bestlu. Elvis. Reliable. own 1r1nsportadon. seen M·f In the tennis axin VIiiage Grctn Realton. and othen. so lf anyone's 68 Cl>evy Belair S111ion wagon 426-7339. penina lot durins reauw Willism H. Grimes: olJS.9090. Interested. pleuc contact me, ROOMMATE WANTED to sdlool good runnlna. goocl engln•. i-rs. 2-IS. 434-1738. at my mallboi in Allyn B· l43. share a larac. 2· bedroom AM radio. ruent recaps. S125 lalSH n 0 BEDIOOM apartmu are p.m.2· 20 LOOKING POR A roommate at The Headquanen. 129 s. atlcndant for Fall quantr. nlshti. WUI pay for au. Call 878-1884 or 932-6565. Main. New Carlisle. &49-9357. HOUSE FOi IENJ'. Sl70 Would Ille to know at lcut by l-25 FOR SALE: 4 2-way Utah Open every day. per month. 20 minutes from August 20th. 1980. f 0< contact HELP WANTED SJ sualat1· Speakers in good condition. 2-27-«l. WSU. Call 258-2744. 2·1S. ph. 879-7642. Addreu • Ill tial pa:t·dmc lnil oui.ndc near the Byrne. 197'1. Psych po-...cr strcnna. pwr. bra.kn . old 252-0bOS 2·1> J21. co,. IC exam to med studcn1s. CreaU\C An' Building °' In ni1fre Psycltology. by air. 4 brand nc"A G-70 tirc.1. Soho. Rcqu1~menu A Macemity 8. bad of M1llct1 Hall. J .25 197'1. Drop note ;ur,hOC'h , J l'n~n am·fn1·8 In H JOO or Good onierper...,al skill• C trad. stereo, rl'n for 1cachin3 purpose:s. ART MAJOR 1u "ork on 54."'\.)(1 Clark 1r 8M--4bS8 or a nd ru n~ 2 1~, IQS7-R20. m m· placabk photos and 1n1ern1.· 0 Inte rest in improvln3 1he animauon 1clc'"i lca\l' nuruMr 1n matlbo.a • ,~..re ~ut -J72'l.3· 27 21 ns of 1ge or older. Good ful. araphlc Up. I musl. Send FOR SALE 5 J?b.2 b FOUND Women's v.a1ch g'nccologic health. MIO of I Brand new Inquiries 10 mailbo• 0389 or Ctll 11nd 1drn11fy aArr b ~OO ) C'lf t'Omnthmcnl. Science factory rnduh AM! fM ,1creo c.11 22b-0971 after 1>;00 radio fo1 p m ~7N ~2811 2·29. bad3mund not nccesury. Rabbh or Sdrocco. p.m. 3·27 ln.s11Jls in minutes. Retail FOR SALF· 71 Mercury Pcnod of p aid 1ramin3 then ..1 •• SI 12 00 ISklllg MS.00. Marquu Broghman F-1rellent W Al'ITED1 Someone 10 play v.ork approa 10 10 20 hrs. per racquetball with Call Sandy 11 429-2278. 3.25 rond111on S"'iO 00. Call 228- REWAllD for mum of . Contaa me month al SIS an hour. If 0721> at H29-JS41 for avatlablt J .11 brov.-n ut"dc purse and con· lime. 1ntm:sied call 23J·9942. Ask Ask for Dori•.J·27 for Barbara G~ben . J· 27 ~OR SALE: 197'1 Blazcr­ tents lost Tuc.1.. Feb S In Mille Blark on Black. Fully equip­ rnH SALt, lnl'I ~>ut ; 304· n Parking k>t. Call rcd. tow mileage. k>aded """h VS. 4-'*httl drive: radial clrcs: rollc WIN SS00 G 1hl1 summer. No 4Clrb lodcr room on March S. FOR SALE. 19n Cl>"'tlle· ·73 Nova 2-door h11chback. obllgatM>n. To ttedvc entry One iJ h•gh )(hooJ <11u ring Red v.;llh dclu1 blad in1erior. .l50 au10. oran8C w/ blad vinyl form send aclf addruscd Reply lu mallboi N6SO or Loaded "hh options.Call 8JO. BOOKS lor sale: Mu•ic 105. 1or . PB. PS. air-cond.. aood 1t1mped cnevck>pe to Summer 4N·91!l6 4525 2-6 BIO . .JOI. Ed 40.l. Ed. 41 7 u•nd11.,n, SI 100. Call 8799523 s.. ttpUakes . pc Boi 7.)0. C•ll27• 1934. 2-15. afh:T bpm or Yocdc nd.1. Coeur d" FOi SAL£1 black mare. I! Arlene. Idaho &3814 . FR.EE PUPPIES · Half lriih hands. 14 >" old , cae• •Ider leasina' FOR SALE; 5 Kodak CamK1se ng I pair •Tan1ln JC&n•· J2 Charge la negotiable. Call ouKls lnduded SIOO. Con1act 1 34 All 1hree plrs ha>e Mon. and Wed. f'V~•lngs after lcni Daskalakis 11 421>-7258 01 ncu~ r been •orn. Call Dave 11 7 p.111. Tues• • Thun.• Fri.• and m1ilbo1 XJS4.2·6 879-1826. Rca.onably pri<"cd. wec.ktocls anytime. ·--1

Aprtl I, JM DAJLT GllA&l>IAN 7

Now1....,..,.a,...... --. ~· MtVlce eGe-1 by T~e Daily ,.... U&latltl•lltl .., .,. a.. ri1"'1t .. _ _._ ...... -. Fw,.,..~• Nowa S...... W i.. --.._.... llolto1 Jl(yon,Nows Sliona,N.,... News Shorts type.t_.,_, STAm for co11cae ltUcknU about in!onnatlonal lcterviews sioa ls SJ.50 with '""'p ntes Branch Are Squad who wUJ pcrle0tlal annul earnings o( covering tultloa. room, board Applications for student Shuespeue'1 n..(lt• N/alot. 545.126. and coune-coo.neacd tnvcl ln For applications tcachina. llbruy pans are vantcd on the tions in FAA'• Gttat Latu dcum arc available Marth 2S The poup will depart the Alph• School proudly ba.si.s of nttd. u an • few presenU reg1<>n (llllnols, lndW.., Mich· through April 8, 1980 in 225 Western Ohio Bruch Campus the Confnhau small scholanhips Applia· s Puppet Thu· lgan Millett. for Oatarlo. Canada oo Thurs­ , Minnuoca. Ohio utd tionJ for the program .i:iU be tre's pn>c1uctloa of " The Tala TIM Day-Air Fair JM day aftCTDOOD. Juae 19 and Wbeoosin) should eon...i the acted • nlil May 15th. of Bcatri.I Potter" fea1urlng The DAYTON AIR FAIR return on Sunday. June 2l. nearest FAA onice oc mail a For funhn infonnauoa, Peter llabbit and Benjamin l980 is now in the active The appmzimate mat ot the po51 card directly to: FAA Air write 10: Bunny. The shows will be held planning suae and voluntttrs trlp--includina trUllponatioa. Traffic Oivbioc (atrentloo SCANDINAVIAN SEMl1'AR In Rite's 2nd Floor Auditorium are needed In all areul Be • lodaing and theatre tickets·· AGL-510). 2l00. &.i Devon, /?! Eut a51h Street at 10 and 11 a. m. and at 1 atld pan o( the la.rgcst aero1pace will be S9S per pctaOD. A So40 lllinols. 60018. befote April 23. New York. N.Y. 10028 2 p.m. on Saturday March 22. uhibilion in the counuyl The enl An.1-5Mioo WA NTEJ>: Beer Drinkers 10 minion Is 51.00 per penon ii eapccted t·o draw more than partidp&nU wUJ be slped up The Ubcnl Aru Lecture Roel and Roll with " lLLU· and tldets can be purchased a quancr million peop&c, who with sddltlonal cames placed Committee has scbedukd th~ ZION" Friday April II m the at Rit c·1 tidet office or at the will ..., 1he esh'bit and 00 • wahlna Ust. followilla lecture: TOPIC: U.C. Cafe &o.n 9-1. Sl.00 dOO< bcfott each pcrfomw>ec. performance of aJmost e\min• air tnllk A new woctsbop acriu ,. .-uol· submit bis oe ha - · Aid Form (FAP) ml&ll be lcn .,.., apply District Ofllce, 2423 Pint " Dcdlloa·Mallnc' ' b beaill· for compcdn "11 ..mn mm be ~ by F1- (c.nolltoa Plaza) 1120 11ill1 received tM Colle,. Scllo­ cumludoos bepuiq April l ud wW COlllltilM and unpublished. E.t.s1 Cclllnl AVCllM, West larshlp Savlco .., 1- tban cumleeticwt1 be:..... ,. April 9 ud april 16. There arc .., rootrlctlou oa Mardi 31, ltllO c.noutoe. Oblo ~ .. by ..,,. woctsbop . Mareb 17, ltllO, II bu - wUJ ...­ form oe tbcms. ..w., 859-1169 .,. 859-1401. Bl The J'lll).41 s-Aid ut-oocd by the Fedenl inlonnotloa .. tbc """'" ol DeadliDe b Juae JO • Appllcatioa ud tbe 1911).41 You ..., allo F to your -e Aviatloa A..minillTadoe'a dcdsloa·malhla ~y To Sllbmlt elltrieo ud pl Anandal Aid AppllaarloD employment oft\ce. u they rclale to carc:cr ckd­ Great Latca rep. lnfonnatioa "" nala ud ...... must be received sion• by tbe Olllco Tbe U.S. Ollloo ot Per-' . Stucknts ud alumni l•tioas write: Nortb- Pl'<>­ of f1nanclal Aid wil no lam tban Manqcmcnt (formerly the ...... _ l kam about various llC)'lc• motlocs, IOSS S. Adatu, Slllle May S. 1980. of decllion·male be acecptina appllcatioaa ror deliver a lectllft It WSU OG . c-r-cw. the writt°" IHI far air tnfllc April 9, ltllO It J:OO p.m. In New ldcu oa ...... ,..Illa S...... 1- W"t"SO Coenm11aky bdlo -L'V1lcr posit1ou. Actul Room 242 M111et1 Hall. His obstadca wUJ be --- Bc"""1a1 "'-" 24. 1980 and the Vic:IGfy TbeatN • '" testina will be made trom May tople b ''Cluitdaas .... Man· The wad:shop. a J..part Willten Bank (mala oft\ce) -'atioa wW presnl • ~ 31 throasb JUDc: 14 ror appllca· lru in Lod8 Amcrl<-o ... acriu, II opa to all atlld<.DU wW provide Ohio Gll&fllll-1 ooecut performance "' tradl· tioaa received bcfo

By CHUCK AUAUGB SOUTHWEST STATE Univer­ G....U..S,....Wrfter sity rlimlnatcd the University of Wri(lht State's wheelchair bu· Wisconsin· Whitewater ln the oth­ ketboll team n and made the diffcr-=.ncc. u he wu F.xccllent de(cnse by Wright rome. Nonhwood led Wright Mark Moncn.JOn offense for AS THE Wrigh1 State lead unstoppable Inside for WSU. State denied Christianson and grew •dimmer and slimmer. one State with 21 point.s, followed by Southwest State. and foul pro­ " We knew we had 10 stan ~.1 ark Morten.son the ball. thing "'a.s ne\•cr affected, the play Bob Shephard with nine points. blems for both men severely hurt pumping in the second half." Christianson and MorteMOn or Nonhw'OOd. The senior hit the " We were light In the llnt Southwest's chances. Nonhv.ood said. " h was really were the whole offense for big lwops for WSU ind made two game or lhc toumcy ... recalled tough, though, be-cause the team Southwc.s1 S111e, led by Did: Southwest Stale, and foul prob· limcly 1teals 1h11 stopped South· Gayle, ·'but we knew that if we still wasn't really used to ploying Christian.son. stayed rouah lcm.s for both men St"vcrely hurt \liCSt's momentum. came out and played well In the with me." throuahoul the second half. The Raider lud was cut to beginning. we'd be all right. 4().J8 at 2:53 or the second half. "THIS IS THE fourth touma· A big basket ~y Bob Meister gave mcnt. and we can~ proud 10 say WSU some bn.•athing room. but 1ha1 ""c'rc the only team that hn Southwc1:t State came right back. \Ii On 1hi.s thing twice in a row ... Trailing 42-40. Southwe.i re· Dunng timeouts. before re­ gamed po.sscs.sion of the ball. An turning to the noor. the mcrrbcrs errant pass was intttteptcd by or the team JOin hands and shou1. Wrigh1 S111e·s Nonh~·ood. ond " GO MAN GO''. the smaJI bu1 \-ocifcrou.s crowd Th1s theme i.s a special one. wen1 "A·iJd. bcnu.\C Wrighc Slate's wheel· NO RTIIWOOD WAS fouled at i.:hair basketball program h; in· 0:02 and hit the t~ o free throws det"d , n the go. gcnina bcucr Give to the tha1 resulted in the 44.40 out- with age

• LINDA ' RONSTADT in concert with special guest Pat-(lofl)-Mlle~....,_Yldooy _ r flaaJ ,._. DANNY

KORTC,.oc...... ,.-,,i .. Friclay Ap.t4 8pm -Ball • Odon! -Sl.50 • 59.50 ...... c...i.wa.~-- .. - ...... - .. dle -JI lftl.t IWH"1~~ _. tk:le-tt ...... etJ Oxford1 U111v-,. C...... H_._..•• Otllco 116-3) llthlG-5 '311 Mlddlel.. " j--BaD, . Mll_(.. 5) Share the 0.ylaJ (11· 11~,-...... ··"'·, /or -"'-' "41._ call

c• .,• sports -""'I, t• DAILY GArra J Herbie Goes Cruising Latest Walt Disney film rollicks; ribald and risque, a change of pace

"heavy-chrome" SfT (Studded •here •e see t.he VW aubaalture delvlna into an enremcly small the small but key rol• of Dean's Tire•) puking Jou of the Used going about h' s Internal comb••· portion of the VolkJwaaen popu· girlfriend. The autophoblc kUler Car community. tlve pe1"enioo1. In one dytw11he lation. Thls ftlm ls oot meant to be is played with boyish charm by The Walt Olsney organlution, DEAN ENUST the aid of shot, • ·c wltncu a bus ln r.n Indictment of VolkJwaae••·" Kun Russell. And the lite Joe in addition to re· ls.suln3 1hc Herbie the Love Bug (absent from bondage - jacked·up, pased Flynn dou very well In u fc11urc·1cnlh anlmaccd tla.uic, the sctttn for SC\-craJ ycan) to ovu . and mumcr c1poted - SOME PEOPLE have attacked uncredited cameo appe.arance. Lady ""d 1Ae Tromp. hu ttleued serve u hls decoy, and the 1bou1 to be 1bused. Then the the e nding u being too ambla · their latest llve·action fantuy, ensuing adventure is simply the camera cuts away, IJ (The film ls uout. Herbie ls found aruet0mely H.,b~ Gou C"'ui11g. most fun.ftUcd Disney c1trav1· r•ted "G".) murdered. The mm sugutt that H.,bl• Goc1 CrMislns Is not for ganza we've encountered 1incc Dean Jones. out of the latent the squeamish. But It Is for Dean Jones ltars u an under· Mary Poppi'"' came ak>ng i.a the aulophobia, may h l\'C dont the anyone who bc11evu that mo"les hls co•cr pollcem•n assigned by mld-siklies and charmed the Automollve· ri&hts aroups had deed. I find this c:onclusioo should be rollkllna. raucous. captain (Buddy Haden) 10 trop a pants off u.s. prot<>led the mulna of the film, marvelously subtle and thought· rip·roarlna . rib·tklllna. r<:&ally killer whn !"'CY' oo scaually cl11m1ng it an "unfair depicdoo" pto\'Oklng. risible, ribald, rapcurou•, heart· aberran1 Volkswagens. To con· of thr,Gcrman·made car. But u rending. and mind·bendina. It ls duC1 his scum. Jones mu.st There 1.tt many delightful Herb~ remarks to Dun at the a film or great a.nlstk achteve. 1nfihr.•t\: 1hc VW underworld · the scquencn set in squalid lots 11an. "Underst and that we are Stephanie Pl>wcrs it brilli&Dt In ment. Bad Gess guitarist found dead in Los Angeles

pretty 1rlfb.h o ( he:r, •• commcnlrd gudt. states her mother. whose remained friends and vowed t~ eat of the founder of The Nips: the famed producer. " We had a name you woukt now recopb.e form a new band. Rccrvltina she burped during an Interview roniran " after some thought. drummer Scab Tchaikovny from "1th Rona Banett; and was Rory PanJ, fonne:r guitarist for ttal nune) Whrn told 1bou1 Paris' demise. "loodoni (Pans' a Cahfonua duo. Laid-Bad & ru m<.'red to ~ a hopeless alco­ Bad Ceu member Teh11l' ROU PUG Che O'Hara and Mad Dog Lucy in ycan~ . Cau3ht in Che mldst of be.st fracnd. ''h's 1ttne. llGUF.S was a Number ach y miuion. They met. formed Sprln~llcn/ Appel·llke lhlgatioo, But I can dig where her hr.ad "'H Onr hit In Engl1nd, ind of 1he the band, rcrorded their criucally the group •H unable lo rclcuc l'Ommg from. you'lmow7" all·girl nihillitler at a Hollywood 1ha1 1hc members just coukS not Bad Ceu, Paru bcaan crockln& one appa.rcntJy told bCT that dilco pany 11 the 1ge of 12. sh• decided stand one another. under the strain. She wu respon· wu dead. prrdpit:atina her JO.. Rory Paris will be sadly missed lo assume her share or while PARIS ANO Packard. however, llblc f

WE'D LIKE TO THANK YOU ~" Thanks to your patronage, we were able to vastly increase our profits without selling more gas in 19 79 You made last year a banner year for us, and we'd like to thank you by announcing another increase in prices. These increases will assist us in finding more oil, helping make America strong, and making our bal nee sheets look bbtter than ever. LET'S MAKE 1980 EVEN BETTER 't " Sincerely, Your Oil Companies T-- 1 \

Welch to skip Senior year in favor of NBA

Unckrhill feels L~at ullep team la the nation recenl academic pllld In there," be said. " Plus we have ..,__.s yntmlay thll he wW aod after w11cbln1 him this year I offense. WSU bad DO factor la b.ls dedJloo we are a balanctd team guys like Jeff Brau aod Clay Ille Ju.ae just blow he will male It," said have, but mate hbmclf dlalble ror to go pro. " I came OUl c( 1prlq ." lO be alven Underhlll. and get ln11derallon also," doubt thll I would bne beea able " Welcb declared th11 he wW to •Uy elfalble for nut year," he bypus his 1C11lor year ID order IO uld. play la Ille NBA. He 11 opt1mlaltlc bis chaace. iD the draft. aboul Welcb does admit his dlup­ "l' VE GIVEM II a lot and think coming to WSU pointmenl about - belplaa Raiders lhat I ..uJ be selcted In the draft wsu wla • oatlorW title. " That a dwlce of and stand aood wu everyone's pl," he said. maklna It. l'•• btttl atllded him year on their (Raider's) turf, moving to Los An,.le• for the ' Raiden' so unlike If they moved lhls are the Ulah Jau, Deaver brauU.1 Head '-""'Cb Ralph UnderhW toeo Nfl seuoo after all. The to Los Anaelcs. Oakland C111 keep so we'U see who'll own Nuueu. and Ille K&a1&1 City to Southwest Ohio." wished Welch aood lud and wu Raiden will be movlo1 to Wright ' Raiden ' u the team name. Of ri1h11 Kln111. " Ille Raiclen will clnw people optimistic: that he would ,mue h S1a1e Unlverahy, In Dayton, Ohio. oourse. they'll have lO chaa,. pt a chance 1~ see WSU In lhe NBA. " The offer wu too aood to their a>lon from IOOI (black) aod who will and yellow. but and we should benefll •1 1atelq ID1ett11ed ID resist," said Davis. " The Oak· silver 10 ptta " I """'Id be 1D01t 11udents we mlaht not onlla&rUy going lo 1he Klnga." said Welch. land Coliseum Commlssloo aod that's the only problem." OP COU'RSE we are goln1 to to wher the Raiders gain.'' added Kererrels. ''That --•d mue It nice becaux " 1he Los Anaelu Memorial Coli· ASKED AS hace to see Roman leave but he is all had eicel· will play their home aames. I would be playina dose lO home seum CommlssioG KEGEH!JS USPONDED doing whll he feels Is bell ror o11cn. but Wriah1 State's Kegerrels stated " either Rike and be near my family," he said. lenl aboul the morality or bringina • him, and I can't ckny him thal to re1ls1." Hall until It Is finished or PE C Welch averaged 17.9 points a was 100 good pro(cHional team to represent a right." he said. FOi deuUa. he fol," addlna. "it will tale away g•• • lhls year and led the loam PRESSED college In an oraanlzed le11ue. have to talk to Bob some parking. true. bul think or in r boundln1 with an avera,. ol 1t1ted. ··vou·u " h 's nol really dil'ferenl. We do the benefits to the commu.nlty as 8.6 1 game. He wu named third Kc1erreU." 'pay' our collegls1e .thletes in In my mind oben J. Kea· 1 whole.'' lee ' all·amcrican by Bod«tbtaU " There Ii no doubt WSU President R icholarshlp money so... oop1! I ..., selmed ID the w1S to brl:la Asked aboul 1hc Clndllnatl w, Uy. while dittclina WSU to 1h11 he •ill errels "pleued &houldn't have said that .• " reuon to anead Wri1h1 Bengal's 1erritorial riahu 10 the another KcacrTciJ had no funhcr com­ S111e," although the a>at WIS not uca market, Keac.rreb anJ· ments. and 1hc pttH coofcttntt , ooc wu there u y " cred. •Ith charllderistlc: author· mentioned .. a.s huu.ly terminated. mention or wha1 the movina o ( the lty.

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