Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 4-1-1980 The Guardian, April 1, 1980 (April Fools' Day) Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, April 1, 1980 (April Fools' Day). : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Garter " We don't skirt the issues " Wright State Univer!lity, Dayton, Ohio , March, 32, 1980 Issue 85 Tome 37 Plutonium dumped in trash can sample of irradiated water. of " taking Ohio off. the map." becau.. It wu glowing. had a the quality of a Wriaht State AT1llATtime. WSU Radiation Boston stressed the importance of skull and cross bone• on It. and employee. Any one of them oould Salety Officer Bruce Boston said recovering the metal. ··11 we wu sitting in a ootkl lead bo&·how have lel\ the doo< open." that the water posed " no thrut," don't find that stuff before the WIJi I to know that h wu:n't WHEN CON'TACfl!D, ofllriaJJ The Wright State University pointing out that someone could Air Force finds out". it'll be my truh?", and said the plutonlu.m 11 the ChL:ago olllce of the Safety Offia: tut week round tile a bath in it and DOI 1uff"' any job... h eck. it could t)e the Uni· was sining on the f\oor In a " bla Atomic EnerlY Commis•lon itKtf prowllna throuah m effects u long u they didn't versitv's eJistcnce. •4 room" which (aa:o<dlna to Bos· would only confirm 8oston's truh ""1S .,;ce again when JO •wallow any of h. ton, is a radaltaioo chamber). comments on the qu•llty of WSU pounds of weapons-grade plu· "N<> way are we talklna abo<Jt Since the student ..u usianed employees. toniu.m were mistakenly thrown that sor1 of problem this time," BOSTON EXPLAJNED that the 10 "sweep up," it appears th.at away by a fluhman work·study said Boston. " I'm 10rprised the plutonium wu being used for hi1 only loglcal place for it wu the lab usbwu. kid wa.sn't fried to a.n uh just btological research in mutations. "Some of tho people we hire Last October. Safety Offia: looking at I.hi• stuff(the plu· The r1d~1..1.ive metal wu to be around here can't read. can't personnel were forced to go lonium).'' scpara1ed into s.ma.JI •mounts to BOSTON HAD no expl•ination write, or can't ttmember what through truh when a WSU Adding the plutonium would be which animab would be e&poJed. fot why the radiatk>n room wu they were told from one minute 10 Janitor toued out a 10 mWicu.rie enough to make a bomb capable The lab ualstant uid, "just open ellcept to note, " You k:oow tho next." reaff'mned Boston. Beljan removed from office ..A,':. r By SCOOP mOllNTON atlminlstrack>n and began ne­ that Beljan promised to ao as far Ga.vdiaa ~ gl.·cting himself and his duties." as 10 io.e his position ill Health "I d.idn't mind so much bla Affairs beeaUK of the chanae . He Vl.,.,· Pltsident for Health Af· >leeping in bis ofllee but when be also .aid he would be happy to be fairs Jolln R.• Bolja.n WH relieved began taklna his showers ln the just 1J>Other off..., de:rt< u Iona u of •ll dutl.. at Wright State Physical Edu<ation locker room he "didn't havetodealwtth thole yesterday by WSU l'Tuident we had to say somethina to bhn." nursu any longer." Robert Kegerreis. Apparently, the charges of Keaerreis aho said that an Kcgcrrcb, called a news con· unprofessional behavior stem immediate seuc:h commtttce wu rerence yHterday afternoon to from a discuuion that 1klj&11 and beina formed to repl>« the make the announcement . Kegerreis held in the president's Y~·Presldcnt . He commented, "RE HAS ruined his lmaae in office lut wed:. Cooftdeotial that " thcrc are many In-house the oommunily." Kegerreis said. 110urce.s have revealed that B<Uan candidates thal mu.s·t be a>n1id· " He hu handled hl.m.. lf very became very upset durina the cred." unprofessionally ill the oon!J'Oo meeting •nd left. " I have already disalssed this versy in the School of Nurslna . THE SOUICll noted, " I 11w situation with (Vu-President of Myself and the Board of Trustees him (Beljan) leave the president's Academic Al!lan) John Murray, felt that it wu ln the best lnt...si ofllce hurriedly mumblina to we bolh •are< the best choice for ul the univ.,.ity to let him 80·" himoelf. Then, he just grabbed a a replacement would be former Beljan. hu been Involved In girl that wu walking down the Dean of the School of Nurslaa the oon!J'O\'eny ln the Sehool of hallway and started 1C1Umln1. School Gertnade Torra." Nurslbg's pn>pooed two-plu.-two "women. who needs than?'' HE ADDED, "altet all ahe bu By IJNBYUHED 5n/DENI' Usln1 the " Rawbl6e" tech· pn>1Tam since lt• • p:oposaJ ln the The final blow. how- caaie ••pericnce u .. admlnlltrator ~s-ww- Ule SIGdle aad tool off alter winter. The program hu been when Beljan appuently fCllt a and ahe's available." them." Followlna his eumple, slated to be plM>ed under Beljan memo to CIWrman of the Boan! Torru said that she would In what wu dacribed u the the rest of the WSU police ln Health Affaln. of Truflees Armistead GWlam, couider the poulblllty. but she "strangest round·up ever" by available grabbed hotMS ao they Belju WOllid DOI rq>ly to req•eotina that wsu ttnla their bu DOI been CXllltacted by ..,.._. ' 'panta, the Wrigbt Si.to oouid join ln the pur'lllk.. quatiou about his behavior In State suppoct aad become a abo<lt the pooltloe. ice yesterday herded KVenl lJSING THI! " Rawhide" teeb· the oontrovcrsy. Christian Sdenc:c private achool. ·leged pip that bad escaped o.ique <tf Sat. Mak.,, the pip Beljan app.vcctly felt that She said. " If I were eo ......_ die buanlous materials were forced back In the "corral" "I DON'T tno... what K•I"'· since Cbrt.tlan Sclaitbu don' t the position. I don' t thJat II_... uu behind K·loc. near K· loc by 9:00 1 . 111. rob or the loud coulder a velleve ln medical -t. effect the sltuadoo at .a.. .... "TlleM ._the futat pip I " That WU most importaat, ~ way tt. act," be thn a School of Nuni., wwld be bml 111~.i.w. lhroop· ave ever -.>," aaid WSU &aid Robert Francis who la noted. UnftecelMI)'• out, then la &O - lo cllaqe Jllffu Mat.a... u be resporlflble for the depc. "After Tiii! 50{laCll weal cm lo U J tllat DOW." actlced hlo fut dnw. hlrllq all, we don't waat the oommwaity Beljan bu beea quoted u he 8UD OD - tlJalft, MarUdJbio tu become alarmed that we may saylaa the Scllool vi Nunlas wu Foolsday--­ tlincd Ille atneqy WSU ol· be dolna sorne odd uperimelltl "antl·male" and "and-doctor" · u-i h catdlina the 00 ckfaueleu ulrnala... be &aid. u well u ..,.....,.. the faculty ln Weather the ochool ol belaa ... buacb ol tated anbnala. LIAmG mlllll'D Illa - 111...... 30 ,...._ ,.....,.., "" ....... " PIJIST OP AIL," be aaid, -uy weatMls ol dut Ayotollab.s ... .,_ii, Frucla noted thal, "the ~· -· .s...-m-o111e1M. 'we had IO ao pt - horw. The Air Qutllr ...... ii.....,.. ..,....i the lillq Col. lldvtaaMllty <tf the ........ Kegerrcia, aaid that II wu DOI tobe -.ier-topotl. b WU the°"" ....... - . bis atal- Isl :he .,._ that Idea," loe aaid, poiDdAg at Sil. ·-~· · populatlo9 becomllle bowledgeable wlill c:crtala ..... Beljan'• dow9fall. but bla .... .,, Thought Mater. ..-.-ol adnt!llc i.-i,~ " ruporlflble bellaYlo<." Squlnlac taboClOO jlllee all - at tha lmtlNtloa ol blqulry. -w In iaat Prlday'1 laaM ol tlM Gort.,. II ., • la "-a, Mahr a<bowledaed Impede the atrMas for eridcal ._,........., that t1oe ussa w 111> 4 oompll- by noddina hJa thlaklaa here." ID COHt'IN11ID, " I tlllat thia the Ualted ~ at 7:45 p.a. TIM - ead. " It ..... :io problem after whole tblaa la the Sctool .,, DOied that ...... - ... ~ !M e aot them Iha< animals," be WbeM uted to upla!AI Illa Nunlns bu &OftCll IO Jcba. He holoeuc. • gesturlna so the bones. mtmient, Prudi merely la!- became lmmened la plbertna The ato<y ahoUI ba....... the th. .. 7:15 " I SIDI b dmc 11W111 time tated the " apeU ao CYll" .,.... · lafonnatlon oo the pan ol Ille p.m. ·~~~~~~~~~,,_;..~~~-- J DAILY GAA"ID Aprl I, 1911 Holiday Inn plans financial construction to live then:." " They'll Ju>t have to do"' Comm1tt« Is stron1ly opposing c:kpended on lhe w-eatner. ACCOllDING TO Footer. the Hamilton Hall and the apan· the building of the Holiday laa cost per quancr for stuckau will mcots." complcs. PllESl.DENT ROBl!IT K<&•rrris Holiday laa Loe. aaDOU.nced be uound S1 75 for a two bedroom Dr. John Murray. Vke·l'rul· ••If THIS GOES through. the commented th1t the •partrntot yestmlay It's plans to buUd a au apartmcot. dent of Academic Allain. would whol• campus wUI go down the complu WOllld be a boom to the sto<y apanment oomple1 near not come out of his ofYU.
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