SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH August 26, 2018 21St Sunday in Ordinary Time

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SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH August 26, 2018 21St Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH August 26, 2018 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE WEEKEND Saturday Evening Vigil 4:30pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am Children’s Liturgy 10:30am WEEKDAY Monday Friday 7:00am CONFESSION Saturday: 3:45pm4:15pm (or by appointment) LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3: MASS IS AT 9:00 AM WEEK AT A GLANCE SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 MONDAY, AUGUST 27 7:00pm Men’s Cursillo Group (WH) 7:00pm Rosary Makers (CH) TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 9:00am Bible Study Group (WH) THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 8:30am First Saturday Rosary Devotion (C) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 ACAdoration Chapel, C: Church, CHChurch Hall, CLChoir Loft, SaSacristy, ScSchool, WHWhite House (aka Parish Ctr.) WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! You may register online at, in person at the Parish Center, or call us at 815-478-3341 235 W. NORTH STREET , MANHATTAN, IL 60442 Parish Staff S c r i p t u r e Pastor Rev. John Lindsey .................. [email protected] READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF AUG. 26, 2018 Deacon Pat Forsythe ..................... [email protected] Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Ps 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, School Principal Colleen Domke ........................ 815-478-3951 20-21, 22-23 [9a]/Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32/Jn 6:60-69 ........................................................ [email protected] Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5 [3]/Mt School Secretary Denise Kresal ......................... 815-478-3951 23:13-22 ......................................................... [email protected] Tuesday: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17/Ps 96:10, 11-12, 13 [13b]/ Religious Education Kelly Hoehn ....................... 815-478-4452 .................................................... [email protected] Mt 23:23-26 Business Mgr. Laura McGuire ....................... businessmanager Wednesday: 2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18/Ps 128:1-2, 4-5 [1]/Mk 6:17-29 Rectory Office ...................................................... 815-478-3341 Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [1]/Mt 24:42- Rectory Office Fax ............................................... 815-478-7046 51 Secretary Judy Bunte .................... [email protected] Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11 [5]/Mt 25:1- Bulletin Mary Schelinski ................. [email protected] 13 Maintenance Director ......................................... 815-478-3341 Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31/Ps 33:12-13, 18-19, 20-21 [12]/ Music Director Nancy Hauch ......... [email protected] Mt 25:14-30 Cemetery Sexton Franklin Forsythe ................... 815-474-6918 Next Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5 [1a]/Jas Pastoral Counselor Joanne Avignone ................ 630-386-3230 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-2 RCIA Theresa Lawson ......................................... 815-474-8560 Men of St. Joseph Jim Robbins .......................... 708-258-9088 Women of the Word ............................................ 815-478-3341 Community Support ............................................ 815-478-3341 M a s s I n t e n t i o n s Shepherd’s Table Carol Farkas .......................... 815-478-4132 Baptismal Preparation Pam Robbins ................. 815-478-3341 Saturday Aug. 25, 2018 St. Louis Happy Hearts Seniors Fran Grimmer ................. 815-478-3341 4:30 pm Spencer & Mary Lindquist Anniversary by Ron & Mary Hall Kitchen Coord. Jan Ulrich ............................ 815-474-7585 Johansson Jake Stevens Anniversary by Stevens Family Mary Stevens by Stevens Family M a s s C o l l e c t i o n s Jim Patterson by Rich & Lynda Adkins Julia Wilhelmi by Diane & Anna Mae Morris Sunday Aug. 26, 2018 St. Abraham of Smolensk 8:30 am People of our Parish WEEKLY OFFERINGS FROM AUGUST 18-19: 10:30 am Francis & Marie Loughran by Kathy McGrath & Family Dexter McClure by Fr. John Sunday envelope collection $ 6,860.00 Ida Varriale by Carmen Varriale Loose cash $ 475.00 Janice Gilbert by Fr. John Kristin Lenart by Fr. John Online $ 2,070.00 9,405.00 Walter Neel by Elaine & Debbie Mitchener Total collection amount $ Monday Aug. 27, 2018 St. Monica 7:00 am Charles Blatti by Blatti Family Tuesday Aug. 28, 2018 St. Augustine Thank you for your continued generosity! 7:00 am Intention of Celebrant Wednesday Aug. 29, 2018 Passion of John the Baptist 7:00 am Helen & Walter Zaremba by Richard & Elizabeth Zaremba Thursday Aug. 30, 2018 St. Gaudentia 7:00 am Intention of Celebrant Friday Aug. 31, 2018 St. Aidan 7:00 am Art & Mildred Mundt by Roscoe & Bev Bailey Saturday Sep. 1, 2018 St. Fiacre 4:30 pm Barbara Schultz by Mary Cash Matthew Rae by Nick & Elizabeth Wetmore Julia Wilhelmi by Michael Wojtak Carol Grisko by Conrad Grisko Sunday Sep. 2, 2018 St. Ingrid of Sweden 8:30 am Yolanda Bertellotti by Mike & Marian Patricoski Veronica A. Faloona by Nancy & Ed Faloona Joseph (Mike) Murphy by Fr. John 10:30 am People of our Parish Welcome to St. Joseph Parish page 2 Pastor’s Corner BREAKING OPEN THE SCRIPTURES AUGUST 26, 2018 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "This saying is hard; who can accept it?" The words of Jesus' disciples in today's Gospel must sound familiar. At some point in our lives, you and I have said it about some article of our faith. Christianity makes firm demands on our ethical behavior and gives no easy answers for suffering. Many disciples were confused and dismayed by Jesus' words in the Bread of Life Discourse. Not all of them, however, had the same reaction. When the disciples question Jesus' teaching, he confirms its truth. "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life." For some, Jesus' reassurance was not enough. These disciples do not question Jesus further or wrestle with their lack of understanding. The mighty deeds Jesus has done fade to the background. "Many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him." For them, their doubt proves too much. Jesus turns to the Twelve, knowing that confusion lives in their hearts as well. Peter answers. "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God." Notice this is not a confession of perfect understanding. It is a confession of faith in Jesus. The precise words may still confuse them, but they believe the One who said them. In our own lives, we face doubt, confusion, and disillusionment in our Christian faith. The same choice available to the disciples is available to us. Do you have faith in Jesus, even when you lack perfect understanding? Will you stay or will you go? What do you do with your doubt? --Fr. John In Our Prayers Being Catholic! WE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED THINKING ABOUT BECOMING Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord A FULL MEMBER OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? and let perpetual light shine upon them. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) WE PRAY FOR THE SICK STARTS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 6:00-7:30 PM Patrick Deloian, Audrey Bernas, Elizabeth Wetmore, Neil Please join us whether you are interested in becoming Schouten, Catherine Tassi, Ryan Weller, Brian Wellen, Kathy Catholic, completing your sacraments, or just learning Rippe, Michelle Newcomb, Joan Carroll, Mark Parente, George more about the Catholic Faith All are welcome! Our first Slazyk, Raylene Slazyk, Anna Mae Morris, Mary Lane Mayer, meeting is Wednesday, September 19, from 6:00 - 7:30 William Struse, Robert Wolf, Jim McGrath, Terri Budde, Gemma Moreno, Elizabeth Stock, Patrick Ambrose, Christopher Brown, pm, in the Parish Center. Sandra Jones, Brian Egan, David Murphy, Ray Spreitzer, Mike Bourgeois, Patty Simmons, Phil Koch, Eric Daukis, Simon No commitment is made until several Zezydlo, Richard Rizzo, Peggy Wesolowski, Karen Brasch, weeks into the program. For more infor- Marge Bosse, Tom Levis, Janet Berryman, Lori Berman, JoAnn mation call Theresa at 815-474-8560. Hayden, Mary Loraitis, Lisa Erdman. SANCTUARY CANDLE BURNING FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION: SEPT. 1 Sanctuary Candle HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER MARY! September 8 is Don & Peg Borchardt Wedding Anniversary by the Family (traditionally) the birthday of our Blessed Virgin Moth- Blessed Virgin Mary Candle er. "Let us celebrate with joy the nativity of the Virgin Protection of the Unborn Mother, for from her arose the son of justice, Christ our St. Joseph Candle God." Let us then think in our personal prayer what Protection of Families makes our Lady happy: That her children never cease to call on her and be close with herconvinced that her WE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY utmost concern is that we, her children, may always Matthew Carroll, Matthew Cook, Scott Gerdes, David Newtoff, be united with her son, our Lord Jesus Christ. And, Christian Shawver, Christopher Vavouleas, Robert Wellen, let's do our prayer out of our filial love, devotion, and Rogan Nichols, Teresa Kozak, Bobby Dyer, Jacob Vollmer. affection to our Mother in Heaven. Come and recite the rosary as your birthday present to ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLE INTENTIONS Mary, this first Saturday, September 1st, 8:30 AM in church.The rosary is always said near the statue of Mary near the altar. Welcome to St. Joseph Parish www. page 3 St. Joseph School ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL MASS School Mass will be starting NEXT soon--watch for details! UP PRINCIPAL’S CORNER 8/27 1st day PK4 (dismissal 11:40am) 8/28 1st day PK3 (dismissal 11:40am) 8/30 Meet the Teacher Night @ 6:30- A BIG thank you to everyone who went to Portillo’s 8:00pm on Monday, August 13. We had a great turnout, and SJS received $510! Yay! Also, a shout-out to Mr.
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