SupremeCorrrt hacks Sundayclosing laws

AT ANNUAL FESTTVAL FOR THE DEAF-Thc rnnuel Feslival rnd Picnic for lho Crtholic deaf of Indianrpolis was held last Sunday at St. parish, Father Dooley, !boye, is in char0e of the derf rposlohte in fhe Indianapoli; area, 9iving religious inslructions and hearing confessionr. Shown wilh Frlhor Dooley are John Enders, loft, rnd Miss lrene Hodock, librlrirn at lhe Indianr Strfc School for lho Derf which is locrled wifhln St. Jorn ol Arc prrish, The youngsferr, who rre nol derf bul conyerse in rign lrn- rNirrin,rffi Findspublicschools fi+,"*-#:**;:unioils. Lorpus/1 L:hrtstt/1' ' -' ,rt:_:," ' :,:{ *+'iffi,are not irreligious scf\'ill)('t'sitilllirgIrliglrttlrt.r't.ts.of,No*'r\llralt1..

{lso $nrrr.rrrxr. lh. rtrslillitD lI. t.ll Cit! ol thc sr.fnDwil ol ll. lrny (rthohc llril,

Cit"' Catholicloyatty t}jTiHj}$,.:::: ntrri;",1--ri,"*l,rdJ o{ Pnnxbtlr llrh schNt. lii;,',iijqii:i:l;1$fii;l.,ii,'il":;,i#ii ;*i$**i}dq+#tl-,'rf,'rt*l-t*11,1** cl.rls illc. scn{il 'hilu'xnd

it!,i'tii,,,lri"iili;:x.,1' ::"i:t::i "i.llJi,i]]]i'ili^""n,..',j.u.-.o"..,.,slnn'c|-B:if\t'kI';;]il].,"ll;.'ll]l"I,il]liii:.ilcl6nle--xi;l",",' ri,,i'iiili",j;.:i :$'1: Ivlarydale s oI new looK ffil;;i\11ii;'ql$ltl11i1'.#"i'l m:*r**"*,*ll* Pl'ouo ,\rninog*,,;,sccks u.h|Dlxx-|k\ju1\l\ilL'$illa{I[.ldd!dd

Vatit.arrst'csU.S.uailrirrql]i''i;lj;J'ii'".i;""llii:l"il'?l}l..l1i:lillrii1..,|telt'tl*it..'.1"I...-l -- ^ -- l::.:...:;;t.:,- | .r.a - \rilisdoilrcrunnril,,csr,

shortl5' in a cam;xrigtr to obtrirr jttst 42.000 signaturcs to forcc a rcfcr- lllolcnlrnt fol r':tt'iul'.r{itin lriliute rnan or b5.- a gl'oqp to lilhili r.. Sltepltet'tl, llat')'tlalc ltas cndttnr on thc ncrv lary. 'lhe rclcreutlunr lllovc is hearlctl "groups 'l'hc lllilllo, lhL- \ iltltall Lllv llc$s- lhat of citizcns in one ilcllatt.\'. ptrol slrotrftl lrr: abftr by a group calling itself tlainc "tlte papt'r, r'lcsprtt' s lrirt it called of thc nltlst dnvalopetl dertrocra- to give clrildle'n a lcligious Citizcns for I'ublic Schools, lacial shatttc ol ,\lalranta." cics sh6u|d still bc unablc to con. cdtrcatiln as rycll as t[e r.ic5.,' il:i"i.i.i.f1'li.!iIr;.|ii:"1}..,i[.,iYilii;lij."T,ll"il:'...:ll:.T::l:.:ry htI.i;if;5lRtes-ttihrc;di;,'I}.i..'.''I,.:1"t1..:]-',:]'.',],"i*li.:.l..:..11i:.i-]*IE5EIL E - ..r.. -, I rn,,srr,.ss,,on,st'""',..' ',; -,...:::;.-:...,,--: r. .-. r-':-..-::.*rl-'-t-r:j. Dxilhnsrnrasrnrorratcicr*il iiii,.;",'l."ilii'J:lTli]"':"ili:.i'|ii.i;;d;;;iii|;;i;;;;;iiiii;ii.-"i,ir1i'.i.iiil.a..-'-I-|-E, - j'1",r"r",'",'r$,;l*r*r*i,;,-. ."-..- t'#l*i.i.'l,#$iiiiil:E ; - ilir"li:k:"""*h'*Dvc'v ll'i";'":::lffl"x".'?il"J'i"j"'iIUtogir.ct|cgrec.:l;']illlil":.,lil::."ffi.rjl*l.,.ir..n,,.,,,.,.**Laudstreatment"rhc asainil felklie oi lilrbaious rh. Dhiir.rit iltDnt src llllljll"iif.";.T":n:,?ll,,ii",'1.";loCarr|in.rlRiltcr1..i1llii::'#l1"."iiil';:l1'tl;:.,.'T::i:;',*."'::::jx.lT.;"T:":

gfavc sr:r'ol'rs (St.ll Frnrc alroutsbotrt thc evcntscrcilB init lhnLl\ftrrrt- ::,';;":::.:ll:'1l:-'\]'^|lY]ll lranrlsonrefund6onr. bilclr-pancletlhirhDancl\l 1\1ar1'-llAry. mlnd th. vi.v.r ol th. bulldlnr'r t.rm.r ut., Ph.b) "Gor'. sourory s'as that Jolrn Pat- tlato autlitor.iunr. :"'..''l''lll*:li*il;li"t";lIiiJii["j:i,;ii:.f!]li::$"'"-:::;:i*:;;.*'ll";lllsl,*r*r)."',.i:,:."');:..:]lt^'l1"tl:j]],1...']',"Lt ,\ zs b1' 50 foot

torotLa{sdcgree-arvoDlct$illrclIcssotEitls".*l"ui:.i"iv'ind.btik|no|alc"^*'i""til;"ii"f ELEclEoMAYoR*:"ll"f;i{l'::;$''i:ii:lIlm;,':l,*ilii'",.l;"ii*l..l,'*lll'.'l.''.mo|alcsnrong.'."*il:l,]*I;]ll]]lELEcTEoMAYoRrc"i";li;i,.0onryDoctofoirD'0'f.tdily-R{estsltarrrliJi'ijeins.'.ui lfi$lJitr,fJ''lltpltl"m: l::*;r:n:r llll,"ll'll,;**+r'lp'; iolddiht|ofic0'en|omolo'gi51.rndnttcitioD1htt,snece5sarevcf'P|csetl,''srkinlothcIItl,bldiaupolb JUNE 2, 196I PAGE TV{O THE CRITERION, tl priestsplanning joint jubilee celebration

otlercd lris l"irst illass nt St' Al)n's Niue alclttlioct'stttl 'fcrrc parislt. lllttte' lvltt't'e hc at' nnrl lrvo Ftttttciselrtt li'alltcls ir.nrlerl grittlc school' Iltl t'tlccivctl rvill hold a joint ollscrt'tlrtt:t) lris sr-ntittary lllirring lrt St' llein' llreir' lSlh .'\ttrrivcrsarie's ol' r;rrl. priot' lp cnlet'ittg tho chilp' .lttttt: of Ortlinalitlt'l\tt'sda)'. l:ritt cot'l:rl i:I llrr'll.S, t\t'ttl5'itt lntlian' {i, nt 51. llaIk's Cltttt'r'h. l{)'ll, Usgr. .\lci\l;tl trtt ltlrtl set'r'etl lpolis. I'\rllorlittil :lll 1t a'lll. ns:tssist;tnt pitstor 'Lhltnksgiving' luo bt'it'f lel'ttts rrf Solctttn l!irss rrf St, Cltlrtt'irte's pnt'ish, lntliu' Lr1' .\r't'lrbislrtrp Schitllc, :rttcnrlt'rl ltiolis. llis tittte tltero lr:ts inlcr' gloup fclctl lrt I blttt' tht u'ill be nrptctl itl lt):ltt tl1'gradrtirtc sttttlics ol (\llrttt'btts rltrct ilt llre Iinighls nl llrrr L-'irthotic tlnivct'sit)' of lt. Tlx)nlpsoll aurlitrttitrttt. 5tl r\ rttcrit':t. lkrld, ttlirttctl ('ltit'f ol' Cltltp" 'l'lic jubilali;rrrs I{e 1r'its tttclttrlc: illsgt', (ltln('l'ill lnins itr l'irtt'trpt' and Vitar' ,littttts J, Nlcllalron. il (\)l(llttll itt 'l'lrc in i9t$. follo* inil yttitr ltr-: tlrt U,S,,{t'ttt1'. \'it';tr' (;cnL'l'll t'cclitctl lltc ltonot'df ll Ilonlestlc rnrl Chicf oi CltitPllritrs irr llttrolltt, I)t'cl:rlt ft'ont l'o1ltl ,loltn XXIII' stirtir)ll(.(l in llt'irlt'lhe|g, Oor'- l lltr'ing visitcd In(liiltlill)olis, I'c- rnlttf i i\lsgt'. .\tlolfs Gt'osltcrgs, n cr'tttl1, lrc uill nol lrc ptt'sc'ttt for n;rlitt of l,nlt'ilt ttorv scl'\'lll!: ns tlu' jubilct' rtltst'fl ilttqe, itssistilst pastot of SS. I'ctct. arttl ('atltorlt'itl. I'urrl lrrthct' .loltu ll' Msgr' Adolfs Grorbergs Ilotz, pilslor ol St.,llnlcs tltt' llslt'. (it'ttsltcllls \r'ils bot'u irt MSGR. GROSBERGS Glcnlcl prtt'islr. lttrlittnlpolts; lh'rrliiirr. L:rtivi:r, lrlrl lttotttlctl tlttl l'atht'r Iticltrrlrl K;llatrttglt, paslor Iir.nssclt.rr, l)L\fotrl (-.lltt-rrin( rlirlt'tsutt sctuitrary nl ltiilir, tho .',.51' sl l)crtvt'r, llis filsl assifin- St. of St, lliclrlcl's p;tt'ish. lrrdiattap- (his !r'!: f\k'irtrltl rvltct'tt hc cr'rrrrlllctc

Her Frlure k SOCItll, ltEl'0Rlll ASKREN MONUMENTCO.. Ine. 4t01 E. Washinrr|rn51. sECURE SlllcEl?35 Witi Gellic Sovingr MARKERS - MOI{UMENTS \\'ise anrl thri{ti. $'$ik * l,al'.ge$ttitnck Crnnitcs itttrl ,\larble ol tlte lv{ulerr ( rng atxl .*ori tlighest Qualrty a!:thc l'lcst llcasottal-'leCost trXr l rritlizc frtlly l hr) It's tirne to look in the mirror' tllue of soutrd sitr.ings t Credit Ternrs Itirbits iru(l each scrili-sliillcrl r:tnplo]'tltls, cn!itll' tto ?iltttt t State Wido Delivery lcprr!rnlilivt 1r'ft'h rt'[:rtlul' pi)rtiorrs alttl tltc lilic lrt'c eels. teclttticintts I'tt 6.9044 nf tltrrr par checli.q;lrr t[rr' tllilss 0lfi* "sa.ltt'd rlislllacing l]l'(t(ltl(ltl(]ll au'iry'" in irlsttrcd n'ollicfs u'ho previousll' ntarltl ttp i-'clt ir: Fcilcra I su 1'ings tlre rlil i()f ity irt Antclie an irttltts- frFl itct'ollnt:i, (;o0il lucli iust (t I FL 7-76?t I tlt'. Sonrc cslitttitlcs itttlicaltr r ltYil0flt qf 52ttd tt. l-lf9{ natlrf&llJ' i(}llr)rv-< tlle (t thlt u'itlrrn lcn .r't'ats tlt

Ambassador- Obscenity - ? Commission Rabbi testifiesre = (PD!),to-dedsv r'eve. THE VATICAN lho caP, whiah ll thi! lerds to dbrB! or !!m ien. r,.hhr.t.D o.nh E, nont aL chtcago Universttl hr! . p..F,.hxxI'ron,h" ".,r' lli iffid,"!;i,1fi,151,',,Hg:itliir*'i'i1,-"i,"il'" dililli$ *lii'a:;T; ::*"J';*iili liil,llntlii-*t*1"%*: crn{or.hrlrhourloprrvrt biltlonmhcl;crislqrr;mpo[: (vELkD)omiimo"i-rcon(or- vhile',veryeon*i-i'q;;;;ri;ii iin,"orrry. ttu chtrrches h notno, Hc weil rictrnr-n nohonor!dlvktob encelce, par!)€yond.tle_itrgo sharc sny wilt aim at prcviding flut (nl.y 26) to tlo Nw prrkh rdvrDced chor.hor sr.crrory b prrv 0 wastNcrN-com"- ,, illf iil1,l,lif"ii"tii'l"J"T"i1,tHIX,T:'S.,,-'i!"":i'""','""fa"u,1 t"i"i't ri siD;rii;t'd{i;-- rh.rehtor.rhorenrinso(PoD. novin!tow'rdth6?shblhhment;thokmori(iioii"i"ai-u* niiunirtii,v-rier'e,i"iiiiii? r,..*R.Mury.mhorEv- cmaory vil. Alte.wrd I€ ol r conrnrksion.on prereltrnr, Sr. Noxiou rnd 0;;0t ih; id.otosy **" eu"ning,"t.r,iii-i",i ;trh., tu., is lhe neu ox€ausve wonr to uo o'iese Nuov! (New ohcon0 Mrhrirls ;;;:'ffi to..dudr tho whbh dapdvd ih';m u uo lorii- icil a'"-"niiirto:ni'-ici;;t -i";fit";i; i"sekitn ih" nriio;riGboic churah) to bclore rhe tonb problom lrrv ol tr&Jtu hflhy .r irviru i;"oruing' ro'ucr ncw repubric lqns comeFry conrcrnco. PNIID Neri, who$ Ie$i in rnul !l!oprmgnphr tlgldF( ol Sr rnd rnd ro chrliri!tr codchtrco.,i May it rnd the ii"ri",,; ;h ir c{rebrlted on ilny s. reconmond dato rd tcderlt ii.""*"ilrJi-miiir"iii,ii:t"",iirm" t r.ny w. vrn&on, chdrnrn lThclIo|yI{1hcr$coivodlnl0ghletion1od0[|withit.s.n'0P^l.Ir^}.renchJesui!vh;";d,;-.ii;..-g;;;;;"-;|'';;;.jt priyrre.srdicne (.rl otay 2f) lho Mondr_0t..s.D.) bstrEhio rocetiylddrsscd!croladmci. ii,i,liiiinfi;i "i"di;ii,,Xf ann . n.nbe! of so .rod.n irls ot the ncw tmbrssa. lhc scnlt flmr !1nr r unrnl$o$ ro- In! oI trr€amrsons has .aid rhc rorca. lnii eirrarghs ite irildii - lqGtnrts pnrt;e"I, L iiri dor ol El Srlvrdor to tlo Inv Fd tu$ lhe Sendto Conililko rine is ripo lor lrlk! botween nilitia.- Iir* taynrn io le nrni:a'cnii. al Sea Anb..t.dor Atrbnio on Coycrnment olo.stions ruc' crthoiie! rnd FrcenasN. t.- manor-rmNohertnnd-s;Criiioit--"''-- vr..r Vidu.!r. had roprus-nlad orrnendingon!.lmlntotrtrobill, th.._mkht rtqsl S.t., laid I lN_ _ THE__-- NEWS__--'- Bmodcasriis Comt;nt, his counlry hcrc prcvio$ly lron S. rB, s@Norcd by nlrtsctr nnd frink exchanSo of vievs woukl 1S?to195r. ss. Hwh D. Scoh (t.-k.) ledlo,,uecuncnisholh.rrts, a F.h.r wflt.n T, c.ddhk.';ji;i;; u'hlch woultl prcprring IST NECRO csteblish ,sueh r for that of minds, in i.s.c.. tormur prefcct "f "has conrtlission. A bipnrtisan lii,rr: o[ lhe retliscovcrctl unil.y of hopc nt Notre Ltattre University, CAIIDI'N, N.,I,*-Thc Diocese of 20 Scnators thcnr as lornral .ioincrl aurl faith." becn nantcd provincial sccr.ctary Carnclcnur,iaincrl im firii Wliro co-spons0rsof tltc nrcasurc. provincial pricst, and a., of thc thc ltcv, Ilugh-InrntaCUiate Stout,"in ? lrr\rrfrrr-A survey confluctcd council of the floly Cross .]'a. ccrcmonics a[ thc ABROAD alnong Zl,2?0 nominally Catholic provincc. thers' Intliana IIo suc. {_iolccption Cathetlral here. IIe ccetls the latc Faiher John H. was ilmoug IB sctninarians or. Murphy, C.S,C. rlaincrl into ilre priesthood by I G. Kerwin, Archbishop Cclcstine Damiano. of tho political science tlepart- llishop of Carntlcn.

Qolfer's Qetswsr{ SERRA MEDAL WTNNERS-ldenlicrl twinr, Slcphen (loff) and Gresory Huck, oighth grrders rl Sl. AT HOME Roch'r School, Indirnlpolir, reccived identicrl medals from Archbirhop Schulle hst week during ccre. Dtrffcr Dan tlocsn't dally. I-ikcs to bc first on monler honorlng oulslrnding rerverc in Indirnepolil.lrea parishes. The evanf war rponsored by lhe y rnorning tirnetablo Scrrr Club ol Indienepolis. Morc thrn 600 rervorr rt$ended lhr ceremony in SS. Pater and Prul Ca. antl his clan. Aftcr fhsdrel. (Strff phofo) carefree buffet break- "the I)an says, fccxl's rir.nrary-or-voorrs 37 eightlt grude boys satirfying as a J00. 1,ard drive srraight gir.ert$I.000 griull tlown thc nri

t-6261 Catholic Knights of America in Indiana f ::TTli;:;'iilillti;i,11lff;lffifll,giru,*^t'l"-"ir','7r'i"'' 2041 S. Calhoun St. Ft- Wayne, Ind. K,.l47g becauseWiedemann's is Regisiered.Since 1. ,' I tm r Crtholic. Pleasesend me informrlion obout 1870, honest-to-goodnessbeer with fresh- fhe CATHOLICFAMILY HOSPITALPLAN. \7 NA[IE, VATICANSUPPORT rrom.rhe,barrerrasre. Try a n'.j,:ffi:J;*i:l; GBNEVT\-Tlre Iloly Scc has co,Nrwpo,r ,e. ADDRESS, donated $.160,000 to thc World Ite{ugec Stamp plan organized crTY.. .TEL...... ioiutly by the United Nations CAPIIOLClil SltPPtYC0', Inc. IIigh Conrntissioner for ftefugees, STATll...... AC8...... Fclix Schnydcr, and the Uuited Nations Ilclicf and Works Agency rrroMAS*3?lr;hHttili,D, Presirrenr for Palestine, it u'as annorrnccd 214 E. St. Clair St. Indianapolis, lnd. ttere,

Shine BernardftflcGinty IITIIE Ierry Billltiloldthan ftJlaryftJirGinty $ililllilG IH$HMEilI' 301l{. Delaware [Veut& [-[sedCars lUle.5-7264 ftle.7.4378 RoylUlattingly ' FAGE FOUR \# ?HE CR|]'ER|0N,-JUNE 2,-I go. Ellllllnlilnulnnm 'nll|En$'r STITAY LEAVBS = Cornrrent in I'hcrr cdiforial columnl rcp' = Thr oplriionr lrprcscd More on historv Cetholie J rtanl . €rtholic vilwpolnl-nol nlclr'rrlly THC iltt$$t$$tPPt Jll[$ = public virwpoint. ThGy .ra lfiortr of lhr edilorr lo rarvo = oplnion withln lhr Church rnd wifhln tho Nation' of church music = t0h, By MTCHACLBOWLES Susarrlla---o f-|.,S.Pledges nefense,Of E't':,)€Asia "Frccdonl doing The Iliders" in Alabatnfl harrc been ol no nlorc ttran cxerciiiiig-ittoit silnple.r'ights. as. cilizcrts illl(l Reveals the Unitcil Stntes; noithcil total tigltts ill. Jusllco Johrrson Po,'i'e Arrest tt'itvclcts 2? iiiJrafiii;.-f,uf iiiiiv'tnoic"iiiirtit;"v- txrrts 0f lhcrrr"rclatcd lo itlrcatl.v tlc[itrerl '"1 ;;'th;";Jbril ri:tiictr havc been AssurancesGiven As alld dcciarccl ns'ihe liuv of lltc lattrl' \ey Anive OnFar[ast Tour At Bus Terminal ? {.]JltJsj,l'IoNnox T'ime o.f decision r\skccl to cotnlllctrl tln lJir:chSociety g{ R'-c-Qu/c,<- Fv MSGR. J' D' CONWAY P#vRrrY.

-,\. \'ou rkrtt'l lcalll u'anl trty pt't'sonal opinion, SERV|CE It rrriglrl bc plof:tnt'l.r'firlcclttl, lrut it rvottltl cat't'y ?uBLlc lll) \vclglrl, l'ltcsc ot'ganizatiotts Rrtt cnllctl anti. ('onrnrunisl; anrl I dotrbl llrat I *trrrkl krlorv l (irtttrttttrtisl if I strv 'lir one. tho hesf of nry knou,lcdHe I ltavc rrt'r'er sccll onei exccpt for thr nrorulrors of r Ilttssian'[\lu- "'l'h0 national ( hlitrrl'l'elrrr rlhrclt visilocl ottr cily iln,{lislr) instinc[ [,r. r'ocal mrrsic \r'ar a It'rv tttotttlrs n'-lo. . . . rlso conspicrrous al a pcliorl evcn earlicr. than the Ileforntation, licsirk's nll the anti.(loninrunisl fol it rvas this snrnp inslincr that gave biltlr allircl(s I hnvu rond in thc last l.o those establishtrtr]nls. fourrtlerl a:-,rl gn'cn endorved as they rvele {or'lhe special gtrrrpose of 'l'he ilt't' llriIt1,.r'caIs hatc rnc a vcly cldcr iiiizens of r\labama nttd elsctvltct'e ttlto pelforrning the dailv Office with all the rlignitv lhal []tlilt'tl llling to Irustt'ate lltc rvill of thc pcoplc of tlte rnttsie r:oulrl contribrrle. A folcign wrilel in lhc Stlte.s, b.t' lcgal gintrtticks ot' bv lightlv'rtisgttisctl incitt'- fifteenth cenl.rrly (,lolrannes'l'inctoris, Proporfioncr nronts lo trtob tiolttttc'c, at'c simply sltotvittg lhcir polilical Murirrr, 1476) al.trillrled tho excellence 'l'hcr' ('ornrrrrrnisl.'l'his inclrt

The Litnrgieal Laborunions backing Should they marry or wait? lVer.k = = By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA Christ's Bod5',creating a brother- Pc:rce Corps program B'JoHN L taoMAs, s.,. ui hood fashioned by Christ. === go ."1*,:li:],ltiiiid;"T:;.iijii:',:i&:l*'".'ll"*: At MSOR,G5OROE HlO6li3 i .---.",. .... , our,,.y..r..d.on.wh.t,t, h...v.. ! r.!r r ,n = .'':r:q'J'*.'*'|q:ii:*l";..;-:${nmi$jl$H=l*.*i*,:l.ifri-d.l[i;iiu$*ii**ll:i:tiI'j'll"{liil;:l-llll"-fl1l;1|t,l|lI:i1*;Tl,,sli",j,1iiN''1jlsl::l'itux"*hi[i.l.*ll.*[1il",lE:l".::,mr;Hi*-*ii*:::*jl'$';lj:"-.}flt:l"..tii,.lJ"iiijIJ;; = ,\[riltrslnilri{lltrrlilnli(it! rh nmo (:o4N p;a;;;._i;= hildrrttev.nrrhissddtnrft.t{itto.cup.[tr.L t t''l|;'|"-^F''.''1''.;:j,.'.."lj,;i.iii) ;i';i';\;;;i';'i:lFIinNll*.0nurrcil$rrcR\trHdm=wh.|"':::ii*..,..c",e, s,ll"^:,.,;:ulrfiix.,.ii"".'i]"TlJ;;f.;.,$$;-::,T:I:,,."..".,."."''"''"''."=.']::,,:].:.'.''!',,#.;.It o*, *"".E run,,,,o,cr.."o i',-',',,[]lli,Hi{,lli.^t"ilt-*[#,r,'lN:,','"#= l,liii{rl:jli}:!!f'lxjii*[.*::i*l*illIllEfl'r:ii'iiI'Ijiii.-i"\'f.f,ll;'#1::|l1[$driir"'*'l1i'i;iil[i]$= ;,-:t,,:ilii'L. H,-T[jtiflJ;ii';ffiWli,',;t"{i:ili;1,*il:tlf]i;ilhii1i#:j: = ffi'f;iitrt5i.ilj};fiT5ii",#i*[x,*liiii$El;:i:".;;l'.,-i.Jl,;:l;.,iiilliiiii.:;'.,1il,'lJW.plf:.*j:.:.jl.f.T:l,',:.:.,-:?,."":$itti;li.l,#rm$ liliiil{t:ll:*,'1",*:i-i ft't" [i:rr"';*;*r*i*','".l"l:*l+ru:* = ',,illl,-ll,llll..,ll.lll";lllt.;;;:[i"l]Y.:i'iT'lif.'liTl""l'li..l$l=]]xill'}'.'xl.'*."-':'''":::::l,.::M * "'-*t"i1T;:r":rj;:ii"j,'$liir'il= r',":,f.;'"l'*],"ii;l'ill,ll;,p;i;;lii1it1;ll.11'"l*l,'t.ll1$:'*l;;llli:"-llltl$i;l*si|i*risimri"ii;;i*',i iili'iilil 'l?""1'$"T"T:.,Hl= ",r:::l iluliilr"l*lri:i-riirll* it:ill,,i,,lI:l,'J]'iiil)ii:l$.'l.]'$ll-i1]+,.i;''rr:uisl".i"*;f.,iEfl.'ll,*t;lll,;l''tll'll*i.*jll";l;lmillii.liiT.ii.illll"liit,,llll'l; ***itlirl'.'-**--,*-.-i,t:l.l,ti,:llli lti li"uJllirir*r= li;,,ii,,ll";;l;'i'i.,,ullilli;1"1i;;li"1il*,l;i:i.i;li-!.l:nli$lil*li;,'i!,,11";;l;ii'riilii.ii.ii1i"i.iii'.:ii.iii'it!.i;;ofhiLa*.!:.l;f:|li|,|]I.i'i,,Ullill llfi,i]fi..:l,']',i]l.,ii*ll':}''1Hllit,':i;";',.].:.':.,i'*}ll""jil',l*E."""'*'".*tn]"l:l,'t"ii,i i*ll,:},, lH i,lllif = ild.iliii.ii'i.]..*....".,'..,.'.,.'i:"\'i:l;ilii,'..Jh[T'ijt*il;i"ti,:-Illr,.lr,ll'lll*"llH?;,:l"'Jl" ;ll'il'l,LH'::tili ft(ir in[ds6 nnd Tor nrrt obrnNs Nnsors. th. Iicd $orkc$ can bo ,tlrrclcd to = O drircs $lilc drtilrs it rhci rcnlr ddsire l*i1it\,'l,iln'l]ii.;ii.iii..l:*:l'1T"']f""{;TfH;",]ii'ilI.i$:.=".,..,jt..?li..,lliilil"i;.ilil,jll.l1'j}lI|.1'ri;l::l;3,|l1:= ;'1iif,:i Lrrrrrcrr'paper 1itlin;l']lll,H,r11i=*16*;11i!*'L*ili:i,nii rlll,llif*l[illl",t"iit'r,;,1**irlr,i:= iltr hits Birch taelics

I TUESDAY, Junc 6,St. Nor- 't'he bclt, llishop, Confessor. (lonfcssor 08c[$t0lf lllss of a Ilislrop points to tlrc nrl'ster'.v of uan's eoopero- liott s,ith (lod's gr.ace. Forcgivu- tlrss, conlnlurrion in Ilis lifc, tho prrrrnisc of etcrrritl'*thcsc gilts of {iutl irlc fl'ee, untlesetved, utt- Iltforlltt tirLncrl, likr: the talcnts in tlrc (irtspel, l{.tics crn in lh t[t ND h. rlnnricitr trnlon No*ors h the rritjrod.-- hrlt, lh{so I \let sorrrehorv IIe enallles jnil ,n,r rs d.,riltrdilrr h our r*u. progrin,. ilas ilnriotrs or cotrtrrrhs ," ,,,",,r ,,, ,,lllihllL: o IIOOKS ljll TIIti fiOUn rus lo rnakc' a tlrrly hunran contri- dotrr rs ii r\ilnniluirilr.' Aii...\rrft.r rtrc lrrrtion. \1'c can, as thc }lpistle and llnhllc ni$, lornc or rh rilnilirs rniln.n!{ "pkrlsc It cenlion.d r8xfusl hbflilrg ni rs n.ll ui Nilny of rL. Lnrh $[ict thr! nnM i;qilir sa1's, tiort." All of this is .irll "in Cortrnnntiss or dnDN \rlo ANeri$tr cor llcciruse \!e iltc eht'ist," Anrl urill 'The ruorlhcrc tlo *'e rcalizc this incor polal ion :rrtrl unitl' ruole 'l'ltis ilr:rrr in oru' c(llutr!oll pr,a1'tt'. .$lass, hereticas is t'specialll' trrre in the tr*'lffi**$*nl,*iffi*'ilffiih;tffi hero'* her-c' Christ nrakes the Sclip- tttt'cs nljvc in oul ht'alts tlrrough play sr,. lL sillu, cu(l;urgcl.s Ul(] -,\Illcr'- [.]fs, l)illutt!r.s, (!r)l]structlr)ll \1ol.R- ttterllbur.s cirrr \trrtk oll " " ' " !"\r I1L ortr' listeuing, wlutre we and 1)f(rlltiulls tle ,\lontfolt in l?l:i. icau slstt'nt of ft'te ittrluit.v." ers, antl gthtrs cll*if propr'rly ;rlrr'rrrllh:tt t,,rfi.. pllisc knorviug it is Christ rvlro t|at art, of p3r.tir.ll:rr i,te.t,st to 'l'lre n11111,tt"*i'llislrrt'it''l plu.vs plaises \.tr"' r)j' ilrrr nlirr,\, .)r)rnr)cls oI r]rrr autl through us, * hrlc u'c offel and it is .Jesrrs' satrrifice anrl Jesus offers it tlu'ough trs, rvlrere rve partake I GIIIIDSHf,I.I, I,EIII o[ a {r'ntcnral urcal n'hich is

1lrojcctslsrtcll)itttoli,t.rrrsofclttlrclroicc}__''ill))ill'.fi|.rt|rlIl}'.''.|.llisi's.of l,i:1l':i,i",:ij,.,,'J,.-li]-;l]li'.it..1l,::illI,Jil.i..\:J]Nml::i:'1l'1..;,'iili1i;.'l$i,ll lllli:ii,il.'..ll:"T1:i;l.]l:'.:-^},',li,li.llillll:lli:iy..:i'i$',=i'*qIii;.:,:',.h.{',,i[li,i:llilliIi:i|r!T:iii;lliii ilmil:W silrlc." PowerTo Spare lE ix#,t-St,'*:ur,(.lrufchl :rn{l\1 lr(,,r) ir,.'liir,r,l i*" Ar:rurrglllrr't. C*iu:l*lilt:l,',n $*$,''..':ffi**t rluclt.irtes,tlrc r\l- sllrin.', ttscfrtl tcthnirltrc in thc rtonlirruitrg thcsis. * 5ie6 blill0 itt:ilillst t)ovcl'l\'. rlist'lst' ForAll Yard Care antlilliti.r.irtl1irirnarr'v,pltr'''' lltlrt lle tr':ts tlt,itltt,t'llr)l'il r)l'(.I'lt(.i- thc norltl. a rrl,.:'l,ui tlr.i t,,,,,k hlrs irn ilrklttl Utccl rrbine lJol 1111'r:trrtr.lrl uilu'iu ligr,.r,snSut'r!s liorl. nrn',tlirl,..::i llt',,r'isr',,. [totrr.llrr'.:.,,i' ,,,, olot lllts :,.":: ,..,.:, ,,,11. r(.lr\irll(:(.r(,1r.,\irll(.(. Liitr ff,.,llrc lrgllliChl o[ t..r,t,rrtt.g(,(,1t Suburban c[t'r'gt' gt I TRACTOR tttt'tnl)r'fs s{}rfiit I

f()r non-t'iltlrolic' clcrgl ttatt antl fot pur'l)trsos 1hc1; lion 'u (.iilr 111 [lr';rr:tilaI us nrost rlill'it rrll, i]r)r' a rxcr,usryt (.\lilr- ::5). -.\liltt)rt{h AI.I,.GfAP DR'YI .t-l fot' li ('ltlittrlic r(t\'io\l'or t(, conr' '"]iil'iii,T"jll;*{i,li"ll,l',,,:jiltha t'itlrolic r.eltgiotr /\ . with l0l-re.l getr roloctlotl rrr-:stion lJos li:i:iiil'ii,'iil;l;ll'i:lli"li:;il. lisffit{had llhecl llonc 1r*c thlfrr Q lll('tti. sl){)llir)l'r'tl.irtitttll'h1'tltt--()x' lnto 3 rFddr fo*rrrl plcr tacre. (-'1tl(ilio lllirrisprs .rlrinl to tlrrr** llakcl lhort apo.t ol nortlnd, hn, clarlhd 160?, rilll!' 'Ihc t ter-llt-tl'ainillg. scnrinlr.irn rr'ill $fit. to lritrn. !.! dl.purpoe ;-Z !lr4 ql;rrr qlrl;rsrontill.r. tellirrg t o!t. Trta rct-!{ !ra. alrorrt lris sttr- e{l l0gctlre!' v,'i!!r siurilu rrr drtrc nmit TCfmU dics autl lris u'otk. I'hc class u'ill prkle thcni- rL-hes irl thc llict lirirt the,r' ale helplu-g to "their fdtll'iltr' ou rr" l)r'iest ol Sister. Ilight ttos l'l:'U,lll tll\lSCt and AII'IIONY FON- EDSETS -SO, uho rtr'o sturl\'lns {or prlesthood tire at Iutlhel anrcnrlnrrlrts.'l'h LAWN EOUIPMENT the GllElr.K P0.\'IlF t(ltl, COI,LEG!l in & SUPPLIES HOlllt. need sponsoll;. So p.1,Ul. too, lI.,\\r\- !llallIlt'l-inrr'hich.''"'ll:;';xili:;iii}iiiil,.lllli|*l}iilllllili'lli,ji$I',i,,i]{x.i{lll,,Iiiiill}illll2958Carson Avo, rl Troy Kti-\'lT ald liUltt_.\KOSB CIIERLiyi\Ll,y rt Sl.. JOSEPII,S ,fhe authorital.ivc uppointrrcr Sulll\..\liy irr AL\l AyIl, INDIA. cost Indianapolit 3, Ind. of educailng eocil be rlclclnrinetl. ,t,o ol tlrcse is oul:,g1tt0 a lciu., r litile nrore than liic r Oqv. sT 7-5lll .Ihese tlaill I SisrL.r' [ot' t\\'o y0rrs costs S30U. Sisters_in-trAill- 8UYIHt 80n[E . . . EUtlltt cffl nott-(latholic nritristcrs o f'rce Pat'kiug urg irr !\Dl.\ nuerl sponsoLs: SIS'I'ER CynIL and SIS'l.Iill AN- lot5l ilriiii Sxry{t16c0., r,ilut^uKtL. rts, .l'llli ittr\CI{'I'\, of tire SIS't'1,:RS OF DES'fITU,l.E in Al.- \\,\\-lr: ;.ntl SIsl'tiR llO,\tC.\ autl SIS'IER 8..\Sll, of rlr. ADOR,\l'lt)\ SIS'l'l:ItS in KORA1I'Y. [t cosrs so little to obrain gilrtts prisst l;odics' ro nrurhl-v.helt rou hr:ip to educate { or Sistel., \f ill llt'.s 31.g pt'or{trt'inr1 shar,ll tli|isiorrs it}..,, ft'ottt [']rtr.:llntl flrrrl Scotllrtrl t:o- )ou helg'l \\'r lccd 1,'our. help desperataly. \\'r.itr to ';,,!:,Xi:,ii;-l; '-""'';l',1: us. "'l;ilXllili' ill'ti'i,l"li'1lt'iil1ii,,, Catl'lic ngerc,\,'i llJl'iif , To AIDarn MlSSlOi{SMr(q,ni{r tlrt tn.v ltt'st l() aisurc cttlious eltth. rgplisuls. TURII ST,JUDE ltr1rsirrre[iefrritl,,,.;ij:],'i}:l:''.,l'i:.J.]li,.T:il':'li.,,,'.Y,?l|,L.| 'tt'tttltct'shipol lti,rr*i.- l'rli.r etl - . r.Ju6s"hur'r'.rrri1,s ro,,..urt,,'r,il" iliii,ll,l?i"i,j'i,ilil|iiliii Solemnlloudno \l-\SIIIN(11'0],i :1lo|e thau t.titggctatt'tl. The Daily Worker :. , . lliillLiil irt tuissiurr is tlcjatl. \'trr.1. ft,rv (\,ur,rrrnist- ltliests cuutrtrics, slantling. JUIE10, to f 8 ft'trIltg.rtrrtpsitt.ttar'lirrr:tltcir'iu.;;fr;GG 'rffir lrl 3t. Judr, Sqlat 4 thc lnpot. Ilttcttcc in thc lirlrol tnot-crncrtl is r r tibic'> iot Arlp. Srnd faur prllll.a. rc{rligil} "."'irlli,Tttt'jX lc tht Hclloaql Sfulnc cl Sl, Jvdo todoy, 'I'IIE *,,' I i II.\ I'IIT]tI D..\.lIIE.\. T.,EPER 'l'ite A GIFT WILL 8E SENT ploposal plirte TO t,o i statue of ['r\TI{I)R l)-{,i\IIEN ln firc i1llii,.,f''il!1"'ii;1,,,1i"*,,i1:i:,,",,,-:ii:.t l'hcle is llo THOSETAKING PART IX THE Capitol Building in \\'ashington renrlnds us that our n:isslon_ cvi(lcncc o[ cur.Ltnl ! | rries sl'o still carirrg you ' 'L SOLEMN fop lepers. can help try jolning our 'T:l:lll:i "'l+,llx,;i;:1i,.':l'"': u\-/ St'-' I_tr -f f Rr i NOVENA D..\IIIL:N LEI,ER CLUB. The dues er.e r prater. r dar, g1.00 I i I Ur0ntll. fliglrtcrrirrgarrrlgr.orving,:1"ii:,:::l . 1 MARK PETITIONS,FILL IN, CLIP AND MAIL leal and critical in t,at T7,_, , 11 'EAN 'AIHgN ROEERT: PLCASE PLACE MY PETIIIONS E€FORF pt,[rsE ir:a,Asia a,rr r\rtir:a. iii,;',*,; 'HE N 'IONAL SHRIHEO' g'. JUOE III THE COMINGHOVENA: Rl,.llh.lltil;ft coD AND ltls ;ulsstoNs lti louR ! FUngfAl SgfUiCgvv' vuvv i EHpLoyMENT HAppY M^RRIAGE THANxscrvtHo L:\Sr lt'It,L AND 'rES'rArtH:{r. ll] f] [:] i9,,"i;"i:,,iil;\l;, pElcs 1',:,,i1:;iiil;",lll;i i ff oF MrNo E coNvERsroH oF RussrA i--l r,cra,'.r.r., "":iil\iiiil;ii"'lfi..:li ,,ilrn pEAcE pnssible i-l xeup ilwonuD nrrunx ro sAcFAMEXTs cHURcHRETURNED thl l tr.inest I i,ll]'*l;r ll,i.',[.,1i]","j'"iJ,iJiiI , EHCLOSE S- FOR THE CLARETIAII SEfi{lilAn? i:r'l'' gUILDI}IO FUNT'. 1:ltlt.centur'1' clrurch a t Loruest Possittle Cost" Hrgr. Jorpl l. lt.r. |lrr1 lrc.y S3333333333333333333333333333333333333lll',111;,.,1'l\i,,;)i";::l-i,*;.'lherc tlrat fell unit1.ll:T: we ncctl".1111r tot:"I::iii".s,, light thcntrr: i Nornc,,,,,.,..,-,,,, terd cll sctntrieotlolr lo: "'ii:',ll::;).lii,,,,,' Addn rr.,-,'-.,,", CAIHOTIC NEAR IA3! WEI.'ARE ASSOCIA'ION 'of ,,,,.:.,n,,,,,,.: City.,..,...,.,.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,.,,,..,,.,.,,...20nr.,,.,.,..5tot0.,,,,.,,.,,,,- iiit,,Itiii:ll."lll'.i,1',iiifr.:i;byt)] jrrtlttnr,nl USHEBttloRIUARy thctllc CutholicsLiltlrollcs inln 1954ll)5+ rr jil(l{|lr{,nl 480 lcxlngton Avo. ot 46th St. Now yo* lZ, N. y. ill be of orrr.our. t)rri1i1r..,1prriilreirl oJrlrrr-opprt. Il MAIL TOr NATIONAL sHRINE OF ST. JUDE reconsecrittedruLU,rsvuriitru ou.lrrnr.ulr.,llllL' lt|lt b5'Car..l)]'" nonts;notlts; 1\.e1\'e shnrrlrlSllolll(l n,)tllr)[ irrrp11g11llllpilgll I! flts2313 WW. WaShinglOn Sl, MElrore2-9352 tlittal llernard Allrink, Archlrishop tlrt'ir lr,.raltt.. \f c slrorrltl bc cliti f 221West Mrdison Slreel,Serl, 18, Chicrso 6, lllinoir oiUtrt':clrL'calarl(l(liree|nlltgirriLrr-lgingr-'f@ PAGE SIX THE CR|TER|ON,JUNE 2; l96t

. ANNE C(II.KIN He ,{used to dancs

Dcnr ilrss (-'rrll':irr; r'trn to rr,r sympathy rvirt gl'acc[uI consolc wonlan, il is an arvk, Brdon Collcgc you with nothing more than Editad by fhc Clcric Stnrinerienr of l\t*l the ward thing to do. A man, thcre_ words-lt seraes you rigltt! fore, only suggcsts it whcn therc rlinH for not catching nny fish. Illy . ilnpression from rhis story is tlanger involvctl. Ilut this linta hc didn't mind the Uncle Frunk is that from the beginning of timir ki(l{ling, F'ishing hnd never been tnc marr was at least matle to he. I better. IIe hatl fished for nnd lieve If .t'ott knerv nry Uncle |'r'ank, he was the aggressor. a sottl for "he" ,,she', I'm sure you rvould like lrinr. lart

FROM AN ATHLETIC stand- point, Calherlral's l0{i0'{il. t'ccorrl is .just as inrprcssive, ilet'e alc - llrc facts. nr'anr. ftrl0ilUlJlE}lTSfllAR KE RS "D/A,IIOND I ) ln livc spoIts against outsidc THE FATIOUS I./NF;' lonrlielilion--lbrrtball, basketlrall, rvlcstling, llasellall ancl tennis- (lathrrd|al DEAIERS r arsit1,, rcserve rntl fonn *",, ;',J,,?.!.1 lf"o,.,,,,, . Ilcshnran ttanrs .scoLctl a fantas- 0f Indianapolis 5T - TE - TO'TU - TW - UL - UN Numbers I ic l:12 \'ictol'ics. taslcd clcfcal I onll' tl| I inrcs antl \verc tictl NAMED LEGATE 'f Irvicc. hc individual Lccortls i. T. Forworlhy Co., Inc. vr;rmtl vratr3, alr:: lootllall: 2i2-li-t; baskctball: Ed Martin I cocrlLlcrI 1 5tt-7; bascl;)all: 2:]-?-l; rvt'cstling: Prescnted in the Convenlencc all{l lil-1ll tentlis: 15-{!. Harry A. Sharp Co, rrttrl Privacy of Yttttt' Ilotnc :l) Cathcdlal rvas Indianapolis Jerry Alderman Ford il. flrlinl lr lrlflic Problcnr cit.i, r,hanrpion in baselrrll; tcn- Hatfieici Molors, Inc. rris; trsr:t't'e anrl fleshnran foot- Indprs. Ray McKay Ford, Inc, r030rcerrtrar, hlrllt valsrtl, rcsorve antt Iresh Waftef E. ftilaftin nrart rvlcstlin{: rn.l ('ross colur-


= tl Vlbaiotttwuw andwu = Oscar Vilcle coll\/ersion l-l . - - 'lvarm'I -o E gets re(eption Atheist = JntutiaimJelzilia*m- = nttttttttttttttttttttlttttllllttllttltllllltllllltllllllllllltlllltF recountecl in ne\\r book '\fORIi*A NllW eonlplete nle. ilccotllli oi' Oscrr rliclal nrystery pluy rrill br tekr. I,ONDOS-'\n "l.,ook \Yiklr'.s deathbed cutr!- into tllc lisctl on tlttr Up and Lir.c" rluriug Catholic Clrtrrelt \\'I'iitetr by tltc I)r'oliltr)t thc four Surrrll5's oI ,lunc fronr $ lo rrrit'sl *'ho rr]doi\'.il hitn has been l0, published lor thc lirst tiutt'' CI)T. 'l'hc 'l'his (jov" accouni contradicts the dt':rnt:rtizltiorr of tlre cntfy tnl'stcr), e5'rrlrt t'ill prrrtrly charge that \likle rvas dragoonetl llrc sirrt.y ol Oltt'istinnity into the (llrttrch against his u'ill from tlrtr (.'rcirtiorr ltis knon'lctlgc, [o Ilrtr l,tsl Jurlgrneut, or tlen aglinsl 'l'llrr pro[.lf prorluce The prit-'st rvhrl br'ottght Illp' lul,s trlc rl by tism antl l,lstrt:urr't'netion to tlttr ilrt' Colunrlliu llloatlt:;rslintl S:'s- fanretl poei antl plnl'rvriEhI wils It,ttr [)ulrlit' tl'f;rit's scr,tion iu co. F;rtlrt'r Llttltltcrt Dunnc, C.P,, an iiiii1iiiiiiiiiiiiii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiriii11iii1i|ii11i1111$1ii111iiiiii1iii1iiiiiii11r1r1rt'3tirtttttitlt the Nationll Couu" Ilrtssionist thtn eii:tcltctl to cil of Cltholic i\lcn. They rvill bc trish "FROM THE sigrts ltc gltrc, its pt'rltrnucrl ,St, Joseph's chttt'ch in Paris, Ex- lry tlrc llalqucttc Uni- ' ns ffr)tl) his ltttt'tnplttl cerpts {t'otu his nluatitc ol rvell i\{ru'iiur will graclua tc ut'rsity {rla1'crs uutlcr tha tlirce' NEW OFFICERS*AbovI arc four of tho nowly eleclad officers of lhc Guordicn Angel Gulld. Left rt'ot'ds. I \vils silt isfitl(l as lo his tion o[ [,'athcr .lohn \\'alsh, S..1, \Yilde's convorsion, t'tlited b5' lo righl: Mru. Peul Sleithen, 3rd vica pr€lidonl; Mrc. Thomar Carney, preridenl; Mrs, Henry Engof, hrll eousent, .,\ttrl rr'ltrrtt I r{)pclli' I''nther lirltnunrl Burkr', C.P.. Ploglirtn rlltes nrul tlrtrues ft,I. 2nd vico prcsidenl; rnd Mrs. Mruricc Fogcrly, tsl vicc prerldeni. Olhsr officeru include Mru, prul {lrc lltrl.v In lhe l,on- ed chrsc to ltis cirr rl--(lurt gccrelot'y; hirve berrn lrublisltcti Iu*': Jrrnc tutl thc :\nge ls Pilr. Mr*. Lso Barnhorrt, lrearurery anrl Mrr, Rlchrrd Kingsbury, oudilor. tltc acts ol cunllilitrtt, Thc Gurrdian don ilagirzine. Nanlts, t tltc l"lll o[ Sirtan), Clcatkur, 72 scrri()rsSuncla): 4 Angel Guild wrs orgenired fo aid lha Special Educelion Progrrm of tha Arehdiotescn School Officc. atul t'lrlrlitl', rt'illt ar'(:i Junc T1n'ouFhorit his li{etiure ['.nther' faith. hopc (liiin anrl r\lrel; Juuc ll * thc ol' lrttnrble tlsigttutitrtt to tlrc \\'ili l)unnc rcfust'

FRIDAY, Junc 2*{Trpc) Rev. T}romrs Breidenbrch. Suilrlty Rrdio 3,15 I'r,.--(.-r;ti rif"fl ...... ,.,-,.WiSfl itl:l:, a,'r.-.)ioi r {'l :t. fi.inris MONDAY, Jur:c 5-(Live) Rev. Roberi Bortherlnreyer rrrd .,...,f,'181,1 ,1lir tcrts.llon tr rtr 6ntr*Statrrrr t B..irl o.:1....,'.,!' members of K of C Faiimr Council No. 3228, 1.1,t,i.,-l1i,,lr ..,,,..,.!t'iill lu:li o.r',..-!1 ,rr oi St. l-ralcis ..,,,,Wft}1,1 9:30o.rr.-[rllrolic llour,,.,...,"..W1RL TUESDAY,, June 6-(Trpc) Rcv. Frrncis Dooley and memberr ilonday lhru fridry lloosier" CDofA. 7:,t: ::.r:.".li. .rrv 1inur,,....,.,-...',llltt frtoNut{tNr co,, lNc. (0NlttRsvlttI AREA YYEDNESDAY, Jur,e l-(Trpe) Rcv. Chrrles Koster. Rndid-Sund.! l?rJu :,':.-.Solrcd lllurt . -.....--,..ilCllD

IHURSDAY, June 8-(T-rpa) Rcv. Kenn.; C. Swecne.y, iequesfed r.vANSVlnt AntA by r listcner lor r Specirl Intenlion. Sundry f,:lcvisinn ll:.,!U,"-"Zero 19C,0" .....,..."....tl11 ll.J0 Lrrr.-'Chrisirrpnr[ ...... r.{/l Sit u rdry -Crcrlo To hrvc your n!m. cnrolled in lhc {:15 o,r'. .-.-...... ,...,...,.11Lr Radio frognmr GrinsteinerFuneral Home Rosary Radio Sunday Program of Sponsors d:30 a.,ri.--Avr f,l,triiJ tlour ...... ',VJP5 Esfablished 1854 truying 8r.1i il.,I.-1ld'i. ot Send your offerlngs St. Frdncir ...... !:,'!CA {hrgc or small) io: lr30 D,rD.-C0lhoiic iiL:rrr,,...,,....!!CBF GTORGII{. GRTNSTEIHER.; HAROLD D. UNGIR Silurdry ff. THE 5:00 t,,n.--Locfll Cntlr0liI Prog, tlllrorc !-!371 160l EdrlN.w York ROSARYRADIO PROGRAM ..,.,.WGS1 the Broolrlyn l{E W. Georgir Sl, Indianepolir ?5 IrtA0ts0il Antl lidlu.-$un!.y JrrlS s.rrr.*'liour ot 5t. Frnncii ,,-"..t{0Rl (ONTAffTTNSES Bridge? Visii

flTW ATSANY IRIA to l.l.!irion,-Sund!y SULLIVANOPTICAL SERVICE 1ou ncedn't, Not shen ]ou san get clear lrtle lo t fi{ ti!a! bridgc .{:30 r:.r;r..=L,,op tJrlo l1v Ircl ,.,. ",'],ltAs 306 Test Bldg.-54 Monurnenl Circle ME 5'01{0 \crur bcrt custonters! C'all U.s! Redio*5undey !1r30 1r.rir.*(lrri:lcrher.r,,,".,,,,.,.$AVl ferl1,{ir,q--PARASOtAR-lLvi5iblc Coilrla,-l Leri-rr of ur,iuLrlopl;aal consirucfrcnwith ..1:30 p.rrt..-fatholic tlour,.,,,"...,.ltiAvl: JreIi!ei/ conlDi]lnrlLurve';--oifcriro u:rtr,rralielr:,i {!rilicrl fo liia prlien}. 6:li J.rn.-ilo!!r of Sr tfdrci3.,.....',fKLO --- jrt:t vour [rr]o]:s ate attdtted. (atholic 7rl5 a.nt,-.Srr:rcd ll4drl,,,,...... VJXLtl Ortr circttlatron is auiuel as o\\ tl Brl5 d.Ir,-Sncred llcdri llour ...... WH/{S l\'hen use our colurnns for your:rdvcrtisrng rrrer;\age, y-ou knott' 9rli.r.r'.--Yorrr C"ii'cllc,/rsifor ...,,VJilAS lott 6:.'15,-Sdcnil itcdrl lNUr . . . . ". .VJAKV preoi:;llrr hotr ntan7, $ustonrefs tcceivc us . , . how they gct lts , ' 7;30 r:,rrr.-'Crllolic tt0ur ...... WAVI BLT.IE WIIIT'E SIiRVICItr,INC. rrherc get paitt. Ltonddy & lirey rrr. .. horv Salvage thru S.turdry rnC nruch thcy l0:J5,r.'r.*ll.:".t,rt ior loday,.....VJKy,,,/ 6r45 o.rD,-.R0!dry1|dur,.,,.."..-...WLIp 8 LOCA-iIONSTO SERVE YOU Iu.sdry ALWAYSOPENI /r30 o,nr,-i,brrl Sidc ot l.le.,H ...... WHAS 1\'c afc ntcnrben of ihc Arrdit Burenu of (,'irctrlationst . . ' l(ttll' Bureau wA 4-5381 RICITITOHD ARIA as$ltrfloco that laur advertising reacltes tltc nrarkets i'ou atc airtrirrg lor. lndio,.Salurday A:15'llouf ot St. F.Jnrrr .,.,".lVXBV ?rr5 r.m.-.sacredlirllit... -...... ,.u,*r, Orrr AF(l membership is loar bridge to confidcnt buying' Help Us To llelp Others 5AI,EAiATEA R.dio--Sunday RIPPTECAR WASH 9:.i0 r.rrr.-Hourol St. Fr.ricis.,....ViSL\\ Gtl AcouAlNrt0 We need clothing, sl{ELtryvlttt AntA WiTh A GOOD CAR WASH furniture, SundayXrdio pilr.*|lcur ' l?:15 et 51. Ftoncit ,.....!,/SVL SPECIAL $L00 With This Ad and household items. Critelion Localed on 64tlr Street 0nr Slocl IrJt ot Collrgt OThe L G.0lements & Sons ffi GENERALCONTRACTORS lroJryJ Erf, I885 Speeiolizing in !iglrt ond Hecrvy Repoir: tulE.2.3155 Commerciol ond Residentiol l5O9 Moin S?. {8eech Grove) 5t. 4-63t2 'r.-.''''' I I .r.,: : ,


lllllllllllililililililililililililililililililililillIlililililtiilillilllllllllllllllllllllllllilrll 'Wonders Liturgical iiiiIiiiiiiiii1 (Continuod fronr pege ?) (Continued from pngc 5) 40,000Catholic pen pals rlc Tacker plcst procetlurc would bc to see or even wife (the exclusive lovc what that poruait looks like. of only one) before the banquet

Whrt kind of poruonr ir il assembly of all God's sons, i\ rvcck of studl' antl stintulation for Netvman Clttb members in who liv* habiturlly in fhr rlrlo FRIDAY, Junr 9 - Saered tlrt' Ohio Valloy Ilioiinct: is bcing offtrcd Jtlne 5.9 at St. Mtinred t of rrnctlfylng grrcc, end who Archabbey. Sponsolcrl Lr:,'the Ball State nntl Furdtte Nelvman Clttbs. lleart ol Jestrs. The humanily lrior prruovorirrgly the projcct is knorvn as lhe Ne\\'lltirn Scltool of Clrtholic Thought. Its fo rubordin. we love, for which we carer rlr rclf lo lho worklng of pufposL\, accoltling to studeut chairman Rob Elias of Pttrdue, is to toward rvhich we leel responsible, "knorv grret? pt'ovidc infoluration, nrotilation, and dertlonstrution on bolh lhe is lhe humanity of Jesus. I{e ls "krrorv the Son of lllan. IIe is the wholc Itorr"' anrl rr'hl" of r'ffoctir,c Catholic student livirtg. ItIan. final and ultimete l\'lnn. 'l'hcntr of lltc confet'ences l'ill contol' on those lhree qrtestions: And beeause ho is lhat, every \\:hrrt does it rnt'an to be htllllittt'l lVhat docs it nloan to be n Cltris- hurnln being, though partirl nnd tian? \\'hnl rlocs it trtean lo be I Strrtlt'nt? Frlhrr Mrrclrn Slrrngc, ineomplete, shares in the splen. O.S-,8.. nnd Fafher Kieran Conley, O'S'B', rvill lead the investigation dor of IIis humanity. of crrch rittI"s thenrt. cruphrsizing stttdenL thotlght-psrtieiprtions. Ii is .Icsus we love in everl'" 'l'o men and everynlan in IIim. lIr. Iili:rs ma1'he rcachcd at the littt'dtte Nervntnn Club' 535 State gro\rt toward IIirn arrd in IIinr, Street. Wost l,itlit]ctte. lnrltrna. this letst of the Sacred IIealt proclaims, is not to bccornc Iess human hut 1o hcconrc morc hu- nran, And rvhen any pclson eon" fronts any otlrar person, he looks 11ilil111ililil1ilililililililililil1ilililililililililil111ilflilil11ilililil1ilililililililililil1ililililililililililIilililililililIilil

DINE IN FAItADE OF GRADS-,'\tnonq llte ldi sttntttrs to hc lt'adttatetl loulorro*'florn Sl it;rt'r"s (olltgt. Nolt'c I)nnlc. arc Wini Jo Tcnnir o[ (ilt'r.neustlc. antl Kay Claire Deckar o{ Ilrtcslille.

GOOD CAUSE-sltould nnt ol ottr t'earlcrs ho apploat'hed by the l'nile(l NoSr'() (\olloS0 l'und. Ittt'., t'est essttttd it is a legitimate anrl \r'oflh\\'hil0 orqaniraltrtn. Norv tn ils nighth ]'enr. the national lttntl- "delelop lirising groups rs ardrng li3 plivllc collegcs to Rn edtteRted, crrlttrletl rnd dt nroclrtie ..\nrericl-one ol ti'orld pt'ide artd lespcct rvolth livitrS fol anrl tllin{ trrl rr'garrllcss of t'ace, color ot' crct'tl." ('ht:qks nray be rrradc prtl:tlllt' to llrt' Iinittrtl NLigr0 Cttlloge [-und, vrrr-ANo rNN- iil ,,Sinqe t9l{',-Fqul & !lor7 Modo6orl,propr, Sl:i In(lianr Rnilding. lntli:rn:rpolis. Indirna. 1'our contributions arc iil Reoltrotion t ar.dcductitrlc. Seeking to restorc unity lil , Spoghetti.RoviolotPirro HE 15 A KIND person. lii BELATED RECOGNITION.-Rrvrrand Molhcr Rorc Angrlr of thc People r,onrc to lrinr rvitlr thoir troublos, iii Cocktoilr,Wine ond Beer Sistr.r's oI l|or.idcnIt'. Sl. ][:rIv'of.thrt.\\'oods. wlll ffpf(.s0nt thc c0l1r. and find in him r sympnthetic lis- iil 231 5, Collega Avl, lflE, ?,800i rurrnilv rt lhc,ltillr rnnuirl c()nlcnlitru of lho ('rtholic Ilospital Asso- betrvccnIlulgar:ia, flornt: terter; lhoy go il\ray feclirrg bettor rr cArERro pRtvArEpARlEg (r:lti()n in l)cti,ril,lunt,l.l. rllron thc x'ork of the Sislcr'-nttt'ses tlrtrin{ lil ANDBANauErs for Iraving lalkcrl rvith - - - - - ;.. ;.-i -;;; ; ;; 6a- i J; .iust hirrr. By MSGR. JAMES TUCEK lt, : 4t t27. !-a?-7i-El4T; ffi L,_;ia iffiffi lhe Anrerican Cirrl \\';rr will be conrnrenrornled. Plaques rvill he llc is intcrcst{,d in thr) r'rrtlrus. qcrrolnl. plt scntt rl lrr l:r rnrrthcts .srrpetiols and p|ovinciill sttperiols iusrtrs and the prolrlerus ol others; R()i\l li)-- I''ol a blief petior[ n of ()r'dels lt't.o{uizni bt lhr t -s. (lovt'r'nment [ot'their s,olk in ealin{ Ite is especiRllv eonsi

50 souilt Ko.wE.8A tANr ,Ylt. 6.4507

FNII5O TOP YATUT STATPS yilh thil cogpo* nd yor or{rr.l ll.j0 I rrrl (oca'o crpkcr June 10, lg6l Suburban Dodge,[nc. Hospital Guild GREENWOOD scls insltrllation Driae a Feu Extra lIiles and

Saue IlIa1yDollars

Joc Lawlcr har had ll yearr oxpsrionce relling ceru in tho Indianapolir arec, ,r A-r SERVICE D0DGE and LANCER _-^., 172 Main Strael TU, l-2s817./. GREENWOOD a a srsti;Sl*IlriIS'\r & ll # THE CRtTERTON;iUNE-2,-r96i' rj FAoe tels (-J i{ l!llllllltlllltlllltlllllllllllllllllllllll FARME R'S Vr EW nullunuulnlliltililtluililtttg !it :il Credit union progrcl,m .t: ;'Ihose {rulward sigfns = f,; By JOSEPH MEISNER neiAhbors tlrouglrt I rvas prrtting !.' . tup a l;arl;ccuc grill,', thc farmer callerl answer to Reds When Catholic mcn frorn Lit- laughcrl. tlc Falls, Minn., r'acently shorvcd (llNCl\Nr\'fI - Ncr' ilhxico's Crossrnatl shrincs in Eastern nrc their scrapllook collection of lj;rthcr' lithvard J. llcL-at'tlty is Canarlian l,rovinces nnrt wall picturos of thcir outdoor homc hillcd as tltr'otrly prit'st itr the plarprcs of lrlary and othcrs close shrincs, I supposctl thay rvcrc talk- (iod rrltion tthost fttll.linte jolr is to to along the homes of Euronc irrg nhorrt farnr honrcs. nlalit ct'edit rtnions rvot'k, 'l'o irrc cr)mlnon sights to thc woilrl l):lrish my surprisc, most of the .\ntl ha cnjoys it, he said hcrc travelcr. It is good [o sec the re, sltrines rvcrc located :rlong I4ast l)t't\\'ocl] r'isits r|iih locnl lcndcrs certl srtrgc irt lrontc sltrine con- nnrl Wcst llroathvay in the city of 0f llrc crotlit union ntovctttcnt, stluctiorl ncross tha rvheat anrt 'l'lrc Little l'alls. p(,tato illitrttcsolit-hortr, fotttrct country of thc l)akotas. It socrns hcrc is another t'ase ol out in lhc fircat (',rlolltlo pastor s;tirl hrt is con' "cvt'r'1'borly l,l;rins of Kansas "fit rvarrts to gel. into thc vincctl thll crcrlit ttttiorls pt'r- nntl Ncbrasl:a, thc inrlrrstriat cities nct," to borrorv a phrasc flonr of Ohio and fr'ctl.r' irtlo tltc fmtttc*'ork of Cittlt- bcsirlc the cor.ricriSs "tltr: Jimmy Durnnte. City farnilitrs as in olicisttt" lrttl 1h:rt thcy ntc Illinois. i\lost unirluc of all is " rvell ils mral roalizc they havs tlte Wisconsin rlairy Ir) ril iil r\t r\ :l llS\\'Of tO t'Ontnltttf iSnf , farmer Wit[ necrl for tlcuronstrating their "L()nltllunlstll catt tilake no ltcatl a little nichc Ior St. Isitlore in his f aith- An out.rloor shrine is a tnilking parlor. u;rl rrrllt llto tttlttt rrho is st'cttt'c sigrt of flith. What. hettcr tirnc is there rn llrt lrosstrssiou ttf his jcb. his than "r\ttd A Southcril I\Iinnesota farnilv stilt)tncr rnonths pick Irirrnc. ltis l'nttrilr'." he s;titl, to out a Ioltl rnc hriiv tltcy cxplaincrl lheir pfovi(lt) tltat kintl col'ner in, an old trcc t'r'cdit rttttorts (latholic " faith to non.Catholic stuttrp, or othcr suitallle of sccurit]' syrot for i' ncrghhors '' rvanting to knorv rvhat a littlc otttrlrrcrr statttt u,hr-.n thr: FATHE R McCARTHY. u'lio I hat statue rvas doing :rlong thc ehildrtrn anrl ltlooning florvers \\ls :llll)oitllotl bl Alt'ltbisholt I'ltl- rlli vervav. can help out. "Wlren l irr \'. Ii1'rnt of Slnta Fc as arch- I filst staltcrl brrilrling riirrt'r].sitn tlimttor oI tht crt'(lit {hat little brick sheltcr for llre rrnion progt'.tnr. nrlkt s it cloltr -W'gtltls Statuc ol St. Isitlorr', patron of I h;rt tho .r:Lilss I'oo1s, st lf-ltelp Sl. ['[rrl't'-1ll Ilrttttcts, tl l(!ttl sumrnor.s nAo, llte ".iilsl Nr:u'foundlancl has only rrttlit slstt'ttr is il l)lo:llls to ln cnd, rlot a \\'aI'of lilt--" ('{}lllrlli'i}t:('lIl{lIll s{ll. litottr ltis rl\\ ll (\\l)ofittn('c its Slslcf itlarv Irntu, p:rrtol rrl Sat't'crl Ilt'at't r'ltrrrch in i tI otllt I sclrools li'f, ;u.\lr\' ()li't'1il,; . \\'oot)s, ('()l(1., "lell tl t' rto ttt il ti .\ltrrnrrsa, \\'llL're he Ittrl. Sr' lrt'r'lr'liilr'(,rlllt s{.lliot's ( )'l"l'r\ \\'r\, ()nl.-'l'hc t--an:l(lian lnlil' tllt' cl'o(lit ltnioll llt(xCtllr.lrt, s'ill ruccivt' rlt'rjr'r'r,5:rl tltu l!(lth I,'run.eisc(rn,dies pirrtsh of Nurvfotttttllatttl lt:ts a hi. lt that a rlill have [o allcnrl Mttss Pl'olill('c rrttllllttl corilttrnt't,nlt.lll 1'q1,g1,isls problcms JFK lon!l.chcrisherl tratlilion of alt cll' (rl,l)1.;NllUn(;, -- lr,u r.r finlnt'ial if ils at Sl. llarr'-ol-lltr'-\\'oorls ('ollcgt: Irrd. f.-unelal arr' titt'11' tlcttotttttralionitl st'ltool sl's' scrvir,cs Iol Sistet lr,rLrsltionct's sllo\r'll ltou' lo hclr' .lrrrrt' 5, i\lat'y Irtnn, lt:rnrllr thr'rL rrrrn lncncJ pl'rr. I cnl. O.S,l,'.. 73. tool< placc in historic r:lirtrcrh At'i'ltliisltogt St lrrtllr' rlrll t'onl't't at the rlt'ttl rnotlrclhorrsn lr Schnols irro o[)r'fal('(l b.*- rt'lig' lltr tlt,gt't,is.'l'lr(, ('ollnr)(,n{or}lrrnt ol thc Sistcls of St. gt'ortps rrl l,'r'ancis hclc Saturtlrr\t, iotrs lntl altrtosl irll thcit' arlrllt'ss s'ill lrc rlr'lii clr,rl hv Wil' ll ly 27. tllc got'et'tr- Slrt' lrad becn ill scvt:r'al sul)[)ol'l cottrts ftottt liarn fllivr,r' ll:rltirr. I'lt,l),. phil. rnonth,s. n'lticlt ltc. 1\ nnli\'c oI Cincinnati, Irt(.nt of this ttt't'ilory osolrltl' rlt'p.tir'l nrt'nl lrttrrl at I lur Sistcr l,nnce-"'l'he lloorl- (.atht,rlrirl, on (';trtitrlit's l('tltll ill I\larv Irrna lrarl selvctl as thtr \'ir'nnn, crlucs l)l'()\'lll('(r tinivt'rsltl' of llltorlt lsltrttrl. iill r\nlfl'lcilll lirsl I'egistfill' 0f iUilfiiln (;0llcgc lll0rit lnI Ilis 0rcl's{}its c0ll 19,lfl. IIs;lr'. l]. .losrJrlt ('ollrr,ll r,I k oI l"atlrcr 't'he 'l'lt :rtt

Wilhite & Son DENNIS F. HARTIEY tlUl.l,FfIN BO,tnD: St, Barlholo. I I Monumenfs& Morkeru nrcw'r Sunday.lld!rc6.--7, I nnd 1l I ooFuneral I Tell City GlassService WERNERDRUG CO. Homet? I t7 tr. Wolnut Dl. 2.6tag I (Walgreen Agency) S.I.P, HOUSE PAINT I Moninrvilh, lnd. for ltrltN't cnd !OYJ' I L, l. Werncr,Jf. & R. v. schnaidf tl6 L Pikc lr. Dl{l I Window and Aulo Glasr crorxrxc i st0f(M ltlli00tYS RtPAltl0 Phone Kl /'5586 ln COlUfllUt .. . lar I 1408 Main Phone Kl 7'4146 627 Main Sl. TELL CITY, lNO.


& FURRIERS Furniflra,t Applioncrr

D{l "f Moytog Distribuiorn 'L'J::H'::?,:|::''3* rigidoira ond HARPER'S FASHION 606 Mrin 5t. Phone Kl l'4386 t@t CLEANERS T;;:;::,,",, !-or Better Drycleaning TheEger Studio Weslern Auto @Eg Use Our COIN LAUNDRY ?'lg llain St. I,,o" DRUG STORE Ph, 9Eo s.*,u6" Eave a peprt, J,ololare "Portrails - Weddings" Associote Sfore | 12a t. rildin St, Phonc Ph. CRstwd, 32125 Highwry 7 76 "Evcrylhing I Hsrdwore & Electric Co. M#EEU-739 Moin St. tof Ih. Auto" Patronize Phone Kl. 7-,1881 IEIT CIIY II CANNTIION LICHLYTER Patronize our im BUILDING SUPPLY u.5. BRICK Palronize I BURKT{ART's Confrocling Company Our llomeFederalSavings andLoan Associalion Atluertiser.s *rot'*?non., COMPANY 0ut 1.,",_.:,ll|'lf,o,",l Adaertisers lnsuredSovings Accounls Morlgoge loons Foco Brick Wilh Thr I and $'urnnccr 3tO-Bii Color Surncd In 544 Wqshingt rn. Street Ph. Kr 7.3256 I Adverlisets CI.'FTY INN Lint Frec-Cling Itrce TheFranklin County Nalional Bank Non Sfotic Clitfy follr 3foto Port DRY CARPEIITER'SRETALT DRUG ST|IRES Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home lxrclbnl lood in (oloriol ILEAN|NG ol Brookville 5rh I wASHtNGtON tr. - rr39 atxlFAt AYI' - AmbulonceService - "l,eadershlp Sctfing throrrgh Servla:' Paul J. Peddie Phonr Photo SupplierSundrils-"Giflr Pltotre - TAMILY RAIES - Prrscrtplionr-DruEl-Corm.ricr OR' 2'1851 fELLCITY, IND, II}:;\tB}:R }'TJI)}:RAL DNPO$I'I INSURANCB COBPOFATION 12?w. slh Ph. 6l MAD|SoN OP' 6.1127 :l THE CRITERION, JUNE 2. 196I 't PAGE t ELEVE?.i i1

BOY/ YOU'RFALWAYS ,CHA6ETTIN, Thoruas E, Murray t '- INTOTROUBLE. AIN'I P ....YOUF---'\-\-.^v4-q Itementber Them fn, Your Prayers LFAVEI{ER ATONE rlics ut age of 69; vtifr,.-Mildredl.dnu0ltter, tu1rs. Kcnneilr ltrrldn, ORI.LL PUNCHYOU IN \on,, all o{ Rirhllroild; rirters, Virgirrii t{qtoy. [!,, fld., Iner Rosr, Eicon- forrncr AIIC heatl dido. (alil.1 G0rhu(le Mrveri,0envtr, (olo.r Mary. Renlro, Oetroit, Mich.; brother, Joe, of LO5 Angelesr falif. NIdW YOnK-Ilorrncr Atomic Jtnergy Cournrissioner 1'honras lil. {t{urray, otre of thc natiort's iirost tlistinguislred ertholic layrlon, tlictl hcre ([Iay 2S) of a corolary thrornbosis, lIc ryas 0g,

A lcatling intlustrialist and in. ventor, trIr. llurmy scrvc(l otr tha AItrC fronr l0{'r0 trr It)5?. lle rvts IIRTI HAUYE natioually kilorvn t HARrHo,67, sr. Bene{licrchurcir, as an articulate i:Jrllt antl outspoken tlafcntlcr of hi; vicrvs on nuclcnr policy. ftoYDt l$toFt t -IOHH ftAY, s5, 51, Mdry.of-ilrr.Knobs flrufrlr, 1\lr. 1\[urray particularlv . ly'dy 21. Clrurch Cenrclery. iur, tvas vtvot, 0r0lltaf.J0reoll. conccrncrl \!ith dcvch)ping a ra- tional nutl rtroral U,S. public polkr.y ort ttttclelr rvar, IndianaDolisParishShoppingList Calholic Mrn IIc saitl in a l$)5{} lrddrcss tlrat I "a stttnm:rry intlictnrent of Arneri- Urgently Needed can public opiniol orr tvar coukl llc nr:ulc b1, saying quitc sirnply thrt is rreilher Assumption Holy Spirit *t Lady of Lourdes * f-ittlo Flower rational uor Chlis. l* * St. Jude t.iatt." GAMBRATL PHARMACY HCWtoeAitoflt SISTERSSTATIONERY PLAZA /a40t t; !. Worhlngton 3t. LAUGHNER'S rnd NOV€LTY SttOP Ft. t-l6ra Indlonapollrr Ind. I lcltM0ilD CAFf;TERIA f0{ llaln {thcch llrovo} s'1. 6.8t60 | ilfl,IHA WAtltlMAN[ vaill{uyr. /?, sr. Fr;6 fr.1gqpipfjg4 itgl'sps1 [mrrsotrrt lolh ft t Itrllglou! Atttck!-Criatlnc Cardr . nndrew'!-Clrurrlr, filry ?6. 51, Andrrw's ?r[k.$6 liquors * ilonry Ordrrr t-:iit Wfrrplnf,s - prrty-prLr ( ertrctcry,Sutviyut: hu5batld, vtrl. rnd Srunlritr $rrViet - ttrOrt 0rdrts By l.lrllmrrt & Glhron LAUGHNER'SSTEER.IN " I ruitttt r-. wtrr,-oi,-iror, F6nrityrhurctr, RESTAURANT M.F";1".d M";=i-Gk.t Aliy ?6. St, lllrry'r Cdnrctcry,Survbivorui Incrsorrl l0th WOLMAN'sDRUGS ,,GOOO 5610 Mrftrl.nd rd. SI 6.HSl FOOD EVERY DAY" -.- Flcsh Cut * "Sea Food Al lls Bert" '['op Dance lo lol ltl. far!. !:llli N. lltntr' lr!inglun'r PnscflDlion follou eenl!t Qpcn ll r,nr,.B p.m,-florcd Ul.d. t\'lcuts Hirlelln 8'P[' Quality i\lr. llurrny litlr HOuF FREEDILIYERI IIOMTTRITITT STRYITI ryas tlrc frrtlrcr of FOOD SHOPS ITAffi -- It cltildt'cu, inclurling trvo JesuiI S}OREY'S FL 9.J{11 516,1I. Wrshlngton ennual cuncert 31, pricsts, Ilc [!,tdutf l'\]ndt EASTSIDE BIKE SI'CRE lr:crrivctl nrrntcrous L\er:der rnd H;;;=--r*" Los"!t Potllbh I'rieat SCtivJlNN t, flt,i'FY BlCYttES-tESy I.rflii Uhurch lrrrl sccullt lronor.s antl orcn 7r30,1 o.rn.-f!osed lvedntsdav "iltE !ir. lt.trl itl;. i'idtt trAND XrW Oto IASHtONi[ Nativity TEtFPH0NErr0Rl$1,, rvas the holtlcl of snnrc 200 pat. flowors on"t"tt&r 1111i:l:l-::. :, .:::lil MEAT MARKET ttlt ifel:;.lito"o t^rail cttts itt tltc clcctlical antl rveltling MR, FRANKSMILEY gurlill * Mitfi frrrh lrod!(r liolrls, 2041'S.Crlhoun St. rrxAco fuEL froran Ioods DRUGSIORE olr. \tr EdrrasllvSolirit Y0ur Pilr0!riqa PhoncKenmore 'l'rt' {'Ir:rson.rIlzeti l47B ()rrr' lirtlit:e" Fullon and Shellon * Sl. Lawrence Cites rlrorill firctor Forl Wayne,Indiana lrvington lce & Fuel Co. 506? [. fiithi!rn rl Imrrson .38 FAR" in Lhlrnn colhpsc Little Flower 6801 E. CSrh LL 7.7555 * lmmaculale Heart * Lowcrt prlcer on $old Cffry{}ut EGrr Brorvnsburg Dljcount on Pkt, Llquort rtrlNE ${)oDsr DAVIS GROEHRYCO" Grocerler. ilcrts, ttutts ,l V.getablt3 FEENEY'STAVERN llatafy Goo{r 5t. Msnica L 6, Mrln r-q01cor,r,EcR nvl:. ct,. F_!?01 St. Nrownrburg,Ind. Good Becr and Srndwlcher 5t. Ann PhonrU! l{178 cHEnRYSHEtt SrnVtCE ti0lll N, Mi{hlfllr ltrl, Cl,, 6-0ttd B,o*IliffiillJ*"," lltBi,lo l't|n(-up - l't onl l,u{l i\ll;{umctrt end Furnilura Co, llr:tl(d Sct\ icd 5PfE0QUEEil ApPilr{HCES rBd --1\'a flck-Un & lJrlivu+= GliddenPaints SAl.ES.nil SEFVtfl: St.Mark 5I9LMrin5t. _ -, Brornslurg DTLBO DRUGS uL 2-4587 I52l N. Emerson ;* St. Bernadette *

Lady of Lourdes *

An Inexponrtvo Waat Ad tooDllllo. oulltllxf rnd tlpAnl DAtrG Morrow's - STotat:tf Pdidlill!, Inlcrior and Erlcri0r. to!,/ast tcHo!;NtiR'$ t'rr.rRlt,{cI, Dosg Dossibl. prices. Lonrir TMIRSON HEIGHIS c' 8ls lob lutnct. ^1E. ir.j6jg, ln- dnlN(i yrfutr I'RltscRtp., ,u r€o. t(rN {f} ug cAtL wlth thi tisrlrnne! that CLEANTRS ME, 5-{531 et:\actly !t wlll Fllled ar lVrltten,, 1803B, iakhitrn PRIVAIE IUt0RllJ$ by ti(irls?d dcg'cq6 6r.6. ,--Be Ask ior so Ael.Tekar lriol !1. tlLtt{or3 Ct. tJstl "\\'han !'l - 6.?il0t ff. Av6ildblc irt ltlglr sclrool of,d clcnt.iltdfy YourtiRil)l.utr "{r. Not ruhlr'tr. Call CL. 3,2486 lduys) or Ct, 1.8747 Srcoulllr8 to lorr tlley Sboul(l ts. --r^r, 11il._'-**-* Holy Name C*mln1 to UrN @ CARpEIITRY, ?induw cord. palntinE, *,'F't*' ;;:-'": tool rnd MAlEkttlW (ARE ond lonrt *qeli.!|05, Oood 0utt.riil{r, :creens. f,lE. 6./,!{9 .ltil 6 ooNE N0\{} Cdllrdl;c dnd tllv rzt"rtrc, CH. 1.32J5, $rlccl lrom Ncw $prlnqfrhric: e'' DIRK'S MARKET 5t. Catherine P-,NtIN,1-"{T"-,0. & ;fr;;; Ll9i!:l 1'l -f 1!l :*'t ln, r"1Atf qrarlurtr,1.;;'-."":";;" A, & 8. UPHQI,STERING Paper lianglng & Stesrnlnt .HIGH SC1100L Qunlity end Scrvlcr lVrldo Poland atlrploymenl. A$y fypr of vorl,.. l:ll evcl . listlrn$tcs Furnislrr(l ! "llrul tat Uf $uptrtt tuur Needf or week.ends, lt1E, 6-l941 r$f,B OiiLtvERY iti s*. tiBAY S'f. llli. 3.,1000 St. Ti:.L-"3"-*-- " -",Yi:1ll1 t'L. r'$036 5';!r ts. Wr|h. lit {!TORROV/'SF}IARMACY 6.l'. a.5{{o llu;l OlIURCllilAN {ll rlrtmoD.l] Safcway Quality Fooda P.0. Sub.Strtion :(IUDSiVD, rt LAt'AYllt'Iti nD, "lYe-ih *_Pre rcrip t io: Qholcn C\!1." Alratr FATRONIIE IHE "*:.':til" _1 ADVER'I'IZERS SHELLY ST. LAWNMOWER REPAIRSERVICE Philip 5t, Neri i o t lraNo MowEnt rHARPrrtD .l At L VJORK 0UARAft ||.t i) Wc Pial.Uo rttrl Lreiiver REAIESTATE - - - ?441 Shelby 5f. ST 6.2138 Church School I{ome Flaintenanre St. Francis * BUYINGor SELLING REAL [5TAI[, flu u lrnrtor-" - Su pp liers - l:,lcr:trici:urs - iirrllr: I Ilers Ieol Islolr ntNTs, ir{suRAHct CATL lrlrrrnIrcrs - Pliri;tercrs - Ptinteru - Fcncilrg JOSEPH H. ARGUi A, J. lnker nnd 5ons Inqulro .oboui our hoa* !rcd+. Nativity in plon, AMERICAN NEW ROOFS 3915E. toth ESTATES CO. 11i!!d 0ritrkr, (cckt;lls, toid 6rvsrrgrs Deluxe Sandwlcher Mnry [.6 Mc$hen Jrcl (rrlrcll -*sT*t;i;k *-* * * St. Philip Neri t- Extra Nice Duplex I r, I I L;o^(t ',,0r'1r. t,'r. .rol. ,1tr,". i 1n' apl. I Holy Spirit I 'rr v,'ll' privdlp or)lrdr',:e Hd.,it?ood dr\d I n GREEN'S I r,r,. tlo''r,, l.,rilt ir,5 dr.rl f14rel5, Drivdle I | \ntlrs, ttolrr rl,rnrr rnrl r,il, dbl. 4 rr., I (fl[F] 'ird'onno ?, \-/ cuLF SERVICE |'i,L;':'il''t'iilu",s ReartyI KISSEI' ]]EIGIIT'S I ME. 1.390t I CAPIT|ILGTASS FL 3'0421 2944Shelby 5t. ST 4-0040 * 7600 English Ave' o c0MPtfrt Auroilr)ttvt StRvlcI a ARTHUR FRAi'iCl5,Bldr' G0MP[!|Y,lilC. We Pick.Uplrrd Deliver * cr,ii'iih;ki"s * t Siore fronls JOIEEDAN 1-rro*, *oil-1 BEDROOMHOMES * St. Joan of Arc * Near Chatard H. S. o Furnilure fops I I ConvcnlionrllY rnd Cuslom Buill "1,'Hl,j$il r Window Glosr (.iU'l $EA,I,S* FunerulHome CitY Streelt and Sewers ('Homc ri,'riiii, PAT ol Parronrl SerYlcct I i#:itrfllilil'j,li,ilii{i,JiriiI t Mirrors DOLLEN'S __ WE TRADE '-- ME 6'3424 Drly olrl omr tnd eegetirDle! 3{ Eour Ambulancc Sarylc6 L",l;.i,'':;:l'".''i,:,';ll,li,' I;1?,,?" li llli;i ri;: ; Uf rey & Co. -w .f -Iflrlts I I rrotn cro\yel I inci,te'.lldr. llorrt0v,'ide t.ld,n. ,\'ri"I v/;rl.l r Alsynite Fibre Gloss t. hl$ insre s yol trerh. ?t?E lL 10ft at. tr& H30{ noss nnd good quellty. I '"'iows, 'ti'J*'iro-.chr-is-rena rlorrrrs, rDdfblc sills. St)lil rd'l tcnced I r Bciley Glcss 5liding 648E. /rgth AT.3.63?l HtlcD Jordan. Orler UE 6.1305 -- | co. I Doorq na-oio-w: Ht+t I cl 5.r0.r5 | P:\TRONIZB'.fHB ADVERTISEITS o fhermopone Sales & Service PITII KTIINEDY'5 PEERTESS T.V. MART o" *jltl Thomas St. Thomas HEATING & COOLING LEADED GLASS 11o--t::'"0'" -* -.*_ St. Roch St. ME 6.3{3r STAINED GLASS 2.1llr. Iiutlio DispalclrerlScruice RADIO.TV SERVICE Rocky Ripple Midget Mkt. BROWI.I'S STANDARD Hsnd.PointsdS1:;ciol Drsignr Modr SERVICE orr ilrry i'!IcA.e * All Mrk.s rrrd Modrls * CL l'0504 or. rllodrrl 841 W. 53rd 'jttti,,,rrrrE ct '{eli For Churcl Window: "5,flvinq ttt^ .V.ICHAEL B, JONES to Ssrv, Yot, Ecltcl" AUIosER\'tcE '.Yr rorclnli!t in lubricill0n, ,n0lcl * llo* oprn lundty-l2 Hoon to a l.f'{' * Church Windowr Repuired sT 6.8724 funeuo, liits, urrd itliieriet * trc,r Plc!'Jc end D:!iYa''Y - WM.J. CIRIELLO I 432 5, tllirsouri l t, 5.t3ql PLUMSTNG indionapciir COT.4PANYi rrr ur rupfrry'ur !ru6 *rr'lr irfllh EVERLY STrte7.5391 | /02Main MORROW'SPHAR^/N;; I ffiFB sHELL SERVTCE PATRONIZETHE St. BeechGrove, Ind. I OATRONIZE Plunbins- temodrtins THE pfcscfiDrioo,0r.,.,,,,I^.t I TK lrliLr .: I PATR9NIZETHE 1961 5. MIRTDI4N !t {'lJlJl,$Ot N. ttlinoir Cl a{tJ9 ADVERT!SERS llE,! rr0,.185ctrst0'.1 autLt ADVEFTIZERS ADVERTIZERS (u,5. Po,ro'f,ft srr.:ririci! ri'f, opcn) I | txltitlj,i,,J,lritrt,l3t3lrtHli;xit PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION,JUNE 2. 196I Exoclus of religiotts Music Worlishop sel at St. Mcinrard Cuha cot?tittucsJ front l,lrgc rtrrrrtbet's ol' Catholic llc' of lcligiorrs cottttttttttities rvclt' itr - - ortt tll nlost cascs cvicttttl lt'otn tltt'it' Iermites liAirltts t:trtttittttt'rl lo ltttttt' Roaches t-'ttl)a unrlct' prcssrlrtl fltim thc honrr.s nnrl strbjeclctl to insttlts procoutntrrnist g()\'rrflllllollt oi nnd alruse. thc Cltstfo'e cltttt'ollc/|w t)il. is ;rrlilrrblt' lul rlcgrcrtrling nt'rl into a ttiqltt llrrl). tlrerrr, I l9 S. lllerirliln Indinnalrolir tYlE.8-3417 lr'as tttt fy*s'I:5 sxsmrne(tExlmined ll $its ltlso l't'l)r)r'loillltnt l"atltet' rul)on tlreil' itrt('r'('sts urrtl alrilrlics, liacht'lolliacht,lol ofoI uusincssbrrsincss :rtlrninis.;rtlrnili.s. I Ulll1', ,;,.510:ll-l$ 'l'r'iniriati 'li'r'r'r'lrit ('anraguel', a citl in ccntt'itl | | , t$.l$ $1. t Jl lrliir lirs. l)lrs- llttlttt t't'ottottrir's, t'lotlttn{ colt' ll. (';riu.,lr'.,-.ltoll- - _ Cuba, has a populntion oI about Ilurirrn-.lrrrrrt,s | Closses Mndo | 1i)r oi (;utnltlrrtr' 111"11'ilitvann, ('('flrlries ll(f.()t)0. slfilctl(rn :ilt(l :r|c ilttce ct't 1,. lllrvr.t', i\liclr;rel1,. Ilt,rtrt,| | I' il,I .I I ' r|ho hatl to tako asl irrrrr rn tltc r\rtotht'r' rt'tirgcc lrrrrn (fulla o{ tllo ll}()\l ltoprrllr' :rclirrlies, t'tttltas.l ill t'rllr)iilllla. hlts hc0rt Jerry- lllilleros sa-r's that hc bclit.r'r.s ttrrrst oI tlre .\,-',,tttplt'tt' t','tlilttitrs stu(lio i\liil,l"l,l,,i",llillil':;''t'll,illj'li"l'1ir,, rrrtrl l':rtt'rr'li .1. St't'r'], :rll l,oi l llftftDllllf I I J n)iriif l() rr'lur'n lrr lrrs pali:h rrillr I tI(}{lslDrt ('ul)irn nrilitia. lxrth t)lcn nrrrl rltllt u r tt'rt'lJ ol nrukls, kilrt anrl Intri:rn:trr.risrI'hirr' tl;,,','';l:',1' a I't':lss lr:tnrl t'r'r.clrlrnrrot'gattizctl 3839E. woshington hlrntl-p:untrn{ srrlrplios ls eoll- lli('luilon(l; .lohtt .1. Shel oprrcAL co. st' ('irslfrr-s \\'()nr(.I't. lrc not anti.Cntlrcirc, I I I irr sulllXtflot'\. '[his lllocklsrlaf Shermtngr. t ictr' \\'it-.i t'.{l}l'(rssothb} l'a- rlttclt'rl lll onu rrl tlre Sislcls, r\llratr-r'. | - | I I)cspit(' lhc fact tlr:rt nrt'nrbcts Dr. Janc D. Kcrncl lltr.t' Entr'lirr Vitklr'2. \'icc Ileetor' .i\latrv ot llrc prolessiortal-krokinN Dr.Donafd R.Hio* I I "()AItpET of thc Se nrinar.r' ol lll Brrcn I'as- pt'orlucts ol' tltis cllss u clc tli,s- SIIECIAT,IST'5, tol in Ilalnnl, rvho uas chaplain plal t'tl rlut'ing tltc lcct nt i\lar'5'. OPTONAEIRISIs | I for a ntttttbct' oI nttns \\'hr) \\'cfc tlalo l''t'stivll. ll WHERE You Buy ls Just As lmpcrtantAr WHAT You Buy! :ln'cslc(l tlut'ittg lhc April i,t, u- Otll('f actililit s inthirlc tlr':r. pEilil. sitrn, IIt-'said tltAl sonm oI llre nr:rlit's lrtl'rt h lrrs illl ulllllr! 20 ll, sT. rnilitia had askcrl hinr to lraptizc tltr.r:tltt,tttic r lrltrt,t. st'rving alttl NorREDAME GRAN' | | | , . lltcur attd othets hatl asked lor' errrllroirler',r',clrqil arrtl gltr: cltrll. holl' pictulcs.

lcast tcn lit.\ r oltttttt'cls ('()nl(' rcgrrlar'l1 to Nlar'l tlalc lo olft'r' '*;K'" instfueli()n in hitntl rtrstrrull0n{s, rTDIlnIIit'lh ll;ttttlir't';rlls atttl lr,tnlr' nilr'srilg, o':lTt': Xt:rrtt rlus onc of [2 tolirlittil ntot'c i\llr'.vtllrlt. also l)oasls l rnorlt,r'n, il$*tll$ASQUA|ES | lllilrl grt'ur urult't thc [ . f]t"t'.''* I'u^ ;'$-\:: rvtll-crluippcrl cu.snrt'loltlr:1,strlon, li24tt,00() tfigffiGE' * #| . crthoricchurches "" PtzzA +;::l"Ji'"T;,ll:till"" $ . tt'ltt,t'c tltc gills rrtrrl'ltuln Irarr :tr t stlling Irorrr ir lrcatr. * FREE Slate.Widc lrrspeclion For All * it , H, lllrrlcssiollirl 9{lIY qbi'a '""'H'.lj"i"!Jl'fo:,;f ticiirrr ulri, ('olllr'{ \r'('ckl.\' to\(' ouT \:"/ inst ntctruns, *'g\l ;&$S ALTHOUGH orrl1, ont:.tlrirrl oI I\tt tll(' prcs('nt ctrrollrrrt.nt at llar'.r'- \_7 tlalc are (latlrolics, illwqt rWA3-3383t tlrc .qir'!s' spir. "I,'ootl f E I''ttrt. I,'or Dteryonc" rotuccArrHY itual litt'is nlso arnpll plulitlt'rl COMPI.ETE IIOARPET$AtE control s"tuit.""i,.1::":; *;l- *l,Tite fol'. I allr(,r' ,llnrt s illoliarl.r', Ft.l-921f 5629 E. Wash. St. t'estrlt'nt cltaplain. cunrlrrcts lclltr- TLOTTAL sT 7-7?23 tt?_U..,=;rrtl,"t lat'clal:st'.s irr ntolal grritlancc lol ARNANGEMENTS lltt: stu(lr11ls. lrr lrklitiorr, thc rOR A TRUTY wA 4-536e rlll5..83,1t!,il; e atltolic gills lr:rlc lhc oppot tu, 7-Duys IEAUTIF'd1WEDDNC lullj, ol' iltlcrrrling illass antl thc Columbus, Ind.*DR 6'4493 saCf A lllctlts (1ilil,v, Connersville, Ind.-Ph. 1440 Sociall-r', tlrc gills ltar-r: lrrrple lccrcltional far:ilitics - botlr ru- rlools antl oul. \\flrctlrcl it's tcarl. ttrg rn a <1uie[ eolncl ol thc OurDaily Menu Itrrrnqc. rllncinl3 ol plal ing ganrcs Onlvl irr tlrc social roout or having a J picnic otr the ncn, otrtrloor' palio, Phone {or Appolntment tlrr. girls rlnnot claiur lack of 'iif364.50VAI ,tilil activ it ics. lleg" 'fo suttt up, llotlrcl lla lras at- tcntptctl -- atrtl sur:t:t:r'iicd -- itt llt'in:.lilt* to llarlrlllc llrr: rrun'cst 32 Sr1.Ytls. ConrplotclyInstallcd llnlfrIUII in iacilitir:s atul tccltrriqtrcs rllrich ltas lcstrltctl in a rvlitinll list Ior' Ovcr llean'y lttrblrerizcclPittltling ttt'rv lttrnissirrrrs, tlrc IilsI in rnlny JCill's. 24Ol W. Worh. h4I.7-3s25 CIIY.WIDE D!LIVTNY Quarts Cclurt ;:i$tEt500NLY' clrallcngrng Sunrla5, salt's latvs in thc tllrcc stalcs. LurlcoMPLErE ln lhr t\llsslchusctts case artrl Iloly Nermo Feslivarl onc o[ l.\\'o cases I lottt l)cntts1,l- Your Choiceof: (BEECH tatria, Surtda5' larvs u,t'r'c clral- GROVE} lcngcd b.r' Jcu'islr * Y/OOL & NYLON PILE TEXTURED nret'cllants on Sherman and TroY Ave,'. glotttttls of lcltgiotrs rlist.r'inriltir- a cHolcE oF coloRs liorr.'l'lrc scconrl I'enns.vlvania easr anrl thtr orrc l'r'orrr PILE TWIST tr[ar'1land If i. - Sa1. - Sltrl. * IOO% NYLON ruelc blouglrt btfolc thc cuurt by . I(l.YR,WEAR GUARANTEEPRO.RATEO BY AAILL WE MEASUREIT! an cast coast rliscotrnt clraitr. . 5 WANTEDCOLORS 'l'hc court hcald or':rl algunrcnts Jgle 2-iJ-1 C Living PAD IT! in thc four cast:s last l)cccnrbcl WE Room 7 and 8, 1'he clash of uiervs thcn Fun For The Entire FamilY focuscd on tlrc tlucstion of the O Dining Illay l\je,..4 Ncru rlduerrftrre Iu Dirrirrg larvs'basic purpose '* rvhethcl Room thc5' al'c social nicitsul'es dc. O Hall WE INSTAT L IT! signcrl to gual'antoc rvorkcrs a Friday Fish Buffet rveelilS'da1'of lcst and bar thc .l fnsist On. A cvils of scvcn-rla1'-a-rvcck busi- . _ :TO PAY! 5 P.M. to l0 P.ii. ncss; ol' rr.hcthcr thel' ale essen- NO ]ITONEY DOIV]VI 3 YIIARS (or A Fjestc Delight oJ Your tr'auolite Seo I'oods tialll' rcligious statutes intcndccl I'rul.y CA'I'HOLIC Firsl Payment Nof Due Urrtil 5eptember 90 Days After Installation) to protcct antl falot the Chlistian tlitl' of tvot'slti1l, h @l^-W IITJ!{EITAL THE ELEMENT ol' religious OPEN I Hors D'Oeuvres,Assorted | | Clrildren(Under l0) | c()ntrovcrsy \ras I)fonotnlcctl in I Appelirersand Relishes | | PortionsVz pricc I thc al'gumcnts of thr. .Icrvish nrcr- MON.& THUR. chants. Tltcv n;;ss11g1l that la rvs I}JCO}IPARABLYTERRIFIC bannrrnl iriisiiiess a ii'r'ii5 iin Sliin. FrrFtlllltrc trvtrlYllrrgJ dit5' tliict'itttittirtc :rgailrst l,(,1)uns 'lfom rvho ollsene sunre otlteL