LIBRARY BULLETIN CIIT-LAHORE Volume: 5 Issue: 1 January 2016 ISSN: 2309-5032 Inside this issue: Library Information Services News of the Month 2 COMSATS Institute of Information Technolo- gy Journal Contents 6 Defense Road off Raiwind Road Lahore. New Arrivals 11 Tel: 042-111-001-007, Ext. 855 Email:
[email protected] Newspaper Clipping 15 Page 2 LIBRARY BULLETIN NEWS OF THE MONTH VISIT OF INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR AT EXPO CENTER Library Information Services, CIIT Lahore has arranged a visit to international Book Fair on February 8, 2016. Faculty members of different departments and Library Staff visited Lahore International Book Fair @ Expo Centre. Faculty Members of different departments selected the books for library. It was great op- portunity for faculty members to select latest books for library. Page 3 LIBRARY BULLETIN NEWS OF THE MONTH SCHOOL KIDS VISITS COMSATS LAHORE LIBRARY Miar International School System Eminabad and Pak American School of Knowledge Emina- bad visited CIIT-Lahore on 29 January 2016. It was an educational trip in order to broaden the horizon of students. They visited IRCBM labs and gathered knowledge .Moreover, the two schools along with their seven teachers visited library. They visited different sections and library staff assisted them in the best possible manner. They had a great experience of visit- ing COMSATS. Overall, the educational trip proved to be so fruitful according to the teachers and students. Page 4 LIBRARY BULLETIN NEWS OF THE MONTH NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION 2016 Library Information Services, CIIT Lahore congratulate and warmly welcomes to our newly admitted COMSATS students.