TechBridgeWorld creates Tartan women’s volleyball Artists come to Pittsburgh: sign language dictionary • A5 competes in invitational • A12 October music preview • B5 SCITECH SPORTS PILLBOX @thetartan September 28, 2015 Volume 110, Issue 5 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Indian Ambassador Verma visits CMU FORGE, CIRP hold talk on refugees Caleb Glickman the Center for International & Chelsea Dickson Relations and Politics (CIRP). Staffwriters Senior decision science and public policy major, and co-president of FORGE Rosii As the Syrian Civil War Floreak explained the pur- rages on, Syrian refugees are pose of the event. “We re- looking anywhere to escape ally just wanted to get more the violence. awareness on campus,” Flo- One Syrian refugee fam- reak said. “We wanted to give ily fled from Aleppo to Iraq, people the opportunity to where, without adequate hu- learn more about the Syrian manitarian aid, they lacked and Iraq crises.” access to education, work, Since the Syrian Civil and even food and shelter. War began five years ago, 4 The family of fourteen was million people have fled the forced to live in an aban- country, 7.5 million are inter- doned construction lot beside nally displaced, and 12 mil- a major highway. lion still inside Syria rely on Senior Advocate for the humanitarian aid. Middle East at the D.C. non- According to Grisgraber, profit Refugees International only 1 percent of the millions Daryl Grisgraber encounters of refugees throughout the refugee families similar to world are resettled by the the one described. United Nations (UN) each

Valene Mezmin/Junior Photographer From left to right: Carnegie Mellon Provost Farnam Jahanian, associate professor of international relations and political science Kiron Skinner, Indian Ambassador Richard Rahul Verma, and University President Subra Suresh and his wife Mary pose for a picture at Verma’s “Why Matters” talk. “As the crisis becomes more and Valene Mezmin Indian-American population done in this area,” Verma said. report card. It reported five A’s more protracted, the ability to Staffwriter reflected at Carnegie Mellon. Verma stressed that edu- and one A−. earn a living and provide for Founded by Andrew Carnegie, cation is a vital part to the For the next three days he U.S. Ambassador to India a native of Scotland, Carn- immigrant story. was plagued with questions of their own basic needs is clear.”

Richard Rahul Verma visited egie Mellon values the impor- For many immigrants, edu- concern from his parents over Carnegie Mellon University’s tance of diverse international cation is their motivation be- the dreaded A−. campus last Wednesday. contributions. hind leaving their homelands “ ‘What could have hap- The ambassador spoke Verma traces his roots just and undergoing the arduous pened? Was there a problem –Daryl Grisgraber about his personal connection up north; the ambassador task of starting over in a new with the teacher? Did you not Senior Advocate for the Middle East, to Pittsburgh and its Indian was born in Edmonton, Can- country. Because of this, many study?’ ” they asked. Refugees International community, the growing re- ada. His father taught Eng- immigrant children value “No matter where you lationship between America lish at the University of Pitts- education from an early age. come from, access to educa- and India, and how India will burgh, specializing in Indian Ambassador Verma reflect- tion can be the ladder that year. The UN High Commis- grow and thrive in the future. Literature. ed on his time growing up with helps you climb from one so- On Wednesday, Grisgra- sioner for Refugees deter- It was, in essence — “Why In- Verma knows the Pitts- his parents and grandmother, cial class to another and is ber met an eager 130 mem- mines who is a refugee and dia Matters.” The Indian pop- burgh area well and calls who were teachers. He invited the ultimate key to achieving bers of the Carnegie Mellon who can be resettled, yet of- ulation in America has been himself a lifelong Steelers fan. the audience to picture just the American dream,” Verma community at Baker Hall’s ficial refugee status is still no steadily increasing in recent When reflecting on his times how strongly the importance said, citing values already Steinberg Auditorium for her guarantee of safety. years. in western Pennsylvania, Am- of education was imposed on familiar to many Carnegie discussion “Refugees from Usually, being approved There are more than three bassador Verma described him at a young age. Mellon students. the Syrian Crisis: Reflections for resettlement as a refu- million in his family first arriving here “You can imagine growing Verma also talked about on the Changing Needs and gee requires a critical medi- the U.S. alone, and, accord- broke in a station wagon, but up in a house with two Indian the importance of personal the International Response.” cal condition, an unaccom- ing to University President still feeling welcomed with teachers as your parents,” connections — it is not only The event was hosted by panied minor, or a case of Subra Suresh, “This is the open arms. “I really do think Verma said. what you know, but who you the student organization Fa- torture. The process can be group with the highest family there is something special He then recounted a par- know. India and America cilitating Opportunities for income in the US.” about this area, and what im- ticular memory of him coming Refugee Growth and Em- The same increase in the migrants in particular have home in ninth grade with his See INDIA, A3 powerment (FORGE), and See REFUGEE, A3 ‘Taste of the Tartans’ event showcases campus vendors Torrey Hart de Oro’s burrito bowls. Junior Staffwriter When asked about the event, Psychology Department One question prevails research assistant Mary Mac- throughout the hectic day of Whinney said, “I think that the average college student: they’ve outdone themselves, “What should I eat?” it’s so generous. I particularly Once a year, Carnegie Mel- like the mashed potatoes and lon Dining Services attempts meatloaf.” to answer this question. Chris Bovard from the Taste of the Tartans, an an- Carnegie Mellon PNC office nual event that showcases the told The Tartan, “I wish this dining options at Carnegie was everyday. Everything I’ve Mellon, occured on Tuesday, tried is great.” September 22. Vendors filled While students were eager Rangos Ballroom in the Uni- to try the free samples, some versity Center, prepared to of- expressed their concern with fer students and staff a taste of the dining system as a whole. what they’re all about. “I’m a sophomore and both Head of University Din- times I’ve gone the samples ing Services Pascal Petter de- have been better than the food scribed to The Tartan what we actually get for meals,” the event means to him: “It’s said sophomore biology major truly an opportunity to give Sandra Ho. the community the chance to The food offered at Taste try our services, and for us to of the Tartans was the best of showcase the diversity of the what the vendors have to offer, dining program.” which is not always available Indeed, the event was di- to students every day. verse. The 35 vendors in 14 However, not all students different buildings at Carnegie are disappointed in the eating Mellon include every type of accommodations on-campus. cuisine from Japanese to Med- Sophomore chemical engi- iterranean, with options for neering major Sarah Winget every possible dietary restric- noted that she “loves going to tion. Petter stressed that the Resnik, because they have so event is not just for students, Torrey Hart/Junior Photographer many different options.” The Taste of the Tartans event filled Rangos Ballroom with samples of every cuisine on campus: from warm baguettes to La Prima coffee. but also for the larger commu- “I just stumbled upon this nity of faculty and staff, many event and there is so much of whom eat the majority of students to keep up a healthy about nutrition, learn impor- the plate should be fruits and to get away from my regular food and variety, and it really their meals on campus. lifestyle if they so choose. tant facts, and receive prizes. vegetables, a quarter of the routine and try something showcases what we have on The university’s dining In addition to the food at- The advocates, also Carn- plate should be whole grains, new,” Bonnie Lack said, who campus,” first-year undeclared system is drastically different tractions, Carnegie Mellon’s egie Mellon students, were and the final quarter should be works in the Financial Aid De- Dietrich student Julia Adams than that of other schools. Peer Health Advocates made there to emphasize maintain- sources of high protein. partment. said. Instead of the typical dining an appearance at the event. ing a diet that supports the Students and staff alike en- Vendors offered samples Regardless of the reality of hall filled with soft-serve yo- Representatives from the or- many activities in which stu- joyed the event. “I’m absolute- of some of their most popular the CMU dining system, Taste gurt, pizza, and other tempt- ganization manned a trivia ta- dents participate. According to ly enjoying it and I do every items from La Prima cappuc- of the Tartans expressed the ing treats, the Carnegie Mel- ble where students could spin the Harvard School of Public year. I’m here [on-campus] all cinos to The Pomegranate’s University’s interest in student lon system makes it easy for a wheel to answer questions Health, for each meal, half of the time, and it can be difficult falafel sandwiches to El Gallo welfare. A2 « The Tartan » September 28, 2015 feature photo news in brief Cosmologist named Emmy Noether Fellow CMU holds strategic plan update Assistant physics profes- does the opposite. We’re try- sor Shirley Ho, who works in ing to figure out what that is,” the fields of cosmology and Ho said. astrophysics, has been offi- The answer to the funda- cially recognized as a great mental nature of gravity lies contributor to answering the in Ho’s work: “People like to ultimate question: How did call [universal data collec- we get here? tion] data mining or big data This year, Ho was named — really, I’m just looking to an Emmy Noether Fellow, make sure I get all the inter- “an international award esting physics that you may for young faculty members not expect from the massive seeking to do collabora- amount of data,” Ho said in tive research,” according to the university press release. a university press release. Ho analyzes this data, search- Ho’s collaborative research ing for intuitive ways to re- stressed heavily the subject of work essential theories like dark energy, helping her gain the Big Bang or the theory of the 2014 Outstanding Young gravity. Researcher Award, an an- Ho’s international impor- nual award provided by the tance in the field of cosmol- International Organization ogy is remarkable for Carne- for Chinese Physicists and gie Mellon’s recognition, and Astronomers. its strong support of women On dark energy, Ho gives in technical fields. Carnegie very simple explanations for Mellon’s female-to-male ratio her very complex work. “In in the cosmology department the children’s museum, when is one of the highest in the you drop a coin and it goes world, according to the uni- around in the center — that’s versity press release. gravity. Imagine a force that

Finance Alum gives personal advice

Carnegie Mellon’s stu- white. Diverse portfolios dents are not unfamiliar with are constantly on Herberle’s the costs that come with be- mind, as he is the head of ing a student in a top tier wealth management for the institution, nor are they un- fifth largest bank in the U.S. familiar with student debt. Heberle keeps a steady focus With Carnegie Mellon’s stu- by removing emotion into dent population increasing, his work. “Good investors more students graduate find- are disciplined in terms of ing themselves in debt. sticking to a plan. Emotion, CEO of BNY Mellon almost every time, works to Wealth Management (and the disadvantage of an inves- Carnegie Mellon alum) Don- tor — you tend to make the ald J. Heberle (‘94 GSIA) wrong decision at exactly wishes to give personal fi- the wrong time,” Herberle nancial advice to current said of investment. students so they can avoid Herberle did have fore- this future. boding words for students. “Diversification and dis- Even with the recent market cipline — that’s pretty fun- corrections, Herberle said, “I damental,” Heberle said definitely think there’s more in a press release from the volatility ahead,” so a quick university. Students leav- rush into investment for stu- ing Carnegie Mellon should dents still in debt would not take this to heart, and it be the most prudent idea. should not be very difficult, All students really need to as the concept of diversity is remember is that diversity a key talking point at a uni- is key. versity whose most recent Compiled by class is more than 54% non- Brian Walsh

Weather Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Kevin Zheng/Assistant Photo Editor Ford visited Carnegie Mellon campus on Friday, September 25, showcasing racecars to students before attending the biannual Technical Opportunities Conference, which will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week.

Campus Crime & Incident Reports 79° / 57° 69° / 49° 70° / 48° Amnesty Retail Theft tified as a Carnegie Mellon Bicycle Theft Sept. 19, 2015 Sept. 22, 2015 student. After continuously Sept. 23, 2015 Friday Saturday Sunday preventing EMS from provid- University Police and EMS University Police respond- ing medical care, the student University police respond- responded to reports of intoxi- ed to a report of retail theft attempted to strike a Univer- ed to a separate report of a cated students at both Donner at Entropy+, made by a Uni- sity Police officer. The female stolen bicycle at Hamerschlag House and Sigma Alpha Epsi- versity Security officer. The was arrested and taken to a lo- House. The student victim lon. Both students were pro- perpetrator was identified as cal hospital. The student was reported that his Gary Fish- vided with medical attention. a Carnegie Mellon student. charged with disorderly con- er mountain bike had been As all alcohol amnesty criteria Police found marijuana and duct, resisting arrest, under- stolen sometime between were met, no citations were drug paraphernalia on the age drinking, and possession Sunday, September 13, and given. student’s person. The student of false identification. Wednesday, September 23. received a Carnegie Mellon The investigation is ongoing. 67° / 48° 63° / 47° 50° / 42° citation for retail theft, and Source: Disorderly Conduct a state citation for disorderly Bicycle Theft Sept. 20, 2015 conduct. Sept. 21, 2015 Bicycle Theft Sept. 25, 2015 A University Police offi- A bicycle theft was report- Corrections & Clarifications cer encountered three males Disorderly Conduct, ed at Hamerschlag House. Af- Another report of a bicycle while patrolling adjacent to ter arriving on the scene, Uni- theft was made. University the Morewood Gardens park- Underage Drinking, Police responded to Shirley versity Police were told by the If you would like to submit a correction or clarification, ing lot. All three were identi- False Identification, and Apartments. The student victim that the student had please email The Tartan at [email protected] or fied as University of Pittsburgh Resisting Arrest victim reported that his Dia- secured her Vilano bicycle on [email protected] with your inquiry, as well as the students, and one of the three Sept. 22, 2015 mondback Hybrid bicycle was Tuesday, September 15, and date of the issue and the name of the article. We will received a citation for public stolen between the hours of University Police and EMS returned around noon on Sep- print the correction or clarification in the next print urination. responded to reports of an in- tember 21 to find it missing. issue and publish it online. toxicated female at Morewood The investigation is ongoing. Compiled by Gardens. The female was iden- Brian Walsh

International news in brief Boehner announces resignation from Stampede in Mecca Obama and Indian Massive protest criticized Mexican speaker of the house position kills more than 750 PM hold summit government and law enforcement WASHINGTON — House of the Republican Party. MECCA — A human NEW YORK — President MEXICO CITY — Tens of experts had deemed the gov- Speaker John Boehner an- These members, outspoken stampede in the holy city of and Indian thousands marched in pro- ernment’s ensuing investi- nounced his resignation Fri- Tea Party advocates, threat- Mecca occurred last Tuesday Prime Minister Narendra test on Saturday, demanding gation as “sloppy and full of day morning in a meeting ened to vote against him, during a mass pilgrimage for Modi are looking to strength- answers regarding a case in holes.” According to the gov- with fellow Republicans. The alligning with democrats. the Muslim holiday Hajj. As en U.S.–India ties in a sum- which 43 students vanished ernment, the 43 young men announcement came amid This is mostly because strong the holiday drew to an end mit on Monday. According to exactly one year ago in the were kidnapped by corrupt a struggle to avert a govern- conservatives do not appre- on Sunday, official death an Obama aid, the president city of Iguala. The students local police and massacred ment shutdown next week. ciate the way that Boehner tolls rose above 750 people, will be stressing the effects of were training to become by a local drug gang. The shutdown is now less has handled congress in the with just under 1,000 more global climate change in the teachers. likely to occur because of important position. injured. The stampede re- summit. This comes prior to Many of the protestors Source: Reuters Boehner’s decision. He intends to leave at the portedly took place on a a UN conference on climate critiqueed Mexican Presi- Boehner had also been end of October. congested street change in Paris. dent Enrique Pena Nieto’s under pressure from increas- handling of the situation. Compiled by ingly conservative members Source: New York Times Source: Wall Street Journal Source: Yahoo News An international team of Deborah Chu September 28, 2015 « The Tartan » A3 Refugee crisis addressed by talk Verma discusses India’s growth, future challenges

Valene Mezmin/Junior Photographer Carnegie Mellon Provost Farnam Jahanian, left, and University Presi- dent Subra Suresh, right, attended Verma’s, center, talk.

Maegha Singh/Junior Photographer INDIA, from A1 ing at Carnegie Mellon. Daryl Grisgraber, senior advocate for the Middle East at Refugees International, addressed the current refugee crisis in a talk on Wednesday. Another example is the do- have formed a close bond nation the university recently REFUGEE, from A1 fear could be called the fear sufficient is an issue yet to be started moving again looking that has flourished for many received from Tata Consul- of becoming dependent upon solved. for help, and now we have years. Ambassador Verma tancy Services, which gave long — Grisgraber described aid to survive” Grisbrager said In the lecture, Grisgraber an additional humanitarian talked about how the “shared $35 million to build a state- cases where client refugees via email emphasized that the United situation to address.” values, the bonds between of-the-art 40,000 square foot died while waiting to com- Grisgraber added that in- States has the greatest ability Several Carnegie Mellon our [Indian and American] research facility. Relation- plete the resettlement process. ternally displaced people in- of any country to provide aid, students weighed in on how people, our cultures … the ships like these make a Carn- The enormous number of side Syria and Iraq can have and therefore has an obliga- to help address the crisis both shared commitment to learn- egie Mellon education more Syrian and Iraqi refugees has an even more difficult time re- tion to lead the effort of refu- in Pittsburgh and around the ing, innovation, and our dem- accessible. India has seen its overwhelmed neighboring ceiving primary aid. Refugees gee support. world. ocratic ideals” are what made share of hardships; currently host countries such as Leba- face insurmountable security Through the UN High Morgan Reed, a first-year non, Jordan, and Turkey. issues that hinder humanitar- Commissioner for Refugees, studying civil engineering, Syrians who fled their ian groups, which makes it the United States recently an- took a hands-on approach. country several years ago, as impossible for them to enter nounced that it will increase “I joined FORGE with sort of “No matter where you come well as those who are fleeing Syria and parts of Iraq. the amount of refugees ac- just the thought in mind of from, access to education can Syria now, are becoming in- International aid agencies’ cepted into the country to helping refugees after I heard creasingly desperate. funding is spread thin with 100,000 people by the year that there were refugees in be the ladder that helps you In Lebanon, Jordan and several other recent conflicts, 2017. Pittsburgh,” Reed said. “Just climb from one social class to Turkey, many refugees can- such as those in South Sudan, Still, more problems re- doing little things, and getting not obtain work permits or the Central African Republic, main with resettlement. Gris- involved in organizations that another and is the ultimate key to enroll their children in school. and Myanmar. graber explained that the are trying to reach out in these As a result, more refugees are This strains the money United States’ national secu- situations.” achieving the American dream.” homeless. Grisgraber said and resources available for rity concerns often take pre- Floreak has volunteered that development assistance the Syrian refugees, and puts cedence over the humanitar- with the same Nepali refugee to host countries would help severe limits on methods to al- ian responsibility to ease the family from Bhutan for three –Richard Rahul Verma alleviate the burden on those leviate the crisis. crisis. Fear of extremism has years as part of FORGE’s effort countries’ infrastructures and Grisgraber outlined the resulted in many people being to pair students with refugee United States Ambassador to India resources. underlying problem of the denied resettlement due to families to help them resettle “For Syrians in particular, refugee crisis: humanitar- obscure relations to any sort in the Pittsburgh community. the desire to go home — and ian aid does not develop with of extremist activity. “I think that FORGE is a the connection between the India has 300 million people the fear that it won’t happen the ever-changing needs of Grisgraber cited one ac- really great way because you two countries a strong one without access to electricity, for a very long time — are refugees. count of a woman who was meet with resettled refugees with much potential and a 650 million people that still at the front of everyone’s Many refugees enter neigh- not allowed to resettle in the on the weekends, you get sturdy grounding for sustain- live in villages, and 500 mil- minds,” Grisgraber said in an boring countries and receive U.S. because she had “aided to build a relationship with ability. The strong bilateral lion people without flushable email to The Tartan. There is some basic necessities, but terrorists” after being forced someone who’s really gone relationship between Carn- toilets. However, India has also a distinct fear of not be- sustainable, long-term aid is at gunpoint to provide water through something terrible, egie Mellon and India has experienced rapid urbaniza- ing safe even in a country of difficult to provide. 70 percent to a Syrian rebel. “What hap- and you get to help them settle had a noticeable impact on tion and shown many other asylum, and many Syrians of Syrian refugee children do pens in Syria and to Syrians in the United States,” Floreak the university community. signs of progress. have expressed concern about not attend school. affects all of us, albeit in dif- said. One such example of this is Ambassador Verma dis- the Syrian regime finding out When lack of basic resourc- ferent ways,” Grisgraber ex- “I think a really easy way is Carnegie Mellon University’s cussed the growth that he where they are and targeting es is paired with the inability plained. “The relatively recent to be informed,” first-year in- agreement with the Indian expects India to have in the them even outside of Syria. to find stable work, refugees migrant crisis in Europe, and ternational relations and poli- government. coming years; he expects In- As the crisis becomes more find themselves considering the EU’s ability to help people, tics major Philip DeCicco said. The agreement provides dia to have the most young and more protracted, the abil- returning to war-torn Syria is a perfect example of this. “The more aware you are, the $2.4 million in fellowships so people, the highest number ity to earn a living and provide with the hopes of finding bet- As Syria became old news more steps you can take to- students from India can pur- of college graduates, and for their own basic needs is ter opportunities at home. and as the focus on provid- ward changing those things. sue more advanced studies in the most millionaires of any clear: “Perhaps that particular Helping refugees become self- ing aid drifted away, Syrians math, science, and engineer- country in the world.

September 28, 2015 « The Tartan » A5

Single training interventions found to effectively reduce bias for debiasing strategies. determined the amount of The most challenging part bias present in their decisions of debiasing is that people of- before the training. Partici- ten make biased decisions un- pants were then given proper intentionally. Humans often training through the use of an assume that everything they educational game or video. do is based on knowledge After the training, they were and experience, and can fail given several post-tests to to pay attention to statistical check their bias levels again. and logical evidence. Prior These tests were adminis- attempts to use training to tered immediately after the reduce decision biases have training and again after an been largely unsuccessful, extended period of time. which pushed scientists and The research team con- policy makers to focus on the ducted several styles of inter- use of incentives and choice vention to test various types architecture, which uses a of bias. well-designed series of choic- In the first experiment, the es to guide people to make intervention training targeted less biased decisions. These three kinds of biases: bias approaches, however, are of- blind spot, confirmation bias, ten ineffective and expensive, and fundamental attribution and can even backfire when error. Bias blind spot refers to used improperly. Instead people’s tendency to perceive of looking at these options, themselves to be less biased Kevin Zhang/Staff Photographer Morewedge and his team than their peers. Confirma- Carey Morewedge, an associate professor of marketing at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University, spoke last Friday at the Human- Computer Interaction Institute’s (HCII’s) weekly seminar about the benefits of debiasing training, specifically in the form of single training interventions. chose to look further into the tion bias occurs when people possible benefits of debiasing seek out information and Yue Yin University in the Department with a team of researchers, on explaining the importance of training. evidence that supports their Junior Staffwriter of Social and Decision Sci- “debiasing” decisions. Their studying bias, which can be Morewedge’s experiments own beliefs, while neglecting ences as well as the Marketing paper, which will be pub- defined as the deviation from began with the development information that contradicts Last Friday, the Human- group at the Tepper School of lished in Policy Insights from an objective standard. More- of bias testing methods. The their beliefs. Fundamental at- Computer Interaction Insti- Business, and is now an asso- the Behavioral and Brain Sci- wedge noted that bias affects team spent over a year tailor- tribution error occurs when tute (HCII) hosted a seminar ciate professor of marketing ences on October 1, discusses nearly every aspect of daily ing their training video game, people explain a situation by by Carey Morewedge. From at the Questrom School of the effectiveness of a single life, including fields such as which was eventually used relying heavily on person- 2007 until 2013, Morewedge Business at Boston University. training intervention on business, policy, medicine, in testing. In the final study, ality, rather than facts. For was an assistant and associate He spoke about the research reducing bias. and law. The large presence each participant was initially professor at Carnegie Mellon that he has conducted, along Morewedge began by of bias demonstrates the need given a bias pre-test, which See TRAINING, A6 Software helps create PUGWASH educational aids for Soylent food substitute raises concerns replace farms with the poten- ignorance about what consti- may be missed by eating cher- tially ethically superior and ef- tutes a healthy meal. We know ry-picked chemicals. As one the hearing impaired ficient factories. as a species that eating natural member pointed out, Soylent Soylent certainly sounds food works, but do we re- contains “everything that food Julia Napolitano explains that by increasing good, but how does it taste? ally know enough to fully contains except the food.” SciTech Assistant Editor the accessibility of technology Robert Macedo This was the question on engineer the food our- In response to this, some in developing countries, they Special to the Tartan Pugwash members’ selves? There may members explained how TechBridgeWorld, a Carn- hope to “enhance not only the tongues as we pre- be many nuances switching to Soylent needn’t egie Mellon research group, development process, but also This week at Pugwash, the pared to collec- surrounding be an all-encompassing deci- recently announced the cre- the creativity and diversity of science, ethics and society dis- tively try some our natural sion. Soylent can be a highly ation of open-source software technological innovations ac- cussion club, we discussed the Soylent at meals effective supplement if we use that assists educators of chil- cessible to all.” “food” Soylent, a drink that the meeting. that it to replace only our already dren with hearing and speak- Over the summer, Tech- may drastically change how After downing artificial meals. The natu- ing disabilities create sign lan- BridgeWorld offered intern- people consume food. a small paper cup ral foods we already eat do guage video dictionaries and ships in their Innovative Stu- Soylent is a drink that each, in addition to not have to go. Furthermore, voice-activated games, titled dent Technology ExPerience claims to contain all the vita- the usual pre-topic piz- Sign Book and Speak Up! re- (iSTEP) program, which al- mins and nutrients one needs za, the conclusions regard- See HEALTH, A6 spectively. The software was lowed students to participate to survive. According to its ing the taste ranged from the produced in collaboration in the development of the creators, this beverage, soon lukewarm response of “kinda with the Mathru Educational new software by conducting to be solid block, can replace like pancake batter” to the Trust for the Blind in Banga- technology research abroad all of one’s meals, thereby ominous “it tastes like prison lore, India. in Bangalore. The team of significantly boosting the con- food.” TechBridgeWorld is “spear- students included Erik Pintar, sumer’s efficiency by elimi- While Pugwash does oc- heading the innovation and a fifth-year senior in human- nating all unnecessary food casionally market itself as a implementation of techno- computer interaction and preparation and spending. free-food club, we try to in- logical solutions relevant and electrical and computer en- Furthermore, Soylent may be corporate discussions too. accessible to developing com- gineering; Amal Nanavati, a the ultimate vegan food since Our first topic was whether munities,” according to the sophomore computer science it can be produced without in- or not going full Soylent group’s website volving animals in any way. In was a healthy choice. Major The website See SOFTWARE, A6 a sense, Soylent’s dream is to points of dispute included our Eunice Oh/Art Editor

SciTech Briefs Kidney found in an Scammers claim Researchers store Study contributes Lawsuit claims that Top science book Egyptian mummy to have Facebook solar and wind to argument that a macaque holds prize won by woman for the first time dislike button energy in batteries viruses are alive rights to selfie for the first time In Portugal, researchers In early September, Face- Scientists and engineers In a new update, the In- Back in 2011, a macaque For the first time in its 28- including Carlos Prates, a ra- book announced that it is at Harvard University have ternational Committee on monkey named Naruto took year existence, the Royal So- diologist at Imagens Médicas working on a new button that found a way to store electri- the Taxonomy of Viruses has a viral photo of himself after ciety Winton prize for Science Integradas in Lisbon, Portu- will allow people to express cal energy from intermittent defined seven orders of virus taking possession of an unat- was awarded to a solo female gal, have discovered a kidney their empathy when respond- sources, including solar and based on the categories of tended camera. writer. The Royal Society Win- within an Egyptian mummy ing to a post. wind energy, as rechargeable shape, size, genetic structure In San Francisco, People ton prize for Science is Britain’s for the first time. In response to this an- batteries. and reproductive ability. Since for Ethical Treatment of Ani- most prestigious science book Through X-ray analysis, nouncement, posts from Known as flow batteries, the evolutionary relationships mals (PETA) has recently filed award. the researchers noticed a scammers have emerged on these batteries utilize water- behind most of the viral fami- a lawsuit at the U.S. District Former recipients include bean-shaped structure at the users’ newsfeeds, with the dissolved compounds, such lies remain unclear, research- Court Northern District of prominent names such as Ste- left lumbar region, which is claim that they can “get [the] as carbon and oxygen, which ers in the Department of Crop California, claiming that Na- phen Hawking, James Gleick, believed to be a putty kidney, newly introduced Facebook are nonflammable and abun- Sciences at the University of ruto holds rights to the pho- and Bill Bryson. This year’s re- or a kidney with a calcified dislike button on your pro- dant in nature. These com- Illinois and Carl R. Woese In- tograph. The lawsuit is part cipient was Gaia Vince, an Eng- outlining. The calcifications file.” Through colors and lo- pounds are used to pick up stitute for Genomic Biology of an effort to give nonhuman lish journalist and broadcaster. are thought to be a result of gos, the posts were designed and release electrons during decided to analyze the protein animals ownership of prop- She won the £25,000 prize renal tuberculosis, which is to look like they were brand- the battery’s operation. The structures or “folds” that can erty, as well as rights beyond during a ceremony in London a disease that calcifies tis- ed by Facebook. research for the batteries was be identified from the genome the basic necessities of life, last Thursday. sues and causes the gradual Researchers from Sophos, an expansion upon previous of all viruses and cells. The with the belief that animals A former editor at the emergence of fibrous lesions. a software security company, work, where the batteries had folds allowed the researchers should be recognized for their journal Nature, Vince has If the diagnosis is accurate, have found that clicking on formally incorporated a toxic to see the rapid changes in the capacity for personality and spent over two years journey- the mummy could be the those posts led to two differ- compound. genomes of the viruses, while intelligence. Defendants in ing around the world, visiting oldest recorded victim of the ent scam sites, which then Another benefit of these maintaining the same three- the case are David John Slat- places that have been severely disease. prompted users to disclose batteries is that large amounts dimensional shape of the pro- er and his company Wildlife impacted by humanity’s heavy Named Irtieru, the male their personal information. of energy for the batteries can tein. Through computational Personalities Ltd., who PETA usage of Earth’s resources. Her mummy is estimated to have In addition, interacting with be stored in liquids inside ex- methods, the researchers dis- says claim copyright over travels led to the publication existed for about 2,800 years. these posts could lead to the ternal tanks. Because of this, covered many common pro- the image. Blurb Inc. is also of her book Adventures in the Researchers believe Irtieru download of malware onto the flow batteries have been tein folds between cells and vi- named as a defendant since Anthropocene: A Journey to the may have had connections users’ machines. The posts shown to be safer and more ruses, as well as folds that are they published a collection Heart of the Planet We Made. with an elite family, and that also require the user to share cost-effective option than unique to viruses. Not only do of photographs including the Her work was praised for its he died when he was between the link with their network of other battery systems. these data suggest that viruses selfie in question. According exploration of an under-report- 35 and 45 years of age. friends. Last Thursday, a paper originated and coexisted with to a lawyer from PETA, U.S. ed area of science, as well as for The mummy has been kept Despite the prevalence of about the new batteries was ancestors of modern cells, but Copyright laws state that the contributing to the field of pop- at the National Archaeology the term “dislike,” Mark Zuck- published in the journal Sci- they also suggests that viruses being who took the photo- ular science books, which are Museum in Libson. The find- erberg, CEO of Facebook, has ence. The researchers expect gained the ability to infect oth- graph, rather than the owner said to be essential in reaching ings were published in The made it clear that the com- that in the near future, the er cells. Ultimately, the find- of the camera, has rights to out to the public. International Journal of Pa- pany is avoiding the term in flow batteries will become ings challenge the notion that the original work, regardless leopathology. reference to their button. commercially available. viruses are nonliving. of the species of the author. Source: The Guardian Compiled By Source: Discovery News Source: CBS News Source: ScienceDaily Source: ScienceDaily Source: Discovery News Sharon wu A6 « The Tartan » September 28, 2015

HOw things work Loudspeakers transmit sound through unique structure Jonathan Calvello as when it is connected to an ring of flexible material called sound. high or low the pitch will reg- generally, each and every Junior Staffwriter iPod, the current runs through a spider is placed between the This process sounds rela- ister to our ears; the ampli- sound — its defining quality. the voice coil and induces a diaphragm and the voice coil. tively straightforward, but if tude measures how loud the These distinct notes are You constantly see loud- magnetic field around the coil. The spider also works with all speakers work this way, sound will be. Theoretically, then transmitted through speakers, commonly referred This magnetic field then inter- the suspension, an outer ring why does a guitar sound differ- a pitch with the same fre- speakers, which are able to to as ‘speakers,’ at parties and acts with the magnetic field of of material that surrounds the ent from a violin on a speaker? quency and amplitude should distinguish between these concerts. They’re in every the magnet, causing the coil diaphragm, to ensure the cone How is a loudspeaker able to sound the same, regardless slightly varied tones by mim- sports stadium, music studio, to oscillate back and forth. and coil are aligned properly. clearly deliver a unique pitch of the instrument or device icking the imperfect frequen- and movie theater. They are Attached to this voice coil is A dust cap is placed at the cen- that distinguishes one instru- producing the sound. Because cies and amplitudes of the even found in every fire truck. a cone called the diaphragm, ter of the diaphragm to pro- ment from another, one art- sound is a propagation of air sound. They are an integral part of which oscillates in synchrony tect the coil from the outside ist’s voice from the next? The molecules, however, frequen- As noted earlier, a speaker the world around us, but what with the voice coil. The move- environment. In summary, answer has to do with the na- cies and amplitudes are never requires a connection to an exactly are they, and how ment of the diaphragm is speakers transmit sound when ture of sound, and how sound perfect. Instead, they contain electric current from an ex- do they work? Despite their what propagates molecules current flows through the coil, waves are produced. When a small unintentional hiccups ternal source such as an iPod. multitude of drastically differ- in the air and produces the the coil oscillates with the dia- sound wave is created, it con- and movements that give each The current from this exter- ent usages, all loudspeakers sound we hear. To phragm, and the diaphragm tains two important features: sound its unique tone. This is nal source is called an audio are fundamentally the same: make sure that the moves air molecules to create a frequency and an amplitude. why a piano and a violin sound signal, which is simply a rep- they use mechanical energy voice coil and dia- The frequency different, even when playing resentation of sound in an to propagate surrounding air phragm are proper- of a sound wave the same exact note. Each in- electric current. Just as sound molecules in waves that the ly aligned, a small determines how strument creates movement waves can have frequencies, ear detects as sound. Gener- of air mol- so can electric currents, which ally, this process is always the ecules in is what allows the electric cur- same, yet a single loudspeak- a unique rent to transmit the frequency er is capable of producing a w a y , of the sound wave to the coil. plethora of different sounds which When the audio signal is at different frequencies and gives each transmitted through the coil, decibels. The ability of a instru- the coil oscillates with the speaker to produce all forms ment — frequencies that will produce of sound, including tones that and more the sound represented in the range from EDM to classical electric current. This is what music, stems from its unique allows the speaker to transmit structure. sound. Speakers are composed Through this unique struc- of several distinct parts that ture, loudspeakers are able work together to produce to produce the sounds that sound. To start, a loudspeak- we are surrounded by every er contains at its center a day. So the next time you’re voice coil, which is essentially on the bus and you plug your just a coil of wire. Surround- earphones in, make sure you ing the voice coil is a ring- think about everything that shaped magnet. When an has to happen in the earbud electric current is transmit- that allows you to hear your ted through the speaker, such Maegha Singh/Staff Artist favorite band. Bias found to diminish with CMU students help develop single training intervention sign language dictionaries TRAINING, from A5 a single example’s ability to training interventions ap- SOFTWARE, from A5 represent a whole. The final pear to be an effective means example, you may attribute a type of bias, social projec- to improve decision making major; Maya Lassiter, a junior student’s silence in class dur- tion, estimates how people ability over both the short- electrical and computer en- ing the semester to his shy assume others’ emotions, term and long-term. gineering major; and Minnar and introverted personality, thoughts, and values are sim- Another interesting con- Xie, a fifth-year senior in hu- when in reality, the person ilar to one’s own. clusion gained from these re- manities and arts and human- may simply find the course After analysis of the ex- sults was that training games computer interaction. boring. periments, the researchers appeared to outperform The team helped launch The second type of inter- observed a large difference video training. These results the Sign Book project because vention training tested three between the pre-test and the suggest that active forms of teachers at Mathru’s School other kinds of bias including post-test. Both kinds of inter- training, such as games, ap- for the Deaf lacked proper anchoring, representative- ventions showed debiasing pear to be more effective sign language dictionaries ness, and social projection. immediately after training, than passive forms of train- in local languages. Although Anchoring looks at whether with the bias of participants ing, such as videos, because there are many references or not people are influenced who played games decreas- of the personalized feedback to teach American Sign Lan- by information that other ing 31.94 percent and the they provide. Still, both are guage, there are over 300 people give. For example, if bias of participants who effective. sign languages with unique participants are asked to es- watched videos decreasing Overall, the team’s results grammar and signs, and Sign timate the average time peo- 18.60 percent. This debias- suggested that game and Book helps teachers create a ple spend on Facebook, and ing effect also lasted over video training methods could video sign language dictionary someone states that he uses time. Two months later, the be used effectively alongside with custom signs of the local bias of those that had played other debiasing methods to language. Facebook 12 hours a week, Courtesy of Erik Pintar people might be more likely games was still 23.57 percent achieve improved societal de- In a similar fashion, Speak TechBridgeWorld tested their software this summer in Bangalore, India. to answer with a number lower than the pre-test, and cision making. These results Up! was developed to help close to 12. This experiment the bias of those that had could impact a variety of educators teach hearing- teachers to easily set up and for different communities and also looked at representative- played games had gone down fields, and in general, could impaired students, especially adapt to their curriculum and their unique needs. By releas- ness, which causes problems even more, to 19.20 percent. improve the way we make those who are unable to work local culture. ing the software open source, when people overestimate These results showed that decisions as a society. with a speech therapist, to “Sign Book and Speak Up! our hope is that other educa- vocalize. were developed in such a way tors will find our tools useful The team constructed a se- to empower teachers and en- and that the open source com- ries of games to motivate stu- hance their teaching experi- munity will build on the work dents and give them feedback ence,” M. Bernardine Dias, we started.” as to the type of sounds they associate research professor Both Sign Book and Speak were making. Games include of robotics and TechBridge- Up! are available for down- causing birds to fly at differ- World founder and director, load under the MIT Open ent altitudes or fish to swim said in a press release. “By Source license, keeping with up and down depending on providing teachers with the TechBridgeWorld’s vision of the pitch the student makes tools to create their own signs a future in which technol- at a certain volume. There and come up with their own ogy is used to build bridges are ten games in total, and games, these solutions have across communities instead of the package is designed for the potential to be relevant exacerbate divides.

PUGWASH Food substitutes surrounded by health and ethics debate HEALTH, from A5 One member explained how people to eat Soylent, the Europeans already believe opinions on Soylent were far large swathes of society eat Americans are processing the from unanimous. While some substances that we fully un- culture out of food by treating members championed the op- derstand are destructive to meals as fuel rather than as portunity for a high-nutrient the body, such as McDonald’s. something that adds greater and vegan diet, others felt Couldn’t a cheap substitute value to their lives. This mem- unease at our uncertainty re- like Soylent act as a major ber then pointed out that a garding nutrition and the cold boost to the health of these European could potentially world of maximum progress consumers? It is quite possible see Soylent as “processing the that seemed far too present in that, via mass production, food out of food.” Soylent’s bland, yet efficient, Soylent could compete with Another ethical issue arose taste. even the cheapest meals. when we considered the pos- Next, we explored the sibility of parents raising their Student Pugwash is a non- philosophical consequences of children on pure Soylent diets. advocacy, educational organi- Soylent. What would it mean Parents are free to raise their zation that discusses the impli- for society if we abandoned children vegan, so why not cations of science, technology, the feast? Do we want to live raise them on Soylent? On the and medicine on society. This in the society where most other hand, raising one’s child article is a summary of last people forgo solid food? Some on a new, unstudied substance week’s discussion on Soylent, members pointed out that is sure to raise concern. a processed drink containing food is a major part of many Although everyone agreed all the vitamins and nutrients people’s identities and lives. that we should not force humans need to survive. September 28, 2015 « The Tartan » A7 A8 « The Tartan » September 28, 2015

From the Editorial Board Anti-Planned Parenthood means anti-women’s health U.S. soldiers cannot The Senate rejected a move by keep ignoring crimes congressional Republicans to de- fund reproductive, maternal, and child healthcare non-profit Planned of Afghanistan allies Parenthood on Thursday Sept. 24. The move comes on the heels of a series of videos that seemed to show Sydney Roslin In order to appease both sides, Planned Parenthood employees talk- Junior Staffwriter Pentagon spokesman and Navy Cap- ing about selling organs of aborted tain Jeff Davis has said that the Unit- fetuses for profit. The word “bystander” is defined ed States military finds the practice By now we have all heard the as a person who is standing near but “abhorrent,” according to Reuters. arguments for and against Planned not taking part in what is happen- He claimed that “a military mem- Parenthood. Pro-life activists have ing. Synonyms include onlooker, ber could make reports of human claimed that Planned Parenthood spectator, observer, etc. rights violations to their chain of was acting illegally in selling organs. This is a word that I came across command,” where the report would Pro-choice activists responded that many times growing up. Every anti- eventually end up in the Afghan the videos were heavily edited, that bullying presentation that came to government. no federal funding goes to Planned my school would tell us that if we Since the offending command- Parenthood’s abortion services, and saw someone being bullied, being ers fall under local Afghan jurisdic- that pro-life advocates are simply try- a bystander was just as bad as being tion, the thought is that by sending ing to defund women’s healthcare. the bully. reports of human rights violations Some Planned Parenthood oppo- By simply observing and stay- to local governments, the American nents, such as Ohio governor John ing silent, a bystander is not only military is taking care of the issue Kasich, have stated that government unhelpful to the victim, but also while washing their hands of any money should be funneled into other supportive of the bully. A bystander actual responsibility. women’s health organizations that supports the victim’s suffering by Officially, bacha bazi is outlawed. do not sell stem cells or perform Eunice Oh/ Art Editor not speaking up against it. In fact, the Taliban’s rise to power in abortions. It is shocking to hear that the Afghanistan in the 90s‘ was fueled But since federal funding does Decreasing the available services public of that knowledge and makes United States military is turning in part by outrage over bacha bazi. not actually go toward Planned Par- means that not everyone who needs researching affordable health care a blind eye towards the rampant Under Taliban rule, men suspected enthood’s abortion services, the care would have access. Increasing even more difficult. This excludes sexual abuse of young boys in Af- of partaking in the practice were organization would continue to pro- the price is another barrier to access women who may need care but aren’t ghanistan. Despite accounts of Af- executed. After the Taliban fell from vide abortions with little change in that restricts who can receive health aware of the specifics of government ghan men lying on the floors of mili- power in 2001, bacha bazi remained service. However, the availability of care. 2.7 million women, adoles- funding. They would then be forced tary bases with children between banned. other healthcare services — such as cents, and men visited Planned Par- to sort through more expensive and them, and the knowledge that sex- Despite the law, it is practiced birth control, STD testing, and can- enthood’s over 700 centers across inconvenient options. ual abuse of young boys is common regularly as a widely recognized cer screenings — would change dras- the country last year. Many of these Defunding Planned Parenthood practice among powerful local lead- societal taboo. Many of the local tically due to the funding cuts. people were low-income. The slogan would strip access to vital repro- ers, American military leaders have Afghan prosecutors, who have said These changes are where the of Planned Parenthood is “Care. No ductive healthcare from millions of decided not to intervene. that there will be consequences for problem with defunding Planned matter what.” Increased prices mean women in America. No matter how They have preferred to stay on those who partake in bacha bazi, Parenthood arises. The organiza- care unless you can’t afford it. hard “compassionate” conservatives good terms with the Afghan police have been seen attending bacha bazi tion is designed to provide acces- Another key factor of accessibil- try to please the base and provide and militia and focus their com- parties as guests. sible healthcare. Pulling government ity is public knowledge. Everyone “solutions,” such as funding other funding would force Planned Parent- knows what Planned Parenthood is. organizations, they are still joining “It is up to the United States military, hood either to charge more for their Switching funding to “other family a fight against women’s access to services or to accept fewer clients. planning organizations” strips the health care. then, to take a stand on behalf of those who are unable to do so. Continuing Carson’s Islamophobia shows Republican hypocrisy to do nothing, to merely report and Republican presidential candi- sus constitutional importance and has more value — or even the same observe as innocent children are abused, date and former neurosurgeon Ben Muslim presidential candidates — value — as texts protecting and nur- Carson announced last Sunday that caused Carson’s polling numbers to turing citizens’ freedom, is contrary makes them as guilty as those who he does not believe a Muslim should soar. to the foundational principles of the see these young lives as objects and be President. He announced that he As he seeks the highest office nation. “would absolutely not agree with in the country, it is important to be Carson has introduced a radi- property.” that.” aware of the way Carson views reli- cal and irrational transformation of This comes on the coattails of gion and public life. Carson has si- government, and his questioning of bined efforts toward fighting the Accordingly, it is unreasonable to other anti-Islam and anti-Muslim multaneously disavowed a Muslim Muslims’ rights and abilities to run Taliban. In other words, they have assume that reporting the violations sentiments by , and it individual’s ability to serve a demo- a just society exemplifies the Islam- chosen to allow blameless children to the Afghan government will help is partly responsible for inciting and cratic nation, and diminished the ophobia that runs rampant in this to suffer in the name of “good politi- to protect these boys. Unfortunately, continuing — with renewed fervor value of the Constitution as supreme country. cal relations.” this abuse is part of Afghan cul- — the national conversation about ruling doctrine of the United States. Citizens must acknowledge and The United States military claims ture, and without outside pressure, racism, church and state, and foreign He is quickly altering the way a presi- call out politicians who make a point that it is trying to help Afghan citi- those in power will not give up this policy in the Middle East. dent should influence and serve the of dismantling the freedom and uni- zens fight the Taliban in the name of practice. In August, Carson was asked people. ty that the country represents. The establishing freedoms for said citi- It is up to the United States mili- whether the Bible or the Constitu- Over the course of American his- fact that Carson’s remarks have had zens. However, acting as bystand- tary, then, to take a stand on behalf tion had a greater place in govern- tory, many have come to this country an unfortunately positive impact on ers to obvious violations of human of those who are unable to do so. ment. He responded that it was “a for the freedom it offers: freedom his campaign should not be taken rights — which America claims to Continuing to do nothing, to merely very difficult question” and that it of the press, free speech, and most lightly. Citizens should take it upon champion — is counterproductive, report and observe as innocent chil- depended on which section of the pertinently, freedom of religion. Re- themselves to prevent ignorance and hypocritical, and immoral. dren are abused, makes them as Bible or of the Constitution. Both stricting who can serve America, and hatred from holding such a promi- Many local Afghan military guilty as those who see these young comments — regarding biblical ver- arguing that a certain religious text nent place in public life. commanders take part in a tradi- lives as objects and property. tional practice known as “bacha If the United States is truly try- bazi,” translated into English as ing to enable Afghan citizens to es- Renewables solve world’s energy crisis; just ask Texas “boy play,” according to PBS. Young tablish a government more humane teenage boys, usually from poor and stable than the Taliban, then the Early last Sunday morning, wind renewable resources could be our ronment around it. The only pollu- backgrounds, are bought from their American military cannot enable turbines in Texas were producing future. tion and price tag associated with families to be trained to dance and human rights violations as serious so much energy with such little de- With renewable sources that hydroelectric dams is in the initial sing for private parties of wealthy as those committed by the Taliban. mand that electricity prices became work, we must seriously begin to construction, after which they re- Afghan men. The United States needs to com- negative for several hours, reaching reduce our dependency on energy quire little maintenance and are very But the practice can go far beyond mit to ending bacha bazi, both by negative $8.52 per megawatt hour. sources that are finite and damaging flexible sources of energy. Though this; the boys are often emotion- enforcing preexisting laws and There are a few factors that to the environment, such as natural nuclear energy is not technically re- ally, physically, and sexually abused. implementing further prohibitions. make Texas’s energy infrastructure gas, coal, and oil. Not only does the newable, the world has enough ura- Many local Afghan commanders It needs to put pressure on local Af- unique, but we still need to acknowl- process of mining these resources nium to last 80 years. Solar energy is even own a boy of their own as a ghani governments, make sure that edge this event as further proof of harm the local environment, their equally promising. symbol of power. If the boys try to those who partake in bacha bazi the effectiveness of renewable en- use is harmful to the atmosphere by Proper funding into the research escape, they are tracked down and face consequences, and appropriate- ergy sources. creating greenhouse gases and pol- and implementation of renewable killed. ly punish those commanders with This is not the first instance of lutants that infect the air we breathe. energy sources could overcome the Granted, the United States has whom the United States is allied. electricity prices going negative, Despite massive drawbacks, these current barrier of a high entry price been put in a tricky situation. In or- In doing so, they will be creating a either; nuclear, solar, and hydro- “unclean” energy sources still re- and consequently sustain our future der to keep the Taliban from rising safer Afghanistan for children who electric power have been known to ceive massive governmental subsi- and our planet. Texas has disproved to power in Afghanistan again, the have no say in the way that their do so as well. While this presents a dies annually. conservative arguments that renew- military must work with the local country — or their lives — are run. problem for the energy companies Renewable energy sources do not ables will blow up energy prices. governments and militias. Stepping It is time for the United States who may pay buyers to take electric- come with the same warning labels. Renewable energy does not cre- in to take a direct stand against ba- military to stop being a bystander. It ity, it shows us that — with further Once a wind turbine is installed, ate nearly the same environmental cha bazi could alienate those com- is time to stop enabling obvious vio- research into storage techniques and it has extremely low operational impact as fossil fuels do, and it un- manders who see the practice as a lations of what are supposed to be restructuring of power grid — these costs and does not pollute the envi- doubtedly works. display of their power. universal human rights.

Editorial Board Staff laura scherb* Ariel Hoffmaier* Zeke Rosenberg Anne-sophie kim* Senior Staff Publisher Forum Editor Sports Editor Layout Manager Carl Glazer, Greg Hanneman, Alan Vangpat Brian trimboli* Sarah GuteKunst* Copy Editor-in-Chief Operations Manager Yiran Buckley, Gordon Estes, Tom Garncarz, The Tartan is a student newspaper at Carnegie Mellon University, funded in part by the student Xinya Li, Thatcher Montgomery, Ian Tanaya, activities fee. It is a weekly publication by students during the fall and spring semesters, printed by Editorial Staff Joshua Brown, Jessica Kwon, Pauline Ting, Trib Total Media. The Tartan is not an official publication of Carnegie Mellon University. David Bang, Valene Mezmin, Kelly Kim, Ryan Claire Gianakas Yeongwoo Hwang Mairead Pettit Tu, Robert Widmann, Rena Miu The Editorials appearing at the beginning of the opinion section are the official opinion of The SciTech Editor Systems Manager Contributing Editor Tartan Editorial Board. Columns, Editorial Cartoons, and Reviews are the opinions of their Lula Beresford-Banker Alison chiu layout individual creators. The Tartan Editorial Staff reserves the right to withhold from publication Pillbox Editor Advertising Manager Sean Ha, Korrawat Jianthanakanon any copy it deems unfit. maryyann Landlord Benjamin Chang Advertising Letters to the Editor are the opinions of their authors. Letters from within the University com- Comics Editor Business Manager Michelle Wan, Sophia Cheng munity take precedence. Letters intended for publication must be signed and include the author’s Abhinav Gautam James wu address and telephone number for verification; letters must not exceed 350 words. Authors’ names Photo Editor Copy Manager may be withheld from publication upon request. The Tartan reserves the right to condense or reject any letter. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before publication by mail or to Eunice Oh Ian Tanaya [email protected]. Art Editor Asst. Sports Editor Michelle Wan Joey Piesner Personnel Manager Contributing Editor Mail: The Tartan Office: University Center 314 Box 119, UC Suite 103 © 2015 The Tartan, all rights reserved. Web: 5000 Forbes Avenue * Denotes executive committee member Library of Congress ISSN: 0890-3107 E-mail: [email protected] Pittsburgh, PA 15213 September 28, 2015 « The Tartan » A9 CMU’s visiting policy makers are all talk, not enough action policy makers talking about absolute- that Carnegie Mellon was partnering lamophobia and Hindu supremacy in the massive protests against the use ly none of the problems we actually with different organizations in order India, specifically after Indian Prime of quotas for lower-caste people ap- have, and waxing poetic about the to continue producing ed-tech, in- Minister ’s appoint- plying to educational institutions and solutions they’ve found to problems stead of actually researching how ed- ment to office. Both ambassadors government jobs. Satvika Neti we don’t have. tech should be used most effectively. waved me off and gave me very well- I think this erasure of the real is- Duncan was on a panel along A similar thing happened with thought-out non-answers. sues is especially hard to combat at We’ve had a busy week here at with other education professionals in both of the ambassadors that vis- What I didn’t expect was the out- a place like Carnegie Mellon, where Carnegie Mellon. Secretary of Educa- Pittsburgh, including Carnegie Mel- ited this week. University President right arrogant nature of Indian Am- students are mostly apolitical. If the tion Arne Duncan visited last Friday, lon faculty and the superintendent Subra Suresh started off his opening bassador Arun Singh. He prefaced his Secretary of Education tells students the Indian Ambassador to the United of the Pittsburgh Public Schools. One remarks for the Indian Ambassador answer by saying that normally, he about how great ed-tech is, they’ll be- States Arun Singh arrived on Satur- thing they kept coming back to in with flowery language about how prefers to speak only about India-U.S. lieve him. If the ambassadors say that day, and his counterpart, the United their discussions was education tech- wonderful Carnegie Mellon is and relations. Singh proceeded to tell me Modi is combating Islamophobia, States Ambassador to India Richard nology, or “ed-tech” — the idea of how many doors we could open for about India’s relationship with vari- students will believe them. Verma, showed up on Wednesday. All creating apps and programs to help Indian-Americans and Indian-born ous religions, mentioning Islam ex- I urge anyone curious about these of their talks had one thing in com- students or teachers. students. Suresh made this speech on actly zero times. problems to do their own research, mon: none mentioned the real prob- Though ed-tech obviously has the same day that the The New York Meanwhile, the United States Am- form their own opinions, and come lems of the issues they brought up. much potential, people are so busy Times released its “Top colleges doing bassador Richard Verma simply told up with their own solutions. Because, This is a huge problem in policy, building these apps that no one is the most for low-income students” me that if I looked at Modi’s speech- sometimes, politicians and policy where high-level policy makers seem testing whether they are actually list. We were ranked 154th, which we es, I would see that he was actually makers simply don’t know or talk to be having different conversations doing what they’re supposed to be should frankly be ashamed of. an asset to combating Islamophobia about the actual issues. than the grassroots activists and the doing: helping students learn. But I asked both ambassadors about in India. Neither of the ambassadors people on the ground. At Carnegie Duncan and the other panelists kept an issue that I’ve discussed in The even touched on the issue that has Satvika Neti (@sneti) is a staffwriter Mellon, this culminated in a week of talking about how wonderful it was Tartan before: the worrying rise of Is- been dividing the country recently: for The Tartan. Immigrants want to learn English, Nepal can handle its despite claims of U.S. xenophobes own democracy, India Sinead Foley Foreign Secretary Subrahmanyam Junior Staffwriter Jaishankar rushed to Nepal to re- quest a delay in its implementation. It has been almost a week since When that failed, the Indian govern- Nepal passed its first federal con- ment in New Delhi recommended stitution, and tensions continue to seven amendments to the Nepalese escalate. As of Friday morning, 45 constitution. These amendments people — half of them police officers sided heavily with the southern pro- — have died in anti-constitution testers and pushed for more popula- protests. Nepal’s southern neigh- tion-based representation. bor India looms large over the con- India certainly has a vested in- flict. While the crisis itself is worth terest in keeping Nepal stable. The of attention, it also points to bigger two countries share an open border, questions about the role of regional and instability in Nepal would in- leaders. crease smuggling and terrorist traf- The new constitution, which fic across it. Also, the Indian govern- was enacted on Sept. 20, has been ment fears that violence in Nepal’s in the works for seven years. Nepal south will spill over into the already has been functioning under an in- unstable Indian state of Bihar. terim constitution since its monar- While these concerns are le- chy was abolished in 2007. In less gitimate, India is overstepping its than a decade, Nepal has gone from bounds. A constitution is meant to being a theocratic Hindu Kingdom reflect the voice of a nation’s people, to a secular federal republic. These not that of its allies or neighbors. rapid changes have inflamed ethnic While support and advice during the tensions. writing process can be constructive, Nepal is made up of several proposing amendments and try- ethnic groups, and these minor- ing to delay a constitution that was ity groups experienced years of ratified by a democratically elected marginalization under the former Constitutional Assembly is patron- monarchy. The two largest of these izing. Nepal is a sovereign nation, groups, the Madhesis and the Tha- and its government deserves to be rus, comprise 40 percent of Nepal’s respected. population, and they live mostly in The violence in Nepal is certainly the southern plains region along troubling, and the 45 deaths are a the Indian border. In the last week, tragic loss. However, when viewing the south has erupted with protests this crisis, it is important to remem- Emily Giedzinski/ Staff Artist against what many Madhesis view ber that state-building is rarely a Kayla Lee newest generation of immigrants. migrants come to the United States as their underrepresentation under peaceful or linear process. Staffwriter The National Academies of Sci- for better opportunities, especially the new constitution. Although everyone wishes there ences, Engineering, and Medicine for their families. Knowing this, Most recently, Madhesis protes- was a peaceful path to representa- Assimilation has been a critical published a report last week that it generational progress is inevitable tors have barricaded the two main tional democracy, we have yet to concept since the beginning of our claimed “should allay fears that re- and should be further encouraged borders between India and Nepal, find one. By aggressively enforcing history because the United States is cent immigrants committed crimes by the American government and shutting down vital import routes its will, India is stifling Nepal’s dem- a country of immigrants. more frequently than Americans, its native citizens. While the Obama and applying pressure to the gov- ocratic progress and turning it into a One result of this is that there are that they were generally in poor administration was trying to pass an ernment in Kathmandu. The new puppet state. a vast number of households that health and [a] burden [on the] pub- immigration reform bill last year, constitution divides the country into Rajeshwar Acharya, Nepal’s for- speak a language apart from English. lic health care system, or that they we heard countless stories of immi- seven provinces and distributes rep- mer ambassador to China, summed Bilingual families will typically speak were failing to learn English.” grant families struggling and fearing resentatives based on both geogra- it up best when he said: “Domestic their native language at home and The report contributes to topi- separation by deportation. But it has phy and population. issues of any country are corrected English outside of their home, since cal debates around immigration in been proven that immigrants work Each of the 75 districts in the na- by the political actors and authori- English is the most widely used lan- part by saying that, contrary to the hard and encourage younger genera- tion will receive a seat on the Leg- ties of the same country, and there guage in the United States. disconcertingly popular belief, im- tions to do the same. islative-Parliament, while the rest is no need for any other country to However, regular exposure to migrants’ desire to learn English is This report had good intentions, of the regionally elected seats will issue instructions. It doesn’t mean other languages remains the norm very high. but it’s problematic in the fact that be distributed based on population. that Nepal can’t work independently in America. At Carnegie Mellon, stu- It assures that Americans do not it more or less exclusively addresses This is helpful for the rural, moun- just because it is a small nation. All dents are exposed to many languag- need to worry about immigrants try- the xenophobic concerns that immi- tainous regions of Nepal, where of our friendly nations are requested es through diverse groups of friends ing to impose their languages upon grants will impose their languages population is sparse, but it also leads not to interfere into our domestic af- and classmates. For most students, it our English-based society. It also on society or otherwise become a to an under-representation of the fairs,” as reported in Republica. has hardly been a concern that non- claims that each new generation burden. It demonstrates the com- south, which is much more densely The entire political system of de- native English speakers are seeking of immigrants has been progres- mon misconceptions around immi- populated. mocracy rests on faith. A nation’s to impose their languages on Ameri- sively more likely to pursue higher grants, rather than working toward India, as the regional leader of people need to have faith that their can society. education. changing those perceptions. Southeast Asia, has had much to say vote matters. When more powerful In many areas, however, many This is all great news, but as- about the week’s unrest in Nepal. nations step in, they undermine that people do actually believe this and similation is often forced upon im- Kayla Lee (@kjlee) is a staffwriter for After the constitution was ratified by trust — no matter how good their other negative things about that the migrant families. A majority of im- The Tartan. the Constitutional Assembly, Indian intentions. Pope Francis is unlikely, powerful voice for new generation Djameno Ntowe-Fankam and to work for the welfare of those flexible, it allows our generation the Pope Francis has done much in Junior Staffwriter in need. For instance, he has dis- possibility of religious growth and his time in the Vatican to improve cussed how the egocentric behavior the chance for a more balanced the general public image of Christi- There seems to be less space for of international leaders has placed life. People can also anity and bring it into the modern religion in modern life. It is hard for the world in a state of sluggishness strive for success- age. Whether you believe that this a culture that keeps growing and de- and disarray. ful careers in is a good or a bad thing, I feel that veloping to succumb to the rigidness He also has opened his arms to the science while this is the best time to be alive and that is often associated with religion. LGBTQIA community and welcomed maintaining am really excited to see where our Christianity, for example, teach- them to embrace Christianity as who their belief in society can move from es certain principles that may have they are, rather than changing their a greater pur- here. been the status quo when the Bible beliefs to accommodate Christian- pose. was composed, but in this politically ity. Pope Francis has even stated that In a weird correct era we exist in, there is little you do not have to believe in God to way, it feels room for those teachings in every- get into heaven. This is a highly con- as if religion day life. Topics such as abortion and troversial claim in the sense that it itself, especially same­-sex marriage have been taboo opens up to the possibility that non- Christianity, is be- and highly frowned upon by many Christians can be considered moral coming more secular. Christians, but Pope Francis is do- people. Recent statements by re- ing what he can to change the way Pope Francis’ teachings have re- ligious leaders, such as Pope they perceive these topics, as well as ally resonated with millennials, Francis and the Dalai Lama, have the way the secular world perceives such as myself, who feel as if their led me to consider that religion is Christianity. liberal social beliefs bar them from moving into a more secular era. This Overall, Pope Francis has been the possibility of being a Christian progression is necessary, because if using his tenure to promote peace or otherwise exploring their faith. religion were to remain stagnant, it between various cultures and beliefs With religion slowly becoming more might be left completely behind. Anne-Sophie Kim/ Layout Manager A10 « The Tartan » September 28, 2015

sports briefs

Men’s Cross Country Women’s Cross Country Women’s Volleyball Men’s Golf mal save in the shutout as the The Carnegie Mellon men’s The Carnegie Mellon wom- In between two tourna- The Carnegie Mellon Uni- defense held Westminster to cross country team competed en’s cross country team com- ments, the Carnegie Mellon versity men’s golf team fin- four shots. Senior midfielder in the Dickinson Invitational peted in the Dickinson Invita- women’s volleyball team trav- ished third at the Hal Hansen William Webb led the team last Saturday. tional last Saturday. eled to Steubenville, Ohio to Invitational. The Tartans to- with seven shots, but the ef- Junior Ryan Archer fin- Sophomore Aparna Alavilli take on Franciscan University. taled 616 strokes for the week- forts of both defenses prevent- ished first in the 8K race with led the Tartans in the 6K race The Tartans improved to 15–1 end. ed any scores in the game. a time of 25:48.46. The Tar- with a seventh-place finish as for the season, winning 30– Junior Jordan Klodowski Last Wednesday, the Tar- tans had four runners finish she crossed in 23:03.94. Se- 28, 25–12, 22–25, and 25–19. finished fourth overall with a tans won 3–1 against Grove in the top 10 of the 8K race. nior Rekha Schnepf finished in Junior middle blocker and two-day total of 151 strokes. City. Though Grove City got Senior Marc-Daniel Julien fin- ninth with a time of 23:12.63. outside hitter Casey Salandra Junior George Qian finished the first score of the game, ju- ished seventh with a time of The top three finishers for led the team with 13 kills, ty- tied for 11th with a two-day nior midfielder Tristan Lock- 26:16.41; first-year William the Tartans in the 4K race were ing her career-high. First-year final score of 154. wood tied it up at the 59th Mitchell crossed with a time of senior Haley Bryant, first-year outside hitter and defensive The Tartans will next com- minute. Junior midfielder 26:18.62 at ninth place; and Allison Scibisz, and first-year specialist Lauren Mueller fin- pete in the Carnegie Mellon Devin Keane got the lead for senior Grant Langevin took Alice Duan. Bryant crossed ished with 10 kills while junior Invitational on Wednesday, the Tartans at the 69th min- 10th with a time of 26:24.18. with a time of 15:22.32, while setter Emily Newton had seven Sept. 30. ute, and Lockwood sealed the In the 4K race, Carnegie Scibisz and Duan finished kills and junior middle blocker victory with another goal at Mellon had two runners fin- with times of 15:34.50 and Jackie Gibbons totaled six. Men’s Soccer the 77th minute. Bykowsky ish in the top 10. Junior Owen 15:37.70 respectively. Junior libero and defensive The Carnegie Mellon men’s recorded four saves for the Norley placed seventh with a The Tartans will next com- specialist Molly Higgins post- soccer team played two games game. time of 12:12.42, and senior pete at home in the Carn- ed a season-high 31 digs. First- over the past week. The Tartans will next play Josh Antonson placed eighth egie Mellon Invitational on year right setter Sarah Jurgens Last Monday, the Tartans at Allegheny on Tuesday, Sept. after crossing in 12:14.69. Saturday, Oct. 10. had 10. tied Westminster College 29. The Tartans will host the The Tartans will play next 0–0 after going into double overtime. Senior keeper Eric Compiled By Carnegie Mellon Invitational, at the first UAA Round Robin Brandon Hong/Staff Photographer on Saturday, Oct. 10. at New York University. Webb eludes a defender. Bykowsky recorded one for- ian tanaya September 28, 2015 « The Tartan » A11

WWE show truly something Fantasy football week three

cause that’s what the internet week two, my roster scored told me to do. Then I learned 76 points, but War Eagle just that, per week, I can start had a better team, scoring 105 two running backs, two wide points. receivers, one tight end, one In week one I had to play quarterback, one kicker, one two terrible running backs D/ST, and one “flex” who while Blount and Bell served can be either a running back, suspensions, earning me zero wide receiver, or tight end. and two points, respectively. Each week I would decide Luckily my starting quarter- Anne-Sophie Kim/Layout Manager on who is to start and who is back, Russell Wilson threw sarah gutekunst to sit out based off of project- for 251 yards and put up 15 Operations Manager ed scores because I’m an ama- points, and wide receiver teur, but so far it’s worked out Nate Washington received a To the uninformed ob- alright. It took me until after total of 105 yards amounting server (read: me), football is a week two to look into what to 10 points. But my two stars lot to process. I didn’t under- those scores actually mean. were really the Jets D/ST and stand the concept of a “down” Leagues have the option to kicker Brian McManus. The until the third or fourth time customize these, but thank- Jets earned me 16 points, someone explained it to me, fully mine didn’t take too catching two interceptions, let alone all the other termi- many liberties. For passing, recovering four fumbles, and nology like grounding, hold- one point is earned per 25 sacking the Bears’ quarter- ing, sack, false start, etc. But yards, four points per touch- back three times. McManus then I started watching The down pass, two points per made two field goals from League and convinced myself passing conversion, and nega- over 50 yards, plus two other that I have what it takes to tive two points for throwing long-range field goals, and start a fantasy football team an interception. For rushing one extra point. with a group of strangers and receiving, players get one During week two, I got I found in an online public point per ten yards, six points Blount back in the game league. I didn’t really under- per touchdown pass, and two which I thought would bring stand football as a sport in the points per conversion. up my score, but he didn’t put first place, so this has been The defense earns six up a single point, and neither quite the learning experience. points every time the oppos- did my other running back. My entire draft strategy came ing offense screws up and The Jets D/ST and McMa- from the internet. they return it for a touch- nus helped me keep my head I ended up with a pretty down, interceptions and fum- above the water with 13 and solid roster, mostly by chance. ble recoveries get two points, 18 points, respectively. Russell I prepared for draft day by and then it gets tricky. The Wilson really came through picking out my top four or defense starts with 10 points, for me though. My opponent eight picks per position, meaning they’ve allowed zero started Carson Palmer who which I chose either based points. But allowing points in was expected to score big, on ranking or by who had the the game means losing points but Wilson and Palmer each in fantasy, which can go down scored 21 points. Thanks to Background: Courtesy of WBLZBlazin108 Inset: Courtesy of Miguel Discart Graphic: Zeke Rosenberg/Sports Editor funniest name, which is how Dean Ambrose stares menacingly over inset Seth Rollins. I got Nick Toon and two sus- to negative five for more than Wilson my deficit was better pended players (LeGarrette 46 points allowed. My league than it could have been. ariel hoffmaier Bulgarian romantic Rusev. knee at the start, and Nikki Blount). I did, however, man- also assigns points for rushing This week I’m hoping that Forum Editor Everyone knows wrestling took such heavy advantage of age to avoid getting players yards, which works the same I’ve reached the end of my is fake, but I’d never have this that I was actually buy- with overlapping bye weeks, way as points scored. Week running back purgatory, and As soon as the official guessed until this point how ing that Charlotte was in pain. which was the happiest ac- one, when my D/ST was I’ll finally stop with the goose theme song for this year’s bad some of the acting would But Charlotte persevered, cident I could have made. I showing 10 points, I thought eggs. Bell is finally back, and WWE “Night of Champions” be. This fight was classic besting Nikki in a power flip then established the order of something wonderful had my fingers are crossed that kicked off, I knew I was in for soap opera. Ziggler showed that shocked even me. positions to draft, prioritizing happened, but as assistant Blount will actually start scor- a wild ride. The show’s cham- up with Rusev’s ex-girlfriend Charlotte’s proud father running backs and quarter- sports editor Ian Tanaya ing some points. pions and challengers were ironed onto his crotch. Rusev joined her in the ring, both backs and leaving kickers and pointed out, that’s a default. If Wilson and my other introduced in a rapid-fire stormed in, ready to avenge in happy tears, and again I defense/special teams (D/ So far my team has been consistent players continue montage as a chorus of—you his stolen love and armed believed it. It was honestly a ST) for the end. I planned to consistent, putting up 77 to play to their ability, and I guessed it—CFO$’s “Night with an anti-American rant nice moment. pick up four running backs, points in week one against start to get the hang of trades of Gold” blared in the back- for the audience to boo at. He By now I was getting tired four wide receivers, two tight Team Eatdagroceries, who and the waiver wire, I feel like ground. On top of that were was trailed by new girlfriend of the whole spectacle, so I ends, two quarterbacks, two only managed a mere 30 I could have a playoff caliber voice-overs, proclaiming that Summer Rae — for moral won’t go much into the pre- kickers, and two D/ST, be- points against me. Then, in team. what I was about to watch support, I guessed, until she finale fight between the Wyatt was a “night of opportunity,” ended up deciding the match. Family and Roman Reigns, “promise,” and “change.” At a pivotal moment, Summer Dean Ambrose, and Chris Jer- Such a melodramatic high bar passionately (read: melodra- icho. I couldn’t tell you who would be hard to reach, or so matically) flung herself into was who, or what happened, I thought. the ring. After being kicked just that several of them had But the intro wasn’t lying out, she tossed her high pseudo-horror opening se- on two crucial points. First, heeled shoe at the referee. It quences with soundbites such since this was my first time missed, hit her beloved Ru- as “It’s okay to be afraid — I ever watching professional sev, and Ziggler was able to am your destruction.” wrestling, I would in fact “see pin him. As she sat, shoeless, Finally, it was time for the what a wrestler looks like” — on the sidelines, gaping like finale: wrestling’s latest big- in all his (and, in one case, a red-lipsticked fish, I could shot Seth Rollins (relatively her) exciting, theatrical glory. only laugh. normal-sized, resembles Tar- I would also “learn that re- The next match — the Tag zan) forced to defend both spect is earned, not given,” be- Team Championship — was of his titles. However, Rollins cause the totally absurd world not as exciting, but just as needed to be knocked down of wrestling was about to earn bizarre. a few pegs. First, he and John my begrudging respect. The Dudley Boyz were the Cena (think “state college The premise of the “Night codependent hunter cous- football player with a heart of of Champions” was that ev- ins you never had and never gold”) went head-to-head in a eryone’s big, shiny champi- wanted. rematch for the United States onship belt was on the line. The New Day reminded Championship. They threw The greats had to defend their me of that one guy in Green- each other around and laid on titles or go home dethroned wich Village who really wants the ground breathing heavily and empty-handed. This was to give you his EP. They came a lot. an alluring gimmick, though complete with a hashtag It went on for a while, but I’ll admit that I had no way (#SaveTheTables), name- John Cena eventually won, of telling how “great” these dropping (Bill Nye signed which I felt was appropriate contenders actually were. some petition of theirs?), and to his meme-ness. I’d heard of Sting, because an actual trumpet; the latter Rollins was pretty beat he’s older than my father was tooted in rhythm to blows up, and was generally hav- and looks like he belongs in landed on one of the “Boyz.” ing a bad night, so he tried to an 80’s glam metal band. I’d New Day retained their title walk off with his remaining heard of John Cena because by disqualification, though belt. But “Good Guy” John he’s a meme. The others, well, I’m unsure where that dis- Cena intercepted. Enter Sting, most of them were large men qualification came from. All I the wrestling legend who in tights who were really good know is that the Dudleys had really seems like he should at tackling other large men in the last word and threw one be a member of Kiss. Stone- tights. of the Days through a table. faced, Sting said not a word The first match in the Apparently, that’s their thing. as he tossed rag-doll Rollins lineup was for the Intercon- I perked up a bit for the around the ring for so long tinental Championship. Ry- Divas Championship. The that it started to get boring. back was the incumbent, a single women’s match of the But lo and behold, Rollins large man in a leotard with night was for a pink butter- staged his comeback, throw- the catch phrase (“Feed me fly belt that would’ve been ing Sting full-force through more!”) who matched up ex- perfect for Wrestler Barbie. It the announcers’ table (pos- actly with every pro-wrestler pinned Charlotte, a legacy to sibly actually injuring him, I stereotype ever. His opponent her wrestler daddy, Ric Flair, hear). Sting rallied, but Rol- was rising star Kevin Owens, and his throne, against Nikki lins was soon victorious. You who looked more like some Bella, bad b-word about to go, Tarzan, I thought. Live guy you’d see at the gym. Ow- break the record for longest- your moment. ens was, incidentally, one of reigning Diva champion ever. And then a punk lepre- the few men not in package- I was naturally put off, and chaun and some dude in a hugging outerwear. It was an unsurprised, by the women’s Hannibal mask stormed the interesting twist on the “every loose hair, perfect makeup, ring with a golden briefcase man” shtick to have Owens and nearly identical crop- and I got really lost. also play the arrogant, enti- top/booty-short combos. The The “Night of Champions” tled jerk. Owens slammed Ry- men did seem to have more hasn’t converted me into a back in the shoulder early on, choice in the tight clothes wrestling fan. Still, anyone then pinpointed his attacks on department. This match may who watches this carefully that “injury” until he won the have been my favorite of the plotted, violent, ridiculous belt and got to be smug about night. These girls are un- spectacle of a thing cannot it. doubtedly real athletes, using deny that it’s art and sport. Next up was an episode all the same fancy moves as It’s also something else on its in what I understood to be a the dudes (though with a bit own. Something that I can- long-standing feud between more gratuitous bodily con- not, for the life of me, name. playboy Dolph Ziggler and tortion). Charlotte injured her A12 « The Tartan » September 28, 2015

Sam Benger stays focused on wins despite rushing record ian tanaya possible this season. Still, Benger has approached As a member of the Tar- is more important to me.” in between classes. It can re- Assistant Sports Editor Benger has always been the sport in the spirit of fun tans, Benger has become one Outside of football, Benger ally be used to make progress about the team atmosphere in and sportsmanship, working of the most dynamic running has continued to keep up with as far as studying and home- He may have broken the football. hard to win but always re- backs in collegiate football. He the extensive Carnegie Mellon work go.” school record for rushing “The camaraderie and membering to enjoy himself. currently leads Division III in coursework. “Academics have For Benger, the future re- yards in a single game, but team atmosphere, really prev- “If you’re in the sport for any- all-purpose yards with 244.3 always been very important mains wide open. “I knew sophomore running back Sam alent in football, have always thing besides fun or trying to yards per game. Many outlets to me. Our coach says it all the CMU was a great school, but I Benger remains focused on the been something really impor- win, you’re doing something noted his 303 yard rushing time: You come to CMU be- didn’t know what I wanted to next game for the Tartans. The tant to me,” Benger said. wrong,” he said. performance against Washing- cause you love the challenges do. I thought business would business administration major “I got started in football as Benger has done well for ton and Jefferson, but Benger and you love the environment help open as many doors as from Hingham, Mass who has soon as I could. My dad was himself and his teams. In his himself was quick to credit the that pushes you academi- possible.” received many personal acco- always into football, and so junior year of high school, his offensive line for stellar run cally.” In addition, Benger is a Rather than getting bogged lades recently such as being was I.” team made it into the playoffs blocking. member of Greek life. down by uncertainty, Benger named the Carnegie Mellon Though the team atmo- and managed to do well. Se- “I need to take those guys “I’m joining a fraternity: Al- instead eagerly explores the Student-Athlete of the Week sphere that he loves has al- nior year had a season of ad- out to dinner sometime,” he pha Sigma Phi. Because it just large variety of avenues he can and Corvias Eastern Confer- ways been present, Benger ac- versity: the starting quarter- said. Despite the attention started, there’s an opportunity take. ence Athletic Conference knowledges some differences back, a close friend of Benger, on him for his performance, to play a part in determining “One thing I’m toying with (ECAC) South Region Player in the way the game flows as sustained a leg injury early on. Benger remains devoted to the its direction.” is investment analysis and of the Week. Despite all the his career progresses. “The “We ended up finishing the team. “I don’t think personal His involvement in sports investment banking. There’s hubbub, he is devoted to doing level of commitment and com- year at .500, but we ended on accolades are that impor- has also helped him improve a lot of knowledgeable guys whatever he can to ensure the petition changes as you get a high note in the Thanksgiv- tant. To have the respect and his time management skills: on the team that can help me Tartans win as many games as into varsity or into college.” ing game against our rival.” friendship of your teammates “Try to utilize any downtime out.”

Courtesy of CMU Atlettics Left: Benger carries the ball through the line of scrimage against Washington University. Right: Benger carries the ball during his record-setting 303-yard performance against Washington and Jefferson. Carnegie Mellon Volleyball Women’s soccer continues wins 3 of 4 on home court dominant stretch in big win alex wood and Pendergast rose to the exception of this late goal, Junior Staffwriter occasion once again, sending the Tartans played sound de- the ball past the Yellow Jacket fense, as junior midfielder The Carnegie Mellon goalkeeper to put Carnegie Anna Vonderhaar kept the women’s soccer team took the Mellon up 2–0. The Tartans ball on the Yellow Jacket’s field on Tuesday night looking rode this momentum through side to allow her team to play to defend their undefeated re- the rest of the game, and in aggressively. cord against the Baldwin Wal- the 38th minute, the Tartans Ultimately, the Tartans lace Yellow Jackets. While the seeimngly began to show off showed that they deserve Tartan women may have been when first-year midfielder their undefeated record with tired for their third game in Tessa Allen leapt over the de- a dominating performance. five days, they certainly didn’t fense and headed a ball into They will look to put their show it as they handily defeat- the goal off of a corner kick record to the test with real ed Baldwin Wallace 4–1. from junior midfielder Del- stakes in their conference The Tartans came out with aney Lam. The Tartan’s final games later in the season. an early aggressive push that score of the game came three The Tartan women played paid dividends in the eighth minutes later, when Stritter again Friday night against the minute when senior midfield- found sophomore midfielder John Carroll Blue Streaks, er Louisa Pendergast made Morgan Kontor for a wide– and they displayed another a smooth goal into the lower open touch into the goal, leav- dominating performance to Brandon Hong/Staff Photographer The volleyball team celebrates after coming back from a deficit. right corner off a great pass ing the score at the half 4–0. continue their undefeated through the defense from The game moved slowly record. The Tartans emerged jordan safer we decided that this is our prevailed in the last set, the sophomore midfielder Haili through the second half, al- victorious with a 5–1 score- Junior Staffwriter game and we’re taking it from Tartans put up a good show- Adams. The game lulled for though the Tartans did ap- line with goals from Haili Ad- them. So it’s all our focus and ing coming into the match a bit after the initial score pear to have a firm grip on ams, Sienna Stritter, Nicole The Carnegie Mellon wom- energy.” with little rest. as Baldwin Wallace put up a their lead. They kept the ball Winegardner, Louisa Pend- en’s volleyball team came The team opened up play On Saturday, the Tartans strong fight against the Tar- on the Baldwin Wallace side ergast, and Tessa Allen. They back to campus on Friday against Stevenson Friday eve- began play against Pomona- tan’s pressure. But as the of the field, maintaining pres- managed to outdo John Car- and Saturday to showcase its ning with a strong showing, Spitzer. Coming off a loss, game went on, the Tartans sure even though they there roll in shots on goal by a mar- success in front of the home holding off a late Stevenson the team rebounded well, took control of the field until were no Tartan goals in the gin of 21–3 showing just how crowd at the Carnegie Mellon rally to win in five sets. The taking the game in straight the Yellow Jackets seemed second half. dominant they can be. DoubleTree Invitational. The Tartans got ahead early, con- sets. After holding off a rally unable to force the ball to the While the Tartans did not On Sunday the Tartans Tartans finished 3–1 in the trolling the first two sets with in the second set, the Tartans Carnegie Mellon side. In the manage to score, they did beat Capital University 3–2. round robin with wins against wins of 25–12 and 25–20. dominated the third, going up 29th minute, the pressure manage to hold the Yellow Kontor tied the game in the Stevenson, Pomona-Pitzer, However, Stevenson clawed 8–1 and leading to the finish. proved to be too much for Jackets to only one goal. This 90th minute, and sophomore and Mount Union. The lone their way back, leading the They closed out the game in the Yellow Jackets as Tartan came in the 77th minute when forward Grant Wilmer scored loss—the Tartans’ second of way throughout the third set, dominant fashion, with a kill sophomore forward Sienna Tartan keeper Sarah Mahler the winning goal in overtime. the season—was to John Car- winning 25–19. smashed down the middle Stritter was fouled making a couldn’t keep her hands on a The Tartans look to contin- roll in a competitive match The Tartans came back of the court by Gibbons off a move in the box. This set the header delivered from Yellow ue running the table as they Friday night. swinging in the fourth set, Newton assist. Tartans up for a penalty kick, Jacket Kelly Gough. With the move into October. Strong play and positive with an unassisted kill by Gib- The final test for the team energy through the two days bons and a kill by Donahue came from Mount Union, of double headers displayed assisted by Newton leading who the Tartans again took the Tartans’ grit as they to a 12–7 lead. The Stevenson to five sets before claiming fought back from lost sets and women rallied and surprised victory. The team came out cheered each other on, even the Tartans, sending the game strong early with kills by Gib- when playing from behind. to a third set, but the Carn- bons and Mueller to take the After the team fell behind 19– egie Mellon women came lead, and continued with the 11 in their third set against prepared to finish. First-year momentum to win the first Stevenson, senior captain and outside hitter Lauren Mueller two sets. In a fierce battle, the setter Emily Newton could be opened the set with a kill off a Tartans struggled to establish heard calling out “C’mon Tar- Newton assist, and the Tartan a lead in the third set, with tans!” to rally her teammates. women pressed to a 9–1 lead. the teams tied at 25. This re- Play at the line also proved From there, the team com- quired an extended set to de- to be a strong point for the fortably closed out the 5th set termine a winner. The team home team, with junior mid- with a 15–11 win. looked to have the win after dle blocker Jackie Gibbons In their only loss of the a Jurgens kill gave them the and sophomore middle block- weekend, the Tartans fought lead 30–29, but Mount Union er Eliza Donahue making key to compete against John Car- fought back and claimed the blocks and kills. The tourna- roll in a match coming imme- tie-break. After another tight ment is one of only a few held diately on the heels of their loss in the second set, the at home, Newton noted, “It five-set battle with Stevenson. Tartans came out firing in the was really great to have [the] After splitting the first two fifth set again, reminiscent of tournament at home because sets, the women fell behind Fridays fifth set dominance [the team] could have all our early in the third, with New- against Stevenson. Gibbons fans here and [they] could ton getting shaken up three opened the set with a kill off really show campus … who points in. The team fought a Newton assist, and the Tar- [they] are as a team”. back from a 1–6 hole to tie tans rallied to a 10–2 lead, Reflecting on the tourna- the game at 17. The Tartans capped off by a cross-court, ment play, Newton expressed battled back and forth with arcing kill by Mueller, after pride in her teams’ effort. John Carroll in the 4th set. Up a great save by junior libero Twice, the Tartans came back 23–22, Gibbons drove back Molly Higgins. Another New- from losing consecutive sets the John Carroll defense with ton assisted Mueller kill got to dominate in the fifth set. a strike, and Newton quickly Carnegie the win. She said, “We have our goals, set up the return for a key The Tartans, now 18–2, and one of our goals is to al- down the line strike by first- will continue their season Sat- ways play to win, so we had year outside hitter Sarah Ju- urday at the 1st UAA Round Brandon Hong/Staff Photographer to refocus on our goal and rgens. Although John Carroll Robin at New York University. Sophomore midfielder Haili Adams blasts past the Baldwin Wallace defense. Drake and Future Mixtape Joint mixtape What a Time To Be Alive drops • C3

Gallery Crawl Cultural Trust’s Gallery Crawl displays the best of local and international artwork • C4

Live Music Preview Wide variety of music events to hit Pittsburgh • C5

09.28.15 Volume 110, Issue 5 ...this week only

3 Drake and Future Rappers release joint mixtape What a Time to be Alive.

4 Gallery Crawl The Cultural Trust showcases local and international artwork.

5 Music Preview Fall music tours hit Pittsburgh with genres ranging from rock to indie to electronic.

12 Thrival Festival A variety of musical acts come to Pittsburgh 4 for an aurally innovative weekend.

3 5 12 regulars...... diversions

3 Advice 7 Comics So awkward that you can’t even? Josh Laughter is the best medicine. Cure your addresses your sleep fears and questions. boredom with some of our comics. 5 Movies 9 Puzzles Watch The Avengers: Age of Ultron, the latest Need even more of a challenge than trying to addition to Marvel’s superhero movie empire. graduate? Try a Pillbox puzzle! 11 Calendar 10 Horoscopes Check out the performances, festivals, and See what the stars have in store for you this exhibits happening around Pittsburgh this week. week and how you should plan accordingly.


The Tartan . Box 119 . UC Suite 103 . Carnegie Mellon University . 5000 Forbes Ave . Pittsburgh, PA 15213 . . © 2015 The Tartan Drake and Future drop mixtape Advice for awkward people What a Time To Be Alive generates minimal life enthusiasm About the dangers of sleep deprivation

On Sunday, September 20, Drake and Future released memo that Future left as he launches into a verse about Hey, Josh! Dear TIRED, their highly anticipated mixtape entitled What a Time wanting to spend time with a girl he cares about. If To Be Alive. The mixtape consists of 11 songs, nine you’re a big fan of singing Drake like I am, this is the Long story short, I am Slow down. Take a breath. performed by both Drake and Future together and two closest you’ll get to him on this mixtape. Future again not getting enough sleep. I think that you need to get performed by each rapper individually. comes in with a verse about money and jewelry trying I’m tired. Like really tired. your priorities in order; you to remind Drake what this song is supposed to be Like sleepwalking 24/7 need to sleep, but you want Drake is both a rapper and a singer. Drake, the rapper, about. Drake then spends the rest of the song singing tired. Like so tired that I to stay up and get things as presented in his songs “The Motto,” “All Me,” and about how hurt he is by one of his exes, giving us a little pass out standing in line done. I strongly believe in “Started From the Bottom,” tends to be like any typical glimpse that the old Drake is still in there somewhere. for lunch. It got pretty the health benefits of sleep. rapper that raps about money, women, and haters. Even though Drake and Future showed up to record two bad yesterday when I fell I engage in sleep several Contrarily, Drake, the singer, as heard in his song “Hold completely different songs, the contrasting ideas still asleep standing in line at times a week, maybe even On We’re Going Home,” “Marvin’s Room,” and “Shot work together to make a pretty good song. Resnik and crashed onto every night if I’m feeling for Me,” is the Drake everyone likes to make fun of for a short guy, and I may frisky. If you’re finding that being “soft” and “in his feels” about his exes. If you’re While singing Drake is still slightly present for or may not have broken there are not enough hours expecting to hear Drake singing in this mixtape, don’t “Changing Locations,” he seems to have remembered his arm in the process. in the day, you should plan hold your breath. Maybe it is because he is sharing the why he’s here and returns to singing about how he and It’s not my fault — I’m a your days better, drop mic with another rapper or trying to maintain a certain his friends have money to spend. Future stays true to sturdy lad. Anyway, it’s some commitments that are post-Meek Mill diss track image, but the singing Drake the message of the whole mixtape by rapping about been a month since the sucking up your time, and hardly makes an appearance on the mixtape. Future money, drugs, and women. By this point in the mixtape, semester started, and I work smarter, not harder. also sticks to rapping as opposed to his raspy and very it starts to sound like all of the songs are the same still haven’t adjusted to You should never put your throaty vocals. because they are mostly rapping about the same things the schedule. Over the health on the backburner— over and over. However, something about the chorus of summer, I would wake especially if doing so causes The mixtape begins with “Digital Dash,” which refers “Changing Locations” still makes it enjoyable to listen up at 6 a.m., go for a run, you to crush shorter men. to an expensive car with a digital dashboard. This song to. Following this song is “Jumpman,” in which they make myself breakfast That’s just not cool. sets the tone for the entire mixtape and lets all listeners rap about speculated collaboration between them. This and have a really leisure- know that Drake and Future are not here to play around. song also references the Air Jordan logo by saying that filled day, but nowadays, Sincerely, If you think Drake and Future have been everywhere they are as recognizable as the “Jumpman.” my sleep schedule is all Joshua Brown. you look this past year, you would be correct. Between messed up. the two of them, seven mixtapes have been released in The mixtape ends with “Jersey” and “30 for 30 Need advice? Send queries the past year and this song shows listeners that they Freestyle,” solo tracks by Future and Drake, respectively. The worst part is that I to [email protected]. don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Future begins the If you can still stand Future’s voice long enough to listen don’t even feel like I’m song with Drake only coming in for one verse at the end. to an entire song of his by this point, I applaud you. being productive. I want This is definitely the song to blast when haters from Future’s song is primarily focused on him promoting his to sleep, but I need to high school are still trying to be relevant in your life, but crew, and it isn’t the worst Future song, but I just wish it stay up and get things you’re too busy preparing for the internship you’re going would’ve appeared sooner in the mixtape so I would’ve done. I want to stay to score at the TOC. enjoyed listening to it instead of waiting for it to be over. up until 4 a.m. to have Drake chooses to allude to several different events in his more time in the day. I’ve Following this song is another very hype song that life recently throughout his song. It is almost like he uses tried coffee and energy features a part of Drake the rapper that I like to call this song to get out all the random Drake thoughts that drinks, and I’ve even screaming Drake. “Big Rings” is an anthem for anyone didn’t fit anywhere else in the mixtape. started sitting criss-cross whose friend group has squad goals. Drake begins the applesauce so that my song by rapping — screaming — about how he has a What a Time To Be Alive shows just how excited Drake legs fall asleep. My legs big team and they need some big rings and nice things. and Future are to be on top of the game together. are so well-rested, and Both rappers also highlight how this is a great time to Whether they are the best rappers out right now is the rest of my body is be alive if you’re a part of their crew. Drake begins the definitely up for debate, but it is undeniable that they jealous. Help, please. song very full of energy, but once the baton is handed off have had a large presence in the hip-hop community to Future, most of the energy is lost. Future’s raspy voice since they came on the scene. Overall, the mixtape does Blandly, and slightly slurred words make it seem like he just have some really good moments. Is this mixtape fire? Tipsy, Irate, Red-Eyed woke up as opposed to Drake who sounds like he’s had Definitely not, but it is a nice sweater to keep you warm Dude a full night’s sleep and a Redbull. while you’re waiting for Views From the 6 or a J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar joint album. Arguably, one of the best songs on the mixtape is “Diamonds Dancing.” This refers to not only a rapper wearing a lot of chains, but also being surrounded by female dancers. Future sets the tone for the song Jade Crockem | Junior Staffwriter with a message about living the celebrity lifestyle of reckless spending. This song probably has the most infectious hook ever with the line “Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds on me dancing.” Drake comes in following the hook and seemingly did not get the music pillbox 09.28.15 3 Galleries in Cultural District open their doors Friday night’s Gallery Crawl brings crowds to Liberty and Penn Ave. for art and food The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust knows how to throw a The second floor is home to the photographic series Shilpa Gupta, Sumakshi Singh, Surabhi Saraf, and good party, and their formula is simple: free food, free “Eva,” as well as three standalone video works by artist Avinash Veeraraghavan manage to live in the space wine, and art with a purpose. In the Cultural District Hetain Patel. The series is broken up into diptychs and harmoniously. Each work contributes to the common last Friday, artists and art-lovers communed over local triptychs, each of a different moment. Hetain’s wife theme of invoking the tradition of repetition and and international creative works from the Cultural is the subject of these photos. She is photographed pattern-making in Indian visual culture. It is beautiful Trust’s Gallery Crawl and India in Focus showcase. from the back, showing only her head and torso. There to see all the different ways in which this motif could is a drawing on her otherwise naked back in each of be expressed. Saraf’s video of deconstructed dance The Crawl was hosted by various galleries and the moments. In one series, a man joins her in a silent and the rhythmic clapping of Gupta’s flap board piece nonprofits primarily residing on the parallel streets of conversation through the writings on both of their “24:00:01” both served as interesting compliments to Liberty and Penn Ave. Participants included bars and backs. Each moment is composed of two or three the music and dancing seen on the stage just several restaurants such as Olive or Twist, on Penn Ave., who images which create a disjointed, schizophrenic feeling yards from the gallery doors. Saraf’s ”FOLD,” a large displayed the work of Art Institute students in their for the viewer and is particularly consistent with the video installation, stitches together a mosaic of videos second floor while serving drinks on the ground floor. stream of consciousness text displayed on the skin of where a woman folds clothing, from shirts to saris, in a Additionally, many of the Market Square businesses the subject. The videos convey Hetain’s compulsion for methodical and mesmerizing fashion. Singh’s projected such as Gaby et Jules, the French bakery, remained exactitude as he reconstructs scenes from Crouching stop-motion animation on silk with embroidery called open late into the night, serving specialties for hungry Tiger, Hidden Dragon and from footage of his father “Light Threads” shows the birth of a pattern from and thirsty “crawlers.” giving a tour of his factory. nothing.

The Crawl also served to kick off the India in Focus Nandini Valli Muthiah’s photographic prints from her The Crawl had even more to offer than the experiential showcase, in which for six weeks, dozens of arts series “Definitive Incarnate” cover most of the third art exhibitions. The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Arts experiences paying homage to Indian traditions and floor space. The work is supernatural in subject and Education Center presented a design exhibition where culture will be displayed throughout the Cultural cinematic in method. There is a certain canniness to Young Architects and 2015 Design Competition entries District. The kick off was held primarily at the outdoor her images ­— you may even feel as though you have displayed their visions for the future of architectural stage where shows of music and dancing such as seen the image before. But although the lighting, design in a lively and collaborative space. This location Bhangra were held continuously throughout the background and positioning of extras feels reminiscent also invited guests to draw what design means to evening. Wood Street Gallery and SPACE gallery also of the way many modern films are shot, the subject is them amidst the inspiring and innovative work of the participated in the kick off by opening new exhibits new. An Indian god named Krishna is presented plainly, competitive entries. curated specifically for the showcase. at the focal point of the image, creating a new reality that is both familiar and unusual. Overall, the Cultural Trust’s Gallery Crawl was an Wood Street Gallery served as a pseudo-entrance to the upbeat scene where locals and visitors could commune Crawl due to its prominent location on the Wood/6th The contemporary gallery, SPACE, presented over local and international artwork and experience the St. triangular block. Perched above the Wood Street another exhibit called “PLUS ONE” as part of India in Cultural District at its very best. subway station were two floors of warmly lit, white- Focus, which included various mediums including washed walls where the works of artists Nandini Valli installation, sound works, prints, and video. Separated Muthiah and Hetain Patel were displayed. only by temporary walls, the works of artists Lindsey McClary | Junior Staffwriter

Lindsey McClary | Junior Photographer Lindsey McClary | Junior Photographer Left: A mesmerizing video installation stretches across the wall in artist Surabhi Saraf’s FOLD, one of her pieces shown in the exhibit “Plus One” at the contempo- rary art gallery SPACE. Right: Wood Street Gallery shows beautiful photographic work in the series “Eva” by artist Hetain Patel. gallery 4 pillbox 09.28.15 Live music preview: upcoming fall tours Learn which bands are bringing their talent and sounds to Pittsburgh this October If you like concerts, then you know that October is hands at. Wilkinson and Diskord are opening, and tickets are Jakes bellydances throughout much of the performance, down the best month of the entire academic year. Artists $34.10 through abstract masks are worn, and blow-up kitty cyclops are fall tours are in full swing, and most major fall tours unleashed, creating a distinct vibe that you’ll be hard- usually hit Pittsburgh sometime between late September Norma Jean – Rex Theater – Saturday, 10/3/15 pressed to easily find at other shows. I’ve seen these and early November. Just about every week of this sweet guys once before, and I’m so excited another opportunity and scary month is packed with a couple of great shows, Marilyn Monroe, live and in the (zombified) flesh, at the is on its way. Moon Hooch (another fantastic act you from rock and indie to electronic and hip-hop. Here’s Rex! No, it’s actually the Atlanta-based metalcore band won’t want to miss) and Pinky D’Ambrosia are opening, a few in the next two weeks that will surely provide named after the actress’s birth name. They are currently and tickets are $22 through some great experiences to remember with your college touring behind the 10th anniversary of their sophomore buddies when you’re old and gray and going to the album, O God, the Aftermath, playing the album in Adventure Club – Altar Bar – Thursday, 10/8/15 bathroom more than once a night. its entirety during each stop. Get ready for a moshpit spanning many generational gaps. Tickets are $18 The Montreal-based duo Adventure Club make some Yo La Tengo – Mr. Smalls Theater – Tuesday, through of the most melodic house-infused dubstep out there, 9/29/15 and their live performances have begun to earn them Michal Menert – Club Café – Sunday, 10/4/15 top slots at summer festivals, so this show is definitely Hailing from Hoboken, New Jersey, this band celebrated a Thirsty Thursday option to keep on the calendar. its 30th anniversary last year and shows little sign of Any fan of purple haze-tinged electro-soul acts such as This is also a case where it’s just as worth going to slowing down. Their fifteenth album, Stuff Like That Pretty Lights, GRiZ, and Gramatik will find a lot to love see the opener as is it is the headliner. Snails, known There, was released in August and the band is currently for Michal Menert. The soulful producer is known for his for his incredibly unique brand of bass music dubbed on a world tour. Billed as “An Acoustic Evening,” it energetic performances that often contain some freestyle “vomitstep,” has been exploding in popularity and will stretches into December. This is a great chance to poetic rapping. He is currently touring with a six-piece surely drop a couple of his high-profile collaborations catch an intimate performance at one of Pittsburgh’s live band. Marcelo Moxy and Wildabeast are opening, with the likes of Diplo and Skrillex in a thrashing most celebrated and iconic venues. Tickets are $22 and and tickets are $15 through performance. KAYZO also opens, and tickets are $30 available through through Built to Spill – Mr. Smalls Theatre – Sunday, TAUK – Rex Theater – Friday, 10/2/15 10/4/15 Joey Peiser | Contributing Editor This four-piece prog-jam rock band delivers some funky Built to Spill has been playing live for a long time, and tunes and tight musicianship. Fans of other jam or blues the experience certainly shows. The lead singer and rock bands will definitely find a lot to get down to here. guitarist Doug Martsch takes turns between shredding However, this is a 21+ show. Bummer. Sweet Earth is some winding solos and delivering introspective lyrics opening and tickets are $12 through in his distinctive vocal style. Great for anyone interested in Pabst Blue Ribbon and vinyl parties. Helvetia and Flux Pavillion – Stage AE – Saturday, 10/3/15 Clarke and the Himselfs are opening, and tickets are $22 through For fans of heavy dubstep coupled with loud and bright performances, Flux Pavillion’s Tesla Tour stop at AE is Beats Antique – Mr. Smalls Theatre – Tuesday, going to be the highlight of your semester. This is a bit of 10/6/15 a disappointment, considering October is usually packed with bass (Last October, Skrillex, Bassnectar, the Glitch If you’re a fan of crazy, out-there, trippy weird stuff, then Mob, just to name a few, hit the Burgh). Still, Flux is sure California-based Beats Antique is the band for you. This to be a high-energy show with more anthemic drops electronic act creates sounds straight out of a middle- than you could shake a Rick and Morty themed totem eastern gypsy dub and hip-hop nightmare. Member Zoe

moviesinmcconomy McConomy Auditorium, University Center Jade Crockem | Junior Staffwriter

Avengers: Age of Ultron Friday, Oct. 2nd — 8, 11 Saturday, Oct. 3rd — 8, 11

Based on the Marvel comic book series, Avengers: Age of Ultron reunites a group of superheroes to defeat Ultron, an artificial intelligence with a mission of destroying the human race. This movie takes place largely in the fictional Eastern European country of Sokovia. It begins with Tony Stark (Iron Man), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Thor, Bruce Banner (The Hulk), Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), and Clint Barton as Hawkeye (played by Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, and Jeremy Renner respectively) infiltrating a Hydra outpost to steal Loki’s scepter from Wolfgang von Struckter (Thomas Kretschmann,) a man who was using it to experiment on humans. Upon stealing the scepter, Banner and Stark discover an artificial intelligence that Stark uses to complete Ultron, a program intended to help and defend people. However, Ultron has other plans in mind, as it believes that the only way to save the Earth is to destroy human life. Watch how the Avengers come together to stop Ultron, and begin to train a new generation of superheroes in this action packed movie. entertainment pillbox 09.28.15 5

The World as Will and Faith by Mossy Qualia

(to be continued) comics pillbox 09.28.15 7 Extra Ordinary by Li Chen

[email protected]

JK Pigeon by Alex Culang and Raynato Castro

[email protected]

comics 8 pillbox 09.28.15 Sudoku Puzzle: Very Tough Difficulty Mad Lib

Sudoku courtesy of Mad Lib courtesy of

Fill all empty squares using numbers 1 to 9. No number may Fill the empty spaces to make a fun, entertaining story. be used in the same row or column more than once.

Solutions from Sept. 21

Crossword Sudoku Maze

puzzles pillbox 09.28.15 9 Horoscopes Astrological Advice Your main idea will get tested. Don’t get impatient, and try aries to go along with the crowd on this one. Listen to a dreamer, march 21–april 19 and release a fear.

Proceed gently with caution. Don’t make hasty taurus assumptions, or things could get awkward fast. april 20–may 20

Take a step back and think. Save time and money by gemini reviewing your budget. Keep track of the money you’re may 21–june 21 planning on spending.

Take extra care with sharp objects. Close the book on an cancer old deal. Send invoices, and pay bills. june 22–july 22

Accomplish more in private than public today. Conflicts will leo arise, so be prepared. Clean, sort, and organize or paint july 23–aug. 22 something.

Crossword courtesy of virgo Don’t rock the boat. Keep your promises. Postpone travel, and make sure you know the rules. You’re surrounded by Across Down aug. 23–sept. 22 love. 1. Consider 1. Per ___ 5. Favored crime of pyromaniacs 2. Canadian gas brand 10. Deal 3. Words to Brutus Discuss dreams with a loved one. Try to compromise. A 14. Ratio words 4. Ray of moonlight libra fantasy can come true with focus. 15. First prime minister of India 5. Having a handle sept. 23–oct. 22 16. Pale 6. Ignited again 17. This, in Tijuana 7. Type of guard 18. Slip 8. Old California fort 19. Pack ___ (quit) 9. Monetary unit of Peru Mistakes, delays, and miscommunication slow you down. 20. Large hill 10. Too much acrylic on the canvas? scorpio Consider the consequences before taking action. 22. Seaport in NE Italy 11. Italian wine center oct. 23–nov. 21 24. Inner layer of a quilt 12. In vogue 25. Shed feathers 13. Actress Daly 26. Tranquil 21. Makes brown 29. Editorial writer 23. Vivacity Attend to a squeaky wheel. Chose privacy over publicity. 33. Entreaties 25. Windows predecessor sagittarius Separate fact from fantasy. Fix what doesn’t work, but don’t 34. Radioactive gas 26. Cleft nov. 22–dec. 21 change what isn’t broken. 35. Cpl., for one 27. Select group 36. Neeson of “Rob Roy” 28. Peruses 37. Christmas song 29. Steve of country music 38. Agricultural implement 30. Small bay capricorn Costs are higher than expected. Don’t take a risk now. 39. ___ be an honor 31. Teatime treat Look around for a better price, and spend more time at 40. Dirties 32. High building dec. 22–jan. 19 home. 41. “Goodnight” girl 34. Bluffer’s ploy 42. Precedent setter 37. Interaction 44. Owl, e.g. 38. Offer of marriage 45. Chantilly product 40. Scrutinize aquarius Offer advice only upon request, and avoid stomping on 46. ___ d’etat 41. Chits someone’s sensitivities. Share appreciations, and consider 47. Oppressor 43. Aztec god of rain jan. 20–feb. 18 all possibilities. 50. Jewish festival 44. Inn 54. Actual 46. Magna ___ 55. Inactive 47. Stepped 57. It’s a long story 48. Abominable snowman Wait for developments. You don’t have the full story yet. pisces 58. “Beetle Bailey” dog 49. Phooey! Stay out of someone else’s troubles. 59. Use a soapbox 50. ___ moss feb. 19–march 20 60. Med. school course 51. Windmill part 61. Round object, often used to 52. Alaska’s first governor store computer data 53. Pro ___ (proportionally) Maryyann Landlord | Comics Editor 62. Birth-related 56. Heston’s org 63. Singer Horne horoscopes 10 pillbox 09.28.15 Monday 09/28 Thursday 10/01 Carnegie Mellon University Wind Ensemble Kregse Theatre, College of Fine Arts. 5 p.m. Mellow Mondays Beyond the Obvious The Carnegie Mellon University Wind Ensemble, Market Square. Noon–1 p.m. Robert Morris Media Arts Gallery. 4:30–6:30 p.m. under the direction of George Vosburgh, Thomas Part of the continuation of Summer in the Square, Two Carnegie Mellon artists will be featured in an Thompson, and Stephen Story, will perform works Mellow Mondays feature live acoustic entertainment to exhibit at the Robert Morris University Media Arts by Kevin Volans, Knut Nystedt, Edgard Vanese, and kick off the week. This Monday features performances Gallery, beginning Oct. 1. Collaborative photography several others. Sean Donaldson, a bass-baritonist, will by Mike Arnold. The performances are free and open and poetry works by Carnegie Mellon Professor Jim be joining the ensemble. The ensemble will perform to the public. Daniels and Charlee Brodsky will be showcased in a show this Saturday, Oct. 3, and again on Saturday, this month-long exhibit. It will include the duo’s work Oct. 10. The show is free and open to the public. Bend Yoga from the passed decade, as well as an interactive art Hotel Monaco. 6:30–7:30 p.m. component. This Monday, the featured event in this summer’s Ongoing Moonlight Mondays will be yoga under the stars. It Jazz at Andy’s will take place on the rooftop of Hotel Monaco, and is Andy’s Wine Bar. 7:30–10 p.m. The Mysterious Nature of Fungi suitable for people of all yoga skill levels. The event is Andy’s will be celebrating the history of Pittsburgh Hunt Library, 5th Floor. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.—Noon free for Hotel Monaco guests, and $15 for everyone Jazz with a series of jazz performances this fall. Dane and 1–5 p.m.; Sunday, 1–4 p.m. else. This event takes place outdoors and is weather Vennatter will be performing this Thursday, and will be From now until Dec. 17, The Hunt Institute for permitting. playing a variety of songs that portray the legacy of Botanical Documentation will have its fall exhibit on jazz music in American history. display. The exhibit displays a variety of organisms found all over the world, and aims to show just how Wednesday 09/30 mysterious each one can be. Viewing the exhibit is Saturday 10/03 free of charge and open to the public. Color of the Year and “City of Cards” Unveiling PPG Place, Building #1. 11 a.m. Flux Pavilion 2015 Tesla Tour Beginning in the morning and continuing into the Stage AE. 8 p.m. afternoon and evening, PPG Place will be holding the The Flux Pavilion 2015 Tesla Tour comes to Pittsburgh annual Color of the Year unveiling, beginning Sep. 30 this Saturday, and will feature a lengthy and talented Compiled by India Price | Assistant Pillbox Editor in front of PPG Building #1. This year, the Color of EDM lineup of special guests. Flux Pavilion’s the Year will be displayed in the form of a card castle, performance will be intermixed with performances built by Guinness World Record holder Bryan Berg. by 12th Planet, LOUDPVCK, NIGHTMRE, Wilkinson, The castle will be built with 21,000 cards containing and DISKORD. Tickets can be found at a variety thousands of color swatches from the PPG Paints of vendors online. Some vendors have discounted Want your event here? store. Various castles will be under construction by tickets available. Email [email protected]. Berg until Oct. 2. The “City of Cards” castles will be on display until Oct. 4. The unveiling is free of charge and open to all ages.

calendar pillbox 09.28.15 11 thrival.

Francois Ban | Junior Photographer The Thrival festival took place last week in six locations across Pittsburgh and celebrated the city’s prominence in both innovation and music. A concert featuring a variety of musical acts was held at the ALMONO innovation event site in Hazelwood on Saturday. Above: Raekwon and Ghostface Killah mesmerize audience with flashy lights during their set.

feature 12pillbox 09.28.15