Senegal River Basin Health Master Plan Study
SENEGAL RIVER BASIN HEALTH MAETER PLAN STUDY WASH Field Report No. 453 December 1994 SANITATION fbr --- ~.rea+r.rr~fi PROJECT -- Sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development Operated by CDM and Associates WASH Field Report No. 453 Senegal River Basin Health Master Plan Study Prepared for the USAlD Mission to Senegal U. S. Agency for International Development under WASH Task No. 5 12 Mbarack Diop William R. Jobin with Nicolas G. Adrien Fereydoun Arfaa Judith Auk1 Sax& Bertoli-Minor Ralph W~~PP Jan Rozendaal December 1994 Water and Slnimtion for Hdth Project C-t No. DPJi-5973-Z4WO81-00, Project No. 936-5973 is sponsod by Me Bumu for Glow Programs, Field Suppoh and Resurch Offh of Hdth rad Nuaitibn U.S. Agency for IntennW Development Wdingmn, DC 20523 Senegal River Basin Health Master Plan Shady ERRATA P. xix, paragraph 6, line 1 : "The Senegal River rises in Guinea.." P. 21, paragraph 4, lines 4-5: "Giventhe decrease in midalls in the Lawer€.,c~..." P. 35, Current Findings/Epiderniological Survey, paragraph 2, line 1: "Inthe Delta, three schools on the Mauritanian bank of the river (Finuresand 14)..." - P. 57, Figure 20: Green line = St. Louis, red line = Dagana P. 68, fourth full paragraph, line 3: "...toallow fanners to harvest a normal crop and Figure 25)." !~ENEGALRIVHIBASMHEALTHMASLPZPLANST~Y CONTENTS ... Acknowledgements ............................................... xu1 Acronyms ...................................................... xv Preface ........................................................ xix ExecutiveSummary
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