2,546,700 March 27, 1951
March 27, 1951 PRESCOTT, JR MULTIPLE CHISEL STRUCTURE FOR DISINTEGRATING AND REMOWING2,546,700 INCRUSTATIONS FROM INTERIOR WALLS OF RECEPTACLES Original Filled Sept. 2, 1944 2. Sheets-Sheet INVENTOR. 6A74azas/7 A2asco 77/2, 2 ATTORNEY. March 27, 1951 c. H. PREscoTT, JR 2,546,700 MULTIPLE CHISEL STRUCTURE FOR DISINTEGRATING AND REMOWING INCRUSTATIONS FROM INTERIOR WALLS OF RECEPTACLES Original Filled Sept. 2, l944 2. Sheets-Sheet 2 -/03 136 2 2 A?/ x-42W12 E -54 S a3 A76.5 S. 3 2 R R 2 /46 /44 /74 /64 /4O s% 3 s &a /42, 2:/72 Š&24ze N i S s 76 f 5.s s s 3:y a NN SN 24/32 %io Ave. 7 INVENTOR. Gaezais /7. A2a56O77. /e. BY ATTORNEY. Patented Mar. 27, 1951 2,546,700 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,546,700 MULTIPLE CHISEL STRUCTURE FOR DIS INTEGRATING AND REMOVING INCRUS TATIONS FROM INTERIOR, WALLS OF RECEPTACLES Charles H. Prescott, Jr., Berkeley, Calif., assignor to the United States of America as represented by the United States Atomic Energy Commis sion Original application September 2, 1944, Serial No. 552,556. Divided and this application Novem ber 2, 1945, Serial No. 626,388 4 Claims. (CI, 15-104.16) This invention relates to apparatus for use in aging the hygroscopic uranium compound com connection with packaging and/or closing, in the prises a subliming chamber, a condensing cham absence of air, receptacles containing material ber joined thereto, a storage receptacle and a that is rapidly decomposed or otherwise affected conduit connecting the condensing chamber and deleteriously when exposed to atmospheric con storage receptacle, means for maintaining a vacu ditions.
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