Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 34 / Monday, February 22, 1999 / Notices 8553 reauthorization of OERI and will hear DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Orders are summarized in the attached committee and officers' reports. A final appendix. [FE Docket Nos. 99±01±NG, 99±03±NG, 99± agenda will be available from the Board 02±NG, 99±04±NG, 92±24±NG, 99±05±NG, These Orders may be found on the FE office on March 10, 1999, and will be and 99±06±NG] web site at http://www.fe.doe.gov., or posted on the Board's web site, http:// on the electronic bulletin board at (202) www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/NERPPB/. Office of Fossil Energy; Orders 586±7853. Granting and Transferring Records are kept of all Board They are also available for inspection Authorizations To Import and/or Export proceedings and are available for public and copying in the Office of Natural Gas Natural Gas inspection at the office of the National & Petroleum Import & Export Activities, Educational Research Policy and OGE Energy Resources, Inc., National Fuel Docket Room 3E±033, Forrestal Priorities Board, Suite 100, 80 F St., Gas Distribution Corporation, Renaissance Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20208±7564. Energy (U.S.) Inc., Selkirk Cogen Partners, SW, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586± L.P., Coral Energy Resources, L.P. (Successor 9478. The Docket Room is open between Dated: February 16, 1999. to Salmon Resources Ltd.), Transco Energy the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Eve M. Bither, Marketing Company, and Petro-Canada Hydrocarbons Inc. Monday through Friday, except Federal Executive Director. holidays. AGENCY: Office of Fossil Energy, DOE. [FR Doc. 99±4243 Filed 2±19±99; 8:45 am] Issued in Washington, DC, on February 12, ACTION: BILLING CODE 4000±01±M Notice of orders. 1999. SUMMARY: The Office of Fossil Energy John W. Glynn, (FE) of the Department of Energy gives Manager, Natural Gas Regulation, Office of notice that it has issued Orders granting Natural Gas & Petroleum Import & Export and transferring various natural gas Activities, Office of Fossil Energy. import and export authorizations. These Attachment APPENDIX ORDERS GRANTING AND TRANSFERRING IMPORT/EXPORT AUTHORIZATION [DOE/FE Authority] Two-year maximum Order No. Date Importer/exporter FE dock- Comments issued et No. Import volume Export volume 1452 ......... 01/11/99 OGE Energy Resources, 400 Bcf Import and export up to a combined total from and to Inc., 99±01±NG. Canada beginning on the date of first delivery. 1453 ......... 01/21/99 National Fuel Gas Distribu- 33.8 Bcf Import and export up to a combined total from and to tion Corporation, 99±03± Canada beginning on January 28, 1999, and end- NG. ing on January 28, 2001. 1454 ......... 01/22/99 Renaissance Energy 250 Bcf Import and export up to a combined total from and to (U.S.) Inc., 99±02±NG. Canada beginning on February 1, 1999, through January 31, 2001. 1455 ......... 01/22/99 Selkirk Cogen Partners, 57 Bcf Import and export up to a combined total from and to L.P., 99±04±NG. Canada beginning on January 29, 1999, through January 28, 2001. 690±A ....... 01/25/99 Coral Energy Resources, ....................... ....................... Transfer of long-term import authority. L.P., (Successor to Salmon Resources Ltd.), 92±24±NG. 1456 ......... 01/28/99 Transco Energy Marketing 730 Bcf .......... ....................... Import from Canada beginning on February 7, 1999, Company, 99±05±NG. and ending on February 6, 2001. 1457 ......... 01/29/99 Petro-Canada Hydro- 300 Bcf .......... ....................... Import from Canada beginning on March 4, 1999, carbons Inc., 99±06±NG. through March 3, 2001. [FR Doc. 99±4287 Filed 2±19±99; 8:45 am] ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an in southeastern Idaho. The Department BILLING CODE 6450±01±P environmental impact statement. proposes to treat its inventory of sodium-bonded spent nuclear fuel to SUMMARY: The Department of Energy remove and stabilize the reactive DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY announces its intent to prepare an metallic sodium constituent and to Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) produce metal and ceramic waste forms, Notice of Intent To Prepare an pursuant to the National Environmental considered to be high-level waste, that Environmental Impact Statement for Policy Act (NEPA) for the proposed would facilitate interim storage and Electrometallurgical Treatment of electrometallurgical treatment of ultimate disposal of this material. The Sodium-Bonded Spent Nuclear Fuel in Department of Energy-owned sodium- EIS will evaluate reasonable action the Fuel Conditioning Facility at bonded spent nuclear fuel in the Fuel alternatives to electrometallurgical Argonne National Laboratory-West, Conditioning Facility at Argonne treatment in the Fuel Conditioning Idaho National Engineering and National Laboratory-West (ANL±W). Facility at ANL-W and a no-action Environmental Laboratory, Idaho ANL±W, a center of nuclear technology alternative. The Department invites the development and testing, is located on general public, other Federal agencies, AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy. the Idaho National Engineering and American Indian tribes, state and local Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) site governments, and all other interested VerDate 09-FEB-99 16:19 Feb 19, 1999 Jkt 183247 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\22FEN1.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 22FEN1 8554 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 34 / Monday, February 22, 1999 / Notices parties to comment on the scope of this 450±6904 to leave a detailed message complications of disposal qualification EIS. with their comments and requests. and licensing. Technologies for spent DATES: To ensure consideration in the These are both toll-free telephone nuclear fuel treatment that might preparation of the draft EIS, comments numbers. Comments and requests may facilitate such qualification and should be transmitted or postmarked by also be submitted by electronic mail to licensing should therefore be considered April 8, 1999. Comments submitted [email protected]. in reaching a disposition decision for after that date will be considered to the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For Department-owned sodium-bonded extent practicable. general information on the Department fuels. One such technology for sodium- The Department will conduct public of Energy NEPA process, please contact: bonded spent fuel disposition is the scoping meetings in Idaho Falls and Carol Borgstrom, Director, Office of electrometallurgical treatment technique Boise in Idaho, near the Department's NEPA Policy and Assistance, Office of that the Department is developing and Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Environment, Safety and Health, U.S. demonstrating at the Argonne National Carolina, and in the Washington, DC Department of Energy, EH±42, 1000 Laboratory. This technology is currently area, to provide the public with Independence Avenue, SW, the most developed for treatment of information about the proposed project Washington, DC 20585±0119, 202±586± sodium-bonded spent fuel. In addition and to receive oral and written 4600 or leave a message at 1±800±472± to electrometallurgical treatment, the comments on the scope of the EIS, 2756. Department will examine all reasonable alternative technologies and assess the including reasonable alternatives and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: environmental issues that the technical risks associated with these Department should consider. The dates, Background various potential solutions. In a 1995 report, the National times, and locations for these public The Department of Energy is Research Council Committee on meetings are as follows: responsible for the safe and efficient Electrometallurgical Techniques for management of 250 different types of March 9, 1999 (6:00 pm±9:00 pm) DOE Spent Fuel Treatment Shilo Inn, 780 Lindsay Blvd., Idaho spent nuclear fuel, including its recommended that the Department Falls, ID 83402, (208) 523±0088 ultimate disposition (which is expected confirm the technical feasibility and March 11, 1999 (6:00 pm±9:00 pm) to be disposal in a geologic repository). cost effectiveness of electrometallurgical Boise Centre on the Grove, 850 West Some Department spent fuels may be Front Street, Boise, ID 83702, (208) treatment of its sodium-bonded spent suitable for disposal with little or no nuclear fuel through a technology 336±8900 stabilizing treatment. Other spent fuel demonstration using sodium-bonded March 15, 1999 (6:00 pm±9:00 pm) types may not be suitable for disposal North Augusta Community Center, spent nuclear fuel that had been without significant treatment or removed from the Experimental Breeder 495 Brookside Avenue, North stabilization. Augusta, SC 29842, (803) 441±4290 Reactor±II (EBR±II) at ANL±W. Prior to One type of spent nuclear fuel that acting on the recommendation, the March 18, 1999 (2:00 pm±5:00 pm) may not be suitable for disposal without Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Department prepared the Environmental treatment is sodium-bonded spent Assessment for the Electrometallurgical Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, nuclear fuel. Sodium-bonded spent VA 22202, (703) 418±1234 Treatment Research and Demonstration nuclear fuel contains metallic sodium, a Project in the Fuel Conditioning Facility These public scoping meetings will highly reactive material. Metallic at Argonne National Laboratory-West also be announced in local media at sodium reacts vigorously with water or (DOE/EA±1148) and issued a Finding of least 15 days prior to the meeting dates. moist air producing heat, potentially No Significant Impact on May 15, 1996. During
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