Reactor Centrum Nederland
RCN H-lfS REACTOR CENTRUM NEDERLAND RCX-186 INVESTIGATION'S ON' l'RAN>L CHLORIDE, ITS HYDRATES, AND BAL;I" SALTS by G. Prins RCN does not assume any liabili;;' with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document. is: >?:'': as o. t><?~ifi, Vr i"verr\ity \T.'J '.•'••:":• Petten, May 1973. St'MMARY 'ibis report describes the preparation and an inwst: .-at io:. physieo-cheniical properties ot uranyl .-hlorivie, its i.y.-.r .*.•. 01 its basic sales. The Methods lor Lhe synthesis ot l'i'.,i\,, l'U .i!L , .'t; ,i , .U'.vi i; li«vo beer. critically reviewed in Chapter Li and L:U: :::a:<> ru been careiulLy checked. In order to obtain more information on phase rv latienshiy :- uranyl chloride - water system, the system I'O - \iC\ - •• ,i been investigated (Chapter III;. Five solubility rogi.ns :. round with the corresponding solid phases ."i>,i:i ..JH.O, l\> ,•.i. : i .•: . 2UO.HCl.4H.vO, 4U0 .HCl ÖH,Ü, and L'O .2ri,0. One oi the throe basie salts, 4U0 .HCL.8H ,0, is tsetastable. This compound has no. heen described before. Since the basic salt ro,(OH)C1.2H,0 is congruently soluhle, it ran '.-.- prepared easily. Vibrational spectra of U0oJio, its hydrates, l'0,<oh)C1.2H,u, i'i',. Jt-,i>. and lour other uranyl compounds have been obtained (Chapt.r l\'). !:;.• interpretation of these spectra has heen restricted to a discussion ot the stretching frequencies of the uranyl group.
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