GOLDEN SPIKE ENTERPRISES, INC. Telephone: (813) 949-7197 RAILROAD MEMORABILIA BOUGHT & SOLD P.O. Box 985 (703) 536-2954 Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639 FAX: (813) 949-2679 Web Site: E-Mail:
[email protected] List #150 Winter 2019 - 2020 Dear Friends: Listed below are all authentic railroad items. All items carry a money back guarantee; we must be notified in writing of returns within five days of receipt. Postage and insurance are extra. Mastercard and Visa are accepted. All trades will be considered. Florida residents must add 7% sales tax to all orders. Please include $20.00 to cover shipping and insurance on each order. All orders are shipped via UPS and require a Street address to be delivered. Alan H. Altman Charles W. Miller SPECIAL NOTE TO CHINA REFERENCES – All references in the descriptions of the china are from Mr. Richard Luckin’s book, Dining on Rails (An Encyclopedia of Railroad China) or Mr. Douglas McIntyre’s book, The Official Guide to Railroad Dining Car China. A. RAILROAD CHINA The following are abbreviations used in describing the china: 1. TL – Top Logo 10. CVC – Chicago Vitrified China 20. OHO – Ohio Pottery 2. SL – Side Logo 11. GDA – GDA Limoges 21. ROS – Rosenthan China 3. TM – Top Marked 12. GNY – Grindley 22. SCM – Scammell (Lamberton) China 4. SM – Side Marked 13. HAV – Limoges, France 23. SGO - Shenango China 5. BS – Backstamped with 14. Jak – Jackson China 24. STR – Sterling China name of railroad 15. LAM – Lamberton 25. SYR – Syracuse China 6. NBS – Not Backstamped 16. LEX – Lenox 26.