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CHESTER STOCK Dr. Chester Stock, professor of paleonto 1 o g y at the California In- stitute since 1926, has guided the pro- gress of paleonto- logical research in the western states and Mexico, and has contributed to the study of early man in America. Dr. Stock has made important fossil discoveries in the California Coast Ranges, and has conducted important field studies under a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship. CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1947

. . .

JOHN A. SCHUTZ The Professional Engineers' Registration Act . 3

In 1945 John A. Schutz joined the The Dawn Horse or Eohippus . 4 Division o f t h e Chester Stock. Humanities as an By instructor of his- tory in the Navy V-5 program. Sagebrush Diplomacy . 6 Since the depart- By John A. Scbutz ure of the Navy, Dr. S c h u t z has taught American C. I. T. News . 8 history and coached the CalTech de- bate squad. Born in Los Angeles and receiving Book Review . . 12 all of his education in the California schools, Dr. Schutz is a local pro- Alumni News . . 13 duct. He won his doctorate from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1945, where he had pre- viously instructed in the Army Spe- cialized Training Program and in the civilian courses in British-American relations. During his years at U.C.L.A. Dr. Schutz achieved the honor of a Uni- versity of California Fellowship in ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY History for 1943-1944, membership in Phi Kappa Delta, honorary speech society, and a record as champion de- Published at the California Institute of Technology bater and orator. Dr. Schutz also was one of the founders of the U.C.- PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: Hugh F. Colvin '36, Chairman; Raymond D. L.A. Graduate Guild and served as Andrews '15; Harry K. Farrar '27; Robert G. Smith '31. its first president. EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Hugh F. Colvin, Chairman; Pro- Dr. Schutz is the author of many fessor George W. Beadle, biology; Professor Robert D. Gray, industrial relations; articles on American colonial history George H. Hall, administrative assistant to the President; Langdon Hedrick, Presi- and is at present putting the finishing dent, ASCIT; Professor Richard H. Jahns '35, geology and geophysics; Professor touches on a biography. William H. Pickering '32, electrical engineering; Professor J. E. Wallace Sterling, humanities; Professor Ernest C. Watson, physics and mathematics. EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Professor of English George R. MacMinn.

STAFF: Editor-in-Chief---Hugh F. Colvin, '36 Business Manager-Wesley P. Bunnelle Managing Editor-Wesley P. Bunnelle Circulation Manager-W. D. Sellers, '25 COVER CAPTION Associate and News Editor-Jeanne Basham Diesel engine being tested on a dynamometer in the mechanical en- ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY n publnhed monthly on the 25th of each month gineering laboratory at the California bv the Alumni Association. California Institute of Technology. Inc.. 1201 East California Street. Pasadena. California. Annual subscription $3.50. single copies 33 cent% Entered as second class Institute of Technology. The test is matter at the Post Office at Pasadena, California. on September 6. 1939. under the Act of March being made by Peter Kyropoulos, in- 3. 1879. All Publishers' Righw Reserved. Reproduction of material contained herein forbidden structor in mechanical engineering. without written authorwation.

APRIL, 1947 Page 1 fit $2532-6

1. In 1946 the owners of Union Oil C onlpany 2. For Union Oil Company is owned not by 3. Even this sum wasn't all paid uut in divi- made ~toialnit proht of $8,867,023. Most ot 1 man or 2 but by 35,012 individual Ameri- dends. $4,200,753 was left in the business So us will admit that almost 9 million dollars 1s cans -enough to fill a good-iiized ball park dividends paid out -money that aitnally went A lot ot money. But what many of uii fail to Divided among that many owners, the net to the owners aver~gcdlust $133.28 per consider is that those proht dollars were dl- profits (~tually'weraged ju5t $253.26 per -.haieholi.ier,or $1 1 1 I per month Wages paid vided among a lot ot people. common shareholder. out, plus the cost of retirement and other ben- efit plans, averaged $3.522.70 pi.1 employee, or $293.56 per month.

4. In other words, while Union Oil Com- 5. There are 56 in Spokane, Washington, 6. SO it is not the investments ofa few mil- pany looks pretty big from the standpoint of 10 in Grants Pass,Oregon, 177 in Bakersfield, lionaires, but the comhined savings of thou- ail its oil wells, refineries, service stations, etc., (. alitoriua,etc. 2,150areUnionOil employees. sands of average citizens, that make Union the company is actually owned- -and the prof- The. average shareholder owns 153 shares- Oil -and most American corporations- -pos- its shared-by ordinary Americans like you about $2,900 worth on today's market Some sible, and without some such method of pro- and your neighbor next door. 70% of these own less than this,some mole, but the largest viding the necessary tools, American mass owners live in the West. owns only about 1'0 of the total shares out- production which is based on fret ~iimp~titiiin staniJtng. could never have been aciomplisl~ed.


G AND SCIENCE MONT The Professional Engineers' Registration

HE PROPOSED Professional Engineers' Registra- In small organiations where one engineer is in full tion Act, recently introduced into the California charge of engineering it appears certain that he would T State Assembly where it became Assembly Bill be required to register. 1930, would make any person guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of $100 to $500 if he engages As the bill facilitates registration of those who in the practice of professional engineering without have practiced professional engineering for some having been registered as provided by this Act, un- time, there should be no reluctance on the part of less he is exempt from registration. present engineers to approve the act for fear they would have difficulty passing registration exainina- One of the first questions asked about the proposed tions. act by an engineer is whether he is included among Proponents of the proposed act argue, among other those who must be registered. The phrase "practice points, that it will aid in safeguarding health, life, of professional engineering" is so broadly defined by property and public welfare by giving the public a the bill that no Tech man should entertain any minimum standard by which to judge engineering doubts regarding his inclusion so far as this phrase competence and bv prohibiting persons of lesser qual- is concerned. Either he is clearly not included be- ifications from offering engineering service to the cause his work is definitely non-engineering in char- public. They cite, as an example, the case of Robert acter or he is included by the definition. Magee who posed as a chemical engineer and, through The engineer should look closely at this bill if it mishandling of a large quantity of perchloric acid, would make hip- guilty of a misdemeanor in case he caused one of the most deadly and property-destruc- continued working as at present. He may, of couise, tive industrial explosions in the history of Los An- avoid committing a misdemeanor by registering as geles when the 07Connor electro-plating plant was a professional engineer. But let us consider the im- destroyed in February. Had the proposed Registra- port of the phrase "unless he is exempt from regis- tion Act been functioning before he was hired, Mr. tration." There are two broad exempt classes: first, Magee would have been asked to wroduce evidence engineers whose practice does not affect the health of his registration in cpalifying for the position. The and safety of persons, and second, engineers who do act's proponents state that he would have been un- not assume responsible charge of work. The first able to meet the requirements for registration, his class probably does not exempt as large a fraction of incompetence would have been recognized, and he engineers as the second. It appears that work such would not have attained the position of responsibility as evaluation and planning would not affect personal and trust which permitted him to destroy 14 persons health or safety, but that work such as design and and property worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. supervision of construction would affect health and safety and would therefore be involved. Members Opponents of the proposed act answer this argu of the second exempt class. subordinate engineers. ment by saying, first, that it would not eliminate in- probably far outnumber supervisory engineers. Al- competence, and second, that misuse of technical together it appears that those exempt from registra- competence might still injure the public interest. In tion far outnumber those who must register. answer to the first argument, there is considerable reason to believe that incompetence in responsible It is conceivable that in a large group of engineers positions would be greatly reduced by the act, if not reporting through organization lines to a chief en- eliminated. Undertakings requiring legal permit would gineer, only the chief engineers would be required require approval of a registered engineer and experi- to register. However, if a subordinate engineer signs ence shows that such approval would become import- drawing specifications as final approval before con- ant for projects not legally requiring it. As the re- struction which niight affect personal health or safe- ty, it appears that he would be required to register. (Continued on page 7)


ECfcNTLY COMPLETED in the laboratory of The California Institute specimen shown in figure 1 vertebrate paleontology at the California Institute was collected in the summer of 1931 by Professor of Technology is the first free or open mount of E. 1,. Troxell of Trinity College, Connecticut, who a tiny early member of the horse family. The diffi- discovered the material in landlaid strata of the Big cult task of preparing this specimen and of recon- Horn Basin, northwestern Wyoming. Unfortunately, ¥ttructin missing parts was accomplished by William the skeleton and skull do not belong to the same in- Otto, sculptor and preparator at the Institute An dividual, but the disparity in size of the skull with innovation is the use of leucite in the supporting regard to that of the body is such as to not give the framework of the skeleton, giving a lightness and head an appearance of being disproportionately large. clarity of presentation rarely achieved in the prepara- Both parts of the mounted specimen were found in tion of ~uchmaterials. While thousands of frag- the same deposit. When discovered the skull was mnts of jaws and skulls, teeth, and parts of skeletons badly smashed and preserved in an extremely well of Eohippus have been collected by a number of in- indurated, fine grained sandstone. The available stitutions, there are only three or four mounted skele- parts were removed from the matrix and oriented in tons of this animal in existence. With the exception proper position, as they would have occurred in an of the present individual, the other two or three have undamaged skull. This operation required consider- becn Anrenared L on nlaauesa L or as half mounts in which. able skill and patience on the part of Mr. Otto. for the most part, only one-half of the body is shown. The most obvious difference between Eohippus and Eohippus, as the early ancestor of the modern horse the modern horse is the tiny size of the former (see has come to be called, occurs in lower Eocene strata figure 2). The Eohippus specimen has a shoulder that were deposited some 45 millions years ago. It height of only 13 inches, in contrast to 5 feet, 3 inches is interesting to note in passing that the name of which represents the height of a modern horse of this animal was actually coined by Thomas Henry average size. There are many additional features to Huxley during a visit to the United States in 1876. be seen in this diminutive early member of the horse On that occasion, Huxley, the great proponent of tribe. Its body, for example, is long and the back the theory of evolution, was much impressed by the is arched. The bones of the legs retain their primi- factual evidence in support of the theory offered by tive and generalized relations. Those of the lower the Yale University collection of fossil horses. The segments of the limbs do not show the coalescense collection had been gathered by Professor 0. C. and reduction of elements seen in later, more special- Marsh in the course of his explorations for fossils ized types of horses. Eohippus likewise possesses a in the badlands of the Great Plains and Rocky greater number of functional toes, namely four in Mountains. It was not long after Huxley's comments the front and three in the hind feet, while in Equus luring this visit that Marsh applied the name there is only a single functional digit in each foot. Eohippus to a type of horse discovered in the lower The cheek-teeth are short-crowned with low cusps, Eocene deposits of the and thus noticeably different from the long-crowned

Figure 1. Skeleton of EOHIPPUS, discovered in the Big Horn Basin, northeastern Wyoming, and mounted by the Division of Geology's Paleon- toioeical department. One-fifth na- tural size. EOHIPPUS MODERN HORSE EVOLUTION OF THE HORSE FROM EOHIPPUS TO EQUUS ire 2. grinding teeth in Equus. Moreover, in Eohippus the were widespread on the North American continent premolars are unlike the molars, whereas in the at the time. It seems reasonable to infer from the modern horse all these teeth are essentially alike in delicate construction of Eohippus, and from the char- appearance and construction, with the exception of acters of the teeth and feet, that the animal often the first premolar which has become either greatly sought the shelter of a wooded environment (figure reduced in size or has been lost. 3). Moreover, this ancient member of the horse fam- Judging from its dentition Eohippus was probably ily was probably more a browsing than a grazing mam- an omnivore feeding on a variety of plant foods. mal. Eohippus had not yet acquired the fleetness of Ample evidence is available from a study of the fos- foot that distinguishes its larger plains dwelling de- sil plants of the lower Eocene to indicate that forests scendants of later geological time.

Figure 3. Restoration of EOHIPPUS. Teeth and feet of the skeleton indicate that this predecessor of the modern horse was a forest-dwelling animal.


MATEURS direct our foreign policy. Ever since Senate. The executive agreement, however, proved ackson's administration, when the political vir- to be a dangerous expedient for the thoughtful pro- AJtues of the common man were first tested, the cesses of peaceful diplomacy. President Roosevelt's unprofessional conduct of our foreign policy has own policy of carrying decisions by memoranda or served to bewilder and alarm the nation. New declar- by memory complicated for his successor the deter- ations of policy, startling disclosures of information, mined course of peace as agreed upon at Yalta. inept decisions make the history of our international President Truman has employed another technique policy uneven and have caused people to query whe- -"the non-partisan foreign policy." From its very ther we actually have a foreign policy. The rocky name an admission is made that the country has no road since 1919 leaves much doubt. policy, that politicians must share in steering the The structure of the United States government for nation to peace. Its success has been limited. With determining foreign policy is partly responsible for international - minded legislators chosen from both our curious approach. By law the president and the branches of Congress, the plan has been used at the Senate determine the enforcement of American policy. San Francisco Conference, in committees of the The president negotiates; the Senate approves. As a U. N. O., and in the new economic organizations. watchdog of constitutional liberties the Senate's role Also, men like Herbert Hoover, Bernard Baruch, has been cautious and relations with the president John Foster Dulles, have accepted tasks under this usually are strained. policy, though their tenure is limited to the settle- The president has traditionally set the nation's ment of particular problems and their appointments policy-an unwritten prerogative derived from his serve mainly to emphasize the gravity of international power to send and receive envoys and negotiate with issues. other nations. His extensive files of information, his Dissention already has appeared in the non-partisan supervision of our envoys, and his command of the policy. The withdrawal of leading senators recently military forces make possible some concentration of from further activities in the U. N. O., the announce- attention and give some continuity to our policy. But ment of Republicans that they reserve the right to his dependence upon the Senate complicates his. tasks. criticize foreign policy, and President Truman's de- Its rapid turn-over of men on the foreign affairs com- cision to push his appointments on the Atom Bomb mittee, its suspicion of the executive, and its desire Commission illustrate significant steps away from the to increase its prestige usually cause trouble. The truce of party warfare on diplomatic issues. The pres- president must compromise, tone his treaties to sena- ident's own decision to startle the nation in the crises torial sentiments, and be attentive to party politics of Greece and Turkey heralds a return to pressure rather than form his treaties solely for the good of in dealing with Congress. Declarations of this kind the nation. President Washington wanted harmony serve to arouse the people, and through them Con- with the Senate and tried to work with it. The gress, but they often increase the tension in foreign Senate debated his proposed treaty, quibbled over affairs and put the United States in an uncomfortable definitions, and amended it so unmercifully "'"that position. when Washington left the Senate Chamber, he said This divided responsibility has bred amateurs, for that he would be damned if he ever went there only the self-sacrificing statesman will volunteer for again." Secretary of State John Hay likened a treaty foreign service. Salaries are low, advancement slow, passing through the Senate to a bull going into an ultimate reward doubtful. Usually the service is grena. "No one could sav iust how or when the final T, pinched by economy-minded congressmen who know blow will fall-hut one thing is certain, it will never little about international practices and see little value leave the arena alive." in adequate pay for posts thousands of miles from Since 1789 the Senate has belligerently rejected the electorate. The career diplomat receives poverty more than 175 treaties, either by outright refusal, or in exchange for knowledge, and if he has luck and by emasculating them through amendment, or by political connections, will reach only some second- shelving them. President Wilson suffered one of the rate ministerial post. One career diplomat recently bitterest blows of his career from senators entrenched achieved the honor of being named undersecretary of in the foreign affairs committee. The narrow parti- state, but a change in policy removed him and he san spirit of 1919 destroyed plans for international now edits books on foreign policy. peace that took another 25 years to form. President Truman already has experienced embarrassments from Sons of wealthy businessmen have been attracted a Senate scrupulous in its regard of appointments. by the dignity of diplomatic positions in the social life of foreign countries. Though they have no de- The Senate can be bypassed. President Roosevelt sire at first to become diplomats, distinguished am- used the executive agreement during the war to speed bassadors often have arisen from this group. Mr. decisions and save himself from the heated anvils of Hugh Gibson, however, caustically denounced these the Senate. But the crisis facing the country and wealthy men as the "white spats, tea drinkers, cookie- his popularity protected him against rebellion in the ------pushers" brigade. Graham H. Stuart, American Diplomatic and Consular Since the chief posts in the diplomatic service are Practice (New York, 1936), p. 5T. usually reserved for party workers, men who have

Page 6 RING AND SCIENCE influence with members of the Senate, the tradition a satisfactory solution. This would prevent at least of having amateurs is renewed at each election. Re- a minority from tying up foreign decisions. tired manufacturers, wealthy industrialists, and defeat- Obviously, a national center for the study of Ainer- ed legislators are given posts abroad as rewards for ican foreign policy would make the Senate more re- campaign contributions. Their service has usually sponsive and enable the president to secure better been mediocre, but sometimes a Charles Francis appointments. This metamorphosis certainly should Adams turns up. More often, however, the nation reflect also in our international outlook. Its present is bewildered by its diplomats. Sudden disclosures immaturity might give way to thoughtful understand- from them regarding the behavior of subordinates ing. Eventually attention to the formulation of inter- keep the State Department on its toes, but are not national policy also should bring stability, the desire conducive to a well disciplined administration. Re- to think in terms of principles, and a willingness to cently the abrupt report of subversive actions of measure crises in the light of international policy. Americans in China excited the nation; the Ambassa- dor's accusations found a hearing in Congress; the only result of his report and the investigations thus far has been the Ambassador's nomination as a can- didate for the United States senatorship of New Mex- The Professional Engineers' Registration Act ico. Thoughts of politics at home too often domi- (Continued from page 3) natc the actions of diplomats abroad. Too many quit their posts in fits of anger in order to patch quirement or the benefits of hiring registered engi- political fences at home. Another phenomenon re- neers became established, the chance of placing in- cently has disturbed the nation. Ex-diplomats have competent persons in responsible positions decreases been prophets of doom. and the hazard to persons and property decreases. Any injury to persons or property resulting from tech- But the amateur diplomat is not alone in keeping nical incompetence after the proposed act becomes the nation embarrassed. His wife and children lend law will emphasize to the public and employers in color to our international relations. The wife of California the benefits of hiring engineers whose com- Norval Richardson, secretary of our embassy in Rome, petence is established by registration. In a corres- reportedly waved the American flag, threw kisses, and ponding field, we would not tolerate an unlicensed offered roses to Italian soldiers during the period of person's practicing medicine or surgery. our neutrality in World War I. When warned of her actions, she replied: "The United States may be In rebuttal of the argument by opponents that tech- neutral, but I want the whole world to know that nical competence might be used against the public I am not. Viva Italia." interest it can be said that an engineer who has a record of such action would not be registered and The demand for better administration of foreign therefore would not be permitted or asked to approve affairs brought the Rogers Act in 1924 and the Moses- engineering projects of consequence. This and the Linthicum Act of 1931. These laws set up civil ser- fact that all present safeguards against misuse of vice requirements and automatic salary advances, and technical competence could be continued indicate that included benefits of annual leaves and retirement. But passage of the bill into law would decrease the mis- the staffs of our legations remained inadequate, and use of technical competence. for years we had an average of two people at each of our 318 posts. Since the beginning of the war, The proposed act, although holding no promise college professors, industrial experts, and scientists of putting a sudden end to misuse of technical com- have been added to the staffs to permit expert ob- petence, does hold promise of reducing hazards re- servation. Information services in particular were sulting from technical incompetence. helpful in bringing accurate news. The legation in Copenhagen even arranged for expense-free trips of As the greater competence of registered engineers Danish journalists to this country in order that their becomes recognized through operation of the act, the news reports might reflect a truer picture of Ameri- standing in the communitv and in industry of the can principles. The Department of State also has registered professional engineer will be improved. This invited experts from universities and industries to effect ultimately will be reflected in greater commun- staff its divisions. However, both in the field and ity leadership and in greater remuneration for pro- at home these exoerts have been leaving their ~osts fessional engineers. '2 for more rewarding and non-political positions in The proposed act has been prepared jointly bv the education or industry. Los Angeles Engineering Council of Founder Socie- President Truman recently has attempted to reform ties and the San Francisco Engineering C:ouncil after the foreign service. He would have Congress pay a number of years of study of the questions involved. salaries commensurate with the value of intelligent This action has been sufficient to warrant its support diplomacy to the nation-taking the service out of by many engineers. Other engineers who have not the luxury class of industrial magnates and putting wished to support it 011 this basis have, through care- it into the hands of the professionals. He advocates ful study, become convinced that they should sup- a university, or training center, for people interested port it. in foreign affairs, where special instruction in foriegn It is recommended that all alumni now engaged in policy and international law could be offered so as engineering either support the proposed act because to qualify them for diplomatic service. The presi- of their faith in the engineers who have secured its dent made no recommendation for improving the preparation or that they study it carefully to deter- Senate. The workings of this cumbersome body ob- mine whether they individually favor or oppose the viously need serious consideration. Some reformers proposed act. believe that a straight majority vote on all questions concerning treaties and foreign agreements would be

APRIL, 1947 Page 7 There is reason to believe that these coinpands, often referred to as the "building blocks" of the body, may also be the building blocks of the polio virus, important in its reproduction, or have many structural characteristics common with the polio virus itself. Knowledge gained from the protein studies PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE IN OPERATION may lead to understanding the characteristics of the virus, how it reproduces and how it causes injury. STABLISHMENT of a Public Relations office "Modern medicine," said Drs Pauling and Beadle has been completed at the Institute and is now in setting forth their aims, "is not and cannot be functioning under the direction of George H. Hall, content with cures that are not based on an under- Administrative Assistant. The office is temporarily standing of the nature of both the agent which pro- duces the disease and the subject which it attacks." located in 361 Arms building.- The office was established to give the Institute a The Institute researchers will bring to bear on this central clearing point for dissemination of all infor- problem, which lies in a comparatively new field of mation concerning CalTech to the public; to handle investigation, many of science's latest weapons and requests from the press, radio, magazines, etc., for techniques-electron microscopy, electrophoresis, ultra- information or stories; to work closely with the faculty centrifugation and chemical and X-ray diffraction in preparation of material for release to the public analyses. and to develop and suggest methods and procedures whereby a closer relationship between the Institute and the public can not only be established but main- BATEMAN FELLOW NAMED tained. The public relations office will also work closely R. SAMUEL KARLEN of Princeton University with Alumni groups in assisting them in obtaining in- has been appointed to the Harry Batenian Re- formation they may wish and giving any other assist- search Fellowship in pure mathematics by the Board ance requested. of Trustees, President Lee A. DuBridge announced Plans are now in the formative stage for publication recently. of bulletins and other booklets to supplement other The Bateman Fellowship, established this year by publications and which will be designed to give the Institute in honor of the late Harry Bateman, broader coverage of what the Institute is doing and professor of mathematics, physics and aeronautics, what its future plans are. is made for one year but may be renewed for a sec- Procurement of speakers for civic and other groups ond year. Dr. Karlen is the first to receive the ap- is also being handled by this office along with the pointment. campus student guide service which is again func- A native of Chicago, Or. Karlen obtained his B.S. tioning. and M.S. degrees at Illinois Institute of Technology Hall came to the Institute from the North Amer- in 1944 and 1945 respectively, and his Ph.D. at ican Aviation, Inc. Public Relations department and Princeton this year, all in the general field of inathe- prior to that was Resident Director of Public Relations rnatics. for Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation at its He will join the CalTech mathematics department Tucson, Arizona, modification center at which time as a research fellow in September of this year, and he was employed by the New York public relations in addition to research work will teach one upper firm of Hill and Knowlton. Prior to that he did news- class course in mathematics. paper and public relations work in both New York Or. Karlen is a member of Sigma Xi, national and Arizona. He is a native of Indiana and a gradu- scientific honorary society. ate of the University of Arizona.

FOUR SENIORS WIN METALS AWARD INSTITUTE BIOCHEMISTS GET FIVE-YEAR HE FEDERATED METALS Division of the GRANT FOR POLIO RESEARCH American Smelting and Refining Company has made awards to four senior students. These are CIENTISTS at the California Institute will study known as the Federated Metals Non-ferrous awards. the fundamental structure and organization of pro- The recipients of the awards were selected by Pro- teins and related compounds as a basis for further fessor D. S. Clark, director of placement, upon recom- knowledge of how the virus of poliomyelitis destroys mendation by heads of the departments of chemical nerve cells. The five-year study financed with $500,- engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical 000 March of Dimes funds from the National Foun- engineering. dation for Infantile Paralysis was announced recently The award consists ot an inspection trip ot the Basil O'Connor, president of the Foundation and by Los Angeles and San Francisco plants, of the Feder- Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, CalTech president. ated Metals Divibion, with all expenses paid The It is the plan of the Institute's biologists and chem- inspection trip started on Monday, March 24, with ists, under the direction of Drs. Linus Pauling and a two-day visit to the 1-0s Angeles plant and consul- G. W Beadle, chairmen of the chemistry and biology tations with technical personnel of that organizption divisions, respectively, to determine the complex struc- The following two days were devoted to a visit to ture and organization of the polio virus and how it operations of the Federated Metals Division in San produces its characteristic effects by studying first the Francisco physical, chemical and biological properties of pro- Selected on the basiii of combined scholarship at- teins. amino acids and nucleoproteins tainment and personality were:

age 8 C. B. Crun~ly-senior in electrical engineering Energy Commission. Dr. Tolman, former dean of

S. G. Stiles-senior in mechanical engineeringw .a the graduate school, remains as professor of physi- P. A. Linam-senior in applied chemist--¥ cal chemistry and mathematical physics at the In- H. J. Lawrence-senior in applied chemistry stitute. The Federated Metals Division of the American Leaves of Absence Smelting and Refining Company is a large producer of secondary non-ferrous metals and alloys, operating Dr. J. E. Wallace Sterling, Edward S. Harkness plants throughout the United States. The company Professor of History and Government and member purchases all kinds of non-ferrous scrap metals of of the Executive Committee, has been granted leave con~mercialquality suitable for the metal fabricating of absence for the school year 1947-48. industry. The general headquarters of the company is located in New York City. DUBRIDGE SPOKE AT RICE INSTITUTE RESIDENT LEE A. DuBridge was one of the FACULTY NOTES Pspeakers at the April inauguration of Dr. William Additions V. Houston as president of Rice Institute in Houston, Dr. Max Delbruck, associate professor of physics Texas. Dr. Houston was professor of physics at Cal- at Vanderbilt University, has accepted an appoint- Tech before accepting the presidency of the Texas ment, effective 1 July 1947, as professor of biology Institute. at the Institute. Dr. Delbriick is a native of Germany, Dr. DuBridge was accompanied to Houston by Dr. having received his Ph.D. from the University of Karl T. Compton, president of M.I.T., another par- Gottingen in 1930. Subsequently he was a Rocke- ticipant in the program, who had just returned from feller Foundation fellow in physics at Copenhagen a trip to Honolulu. and Zurich, and an assistant in the Kaiser Wilheln~ Speaking on "Men Wanted," President DuBridge ' Institute for Chemistry. From 1937 to 1939 he was dealt with oroblems faced bv this country because it a Rockefeller Foundation fellow in biology at the does not have the scientific manpower to push for- California Institute. Since 1940 Dr. Delbriick has ward adequately on such vital fronts as national defense been with the physics department at Vanderbilt. and security, national health and welfare, industrial developnlent and basic science and education. Professor Delbriick's research in recent years has been on bacterial viruses. In this field he has made outstanding contributions and is without doubt one GOLDSWORTHY RECEIVES LEGION OF of the world's outstanding workers in this field. Dr. Delbruck should do a great deal to strengthen the MERIT AWARD field of biophysics at the Institute. T. COL. E. C. Goldsworthy, assistant professor Dr. C. K. Gloyn of Occidental College is here as ¥o mathematics and master of student houses, has visiting lecturer in philosophy for the spring term. received the Legion of Merit award for his wartime Dr. D. F. Jones, Connecticut Agricultural Experi- service with the Army Air Forces. ment station associate, is now a visiting lecturer in Col. Goldsworthy, now on retired status, was un- biology. able to receive the award at ceremonies held at Ham- Dr. Ralph W. Lewis, on leave of absence from ilton Field, but it was subsequently delivered to him at this home. The decoration was for his work as Michigan State College, has been appointed research fellow in biology. director of training at the Air Forces School of Ap- plied Tactics at Orlando, Florida, from November Dr. Arthur C. Giese, now of Stanford University, 1942 to December 1945. has accepted an appointment as visiting professor of biology for the school year 1947-48. Dr. J. S. Webb of the University of Minnesota AERONAUTICS MEN WRITE TEXTBOOK has been appointed research fellow in electrical en- gineering. members of the Aeronautical Engineering Two new Trustees have been added to the board, staff, Hans W. Liepmann and Allen E. Puckett, James G. Boswell and John A. McCone. have collaborated on a textbook, Introduction to Aero- dynamics of a Compressible Fluid. This volume, out Resignations early this year, covers compressibility phenomena un- Dr. J. J. Lund, director of the Institute Libraries, der simolified and actual conditions. It is divided into will resign as of I July to enter the foreign service. two parts, the first giving fundamentals and mathe- Dr. Lund came to the Institute from Duke University matical background. The second part discusses two in 1945. and three dimensional equations and some of the Philip S. Fogg, associate professor of business eco- approximate methods of solving them. A few exact

nomics and former registrar." now on leave of absence. solutions are also nriven. Some features covered are has resigned from the institute staff. Mr. Fogg is Schlieren, shadowgraph and interferometer tech- now president of the Consolidated Engineering Com- niques; theory of limiting lines; linear perturbation pany of Pasadena. theory; method of characteristics; shock-wave theories; hodograph equations; Karman-Tsien theory; and most Promotions of the classical elementary problems in compressible President Lee A. DuBridge has replaced Dr. Rich- fluids. ard C. Tolman on the executive committee. Dr. Tol- Associate Professor Liepmann received his Ph.O. man has resigned from the committee in order to from the University of Zurich in 1938. Since 1939 he devote more time to research and new duties as has been at the California Institute. technical adviser on the United Nations Atomic Allen E. Puckett, instructor in '1eronautic-i aid

APRIL, 1947 chief of the Wind Tunnel Section of the Jet Propul- stitute, the University of California at Berkeley, and sion Laboratory, has been connected with the Insti- U.C.L.A. These fellowships will provide $1200 per tute since 1941. He received his B.S. and M.S. de- year to single men and $1800 for married students. grees from Harvard University in 1939 and 1941. The educational institution at which the studies are During the war he directed the design of the super- taken will receive $1000 to cover each student's tui- sonic wind tunnel at the Army Ordnance Depart- tion and other costs. Students will be accepted for ment's Aberdeen Proving Grounds. fellowships by the school at which they plan their graduate work, and will be unrestricted in choice of position after completion of their studies under the GEOLOGY PROFESSOR APPOINTED fellowship. R. JAMES A. Noble has been appointed profes- sor of metalliferous geology at the Institute for CAMPBELL OF GEOLOGY ELECTED TO the coming year. Dr. Noble is chief geologist of SOCIETY OFFICE the Homestake Mining Corporation at Lead, South Dakota, and has been granted a nine month leave of R. IAN CAMPBELL, professor of petrology at absence by his company to fill the post left vacant CalTech, was elected vice-chairman of the In- here by the resignation of Dr. H. J. Fraser, now dustrial Minerals division of the American Institute general manager of the Falconbridge Nickel Mining of Mining Engineers at its 75th anniversary meeting Company in Ontario. in New York. Chairman of the division is Dr. J. L. Dr. Noble received a B.S. degree in mining en- Gillson, chief geologist for the E. I. DuPont de gineering at Harvard in 1922 and his Ph.D. in Nemours Company. economic geology from the same university in 1937. From 1922 to 1924 Dr. Noble served as geologist with the American Zinc Corporation, Mascot, Ten- CONVERSE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING WILL nessee; from 1924 to 1931 he was geologist for the Cerro de Pasco Copper Company, Oroya, Peru; since GO TO HOLLAND IN 1948 1931 he has been chief geologist for the Homestake REDERICK CONVERSE, now professor of Mining Corporation. The Homestake mine is the J. ranking gold mine in the Western Hemisphere. Since Fcivil engineering, has accepted appointment to a its discovery in the late seventies, it has been credited National Committee on Soil Mechanics to represent with the production of more than $375,000,000. Fur- the United States at the Second International Con- thermore, unlike most mines, its reserves have been ference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineer- steadily increased as a result of intensive work by ing in Holland next year. Professor Converse is an the Corporation's geological and engineering de- authority on foundation problems and has been widely partments. sought as a consultant throughout the western states. He is a member of the American Institute of Min- Large projects in this area on which he served as a ing and Metallurgical Engineers and a fellow of the consultant include the Navy Dry Dock at Terminal Mineralogical Society and the Geological Society of Island and the Kaiser Ship Yards at Richmond, America. Dr. Noble is also a member of the Advis- California. ory Council on Geological Engineering for Prince- ton University. INSTITUTE RESEARCH MEN RECEIVE JEWETT FELLOWSHIPS GEOLOGY MEETING HERE NEXT YEAR WO OF seven Frank B. Jewett fellowships for HE CORDILLERAN Section of the Geological research in the physical sciences were awarded to Society of America and associated societies, of Institute research men bv the American Teleohone which Dr. Ian Campbell, associate chairman of the and Telegraph Company which founded the grants division of geology, was recently elected vice-presi- three years ago upon the retirement of the Com- dent, will hold its 1948 meeting in Pasadena. This pany's eminent vice-president in charge of develop- will be the first postwar meeting of the society to be ment and research. Dr. Jewett graduated from held in Southern California. Throop Polytechnic Institute, C.I.T.'s predecessor in 1898. Two of the 1947-48 fellowships have been SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS ANNOUNCED awarded to scientists holding similar grants for 1946- 47 to enable them to continue their current research New Fund Established projects. HE establishment of the David Lindley Murray Among recipients of this year's awards are: Dr. Education Fund, which, it is estimated, will pro- M. G. Ettlinger of the Institute and Austin, Texas, vide scholarships for approximately 15 students ,was who is also a 1946-47 Fellow, and Wallace D. Hayes, announced recently by President DuBridge. This fund teaching fellow from Palo Alto. will be available from a $500,000 endowment made Dr. Martin Ettlinger, 21, is at present investigating to the California Institute by the late Mrs. Katherine the chemistry of cyclopropane and dicyclobutane de- Murray, who with her husband for whom the fund rivatives as a Jewett Fellow for 1946-47. He received is named had been a visitor to Pasadena from Illinois his bachelor's degree from the University of Texas for many years prior to her death in 1944. in 1942 and his master's from the same university U. S. Rubber Company Offers Chemistry in 1943. In 1946 he received his doctorate in chem- Fellowships istry from Harvard University. Dr. Ettlinger plans The United States Rubber Company has established to continue his present research studies. several gaduate fellowships in chemistry at the In- Wallace D. Hayes, 28, is a graduate student at

BERING AND SCI the Institute and plans to receive his doctorate in against Chapman, the baseball players are improving physics this June. In 1941 he received his bachelor's with every game. Two of the misfortunes besetting degree and in 1943 his degree as an aeronautical en- the team were very close. gineer from Caltech. Mr. Hayes plans to carry on The game against the Tigers was within one strike an investigation into problems of transonic and super- of being a Beaver victory. In Oxy's last ups, pitcher sonic fluid flow. Hedrick had two men on base, two outs, and two strikes on the batter with a score of 7-6 in the En- gineers' favor. A right field fly, missed, accounted COLORADO RIVER WATER DISCUSSED BY for a triple, bringing in the winning run. Demoral- HYDROLOGY SECTION ized, the Techmen found themselves, after another hit and numerous errors, on the short side of a 12-7 ROBLEMS of the division of Colorado River score. water in the Lower Basin, the quality of water P Against Redlands, the Beavers lost a 10-inning in the Upper Basin and other studies and problems game 6-5. concerned with water, were presented at a meeting of the Hydrology Section of the American Geophysi- BASEBALL SCHEDULE cal Union, National Research Council, at the Cali- Saturday 3 May 2:15 p.m. 'Caltech at Redlands fornia Institute of Technology in February. Tuesday 6 May 4: 15 p m. Pepperdine at Caltech The one-day meeting at which a number of papers Saturday 10 May 2:15 p.m. 'Pomona at Calteeh were presented concluded with a visit to the Apra, Tuesday 13 May 4: 15 p m. Cal Poly at Caltech Guam, Harbor Model at Azusa. Saturday 17 May 2:15 p.m. -"Whittier at Caltech At the morning session, Munson J. Dowd '18 of Saturday 24 May 2: 15 p m. Taltech at Occidental Conference Games the Imperial Irrigation District discussed problems of division of the Colorado River Lower Basin water, and Charles S. Howard '23, of the United States Tennis Geological Survey, discussed the quality of water in The tennis team has also had its share of bad luck, the upper Colorado River basin. The "Design of losing to Redlands 5-9, Occidental 6-2, and Whittier Current Meters" was considered by Robert G. Fol- 9-0. Players John Holmgren and Ray Palmer entered som '28 and M. P. O'Brien of the University of Cal- the Intercollegiate Division of the Ojai Valley Tour- ifornia. nament late in April, representing CalTech in South- The afternoon session included "New Develop- ern California's biggest school tourney. ments in the Study of Sediment Transportation" by Dr. Hans Albert Einstein, Institute research assistant VARSITY TENNIS MATCHES and member of the Department of Agriculture's Soil Saturday 3 May Pomona at Caltech Conservation Service, and "Presentation of Problems Wednesday 7 May Occidental at Caltech of Harbor Protection" by Dr. R. T. Knapp '29, as- Saturday 10 May Caltech at Redlands sociate professor of hydraulic engineering. Tuesday 13 May Whitticr at Caltech Saturday 17 May Caltech at Pomona Professor of Civil Engineering Franklin Thomas Friday 23 May is program chairman of the Hydrology Section. & & Conference at Caltcch Saturday 24 May Meet

THE SPORTS PICTURE Swimming Track Beaver swimmers have also been dropping close ones, losing to Redlands 43-?2, Occidental 46-29, and .I.T. TRACK MEN have been winning a fair Pomona 40-35. Èproportio of events, but not of track meets. In a triangular meet against U.C.L.A. and Santa Bar- VARSITY SWIMMING SCHEDULE bara, the Beavers came out on the low end of a 115% - Friday 2 May 4:00 p.m. Caltech -it Pomona 27% - 20 score. Two first places were annexed by Wednesday 7 May 4:00 p.m. Caltech at Occidental Shauer in the 440 in 49.3s. and the relay team in Friday 10 May 4:00 p.m. Caltech at Redlands 3:27.6. Don Tillman, most consistent winner in Saturday 17 May 1:30 p.m. Conference at Occidental Tech's field crew, took third in the shot put. Cotn- Meet puted as dual meets, the Beavers lost to U.C.L.A. 109 2/3 - 21 1/2, and to Santa Barbara 79 - 5 1. Golf A close one was the loss to Whittier the next week The golfers, on the other hand, have been giving with the Beavers on the short side of a 67 2/3- a good account of themselves, taking Whittier 14-4, 63 I/^ score. Responsible for this was Whittier's and Redlands Hi/;- 3 1/? . Jerry Harrington, number performance in field events, the Poets having a better one man on the squad, paced both matches with a than two to one superiority in this department. Bright- 70 against Whittier and a 74 against Redlands. A est spot in Tech's afternoon was the clean sweep of strong Pomona squad subdued the Beavers 14-4, but the 880, led by Stan Barnes, son of Manton M. a rematch early in May will give Beaver golfers a Barnes '21, winning in 1 :59.5. chance for revenge.- At the close of the season CalTech nosed out Red- lands for third place in the Conference Meet, below VARSITY GOLF SCHEDULE Occidental and Pomona. Friday 2 May 1:10 p.m. Caltech at Redlands Friday 9 May 1:30 p.m. Caltech ar Pomona Saturday 17 May 9:00 a.m. Calteeh at U.C.L.A. Baseball Saturday 24 May 9:00 a.m. Conference at Pomona Having three league losses and one practice win-- Tournament

APRIL, 1947 Page 11 BOOK REVIEW A mixture ratio chart coordinates fuel-air ratio, air- fuel ratio and operating condition. Aircraft Carburetion, by Robert H. Thorner Chapter I1 treats the basic requirements for a (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1946 carbureter: to provide proper mixture under all oper- 393 pages, 196 illustrations, 5% x 8%, $3.50) ating conditions. Then follows a discussion of the main components: main metering system, idling sys- HE BOOK has developed from a series of lec- tem, etc. In discussing the action of these compon- tures given by the author under the E.M.S.W.T. ents, many simple but well chosen plots, such as ven- T at the University of Michigan. Leading manufac- turi suction vs. air-flow, showing idle, cruise and turers of aircraft carbureters and aircraft engines co- power range, are presented. operated in the compilation and selection of material The chapter ends with discussions of air induction presented. systems and fuel systems. The book fills a long-felt need for a specialized Chapter I11 takes up the Stromberg injection car- treatment of the principles of carburetion as applied burster, followed by a description of the Chandler- to aircraft engines. Evans pressure carbureter (Chapter VI). Each one of The carbureters of aircraft engines have become these chapters on carbureter types is illustrated by rather intricate devices and their proper care and photographs, exploded views and diagrams pertaining operation requires insight into the working principles. to the particular mechanism. Unlike the ignition system which functions completely Chapter VII presents a comparison of float and automatically and without control from pilot or flight pressure carbureters. It serves as a summary of the engineer, the carbureter requires skillful manipula- preceding chapters and emphasizes briefly (18 pages) tion. The book is, therefore, written for pilots, flight common features and differences. engineers, mechanics, development engineers and su- pervisory personnel. Chapter VIII deals with the principles of carbureter testing and also shows how carbureter specifications Pilots and flight engineers are mainly concerned are arrived at by carbureter and engine manufacturers. with the oroblem of mixture control and its effect on engine power, fuel consumption and cooling. The Chapter IX discusses flight operation and is espec- mechanic and field engineer are interested in the func- ially intended for pilots and flight engineers. As would tion of the components of the carbureter and control be expected, fuel economy is given very careful con- system. sideration and takes up most of the chapter. Emphasis is on the general and fundamental prin- This reviewer feels that, somewhere in the book, the ciples underlying the functioning of all carbureters. question of fuel injection, both into the manifold and Discussion of specific types is intended as illustration into the cylinder should have been discussed. If re- of these general principles. The book does not deal strictions made it impossible to treat the subject in with servicing and overhaul of carbureters since these detail, it would have been well to point out why this operations are adequately covered by manufacturers' form of carburetion may be needed in the future. manuals. Throughout, the book is carefully -prepared and In presenting fundamental principles the problem shows a background of sound teaching experience. arises as to how far back to start in explaining the The pages are well subdivided and headings, bold type basic physical concepts. The author is wise in not and italics are generously used. Thus important items taking too much for granted. He starts by defining stand out. Another detail shows good teaching prac- important terms such as: volume, specific gravity, tice; where items are enumerated, they are actually density, illustrating them with a few numerical ex- numbered. For example: amples each. Engineers will not be altogether happy The fuel pump has several functions about some details of these definitions (e.g. that of (1) It maintains a continuous supply . . . . . etc. 'mass"), but this reviewer feels that they will do (2) It maintains the pressure . . . . . etc. the job. (3) It transfers fuel . . etc. \, . . . Measurement of pressure and pressure conversions This technique make important items stand out and are treated in great detail, again making generous use of numerical examples and simple diagrams. facilitates reading. The section on "fluid flow" deals with flow through The reviewer is gratified to find no gremlins, Donald orifices and jets in various combinations. The mater- Ducks and other cartoons which have become popular ial presented here is what was particularly lacking in in technical manuals. treatises on carbureters before this book. Reviewed by Peter Kyropoulos

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Page 12 ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY state now that the population must forever be limited to that which existing water supplies will support. In closing, Mr. Yost warned of the sociological problems which normally increase with rising popu- lation density. It is possible to avoid serious results from these poblems if provision is made now to meet them through adequate civic planning and sup- port of humanitarian agencies. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Following Mr. Yost's talk there was considerable PRESIDENT SECRETARY discussion as the result of several questions from the A. L. Laws $26 D. S. dark '29 floor. Mr. Yost's direct answers, based on consider- VICE-PRESIDENT TREASURER able experience in Los Angeles and on-the-spot ob- W. M. Jacobs '28 H. R. Freeman '25 servation in all large industrial cities in the nation BOARD OF DIRECTORS did much to give his listeners a clear view of the F. T. ScheII '7.1 J. R. Bradhnrn '32 future. C. I. Friend '38 R. D. Andrew* '15 H. B. Lewis '21 H. M. Huston '29 Mr. Yost was introduced by George Hawley of C. W. Varuey Jk. '22 the class of '21, manager of industrial sales of the Southern California Edison Company.

ALUMNI CHAPTER OFFICERS JAMES BOYD '27 GETS GOVERN New York Chapter: R. JAMES BOYD, dean of the gaduate school PRESIDENT Evan Johnson '38 969 Madison Ave., New York 21, N. Y., Tel. Butterfield 8-4116 of the Colorado School of Mines, who obtained VICE-PRESIDENT H. E. Mendenhall '23 his B.S. degree in 1927, was recently appointed direc- 3 Oakridge Avenue, Summit, N. J. Tel. SIJ 6-2822 tor of the U. S. Bureau of Mines. SECRETARY-TREASURER Richard Pond '39 174 North 19th Street, East Orange, N. J. Tel. OR 4-2164

Sun Francisco Chapter: J. R. PIERCE '33 WINS I.R.E. AWARD PRESIDENT Maurice Jones '26 HE Institute of Radio Engineers awarded the 908 Curtis Sneet. Berkeley 6, California, 'lei. THornrwall 2893 orris Liebmann Memorial Prize for 1947 to Dr. Heii-htel McCone Brothe-r'i Tel. DOuelai 4032 TM VICE-PRhSIDENT Ted Vermeulen '36 J. R. Pierce '33, at the annual banquet of the I.R.E. 2226 McGee Avenue, Berkeley 3, California 5 March in New York. Shell Otivelopment Company Tel. Exbrook 5400 Dr. Pierce received his bachelor's degree in electri- SECRETARY-TREASURER Robert P. Jones 35 1431 Park Blvd., San Mateo, California, Tfl. San Mateo 3-7634 cal engineering and continued at the Institute until Steindard of California Tel. SUttei 7700 1936 when he obtained the Ph.D. degree. He then The Sm Francisco Chapter nleerb weekly for lunch at the ioined the staff of Bell Tele~honeLaboratories and Fraternity Club, 345 Bush Street, on Mondays. has been with this organization since. During the war his efforts were devoted almost exclusively to the development of electronic devices for the Armed Forces. Since then he has been carrying on research in high frequency tubes and it was for his specific SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S INDUSTRIAL FUTURE development of the traveling wave type of tube that TOLD AT MARCH MEETING he received the 1947 Liebmann Memorial Prize. MPHASIZING his statements by citing several actual cases, Mr. Paul K. Yost, vice-president of DR. ROBERT P. SHARP '34 NAMED the Security-First National Bank, declared that the rapid industrial growth now occurring in Southern PROFESSOR HERE California is indicative of the future of this region. HE appointment of Dr. Robert P. Sharp as pro- Speaking before a meeting of alumni at the Pasadena fessor of Geomorphology in the Division of the Athletic Club on March 20, Mr. Yost reviewed the reasons for the increasing business and industrial Geological Sciences, effective 1 September 1947 was announced early in March. Dr. Sharp is currently imoortance of Southern California and wsave several reasons for believing that the characteristics now de- professor of Geomorphology at the University of veloping will be come permanent in spite of cyclic Minnesota. variations in business activity. Dr. Sharp received his bachelor's degree in 1954 The prime prerequisite for business and industrial and his master's degree in 1935 in geology at the growth is, of course, the presence of sufficient popu- California Institute. He was a three-year letterman- lation to provide employees and users of the result- quarterback of the football team-and in his senior ing product. Climate has caused the population year was captain of the football team, as well as stu- density to increase to the point where, with other dent body president. He was a member of Tau Beta favorable factors, production of many articles here Pi, and was awarded the honor key on graduation. has become economical. The war accelerated both In the fall of 1935 he went to Harvard on a schol, industrial development and population growth. The arship and in 1936-37 was holder of the Woodworth limitation which water supply places on population Traveling" fellows hi^. awarded bv Harvard Univer- is recognized, but at the same time it must be ac- sity. His Ph.D. degree was obtained at Harvard in knowledged that before existing water supply capacity 1937, for a thesis involving structural and physio- is reached. means may be found to utilize water from graphic study of the Ruby Mountains in Nevada. the ocean. For this reason it would be wrong to On completing his graduate studies at Harvard,

APRIL, 1947 Dr. Sharp joined the faculty of the University of Showing the proportions ot as many as 11 elements Illinois where he remained until after the outbreak in a given sample as dial readings, the quantometer of the war, when he was commissioned in the Arctic, may save the steel industry millions of dollats an Desert, and Tropic Information Center of the Army nually in blast furnace time, the inventors believe. Air Forces. His work there was largely with the Arc- The result of three years of research and development, tic Section. After discharge from war service he went the tool is already in use by the laboratories ot sev- to the University of Minnesota. eral large metal producers. Dr. Sharp has had additional teaching experience Physicist Hasler, M.S. '30, Ph.D. '33, and his part- in the geology summer field camp faculties of Stan- ner Lindhurst, B.S. in electrical engineering '29, pro- ford University and the University of Michigan. He duced the quantometer at their Applied Research Lab- is the author of many scientific papers, the majority oratories in Glendale. This analyzer represents the dealing with problems of geomorphology. Oppor- latest step in the present chemical technique of wad- tunities for study in this field in Southern California ing alloy contents. Delayed by the war, durincr which are excellent, and it is anticipated by the Division of they made analytical equipment for defense industries, Geology that the addition of Dr. Sharp to its faculty the Army, and the anford and Oak Ridge projects, will bring new contributions to our knowledge of the the first instrument was finished several months ago. land forms of Southern California. The average test requires 45 seconds, more than 10 times faster than previous spectrophotographic methods, and hours faster than the traditional "wet FORMER BIOLOGY RESEARCH FELLOW WINS chemical" process. Twelve multiplier phototubes regis- STANFORD APPOINTMENT ter the proportions of up to 11 elements in respect R. C. STACY FRENCH, associate professor of to a 12th or basic known element on a console. plant physiology at the University of Minnesota, who was a research fellow at CalTech in 1935, has been appointed director of the Division of Plant DUBRIDGE SPEAKS TO SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER Biology of the Carnegie Institute of Washington at Stanford University. He will assume his new duties OBERT P. JONES '35, secretary-treasurer of the on July 1. San Francisco Chapter, writes: On March 7 the San Francisco Chapter of the CalTech Alumni Asso- ciation had the most outstanding meeting in its his- TWO 1929 GRADUATES DEVELOP tory. Ninety-one alumni attended to meet and hear METALLIC ANALYZER Dr. BuBridge. It was a pleasure that this chapter will long remember. LASSMATES Maurice Hasler and Roland W. Dr. DuBridee7s talk was entitled "CalTech, Past, Lindhurst '29 demonstrated late in February a Present and Future." For all present a more interest- device called a "quantometer" which permits immedi- ing subject could not have been chosen. Most of ate visual analysis of metallic elements in any given the alumni have been out of touch with Institute metallic sample. doings for some time. We were to hear about CalTech7s part in World War 11 in the development of rocket propulsion and other projects. 02 the present, we were enlightened on the size of the student body, type of student, the financial condition and sources of income. Best of all was the progress made towards acquiring Tournament Park*. The future of the 200-inch telescope, plans for expansion, coming research projects and some discussion of the future graduate completed the talk of the evening. For all those present the evening was altogether too short. We extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Du- Bridge and wish him well in his new position.

Among those present were, H. L. Albright '23, E. M. Atchison '45, H. E. Baker '30, M. A. Baldwin '27, S. F. Bamberger '33, W. W. Baustian '29, J. Y.

Howard Vesper '22, Lee A DuBridge, president of the This meeting was held before the three-to-one approval of California Institute, and Maurice Jones '26, president of the Pasadena voters was given to the abandonment of Tournament San Francisco Chapter. Park and its sale to the Institute.

AMERA COMPAN Iargest Photo Supply House" re for the Professional smd Amateur Since 1924 5338 Hollywood Blid 8201 Hollywood 77 PAUL F VOKAI Dehigning and Building of Owner Manager Special Tools and Machinery Assembled before dinner 91 who gathc:red to hear Pre speak to the San Francisco Association, March 7.

Beach '36, R. H. Bishop '39, R. B. Bowman '26, P. H. P. J. Jurach '46, A. E. Jurs Jr. '38, P. H. Kafitz Brown '39, W. E. Brown '40, A. C. Buxton '37, L. T. '42, D. W. Keech '26, Jerome Kohl '40, H. E. Lar- Carleton '33, P. H. Gate, G. C. Coffee '28, R. S. Cus- son '27, R. M. Lemmon '45, Robert Leo '45, W. E. ter, J. D. Davis '34, Louis Davy '45, T. J. Deahl '35, L,ockwood Jr. '44, 1:. J. McClain '34, Archie Mc- H. H. Deardorff '30, J. Detweiler '31, Ed Dorresten Kaig '24, E. M. McMillian '28, J. F. Mayer '40, '24, Bruce Dunbar '37, G. L. Edwards '41, J. S. Ed- W. W. Moore '34, D. S. Nichols '28, H. M. O'Neil wards '37, Manley Edwards '26, L. H. Erb '22, H. D. '34, John Otvos '43, C. R. Owens '23, K. J. Palmer Estes '35, G. W. Hwald '41, G. M. Parley '26, E. H. '38, N. T. Partch '41, C. W. Patrick '39, K. S. Pitzer Fisher '27, R. G. Folsom '28, I,. D. Fowler '23, W. R. '35, Andor Polgar, D. J. Pompeo '26, C. H. Prescott Fram~tonJr. '39, M. E. Ford Jr. 44, Jepson Garland Jr. '26, W. G. Reynard '31, D. R. Rooke '34, J. R. '45, T. 0. Gerlish '15, T. S. Gilman '46, N. L. Hal- Rossum '35, R. Rosencraxiz, T. R. Sandbery '37, E. E. laager '34, R. J. Hallanger '35, J. T. Harlen '41, D. Smith '24, W. T. Stewart '41, F. £3 Stitt '36, L. P. G. Harries Jr. '23, A. J. Hazzard '30, L. P. Hen- Stoker '24, T. Vermeulen '36, H. G. Vesper '22, R. derson '25, J. C. Huggins '44, W. S. Johnson '35, W. Wallace '41, J. H. Wilson '44, J. N. Wilson '39, M. T. Jones '26, R. C. Jones '37, R. P. Jones '35, H. M. Wmegarden '24.


MICHAEL C BRUNNER is now 11x7 ANDRhW V HALFF, "lost" to the 1917 ing 111 Hobhs, New Mexico Alumni Association for ¥T time, is- work- FRED L. POOLE is working for the mg for the Naval Reseaich Laboratories, HkNRY R. FREEMAN, tieasurer of 11~Wat]nn,I, California Army assignment He plans a shoit visit CHARLES W. PUNTON, ex '24. is to Pasadena before proceedbng to his ROBERT MARTIN OAKS is now now hving in Pittsburgh, where he is next post ~vmg111 Long Beach, Ca1iform.i works manager for the Mine Safety Ap- W. A. MINKLER is assistant manager, pliance Company. 1932 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration De- CEDRIC I SCOTT is vice-president partnlent, of the Sturdevant Division of GORDON E. BOWLER is employed and treasurer of Scott & Company, I,os the Westinghouse Electric Corporation with the Atlantic Oil Company, in D,d- Angeles. in Boston. las, Texas.

APRIL, 1947 HOWARD W. FINNEY recently MICHAEL E HIEHLE is now work- '943 moved to Los Angeles, California. ing for General Electric at their new ROBERT H. BASHOR is back home Electronics Park in Syracuse, New in L,os Angeles, California, after serving York, on television antennas. He was with the Navy. He is now employed married in 1942 and is now the father with the Worthington Pump Company. DUNCAN MCNAUGHTON is with of three children: Patsy, 3% , Mike, 2, the Department of Geology at the Uni- and Sonje, one month. Mike senior ROBERT M. BRAGG is now residing versity of Southern California. will soon have an amateur station on in Fowler, California. the air under call WZSO He writes 1935 that he would like to hear from other JAMES N. SMITH has moved to La- members of the class. GEORGE S. BUDNEY has taken a cuna Beach, California. DONALD G. LAWRIE has been re- job as stress analyst with the Warren leased from the Army and plans to re- MacArthur Corporation of Bantam, turn to Southern California in April Connecticut. SYDNEY U. BARNES, ex '36, ex- or May. Prior to his service in the Army L,. G. DAMESON has recently moved pects to return to the United States in Don was employed at the San Diego to Laurence Park, Erie, Pennsylvania, June from duty with the U.S.F.A. over- plants of Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft where he is employed at the Erie Works Corporation and the Ryan Aeronautical of the General Electric Company. seas, and will make his home with his Company. He obtained his master's de- mother in St. Catherines, Ontario, Can- gree in Business Administration at Stan- RICHARD E. KUHNS is now living ada. ford University in 1941. in Los Angeles. ROBERT H. MARSH has recently JOHN NELSON married Miss Penny accepted a position as manager of the WILLARD M. SNYDER, who has Stowell in Oswego, New York, early in Carbide Tool Division of the Union been with the Bureau of Reclamation at February. DEANE MORRIS '43 was Twist Drill Company of Athol, Massa- Sacramento since his return from service best man. John expects to receive his chusetts, and will be in charge of car- with the Naval Air Forces, has recently master's degree in mechanical engineer- bide tool manufacturing, engineering, been transferred to the Billings, Mon- ing from M.I.T. in June. and sales for that division. Bob recently tana, office of the U.S.B.R. with increas- ed responsibility. THOMAS W. NORSWORTHY is purchased a 162 acre farm in Barre, employed with the Dallas, Texas, branch Massachusetts, near Athol. of the 1'0s Angeles advertising firm, the DONALD L. YOUNG is now living McCarty Company. in Indio, California. JAMES B. GLASSCO is living in Los ARTHUR W. SCHNACKE is now Angeles. living in Schenectady, N. Y. ALBERT P. GREEN, recently with FLOYD E. WEAVER has accepted a HAROLD J. ALWART is employed the Navy Department in Washington, position with the Latisteel Corporation with Clayton Mark & Company of D. C., has moved to Hollywood, Cali- of Los Angeles, California. Evanston, Illinois, as assistant chief en- fornia. DOYLE E. WILCOX has moved to gineer. Ingiewood. HARLOWE J. LONGFELDER is RICHARD T. BRICE has moved to now living in Seattle, Washington. PAUL H. WINTER will marry Miss East Orange, New Jersey. Ruth Elizabeth Brooks of Altadena, Cali- DAVID W. WHITTLESEY is living fornia, early in May. DONALD K. COLES, M.S. '37, is in Dayton, Ohio, where his present po- working for the Westinghouse Research sition is aeronautical engineer (propel- Laboratories in East Pittsburgh, Penn- ler) at Headquarters, Air Materiel Com- sylvania, as a physicist. mand, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio LOUIS H. DAVY is now an instruc- tor at San Francisco Junior College. He JOHN S. EDWARDS recently moved plans to take graduate work in electrical to Millbrae, California. engineering at the University of Cali- JACK W. GEORGE was recently fornia in the near future. Louis was ARDEN H. FREDERICK recently separated from the Navy last October. transferred to the Henderson, Nevada, moved to Pleasantville, N. Y. plant of the U. S. Vanadium Corpora- JOHN B. 1,YON has recently moved tion. Jack has worked at their mines JOHN H. MAIN has moved to Cum- to South Pasadena. n Bishop, California, since his discharge berland, Maryland, where he is employ- is from the Army in February, 1946 ed with the Hercules Powder Company. ROBERT C. POOLMAN living in Reno, Nevada, where he is associated DORR KJMBALL is employed with STANLEY SOHLER is an associate with the University of Nevada. the Alhambra Branch of the Southern of the John Yates Agency of the Massa- K. MARTIN STEVENSON is now California Edison Company as a techni- chusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com- living in Schenectady, New York. cian in the Standards Laboratory. pany, specializing in estate planning and busines insurance. Stan is now located ROBERT W. TAYLOR is taking grad- J. RIDGELY LEGGETT is associated in Los Angeles. uate work at Stanford University. with the California Research Corporation at Whittier, California, as associate re- EBENEZER VEY has moved to Bal- MERLE C. WAUGH will be separat- search engineer. timore, Maryland. ed from the Navy by the middle of May. He plans to return to the Insti- WILLIAM C. PUTNAM is associate tute in the fall to continue his studies professor of geology at U.C.L.A. in aeronautics. ALBERT HERMAN ZIMMERMAN ALBERT P. ALBRECHT is the father has been with the Southwest Welding of a baby girl, Ann Prances, born and Manufacturing Company of Alham- March 18. ELMORE G. BROLIN is working in bra, Califorina, since last September. the engineering department of the Stan- WILBUR D. CRATER has moved to dard Oil Company at San Francisco. Long Beach, California. ANDREW B. CAMPBELL is taking EDWARD N. FRISIUS is now living SYDNEY K. GOLD is now living in graduate work at Stanford University. New York. in Lomita, California. KEITH DOIG has accepted a posi- HENRY T. NAGAMATSU has mov- FRANCIS V. LYLE has moved to tion with the Shell Oil Company. He ed to Pasadena. Los Angeles, where he is employed with expects to spend four months at each he Gardena branch of the Dow Chemi- of the three divisions of the company, a1 Company. Bakersfield, Long Beach and Ventura, in preliminary training. A. M. EICHELBERGER, formerly of CARL H. SAVIT, mathematics teach- JAMES C. EVANS is employed with the United Geophysical Company of ing fellow at the Institute, has moved to the North American Aviation corpora- Pasadena, has joined the staff of the Los Angeles. Field Research Laboratories of the Mag- tion. nolia Petroleum Company of Dallas, 1,EROY A. WELLER is now residing BYRON 0. LOWERY is now living Texas, as senior physicist. in Palo Alto, California. in Walla Walla, Washington.




APRIL, 1947

Although it will not be inaugurated until this summer, we can now tell you something about the new Golden Rocket, first in Southern Pacific's post-war parade of streamliners. The Golden Rocket will be operated by Southern Pacific and Rock Island over the Route between Los Angeles and Chicago, via Phoenix, Tucson and El Paso. Its running time will be 39% hours, and three departures a week are planned. Two Golden Rocket are being built to provide this service, but one may be completed before the other. Will be diesel-powered The is custom-built from stem to stern. Its sleeping cars are all pri- vate rooms. It has a , ob- servation-, three extra- comfortable chair cars and a novel "Fiesta Car." Power is diesel-electric. Designer's sketch of Fiesta Car on the Golden Rocket. The exterior will be finished in gleam- tures of adobe, tile and oak are freely trees, yellows of the palo verde and ing stainless steel and red. used. acacia, apricot of the prickly pear. The Golden Rocket will be an extra The bar at one end was reproduced Contrasting ceilings are the pale fare train, and the first post-war from an unusual fountain in a quaint yellow of yucca, the pale green of the streamliner from Southern California old Mexican patio. It is faced with ocotillo and light tans of the desert. and Arizona to the east. tile. Over the cocktail lounge and Floor coverings are keyed to the coffee shop is a bright red and yellow rock colors in the canyons and other Turquoise and Copper canopy, enhancing the patio effect. rich colors of the earth itself. The rich coloring and exquisite handi- Tables and comfortably uphol- crafts of the Southwest and Mexico stered chairs are of oak, hand-carved The Chair Cars inspired the design and color schemes by Torres. Two of the three chair cars on the of the Golden Rocket. Golden Rocket are done in tones of A good example is the dining car. Observation-Lounge Car gray, blue and red. The floor covering The embossed copper frieze along the The observation end of the last car has a Canyon red center strip, inlaid sides was created by the Mexican on the Golden Rocket departs from with an ancient Indian insignia taken craftsman Jesus Torres. He also exe- conventional arrangement of train from a priceless rug in a private col- cuted, in copper, replicas of ancient furniture. Curved sofas, decorative lection. Draperies are also in red with devil masks which are placed at either tables and easy chairs are arranged the Indian design hand-embroidered side of the car doors. The chairs have informally. Unusually high windows in tones of blue and cream. copper frames, and all mouldings and give greatly increased vision. Mirror frames are hand-carved in trim are made of the red metal. oak, with a design from the arches at The seat coverings and table linen The Sleeping Cars Mission San Xavier near Tucson. are golden yellow, contrasting with Plants, minerals and general coloring The third chair car is done in tur- turquoise floor and ceiling. of the Southwest contributed color quoise, blue and red. ideas for the modern all-room sleep- That's all for now. We'll let you The Fiesta Car ing cars on the Golden Rocket. Walls know as soon as possible when the The Golden Rocket's Fiesta Car is a are done in the blue green of the Golden Rocket goes into service-also combination lounge and coffee shop, mesquite and maguey plants, tans the new Shasta Daylights between done in the Mexican manner Tex- and browns of the palm and date San Francisco and Portland.

SePThe friendly Southern Pacific