Senate Election Arouses Student Interest Curriculum, Judicial System
Mead Lecture McCook Auditorium Tonight at 7:45 Vol. LXVI1 No. 29 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD January 28, 1969 Senate Election Arouses Student Interest Curriculum, Judicial System Considered Powerful Issues Senate elections are scheduled to ROTC from .the curriculum," and George Graves,RichardIfionHall, take place today and tomorrow in end to military recruitment, basic Glenn M. Kenney, John MacCallum, what many feel is an atmosphere requirements, and the gradingsys- Jay Mandt, Timothy Moran, phi- of renewed Interest in campus poli- tem, and the complete rejection of llp Mulvey, Greg Neiman, David tics. In conversations with a num- the judicial report. Rosenthal, William L Schaeffer, ber of people involved in Senate Same 104 students are running Terry Craig- Tapley. Tim Wallach, activities, the issues most often for the Senate this year, nearly Charles Yeager, Richard KHba-' raised dealt with curriculum revi- half of whom are freshmen. Elec- ner, .Carlos Martinez. 1971 - sion, the present state oS the judi- tions are also to be held, on Feb- Robert Benjamin, David B. Brac- cial system, continued support of ruary 5, for Senate President. kett, Kenneth Brownstein, Howard the race and poverty issue, the Speculation as to candidates for Dickler, Vic Hass, Mitch Hankin, position of ROTC on campus, and that office presently centers on Steven Keeney, Jeff Morrow, David the reorganization of the Senate William H. Reynolds, '71, James Ormiston, Spencer S. Reese, Wil- itself. Graves, '71, John Osier, '70, and liam (R.J.) Reynolds, David Sara- Senate candidate William H. David Steuber, '70. Some question - sohn, James Wu, Robert Towner, Reynolds, '71, stressed the great remains, however, whether a 1970 - Jerry Bartlett, Witter F.
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