Sen. Beck's Death Possible Suicide $51

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Sen. Beck's Death Possible Suicide $51 ! l — M AN yiE STE R H E R ^ D , Fri.. March 11, 1983 Tag Soles 49 Cars/Trucks lor Sale 71 Cors/Truckt lor Sale 71 Motorcycles/BIcvcIes 72 Mitc Automotive 74 A BIT O' GREEN School layoffs East falls short ^ Sure-fire way TAG SALE — Indoors. CAMARO 1980 - 27,000 1975 GRAND FURY — MOTORCYCLE INSU­ TWO 13 Inch Ford Mus­ Saturday and Sunday, miles. Alpine Stereo, T- automatic, power steer­ RANCE — lowest rotes tang rims, like new, GOES A LONG WAY March 12 and 13. 11-4. 17 Top, Spoilers. Asking ing, power brakes. 89,000 available. Call Clarice or $20.00. Call 643-6802 or face Manchester against Bulkeley \ i to stop DOI Princeton Street, $7000. Call 871-7747. miles. Excellent running Joan at Clarke Insurance 649-6205. AT Manchester. condition. $1495 negotia­ Agency, 8-Spm, 643-1126. ... page 3 1974 AUSTIN MARINA ble. 643-8319 otter 3pm. PAIR BEIGE Bucket seat .. page 15 ... page 6 GT, Good running condi­ BICYCLE For sale, la­ covers for older Firebird SCHAUERS Wanted to Buy 70 tion. $500 firm. Call 444- 1973 CUTLASS SU­ dles 26 Inch, ten speed. or Comoro, excellent OVER 100 NEW SUB8RU8 TO CHOOSE FROM 1118 after 5pm. PREME — good running Yellow, used one season. condition. 643-9141. condition, vinyl top. Call Like new. $80.00firm . Call $ 20 . 00 . BASEBALL CARDS 1981 CADILLAC ELDO­ 443-0162. 643-0863. RADO - Excellent condi­ Wanted - any type and Court of Probate year. Call 446-8253. tion! Many extras! Call 1980 HONDA CVCC ONE 24 INCH Boys 3- Oisirict of Manchester 1983 DL HATCHBACK days 644-3775; evenings, Hatchback, rive speed, speed Columbia; One 26 notice of hearinq Prevent-A-Theft, rustproofing, hatchback weekends 871-4568. new radlals and exhaust. Inch men's 3-speed M ur­ KSTATE OF Chester C. Lewis, group, Magnum I wheels, AM-FM fadio Cars/Trucks lor Sale 71 42,000. G reat shape. ray. Both in good condi­ deceased. 9 ■ K. wiiiu and much more. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $3,900. Call 648-3448. tion. $35.00 each. Call I^irsuant to an order of Hon. Snow today, Manchester, Conn. Dune Buggy. $400 or best 646-1557 after 3pm. William E. FitzGerald, Judge, SALE PRICE $6595 offer. 643-1409 after 6pm. dated March 10,10*3 a hearing will ending tonight Saturday, March 12, 1983 1979 FIAT BRAVA — 1974 100 LS, Four speed, be held on an application praying transmission shot. No 1978 KAWASAKI KZ450. for authority to sell certain real es­ ONLY $136.46 mo white, four door, five tiaoo down CMh or trod*. 48 mo. 13.8%APR 8550.08 total payrrwnta. 1.555.08 flnanot charga. — See page 2 Single copy: 25<t speed, two litre engine, 1973 PONTIAC tor parts. rust. Interior good. For Good condition. $ 1200. tate as in said application on file AM/FM stereo, excellent Good running conditon. parts or restoration. Ask­ Call 643-2023. more fully appears, at the Court of Won't pass Inspection. ing $600. 745-4565 (even­ Probate on March 18, 1883 at 8:30 Ulanrhratpr Hrrali condition. $4200. 872-8380. 646-0709. ings and weekends), 643- A.M. 1983 DL STATION WAGON 2711 (weekdays) ask for Rec Vehicles 73 Sherrie L. Anderson, DATSUN 1982 310 GX, Ass t. Clerk ON DEMAND 4-WHEEL DRIVE sliver. Four door, five 1982 DATSUN Stonza XE. Paul, leave message. Four door sedan, five , 1 Metallic paint, rustproof, body side mold­ speed, 23,000 miles. $4000. LIQUOR PERMIT ing, pinstripes, wheel trimmings. AM-FM Call 644-8634. speed, alr-conditlonino, 1976 BUICK LeSabre, two 1977 APACHI Ramada sunroof, AM /FM stereo. door, automatic trans­ NOTICE OF radio and much more. tent trailer, sleeps eight. APPLICATION GOVERNMENT SUR­ 5700 miles. Some body mission, power steering, In excellent condition. damage. $4500 or best PLUS cars and trucks power brakes, alr- $3,000. Call 646-6938. This is to give notice that I, offer. Call 646-3888 after ^SALE PRICE $7699 listed for $2,044 sold for condltionlng. Asking NOIIMAN R. RAUPP, JR. of 176 6pm weekdays/anytime $1700. or best offer. Call SC lOOL STREET, Sen. Beck's death possible suicide $51. More ovailable. 203- ONLY $158.43 mo 748-4996. weekends^ 646-7914. MIsc. Automotive' 74 MANCHESTER, have filed an aMication placarded 4 MARCH IMWolpsynwol I.B05S4Ilnsnaicnwgs.NlUnwhdudM 1974 OLDS CUTLASS — 1983 with the Department of Liquor HARTFORD — State Sen. Aud­ The death of the veteran legisla­ The role was a familiar one gence, her ability to express 1973 FORD LTD — for Control a GROCERY BEER for rey P. Beck, D-Mansfield, an tive leader caused shock waves at usually handed to Mrs. Beck, a herself," Fauliso said. “ One of the sale. First $350 tokes It. 64,000 miles, alr- Motorcycles/BIcycles 72 AUTO BODY Specialties condltlonlng, power the .sale of alcoholic liquor on the FREE membership to the Cross Country Motor Club with influential fiscal expert and strong the Capitol where Gov. William former economics educator at the things I particularly remember Call 446-2219. premises 809 MAIN STREET, — Super prices an re­ purchase of any new Subaru. Limited time only. proponent of tax reform, was found O’Neill ordered flags on all state University of Connecticut as well steering, power brakes, MA.NCHESTER. about her was her sensitivity to the placement and original dead Friday in a wooded area in buildings be flown at half staff 1948 CHEVY PICK up, AM radio, V8. 18-20mpg. FOR SALE — Suzuki body parts for Ford, The business will be owned by as the Senate’s authority on fiscal needs of people.” custom cab, no rust, good Excellent condition. Reli­ TS250 motorcycle, $70.00. Chevy, GM, Chrysler NOIIMAN R. RAUPP. JR. of 176 northeast Connecticut. from Monday through Saturday. matters. Fauliso said Mrs. Beck was condition. Call after 4pm able. $1800. 646-4021 after Call 644-3234, not running. Cors and Trucks. Special SC H O O L STREET, The body of Mrs. Beck was found ‘ 'The passing of Audrey Beck is a Although a strong proponent of a associated with issues that could 5pm. Needs work. MA.NCHESTER. and will be con­ state income tax, Mrs. Beck be considered "landmark," such 659-2231. til March 18th: '67 to '79 ducted by NORMAN R. RAUPP, shortly after 2 p.m. off Route 44 in terrible loss to the people of Comoro fenders (GM ■lit as permittee. Willington, state police said. Connecticut and a deep, personal responded to the call of her party in as the Guaranteed Tax Base originals) $139 each. '73 SCHALLEB It was a possible suicide, state loss for m e." said O’Neill. drawing up plans that reflected program of school aid grants and to '81 Chevy truck fend­ Norman R. Raupp. Jr. Scholl„-Vm ,, WillowbrooU Pori. Horn, ol lh» N«w Br.tom B p U So . police said. "H er dedication to public ser­ compromise and political reality. several tax issues. ers, $95. each. Many Dated 7 March 1983 But she never gave up her claim She was honored by her col­ HONDA • OLDSMOBILE • SUBARU State police spokesman John vice was more than matched by ^RIN <^ SHOWER I other parts In stock for 009-03 ' a state income tax was a necessity leagues this year when appointed McLeod said police were officially her warmth, her quiet humor, her Immediate delivery I 40 Veterans Drive, New Britain to any meaningful tax reform. to a post created for her - labeling the death as "untimely.” unquestioned sincerity and her page catalogue, $4.00 Not all Uie news is on the N.B. 223-2230 A fiscal consultant to the CIGNA assistant majority leader for fiscal HHd. 525-1403 "A t this time, there is no devotion to principle,” said the OF VALUES postpaid. Old Marlbo­ front page! There’s lots of policy. Corp. office in Bloomfield at the indication of foul play. It’s possible governor. rough Tpke, Portlanrl. CT newsy information in the time of her death, Mrs. Beck was Sen. Eugene Skowronski, D- BRAKES that it was a suicide,” he said. He directed the flags be flown at 243-4907. Classified section. often called on by the leadership to Derby, described Mrs. Beck as a Speciflc circumstances were not half staff “ as a measure of our Honda's sem l-motalllc brake pods are premium grade Diction motofial unravel complicated tax , “ one of the most dedicated legisla­ being disclosed. tribute to Audrey.” that was designed specificallv for your Honda They wear better under most problems. tors we have ever had here.” extreme condifiorii but most Importantly, thek design Increases pod life An autopsy is scheduled this Thomas D'Amore, the newly A small number of lawmakers Skowronski said it did not appear ©uft SOtli fit. ^ a te fc ’s and gives you smoother, quieter braking. morning to determine the exact installed Republican state chair­ was in the Capitol Friday along to him that Mrs. Beck was under cause of death, a spokesman from man. said, "The state has lost a DISC BRAKE PAD SPECIAL W IH GENUINE HONDA PARTS INCLUDES: with Lt. Gov. Joseph Fauliso, any severe strain that he could the state’s chief medical office conscientious public servant with acting in the place of Gov. William observe in the few Democratic Replacement of Dont brake pods lrx:luding hordwaie, as applicable said. the untimely death of Audrey O’Neill who was in New York. caucuses held so far this session. ‘^)ay fiafe! Beck.” (Rotor reflnlshing and wheel cylinder repair exDa If needed) Mrs. Beck, 51, was the mother of Fauliso said he was informed of “ We all work under strain, but I H i two children by her first marriage Word of Mrs.
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