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Ell 1E5 570 ' CS 20 5 4,96; . MC0111117 VESUI17 Ell 1E5 570 ' CS 20 5 4,96; AUTHOR McLean, Ardrew M. TITLE . ,A,Shakespeare: Annotated BibliographiesendAeaiaGuide 1 47 for Teachers. .. INSTIT.UTION. NIttional Council of T.eachers of English, Urbana, ..Ill. .PUB DATE- 80 , NOTE. 282p. AVAILABLe FROM Nationkl Coun dil of Teachers,of Englishc 1111 anyon pa., Urbana, II 61.801 (Stock No. 43776, $8.50 member, . , $9.50 nor-memberl' , EDRS PRICE i MF011PC12 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Biblioal7aphies: *Audiovisual Aids;'*Dramt; +English Irstruction: Higher Education; 4 *InstrUctioiral Materials: Literary Criticism; Literature: SecondaryPd uc a t i on . IDENTIFIERS *Shakespeare (Williaml 1 ABSTRACT The purpose of this annotated b'iblibigraphy,is to identify. resou'rces fjor the variety of approaches tliat teachers of courses in Shakespeare might use. Entries in the first part of the book lear with teaching Shakespeare. in secondary schools and in college, teaching Shakespeare as- ..nerf crmance,- and teaching , Shakespeare with other authora. Entries in the second part deal with criticism of Shakespearear films. Discussions of the filming of Shakespeare and of teachi1g Shakespeare on, film are followed by discu'ssions 'of 26 fgature films and the,n by entries dealing with Shakespearean perforrances on televiqion: The third 'pax't of the book constituAsa glade to avAilable media resources for tlip classroom. Ittries are arranged in three categories: Shakespeare's life'and' iimes, Shakespeare's theater, and Shakespeare 's plam. Each category, lists film strips, films, audi o-ca ssette tapes, and transparencies. The.geteral format of these entries gives the title, .number of parts, .grade level, number of frames .nr running time; whether color or bie ack and white, producer, year' of .prOduction, distributor, ut,itles of parts',4brief description of cOntent, and reviews.A direCtory of producers, distributors, ard rental sources is .alst provided in the 10 book.(FL)- 4 to P . ... t . '...* Reproddctioits supplied by rim ares the best that. can be made, * 4 * . from +he orIinall loctimen+. * .) 4 _. S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION WELf ARE CO NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF , EDUCATION 4 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED ExACTL Y AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN Shakespeare ATIN6 I; POINTS OTVIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 "NOT NECESSARILYRETIRE SENT OFF I( IAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF co EDUCAT ON POSITION OR POL ICY rs-4 Annotated Bibliographies and Media Guide for'eachers . Andrew M. McLean University of WisconsinParkside "or PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY National Council.of Teachers of Fnglish TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOORCES S.. INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." NttizN National Council of Teachers ofEnglish it lIll Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois61801 4 For.my nephews Lee, Andy, Chris, and Keith Duval 0 Grateful acknowledgmet t is madefor permission tor print`the following material. Descriptions frm the N10EM Indexes. Cyright 0 1977. *tinted by permision of the National InformationCenter for Eucational MediaFrorn Teaching Shakespeare, edited by WalterEdens et alopyright 0 1977 by Princeton University Press): "AnnotatedBibliograph," by Andrew M. McLean. Reprinted by permission of PrincetonUniversity Pres. a NCTE Editorial .Board: Thomas Creswell,C. Kermeen Fristrom, Rudine Sims, Donald Stewart, C. Ann Terry, Robert F. Hogan, ex officio, Paul O'Dea,ex officio Book Design: Tom Kovacs NCTE Stock Number 43736 01980 by the National Council ofTeachers of English. All rights reserved. Printedin the United States of America. It is the p licy of NCTE in its journals and other publicationsto provide a forum for the op n discussion of ideasconcerning the content and thc teaching of English and the language arts. Publicityaccorded,to any particular point of view does hot imply endtasement by the ExcecutiVeCommittee, the Board of Directors, or the merhbership at_large, except inannouncements of policy, where such endorsemeni is clearly specified. Library of Congress Cataloging inPublication Data Mc1.ean, Andrew M 1941- Shakespeare, annotated bibliograpkiesand media guide for teachers. 1. Shakespeare, William,1564-1616Bibliography. 2. Shakespeare, William. 1564-1616--Studyand teach- ing.3. Shakespeare, William,I564-1616Film adaptations.I. Title. Z88133/132 [PR2987] 016.8223'3 80-13603 ISBN 0-8141-4377-6 3 Contents ii Preface vii Part One Teaching Shakespeare in thc Schools 3 General 3 Individual Plays 41 Teaching Shakespeare in College 68 General 68 Individual Plays and Non-dramaticPoetry 84 Teaching Shakespeareas Performance J 103 Teaching Shakespeare with Other Auth 118 Part Two Shakespeare in Feature Films andon Television 1 General 127 Individual Feture Films 145 Shakespeare on Television 205 Part Three Guide to Media for Teaching Shakespeare .213 Audio Visual Materials 213 Shakespedre's Life andTimes 213 Shakespeare's Theater 222 Shakespeare's Plays 228 vi Contents4 Records 256 Feature Film Sources 268 NDirectory of Producers, Distributors, and Rental Sources 272 a. %ye I dIPP Preface These bibliographies and guide began as a scarch of the literature to determine how I could irliprove my college sophomore Shakespeare course, expanded whcn I could not answcr a student-teacher's questions abou teaching Julius Caesar in high school, and pincided with my growin interest in Shakespeare on film.,lt soon beome clear that while Shake- speare is taught in every school and college in America, there has been only 'piecemeal public discussion of that teaching. Within the las few years, how ver, teaching Shakespeare has been discussed at mee ngs of thc nal Council of Teachers ofnglish, the Modern Language Associa- tion of America, the Shakespcare Association of America and has been the subject of special issues of thc Shakespeare Quarterly, Shakespeare '4110 Newsletter, and a I.977 book published by Princcton Wiiversity Press. At the same time, growing' interest in tcaching Shakespeare on film has established this as an exciting new arca of study; while an old strategy, teaching through performance, has ,heen revived as a. challenging way to encounter Shakespearean dramdt Yet, bccause there .is ,no one woo or method to teach Shakespcarc, it is important for teachers to share their expericnces. What works well for one tcachcr may not work at qll for anothcr, but there arc many approachcs or techniques tilat might work if tricd. Thc primary purpose of this book is to idcntify rcsources for the variety of approaches that teAlicis might usc. If the teacher finds something here which helps thc studf nt to understand and enjoy Shakcspcarc bctter, then this/project has been worthwhile. lh this regard, the high school teacher and college professor sharc may comnion problems in introducing students to Shakespeare's language, poetry; dramatic structure, porpayal of character, and tOthose universalihemp that make teachibi Shakespeare so reward- ing. Perhaps the difference in teaching Shakespeare to high school students and to college undergraduates is less onc of kind than degree; the division of bibliographies bctwecn sccondary school And college teaching is one of convenience. I hope those using thc book view it as a whole, gleaning useful suggestions from all parts and not just from one scction. Part One of this book offers annotated bibliographies for tcaching vii Preface Shakespeare in school and collegeas dramatic literature, through perfor- mance, and with othersauthors. For the fewentries where no annotation appears, either the title is self-explanatoryorf ojsome reason I was unable to secure a copy or verify the entrY>ls.4yann tations axe meant to indicate the essay or book's substance and relative usefulnses. Thegeneral sections list materials that broadly discuss teaching Shakespearein the schoolor college. These are both immediately followed by materials focusedon the individual Shakespeare plaYs. Items concerned' with Shakespeare'snon- dramatic_poetry follow materialsfor individual plays in thecollege section. These deal less with theoretical matters ttral'i with explication of thetexts; and they are, of course, useful for teachers at all levels. Ihave, with some exceptions, excluded traditionalliterary criticism, unless theessay would serve some particular pedagogicalpurpose. This, obviously, is often a hard decision to make, but thoseseeking a bibliography ofrecent Shakespearean criticism should consult theannual bibliographies found inPM LA and Shakespeare Quailed), and theconvenient Goldentree Bibliographycom- piled by David Bevington, , Shakespeare (AUM PublishingCorp., 1979). In the bibliography of materials for teaching Shakespeare throughperfor-. mance, I have tried to providea generous saniAllg of classroom-related 4umestions for enactments ofvarious kinds. The last sectionof Part One provides a checklist ofbooks and articles forteachers who like to demonstrate Shakespeare's influenceor popularity by comparing his work to that of other authors. Part Two presents the first sebstantivebibliography to the growing body of criticism of Shakesp'earean films. Discussions of ,tlie filmingof Shake- speare and of teaching Shakespeareon film are listed together in the general section. Then follows a bibliography of the criticism pf twenty-sixfeature- length Shakespeare films. Thismaterial will complement JackJorgens and Christine Egloff's Shakespeareon Stage and Screen: A Bibliography of Criticism (Indiana University Press, 1979), the annual ShakespeareQuar- terly bibliography, and checklistsappearing in the Shakespeareon Film Newsletter. The short section
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