February 28, 1969
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Attorneys Ret ained for Eight Defendants Stude nts To Face Inj unction Today By ALLAN YODER Defendants are eight students who were It also was reported that the Committee: Don Shall, chairman of t e was responsible for the listing of the board will be closed, and a synopsis " Collegian Staff Writer named specifically and "250 John Does. defendants tried to secure a public USG academic affairs Commission; and other eight students who were named. of each hoarine, will be released Hearing Tomorrow defendant , but the Centre County Court Joe Ruisi (2nd-liberal arts-West Richard V .Waitc , sheriff of Centre afterwards. The board said it "would University lawyers will come The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. ruled that public defenders could not Brentwood, N.Y.) County, told Tho Daily Collcsian that be auided by all University Senate Rules face to face with students this tomorrow in the Centre County be obtained in civil cases. Four Names Originally he was not sure who crossed off the and Procedures." Courthouse in Bellefonte. Plans were Kick Collins, president of the It has been revealed that the names students' names. "But I wouldn 't be These include the richt of any student morning when the Centre County still being made last night for chartered Douglass' Association, secured his own of four students appeared on the original surprised if McQumdc I D e 1 b e r t to be assisted m his defense b\ an Court hears arguments from both buses to leave for the courthouse early lawyer for the case. She is Harriet complaint drawn up by the University, McQuaide, a University attorney and adviser of his own choosing, so lows sides on whether the current in- this morning from the Hetzel Union Battips from Lewistown. only to be scratched out later. They law partner of Wilkinson) did." as the adviser is a member of the Building. dissolved or were Gayle Graziano. Association of In other developments concerning "academic community." Also, a n y junction should be The purpose of the hearing is solely There will be a mass meeting of Women Students president: Eric Monday's Old Main sit-in. the Special student appcariiiR before the boa rd "shall made permanent. to determine whether the injunction will the armband wearers at 3 p.m. :n the Prystowsky, president of the Judiciary Board set up by University have the charp.es against him furnished The injunction, served to more than be made permanent. None of the eight HUE Ballroom. Interfratcrnlty Council; and Bob DiOrio President Eric A. Walker released a in writing sufficiently in advance of 400 students at the sit-in Monday night, students need to appear unless they and Jerry North . IFC officials. statement on the purpose of the board. the hearing to afford a reasonable prohibits students from "seizing control wish to contest the injunction, but all The other seven defendants are Alvan When con tacted yesterday, Roy The board's duties are to "evaluate opportunity to prepare for the of or occupying, sitting-in or lying-in, of them have retained attorneys. Youngberg, editor of the Water Tunnel: Wilkinson . legal counsel [or the the substantive evidence presented by presentation of his defense." or remaining when requested t o Ambrose Campana of Williamsport, Tom Richdale, chairman of Students for University, said the names o( those four the Office of the Vice President for The l>oard defines " reasonable op- peaceably quit the premises" of any is the defense attorney. It was reported a Democratic Society: Norm Schwartz. students were crossed off because the Student A ffairs in support of specific portunity " as 36 hours. University building. The injunction is yesterday that even though Campana Undergraduate Student Government town University did not have "sufficient charges against specific individuals , and A representative of the student In effect until tomorrow, unless the court is connected with the American Civil congressman; Gary Potter, S D S evidence on their participation in the to make disciplinary recommendations affairs office will present the casej*. rules today to make it permanent. Liberties Union , he will be acting only member; Julian Kalkstein, former sit-in." to the President." but will not be present during The plaintiff is the University. as a private attorney today. chairman of the USG Legal Affairs Wilkinson also refused to sav who All meetings and hearings of the deliberations or voting. * * * Wal ker Receives Shafe r To Visit Campus Faculty Resolution Luncheon , Confe rence By MARGE COHEN Collegian Staff Writer Scheduled For Today A goal of 10.000 signatures has been set by coordinators of a petition which will begin circulation Monday among Gov. Raymond P. Shafer will meeting is scheduled for 204- any meetings wit the student body. visit University Park today. 205 HUB — University idn inlstrators. Thi» c The petition calls for two changes in University Sen- Last week the Governor President I.nc A. Walker 's between the Governor and ate policy. canceled his visit with students private suite . students." The requests are: here, saying he was joining The governor will talk w ith Working with Curtis in Vice President Spiro Agncw students at 4 p m. in the HUB Julie Conover tfith-history-Nrw —every student who is involved in disciplinary pro- at Cape Kennedy for the Apollo lounge. Castle) , ceedings in the University should be entitled to counsel Pain Kissinger (11th- 9 launch . •Meets Students political science Sharon), Ann of his choice; But yesterday the space "The governor wants to talk Steinberg tilth.political science- —Senate rule W-ll should be revised so that it can- flight was postponed and to as many students as State College) and Mitch Work not be applied in cases of obscentiy. Shafer rescheduled his visit. possible." Curtis said. tilth politico! science-Fairfax. Rusty Monroe (lOth-secondary education-Erie), one of The Governor will arrive at "Nothing has been planned for V«.). the organizers of the committee, said the petition was in- the University airport at 12:15 tended to "appeal to reason opposed to emotional reaction p.m. According to to a voice blaring over a loud speaker." pubernatorial aid Tony Curtis, Monroe also said-he and his group want to establish the governor and his party a "legal" channel, "setting precedence through which other will then drive to the Hetzel differences." Union Building for a 12:30 p.m. organizations could air their luncheon with student leaders In addition to circulating the petition in residence halls in the Terrace Room. Shapp To Visit and classes, the group plans to set up a booth next week on the ground floor of the Hetzel Union Building, where —CollMlan Photo by Pltrr * B.lllclni HUB Ground Floor petitions will be available. The governor will be on the An organizational meeting is scheduled for. 9 p.m. Sun- Petition Supports ROTC Credit ground floor of the HUB until Campus NextWeek day in the HUB lounge to discuss further plans. 2 p.m. At that time, he will meet with representatives of Milton J. Shnpp, unsuccessful Demon »lie candidate Student government and social organizations will also "CONCERNED" STUDENTS enrolled in the HOTC program have collected The Daily Collegian, The be contacted, Moore said. approximately 8,500 signatures on petitions supporting academic credit for Water Tunnel and campus for governor in IDOfl , will visit the University next Thurs- ' David Ricci, assistant professor of political science, ROTC, according to spokesmen for the group. They,.assert ;thai.a small, group radio station WDFM. day. said that letters to faculty members explaining not only of dissidents have illegitimately taken it upon themselves to speak for the en- At 2:30 p.m.'. the ' Stiite - - - Sh app, , Avho « chairman of the Pennsyl vania' Demo- the petition "but the reasoning behind it will also be sent College press will be included " out. Attached to Hhe letters will be copies "of the" petition lire student body. The petitions began circulation five days ago. (Story Page 4.) in the news conference. The'" cratic Study Committee, will addrest students in the Hetzel for circulation. Union" Building Ballroom »t .1 p.m. He will then aniwer The slogan of the petition is "A group of 10,000." students' questions. "We are trying to show the public and the State legis- The University Union Bourd (UUB) will sponsor lature and interested citizens of Pennsylvania that there Shapp's visit. Mike Alexander, president of UUB »«id he is more than a small number of students interested in this campus," Monroe explained. USG Urges Walker To Follow hopes that every candidate for the University presidency As for the first request—that students have the right will conie to the rampus to talk to students . Shapp ha.i for legal counsel of their own choice at disciplinary pro- been endoisrd for the presidency hv The Daily Collccinn . ceedings—the group explained that students are not per- University President Eric A. Walker has announced 'hat mitted to have a lawyer from outside the University com- Senate Outlines for Disci pl ine he will retire before July 11)70. Shapp has told the Col- munity under the present regulation. legian that hr would accept the ptcaidenry if It were of- A spokesman for the committee explained that personal By PAT DYBUE the board Tuesday to consider Congress states . "the but not the 'proper channels.' " choice for legal counsel is part of "due process of law disciplining students involved establishment of a body by Alexander said in h i s fered "with no strings attached " . un- and DEBBIE COVER less the University considers itself to be some private in the Old Main sit-in Monday President Eric Walker for the opinion .