Public Disclosure Copy The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report National Community Driven Development Project (P132500)

Myanmar National Community Driven Development Project (P132500)

EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | Myanmar | Social Development Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Emergency Recovery Loan | FY 2013 | Seq No: 5 | ARCHIVED on 17-Dec-2014 | ISR17333 | Public Disclosure Authorized

Implementing Agencies:

Key Dates

Key Project Dates

Board Approval date:01-Nov-2012 Effectiveness Date:11-Jan-2013 Planned Mid Term Review Date:16-Feb-2015 Actual Mid-Term Review Date:-- Original Closing Date:31-Jan-2019 Revised Closing Date:31-Jan-2019 Public Disclosure Authorized Project Development Objectives

Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The development objective is to enable poor rural communities to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through a people-centered approach and to enhance the government’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.

Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No

PHRPDODEL Public Disclosure Authorized Components

Name Community Block Grants:(Cost $52.20 M) Facilitation and Capacity Development:(Cost $14.20 M) Knowledge and Learning:(Cost $1.80 M) Implementation Support:(Cost $11.80 M) Emergency Contingency Response

Overall Ratings

Public Disclosure Authorized Name Previous Rating Current Rating

Progress towards achievement of PDO  Satisfactory  Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP)  Moderately Satisfactory  Moderately Satisfactory

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Overall Risk Rating  --  High

Implementation Status and Key Decisions

In its first year the Project has successfully implemented 357 sub-projects which improve access to basic infrastructure and services in a participatory manner in three remote rural townships in Myanmar (Namhsan township in Shan State; Kanpetlet township in Chin State; and Kyunsu township in Thanindaryi Region). These townships have 390 villages with a population of 225,941 people. About 57 percent of the households in the project villages participated in the planning, decision making and the subproject implementation processes. The Project remains highly relevant in the context of high rural poverty rates and a history of underinvestement in infrastructure and services in rural areas. Sub-project costs and implementing agency costs have to date remained well within budget allocations. Following the first community cycle, the Project conducted social audits at the community level (showing high levels of community satisfaction) and multi-stakeholder reviews at the township and union levels. The lessons leaned in year one and inputs from these meetings were used to inform improvements to the Project Operations Manual. The Project will expand to a further six new townships in the 2nd year; township in Region; Sidoktaya township in Magway Region; Laymrethna township in Ayeyarwady Region; Ann Township in Rakhine State; Htantabin township in Yangon Region and Takone township in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory. Together, the nine townships targeted in the second year are home to around 850,000 people.

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Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating

Political and Governance  --  --  Substantial Macroeconomic  --  --  Substantial Sector Strategies and Policies  --  --  Substantial Technical Design of Project or Program  --  --  Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and -- -- High Sustainability    Fiduciary  --  --  Substantial Environment and Social  --  --  Moderate Stakeholders  --  --  High Other  --  --  -- Overall  --  --  High


Project Development Objective Indicators


 Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Core)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 250.00 850.00 2500.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 30-Nov-2014 31-Dec-2016

Comments Defined as number of persons resident in beneficiary townships. The figure for November 30, 2014, includes the population of year 2 townships.


 Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Core Supplement)

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Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 51.00 50.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 30-Nov-2014 31-Dec-2016


 Number of persons having access to and use of project-built infrastructure and ser-vices (e.g., all-weather roads, water, schools, health ser-vices) (Number, Custom Supplement)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 -- 225000.00 --

Date 01-Oct-2012 -- 18-Jan-2013 31-Dec-2016


 Percent of households in project villages participating in planning, decision-making, and implementation of sub-projects (Percentage, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 57.00 50.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Mar-2014 01-Oct-2018


 Percent of community members satisfied with the project (Percentage, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 30-Nov-2014 01-Oct-2018

Overall Comments This indicator will be measured using a beneficiary satisfaction survey, planned as part of the technical audit for the first half of calendar year 2015. In the meantime, social audit heald at the conclusion of the first cycle of community implementation indicate high community satisfaction levels.

Intermediate Results Indicators

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 #/type of rural infrastructure built (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 300.00 357.00 --

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 --

Comments Break down by sector: Transport 126, Education 118, Water and Sanitation 69, Electrification 26, Others 15.


 % of sub-projects evaluated as high priority by communities (Percentage, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments This information will be collected as part of the technical audit in first half of the calendar year 2015.


 % of sub-projects evaluated independently meeting project operations manual technical and safeguard specifications (Percentage, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 75.00 85.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments Above is proxy data based of a recently completed external technical audit with a relatively small sample size of sub-projects from all three year 1 townships. A quantitative technical audit is planned for 2015.

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 # of Government officials using their new skills in project management, engineering, planning (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 49.00 75.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments Conservatiely estimated on the basis of the DRD project implementation particpation: 31 persons at Union Level and 6 persons per township (18).


 # of community members using their new skills in project planning, financial management, and procurement (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 4731.00 16000.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments Number of committee members.


 # of internal cross-township learning exchanges (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 2.00 43.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments Union level Multi stakeholder review brought DRD township and union level staff, select local government officials, community members and township TA personnel for a central learning event, with extensive opportunity for cross-learning. Around 53 new DRD staff undertook a trip to Kanpetlet township to observe and learn from NCDDP implementation.

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 Awards given out through development marketplace (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments The first Development Market Place has been deferred to August 2015.


 Grievances registered related to delivery of project benefits addressed (%) (Percentage, Core)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 99.00 85.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Mar-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments Source: DRD Grievance Report


 Grievances related to delivery of project benefits that are addressed-(number) (Number, Core Supplement)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 318.00 0.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Mar-2014 01-Oct-2018


 % of annual significant financial audit findings addressed (misuse of funds, non-compliance with procedures) (Percentage, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.00

Date 01-Oct-2012 31-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2014 01-Oct-2018

Comments The first audit of the Project was submitted in October 2014. DRD's follow up to be assessed in the course of the next mission.

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Overall Comments

Data on Financial Performance

Disbursements (by loan)

Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed Disbursed

P132500 IDA-H8140 Effective XDR 52.60 52.60 0.00 10.10 42.50 19%

Key Dates (by loan)

Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date

P132500 IDA-H8140 Effective 01-Nov-2012 14-Nov-2012 11-Jan-2013 31-Jan-2019 31-Jan-2019

Cumulative Disbursements

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Restructuring History

There has been no restructuring to date.

Related Project(s)

P153113-National Community Driven Development Project

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