--~-.._--- -- ---- _. .p................'i.. i I i DP/UN/BUR.72.002/9 BURMA . GEOLOGI[;i\L SURVEY AND EXPLORflTION 1 , Pmieel findings and recqDllluldalioDs _, ! j' I _ ., ,_', ,.-,:, . ;t.... .".- -:;"-,,,:,;' .,.... " ":.'. ;-: :,'-,"'; , .,!,~,._:.:<::'~~-' " ,'.. :,._.,'.::'.;':.,' ,.1 : ';::,~ ;:':-"~~,:I,~:::,:.:.:,,,,:: i;'~;,~. i ".: .'::;',;_,'. /..\;;;.. '. .. ,<-. "; -:.,.~,';"~;"",:"'~~"<' : ~ .,'. -; .-.- " "-".1'-'-' , - UNITED NATIONS .. '.,I j ~I 'I r..t ,~.( J 1 II i ,I :1 DP/UN/BUR-72-002/9 I I United Nations Development Programme I GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND EXPLORATION I I I BURMA I Project findings and recommendations I I Prepared for the Government of The Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma by the United Nations acting as executing agency for I the United Nations Development Programme I I I I UNITED NATIONS I New York, 1978 I I , tom vr-- --~_~ i,', r~'''':'::'''' IJ I .1 II II Notes ~ II Abbreviations used: II DGSE Department of Geological Survey and Exploration E.M. Electromagnetic II LP. Induced polarization I I I ppm parts per million II II As of 1 February 1978, the rate of exchange was 7.11 Kyats to the US dollar. II II The designations employed and the presentation of material in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city II or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. II II II DP/UN/BUR-72-002/9 II I I I ~I It I - ii - 11; I ")j I l"'-'- -·~···~··"'-·r,,-·>I4-, i ~I 11 I.
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