
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 76 (2020) 3–19 3 DOI 10.3233/JAD-200581 IOS Press Review

Neurobiology of COVID-19

Majid Fotuhia,b,∗, Ali Mianc, Somayeh Meysamid and Cyrus A. Rajic,e aNeuroGrow Fitness Center, McLean, VA, USA bJohns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA cNeuroradiology Section, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA dDepartment of , David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA eDepartment of Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA

Accepted 29 May 2020

Abstract. , , paralysis, cranial nerve deficits, , , , and are some of the neurological complications in patients with coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) which is caused by respiratory syn- drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov2). There remains a challenge to determine the extent to which neurological abnormalities in COVID-19 are caused by SARS-Cov2 itself, the exaggerated response it triggers, and/or the resulting hypercoag- ulapathy and formation of blood clots in blood vessels throughout the body and the brain. In this article, we review the reports that address neurological manifestations in patients with COVID-19 who may present with acute neurological symptoms (e.g., stroke), even without typical respiratory symptoms such as , cough, or shortness of breath. Next, we discuss the different neurobiological processes and mechanisms that may underlie the link between SARS-Cov2 and COVID-19 in the brain, , peripheral nerves, and muscles. Finally, we propose a basic “NeuroCovid” classification scheme that integrates these concepts and highlights some of the short-term challenges for the practice of neurology today and the long- term sequalae of COVID-19 such as depression, OCD, insomnia, cognitive decline, accelerated aging, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease in the future. In doing so, we intend to provide a basis from which to build on future hypotheses and investigations regarding SARS-Cov2 and the .

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, anosmia, , COVID-19, , SARS-Cov2, ,

INTRODUCTION . However, it is increasingly evi- dent that SARS-Cov2 can contribute to a number Severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 of neurological issues including anosmia, seizures, (SARS-Cov2) is a novel betacoronavirus that causes stroke, , encephalopathy, and total paralysis a variety of symptoms in patients known as coron- [6, 7]. Up to 20% of COVID-19 patients who require avirus disease (COVID-19) [1]. There is a growing set (ICU) admission due to their neu- of observations that suggest these symptoms include rological issues, and COVID-19 patients in ICU who a wide range of neurological manifestations [2–5]. At have neurological deficits, are at a higher risk of mor- the beginning of the current pandemic, the treatment tality [8, 9]. Patients who do leave ICU and recover of patients with COVID-19 focused on the man- from their respiratory symptoms are potentially at agement of fever, cough, shortness of breath, and higher risk for long-term residual neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive conditions including depression, ∗Correspondence to: Majid Fotuhi, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins obsessive compulsive disorder, , Parkin- Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. son’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease [10, 11].

ISSN 1387-2877/20/$35.00 © 2020 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 4 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19

In 2002, there was an epidemic of a coron- tal in Italy, 33.9% reported having smell or taste avirus with severe acute respiratory syndrome (called impairment and 18.6% reported having both [20]. SARS-Cov, here referred to as SARS-Cov1) which Among 202 patients with mild COVID-19 symp- also caused a range of neurological conditions includ- toms in another hospital in Italy, 64.4% had impaired ing encephalopathy, seizures, stroke, cranial nerve sense of smell or taste [18]. However, among 214 palsies, peripheral neuropathy, and myopathy [12]. It patients hospitalized in China (Wuhan), with severe had a of approximately 10% [13] that or non-severe COVID-19 symptoms, only 5.1% and in part limited the spread of the disease [12]. In 2012, 5.6% had smell or taste impairment; these impair- another coronavirus spread in the Middle East, called ments were more prevalent among patients with mild Middle East Respiratory (MERS) [13]. This COVID-19 than those with severe COVID-19 (6-7% too resulted in clinical that involved mul- versus 3.0%) [6]. tiple organs, including the brain, nerves, and muscles [14]. SARS-Cov2, possessing a high homology to SARS-Cov1 and MERS, appears to have the capacity Studies about cerebrovascular disease to injure the central and peripheral nervous systems through direct and indirect ways [4, 11, 15]. Given The formation of small or large blood clots, both that COVID-19 has created a worldwide health and in the brain and in multiple other organs, have been economic crisis, its neurological implications have reported in a significant number of patients with become the focus of intense clinical research. COVID-19 (Table 2). In the study by Li et al., 13 of In this review, we will summarize the published the 221 COVID-19 patients had imaging-confirmed reports regarding COVID-19 patients with various evidence of cerebrovascular disease [21]. The major- neurological symptoms with a focus on our current ity of patients had ischemic infarcts in both small understanding for pathophysiology of how SARS- and large arterial vessels. They also noted that one Cov2 impacts the central and peripheral nervous patient had cerebral venous , as confirmed systems. We will also address issues on how patients by a CT venogram, and one patient had intracranial with Alzheimer’s disease or other neurological condi- hemorrhage, confirmed by a head CT. In the study of tions are impacted by the current pandemic. We also 214 COVID-19 patients by Mao et al., five patients discuss how non-infected individuals can make them- had ischemic and one patient had intracranial selves more resilient for the short-term and long-term hemorrhage [6]. Most of the patients with cerebrovas- impact of SARS-Cov2, in case they become infected cular disease (and other neurological deficits) in this with this virus in the future. Finally, we will high- study had severe COVID-19 symptoms. However, light the importance of identifying patients who have two of the six patients presented to hospital with neurological issues without typical COVID-19 symp- signs of stroke, but did not initially have respiratory toms, in order to reduce the risk of virus spreading in symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 [6]. in-patient and/or out-patient neurology units. Another study by Oxley et al. also highlighted that young healthy individuals can present with NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMS IN large strokes, with or without apparent COVID- PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 19 symptoms such as cough or fever [22]. They report a 39-year-old man with no COVID-19 symp- Studies about anosmia or ageusia toms who developed hemiplegia, ataxia, and reduced level of . His brain MRI showed evi- An MRI case study from a patient with COVID- dence of right posterior cerebral artery occlusion. He 19 with acute onset of anosmia in Iran reported underwent a cerebral angiography and clot retrieval normal nasal mucosa (no congestion) and normal procedures followed by antiplatelet therapy with volume of olfactory bulbs bilaterally [16]. Dysfunc- aspirin. He was transferred to ICU and remained in tion of smell and taste have been widely reported in critical condition. Another patient, a 37-year-old man patients with COVID-19 in European communities presented with right hemiplegia and reduced level of [17–19] (Table 1). Lechien and colleagues found that consciousness, also without any COVID-19 symp- among 417 patients with mild to moderate COVID- toms. His MRI showed evidence of a left middle 19, 85.6% reported having olfactory dysfunction and cerebral artery occlusion. He received a clot retrieval 88.0% had gustatory dysfunction [19]. Among 59 procedure, was then started on apixaban, improved patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in a hospi- rapidly, and was discharged to home. M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 5

Table 1 Studies on anosmia or ageusia Reference Study design Clinical findings Outcome measures Comments Lechien et al. [17] Case report 85.6% had olfactory sQOD-NS More than 95% of the 417 mild-moderate dysfunction The smell and taste patients recovered COVID-19 patients 88% had gustatory component of the their taste and smell from 12 European dysfunction NHANES within two weeks hospitals Mean age: 40

Mao et al. [6] Retrospective case 5.1% had a reduced Patient Interviews Olfactory or gustatory series smell impairment were 214 COVID-19 5.6% had a reduced more common in patients in hospitals taste patients with mild in China COVID-19 than in Mean age: 52.7 patient with severe COVID-19 Spinato et al. [18] Case report 64.4% had an altered ARTIQ 11.9% had smell and 202 COVID-19 sense of smell or SNOT-22 taste symptoms patients with mild taste before COVID-19 symptoms in Italy symptoms, 22.8% Median age: 56 had these symptoms at the same time as the COVID-19 symptoms, and 26.7% had them after the COVID-19 symptoms began Giacomelli et al. [19] Case report 33.9% had either Verbal interviews and Patients with olfactory 59 patients with olfactory or taste surveys of hospital or taste dysfunction COVID-19 in a dysfunction; 18.6% patients were younger than hospital in Italy had both those patients Median age: 60 without these symptoms Galougahi et al. [16] Case report Acute onset of MRI: Normal volume Patient did not have anosmia of olfactory bulb any nasal congestion, which was also evident in the MRI sQOD-NS, Short version of Questionnaires of Olfactory Disorders Negative Statements; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Exami- nation Survey; ARTIQ, Acute Respiratory Tract Questionnaire; SNOT-22, Sino-nasal Outcome 22.

Seizure or encephalopathy swab and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were positive for SARS-Cov2, as measured by PCR. He received sup- There are several case reports of COVID-19 portive treatment in the ICU and later had significant patients presenting to hospitals with fever, stiff neck, improvements. It was noted that he had developed confusion, changes in mental status, and/or seizures retrograde and did not remember events (Table 3). For example, Filtov et al. reported the case related to the onset of COVID-19 pandemic (personal of a 74-year-old woman who presented to hospital communication with Dr. Moriguchi). Poyiadji et al. with fever, cough, and confusion [23]. Her head CT reported the case of a 58-year-old woman who pre- showed evidence of an old large stroke in her left sented to hospital in Detroit with cough, fever, and temporal lobes, but no new strokes. Moriguchi et al. confusion. Her MRI was consistent with a diagnosis reported the case of a 24-year-old man who presented of acute necrotizing (hemorrhagic) [25]. to ER with , stiff neck, seizure, and loss of Duong and colleagues reported the case of a 41- consciousness [24]. The patient’s brain MRI showed year-old woman with COVID-19 who presented to hyperintense signal in the right mesial temporal lobe hospital with headache, fever, disorientation, seizure, and as well as the wall of the infe- and [26]. Her head CT and CSF were rior horn of the right ventricle. This patient’s nasal negative. Yin et al. described yet another patient, 6 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19

Table 2 Studies on cerebrovascular disease Reference Study design Clinical findings Test results Comments Mao et al. [6] Retrospective case 5 patients had Head CT: Stroke 2 of the 6 patients series ischemic strokes (details of each with a stroke did 214 COVID-19 and 1 patient had an patient’s imaging not have typical patients in hospitals intracranial results were not COVID-19 in Wuhan, China hemorrhage reported) symptoms such as Mean age: 52.7 Strokes were more cough or fever common among The 1 patient who had patients with severe intracranial COVID-19 hemorrhage later died Li et al. [21] Retrospective Specific clinical Head CT: Acute Among 11 patients observational study presentations of ischemic stroke (11 with acute stroke, 5 221 consecutive patients were not patients), cerebral had large vessel COVID-19 patients described venous thrombosis disease, 3 had small in hospitals in (1 patient), and vessel stenosis, and Wuhan, China intracranial 3 had cardio 13 patients hemorrhage (1 embolic stroke Median age: 73.5 patient) 53% of patients had Cerebral Angiogram: hypertension and Cerebral venous 77% had high blood thrombosis levels Patients with stroke 38% of patients with had higher levels of stroke died in ICU CRP and D-D, and low Oxley et al. [22] Case report Hemiplegia, facial MRI, Head CT, CTA, 3 of the 5 patients 5 patients under age droop, dysarthria, CTP: Large vessel were discharged to 50 sensory deficit, occlusion in ICA, a rehabilitation homonymous MCA, or PCA facility, one to a hemianopia, stroke unit, and one reduced level of to ICU consciousness, gaze All patients were preference, and treated with facial antiplatelet or anticoagulation; 3 of the 5 patients underwent clot retrieval procedure Hou et al. [59] Case report Left hemiplegia Head CT: Bilateral Patient was found to 75 F Right sided weakness cerebral infarcts; have a deep vein right MCA and thrombosis as well ACA, left ACA as a stroke Vascular Ultrasound: Bilateral venous thrombosis Avula et al. [63] Case Report Change in mental MRI, Head CT, and All four patients 4 Patients status, slurred CTA: large vessel presented to Ages 73-88 speech, hemiplegia, occlusion in MCA hospital in their and/or word finding or ICA in 3 early stages of difficulty patients; small COVID-19, but had vessel occlusion in extensive vascular M1 segment of risk factors MCA in 1 patient CTA, computed angiography; CTP, computed tomographic perfusion; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; ACA, anterior cerebral artery a 64-year-old man, with COVID-19 who presented reported that among their 214 patients hospital- to hospital with acute onset of lethargy, irritabil- ized with severe COVID-19, 14.8% had impaired ity, dissociated speech, and confusion. His head consciousness and one patient experienced seizures CT and CSF were negative too [27]. Mao et al. [6]. M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 7

Table 3 Studies on seizures and/or encephalopathy Reference Study design Clinical findings Test results Comments Helms et al. [28] Observational study 65% had confusion Imaging Studies: [13 15 of the 45 patients 58 ICU patients with 69% had agitation patients] 62% who were COVID-19 Meningeal discharged from the Median age: 63 enhancement ICU were found to Brain MRI Perfusion have Dysexecutive Scan: [11 patients] Syndrome All had perfusion abnormalities CSF: [7 patients] All negative PCR Duong et al. [26] Case report Headache, fever, Head CT: Negative Patient received 41 F disorientation, CSF: Negative PCR treatment for a viral hallucinations, and meningitis and seizures improved after 9 No respiratory days symptoms observed Lu et al. [91] Retrospective No acute symptomatic EEG: Not obtained A limitation in this observational study seizures or status study was a lack of 304 COVID-19 epilepticus were EEG data patients in 14 observed hospitals in China Yin et al. [27] Case report AMS, , and Head CT: Negative Patient was treated 64 M dissociated speech, CSF: Negative PCR with antiviral lethargy, confusion, and and neck stiffness traditional Chinese Medicine Patient was discharged to a quarantine facility after a few weeks Mao et al. [6] Retrospective case Among 88 patients No specific data for Changes in mentation series with severe head CT, CSF, or were in part 214 COVID-19 COVID-19, 14.8% EEG attributed to patients in hospitals had impaired medications, in Wuhan, China consciousness multi-organ failure, Mean age: 52.7 1 patient had a tonic and being in ICU clonic seizure Filatov et al. [23] Case report Fever, cough, and Head CT: Negative Patient was admitted 74 M with COVID-19 encephalopathy except for a large, to the ICU and History of atrial old stroke received fibrillation, stroke, EEG: Diffused hydroxychloroquine PD, COPD, and slowing in the left recent cellulitis temporal lobe Ye et al. [74] Case report Fever, shortness of CSF: Negative Patient received Adult M breath, and supportive confusion treatment including infusion and was then discharged to home Moriguchi et al. [24] Case report Headache, stiff neck, Brain MRI: Patient recovered and 24 M with COVID-19 seizure, and LOC in had residual right temporal lobe and hippocampus for 2 years CSF: Positive PCR for Patient did not SARS-Cov2 remember events related to COVID-119 pandemic (Continued) 8 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19

Table 3 (Continued) Reference Study design Clinical findings Test results Comments Poyiadji et al. [25] Case report Confusion, Head CT: Patient was treated 58 F disorientation Hypoattenuation in with IVIg and the thalami recovered MRI: Hemorrhagic rim enhancement in the thalami, temporal lobe, and sub-insular region CTA & CTV: Normal AMS, altered mental status; LOC, loss of consciousness; PD, Parkinson’s disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; PCR, polymerase chain reaction (for SARS-Cov2).

In a study of ICU patients with severe COVID-19 degrees of typical COVID-19 symptoms. Overall, it and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) appears that COVID-19 patients who presented with (N = 58), 65% had confusion and 69% had agitation various degrees of cranial nerve and limb weakness [28]. Among the 13 patients in this study who under- and who were promptly diagnosed with GBS had a went MRI because of unexplained encephalopathic favorable . features, 62% (8/13) had leptomeningeal enhance- In the observational study by Mao et al., COVID- ment, 23% (3/13) had ischemic stroke, and all 11 19 patients in the ICU had multiple etiologies for patients who underwent perfusion imaging had bilat- lethargy, muscle atrophy, and weakness [6]. However, eral frontotemporal hypoperfusion. Interestingly, two their muscular symptoms were above and beyond of their patients who had diffusion weighted MRIs what would be expected in a critical care setting. were found to have experienced acute small strokes They reported that 19.3% of their patients with severe which were not expected based on their neurologi- COVID-19 had evidence of marked muscle [6]. cal exams. One patient had an asymptomatic acute Similar findings have been reported for COVID-19 ischemic stroke in his cerebellum [28]. patients in other ICU settings [31].

Studies about peripheral nervous system PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SARS-Cov2, similar to SARS-Cov1, can cause NEUROLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN serious injury to cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, COVID-19 and muscles (Table 4). Facial weakness, difficulty breathing, being unable to stand or walk, or hav- The binding of SARS-Cov2 to angiotensin con- ing difficulty weaning off respiratory ventilators may verting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is a critical step in the be in part due to Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) pathophysiology of clinical manifestations in patients brought on by COVID-19. Gutierrez-Ortiz et al. with COVID-19 [32] (Fig. 1). The function of report treating two patients who presented with eye ACE2 in normal human physiology is to regulate movement abnormalities consistent with a diagnosis via inhibition of the angiotensin- of Miller-Fisher Syndrome and polyneuritis cra- renin-aldosterone pathways [33]. ACE2 facilitates nialis. Their symptoms included anosmia, ageusia, conversion of angiotensin II to angiotensin(1-7) areflexia, ataxia, internuclear ophthalmoplegia, and [33]. Higher levels of angiotensin II are associated fascicular oculomotor palsy [29]. The blood tests with vasoconstriction, kidney failure, heart disease, for one of these patients was positive for GD1b. , and oxidative processes that accelerate These patients promptly received IVIg and had a rapid aging and promote brain degeneration [33]. Sev- recovery. Another patient with COVID-19, reported eral cardiovascular medications including statins and by Toscano et al., presented with severe facial weak- angiotensin receptor blockers exert their effects in ness as well as sensory ataxia [30]. His brain MRI part through ACE2 [34]. This enzyme in showed evidence of enhancement in the facial nerve. the cell membranes of multiple organs also hap- He too responded well to treatment with IVIg and pens to serve as the receptor for SARS-Cov2 [32]. improved within a week [30]. The four other patients ACE2 deficiency lessens the impact of SARS-Cov2 in this report all had more typical GBS and variable infection [32]. As such, ACE2 can actually serve as M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 9

Table 4 Studies on peripheral nervous system Reference Study design Clinical findings Test results Comments Gutierrez-Ortiz et al. [29] Case report Headache, anosmia, Positive GD1b in one Neither one of the 50 M and 39 M ageusia, III nerve patient’s blood patients had COVID-19 patients palsy, bilateral VI CSF: Negative PCR in shortness of breath with cranial nerve nerve palsy, ataxia, both patients Both improved with deficits and areflexia an IVIg Both were discharged to home Mao et al. [6] Retrospective case 8.9% had Peripheral Elevated levels of series nerve disease creatine kinase and 214 hospitalized 7% had muscular lactate COVID-19 patients dehydrogenase in Wuhan, China Among patients with Mean age: 52.7 severe COVID-19, 19.3% had evidence of muscle injury Toscano et al. [30] Case report Flaccid diplegia or Spine MRI: [1 patient] Average time from 5 hospitalized tetraplegia, bulbar Enhancement of the presenting COVID-19 patients signs, tongue caudal nerve root COVID-19 weakness, and Brain MRI: [1 patient] symptoms to GBS sensory ataxia Enhancement of the was 5-10 days facial nerve All patients were (bilaterally) treated with IVIg EMG/NCS: [2 After 4 weeks, 2 of patients] Sensory the 5 patients motor axonal remained in the neuropathy and ICU, 2 underwent demyelinating neuropathy due to flaccid CSF: [4 patients] paraplegia and Negative for limited upper limb SARS-Cov2 by movement, and 1 PCR was discharged and had normal motor function Zhao et al. [62] Case report Acute weakness in Low lymphocytes and Patient did not have 61 F with COVID-19 both legs, and fever, cough, chest severe fatigue EMG: Delayed pain, or diarrhea at latencies and absent the time of Fwaves admission On day 8 of hospitalization she had a dry cough, fever, and tested positive for SARS-Cov2 Sedaghat et al. [77] Case report Fever and cough for Brain MRI: Negative Patient received an 65 M with COVID-19 two weeks, then C-Spine MRI: IVIg and improved developed Negative quadriplegia and EMG/NCS Study: facial paresis Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulin; EMG/NCS Study, Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Studies. a target for therapeutic agents against SARS-Cov2 epithelial cells in blood vessels, SARS-Cov2 triggers [35]. the formation of a cytokine storm, with marked ele- ACE2 has a wide distribution in multiple organs vation in levels of interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and including the nose, lungs, kidneys, liver, blood ves- tumor necrosis factor [38, 39]. High levels of these sels, , and the brain [36, 37]. After cytokines increase vascular permeability, , and binding ACE2 in respiratory epithelial cells and then widespread inflammation with consequent damage in 10 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19

Fig. 1. SARS-Cov2: Cellular mechanism of action. SARS-Cov2 binds ACE2 to enter epithelial cells of blood vessels and cells in multiple other organs. 1) Once internalized, it can cause damage to mitochondria and lysosomes which in turn may result in increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), protein misfolding, protein aggregation, and cell death. 2) By binding to ACE2, SARS-Cov2 also downregulates and inhibits the metabolic conversion of Angiotensin 2 (AT2) to AT(1-7). The resulting higher levels of AT2 is associated with pro-inflammatory markers, vasoconstriction, vascular permeability and edema, vascular injury to cells in the lungs, brain, heart, and kidneys as well as processes involved in pro-apoptosis and aging. multiple organs [40]. The cytokine storm also trig- Anosmia and ageusia gers hypercoagulation cascades to cause small and large blood clots [39]. Combined hyperactivation of Some of the anosmia in patients with COVID-19 inflammatory markers, vascular injury, and coagula- can potentially be due to nonspecific upper res- tion factors contributes to ARDS, kidney failure, liver piratory infection symptoms. However, the recent injury, heart failure, myocardial infarction, as well literature suggests that the traditional nasal symp- as multiple neurological conditions, which will be toms seen in influenza or rhinovirus are often absent discussed below. A direct entry of SARS-Cov2 into in patients with COVID-19 [44]. In fact, patients who the brain has been described for other coronaviruses have COVID-19 do not develop significant nasal con- and may play a role in SARS-Cov2’s possible con- gestion or rhinorrhea [44, 45]. Moreover, patients tribution to demyelination or [2, with anosmia sometimes report having the false per- 12]. ception of altered or loss of taste [46]. The close Patients who suffer from COVID-19 complica- relationship between olfactory and gustatory func- tions, including hospitalization and being isolated tions may account for the reason they misinterpret from their family members, experience a great deal of having loss of taste despite having experienced only psychological stress [41]. Being isolated is similar to loss of smell, as it can happen with some upper respi- the stress of physical immobilization, which is associ- ratory infection [46]. However, several studies have ated with a sharp increase in cortisol and levels demonstrated that taste dysfunction in patients with [41]. Extreme stress levels also heighten the level of COVID-19 appears to be more common than olfac- cytokines and contribute to medical complications tory dysfunction and that 10.2–22.5% of COVID-19 in COVID-19 patients who are already experiencing patients have taste dysfunction without olfactory dys- organ damage due to a cytokine storm [42]. Sustained function [17, 19, 45, 47, 48]. Thus, ageusia is a exposure to stress and high level of cytokines in these specific symptom in patients with COVID-19 that is patients may contribute to a variety of neuropsychi- different from flu-like upper respiratory congestion atric and neurocognitive symptoms in the long term or misinterpretation of taste perception due to loss of [43] (discussed below). olfactory function [47]. M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 11

tion through a central mechanism [53]. Similarly, a retrograde transport of this virus from the gustatory receptor cells in the tongue to damage the neurons in the nucleus solitarius in medulla can poten- tially account for ageusia sensation in patients with COVID-19 [54]. A postmortem immunohistochem- ical study detected the presence of the SARS-Cov1 by electron microscopy in some neurons, but not in those in the olfactory bulb [55]. In one case report of anosmia in a patient with COVID-19, the brain MRI showed normal volume in olfactory bulb [16]. Further neuropathological and imaging studies with a with special focus on brain stem and olfactory bulb can help to determine if SARS-Cov2 is in fact capable of reaching the brain structure related to olfaction and gustatory function [52]. For now, given that smell and taste dysfunction are common among patients with COVID-19 and do often improve within weeks, the possibility for a central etiology remains unlikely. The marked difference in the reported percentage of COVID-19 patients who suffer from anosmia or ageusia from Asia and Europe needs further eval- uation [6, 17]. The one study from hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in China (Wuhan) found that only 5% of patients suffered from smell and taste Fig. 2. SARS-Cov2: Pathophysiology of action in the nose, cranial impairments [6]. This is in contrast to the frequency nerves and the brain. SARS-Cov2 can cause a variety of neurologi- of 33.9% to 88.0% for reported olfactory and/or cal symptoms in patients with COVID-19 such as anosmia, strokes, encephalopathy, meningitis, and cranial nerve injury. 1) By binding gustatory dysfunction in three European studies of and inhibiting nasal (and gustatory - not shown) epithelial cells, it COVID-19 patients [9, 17, 18]. A marked varia- reduces the sense of smell and taste. 2) By activating the cytokines tion between populations of patients with COVID-19 and hypercoagulation pathways in the blood, it results in the for- between Asia and Europe with regards to smell and mation of small and large vessel occlusion in cerebral arteries. 3) Formation of blood clots in the cerebral veins can results in cere- taste, once confirmed with further studies and results bral venous thrombosis. 4) High levels of cytokines in the cerebral from objective measures, can be explained by ACE2 vessels can damage the blood-brain barrier, and once infiltrate the polymorphism. Preliminary studies suggest that East brain, damage neurons and glia which results in seizures and/or Asian populations may have different allele frequen- encephalopathy. 5) Damage to arteries in can result in meningitis. 6) Formation of auto-, known as molecular cies of ACE2 [56] and that some ACE2 variants mimicry, may lead to damage to cranial nerves (see Fig. 3). may have reduced capacity to bind SARS-Cov1 [57]. As such, symptoms and outcomes of patients with Impairment in olfactory and gustatory functions in COVID-19 may vary greatly depending on which patients with COVID-19 are likely due to the SARS- variant to ACE2 they have in different tissues. This Cov2 infection of the epithelial cells of nasal and oral possibility has strong clinical implications and needs mucosa [17, 47] (Fig. 2). High densities of ACE2 are to be further investigated. present in olfactory epithelial cells, nasopharynx, and oral mucosa [49, 50]. By binding to the ACE2 in nasal Cerebrovascular disease and oral mucosa, SARS-Cov2 can inhibit the function of sensory receptor cells that mediate olfaction and COVID-19 patients who experience cerebrovas- gustation. cular disease often have hypertension [58]. Strokes, A retrograde transport from nasal mucosa to the as well as other neurological deficits, are also more brain has been described for SARS-Cov1 [51, 52]. As common in patients with COVID-19 who suffer from such, it is conceivable that SARS-Cov2 can also cross diabetes [12, 21, 58, 59]. Increasing evidence shows the and bind to neurons in the olfac- that higher body mass index is associated with more tory bulb, thereby reducing the perception of olfac- severe COVID-19, that mortality of COVID-19 is 12 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 higher in obese patients, and that obesity by itself can by the SARS-Cov2. However, it appears that these be considered a risk factor for developing COVID- patients experience encephalopathy and delirium at a 19 [60, 61]. As such, hypertension, pre-diabetes, and greater rate than would be otherwise expected in ICU obesity are major risk factors for cardiovascular and settings [6, 69]. cerebrovascular events in patients with COVID-19 Analysis of the limited COVID-19 literature [62]. Given these findings, we need to remind patients favors that SARS-Cov2 triggers an immune-mediated with these vascular conditions to be extra cautious not encephalopathy more than a direct viral encephalopa- to get infected by SARS-Cov2. thy [12]. SARS-Cov2 activation of cytokines such as There is now compelling evidence that COVID- interleukin-1, interleukin-16, and TNF-alpha causes 19 patients are at increased risk for excessive level injury to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) [12]. With of hypercoagulopathy [40]. Cerebral angiography increasing damage to BBB, cytokines penetrate and venography findings suggest that blood clots for the brain parenchyma, especially in temporal lobes ischemic stroke in COVID-19 patients can happen where BBB is weaker [70, 71]. Strong inflammatory in both cerebral arteries and cerebral veins [21, 63] response and entry of blood material into the brain (Fig. 2). Blood clots in these patients also lead to results in seizures and encephalopathy [12]. A direct myocardial infarctions, pulmonary embolisms, and viral infection of neurons to cause seizures is plau- renal failure [40, 64]. Sometimes an ischemic stroke sible as well. With the permeation of blood content can happen to a patient at the same time as a deep into the brain, viral particles can enter and damage venous thrombosis [59]. The hypercoagulable state neurons directly (Fig. 2). Neurons do have ACE2, in these patients has in turn been attributed to higher and postmortem pathological studies have detected levels of inflammatory markers such as C-Reactive SARS-Cov1 (by electron microscopy) in some neu- Protein, ferritin, interleukin-1, interleukin-6, TNF- rons of patients with SARS-ARDS [72]. However, alpha, and d-dimer [65]. More research is needed with the exception of two case reports with posi- to determine how exactly binding of SARS-Cov2 to tive PCR in CSF for SARS-Cov2 in two patients ACE2 triggers the cytokine storm and the secondary with meningitis/encephalitis[24, 73], all other studies hypercoagulation—factors that contribute to a major in which CSF was tested failed to find SARS-Cov2 morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 patients. by PCR [23, 27, 28, 74] (Table 3). This failure to Though most of the reported strokes in patients find traces of SARS-Cov2 in most reported studies with COVID-19 have been due to ischemic events, of patients with COVID-19 encephalopathy could be a handful of cases with intracranial hemorrhage due to a lack of optimal testing techniques in CSF for have been reported as well [12, 21, 66]. The exact this virus, or more likely, a lessor role of large viral mechanism for how SARS-Cov2 causes intracranial load in CSF/brain [75]. hemorrhage remains poorly understood. One possi- Patients with COVID-19 who present with acute bility is that by binding and downregulating ACE2, headache, nuchal rigidity, seizure, and confusion may SARS-Cov2 slows the conversion of angiotensin II be experiencing meningitis [24]. The meninges are to angiotensin(I-7) [33]. Higher levels of angiotensin rich in blood vessels and have and also contain high II are associated with vasoconstriction and periph- levels of ACE2 [37]. Damage to these blood vessels eral vascular resistance (Fig. 1). The vasoconstriction and the inflammation in the meninges can in turn associated with suppressing ACE2 can contribute to result in symptoms of meningitis [12]. rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Another possi- bility relates to possible polymorphism of ACE and Cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, and muscle increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage, especially in Asian population [67]. Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), associated with ascending paralysis and some degree of Seizures and encephalopathy or cranial nerve injury, commonly occurs after certain bacterial or viral . GBS has been reported Patients in ICU settings with multiple medical con- in patients who developed the SARS-Cov1 infection ditions, and on a long list of medications, can develop in 2002–2003 [12]. Now, several reports have out- memory loss, slow processing speed, delirium, or lined typical GBS axonal neuropathy, demyelination, even coma [68]. As such, a decline in mentation or cranial nerve palsy in patients with COVID-19 [6, among patients with severe COVID-19 may not nec- 29, 30, 76, 77] (Table 4). GBS is believed to occur as a essarily represent a direct brain injury brought on result of “molecular mimicry,” which refers to cross- M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 13

Fig. 3. SARS-Cov2: Pathophysiology of action in peripheral nerves and muscle. 1) SARS-Cov2 activation of cytokines causes inflammatory injury to epithelial cells in the blood vessels (vasculitis) and muscles cells (myositis). In cardiac arteries and muscles (not shown), cytokine storm, triggered by SARS-Cov2, can result in hypercoagulopathy and formation of blood clots (myocardial infarction) or . 2) SARS-Cov2 can trigger the formation of autoantibodies (such as GD1a) which react with antigens on axons and myelin cells to cause Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). reactivity of natural immunoglobulins—formed in NEUROCOVID STAGING, FROM response to a bacterial or viral antigen—with specific ANOSMIA TO ENCEPHALOPATHY on the myelin, axon, or neuro-muscular junc- tion [78]. The cytokines activated by SARS-Cov2 can Based on the analysis of the potential patho- also trigger vasculitis in and around nerves and mus- physiological mechanisms involved in neurological cles, with or without a molecular mimicry (Fig. 3) manifestations of SARS-Cov2, we propose a con- [78]. A direct invasion by the virus to the periph- ceptual framework of “NeuroCovid Staging” that can eral nerves can potentially occur, but the lack of any serve as a basis for future discussions and investiga- SARS-Cov2 finding in the CSF to date makes this tions. unlikely [29, 30]. For now, the pattern of clinical presentations and rapid response to IVIg favors an • NeuroCovid Stage I: The extent of SARS-Cov2 immune-mediated etiology for peripheral and cranial binding to ACE2 receptors is limited to the neuropathy in patients with COVID-19. nasal and gustatory epithelial cells. The cytokine Muscle injury and high levels of creatine kinase storm activated by the virus remains low and in COVID-19 patients in ICU can be attributed to controlled. Patients may have only smell or taste critical care neuropathy and/or myopathy [79]. Sedat- impairments and often recover without any inter- ing and paralyzing medications given to patients for ventions. ICU protocols can also make these patients weak and • NeuroCovid Stage II: SARS-Cov2 activates unable to stand or walk. However, the time course of a robust immune response with high levels of severe muscle weakness in COVID-19 patients sug- cytokines, which in term increase the levels of gests that a vasculitis or myositis etiologies may be ferritin, C-reactive protein, and D-dimer. The involved (Fig. 3) [79]. With regards to cardiac muscle, resulting hypercoagulable state triggers the for- there is evidence that both myocarditis due to SARS- mation of blood clots and thus patients may Cov2 as well as myocardial infarction due to cytokine experience strokes, due to either arterial occlu- storm, hypercoagulability, and ischemia can happen sion or venous thrombosis. The heightened at the same time [64]. A neuroinvasion of brain stem immune response also causes vasculitis in mus- neurons by SARS-Cov2 causing muscle weakness in cles or nerves, in addition to immune-mediated ICU patients with ARDS is also under a great deal of “molecular mimicry” which damages cranial investigation [52, 80–82]. nerves, peripheral nerves, and/or muscles. 14 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19

Fig. 4. NeuroCovid Stage I, II, and III. SARS-Cov2’s neurological manifestation can be grouped into three stages. In NeuroCovid Stage I, the virus damage is limited to epithelial cells of nose and mouth. In NeuroCovid Stage II, patients may experience blood clots in their brain or have auto-antibodies that damage their peripheral nerves and muscles. In NeuroCovid Stage III, the cytokine storm damages the blood-brain barrier and patients may develop seizures, coma, or encephalopathy.

• NeuroCovid Stage III: SARS-Cov2’s cytokine and hypertension increase the risk of intracranial storm damages the blood brain barrier and hemorrhage. results in infiltration of inflammatory factors and other blood contents (including viral particles) in the cerebral milieu. The resultant edema and LONG-TERM : brain injury lead to delirium, encephalopathy NEUROCOGNITIVE AND PSYCHIATRIC and/or seizures. High titers of virus load occupy CONDITIONS a higher portion of ACE2 in the blood, and as such, levels of angiotensin II increase. The resul- Neurons contain significant levels of ACE2 and tant heightened peripheral vascular resistance thus SARS-Cov2 can penetrate them and disrupt their M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 15 cellular mechanism for energy production (mitochon- attention. Patients with low scores in certain cognitive dria) and protein folding [83]. SARS-Cov2, as well domains can consider receiving brain rehabilitation as other corona , can remain inside some neu- in order to return to their baseline level of cognitive rons without being acutely toxic [11]. The abnormal capacity. By doing so, they would reduce their risk misfolding and aggregation of proteins in patients for developing a worse case of age-related cognitive who survive and recover from their acute SARS-Cov2 decline later in life [86, 87]. infection can thus theoretically lead to brain degener- One of the most consistent findings in COVID-19 ation decades later[83]. Since some of the effects of literature is that patients with vascular risk factors SARS-Cov2 can manifest months or years after infec- such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes have a tion, it will be necessary to consistently follow-up more dire outcome as compared to healthy and fit with patients who have been affected by COVID- individuals who get infected with SARS-Cov2. As 19. Keeping accurate registries of COVID-19 patients such, a strategy of regular exercise, eating a heart with neurological deficits may enable us to establish healthy diet, reducing stress, improving sleep, and plausible connections with aging-associated and neu- following other recommendations for reducing risk rodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease of heart attacks and strokes now prove more critical in the future. This possibility has been raised as there than ever before [86, 87]. By becoming a host that has been a link between SARS-Cov1 and a higher risk is resilient to SARS-Cov2, COVID-19 patients can of developing Parkinson’s disease[84] and multiple improve their odds of a faster and more favorable sclerosis [85]. recovery. We are still in early stages of the current pan- demic and the focus of our medical interventions have been on the acute treatment of life-threatening COVID-19 IN PATIENETS WITH consequences of COVID-19 such as pulmonary ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND OTHER embolism, ARDS, myocardial infarctions, encephali- NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS tis, renal failure, paralysis, and coma. However, it is quite likely that the cytokine storm and the insults to Patients with Alzheimer’s disease may be at a the brain via small or large strokes, injury to BBB, and higher risk of developing COVID-19 [88]. They may high levels of inflammation inside the brain would not be able to follow recommendations from public have long term neuropsychiatric consequences. Thus, health authorities regarding prevention of SARS- the systems around the world may see in Cov2 infection such as hand hygiene, covering mouth the coming years a wave of patients who present with and nose when coughing, maintaining physical dis- depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, tance from others, or remaining at home. They may insomnia, or psychosis as well as cognitive impair- not understand, appreciate, or remember what they ment or decline. As was found with SARS-Cov1 and need to do. If they have depression, malaise, reduce MERS, not all patients with SARS-Cov2 infection mobility, and apathy, they may also be unwilling who leave the hospital will return to 100% of their or unable to comply with any rules. Finally, some baseline emotional and neurocognitive function. A patients with severe Alzheimer’s disease who have study of neuropsychiatric sequelae of SARS-Cov1 agitation, wandering, or psychosis may refuse to be 31-50 months after the acute infection found evidence isolated. Their behavior may also put them at risk for for post-traumatic stress disorder (39%), depression further related decline—especially if they (36.4%), obsessive convulsive disorder (15.6%), and are kept in a hospital environment and away from panic disorders (15.6%) [10]. their family members or familiar surroundings. Pro- The cytokine storm in COVID-19 can cause a longed hospitalization would have dire consequences series of small punctate strokes without causing for these patients. As such, caring for patients with noticeable neurological deficits [28]. When these Alzheimer’s disease, who are often older and have patients leave the hospital after an acute SARS- multiple risk factors for experiencing a poor outcome Cov2 infection, they may experience poor memory, (or death) if they become infected with SARS-Cov2, attention, or slow processing speed. Thus, it would poses a major public health challenge for caregivers, be helpful for these patients to see a neurologist or health care professionals, and nursing homes [88]. undergo neurocognitive testing 6-8 months after their Patients with other neurological disorders are also hospital discharge if they feel they still have cognitive at risk for multiple complications associated with issues, slowness in processing information, or poor COVID-19. Those with a previous history of cere- 16 M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 brovascular disease often have a poor outcome if ical issues. A patient with new onset of unilateral they develop COVID-19 [89]. Patients with neuro- weakness, seizure, or diplopia may still have a non- muscular disorder such as myasthenia gravis may COVID-19 etiology, even if they are found to have experience a relapse of their symptoms and there a recent SARS-Cov2 infection. We need to add may be even an increase in of this con- COVID-19 to the list of for dition during the COVID-19 pandemic [79]. Patients our patients in a neurology unit and remain mindful with , amyotrophic lateral sclero- that patients need to have a full standard work-up for sis, and respiratory dysfunction are likely to have their evaluation and treatment. Neurologists need to difficulty surviving ICU hospitalization and those on consider ordering blood tests for levels of cytokines, immunosuppressive medications may decline faster D-dimer, CRP, ferritin, and lymphocytes as well as [79, 90]. Neurologists need to be particularly mindful SARS-Cov2 PCR and/or [7]. of COVID-19 issues that can directly impact the care of their patients with these disorders. CONCLUSIONS

Patients with COVID-19 can present with a wide IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PRACTICE OF range of neurological manifestations that can be due NEUROLOGY IN THE FUTURE to the injury to central and peripheral nervous system via a cytokine storm, blood clots, direct damage by Given that cytokine-induced hypercoagulability SARS-Cov2, and/or molecular mimicry. This review, and formation of blood clots in the lungs, heart, while presenting what is currently known about this kidney, and brain pose significant morbidity and virus and the related clinical neurology, represents mortality in COVID-19 patients, treatment with only the base of what will eventually become a sep- antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications such as arate active field of research. Much work remains aspirin or heparin needs to be studied. The prevention to determine a fuller understanding of the under- of vascular events can lead to lower rates of pul- lying neurobiology of COVID-19. These include monary embolism, heart attacks, kidney failure, and better characterized COVID-19 cohorts with longi- embolic strokes. Clinical trials to test this hypothesis tudinal follow ups. Standardized evaluations such as need to begin promptly. There is also a need for clin- quantitative EEG, fluid biomarkers, cognitive evalu- ical trials which document and record the acute onset ations, and multi-modal neuroimaging can also lend of neurological symptoms, detailed neurological test insight to possible long-term neurological sequalae results, progression, and long-term recovery of symp- in COVID-19 such as depression, memory loss, mild toms in patients with COVID-19. cognitive impairment, or Alzheimer’s disease. Given that some patients with COVID-19 can present to hospitals or outpatient clinics with neu- rological symptoms as their only symptom of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SARS-Cov2 infections, neurologists therefore need to be mindful of the risk of infection spreading by Dr. Mian receives education funding from the such patients to staff or other patients in the clin- Washington University Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb ical area [2]. In the future, we may need a pre-visit Teaching Fellows program. Dr. Meysami is supported screening with questionnaires that check for anosmia, by McLoughlin Cognitive Health Gift Fund and the ageusia, fever, cough, shortness of breath, or living Pituitary Injury Foundation. Dr. Raji is supported in with family members who have been infected with his research by grants from the WUSTL NIH KL2 SARS-Cov2. We may also make it mandatory that Grant (KL2 TR000450 – ICTS Multidisciplinary we measure the temperature, blood pressure, heart Clinical Research Career Development Program), the rate, and oxygen saturation in all patients who walk Radiological Society of North America Research into a neurology practice. Scholar Grant and the Foundation of the American Finally, it remains important to understand that Society of Neuroradiology Boerger Research Fund while patients with COVID-19 can present with for Alzheimer’s Disease and Neurocognitive Disor- a wide range of neurological symptoms ranging ders. We thank Ms. Melissa Hussey for her assistance from anosmia, cranial nerve palsy, weakness, strokes, in preparation of this manuscript. to seizures or encephalopathy, they may still have Authors’ disclosures available online (https:// other etiologies for their acute or chronic neurolog- www.j-alz.com/manuscript-disclosures/20-0581r1). M. Fotuhi et al. / Neurobiology of COVID-19 17

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